Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Corn i th Most Actlys Murktt on the
Chicago Exchange ,
Onfn In tlic Mnln Kollovr Corn nml
1'rorlfilonn Arc Slow I'nckem
lluy Spnrlnulr of Sep
tember lllli * .
CUirOAOO , Aug. 23. Corn was the most
active market on 'change today. Humors
of a squeeze In the September option
alarmed shorts and advanced the price ' /4c.
Wheat was slow and irregular , with trading
mostly professional und with sentiment
favoring lower prices. September closed a
nhado lower and December Uo lower. Oat8 ,
closed a shade- higher and provisions 2&o
lower to Go higher. Flaxsced woa again In
llK ) demand and advanced about 3c for cash.
At the opening and for a short time after
wheat was Inlluenccd by the strength of
corn. Shorts were having a big scramble In
that pit and .their . eagerness to get under
cover had uomo effect on shorts In wheat.
ILongs were out of the market for the tlmo
ibelng and prices advanced for both Septem
ber and December. December opened un
changed at 73o and advanced to 74JJ74HC.
September openOd a shade higher at 71ft ©
71o and advanced to 72c. The demand was
email , however , and news In general favorIng -
Ing the bears a selling movement set In nt
the advance , which was almost entire y
jirofesslonal at llrst , but which finally
brought out sldo longs to the market ami
induced a good deal of liquidation. rcHU tliiB
In a material decline In prices all around.
The market bernme extremely dull and
nfler 11 o'clock prices kept within a com-
imratlvoly narrow range , but with Hcntl-
inent favoring the wiling side , and rallies
worn Invariably followed by fresh attacks
) domestic and foreign crop news wnR
favorable. Snow's crop summary estimated
the yield of Minnesota and the Dakotas at
tibout 175,000.000 bushels spring wheat and
other roportH Indicated a better condition of
cropH In the northwest than has been
stilted. The Roumanian crop was nlso said
to bo far better than previously reported.
The cash situation , liowevcr. continued
rood and this was a supporting factor to
the market. The seaboard put the export
engagements nt 71 loads and the cash dc-
mnnd locally was nlso good. Primary re
ceipts were much below last years , the
total being 584.0CO bushels , compared with
. Minneapolis and Du uth
S07.000 a year ago.
receipts were 209 oars. n alnst 212 last week
nnd fill a year ago. Chicago receipts were
BS cars , 4 of contract grade. Atlantic port
clearances of wheat nnd ( lour were placed
nt K . < XM bushels. The visible supply was
not expected to show much change. An in-
crcnsi- was looked for previous to the an
nouncement of an expected decrease of
nboul 1,600.000 bushels nt Minneapolis and
Duluth. The market was diligently ham-
nit-red by the bears during the last hour ,
Imt better support materialized and after
September liaJ declined to 71c and Decem
ber to 73V4c , the market became steadier.
September reacted to 71 % < f lc and Dccem-
ibor to 73c. Those were the closing figures.
There was a big trade In corn , especially
5n September. Rumors were current of n.
squeeze In that option and Judging from
the nnxloty of shorts .to cover had some
foundation. Leading commission. h ° ses
were- heavy buyers The excellent cash de
mand and moderate receipts strengthened
the Bltuatlon. Distant futures were llrm
with September , but did not hold their
Strength.1 Receipts were 617 cars. Septem
ber got over calls , which Increased the dc-
inanS for a time. There was considerable
realizing late In the session and best prlcen
Old not hold. September ranged from Mo to
R2c and closed % ST'Ac higher " SMttc. .
iDecember closed unchanged nt 2S = 4-r.2c. - .
Oats In the main followed corn. J ho
covering movement in September corn
caused like action In September oota and
that future was strong and higher most oc
1 IIP session The good ' cash demand con-
* nucd , wUh IwV'WBhelB taken for ship
ment. 'Receipts ' were. G.TO cars. September
ranged from 20Viti20V < : C and closed a shade
Bilgher nt SOtttffSO'H.c. ' . December closed a
U Provisions were Blow nnd practically
featureless. The general tone was steady ,
tout business was too small to cause ma
terial changes In prices. Packers bought
rib nnd lard and.
snarlnfily of September ' *
? oprtSl n good'jobbing trade Selling was
mostly from the outttldo At the close- Sep
tember pork was 2 o lower at $8.30. Sep
tember lard xmchanged nt $ o.22'4 and Sep
tember ribs 5c higher at $5.20.
Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat. 75
cars ; corn , COO cars ; oats. 5SO cars ; hogs ,
13.000 head. , , „
Leading futures ranged as follows ;
Articles Opnu. Hlfth . Low. Close. YcB'd'y
Bept. . . 72 714
Dec. . . . 7W-74 74 7HH ? '
May . . 7O4 T
firpt. . . S2W 33 32 SIM
Deo. . . . JKtt-211 SSJS--'O USH
May . . JUJli
Oat B.
Sept. . . IOW 20H
Dec. . . . I 1011
May. . . 21H 21HSM 21K
Kept . . R32U R3K 830 M30 832H
Oct. . . . H4-JH fi 37M H:17 : 8-10
Jan. . . . OU2U OO'JH flllO 000 U 6'JK
Sept. . . 622VJ 625 622K
Oct. . . nao 630 630
Jan. . . . o.o ecu 647W G47H 047.Hi
0 5 > pt. . . B 15 620 616 S20 n 15
1 Out . . . BBO 617K B'J'JH 617K
1fc Jan. . . . BOO 5024 500 sou GOO
p No. 8.
0 Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUK Strong : winter patents , $3.500
S.UO ; straights , $3.108'3.30 ; spring specials ,
$1.20 ; spring patents , $3.40f3.70 ; straights ,
J2.SOfl3.10 : bakers' , $2.20Q2.CO.
WHEAT No. 3 spring , 6S&071HC ; No. 2
red , 73i ! < il74c.
COIIN No. 2 , Me ; No. 2 yellow , 33i/4iT34c. (
OATS-No. 2 , 21 ic ; No. 2 white , 23a23 < ic ;
No. 3 white , 22H23'/4c.
