NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MENTION. Davis cells class. Moore's food IcllFa worms and fattens. Flro escapes for buildings at Blxby's. tludwclicr beer. L. Ilosenfeldt. agent. Samuel Slltcr of Oakland Is In the city on business. Charles T. Harney and wife of Macedonia , la , , are visiting in the city. 0. B. Jacqucmln & Co. , Jewelers and op tician" , 27 South Haln street W. C. Estop , undertaker. 28 Pearl street. Telephones , ofllco , 07 ; residence , 23. W. E. Bradley of Silver City , la. , was In the city yesterday on business. Got your work done at the popular Eagle laundry. 724 Broadway. U'hone 157. -Judgo D. E. Aylosworth nnd wife re turned yesterday from their trip to Cali fornia. J. L. Omlmm of Hondonmn , la. , was in the city yesterday on business connected with the district court. Mrs. J , M. Armstrong of Greenwood , Nob. , is the guest of Mls Elizabeth For- grave , 09 Hazel street. ( Mrs. H. B. Suing of Hartlngton , Nob. , Is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1'aaohol of Willow avenuo. The colored voters will meet tonight at the Ogdcn house at 8 o'clock for the purpose of forming a Cummins club. Mrs. J. S. Norton nnd daughter , Grace , of Macedonia are visiting at the home ot Charles Conoycr on High street. Mrs. K. E. Jones of Sixth avenue left last evening for Spokane , Wash. , on a two months' visit to friends and relatives. The city council met as a board of health yesterday afternoon and Investigated several vacant lots for the purpose ot condemning them an nuisances. A run ot the Owr club to the exposition grounds has been called for 7:30 : o'clock this evening. All unattached riders are In vited to participate. The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's English Lutheran church will meet tomor row afternoon at the residence of Mrs. H. O. Saheor , 2019 Seventh avenue. S. Garloy of Aurora , Nob. , and M. K. I'atmoro of Hod Cloud , Neb. , wore mar ried In this city yesterday , the ceremony being performed by Justice Ferrlor. W. F. Kemp of 2409 Avenue B , after five years' service In Uio machine shops ot the motor company , boa resigned his position to go on the road for n boiler company. The High school boys until the opening of school will have foot ball practice games every Monday , Wednesday and Friday aftcr- ncon nt 4:30 : o'clock at the corner of Sev enth street and First avenue. Recruits for the High School cadets will meet for drill thin morning at 9:30 : o'clock at the armory. Cadets who recently took the examination for non-comralssloned offi ce ra ore ordered to bo present to Instruct. The funeral of the late L. M. Crockwell will bo hold tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from draco Episcopal church. The services will bo conducted by Rev. R. Knox , rector , nnd Interment will be In Falrviow cemetery. A representative of the Westlnghouso Dlcctrlcal Manufacturing company Inspected the plans and specifications on Hie in the city clerk's ofllco yesterday with a view' to his company submitting a bid for the erec tion ot a municipal electric lighting plant. The cases against the barbers who kept open last Sunday wore tried yesterday morning before Justice Vien and result in tt discharge of all the defendants. Theze wore the cascn brought by the barbera themselves to forestall prosecution by the Barbers' Protective asEOciatlon. . A man giving the name of Guy Morton was arrested by the police last evening on tlw charge of swindling. Morton secured a number of subscriptions for an alleged rail way time * card , representing that ho was in the employ of the Franklin Printing com pany of this city. The police believe he came hero from Dee Molnes. The funoraT of Mrs. Mary L. Earl , wife of Lafnyotto Earl , who died Monday night of consumption , aged 40 years , will bo held this morning at 9i30 o'clock at the fam ily residence , 1115 Second avenuo. Follow ing the sen-ices , which will bo conducted I by Rev. R. Venting , pastor ot the First Baptist hurch , the body will be taken to Atlantic , la. , for burial. According to the financial report ot the Christian Homo for fast week. Just Issued , the receipt * continue to bo below the needs of the institution. The amount received In the general fund was $153.65 , being $46.35 below the estimated needs for the current expenses of the wock and increasing the do- flclcncy In this up to date to $178.67. The amount received in the manager's fund was $16 , being $20 below the week's needs. The deficiency in this fund now amounta to $42.16. N. V. Humblug compaoi. Tet 2BO. Spoclnl sale of school shoes , commencing Wednesday , August 30 , There Is not a boyer or girl in the city that can afford to miss this sale. Economy Shoo Store , 602 Brood- way , Council Bluffs , T. N. Bray. P. 8. Omaha people invited to this solo. Domestic ouVwashes cheap soaps. Increase J'orto lUcon llellef STnnA. County Auditor Innos and Mayor Jennings ot the business nings made a further canvass ness men of the clly yesterday morning and nuoceeded in increasing the subscriptions to the Porto Rico Relief fund to $130.25. The following Is the Hut of donations secured yeeterday : , . . Dodge Treynor & SSWtf . Jeruxm 50 . Snyder . S. C. Do Haven . . ' $ } 3. A.Black . ) . . . . . " " " fiaim Friedman ! ! . 