Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OMAHA PATLT BT3E : TntT'RSDAV , 34 ,
Chicago September Wheat Up a Oont Owing
to a Scramble of Elevator Men ,
Pnn tlic Only Mno Sliotrlnir No Art-
mice \VIIP A in < > UK Illc\ntor In
tercut * Ihc Clilrf I'cnturc
j of ( lie Iny.
CHICAGO , Sept. 13-The feature of to-
Hay's trading In wheat was the scramble
tor September wheat , In which big elevator
firms were Involved nnd which sent the
prlco nt one time to a point nearly 2 cents
nbovo yesterday's close ? It closed at Ic
udvance. Shorts In December and May
Hook fright nt the September strength and
advanced those futures V40 c Corn was
nympathotlcallj strong nnd closed HOHo
Bilghcr for September nnd > 4fcHc higher for
( December Oats closed a. shade lower and
provisions advanced 2',4Q.10c
Wheat opened very dull and weak , Sep
tember at Ho decline nnd December ' 4c be-
tow yesterday's close. The bullishness
caused by the government report h.xd en-
itlrely disappeared. Foreign markets were
iweak : and lower nnd local nnd northwest
recelptH were heavy. The market , with
those conditions prevailing , was apparently
in for n session of dullness and further de
cline. But shortly after the opening Homo
eharp bidding for September
In that option
Bight a condltior ot nitalrs
( that Indicated n war among prominent ele
vator Interests for cash wheat , with tne
IWearos and Peavey on one side nnu
Armour on the ether In August , when
faoptember was 2Vt(2'4c ( under December ,
( Wearc and Pcavey are said to ha\o
chanced a large line , soiling December and
buying September Armour held 'the ' bulk
of thecash wheat and Is said to have sold
in the oxpectatlon ot getting a larger carry
ing charge later Instead , however , the
difference has Htcndlly narrowed und efforts
itodav on the part of shorts to cover a
rather small line were unsuccessful Then
prlcea began to Jump. The market sud
denly became very active , with big nnd
little shorts bidding for September vvncnt.
Lut securing llttlo until the price had been
Jumped from the opening ilgure of .OMiC . to
ttVt.iiiW&c At that price elevator people
( Told IB tiio wheat let go In HUllIclont quan
tities to relieve the pressure , but the evi
dent unwillingness ot longs to sell except
n.t enhanced values made shorts decidedly
nervous nnd kept the market stirred up
during the entire session The strength ot
September put shorts In the more deferred
also nnd business
futures on the anxious suit
ness In December and 'May ' was active all
Cay. with a steady advance in values Min
neapolis nnd Duluth receipts were 917 cars ,
against 740 last week and 918 n. year ngo
Chicago receipts were 1,327,000 bu. , ngalnst
1192 000 bu. n year ngo. Atlantic port clear-
nnces of wheat and Hour amounted to BG5-
000 bu. The seaboard reported 19 loads en-
traced for export. September reacted to
? lc and closed nt that price. December
Opened at 70H5T > 70Sic and advanced to 713 c ,
' '
OTCorn strons though not especially
iiotlve. The strength of wheat was n fac
tor early and later the good cash emand
nnd some prospects of frost tonight sttf-
( toned the market still more. September
waa especially strong. Shorts were good
buyers. Receipts were G98 cars. December
ranged from ZS c to 25 % < JM8lc and c osed
JMiUc higher at 2Sc. September closed
Ufc ( higher nt 31c&c.
Heavy selling bv longs caused a slight
flccUno in oats. The market early was
Ilrm with other grains , but liquidation ,
iwhlch became general , made a heavy mar
ket later. There was little cash business.
Receipts were 250 cars December ranged
tfrom JOHc to 21Uc nnd closed a shade- lower
Piovlalors were weak early on a fair llb-
wral run of hogs , but rallied liter on the
Btiimgth of wheat nnd on the pxcellent cash
demand. There wns a cessation of the re
cent soiling nnd the generil demand Im-
torovod. At the close October pork was 5c
filchcr at 805 , October lard lOc higher nt
I532W and October ribs 2V4@Sc higher at
85 22
Estimated receipts Thursday : Wheat , 125
cars : corn , SOO cars ; oats , 325 cars ; hogs ,
CO 000 liead.
Leading futures rnngod as follows ;
ArtlclBB. Opein Jllffh Low. Cloao. YeB'dy
70 701 , 71K 70K
4WH 7194
735 , 7JJ4 74 } <
SOM-U .tOTi 31 OK
21V 21M
2UU 21H 20H 20J 20M-21
-2HSH i2 ! > <
702K Ron BOO
8IIJM 817W H 10
9 < l7h 000 U47K 005 D17
G 22M 622 5324 622W
C3II A37M C Jl ) C 17 K K HO
C 40 C47H 64U C47H 640
B 174 C2St B20
4U6 4U7V , 405 -1U7K 4 JS
No 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOUH Steady ; winter patents , t3 40 ®
650 ; straights , $310(3330 ( ; spring patents.
J34MT370 ; spring "peclaN. f 1 20 ; straights ,
12801(320 ; bakeis , J2.20IT2 SO
WHEAT No. 3 spring : . C7c ; No. 3 red ,
K\Vfi 72c.
CORN-NO. 2 , 3ic ; No. o yellow , 31 %
OATS-JNo. 2 , 2222Uc ; No. 2 white , 2314
613BDS No. 1 flaxstcd , Jl OC14 ; northwest ,
109S'109',4 Prime timothy seed , 1220.
Clover seed } G OOU7.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork per bbl. . J7.20
S 05 I nrd , per 100 Iba . J5 17VS5 30. Short
rilw sides ( lee r ) , K WTG 35 Dry salted
shoulder * ( boxed ) $ R 00 6.12 ; short cltar
Bides ( boxed ) . J5.50iS6CO
WHISKY Distillers' nnlshed goods , per
Bal $1 22
SUGAUS-Cut loaf , J5S3 ; granulated , $531.
The following are the receipts and ship-
hienta for today :
Receipts. Shlpm'tR
( Flour , libls . 21,000 13,000
Wheat , bu . 179000 19,000
Corn , bu . 1,013000 110 ooo
Oats , bu . 720000 357,000
ye. bu . 14000 1,000
Barley , bu . 122,000 2,000
On the Produce exchange today the butter
( market was ilrm ; creameries ,
dairies. ISjIUSc. Cheese , easier at
Eggs , nrm ; frePh , 14V414c.
jtlnotntloui of ilu > Iluy on Vnrloiis
NEW YORK. Sept , 13 FLOUR Receipts ,
19,613 bbls. ; exports , 6,587 bbls. ; fairly active
nnd Ilrm ; winter patents , $3 55ff3.75 ; win
ner etmlghts , $3300340 ; extras , $2.400280 ;
f winter low grades , $2 25Q'2.40 ; Minnesota pat
ents , $3,8504.00 , Minnesota bakers' , $2,93 ®
020. 11)0 Hour , Ilrm , good to fair , $3 15g >
B.30 ; choloo to fancy , $3.35 3.50. Buckwheat
( lour , dull ; new , $ . ! I > 50275.
BUCKWHEAT Stead ) at GoflXOc.
UOltNMEAI Dull , yellow western. 74
K750J city. $ J , Hrundywine , $230.
UYE rinn , No , 3 western , C1064Uc , f.
k > , b , alloat , spot ,
BARLEY Quiet ; feeding , 40@12c , c. I. f ,
OJuirulo ; malting , 43jj50c , delivered ut Now
BARLEY MALT Dull ; western , 550G3C
WHEAT RecHpts , 151,700 bu , exports ,
48,333 bu. Spot steady ; No. a led , W o f.
o. b. afloat ; No , 1 northern Duluth ,
79Mio f. o. b. alloat to arrho. No 1 hard
puluth , 8ia o to uirlvo ; No 2 red , 74Vo ele-
vutor. Options opened steady ut foe lower ,
tinder unfavorabln cables and lack of out-
Mldo tupixirt. Rallied % c on the September
flurry t Chicago , causing covering here
without lncre blng general Interest Tiie
close was Ilrm at a partial "ic net advance
Muy , 7b5 < i79 > 4o , closed , 79'io ; September.
