Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Darts * clls glass.
Mooro's food kllto worm * nnd fatten * .
Flro escapes for buildings at Btxbj' .
Budwolier boer. L. noscnfcldt. ngent.
Mr , and Mrs. James McCnbo are nojotirn-
UK at Machlnac Intend.
t 0. B. Jacquemln & Co. , Jewelers and op
; f ticians , 27 South Main street.
Miss Bcllo Wlloy IB visltlnff Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Berry at Missouri Valley.
W. 0 , Estop , undertaker. 23 Pearl street.
Telephones , office , 97 ; residence , 33.
Get your work done at the popular Eagla
laundry , 724 Broadwar , 'Phone 157.
Mrs. Q. F. Ilummell and Mrs. J. D. Mc-
Cluvtioy nro vIMtlng relatives at Onawn.
George F. Wright returned Saturday from
an oztcudod business trip to Denver , Colo.
Frod' Johnson of the postofllco left last
evening for Dubuque to attend the race
George S. Wright loft Inst evening for
Dubuque to visit relatives and tnke In the
Wanted , carrier for Dee route , with good ,
fast home. Apply to The Bee ofTlco , 10
Pearl street.
The Misses Bochlor of 2506 Avenue B ex
pect to fcavo thin week on a visit to rela
tive * and friends at Carroll , la.
Mrs. J. N. Caaaday , Jr. , . and two children
left yesterday for Colorado Springs , where
they will nojourn for the next three weeks.
The republican primaries In tha city pre
cincts will bo hold Friday night of this
week Instead of on Saturday an flrst pub
Ooorgo Troynor , who has been confined to
hte homo by sickness for several weeks ,
was able to bo out for the first tlmo yes
There will bo a special meeting of Ex
celsior lodgo. No. 259 , Ancient Free nnd
Accepted Masons , tonight , for work In the
uecond degree.
Robert Henderson , city editor of the
Nonpareil , returned yesterday from n two
weeks' vacation , spent among the moun
tains of Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Slcdentopt nnd Mr.
nnd Mra. F. S. Haas will leave Friday for
an extended visit with friends In Boston ,
Philadelphia and New York.
Mary , the 13-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Coyle , 7 East Washington
avonuB , died yesterday morning of dropsy.
Notlco of funeral will bo given Inter.
John Butcher and family of Dlakcsburg ,
la , , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
P. Rlggs of Third avenue for a few days
while en route to Colorado , where they go
to spouil a year among the mountains.
Ouy Thodo , who has been the guest of C.
l > . Corpenlng of the Grand hotel , returned
to his homo in Stuart , la. , yesterday. Mr.
Thodo Is a well-known young newspaper
man employed on the Stuart Locomotive.
Motor Conductor L. M. Crockwell , who
was removed to the Woman's Christian as
sociation hospital Saturday , underwent a
serious operation yesterday for appendicitis.
Last night the chances were said to be in
favor of his recovery.
Miss Gertrtitlo Kennedy of Logan , la. ,
who has been visiting relatives here , leaves
this morning for TaylorvlFle , 111. , where
she resumes her position In the schools of
that city. Miss Kennedy was formerly
supervisor of music In the public schools
of Council Bluffs.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Telv 2BO.
Domestic soap sord by all grocers.
Ilody of an IJiiltnnwn nincnvered lit
the Old MlNHOtirl.
Coroner Troynor will hold an Inquest this
morning on the body of an unknown man
found yesterday morning In the , Missouri a
1 south' of the tUnlon Pacific
The body , which appears to have been
In the water for about ten days. Is badly
decomposed and swollen , so much so that
the features are barely recognizable. From
the appearance of the face , which has become -
como black from decomposition , it at flrst
was thought that the "floater" was n negro ,
but a later examination nt the morgue dis
closed the fact that the body was that , ot a
whlto mart. There was nothing on the body
to iglvo any duo to Its Identification. The
matf appears to bo about 45 years of ngo
and has a slight growth of grey beard. Ho
Is about flvo feet niuo Inches in height and
would wolgh about 150 pounds. He is dressed
In a brown suit of cheap material , with
traw hat , which was found several feet
J away from the body. In place of shoes or
boots the man waa wearing slippers. The
body * whcn flrat noticed was lying In about
a foot of water about 200 feet south of the
Union Pacific tridgo on the Iowa side. The
police were notified and they in turn notified
Coroner Treynor , who uccompnulod the un
dertaker to that place and after viewing
the body ordered it removed to Undertaker
Eatop's morgue , > where It Is now lying.
