iwnn. 11 I SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvcrtlncnirnln for Oieno oolnnin * velll be taken until 12 m. for the c\cnliiK edition mill until Biltt ) p. m. for mnritltiK nntl .Siiiidnjedition. . Hntcx , 1 1.2o n word tlrnt Insertion } Jo n wont tlicrciuter. riolliliiK tnkon for ICNJI tlinn 2.o fur tli llrmt Innor- tlon. Tlirnc nilvortlacniciitN niu t bo rnu coiiFicctitlveljr. A < lvortlarrn , ! > ) rcqumtlnK n iintii- berril check , cnn linve niiMwrs ) nil- ( lrcniit.il to a numbered letter In cnro . of The Her. AiiNWern MCI nildrenseil rrlll be delivered on presentation of tlip check uiilj * . AVANTED SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. 1 . Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A STENOGRAPHER. Wh n you want one please cnll up the nomlnaton typewriter office. 1619 Parnam St. , telephone 15i3. AVA.E1)-MALE HELP. A YOUNG MAN WHO IS POOR OR BACKAVARD IN HIS EDUCATION need not hesitate to enter that excellent school BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE , Bto Building. IIo will flnd kind and courteous teachers who take an Interest In the students nnd nsstnt them to the education they need. Complete business course. ' Complete shorthand and type-writing course. Complete English course. Got a catalogue. . B 477 WANTED , AVe have steady work for a few rood hustlers of Rood habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1019 Howard St. QOOD salesmen , salary or com. WANTED , twanty first-class stone cutters at Helena. Mont. : $5 for nine hours. Ap ply Montana Building Co. B-401 SALESMEN for Petit Ledgers. Bill Reffjf- tcw and other office Hpeclaltlcs ; fine side Itnoi ; quick sellers. Model Mfp Co. . Box B. South Bend , Ind. " Bep30 * WANTED , a Chinaman to do laundrv work at the W. C. A. hospital. Council Bluffii. WANTED , experienced bookkeeper and stenographer ( male ) for Interior town. Address J 27. Bee ofllco. B 416 17 t WANT five nalenmen to assist my special agents In their work among the farmers n.nA feeders In Iowa In the nalo of Stnnd- r KtA Food. These men must bo straight f and honest , good salesmen , good workers anfl have some knowledge of stock. These positions cannot be filled except bv men of the highest Integrity , but to such men who cnn moot the requirements otherwise tn se poeltlonn will pav a.falr salary and cxpnnaoa and glvo a chanoi for advance ment. Address. Htatlnc nge. experience , last employment nnd salarv wantpd , with referenced. F. E. Sftnborn.'Pres. , the F. E. Banborn Company , Manufacturers Stand , ard Food , Omnha , Neb. B 4 18 WANTED , a runner for the Langn hotel. E COG 16 WANTED , flint-class photogranhlo devel oper and printer ; must b well nested on nil makca of cameras and supplier. J 35 , Bee. . B-C031C * WANTED , at once , several first-class sign n ; bulletin men prafnrred. Address The Curran Co. . Denver , CoIo- -BM5,0 „ WANTED good coat or pants and vest maker. Henry Schroer , North Bend. Ne-b. B M514 17 * WANTED , ft first-class harness maker at once. Addrcsfl Robt. L. AVlllson. Teka- mnh. Nob. B-62S16 * WANTED. a [ brasn band to piny Snturdav nlrhti Inquire < P.eopU > 'o. - Store16th and Farnam. B-C33 15 WANTED , a flrst-clasi Jiorse sheer nnd blacksmith at once. Hlp-hest wapp paid. Address K 7 , Hastings , Neb. B M652 17 MEN WANTED to nell tooth powder ; blir profit. Royal Tooth Powder Co. . R77 Loomls Stf. Chicago , 111. B-JM551 17 OIJD eataWlslied flrm requires services re liable man for this community : salary $18 weekly and expenses ; state former em- plovmont. Manufacturer , box JW7 ( piiii- oddlphla , Pa. B-MR3S 18 * WANTED Large ttnlary to a star" tea and coffee salesman , -with established trade In 8. Neb. II. C. FlPhcr. Chicago. WANTED , tlrnicrs or furnace men : applv nt once. Milton Rogers & Son , 14th nnd ( Farnam at. B M550 17 rtTOLTABT.E nnd competent engineer for large- office building at once. .T 41 R P. B M558 18 MEN. our Illustrated rataloiruo explains how w teach barber trade in eluht w ek , mailed free. Molcr Barber Chi cago. III. B-M549 21 WANTEfD FEMALE HIOLP. WANTED. 200 girls 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 729 GIRL wanted. Apply 2222 Miami. C5 ! > WANTED , competent girl for general housework ; wages $1.00. 117 N. 37th. near Farnam. C 244 MONEY to lady canvassers. We offer lib eral each commission for subscriptions to the Designer , the handsomest and most popular Fashion Magnr.lno. It Is easy wnrlr nnrt Vprv nrOfltfl.blp. pnr tArma MM WANTED girl for general housework. An- ply 2201 Spencer St. C M4SO GIRL wanted. Hlxcnbaugh , 600 Ware hlnok. C-M2C8 EARN blc monev by making nn effort. Sea Frank , 1821 Farnnm. C M469 19' WANTED , good ( rfrl for frencral housework. S In family , wages $4. Apply at onre , ? (103 ( Popplelon ave. C 479 WANTED , a rompotent girl for ( reneral housework. 1612 Sherman nvc. C 4"2 " ! 16 * WANTRD. p peed rook and housemaid. Mra. E , A. Cudahy. 37th and D w > v ave. C-M405 16 WANTED , competent Klrl for srenpral housework. 213 8. 36th street. C M494 18 WANTED , a competent * lrl to do cooking and laundrv work- In family. Mrs. Dnvld A , Banm 101 So R2d avenue , C M496 16 * WANTED , neat girl for genprol housework , two in family. 128 So , 36th Bt. C-499 17 WANTED , housemaid. Apply to M20 Far- nam St. C M094 INTELLIGENT , mlddle-aced women for useful , profitable hunliiPtis ; rail liptw > orn 11 nnd 5. Mrs , K. E. Allen , 72.1 X Y. Life. C-M521 Octl4 IADY agent In everv town for my fast s ll. Ing "henl-llfters : " ble money for vou. Dr. Swan , Beaver Dam , WIs. C M511 17 WANTED. competent girl for ireneml Jiou&ework , Mif . W , M , Rogcr . 2TO Fnr- ram. C M513 17 WANTED , girl for general housework. K S. 40th st , . Omaha. C-M612 17 SVANTEO. mllllnerv trimmer of some ex- pe-rienre In town of 1,200 ; call nt nee bust , ness office Saturday morning 7:30 : to 9:30. : C-529 15 * WANTED , competent girl for general housework ; rmall family , best of waes- > . Call 2906 Dndga at. C M5CO IS * FOR RENT HOUSES , FINE residence , choice location. 