Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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id < rtlftriiirntn fur these column *
Mill lie tnUni unlll 13 m. ( or Hie
< - < nliiu cilltlon nn l nntll 8ttU ! p. m.
tor tiKii-nlnK milt Httnilnr cdltlonHi
Halti 1-Sc n wont Ilrnt Insertion )
lu n vrnril thereafter. NuthlitK < nkcn
for lens Dinii UBc fur the first inner *
( l n. TIii-Ke nilrcrtlHcnientn niunt IIP
run aoniociitUrlj.
AilvcrdnorH , hy rcfitiefttlnir it lunu-
liereil ohrulc , cnn linrc * nn rrcr nil-
< irrHril to n nmnlirrrU letter in cure
of Tln lieAimTTem no ndtlrenaoit
wnll lie ilc-lliorcil un presentation of
tinclipok enl > .
Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16. Tel.
1112. Help furnished , positions procure * ! .
A 101
A HTK'NOGltAPHEH. When you wnnt one
please call up the Remington typewriter
office , 1619 Farnam St. , telephone 1573.
A 401
iy attending that most popular nnd uc-
1 ceisful school ,
Catalogue ami full Information furnished
on application.
Students who desire It assisted to positions
to turn board while attending.
WANTED , Wo have steady work for a few
good ( hustlers of good habits and appear *
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St.
B (03 (
GOOD salesmen , salary or com. 111S N. 16.
B 101
MAN wanted , Hlxetfbaugh , 600 Ware block.
WANTED Twenty first-class stone cutters
at Helena. Mont. : fa for nine hours. Ap
ply Montana Building Co. B 401
YOU CAN travel and make big money.
Aslc Frank , 1821 Fnrnam. B 444 29'
WANTED , at once , a good all-round black
smith , one that cnn work In wood pre
ferred. Address W. A. Swdganl Sharps-
burg. Taylor Co. , la. B M460 23
MORE advertising distributers , also coffee
salesmen ; salary. Triumph Information
Co. , Dallas , T x. B M506 23 *
WANTED , reliable tnon to represent largo
\ cigar mAnufacturer. Splendid oppor
tunity to right parties. II. B. Franklin &
Co. , 46-43 Michigan ave. , Chltxvgo :
B-M5T5 SO *
WANTED , chicken pickers < dry plckera
preferred. Apply at Swift wnd Company ,
South Omaha. B M5M 2S
WANTED , an experienced and capable
sewing machine man of good address. We
have a good opening for a competent man.
No peddling. Address -with references
and experience. II 2 , Bee. B M592 30
WANTED , man to travel ; good pay to the
right party. 632 Paxton building.
B M616 2S'
WANTED , Iron workers at Omaha Safe
and Iron Works , CIO South 34th street.
B-M624 29
WANTED , two experienced Icemen ; sin
gle. F. Thomas , 18th and Fort streets.
B-JM631 2S
INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for
useful , profitable business. Call between
11 aud B. Mi's. E. E. Allen , 725 N. Y. Life.
C-M137 Sept. 14
WANTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodge Tel. 8T6.
C 103
GIRL , for general housework. 2615 Popple-
ton Ave. C 153 23
WANTED , five first-doss , thorough , ex
perienced cloak and suit salesladies ; must
have largo experience ; state wh ro and
how long employed : good seJary to com
petent people. Address G 63 , Bee.
O M518 23
GIRL for general housework. 4129 Lafay
ette ave. C M519 2S
WANTED , competent girl for general
housework In family of two. Call 535 S
29th Ave. C 623 23
OTRI > ; general housework. 2020 St. Mary's
Ave. C-o27
WANTED at once , a good cook an < !
laundress ; email family ; must have good
reference. Apply at 2304 Dnvonport st.
GIRL wanted. Apply 2222 Miami. C-698
"WANTED , girl for general housework. Ap
ply 1M4 Corby St. C M530-29 *
WANTED , housekeeper , middle aged lady
preferred ; no email children. Jas. Pe-tcr-
pen , Marquott , Nob. O M640-B-9"
WANTED , an experienced girl to do second
work In family of throe. 2210 Landon
Court , near St. Mary's and 24th st.
WANTED , a good , competent girl for general -
oral housework. Address 633 Park ave.
C-629 29 *
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , IOC N. 15th St
ALWAYS moving household goods and
planou. Omaha Van & Storage Co. 151U
Farnam. Tel. 1609. jj 107
HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Paxton block.
D 403
FOR RENT , houses In all parts of oltv
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street.
D 403
SIX-ROOM modern Hat 1112 S. llth.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city
Brennan-Lova Co. , 219 South 16th street.
D 411
MAGGARD'S van&storage. 117 N 15. Tel 1498.
D 413
CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henrv
B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone I01 .
FOR RENT , m South 2Sth St. . 10 rooms
modern , good repair. Itfio Byron Reei
Co. . S12 Bo. 14th St. D-M719
2402 POPPLHTON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern
largo yard and barn. t3 . The Byron
Heed Co. D 413
MODERN 7-room house , 1009 N , ' 9th St
J20. 005 Bee. D-M906
FOR RENT , 10-rocsn modern orlck 103
south 30th ave. . hard wood floor * am
finish. D-M63 $
WHY. certainly , save coal , ga . water am
servant worries by having a home In the
Brunswick hotel , heart of the cjtv ,
D-M420 Sep21
FINE residence , choice location. 11 rooms
all modern ; excellent stable , Bemls , Pax
ton block. D M227
3 ROOMS. 701 8. 17th Ave. Inquire upstairs
D 83Q-Sep.- $
FURNITURE and leasehold of 10-room all
modern house , only 4 block * from N , Y
Life bldg. , entirely filled -with good room
era and bourdfrrs , Tor Bale at a bargain
price. Heo Henry B. Payne. 601 N. Y. Life
FOR RENT , six-room cottage , Enquire S42
South ISth street. D M 455
FOR RENT. 10-room house at 813 Worth
Ington Place : all modarn convenlenceu , In
eluding eleatrlo light , etc. ! neighborhood
unexcelled : one block from Farnam car
Apply H , J. Windsor , 18Z4 Capitol Ave.