Coroner Troynor la of the opinion that
the man mlcbt bavo possibly been the vic
tim of foul play as tied about the neck Is a
piece of rope to the end of whloh Is attached
a piece of scrap Iron weighing about ten
It le also thought possible that the body maybe
bo that cif the stranger who at an early hour
lu the monilns several weeks ago Jumped
off the motor ocrapnny's bridge. Th height
nnd build of the "floater" an wer the de
scription riven at the tdmo of the man who
Jumped off tha bridge. That the man failed
to rlso to the surface after reaching the
water may have been duo to Uie fact that
bebad tied the iron around hie neck with
tbo Intention of making his suicide doubly
euro. The decomposed condition of the body
found yesterday , however , will make Iden
tification almost Imixwiiible except by the
wearing apparel and the peculiar fact that
the man wore house slippers In plooo of
ohoea or boots.
Domestic outwashes cheap soaps.
Domestic snap Is the purest made.
QniiUrr Snlillern l.rtt llcliliiil.
Corporal Jennings and Private Hawkins
of the Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers tar
ried BO long with two young women whoso
acquaintance they made at the Union Pa
cific trannfer that they missed their train ,
Flvo minutes after the last eectlon of the
train carrying their comrades to their home
Btato had pulled out of the depot the two
eoldlor boys reached the depot. They at
once telegraphed jifaead for transportation
and after spending the night In Council
DlufTs were taken cast yesterday afternoon , ,
on pflBBCiiger No. 2. They Jiopo to nuke
oonnrutlons with the regiment bcfoie It
reaches Plttsburg.
Itfiil KMti'.lr TruiiNfcr * .
The following transfers wore filed yester
day In the abstract , tltlo nnd lonn office ot
J. W. Squires. 101 Pearl street :
Arthur U. Mueller and wife to I * A.
Casper , lot n , blofk 2 , Turley &
Whfte'fl EUbillv , w , d 1,600
Jennlo Fleming to Fort Dodg &
Omaha Railroad ronuxmy , 200 feet
v\Wo ticrosn BwVi n\vU 2i-7t-H , w. d. . 450
D. Rothichlld Oraln company to Peter
n , Albers , o 21 feet and n W feet lot
13. block 1 , Mlnden. w , d , 250
Georgp and H. Mlckelwult to Frank J.
I'loughoft , lot 6 , block 10 , Macedonia ,
w. d. . , , . 230
e.-vvlngr , Ixmn and liulldlng associa
tion of Council Bluffs to Thomas
lAfay. lot 12 , block 15 , Williams' 1st
add. w , d . . . . . , . . . , , EOO
T. J. Young and wlfa to W. D. H r-
Inn , lot 6 , block 12 , Macedonia , w. d. . 750
Total six Iranofers , , . , , . , , . , . . . , * S.6SO
Domestic soap whitens your clothes.
for Cu U or lnnurd On.
JJ. II. SII12ATU * CO. .
I'ourl Ntvoel , Cornell Hlaff * .
Candidates for Office Are Preparing fbr the
Fray ,
Hcnntorlnl Content Complicate * Mnt-
tcrn Somciilint for the County
Ticket Cnin'mliiH l'ut Up
n. Good
The near approach of the republican
county convention , called for Wednesday ,
September 6 , lias stirred up matters polit
ical In Council Bluffs and the various candi
dates who are out for the nomination for1
the several county offices are hustling. They
realize that between this and Friday night ,
when the caucuses will be held and dele
gates Bolectcd to the convention , some good
hard work will have to bo done. Chairman
Brown of the city central committee called
the caucuses for Friday night of this week
Instead of on Saturday , as br the call ot
Chairman Everest of the county central
committee , In order to give business men ,
who on a rule are busy on Saturday nights ,
an opportunity to got out and attend the
Owing to the contestover , United States
senator the caucuses Friday night promise
to be the battle Around between the fol
lowers of Senator Qoar and the friends of
Hon. A. B. Cummins. The control of the
caucuses will practically mean the control
of the convention , and both sides nro workIng -
Ing hard with a vlow to getting their full
force out that night at the primaries. The
establishment of the Cummins headquarters
In the Annex to the Grand hotel has proven
a good move on the part of the workers
for the Des Molnes candidate and the Cum
mins men are far better organized than
they -were two weeks ago. The Gear crowd
nro not doing much talking , but are put
ting In n good deal of hard work , and the
primaries Friday night next will , It Is ex
pected , bring out the largest attendance In
many years.
Situation Somevrlmt Compllcntca.