72\C73tzc ; closed , 7J' c ; Dtcember. 7580i
76 c : closrO , 7GVic ,
C'ORN Receipts , 03,375 bu. , exports , 65,033
liu. Si > ot Ilrm ; No , 2. 33HWJc f o b
titloat ; ii > Hc elevator. Option market opened
quiet , but ruled steadier with wheat and
following Chicago , but speculation very
Hluck. Closed Ilrm at Ho net advance , May ,
84 13-16 J3Siio : closed , 36Hc ; September , Wt < iji
87Uc ; closed , 37Jc ; December , i5 > iJi35Vao ,
clocd , SWiC.
OATS Receipts. 31S.900 bu , exports , 31,092
bu. Spot Ilrm. No 2 white. 2840 ; No 3
white , 27'/4 < t ! track mixed western , 2oU2bc ;
track , white , 27@31c. Options nominal.
HOPS Steady ; mute , common to choice ,
189 crop. 66" < c ; 1897 crop nominal ; 1S9S crop
lOJflSc ; 1'atlllo ena t , 1808 crop , 4 fto ; U97
crop , nominal ; 1898 crop , llilMc.
HAY nrm ; phlpntntr , new , 600COp ; good
to choice , new , CGifSOc.
HIDES Klrm ; Galveston , 20 to 25 Ibs ,
J7o ; Texas dry , 21 to 30 Ibs , WAQlSc ;
California , 21 to 25 Ibs . 18H0"1 C
LEATHER S'eadj , hemlock sole. Buenos
Ayr < < . light to hea\y n eights , 2iC23V4c ; acid ,
Mi * J.rtO ' Q
PROVJSIONB-Be f. linn ; family. $1050
01100 , mem , $300 < frt50. beef hams $2i WSJ
SOW , packet , JlOOOfilO.DO ; city extra. India
mess , $1450 1560 Qut meato. etcndy ; pick
led bellies. $5.7507.00 ; plckfed shoulders ,
. p1ckle < l hnm .
nrm w-rstcrn ntwinKvi $ . ' 63 , continent $5 K ,
South Amirl < n $9 so , lomixiund , $4Si'4y
600 , fflned nrm. Pork , dull , tnc , $3 6w >
950 ; nhort clear , $102Sill7S , family , $11.00
Cll M
C'H LiSK Receipts. C.9S2 pkg : nulet and
Bteady , Inrse white. ll > 4 Uljir. ! small white ,
largo colored , 11'4C , small colored ,
EGGS Recnlpts , 14,156 pkRi ; firm ; western
regular packing at mart , ITfJlBHc.
TALLOW Strong ; city , 44fHV ; country ,
4 > ic.
ic.tOStNf Dull ; Btrnlned , common to good ,
$1 27VM71 30.
RICE Steady domestic , fair to extra ,
. .
MOLAPDES rirm , New Orleans open
kettle. go > 'd to choice , 32 36c.
METALS A nrmcr ruling of spelter was
Uio leading feature of Interest In the market
for metals today The other departments
were Inactlxo nnd devoid of Important
changes The news from outside markets
I was not radically rtlff'rent from expscta-
t'onF At the cloio the Metal exchange
1 cilled pig Iron warrants dull and nominal
nat J1700 , lake copper very quiet at $1S 50 ,
I tin steady with pelleri at $ SO ; lead un
changed , with tICO b'd and $1.624 asked ,
spelter , flrmcr , with $5B5 bid and $5C3
nuked The broker * ' price for lead li $4.40
i ami for copper , $18 60
OMAHA < ! ! ' . > nil A I , M VIlKtJT.
CniiilKlon of Trnilc mill ( VtintnHonn on
Sln-ilr nnd rnntM I'roilucc.
EGGS-Good stock at 14c.
BtrrTER Common to fair , lie ; choice ,
15il6r , separator , 22c ; gathered creamery ,
' POULTRY Hen , live , TWQSc : spring
i chickens , 10'4c ' , old nnd staggy roosters ,
live , 3'4ft4c ' , ducks and geese , live , 607c ;
turkejs , live , Sc ,
PIG CONS Live , per dor. , 73c.
VEALS-Cholce , 9c.
WATERMELONS-Good stoclc. crated for
shipments , 14I715c.
CANTALOUPE Per crate , Rocky Ford ,
TOMATOES-Per crate. 30$35e.
POTATOES New. 20CT30c per bu.
CELERY Per dO7 . 30035C.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . $2000225.
PLUMS-Cnllfornla. per crate. $1.3S1.50.
( ffl 00 ; clings , SOfiSoc.
APPLES Per bbl. , $2 23
GRAPHS Natives , 17018c ; Ohlos , 17iTlSc ( ;
California , $1 2501 50.
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy , $500 ; choice
California , $4.50f4.75 | ; Messina , fancy , $500
06 GO
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
per bunch $2 5002.75 ; medium-sized bunches ,
{ 2 0002 23
HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7V4c ; No 2
preen hides 6&c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No.
2 salted hides. 8c , No 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
Ibs . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 16 Ibs. , 8c.
1. 3c , tallow , No 2 , 2lic ; rough tallow , lo ;
white grease , 2V403c ; yellow nnd brown
sreaae , ! V402'ic.
St. Ijonln ( Jrnlii nnd 1
ST. LOUIS , . Sept. 13 WHDAT Higher ;
No 2 red , cash , elevator , C9c ; track , 70o ;
September , GS' c ; Dccembsr 71H@7Uic ; May ,
75Uc ; No. 2 hard , 68c.
CORN Higher ; No. 2. cash , 30c ; track ,
3lHc ; September , 30Uc ; December , 27Hc ;
May , 28c.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 , cash , track and
September , 23c ; May , 23 < 4c ; No. 2 white , 24
RYE Higher at 55c.
iFLOUR Quiet nnd unchanged.
SEEDS Timothy seed , coster at J1.75 ®
2 25 riaxseed , higher nt $1.04.
CORN-MEAL Steady at J1.731.SO.
RRAN-JSteady to nrm ; sacked lots , east
track , 61V-C.
HAY Firmer ; timothy , $7.10flOOO ; prairie ,
$6 50W7 HO
WHISKY Steady at $1 22.
IRON-CottontIe . $1.15.
HDMP Twine. 9c.
BAGGING G < Zf6 c.
PROVISIONS-Dry salt meats , easy ;
boxed shoulders extra ihort clear , $560 ,
clear ribs , J562V& & : clear sides , Jo 75 Bacon ,
easy ; ihoulders , $575 , extra short clear ,
JGOO ; clear ribs , SC 12V4 ; clear sides , $625.
Liverpool Grnlii anil Provlnlon * .
No 2. red western , dull , 5s 8V4d ; No 1 north
ern spring , dull ( is % d Futures , dull ; Sep
tember , 63 S' d ; December , 5s lOUd ;
March 6s
CORN S pot American mixed , new , 3s
4'id ; dull ; American mixed , old , quiet , 3
4d ; futures , quiet ; September , 3s 4d ;
October , 3s 4d ; November , 3s 5Hd
PROVISIONS Beef , extra India mess ,
firm , 31s 3d. Lard , prime western In tierces ,
steady , 27s 6d : American reflned In nails ,
itflndy , 2Ss 3d. Hams , short rut firm , 41 6d.
Bacon , Cumberland cut , dull. 35s Gd , Short
rlbfl , steady. 31s Gd : short clear backs , easy ,
29s Gd. Cheese , American finest , colored ,
dull. Bis.
KniiNiiN City Ornln nnd ProvlMon * .
cember , G5 c ; cash. No. 2 hard , GS'SBSHc ;
No 3 , COHiff63c ; No 2 red , G7c ; No. 3 , G30GGc ;
receipts , 94 cnrs
CORN December , 24 c ; cash. No. 2 mixed ,
29c ; No 2 white , 21c ; No 3 28yic.
