THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi TUESDAY , ATJG-TJST 20 , 1809. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MISNTIOW. Davit eella gla . Uooro's food klirg worms and fatten * . Fire escapes for buildings at Blxby't. Budwelcer beer. L. Hoeenfeldt. agent. O. 0. Jacquemln & Co. , Jewelers and op ticians. 27 South Main street W. O. Kttep , undertaker , 23 Pearl street. Telephones , office , 97 ; resilience , 33. Get your work done at the popular Eagle laundry , 724 Urondwixy. 'Phone 157. Congressman Smith Mcl'herson of Ilcd Oak arrived In the city yuatorday , bis visit being token to bo la the Interest of Senator Gear. Will Kane will have a hearing In police court this morning for disturbing the peace of the publlo Sunday night In front of the opera house. Judge Smith and Court Reporter D. 0. Drulngton left yeeterday for Sidney , where the judge convenes the August term of district court today. County Attorney Kllpack commenced pro- oocdlngs in the district court yesterday against J , J. Crow of Lower Broadway for nonpayment of his liquor tax. N. Maascy took out a building permit yes terday for a one and a half-story frame cot tage to bo erected on his property on. Sev enth avenue between eighth and Ninth streets , to coat $1,800. 1 * . M. Crockwell , the well known motor conductor who underwent an operation at the Woman's Christian Association hospital Sunday morning , died last evening. Ho was 40 years of ago and leaves a widow and three children. Judge Ingoldsby of the Utah artillery , which recently returned from the Philip pines , Is at his homo In this city. Ho Is In the best of health and feels none the worse for his experience of army life. He took part In seventy-one engagements. W. Brooks Heed , chairman of the county central committee , Issued a call yesterday for the democratic county convention to beheld hold Thursday , September 14. Primaries for the selection of delegates will bo held Sat urday evening , September 9 , unless other- wist ) provided for by the product commlt- teoinen. Agent Blanchard of the Omaha & St. Louis road received an official notice yes terday to the effect that W. G. Brlmaon had boon appointed general manager to suc ceed II. S. Hcurdcu. Mr. Brlinsou cornea from the Chicago , Lake Shore & Eastern railway , of which ho was president , treaa- ' urer and general manager. William Swalno , town marshal of Lucas , la. , who became too convivial Sunday night after making a round of the saloons , was assessed ? 5 and costs In police court yes terday morning. He paid $8 and the bal ance was struck off to the profit and loss side of the city's ledger. Swalno claimed to have been In Omaha In search of a stolen rig and that the brand of Nebraska corn juice was too strong for him. The beer seized Saturday , August 19 , at the Grand Plaza , Lake iManawa , by Constn- blo lAlbcrtl under a search warrant sworn out by Colonel P. C. Reed was ordered de stroyed yesterday by Justice Vlen. In com pliance with the order Albertl loaded the Bovoral kegs and cases of bottled beer Into a wagon and drove out to Big Lake , where the amber fluid was ruthlessly blended with the waters of the lake , while a crowd of onlookers gazed with thirsty eyes at what they considered , a wanton , waste of good liquor. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Special sale of school shoes , commencing Wednesday , August 30. There is not a boyer or girl In the city that can afford to miss this salo. Economy Shoe Store , C02 Broad way , Council Bluffs , T. N. Bray. P. S. Omaha people invited to this sale. Domestic soap whitens your clothes. Domestic soap sofd by all grocers. Hen ! Hntntc TrmmfcrM. The following transfers -were filed yester day In the abstract , title and loan ofllco of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : John D. Lowe and wife et al. to How ard Wilson , lots 8 and 9 In subdi vision eV4 block 31 and wH block 35 , Avoca , w. d ? 1.800 William T. Lewis and wife to B. F. Cook , lot 3 and eV4 lot 4. block 15 , Carson , w d 9T5 Total amount of two transfers. . . . ? 2,775 Davis tolls saint. Prtzea go with Domestic soap. Welsbach burners at Btxby's. Tel. 191 Domestic outwashos cheap soaps. Lowest prices , easy .terms. The best and largest stock of pianos at Swanson Muslo company. Masonic Tomple. Domestic eoap Is the purest made. ( Marriage l > lcenne . Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following persons : Name and Residence. Age. Kdwln S , Grcnsel , Havelock , Nb 54 Agnea A. Allenby , Havelock , Neb 28 McClellan Pierce , ( Avoca , ( a , 34 Mildred E. Hepsley , Avoca , la 21 Marriage is said to be an equal partner ship. But the kind of a one-aded part tier- ship it real ly is , can not be better - . ter express- 'ed ' than in that old wife should double her husband's joys and halve hid Borrows. " That's -what is expected of a wife , and the won der of the world is that she comes so closely to expectation * Tor as a nile from the time of marriage onward , her body is daily drained of strength and her mind daily burdened by carea. She lies on the couch , her back aching , from female trouble , and gets up and puts on a smil ing face to meet her husband. Marriage can only be an equal partner ship when the drains and strains of mar ried life of the woman can be replaced by the perfect health of the delicate womanly organs. No woman need suf fer with inflammation , ulceration , debili tating drains or female trouble. There's on absolute euro for all these in Doctor Plerce'B Favorite Prescription. It makes life u pleasure , does away with morning sickness , and makes the baby's advent easy ana almost painless. " I bad been a tunerer from uterine trouble for about three yean , bavins two miscarriage * la that time , and the doctor * said I would have to go through in operation before I could give birth to children , " vrrltei Mr . Illanche It. Uvani , of Partons , Luierna Co. , Pa. , Box 41. "When about to give up in deipair I saw the ad * vtrtUeruent of Ir. i'ierce't medicine and thought I would give It trial at a last resort. I bouent a bottle of Dr. Pierce' * Favorite Pre scription. BU > ) after talcing It felt better than I had for years. After takfnir four and one-hall bottle * I gave birth to B bright baby girl who U now four months eli and nai not had a day of alcknew. " . . " I'avorite Prescription " contains no alcohol , whisky or other intoxicant. Nothing else is "just as good , " Refuse all substitutes. If you go for Dr. Pierce's , get Dr. Pierce's. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT For CaaU or Loaned uu. IS. II. NUBAFia fc CO. , S faurl Mlroet , Caauotl Bluffi. law * , FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT Throa Separate Forma of Advertisement for Bids Aio Drawn Up , SUBMITTED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY Cltr Fathem Fix the Tnx I/cry nt Forty-One nnd Onc-IInlf JI11U For the Conilnpc Terir. At the meeting of the city council last night City Attorney Wadsworth submitted three separate forma of advertisement for bids for the erection of a municipal electric light plant and for nupplylng the city with electric light. Under theao three different advertisements parties will be able to bid according to the plana and specification ! ! now on fllo and on plans and specifications which they may submit. They also ' , 'vo the local company an opportunity to bid , Ono of the forms Is arranged especially to meet with President Draffen'a wishes , The forms ordered published are as follows , each of them providing that all blda must bo accompanied fay a $1,000 certified check : Publlo Is hereby given that prop ositions contemplating the ultimate own ership by the city of Council Bluffs la. , of an electric light plant In said city city will he received In the form of sealed bids at the ofllco of the city clerk of said city up to 6 o'clock p. m. of the 19th day of Sep tember , 1S99. Said propositions and bids are to bo based upon plans and specifications now on file In the ofllco of tha city clerk of said city or upon plans and specifications furnished by the bidders and filed in the ofitco of the city clerk at the time of filing each bid. All plans and speculations so filed will not ho considered , by the city council of said city unless the eamo are acceptable'to said city council. All prop ositions must bo so made that In the event of the acceptance of the same no liability will bo created against the city of Council Bluffs , except to assess and levy against the property In the city of Council Bluffs a tax authorized by the law now In force , or which may bo hereafter enacted. Public notice Is hereby given that , Whereas , The contract of the Council Bluffs Qas and Electric Light company for light ing the city of Council 'Bluffs , la. , has nearly expired , sealed proposals for supplyIng - Ing the city of Council Bluffs , la. , and Its Inhabitants with electric light on the Philadelphia Moonlight Schedule aa modi fied by the latitude and longitude of the city of Council Bluffs , IB , for the term of fifteen years , will be received at the ofllco of the city clerk of said city up to 6 o'clock p. m. of the 19th day of September , 1899. Plans and