60 HoMnRon Hrothcru . j H. B. Whaloy . " $ Lowl Hammer . . . . . . . M JTrnnk Everest , 1 intnarli l&lward W , Hart . . . 1.00 W. C. Estop . 60 M. P. MurKen . 0 Prttr. Bcrnimrdl . . . . . . 60 W. 3. Davenport . . . . . . . . . 60 C. O. Baundoru. . . . , . . . , . . 60 G. U. Jacquemen & Co . . 1.00 Whltelaw & Gardner . , . . 1.00 flwanson Mu lo Company . 60 Prank Peterson. . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . 60 J. Bulllvnn , . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 60 W. P. Btephan . 60 Or < MmBh1efd & Mayno. . . , , . 60 Viator H. Bender . 1.00 neb Perepoy . . , , . 60 P. L. Itrcd . , . LOO W. B. Cooper . 60 Trunk E. Silver * . , , . , . . 60 Total . . . . . . . . $180.25 The ladles of St. John's English Luth eran church have the only church restau rant in the founcir Bluffs Wigwam ou the exposition grounds. Domestic soap whitens your clothes. MitrrliitCf I/ Licenses to wed \sere Issued yesterday to the following persons : Name and Residence. Age , B. Gorloy , Aurora , Neb , . . , . , . 61 M. E. Puttnor , Red Cloud , Neb , . . , , . , . . . 48 A , L- Bradley , Macedonia. la . 21 Cora A. Ives , Macedonia , la. , , , . , . 19 .LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT Vor Cuiili or Lomieu on. ' 12. U. SHBAFia * CO. , 6 I'anrl tltreat , Oo > Hlaff * . lovra CROP OF CANDIDATES COOD Woods Are Full of Democratic Aspirant * for County Nominations. WAR OF FACTIONS LARGELY RESPONSIBLE Mnnr Divisions or the Tnrtr Knch 1'nnhlnic Someone ( or lOnch of the oniccn to DC I-lllcd. When the democrat * of Pottawattamle county meet in convention Thursday , Sep tember 14 , to place in nomination a county ticket , they will not lack for material from which to make a selection. For every ot- flco for which nominations are to made there are candidates almost by the dozen and the convention promises to be a warm num ber. The party la divided Into factions and thli accounts for the many candidate * In the Hold this fall. With few exceptions the candidates themselves are not out work ing for nominations , but are "in the hands' ' of their friends , " that is to say each par- I tlcular faction among the bourbons has Its j particular sot of candidates. I In the ranks of the party in the city , I the old fight between the followers of Chief Blxby and the adherents of City Treasurer Brooks Reed and the Jeffersonlan clubltes Is still waging and will , It la prom- lied , bo one of the entertaining features of the coming county convention. The tastlcH adopted by the Blxbyltea at the recent county convention , it Is said , has set the rank and fllo of the party in the coun try precincts against the faction controlled by the chief of police and that they will rally around the banner of Brooks Reed. As before stated the list of candidates said to be in the field for the different nominations Is a lengthy one. For state senator , J. Hart of Avoca , Roscoe Barton , an attorney from the same town , Dr. W. E. Hempstead of Carson and Emmet Tin- ley , a well-known attorney of this city , are the most prominently mentioned. The nurao of Roscoe Barton is also mentioned In connection with the nomination for one of the two representatives. Other names mentioned for state representatives are Dr. Tobey of Oakland , the old democratic war horse , who for many years combined phys ics and Journalism ; Fred Aotzol of Avoca , Samuel Underwood and W. H. Ware of this city , Gus Dledrick of Avoca and John Black of Waveland township. The naino of John Black is also prominently , men tioned In connection with the nomination for county treasurer. William Brooks Reed , city treasurer and president of the Jcfforsonian club , has been for several moons making an active campaign for this nomination and is said to have a large fol lowing In the country dlstriots , who wish to see him aa the party's candidate for treasurer. J. K. Cooper , at present a mem ber of the Board of Education In this city , Is also , mentioned. His candidacy is being pushed along by the faction opposed to Reed. The names of Sylvester Dye of Ma cedonia and Eugene Stupfel of Lewis town ship arc