Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Record Made in Philippines as Outlined
in War Department Reports.
Glorious Deeds Performed by the Brave
Soldiers of Antelope State.
Archives at Washington Unlocked to Show What the Nebraska
Boys Have Done to Sustain the Honor of the Flag
in the Far East-Record of Which They
May Well Be Proud.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 20. ( Special
to ThoBee.The Interest of the people of
Nebraska will be greatly heightened when
the true story of the First Nebraska's per
formance la Luzon comes to bo known , es
pecially from the official records ot the War
department. At the request , of The Dee
correspondent Assistant Secretary Molklc-
John haa had prepared from the ofllclal rc-
porta the notions , etc. , participated In by the
First Nebrneka Volunteer Infantry , and.
while couched In military language , the
several reports of the officers of the First
Nebraska will bo read with widespread In-
torcet by the people of the Antelope state
In vloiw of the presence of the Fighting First
within the borders of the tate from which It
wont out a year and n halt ago In defense
ot the country's honor. These records will
ehow the bravery and Intrepidity displayed
by Nebraska'3 native sons , who have the
distinguished honor of having fired the first
aho-t to put down the Filipino Insurrection
nnd to establish In the far east law and
order under Anglo-Saxon direction.
First Nebraska , U. S. Volunteer Infantry.
Office of Commanding Officer
February G , 1359.
To the Adjt. General ,
2nd. Division , 8th Army Corps.
( Through Military Channels. )
Sir :
I have the honor to report as follows re-
Bpcutlng the action of the night of Feb. 4
nnd mornlns of Febr. &th. 1839.
At about half past eight p. m. the guard
In the village cf Santol about 200 yards
southwest of Blockhouse No. 7 challenged
r tbur1 armed" Philippine nnd - orderedthem to
halt. Instead c.f doing so the Philippine
patrol cocked their pieces. The sentinel
challenged again and then as the natives did
not halt but continued the advance , ho fired.
This was Immediately replied to from Block
house No. 7 , and In about fifteen minutes
flro wan ooencd on our camp. By this time
we occupied the line of battle ns previously
arranged. Twelve men under First Sgt.
Curtis of "C" Company were placed on a
knoll cast cf camp to prevent crossing the
river. Though a gallant fight was made
here , It was Impossible to prevent the crossIng -
Ing on the advance of the Philippines , who
wore secreted in village west of the San
Juan. Soolng that the camp was surrounded ,
I moved Company "L , " Copt. Taylor , and
"M , " Capt. Wilson , back from the pipe lint
to the south of camp. Afterwards I eent
for Company "K" under Lt. Naracong and
nsked for reinforcements , ns our lines wcr <
too long. Hero these Companies ( L , M & B )
did racst gallant work , penetrating the vil
lage and driving the men out of the con
vent. The Utah artillery , Lieut. Webb1
platoon , wore stationed at McLeod'o hous
nnd went into action in the morning at
daybreak , doing great execution , silencing
the guns and driving back the enemy from
the bridge , the powder magazine , block
house and the convent. The wcrk of this
platoon and the one under Lieut. GSbbs ,
with the Nordenfeldt guns at the bridge was
very fine.
Our line had. previously , advanced taking
Blockhousce 6 nnd 7 , where a great many
Philippines were killed , by Uie splendid work
of Companies "K. " Capt. Klllan , and "D , "
Capt. Harpolshelroar. I then ordered the
line to make a half turn to Uio right , where
wo could Hank Uie powder magazine and
roads. In the meantime "B" Company under
Lieut. Wadsworth , , "O" Company ,
Capt. Forby , and "H" Company ,
rapt. Eager , protected the advance
of Company "F , " commanded by
Lieut. Gegner , across the San Juan river
bridge. Tills work was executed with the
runes' ! nud precision rf drill and Major
MuUorA'a entire battalion followed and
cleaned the powder magazine. After this
charge the center of their line was broken ,
Although they fired on us and the Tennessee
from the hts nnd bamboo , which -was very
. Wo made a last charge up the San Juan
del Monte hill and put the whole of their
forore to night. Wo occupied this place
nn < l raised our flag. They Btlll did some
firing from the bambo-js nnd huts on our
men and I ordered Co. "I" under Lieut ,
Smith to occupy the eastern end of the , wall
of the Doposlto and drive them off. Thin
he did \\lth the loss of one man.
Every mnn In this regiment rendered
magnificent service. Besides the companies
mentioned , "C" Company , Capt. Holllngfi-
worth , fought hard during the night ,
The battalion of two companies ot
Colorado under command of Major
Orovo did excellent work and timely
eervlce. especially In the village
southeast of camp. I enclose a copy of
their report. Also one of the officer In
charge of the outpost where the first shot
was fired , ns well us copies of his orders ,
which he seems to have carried out.
The gunboat lent valuable assistance and
eemed to bo effective. Supplies were forwarded -
warded promptly and without friction. Med
ical attention excellent.
After we hod occupied thin place and
were preparing for anything ; further Gen.
Hula arrived and took command.
Rncloeurea ; Copies of ord rs and copy of
1IH of casualties Copy of report of officer
at Outpoot No. J. Very roipectfully ,
Col. lit Nebr. , U. S. Vol. Inf.
Camp Santa Meea , Febr. 3rd , 1899.
