Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Lonff-IInlrcd AVontcrncr on nroncho
Colllilv * iTlth "Motor nnil Humped
nt I'n eiiKcr < ' I'cet. '
iA band ol cow punchers from the wild
nnd wooly west were ehowlng the nfttlvea
In the lower end ot the town yesterday
how they did things In .the land of engo
bruah end pmlrle dogs when one of thorn
met with a mishap which narrowly jnlsscd
koine attended by eorlous results. The cow
boys were nttlrcd In the orthodox som
breros , blouses and "chaps. " Around their
necks they were handkerchiefs knotted In
true -western style and their belts bristled
with pistols of the ranger variety. The
ponies were brands on their hips that looked
llko county maps nnd from the embossed
saddles hung lariats.
The riders wore long-lialrcd nnd blood
thirsty In Appearance. Wherever they rode
a email army of street urchins followed
and stared. The cowboys charged up and
down the streets of the Third ward at a gal-
top , whooping llko Apache Indians until the
pollco stopped them. Then they started
down Tenth street at a fast gait and en
countered a. motor spinning along to meet
them. It looked tor a tnlnuto as If the
rangers weren't going to allow the car the
right of way , but -when only n few feet In
tervened they executed a maneuver , veer
ing quickly In double file to the side of the
But one rider failed to perform his part
In the feat and ran headlong Into the car.
The tnotorman had turned off the power nnd
the car was slowing up , so the Impact was
not bard. The pony stepped through the
fenders of the llfo guard nt the front and
< woa unable to extricate his feet. The cow
boy pitched from the saddle through the
window of the front platform and lit In a
toeap on the floor at the feet of the passen
When the car stopped the pony -was freed
from the fender , after considerable work on
the ipart ol the cowboys. Its hoofs nnd
lower limbs were badly cut. The rider who
fell won bruised about the head and shoul
ders. The car conductor tried to get his
name , but the man declined to give It nnd
nald ho was known only by the name of
Oliver , No. 30. After the collision the party
rode to the station.
It bnvoil III * Hut , ; .
"I take great pleasure In recommending
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
remedy to the people of this vicinity. " says
Mr. J. H. Doak. Williams , Oregon. "When
my baby was terribly sick with the diar
rhoea we were unable to cure him with the
doctor's assistance. As a last resort wo
tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea remedy , and T am happy to say
received Immediate relief nnd a complete
Hayden Bros. ' Btoro wilt bo open as usual
Saturday night.
\VImt In Snlil to lie n. Ilciillntlc Tte-
IiroilncUnti Given liy llnlTnlo Hill.
The men , volunteers and regulars , who
went UP the hills at Santiago with Generals
Wyckotf , Wood , Lawton , Worth , Egbert nnd
Colonel "ToMy" Roosevelt nro dear to the
hearts of the American people of all the
people , Inreepectlvo of politics or creed , nnd
of Borne of thceo the public will have a sight
and a chance for recognition during Colonel
Cody's vlalt to 'this ' city.
In order to present them to the public in
n manner that would appeal most strongly
to their enthusiasm and give them an op
portunity ito vent their patriotic apprecia
tion , they decided to reproduce In the most
accurate poswlblo manner the famous charge
up San Juan ( hill , In which all of tics *
voterana of th short-lived Cuban campaign
react the parts they played on that memor
able day. Every feature that marked that
famous rush of American soldiers Is repro
duced on n scale far beyond the possibilities
of the ordinary "show , " and the representa
tion has bewi witnessed by military au
thorities. Including Generals Miles , Shutter ,
Morrltt. Admiral Phillip , Colonel Roosevelt
nnd hundreds of others , and hag received
the heartiest commendation for Its vivid ac
curacy. When Colonel Roosevelt visited , the
Wild West In Now York ho not only found
occasion to speak of the faithfulness of the
reproduction , but was exceptionally pleased
to be able to congratulate nnd uhako hands
personally with more than a score of Rough
Riders who had been brought from Okla
homa nnd Arizona to become members of
Buffalo Bill's large company. Among these
is Tom Isbcl , itiho Rough Rider wiho , to auote
tbo words of Edward Marshall , tiho war correspondent -
respondent , who was seriously wounded at
the tlmo , "fired the llrst shot a shot which
was dentlnod , llko the first shot at Lexing
ton , In 177G , to bo a shut which reverberated
'around the world. ' "
As Mr. Marshall says , "Tom Isbel saw a
Spaniard and cheerfully killed him , an
example whloh was followed by moro than
oneof his comrades. Before seven shots
were flrod Captain Capron was killed , prob
ably within flvo minutes. "
Qthora who wJll appear In thla historic
diorama are Sergeant Jerald A. Webb , Waiter -
tor A. Cook and many well known partici
pants In the flght which they will BO
graphically reproduce.