11 rooms , all modern ; excellent stable. Bemli , Paxton - ton block. D-M2T7 1 ( IOU8ES , Bemts , Paxton block. D 733 TOR RENT , houses In all parts of city. The O , P , Davis Co. , 1506 Farnam street. D-7SJ HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. D-411 ( ROOM bouso and barn , 2702 Decatur. D-M271 1 FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT , 6CS South 28th St. , 10 rooms , modern , good repair. The Byron Red Co- 212 SO. l4lh St D-7J7 PLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 8. llth street. D M153 FOR RENT , 10-room house at 813 WorthIngton - Ington Plnce. All modern conveniences , Including electric light , etc. ; neighborhood unexcelled ! one block from Farns-m car. Apply H. J. Windsor. 1624 Capitol * L. WHY. certnlnly , nv coal. gas. water nnd servant worries by having a home in the Brunswick hotel , heart of thi > city. D M420 Sep , 21 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , 001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , , 1015. D-736 MAGOARD. vnn & storage. 1419 ELEGANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell , mnn. 2403 St. Mnry's nvo. D-M233 COTTAGE , 9th nnd Pierce ; 14 rooms. Waf- ntit Hill , $15.00. If you don't rent , buy on Installment plan. 8. Hnwver. 1512 Dnven- 1031 S. 30TH AVE. , 10-room. laundry , oak finish nnd floorp , strictly first-class , modern - ern In every respect. W. D. Mead , Jr. PINE modern 12-room residence on motor line , 413 North 2olh street. J. T Clarke , 219 Board of Trade. D 448 18 FOR RENT , elegant 8-room houne , with all modern Improvpments ; 402 N , 23d sf. In quire at 410 N. 23d St. D-M522 17 * 6-ROOM cottage , flno condition , larce yard , shade , fruit , 2772 Lake. D-M513 16 * HOUSES. Bcnewa A ; Co. , 108 N. 15thSt. _ FOR RENT , five-room cottnge. 423 South 20th st. ; modern except furnace ; newly papered : outside now being painted ; large yard , with shade trees ; rent $23.60. After Sept. 0. seven-room hou o. 1812 N , 26th st. , will be put In good condition : all mod ern except furnace ; rent $20.00. Omnha Loan and Trust Co. . 16th and Douglas. HOUSE with nine rooms , all modern Im provements. 2110 Lake St. D o34 18 * FOR RENT. 8-room , modern house , 4318 Farnam St. . $23 ; also others. Rlngwalt Bros. . Barker block. D THE TIME to rent a house Is when vou can get It. Just now I have a few desira ble dwellings , modern , at J20 and $2.1. Two houses arranged for two families , t4 and $18. and several smaller and cheaper. Ofllre closes Saturday at 1 o'clock. W. II. Russell , 016 N. Y. Life. D M654 16 8-ROOM , modern house , reasonable rent. 2018 Lcavenworth. D M539 22 * FOR UENT FURNISHED ROOMS. CLEAN beds , 60c week and up. 1MB. 14th. i E 2833 , 19 * THE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture and new management. Is the most de slrable place in this city. E-M419 3ep21 NICE rooms for rent. 314 South 26th St. FOR RENT , cool , furnished front rooms , all modern conveniences. 317H North loth St. , Flat E. E M197 Oct8 THE BACHELORS , family hotel : best $1.50 house In Neb. ; take Harney or Farnam car E 864 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen : ref. req. 1701 Cap. Ave. E-242-Oct.7 ROOMS , with or without board. 1512 Daven port. E M27fl OctS FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2023 ' E 440 21 * St. Mary's. ROOMS , 1906 Capitol Avenue. E 447-18 * LARGE front room with alcove nicely fur- nlPhed ; also small room ; modern conven iences ; private family. 205 North 23d st. 1C M516 Ifi * _ FURNISHED ItOOMS AND DOAUU. ELEGANT rooms & board. 1908 Capltolnyc. THE Merrlam .family hotel. 25th and Dodg * . FURNISHED rooms , with or without board. 1518 Madison avo. F M884 NICELY furnished south front rooms with nrst class board. 1722 Dodge _ , _ STEAM-HEATED rooms with board. 1909 Capitol Ave. F-607 20 < _ NICELY furnished front room , te family. 702 8. 29th St. F-602 18 * WANTED TO RENT. THREE rooms for light housekeeping ; bath aod heat. 309 North 25th FOH RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FIRST-CLASS stores. $10 to $30. I All 92 FOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. . ground ttoor Bee Bldg t-ZSS FOR RENT. * ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault built for u.-e of city treasurer. Ap ply R .C. Peters & Co. . ground floor. Boo Building. I-207 _ _ AGENTS AVANTED. $1 000 GIVEN away ; nre you willing to do a Ittle work for us for which you will be paid nnd nlso sharn In the dlRtrlhutlon of $1.000 among our agents ? No harm to flnd out what we offer you : it costs , nam - ing excent i letter asking for full pnrtlcu- Sr . Address The Home Monthly , 88 Purchase - chase St. , Boston , Masp. J M431 17 * a week wth , our beautiful new panoramic albums , "Fighting In the Philippines" and "Our New Po3f.esslonP"-You . can eaplly do so. Each ulbum contulns ICO magnificent liirgo Photographic reproductions of ftlrrlng , rathetlc and humorous scenes of camp and battlefield , portraits of prominent war heroes , native Pictures , noted points of interest , scenery , etc. Thomas M. An- drrson , brigadier general. U. a , A. , nid : "The enirrnvlntfs are both faithful and pIcturcTnue. " Heavy. Ivory-finish paper ; handftomo covers : exquisite works of art. On" man eold 150 first , day-Bverybody buys It : generous commission , Ont comp - p ete album ( paper cover ) . 