ItYK No. 2. We.
IIAULKY No. 2. 33f(39 c.
SHEDS-No. 1 Ilaxsecd. $1.1001.17 ; north-
tl wcst , Jl.17fcl.lS ; prime timothy seed , $2.45 ;
tlTt clover , contract grade , $0.40.
Tt I'HOVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , $7.601 ? )
0 8.35. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $5.12W5.25. ! Short
1 ( 'ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.00575.30. Dry salted
K Hliouldcrs ( boxed ) . $5.32t&f5.7S ; short clear
Kd Bides ( boxed ) . $ .r..50fl'G.GO.
WHISKY Distillers' llnishcd goods , per
gal. . $1.2R.
SUGAHS Ciit loaf , unchanged.
Following are the receipts and shipments
for yesterday :
Articles. Receipts , Shipments.
Flour , bbls 14,000 15,000
Wheat , lui 03,000 78,000
Corn , 1m 318.000 277.000
Oats , btl , . . , 629,000 ISl.OdO
Jlye. bu 7,000 46,000
Hurley , bu 31,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady. Creameries , lfij(20c ;
Ji dairies , 13ffl7c. Chepse , firm ; OHTlOc. Eggs ,
11 steady ; fresh , 12V c. Dressed poultry ,
11fl Htciuly ; turkeys , S'/jjjOc ; chickens , Sifllc ;
flrV ducks , EQ'jc.
r ,
( tiiotutloiiN for tlu > liny on Vnrloii *
TO NK\V YOIIK , Aug. 25. FLOUR Receipts.
C\ \ 18,230 bbls. ; exports , 3,013 bWs.j sales , 6,000
lililsl Dull nnd featureless with buyers and
Belters fully KXU'lSc apart. Winter
Htralghts , $3.35jJ3.45 ; winter extras , $2.45 ®
2.80 ; Minnesota patents , f3.S5iT4.05 ; Minnesota
seta bakers , $3.0503.20. Hy0 flour , llrm ;
Bales , 4CO bbls. ; good fair , $2.90tf3.10.
COHNMEAIr Steady ; yellow western , 72J )
73o ; Hrandywlno , $2.10g"J.20.
KYE-State , 66c , c. 1. f. , New York , car
J3A11LRY Stronger ; feeding , 3S14040HC , c.
1 , f. , HulTno.
HA11LEY MALT Steady ; western , 65fj ! c
WHEAT Receipts , 72.150 bu. ; exports ,
8,970 bu. ; sales , 1,875.000 bu. futures , 21S.OOO
bu , spot. Spot , easy ; No. 2 red , 77 4C , f. o.
Ti. , ( Ulout , spot ; No. 1 northern. Duluth.
Sic , f. o. b. , nlloat ; No. 2 red , 75ic , ele
vator ; No , 1 hard , Duluth , Sl * c , spot Op
dc tions opened steady on cables , but soon de
11 veloped weakness that lasted all day In
11"f face of big export talk. Moderate llirnlda-
"f < lon , better northwest weather news , heavi
al ? ness at St. Louis and severe hammering by
60 local bears acted as prominent inlluences
of depression. Closed weak , iO-\o decline.
IMay. SI 15-16 < iJ82He , closed , S2c ; September ,
70 l-lfifi70T4c. closed. 7tiUo ; December , 79 ®
VI 7911-lfio closed. 79Hc.
B ( CORN Receipts. 182,325 bu. ; exports. 91-
7S7 bu. ; sales , 0,000 'bu. futures. CSS.OOO bu.
an"i eixit , Spot , steady ; No. 2. lOVic , f. o , b. ,
"i nlloat ; 39c , elevator. Options opened
4 steady and advance * ! sharply on covering
nnd cash demand. Under later realizing
Rales a partial loss occurred , the close be
3 ing easy , about Ua c net higher ; May ,
SS'iSSSVif , closed , 33 > ic ; August , closed ,
39'8c ; September. SSMSSSV. closed , SSUc ;
December. 3ftfiS33e. closed , 36o ,
OATS-Roccipts , 254.WO bu. ; exports. 140-
255 bu , ; sains. 20,000 bu , spot. Spot. 6tafl > ' :
No. 2 > vhlU , Sc ; track , white western ,
33c : track , while , state. 264333c. Options
HOPS Quiet : state , common to choice ,
is ; 3 crop , Co ; 1S97 crop , nominal ; 1893 crop ,
10'd'15e ; Pacific coast , 1SOS crop. 4g c ! 1897
crop , nominal ; ISM crop , 12@lflc.
HAY Steady shipping , fii > 365c ! good to
choice , ,
HI DBS-Firm ; Oalveston. 20 to 25 Ibs. ,
16i,4f17c | ; Tcxafl dry. 35 to 40 Ibs. , 12i,4fll3Hc ;
California , 21 to 25 Ibs , ISUc.
LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole. Ruenos
Ayrcs. light to heavy weights , 21',48-IHc ;
acid , 22S13V4.
PROVlSIONS Beef , steady ; family , $9.60
Sjll.OO ; extra mess , $9 ; beef hams , $27 ;
packet , $ y.2ofllO.OU ; city extra India mess ,
$ ll.CKVfl'i6.0. ' Cut meats , steady : pickled
bellies , $6.00/)7.23 ) ; pickled shoulders , $6 ;
pickled hams , $10.00Jfl0.60. Lnrd , nominally
steady ; western steamed clo. ed at $5.5.Hf >
6.57H ; city , llrm at $5.15 ; refined steady.
Pork , steady ; mess , $5.7559.60 ; short clear ,
$10.267(11.75 ; family , $11.00f12.00. ?
POTATO BS-Quletj fair to prime. $1.60 ®
1.75 ; fancy. $2.001/2.25 / ; southern , $1.6032.00.
TALlXnV Dull ; city , 4Hc ; country , 4Hc.