Colonel Cody will arrive dn Omaha on Sun-
dixy with hla congress of Rough Riders , after
n pran < J successful season's tour of the prin
cipal cltlcfl and towns of < lho United States.
On Monday , September 18 , ttoo grand street
cavalcade and review of the Rough Riders
iwlll leave the exhibition grounds , at Twen
tieth and Taul streets , promptly at 8:30 :
o'clock , and parade the principal business
streets. It JB designed to make this feature
ono unsurpassed In brilliant military
pageantry , and portray an especially pleas
ing historical feature Jn connection with the
closing days of the 'nineteenth ' century. Two
exhibition performances will bo given dally
at the exhibition grounds , rain or shine , at
2 and S p. m.
Sam'l Bimis , 1318 Karnam , Is selling a
beautiful banquet laanp , $4.20. ,
Turn right to page C and read Hayden
Bros. ' ad.
Attention. Knights of Pythias ! All
Knlgbtu ore requested to meet with Mars
lodge No. 130 at Fuller's hall , Fourteentl
nnd Douglas streets , Sunday , September 17
at 1 o'clock p. m. , sharp to attend the fu
neral of our deceased brother , Captain Leo
Forby , from Thurston RlOoa armory. Pleoso
bring jewels.
II 11 run I ii Mntlnee nt lloyrt'ii.
10 cents will admit all school children to
the Saturday matinee , to any reserved sea' '
in the theater ; 25 cents for adults.
u Urn * .
Special for Saturday evening from 7 to 10
men's EOo lleoco-llned underwear at 23e.
To tlio Tutor * of DniiKlu * Comity.
I hereby announce myself n candidate for
the o 111 co of eherlff , subject to the action
of the democratic convention.
Hayden Bros. ' big ad la on the Cth page
Road It.
Dr. Bhopard Hay Fovcr. 312 N. Y. Life
( lor * to AniitliiT D
Emma Monzlngo , who for a number
of years has held the position of clerk In
the postmaster's ofllce , hu been trans
ferred to the money order department. Tin
change la regarded as a promotion.
Wu'll give you bargains Saturday reai
about thorn on page S. HAYDEN BROS.
UICI ) .
BHONBEROER Herman. September H
U9 , aged 44 years , at his late residence
is I North 37tn avenue. Vuiwral notlct
icnsiiKv , BTinnn A co ,
Ladle * ' ntul Children' * Fnll nnil Win
ter tmlrrivenr ntul llnnlerr >
250 Ladles' boat Egyptian Cotton Illbbed
Vests and Punts ; special for fftll wear ; Sat
urday and Monday for 25c each.
60c Ladles "Munmng" extra quality tine
ribbed vcsU , high mck , long sieves ankle
length pants medium heavy weight best
: finish Saturday and Monday , BOc each.
j COo Ladles' fall Union Suits at GOc suit
i high neck , long or short sleeves ankle or
knee lengths whlto or ecru medium nnd
( heavy weight nil finished ifbams all sizes
' special price for Saturday nnd Monday , ! > 0e
I suit.
I $1.00 The "Munslng" ' Union Sulla for
ladles Wo are Omaha agents for tills tin-
dorwear K Is noted for Its perfect fit and
finish all sizes from 3 to G only $1.00
Wo have Just opened our line of "Vpsl-
Inntl" underwear for ladles this line Is full
regular made of superior quality has a
noted reputation for wear and comfort fall
weight In cotton or wool nnd heavier weight
for winter w ir.