D-ROOM cottage , furnished ; modern , S p
tember 1. MM So. 30th 8t. D-4J5-i
FOR RENT , a new 6-room house , modern
ai5 ! Chicago St. , Inquire 333 N , 37th St.
D-M64J-S2 *
NICK -room modern cottage , (20.M. in
.ulra J710 I'arktr t , D-&S7
201S ROOH st. , 4 rooms , city water. M.
B-room modern cottnge , nicely futnhhed ,
j/ano. year's lease If desired , only J2i.
7-oom modern houio , fine repair , losc to
car In Uundte ! only JI5.
V-room modern houw ? , Walnut 1'Hl , J2J 60.
S-room moilern house. Walnut Hill , 121.50.
7 and 9-room , all modern houses , ta. y
walking dlctance , for I2S and (27.60.
300 N. 26th st. , 10-room , all modern house ;
xrlll pnpcr to suit tenant , for J30.
1312 S. 27th fit. , 8 rooms strictly all modern ,
with now plumbing , porcelain bath , new
furnnco , new gas llxtures , newly pnlntcd
and every room newly papered ; all for2C > .
Wattir tax paid by on tiers on each house.
HEN1VY B. PAYNB , C01 N. Y. LlFfi BDG.
IIOVTSES , 9th and Pierce. Port of 9-room
husc. Se\ernl good rooming homes for
r/ile. Houses nnd lots sold on Install
ment. 1612 Davenport. D-MC09 St
( VOODMAN & BAY rent houses. 23 Bar
ker block. D-MC87 &
roil nn.NT FtniMSimn UOOMS.
THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best ) l.tO
a day house In ttie state ; tftko liarney nnd
Farnam st. cars. E SCI
FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. J823
Bt. Mnry's. E-285-1 *
CLEAN beds , 60o week and up. 710 S. 14th.
NICE rooms , housekeeping. 1112 So. llth.
E 6G7
03 S. 25th nve ; board If desired.E8W
E-8W Sep. 7
THE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture
nnd now management , Is the most de-
Blrablo place In this city. K M419 SepSl
IOOMS , with or nltliout board. 161J Daven
port. E M742 Sept6 *
VICE rooms for rent. 814 South 28th st.
E-M489 S2f
FURNISHED ROOMS , private family. 2003
Burt E M4l5 2S
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
man nnd wife ; rent taken In board. 319
N. 17th. E-626
LIGHT housekeeping ; two well furnished
Iront rooms ; modern. 209 Fnrnnm.
E-MC53 29
F.LEGANT rooms & board. 1903 Capitol av -
F-41 ?
THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and DoJco.
ROOM and board , modern , 1618 Harney.
F M591 Sept. 1
BACK parlor for two gentlemen with first-
class board. 1722 Dodge. F M505 31 *
FOR un.VT. imrimMsiiED nooais.
THREE unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping , 602 S. 19th. G M642 ? J
FOR RENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable Apply R. C. P&ters &
Co. , ground iloor B o Bldg. I 266
? OR RENT , a ground floor ollce , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. : splendid
vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground Moor , Bee
Building. 1-267
AT SOUTH OMAHA , several new stores
Just bdng completed ; excellent openings
for dry goods , clothing , boots , shoes and
other lines. Inquire C. A. Van Wasmer ,
24th and M. South Omaha. I 2SS 2T6
SMALL store. 222 North 13th. 1-621 30'
SEVERAL first-class stores from $10 to 130.
Furnished barber shop , with 3 chairs and
2 baths , heater and everything ; only $10.
1-631 31
WANTED , agents to sell Doctors Conger
nnd Crane's ( private ) book for women :
Just out ; everybody will buy It. American
Publlshliig House , Chicago. J M503 2S *
GENEALOGICAL map of Ireland , showing
the family names ; price 20c. James
Pheely , 'publisher , 5 Murray st. . New
York. J-M513 28'
WANTED , an 8-room , modern house , good
location. No children. H 8 , Bee.
K 630 29 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 903-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged.
Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodgo. Tot. 2233.
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N428
1,000 BASE BURNERS and other stoves
wanted. Don't sell before seeing Joe Le-
vlne. Drop a card and a man will call.
Highest market price guaranteed. 304 N.
16th , cor. Davenport. N M263 Sep. 18
HOUSES to move : also 2d hand bldg. ma
terial. 36 U. S. Nat. Bank bldg.N .
N M607 29
STOVES , STOVES and furnltura bought
and told ; best prices made ; see us before
you deal. Nob. Furniture Co. , 1419 Dodge ,
O-879 Oot-10
OLD buggies taken in trade on new vehicles
Andersen .Uuggy Top Co. , 16 & Davenport
FOR SALE , good family horse , (9 ( also
good rider. Address H 11 , Bee.
P M633 29 *
FLAG poles ; sawdust ; cheapest and best
hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel , 45 $ . Q 123
CUTTERS of drug priced. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. , 1613 Dodge St.
Q 430
HOG , poultry , lawn and Held fencing ; all
wtra. Wire Work * , Ml Howard Bt.
Bt.Q 131
FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 6 cents at
druggist * . Ono gives relief. Q 431
ZD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam
SAFES , buy , sell , exchange , in 3. 13th St.
CASH register , nearly new , cheap. m <
Farnam. Q MS63
ICE for sale In cor lots. Gilbert Bros
Council Bluffs. Q-M3U
B. HAAS , Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel , 77
plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resl-
dence. wedding and grave decorations-
orders by mall or express promptly nned.
FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper
good tor batten or laying under carpets'
Omaha Bee press room. Q--271
INDIAN relics ; mounted gameheads. UK
Farnan. Q-M9S5
200 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheat )
Diamond Loan. Ofllce. 131B Douglas. *
Q MS15 Bept. 3
MUST sell Ha-dman piano ; make offer
time or cash. G 40 , Bee. Q 2li
NEW wheels. $13.60 up ; 2nd-hand wheels $ j
up ; repairing & Huppllea. Omaha Blcycla
Co , Q-M463
FOR SALK-On account of driving our ma-
chlnory entirely by electric mo torn , large
assortment of wood and Iron pulUyi , bitt
ing , shafting , hanger * and head blocks ,
four friction clutchen , one exhiuit fan ,
onu Crane elevator , ono hoisting- crane ,
etc. BomU Omaha Bag Co. Q 11477 31
THREE good , ilrat-clasg mortgage farm
loans for sale. $100. $ ) , $100. Room 1.