The senatorial contest Is complicating local
matters scunewhat aa the delegates will bo
chosen on this issue , thus making the can
didates for the county offices a secondary
consideration altogether. The candidates for
state senator are Colonel C. G. . Saunders , an
avowed Cummins man , and A. S. Hazelton
who Is being groomed by the friends of Sen
ator Gear. Major Conslgnoy of Avoca Is
also said to be In the field for the nomina
tion. For representatives , O. M. Putnam
Alexander Osier of Careen and J. L. Blanch
ard of Avoca , and possibly others are ou
for the two nominations.
Next to the senatorial contest the noml
nation for sheriff Is attrabtlng most atten
tton , there being several candidates out mak
Ing active campaigns. John S. Morgan , the
present incumbent , who has served tw <
terms , feels that under the rule recognized
In this county , ho Is entitled to a third term
but Is meeting with considerable opposttlon
In some quarters. Captain Lee B. Cousins
district court bailiff , Is working hard for
the nomination and wilt undoubtedly go Into
the convention with a largo following. Ed
Slade of Avoca , H. B. Crofts of Oakland , N.
Frum of Pleasant townsElp and Harley
Mayno of Crescent are candidates from out
side the city. Deputy Sheriff Joe Weight-
man Is also out for the nomination nnd ,
like- Cousins , 'will go 'Into the convention
with his s'haro of the delegates back of him.
For superintendent of schools there are
three candldatca named. Prof. W. S. Paul
son of this city , P. B. Cook of Carson and
J. ti. McManus ot Neola.
For 'county ' coroner Dr. V. L. Treynor , It
Is said , wilt have no opposition and his ro-
nomlnation Is practically aESUred. B. E.
CooU will alto have no opposition for a rn-
nomiiiatlon as county surveyor. Henry
Brandos of Hancock , the retiring member
of the Board of County Supervisors , Is a can
didate for rencxmlnatlon , and It is said that
there are others who would llko to have a
sent on the board and their names will be
sprung at the convention. William Arnd , It
Is conceded by all , will have no opposition to
being renomlnatod for county treasurer.
Scientific optician , Wollmas , ss Br'dway.
Domestic soap Is full weight.
Davis cells calnt.
of Citr Iloillcn.
The city couucll will meet In adjourned
session tonight nnd the session promises
to be an Interesting one. City Solicitor
Wadsworth will submit the new form of
advertisement for bids for the erection of a
municipal electric lighting plant. Several
of the aldermen are of the opinion that
the advertisement decided on at Uio meet
ing of the council last week covers the
ground nod will oppose any change. The
flnanco committee Is expected to submit Its
report on the tax levy.
The Board of Education will meet tonight
for the purpose of opening bids on the now
High school building. As State Superin
tendent Barrett's decision In the slto ap
peal case has not been received the award
ing of the contract may bo deferred or
given conditionally to 'the stnto superin
tendent's ruling being favorable to the
board. The board's urttiltcctB , Messrs. Cox
& Schoonlgon , have completed the plans and
they show but very little change sexcept
In a few minor details from the descrip
tion already published. The principal
change Iras been made In the entrance portico
tico , which has been made somewhat more
Pr'zen ' BO with Domestic soap.
Wclsbach burners at Ulxby's. Tel. 191
Lowest prices , easy terms. The best and
largest stock of pianos at Swanoon Muslo
company. Masonic Temple.
naoo Mrctlnir nnil IlnxliiK Cnrnlvnl
Kill Clt > - ivlth .StrniiKt'rM.
DUBUQUE , la. , Aug. 27. The eve of the
big race meeting and boxing carnival flnda
the city fast filling with strangers. The
hotels are booked to their greatest capacity
and the bureau of Information , though hav
ing quarters for thousands , Is likely to be
taxed for every room that can bo reached ,
The half fare rate on railroads became
operative at midnight Saturday and all
today the four trunk llnea entering the city
have been bringing In the people. Many
carloads of horses arrived today , the fast
ones that raced at Readvllle , Mus . , arriv
ing by Bpeclal express train 1h ! morning ,
The Indications are most favorable ( for a
week of flue sport.
Advices at the atthletlo association headquarters -
quarters are that sporto are coming from
points as far away as El Paso , Denver ,
Cheyenne and New York.
l.ii Ue nuil It * Ilrinnrlialiln
Reoo lunl Formation * .