Lieut. Naracong ,
Officer of Outpost :
Do not make any trouble with armed Philip
pines In the village. They have no right
there , however. Our line In the line of
blockhouses. Let matters rest until further
orderi. I wonted written report from you
that we could not occupy village with armed
men without force. I want to send your
report In.
Col. lit Nobr. , U. S. Vol. Int.
Camp Santa Mesa , Fobr. 4th , 1899.
Lieut. Stolen ,
Officer of Outpost :
lleplylng to note Just received Your
ordera are to hold the village. If auy armed
men como Into our lines order them out. If
they persist In coming , summon enough men
to arrest them In case an advance In force is
made fall back to pipe line outpost and re
sist occupation of village by all means In
your power , calling on these headquarters
for assistance. I have sent Sergt. Benhr
over to arrange for a syfitcm ot signals.
Col. 1st Nebr. , U. S. Vol. Inf.
Water Works Deposlto , Feb. 10th , 1899.
To the Adjt.
let Nebr. U. S. Vol. Inf.
Sir :
I have the honor to make the following
report of what occurred at Nebraska Out
post No. 2 on the evening of Febr. 4th , 1899.
On Saturday evening , Febr. 4th , 1899 , nt
7 o'clock I took charge of Outpost No. 2 as
ordered. From this outpost , about 100 yards
down the road which passes It , is the town
of Santol. Hero we had a Cossack post ot
eight men stationed at tbla junction of thrco
roads. One Tending from Outpcat No. 2 ,
another leading to Blockhouse No. 7 , the
third to Blockhouse No. 6. At 7:30 : I in
structed all the men of this post In their
orderr , a copy of which Is hereto attached.
They were to allow no armed insurgents to
enter the tJwn or the vicinity. They were
to halt all armed persons who attempted to
advance from the direction of the Inourgents'
lines , which lay between Blockhouses 6 and
7 and the San Juan bridge , and order them
back to their lines. If they refused to go , to
arrest them If possible , or If this was Im
possible , to flro upon them. I also ordered
them to patrol each of the roads reading to
Blockhouses 6 and 7 for 100 yards , every
halt hour. Shortly before eight o'clock a
patrol of three men advanced from Santol
town side of the road and waited to see If
there were any Insurgents In the vicinity.
Private Wm. Grayson , Co. "D , " was a short
distance in advance of the other two. After
waiting about five minutes Private Grayson
BOW four armed men suddenly appear flvo
yards In advance of him. Ho Immediately
called "Halt , " as did also Pvt. Miller , Co.
"D , " who was In rear of him and saw the
men nt the same time. At this command
the four men cocked their pieces , whereupon
Pvt. Grayson called "Hart" again , and fired
at them. Our three men then retreated to
the town ot Santol where I met them , be
ing at the town when the shot was fired.
Immediately after the shot was fired we
could hear the Insurgents coming down the
road ( rein Blockhouse 7. I sent a man back
to the outpost to signal the Nebraska camp
that the Insurgents wore coming from the
blockhouse. I remained with the men In
Santol and In about three minutes from the
tlmo our man fired the shot several armed
men emerged from the trees In our front
acroes the road and the houses on our right
nnd fired toward us where we were kneeling
In the opposite side ot the road. We re
turned their fire with a volley and then fell
back along the road to the pipe line , which
lies near Outpost No. 2 , the enemy keeping
up a rapid flro along the road for about five
minutes. Wo fired no more after leaving
Santol until later In the evening.
About ton minutes after the skirmish at
Santol the Insurgents opened up a general
flro on the Nebraska camp and outposta and
also on Colorado's outpcet on our left.
On the morning of Febr. 4tb , the In
surgents ordered our men to move out of
town Santol and upon their refusal to do so
the former said that they would bring a
body of men and drive them back when night
Very respectfully ,
Your Obedient Servant ,
( Signed ) BURT D. WHEDON. ,
2nd Lieut. Co , "O , " 1st Nebr.
, U. S. Vol. Inf.
Camp at Deposlto , Feb. Gth , 1899 ,
Field Orders ,
No. 2.
Following la disposition of troops ot this
Command in case of an advance.
I. Tennessee Battalion leave one Com
pany at river and occupy position on Una
opposite Son Pedro Macato on south sldo of
Paslg river. One company will flank the
town on this side. Other two Companies to
get on line of advance guard In line of
Skirmishers. Signal for advance given.
II. Colorado will bo on your left ; use
caution ; no looting ,
( Signed ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
( Major Cheatam )
II. Colorado : Will connect with Tennes
see on Its right and form part > f the ad
vance guard , deployed in line of Skirmish
ers. They will cover and protect the right
of the column , at about 400 yards.
This Battalion will connect on its left
with advance guard of the First Nebroeka ,
and In case of no resistance will occupy line
of hills \\tset of water works. Use caution
no looting , ( Major Grove )
HI. The First Nebraska Regiment will
bo disposed an follows ;
( a ) First Battnllnn , except Co. "A , " will
form the support and will advance along
the Wnter Works road , at 400 yards dls-
tunco from the advance guard.
Flankers will bo thrown out to the right
and loft.
( b ) The Second nnd Third Battalions will
form n reserve at a distance of 600 yards
from the support. "K" nnd "D" Ccm-
panic * will deploy to left of Advance Guard
In line of skirmishers.