OATS No 2 white , 2223c.
RYH No. 2 , 53c.
HAY Cho'ro timothy , $725@760 ; choice
prnlrie. $ G OOJTfi 25
Bt'TTER Crpnmpry , 21o ; dairy , 16c.
EGGS Firm ; slight improvement In qual
ity ; fresrh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts ,
12V4c , cases returned.
Mltnicnpolln "Wlinnt nnd Flonr.
store , No 1 northern , Scntember , B7r ; D ° -
cember , G7fIfi7T4c ( ; May , "O snO'/Jc ; old Sep-
tomlier G9Hc ; on trtnck , No. 1 hard 7Sc ;
No 1 northern , 6 ! % < ff 9Hc ; No. 2 northern ,
FLOUR Firmer : nrst patents , $3 7003 80 ;
second patents , $3600360 ; flrst clear , $250
0-2 m
Toledo Mnrlcet.
TOLEDO , O . Sept. -WHEAT-Hlgher ;
No 2 cash , Wt , ? bid ; December , 72HC1.
CORN-Dull , hflghor ; No. 2 mixed. 33c.
OATS Dull , steadv ; No. 2 mixed , 21'/4c.
RYE Firm ; No 2 cash. 67c bid.
ST ED1 ? flovor'ee < l notlvc , higher ; prime
cash , $4 90 ; October , $5 0214
1'oorln MnrUct.
PEORIA , Sept. 13 CORN Firm ; No. 3 ,
OATS Higher ; No 3 white , 21 @ 22'ie.
WHISKY Steady , on the basis of $122
for finished goods
nuliitli Wheat Alnrket.
DULUTH. Sept. 13 WHEAT No. 1 hard ,
ca h 70p ; September , 70c ; No 1 northern ,
cash , G7'4c ' ; September , C7Wc ; December ,
GSVSc ; May. 71'X c ; No. 2 northern , 61' c ; No.
3 spring , 61'/ic.
lleoiinerntlon of the ! \Ioiiey Market
MIUWM In HII Iiui > r < < < ! Tone.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13 The recupera
tion of the money market by means of the-
severe liquidation of the last two days
was reflected In a much Improved tone In
the stock maiket. Prices were a little In
clined to advance in the early dealings In
splto of the buoyant tone of Americans In
the London market and the \lgorous
stiength shown by n few specialties , Early
loans on call were mndo at 7 to 7Vi per cent
and a decline In prices set In soon after
the opening , which curried the level gener
ally below that of last night. The rate for
call loans then fell to 6 pqr cent and after
stiffening again spasmodically eased oft In
the latter part ot the day to 2 per cent
About midday there cnmo the announce
ment that the Treasury department had
decided to anticipate by about ten days
the- October pnjments of Intetest on gov >
eminent bonds , which will amount In the
aggregate to over $5,000,000 The shoits
took alarm at the steady advance which set
In nnd rushed to cover , bidding up prices
In the closing dealings by wide ad\ancen
to the top level of the clay. The closing
was \ery nctUe and luiojunt and shows
not gains ranging from 1 to 0 points To
day WUH the fortnightly settlement on the
London Stock exchage , where quite a large
short Interest is said to have existed In
Americans The decline hero was theretore
\er > opportune and London bought to tne
extent of about 25,000 shares
Tennessee Co tl was strong from the out
set und after moving In un erratic way
closed the day with an advance of tVt
po'.nts American Tobacco also de\ eloped
uariy strength nnd left off over 3 points
higher. Brooklyn Transit was down nearly
to > eaterda > 's low point and then up again
and shows a fractional net gain The new
United States Milling stocks moved up all
day und show net gains of o\er 3 points
each und Colorado Fuel as much , There
were active upward mo\emeni In the
I leather stocks. The demand for the rnll-
I roads generally gained In volume as the
I day uihanced and the upward movement
was qulto uniform In thb principal active
i issues , which have net gains of between 1
and 2 points In many instances. Gains
I above Hie average were made by Lack i-
wanna Illinois Central , Cleveland , Cincin
nati , Chicago & St. Louis , Pltteburg , Cln-
I clnnatl Chicago & St , Louis and Great
Western "B , " which ranged from 2 to 5 ,
Uio luttr Lnckawanna.
The movement of money on balance con
tinued In favor of the Interior today , but
a debit balance at the clearing house by
the ttubtreuuury relieved the pressure some
what , So far as Is known there was no
fresh supply of money In the market ,
I though the shnrp hrrAk In the cull tonti
rati > BtiRReatrd that * omo hidden reserve
might hn\e been brought forward. The
extent to which the loan contraction hnd
proceeded can only be estimated vaguely ,
but weaker speculative accounts hnvo evi
dently been shaken out to a largo extent ,
leaving the general tone In much healthier
condition. Sterling exchange fell nn addi
tional fraction for actual rates and posted
rates were reduced % c , but the fact that
discounts In London were easier indicated
that no gold movement Is In prospect from
that quarter.
Bonds were Inclined to recover In sym
pathy with stocks , the speculative Issues
leading. Total sales , par value , $2,475,000
United States bonds were unchanged In bid
I quotations.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram say : The markets
here were cheerful todnv on Mr. Chamber
lain's dispatch to the Tmnsvaal , which Is
regarded as bringing the Boers' surrender
i near. Americans were quite strong till
| New York snlcs caused an afternoon re-
I lapse. The closing was dull The general
i contango rate was 6 > 4. finally 4H. On St
1 Paul and Central Pncino it was cheaper ,
i Spanish 4s were C037H , tlntos , 45l : , Ann-
Icondas , 11S-1C. The bank bought 4SOOO
pounds sterling In gold bars This week's
outflow was 426,000 pounds sterling , The
bank did a fair business In three-months'
paper at 3V& & .
1 he following are the closing quotations
for the lending stocks on the New York
exchange today :
Del & HiulNJii . . . .122ft Am Spirits „ . t'i '
D L , & W . . . .178 Mo pfd JO-U
Den & lllo Q . 22 % Am Steel Itnop . . 42'4
do pfd 75Vi do pftl
rrle 13v Am t ) i
do 1st pfd do pfd 98U
Ot Nor pfd . . . .lb.1 Am IIn 1'lat * 4il'4
Hocking Coal IS'i du pfd W
HocklnK Vnlley . . 35 Am Tobacco 120
111. 114V. do pfd 143
Iowa Central Anaconda M Co. . . 66
lYeesed 6tcel Oar .
do iMt pfd K > V do pfd SOH
do Sd pfd 32 Pullman P. Car . .103
Rio Q Western. . . . 37 > 4 S II & T 7W
do pfd 81 F&iifrar 1J11 ;
St. I * & S T 11W do rfd 117
do let pM K Tenn. C. & 1 1J2
do 2d pfd S Vi U. S Leather 12
St. Ixnild S. W do pfd 7ft't '
do pfd Su' U S Rubber 4S1 ,
St. Paul 132 td pfd .115 4
On pfd 177 Western Union . . . . E9S
St. P & 0 118 licpubllc I. & S. . . . : %
So 1'aclflc K' do pfd 7iu
So Hallway 12'4 P. C. C. & St. t , . . . 74V4
do pfd 63Vil
AOYV York Bloncy Mnrket.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13 MONEY On call ,
ea"5er ! , at 2@7 per cent ; last loan , o/t / 4 per
oont. prime mercantile , paper. 4'4T5 ( ? par cent.
actual busines In bankers' bllH at $4 Wi ®
4 S6 for demand , and at $4 S2V4C4 82 for
rixty days ; ported rates $4 83Hif4 ? 84 , and
$4 87@4 87 % ; commercial blllj , $4 81 > 4
SILVER Certilflcates , 5959 = 4c ; bar , 69c ;
Mexican dollars , 47V > c
BONDS Oovernment bonds steady , state
bonds Inactive , railroads bonds strong.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds ;
Ilonton Slockn anil Dondn.