Not a ploaalng summer resort , nor even
on attractively pretty place , Impressively
Krand its the ccenery of Pyramid lake , re
lates the San Frandaco Chronlole. Barren
expanses of cage land immediately suggest
themselves to the reader's mind 03 fit sur
roundings for a Nevada lake. True It la ,
for the shores of Pyramid lake are aOghtM
by nature in her distribution of floral adorn
ment a. The waters of beautiful Lake Ta-
bee , tKtttllug among the cool Slorroa , eventu
ally find their way through the Truckce
Ivor to Pyramid lftk .
Tahoe , noted as a rseort for wealth and
ashlon ; Pyramid , a government reservation
or Lo , the poor Indian 1
To roadh Pyramid lake ono must travel
over a parched , sterile country , the dull
uniformity of which Is cot broken until
iwlthln a mile of the lake ; then , aa the num-
tolt of a low-lying hill la reached , there
spreads out before ono ft T t sheet of rip-
pllng water , thlrty-flvo miles long by ten
nllos wide. Devoid of trees or shrubbery ,
jut saved from monotony by rugged shore
lines , peculiar voloanlo statuary and fre
quent etorrni , during whloh breakers roll in
upon the beach and dash against severe
cliffs with A tumult equal to a small Mzcxl
gale at sea.
As ono approaches the lake from the
west , there appears a white , conical-shaped
tele , rising In sUirtllng contrast to the dark
blue waters. From a distance the resemblance -
lance to the pictured pyramids ot the an
cient Pharaohs la remarkable , honca the
name Pyramid lake.
Aa the pyramid It about eight miles from
the western shore , a boat must bo taken to
obtain a ( bettor view. Undoubtedly . product
ot volcanic action , It looms up majestically
some 400 foot above the water. Near the
base , a white border , deposited from the
brackish , alkaline 'waters , sparkles In the
sun. A warm spring omitting gaseous
vapora , wells up la a hollow on one side of
this pyramid ; and from unknown depths below -
low bubbles of the same gas arise.
There la Just ono point whore man may
gain a foothold , and only then when the
Jake Is pcrf ctly calm. Peering down from
the topmost plnnaclo ono sees thrco or four
Band-hill cranes. At such a height they are
perfect Images of fabled storks , and the
charm of the pyramid Is enhanced by the
presence of such hlntorlcnl-looklng birds.
White castellated Islets , about fifty yards
distance , present gorgcoui spectacles. The
elements have rent and seamed these vol
canic formations Into beetling turrets and
Along the eastern coast there Is a con
stantly changing panorama of fantastic
statuary. Points of rook Jut out In the green
ish-blue hike ; white streaks form base lines
for dark , gray mosses that divide in pillars ,
whloh are capped iwlth curious mushroom-
like helmets. Grim , hard-featured knighti
stand guard , In warlike attitudes , on moated
fortrosaea. There eeems to bo a consistency
In preserving a medieval aspect about the
Dead Man's Cave , recently sealed up by
the Indians , has a growsome history. When
this cave was first discovered by white men
It had the appearance of a veritable garden
of skeletons. Human bones , heaped up In
ghnstly plica , alt but filled this cavern.
Whether It served as a vault for the dead
Indians or a repository for their white vic
tims cannot be ascertained.
Extending south from Dead Man's Cave
the greenish-blue waters sweep In three
graceful half-moon bays. Along their shores
are myriads of bleached pelican bones , which ,
with the borax deposits , whiten the beach
as far as the eye can see.
And then there Is a "Goat Island , " so
named from the wild goats that once thrived
there. They proved too tempting a prey
for the Indians , and have long since been
exterminated. Nevertheless , phantom
goats so runs an Indian legend wander
about their former haunts haunta that are
now literally swarming with awkward white
pelicans and screeching scaguls. Thous
ands of pelicans breed upon "Goat
Island , " laying their eggs In the sand. So
thick are these nests that one cannot walk
over the breeding grounds without treading
on eggs. The seagi i occupy a point of
"Goat Island" some lltiT distance from
tbo pcljcaus , and hero their eggs are laid in
crevices and small hollows.
These flocks of gulls and pelicans are
wonderful to behold. Until one sees them
for himself , PJ true account of their num
ber ( founds like an exaggerated "fish etory. "
Toward the mouth of the Truckec , nt
the southern end of the lake , the scenery
does not present many Imposing features.
Occasional elevations of grayish volcanic
rock are scattered hero and there , grand
In themselves , but Insignificant when
compared with the "Neodlos. " These are
evidently the culminating product of sub
terranean forces , lnctrumentn.1 In the beau
tifying of Pyramid lake. The Pyramid
Itself la the pre-eminent feature ; the
"Needleo" form also a re-emlnent group.