25c Children's heavy Egyptian Cotton
ribbed Vests nnd I'ants Special bargains
for Saturday nnd Monday all sizes only
25c each.
GOc The "Munslng" Union Stilts for boys'
nnd girls natural gray all sizes medium
weight cotton Saturday nnd Monday only
50c cult.
16c Ladles' Fast Dtack Cotton Hose
double sole , hcrel and toe fine gauge only
IDc pair.
25c Ladles' Fast Black Cotton Hose all
whlto foot or whlto solo special line In all
"black foot double sole high spliced heel-
Saturday and Monday , 2uc pair.
35c , 3 for $1.00 A Bpeclal Ladles' Fast
Blade Hose medium or heavy weight
extra high-spliced heel nnd toe double sole
for Saturday and Monday , 35c , 3 pair for
26c The "Black Cat" school hose for
boys triple Thread double knee double
heel and toe novcr wear out kind dll sizes
6 to 11 only 25c pair.
23c Misses' heavy wolgtot , fast black ,
ribbed school hose double knw , heel and
too flno quality cotton all sizes 0 to 10
only 2Do pair.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth.
Iluycleii Ilrnn.
Special for Saturday evening from 7 to 10 ,
man's GOc flecco-llncd underwear at 23c.
gives you choice of
Knee Pants
the nobbiest , nicest , neatest
line of goods you ever saw to
fit boys'from 3 to J6 years.
Men's brown check Bib
Overalls. 38c.
Children's Overalls , lOc.
Men's Working Shirts , 15c.
Clone to Ileitnctf'a.
Open Saurday Evenings
4tb Floor Broun Bit. , 16th and Douf !
Gold Alloy Filling $1.00
Gold Filling $1.00 and up
Gold Crowns $5.00
Set Teeth.- ' . . . . $5.00
BestTeetU $7.5O
Tn the PnMlc.
Wo , the undersigned morohftnU , recently
formed ft movement In favor of shorter
hours for oureelves nnd our atpltoyee , and
agreed with nearly all the other business
houses In our city to close on Saturday
evening nt C o'clock nil the year round ,
Wo have heard nothing but words ol com
mendation for our action , and wo have heard
no words of complaint. Last Saturday a
considerable number of firms went back on
the agreement and remained open. Not
withstanding the curious nnd une.xplaln blo
action of the employee , wo still believe that
the best sentiment of this community 1 In
favor of closing on Saturday evening , nnd
In the hope that this sentiment may find
n full nnd hearty expression wo have con
cluded to remain closed for the present.
If the public Is with us , now Is Its oppor
tunity to * ay so or forever after hold Its poaca
tin ( o the hardships of employes In the
retail trade.
Take G minutes and read the od of the big
store on page 5. HAYDEN BROS.
Attention ,
All members of Triangle lodge , No. 64 ,
Knights of Pythias , mro earnestly requested
to mrrt nt Fuller's hall , Fourteenth and
Douglas streets , Sunday , September 17 , nt
1 o'clock p. m. sharp. < o attend the funeral
of our late brother , Captain Leo Forby.
The members of Omaha Company , No. IS ,
U. * R. K. P , are requested to meet nt the
same tlmo and place , and all ex-members
who have or can procure uniforms are
cordially Invited to attend.
By order of the lodge ,
J. R. STINE. K. R. S.
Try the Her Grande hotel cafes. Open from
6 a. m. untir 12 p. m. Three cafes on first
floor and one grill room. Turkish and elec
trical baths. Ladies' day , Tuesdays .
ninck Wool Dress Skirts , figured or
plain material , $1.05.
Blue Serge Skirts , $2.05.
Blue Covert Skirts , $4.95 ; worth $0.00.
Blue Serge Skirts , braid trimmed , $0.
Black Serge Skirts , silk lined , flue
quality , $10.00.
Orcpou Skirts , $0.05 , $10.00 and $13.05.
1510 Douglas St.
Three Kinds-Rubber Syringes ,
No. 8.