Continental block. Q M593 62
BEST fall heaters and cook nloves at low
est prlcn Boston Furnltur * Co. . 1414
Dodge. R-4JI
NOTICE , country araltn , Jndhund furniture
nnd stoves sold at lowest price ? , carload
Ion or less. Chicago Furniture Co. . 14U6-10
Dodge. R-433
IME. GYLMER , genuine paImt t,160G Dodge
S M477
SPECIAL OFFER extended until Wednes
day , August 30th , Only three days more
to get life readings at 26c nnd 60c.
Prof. Cicero , the World's GreatcU Palmist
and Clairvoyant , guarantees to read every
Incident of your life , post , prtscnt and
future. Gives full name and description
of the ono you will marry , when and
Where you will meet , etc. Locates lost
friends or burled treasure * , causes a
speedy and happy marriage with the ono
you lov * . Ho will tell you how to be suc
cessful In business , speculation , Invest
ments , lawsuits , love , marriage nnd di
vorce. No matter what your trouble may
bo ho will guldo you to success nnd happi
ness or charge you nothing. Speculators
In slocks or wheat should not fall to con-
eiilt this gifted medium before Investing ,
Hundreds have made money from his ad
vice nnd counsel. Why not you ? LIF13
Send name , address , nie nnd date of
birth. Any questions answered that you
may wish to ask. Parlors , 213 N. 18th at. ,
near Capitol ave. Hours , 9 to 9 dally. All
business confidential. S M668 30
MRS. DR. HAKT , the wonderful Chicago
clairvoyant and palmist , has been aston
ishing Omaha people during the short
time she has been In the city. Her power
is simply remarkable and she Is creating
a great sensation , because she can toll
the exact truth regarding all affairs con
cerning the perron who applies for a read-
Ing. There Is nothing too mysterious for
her to solve and any Information required
she can readily give. She is positively
capable of reading the PAST , present
and future accurately. Her advice Is al
ways beneficial. Don't fall to see her. If
you have not as yet Investigated palm
istry she will undoubtedly convince you
that she can rcud Ufa correctly. Parlors ,
1707 Cass St. S-C68 S ! > *
"MRS. DR. MOSS , the greatest prognostl-
cater of the age , Is unequaled as a Ufa
reader and clairvoyant ; pee her and be
convinced of her wonderful power. 1704
Capitol avenue. 8 M6G5 29
Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain
tub ; lady attendants. 110 N. 16th , opp. P.
O. , 2nd floor. T-M64S S2tl
3LITE parlots. 2026 Farnam , upstairs , first-
class baths , massagfe and magnetic treat
ment ; lady atetendants. T MS09 29 *
MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas
sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend
ants ; l t-class patronage solicited. 1615
Howard , 3rd floor. T M230 Sep 17
MME. AMES , R. 2 , 607 S. 13 ; massage baths.
T-M9-Sep. 17 *
MME. SMITH , room 2. 118V4 North 15th.
T 451-23'
MME. Lee. baths , massage parlor , 302 N. 18.
T 779 S6 *
M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats all
aliments of fet , both ladles & gentlemen.
Ladles' halrdresslng , hair goods & toilet
preparations. Treatments on scalp , face ,
hands or feet ; 20 years experience , 10 years
In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In
city. 1616 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor.
U 066
DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous
hair removed by electricity. Room 12 ,
Frenzer block. U 441
PRIVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; bublea adopted. 1136 N 17.
U tin
SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no
C'pctrlclty ' ; no Instrument used. Room 4 ,
Withnell block. U 345
VIAVI la woman's way to health. 346 Bee
Bldg. U 442
HOWELL'd Lltle Antl-Blllous Pills. Cure
Biliousness. Dizziness. Indigestion. Sick
Headaches , Constipation , Torpid Liver and
all derangements of stomach and bowels.
Berne entirely vegetable , they operate
without disturbance to system , dJet or oc
cupation. ' For sale by all druggists ,
Howcll's Antl-Kawf cures cough.
RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of r
rupture without pain or detention from
business. Send for circulars. Empire
Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. .
Omaha. Neb. U M561 A31 *
WANTED , Midway and other attractions
for Street Carnival , Sept. 14 , 15 , 16. M. J.
Halne , secretary , Fort Dodge , la.
U M410 29
EVERYBODY interested in phonographs
and talking machines send address to
Omaha Phono. Co. , 319 No. 16th. Hear
something to your advantage. Names and
address must reach us by Sept. 15
U M404
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles per
manently removed by electricity ; consul
tation free and contldentlol ; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas.
U M612 28 *
KENNETH , have not received a line ; write
again ; wo are anxious about you. a A
S. , Fremont , Neb. U M635 29 * '
WANTED , refined home for a little 4-year-
old boy , where t'h re ara no other chil
dren , in vicinity of Sacred Heart day
achool , 27th st. and St. Mary's ave. Ad-
dregs H12 , Bee. U-641
CANCER cured ; home treatment
; no knife ,
plaster or pain ; book of advice free. Ma
son Medical Co. , 121 West 42d street. New
York. U M662 29
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
6 PER CENT money. Bemls
, Paxton Blk.
MONEY Ui loon on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love uo , 219 bo. 16th.
$100 TO $2.000. F. D. Wead , * 6tn & Douglas.
Jl.OOO and upwards to loan on improved city
Property and farms. W. Furnum Smith
& Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 150
BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers ,
wanting eastern money snould write for
circular. Inventors' Directory , New York.
MONEY to loon on Nebraska and Iowa
forms ; lowest rates. Brenr.ari-Lovo Co. ,
219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 45 }
LOANS. Potter-Sholea Co. . 310 N. Y. Life.
W 454
6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam
WANTED , city and farm loana ; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702
Farnam St. . Bee Bldg. W 457
WRITE u If you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L.
W 458
MORTGAGES , Wallace , 314 Brown Block.
