0 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : IVrOKDAT , 8EPTEMBEU 11 , 1899. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Only Paris Hews Prmnts Ohicago Wheat \ from Showing a Decline , CORN , 0TS AND PROVISIONS CLOSE LOWER Inert-imp In thr IJnrnprnn Vlnllilo ninl ' Hid IttiMMlan Slucki Anccln \\lu-nt lit a lliMtrlMi AVn > . CHICAGO , Sept. 9 The verdict In the Drejfus case and coni quont excitement in 1'arls sa\cd wheat from a dccl.ne today , the market clos ng unchanged for Septem ber and only u shade lower tor December. Dome-ale and European statistics tended toward lower prices early In the dn > . Corn coiulnuenl to decline und closed Vic lo\\or. Oats declined Hc for September nnd un changed for December. Provisions closed about 2''jc tower. \ \ heat opened weak at n decline of about Jii * e for Dccembe'r and September. He- cclpts of wheat In the northw st were much Hc-aNlcr than a week ago and 1/Vir- pool was lower. Ihe general trend ot the inarkut haa been downward for seveial tlu > H and Uils sort of news easily put the balance ot trading on the sUUng Mde. Ihe was heavy , but the Boll.ng pressure ut noon demand wait bo l.t'tit that prices declined uteaUnj , weakness being especially marked In the defertcd futures Ihe market soon B l under puts and at that point became steady under fair bujlnir aga nat those pr.vlicges but dd not show signs of any reaction until late In the session , when the report of the verdict In the Dreyfus case was posted and fears of excitement in Pars caused "ome covering by shorts The bujlng , however , wan only sulllcicnt to bring prices back to alKiut yesterday s clos ing point. The market was nITected in a bearish way by the Increase ot loO.OOO bu , In the Uuropenn v'Blble for August , compared with n decrease last > ear of " .MXJ.OOO bu. The big llusslan stock. S.S90000 bu. , also and was re- came as n surprise to traders Bponslble for some liquidation SaptPmber , nfter the llr t selling , showed considerable ntead'ness nievator people continued to buy and this kept prices close to yesterday s clos'ng po'nt Northwest receipts were Sis cars ac-altu't 60S lapt week , and 1,129 a year nfro Chicago receipts were 189 cars , 3 of contract rrade Total primary receipts were 1,1ST 000 bu , cnmrmrpd w'th 1 254000 bu. n year aero New York renortcd a fair ex- tKirt demand with nbout 10 loads cngigPd. Toward flip clos thp market was practic ally at n standstill. Benr'sh stntl tlcs were pxpectod Momlnv nnd wl'h this belief trad ers wpr" d'slnrllnPd to do much. December oppnpd Wfffc lower nt TliiiTlHc It declined to 70A4(7f70T4p ( nnd nUlml to 71'4c wherp It clo = pd PpntPtnher s"ld n h'eh ax 70sniOl : o nnd plo v > d nnPbantrpd at "ONc. Porn wns dull nnd hpnvy General com- m's'lon hott p llnnlelitlnn wna thp fpaturp nnd nrlpos dp"l'ned nhmit We all around. Tlip mnrVpt n-ot to both daily ami weekly puts nn'l linil pnrne Rtipport on that ac count Th" brpaklntr of trip rlrourht and oontlniiod Inrtrp rppp'nts w * rp the factors Tpppr | > 's wprp Sr i cars Dpfember rancid from 2S1-JC to 2S'/5c and closed ViC lower nt 2 c Oits were fnlrlv notlve nnd Irreeiilar. Tirlv ! In the sow'on there was a marked disTvixitton n r nl'7p by loni and prlc > declined Tlio llnul'lntou of RontPtnhPr was eorwrlnllv hp"vv Txitpr a firm feel'np de- vplonpd mrflv on thp continued pvcPllpnt rn"h rlprnnml nncl the Hrtsp wns stPadv. Rc- celnts wpro n ? r > nrs Tpopmripr rantred frnm ywt * to ? 0' r nnd MOSPC ! iinchnnirod nt ? OH'fi ' ) 20' c pntpml'pr rlo pd We low r nt 21V4o Prov' lnns B'lll she Pd HIP pffpr-ts of the ypllow fpvpr POV.O end ruled slightly lower all round Tyianldntlon took placp In all products but the ETCH ! cnsh dpmand for inon's ' nn pl omp rally lat In thp sps ! 'on At * hp rloop Or-tfthpr nork wns 2V.P 'nwpr nt IS IVi * n toHpr lard ? 'Ap IrtfiPr at I" T'4 ' , and Orn > > pr ribs n Fim1o lowpr at $ T ? n. ristlmnted rpreints JTondnv Wh'oat , T > 0 cnrsrnrn P30 cars ; oats , SCO cars ; hoes , 23.000 head. f purlin" futtirps rnncrpfl ns follows : AtTcles. Open HUh Low. Yesly Wheat "OH 70H DPO. . , 70J < rt' * 71'f 71M May . Corn- Sept . , 31M SIMS .any . . 1UH ! 20U 29H Cms Hpt. . . 21 21H ' " Miy' . . 223H 1'ork- Oct. . . . BO'S Doe . . . H20 81ft H20 B70 Jftn . . . 0 17 B 024 060 Lard Oct. . D 27X G27H G25 (527W ( S27 Dee . . 6IS ! n 45 6TTK Jin. . . 045 645 646 lllbn- Oct . . . 530 B20 625 5.10 Jan. . . 407H 4 05 8 00 No 2 Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady : winter patents , W 40 ® 3 DO : straights. J3 1003 30 : spring patents , JUMp 70. spring specials J4 M ; straights , J2 8Wt3 ( 20 ; bakers , $2 20@2 GO WHEAT-NO. 2 spring , No. 2 red , 72c. 72c.CORN CORN No 2 , 31Hc : No. 2 yellow. 32Hc. OATS No. 2. 21Vu22c ; No-2 white , 23U ® HSMifNo : 3 white. 