RICE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra ,
7 We ; Japan , 4iS5'/4c.
FRElaHTS-Dull ; cotton by steam ,
2ic : grain by steam , 25c.
large , white , Jf(9" ( ( < > < ' ; "mall , white ,
large , colored , lOc ; small , colored , lO
EQGS Receipts , 7,302 pkgs. ; steady ; west
ern , ungraded , at mark , 12015C.
Conilltloti of Trnilc nml Qnotntlonii
on Stniilc nml Kniicy Produce.
EGOS Good stock nt lie.
BUTTER Common to fair. 12c ; choice.
14iT15c ; separator , 20c ; gathered creamery ,
18 19c.
I'OULTRY Hens , live , 7'/4c ; oprlng
chickens , lOc ; old nnd staggy roosters ,
live , 3&1T4C ; ducks and geese , live , & 5f < > c ; tur
keys , live , 8c.
PIGEONS Live , per doz. , 75c < 3$1.00.
VEALS Choice. 9c.
WATERJIELONS Good stock , crated for
shipments , Wtil c.
CANTALOUPE Per doz. , crated , 40JJCOC.
TOMATOBS Per 4-basket crate , 30S40C.
POTATOES New , 2551300 ner bu.
CUCUMBERS Per doz. , ' 10@16c.
CELERY Per doz. . 30ft35c.
SWEET POTATOES-Pcr bbl. , $2.0032.25.
BLUEBERRIES-Per 16-qt. case , $1.60 ®
'PLUMS California , per crate , $1.3501,60.
APPLES-Pcr bbl. . $2.00.
GRAPES Natives , 2530o per basket ;
California , $1.4031.75.
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy. $4.2604.50 ;
choice California , $3.754.00 ; Messina , fancy ,
BANANAS Choice , crated , largo stock.
per bunch , $2.50@2.75 ; medium-sized
bunches , $2.002.25.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7V4c ; No. 3
green hides , C'/Ac ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ;
No. 2 salted hides. 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8
to 12 Ibs. . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Iba. ,
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow. No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'ic ; rough tallow , lV4c ;
white grease , 2V4Q3c ; yellow and brown
grease , lH < f2V4c.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 15 ®
73c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry hearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4g5c ( ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight , 34c ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 405c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight. 3@4c.
St. IiOiilH Grnln iiml Irnvlnloni.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 23. WHEAT Lower :
No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 714c : track , 720 >
72Hc ; September , 71'ftc ' : December , 74 % @
744c ; May , 78c ; No. 2hard , 70c ; receipts ,
81,231 bushels.
CORN Firm : No. 2 cash , 31c ; track. 32c ;
September , 3Hlc ; December , 27Vic ; May ,
OATS Weak ; No. 2 cash. 22c ; track , 22Vi@ >
22 ic ; September , 21 ic ; May , 22Vic ; No. 2
white , 2Sc.
RYE Wanted at 5Sc.
FLOUR Unchanged.
$ :
BRAN Firm ; "sacked "lots "east track , 53
< OS9c.
HAY Quiet ; timothy , $6.5011.00 ; prairie ,
$ G.OOiJX7.50.
METALS Lead , llrm ; $4.52 @ 4.55. Spelter ,
nominal : $4.50.
iPOULTRY Firm : chickens , 7c old ; 9c
young : turkeys , 7V4c old ; lOc young ; ducks
and geese. CiifiVic.
BUTTER Firm ; creamery , 17ff21c ( ; dairy ,
EGGS-FIrm ; 17 c.
WH'ISKY-Steady. $1.2fi.
HEMP T\V1NE Steady. 9c.
BAGGING Steady. 6 < itiic. (
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , boxed
shoulders , $2.25 ; shoulders , shorts , $5.37'/fc ;
clear ribs , $5.50 ; clear sides , $5.G2'.4. ' Bacon ,
better ; boxed shoulders , $5.50 : extra shorts ,
$5.8714 : clear ribs , $6 ; clear sides , $6.25. Pork ,
llrm ; $9. Lnrd , llrm ; prime steam , $5.12'/4 ;
choice. $5.17 . .
RECEIPTS Flour. 8.000 bbls. : wheat , 81-
000 bu. ; corn. 100,000 bu. ; oats , 51,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 3,000 bbls. : wheat ,
3,000 bu. ; corn , 107,000 , bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu.
Liverpool Grain mill I'rovlnlonn.
Lard , prime western , In tierces , llrm at
27s Cd ; American rellned , in pails , steady
at 2Ss 3d. Bacon , short ribs , 18 to 22 Ibs. ,
steady at 32s Gd.
CHEESE American finest white , firm at
4Ss 6d ; same , colored , llrm at 49s 6d.
WHEAT Spot , No. 1 northern spring ,
strong at 6s 2 d. Futures quiet ; Septem
ber , 5s 10 id ; December , Gs"Jid. .
CORN Spot , American mixed , new , Hrm
at 3s 6d ; same , old , llrm at 3s 6Ud. Fu
tures steady ; September , 3s 4d ; October ,
3s " ; d : November , 3s 5-d.
BUTTER Uood United States , 72s.
PEAS-Canadlan , 5s Sd.
Receipts o-f wheat during the last three
days , 235,000 centals , Including 185,009 Amer
ican ; receipts of corn during the last three
days , 340,000 centals. Weather fine.
Liverpool Oriilu nml Provision * .
tember , G5c ; December , G7c : cash No. 2
hard , GGc ; No. 3 , G3QC5c ; No , 2 red , 71c ; No.
3 , C7fi70c ; receipts , 187 cars.
CORN September , 28c ; December , 24 ic ;
cash No. 2 mixed , 29S29Hc ; No. 2 white ,
29'4c ; No. 3. 2.S'4 J2Sic.
OATS-No , 2 white. 2324c.
RYE No. 2 , 5lc.
H'AY Choice timothy , $7.50 ; choice prairie.
$5.7i > Tf'6.00.
IlI'TTBR Creamery , 17i19c ; dairy , 15c.
EGGS Firm : fresh 'Missouri ' and Kansas
stock , tlrsts. IHic , cases returned.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 112,200 bu. ; corn. 22-
100 bu. : oats , 11,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Whiat , 39,000 bu. ; corn , 9-
700 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu.