BOSTON , Sept. 13 Call loans , 40 = 5 per
cent ; time loans , 406 per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds and mining
shales :
A. T. * S , r M I do pfd 113W
do pfd C4Hw | at. IJlectrlo 47
Am. flu car , 1GIX do pfd 63
do pfd 113 Win. Central . . . . . . . . 17H
Bell T lfj > hii'J 357 MaiUon 4 H l
Boston & Albany . 265 Aflvcnturc 7
Boston Ti 1 < * V& AlloiKz M. Co e
Boftorn & Maine . . .209 Atlantic 27
C. B & Q 131H Boston & Montana.3.17
Fd Klec. Ill 205 Btittc & Hasten 64
Fltchburg pftl . . . U ' 4 Calumet & Hecla..77G
Oen Electric 123 Centennial 31 > 'i
London Stock Qno
LONDON , Sept. 13 4 p m Closing :
BAR SILVER Steady nt BT 3-16d per
MONEY 2 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open maiket
for short bills Is 3' per cent and for three-
months' bills SViBS per cent.
\ < MYurU Mining Quotation * .
NEW YORK , Sept , 13 The following are
the Olllclal closing quotations for mining
chares :
I'orclcrii riiinmilal.
LONDON , Sept. 13 1 p m. American se
curities opened better and Itnpioved some
what Later , however , the mt.ilcet eased off
and remained quiet during the remainder of
the session At the close the tone was Ir
regular. There was very little doing Spnn-
teh 4s closed at 60Hc. Amount of bulUon
taken Into the Bank of England on bal
ance today. Ji48.00i ) .
I'ARIS. Sept. U On tfoe bourse today
prices were strongly animated throughout
Tim approach of the tettlement caused t
realizations whSch were quickly absorbed
Rentes were Ilrm. Italians were actively
bought. Spanish 4s were In ( rood demand
Kulllre prolltcd by the relief in the Trans
vaal strain Three ner cent rentes , vat J24c
for the account. Exchange on London. 5f
27c for checks Spanish 4s closed at Cl 40
BERLIN , Sept U. On the bourse today
the rate- for private discount was 'D harder
at 5 per cent und th1 ! * weakened home funds
International > curltlesvere maintained
Americans were steady. Locals declined on
apprehensions of a scarcity of money uaus-
Ing leallzatlona. Exchange on London , 20
marks. 4G'a pfars for checks ,
FRANKFORT , Sept. U Prlcea com
menced Ilrm on the bourse today but later
local securme ? becnme weaker In consequence
quence of a decline In home funds and
fears of dearer money Americans were
quiet , but some fore4 ners advanced
BUENOB AYRE8. Sept. 13 The gold quo.
tatlon today was 13470
MADRID , Sept , 13 Spanish 4s closed at
7010. Gold waa quoted at 2318.
Western Range Steers AS Well as Cornfecls
Sell Higher ,
Good roetlrra In Demand nt Strntlr
1'rlecn Othcrn Slow bale nnil
I.tMrer HOKN Open Stonily utiil
Close Same
_ . SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 1J.
Receipts were : cattle , nogs , bhecp.
Olllclal Monday S,32b 2 , 19 3,413
Olticial Tue day 4.7U bS30 9.20S
Olllclal Wednesday 8,120 E.S43 7,330
Three dnjs this week. . . 21 159 14,951 19,951
Same da > t last week. . . 12,933 9.S91 19lSi
Same days week before.13 333 14,518 16,937
Sanio three weeks ago..17,225 ll > ,794 14,221
Average putt , mld tor hogs tor the uai
several days with comparisons ;
Indicates Sunday
The ofllclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. HOBS. Bh'p. Il'r'fl.
C , M. & St. P. Ry . . . i 3
O & St. l. Ry. . . . l
Mo. I'ac. Ry 3J 6
Union Pac. system..IOC 10 22 23
C. fc N. W. Ry 1
if' . , 12. & M. V. R. R. . . G3 28
C. , St. P. , II. & O. Ry. 4 9
U. & M. R. R. R 100 19 4 7
C. , U. & Q. Ry 2 7
K. C. & St. J 1
C. , R. I. A. P. Ry. , cast 3 1 . . . .
C. , R I. & P. Ry.oit . . 3
Cripples and driven In. 19 63 1 1
Total receipts 313 88 2S 30
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
Cattle. HORS. Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co 148 7J9 276
O. H. Hammond Co 353 95S 372
Swift and Company 665 1,110 39S7
Cudahy Packing Co 518 1,607 112
Armour & Co 721 1,426
Cud Pack. Co. . K. City. . 616
Armour & Co , from K. C. 43
Swift & Co , from coun 1014
R. Becker & Degan 700
Vatisant & Co 19S
Lobman & Co 112
W. 1. Stephen 56
Hill Ac Huntzlnger Ill
Denton & Underwood. . . . . . 124
Huston & Co
Livingstone & Schallor , . . 977
Hamilton At Rothschild. . . . 642
Ij. P. Husz 48
Other buyers 1.774 1,024
Held over 900 1,024
Totals 8,655 6,830 7,815
CATTLE Receipts of cattle- were largo
today , and though not quite up to Monday s
llgures they were the largest for a Wcdnes-
< lny of this y ar. Almost all of the cattle-
were from the w IB tern ranges , and the
moat of them were feeders and stock cattle ,
largely on the common order.
Beef cattle , both cornfeds and grussers ,
were In very moderate supply , wnlle the
demand waa of very liberal proportions.
As a result the ma.rkt on that kind waa
fully t.teady , and some wore oven reporting1
It oa strong. The offorlngs were practically
all taken early In the morning.
Oows and heifers were In liberal supply ,
but at the same time there was no oversupply -
supply of really desirable kinds. The mar
ket was reaaonaL y active and steady on
the good kinoa , but a little easier on common -
mon stuff.
Aa noted abo\ , the most of the cattle
here were western feeders and stocliers and
consequently the interest of the day's busl-
ncbs centered very largely In the trade on
that kind. Good heavy feeding cattle
seemed to be scarce and bu > ers were all
inquiring for that kind , so that the few
cattle tnat would answer to that descrip
tion were ready sailers at Etoady prices.
On the other hand the common llgnt cattle ,
In fact the comnibn cattle of all kinds ,
were very slow sttle , and sellers In many
cafces tound It oXtrwneJy dllllcult to got a
buyer even to look , at uch cattle. Common
kinds were all of lOc lower , but In many
oases it was jiot 30 much a question , of
pr.ce as of rinding a buyer at any price.