specifications of the system which the city council believes to be suitable are on file and can bo seen In the offlco of the city clerk. Public notice Is hereby given that , Whereas , The contract of the Council Bluffs Oas and Bloc trio Light company for lightIng - Ing the city of Council Bluffs. la. , has nearly expired , coaled proposals for supply ing the city of Council Bluffs , la. , and Its Inhabitants with electric light on the "Phil adelphia Moonlight Schedule" as modified by the latitude and longitude of the city of Council Bluffs , la. , for the Csrms of five , ten and fifteen years will bo received at the offlco of the city clerk of said city up to 6 o'clock p. m. of the " 19th , day of September , 1899. Said lights to be furnished according to the diagrams and plans of the Council Bluffs Gas and ( Electric Light company as now In use in said city with such addi tional lights as the city council may from tlmo to time desire. Bids will also be received for the six electric towers now claimed by said Council Bluffs Gas and Electric Light company or for six towers of like construction similarly situated. On the recommendation of the finance committee the tax levy for 1899 was decided on as follows : Anils. General fund 10 Gas and street lighting fund 4 Water fund ° Library fund J Park fund J , , iSevrer fund VA Judgment fund J Improvement fund. J Bridge fund 1 Bond funds as follows : Intersection paving : and grading1 bonds. 5 Intersection sewer bonds 3 Bond loan fund J Funded debt fund 3 Total % For agrlculturaf landa within the cor porate limits and on personal property nec essary to cultivate same the levy was fixed at 5 mills , the limit allowed by law. On motion of Alderman Alotcalf the city attorney was instructed to prepare , an ad vertisement calling for bids , for the paving on Willow avenue and the curbing on Twelfth street , Contractor Wlckham having falfed to pay any attention to the resolu tion of the council ordering him to com mence the work within a specified , time , which has now expired. The trustees of Trinity Methodist church filed a remonstrance against a saloon being permitted to run at the southeast corner of Main street and Ninth avenue. On motion of Alderman Casper the city engineer was Instructed to go ahead with the work of placing a number of dams in Indian creek east of Bryant stroet. The 100-foot plank culvert on East Pierce street was ordered replaced with a brick structure , the cost of which Is estimated at tTOO , to bo paid out of the -bridge fund. The work la to bo done under the super vision of the city engineer. The new fire escape ordinance Introduced "by " Alderman Atkins was passed. The city attorney won instructed to , take the necessary proceedings looking toward the condemnation of the two-story frame building at 721 Broadway. The matter of the condemnation of the old Hood laundry building on Pierce street was referred to the committee on fire and light. The drinking trough at the junction of ModUon and Graham avenues was ordered removed to the opposite corner. The bill of $97.60 of Israel Lovett for pre paring prams and specifications of an elec tric light plant for the city was ordered paid , as was tha pay roll for the work on Indian creek , the latter amounting to something over $300. The matter of disposing of articles that have accumulated at the olty Jail , including Jewelry left aa security for fines and for feited , was left with the committee on po lice and health to take care of. Mrs. Hopkins filed a claim for $200 for damage to crops and chickens by the over flow of Indian creek. Bclentlflo optician , WolJman.SOS Br'dway , rUINTEUS TAKE HAND 1ST FIGHT. Join with. Ilnrtiera' Protective Ann otation Agulnmt 8audny Shnvlnir. The printers have taken sides with the members of the Barbers' Protective asso ciation In their fight to enforce the Sunday closing law so far aa their particular trade U concerned and at the meeting of tha local union Sunday night adopted the following resolutions : Whereat , The Barbers' Protective otto- elation of Council Bruffi la making an ef fort , to obtain thorter hours of labor by endeavoring to have the publlo refrain from requiring 1U services on Sunday ; therefore , be It Resolved , That we are heartily la furor of this movement ; and It In further JUsolred , TJa.t ? we , njfjateri of lb BJufl City Typographical union , No. 20J , Will not patron I to any barber shop which keeps open on Sundays , nor trade with any business man who patronize ! such shop. The barbers who kept open on Sunday fol lowed the same tactics as inaugurated last week and