6 , Wt , 6 per rt. loans In Omaha. So. Omaha ,
W. H. Thomas , 603 1st Not. Bk. Tel , 1C 3.
6 PER CENT : also private funds. Chas.
E. Williamson , W-M660
5 PER CENT money on or before 5 years
on Nebrarka lands nnd Omaha real es
tate. W. B. Melkle , 401 S. 15th st.
EASTERN money to loan on Al sacurlty nt
low rated. W. H. Russell , loans , real
estate and insurance , 618 N. Y. L'fe.
W-M4S1 29
WANTED , several first applications for
loans. $ sfa to $2.600. W. H. Russell , loans
and Investments , CIS N. Y. Life.W
W M482 31
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible con
cerns upon their own names , without se
curity ; easy payments , Tolman , R. 708 ,
N , Y , Life Bldg. X 463
MONEY loaned on pianos , furnltura , Jew
elry , hori n , cowi , etc. C. F. Reed. 319 8.13
confidentially , holding permatipnt posi
tions , on tnclr own nsme without n
dorser , mortgage or security of any kind.
Can repay In easy weekly or monthly
paymcnti. Omaha Ciedlt Co. . C , E. Jen
nings , Mgr. . suite 623-525 N. Y. Life Bldg.
X 691) )
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank ,
1418 Farnam , upstairs. X 464
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Morses ,
cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. s , Barker blk
X 461
holding permanent positions on their per
sonal note without Indorsement or secur
ity ; strlc'ly confidential , ftnd at
before borrowing see us , HB you will find
R grcntly to your advantage ; wo are the
oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan
company In Omaha , K W. Truax , Mgr. ,
119 Board of Trade Bldg. , loth and Far
nam Bts. Telephone 2295 , X-463
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Mergers' Loan Bank ,
1416 Fnrnam , upstairs. X 464
Loans returnfrt In cany weekly or monthly
payments to suit convenience , of borrower.
No InqulrlM of their employer or friends ;
everything guaranteed confidential.
FOR SALE or trade , City Hotel , Onawa ,
Iowa. Y M728
THE New Snow-Church Co. has become
established In Its offices , flfth floor Kilr-
bach Blk. , with fflclllt'.os to promote Its
collection department to the best In
terests of Its patrons. Call and see us on
collection business ; prompt attention as
sured. 'Phone 895. W. H. GreenPresident.
Y 214-29
THE Snow-Church Co. buys and sells real
estate , rents houses and give particular
attention to collections. Offlco 6th floor
Karbnch Bile. W. H. Green. President.
Y 213-29
IF YOU are a caterer nnd want to make
money you loose the chance of a life
time If you miss the Brunswick Cafe.
Y M41S Sep21
FOR SALE , paid-up concession for soft
drinks , lunch , ice cream. In four buildings.
Address John McClosky , International
hall , Expo , grounds , Omaha. Y M483 37 *
FINE 11-room residence , 100 feet front , on
Pork avenue. Will exchange equity for
other property. H 4 , Bee. Z M627 29
FINE carriage , team and harness to ex
change for real estate. II 24 , Bee.
Z M623 29
MODERN cottage , desirable location , west
part city , corner lot. $2,600.
10-room , modern house , 602 S. 35th st. , lot
66x124 , barn , $2,800.
6-room house , south and east front , at 35th
and Howard Bts. ; barn , large lot ; $1,800.
Desirable building lots west part city , $376.
Fine lot on Franklin st. , one-half block
Military road and car line , $350.
1601 Farnnm St.
RE-M618 29
FARM , SO acres , cultivated , 114 miles from
Peru , Nemaha Co. ; bargain. Minnie C.
Chapman , 2422 Charles. RE M636 28 *
FOR SALE , 76-foot corner , with 40-room
hotel and two stores In South Omaha ;
will bring good income to investor ; price
$3,000. J. A. Lovgren , 942 N. Y. Life bldg.
RE-610 S5
3109 SEWARD ST. , 6-room house and full
lot , $300.00. easy payments : adjoining lots
sold for $500.00 last week. Byron R. Hast
ings , 212 S. 14th. , > RE-615
COO-ACRE FARM In northern community ,
with good buildings , climate and water ;
suitable for sheep. Will sell cheap. Box
25 , Irwln. Va. RE-569 28 *
FOR SALE , 640 acres of land , worth $35
per acre ; will sell for $24 per acre. The
Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th st.RE
RE M997
IF South Omaha real estate you want to
buy or sell communicate with O'Nfll'3
Real Estate Agency. " RE M628
FOR SALE , best residence slto In Omaha ,
150x127 feet , southwest corner 20th st. and
Poppleton av. ; both streets paved ; all
regular and special taxes paid to date ;
make offer. Address F 66. The Bee.
RE M843 Sept 9 *
SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. It. L.
Johnson Co. . 314 S. 15th street. RE MC59
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dlsposo of them : let the people
know that ycu want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have ths
money. RE S66
The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th St.R .
R E 979
HOUSES , lots farms , lands , loans ; also tire
Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk , RE 472
8-room house , modern , $3.200.
7-room house , modern , S3.500.
9-room house , modern , $4,000.
Others , $5,000 , $6,000. $7.000 and $10,000.
All In Hanseom Place.
Two pleasant homes. West Farnam , cheap.
Bargains In any part of the city.
M. J. Kennard & Son ,
310-11 Brown Block. RE-S5J
Real Eatats , Rentals , Loans , Inaurance.
LIST your property with me. I have the
buyers. H. M. Christie , South Omaha.
RC M62S Oct. 3
9-ROOM modern house. Inquire 624 S.
Mth ave. RE-904 Sep. 11 *
C-ROOM cottage , city water , good barn ,
corner lot In Clifton Hill. . 1 rubber tire
Columbus phaeton ; 2 sets single harness.
Address G. A , Wlcse , 1609 Howard St.
RE 499-31
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , J625
Farnam 81. Telephone J284. 473
WE RENT and sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha ,
United Typewriter & Supply Co , , 1612 Fnr
nam. 474
REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd sup
plies. 1619 Farnam. ' 475
Till' Oliver Typewriter , visible writing ,
heavlrnt manlfolder and cuts the finest
stencil ; see ex.ilblt Liberal Arts bliltr. ,
Greater America Exposition , Tel. 2279 ,
J. 8. Stewart , Special Agent , 31S4 ! 3. Fif
teenth stcet , Omaha. 478
TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam.