22 > Bg23k.c. HYi : No 2. E6'iiiJl'1/-c. ( HAllhUY No 2 3 ( ) ' (3 ( : < 2c. SKIDDS No 1 llaxseed , Jl.U ; northwest , 11 12'fJl ' 13 , prime timothy seed , $225Q'2271i ; clovorhced. $3 00ij7 00. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl , n 25fj > 803. Ijiird , pjr IPO Ibs , J50Gff530 Short rlb sides MOO P ) , KViiob \ i Diy salted flhoulders ( boxed ) . Jo C2' < .iJ(5 75 Short clear Bides ( boxed ) Ji C'i'Bo.'O ' WiriSKY-Dlst.liers1 llnlshed goods , per gal. , tl 2' SUGARS Cut loaf , $383 ; granulated , J5 31. The following are the receipts and ship ments for today : Receipt * . Shipm'ts. Flour. bbs ) 1GOOO 10,000 "Wheat bu 125,000 2t,00t ) Corn , bu 74 < l,000 Cfi7,000 Oats bu 467,000 425,000 live , bu 12000 1,000 JJarley , bu Dl.OOO 2,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter mnrl.et was llrm : creameries , IBfOc ; dallies , lfl7c. , ! Cheese , tlrm , IWJSHl'/'C. Kggn Ilrnr fresh , Hfll4' < , c. Poultry , dull ; rhlcitfnH , S' lO c ; turkejs , 8ffl2c. MJW YOHic ( ; IMII.VI , MAIUCKT. QiiotntloiiH of tin * Dn > - nit Vnrlnun Cuiiinioilttli-M. NiAV YORK. Sept 9-FI.OUR-Recelpts , 19,091 bbls. , exports , 19.114 hms. ; dull nnd P S > ; winter patents , J3E55T375 : winter Btralghts , Ji.JOQ340. extras , J.'IO' < (2RO ( ; win ter low cranes , $2 25'0'J ' 40 , Minnesota pat ents 13 8jin ( 00 ; M'nncsota bakers' , $2 95f 320 R > e Hour , llrm : good to fair , } 300f > 320. choice to fancy , * 3 25IJ145. COHNMIIAI Steady , jellow western , 74 O75c. cltj , 76e , nramljwine. $2 15 < fj2,23 RYi : rtrm , No 2 western , CI'/Jc , f. o , b , Alloat. spot. ItARLKY Stead > fePdlnsr. 42fl4lc , c. i. f , Utiffalo , malting , 4SJi5jc ( , delivered nt New York. ItARI r.Y MALT Quiet : western , 65rU1c. iiriiiiirn * - I. . . . . i nip i. . , . . * * " * c , ptons opene wen at tic decline , Influenced b ) h'nrlsh cables nnd heavy northwest receipts The approach ing crop epoit cliet-Ueil speculation hater the market was dull und featureless , clos ing easy at Mi'ie decline May 79 < ! | 79i&c. closed at 7D'feo , September , 73fi73 1-iGc closed nt 73c December 73JitJi'76c , dosed ne 76c. 76c.CORN CORN Receipts 112135 bu ox ports 101 006 bu. Spot ent > y. No i 3S7 c. f o A nlloit , nnd 3 : > V. elevator Options opened casv m 'fee decline and were Ko\ernccl by moderate unlotul'ng ' , coupled with line crop news Closed easy at MiVic net decline May , Il-lb3i3i | < i pieced ut 3Hic , Septem ber closed nt 37S40 , December closed at 85Kc OATS Receipts 205.SOO bu . exports 37 ffis hu Spot , utilei No 2 , Jhc ; No. 3 , J5'4c , No 3 while , .tf'ilr.W' . No , a white. 27c ; track mixed ncilcrn , l.fi < I7c ; track white , 2CBWc. Options , dull. HAY Slead > ; shipping , new , BOJJGOc ; good to choice , new , CSfiSOc HOI'S Inillj Mitu , common to choice , ISM crop WISP , ini7 crop , nominal ; Uis crop JCKjjUe ; J'uclllc coast , ISSe.rrop , 4fc e ; 1SJ7 crop , nominal ; H&S crop , lfir > iS Steud ) : Onl\eston 20 to 2-3 Ibs , JC Ufl7c : Tt\ns dry. 24 to 30 Ibs , 1 California it to 2,1 Ibs iSHc LKATlinil S'cndy ; hemlock sole. Duenos Ayres llcnt to IHUVJ weights , 21VUj23V4c ; oclJ. tltt'ZWc WOOlj Sttndj : domestlo fleece , 1924c ; Texas , I'filCc. 1'ROVISlONS-Rfef llrm : family , J10BO tffllOO ; mecs , > roa950. beef hanu. i2660 S7DO ; packet. I10.00K1030 ; ell ) extra India mess J14W > Ill550 Cut meuti. Bteadj , plcK- led bfclllea. 575fi700 , pickled shoulders , lGO > fn5 ; pickled hams , S 75iMO BO. hard , ensicstetn , ptcamcd , } 5 b5 , rellned , quiet ; cuntlnent , 551 < i. South America , JGM ; compound , Itb7Hjj500 1'ork. bteadj ; mess. J9tKyiiS50 : short clear , il025ifH,75 , famll > I1100H1150. la.je white , Mice colored , llH < 911Sc ; gmall colored , US Jll io. EOOS rirm ; gtat ? ( ind Pennsylvania. Hc ; western extras , candle , at mark , 13 316c. TALLOW rirm , city , 4 < W < ! > o ; country , vtcROStN Dull ; strained , common to Rood , il.27' ' M30 Tthll'KNTINn-Stendy nt 46Uf47c. ( RICC Steady domestic , fair to extra , lsi7i7Uc : .Ihpnn , QSHc. ntlTTfiR Strong , western crcamcrj174 i22Hc : western facttry. l35f5Ho ! ; June : renmery. 18ff20V j Imitation creimery , llHTil7Hc : state dairy , lB f20c , elate cream- : r.17H'fJ22 ' < tc. MOLASSns Qttlotj New Orleans open < ettle , RO'-d to choice , 32(9.1ic ( ( MBTA1/S The brokers' price for lead Is (440 ( nnd for co/er | $18 M OMAHA OH.MIIl II , HAHKI3T. ( "oiulltlnn of Trmle nml fVnotntlonii on Slnrilo nnil Pitney I'rnilncc. nong-Oood stock at lie. BUTTER Common to foJr , 12V4e : cholcp , Hi15c ; separator , 20c ; gathered creamery. IS&IOo. POfLTRY-Hcns. live. THGSc ; spring : hlckpne , lOc , old and staggy roostera , live , IH ? 4c , ducks nnd geese , live , 5Si o ; turkeys , llvt , 3c PtanONS Live , per doz , 75c. VCALS-Cholcc. 9c. VEanTABLns. WATCRMnLoNS-Good stcck. crated for shipments , MHlSc. CANTALOUP13-Per doz. crated. 35-iOc , TOMATOHS-Per crate , 25JJ30C. ! 