commenced another batch of "friendly prosecutions" yesterday before Justice Vlen. Informations were filed against Edward Kelly , Robert Bernhardi , Fritz Borahardl , H. J. Wehncs , F. E. Silvers , W. T. Silvers , John Bohn , Fred Klefcr and Phillip Kllllan , Jr. The trials are all set for today. Tha four cases against Fred Klefcr were tried before Justice Vlon yesterday morning on an agreed statement of facts and as in the other "friendly proceedings" resulted In an acquittal , The teat case against Fritz Bornhardl In Justice Frank's court of Keg Creek boa been continued In definitely owing to the absence from the city of the attorney of the Barbers' Protective ass oclatlon. MYSTERY IU3MAINS UNSOLVED. No Cine to the Identity at the Floater Fottnil on Sunday , Tfao Inquest lield yesterday over the body of the unknown man found In the river near j the Union Pacific bridge Sunday morning failed to develop anything that would glvo a clue to the Identity of the man or the mntmer In which tie came to his death. The only evidence forthcoming was as to the finding of Lho body and the Jury , . .consist ing of E. E. Adorns , H. P. Officer and R. T. I Monfort , brought in the following verdict : "Ooccosod came to his death by means which we cannot determine. " The witnesses examined wore Joseph Trocek and son of Omaha , who first dis covered the body ; Ofllcor D. L. Weir and j Dr. Waterman , who performed an autopsy on the remains at the cemetery. Hlo testi mony \voa to the effect that there were no wounds apparent about1 the head which would have caused death , but that many other parts of the body -were so badly decomposed that oven if wounds had existed they could not have been noticed. In cutting - I ting through the scalp , Dr. Waterman said the condition of the blood indicated that the man had not been d od for any very great ) length of time. Ho gave it as his opinion , that the man had probably been dead about , three -weeks and not longer. The testimony , of Joseph Trecek and his son , who , while ! fishing on this side of the river , discovered tho'body , throw no light upon the mystery , ] as It was confined entirely to the finding of the corpse. Ofllcor Wolr's evidence was In the some line. A further examination of the body yester day disclosed the fact that the hands were encased in canvaa gloves , such as com monly worn by laboring men. The pollca are of the opinion that the man was tha victim of foul play and that he was killed , probably by being sandbagged , and then thrown In the river from the bank. The fact that tha man was wearing house ellp- pera and gloves they believe contradicts the theory of suicide , as a man intending to drown himself and make tie job sure by tying a weight around his neck would not wear gloves while tying the rope. The condition of the head wan euca that If the man had been killed by sandbagging the marks of the blow would not be ap parent unless tha skull had been crushed. No such signs-were found t y Dr. Waterman. The body , after being viewed by the jury yesterday morning , was taken to the cemetery - tery , where tlbo autopsy was held , the in quest being adjourned until the afternoon to allow of the introduction of Dr. Water man's testimony. The autopsy settled the question that the body was that of a whlta man and not of a , negro , as , at first sup * posed * * .1 * DATES FOIl THE TEH3IS OP COOUT. Judge * Hold a Meeting ; and. Arrange the Schedule. Judges A. B. Thornell , N. W. Macy and Walter I. Smith of the Fifteenth judicial dis trict met yesterday at the county court house and arranged the schedule of dates for hold- Ing court In the \arious counties of the dis trict during 1900 and 1901. Judge W. R. Green was unable to be present. The new schedule contains a number ol changes short ening the term of court at some towns and lengthening it in others. It is as follows : Audubon County In 1900 , March 6 , May 15 , October 16 , December 11 ; in 1901. March 5 , May 14 , October 15 , December 10. Cass County In 1900 , January 16 , March 27 , September 4 , November 7 ; in 1901 , Jan uary 16 , March 26 , September 3. November 6. Fremont County In 1900 , January 0 , March 20 , September 4 , November 7 ; in 1901 , January 8 , March 19 , September 3 , Novem ber 6. Mills County In 1900 , January 30 , April 17 , September 26 , November 27 ; In 1901 January 29 , April 16 , September 24 , Novem ber 26. Montgomery County In 1900 , February 20' , May 16 , October 16 , December 11 ; In 1901. February 19 , May It. October 15. Decem ber 10. . Page County In 1900 , February 10 , May 8 , Octobtr 9 , December 4 ; In 3901 , February 19 , May 7 , October 8 , December 3. Pottawattamie County ( Council Bluffs ) In 1900 , January 9 , March 27 , September 4 , November 7 ; in 1901 , January 8 , March 26 , September 3 , November 6. Pottawattamie County ( Avoca ) In 1900 February 6 , April 17 , September 25 , No vember 27 ; in 1901 , February 6 , April 16 , September 24 , November 26. Shelby County In 1000 , January 9 , March 20 , September 4 , November 7 ; In 1901 , Jan uary 8 , March 19 , September 3 , Novem ber 6. The following new rule was added to those adopted A/upuat / 3 , 1897 : "All executors , administrators , trustee * , receivers and other officers of the court charged with the care or custody of money or other property , unless excused by order of the court , shall report annually and aftener U so ordered < by the court , " The Aurust term , of the district court In this city will bo convened this morning by Judge Macy and the grand Jury im paneled. The members of the grand jury ore Henry Scott , Weston ; J. K. Annls , Tay lor ; Poler RelfJ Henry Heywood , R. F. Rain , Council Bluffs ; II. N. Sucksdorf , Troy- nor ; Henry Leaders , Minden ; R. Adams , Orescent ; F. B. Chambers. Armour ; Lars Jcmsen. Pigeon ; John Grayblll , Underwood ; Fred Hoist , Treynor. The civil docket is a particularly heavy one. an unusual number of divorce cases being on the list and the criminal cases to be presented to the grand jury for Its consideration are nearly three times the average. Domestic soap Is full weight. For the Porto Illcnim. Mayor Jennings and County Auditor Innes spent yesterday making a personal canvass of the business men of this city for sub scriptions to the Porto Rico relief fund. They succeeded In securing the following donations and will continue the canvass to day : John B resbolm , 15 ; Ben Marks , J5 ; Met- colf & Metcalf , $3 ; Peregoy & Moore , $3 ; J. S. Morgan , $5 ; J. D. EdmundBon , $5 ; J , W. Squire , $2i John Beno t $ Co. , $5 ; E. K. Hart , $2 ; Stewart Brothers , (5 ; D , W. Bush- nell , | 2 ; N. 0. Phillips , fl ; B. L. Etnyro , fl ; D. B , Scott , fl ; 0. P. Wlckham , Jl ; Israel Lovett , | 1 ; C. A. Moore , fl ; E. H. Sheafe & Co. , f 1 ; J. N. Cwiady , Jr. , f 1 ; Frank Levin , 80 cents ; Sleepy ' & Sleepy , fl ; J. 0. Blxby , fl ; HoUt & 'Spetmao , fl ; W. 0. Spetman , CO cents ; J. Oherntsa & Co , , CO cents ; A. P. Bcofleld , CO oenU ; Albert Roaenfeld , fl ; William Fltreerald. CO cents ; Charlea H , Dusee , 35 cents ; John Mergen , jr. , fl ; C. R. Tyler , f 1 ; Charles Arnd , 60 cents ; O. B. Mc- Cllntock , fl ; Bessie Huntlngton , fl ; O , P. . Frank , fl ; J. W. Fair , 60 cents ; William Frederick , CO cents ; George T. Miller , 60 centij GroBBwef 6 Bch.9Wt6 Pj fi ! J , C , BaXer , f 1 ; J , G. Baird , 60 cents ; E. R. Smith , fl ; R. V. Innes , fi ; V. Jennings , f2 ; J. J. Stewart , fl ; Clem Klmball , 60 cents ; Peter son & Schoenlng , fl ; J. 0 , Jones , 60 cents ; Hnclno Wagon and Carriage company , fl ; C. E. Hathaway , fl ; Charles Gregory , fl ; L. 0. Bmpkle. fl ; S. A. Plcrco & Co. , fl ; B. M. Sargent , fl ; H. W , Sawyer , GO cents. Total , f79.76. f ttOAHI ) OP EDUCATION MUETIXG. IllilH Received for CoiiNtrnctlon of Nciv High School DiillilliiK. At the adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Education lost night bids for the construction of the new High school build ing according to the plans and specifications prepared by Architects Cox and Schoentgen wore opened , Six bids as follows were re ceived : Herman & Brown , $67,910 ; J. P. Weaver , f61,385 ; Jensen Bros. , f60,490 ; Wlckham Bros. , f59,900 ; P. H. Wind , f59- 654 ; George P. Hughes , f57,700. No action was taken on awarding the contract owing to the fact that State Super intendent Barrett has not yet handed down his decision In the Smith elto appeal case. The bids are more favorable than the board had been led to believe they would bo ow ing to the recent Increase in the prlco of material. An attempt on the port of President Sims to restore the salaries of the principals of the Washington Avenue , Bloomer and Twen tieth Avenue schools to the amount paid them last year failed of success , the vole standing three to three. Member Moore was not present. An attempt to restore the salary of Mrs. Hardman , supervisor of the kindergartens , was also test by a simi lar vote. Mrs. Harmon's salary was ro- diiced from f75 to $05. It being shown that the principals at the Harrison Street and Eighth Avenue schools had no assist ants , their salaries were restored to laat year's figures. Mlsa Myrtle Cutler , princi pal at the Eight Avenue , hxd been