Clusters of spires tower 60 to 300 feet high
from a massive foundation.
The Indian settlements are located nt
the end at the lakfi. and the Plnfpn hnld
lordly sway ever its waters. No white
man , except the two families residing there ,
IB allowed to place a boat of his own upon
the lake. Thle fact , coupled with the un-
deslrablllty of the locality , offers scant
Inducement to sightseer and fisherman.
However , those who have enjoyed the re
markable good Rfihlns hero are anxious to
revisit Pyramid lake. The fish , weighing
anywhere from 1 to 20 pounds , are gamy
trout and afford exciting sport to followers
of Izaak Walton. A 300-pound catch In
one day Is a common occurrence.
Isolated mid barren wastes of sageland ,
embracing the reflection of Its own rugged
grandeur In brackish waters , Pyramid lake
la destined to bo admired In stole silence
by the noble rod man and widely shunned
by fashionable tourists.
Threatening Monday , with .Similar
Condltlonn Tiu-nilnr , with Slilft-
liiK , .Southerly AVlnilN.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 27. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday :
Nebraska Threatening Monday ; threaten
ing and cooler Tuesday ; ( southerly winds ,
becoming northwesterly.
For South Dakota Threatening Monday ;
cooler at night ; threatening and cooler
Tuesday ; variable winds , 'becoming ' north
For Iowa Increasing cloudiness Monday ;
threatening and cooler Tuesday ; southeast
to eouthwcst winds.
For Missouri Increasing cloudiness Mon
day ; easterly winds.
Local llcconl.
OMAHA , Aug. 27. Omaha record of tem
perature and precipitation , compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years :
1830. 1898. 1S97. 1S9B.
Maximum temperature . . 90 fb 87 78
Minimum temperature . . . 68 CO to Bt
AveraKO temperature . . , , 79 72 73 GO
Precipitation , .07 .00 ,00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for ihta day and since Ma roll 1 ,
1809 :
Normal for the day . . , , 74
UXCCSH for the day , c
Accumulated deficiency since March 1. . 211
Normal rainfall for the day . . . . . . . . ,10inch
Deficiency for the day. , . , . . . , OJ inch
Total rnlnfall since March 1..20,13 iiu-hts
Deficiency since March 1 l.iil lnehi ?
Deficiency for cor , period , 1S08 , . 2SO liU'hfB
Deficiency for cor , period , 1537. . S.2I Inched
Itriiorta from Stntloni at H 1 > . in ,
Grand Jury at Blonz Oity Releases Prize
lighters Under Arrest ,
Four Men Who CixaNO Salolilo of John
Indictment * .Ilrotifiht In
tVUko Are Indicted Some Other
Jar ? . ,
SIOUX OITY , Aug. 27. ( Special. )
The men who engaged In a prlto fight re
cently In Sioux City and who were ar
rested for violation of the laws of the etato
have no more to fear from the local au-
torltlca , for the present at least. The grand
Jury Tor the August term of the district
court In Woodbury couaty made Us report
this morning , falling 'to find true bills
Against any ot these men. So "Australian"
Billy Murphy of Cincinnati , Patsy Magner
of Yankton , S. D. , the principals ! II. It.
Mclvcr of Sioux Ctty , manager , and the
seconds are now no longer under the eye
of the court. Their bondsmen , have been
released nnd th y are free to go and do
na they please. But while the grand Jury
< ild not Indict thwo men , eighteen others
find themselves uml r Indictment and com
pelled to appear In the. district court for
trial.But the greatest Interest this term has
been taken In the prize fight casca. These
men appeared In the ring n > t Woodland park
about thrco weeks ngo and after fighting
n llttJo moro tban ono'round both went
over the ropes In a tangle on the ground.
It was a slugging match from start to fin
ish nnd the police Jumped lu and made
arrests. Tfco next morning In the police
court all concerned waived examination to
the grand Jury , with the resuh that they
are discharged from further custody. The
members of the grand Jury declined to dis
cuss the question , but It Is evident that
they preferred to think with the men who
testified that It was not Intended to bo a
knockout fight , but merely a scientific con
test for points.
The four men who are Indirectly cliarged
with causing John Wllke , a 13-year-old
boy , to commit suicide , were Indicted for
assault with Intent to commit great bed
ily Injury. They are Harvey , Clyde and
George Huffman , sons of a well-to-do and
respected farmer , and George Watklns , an
other farmer. They ducked young Wllke
late ono night nnd the next morning the
casowill bo bitterly
boy hung himself. The caso-
terly contested , as there Is a great deal
of feeling In the part of the county where
they live.