0002 25. FRUITS. PLUMS-Cnllfornla. per crnte. J1.351.50. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Freest Jlie. S5 890c. sllnps , SOOSac. APPI ES-Per bbl. , K GRAPES Nn l/os , Uo per tasket ; t-all- fornlo , J1.2C01.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS-Callfornla fa"V. W 2o < M 50 ; choice California. K.luftA 00 ; Messina . , fancy. W OOiTo 25 BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , per bunch J2.502.75 ; medium-sized bunches , t2 0032.25 0032.25HIDES HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No 1 preen hides , 7Hc ; No. 2 green hides 6&p ; No. 1 swlted hides 9c : No 2 salted hides , So ; No 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 16 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW GRKASE , ETC Tallow , No. 1 , 3c. tallow , No. 2 2V4c ; rough tallow. lV4c ; white grease , 2WJ3c ; yellow and brown St. I.nnln Ornln ninl 1'rnvlRlnnn. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 9 WHEAT Lower ; No 2 red. cash , elevator. CSVic ; track , C9Hc ; Bepttmbtr , 6S7fr ; December , 71'4c ; May , 75 ) , c ; No. 2 hard. 67 < 370c CORN Lower , No 2 cash , 30'4c ; track , 31Hc ; September , Wc ; December , 26i@ Wc. May. 27c. OATS-Hlghcr ; No 2 cash , 22 > 4c ; track. 22V4c ; September. 23Vic ; May , 22c ; No. 2 white 25c. RYE Steady ; B3c , METALSLead. . quiet ; f4 E04 52 % : Spelter , higher ; 1560. POULTRY Flrmr chickens. old. 7c ; joung , S c ; ducks , 6c ; geese , BQfic ; turkeys , BUTTER Qulot ; creamery , 17@21c ; dnlry , 13 17c. EGGS Steady ; 10'4o. FLOUR Unchanged. SEEDS-Tlmothy , J2 ( XXSS 40 ; flaxseed , lower , $1 03 CORNMEAL Steady , il.75@l.SO. BRAN Firm ; sacked lots , east track , 1Uc H AY-Firm ; timothy , $8 00@10 00 ; prairie. i45000 WHISKY Steady , Jl 22 IRON-COTTON TIES J1.15. HEMP TWINE 9c. BAGGING ® 6\c. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , dull , ea- - ler ; boxed shoulders and extra short clear , J550 ; clear ribs , $562 ; clear sides , $575 Bacon , easier : boxed shoulders J575 ; extn short cleir , J6 00 ; clear ribs , $ G.12& ; clear sides , JGX. RECEIPTS Flour , 6 000 bbls : wheat , 60 000 bu ; corn. 46,000 bu : oats 49 COO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 11,000 , bbls. ; wheat. 26,000 bu ; corn , 54,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu. Liverpool Grnln nnd Provlnloiis. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 9 WHEAT Spot , dull : No 2 red western , winter. 6s9Wd ; No 1 northern , spring , Cs Id ; No. 1 California , 6s Hd@6s Id Futures. dull ; September , 5s 9d ; December , 5s lld ; March , 6s ld. CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new and old , 3s 5d. Futures , quiet ; September , 3s44d ; October , 3s5S d ; November , 3s 6V&d. FLOLR St. Louis fancy winter , firm at 7s 9d. PEAS Canadian. lld. PROVISIONS-Beef. firm : extrn. Tnrtln. mess , 40s ; prime mess , 65s Pork , firm ; prime mess , western , 60s Lard , steady ; prime western. In tierces , 2Ss ; American re fined. In oalls , 8s 6d Hams , short cut , 14 to 1G Iba . steady at 44s 6d Bacon , steady ; Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 Ibs , 36s 6d : short ribs 18 to 22 Ibs , 32s ; long clear middles , light , 30 to 33 Ibs , 32s ; long clear middles , heavy. 35 to 40 Ibs , 31s ; short clear backs , 18 to 18 Ibs . 30s ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 25s. Shoulders , square , 12 to 14 Ibs , dull at 27s 6d BUTTER Finest United States , 95s ; good United States. 72s CHEESE Strong : American finest white , 63s : American finest colored , 54s Gd. TALLOW Firm ; primp city , 24s Gd ; Aus tralian. In London , 25s Gd ROSIN Common , firm at 4s. ICuiinnn City Grnln unit 1'roYlnloiin. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 9 WHEAT- December. 65V4c ; cash. No. 2 hard , 62 .0 63Wc ; No. 3 , 59V4@G3c , No. 2 red , G@67c ; No. 3. 60SG6c ; receipts , 204 cars. CORN December , 24 > X.c ; cash , No. 2 rrixed. 28H@29c ; No. 2 white , 29Uc ; No , 3 , OATS-NO 2 white , RYE-NO. 2. ESC. HAY Choice timothy , $7.2S@7 50 , choice prairie $5 75 (6 ( 00 BUTTER Creamery 20c ; dnlry. 15c. EGGS Loss on eggs during hot weather In early part of the week was heavy and a heavy loss will continue , to be shown for several dr.ys ; market firm ; frcslt Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , ll'/ic per dozen , cases returned. Ilntlrr Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 9. BUTTER- Crenmery. 20c ; dnlry. IBc. ST. LOUIS. Sent , 9 BUTTER-Qulet ; creamery. 17821c ; dairy , 13 iifl7c. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 9 BUTTER- Flrm ; fancy wtrtern creamery , 22c ; fancy western prints , 23c. NEW YORK , Sept. -BUTTER-Strong ; western creamery , 17HiT22' c ; western fac tory U015c ; June creamery , 18f20' ( a : Imi tation creamery. 