reduced frqm f67 to f60 , and Miss Hanson , at the Harrison -Street , had been reduced from f06 to f60. W. H. Spera was appointed Janitor nt the Twenty-sc'cond Street school to fill a vacancy , and W. S. Wllklna was made Jan itor at the Second Avenue school , Georga Ball having tendered his resignation. The secretary was Instructed to enter Into con tracts with the Janitors , they to begin work one week before the commencement of the school year. The Janitors of buildings heated by steam will have to furnish cer tificates of ability to handle the plants. Mlsa Florence Reed , a teacher whoso sal ary had been fixed at f35 , applied for an Increase , and her application was referred to the finance committee and Superintendent Hayden. The committee on buildings and grounds was authorized to enter into a contract for the leasing of the building at Cut Off used last year as a school , on condition that it can be surrendered at ten days' notice. The now building for which P. H. Wind has the contract will not' bo ready for occupancy for two months or perhaps more. An Abnormally Larue Head. AMES , la. , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The E- year-old son of .ars Torsen , a farmer liv ing several miles north of Hhls city , is a most unfortunate"child. . Ho was born with an abnormally large ekull , which has con tinued to increase in size and which now measures thirty-seven and one-half inches In circumference at the forehead. The neck is unusually small and unable to support the abnormal head. The child has never been able , lo walk , but has a remarkable memory , talk r nldly and seems reemark- ably bright. He- has never been able to read because of. the 'fact that the head' ' Is be yond the .chlld'ff . control. His llttlo arms are so weak and emaciated that It requires quite an effort to convey food to its mouth. Unfortunate as the child 19 , unable to enJoy - Joy the pleasures of childhood , he bears the affliction patiently and the does all he can to take care of himself. CHLORINATION WORKS BURN Plant Worth lpir.0,000 In Entirely De stroyed at Ijeudrrooil An Iimur- azico of Abont ? 75OOO. DBADWOOD , S. D. , Aug. 28. ( Special Telegram. ) Fire broke out in the coal bins of the large Ooldon Reward chloririatlon worka In this city at 9 o'clock this morning and at noon nothing but molderlng debrla remains of the great plant. It la supposed that burning cinders from a locomotive 'set flre to the coal In the bins. The flro spread almost Instantly over the upper floor of the crushing room and commenced burning downward. In one hour most of the buildings were reduced to ashes. All that was saved -was the company offlco and one dwelling house. The Golden Reward Chlorlnation plant ' was valued at about $160,000 and Insurance amounted to $75,000 , holdi by about thirty different companies. It was tha first chlorlnatlon plan to work this process suc cessfully in the Black Hills. It throw * about 225 men out of employment in' the plant and mines. Harris Franklin , vlco president and general manager of tha com pany , is dn Omaha. It is believed the com pany will rebuild , since the plant was payIng - Ingwell. . The Insurance was divided among the companies as follows : Aetna Insurance company , $5,000 ; British America , $2,000 ; Commercial Union of Eng land , $2,500 ; Connecticut of Hartford , $2- 600 ; Continental of Now York , $2,000 ; Flro Association of Philadelphia , $2,600 ; Fire man's Fund of California , $2,500 ; German American of New York , $2,500 ; Hartford of Hartford , $2,600 ; Insurance Company of North America , $4,500 ; Lancashire of Eng land , $1,600 ; Liverpool and London and Globe , $2,500 ; London and Lancashire of England , $2,500 ; Manchester Fire Insurance company , $1,600 ; Niagara of New York , $1,500 ; North-British and Mercantile , B. S. , $1,500 ; Northern of London , $3,600 ; Penn sylvania Fire Insurance company , $2,500 ; Phoenix of Brooklyn , $2,500 ; Queen In surance company of America , , $3,500 ; Royal ot Liverpool , $5,000 $ ; Springfield Fire and Paul Fire nnd Mercantile of Minnesota , $2,500 ; Western Aasuranco company of To ronto , $2,500 ; Merchants' of New York , $2,000 ; Home , $11,000 ; Orient , $3,000 ; Han over , $2,000 ; Phoenix of B. S. , $ SOO ; Mer chants' , $2,000 , , Harris Franklin , vice president of the chlorinatloo plant , left Omaha yesterday aft ernoon for Deadwood , the news of the flro calling him Immediately to the scene. He oatd that the plant waa the first of the sort to be established in the United States and tha only ono that has proved successful , Jiut ten years ago the plant was almost entirely destroyed by flre. Mr. Franklin stated that the capacity of the plant was from $65,000 to $75,000 per month , It employed flfty-flve men In the house and 125 In the mines. It will be immediately rebuilt. Mr , Franklin said the fact that his com pany had hut recently purchased the D & U smelter ai Dead \rood would aid them lit this tlmo materially. I'mtmt AicnliiHt An rNiiiuuiitN. PHSnilE , S. D. , Aug. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) The State Board of Assessment and Equalization meets tomorrow to hear com plaints in regard to Its action at the regu lar meeting. The express , telegraph and telephone companies have filed protest * against the assessments given them and will appear. The only county which boa pro tested against the action ot the board in the Increase of assessments returns la fijilnk , which county wl ! ) have a representative be- for ? tb.e board tomorrow. The only exclusive up-to-date Vehicle House on the Missouri River. Everything that pertains' to vehicles everything to please you , Why buy elsewhere when you have an opportunity of selecting from over ONE HUNDRED different styles. Write for catalogue. Call and see mo. No trouble to show you. HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , COUNCIL 13IZ7.FZS , JOW > 1. IOW-A POPS WILL NOT FUSE Their State Convention to Bo Held at Des Moines Tomorrow. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT FREE SILVER AVnr Question Will lie the Main IHHUC Iowa AVuItliiK for the Itcturu of the Fifty-First IluKlmciit. DES MOINES , Aug. 28. ( Special Telo gram. ) The state central committee of th people's party will meet here tomorrow afternoon. Secretary A. W. Rlcker of Lon Tree arrived today and the committee wl ! arrange for the state convention which wtl bo hold here tomorrow. Delegates are com Ing Into the city tonight and the cotnmltte expects a full attendance. "Hon. 0. 0. Lloyd of Muscatlne county will probably bo the candidate of the part ; for governor again this year , " said Secre tary Rlcker. "Ho was the candldale of the party for the same position two years ago and made a good fight. That section of the etato will present his name to the conven tion again this year and there Is every probability that he will be nominated. For the other positions no candidates have as yet been mentioned. In the platform of the party the war question will be the main Issue. There Is no use on earth for the democrats to try to make the money ques tlon the issue. The people don't care a rap about frco silver this year. They are in terested in the war question , however , am that is the Issue we are going .to emphasize What as more , we are going to make the campaign on our own merits and will nebo bo tied up to any one. Wo expect a big convention Wednesday. " General Byera received a letter from Colonel J. C. Leper of the Fifty-first regi ment this morning. It was dated July 1' ' and was in regard to the vote taken on the matter of place of mustering out. Only two of the men voted for Dos Moines and the ) ' had enlisted In San Francisco and woul < not receive any travel pay home. The trave pay Is' a matter of considerable Importance to the' men , the letter stated , and they are not willing to give it up. Colonel Leper said there was but slight possibility of the regiment being home in September. Since I his letter was written the possibility has I lengthened , to November. General Byers said this morning he was receiving letters and messages every day from people who wanted to go to San Francisco to accom pany the boys home. The prospects are now for a large party accompanying the governor and staff. The time of going stll remains indefinite. A special train will ( bring the Iowa boys home. This was the largest Monday in the his tory of the state fair. The railroads brought In 12,000 and the attendance was 14,000. This evening the Des Moines auditorium , which was completed In the nick of time for the state convention , was dedicated. Its seat ing capacity of 4,000 was not large enough to hold the crowd. BATTLE WITH PITCHFORKS Joiepk Slimv and Tony > Baran > o Have a Flglit Near Sioux City in WliloU Latter ! Badly Ilart. SIOUX CITY , Aug. 28. ( Special , ) Two young men had a fierce fight with pitch forks near i TUX City last Tuesday and as a result one of them may die. The authorities have Just learned of the occurrence and Keno ono of the lads abould die the other will probably be arrested for murder. Joseph Shaw and Tony Baranzo were members of a threshing gang on the farm ol Peter Bruno. Baranzo U an Italian and had been the