also prominently mentioned as candidates for this particular jjcxnlnatlon. The indications are that there will bo a lively flEbit over the nomination for sheriff and this promises to be one of the interest ing features of the convention. Chief of Police Blxby , although ho persists in declar ing < Jiat he docs not hanker after the nom ination and Is even doubtful If he would accept it in the event of it being tendered him , is being actively pushed forward by a certain faction of the party in this city. The country bourbons , It is understood , favor the nomination of John P. Hazon of Avoca , wfco held the office previous to the election of John S. Morgan on the republi can ticket four years ago. William Schill ing of Avoca Is on aspirant for the nomina tion , and has been hustling for some time with a view to seeurinc U. He feels that ha and the office of eh or 1ft are Just suited for each other. Until a few days ago It was generally conceded - ceded that Prof. H. W. Sawyer , the present Incumbent , would hava no opposition In securing a renotninatlon for county superin tendent of schools. It is possible , however , that lie will hare a fight on his hands , due to the fact -that he Joined tbe Joffersonlan club. The Blxby faction , it is understood , will try to secure the nomination for J. K. Cooper , whose name is also mentioned In connection with the nomination for treas urer. Mr. Cooper held the office prior to the incumbency of Prof. Paulson. Dr. F. T. Soybert of this city , it is gen erally conceded , will have a walkaway for the nomination for coroner , and L. P. Judson - son will meet with no opposition as far as is known at present in securing the nomina tion for county surveyor. For member of the Board < xf County Supervisors , the only name mentioned so far Is that of Fred Het- zel of Avoca , who has also been named in connection with the nomination of state rep resentative. The election of a chairman of the county central committee promises to call forth a lively contest , from the fact that the frlonds of Brooks Reed will try to keep him there , while the Bixbyltes are determined , If possible , to put eorno other man In , In connection with the county chairmanship the nfttnea of Thomas E. Casady and W. H. Thomas , both of this city , are prominently mentioned and U is possible that In the event of Reed being unable to retain the position , ( he country delegate * will have a candidate of their own. Domestic soap sard by all grocers. Davis sells paint. DAIt TAKES UP THIS COWAN CASK. Committee Ordered to Ileport on Ijluc of Action to He Pnrnned. Th \ case of W. 0. Cowan , the young Omaha . .attorney under indictment In the district court here on the ehnrpe o < sub ornation of perjury In connection with a chicken stealing case , has been taken up by the attorneys of this county. At a meetIng - Ing of the Pottawattamle Bar association yesterday the grievance committee waa in structed to make a thorough investigation of the matter and report at the adJourneJ meeting to be held Saturday afternoon Sep tember 9 , whatever action it consldera best for tbe association to take in the case. Cowan was tried at the last term of court lit this city , but tbe Jury failed to agree and it is understood that It Is the inten tion of the county attorney to bring the case up for trial again t this term. The members of the Bar association fool that if on Investigation Cowan is found to have acted contrary to the ethics of the pro fession and In violation of the law that In Justification of the profession the prose cution should ba pushed with a view to punishing him , but If on the hand it U found that ha U the victim of circum stance * and not guilty of any criminal transaction , they bellevo that ho should ba given every assistance possible in his de fense. Tha association also took up the matter of regulating the practice of foreign attor neys in local courts and tha legislative committee was instructed to Investigate the advUablllty of attempting to secure from the state legislature an amwidmeut to the statute regulating tn" Practice of for eign attorneys In tic Iowa courts , by re quiring them to file with the clerk of the court In each case notice of the appoint ment of some resident attorney upon whom service could be made in matters connected with the CMC. The special oommltt to which several months ago the maUor of the adoption of a fee bllJ was referred -was requested to r - port at tha next meeting. Lowest prlcos. eosr terms. The boat and largest stock of plnnoa at Bvrnnoon Muslo company , Masonic Tciapta. Domestic eonp is the purest made. C13M3IIUATIOX AT ST. IIEIINAIUVS. Slxtcrn of aicror Obnervo the IVnmcii- dnr of the