14VCi17',4c : stnte dairy , IB iT20c , stnto creamery , 17'/tfj221 c. nnllH flour mill firnlii. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept 9 , WHEAT In stori" No. 1 northern September. CGHc ; December , 67Hc ; May , 70V c ; old September f9c. On trackNo 1 hnrd. old. 70'Jc ; No 1 hard new. C3c ; No 1 northern , old , GIVic ; No 1 northfrn , new , 67B4o ; No 2 northern , old 68e : No 2 northern , new , 64'4c. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged. URAN unchanged. T < > ! < < ) < > TOLEDO , Sept 9 WHEAT Lower and wenk No 2 cnsh. G9'ic ; December , 71Hc CORN Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33c. OATS Dull nnd steady , No 2 mixed , 22c RYE Dull nnd higher ; No 2 , cash , 57o bid SEEDS Clover , nctlve nnd steady , prime cash , old , $4.25. October. jl.SS bid. Oil Mnrl.ot , LONDON. Sept. 9-OIL8-CottonReed , Hull ri'llnPd October , tlrm. 16s , ietroleiim rodtipd f js1 Unseed , 22s 9d. NEW YORK , fitpt 9-OILS-Cottonwed pttady , vellow. 2o < Tfi26c ( ; uotroletim , nrm ; reflned New York. 40 : Ph'lndelphla ami Baltimore , JR35 , Ph'lndelphla and Bnltl- morn In bull ; $585 , turpentine , steady , TOLUDO. Sept , 9.-OlLS-Unchanged OIL CITY. Pa Sept -OILS-Credlt balnnces 11.40certltlcutes , highest bid for rasli , Jl 4 ] > V lowest J1.41 , closed , } ] 4m bid No saleo Shipments and runs not reported LIVERPOOL , Sept -OILS-Turpentine i > spirits , steady at 34 Cd SiiKiir llnrliet. NEW YORK Sept 9-SUGAR-Raw , pnsy , fair refln'ng , 4T4e centrifugal , M.te t B 1-lGc ; confectioners' A. 6 1-lGc : cut loaf , B ll-16c ; prushed , 6 13-16c , powdered , 698c granulnted 5 B-16 : cubes 5 7-lGc , NEW ORLEANS. La. Sept 9-SUOAR Steady centrifugal , jellow , 4ilC4 o ; seconds ends 2K4l-lic' Molasses , dull ; centrifugal. GQ14c. differ , NEW YORK , Sept -COFFKE Options opened steady , unchanged to 6 points lower nnd aft r a momentary spurt of activity be- rame. listless nnd unlnlere'tincr Liquida tion paused by unfavorable European news nnd , Indifferent spot demand were resnonsl- lil" for the decline at the start. Warehousfl dellver'ea ' were luruer than expected Sales , 8.0CO baps. Including Oc-tober at H VINe - \ember. $4.35 > December. J4.50 ; January , J4 RO ; > Jorch Jl uiT4 70. Snot coffee. lUo dullNo. . 7 , R'o $7.50 ; No 7. Jobbing JG Mild , dtilet ; Cordova. J6.25gll.2j. Wool NEW YORK , Sent. 9 WOOL-Steady : domegtlc fleece. 19fJ24c' Texas , K tKc. ST. LOUIS. -WOOL-Unchansed. . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Cattle Receipts as Usual on the Last Day of tha Week , HOG RECEIPTS THE LARGEST FOR A WEEK A lit KII on Kit Cuttle on Snle to Mnke 11 .MnrUot or UNtnlillnh Ui ItcurlptH of Mi rep Ainu 1/nUHl Sutur < lu'n Murket. SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 9. Receipts were : Cuttle. Hogs , tirtecp. Olltual .Monday . 4 UU9 l. it ) Olllilnl 'iuesday . 6.2C9 4,372 8,60fi Ulliualcclnemlay . 3,7 0 4,249 1.6)2 ! ) OIliuul Uhursuay . B.3H 3.J4S 3WG Olticml iT.uay . Ib20 3Sb6 Olllcial Hutuuuy . 9i9 51 Total this week . . . . 21,111 23,461 26,535 Week ending bcpt. 2. . .iO.749 2 > ,051 Week ending Aug. 20..24,755 34,077 23.120 \\eek ending Aug. 19. . . IS 648 31b04 9,147 Week end ng Aug. 12 . .16,808 37,934 28oo9 \\eek ending Aug. 6..12.4S7 32bC9 Average pMct paid for hogs for the last several dajn with comparisons : Total receipt' . . . . . 34 86 1 16 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the tum- ber of head Indicated : Buyers Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 16 684 G. H. Hammond Co 53 841 120 Swift and Company , 4 1,395 89 Cudahy Packing Co , 49 1,770 197 Armour & Co I,6b3 Cudahy , from K. C 604 Swift , from 1C. C 54 Lobman & Co 59 L F. Husz 52 Other buyers 193 162 Totals 1,091 6,253 668 CATTLE Most of the cattle here today were consigned direct to packers , so that there were not enough on sale to make any test of the market or e-tabllsh quotations. About all that could be said of the trade today Is to quote it as nominally steady. Beef steers , both corn-fed and grasBers. have been good sellers all the week and values have not changed In any marked degree. Receipts on most clays have been very moderate and extremely light on some , so that with a good , brisk demand sellers have met with very llttlo trouble In disposing of their holdings at prices en tirely satisfactory to them. Cows and he'fers. nnd In fact all classes of butchers' stock , have been good selieia all the week , the demand being reasonably active The cow market at the very lea-t could be quoted at lOc higher for the week. Right choice and good weight feeders could be called close to steady for the \\eek , as very few of that kind were re ceived , while the demand was good. The general run of feeders for the week were considerably lower and the common light and medium we'ghts were all of 15@25o lower. The decline won due apparently tc