. 1. All soft rubber , Jiut the thing for In
fanta or for oar or ulcer syringe.
No. 2. Adapted for rectal iu > e , has soft rubber
bulb and black hard rubber tip.
/ No. 3. Same material as No. 2 , but adapted
for ear or nasal uaq.
Prlco of either ot above syringes , 2Sc each : bj
mall , 30c.
We sell all kinds of rubber goods. LADY
rubber goods catalogue.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , ,
1513 Dodge Street. Jllddla of Block.
The Burlington's summer tourist ratea to Colorado are etlM In
effect $25.00 for -the round trip to Denver , Colorado Springs nnd
Pueblo $40.00 Wenwood Springe and return.
September Is the best month In the yeaMoepend In the moun
tains hotels nro not crowded trnrollng Is pleasant nnd the air
is wonderfully invigorating.
The train all westbound travelers SHOULD take and the
ono most of them DO take Is the Durllngton'e Denver Limited ,
leaving Omaha at i:85 : p. m. and .arriving at Denver 7:10 : next
Ticket Ofllee DnrliuBtnii Station
iri)2 ( Pnrnnm . , .
09 St. lOtli uuil ainnon Sta. ,
09O Telephone io illO.
0 !
Salt LalcG City.
Denver , Portland
City Ticket Office , 1302 FarnamSt. . 'Phone 316.
1 Store Store
Open Opett
This This
Evening Evening
Ladies Silk Skirts. Voice of fall Ladies' Suits
Wo Wo nro
think showing a
thatour line of
line of Ladies' Cloaks and Suits Ladies'
skirts , Tailor-
is ono The fall wraps are hero in galaxy , but the pen Made
of the cannot picture them asa fair as they are no more than Suits
that is
a bru sh can It is worthy of
add to the glory exclusive. your
j plete in ,
of the rainbow It is attention ,
Omaha , if have
The selection laid down you
whore thought
| any
tion is
here as a
an en of buying ,
tirely exceptional principle our ladies'
new It touches up that great man-tailored
everything business suits ; made
line is shown. Not a skirt in
the beautiful only shall of homespun
that is not new and
up-to-date. Wo are showing and correct. be done. suiting ,
, double breasted
a handsome taffeta silk 10-iu. It is matchless Wide tight '
Jacket , lined with taffeta
llounce , 7 row , corded bottom , as well. selections
shirt the side
silk , open on ,
all the colors of the rainbow
, obtain most. habit back , colors , brown , blue
for your choice , they are worth
this suit sells for
$6 our price Everybody has a word of praise ior and black
$12.50 elsewhere , and quoted
$3.90 OUR NEW CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT. as being a great bargain our
price only
Women's Golf Capes But that does not tell all. $9-75
Fine double lace all wool
golfing cloth , marquise shape , Ladies * Dress Skirts
finished with deep circular All wool cheviots , blacks and
ilounce that matches the
, blues , inverted pleated back ,
high rolling feollar , cape clos the department will be in its gala dress. Come and lap seams , percaline lined ,
ed with strap , full sweep , compare styles , quality and price. Customers tell us waterproof binding , the real
worth § 7.50 here for
there is no comparison but we leave that to you. value of these skirts in $8.50 ,
$5.00 our price
Ladies' Dress Skirts- Ladies' Shoes $2.75
Tailor made , fine quality venetian -
netian cloth , double stitched Our Shoe Organization is well nigh perfect. The Ladies' Tunic Skirts-
Reams , plaited back , percaline statement is big , but no bigger than the fact. It is Made up of fine quality of
lined , black , rojal brown a progressive and aggressive shoe business. Our homespun , habit badk , perca
worth $6 our price , special mention today is a special shoe for people line lining , grays and blues ,
with tender feet Cushionet Turn made with a heavy water proof binding , sells for
$4.50 extension sole and felt innersole , as flexible as a light $7.50 elsewhere , our price ,
turn sole late last perfect fitting. Other stores get
Our New § 5.00 The Nebraska price .