Others Indicted were : A. Kclllng , Jr. ,
larceny of a pockctbook and $40 ; G. W.
Nance , threatening to do great bodily InJury -
Jury upon the person of Joseph Keltgea ;
Fred Perry , Indecent exposure ; Simon
Carlson , burglary of a railway car ; C. A.
Chlcak , assault with Intent to do great bodily
ily Injury ; Frank Budd , assault with Intent -
tent to do great bodily Injury upon the per
son of Tom Holcomb at Southland ; Ben
Williams and Joseph St. Pierre , larceny
others are Indicted
from a building. Several
dicted , but the authorities decline to make
the names public until the men have been
placed under arrest.
Mliilnf ? Company OrKnnliscd.
DEADWOOD , S. D.-Aug. 27. ( Special. )
This week the Golden-ISllppor Mining and
Milling company was organized In this city
with a capitalization'at ? 500,000 at $1 a
share. The Incorporatofrs are : M. B. Pln-
noy , Deadwood ; ' E. F ? .Thorp ; Nebraska
City , Neb. , and J. B. "Wilson , Wellington
111. The officers of the company are : Presi
dent , B. F. Thorp ; vice president , J. B. Wll-
on ; treasurer , M. B. Plnney ; secretary , W
S. Elder , Deadwood ; general manager , M. 13
Plnnoy. The company owns a very promVs-
Ing group of three claims east of Hll
City , In Pennlngton county , about four
\VorU nt Fort Meade.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Aug. 27. ( Special. )
Work will commence on the new barracks
buildings at Fort Meade Just as soon as the
old building can be removed. The old struc
ture will be sold for old lumber thla week
at auction anil by Keptem'Der au everyining
Is-to bo out of the way for the new build-
Ing. A movement IB being made to have
all of the sick soldiers from the presen
war brought to this fort to recuperate. The
government has decided to put in the new
sewerage system yet this season , which wll
make Fort Meade , without question , the
healthiest fort In the United States.
Soutli Dakota Conl.
DBADWOOD , S. D. , Aug. 27.Speclal. ( )
The Black Hllla will bo supplied with coa
to a Targo extent this winter from the Black
Hills Coal company's mine west of Belle
Fourche , about twenty-five miles distant In
the Hay Creek coal district. The rallroai
which was built last year by Spreckels o
New York la making regular trips and the
company Is not able to supply the demand
for the coal. The vein of coal Is about five
feet thluk nnd of unknown width. Abou
seventy-five minors are employed and the
company could use n good many more 1
they coufd be obtained ,
to Irrigation
OHEYENNB , Wyo. , Aug. 27. ( Special. )
Governor Richards has appointed the follow
ing citizens of Wyoming delegates to the
eighth annual session of the National Irri
gation congrcea , which will convene at MIs-
Boula , Mont. , on September 25 : Prod Bond ,
Colin Hunter , Cheyenne ; II. G. Batch , Lara-
mle ; W. J. Thorn , Buffalo ; A. C , Duval , II.
O , Bole , Sheridan ; A. C. Thomas , Meeteese.
The governor has also appointed Drs. M , C.
Barbwell of Cheyenne nnd P. H. Lay of
Sheridan delegates to the convention of mil
itary surgeons to bo held at Kansas City
during September.
South Dakota A r nmeiit.
PIERRK , S. D. , Aug. 27. ( Special. ) The
assessment returns as they stand at present
go a long way to remove the charge of hard
times from South Dakota. Taking tbo pop
ulation at 400,000 which Is likely to bo
large and the returns show practically an
assessment value of $400 per capita for thu
people of the state. It Is well known that
the assessment value Is not the real value
by any means , and tbo population Is put at
a high rato. The facts , If they could be
got at , would show that the wealth ot tbo
atato la nearly double the (400 per capita
shown by such returns ,
Wool Slilpnu-iiU ,
OASPBU , Wyo. , Aus , 27. ( Special. ) The
wool shipping season In this county was
closed during the past week by the ship
ment of * wo cars of wool to eastern commis
sion houses. Durine the season 212 care of
wool , aggregating 4,000,000 pounds , wore
shipped from Casper , The year's clip was
the cleanest ever shipped and was almost
entirely free from sand and dirt. The fo-
BeaM th , ) Tha Kind You Have Always BoueM
o.A.jsTori.T.A. .