sub ject of a great deaf of Joking on the part of the other men. In the morning of the day ot the fight the two young fellows had an encounter , but were parted by other men. That night as Shaw waa riding homo bo carried a pitchfork with hkn , anticipating there might be trouble. He met Baranzo on the road and he , too , was armed with a fork. For Shaw It was a case of flght or get dta'bbed ' to death , as the young ran of Italy had blood in his eye. They went at H and Shaw finally struck the other fellow over the head with the fork. Twice more he landed and the Italian was taken homo a mass of cute and bruises. It is said that his condition is precarious. Gear "VVlna a Point. DUBUQUE , la. , Aug. 28. The republican state committee today elected H. O , Weaver of Wapello First district chairman , vlco T. A. Hancock , resigned , R. H. Bpence of Mount Ayr , vloo chairman , and 0 , W. Phil lips of Moquoketa , secretary. Weaver U favorable to the re-election of Senator dear. Ex-fiovernor Merrill Wor . LOS ANGELES , Cal , , Aug. 28. The con dition of ex-Governor Samuel Merrill is worse today. He suffered a stroke of paraly sis at 10 o'cfock today. REATH ' I faava been utlaa CABOAKF.TS and a * a mild anil eDqollTOUiiuro tlief are tlmplr won- tiorfuT. Mr daughter and I were bothered with elckttomaca and our breath nairtrrbad. Alter taking a fair doie * ot Caicareu we bare Improved wondorfullr. 1'ber are a great help ID the Jam 11 r , WILUELMINA $40IL. 1137 HUMnhoiue EtT Cincinnati , Ohio. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. T it Good , Good , NeTer Blclen. Weaken , or Gripe. lOc.Uc.l . . . GURE CONSTIPATION. . . . t fll. . < > ttmrur , OiU f . Mtf 4l. . I.rt. lit Cheap Acreage Near Council Bluffs DAY & HESS Have for sale Fruit , tfarir and Garden Land at prices arid on terms that will attract. 4 aero tract with buildings. CO aero tract with bulldtnga. 10 acre tract with bulldlnga. SO aero tract with buildings. 12 aero tract with buildings. 1GO acre tract with buildings. 20 acre tract with buildings. 320 acre tract with buildings. 40 aero tract with bulldlnga. CIO aero tract with buildings. Get our list of Council HIuiTs nnd Onmha property. Money to loan on improved farms at 5 per cent interest. § urn f ( O Cents. 5 Cents. TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. John G. Woodward & Co . , CDS SAMPLE COPIES OF THE : Free on Request , The Bee "Publishing Company , OMAHA. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Gar Service. A Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forever. 1)11. T. FELIX GOURACD'S ORIENTAL CREAM , OR. MAGICAL BEAUTIFItm. 3-- * ET . JJemoyea Tan , Pimple , , § fe Jfrocklea , Moth Pnwbe -go Ee - na .fcrtS rs . * > . Rash , and Skirt die- eaaea. and every blemlah on beauty , ana defies detec tion. It bag itood th e teat ot el yean ana Is ao hannfoM we taste U to b aure It la properly inuue. Accept no counterfeit of alml- larname. Dr. L. A , lyre aald W a lady f the bout-ion ( a jattent ) ! "Aa you Indies will ue < _ , . them. I r e c o in- mended-bouraua Cream' aa the lea t harmful ol all the Skin proparatlonB. " For sale by all Drag- glslB ana Fancy-GoedB DeaUra In th Unll4 State , Canada * , and Europe , TKIia T. UOPKINfl. rroo'r , 37 Qroit J ones , N.Y. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS ARE YOU GOING TO GET $10.00 AUGUST 3lst7 Tou know Jne. 8. Kirk tt Co. * 1v w y in Cfl n August tt to tbt woman securing nt th rrtatett nucnbtr of White Ruulan Soap Wrapper * . Bend them or brlnr thm to M * Bouth llth tret. Omaha , Thei wrapp ri will alio count IB the r n < J centtit oloiliuc OKfmhir M. J0 SMOKERS A.DAVlS'SONSarCO. JOHN G < WOQDWARD8cCa WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , WM. WELCH TRANSFER LINE Uetvrctrii Council IIlalT * uitd Ontab * . Bates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Council Bluffs office. No. S North Main strnet. Telephona US. Omaha offlc * removed - , moved to 322 South Fifteenth tr t. T te nhono 1308. Connections mad * with South Omaha. l > alil tot O. R. OIKBEIIT , Fur SUIui , , . . Uminger , $6.00 A MONTH. DR EftcQREW , SPECIALIST , TmtoQFWnuef DISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY. and MEDICAL JTrcMwtat . . , . co illntd.Varcof | l . Stricture , Syphilis , J OQkot VI or n4VIUIlty. CCRE4 OUIIUNTTTKD , CUarffos low. UOHE f IILATMEST. JiooW , C n un U < va f d K m. { nation fttt. Hour ,8 a.m. 1o6j T toip , m. Sunday. 9 to U J1 , O. Uoi 7t4. Office , N. iU Cor. 14th nnd Funiam Street * , OM AH A. HEU. CURE YOURSELF ! U BlfU fnr nnnttural oni or u ooui rsttnbmnM. ij. nd r.ot gint or Mt Kola by