Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Receipts Responsible for Declines in
Chicago Wheat Futures.
" \ \Vciikn HIM elfin * In tlio
nordOTCHt nidi n Clortd Mnny Sell-
liiK Orders Ontn mill 1'ro-
t Ulonn Ad\iiuce.
1 CHICAGO , Sept. G.-Weakness In the
northwest and Jicavy receipts at all points
fwcro mainly responsible for declines of HQ >
% c In deferred futures In wheat today.
Bepternber was In good demand and closed
Ho higher. Hot , dry weather caused nn ad-
rvanco of Uifc In corn. Oats closed unchanged -
, changed to V4C higher and provisions about
* VHo higher.
. The first Impulse of traders In wheat was
J to buy slightly higher quotations from
| Liverpool and other foreign markets , over-
1 nhadowlng for the time being the heavy re-
colpts everywhere. The result was an
opening advance of about lift tic in Decem
ber and Uc In September , December start
ling at 71\jS71'/ ' and September at 6974c. A
nhort period of realizing followed , during
Which December declined to 71Hc but the
nteadlness displayed by com nnd sumo
rather bulllHh reports on the condition of
, Jho spring wheat crop sent the price back
* o the opening figures where they held for
n. short time. Everything else In the way of
Hews favored thu selling nlde and before 11
o'clock the market began to weaken nnd
from that time to the close deferred futures
exhibited more or less weakness Septem
ber , however , was quite ste.idy The elevator -
, tor people were buyers of September on account -
> count of the small carrying charge and the
! premium between September nnd December
WHS reduced to IVic Marked weakness de
veloped In the northwest nnd n. good many
I colling orders rump from that section ,
'rwhlch ' Influenced local trading.
Hoth Duluth and Minneapolis declined
faster and further thnn Chicago nnd pre-
1 dieted a oonttnuanet of heavy receipts.
Tlilo , with the poor i nsh demand , had a
marked Influence on trading In December
and May , and rmdo those options the ob
ject of considerable llqii'dation and fhort
celling. Speculation at times was nearly at
n. standstill , which innde this weakness
more apparent Toward the close there
wan a tendency to cover by shorts , who
Oiml sold earlier in the dny , nnd th's ' caused
eltffht rallies Mlnnpapolli nnd Duluth re-
for two days Chicago
i relpta were 2,200 cars
cage receipts were 233 cirs Total prlnury
receipts vvero 2,021 000 bushelq for two days ,
against 15 059,000 for the corresponding days
a year ngo Atlantic port clearances of
wheat nnd flour amounted to 1.199000
Ijushels. The seaboard made no mention of
export demand todav. December declined
to 70 0 and advanced to 71@71Hc , where it
clo ed. trptember closed at C93ic
Corn Showed conwMerable firmness In view
of the enormous crop estimates , nnd after
a period of weiknosq early ruled higher to
the close The weather In the corn belt was
dry and hot , and there was apparently
nome apprehension of damage complaints
of which vvero numerous September was
cspec'nlly strong. The cash and export de
mand wnn excellent Receipts were 1 500 for
two days. December ranged from 2S54c to
C9Hc nnd closed WVae higher at ID7I29lt.c.
Oats were steady hut very dull prices
keeping within a narrow range. The mar-
Itet In general followed corn and closed at a
Blight advance. There was ome buvlng bv
September short' ! . The Chipping demand
was fair. Receipts wore S74 cars. Decem
ber ranged from 20c to 20'4c nnd closed n
nhndo higher at 20'dc. September closed He
higher nt ZO o.
Provisions were steady , notwithstanding
Jower cables nnd reports of yellow fever at
Kev "Wc t. Scllla < ? wa t light and scattered
nnd the demand fair The strength of corn
Ihelpcd the market , everything closing firm
nt advances At the elo < * e October pork was
7 , . c higher nt $312 % , October lard 7t c
higher at $3 SO and October ribs 710c
( higher at $5 20fi5 22 4. "
Estimated receipts "Wednesday : "Wheat ,
160 cars : corn , 780 cars ; oats , 690 cars ; hogs ,
22.000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
y Article * ( Jpen Hlsrh. Low. Safil'y
OUT * 70K04
744 7.W 74Q4 74 H
JOM 294 30
20h 20M 20H 204
204 204 20 20 1
-'Hi 21M
8024 H 124 8024
D 60 005 474 005 040
620 6274 520 6274 174
625 630 625 5224
6424 6 74 5374
5024 6124 GOS4 G12H 5024
6 19 6 1G 6 2.2H 6 12H
405 QUO 1 US 600 4UJ4
No. 2.
Cash ciuotatlons were ns follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents
8 CO ; straights , $3,1011315 : spring patents'
J340W370 ; spring "pedals. $420 ; straights
12 SOjfa 20 : bakers. $1.902 c6.
WHEAT No. 3 spring , CS@-1Syc ; No. 2
tetl , 72c.
CORN No. 2 , 32c ? ; No. 2 yellow , UVie.
OATS No 2 21 < r4 < ? Sla4C ; No. 2 white ' Ztft
Sic. No 3 white 22 > M < & 23 > - ! C.
RYE No 2 , olViffuSc.
HARLEY No. 2 , 3oV2i40c
SEEDS No. 1 naxsced , $1 1SW1.19 ; N W
$1.20 , ] ) rlm timothy , $230QJ35 , clover'
prime , $7.00'if7.25 '
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl $7 25ft1
8 10. Lard , per 100 Ibs , $5 12'/4iT5 27 Short
ribs sldea ( loose ) , $4 90i5 25 Dry baited
Bhoulders ( boxed ) $ T 50Q3 C2'/4. Short clear
Bides ( boxed ) . $3 455T5 50.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
Ural , $1.22.
SUGAR Cut loaf , unchanged
The following are the receipts and ship
ments for today :
, _ , . . , Receipts. Shlpm'ts
Flour , bbls „ 34.000 20.000
iWhaat , bu 173000 49 OM
Corn , bu 1.1900TO COI.OOO
Oats , bu 972,000 67400
niye , bu is.coo 1,000
Jlarloj , bu Wi.OOO 2000
On the Produce exchange tod.iy the buttei
market was firm. creameries , K fj20c
il.iirles , 13S17c. ( Cheeso. linn , S ifflOUc !
tlggs , firm ; fresh , > " * * -
< liiontl iiN > f tJtt- Hay nil VnrloiiH
NHW YORK. Sept. 5 PLOUR-Roceipts
15,6K bbls ; exports. 40,937 bbls ; quiet nnd
T\cak at BJJJOo decline ; winter patents ,
9300 370 ; winter str.ilghts , $3230335 , Jlln-
Jiosota patents , $37&tf3 SO ; winter extras ,
* ; .35 < ir275. Rye flour , llrm ; good to fair ,
1E >
HYU Steady ; No. 2 we.stern , 62V4c f , o b.
ntloat , spot.
COHNMRAI < Steady ,
1IARL.UY Firmer ; feeding , 4042o c. 1 f. ,
I Buffalo
vance on firm cables There was a sharp
decline under weak northwest market ad
vices , liquidation , heavy spring wheat re-
cejpts and un Increase In the visible , but
Kave rallies on covering , olohlng steady at
VMViO net decline. May , 7hs4fi9ssC ( , closed ,
1'jo ; September , 72 ll-lCff73 7-lk ( > , closed ,
72Ho : December. 7G 9-l i7b , c. closed , 7594c.