Dept for
Ladies' This
is on the Women's Shoes made on the mannish last , with Sells
first floor , extension sales , medium or broad toe a shoe that we in
you can guarantee to give perfect satisfaction in every respect millinery
save 25 a shoe that is worth $3.50 here for
per cent i
of your'hat money , Hats 50c $2.90 for $2.50 , our price only
and up. . $1 75
Suits , Call
New Goods
Suits. and see
Ulsters , New Sfyie Our
Ulsters , lew Ne.w
, Wintep
Overcoats , Stock
Reefers , Before
Reefers. Buying
We have just received the largest line of stylish up-to-
date clothing for men and boys that ever came to Omaha.
Special Attention Is called to our children's
and boys' clothing. In novelties , embracing various styles of
vestees , Norfolks , double breasted suits , with vests , and the
new 2 and 3-piece suits , we believe we show the largest va
riety in the city. Prices extremely low. Always a new suit
for the old one when it don't give thorough satisfaction.
In our bovs' and children's clothing department. Suits ,
$1.50 , $1.75 , § 1.95 , $2.25 , $2.75 , § 8.50 , 83,95 , § 4.50 and $5
positively worth and sold elsewhere from 35 to 100 per cent
moro. Top coats and reefers of fine light and heavy weight
covert cloth for boys from 3 to 16 years , at 81.50 , $1.95$2.50.
$3.50 and $8.95. _
Extra Speqlal Sale Saturday on men's line early fall ovorcoats. at < 3.75 , 5 ,
$7.50 and S1O worth from $7.50 to S20.
Sellinc the Most Clothinu in Omaha.
who in physically perfect , possesses nn abun
dance of vital force anil is usually successful
in business and happy lu home ,
Imlld men up to this condition , make the
nerves tingle and tlie skla KiSV vrJlUf.UE3 | ,
health , Ji.oo. nook free.
For sale 'by ' Kuhn & Co. , or Waldron &
\Vn DAVCA Sticacbvek (
WO rAY I ousellBUirkJ
TUBES. Outfit absolutely free. \
i Clilclifitcr1. KorUtU Uluntnd HrfttiO.
s rc. lw ji rtUiU.
Dm tttor \ lri i rj K > ytu HI *
nJIu lied wl UM lJ.t y \
. ' ! IU > U rltboo. Take
noothrr. CtfuH danfw OK ( UlilUu.
Kotu un4 twUnHvM 1 UrmiKii. r * * -
IB .lampi for r rtcaUr , uitlmoaUU tft4
"IWIef fur I.odlM.'iil'H"1. V7 reUra
JO.OOO r > ii
Kali br \ Dr UU.
Howell's Cures
Kelleves Instantly.
Anfi-Kawf Is what you waut.
- Try lu
It is our strict duty to guard against exaggeration
of every sort. We present facts to you in a smart , in
telligent way and put our ideas in as interesting and
original form as possible. Every statement in line with
the fact. TJutt you know well.
is the sieve of business success. The good sense of the
people will always prevail. No house with a 'reputa
tion such as The Nebraska has maintained for fifteen
years can afford to juggle with credulity.
Just now The Nebraska , from top to bottom , is
crowded with the season's most desirable things at
really what are known as Bargain Prices.
$5. 00 for men's black Cheviot Suits worth 8. 00.
$6.00 for iron's brown plaid cassimeres worth $9.00.
$7.50 for men's diagonal serge worth $10.00.
$8.00 for men's grey worsted worth $11.50.
$10.50 for men's fancy worsteds worth $15.00.
12.00 for men's fancy worsteds worth $16.50.
dorft want you to take our word for anything.
Come in and look the clothing over then judge for
yourself wbo sells the cheapest.
yen's Hats. Men's Neckwear
The new fall styles are If you'd look the world
all in.
over you couldn't find
Our Nebraska Special
larger and better selected
comes in the new fall
blocks and hats of same stock of men's new fall
style and quality sell for neckworr. All otor store's
$2.50 and $3.00. Our neckwear that bring 50c is
price only here for
$1.50 35c
The store will bo open until 10 o'clock ' this evening.