IInnplnl. St. Bernard's day nra celebrated ycater- day by the Sisters ot Mercy at the hospital In this city which boars that name. In ether words , it waa namesday for the hos pital and the celebration was an auspicious event to the sisters and the friends of the Institution. There are twenty-olx priests residing in this deanery and In order to cen tralize their Interests In the good work of this institution , Invitations were sent to all of them , with the result that many re sponded , together with a large number of frlendo In this city &nd elsewhere. The celebration opened with high mass at 9:30 : a. m. , with Father Fooley , chaplain of the hospital , as colobrnnt ; Father Smytha of St. Francis' Xavler church , deacon ; Father Hanson of Avoca , la. , sub-deacon ; Father Thomaa of St Peter's church , mas ter of ceremonleo. One of the pretty and interesting features TTOS the part taken by the twelve altar boys from St. Peter's church. At the noon hour the guests were Invited into the large dining hall , where an elab orate banquet was served. The room was tastefully decorated , beautiful cut flowers being lavishly distributed upon the tables. At the conclusion of the dinner Father Feeloy welcomed the guests and Introduced the toastmtstcr , Father Thomas , and tha following toasto were responded to : "Tha Day We Celebrate , " Father Bmythe ; "St. Bernard's Hospital find Council Bluffs , " Dr. T. B. Lacey ; "Tho Doctor nnd the Priest , " Father Dowllng , S. J. ; "Count Crelghton and the Doctors , " Dr. J. M. Barstow ; "The Catholic Sistcra as Nurses in the Late War. " Mrs. Dr. Ingalls-Blalr , daughter ot ex-Senator Ingalls ; "The Facilities of St. Bernard's Hospital for Nervouo Diseases , " Dr. F. T. Seybert ; "The American Soldier , " Father Thomas , the toastmastcr. Among those present from out of town were : Father Dowllng , president of Crelgh- ton college ; Count Crolghton , Prof. Schenck and the Miases Schenck , Father Calvin , P. C. Heafoy and MUe Lottie Cotter of Omaha , Dr. and Mrs. Blair of Kansas City , Father Hanson of Avoca , la , ; Father McNally of Ballistor , S. D. ; Father Moran of Walnut , la. ; Father White of Dunlap , la. ; Father Murphy of Modalo , la. , and Father Boulger of Bhenandoah , la. Since the inception of St. Bernard's hos pital by the late Father McMonomy , it has had a wonderful gnrwth , until now it Is con sidered one of the finest Institutions of its kind in the west. It was founded September 24 , 1887 , and was Urat opened in the Han- thorno property , on Fourth street. In May of the following1 year the Gclse property , its present location , waa purchased. The build- log was soon found to bo Inadequate 'to ' the demands and three yearn Inter the east wing of the 'building was built and the sisters took thange of the incur&bia ineane patients of this country. The groirth and popularity , ot 'the institution' continued until the deman'ds for enlarging the building could not be de ferred , nnd in 1895 the west wing to tht building was commenced and was opened the year following. The structure lo now largo and commodious , standing on one of the most beautiful sites In the city , and contains 118 living rooms in all. During the past year about 300 patients have been cared for , bo- atdes the 120 la the insane ward. The sisters contemplate the erection of a building , In connection with th lospltal , to he used as a homo for the age3. Those in charge of the institution received many congratulations upon the progress they have made and the great work far charity and suffering humanity which they have ac complished since the opening of the hos pital. Two carloads of Imported chlnaware were received at the customs house of Council Bluffs yesterday from England nnd Ger many , consigned to W. A. Muurer of this city. Pr'aes ' go with Domestic soap. Wclsbach burners ot Blxby's. Tel. 191 AUGUST T1SH3I OF DISTRICT COUU.T. Grand Jnry IB Imimnelrd nnd Com- mrncex KM Oprrtttlnnii. The August term of district court was convened yesterday by Judge Macy. The grand Jury was impaneled and after receiv ing its Instructions from the court , com menced its deliberations. Several of the de fendants in custody for various offenses were presented to the grand Jury and waived their right to challenge. Some thirty odd cases were stricken from the docket for various causes , among the number being the in junction suits brought by J. J , Shea against the following saloon keepers : John Olson , Joaeph Shoemaker. Max Burmolster , Wheeler & Hereld , M. Wollsteln & Co. , Mike Klldara and the Jarvls Wine company. The follow ing first assignment of equity causes was Inade by the court : Tuesday , Septemb&r B. Rock Island Plow company