CORN-Recelpts. 455.325 bu. exports , 234-
350 bu. ; spot ste.uly , No 2. 39V1 ' ° t >
afloat. Options opened steady with wheat ,
liut declined later on more favorable ,
weather nnd crop novvs , rallied In the list
liour on covering and olosi > d firm at sc advance -
vance ; May , 35ti-359 c , closed , 35'Sc , Sep
tember closed at 37c , December. 359-lsif
83'ic , closed , 35Hc.
OATS Receipts , 601,300 bu ; exports , 301-
072 bu ; spot quiet , No 2 , 26o , No 3 , 2a&c'
No. 3 white. 27V4c , No 3 white , 27o ; track
mixed western , 2GJf27c , track , white west
ern , 2ilVWiv33 < \
HOPS Qulc-t : state , common to choice ,
IS'Jii crop , tks ; 1.S97 crop , nominal , 1S9S crop ,
10S15C. Pacific coast , 1S96 crop , 40Cc , 1S97
crop , nominal ; 1S9S crop , I2ffltxj
HIDES Steady : Galveston , 0 to 25 Ibs ,
J6Vj4jl7o ; Texas dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , 12V4l3c :
California , 21 to 25 Ibs , ISHc
LKATHEU Steady ; hemlock solo
Tiuonos A > res , light to lieavj w eights , il'.sQ1
M'ic.VOOI Stead > ; domestic fleece , 19Q2tc ,
Texas , ISJflCo.
' BUTTEU-RtNcelpUl ( three di > s ) , 17.S16
7 > kga. ; strong ; state dairy , 15JlBc ; state
creamery , 16ViO21e ; weatern creamery , ICii
, ttlSo' June creamery , 1S021C , factory , I3ii >
16'4c : Imitation creamery , 14O17c
I C'HRESIJ Strong ; large whites He ; small
white , HOllHe : large colored , lllic ; small
colored , llUtfllHc.
EOO3 Firm ; state and Pennsylvania ,
38o : western ungraded , UMiQ'ISVtc.
4KTATOES-Quletj fair to prime , $1. H
71 2t ; fancy , $1 40111. 03 ; southern oweetii ,
JlOofHK. Jersey sweeta , $200 260.
rmjlOHTS Steady ; cotton by steam ,
26'ic. grain by steam , 2 jS3d.
TALLOW I'lrm , primp city , 24s ; Aus-
tmllan. In London , 23s 3d
JIHTALS Increased nctlvlty and firmness
were apparent In spot tin , spelter and pig
Iron , with llnal bid prices In some Instances
materially higher as a result of the larger
demand The Improvement was duo nlso
to good news from the IJngllsh market and
brilliant market reports from western
metal centers At the close the Metal ex-
rhango called pig Iron warrants firm at
J1650 , lake copper unchanged at $1860 ,
spelter , firm for spot , easy for futures nt
M1.R5 bid ind $32.2. ' asked , lead , unchanged
at $4 f/0 bid and $1 B2H asked , spelter , firmer '
at $3 BO bid and $5 70 asked The brokers'
price for lend Is $4 35 and for copper $18.60.
fonilKlon of Trnilc mill ( Innlntlmin on
Slnplc nn < 1 Knnoy 1'roiliicc.
EOGS Good stock at 13c.
lUITTnn-Common to fair. 12Vio : choice ,
14015cj separator , 20c ; gathered creamery ,
POULTRY Hens , live , 7H08o ; spring
rhlckcns , lOo , old and staggy roosters , live ,
3'4R4o ' , ducks and geese , live , 5B6c ( ; turkeys ,
live , Sc.
PIOnONS-Llve , per doz. , 73c.
VjALS-Cholce. 9c.
WATHRMTLONS < 3ood stork , crated for
shipments , 145U3C.
CANTALOUPE Per doz. . cmted , 359400.
TOMATOES Per crate , 25030c.
1'OTATOnS Now , 201J-WC per bu.
CiLiRY-Prr doz. , 30 J33c.
SWEET POTATOES-1'cr bbl. . $2003225.
PLUMS-Cnllfornla. per crate , $1.351.50.
SWc , slings , SOIiSoc.
APPLES Per bbl. . $2 ,
GRAPES-Na.1/03 , li > c per basket ; Cali
fornia , $1.2301 50
LEMONS California fancy , $4.26H BO ;
choice California , $3.754 00 ; Messina , fancy ,
$3 0055 23.
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
per bunch $2 BO&2.75 ; medium-sized bunches ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7&c ; No. 2
green hides , OV4c : No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No.
2 salted hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
Ibs , lOc : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c.
1 , 3c , tallow. No. 2 , 2lic ; rough tallow , l o ;
white grease , 2'/4@3o ; yellow and brown
In All the CcrcuU Except
AVUciit ami Unrlcy.
NEW YORK , Sept. 5 The statement of
the visible supply of grain in store and
niloat Saturday , as compiled by the New
York Produce exchange , is as follows :
WHDAT-34,871,000 bu. ; Increase , 175,000
bu.COR.N e S.OOO bu. : tlecreoso , 213,000 bu ,
OATS-5 051,001) bu. ; Increase. 278,000 bu.
RYE 528 000 bu , decrease , 8,000 bu.
BARLEY 941,000 bu ; increase , 610,000 bu.
St. Lotiln Tirnlii mill I'rovlnloiin ,
ST. LOUIS. Sept. -WHEAT-Unsettled ,
closing strong : No 2 red , cash , elevator ,
CSc ; track , C9Jp70c : September , CSc ; Decem
ber , 71'4 < gTlVo , May , 754o ; No. 2 hard , 67
< 3G9c.
FLOUR Unchanged ; patents , M.4035G ;
straights , $3.10fT3.20 , clear , $2 73g3 00.
CORN Steady , No. 2. cash , 30c ; track ,
31c ; September , 30-\c ; December , 27V c ; May.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 , cosh , 21Hc ; track.
21Bic ; September , 21-ic ; May , 223io ; No. 2
white 23ff2G'4c.
RYE Firm at C3c.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , old , 7c :
young , Sc ; turkejs , 9@10c ; ducks and
geese Cc.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 17lc ;
da'ry , 13i'17c. (
EGGS Lower at 10&c.
SEEDS Timothy , J2 OOS2.40 ; Hajcseed ,
BRAN Strong , higher ; Backed lots , east
track , GOftfilc.
HAY Steady ; timothy , $350@1000 ;
$ G 7&SCT 50
WHISKY Steadv , $1.22.
HEMP Twine. 9c.
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , firmer ;
boxed shoulders and extra Phorts. $5 60 ;
clear ribs. $302 . ; clear sides , $575. Bacon ,
firmer ; boxed bhouldors , $57G ; extra shorts ,
$ G ; clear ribs , $ G12V4 : clear sides , $0.25.
RECEIPTS Flour , 17,000 bbls. : wheat ,
142000 bu , : corn , 250,000 bu : oats. 152,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 9,000 bbls ; wheat ,
8,000 bu. ; corn , 202,000 bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu.