the fact that the receipts were quite large , while the demand seemed to slacken up for some reason. HOGS The gradual Improvement In the market during the last few days seemed to have stimulated shipments and today's re ceipts of hogs were the largest of any day since Tuesday. August 29 It was , however , a Saturday , which shippers seemed to for get. Possibly every shipper figured that all other shippers would have too much sense to send In many hogs on the last day of the week and that he would flnd light re ceipts and a good market. On the con trary , they f jund heavy receipts and a weak market. Good light hogs sold at just about steady prices , the best going at $4.40 , the same as yesterday. Heavy hogs were weak to 5c lower , with packers Indifferent. Sellers could do nothing but take the prices , ap no one could afford to carry over until next week so that In spite of the fact that the market was lower the hogs were practically all sold In good season. Toward the close a few loads that just happened to bo wanted to fill some certain order may have sold a little stronger than early , but the market really closeu very little different from the way It opened. On Saturday , September 2 , the hog mar ket touched he lowest point at which hogs have sold since July 17 At the opening ot the present week the market was 6c higher , on Tuesday the sales averaged 3c higher. On Wednesday the market was strong and on Thursday It was on an average 7c higher. From Thursdy until the last day of the week the change was very slight. These advances at the close of the week left the market a good IGc higher than the close of the previous week , a very sub stantial gain. The demand for hogs this week has not been as brisk as usual and the murkot In that respect hardly satis factory Receipts have also been unusually light and sellers have not been entirely pleas-ed with the situation as a whole. SlinnP Only a small number of sheep were on sale today , less than a full carload , and the market d'd not show any very ma terial change as compared with yesterday. Wh'le prices on both sheep and lambs this week have not been entirely to the liking of sellers , the tendency since Monday lia been high. No marked advance has been scored , but simply a gradual strength ening For example , lambs sold on Friday nt $5 that brought only $4.70 earlier in the week and todnv some wethers nnd year lings brought f3 RS that wore of the same kind as brought $3 70 a few days ago. Feeders have been good sellers all the week nnd the demand has been act've Commission men report having a good many orders on tile to buy when the right kind can be secured Quotations- Prime native wethers , JTSOTJI 400 good to choice grass wethers , J3 EOJ 39ft fo'r to good grns.s wethers. MC5IT375 ; good to choice grass ewe ? J3 4WT3 60 ; fair to good gr.a s ewes J300fJ115 , good to choice Hpr'ng lambs..H " 5f5 00 fair to good spring lambs $450ff475 , common fprintc lambs , J40IW450 ; fppdpr wethers , $3603370 ; feeder yearling * . $3 80S3 90. CHICAGO UVIS STOCK MAUICRT. tut KnniiKli rut < U- for 11 Miirlu-t ninl 1'rloi'H I'riu-llrnllj ftnmliinl. CHICAGO Sept 9 CATTLB There were not enough cuttle offered today to moke a market nnd prices for "II grades were prac tically nominal Tne few cattle here were disposed of at yesterday's ruling prices. HOGS The demand for the light run of hogs was brisk und prices were steady , Heavy hog& sold at < ( 2034.70 ; mixed lots , 7 llpht , $431f476 ; pigs , $3 604 60 , culls $2 00fl4 15 8HinP AND TJVMBS There was a fair demand for sheep und lambs at the recent advance In prices Sheep sold at $2000300 for pull ? up to $ I2'460 for choice flocks , western ranges. $3 oWf4 25 ; lambs $3251(630 for natives and $450530 | for western range Hocks Rir3IPTS-OaUe ! , 300 head ; hogs , 12,000 head , sheep , 4,000 head. St. l.oulx Il > < - Moolt. ST LOUIS Sept 9-CATTLn-Reroipts. GOO head , market steady ; native shipping nnd export bteers $1 50 6.10 , with fancy heavy warth up to $6 85 ; dressed beef Bteer * . $1 > f5.C5 | ; steers under 1 0(10 ( pounds , J3.BOfl > 4 60. cows ninl helfera , It 25fJ6,00 , canners , $ l.&oy 75. bulls $1 60R4.25 ; Texas and In dian steerti , $3. Wa 1. 00 ; cows nnd heifers , $ i COfT4 00. HOGS riFelpts 2000 heart ; market Co higher yorkers $1 so l 60 , packers. $4.40 ® 4.60butchers , $4 6504 70. SHHRP Receipts none : market nomlnnlj native mutton ? $1 755i4 K ; lambs , $5. Oft ® 6.7i Rtockers , $2 50 3.25 , culls und bucks , Kan MI N Cllj I , lie blnolc , KANSAS flTY Mo. Sent , -CATTI.E- - Recelpts , 520 head Offerings too 1'ght ' to make n market and prices were largely nominal Receipts for week. 64,000 head. Choice drepsed beef cattle advanced about lOc during the week. There Is no muterlnl change In prices on other eradea. Heavy native uteern , $5 BOWfi at , ; light weights $6 20 ® HOQS Receipt * , 6,370 head. Trade opened nctlve , steady , to DC higher : clowdHow , with advance lost Hwivy , $1 SS 4 45 ; mixed , $4 25 J4 46 : lights. $4 30 < ff4 45 ; pigs , H 154J4.40 SirbEP-Recolpta , 270 head. Prices un changed , There ! > little change to note In condition of trade this week. Demand li > good , all grades selling rondlly at strong prices. I/ambs brought $400JJ625 ; muttons , $1CGW 4 35. feeding lambs. $360 4 CS : feeding sheep , mOJiMIS : breeding ewes , $335 425 ; culls , $2 60 3 25. St. .Inni-ph 1,1 % rStock. . SOUTH 8T. JOSHPH , Sept. 9.