J2.000 REWARD nnd no questions asked for
return of fur garments" , etc. , stolen from
my store August 13 : nm willing to comply
with any reasonable arrangements , as
goods aiu mostly storage. G , K , Bhukert ,
315 S , 16th St. , Omaha , Nob.
LOST , a yellow cow without horns , whlfe !
back , about 8 year ? old , Joe Patach , 15th '
and P , South Omaha , Lost M658 29 *
STRAYED. Thursday , bay mare ! weight
about 1,100 ; black mane and tall ; black
points ; reward. ! M. Sullivan , 20th and 8
streets , South Omaha. Lost MC68 30 *
FOR BALE or far rent , 3-story and base
ment brick ; 30 large room ? , averaging 20x
16 ft. each ; grates In all rooms , tranioms ,
bath room on each floor , swam heat ;
large lot and very central location In
l > iiBln B part of Omaha , Addreia H13.
Bee. 640
HARRIS Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building.
TAKEN up , one email , red cow , whits
star In forehead , M. P , Uaecom , 23th and
Dorcu , M4 < H 2tf
THE undersigned having succeeded to the
business of the late C. V , Belndorrt , archi
tect , have removed from his former olllcc
to in Bet- building nnd will continue the
business of architect ! ) and superintendent.
Patronnge of the public nnd Mr. Belli *
'lorff * Mrmir cuitomeis respectfully so
licited. R. W. Baker , A. D. Baker.
M-5V ,
JOHNSON Ostcopathlc Institute , CIS N. Y.
Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. , Indie * '
dcpt. ; aid E. Johnson , oateopnthlst , ingr.
lT "i37DONOHUB7 D O. of mill school ,
Klrksvllle , Mo. , 601 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367.
Hupply ; shirts , Sc ; cellar ? . 2c ; cuffs , 4c ,
underwear , 6c , 1759 Loavenworth. Tel. 617.
IN families. Miss Sturdy , 221G Davenport ,
M 497 A29
WANTED , ladles' , gentlemen's , children's
mending. 615 N. mil. M461 26 *
" " " " " " "
A. C. Van Sanl's 8choo"l.7T7"N" "YTTifc" .
AT OMAHA Bus , College , 16th & Douglas.
4 * >
BOYLES' school ; court reporter principal ;
Bee Bldg. 4M
ANDRAB bicycles , $ ii ) . 1116 Farnam.M99J
BARGAINS In new nnd second-hand blcy-
clea this week. Louis Flescher , 1622 Capitol
tel avenue. C15 2
CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ;
excursion tickets bought nnd sold. P. H.
Phllbln. new locations 1309 and 1505 Far
nam. Eat. 1SS9. Member Q. T. B. Assn.
MR. AND MRS. A. GILLET. Weltmer sys
tem , 24th and Cumlng ; entrance on 24th.
-M456 Sept 12 *
FOR SALE , cheapest and host cattle ranch ,
300,000 acres. For description address Eu
gene Williams , Waco , Texas.M203
M203 Sep. 16
WHO'S your tailor ? See the Twin City
Tailoring Co. ; fall line now ready for In
spection ; prices right. 1609 Farnnm Bt.
-343 819
FARMS near So. Omaha and Lincoln for
Bale. J. T. Clarke , Board of Trade ,
Omaha. 870 SejJ-lO
"STANDARD" in Machinery Hall , expo ,
grounds , or room 6 , Board of Trade bldg.
M796 Sep-7
HEALY & SONS , 1822 Clark street.
M385 Sept 20
BA8EBURNER8 replated ; all kinds of plat-
Ing. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldar. 216
JEFFERSON Square Loan Office , 418 N. 16.
EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat
ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases.
Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory ,
1209 Farnam. C62 OI6
CURED. Julia Vaughan , 430 Ramge Bldg.
M B. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tal. 1331.
TRY the Henderson Hotel , board and room
$4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths.
Ninth and Farnam Sts. 487
W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave.
souri River Railroad
"The Burlington Route"
General Offices , N. W.
Corner Tenth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket
Ofllce. 1602 Farnam
Street. Telephone , no.
Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele
phone 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook a 8:40 : nm a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver , Colorado
rado , Utah , California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln , Biack Hills.
Montana & Pugct
Sound a 4:2C : pm a 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm 10:35 : am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 2:00 : pm alO:35 : am
.Denver. . Colorado , Utah
& California a 6.30 am
a Dally.
KANSAS CITY , St. Joseph -
soph Ai Council Bluffs
Railroad "TI.e Burling
ton Route" Ticket Olttc * .
1502 Farmm Street , Tele-
phono. 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310 ,
Leave , Arrive ,
Kansas City Diy Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a 5:45 : pm
Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : rm a HMO am
St. Louis Flyer for St.
Joseph and St. Louis.a 4:55 : pm nll:15 : am
a Dally.
& Qulney Railroad "The
llurllngton Route" Ticket
Olllce. 1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 250 , Depot Tenth &
Mason Streets. Telephone
phone310. .
Leave. Arrive ,
Daylight Chicago Spec-
da ! , a 6:40 : am
Chicago Veatlbuled Ex.o 6.03 pm a 8:06 : am
Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm
Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am
Pacific ! Junction Local..a0:45 : am
Fain Mall , . , , a 2:45 : pm
a Daily
road Omaha , Kansas L'ltj
& Kaaiern Railroad "The
Qulney Route" Tlclot : of
fice , 1115 Farnam Ftrtot
Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth
and Mason KtreeU. Tele ,
phone , ( JJ9.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express , . , . . . . . .a 4:50 : pm a K:35 : am
Kansas City and Qulney
Local a 6:50 : am a 9:35 : pm
a Dally.
and & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Isl
and Route. " City Tick
et Ottlce. 1323 Farnam
Street. Telephone. 428
Depot , Tenth & Mason
Streets. Telephone , tS9
„ - , Leave. Arrive.