The facts are that , there has been too much
trash coming into the yards , and they tilled
up with cattle for which the country de
mand IB very llgftt. 1-aimejs who have a
place to put Itjfht pattlo might llnd the
present a good time to buy , as the cattle
are to bo had at way lower prices than was
the oas > e a week or two ag'o. Representative
26. . 915
43 feedeis , S30 4 50 40 feeders , . 973 4 25
14 feeders 4 50 19 steert' . . .1201 4 35
4 50 72 feeders , , 943 4 40
66 feeders 773 4 40
, t cow * 11 Ml 3 75 3 cows. , . , .10515 3 50
Ibull . . . . ItBt ) 2 JO 4 cowu . , , .ifr.o J 40
7 cows , . 949 3 35 1 cow . , . , .1170 3 16
2 cows1 910 J 10 29 cow a . . , .107J 3 G5
1 heifei , .10JO J 75 64 cows. , . , . J1U 3 00
1 l.elfrr. 950 J 40 21 cows , . 9SI J t5
2 cows. . 1010 2 cows , . , 1190 3 U5
1 cow . . , 750 3 10 10 steeTH , , ll'i 4 70
4 cows. . . . 1097 J > 25 steers , , , .1124 4 70
J cows . . . , 940 3 10 32 heifers , . t > 51 3 95
3CO\\B , , % ! J 40 lcnlf . . . . . 3SO 4 i'o
JCOU3. . 900 3 10 54 calves , , . 353 5 10
1 cow . . . . ,10bO , 3 00 icalf . 250 5 25
1 feeder..1270 370 1 bull 970 3 75
25 feedeis. 1WK3 4 15 1 cow 980 350
1 feeder. . . 1130 4 25 7 cows. . . . 941 3 70
G cows 96G 3 40 1 bull. , , , . . 9M ) 3 40
2 cow * . . 995 3 60 4 feeders. . 735 4 10
61 feeders . 701 4 10
- cows. , . . 1073 J JO 29 feeders. .1131 4 30
27 cows. , 11CS J 70 5 heifers. . 833 335
25 cows , , . , . : o 4 30
1 bull 1470 300 3 feeders , . 833 400
Ibull . . . 1600 3 00 8 feeders .1029 4 60
1 bull 1UO 3 00 18 feeders .10JI 4 10
1 bull 1130 3 20 11 feeders 1163 4 CO
1 bull 1230 J 25 5 feeders .1018 4 CO
1 bull 1270 3 25 1 feeder , . 910 4 CO
C fe iler , . fcoD 4 00 12 feeders .1298
19feedei 10SO 4 60 1 bull . 11SO 3 35
21 fe-ederj % 3 4 50 1 cow . . 1010 3 10
1C feeders. S40 4 E5 0 C-OWH 1011 J 60
15 feeders . ! )76 ) 450 2 cows .1135 3 Co
3 hclfei i . 970 3 65
2 calve : 200 5 CO 2 steers .1080 4 GO
1.'calves. 37J 6 00 1 steer 11W ) 4 CO
1 cow 1010 3 00 1 coub .11JO 3 65
1 cow . 700 2 75 2 cows .1206 3 G5
1 cow SSO 3 00 2 CDWb .105 3 bj
1 cow 10-.0 1 00 S cows ion 3 C5
'J COW to 930 2 63 1 cow . SOO 3 50
" COW 8 1CC5 2 65 1 feeder , 760 4 35
1 COW 92U 3 45 1 feeder. 780 3 50
1 heifers > 20 3 45 4 feeders . 9S2 4 5
3 heifer * , . 803 a 45 7 feeders 1042 4 35
3 heifers ( Cl 3 60 9 feeders 958 4 35
4 steer * 1237 4 CO
Heine Kroeger , South Dakota.
12 rows , 916 j 45 7 cows . . .mi 4 00
2 feeders. S13 3 CO 32 steere. . 1171 4 45
C feedeis 103G 3 40
Paul Chllsky.
17 cows. . . 1007 3 00 5 feeders 674 4 25
Swan L & C Co. Wyo.
69 cows . 9SG 370 22 ste-erff..I304 4 6 >
17 heifers ,1112 4 35 115 steers , 1201 4 55
H , Farthing Wyo
22 feeders. 1227 4 CG
r O Ueaver Wyo
Icow. . . , 1200 SCO 10 feeders. . 1036 4 CO
38 feeders. . 913 441 12 feeders..132S 470
L Phllllps-Ncb.
21 feeders 1002 4 40
H M. Wlnlow-Colo.
6 feeders , . 94 < 400 50 feeders. . 8S3 440
S0fe d6rs. . 949 H 40
E. P , M yers-Nfcb.
42 feeders..1021 445 24 feeders..IOCS 4 45
44 feeders..1043 4 4.1
J. King-Neb.
2 feeders 1038 300 52 feeders , .1037 425
30 feeders..1036 4 25
A. E. Scott Neb.
Icow f 0 310 12 feeders. . 760 355
Icow Kfl 3 10
Wlldv Bros Neb.
2 cows..1015 2 75
G. O. Falrhend-Neb.
2 cows. . . . 10RO 210 lOcow . .1013 350
Ibull. . . IfsiO 3 CO 48 steers. . . 957 305
Icow 12SO 3 15
WilPoo & W.-Wyo.
2 calves. . . 3 i 3 25 32 feodPM .1170 4 M
Isteor 990 375 9 feeders , . 1130 450
William Woodi-Mont.
Icows. . . . 1073 3 30 21 feeders .931 4 20
22 cow . . . . 2140 400 19 feeders .1120 420
Wlldy Bros-Neb
27 feeders. . 990 450 6 cows . . . .1010 320
1 feeder. . . 800 3 BO Icow 1040 SSO
10 cows 761 3 25 1 cow S30 2 90
J Koser S D
21 feeders. . 9S9 4 25 2 feeders. . 870 4 33
J. Dixon 8 D.
2 cows. . . 1160 300 16 feeders. . 9S7 435
6 cows. . . .1030 3 60
J. Taylor.
29 cows. . . 1025 3 76
Icow 1010 265 2 heifers. . . 470 380
17 cows. . . .871 2 65 1 feeder. . . 750 4 00
1 heifer. . . . 780 310 1 stocker. . 220 400
1 bull 1230 3 25
The Morgan Co Colo.
1 feeder. . 1000 3 40 23 feedors. . 902 4 15
1 feeder..1000 4 00
C. Hampton Neb.
B cows. . . . . 901 2 75 2 feeders. . 750 3 76
11 heifers . . D78 3 30 1 heifer. . . . 900 4 00
1 stag . . . .1200 350 42 feeders. . 827 420
W. King-Neb.
63 feeders..1025 420
J. King Neb.
68 feeders..1043 4 20
16 feeders. . 872 4 15 G feeders. . B78 4 60
4 feeders . 962 I 40 6S feeders. . D20 4 40
1 feeder. . 860 1 4i 21 feeders D12 420
Ibull 1520 320 14 COWS\.1012 \ 360
2 cows. . . 10S5 360 Icow. . . .1050 325
G. O. Falrhead Neb ,
24 steers. . . . 939 4 00
11. A. Dawson S D.
33 cows 1006 355 53 CO u a . .1008 365
5 feeders. 1114 3 75 105 feeders..1144 4 35
Johnson Bron Wjo.
Icow 1160 300 24 cows 1023 335
2 cows 890 3 35 2 feeders . 870 3 75
1 cow SSO 3 35 56 feeders , . 952 4 16
frank Mason Neb
2 feeders. 932 3 SO 118 feeders. . 932 430
106 cows. . 1005 S 45
L. G. Pitt-Neb.
15 feeders. . 783 3 20 2 fcederi. . 560 4 25
6 feeders. 610 4 25 35 feeders. . 914 4 25
William Reagan Colo.
2 cows..1140 3 00 4 feeders. . 975 4 33
11 cows . . . .1116 360 7 feeders..10S2 435
3i feeders..1028 4 25 4 feeders. . 980 3 75
2 feeders .102S 3 75 CS feeders. . 980 i 40
G feeders..1040 4 35
P. B Jensen Neb.
16 feeders. . 965 4 35
W. J. Kelley Neb.
Scows 1253 300 Ihelfer. . . 900 360
Icow 1000 110 1 feeder. . . b 0 375
I heifer. . . 770 3 20
H. R. Christiansen Neb.
Gcows . . . .1013 380 1 steer. . . . 970 475
F. E. Mnsxm.
3 feeders. . 931 3 60 168 feeders. . 977 4 35
109 feeders. 933 430 16 feeders. .1108 445
31 feeders. . 967 433 47 feeders..1100 446
Harry Farthlngr Wyo.
22 steers..1271 6 10
A. C. Evcleth-S. D.
20 feeders..1145 4 35
J. H. Westover 3. D. '
17 heifers. . 865 365
M tctdera. . tfi2 4 25
Henry Grube S. D.
G heifers. . 9SO 3 60 6 feeders..10S1 410
5 steers..1343 4 35
Corbln Morse ' 8. D.
8 cows 9863 30 130 feeders..1062 4 23
19 cows 9C6 365 100 feeders. . 1068 435
6 feeders. . 1256 4 25
6 oowa &bb 3 15 8 steers..ItM 475
27 steers . . .1145 3 90
B. E Johnson , Nrtirnska.
5 cows 1052 3 00
W. J. Plckett , Minnesota.
26 feeders. . 873 3 75
Heenan & FInlen Nebraska.