Dean tta ( _ _
Bun tte'
{ Signature
ctlltlos ot this clnco no a wool shipping
xjtnt tire unsurixuiFod and thcro Is every
oason to anticipate Cooper besoming the
argest wool shipping point In the west.
lAccldpntnl Shooting.
CASPER , Wyo. , Aug. 27. ( Spoclal.-D. )
J. Crum , a Natrona county sheepman , acci
dentally shot himself Saturday last , recelv-
ng a langt < roua wound. Ho wan driving )
down a , steep hill near Deep creek In the
Big Horn mountains nnd was carrying a
shotgun In his hands. In going over a rough
> loco of road the gun was Jarred from his
lands tad fell to the ground and was dis
charged , The charge struck Mr. Crum In
the side. Hewas taken to Bragg's sheep
camp and n physician brought from Buffalo.
Ha Is In a critical condition ,
FcrUlicH In the Fnr North.
BPBAUFISH , S. D , , Aug. 27. ( Special. )
Word has been received from Seattle to
the effect that Charles Deldrlck , a former
resident of this city , had perished north of
the Arctic circle , together with a number
of other miners from the Klondike. Dcld-
rick was a prosperous rancher down the
valley from this city nnd about two years
ago he went to the Klondike. A year ago
Ills wife- died and ono daughter survives
Intercut In Murder Cnnc.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Aug. 27. ( Special. )
Interest Js Increasing In the murder case of
Bugcno Culllnan , In Deer Lodge county ,
Montana. Thus far six Black Hills men have
been arrested and are now confined In Jail ,
charged with the crime.
Foront IMren in Wjromlnu.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Aug. 27. ( Special. )
Forest fires are raging about Lnramlo Peak ,
In the northern part of Lnromlo county.
The flrca have been burning for the last
ten days and have destroyed a largo amount
of valuable timber.
SU.iniKll Dili NIC
, Brain anil Nerve Toiilo
Portraits and endorsements sent postpaid.
MAUIANI & CO. . 52 W. 15th St. , New York
. . .CONSULT. . .
Scarles . Searles
Specialists In
Nervous , Chronics
Private Diseases
( ) / Jfen and Women.
We guarantee to cure allcasen corable of
Catarth , All Dtseam of tlie Kote , Thrnat , Clint ,
Stomach , linmls and Liver ; Ityttructle , Vari-
cocdc , Syphilis , Oonurrluxa.
Nrrunnc nohlllfil And nil Its attending
nerVOllS UeDllllU ailments , amen * Youna
Mtiidle Aged anil Old Men.
Rtnnrl ami CUn Diseases , Sores , Spoti ,
Diooa ana oKin pirapies , scrofma , TU.
mars , Tetter , Eczema , aud Itlood Poison , tbor >
ouffhly cleansed tram tlie sjstem ; also Weak ,
nessof Ortfaus , Inflammation , Rupture ! , , Piles ,
FUtnta , etc.
r > nnh Throat , Lunc'j , Liver , Dyspcpslq
Uuiarrn and all bowel and stomach trouble * .
tAInf * 'vct ' > caiuful and special attention
LuQICS for all tUclr many ailments.
WRITE yottr troubles. If out ot tlie city.
Thousands cured at home by correspondence ,
Dr. Searles & Searles. 119 S. 14th St. . Omaha ,
The Original
Beware of Imitations
lonn Duncan's Sons , Agtnts , New York
201 , 200 , 208. 210 I roadwa > , Council niuffs ,
Rates. Jl.OO per day ; 75 rooms. First-class
in every respect. Motor line to all depot * .
Local agency for the celebrated St. LouU
A. B. C. beer. First-clous bar.
To Dr. Dennett and he win forward you by return mall , his book , "The Flud-
IDK of the Fountain of Eternnl You th. " symptom blanks , etc. You wilt ro-
celvo lots of good wholesome advice whether you begin my treatment or not ,
Dr. Bennett's Electric Beit
Restores the health , itrength and vigor of youth : creates
new fluid nnd brain matter by purifying the blood , rcstor-
Inc the fullest and most rigorous conditions of robust
health of body ami mind so that all the duties of Hfo maybe
bo Durstted with confidence and Dlensure. Is tod&y the
bent known agent for applying Electricity to the humnu
arRtom : Indorsed by physicians and rocommcndod by 10-
000 cured pntlcnts. I guarantee it to euro Scxttnl Impo
tence , Lost Manhood , Varicocoto and all Se\ual Dleoosos ;
restore Shrunken and Undeveloped Tarts nnd Lost Vigor ;
euro Kidney , Liver and Bladder Troubles , Constipation ,
Dyspepsia and all Female Complaints.