DCS Moines Local a 7:06 : am bll:35 : am
Chicago Exprcus bllslS am a 8:10 : UH
Chicago Fast Express. , . ! 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : pm
St. Paul Font Express..a 6:00 : pm bllS3 : am
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs , ,
Denver , Pueblo and
Weit a 1:30 : pm a 4:26 : pm
Defl Molnei. Rock Isl
and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm n 6:35 : pm
Colorado & Txa Flyer.a 6:40 : pm a 9:00 : Rm
A Dally b Dally except Sunday ,
IIAlt.WAI TI.1 n KAIU ) .
Railway "The I
Northwestern Line" I i
City Ticket Office , 1401 I
Farnnm Street. Telephone -
phone , Ml. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Streets. Tele-
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chlrngo Spe
cial . a 6:40 : nm aiiM : pm
Cnrroll Locnl b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : am
Kn.itern Express ues
Molncs , Mnrnhalltown ,
Cedar Rnplds nnd Chi-
cngo nll:05 : nm n 4:06 : pm
Atlnntlo Flyer , Chicago
nnd Enst a 4:55 : pm n 4:05 : pin
Fast Mall , Chicago to
Omnhn a 2:43 : pm
Omnha-C'hlcago Special.n 7:25 : pm n 8:15 : nm
Fast Mnll 8:30 : am
a Dally b Dnlly except Sunday ,
Minneapolis & Omaha
Rallwrty "The North-
neolern Line" General
Olllces , Nebraska Divi
sion. 151 h nnd Webster
Sts , City Tlckn Ofllce ,
401 Farnnm St. Tele-phone , 061. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
Sioux City. St. Paul &
Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am
) niHhn Passenger a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson , Sioux
City , I'onoa , Hartlng-
toti and Bloomlleld..b 1:00 : pm b :10 : pm
No. 2 Twin City L't'd..n 6:55 : pin
No. 1 Omaha Limited. . < a 9:00 : am
a Dnlly. b Dally except Sunday.
& .Missouri Valley Railroad -
road "The Northwestern
Line" General Olllccs ,
United States National
Bank Bldg. , Southwest
Corner Twelfth nnd Far-
iam Streets. Ticket onlcr. 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 561. ucvui. 15th and
Webster Streets. Telephone , 14JS.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , Deadwood ,
Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm
Elnstlngs , York , David '
City , Superior , Geneva ,
Exeter and 3ewnrd..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdlgre nnd
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am
Lincoln , Wnhoo and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am
Fremont Local " . c : _
a Dnlly. b"ba.iiy"except Sunday , c Bund -
day only. d Dally except Saturday ,
Railroad "The North
western Line" General
Ottlces , United States
National Bonk Building ,
8. W. Corner Twelfth
r „ and Farnnm Street- ) .
Ticket Olhce , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele
phone , 561. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Monkato &
St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 6:50 : am a 8:40 : cm
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mankato & Sioux Clty.a 5:25 : pm nll:00 : pm
Sioux City Local a 7:45 : am a 4:30 : pm
a Dally.
land Route" General Offices.
N. B. Cor. Ninth and Farnam
Streets. City Ticket Office. 1302
Farnam Street. Telephone.
316. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streetf. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
"The Overland Limited"
for Utah. Idaho , Men- *
tana , California , Oregon
gen and Washington
points a S:40 : am a 4:35 pm
Th < 3 Colorado Special
for Denver ana all
Colorado points all:55 : pm a 6:30 : am
Paclllc Express for
Denver , Salt Lakes
Pacific Coaot and all
western points b 4:25 : pm a 6:30 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice and
Stromuburg Exuress . .b 4 : 3 pm b 1\20 pm
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk , Grand Island and
North Platte . ' a 4:25 : pm b 4:35 : pm
Columbus Local b 7:30 : pm b 9:30 : pm
North Platte Local a 1:20 pm
South Omaha Local Pans. Leaves , 6:20 : a.
m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 10:10 : a. m. : 3:05 : p. m. Arrives ,
10:45 : a. m. ; 3:16 : p. m. ; 5:25 : p. m. ; 6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 6:20 : a. m.
6:40 : a ° m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:35 : a. m. ; 9:30 : a. m.
b 10:45 : a. in , : 1:25 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m.4:55 ; : p. m.
6:25 : p. m. ; o:55 : p. m. : 8:55 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. m
Arrives , 6:20 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:16 : a. m.
8:45 : a. m. ; 11SO : a m. ; 3.05 p. m. ; 4:06 : p. m.
3:55 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m ; 7:30 p. m. ; 9:35 : p. m.
11:00 : p. m ; 11:65 : p. nt.
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
road General Offices and
Ticket Offices Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglaa Sts.
Telephone. 104. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sets. Telephone
1158 ,
_ . . . . . Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis-anKsas &
Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm a2:65 : pm
K. C.-Bt. L. Express..a 9:60 : pm a 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via
Woeplngv Water b 6:00 : pm a 6:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket Office , 1604 Farnam
Street. Telephone. 284. De
pot , Tenth and Mason Sts.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 6:45 : pm a 8:20 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm
Sioux City S : DCS Moines
Express bll:00 : am b 3:65 : pm
a Dally , b Daily except Sunday.
Tlcket Ofllce , 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 92. De
pot. Tenth and Mason
Streets. Tclpehone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Canon Ball"
Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : am
a Daily.
( Should be read dally by all interested ,
as changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign mails for the week ending Sep
tember 2 , 1S3 , will close ( PROMPTLY In
nil canes ) at the general postotllco ns fol
lows : PARCELS POST ( MAILS close one
hcur earlier than closing time shown be
TrniiK-Atliuitlo Mall * .
TUESDAY-At 7 a. m. for EUROPE , per
s. s. Saale' , via Southampton and Bre
men ( letters for Ireland must be directed
"per B. B. Saalo" ) ; at 9 a. m. ( supple
mentary 10:30 : a. m. ) for IRELAND , per
u , B. Aurania * , via Queenstown ( letters
for other parts of Europe must be di
rected "per e. s. Auranla" ) ; at 12 m. for
AZORES ISLANDS , per s , 8. Spartan
WEDNESDAY At 7 a , m , ( supplementary
9 a. m , ) for EUROPE , , yor s , i. rit. ] , OUB | ,
via. Southampton ; at B u. m. ( supplement
ary 10:30 : n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. n.