49 feeders. . 1123 4 15
P. Connlzln Wyo.
13fc der . .10t)0 4 45
J. D Saporal Neb.
3 steers. . . . 910 380 15 steers . . . 730 380
HOGS The early market was just about
steady with yosterdaj and quite a number
of the early sales fell into yesterday's
notch * : . Later the market showed mroe
strength and closed a little stronger , in ex
treme cases 5c higher. The mark-et waa
actUe at the prevailing prices and prac
tically everything sold early.
Heavy hogo sold at $4 YtW&\ and light
ml\ed londB at $4 26W4 30 , with some good
light at $4 35. It will be remembered thnt
jeoterday the hog > sold largely at J4 20Ii >
4 25 , while today a large proportion of all
the hogs sold at J422H&427H
Today's stronger market , helped to wipe
out a portion of the decline yesterday , so
that the hogs st > Id today only about 5c
lower than on Mondiy and a little stronger
than on AVednesday of last week. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No Av. Sh. Pr.
63 C57 . . .J420 64 273 EO 425
C5 JS4 . . . 4 2) 151 2o SO 4 M
40 M6 . . . 430 32 141 SO 423
T D03 40 41.0 65 320 . .425
G.1 MD 40 4 20 62 272 40 4 23
C ? 2SS . . . 420 71 Xi 200 4 25
68 327 160 4 20 61 33 . . . 4 23
4,1 , 322 ICO 4 20 W 315 X > 4 23
Cl 26R . . . 420 67 2M . . . 425
1C 254 120 4 22H W 2J1 80 423
61 248 . . 4 22'4 C5 24 * . . . 1 7'/4
d 257 . . . 4 J2Vs 61 274 40 4 27 %
67 Xf , 80 4 St" . C5 363 . . . 4 27 > ,
1 S'/O ICO 4 22V * CO Z1S . . . 4 27' *
76 235 200 4 S2V4 6 2 0 S ) 4 27'4
TO HI V > 4 22' ' * 66 217 40 4 27V4
CS Z0 ! 200 4 2S'i BS 3 8 . . . 4 2TVi
0 203 . . 4 22V4 63 239 . . . 4 . " 7V4
C9 267 120 4 22H 54 501 . . 4 27'4 '
W 202 . . . 4 2t'4 S 183 40 4 27'4 ,
W 7 40 4 22' , 64 SCO 80 4 j.Vi
42 . . . . 2 4 . . . 4 22V4 "O KO . . . 4 27'A
58 M4 40 4 22V , 63 230 80 4 27'4
K 2S4 SO 4 :2H 01 tt'i ISO 4 27V *
SI 287 160 4 23 .1 * M 160 4 17V1
1i 2S2 HO 423 (9 M7 . . . 4 27 > 4
Co 286 . . . 4 25 244 . . 4 27'4
CS 262 . . . 4 23 92 185 40 4 37V4
77 WC . 4.4 77 234 . . . 4 21V4
H rt 120 4 & 62 231 . . . 4 27V4
87 ! 30 48 4 25 73 264 40 4 27V4
CO 301 40 4 M K 2SS . . . 4 27V4
C4 247 200 4 25 67 231 120 4 2Vn
171 S82 80 43' 12 J21 * . . 410
58 260 . . . 428 88 230 . . . 430
67 231 . . . 4 K 84 233 ICO 430
12 . . . 284 . . . 4 26 8 ! 216 80 4 30
C3 . . . . 267 EO 4 25 C5 248 120 4 30
7S SIS . . . 4 2S 74 211 120 430
ft 241 ICO 4/3 % 2.5 0 4 30
811 231 SO 4 25 CO 21D . . . 4 SO
72 213 . . . 4 2 10 314 W 4 12'/4
71 257 40 4 25 18 178 40 4 S3
C7 > yO . . 4 2- > m . . 211 . . . 4 33
5 2 2 . . . 4 00 4 193 . . . 4 23'/4
7 Ill . . . 420 7 138 . . . 4 S3
6 233 . . . 420 6 233 . . . 425
6 213 . . . 4 20
SHEKP Receipt's so far this week have
been good nnd liberal for this market ,
though there Is not much change as com
pared with the three days of Inst w ? k.
Other maikets have also been well fupplled
and theie has been nn easier tendency to
the market. Yesterday \alues were n llttlo
lover , as noted , and today the fce-Unsr waa
certainly no better On sheep It would be
iafe > to quote n steady market , but lambs
were slow and neak. As was the case yes-
ttrday , tluronf a good deal of sorting
up to be done , nnd It xvas late before many
of the sheep were ready to show , co that a
good mnny did not sell until after midday.
Stcckers and feeders nreIn good demand ,
while the supply lj far from large There ,
me buyers for everyhlng of that kind com
ing to the yards , .
Quotations. Prime native wethers , $ IOOJ ?
4 25 ; good to choice grass v , ethers $1 SOfp
3 90 : fair to peed grans wethers , ? 3.63fi3.75 ;
good to choice yearlings , $4 004.15j good to
choice grass on PS , $3 40 < 8'3 50 ; fair to good
gram r > we . $1,00ti.l ( 15 ; good to cho'ce spring
lambs. J4 90f(5 00 ; fair to good spring lambo ,
M75S-190 ; common sprlnc lamia , $40W450 ,
feeder wethers , M,63 > g3.SO , feeder yearlings.
K 603.90 ,
No Av Pr
94 ones 97 12 G3
33 cull nwes , 104 300
1 cull cwo 100 300
1 } cull ewes 91 300
1 buck 180 3 10
16 ewes , 97 3 uO
II ewes 97 350
10) ) urt'.ern ewes , W 3 EO
25Mvastern c\\es , 90 350
263 western owes 93 350
102 western eues 101 3 50
fOD tern rues 83 350
178 enes and nnthera s > 3 SO
13 western wethers M 4 00
53 western wethers 91 4 00
13 western wethers 100 4 00
' i2 western wethers 93 4 00
\V \ western sheep Ill 4 00
L43 nestern sheep Ill 4 < Ki
S54 western wethers M 4 00
M western wethrw 82 405
107 western wethers 82 4 03
102 western wethers 82 4 05
! 7G western wethers 85 4 10
l1 vearllng wethers , 94 4 10
I'.i'i feeding lambs 3 4 2-5
50 cull lambs 67 4 23
190 feeding lambs 61 4 in
! 11 feeding lambs 67 4 40
Pi western wethers 77 4 cs
97 Iambs 67 4 75
21 lambs Gl 4 f5
32 western Iambs EO 4 8S
174 western lamb' Cft 4 85
! J8 western lambs 62 4 M
2 lambs 80 5 00
St. Jnncjih IUo Slock ,
SOUTH ST JOSEPH , Mo. Sept. 13-Spe-
: lnl ) The Journal quotes ,
CATTLE Receipts , 1,100 head. Market
active and stendy to tnsy , natlvft , $4
Tfxns nnd western * , IT SwffC 00 < iw ftin
hlfpp . 26'i4 75. bulls nnd Rtngn , UK u4 ( \ .
yoarllngs niul cnlxcs , $1 ( XXifi I1 ; smokers nni
fecdots. $18ff4ffi , Veuls $10011675
HOGS-RecelptK , 4,600 bond Market nctlvi
and stt nd } , Heavy nnd medium. | l2MM3o
light , $1 mt7'4 ! , pigs , Jl OOJJ4 35 ; bulk o
SalM , f 4 30fN 35
SHfcUPRecolpK 1,300 head. Mnrke
nctJve and at truly
CJmlcr CnttloIlrlnx Oooil Price * , llnl
Orillnnrr < lrn < lilUilp Weak.
CHICAGO , Sept. 18-CATTLE Most ol
the strictly choice cattle offered today soli !
early at strong prices , but ordinary grndcf
ruled weak nd about lOc lower Good cat
tle sold at J5.7000.70 ! commoner grades ,
$4.500560 ; stackers and feeders , $420ff495l
bulls , cows nnd heifers , $1S5R640 ; Texas
steers , $350fj > 4.25 ; rangers , $4.oOijG 30 ; calves ,
4 2ojf7.76.