against Arnd , county treasurer ; Windsor Savings tank against Anderson , atnlt Wednesday , September C. Lougee & Lou- gee against Tucker ; Lefferta against Prof- fltt , et al. Thursday , SoptemTxsr 7. Chicago & North western Railway company against Arnd , county treasurer ; Perclval , ct al. , against Casady , et al , Friday , September 8. In re Morgan change of highway ; Bellinger against Frazor , et al. Saturday , September 9. Raph against Raph ; Cayman agninst Gtiyman , The divorce proceedings commenced by Mrs. Fremont Benjamin , the wife of the Avoca attorney , were dismissed , a stipulation being filed to that effect by both parties. In the case of C. U. Hnnnan , receiver , against the Lake Jlaniwa Railway company a motion was flled by Henna and Lessee Cole asking for a dismissal of the appllciu tlon ot Colonel F. C. Rred for an order nn- nullng the contract between Hannan and Cole , on the grounds that since tha sale ot the property Reed hna no further interest in the matter or property. . W. A. Maurer paid into the customs house of this city yesterday ? 800 as duties on two cars of Imported chlimwarc. ratal Train WrpoU n llnriinrd , Mo. CRESTON , la. , Aug. 29. ( Special Tele gram. ) Engineer H. A , CrUa , who for sev- ciul years pulled tbe fast mall between Craaton and the Union Pacific transfer , was killed this afternoon near Barnard , Mo. , by his train being derailed. He hit a bunch of cattle on a bridge and his engine and nine cara were derailed. Griss was caught under the dobria dud horribly crushed. He resided in Crceton and leaves a wife and live children. Fireman Harry Thornton wns pinned down by the engine tender and both legs were crushed. The right one was ampu tated and Thornton died this morning. HU parents reside at Farragut. n was his firjt trip after a month'v layoff caused by a broken arm. VIOLATE INSURANCE LAWS Charges Undo AgainitTvro Companies Doing Baiinoti in Iowa , GOOD W-ATHER FOR THE HARVEST FIELDS Illinois Cciitrnl < t > Almnrli tlic Mlinit lUtollii A St. LonU Iloncl Pouu- llMt Stntc Convention nt UCH Jlolncs Todnr. DBS MOINES , la. , Aug. 29. ( Special Tele gram. ) It la poaslblo that the officers of the defunct Iowa Mutual Insurance asso ciation and the 'Mutual ' Flro Insurance com pany may bo prosecuted for Infringement of the insurance lawe , C. II. P vyno , sccro- tary of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance company of Port Dodge , arrived hero today and announced that ho will confer with local attorneys In regard to the cases of the two companies. Payne Is of the belief that the officers of the company are crim inally liable beauieo of the alleged misrep resentations made In regard to the business of tha companies. Ho will hare the matter - tor thoroughly Investigated while In the city and will probably toy the results of his investigation before the insurance de partment. The claim of the criminal conduct of the companies is based on an alleged represen tation that they were mutual companies , while the claim Is made that they were practically stock companies. This claim IB furthered by the statement that at least one of the companies has been In the habit of accepting premium notes In payment for policies which were written dp by the com pany. The Illinois Central has about concluded negotiations for the purchase of the Minne apolis & St. Louis. It Is expected all ne gotiations will bo concluded before the end of this week and the formal transfer made the first of the coming year. The above comes as good news to this city. It means that Des Motnes will have every principal railroad In the state represented here. Every road of prominence In Iowa , with the exception of the Central , has either a mainer or branch line to this city. The weekly crop summary of the Iowa weather and crop service says : "Tho last week was warmer than usual , the CXCCES of temperature at the central station averaging 4 degree * daily. The rainfall was variable , but sufficient In the larger part of the state for the needs of the unrlpencd crops and to facilitate plow ing. The conditions were very favorable for closing up work in the harvest fields and threshing from the shocks. Reports of yield of wheat , oats and barley are variable , but with the exception of wheat the returns indicate qulto satisfactory results. In nu merous localities the yield f oats is un usually heavy. Corn Is making notable progress toward maturity nnd a consider able portion of early planted corn is suffi ciently ripened to bo cut and shocked. Late corn Is doing remarkably well , except in sections where the rainfall has been In sufficient. The high temperature has "fired" the blades to eomo extent in dry and