I'lilliiilpllililii I'roiluce Market.
Steady ; fancy western creamery , 21c ; fancy
western prints , 22c.
EGGS Firm ; frcHh nearby , IGc ; fresh
western , ICc ; fresh southwestern , 12c ; fresh
southern , ISfilSc ,
CHEESE Firmer : New York full cream
ery , fancy , small. 10V c ; fair to good , 9i5j >
lOVic ; Ohio Hats , fancy , 9 4c ; Ohio Hats , fair
to good , Sig9Hc.
MIIIII | > IIII > | | N Wheat ami Flitur.
Close , In slore , No. 1 northern. August ,
70'ic ; new August. COVic : September , j ! - "
December , "Oifee ; May. 7STic. On track. Mo.
1 hard , 71' c ; No. 1 northern , 70'-ic ; No , 2
northern. Ki'ic. '
FKOUH-FIrst patents , } 3.7ftff3.SO ; first
clear. $2.5ftf2.rx } ) .
To I cilo .
TOLEDO. O. . Aug. 25. WHEAT Active
and steadier ; No. 2 cash , 72',4c ; September ,
72T c ; December. 757&e.
CORN Dull ; No. 2 mixed , Sllic.
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2lUc.
RYE-Qulot ; No. 2. 65Hc.
SEEDS-CIoverseed. lower ; prime cash ,
$4.W ; October , $1.60.
Duliith Wlii-al . - . ,
DULUTII. Aug. 25. WHEAT No. 1 hard ,
cash , < lc ; September , 73Ho ; December ,
, ' 3'ioL.N ° - i northern , cash. 71Vic ; Septem
ber. 70Ho ; December. 71o ; May , 7 io ; No.
2 northern , 07o ; No. 3 sprlne , Gtt&c.
( iriiln Inrket.
Steady : No. 1 northern. 74c ; No. 2 northern ,
2H < 3. Rye. tirm. 6H { i&4 ic !
HARLEY-Steady ; No. 2. 42HCj : sample.
4 ( >
I'"orrln Kliiiuiclal.
FRANKFORT , Aug. 25.-On the bourse
tpduy was dull , chiefly duo to the unset-
l d state of affairs In the Transvaal.
VIENNA , Aug. 25. Business was de
pressed on the bourse here today
BERLIN , Aug. 25. Prices on the bourse
today were Irregular. Internationals and
Americans were weak. Bank shares were
visibly affected owing to the decline In Aus-
Ulan credits , which caused Vienna realiza
tions In view of the settlement. Mine
shares were firm. Transvaal raMroids were
weak on adverse advices from South
LONDON , Aug. 25. American aecurltlea
opened dull nnd about on ft Iftvel with New
York , Later there was alight decline on
realizing. Th * close was quiet , but steady.
The amount of bullion withdrawn from tne
Bank of England on balance today , 20-
OCO. Gold at Du&nos Ayres , 125.80.
PARIS , Aug. 25. 4 p. m. Three per
rentes , 93f 97 > , ic for the account. Exchange
on Ixindon , 25f 24',4c for checks. Spanish
4s closed 59.76. Business on the bourse was
dull. The discouraging news In the Trans
vaal and the spread of the plnguc In Portu
gal caused uneasiness. Spanish 4s. Portu
guese securities and Rio Tlntos declined.
Kaffirs reacted on sales for London ac
count ,
MADRID , Aug. K.-Gold was quoted at
" * 2 S7
BUENOS AYRES , Aug. 2S.-Tho gold
quotation today was 101.CO.
Therp In a Mnrkril Decline In ( lie
Activity of New York .Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 25-There was a
marked decline In activity In the stock
market today , total sales falling to less
than 600.000 shares. Very little evidence
was left of the recent upward tendency of
securities. The spots of strength were few
nnd far between and for the most part obscure -
scuro and usually Inactive stocks which
moved under the Influence of special causes.
Depression from foreign stock markets re
flected hero and Increasing anxiety over to
morrow's bank statement were the Im
pelling causes of the heaviness. Financial
centers In Europe obviously labor under re
newed uneasiness over the situation in tne
Transvaal. There was In addition the
prospect of a holiday tomorrow on the Lon
don exchange to discourage now commit
ments there.
The recent buying In Now York from that
source was discontinued entirely nnd pales
for London account were BUlllclent to exer
cise a notably depressing Influence. There
was an opening spurt In American Tobacco
which carried It up VA per cent , but this
was almost Immediately lost. The special
ties were weak for the rest of the day ,
Sugar being under severe pressure at tlmcH.
Its extreme decline was 3U and Its net loss
only about a point less. Brooklyn Transit
and Manhattan succumbed to the prevailing
weakness. Tennessee Coal did better , but
saved , only a fraction ot a rise of over a
Occasional strength cropped out here nnd
there , under the Influence of which the
market made some effort to advance , but
without success. There was a notable buyIng -
Ing movement In Union Pacific preferred ,
based on suggestions of a coming Increase
In the dividend , which carried the price
above SO. Consolidated Gns , following yes
terday's dividend reduction nnd a Beml-olll-
clal Intimation that even the reduced divi
dend was not earned , climbed up an ex
treme 9 % on urgent demand from the short
Interest. Brooklyn Union Gas gained G17
There was continued strength In a group of
minor grangers , St. Paul and Duluth lend
ing with a rise , of 7 points. Wisconsin
Central , Duluth , South Shore and Atlantic
preferred , Minneapolis. St. Paul & Sault
Ste. Marie preferred , Des Molnes & Fort
Dodge and Kcokuk & Des Molnes preferred
were Included In this group , gains running
from a fraction to 2 points. Rio Grande &
Western preferred , Oregon Navigation ,
Cleveland , Lorraine & Wheeling preferred
and Chicago Great Western preferred "A"
were other points of strength. Kansas &
Texas preferred was the only one of the
southwesterly to maintain the early show
of strength.