-Speclal. ( ) The Journal quotes : CATTIn Receipts , 600 head , mostly stockem ; market steady ; best grades lOc higher for the week. HOGS Reccip' , 2,800 hend ; market Bo lower ; l avy and medium , $4.35 4.40 ; light , $4.37'f4 45. pigs , $ t.305T4.40. HlincP Receipts , none ; demand strong for all klnda. = took In The following are thp receipt * nt the four principal western markets for September 9 : . _ Cnttlp. Horn Sheeti. South Omaha . D79 G1S1 M Chicago . 300 12000 4,000 Kansas City . 620 6370 270 8t Louis . . . . . . COO 2,000 . . . . Totah . . .2,299 25,353 4,321 Dry Rnitilfl MnrUrt. NEW YORK , Bept. 9 The dry goods market elopes the week with n strong tone In all lines of staple cottons and with a good d ° mand for brown and bleached cot tons. No change in prices. Colored cottons nro very firm , with occasional ndvnncen of Me In ticks Cotton yarns strong , with a treed business JHIQ advancing prices. Wor'Jted nnd wool yarns are also ngaltut buyers Tulnh MnrU-ot. DULUTH , Sspt 9 WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , 70e ; September. 70a ; No. 1 northern , cash , 67Hc ; September , 67Hc : December. 67 c : December C7Wc ; Slav. 71c ; No , 2 northern , C6c , No 3 spring. 61c. OMAHA SUBURS. Florence. Mrs. C. V. Touko has I'oen sic ! : , but Is convalescing. The public schools opened Monday with a fair rnrollment. Miss Bertie Wilson went to Elkborn , Neb. , Saturday to teach school. Mrs. A. C. Griffin went to Blair Thursday to remain there some time John Mann of Ames , Neb. , was the guest of F. S. Tucker Saturday and Suniliy. C. 0. Bcndreson , who has been at Teka- mah , Neb. two weeks , returned Saturday. T. H. Burdlck , who has been In the west ern part of the state two weeks , returned Friday. Miss Story visited 'rlemls In Omaha Sat urday and Sunday nnd ntteudrid lhi > L'x- posltlon. Tlio steamer Jacob nichtmnn has discon tinued excursion trips to Florence on account of low water. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhclm , who have been living here this summer , returned to Omaha Friday. Mrs. Lou Warller and laughter , Blanche , returned Friday from a week's visit with relatives In Blair. Dave Leeper left Tuesday for Ills home at Langdon , Mo. , after spend' as a week hero with friends. Mrs Mate Griffin returned from Wayne , Neb. . Tuesday , where she visited her broth ers , the Messrs. Webber. John McElroy , who has been In Wyoming thin summer working at his trade of stone mason , returned Monday. Mrs. Freeman Tucker of DeSoto , Neb. , was a guest ot the family of F. S. Tucker Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs W. T. Wyman went to Chicago cage Saturday. They have been here this summer with Mrs. J. G. Hunt. F. B. Tucker , J. K. Low cry and John Hays Lowery , all employed nt the Expo sition as ticket-takers , live here. Miss Mattle Tucker and Miss Prudence Tracy , the postmistress , were Exposition visitors at Omaha Friday night. The Christian church congn'gallon gave an Ice cream social at the city hall Tues day night , which was well attended. Father Young of Blair filled the pulpit In the Episcopal church here Sunday night and was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Powell. William Douse , who has been a year in California , stopped off here on his way homo to visit his sister , Mrs. W. A. Wilson. Mesdames Johnson and Chrlstensen of Elkhorn - horn , Neb , were guests of Mr and Mrs. W. A. Wilson Thursday and Friday , returning Saturday. E. H. Walker , who has been employed this summer by W. R. Bennett & Co. to go through the country with on advertising wagon , returned Saturday. At the republican primaries Friday night L. Plant , John Simpson , John McGregor , J. S. Paul. A. C. Cubley nnd K" . S. Tucker were elected delegates to the county con vention in Omaha Saturday. Robert Forgy was iioirlnated for assessor. II'-IIHOM. Mrs. E. Bailey is entertaining a sister. Tbo town board Is having the streets re paired and cross streets graded. Mrs. C. Stelger received a visit from her bi other of Bloomlngton , III. , during the week. Services will bo held by Rev. Bross at the Methodist Episcopal church today at 11 a. m. Mrs. Peters of Springfield , Neb , Is a visitor at the homo of her sister. Mrs. Eva Prugb. The