sandy lands. On the whole corn bids fair to make a full average crop. Pas tures are very good for August. The apple crop will be much > * below tha average. Re ports from specJaC bsprvers to the State Horticultural society Indicate but 'little more than half a crop of this staple fruit" The populist state central committee met here this evening and completed arrange ments for tomorrow's state"convention. . There seems to bo no question but that Lloyd will be nominated for governor. "Our organization must pass resolutions supporting the actions of President Mc- Klnloy and Governor It , M. Shaw or I will resign from the Donolson command of the Union Veterans' union. " This was the ut terance this morning of Colonel H. D. Coz ens and Captain Brewer and the same posi tion is held by many other members of that body. A special secret meeting was hold last night of Donelson command , at which a committee was appointed to draft resolutions of endorsement of the adminis tration of the president and governor. This committee is ordered to report at a regular meeting of the command Friday night. At this meeting a large attendance will be present and a warm time la expected. A great many members of the organization arc displeased with the way things went dur ing the encampment hero and there is liable to be eomo straightforward business trans acted. The crowd at the state fair today was again a record breaker , over 20,000 people passing through the stiles. It was soldiers' day and an elaborate program was given in their honor. DAKOTA COU.VTV OLD SETTLERS. Enjoyable Gathering nt Dakota. City AddrcHN by Dr. Miller of Omaha. SIOUX CITY. Aug. 29. ( Special Tele gram. ) Between 7,000 and 8,000 people at tended the eighteenth reunion ol the old settlers of Dakota county , Nebraska , and Woodbury county , Iowa , at Dakota City to day. It was one of the most enjoyable and successful picnics ever held by the asso ciation. It "was a Battering of the pioneers of the early ' 60s , and men and women who have settled here up to fifteen years ago. In addition came thousands to Join In making It a big time. The events of the day came off at Clinton park , a pretty grove a short distance from the town , and all day long the roads in the vicinity wore dotted with all sorts cf vehicles bearing people to the picnic. Business in the towns nnd on the farms was at a standstill , everything being given up for the day. The address of welcome was made by Gustav Berger , president of the association and the principal speech of the day was t > y Dr. George L. Miller of Omaha. Dr. Miller took for his subject : "Tho Pleasures of Poverty and the Miseries of Wealth. " it waa an eloquent speech. White Horse , on Omaha Indian chief , made an address which was Interpreted by Judge Hiram Chose of Ponder , himaelf an Indian. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President , Asa Rathbun , Dakota county ; vice president. J. M. Plnck- ney , Sioux City ; secretary , John 0. Spencer. Dakota City ; treasurer , W. H. Ryan , Sum mit ; financial secretary , A. II. Baker , Da kota City ; chairman memorial committee , J. T , Spenoor , Dakota City. Afterwards horse races were given and In the evening the affair closed with a big dance. .Suit for 9100,000 WATERLOO , la. , Aug. 20. Suit for $100,000 damages wns begun In the district court hero today against the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern railroad by David L. 8. Barker , administrator of the estate of Edward J. Barker. The deceased lived at Nelhart , Mont , and on May 28 last was killed In a wreck on the defendant's road. A eensatlon wua caused .at the time by two women , each declaring herself to be the widow of the dewased. claiming the body , This Is the largest suit for personal dam ages evw brought In this district. Mr * . Kila llcckpr fletn n Divorce. CHICAGO. Aug. 29. Mrs. Eda Becker , formerly Eda Suttorlln , the 17-year-old girl for the Hove of whom Albert Becker la said , to bavn murdered his first "wife and disposed of her romnlnn In much the ( tame manner as did Adolph LuetRort , vrnn today granted a decree of divorce from her hus band. Decker Is under Bcntcnro of death and the sentence of the court condemning him to bo hanged 'October 13 wrm presented in support of the petition for divorce. The Titw Tot-prdo. A young Swede has Invented n torpedo operated solely by Invisible rnyn of light , which rnnblw it to explode at " 111 beneath the enemy's ( loot. In a like subtle manner Hostcttur'B Stomach Hitters attacks and con quers all stomach troubles. When a sufTcror from constipation or dyspepsia or liver complaint takes the Hitters ho Is sure of one thing , sooner or later , and that Is cure. See that a private revenue stamp covers the nock of the bottle. Ilcul Kutnto The following transfers wore filed yester day In the abstract , tltlo and loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street ! Charles T. Officer and wife to Emma Soar , part eH swU 19-75-43. w. < ! . . . . * 350 Christian Hondo and wlfo to Martin Chrlstoftcrsen , wH nc',4 , nwH sett w 10 ac. neVi neU anil part neU nwU 11-76-43 ; also part sett nwVi H-76-43 , w. d . 