My Belt h s soft , silken , chamois-covered npongo elec
trodes that cannot burn and blister , as do the bare metal
electrodes used on all other makes of belli. These elec
trodes are my oxcruslvo patent. There arc cheap Imita
tions. Do not bo misled. Get the genuine. My Belt has
undo cures In every town and city In this Mate.
Bo sure and write or call today and get my book ,
testimonials , etc. My Electrical Suspensory for the radical euro of the various
weaknesses of men Is F11E1S to every mala purchaser of ono of my Delta.
20 nnd 21 Douglas Hlock , 10th nnd Dodge.
None but live fish swim up stream !
. Four years ago we invented
Cole's Hot
Blast Heater
asked "What is that -
Every one , pipe-
in the center of the stove for ? " That is
the Hot Blast. Every dealer shows youl
a just as good now when you ask for at
Hot Blast. Cole's Hot Blast changed thei
method of constructing coal stoves.
ThU you know and 'bo sure you get the best.
41 Main Street * ,
Is it possible that you have not seen a
copy of the
* mr Illustrated Bee ? |
* Use a postal to ask its for a 3 ?
The Bee Publishing Company ,
( O Cents. 5 Cents.
Distributors ,
' 9 Council Bluffs.
Oldest , largest and
best equipped in
a central west.
Government Bumrrlilon. fil t commli Ton lo KradunifH. Prunoratlon for Unlverelttra
anrt K nnJAcodemlM. MAJOR SflNDFORO SELLERS. M. * . . Supt. . LEXINGTON. MO. /
KOH YOUNO WOMEN ANu fiiriTA Modern and progro.nlve. Preparatory and collogfl
courses , inuslo. art , elocution , Ditliurto , pliynlcal culture. Fifty-fifth itnmml session beirlui
6t pt. 7 , 1SVC Bend for IlluHtriUod catalogue , HIHAM L > . OIIOVKH. President.
You know Jfts. B , Kirk & Co , fclve way
W cnsli August 21 , to the woman securing
Ing the jrreateit number of Whit * Russian
Soap Wrapper * .
Send them or brlnr them to 308 South 12th
street , Omaha.
These wrappers will also count In the
trrand contest closing December 20.
$5.00 A MONTH.
Truti cli Fcrrr.i oT
22 Yean Experience.
l2Y fr ln Umahi.
- - comiiiei.arcoca ,
Stricture , By phllliLosiof Vigor and Vitality.
CUKES OIUIUNTKUD. Charges low. H011U
ntEATMKXT. Hook , Consultation and Exam-
Illation Free. JIOnr . 8 a , w. toC ; 7tn8p in.
Hundar.91012 P. O.lJoxTtt. OfHct , N. E.
Cor. Hill Bad Parody Strtett. OMAHA. JJEU.
"In your walking and tUtlnc BO much
more orcct ; In your general health : In your
convocation : In your way of meetlnfr people
ple ; and In innumerable wuys ; I could sea
the benefit you are receiving : from your
training and ansKiclatlorm at 1/oaell. All
this you must know is very gratifying to
me. "
This IB what a father wrote to Ills daugh
ter after her return to school from th
Christmas vacation at home. It IB uimollc-
lt d testimony aa to Laaell'f uucceua In vom *
important lines.
Places are now being taken for the yean
beginning September , 1SK ) . Catalogue fre ,
C. O. IIIIAUUON , PriuulVHl.
will re-open Wodnenday , Sept. 20th. Oldest
college preparatory uchool In Chicago , Pri
mary anil lilKher department ! . Hoarding !
jiuplls received. Apply to principals. John J ,
SehubliiKcr , John C , Grant.
i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ixmns on Improved farms In western Iowa
and on Inside protierty In Council Blurt * .
Our rates are aa low as any one ,
House of S rooms , nearly new , good collar.
barn , well , lot of ono acre , with fruit : lai
cat til In south part of city ; Jl.COO ; easy
We liave several nne farms und a lamje list ,
of city property for tale ,
No. 335 Ave. F. , 7 rooms. J20.
No , 929 Fourth avenue , 8 roomn $25.
No. 124 Fourth bt. , 9 rooms , 130.
No. 1720 High tit root , 6 roomb , ig ,
Klat , 221 South Seventh strcut , modern. I3&
List your property with ua for sale or rent
No. 103 Bouth Main Street ,
Council liluffa , lu ,
Toleuhon * ? li