( c ) The Artillery will be betwcw the
Second and Third Battalion * First Ne-
( d ) Intrenching tooli will be taken along
with the Advance Guard ,
( e ) The hill wcjt of the wntcr works
will mark the general line ot resistance.
IV. H Is reported that the enemy Is In
trenched on the hllU west of the vnter
Works. "L" Company will march In
column ot fours In rear of Advance Guard.
In case severe resistance Is encountered ,
the hills wtst of Uie water works will by
Intrenched and the .enemy will ba shelled. '
1 will bo with the reserve.
( Signed ) STOTSKNBUnG , Colonel.
Camp at Depoallo , Feby. Gth , 1899.
Captain Wilson :
Telegraph Provoot Marshal Gcucral
about these prisoners. You had better
ke p them tied together. Do not hurt
( Signed ) STOTSRNBUnO , Colonel.
Camp at Dcpostto , Feby. Gth , 1899.
To Adjutant General ,
2nd Brigade , 2nd Division :
Should have Water Worka before they
can concentrate. Believe can take and
hold Water Works , nnd have command of
Mnrlqulna with troops I now have. Respect
fully request trial. Part of Tenneraeo Regi
ment to hold point opposite San Pedro Ma-
cnto In Hlvcr. Main body hold hill above
water works ; left hold hill overlooking
Marlqulnn. Leave forty men hero one
company at Convent one company nt forks
of road : take eight companies on. Have
men who can tiandlo machinery If neces
( Signed ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
Camp at Deposlto , Fcby. Gth , 1899.
To the Adjutant General ,
2nd Brigade , 2nd Division :
Have four pieces of Artillery ; two 3.2-
Inch guns ; two Nordenfoldts ; two companies
of Colorado Infantry ; Battalion of Ten
nessee ; ten Companies , my Regiment.
( Signed ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
Camp at Deposlto , Feb. Gth , 1899.
Companies "A" and "M" :
Following disposition of troops : "M" re
main In camp and keep up small outpost
at river , nnd on road ; patrol to blockhouse
No. 7. "A" hold blockhouse " 7" and re
mainder here.
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURG. Colonel.
February Gth. 1899.
Major Eastwlck :
You will remain on our line of communi
cations. Put one company at Deposlto ; one
at powder magazine , nnd other two on
guard along the line.
You will find water nnd company places
nt doors on road. Patrol and guard the
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
Pumping Station , Feb. 6th , 1899.
Major Goodale :
Please advance along Martqulna road to
hill above Marlqulna. If necessary In
trench the hill. Try to keep touch with
our left.
Do not commit your men to mercy of town ,
after dark , on account of fire from houses.
( Signed. ) STOTSBNBURG , Colonel.
Camp Deposlto , Feb. Gth , 1899.
Captain Wilson :
Send out search party and bury all Filipino
pine dead. Deploy a platoon In line of
skirmishers and have ground thoroughly
hunted"over. . Number and mark graves ;
count all their dead.
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
Pumping Station , Fob. Gth , 1899.
Captains Klllan and Herpolshelmer :
"K" and "D" companies are to occupy
convent , where Tennessces are now , by Gen
eral Halo's order.
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
4:45 : o'clock p. m. , Feb. 6th , 1899.
To the Adjutant General ,
2nd Brigade , 2nd Division :
Captured water works. Soon to be all
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
Water Works Pumping Station , Feb. Gth ,
Engines and pumps here disabled. Cyl
inder beads gone.
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
Pumping Station , Feb. 7th , 1899.
Major Grove ,
1st Colorado :
Please have your men stop all shooting
at chickens , or anything but known enemy.
D < i not allow them to destroy any private
property under any circumstances.
( Signed. ) STOTSBNBURG , Colonel.
1st Nebraska.
Camp Doposlto , Feb. 7th , 1899.
All foraging and unnecessary shooting
will bo stopped Immediately. Battalion nnd
company commanders will eeo that this
order Is obeyed strictly.
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURG , Colonel.
Pumping Station , Feb. Sth , 1899.
To Adjutant General ,
2nd Brigade , 2nd Division :
Largo bodies of Filipino Insurgents ,
armed and equipped , moving toward Paalg.
Recommend sending gun-boat to Paslg to
prevent crossing. Seem to bo concentrat
ing touth of Paslg.
( Signed. ) STOTSENBURO , Colonel.
HeadquarterH 2nd Brigade ,
2nd Division , Sth Army Corps.
Manila , P. I. , Fob. 17th , 1899.
Adjutant General ,
2nd Division , Sth Army Corps.
Sir :
I have tha honor to enclose copies of re
ports of Col. Stotsenburg , 1st Nebraska In
fantry , U , S , V. , on operations of his regi
ment nnd attached troops on Fob , 6th , 7th ,
Sth , 9th and 10th , to accompany my Report
of Operations of the Brigade dated Feb. 10th.