Britannic * , via Queenxtawn ; at 10:30 : a. m.
for BELGIUM direct , per H. s. Frleslund
( letters must be directed "per B. s , Fries-
land" ) .
SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCIS ,
TL'GAL. TUUKCY. EGYPT : ind lilt ) P-
IBH INDIA , per H. p.M \ Tourulnii * , via
Havre ( letters for other parts r.f Europe
must be directed "per s. s La Tourjlne ) ;
nt 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct ,
per s. B , Werkendnm , vln , Rotterdam
( letters must be directed "per s. B. Wer-
kendam" ) ; ut 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND
direct , per . s. Ethiopia ( letters must
bo directed "per s. s. Ethiopia" ) ; ut H
a , m. for NORWAY direct , per s , g , Ix- 1
land ( letters must be directed "per s. s.
Inland" ) ; nt 11 a. m , ( supplementary
12:30 : p. m. ) for EUROPE , per s , s. ICtru-
rla * . via Queenstown.
Printed Matter , etc. German steamers
milling on Tuesdays take printed matter , i '
etc. , for Germany and specially ocl- I
drc sed printed matter , etc. , for other p
parts of Europe , American and Whto !
Star steamers on Wednesdays , Gormun I i
KtearnerH on TJiurfi'ays. nnd Cunard , I
French and German steamers on Saturdays - I
days take printed matter , etc. , for all
countries for which they are advertised i
to carry me'i. '
After the cloning of the supplementary
tnins-Atlnntlc malls named above , nddf-
t'.onnl supplementary mails are opened rn
the piers of the American , English ,
French and German rteamera , and re
main open until within ten minutes of the
hour of Balling of steamers.
MnllM fur Mouth nml Ct-ne rill Aiiu-rlrii ,
H'ont Iiiilli'K , Hie.
MONDAY At 11 u , m , for GUADALOUPE.
8. Talisman.
TUESDAY At 3:80 : a. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND , per 8. H. Assyrian from Philadel
phia ; at 1 p. m , for MEXICO , per B. u.
Niagara , via Tamplco ( letters must be
directed * 'per s , B. Niagara" ) ; at 9 p. m ,
for JAMAICA , per steamer from HOB-
WBDNKSDAY-At :30 : a. m. ( supplement
ary 10:30 : n , m. ) for CENTRAL AMER
ICA ( except Costa Rica ) and BOUTH
PACIFIC PORTS , per . a. Alllanca , via
Colon ( kitten * for Guatemala must be di
rected "per . s. Alllanca" ) ; at 12 m , for
and TRINIDAD , wer t. * .
( Contlnunl. )
Orenniln ; nt 1 p. m. for CI'HA. via II-
vnnn. al o CAMPECHK. YUCATAN , TAx
UASCO nnd CHIAPAS , per s. s. 8 n c
( letters for other parts of Mrxleo mui !
be directed "per n. * . 8enoa" ) .
TIH'RSnAY-At 1 p , m. for PORTO RICO ,
via Snn Juan , per a. , Mne ! nt 1 p. mi
( supplementary 1 : * ) p. m ) for NASSAU *
s. SnntlflKo : nt 9 p , m. for JAMAICA , per
xtenmer from Boston. /
FRIDAY At 12SO : p. m. ( mipplomenUm
1 p. m. ) for BT. THOMAS , ST. CROIX ,
nnd DWMKRARA , per f. . Madlnnn.
SATURDAY At 10 a , in. ( supplemfnlnrr
10SO : n , m. ) for HBUMOUA. .per ( t. H
Trlnlddd ; nt 10 a. m. ( supplementary
10K : ) n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA-
nnd GRKYTOWN , per P. s. Atlal ( letter *
for Costn Rlcn mum bo directed "per
B. P. Atlal" ) ; nt 10:10 : a. m , for HAITI ,
per s , . Ornnje Nnsinil. via Port U
.Prince . ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela ,
Trlnldnd , British and Dutch Oulnna must
be directed "per s. s. Ornnje NnMu"l )
nt 11 n. in. for CUBA , via Hnvnna. pe ?
P < Hnvnnn ( letters mint be directed
"per P. s. Havana" ) : nt 12 m. for LA
PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. s.
Honorlu * : nt 1 P. m. for NEUVITA8 ,
COA , per s. s. Ollndn.
SUNDAY-At SMO p. m. for ST. PIERR19
MIQUELON , per steamer from Nortw
for Newfoundland , by mil to North
Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close at
this olllco dully nt 8:30 : p. m. ( ronnecttni *
elnse hero every Monday , Wednesday and
Saturday. Mulls for Mfquelon , by rnll to
Boston , nnd thence by steamer , close nt
this office dally nt 8:30j : > . m. Mnlls for
Culm , bv roll to Port Tampa. Flo. , en < J
thence by steamer , close nt this of-
lice dally ( except Monday ) at ? a. in. ( th
connecting closes arc on Sunday , Wnlnes-
dnv nnd Friday. Mnlls for Cuba , by rail
to'Miami , Fla. , nnd thence by steamer ,
close at this olllco every Monday , Tue
day and Saturday at " 2:30 : n. m. , ( the
eonnertliig rlopen nre on Tuesday nnd
Saturday ) . Mails for Mexico City , over
land unless specially addressed for dis
patch by steamer , close at this office dally
nt 2:30 : n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. Malls for
Costa Rica , Beltio , Puerto Cortex and
Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , ana
thence by Ptcumer , close at this offlca
dully at * 3:00 : p. m. . connecting closes her *
Sunday ! * nnd Tiicednys for Costa Rlc *
nnd Mondays for Belize , Puerto Corte
and Guatemala. 'Registered mall cloiei
nt 0 p. in , previous day. Registered main ,
closes nt 6 p. m. second day before.
TrniiK-PnclIlo Mnllni J
Malln for China. Japan nnd Hawaii , pel
s. B. Doric ( from San Frnnclcso ) , COM
hero dally up lo August "IS nt 6:30 : p. m-
Malls for China and Japan , per s. B. Ta
coma ( from Tacoma ) , close here- daily up
to August " 31 nt 6:30 : p. in , Mnlls fo *
Australia ( except thos- for West Aus
tralia , which nre forwardea via Europe ) .