Liquidation was not urgent In the general
list , the market falling Into intense dull
ness , with a declining tendency. The known
movements of money for the week indicate
a loss In cash to the banks of nearly $3,600-
000 , $2,927,000 of which went to the subtrcas-
ury.None of the gold' ' which went recently to has been returned and no gold has
come from the subtreasury on account of
drafts from the San Francisco mint. With
out regard therefore to the possible hidden
drain of cash a sharp decline In surplus re
serves Is probable unless the contraction In
loans has been much larger than appeared.
Interior exchanges on New York at several
Important points showed declines today and
there was considerable calling of loans. The
fate declines in the money rate to 2 per
cent had little significance. The rate was
quite Hrm during the day , about 3 per cent.
Contrary to recent experience , sterling ex
change failed to weaken In response to the
firmness of money here , but hardened a
fraction under the Influence of London's
sales of securities in New York.
Dealings In bonds were mostly In the
speculative Issues at Improved prices.
Total sales , par value , $2,375,000.
United States new 4s declined ? J In. the
bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
here were generally reactionary owing to
Idleness before the holidays and pending
the settlements. Americana very quiet and
receded until the afternoon , then hardened
on New York buying. Union Pacific and
Missouri Pacific were wanted here. Spanish
49 were 68 % , Tlntos 44Vi and Anacondas
1113-16. The bank bought 18,000 gold In
bars and 12,000 In German coin and 40,000
was taken for the continent. Money was
easy. Treasury bill tenders for three
months were 3U@3 % ; for four months , 3H ;
six months , 3S § .
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New York
exchange today :
Atchlson 23 Southern. Ky. pfd. 6374
do pfd..i KM Texas & Pocltto . . ; 21 %
Baltimore & Ohio. 6 ( Union Pacific . 4T'i '
Canadian Poclllc . 97 do pfd . 79t ! ,
Canada Soutihern .
Central 1'aclfia . . . . . 53V4' ' do pfd 23i
Chen. & Ohlc < Wheeling & U B. . . 11
Chicago G. W do 2d pfd 133
C. . D. & Q .1SOV4 Wls. Central 18
Chi. Ind , & L. , 10 Adams Express . . .113
do pfd , 41S4V4 American Ex 112
Chi. & B. II S4V4 United States 50
Chi. & Northw. . . . ,1KJ Wells Parpo Ex..130
c. , n. i. & P Amer. Cotton Oil. . . 44
C. G. C. & St. L. do ptd 94
Colorado Southern. BTS Amcr. Malting : lCi
do let pfd 47'.i ' do pfd 67
do M pfd 74V4 Aimer. 8. & It 43
151. .t Hudson . . - . do pfd aili
Del. I * & W Amer. Spirits 5 %
Denver & 11. Q. . . . P % do pfd 23
do pfd ' ' Amer. S. & II 3S
Brie 14' do pfd S3',4
Briedo 1st pfd . 38U Amer. S. & W W i
Great Nor. J > M. . . . .166V4 do pfd S
Hocklne Coal . . . . ' Amer. Tin 1'lnte. . . 43
Hocklmr Vnlley . . . . Mil do nfd OO'i
Illinois Central . . . .113 % Amer. Tobacco , . . .12SVa
Iowa Central do pfd 144
do pfd Anaconda Mln. Co. 67
K. C. . 1' . & Gulf , . 11 Brooklyn n. T 103 l
lake Eile & W. . . . 21 > i Colorado Fuel & I. , fil',4 '
do pfd 80 % Con. Tobacco 4 S
lake Shore do pfd 8S\i \
SHi Federal Steel 5S"i
'Manhattan I. . . . . . ,1124 ; < lo pfd 81V4
Mot. St. Ry General Blectrlo . . .153'j
Mexican Central. . . Tl5l Glucose Sugar 6414
Minn. & St. I * . . . do pfd 106
do pTJ 07 Int. Paper 35
Missouri Pacific . W'J do pfd 1VA
Mobile & Ohio Laole < 1e Gas 69
Missouri , K. & T. ! 14H National Illncult . . . 47' ,
do pfd . 4214 do pfd 9o i
N. J. Central . . .116\i National I > ad S3
N. Y. Central . „ .13SV4 no pfd Ill
Norfolk & W. . . . National Steel r 5
do pfd ! do nfd 9714
Nor. Pacific ' N. Y. Air Brake. . . 18
do pfd 77'4 North American . . . 12 %
Ontario & W 271 , Pacific Coast 4) ) i
Ore. H. & N do 1st pfd 65
do pfd . 77 do Jd pfil 63
Pennsylvania. .13.1 % Pacific Mall < 7
Rending . 22Vi People's Oaa H9T >
do 1st pfd , , 2 % Pressed Steel Car. . 60
do M pfd , . 30.9 do pM 59
nio a. w . 35 Pull. Pal. Car 1D7H
do pfd . SO Standard n. & T. . . 6 %
St. I * . & S. F . 11 % Sugar i.i ; > i
do pfd do pM 119
Bt. U , Southw. . , . Tenn. Coal & Iron. . 9.
do pfd , S8 U. . Leather 10U
S : . Pnul 1337 ; do pfd 78
do ipM 1IIVJ U. S. Rubber 4SV4
Rt. Paul & Omaha ' to i > M 11.1
Southern Pacific . . S9 Western Union . . . . SSU
Southern 12 % P. C. C. & Bt. I. , . . , 771
IloNtott Stock Quotation * .