In connection with the regort on the ad
vance to Water works on Feb. Gtb , the fol
lowing additional correspondence and cir
cumstances are submitted :
Considering it desirable to get possession
of the Water works at the earliest possible
moment , I sent the following telegram to
General MaoArthur , Commanding 2nd Divi
sion , on the morning ot Feb. Gth ,
"Recommend that remainder of Tennessee
Regiment bo assigned to my Brigade. Regi
ment to be used to take and bold Water
works. The road between Deposlto and
Water works can bo thoroughly guarded by
Tennessee and Nebraska , "
Soon after sending the above message Colonel
' "A " attached
onel Stotsenburg'a telegram ,
to his report , was delivered to me and I re
plied ns follows :
"Hove already recommended remainder of
Tennessee regiment to brigade to be used in
taking and holding Water works and road
1 to some. We cnlght do It with prewnt force ,
but It would make a weak line. Will advise
you later If authority obtained. "
Learning that General MacArthur was at
the Chinese Hospital , I btarted for that place
to confer with him on this and other mat
ters , but finding that ho had gone to Depart ,
ment Headquarters followed hint there , found
him In consultation with General Otla , was
Informed that a Battalion 23rd U , S. Inf.
and Battalion 2nd Oregon Vol. Inf , bad been
detailed to assist In the Water workv move
ment and wan Instructed to take charga
of Hume. I therefore eent Capt. Brooks ,
Adj. Gen. of the Brigade , to conduct these
Battalions to the Doposlto , and telegraphed
Col , Stotsenburg as follows :
"One Battalion 23rd , one Battalion Oregon
gen will report to you at once to bo used
with one Battalion ot your Regiment nnd
two Rii'ia ' to take nnd hold Water work * .
Hnvc your Battalion nnd guns ready by time
they arrive so ns to proceed nt oner , I will
be nt Dsposlto within nn hour. Colonel Barry
will not go out "
I then started for the Deposlto , going via
Chinese Hospital nnd South Dnkotn and Cob
ra do portion ot the line to Inspect their posi
tions. Arrived nt Dcposlto Just nfter the
two Battalions and found that Col. Stotsen
burg hud already started with his other
trooptj nnd that , as he had left no Instruc
tions for the 23rd and Oregon Battalion * ,
dipt. Brooks had gone after him to ascer
tain his wishes. In a short tleno Capt.
Brooks returned with the notes of Instruc
tion to Major Goodalo nnd Major Eastwlck ,
attached to Col. Stotscnburg's report. As
Major Goodalo of the 23rd Battalion was not
familiar with the country , 1 explained It to
him on the map , directed his advance guard
to extend well to the right of the road to
keep In touch as far as practlcabfe with Col.
StotEcuburg's reft ulng , and sent Capt.
Brooks nlth him , I followed Col. Stotscn-
burg's Command , catching it about halt way
to the Water works.
The remaining Incidents of the advance on
the water works nnd the occupation of Mar
lqulna next day by the 23d battalion , with
two companies Nebraska nnd ono company
Oregon , were fully given In my report dated
Feb. 10th.
Very respectfully ,
Brigadier General Commanding.
First Nebraska U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Ofllce ot the Commanding Officer ,
Water Works , Deposlto , Feb. 7th , 1899.
To the Adj. 'Gen.
2nd Brigade , 2nd Dlv. , Sth Army Corps.
Sir :
I have the honor to report that early
Monday morning , Feb. Gth , 1899 , I cent the
telegram appended marked "A" to brigade
nnd division headquarters. Having had 110
reply , I again urged the Importance of the
movement. I was then Instructed by Gen
eral MacArthur , who was then on the ex
treme lett of the line , to forward my com
munication to the department com
mander direct , a copy of which
la enclosed nnd marked "B. " In
reply to this I received n note
from Col. Barry stating that he would be
out with two battalions and that we would
then proceed to the water works.
As nothing seemed to be done and It was
Impossible to get Into communication with
higher authority and the Insurgents were In
trenching and massing In our front , I or
dered the troops prepared for nn immediate
advance , hoping to hare every preparation
made before the enemy could get into po
sition. A copy of this order Is enclosed
and marked "C. " At about one o'clock I
received a meEsago from Col. Barry saying
that ho would not be out and about the same
time the enemy's sharpshooters began fir
ing upon us. Here I ordered the Utah bat
tery to open flre on Intrenched position north
of road and about three-quarters
of a mile from the Deposlto. The
action then began to be general
all along our entire front and the In
fantry flre was terrific on our left near the
Marlqulna , Manila , road. We charged on
them and took hill after hill all the way to
pumping station. About three-quar
ters of a mile from the Deposlto
a hores with a broken leg was
found , which proved to have been the one
ridden by Mr. H. A. Young of the Utah
battery. His body was found horribly
mutilated a mile further on the road.
On our left , about'two' nilles from the De
poslto , Company i'L , " Capt. Taylor , made a
very gallant charge on a stone Intrench-
ment and could not take the position at first.
I thought the 23rd infantry was up , but as
"L" company seemed to be falling back , I
ordered over three companies , "B , " "G" and
H" of this regiment , to reinforce the lino.
They all charged a quarry , our troops los
ing ono man killed and four wounded. The
enemy broke and as they retreated out of the
cover Into the open they were severely
handled , seventeen being killed. After that
they were shelled and flanked out ot every
position and kept on the run. The line of
their retreat was the direction of Marlqulna.
At 4:45 : we arrived at the pumping station
and found the machinery intact except the
cylinder and valves , which had been hidden
under the coat.
Companies "D" and "I" of the First Colorado
rado , under Major Grove , did valuable
service on the right during the advance.
The Tennessee battalion under Major
Cheatam formed our right flank and was
slightly refused.
As usual , the Utah Battery "A" did most
excellent service.