12 cents ; both n hums 20 cents ; cloth binding , 35 cents each" both , 60 cents. Order now ; don't waste time In correspondence ; money re funded If not absolutely satisfactory. Catalogue free. Manuscripts' ' promptly examined. F. Tennyson Necly. P b"B1h.J < < , 114 Fifth ave. . New York , J M637 1C * AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. Wn want one good agent , either man or woman. In o/ery town in the United Btateb 10 take orders for men's , women's l'es nnd children's waterproof mackintoshes nnd inlpconts , also Indies' waterproof skirts and capes. Men nnd women make $1000 tc $50.00 a week In their own town taking orders for our waterproof gar ments. We furnish large samples , beautl- fullv Illustrated sample book and com plete outfit. Instruct vou how to do the work and pay you once a week in cash. Foi' ' particular * mall this notice to the Dundee Rubber Corporation. Chicago , 111. J- PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray- ons " Try washable enameling ; no glass ; don't rub ; cheap , Family Portrait Co. , Chicago. J M542 16 * "WANTED TO RUNT. i TO 8-room modern house , near AA'est Far nam or park ; will purchase on monthly payments ; describe fully , Address J 34 , Bee. K-501 20 * GENTLEMAN , wife nnd child want 1'ght housekeeping rooms completely furnished. Address J 33 , Bee. IC-627 17 * WANTED , room for piano studio : state price. J 40. Be * . _ K-M6I8 16 DENTIST desires office with physician or to run ofllco on commission. Best refer ences given. Address G , Her Grand hotel. K M543 18 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 813- 914 Jonea general storage and forwarding. 741 AVANTED TO IJUY. WANTED , to buy wolves , mountain lions > or any kind of wild animals. Inquire of manager Hag nback' Animal Show. North Midway. N M423 U I AV ANTED TO RUA' . HOUSE nriu 18th nnd Ohio to move. Tele phone 1437. N M46I 17 2ND-HAND furniture bought A cxch tnted. Boston Furniture Co. , 14H Dodge. Tel. 22J8. N-74J ' UjL kinds of household goods , _ hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur- nlture Co. 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. 2020.N743 N-743 1,000 BASE BURNERS nnd other stoves wanted. Don't sell before seeing Joe Le- vlnc. Drop card nnd man will call. High est market price. 301 N. 16th , cor. Dav. N-M203 Sep. IS TWO medium sized necond-hnnd hot air furnaces ! state Mzo of fire pot and maker. Addrefs J 3 , Bee. N M517 16 WANT to buy n choice West Pnrnam st. home. Address J 37 , Bee. N M526 I WANT to buy n merry-go-round ; stnto price nnd terms. Address Dante ) Mnrrs , Reynold * Neb. N-MBI1 1C * AVANTED. to buy a house nnd lot In south part of city , cast of 24th ot. Address J 42 , Bee. N-M562 FOR SALE FURNITURE. WE CARRY the largest line of sccond- hnnd stoves & heaters. You cnn buy them for little money. J , Lewis , 104 So. 14th. O-MS55 Sep30 FURNITURE for sale nt 907 South 20th. O 474-18 * FOR SALE HORSES AND A'EIIICLES. OLD buggies tnkon in trade on new vehicles. Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P 744 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG poles ; sawdust ; cheapest and best hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel. 458. Q 745 REPAIRS ana parts for every sewing ma chine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 16th and Harney. Q MISS OctS NEW wheels , $13.60 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $5 up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q M4C5 FOR SALE Cheap ; heavy wrapping paper ; good for batten or laying under carpets. Omaha Bee press room. Q 271 B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776. Plants , cut flowers bonnets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q 761 2D-HAND safe cheap. Deright , 1110 Farnam. Q 743 SAFES Buy sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. St.P. FOR SALE , 100,000 red cedar posts. J. P. 1 Brewer , Texarkano. Ark. Q MSJ5 IS * SECONDHAND &ewlng machines. Domestic , J9.00. Domestic , first-class rendition , $12.50. Singer , high arm , $9.00. Singer , $5.00. New Home. $10.00. Howe. $4.00. AVhlte , $5.00. Wilson , $3.50. White , high arm , good as new , $12.60. Union , $10.00. Union , $8.00. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney. Q-GOG 1G CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1613 Dodge St. St.Q Q 746 FOR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q 762 ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Co. Buffs. Q-M311 CASH register , nearly new , cheap , 1116 Far nam. Q 760. INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1116 Farnam Q M9S5 HOG , poultry lawn and Held fencing ; all wire. Wire Works. 1617 Howard St. St.Q Q 747 ROLL TOP desk , mimeograph , neostyle and office chairs cheap. Chas. A. Boyer , 2702 S. 18th Bt. Q M561 Ifi * V , . Jlr * MISCELLANEOUS ; BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low est prices. Boston Furn'tre Co. , 1414 Dodge R-78i NOTICE Country dealers. 2d hand furn'tre & stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge , R 7K CLAIRVOYANTS. MMB. GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1005 Dodge S 756 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th. S M710 VIENNA iortun * teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. 8 $09 01 TRANCE medium arrived ; Dr Hall I , known from ocean to ocean. So sure am I of my powers of telling every event of past and future , of all , will give your full name In free tests , and the ono you marry ; end stamps for test and answer. 1616 Chicago. S-161 Oct * MRS. DR , HART , famous palmist nnd clair voyant. Removed from 1707 Cass to 213 N. 18th. S-476-16. MRS. DR. MOSS , celebrated spiritual me dium and prognosticate can be consulted on all affairs of life ; readings confiden tial ; prices reduced for this week 17M Capitol avenue. S 136 16 * DR , L. R. HARRIDEN. CLAIRVOYANT. LlFE READER , OCCULT SCIENTIST , ihas returned to Omaha. WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION he tells you what you have come for. MANY IMITATE , BUT NONE CAN EQUAL. Gives advice to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. , locates mines , hurled treasures. " cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil Influences , etc. etc.UNITES THE SEPARATED. Never Falls to caiiso speedy and happy marriages ; guar. antocfl success In all cases. RESTORES SICIC TO HEALTH. Dr. Harriden diagnoses casts by merely touching the patient , Instantly locating the seat of trouble and by his wonderful power of OCCULT SCIENCE removing the cause ; a tpeedy cure Is the result In all cases. PERMANENT RESIDENCE 602 8 1CTH ST. . COR. JACKSON. ALL WHO' CAN NOT CALL UPON THIS GIFTED MAN WRITE. INCLOSING STAMP FOR PAR- TICULARS. Hours , 9 n. m. to 8 p , m. ; lady attendant. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. REFERENCES , best banks , merchants and business men In the city , 8 M645 16 * MASSAGE AND IIATIIS. MRS BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE , Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 119 N , 16th , opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T M648-82C * MMB. AMES , R. 2. 607 8.13 ; mnssago baths. T-239 Sep. 17 * ELITE PARLORS , 2025 Farnam , upstair * , first-class baths , massage , magnetic treat- ment. Lady attendants. T M382 25 * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ist'Class patronage solicited. 1616 Howard. 3rd floor , T M230 Sep 17 MME. Lee , baths , massage , parlor , J03 N. 18 T M198 Oct6 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118H North 16th. T 483 IS * MISS JUNE , massage ; baths ; Arabian treatment ; attendant , 313H N. 15th ; flat U T-M547 22 * PERSONAL , M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats all nllir.ents of feet , both ladles & gentlemen. Ladles' .l" a jfd'r . ' ! nf , J argoodai& | toilet preparations. Treatments of scalp hands or feet ; 20 ears exnerlenne i In Omaha : best e city , 1618 Farnam U-757 VIAVI is voman's way to health. 346 Bee Bldg. U-7C1 MISS MAYERSURGEON-CHIROPODIST. manicure , halrdresslngj Instruction in above profesbtons reasonable. 409 Paxton blk. U-S17-Oct. 7 FACIAL massage , 50c ; natrdresslng , 35c ; Bhampootne , 35c nnd 60c. Ml Hubbard , 415 McCagua BldR. U-M397 24 * NELLIE F. RYLEY , manicure , chiropodist ; 415 McCaeue bid ? . , 15th and Dodce. , U-M334 21 PERSONAL. DI . ROY. chlropodl't ; corns nnd superfluous DII hair removed by electricity , jioom 12 , Frenier block. U 768 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before A during - ing confinement ; bablos adopted , 1136 N 17. U 769 _ SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ! no electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4. AVllhnell block. U it * HITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2211 Sewnrd. Tel. 2233. U M71C Scp29 RUPTURE CURED. We cure nil form of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for circulars. . Kmplr * Rapture Cur * , 932 New York Life Build ing. Omaha , Neb. U MM2 Bcp30 BATHS , massage. Mmc. Post , 319U 8. 16th. U M173 FINE hardwood floors , parquetry work , guaranteed , best reference In town , right prices. Frank Scvlck , 1938 S. 18th , Omhaa , U 501 Oct. 13 _ RELIABLE homo for Indies before nnd during confinement , and treatment of nil troubles pecullnr to women. Address P. O. Box 767 , Omaha. U M5JS Octl6 * MONEY TO LOAN REAij ESTATE. MONEY to loin on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Pnync- Harder Co. , N. Y Life. W-762 . B PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk. W-763 LOANS. < Potter-Sholcs Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-7G9 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb , or Mo.j It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L W 772 AVANTED. city and farm loans ; nlso bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1703 Farnjra St. , Bee Bldg. W-771 FIVE PER CENT money on or before five years on Nebraska lands and Omaha real estate. W. B. Melkle , 401 S. 15th Bt. Bt.AV775 6 PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1013 Farnam W-770 8 , 6\i. 8 per ct. loans in Omaha , So. Omaha. AV. H. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1648. MORTGAGES. AVallace. 314 Brown Block W-77i 6 PER CENT : also private funds. Chas. E. AVllUamson. W-776 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 319 So. ICtt AV-Jt,4 $100 TO $2,000. F. D. AA'ead , 10th & Douglas.J2 BROKER * ) , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting en-stern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. AV-1C7 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 ti. 10th , Omaha. AV 70S $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Parnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fainnm. AV 7b6 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PIANOS. HORSES. AVAGONS ETC. LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 SOUTH 16TH STREET.X X 778 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security. Rates renaonable. J. AV. Taylor. 403 Kar- bach block , 12 to 6:30 : p. m. X M704S29 * LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity : strictly confidential , , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES. Before borrowing eeo us , as you will flnd It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest nnd only Incorporated loan company In Omaha , f ! . ' AV. Truax. , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade BUIg1 , , 16th and Par- nam Sts. Telephone 2 5. , X-783 MONEY LOANED rSALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holdlng'permanent positions , on their own -name without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Cn re pay n enpy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jennings , Mgr. , suite 525-52 < ! N. Y. Life Bldg. X 780 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Duft Green , R. 8. Barker blk X 782 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc , C. F. Reed. 319 8.13. X-779" MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Omaha Loon Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 781 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses , cows. etc. J. AV. Taylor , 403 Karbach block , 12 to 0:30 : p. m. X M705 Sep. 29 * MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X 777 TO SALARIED PEOPLE- MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATES WITHOUT SECURITY. PRIVATELY. QUICKLY TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS. Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly payments to suit convenience of borrower. No Inquiries of their employer or friends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. . ROOM 001 BEE BUILDING. X-784 BUSINESS CHANCES. IF YOU nre a caterer and wnnt to make money you lose the chance of a life time if you miss the Brunswick Cafe. Y-M41B-Sep-21 MERCHANDISE 'STOCK A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods and clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer , 1204. FOR SALE , a gilt-edge first mortgage for I4.COO.OO , on Inside Improved property , bear ing 5 per cent , Interest payable semi- annually. H 03 , Bee. Y 184 FOR SALE or trade , cigar , tobacco , fruit nnd tandy store. Call 320 Ps > . 10th. Y 248-OCt. 7 * DENTIST'S practice nnd outfit for sale or lease In good wesUrn town ; fine location nnd no competition. Address Box 702. York , Neb. Y-M406 16 * HOTEL snap : $1,600 cash down , balance $25 per mo. will get It ; clears $200 per mo. ; best hotel if town 20.000 ; Investigate quick. AVestern Hotel Brokers , 104 Bee Bldg. Y-M428 17 FOR SALE , restaurant , lunch room and soda four tain , doing splendid business , rhnnp. Address N , B. Newcomb , Red Oak , In. Y-M405 A GOOD paying business of twenty years for sale , consisting of a stock of groceries , hardware and crockery : also brick store building. For further Information write to Herman Oehlrlch & Bro , , Columbus , Neb. Y M623 28 VILL trade a half Interest In paying patent medicine burtntsu fnr real estate. Money maker. Address J 39 , WE are plain people and send all our mall In plain envelopes ; wnd for our free book on margin trading In grain or HtockN. Howard , Crosby & Co. , C2 Wall st. , N , Y , Y M636 1C * FOR SALE. Hock of drugs nnd fixtures , one of tlm best stands In the city : Invoice nbout $6,600 ; good discount off fixtures ; no dead sto-k ; good profits ; no cutting ; good reason for selling ; don't write un less vmi mean buslnes-i. Address P , O. Box 716 , Salt I < nke City , Utah. Utah.YM5I8 Y-M5I8 19 * FOR EXCHANGE. FINE 12-room residence , b autlful ground * , near Hnnscom Pork , to exchange for lands or city loti. Addret * II 21 , nee. ! - AHSTRAOTS OF TITLE , HARRIS Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building. 810 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. Nebraska's corn crop , 300,000,000 bush ls. CORN LANDS , HARRISON $ MORTON , RE-20J-06 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATD. FOR SALE 6(0 ( acres of Innd , worth $3S per acre ; will nell for $24 per ncre. The Byron ' Co. , 212 S. 14th St. JUS-785 IF IT IS South Ornnhn renl estate you wnnt tb buy or sell communicate wlth O'Nell's Real Estnto Agency. RE 787 SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co.,814 8.15th street. RE 7SS CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. They Byron Reed Co. , 211 8. I4th S. ' . UE 789 IlOUSKS , tots , fnrmn. lands , loans ; nlso flro Insurance. Bcmlg. Paxton blk. RB-7JK ) FOR SALE , my elegant home. 2020 Webster St. . small amount down , balance same ns rent. If desired. Address C. D. Blbblns , Hotel Spoknnc , Spokane , Wash. 'RE-M715 SepI9 HAVE you Boms lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dlspoao of thorn ; let the people know that ycu wnnt to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have th * money. RE 568 FOR SALE or excnnnge. choice , rich pro ductive farms , largo nnd small ; also ten fine stock ranches , all In northeastern Nebraska , for sale very cheap and on easy terms , where crops have never failed. Crops average : Corn 45 , wheat 18 ana oats 60 bushels per acre ; some of thesa lands can bo traded for merchandise , dry goods , hardware or furniture. For par ticulars address Geo. W. Hutton. Cole ridge , Cedar county , Neb. RE 912 OJ HBNRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-791 LIST your property with me. I have the buyers. H. M. Christie , South Omnhn. RE-StC29 Oct , 3 FOR SALE , good horse for family use or work. 1121 North 19th St. RE-600 16 * DELIGHTFUL modern home , fronting park , Hanscom Place ; 9 rooms ; must bo sold , owner leaving city. M. J. Kennnrd & Son , ( sutto 310 , Brown block. RE-633 FOR 8ALE- $2,060 for property at 1433 South 16th Bt. , rental $28 per month. $3,200 for corner lot 06x132 ft. , well Im proved , rental $50 per month' $4,500 for 9-room , modern house , barn , etc. . 1311 Georgia avenue. , $3,400 for two 7-room houses , large lot , 2412 nnd 2414 Chnrlea st. . rental $33 per mo. $2,400 for modern cottage and largo lot , N. E. 33d nnd Davenport ets. $1,125 for small houss and lot 00x132 ft. , 1028 S. 22d st , $900 for 6-room house and lot , 830 S. 23d st. $2,200 for 8-room house , 2635 Capitol ave. $2,800 for 9-room house and large lot , S. W. corner 35th and Half Howard sts. $750 for eleven lots fronting south on Ham ilton et. , four blocks west of car line. J225 for south front lot on Franklin , near 38th st. , in Orchard Hill. $2.600 for RO-acre Improved farm near Val- ley. In Douglas county. GEORGE AND COMPANY. 