Ladles' Aid society meets nt the church next Thursday afternoon at the usual hour. Mrs. James A. Howard and daughter Nel lie , who have been visiting at the old homo of Mra. Howard In Ohio , returned to Ben son Sunday. The republican primary to select dote- gates to the county convention was held In Dundee Place Friday and quite a llttlo hustling was done. The question of dividing the echaof dis trict Into two has been raised by residents of the eastern part of Benson , who want n school house in their part of town. It has not gone further than the petition as yet.Tho The schools of Benson opened Tuesday with a large attendance , but there was little confusion , and by noon the regular routine of work was taken up. Misses Mercer and Hogan retain their old places , while Prof. Fox of Mlllard takes the place of principal vacated by Prof. Kolrns , nnd Miss Mack flllls the position vacated by Mies liralnanl , who took a place In the Walnut Hill school. HDllIllttT. Mrs , W. L. Selby left Thursday for Den ver , to bo gone several weekK. MHS | Llzzlo Parrotto has returned from Hannibal , Mo , where she attended the Rush-Plndell wedding. Miss Louise Van Glesen has returned from a visit to her uncle. D. B. Van Em- burgh , nt Tuxedo Park , N , Y. Tbo people of Dundee regret the loss of W. J. Fischer and family , who leave this month for their now home In Detroit. Mr. Fischer has leased his Dundee home for a year to Mr , Hasklns of the soap manufac turing company , formerly of Sioux City. Dunlin * . Mrs. W. L , Selby Is visiting In Colorado. Mr. Melchor bos moved into one ot the McBrldo houses Mhs Louise Van Glesen returned Wednes day from her eastern visit. Mr , W. R. Mellor of Loup City was a guest of Mr. J. S. Pyre last week. Mr. W. J. Attrldge lias completed his contract nt Pullman and returned to Dun dee. dee.Miss Miss Parrotte returned Friday from Han nibal. Mo , where fcho attended the Hush- 1'lnJell wedding. Mrs. J. E. Ebersofo and little daughter Frances called on several of their Dundee friends last Mondaj Mr Vortaro'a family have returned to their old homo on Webster street , delighted to get back to Dundee. Mr , J. S. Wood returned from Hot Springs , S D. , on Thursday. Mr. Wood la with bis sister , Mrs. THItioii Mr. Bell of Sarpy county Is moving Into his laieCy pure-based residence , formerly known as the Rdgcrton prope-rt ) . Dundee has a score or more of her young people enrolled as puplU of the Omaha High icbool this year. Bix of thee arc members of the clnsa thnt RrnduMcHl from our school last Juno. The excessive heat of last week toM on the school nttednncp. It was very small , but will Increase with cooler weather. A petition Is being circulated In the til- lake asking for n flftccn-mlnute street cur service , H will bo n boon to Dundee If successful. Mrs Tlllson's guests , Mrs. n. K. Hurl- but of Denver , Cole , nnd Mrs. D. C. Wood of Qulncy , IK. , loft Friday for their rc- si ectlvo homes , The Sunday school has been well attended all summer In spile of hot weather and absentees The usual number present av- eragea eighty-five. London Stock Mnrkrt. LONDON , Sept. 10. The sole topic of the Stock exchange Is the wnr problem , which casts nil other cannldcrntlons Into the shade , and unless It Is solved thorp will bo pwice In the hearts ot the operators and no re vival of business. The only result thus far has been a sharp decline In prices and an absolute stagna tion In speculation Crnsols have fallen H to 104H , In spite of which temptation In- veetors are Btlll holding off. Americans , following the tendency of the market , have declined from 1 to 2MJ per cent , except Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad shares , which are practically unchanged Money Is tight nnd rates are firm until Monday 25f2Vi per cent , for n week 2&3 and on thrco months' bills SVSQ per cent I , oil tin n Wool Market. LONDON , Sept. 10. There has been an Increased demand for cross-breds and me- rinoa In the wool market during the week. The arrivals to date for the next series of sales number 229,159 bales , of which 62.COO wore forwarded direct. The list will cloeo September 19. The Imports during the we k were : New South Wales , 1,100 bales ; Queensland , 2,523 bares ; Melbourne , 190 bales ; Now Zealand. 4,120 bales ; Capo of dcod Hope and Natal , 480 bales ; Falkland Islands , 843 bales ; elsewhere , 1,314 boleg. A sale of sheepskins will be hold here on September 14 and IB , TIIII KUAl/rY MAU1CRT. Wart-mil } ' Deed * . INSTRUMENTS placed on record Satur- dav. September 9 1S99 : H M. Hutson to Midway Investment Co. . lots IS and 20. block 3 , Person A : B's ndd . i 375 Charles RIgby and wife to S. R. Faulkner , lot 1. block 3 , Thornburg Place . . . goo C. E Curtis to Purlin , O. & M. Co , part of lots G and C , block 192 , Omaha . 