The battalion of the Twenty-third Infantry
on our left followed the general direction of
the Marlqulna Manila road , and protected
our left flank. I enclose copy of the order
I sent Major Goodale , who received It near
the powder magazine.
We threw outposts to the front , reft and
right , and put one company at the pumping
Very respectfully ,
Col. 1st Nob. U. S. Vol. Inf.
First Nebraska Infantry , Feb. G , 1899.
To the Adjt. General ,
Department of Pacific.
Sir :
Having been directed by General Mac-
Arthur , who Is on extreme left of line , to
forward communication direct , I have the
honor to report that I think should hayo
water works before they concentrate , Be-
llevo can take nnd hold water works and
have command of Mnrlqulna road with
troops I now havo. Respectfully suggest
trial. Part of Tennessee regiment to hold
point opposite San Pedro Macate on rlvei- .
Main body hold hill overlooking Marlqulna ,
leave forty men here ; ono company at con
vent , ono company at forks of road ; toke
eight companies on. I have men who can
handle machinery there If necessary. Very
respectfully ,
( Signed ) J. M. STOTSENBURG ,
Col. 1st Neb. U. S , V. I.
First Nebraska U. S , Vol. Infantry.
Offlce cf the Commanding Officer.
Pumping Station , Feb. 7 , 1899.
To the Adj. Gen , ,
2nd Brigade , 2nd Division.
Sir ;
I have the honor to elate that I reported
with two companies , D and L , to Brigadier
General Halo and we scouted from the
northwoflt down through Marlqulna. I also
sent two companies , H and E , to the rear
between the Marlqulna and Pumping Sta
tion road to hunt out sharpshooters and bury
the dead. This was done without any
further Incident. Very respectfully ,
( Signed ) J , M. STOTSENBURG ,
Col , lat Neb , U. S. Vol. Infantry.
First Nebraska , U. S. Vol. Infantry ,
Offlce of the Commanding Officer ,
Pumping Station , Feb. 8th , 1809 ,
To the Adj. Gen.
2nd Brig. , 2nd Dlv.
Sir ;
I have the honor to report that I took
three companies of my regiment and fol
lowed the trail of the retreating insurgents
through Calntu and beyond Laytay , both ot
which places surrendered to me. The In
surgents had passed through theau towns
the day before and hod executed the presi
dent cf Calnta because he desired to sur
render to our forces. No Insurgents were
seen , but there was every Indication that
they had continued their retreat to the
mountains near Antlpolo. JIauy men ,
women nnd children were returning towards
PaslR. All their homes In Santolnn ralley.
The rend was gonern'ly ' good. Telegraph
line to Paelg. The stream shown on the
map was found to be very deep but narrow.
Crorsrd on rontls by stone bridges ; other-
wine Impassible People seemed friendly.
Very respectfully , .
Col. Ut Neb. , U. S. V.
First Nebraska , U. S. Vol. Infantry , -
Ofllco of the Commanding Officer ,
Pumping Station , Feb. 9th , 1699.
To the Adj. Gen.
2nd Brig. , 2nd Division.
Sir :
I have the honor to report that I gent
Captain Tnylor nnd twelve men to make rt
reconnaissance ftom this place North to
Marlqulna nnd thcnco to Tnytay. They
have seen nothing of armed Insurgents , but
met n great many natives , especially old
men nnd women nnd children , carrying
white flags. They claim that their nrmy hns
gone to the mountains.
Very respectfully ,
Col. 1st Neb. , U. S. Vol. Inf.
Pumping Station , Feb. 9th , 1899.
To the Adj. Gen.
2nd Brig. , 2nd Dlv. Sth Army Corps.
Sir :
I have the honor to state that I ordered
two reconnaissances , , ono to San Matco and
ono cast to foothills.
Very respectfully ,
Col. 1st Nob. U. S. Vol. luf.
First Nebraska U. S. Vol. Infantry.
Office of the Commanding Officer.
Pumping Station , Feb. 10th , 1899.
To the Adj. Gou.
2nd Brie. 2nd Division.
Sir :
I have the honor to state that this regi
ment did usual reconnaissance duty toward '
the north and cast , but did not find any '
signs of Insurgents' troops. People were
moving in every direction on the plain with
household goods , etc. , .In their possession.
Some were going away and some returning
to their homos.
Very respectfully ,
Col. 1st Neb. U. S. Vol. Inf.
Headquarters 2nd Brigade , 2nd Division , Sth
Army Corps ,
Manila , P. I. , Feb. 24th , 1899.
Adjutant General ,
2nd Division , Sth Army Corps.
Sir :
I have the honor to enclose reports of
Colonel Stotsenburg , 1st Nebraska Infantry.
U. S. V. , Major Foote , 1st Battalion Wyoming
Infantry , U. S. V. , and Capt. and Asat. Sur
geon Black , 1st North Dakota Infantry , U.
S. V. , In charco of ambulances , concerning
a cranblned movement to drive out and , if
possible , capture a body of Insurgents which (
had been located south of water works road ,
for a couple of days , and was evidently In
tending some demonstration ngalnst our
Irocps along the road.
The following are some of the principal
telegrams concerning plan nnd preliminary
nrran gcmonts :
Blockhouse , Nebra. Hoadqm , 6:52 p. m. ,
Feb. 21 , 1899.