BOSTON , Aug , 25. Call loans , 3T4 per
cent ; time loans , 4S5 per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds and mining
shares :
" "
A."T. & s. r. . . . Weatlngti. B , pfd. . , 6S11
do pfd Atchlson 4s 100
Amer. Smear . . . . .152 > i Adventure 514
do pfd .120 Allouez Mln. Co. . . . CU
Bell Telephone . . .S46VJ Atlantic 2714
Boston k Albany. .270 Ilkwton & Mont 3',5
Boston KevaKil . . 194 ! Jlutte & Boston . . . . 77
Iloston & Maine. .203 ( Calumet & Hecla . .S3i )
c. . n. & Q .13di'Centennial ' asii
ntchbun ? pm .118 ( Franklin 20
Mexican Central . . 15 'llumboldt ' s < i
Michigan Tl .100 Osccola CVi ! )
Old Cojony .SOS Parrot 53
Old Dominion . . . . Qulncy 15S
Union Pacific . . . . Santa Fe Copper , . 16
Union Uind Tnmarack , 235
W "t Bnd 95 Wlnona ll i
do pfd .113 Wolverines 4614
Wenllngh. Elec. . . . SOU Utah 4314
\ < MV York Milling ( I
NEW YORK , Aug. 25. The. following
rire the closing quotations for mining
tthares :
Chollar 25 Ontario 775
Crown Point 10 Ophlr 100
Con. Cal. & Va 163 Plymouth 9
Prudwottl GS Quicksilver 2O )
Gould It Currle 35 do pfd , koo
Hale & Notvroji . , 27 Sierra Nevada 63
llomestake 06-0 Standard MI )
Iron filher 60 Union Confolldated. 18
Mexican 45 Yellow Jacket 2o
Ilnnk ClrurliiK * .
CHICAGO. Aug , 25.-Clearings , $18,434,411 :
balances , S1.6S2.605 ; New York exchange. 40o
discount ; sterling exchange. $4.8i4.7W. (
NEW YORK , Aug. 25.-Clearlngs , $167-
849.084 : balances. $6.465,821 $ ,
BOSTON. Aug. 25. Clearings. $19,763,416 ;
balance , tl.664.720.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 2S.-ClmrtnBS , $4.359,938 ;
balances , 513,402 ; money , steady nt 4Q7 per
ct-nt , mostly nt &i 6 per cent ; New York
exchange , 30c discount bid , 20c discount
nskcd ,
BALTIMORE. Aug. Zo.Cloarlng$3,566. ! . -
046 ; balances. $ IS5J > 63.
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 25.-ClenrIngs ,
$12,723,635 , ; balances. $1.616.507.
\etv York Money Mnrke * .
CALL Easier nt 2fl3 per cnt ; last loan at
2 per cent ; prlmo mercantile paper , 4405
per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at $ I.S6H5 ?
4.S6 i for demand and at $ I.S3H5T4.S3H for
sixty days ; posted rates , $1.8104.7',4 ' ; com
mercial b'lls , $4.SJpl.S2t .
SILVER-Ccrtincntes , COWc ; bar ,
691l-16c ; Mexican dollars , 47'4c.
BONDS Government bonds , weak ; state
bonds. Inactive ; railroad bom ! * , strong.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds :
fiAH SILVER Dull , 27'/4d per ounce.
MONEY 1/4 per cent.
The rate ot discount In > ttio open market
for short bills. 3'i per cent ; ( tor three
months' bills , 3VlEJ3' ( ' & per cent.
Io 11 ilon Stock ( luotntlniin.
LONDON , AUE. 25 , I p. in. Closing :
Consols" , money.103 13-16 St. 1M.U1 common..137j ?
Console , acct ,1054 N. Y. Central H2'i
Camudlan Paolnc. . . . ! 'Ji Pennsylvania KIH
Erie H'iHoflillnK 11T
do 1st pM 40U Union Vac. pfd S1H
Illinois Central . . . .119U Atdilion 24
Nor , I'acino pfd. . . . HU1 Louis. & Nash 84H
Cnnilitloii of Iic Trennury.
WASHINGTON. Aup. 25. Today's
inent of the condition of the treasury
show ? : Available cash balance , J275.921.2S4 ;
gold reserve , $246,331,845.
Co Ho u .Market.
Qulot ; sales , 1,000 : ordinary , 3 IB-lOc ; peed
ordinary , 4 7-16c ; low middling , 6Hc ; nld-
dllng , 67sc ; good mlcldllngCVic ; middling
fair , C ll-16c. Receipts , 676 bales : stocks. 13-
? 5.79&S.SOj ( January , J5.S3S5.S1 ; February ,
$5.87 5.89 : March , ; 5.9:05.93 ; April , J5.K5g5.97 ;
May. $5.69SI5.61.
NEW YORK , Aug. 25. COTTON-Putures
closed steady ; August , $5.79 ; September ,
J5.7S ; October , $6.01 ; November , $6.05 ; De
cember , 56.11 ; January , $6.16 ; February ,
$6.19 ; March , $6.22 ; April , JG.25 ; Hay , $6.29
June , $ fi.33.
changed ; middling , 6c ; sales , none ; receipts ,
320 bales ; shipments , ISO bales ; stock , 66-
674 bales.
LIVERPOOL , Aug. 25. COTTON Spot ,
good retail demand , prices 1-32 < 1 lower ;
American middling , fair. 4s 3-32d ; good mid
dling. Ss 25-32d ; mlddSiig , 3s 17-32d ; low
middling , 3s ll-32d ; good ordinary , 3s C-32d ;
ordinary , 2s 31-32d ; siiles of the day were
4,000 , of which 600 were for speculation and
export , and Included 3,800 American. Re
ceipts , 4,000 , Including 3,200 American. Fu
tures opened steady and closed ( steady.
American middling , 1. m. c. , August , 3 31-61
< < l332-61d , sellers ; August and September ,
3 29-Oiga 30-64d. sellers ; September and Oc-
ftobor , 3 27-6403 * 2S-fi4d , sellers ; October and
Novem'ber ' , 3 25-G4fff3 26-64d , values ; Novem-
iber and December , 3 24-64 < ! 7S 25-C4d , buyers ;
December and January , 3 24-64'g3 ' 25-64d , sell-
lers ; January .and February , 3 24-04 f3 25-64d ,
value ; February and. March. 325-64d , buyers ;
March and April. 3 25-040'3 26-64d , buyers ; I i
April and May3M-64d , buyers ; May and
June , 327-C4d , sellers ; Juno and July , 327-64
< jJ32S-64d , buyers.