Liverpool Grnln anil 1'rovlnloim.
Hams , short cut , steady at 44s 6d. Bacon ,
Cumberland cut , dull at 34s Gd : short ribs ,
dull at 31s Gd , ! eng clear middles , light ,
.lull at 31s Gd ; long clear middles , heavy ,
dull at 30s 6d ; clesr bellies , dull at 34s 6d.
Shoulders , square , dull at 27s Gd.
CHEESE American finest white , strong
at 53s ; American finest colored , strong at
45s WHEAT Spot , No. 1 northern spring ,
( Inn at Gs ld Futures quiet ; September ,
3s 9Hd ; December , 5s livid.
CORN Spot , American mixed , new , easy
at 3s 4Hd ; Ame'ican mixed , old , easy at
3s 4'id ; September , quiet at 3s 4Vld ; Octo
ber , qjiet at 3s e'/id ; November , steady at
3s Gd
PEAS Canadian Es lid.
RECEIPTS Wheat during the last three
days were 9G.OOO centals , including 92,000
American , corn during the last three days
were 127,000 centals.
KnTinn * City Grain nnd FrovlMlnnn.
December , fio'/fcc ; cash. No 2 hard , 62SJG4C ;
Vo 3 , B90C2 c ; No. 2 red , GS@71c ; No. 3 ,
CORN December. 25c ; cash , No. 2 mixed ,
"WtZWjc ; No. 2 white , 29Hc ; No. 3 , 28' @
OATS-NO 2 white , 220.
RYE No. 2 , & 3c
HAY Choice timothy , $725tf7.50 ; choice
oralrle. J375fJ < jOO.
lU'TTER Creamery. 17019c ; dairy , 15c.
EC1GS Liberal movement ; market firm ;
fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts ,
Mtyp. cases returned.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 301,200 bu. ; corn , 64-
HOO bit : oats 30,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 6,400 bu.j corn , 4-
> 00 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu.
Toledo MnrUot.
TOLEDO , O. , Sept. 5 WHEAT Active
and lower. No 2 cash , 69'4c ; December , 73c ,
CORN Dull but steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS-Dull but steady : No. 2 mixed , 21c.
RYE Quiet : No. 2 cash , BOe
SEEDS Cloversoed , active nnd Irregular ;
prlco cash , old , $1 GO ; October , $5 20 ,
MiiK < - - Or ill ii Mnrkot.
Lower ; No 1 northern , TOjnic ; No. 2
northern GOf/WVic
RYE Stondv : No. 1. B4 ic.
BARLEY Firmer ; No 2 , 42c ; sample ,
Dtiluth > lnrkc < .
1 hard cash fs ) c ; September , GOHc ; De-
Bomber G9 p ; No 1 northern cash , finip ;
September , G7c ; December , 6740 : Mav. 71/o ;
No. 2 northern , 67aic ; No. 3 spring , 61i4c ,
Ploiir nnd Orniii.
Bus'nesH light : tlrct patents , $3CMT375 ;
Hecond patents , $3.15fl355 ; ( irst clear , $2.60 ®
2 f 0
0BRANIn bulk , $100&t1050. ?
PEORIA , Sept -CORN Quiet ; No , 2 ,
OATS-Qulet ; No 2 white. 21 > 4i21Hc.
WHISKY Steady , on the buMs of $1,22
for flnlbhed goods
lluttrr Miirkpt.
ELGIN. 111. Sept B BUTTER Steady
at 21o ; all offerings 111 tubs sold at 21c ,
rilANKFORT. Sept. B. Today's session
of the bourse here was thinly attended ,
owing to the observance of Jewish Now
Year Prices were firm and In some In
stances moderatelv Improved
PARIS , Sent B Prices on the bourse
today opened steady , but subsequently
weakened , only n few moderate sales be
ing recoidpd the Inactivity depressing the
market Go\ eminent securities lost a portion
tion of yesterday's advance Rio tlntos do-
cl'.ned slightly on realizations , then rallied
and closed nt the h'ghest quotations of th
day IC.ifllrs were weak In consequence of
a rumor that the proposed conference at
Capetown would be held Continued offers
caused a material dt cline , but toward the
close there was fair buying and a portion
of the lo s was recovered
LONDON. Sept , 6 American securities ,
after a dull start , were stead'er ' The mar
ket then became quiet with lltile business ,
but later In the day prices moved up At
the close the tone was Irregular Bus'ness
was lim'ted to professional trading Span
ish 4s closed at CO 37 > * Amount of bullion
taken Into the bank of England on balance
today , 19,000. Gold premiums quoted at
Buenos Ayres , 138 60.
BERLIN. Sept 5 Transactions on the
bourse today were checked , owing to the
unfavorable dispatch from Johannesburg
published by the London Standard this
morning to the effect that the Transvnal
matter was hopel m and the Boers would
probably declare war at forty-eight hours'
notice and would try to raid Natal before
the British troops arrived The forth
coming l'ruion cabinet meeting also In
creased the uneasiness Government securi
ties , however , were comparatively steady.
Coal and Iron shares were ens'er Cana
dian Pacifies were weak nnd Americans
were quiet. Exchange on London , 20m 464
pfgs. for checks.
Onlnlilr of n Terr S < ooU thr Market
In Nnrrovr nnd Antithetic.
NEW YORK , Sept 6 The buoyancy of a
handful of Individual stocks gave an ap
pearance of considerable strength and ac
tivity to the stock market , but outside of
these few stocks the market was narrow
and apathetic to the last degree
Shortly after the opening Northwestern
was marked up sharply nnd the usual re
sponse was made In other numbers of the
Vandcrbllt group , Union Pacific also fol
lowing the As was the case last
week , the. heavy offerings of Union Pacific
brought out on the advance checked the
enthusiasm of the buying nnd operations
In that particular group were for the most
part discontinued Northwcstern's extreme
rise was 4H. the preferred S points above
the previous sale Omaha 2 , New York Cen
tral and Union Paclllo over a point.
New York , Chicago & St IJoUls stocks
advanced from 1V4 to 4 points on a rumor
that Judicial aid was to be sought to enforce -
force asserted rights to dividends ,
The coalers were In good demand , Lncka-
wanna leading with a rise of 314. Gains In
this group were not maintained entirely.
Other railroad stocks which rose a point or
over were St Paul preferred , Colorado
Midland preferred. Wheeling < fe Lake. Erie
second preferred , Hocking Valley and Chicago
cage Great Western preferred A and B
stocks. Transactions elsewhere In the rail
road list were quite Inslgnlllcant.
There was a slight response In the early
dealngs to the detresslon In the London
mat hot The bulk of the trading was In
th ( . more volatile specialties
Tennessee Coal was the most conspicuous
figure In the day's market. After dropping
a fraction it was aggressively lifted by suc
cessive stages 9 full points and closed at 103 ,
the top price Colorado Fuel apparently
sympathized with its movement and rose
an extreme G ? .
There was a good demand for Republic
Steel at an advance of 2V4 and Federal
Steel rose a point , otherwise the Iron nnd
steel stocks showed but a slight response.