1001 Fnrnam St. RE M556 18 FOR SALE , large hotel , with 76-foot lot , cheap , in the active and growing city of South Omaha , close to packing houses nnd stock yards ; a good location for a hustling hotel man. For terms and price. eoJ. A. Lovgren , 942 N. Vfc. SOUTH OMAHA property for sale : $10,000 for business block with 80x150 feet of ground ; rental $110 per month. $1,000 for -i-room house and lot , Twenty- fifth st. . near Q st. $350 for 23-foot lot on Q. near 24th st. $200 to $350 for s omo of the best lots In Pot ter & Cobbs' 1st and 2d adds. $150 for lots six blocks S. AV. of Armour's ; small payment down , balance payable monthly. , $750 for 5 acres Improved near South Omaha. $1,250 for 10 acres on 36th st. $150 for acre' ' lots. If you want to buy or sell South Omaha real estate call on George & Company. City Hall bldg. . South Omaha , or 1001 Farnam at. , Omaha. RE M557 18 WOODMAN & BAY , pension agents , 23 Barker block. RE M550 16 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. READ LAST WEEK'S RECORD of the NEB. BUS and SHORTHAND COLLEGE , BOYD THEATER BLDG. Eight calls In two days Itjst week for our graduates We filled only three for the want of operators. Stenographers and bookkeepers who Jiave no positions and those partially unqualified would do well to call on us One experienced stenographer we secured a position for after being In our school less than a week. It pays to take up shorthand or bookkeeping where a position awaits you. Official Court Reporter A. L. Warrlck , principal shorthand department. Prof. J T. Dalley. the "Master Penman. " principal business department. A. C , Ong. A. M. , LL.B. , President. M 116 A. C. Van Bent's School. 717 N. Y. Life. AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 00 BOYLES' school ; court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. H > 1 AIEDICAI. . DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure ; longept cases relieved In two to five days without fall ; 1.0 pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; fay mail or office , $2 ; all letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room 614. Chicago. 111. -8SO 16 * LADIES , our Turkish female regulator ab solutely harmless ; results euro ; by mall , $2.00. Egyptian Remedy Co. , Melrose Park. 111. M540 17 * OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON , Osteopathlc Institute , 51D N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson. D. O. , ladles' dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , osteopathlst , JUKI . M 797 M. E. DONOHUE , D. O. , of Still school , Kirksvllle , Mo , , 601 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. 798 IIICYOLKS. ANDRAE bluyrles. $20. 1116 Fnrnam. S02 CLOSING out ' 89 Tribune bicycles less than cost. $30 cash. Louis Fleschor , 1022 Capitol tel ave. M 40116 TAILORING. WHO'S your tailor ? See the Twin City Tailoring Co. ; tali line now ready for in spection ; prices right. 1609 Farnam St. 343-819 LADIES JACKETS , men's clothing , altered In latest styles nnd cleaned. Max Fogel , S07 S. 171 h. M-719 PAWNI1ROKERH. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office , 418 N. 16. 05 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 806 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , , M25 Farnam St. Telephone 1284. 792 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1012 Far- nam. 793 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup [ plies. 1819 Farnam. 79 * THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest mnnlfolder and cuts the finest stencil ; srr exhibit Liberal Arts bide. , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent. 318H S. Fif teenth street. Omaha , 795 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnnm. M-798 LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , Sc ; collars , 2c : cuffs , 4c ; underwear , Co. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. B1R7. M-519 Decl4 SCHOOL OP LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German. Snanlih. $2 per month. Prof. ChaUlaln. 301 Boyd theater. 147 MAGNETIC HEALING. MR. AND MRS. A. GILLET. Weltmer v . tern , 21th and Cumlng ; entrance on 24th , 472-22 LOST. THE lady who took Umbrella marked REES under the handle from Park car Friday will please leave nt Thompson & Bcldcn'B. L091-MS44 IS' ON South Omaha cnr or on Fnrnam. be tween Wlh nnd 16th , oxidized clmteklno watch and silver pin. Howard for return to MyerP-Dlllon Drug Co. Lost-ME63 1C * MOCUL PLATING. BASEBURNKR8 replntM ; all kinds of plat- Ing. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. SOI -flTAM.tinni.fn ANII STUTTERING. CURED , Julia Vnughnn , .430 Rnmgo Bldg. S07 MATTRESS UENOA'ATINO. M. S , AVALKLIN , Sill Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 80S TICKET CUT RATH railway and steamship tickets : excursion tickets bought and sold. P. It. riillbln. row locations , 1303 nnd 1505 Fnr- nam. Ebt. ISW. Member G. T. I ) . A .n S03 COAL. BEST cooking. $4 ton ; hnrd conl. $ S.RO. Hnr- mon & AVeeth Co. , 16th nnd Charles , 2SOctS HOUSE Movnu. AV. COr. located at 1710 Bt. Mary's Ave. CONTRACTORS AND mMLDERS. HEALY ft SONS , 1822 dark DRESSMAKlXn. IN families. Miss Sturdy , 22l6Dnvenport FOR SALE , cheapest and best cattle ranch. 300.000 acres. For description address EUgene - gene Williams , Waco. Texas.M . M 203 SeplC * TRUNK FACTOIIY. SEE OUR trunk traveling baps , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1200 Farnam. 602-Olfl HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Bts. S09 COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. , lO&D'elas. MHO ACETYLENE GENERATORS. MONARCH generators have no equal In construction , operation or price ; hustling salesmen wanted. Address Monarch Acetylene Gas Co. , 1022 Douglas st , , Omaha. Neb. M860 Sep30 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Should bb read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember 16. 1S99. will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the general postofllce as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close One hour earlier than closing time shown bo low. Trillin-Atlantic Malls. SATURDAY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN. ) ' . K- TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and BUI T- 1SH INDIA , per a. s. La Goscogne * , via per B. s. Mnosdam , via Rotterdam ( let ters must be directed "per s. s. Mans- dam" ) ; at 9 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Umbrla * . via QuecnBtown ; at 10 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct , per s. s. Anchorla ( letters must bo directed "per s. s. Anchorla" ) ; at 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Thlngvalla ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Thlngvalla" ) . Printed Matter , etc. German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc , for Germany and specially ad dressed printed matter , etc. , for other ports of Europe. American nnd White Star steamers on AVednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Satur days take printed matter , etc. , for al ! countries for which they are advertised to carry mnil. After the closing of the supplementary trans-Atlantic malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , English French and German steamers , and re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamers , Mull * for South mid Central Amertcn AV t Indlrti , Etc. SATURDAY At 9 la. r.i. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. s. Homer ; at 10 a. m for NEWFOUNDLAND direct , per 8. s Orinoco : at 10 a , mtMsupplementary 10:3C : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SAVANILLA , CARTHAGENA nnd GREYTOAVN. per s. s. Alene ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s Alene" ) ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA , per s. s Havana , via Havana ( letters must be di rected "per s. s. Havana" ) : at 12 m. for PERNAMBUCO and SANTOS , per s. s Taormlna ( letters for other parts of Bra zll must bo directed "per s. s. Taor mlna" ) : at 1 p. m. for NUEVITA8 GIBARA. tVITA , BARACOA anc PUERTO PADRE , per s. s. Lauenburg at 1 p. m. for BELIZE , PUERTO COR TEX and GUATEMALA , per s. s. Themis ( letters must bo directed "per s. Themis" ) . SUNDAY-At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close n this office dally at 8:30 : p. m. ( connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday anc Saturday. Malls for Mlquolon , by rail ° Boston , and thence by steamer , close i this office dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mails fo Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. , nni thence , by steamer , close at this of flee dally ( except Monday ) at * 7 a. m , ( thi connecting closes are on Sunday , AVednes day and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by ral to Miami , Fla. , and thence by steamer close at thin office every Monday , Tuee day nnd Saturday at * * 2:30 : a , m. , ( th connecting closes are on Tuesday nni. Saturday ) , Mnll for Mexico City , over land , unless specially addressed for dls patch by steamer , close nt thin office dally nt 2:30 : n. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls fo Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala , by rail" to No > v Orleans , nn thence by'steamer , close at this offic dally at'3:00 : p m. , connecting closes her Sundays and Tuoedaya for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belize , Puerto Corte and Guatemala. 'Registered mall close at 6 p. in. previous day , "Registered mol closes at 6 p. m , second day before , TruiiH-I'iiclUa Mull * . Malls for China , Japan and Hawaii , vl San Francisoo , close here dally at 0:30 : p. m up to September * 14'inclusive for rtespatcl per s , B. City of Rio de Janeiro and up t September * 21 Inclusive for despatch po s. s , Coptic. Malta for Hawaii , via 8a Francisco , close- here dally at 6:30 : pin up to September * 15 Inclusive for despatc per B. s. Australia. .Malls for Australia elan Colonies ( except AVcst Australia which goes via Europe , and New Zealand which goes , via San Francisco ) , Hawa' ' and Fiji Iblands. via Vancouver , clos hero dally nt 6:30 : P. m. after Septembe 1 and up to September * 16 Inclusive fo despatch per s. s. AVarrlmoo. Malls fo Society Islands , via San Francisco , clos here dally at 6:30 : p. in , up to Septembe 25 Incluslvu for despatch by ship Trap ) Bird. Malls for Australia ( except AVes Australia ) , New tfeaand | , Hawaii , F1J and Bamoan Islands , via San Francisco close here dally at C:30 : p , in. after Sep tember * 15 and up tp September * 29 j > cluslva. or on day of arrival of s. s. Cam nanla. due at New York September 23 , fo despatch per e , s. Marlposa. Malls fo China and Japan , yla Vancouver , clos here dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to October ' Incluilvn for despatch per e. g. Empres of India. Trans-Paclflo malls are forwarded to per of sailing dally and the schedule of clos Ing Is arranged on the presumption o their uninterrupted overland transit. 'Registered mall closes IK 6 p. m. provlou day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster , Postofflce , New York , N. Y. , September 8 UAIMIOAU TIMI1 TA | StOUX CITY Sc PACIFIC Rn.llro.vl " "The North- mwtern Line1' Genctnl Offices , United states National Bank Building. S. AV. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnnm Street * , Icket Ofltce , liul Farnnm Street , Tele * IIUIKT , svi. Depot. Tenth nnd Masoa treats. Telephone , C9. Leave. Arrive toux City , Mnnkato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a r > 0 nm a 8:40 : tint t. Paul , Minneapolis , Mnnknto & Sioux Clty.n 5:23 : pm n 11:00 : pnt loux City Local a 7:45 : am a 4:30 : pnr n Dally. CHICAGO fc NORTH , western Railway "Tho Northwestern Una" City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnoin Street. Tele phone. DM. Depot , Tenth- and Mason Streets. Tele * hone , 6a. Leave. Arrive. nvllght Chicago Spe " cial . . . .a : < o nm * UM my "arroll Local b 6:25 : pm blOHO am Eastern Kxprc3 , Drs Molnw. Marshalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage nll:06 : nm n 4:05 : pnr .tlniitlo Flyer , Chicago ' and East a 1:63 : pm a 4PC : pn < 'a t Mall , Chicago to Omaha a SMS pm malm-Chicago Special.n 7OC : pm a 8:15 : am ast Mall , JJOOBJ a Dully b Dnil ; except Sunday. FREMONT , H . & Missouri A'alley Railroad - road "Tho NorthivcMonx Line" Genernl Offices , , United States National' Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr- ntn Streets. Ticket oilier , 1401 Fnrnnrn trcct. Telephone. 661. Depot , 15th and Vcbstcr Streets. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Hack llllli , Dcadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 : pnr A'yoinlng , Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pnt Instlngs. York , Dnvld City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Howard..b 3:00 : pin b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 nm blO:2S : am ylncoln , Wnhoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 : nm hlO:2S : nm 'rcmont Local c 7:30 : am n Dally b Dally except Sunday , o Bun- ay only , d Daily except Saturday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Rallw y-"The North. Moslem Line" General OI11CC8 , Nebraska DlvlJ J 1 slon , 15th and Webster * Sts. City Ticket Ofllc * . I 401 Farnam St. Telephone , 681. Depot , IJtU ] and Webster Sts. . . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am Omaha Pa 'engur a 7:00 pnii Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca , HarUng- ton and Bloomfle.ld..b 1:00 pm blZUOpm' ' No. 2 Twin City L't'd..a 6:65 : pra S'o. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 0:00 : anv a Dully , b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC--THEOVER. land Route" Goreral Offices , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam , Streets. City Ticket Office. 1303 , Farnam Street. Telephone , 216. Depot , Tenth and Mason , BtrceU , Telephone. 029. Leave. Arrive 'The Overland Limited" for Utah , Idaho , Men- tana , California , Oregon gen and Washington points a 8:40 : am a 43S ; pntl The Colorado Spo lal for Denver and all , Colorado points all:55 pm a 6:30 : nnil 'uclfic Express for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific Cooot and all western points b 4:23 : pm a 6:30 nm ) ' Jncoln , Beatrice and Stromuburg Express . .b 4:23 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Island and North Platte a 4:25 : pm b 4:35 : pm Columbus Local b 7:30 pm b 9:30 : am North Clatte Local a 1:20 : pm South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , 6:20 : a. m. ; 7:00 a. tn.j 10:10 : a. m. : 8:05 : p. m. Arrives , 10:45 : am , ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 0:25 p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 6:20 : a. m. ; i:40 : a m. ; CW : n. m. ; 7:35 : i _ m. ; 8:30 : a. m. ; ) 10:45 : a. m , ; 1.25 p. m. : 2:16 : p. m.4:55 ; : p. in. ; 6:25 : p. m. ; 5.55 p. m. : 8:65 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. m. . Arrives , 6:20 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:16 a. m. ; ; -i 1:45 a. m. ; 11:30 a. m. ; 3:05' : p. m. ; 4:05 : p. m. ; > ' - 6:65 : p. m. ; U:30 : p. m.i 7:30 : p. m. ; 9:30 : p. m , ; 11:00 : p. m ; 11:65 : p. m. a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON & MIS- flourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Routu" General Offices , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket , Office , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 2TO. , Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Tele , phone 310. Leave. Arrive Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pnt' Lincoln , Denver , Colorado - . rado , Utah , California.a 4:25 pm a 3:65 : pntl Lincoln , Black Hills. ' Montana & Fuget Sound a 4:25 pm a 8:00 : pm , Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fust Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:35 : am' ' Uenver. Colorado , Utah & California a 6:30 : am < a Dally. KANSAS CITY , St. Jo seph & Council Bluffa Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office , 1502 Parnam Street , Tele- , phone. 250. Depot , Tenth , and Mason Streets , Telephone - phone , 310 , Lenve. Arrive , Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a 6:45 : pm Kansas City Night Bx..alO:16 rm a 6:30 : i Bt. Louln Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:65 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON , & Oulncy Rallroad-"Tho Burlington Route" Ticket' , Office , 1602 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & \ Mason Streets. Tele-1 phone , 310. ' Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- clal a 0:40 : am Chicago Vostlbuled Ex.a 6.05 pm a 8:05 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & 8t. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a bU5 : urn Pacific Junction Local.a0:4a : am Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm a Dally. o'HIUAGO. ROCK 1BL. and& Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl- nnd Route. " City e Des Molnea Local . . 7:06 ' ' .a : nm bll-SSn'm Chicago Kxprm * . .blll5 : nm aJlio 25 Chicago Fast Express.a 5:00 : pm a 125 * St. Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pin bll : & Km Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. . un * Denver , Pueblo and West .a 1:30 : pm a 4 ; Des Molncs , Rock Island - pra and and Chicago a 7:26 : pm a 6:3S : nni Colorado & Texas Flyor.a 8:40 : pm a HX am a Dally b Dcily except Sunday. OMAHA &BT. LOUIS RAfL- road-Omaha. Kansaici.tr & Eastern Rallroad-"Tni - Qulncy Route"-Tcket ! of ! I flee , 1416 Parnam BtreeL Telephone. 322. Depot Tenth and Maabn StreetsT ' Te4e- * we- phone , C29. ( St. Louis Cannon Ball LeVe < 4rrlve' Express , . . . . . . . . . .a 4:60 : pro a 83J ; am ICansaa City and Qulncy r a 6W : am a S : pm Chicago Lmltod Ex. . . .a MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-Genoral Offices and Ticket Offices Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douirla BtB. l Telephone. 101 Depot. JGtti , and Webster Seta. T&e'phono ' 1109 , st. - & Arrive. Neb , Limited . , . . . . , , . , a 3:00 : nl2W ; K C.-Bt. L. Express. , .a ? : SO a 0CO ; pm nm Nebraska Local via AVeepfng Water . . . . . .b 6:03 : pm a 9:45 , : a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , nm ' , W ABASH RAILROAD rarl Ticket Office ' , 1416 Parnam lSwBtr \ et- telephone Vi\ \ WWftft - , 92. De- \ | pot , Tenth and Maboo \V3r . atreets. Telpehone , 2 . I i " Leave. Arrive. I St. "Louis "Canon Ball" j Express a 4:50 : pra a 8:3 : ! am I u Dolly. a