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. COTTON The
cotton market was Irregular today , with
business on the reduced ! scale and of a
still more local professional character than
of late. The opening was steady , at a de
cline of SitiG points , the latter In Septem
ber , due to the. large number bf notices
Issued this morning. Liverpool cables were
better and bad crop accounts were re
ceived during the llrst hour. The early sellIng -
Ing soon stopped and the market rallied on
covering of shorts and continued llrm.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 23. WOOL-Unchanged.
Quiet for medium and lower grades , and
llrm and active for upper qualities.
BOSTON , Aug. 25. The Commercial Bul
letin will say tomorrow of the wool trade :
The Increase In the volume of business
this week Is due to- one or two large trans
actions rather than to any marked Improve
ment In the general demand. Prices are
no higher , but they certainly are no lower.
Ohio XX commands 32c and there TS" no
staple wool to be had for less than 65o
clean. Round lots of fine medium have
been selling at ISc and lS',4c. EasternjOrc-
gen wool Is the most active , line In the
market , selling In large blocks for 17c , to
cost 32c , clean. The active market for
woolen goods of all kinds Is n , strong sup
port of the- market on raw materials. The
sales of the week are 4,468,500 domestic and
792.700 foreign , a total of 5,261,000 this week ,
against a total of 3SS8,000 last week and a
total of 2,378.000 for the corresponding week
last year. The sales to date show an In
crease of 19,013,000 domestic and 11,046,400
foreign against the same time last year.
The receipts to date show an increase of
263.-190 domestic and a decrease of 40.8SS for
eign against the same time last year.
Oil Mnrlcct.
LIVERPOOL , Aug. 25. OILS-Oottonreed
oil , Hull refined , September and October ,
firm at Ds 9d ; turpentine spirits , easy at
34s 9d ; linseed oil , 22s 6d.
LONDON , Aug. 23. OILS-Turpentlne
spirits. 33s 3d ; Sperm oil , 31s.
NEW YORK , Aug. 25-OILS-Cottonseed
oil , dull ; petroleum , firm ; rosin , quiet and
easy ; strained , common to good , $1.30 ; tur
pentine , easy at 49Jf494c. !
OIL CITY , Pa. , Aug. 25. OILS-Credlt
balances , 217 bbls. ; certificates closed at
$1.2814 bid for casli ; shipments , 55,620 bblS' . ;
average , 84.465 bbls ; runs , 96,918 bbls.j aver
age , 86,131 bbls.
Melul Murkel.
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. METALS The ,
price for spelter e.vhlblted little or no re i
cuperative energy today , while on the other I
Imnd Iron and copper held llrm. Tin on | '
spot was strong , but future delivery metal
ruled quiet and easy. At the close the
Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants
unchanged , with $15.50 bid and $ li ( asked ; 1
lake copper , unchanged at $18.50 ; tin , Jinn
for spot ; futures , easy , with $31.60 bid irhd
$31.75 asked ; lead , unchanged , with $1.60 bid
and $1,62V4 asked ; spelter , t-asy at $1.00iT4.60.
The brokers' price for lead Is $4.35 and for
copper $18.50. Casting copper , $17 ,
\ MV York Coffee Market.
tlons opened steady In tone at unchanged
prices and ruled strong most of the day.
Weak European and Brazilian markets and
lower spot prices caused an easy undertone
later. Ruined near the close on covering.
Closed unchanged to 5 points higher. Sales ,
21,750 bag's , Including ; September. $1.35 ; No
vember. $1.50 ; December , $4.0 ; March. $5 ,
Spot , Rio , dull and oasler : No. 7 Invoice.
6o ; No. 7 Jobbing , 6fcc. ! Mild , steady hut
dull ,
Hide MiirUel In
CHICAGO. Aug. 25. The Shoe and
Leather Review of August 20 will say ;
The packer hide market Is considerably
stronger. There have been quotable
changes of prices , but In some selections
the sales have exceeded the kill and the
packers are unable to make deliveries.
Hides may as well bo added to the lists of
row materials , which are scarce nt the
present time.
A'lhllile S u ) i ply ut CoKoii.
NEW ORLEANS , Aug , 2o.-Secretary
Hester's statement of the world's visible
supply of cotton shows 2,195,963 bales.
against 2,258,351 baleu- last week , 1.673.493
bales last year and 2. 331,73 ? bales In 1S)5 ;
of this the total of American cotton Is 2-
003,963 bales , against 2.044,381 bales last
week , 1,170.493 bales last year and 2 , 10 , 03 S
bales in 1895.
MnrUel ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 25.-SUGAR-R w ,
quiet but steady ; fair refining. 315-16c ; cen
trifugal , 96 test , 4'-ic ; molasses eugar ,
313-lCc : retinal , quiet and steady.
Steady : centrifugal , yellow , 4U'34ic ; seconds
ends , ZViSHHc ,
MOLASSES-Dull ; centrifugal.
Oornfsd Ste ra Generally Sail Fully Steady
with Demand Good ,
CIMTN and Heifer * Coniililerahly Lower
Tlinil n AVcck ARO Fredcrft KnN-
Inar OfT n Week Drawn to n
Clone ( it-nun licet Luvrcr.
SOUTH OMAHA , Aup. 23.
Receipts were :
_ m . . Cattle , llogi. Shejp.
Omo n Monday . 7.5SS 3,129 8,329
Olljc nt Tuesday . 5,615 7,772 3,939
On \\eclnesday . 4,152 6 > 93 1,956
Oniclnl Thursday . 3,019 4,913 , 3,307
Olllclal Friday . 3,275 6,656 034
Thus far this week..i..23,519 27.39,1 IS.lfo
Same clays last week. . . . 18,010 26,177 9,137
Same days week before..lo.lW 35ttS , 28,659
Same three weeks ago..12,155 25,628 10.4S3
Average prlto paid for hogs for the last
several days with comparisons ;
cattle of all kinds were reported In the
yards this morning and of that number
twenty-five were consigned direct to pack
ers and were not offered for sale , so that
there were In reality only a very moderate
number on sale as compared with previous
The supply of beef steers was meager and
the quality not very good. A few loads of
cornfed steers were offered and brought
steady prices , but there were no finished
cattle among them. Only a few loads of
crass beef steers were on sale 'and not
enough seemingly to Interest packers , the
feeders aa a rule being the best buyers.