The New York municipal stocks , includ
ing both the gas and traction stocks , were
quite buoyant and show gains of from 2
to B points , the latter Metropolitan Street
Railway ; American Tobacco rose an ex
treme 3 points and Sugar 1 % : Chicago Ter
minal Transfer preferred gained 2.
Rates for call loans were llrm at 3 per
cent or over nnd the flrst deposits of money
at the sub-treasury for shipment to the
south , amounting to $100,000 , were made
this morning. The decline In the Hem of
"duo to other banks" In the statement of
New York national banks Is cited to explain -
plain in part the recent drain on the de
posits of New York banks. A coincident
Increase In the. same Item of the Philadel
phia national banks Indicates that outside
banks have transferred their deposits on a
large sc.ilo from New York banks to other
cities. The explanation is the rule of New
York clearing house banks lately enforced
to charge for collection of checks from
outside points. The announcement last
week of the withdrawal of a prominent
trust companv from the clearing house
privileges , with its decision to discontinue
the practice of charging for the collection
of outside checks , has brought the subject
prominently into notice. One effect evi
dently will be to shift part of the demand
for money to move the. crops from New ;
York to other cities , which have Increased
their deposit account by the deposits of
eastern and southern banks.
The bond market was quiet and changes
were small and mixed. Total sales , $ l,45o-
000. United States bonds were unchanged
In bid quotation. '
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financlil cablegram sajs : Business was
very dull today. The market was weak In
line on the Jewish holiday. The Transvaal
situation was unsettling , but the close was
rather brighter. Americans opened flrm ,
but were neglected until New York bought
Union Pacinc and New York Central. The
close was cheerful. Spanish 4s were GW8 ( ;
tlntos. 46 % ; Anacondas , 117-16. Gold to the
amount of 39.000 in bars was bought and
20,000 was sent to the Cape. Money was
plentiful : call money was 2 per cent ;
weekly loans , 2 % ; October , 2 . Bills were
nominally unchanged and few were offer-
Ing. Banks are avoiding long dates. Paris
and Berlin exchange unaltered.
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New Lark
exchange today :
ISoNton Slock Ouolntloiin.
BOSTON , Sept , 6 Call loans , 3 4 % per
cent ; time loans , 45 per cent. Closing
prices for stacks , bonds and mining
shares :
ATr7& . . r . . . 22' ' Westlngh niec rfd 6SVS
, io pfd . . . . GS AtchlHon 4s 100
American Sugar 157 New KTiK-laiul 6s , , , 113
1H-II Telephone 3M Adventure 9
Iloston .4 Albany .261 Allouez Mln , Co , . . C
Iloston iievat < Kl Atlantic 30
llostnn & Maine liohton & Montana 350
c. n & Q . . . Ilutte S. ItoBton . . . 74
Fltohlmrc pfd . Calumet & Jlecla , . S < 0
I'ederal fteel . . . . f'Wi Centennial K
do pfd . . " ' rrunklln SO
MPX Central . . . ! HumlKildt 2 %
Mich Telephone.,1CO CWtolii M
Old Colony 1'nrrott CUi
Old Dominion Qulncy 1 < V )
Rubber Santa Te Copper . .1154
Union Pacino 47' Tnmarnok . . . .2tSi
Union iJind . VVIntma 11
95 Wolverines 46
Weatlncli Hlectrlo. 49 Utah
\ < MV York Mining
NEW YORK , Sept. 5. The following
uie the closing quotations for mining
shares :
BAR SILVER Quiet at 2S } d per ounce.
MONEY-2 per cent
The rate of discount In the open market
for short hills is 3'i per cent , for three
months' bills , 3 6-161)3 ) % per cent.
Itnnk Clcnrlncd ,
CHICAGO. Sept. 5 Clearings , $25,101,028 ;
balances , $2,783,378 ; New York exchange , 40
discount ; sterling exchange , $184 ®
4 S7U ,
NEW YORK. Sept. -Clearing" , $101,727-
GSS , balances , $6,894,910
IJOSTON , Sept. -Clearings. . $14,645,212 ;
balances , $ t.372,2S7.
PHILADELPHIA , Sept. -Clearings ,
$12,031,414 , balances , $2.273,94i.
HALTIMORE , Sept. 6. Clearings , $2,832-
043 , balances , $453,15o.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. -Clearings , $6C64,315 ;
balance * , $861,675 , money. 4JS per cent ;
New York exchange , 75o discount bid , 50o
discount naked.
York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 5 MONEY-On call ,
355 per cent , last loan at 3 per cent ; prime.
mercantile paper , 4'1'TiS per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills nt $4 SCU ®
4S H for demand and at $4 SSWffM S3 < 4 for
sixty days , posted rates. $4 S4Q4.87 > 4. com
mercial bills , $1 S3
SILVER Certificates. f iQ'SOc ; bar ,
697-lGp , Mexican dollars , 47Hc.
BONDS Government , steady ; state ,
strong , railroad , irregular
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds-
Cotton. Market.
Steady ; soles , 1,2-30 bales ; ordinary 4c ; good
ordinary , 4'4c : low middling , 53-ific ; mid
dling1 , 6 > * c ; KCKXI middling , 6 1-lCc ; middling
fair , CVi.0 ; receipts , 2,912 bales ; stock , 128721
bales. Futures quiet , September , $3 Gl bid ,
October , Jj.GSflSbl ; November , J5G605GS ;
December , $372575.73 ; January , J5.751i5.77 ,
February , J3S05J5S2 ; ilaich , $3S5SO ;
April S3SOffr 9l , May , % o 9305 93.
NDW YORK , Sept. 5 COTTON-There
was -nalUnff market for cotton after a
steady advance of 4&7 points , the latter due
to bullish cables and foreign busing , sup
plemented by more or less conflicting crop
accounts. The feature of the cable was the
net ad\ance of I' fOCWo on the one Satur
day's closing prices In the face of hea\y
port receipts now pointing to 110,000 bales
for the week. Following the open cable the
market ruled easier , tinder liquidation , as
outside support was entirely withdrawn
and the open cables became more or le = 3
disposed to hold off to the September gov
ernment reports from Washington. During
the afternoon business was on a strictly
local basis , with unimportant variations
averaging slightly below the best figures ol
the morning- . Had reports from Texas
made sellers scarce , while the large re
ceipts checked buying. The market was
finally quiet at a net gain , of K S po'nts.
Quotations : Future ? closed quiet ; Septem
ber , Jo 70 ; October , $590 ; November , J559 ;
December , J6 ; January , $504 ; February ,
$009 , March. $0.12 , April. $616 ; May , $620 ;
June , $0 24
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 5 COTTON Stead v :
middling , 55-lGc ; sales none ; receipts , 751
bales ; shipments , S6S bales ; stock , 63,657
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK , Sept. 5 COFFEE Options
opened barely steady at unchanged prices
to a decline of 5 points Trading was fairly
active , with the market later steadier on
total demand. Subsequently there was a
reaction under liquidation prompted by
heavy receipts and unfavorable llnal ca
bles ; closed quiet and unchanged to 6
points lower ; sales , 17,750 bags , including
October , $4 35 ; November. $4.40 : December ,
$4GOff465 ; March1 ti SO ; May , $490 ; June ,
$4 95 ; July , $5 00 August , $5 05. Spot , Rio.
dull and nominal ; No. 7 Invoice , Bsc ; No. 7
Jobbing , 0c ; mild , quiet and barely-
steady ; Cordova , C UllVic.