To Adjt. Gen'l 2nd Brigade :
Report Just received from Co. "H" outpost ,
stating that the s&mo party , about 200 strong ,
are In bambco. about one mile south of our
post , where they wore yesterday. They arc
about two miles front of San Felipe.
( Signed ) STOTSENBURG , Col.
Headquarters 2nd Brig. 2nd Div. 7:45 : p. m. ,
Feb. 21 , 1899.
To Col. Stotseaburg :
Better watch party of Insurgents closely
during night and if remain there move
before daylight four companies and two
Nordenfeldts , If practicable , on their east
side , driving them back toward San Flllpe ,
where , with co-operation of Wyoming and
your company at Deposlto , they can be de
stroyed or captured. Keep me informed of
developments during night.
( Signed ) HALE , Brig. Gen.
Calcooan , 9:15 : p. m. , Feb. 21 , 1899.
To Gen. Hale :
Your dispatch regarding Insurgents In
front of Col. Stotsenburg received and your
aotlon very satisfactory. Can you reach the
gunboat and give them Information so that
they can co-operato Intelligently ?
( Signed ) MACARTHUR.
Deposito , 10 p. m. , Feb. 21 , 1899.
To Col. Stotsenburg , Pump Station :
Just arrived. Find telegram from Gen.
MacArthur approving proposed plan. Aio
there any new developments ? What ar
rangements have you made ? If you will
have your Companies "H" and "B" move
south and attack , while your four companies
on east take them In flank , causing them to
retreat , probably southwest toward Gauda-
lupe , I will have Wyoming companies move
forward and catch them as they come. Cau
tion all companies to be careful not to flro
into each other and to be sure what they nro
shooting at.
( Signed ) HALE , Brig. Cen.
First Nebraska , U. S. Vol. Infantry ,
Office of the Commanding Officer ,
Pumping Station , 'Manila , P. I. Fob. 22 , 1899.
To the Adjutant General ,
2nd Brigade , 2nd Division , Sth Army Corps.
Sir :
I have the honor to make the following
report of the nctlon In which part of the
First Nebraska , U. S. Vol. Inf. , contesting of
Co. "K , " Capt. Klllan , Co. "D , " Capt.
HerpolBhelmer , Co. "L , " Capt. Taylor , Co.
"F , " Capt. Jens , and Co. "H , " C pt. Eager ,
was engaged this morning In accordance
with General Halo's Instructions. We left
camp at 3:30 : n. m. nnd reached the position
wo expected to occupy and to find the Phil
ippines at daylight , about G a. m.
We started to occupy our supposed posi
tion , when Wyoming , I suppose , opened flre.
Thinking this was Companies "B" and "H"
of the Ne-brnskn regiment , we moved towards
the southwest by the flank and tried to get
In rear nf the InxureentR ns planned. As
I the firing did not fioem tn got nearer nnd
the fog was quite heavy In the draws , we i
could not find the two companies frr.m . the
1 road , but continued to work towards the
I southwest , hoping to envelop party who wers
, firing , that wo decided must be In the quarry ,
i As we moved In this direction we came out
on a plowed field , Thrco volleys from
Mausers were fired at us at about 200 yards
range , Luckily they were hlnh or wo would
have been ambushed. I ordered the men to
Ho dcv.'ii and then trlnd to ujrtend to thor
r I Klit by moving on right Into line and en
velop their flank and turn them towards the
Deposlto , I found this to be Impossible and
ns they tried tn charge us , clvlng the com
mand , "Sigae ! " "Slgae ! " they started to
charge , hut after two volleys from us the
charge failed. Wo had cither to retire under
heavy flre or drive thorn towards ( he San-
tolon river. This wo did without the loss nf
a mat ) and forced them across the rlvor , and
they seemed by the men In camp fleeing
across the flat towards Taytay and Calnta.
As wo retired towards camp flre M-as opened
on us from the village of Bnnt"lon and the
bamboo across the river and by others on
this side In houses and on the ( Hacks.
In tbli flro Private John Alley wag shot
In the neck nnd probably mortally wounded.
The other men were merely scratched and
oame Into cam ? by themselves. *
The Filipinos followed our litter bearers
almost Into camp and had to be kept off by
the litter bearers nnd hospital attendants.
( See enclosed report ) .
We would not have had a man hurt if the
men in white had no < t opened flre from the
In fifteen minutes , with only a cake of Ivory Soap and watery
you can make a better cleansing paste than you can buy.
Ivory Soap Paste will take spots from clothing ; and will clean
carpets , rugs , kid gloves , slippers , patent , enamel , russet leather and
canvas shoes , leather belts , painted wood-work and furniture. The
special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it
can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles
that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free applica
tion of water.
DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING. To one pint of bolllne water JJ one nJ one-half ounce *
( one-quarter of the small site c V ) of Ivory Soap cut Into shavings , boll five minutes after the soap Is
thoroughly dissolved. Remove from the fire and cool In convenient dishes ( not tin ) . It nlll krcp < * ell
In an alr-tlcht U J Jar , .
village nnd houses on this Bide , which are
decorated with white flacs.
Wo killed nineteen Insurgents , Including
ono lieutenant.
Very respectfully ,
Colonel 1st Nebraska Infantry , U. S. V. ,
Ambulance Station , Water Works , Feb. 22ud ,
Col. J. M. Stotsenburg ,
Comd'g 1st Nebraska Inf. , U. 6. V.