HOGS There was an Improved demand
for hogs nnd prices ruled ilrm and 5c
higher Heavy hogs sold nt $400fc4Ci ) ,
SfeSMi ffifri1' ! ! " 30SB-70' " 'B3' ' '
SHEKP AND LAMBS-Tho market for
sheep and lambs was easier , offerings be
ing top-heavy for the demand. Sheep sold
mostly nt $1 OOij 115 , a few choice native
wethers bringing $1.40 Lambs sold at Jl 75
J(025 ( for ordinary to choice.
RECEIPTS-Cattle. 16,000 head ; hogs , 28- ,
000 head , sheep , 21,000 head
St. I.otiU Lite Stock.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 13-CATTLE-Recclpts ,
4500 head , including 2000 head Texans ,
market active nnd steady to strong , nntlvu
shipping nnd export steers. $4 S00ti 35. with
top steers worth up to $6S3 , dressed bccl
SJ1 ; , , * 580' s'oers ' under 1.000 Ibs ,
$3 gofifi 00 , Mockers nnd feeders , J2 65fi4 60 ,
cows nnd heifers , $2 25j5 00 , canners , Jl 5 3i )
276. bulls. $1760426. Texas and Indian
steers , $3100450 , cows and heifers , $275if
HOGS-Recelpts , 7,000 head : market
steady , pigs and lights , J4 40 4 50 ; packers ,
$430JW.4o , butchcis. $ l60jm > 5
SHEEP Receipts , 4,500 head ; market
steadv , native muttons , $17 42' ; Iambs.
$4 S51T3.75 , stockers , $32551355 , culls and
bucks , J2 26g3.76
KnnniiM CMr I.Uc Stock.
celept , 11,000 head natives , 3000 head Tcx-
u.ns ; choice nnd medium grades , active and
steady , a few bunches of commonest grades
were a shade lower ; heavv native steers ,
$5 SOSTfi 00 ; lightweights. Jl 903jS 70 , stockeis
nnd feeders , t3 8034 73 ; butchers' cows and
hflfers J'iOOS475 ( : cnnners , $2.4Xft300 ( , west
ern steers $3 65 < S5 50 ; Texans , J3.053 ( CO
HOGS Receipts , 10,650 head ; good volume
of business nt yvsterdny's prices ; heavy ,
$430JH37'4 ; mixed J4 25jr4.37Vi ; light , $4 ! 0g >
4S7U ; pigs , $100 426
SHEEP Receipts 3,7 < fl head ; good de
mand for all grades nt yesterdnj's advance ;
lambs , $4 005TC IB ; muttons , W SOffl 90 ; stock-
era and feeders , $300f400 ; culls , $22551300.
StooU In Sight.
Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for September 11 :
Cattle. Hogs Sheep
South Omaha 8,120 6,842 7,33 (
Chicago 10,000 25,000 21,000
Kansas City 14,000 10.ESO 3,780
St. Louis 6,600 7,000 4,500
Totals 44,620 61,422 36,611
Clovelnnil , Cincinnati , ChtcnRO .t St
Louli Uccllirew a Dtvlilciul.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13 The directors ot
the Cleveland. Cincinnati , Chicago & St.
Louis Railroad company have declared a
quarterly dividend of 1'i per cent on the
preferred stock , payable October 20.
Wool Mnrket.
BOSTON , Sept. 13 WOOL The Ameri
can Wool and Cotton Reporter will say to
morrow : The wool market Is very active
and strong. Several of the largest mills
have be-en represented In the market during
thP last week and they have contracted for
large block of wool , covering a number of
varieties and grades. Largo lines of ter
ritory have been taken in million bunches
one house reporting the sale of a 2,000,000
bunch , another a sale of a 1,500,000 , while
others report large transactions , aggregat
ing In each case 500,000 pounds or nxire.
Fleeces have been In large movement and
the movement for pulled wools has also Im
proved. A decidedly better demand for
medium wools is noted. In addition to the
business reported as having been consum
mated there has been almost unprecedented
inquiry for sample bags which , It Is be
lieved , will result In further large transac
tions in the ; course of a weelc or two.
Prices continue strong , with an upward
tendency The sales of the week amounted
to S.461.COO pounds domestic nnd 4S5.00C
pounds foreign , making a total of 8,55GCOO
pounds , against G 639,900 pounds for the
previous week and a total of 2,376,000
pounds for the corresponding week last
year. Sales since Jatunry 1 , 1899 , amount
to 200,311,100 pounds , against 82,180,010
pounds last jenr .t this time.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13 WOOL Steadv.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 13 WOOL Unchanged.
Oil Market.
LONDON , Sept 13 OILS Calcutta
Unseed , spot , 40s 9d ; turpentine spirits ,
31 Cd.
LIVERPOOL , Sept. 13 OILS-Cottonsced ,
dull , refined October easy , ICs ; turpentine
spirits , steady , 35s
TOLEDO. Sept 13 OILS Unchanged.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13 OILS Cottonseed
oil , steady ; off summer yellow , 25c. Petro
leum , stiong ; refined New York , $855 ; Phila
delphia nnd Baltimore , $8 TO , Philadelphia
and Baltimore , In bulk , $6 00. Turpentine ,
steady , 46W47C.
OIL CITY. Sept -OILS-Credlt bal
ances , $143 , cerUllcatefl , $142'/4 ; both for
cnsh. S-hlpments. 3\3$3 bbls ; average. 77,856
abls ; runs , 121,041 bbls ; averages , 83,322 bbls.
Iluttcr Mnrket.
ceipts 2540 pkgs ; Hteady ; western cream
ery , 18J2'c ? ; Juno creamery , 18'4@22c ; lac-
torv , 13@16c
ST. LOUIS , Sept 13 BUTTER Firm ;
creamery , 19jr21c : dairy , 14fMSc.
Crenmery 21c : dnlry , 16c.
Firm and good demand ; fancy western
creamery , 23c ; fancy western prints , 24c.
Dry finmln Mniket.
good demand for all descriptions of staple
cottons reported. No advance In brown or
Bleached cottons Large buyers anxious to
ilace orders for spring deliveries of
Bleached cottons , but are generally re
served. Coarse cottons strong. Advances
n denims nnd plnlds probable Prints nnd
ginghams unchanged. Silks arc Ilrm but
CI < * nrliiKH.
NEW YORK. Sept 13 Clearings ! $202,073-
016 ; balances. $6,282,393.
BOSTON , Sppt. 13 Clearings , $23,922,270 ;
) nlnnc ( , $3 013 551.
ST. LOUIS , Sept 13 Clearings , $5457692 ;
balances $571,925 Money , 4 8 nor rent New
York exchange , 60c discount bid , 25c discount
CHICAGO , Sfint. 11 Clpnrlngs , $20,8S9,70' ! ;
balance * . f2,1709V ) Now York exchange 55o
discount. Sterling exchange , $1 8401 87'S
Condition of HuT
WASHINGTON. Sept 1't Todnv' * stnto-
ment of the condition of the- treasury shows
Available cTh balance , $253,200,910 , gold re
serve , S250,3S5S75
Telephone 1039. Oinahit , Neb
Direct wire" tu Ctoluijtn and Nee Tork.
Corr pnmlrnUi Jiibo A. Warrtn A Cc.
. . . .
'OMAHA ' nca- U" = ° m * R
free Sept.
to the woman who lifts turned In the great
est number of White Russian neap v , rappers i
slnco Sept 1st They must be In by 2 o'clock
Bept 15 Thwo wrappers will also bo
counted In the grand ( .onte&t ending Dec 20.
I&93 Parties out of town may send In the
trademarks tut from White Russian toap
wrappers , These contents , at present , ojicn I
: > nl > to women of Nebraska und Council
EHuffH , Iowa. Jusf. S Kirk & Co , 300 S 12th
street , Omaha. I
rou SAM : utnij UHTA-IIJ.