Oil Market.
TOLEDO. O , Sept. C OILS North Lima ,
$1 01 : South Lima and Indiana. 9Cc.
LIVERPOOL , Sept. -OILS Turpentine
spirits , steadv at 34s Gd ; cottonseed oil ,
Hull refined. October , steadv at 15s 9d.
LONDON , Sept. 6. OILS Turpentine
spirits , 33s.
NEW YORK. Sept. G-OILS-Steady ;
prime yellow , 25'/4c ; petroleum , stronger :
refined New York. $8 40 ; Philadelphia and
Baltimore. $835 ; Philadelphia and Balti
more in bulk. $8-40. Rosin , quiet ; strained ,
common to good , $127Q1.30. Turpentine ,
dull at 47@47&c.
Dry Gnmlft Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. C Spot trade gen
erally quiet. Business otherwise up to
average. No change In quotations today ,
but brown , bleached and coarse colored cot
tons closed strong Fancy print * quiet.
Staple lines in good demand and firm.
Ginghams firm Print cloths quiet for both
regulars and odds , but firm Cotton yarns
in g-ood demand and pr'cea advancing.
California Dried Frnltri.
K-.iiHiiN Cltv Lite Stork.
ceipts , 15,370 head. Among the offering1 *
were many low grade trashy stock that
sold slow ; recent quality in good demand at
steady prices. Heavy native steers , $5 25 $ )
023 : light w eights. $3.Of5 GO , stockert and
feeders , $3 5ftffG 00 ; butcher cows and
he'fers , $3 OOfio 00 , canners $250iZ300 , west
ern steers $300J375 : Texanf. $300 385
HOGS Receipts , 5,100 head. The supply
was very light , both packers and shippers
being active buyers at steady to 5c higher
prices. Ilr-avy. $1 23 4 37',4 ; mixed , M 23 ®
437 % ; Bht , $430ir4.45.
AVool Market.
ST. LO1TIS. Sept 5 WOOL Quiet ,
uteady ; medium grades , 14iT19c ; light fine.
; heavy fine , lO'fflSc ' ; tub washed , 10
Demand Hint One Hundred 1'lppen of
fiiim CoiiHtltuti * 11 Ilnj'w AVark.
A strike about which very little has boon
heard occurred In New York City recently.
The slot machine decoys quit work and
tried to make better terms with their em
ployers. Very little Is known by the pub
lic about these men , The men who hire
them do not wish anything said about them ,
ns It would bo flkely to destroy their ueeful-
Each company that operates nlckel-ln-thc-
slot inachinc.1 or pouny-ln-the-filot machines ,
It la said , has in Its employ men whose duty
It la to RO around and work up business ,
They visit crowded railroad fitntlons , and ,
walking up to one of the machines , drop a
penny Into It , and take the chewing gum
tha't It gives them In return , or register
their weight.
The machine owners discovered some
time ago that If Rome ono does this dozens
of others follow suit , All that la needed Is
a start The "decoy" Is generally n man of
magnetic personality. He marches up to
the apparatus In a way calculated to Inspire
confidence and BUggeetB imitation , and ho
does It In sucli a way as to atract OH much
attention an possible. In a few minutes the
machines are besieged with other customers
Part of the duty of the "decoy" when ho
deals with the chewing gum apparatus la to
Insert It In his mouth and then allow a
look of pleasure to f > teal over his coun
tenance. The "decojs" put their heads
together not long slnco and decided that
they were underpaid and overworked. They
agreed that the hulk of the slot machine
buelnees U created by them and that the
remuneration of $2 a day Is not uulllclcnt
to corapenoato them for their efforts
Falling a raise In the price of work , th y
demanded that shorter hours and less labor
be assigned to them. They asked that 100
pieces of cheulng gum constitute a day's
work , and that every man who had been
weighed eeventy-flve tlmce ehould bo en
titled to go home and rent.
Considerable Portion of the Oitttle Are of
Pratty Good Quality.
OKH Are Strong to Hive Cent * Higher
ni Computed wltli Mondnj-'n 1'rlccn
Supply IN Uminunll }
( or n Tucniln- .
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 5.
elpts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Olllclal Monday . 4,009 l.ZIO 7bs4
Olliclal Tuesday . 6,134 4.37. ! 9OW
Two days this week . S.iu" HicT : llilso
Hume days lust week . . . 9.114 S.903 S.5VS
Same days week before. 13,073 10.S01 12,2bS
Same thrco weeks ago. .9 197 11.4C5 b/ilto
The tlllctal number of cars of stock
broug-ht In today b > each road was :
. . . . . .
O. At St. L Ry . . .
Missouri 1'aclllc Hy . . . 9 6
Union Pacific sjstem. . . 21 12 24
O 4. N.V. . Hy . 1
V , E. & M. V. U. H. . . . 31 10
O. , St. 1' . . M. & O. Hy. .7 7
U. A : M , U. It. H . 22 10 10
C , U. & Q. Ky . 6 4
1C. C. it St. J . 2
O , It. I. & p. lly. , east. . .
O. , 11. I. & p. Ky. , west 5 2 1
Total receipts . 200 03 35 11
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . 22S 4(0 . . . .
O. II. Hammond Co . 686 911 . . . .
Swift and Company . 320 1,010 2,107
Cudahy Packing Co . 603 99' 13
Armour & Co . , . 233 1,001 2,126
Cudnhy Pack. Co. , 1C. C. 651 .
Swift and Co , country . 90S
G. H. Hammond Co , K.C 46
Armour & Co. , 1C. C . SO
Vansant & Co . 307
J L , . Carey . 170
McCreary & Clark . 53
Hill fc Huntzlnger . . . . 3S1
Benton Ac Underwood . 323
Huston , k Co . 33
Livingstone & Schallcr. . . 191
Hamilton & Hothschlld. . . 164
L. F. Husz . 171
Other bujera . 690 . . . . 27GS
Held over . 600 . . . . 3SO
Totals . 5,693 4,359 SIX > J
CATTLE There was a lower feeling : In
the air this rrornlng between thirty and
forty loads of cornftd steers were on salt
and bujers seemed to be In a position whert
they could aftord to act on the bear side ,
If they Just happened to like u certain
bunch of catilf u was not so very inuth
work to get about steady prices and some
sellers In consequence were calling it a
steady market. On tno other hanu some
hellers thought they were hardly able to
got steady prices , and still others were
calling It a ilai I'c lower. In consequence
the , trade was slow and the forenoon was
well adva ced before anything like a clear
ance was ellected. A considerable proportion
tion of the. cattle were of pretty good
quality , so that the sales show up well on
paper. Uujers were admitting that the
market was at the least slow and weak.
Between llfteen ana twenty loads of west
ern grass bteves were among the olter-
Ings , and a few lo ds of little Texas stuff.