Sir :
I have the honor to respectfully submit
the following report of the courage nnd
coolness displayed by members of the
Ambulance corps and enlisted men ot your
regiment , assisting them In carrying the
wounded from the field under a very acvera
flro , directed upon them by our humane
enemies who were dressed In white and to
all Intents and evidently purpose the EO-
called "Amlgo. "
Retiring during yesterday's fight , from n
thick growth of bamboo , with two wounded
men , wo were fired upon , on coming into the
open , by a party of natives dressed as above
stated. They were not more than 150 yards
from us and Were advancing , and were the
only Americans In that Immediate vicinity.
I had two Hospital corps privates and my
orderly nnd they were assisted by enlisted
men. There was no way to get out except
in the direct line of flre and over an open
rlco field , for about 250 yards before cover
could "be found. Eight men not carrying lit
ters were ordered to He down and hold the
advancing natives until the litters were In
safety , and ordered the litters across the
field at double time. These eight held the
position and kept tha natives until the lit
ters wore under cover , and then came across
the fields themselves under a terrific fire.
The natives were then within 75 yards of
them nnd I counted 15 of them.
I would respectfully recommend for your
favorable consideration the following men :
Privates Coleman , Vallery and Carter ,
Hosp. corps , U. S. A.
Sorgt. Hcdgecock , Co. H , 1st Nebraska Int. ,
U. S.V.
Sergt. Thomas , Co. K , 1st. Nebraska Inf. ,
U. S. V.
Sergt. Bates , Co. D , 1st Nebraska Inf. ,
U. S. V.
Pvt. Mcllnay , Co. D , let Nebraska Inf. ,
U. S.V.
Pvt. Tucker , Co. D , 1st Nebraska Inf. ,
U. S.V.
Pvt. Graygon , Co. D , 1st Nebraska Inf. ,
U. S.V.
Pvt. Boyle , Co. D , 1st Nebraska Inf. ,
U. S. V.
Pvt. Brown , Co. H , 1st Nebraska Inf. ,
U. S.V.
Several men whose names ore unknown
to me are ontlUed to great praise ,
I am , sir ,
Very respectfully and obediently.
( Signed ) NELSON M. BLACK ,
Capt. and A&fit. Surg. 1st N. Dakota Inf. ,
U. ( S. V.
In charge of Ambulances.
Deposlto , 11:20 : p. m. , Feb. 21 , 1899.
To Major Foote , Wyoming , San Felipe :
Planning to capture insurgents south of
water works road about daybreak. Have
your companies breakfasted and ready to move
by 4:00 : a. m. sharp. Your four companies
are to move forward towards Quadalupe , to
wards which Stotsenburg will drive thorn ,
and take them ae they come. Will send
staff officer at 4:00 : a. m. with map and full
( Signed ) HALE , Brig. Gen.
Blockhouse , Camp Stoteenburg , 11:65 : p. en. ,
Feb. 21 , 1899.
To Adjt. Gen'l. , 2nd Brig , :
Sergt. Just reports reconnoitre their main
position , which is about 2Vi ml leu south of
road. Their outptata nre out now about
where ours are In daytime. All ho U sure
of seeing there IB two companies. Ho saw
these In uniform and moving about.
( Signed ) STOTSBNBURG. Col.
The captains of Nebraska Companies "B"
and "H" on road , and "K" and "G" near
Deposito ( latter two In reserve ) were wmt
for and carefully Instructed , by myself , at
Deposlto ,
Blockhouse , Camp Stotsenburg , 8:45 : a , m , ,
Feb. 22 , 1899.
To Gen'l. Hale :
We are Just starting now.
( Signed ) STOTSENBURG , Col.
San Felipe Church , 4:25 : a. m. , Feb. 22 , 1899.
To Gen'l Hale , Deposlto :
Have seen Major Foote and his three left
companies. Evorytlrlng seeons to be under
stood. Capt. Young nald to t > o at end ot
road , so I will be able to sea him ,
j ( Slcned ) PKRRY , Aide.
San Felipe Church , 0:25 : a , rn. , Feb. 22 , 1899.
To Oen. Halo :
I Gunboat crippled , Cannot co-operate.
, ( Signed ) PERRY.
, At 615 ; n. m , firing becan In Wyoming
, battalion , southwest of Depcelto , ( See Major
1 Fc-ote's report for particulars ) ,
1 At 6:35 : a. m. heavy firing began In Ne
braska companies , southeast of Deposlto ,
and continued with Bllnht Intermissions un-
411 7:30 : a , in. ( See Colonel Stctsenburg'a
report for particulars ) .
Although the design of surrounding the
Insurgentu , cutting them off from Paulg ,
forcing them towards Guadalupe and the
| Wyoming battalion , and destroying or cap
turing thorn , v/ua not ncccmplUhod , on ac
count of their change of potitlon , and at
tack ( apparently t > y another party ) , on
Colonel Stotscnberg't left , compelling him
to attack them In front Instead of In flank ,
. ( bey wore , nevertheless , severely defeated
I and scattered , and this locality has been
practically free frcjn any hostile demon
strations elace , whereas it they had beeu
let alone they would undoubtedly hnvo
greatly annoyed nnd perhaps seriously nt-
tacKed our thin line nlong the water works
road. The result of the expedWon was
therefore very satisfactory.
Very respectfully ,
Brigadier General Commanding.