4,000 Martin Chrlstoftorson and wife to Laurltz Christian Hondo , c'.i soVt nwW sctf 1-76-41 , w. d . 2C 00 Martin Chrlstoffcrson and wife to Laurttz Christian Bondo , cV4 ewU neU and s 33 ac. se'.i ncVi 1-76-43 , \v. d . 1,500 Helnricli Brandt nnd wife to Jacob Rpimers , lot 4 , block 17 , Walnut , w. d . 112 Elmer MeClure and wife to Mary E. IMcClurc , lot 7 , block 18 , Howard's addition , w. d . 500 J. W. Squire and wife to Victor E. Bender , lot 17 , auditor's subdi of part of out lot 3 , Jackson's addition. w. d . 1,200 MarJa Hhwkins and husband ct al. to Llewellyn lSinclair and Kmmet Tlnley , lots 8 and 9. block 15 , Bayliss & Palmer's addition , w , d. . . . 400 A. J. Seaman to F. J. Day , lot 2 , block 30 , Howard's addition , and lot 2 , block 1 , Everett's addition , q. c. d . GO J. J. Mnlowney and wife to F. J. Day and J. P. Hesj , lot 14. block 1 , and lot 4 , block 4 , llcgatta place , w. d . 1 J. G. Bnrdsley and wife to F. L. Hodges , part lot G , block 28 , Neola , w. d ? . . . . . . . . 550 E. L. P.ardeo and wife to Frank Nie- man. lots 19 and 20 In sulxl. of lot 2 , in n > nwVi , 16-77-39 , w. d . COO Total amount of twelve transfers' ' . . $11,463 Scientific optician , \ Vollmnsius Br'dwaj Domestic soap is full weight. When others fail consult SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. mUS CRRQE & PRIVATE DISEASES OP MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to euro all cases curable of WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for 1 Ho. Nightly Emissions , Lost Manhood , Ilydrocclo Vcrlcoccle , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syphilis , Strict- nro , Piles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers and All Private Diseases and Disorder * of Men. STRICTURE AND GLEET Consultation free Cull on or address DR.SEARLES . } ; & SEARLES , 9 so. nth fit. OHAHA. J © SMOKER5 A.DAVIS'SONS & CO. MAKERS JOHNG < WOODWARD8cCO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS ' COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWA * FREE TO ALL suft rine from nerrous debility , varl- cocelo , lemlnal wealcneec , lost man- mood , emissions and unnatural dli- charirca cauneU by trrors of young-er daj-s , which , If not relieved toy medi cal treatment , li d ptoraba ) on mind and body. body.DO NOT MARRY wh n Buffering' , aa this lends to Ion of memory , loss of aplrlti , baihfulneas in society , palna In email of back , frlsht- ful dreams , dark rings around the eyea , plra < pi B or breaking out on face or bed } ' . Send for our symptom blank. We can euro you , and Bpecially do we Aedre old and tried caies , aji we char/ie nothing for a4vloe and give you a writ ten icuar&ntir to cure the worst cue on record. Not only are th weak or gans restored , hut all losses , drains > nd discharge * stopped. Bend Zo stamp and question blank to Dept. B. IJLOOD POISOJV. First , second or tertiary Blare. 'WTS NErVjflK PAIL. No detection from buslnecB. Write us for particulars. Dopt. B. Huhu'ii Pbarmncy , Oiunlia , Neb. Ifttlt nnd Fariinin Sts. Rock Island 4 flflute BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Car Service , : Motliem ! Mothera ! Mrs. Wlnslow' * Soothing Syrup has t * n used for over titty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child , softens thf gums , allays all pain , cures wind cello and is the best retnedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sura and ask for "Mrs , Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and take no other kind. 25 cents a bottle. THE PROOF OF THE BEER , tike ( he proverbial puddinj , U ( he partaking ( hereof. promptly proves its high quality to the consumer. 5te thst U on the cork. Highest Award * atTrant > Mlu. nd International Expo. , 1890. * fcnt fcnwli * Milttd tor Ik * ilnr. VALBLATZ BREWING CO.MILWAUKEEU.S.A. OMAHA BRANCH : I4 2 DOUGLAS STREET. Telephone 1081. OF THE Illustrated Free on Request. The Bee Publishing Company , OMAHA. We are headquarters for BICYCLE SUNDRIES. Our special Guaranteed Double Tube Tires , $4.50 a Pair. They are not cheap , light tires , but a good article at a very low price. & & COLE & COLE. 41 Main St. TURKISH T. & P..PH.LS brings monthly menf f struatlonsurototliodivy novcrtllsappolntyou I SI. box. 2boxes will help any case. Jiynmll.t Halin'd Drug Store , iSth & Parnam , Omaha , Neb. I TOM MOORE HENRY G to Cents. 