The market on grossers was no higher , but
was generally without change. Some cattle
sold lOc lower than the same brand brought
yesterday , but It was claimed that the
quality of the bunch sold today was hardly
so good.
Cows tird heifers were In moderate
supply and the market was reasonably
active at steady prices. About everything
In the way of butchers' stock wai cleaned
up in short order.
There was an easier feeling In the feeder
division. The market has reached a very
high and operators appeared to feel
that the time had come to call a halt and
that a reaction was near at hand. In
consequence speculators were backward
about taking hold at yesterday's extreme
high prlceb. As a result the general mar
ket was a little lower , unless It might been
on something extra desirable. Common1
kinds ; ere almost unsaleable. Rep
resentative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . WO J3 25 23..10S4 $5 25 18. . 1243 $5 SO
1. . 900 400 625 63. .1152 565
1. . 6bO S 15. .1328 535 6..11b8 665
1..1100 460 20..111b 540 l'J..llbl 6W
2. .1100 475 1..1210 541 1S..1J36 570
7. . SM > 475 48. .1134 540 19. . 1075 675
11..1J71 475 40..12S2 545 7. . 1257 675
4. . SUO 605 3C..1263 560 37. .1491 585
IS. .1045 510 18. . 1219 560 21..12S3 590
23. . 1025 5 15 66. .1495 6 60
18. . 1194 4 85 20. . 5&5 560 41. .1091 585
25..11C2 5 35 14. . 918 6 60 83. . 1205 5 90
14. . 1107 5 40 22. . 1302 665
1. . 900 160 1. . S70 320 1..1120 SCO
1. . 820 250 1. . 800 325 9. .1097 3 ( X >
1. . 850 260 1. . 990 325 1..1WX ) 383
L.lObO 265 24. .1033 340 1..1240 385
1..1130 2 85 1..1010 340 2. .1150 400
1..1100 285 1..1090 345 1..12W ) 425
1..1030 i 00 1. . 930 3 60
8. . 891 260 1..1150 325 3..1103 350
2. . 810 275 2. . 910 325 9. .1055 380
2. .1010 300 4. . 920 330 1. . 930 3 SO
2. . 1015 3 15 1. . 900 3 35
1. . 820 250 1..1130 325 3. . 933 330
2. . C20 2 60 5. . 900 3 30 6. . 700 3 50
10. . 694 275 11. . btiO 330 1. . COO 375
1. . ! > 00 340 1. . 460 460 1. . 850 4 60
3. . 903 4 50
6. . 713 3 10 13. . 631 3 55 21. . 794 3 65
6. . 643 3 60
1..1400 2 65 4..1COO 3 10 1..1300 3 25
1..1450 3 ba 1..1700 310 1..1140 355
1. . SbO 250 1..1350 325 1..1150 340
1..1120 3 10 1..1120 3 40 1..1030 3 40
1..12JO i 00 1..1430 3 25
1. . 200 515 2. . 140 b 00 1. . 80 6 25
2. . 250 5 25
2. . I'M 4 85 1. . 200 5 60
6. . 700 3 50 2. . 300 4 60 2. . 475 4 90
1..1000 435 0. . 533 475 34. .455 490
1. . 370 3 00 1. . 850 4 00 26. . 8iO 4 25
1. . 690 3 75 20 . 825 4 25 3. . 603 4 40
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 feeders. . 10JO $ . ! C5 1 steer . 870 V 35
4S feeders. . 760 400 12 feeders. . 937 335
31 feeders. . 690 400 12 feeders. ,1042 320
6 feeders. . 5W5 4 00 7 feeders. . 740 3 40
M. C. Remington Neb.
5 feeders. . 800 3 60 25 feeders. . 323 4 35
T P. Moodv Neb.
1 feeder. . . S40' 3 GO 14 feeders. . 925 4 35
4 feeders. 965 4 31
R. P , Rooenberry Neb.
3 feeders. . 823 4 35 19 feeders , , 840 4 35
2 cows. . . . . 855 3 00 6 cows IOCS 3 45
G. E. Lemon B. D.
W. Tldd-B. D.
1 cow . . . . ' . ' 1200 335 7 cows 1033 336
1 Cow 900 3 35
J , D Seltr-S. D.
1 steer 1100 410 4 steers . . .1050 425
The Western Ranches S. D.
110 steers..1119 4 45
Kauf & Rtnleapacher Neb.
161 feeders. 323 4 23
The Nebraska L. & F. Co. Neb.
27 feeders..10C9 430 27 feeders. , 90 460
25 feeders 1122 4 76
F. M. Peterson Wyo.
21 feeders , . 805 450 39 yearllns 525 600
Ccowa lOOti 3 45
Oaks & Hanks Neb.
100 feeders. 8)5 4 GO
13. O. Plnney Neb.
1 bull 940 3 40 7 feeders , . C94 4 60
3'j feeders , . 884 4 35
1 cow 940 2 i > 5 2 feeders. , 890 345
2 cows IOCS 3 2u 11 cows 1078 365
Elmer Johnson W > o ,
1 cow 3 25 28 heifers. . S39 3 GO
1 COW . . . .1060 3 GO 1 feeder. . . 870 4 40
1 helfor. . 7 > 3 GO 19 feeders. . 600 4 40
1 heifer. . . 950 3 CO
A. Simon Cole ,
67 feeder * . . 859 4 60 G3 feeders. . 771 4 35
1 cow 1320 3 40
R Phelan Neb ,
61 feeders 856 4 15 1 stag 1000 3 50
5J feeders..1030 4 15
W Lester Neb.
105 feeders. SM 4 65 1 cair . . . . ISO 6 25
3 steers . . KO 3 50 30 cows 1113 3 45
1 cow ' . ' 00 00
William Souther Neb.
9 feeders. 813 3d ) 18 feeders. . 914 440
iHteer. . 10SO 333 1 cow..1210 365
1 cow 90 275 1 cow 1010 363
W Watkln-Neb ,
102 feeders. 80S 385 34 feeders. , 818 400
JJurns & Stout Wyo.
1 cow 990 300 4 steers , .1272 4 SO
1 bull 1480 303 7 steers . . 1281 4 SO
1 bull 1280 333 1 steer . . . .1130 4 & 0
14COVV8 . . .10S2 370 3 steer ? . . . 1313 4 SO
2 heifers..1160 370 1 steer . . . .1180 4 SO
7 steers..1044 4 S5 3 steers. . 1270 4 SO
Icow 1340 4 35
A F. Stelnhousen Neb.
2 cows 1303 310 Icow. . . . 810 3 C5
Icow SJO 330 lateer . . . .1200 4 45
Icow 1130 335 70 feeders. . 982 4 45
Scows . . . .109S 360 1 calf 200 6 00
J Oans Neb
a steers.,1133 415 47 feeders. . 1039 4 35
SO feeders..1033 4 35
1 bull 1470 300 27 cows 939 5 20
1 bull . . . . 1370 3 15
C W Allen-Neb
S feeder.1025 375 8 teer . .U47 4 CO
1 bull 1390 J75 U cow * 1U7 860
29 feeders 1025 4 35
D P. Moody Nnb.
2 cows . . . . 'M 3 3S Scows 1061 335
J H. Orr-Neb.