14,000 Thomns Tlghp. guardian , to Kittle Selbv , undivided 1-12 of lots S to 17 , block 1 : lots 1 to 11 13 to 24 , block 2 : lots 1 nnd 4 , block 3 ; lots 8 , 13 to 24. block 4. Valley Grove , and tax lot 13. In 9-14-13 . . . 1,300 Dccda. Sheriff to Omaha Savings Bank , n 44 feet of s SS feet of lot 1 , block 192 , Omaha . 2,382 Sheriff to H. M. Hutson , lot IS , block 3 Person & B's ndd . 175 Sheriff to same , lot 20 , block 3 , same. 175 Total amount of transfers . $19,207 BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Oar Service , WHEN OTHERS FAtfe . . .CONSULT. . . OR Searles & Searles OMAHA , NEB. Specialists In Nervous , Chronics Private Diseases f/ ) Hen and Women We guarantee to cure all cases curable of Catarrh , All llitcasta o/ Hit A'oit , 2/iront / , Ctitst , Istnmach , llontls a , id lAur ; tlydruceit , Vnrl- cucele , SyjtMllt , Uonunhoca. Nervous Debllitu Middle Aged and Old Men. Rlnnrl anrl 'sUn Diseases , Sores , Spots , UIUUU dllll OMII Pimple , , Scrofula , Tu mors , Tcttrr , Eczema , and Itlond Poison , thor oughly cleansed from the Eystcm ; also Weak ness of O r trail 3 , Inflammation , Ruptures , Piles , Fistula , etc. pt u Throat , Lungs , Liver , Dyspepsia Odlul I II andallbowelandstomachtroubles. I QrllocT'V ' < - ' ° cnrrful and special attention LdUluo for all their many ailments. _ WRITE your troubles. If out of the city. Thout > aiiUh cured at liouic by corrcspondenca Dr , Searles & Searles. 119 S. 14th St. , Omaha , CHARGES LOW. DR , WicGREW , SPECIALIST. Trttlj U Fermi of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yean Fxperlenc * . 12 Vwrjln Omaha on < i HLDICAfj Treatment _ , - * 11 mi in' coniblned.Varlcocilf , QtrlctnrcSyphUliI < os5uf Vicor and Vitality rnSCSnninXVTFKD. Charces low. HOSIF T .CVTJICNT. IJooW , Cnnsullatlnnand Kxam. rnti i Free , IIunrs.Q a.m. toC ; 7toBo m buitda'.Qto 12 P O. Im Gfi OfTiro'J. E. E. BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OP TRADE. Direct wirr > tu CUtcugci * nuJew Tork. Corropuodrntii Jubn JL. W rrm A O& H.R.PEUMEY&CO. ROOM4HyUFEDLDa B3AMCH 1038 HAt CKAHA tlta JVOTICK. CHIKl' QUAnTKHMASTnil'S OITICB , Omaha , Neb , Sept 5 , 1S&9 Scaled pro- poiuls. In triplicate , will be received here and at olllces at qturtermauters at station ! named until 1 o'clock p m , central time , September 15. 11 > W , for furnUhlni ; wood < il Tort Crook. Neb , Jefferson Ilurracka , JIo , and Ports IsCiuennorth and lllley Kancau Proposals for delivery at other polntu will be entertained U S. reserves right to re ject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof Information furnished on ap plication hire , or to iii.irtennuster | at sta tions named Envelopes containing pro posals to bo mir : d "Propniuls for need , " and addressed to the undersigned or Quar- termantcrs at stations above named , r II HATHAWAY. Chief Q , M. i Sept7-8-9-ll12.13M Order Now If you want The Bee Illustrated History of the great war In the Philippine Islands . The Departure of the Plrtt Fleet of Transports. . Reproduced from on UliwtnUoa In M On to M ull " Only a limited number of these were is sued these will be sent by mail to any address upon receipt of the price 50 Cents This book contains a full account of the work of the First Nebraska with illus trations never before published and is a work of art History Dept.5 Omaha Bee JOBBERS AND M&NUFAGTO ! OF OMAHA. DRY GOODS. E , Smith & Go. kapcrttr * aad Jobtof * l Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTION& ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. W astern Eieoirieai Company Electrical Supplies. Bleotrlo Wlrint ? Bells and Gas LieKtlae O. W. JOBK8TOK. ttff 16I "ow.rrt HARDWARE. Lea-Glass-Andreesen Hardware Co. Wholesale Hardware. BIoy l * ail Sporting Goods , 121aiW ney Street. SAFE ANDlRON TORKS. he Omaha Safe and Iron Works , % G. ANDREEN , Prop. Uikes a ipeclalty of TT > TTC TJ KSOAPK8 , Jr ZXtJCV HHUTTKlia. tnd Durxlnr Proof B&fes an I Vault Doom , etc 010 8 , 14th ? . . OiMbn , H b. HARNESS -SADDLERY. I I H.Haney & Go. * JIV" SADDLKA AND M r * of Lfother. Saddlery n rdu > ar , Ote , ' We solicit your order ? . 313-315-317 S. 13th. BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKS Hrake , Wilson L/ o EftJ'.BIS taaomtaor * Wilton fc Uruke. Mmnufacturers boilers , smoke stacks nnd treecnlngs , pressure , tendering , ehcep dip , Ittrt and \cater tanks , bollc- tubes ron- ( tantly on hand , neton'1 linnd bollc"i boucht and sold Pnrin' nnl , prnrn'it . ti r palr In city or miiH"T > I r.- BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , n merican Hand 1 \ Sewed Shoe Co M'frs I Jobbers of Foot Wear WI81EKN AOINTSTOH Zh * Joseph Bouigan Bubbeor Oo. CHICORY The American V Chicory Go. Otvtnrm ao4 mMmfactunn of all form * ot Chicory Om hFr mont-O'N lL SAMPLE COPIES OF THE Illustrated Bee Free on Request. The Bee Publishing Company , OMAHA.