The latter telegram was repeated to
division headquarters.
Camp Stotsenburg. Feb. 20 , 1899 , 10:06 : n. m.
To Adjt. Qen'l. , 2nd Brigade :
Everything quiet hero. It was between
hero and Marlqulna road that advance was
( Signed ) STOTSENBURO. Col.
This telegram was repeated to division
DepoBlto , Feb. 20th , 1899. 6:56 : a. m.
To Col. StotEcnburg , Pump Station :
Telegraph full particulars cause last
night's scare on Mnrqulna road.
( Signed ) HALE , Brig. Oca.
Headquarters 2nd Brigade ,
2nd Division , Sth Army Corps ,
Manila , P. I. , Feb. 22nd , 1899.
Adjutant General ,
2nd Division , 8th Army Corps.
Sir :
I have the honor to enclose report of Col
onel Stotaenburg , 1st Nebraska infantry , U.
S. V. , concerning threatened attack on hli
outpost , consisting of one company on the
ftlarlqulna road , about n mile north of the
camp at waterworks. jj
The following are the principal lelegruna ;
that passed on the ( subject :
Camp Stotscnburjc. Feb. 19 , 1899 , 10:30 : p. m.
To Adj. Gen. :
Second Dlv. Company on Marlqulna rend
rcporo Insurgents trying to aurround thorn.
Deposlto , Fob. 19. 1899 , 10:40 : p.m. .
To Col. StoUenburg ,
Pump Station :
Take two or three companies , nnd RO your ,
self with them to support company on.
Marlqulna road. Important to hold posi
tion , but avoid , as far as practicable , a se
rious engagement nt night , and If you drtva
them off do not pursue further than neces
sary.Signed ( ) HALE , Brig , Gen.
Camp Stotaenburg , Feb. 19 , 1899 , 10:45 : p. m.
To Adj. Gcnl. :
Second brigade. Insurgents trying to
surround our outposta on Marlqulna road.
I advise bringing up one of the Oregon ,
as U can be done under cover and we might
bo able to deceive them. Have given or
ders to ray company to withdraw' slightly ,
Deposlto , Feb. 19 , 1899 , 10:50 : P. m.
To Col. Stotsenburg ,
Pumping Station :
Second message received. Hardly con-
slder It desirable to bring up Oregon com
pany along Marlqulna road at nliiht to At
tack Insurgents , who nre surrounding your
company , as our troops might flre Into each
other. Object la not so much to capture In--
eurgents tonight as to safely hold position.
( Signed ) HALE , Brig. don.
The above correspondence waa repeated ta
division headquarters with Inquiry as to
whether It was satisfactory , to which tha
following reply was received :
Caloocan , Feb. 19 , 1899 ; 11:15 : p. m.
To Gen'l Hale :
Your Instructions to Btotsenbure entirely-
satisfactory to General MacArthur.
( Signed ) STRONG , A. A. O.
C wnp StoUenburK. Feb. 19 , 1899 ; 11:05 : p. m ,
To Adjt. Oen'l :
2nd brigade :
Have ordered out two Nordentoldti and
platoon to support them. Have nsp | cent
to Investigate fully. Will tnko thrpo cirrn- |
panics soon as I hear fully how situation li. i
( Signed ) STOTBB-NBUR.O , Col. |
PUmpIng Station , Feb. 20 , 1899 , 7:30 : a. m. |
To Adjt. Gen'l , , 2nd Brigade : }
Scare last nlgbt CAUsetJ by outpopt rppprt- , i
Ing natives from Marlriulnu tryns | to ciij
them off from this camp. Three shots wer'g j |
fired by natives , probably sharpshooters , ' A
Couldn't eee anything further. Jugt before a '
that largo parties of Iniurgunta formed .past 7 .
of MarlqiUuaAnd between there and Cjalnto. - ,
If aV.tiling wn 'rrifeiIiicdtra8jt njfc'Uf ] > J Urri' |
pose they were teconnoltering our positions. I
Are you coming out ? L |
( Signed ) 6TOTSI5NBUHG. Col. I .
This telegram was repeated to division ;
headquarter .
While thin ilemonBtratlon did not result
seriously , the Insurgents will probably
annoy tbU out pest frequently In thin manner ,
and It Is very dcvlrablo to atop It Without
having to turn out a force at night when
ever they attempt It. I therefore told Cot ,
Btotaenburg , with the consent of the division
conimuiuler , that whenever the Insurt6nt > i
make any demonstration against tha
Marlqulna out | > ont bo can throw a few
shrapnel Into Murlqulua around the Insurgent
hdqrv. , which -U visible from our battery , H
Is hoped that the IniurguntB will notlco tlit
coincidence of events and ceueo thca *
demonatratlona ,
Very respectfully ,
Brigadier General Cuumanillng ,
First NobrankB. U. S. Vol. Infantry ,
Office cf the Commanding Officer ,
Pumplne Station , Feb. 20 , 1699.
To ( he Adjt. General ,
2nd Brig. 2nd Ulv , Sth Corps.
H'.r :
I have the honor to report that last night
nbout 10:20 : the outsort on the Marlqulns
road reported thut there was an tinned body
of Philippines north of their j > Jit Ion and
alto that a forfo was trying to peuetrato
between ( heir outpo t and camp. I reported
( CoutluuoU on NlntU Page , )