2 fwders. SOO 3 GO 23 feeder * . . 902 4 its
6 cows . . .10GS 8 CO
F. E. Mason-Neb.
1 cow POO 2 50 4 heifers .530 3 60
ICOW . . . .1040 300 10 COWS. . . 102J 3 4S
2 COWB . . . . BBO 3 W ) 1 steer 1260 465
1 COW SOO 3 25
W Robinson Neb.
25 feeders. . S02 4 40
Hnrney Smith Wyo.
Scows. . . . . 947 340 S3 feeders. . 644 480
J. StubbWyo. .
21 steer".114i 470 12 steers..1236 470
6 steers. . .1003 3 70
R. W. McClure Wyo.
6 steers..1130 3 45
T. J Haynes Nob.
2S feeders. , < i03 4 70
DP Hershcy Wyo.
lOcows 1091 350 13 feeder * . . 940 4M
William Roberts Wjo.
6cow-s. . . 1210 390 19 feeders. . $44 470
22 feeders..1124 4 G3 16 feeders..11S9 475
, . " Hageram Wjo.
31 feeders. .1011 4 GO
, S Hagerson Wyo.
31 steers . . .1203 450
S M Peterson \Vyo.
2o feeders. . 778 3 65
C W. Round s-\Vyo.
2 ? feeders. . 924 4 40 37 feeders. , 973 4 60
C feeders. . 921 4 CO
9 cows. . . . 3 GO
. . . JCondt Wyo.
23 steers. . . . 1206 4 S5
J W Stevenson Wjo.
7 cows. . .1023 3 50 S cows . .1047 3 60
12 feeders 4 40 S feeders. 604 4 65
C Fox WJ o.
SO feeders. 903 4 45
1IOOS Todav s market on hogs was
strong to Sc h ghor. na compared with jes-
terday , or 55jlue higher as compared with
the close of last week The demand was
good at the advance nnd the hogs were all
sold early in the morning. The offerings ,
however , w era .Ight , there being only about
half of the umi U Tuesday's run.
Heavy hogs sold largely at * 4 IB and from
that up to $4 20 for the better loads Yester
day the most of the heavy hogs brought
J4.16 and on Saturday { 4 WS4 12U principally.
A good many of the good light ined
loads brought J4 255T4 32" ? . as will be noted
iron ; tht sales below A considerable pro
portion of the receipts todaj consisted of
Ight nnd light mUed loads , and us the ad
vance was largely on the light stuff , it will
be noted that the average price Is quite a
good deal higher today U willalso be noted
from the table of average prices above
that the market still lacks a good deal of
t'euig back to where It was a week ngo.
Representative sales :
SHEEP Receipts were largo again todav
ajia there was a pretty fair apsortment of
all kinds. It was late before the market
opened , as there wan a good deal of sort
ing up to be done , but even after it did open
It was _ slow , and It was pretty nearly an all
day s job to effect a clearance Values as a
rule were a little lower and the feeling very
Stockers and feeders were in good demand
and there were plenty of buyers for everv-
thlng of that description at good uteadj
Quotations : Prime native wethers , $1 SOft
4 00 ; peed to choice grass wethers , $1 SO ®
390. fair to good grass wethers. $3 C5 < S3 75 ,
good to choice grass ewes $3 40iiT350 , fair to
good grass ewes , $3 003 35 , good to choice
spring lambs , $4 7505 00 , fair to good spring
lambs , $4 50if4 ( 75 ; common spring lambs ,
$4 004 50 ; fouler wethers , $3 G0fl3 70 ; feeder
jcarllngs , $3 SOffS 90. Representative sales :
No- Av. Pr
US cull ewes CO 2 00
144 Idaho ewe * 7 2 00
18 bucks 13S 2 30
275 ffrass feeding ewes 5" ) $3 00
SS Utah cwcs 107 J 30
579 Utah feeding ewes 9S 3 40
500 Utah wethers 100 3 70
1.259 Utah wethers 100 3 S = i
452 Wyoming feeding ewr > s 90 3 40
2S9 Utah wethers 8G 3 90
450 fee-dlns wethers 72 J UO
t7 cull Utah feeding lambs 48 4 00
446 Utah lambf 5S 4 r.0
319 Idaho feeding lambs 48 4 25
1 Idaho lamb . . . " 90 4 S5
ISi Idaho lambs 64 4 81
20 western sheep 91 3 50
130 Utah lambs 49 4 25
201 Utah Iambs 49 4 23
944 Utah larabs 49 4 To
LIKlit OffcrlnKM of Ontlli- mill Slow
Siilon lit Itiin-Ij StfMiily I'rlcM-H.
CHICAGO , Sept B CATTLC There was
th0 usual llsht Tuesday supply of cattle ,
offerings consisting mostly of westerns ,
sales were "low at barely steady price- ! ,
good to choice sold nt } 5 70S-C CO , commoner
gr.ides , J4 lOfi'3 ( a , stockers and feeders ,
$3 IS'ff'l.S.1 ; ; bulls and heifers. $2 007(5 ST. ,
Texas steers { 1&0&420 ; rangers , J3 40Q5 40 ,
calves , $4 50S7 25
HOGS The demand for hogs was poor In
spite of the light run and no Improvement
In prlc 2 was noted , he ivy hogs sold at
JIOOJMG1 ! : mixed lots. $4 15f4 C2'/j. ' light ,
J4 204 70. pigs , J3 101T4 40 , culls , $2 OOfiS 95
Slinr/P AND LAMDS-Tliero was n good
demand at strong prices for sheen and the
better lots of lambs and at easier prices
for ordinary lambs ; sheep sold at St 25fH 25
for western rangers , $4 OOfEM GO for jearllngs ,
J3 75Q4 00 for Texans , common lots sold as
low as t2.25 , lambs sold at from $3 2o to
$000 with a few lots bringing $ G ISfifi 25
ItnCHIPTS Cattle 5000 head , hogs , 10-
000 head : sheep , 14,000 head
hi. Lonl Mio Slnplc llnrlirt.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. -1ATTLi-JlecelrtB ,
14 400 head , market steady , on best r.rti\ts ,
wp.ik to lOc lower on others , Texns clew ,
ewer : native shipping nnd export utters ,
(4 ( 75H ? < i 25 , drefsed beef Bte < > n , (4 .liiJG 76 ,
Bteers under ICO1) Ibs , J3501C52 , H.O'Ucra
and feeders , J2 50ff4 SO. cnws nnrt heifers.
225G600 ; canners , $150ff27S , bulls , f 2 25 < iJ >
4 00 ; Texas and Indian steers , f3 1504 CO.
cows and heifers , JJ 5CKS4 00 ,
HOGS HecelptH , H.100 head ; marltet
opened strong closing lower , pigs and
lights , M45fiiC5 ; packers , $4308450 ;
btltchrrs $4 WVJ4 ! C5.
SHinP Upcolpts , 2,600 heart ; market
steady , native muttons , J360S460 ; lambs ,
14 OOQ5 75.
HI. JiiHopli I.MSlnrk. .