5 Cents. TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. I John G. Woodward & Co. , EUUCATIO.VAL. Olaeit , largest and best eanipped in _ _ central west. Government iuperTtolon. 8titecomral Tonttograc1u tM. 1'repnrallon for UnlTcrettlcu KtttloBM Aeademlei. MAJOB gANDFOnD SELLEnSLM . . SujU HOWARD-PAYNE COLLEGE FOIt YOtINO WOMEN ANU GIRLS. Modern and progromlve. Preparatory and colloga courirs , music , art , elocution , Delsarto , physical culture. Fifty-fifth nnntial nesulnn begin ) Bept.7. 1690. Send for Illustrated catalogue. HIUAM D. QUOVK9. President Another to the woman who secure * between Sept. 1st and lEth the greatest number of white Russian soap wrappers. No wrappers turned in before Sept. 1st nor after 2 o'clock p. m. Sept. 15th will be counted in this J10 contest , but each and every wrapper , no matter when turned In. will count in the grand prize contest ending Dec. 20th , 1899 , when the woman having the greatest num- t > er of WHITE RUSSIAN BOAP WRAPPERS to her credit will receive ao a present a (230.00 ( AInskA sealskin Jackal made to meas ure. There will also b nine additional prizes. Two valued at $25 each und seven of 110 cash each. These contests open only to the women of Nebraska and the city of Council Bluffs , la. Bring or send all wrappers to Jas. 8. Kirk & Co. , BOG 8. nth St. , Omaha. Odekiiteri ifmgUA Dluuad Bran a. Original and Only Ounlne. in , ijwtji rcllitli. UAOII * , _ Drujil.t fur CitlctKUr. 1piu * Wa j. BMWfronJIn Ittd wl OoU u.ullllV Itxiu , 1 J wllfc ll ribbon. taMv Xw < < iv v < u miilllu. ' ' MDnnl.ii..r , . < , U tttmti * f.r partl Biri. lHilm.altll ioi "lUUrt for r JI , " In l < tl < r. lj rtlarm llalL lO.OOO TMUOIC I H. jr 4/v ir. ' Ofa MlcalUo.M 4llo lf- WANTED , Loans on Improved farms In western Iowa and on inside property in Council Bluffs. Our rate * are as low as any one. FOR BALE. [ rouse ot 5 rooms , nearly new , good cellar , barn , well , lot of one acre , with fruit ; lo cated in south part of city ; } 1 , < XX > ; easy terms. We have several fine forms and a largo list of city property for sale. FOR RKNT. No. 835 Ave. P. , 7 rooms. J20. No. W9 Fourth avenue , K room * . $28. No , 124 Fourth St. , 9 rooms , > JO. No. 1720 High street , 5 rooms. 18. Flat , 221 South Seventh street , modern , ISO. List your property with us for sale or rent. FIRB AND TORNADO INSURANCE. LOWEST RATK8. LOUGIEE & LOUGBB. No. 102 South Main Street , Council Bluffs , la. Telephone 312. EDUCATIONAL. LASELL SEMINARY FOR YOUNG WOMEN AUQURNDALE , MASS. Finely equipped with Studio. GymnaslunJ , Swimming Tank , Scientific Cookinc Uooms and Laboratory ; poBseflsvtntr all the cotn- forts and elegancies of a tim-clmi home , with a beautiful dindng room , superior table and service ; situated In one of the moat dollghtful suburbs of Benton , within cany access to the best concerts , lectures tuirt other advantages of a large and reflned city ; employing a largo und competent board of Instructors. Bend early for catalogue Students ar now registering for next fall. Cnoloo ol room is in the order of application. Addr s O. O. 1IUAGUOX , I'rliicipn.1. _ DAY ACADEMY OF THE Sacred Heart Cor. 27th and St. Mary's Avo. Classes will bo resumed Wednesday , Sep tember 6th. . The course of study pursued at this In stitution embraces ail the branches of a thorough English IMucatlon , also the Ian- guagt-fi , music , drawing , painting and nco- die work. French , German nnd Latin are Included In the curriculum of utudloa , free of chargo. THE HARVARD SCHOOL ' "g will re-open Wednesday , Sept , 20th , Oldest college preparatory school In Chicago , Pri mary and higher department * . Boardlmi pupils received. Apply to principals , John J. Schoblnger. John C. Grant. In Tablet Form Pleasant to Tako. uitU undiralxi-iaMtpuaranltttacurt the /olfow- In ? ivmvtomt : l' l * In Ilia Hide. Iliiik. iiuOcr ( Ue Nbuu tier lllxile , Hlhi-i lnu Hcimii ! , , , , { alpllutlun urilia Henri , TlreJ FeVlluir ! 1'oor A i.i.cllle , < . .uCml TOIIBII * . l , , a ' In Ilic Uoiiili , Iliolclio oiIMiLl . oT , "i jfucc , iiixsiiieM , kic. ForMlBUyalldruiWu Yblrlr ilat ' Irtutiuent for We. i bovcmtr i liyV Trent. uiuiit We. i Bl mouth. ' Irfatiunnt U CO. ittitain trial int. int. iv . nuKitiiAu'r , H. n 1Zl v MoventU Htreet. oIuclmulL ' * THE NEDM4YER JACOII JVI3lMAYiil ) , I'ltOI * . 20J , 203 , 208 , 210 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Rates , II W , icr day ; 75 rooms. First-class 5n every respect. Motor line to all depots Looai agenoK for the celUjratwl at. JU uis : A. B. O. bear. Pfrst-clous bar"u