New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI and Snmoan
Islands , per 9. s. Alomcda ( from Ban
Francisco ) , close hero daily nftcr Angus !
18th nnd up to September " 1st nt 6:30 :
p. m. , or on day of arrival of s. s. Cam
panla. which will probably arrive Srptem
ber " 1st. Malls for China nnd Japan , pe (
p. s. Empress of China ( from Vancouver ) . !
elOBO hero dally up to September "ath at
6:30 : p. m. Mails for Hawaii , per R. aj
Australia ( from San Frnnclsco ) , cloja her *
dallv up to September " 15th nt 6:30 : p. mJ
Mnlls for Australia ( except Went Aus
tralln ) . Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. * J
Wnrrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close her *
dally after September " 1 nnd up t
September " 16 at 6:30 : p , m. Mails for th
Society Islands , per ship Tropic Bin
( from San Francisco ) , cloie here dnij upl ,
to September " 25 at 6:30 : p. m.
Trnns-Pnclflc malls are forwarded to pore
of sailing dally nnd the schedule of clos-l
Ing Is arranged on the presumption o
their uninterrupted overland transit. ,
Registered mall elosen nt 0 p. m. prevlou *
Fostofflco , New York , N. Y. , August ! SJ
1S99. _ J
' of Ma' <
Small Ilo > Touolilnir Story
TuMlevllli n Wheel. J
Wheelmen and wheelwomen nil person *
with wheels will appreciate this touchln *
sketch of the first lesson and 1U melancholy }
failure. It la true to llfo nnd Hte-slzo an < M
written In the cxploslvo vein of the bad boy l
doing duty on the Chicago Times-Herald :
When Ant Fanny was over to our HOIM
on Her btslckle Day before ylsterday alter * ]
noon elio forgot when maw got her to Btw
for dinner that she dlden't have no lantoroJ
so when It was Glttln purty near Dark anefl
thot about It nnd Dldon't no what to Dojj
Maw told her It would be pcrflckly Bate. Boj
she "left the whenl at our House and wa4j
Comln' Back fer It tlo next mornln' .
After sbo Had went paw saya to maw : .
"Now's a good Tlmo fer you to learn tolj
ride. You ot ta no How. Then you can go > i
wheelln with me Sumtlmea nnd not Be Sottea ]
nt Homo hero Thlnkln I nm Roln whulre M
ain't got no blzness to go when I'm outs
alone. "
Maw she Dlden't want to at furet Beco
It waa eo Hot , But mo and paw got Her to
Come out after whllo and caw was on on *
eldo and me on the other nnd the Pupp and1
little Albert Frollcken nrouml the Out-1
skurta. ,
"Now Don't Bo a Blame fool , " paw Bay *
when maw wns on and Begin jiggling thej
Handle Bar nnd Lennln nwny < ) vor on onw (
Side and Then on the Other to keep It Fruta
tlppln. "Set up strait and Have Confadenso
In me. If you would only Git a Little 08
That In your Slstcm It would Bo a good
thine for the hole fambly. That's the trub-
bio with you. You Don't never have the
confadonse In mo like you ot to. Othop
wlmmen "
"Oh , paw , " maw Hollered , given the Han
dles a quick turn and Runnen up on tho. .
Curb ( stone , "you're again to Let go , I JUt
no It. Please Don't. I want to Git "off. "
"Say , " paw nnserd purty Bossy , "If you'ro-
ngoln to lurn to ride the Blelckle I want you.
to quit m all In a geese of yourself. It ain't
no Fun glttln out Here when the thurmomo-v
tcr Is away abuv Sent Poll and Holdln up
wheal with a wommun that Don't no nothla
on It. "
By that Time we wn Started again
maw was Swettln and paw waa Bwettln
I Dlden't feel lllte If I Had no Ise ttckl
Down my Back mlcelf.
Wo went up and Down the Street two of
Three Tlmca with the pupp and little Arberl
lioopen all around us and maw tellln paw
every mlnlt If Ho let go She would nerev
Ferglvo Him and paw Grltten bis tcath and
Them Big Blue. . Valns along the 81 do of HI
Forred Btlcken out Like if Thay was agoli
to Bust purty Soon It Bumthlng Dlden't hap
80 they was a Drlck what Had Dropt out
of Somebuddy's waggon JUt ahead and maw
She Had Her mouth Shut Tlte , and a
Stair In Her eyes , and when She eeen th
Brick She give the Wheat a quick turn ore *
Tords wnsen't ' It
mo , and paw cxpectln'
Jlvt Then the pupp got mixed up Between
his feat and the next Thing mnyhuddy knevi
Thay wag a Rood Deal of Skruncbln and
and the pupp and maw and little Albert w ,
piled up In the Streat. I Gees I would oi
Been In It too If I wouMeu't of let go nt tb
rite Time.
The pupp was Howlln and little Albert wu
yellln. It was purty Dark so I couldftn'l
toll whnro the Sufferers -was located exoejX
paw. Thay wasen't no trubble flndln' Him ,
lie nco away Down noer tbe Bottom of th
Heap and Ho wanen't tryln' to keep U
Secret nuther. Maw Had one Foot thru tbi
Frunt Wheel and tne on paws nock Bettl :
en His Btummlck ,
Ily that Time little Albert and the pupp
Crawled Out , eo I Helped to flit Maw anil
The Whenl apart tind paw'a Faith In matf
was Rooened. Bo was the whoar purty near , ;
Little albert Carreycd the Hnaclloa In ftn *
I Had ono wheat and paw Drot tbo Itest ot
When paw was Tellln maw what Ho ( hotr
about It the pupp como along Waggen ItW
tnlo and Lookln Up at paw kind of Frendlr
nnd Ho went to kick It Into the next ward.
But necked ilx spokes out of tbe other
Then Ho flung tbe Hole thing Down th
talra goln Into tbo nncemunt a bard as ba
could nnd Told maw If she wouldon't of Bla
no confounded jollua when He went rldln
alone it < wouldoa't never of Hapencd.
But maw be onry Jlet ivep , and Kej
grabbln , at Her BUurU to Keep Tbem fruu.