SOUTH ST JOSni'H. Mo , Sent. -Spc- ( -
clnl ) The Journal quotes as follows :
CATTLn-Itecelpts , 2,000 head , Includ.
ng SOO quarantines , finality common to
: .ilr ; steady to strong , natives J4 S5jr5 90 ,
Texans and westernd , $340i/G65 / ; stockers
nnd feeders , J3 50f/ 1 75 ; jearllngs and
calves , } 100ftG25 , cows and heifers J2 ( We
4 05 ; stags and bulls , { 2 004H 75 ; veals , (100
(07 ( 00
HOGS Receipts , 3,300 head ; market
steady to SMrr higher , heavy and medium ,
:435iH37 : > 4. light. $430fi 45 , pigs , J4 30B4 40 ;
Milk of sales , $4 25Q > I 35
klini3P HecelptH , 7W head ; market ac
tive and steuiy
York Live Stnnk.
YOIIK. sept Gi
cnlpts , 8 head , no trading , feeling firm. ca >
American oattln at Il'/i012'/ic ,
) ! es quote / /
exports , MO cattle and 4.COO quarters of
jeef , tomorrow , 4.C49 quarters
C'ALVHS Hctelpts , 42 head. Meady ;
veals , JSO&i/SOfl. mixed calves , $150
Blinin * AND IvAMHS-Hecelpts. 2,502
lead , sheep llrrn , lambs 25p higher , all sold ,
ehcep , J3 0 < ) S4 DO lambs , J5 OdSO CO , no Cana.
dlan lambb
HOGS Hecelpts , 2,193 head , easy at $470
JflMES E- BOYD & CO , ,
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft vlre lu Lhlcuieo 4iid New York.
Corr iPfndrnti > Jjbn * Warrrr A Oc-
Tflt'uliciiirt IIIR.'I.
Iluuiu I , .N. 1. Llf Illfltf. ) Omnlin , Nrl ) .
Grain , Provisions , Stocks
Read The Be
Hero Is Where
You Will Find it Itt the
Principal Cities.
Jnme * 11. Uodnrd.
Klrabalt House .Nerr * Stnnd.
Pabllo Llbrnr > .
Vc-iidouie Hotel
Ha lon Pre * Clnb , 14 BoTTorth St.
Geneiae llotrl Aevr * Stnnd.
\Vn . Shield * .
Harvard Uu.ypr lty Library.
E. A. Lotrn-n. lllii AVet JOtb tt.
Cheyenne Club ,
Aadltorlnm Annex Herr * Stand.
Auditorium Hotel Norn Sand.
Grand Paclfle Hotel N TT stand.
Great Korthea-u Hotel Nevr * SUuid.
Palmer Hmine New * Stnnd.
PoBtofllce .NIMTB Stnnd. Nn. 31T
bnrn Street.
Aoaoulntetl Advertiser * * Clnb ,
Weddell II on He.
The Hollenilen.
Commerclnl Traveler * ' Aaaooltttloia ,
Iliuionlo Temple *
Printer * ' Home.
Hro-n-n Hotel New * Stand.
Ilnmiltun A Keiidrlck , tOII-f > lO ITth *
MoLnlu , Pin .t Co. , NH5 Sixteenth St.
lrntt Mercantile Co. , 1517 L vlm r St
The Stationer Co. , ISth nud L .Trrcii <
Street * .
XV'ludaor Hotel XCTV * atnnd.
> Ioe * Jncobn , UocU Inland Depot.
Y. M. U. A. lleudlnir lloom.
Wit * & Benuctt14 AV. Superior flu
H. , A. llcndliiK llooiu
Innlntorrii Hotel llendliie HOOBU
Honolulu Hotel Ileudlng noom.
W. A. Jloore , Oth UT-euue < uxA M ln 0\
Uvlciui 1'ubllu LllirHfjr.
C. U. VI enter Jt Co.
F. C. Hot IULT.
I. . D. Cooper .t Co. , 020 Central Avo.
Robert Pelil. 1UUU 'MuGuc St.
Coated . < oime .Nrvia Stiind.
JllBionrl llcpiiblluuu Club , 005 DnltU
more Ate.
Pnbllc Llbrnrj- .
r Ctunr Co , Oth and AVnlnnt
1 * . O.
lTviiy Y. M. C. A. , room 27 Dnlo *
Depot , ICanun * Cttj , Mo.
Pnbllc Library.
Y. HI. O. A. llcndtnjr Huoin. ,
W. S. EdinUton , liaa O Street , DellT-
Oliver A Hnliica , 10O 8. Spring St ,
f. D. Uanicum , 422 S. Sluln Bt.
Chnrle * A GIlllB' Auierlcuu ICxahnnfffl
it Cockupuj- . , Trufu irar So. . , 8. W.
And re AT F. Jiclioim , Cor. Paente d *
Epnna and I3colta Street * .
Pnbllo Llbrar- ,
\Vet Hotel ft err * Stnnd.
Cooper Union I-llirury.
Fifth Avenue Hotel > etT Stand.
Fifth Ateiiuc Hotel Ileudluir llama *
Buiiilre Holvl.
Itroume Struct Library.
Hollniid Home lleudluor Uoonk.
II off in a ii Home.
Impcrliil Hotel Nrtr * Stnnd.
Blechuulu * ' auil Trnderii' Fre Iilbrocrvv
No. 18 ICnnt Sixteenth Street.
Prrmi Club , l-O ftninun St.
WentmliiBter Hotel Itendlnv n nim
AVIiidnor Hotel Itundlim : Iloom.
Y. M. C. A. , Id Street .nd 4tn Aveun * .
TV. IVebb , 2IO5 WnahlM tOB Av * .
AV. G. Kind.
Netr York Heruld IleadluK ROOM 41
Aie. de 1'Upern. '
The * . Cook & Son 1 >
* , Ave. d l era.
Zowe d. Geatrom ,
W. D. Joiie * , 2U1 Alder St
Portland Hotel A err * Stand.
Hercnntlle Library.
Public Library.
I'ubllo Library.
Santm Ann Free Publlo LlkHtvy.
L. r. Hnmuiel , Lyoeaia TketktOM.
Salt Lake \ri > O .
Pnbllo Library.
Kaitern Netr * Co , , ilia 1-S
A. T. Lundherit.
George F. AVurd.
CrarretUon Hotel Netvii Bl _ _
) In nil n in I n Motul New > Stand.
Hotel Veudoniu JSe r * StnnA.
Coimuy tit Knickerbocker.
Pnbllo Llbrur ) .
Gerald Flliiclbbon , TOO rmvtk St.
Hey Allen , U21 Center St.
Y. U. O. A. Heading Hoe .
John TV Grahum 72a-7IU > MlT r lo\ .
UrnudoiT1 * New * Stuud , Til Hdmond
Junotlon New * Stand , OO1 K uond M
Y , M. C. A. Headline Itoou ,
Pre * Club.
AVindcor Hotel.
ST. I 01)19 )
10. J , Jett , 80(1 Olh * ff .
I'lunter * ' Hotel N rr ftn l _
I abllo Library
AVIllard'H Hold .Nerr * Stud.
\rllniflon Hotel.
Coiicrim.liiiinl Library.
ItlKU * Hoimr.
Aiirioullui ul U'liurtini-vit Lin mi )
Uwubllouu NntloiiHl OowmittCOi