Rnilroid "The Nor.h-
vuatern Line'1 General
l Mli.r-s , United Stuli.i
National innk Building
8. W. Corner Tncittii
_ nnd rnrnnin Streo1 *
Ticket Ollice , 14 J Fimmm Street , Tclo-
phone , 5bl. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streots. 'lelephono. C29.
Loavo. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mnnknto &
St. Paul , Minneapolis.a fi.50 am a S:40 Mn
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mnnknto & Sioux City.a 6:25 : pm nllPO : pm
Sioux City Local a 7:45 : urn a 4:20 : pm
a Dally
western Hallway "Tho
Northwestern Lino"
City Ticket omcc , 1401
r.irnam Street. Telephone -
phone , 661 , Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streots. 'lelc-
phone , 629.
LCAVO. Arrlvo.
Davllght Chicago Spe
cial , a. 6:10 : am nllM : Pm
Carroll Local b 6:25 : pin blO:10 : am
Eastern Kxprosa , DCS
Molnci. Mnrshnlltown ,
Ccdnr Rapids and Chicago
cage all:03 : am a 4:03 : pm
Atlantic riyer , Chicago
and Eaat a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm
rat t Mall , Chicago to
Omaha . . . . , n J-45 pm
Omahn-Chlcngo Special.a 7.03 pm a s 15 nm
rast Mntl 8:30 : am
a Dally b Dntlj except Sunday.
& Missouri Valley Rail
road "The Norlhw.'Mern
JJne" Qenoral Olllcps ,
United States National
Haul ; Hldg. , Southwest
Corner Twelfth und
nam Streets Ticket olllce , 1401 Fnrnam
Btroet. Telephone , 5C1. Depot. 15th and
Webster Streets , Telephone , 145S.
Leave. Arrive.
Blnck Hills , Dondwood ,
Hot Spring * * a 3 00 pm a 6:00 : pm
W > omlng , Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm
llnstlngt , York , Di\ld
City , Superior , Geneva ,
Exctpr and Sen aril b 3.00 pm b 5CO : pm
Norfolk , Vcrdlgro nnd
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am
Lincoln. Wahoo and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO.23 nm
Fremont Local c 7:30 : am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday , o Sun-
day only. d Dally except Saturday.
Minneapolis & Omaha
" Northwestern
Railway "Tho
western Line" General
Olllces. Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th nnd Webster
Sts. City Ticket OlRci > ,
1401 Farnum St. Telephone , 601. Depot , 15th
and Webstei Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Ex-press ( for
Sioux Citv , st Paul &
Minneapolis ) a 6.00 am
Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pin
Blair. Emerson. Sioux
City , 1'onca , Harting-
ton and BlooniIloUl..b 1-00 pm b2:10 : pm
No. 2 Twin city L't'd..a 6:55 : pm
No. 1 Omaha Limited . . a 9:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
Innd Route" Gereral Olllcoa , > .
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Tarnain
Streets City Ticket Ofllce , 1303
Farnam Street. Telephone ,
316. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
"Tho Overland Limited"
for Utah. Idaho , Mon
tana , California , Oregon
gen and Washington
points a. 8:40 : am a 4:35 pm
The Colorado Spatial
for Denver ana all
Colorado points all.65 pm a 0:30 : am
Pacllic Express for
Denver , Salt Lake ,
Pacific Conat and all
western points b 4.25 pm a 6:30 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice and
Stromsburg Exoress . .b 4:25 : pm b 1.20 pm
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk. Giand Island nnd
North Platte n 4 23 pm b 4:35 : pm
Columbus Local b 7.30 pm b 9:30 : am
North Platte Local a l.LO pm
South Omaha Local Pass Lea % es. ( > . 'o a.
m ; 7:00 : a , in. , 10:10 : a , m ; 3.05 p. m. Ar.-ive-s ,
10 45 n m : 3 30 p. m. ; 6.25 p. m. ; 6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves. 5 20 n. m.
G.40 a m. ; 6.50 n. m ; 7:35 a. m ; 9-30 a. m.
b 10:45 : a. in. ; 1 23 p. m ; 2:16 p. m ,4.33 p m.
6:23 : p. m ; 5.55 p. m. , 8.55 p. m ; 10 . ' 0 p. m
Arrives , 0.20 n. in. , 7:20 : a. m : 8.10 a. m.
8-45 a. m. ; 11.30 a m. ; J 05 p. m. ; 4.05 p in.
6.55 p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m , 7:30 : p. m. : 9.33 p. m.
11.00 p. m ; 11 53 p m.
a Dall } . b Dilly except Sunday.
. &
sourl River Railroad
"Tho Burlington Routo'
General Olllces , N. W.
Corner Tenth and Fir-
nam Streets. Ticket
Otnco. J102 Farnam
ri- , Street. T li-phone , 2X1.
Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Tele
phone 310.
Leave. Arrlva.
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook a 8.40 am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver , Colorado
rado , Utah. California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln , Black Hills.
Montana ic Pugct
Sound a 4:2C : pm a 3 00 pm
Lincoln Local a 7.00 pm alO.JS am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm nlO.Ja am
Denver , Colorado , Utah
& California a G.30 am
a Dally.
seph & Council Bluffs
Railroad "Tt.c Burling
ton Route" Ticket Ofhce
1502 Farnam Street , Tele
phone , 250 Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.Leave. \
Leave. Arrlvo.
Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 9:80 : am a 5:45 : pm
Kansas City Night Ex .alO:16 : pin u c.JO am
St Loul Flyer for St.
Joseph and St. Louis .a 4:65 : pm all:15 : am
a Dally.
& Ouincy Railroad "The
Burlington Route" Ticket
Olllce , 1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 250. Depot Tenth is
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Daynght Chicago Spec-
clal . a 6:40 : nm
Chicago Vestibulcd Ex.a 6 05 pm a S.OG nm
Chicago Express . a 9.30 am a 4:05 : pm
Chicago & Ht. L. Ex. . . .a 7:43 pm a 8:05 : am
1'ocillc Junction Local. . alO.45 am
R ? . The & Great Rock Unl Isl
and Route. " City Tick
et Olllce. 1323 Fan mm
Street Celephane , ?
Erects l ° elephoneaw" '
Des Molncs Local a 7.05 nm bll
Chicago Express bll.15 am a s'nj , ; U
Chicago Fast Express..a 5 on pm a 1.25
M * . Paul Past Kxpiees . .a 6.00 pm bll:33 : 01 nm
Lincoln , Colorndn Spgs .
Denver , Pueblo und
zsfu SB i rs sis
" 3M
a Dally b Di-lly except Sun "ay.
road General Offices nn.i
Ticket Olllces Sou heast Co
ner 14th nnd Douglas sta
Telephone. 101 Depot , lotli
and Webster Sots. " ' „ , . ; : .
T tW" Arrlvo.
St. LouisnnlCsas &
Neb Limited a 3 00 pm al2.53
K C.-St. L. Express. . a 8 60 pm a 6:00 : ama Pm
NebraBka Local via
w ! ° l ! ! " & Water . . . . 1,603pm a 9.45 am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday ,
. . . . . Tenth . . „ „ n Hta.
Telephone. C29
Chicago LiVnltfd Ex. . . .a G.4 Vnm n Arrive S 20 ,
Cnlcapo & Omaha Ex bll.OO tun b 3.oi am
? lou- City g DCH Molnea pm
Lxprctti . bll 00 nm H t w
u Hilly I. D.tlly except Sunday.
, road-Omaha. KanL
Eastern Ralroad-"Tl'a |
Qulncy Route" Tlckot of
flee , 1415 Karnani Htrcet
J elenl'ne. , 3 Depot , Tenth
strcotsT -
Jt Louis Cannon Ball "
Exprwn . a 4:50 : om a li > 3d a
fansaa City and Qulncy
! ? ' 0rlJ1loevl 5 I'-arnam
Street , Telephone
- - - v < - j ti w i ) vt 892 De
pot. Tenth and Mason
atrcets. Tfilpehone , G20
Leave. Arrive.
Loulu "Canon Ball"
. . . . . . . . . .a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : aim