While cornfed steers have not shown much
change In the matter of values' , the market ,
being Just as high any time of late , grass ,
beef has had ra lower tendency and It la
safe to call the market on that kind fully
23o lower during the last few days. Some
would say that It was off more thnn that.
Cows and heifers were slow today and It
was the very evident Intention of buyers
to take off fylplOc. Yesterday's market on
cows was also easier and for the week
common to medium cows are 10@ 0c lower
and the better kinds lOo lower.
Some of the most desirable lots of feeders
sold at steady prices this morning , but the
general market on stockers and feeders was
a little lower and Inclined to drag on any
thing but the best. The reason for the
r.hnnirft In th mnrU f le t Via fnnrM In thn
fact that It was the latter part of the week
and that there were quite a number of
cattle still remaining in the hands of specu
lators. Considering the circumstances ,
however , the market was not in bad shape
and It Is very apparent that operators on
the market have a good deal of confidence
In Its future. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. Nc. AV Pr. Av. Pr.
1. . 930 $3 60 23. . 932 $5 10 40.1156 $5 30
1. . 830 3 75 11. .1100 5 10 20..1165 G 30
1..1410 400 17..1169 5 20 23..113 ? 5 35
1..1030 4 25 4 . .1164 5 25 23..1201 C 35
1..1050 4 60
13..1185 4 80
2. . 850 385
2. . 9G5 190 2. . 910 2 S3 63. . 957 3 15
:30 : 2 60 5. . 878 2 85 1..1130 3 25
. 870 2 50 1..1350 2 90 3. . SS3 3 25
.1200 2 50 26. . 919 2 'JO 1..1030 3 45
. 929 2 55 2..1100 3 00 3. . 753 380
12. . 520 3 50 1. . 730 3 53
2. 900 325 1..920 3 50 1. . 960 4 50
850 360 49. . C92 3 80
1. . 270 660 1. . 120 6 25 1. . 140 6 25
1..1510 300 1..1190 3 30 1..1220 340
590 3 00 915 3 50 8. . 379 4 15
400 3 CO S20 350 1..1015 4 40
580 3 fO 610 3 75 7. 9G2 4 40
780 325 780 3 75 27. 690 4 75
720 3 50 6. 630 3 75 33. 670 4 75
510 3 50 1. . 590 3 SO
No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr.
1 COW IflfW $325 23 feeders. . 920 $ t 30
1 feeder. . . 920 3 75 29 feeders..10GO 4 30
2 feeders. 72fi 3 55 9 feeders. . 23 4 35
31 feeders. 726 3 55 3 heifers. . 873 3 60
1 cow 950 250 1 stag..1330 385
1 cow 1180 325 23 feeders. . 670 380
| T. A. Coffee Neb.
2 cows 1103 300 1 stag..1030 355
Scows 1002 315 19 feeders. . S40 425
1 feeder..llfO 360 27 feeders. . 1025 423
M. and Wm , Locker Neb.
1 cow 1027 250 20cows 1027 340
27 cows 1027 340 32 feeders..1130 440
45 feeders..1111 4 40
Frnzlcr Neb.
Ibull 1530 330 7'helfers. . 833 375
Icow 1410 3 50
1 cow 840 2 f < 0 Icow 1100 290
L. Hanson Utah.
57 feeders. . 9471 00
J. F. Braddock-Neb.
6cows 931 ? 335 33 feeders..1105 435
13 steers..1193 4 00
John Bailey Neb.
45 steers.,1152 4 SO 70 feeders..126S 390
William Braddock Neb ,
Gcows 1113 340 26 feeders..1241 440
21 feeders..1230 440 30 feeders..1201 390
Corbln Morse S. D.
6helfers. . 766 360 10steers. . . . 1265 420
lOcows 951 365 15 feeders..1001 430
I. M. Humphrey S. D.
45 cows 933 3 3i 61 feeders. . 1100 4 ( fi
2 feeders..1275 325 1 feeder. . . 970 405
47fds. Tex.lOSO 403 9 steers..10j4 450
1 steer 970 360
C. J. Peterson Neb ,
2 feeders. . 960 400 2 feeders. . 820 400
2COWB 1125 335 1 bull 1260 340
2 heifers. . 785 3 30
iBteer , . . . . SCO 300 6 steers..1155 440
H. L. Melckle-Neb.
65 caws 895 3 10
J. O. Hale-S. D.
6 steers..1185 400 6 steers..1278 440
30 feeders. . 10M 4 30
C. J. Hysham Wyo.
Scows UOO 265 2 steers. . . . K5 430
Icow 940 265 1 steer 1050 430
17 bulls 1215 2 60
William Hansen Neb.
Icow 770 250 7 heifers. . 678 340
1 cow 870 260 Ibull 1060 360
7 cows 915 3 15 7 feeders. . S97 4 25
2 COWS 1015 315 16 feeders. . 825 425
Icow 10SO 325 1 calf 120 676
7 heifers. . 757 3 40
J. McClenahan Neb.
Ibull 1410 285 1 stag 1490 325
68 cows 1090 360 C feeders. . 872 335
19 feeders. . 717 360 2 feeders. . SIS 433
4 feeders. . 957 375 40 feeders. . 1033 435
E. P. Meyers-Neb.
34 stecra.,1025 4 0 46 steers..1043 460
HOGS Chicago came lower this morning
and the market at this point eased off a
little , the hops selling a shade to Be lower.
The general run of llghi and light mixed
loads brought II.4.VJJ4.PO. Oood heavy mixed
lends wont nt M,37'tJf4.42's ' and heavy puck-
Ing hogs nt Jl 307N.35. Some very rough
nnd common hog ? sold down to $4.25.
The market was fairly nctlvont the
prices noted above and the most of the hogs
changed hands early In the morning. To
ward the close It slowed tip n little nnd
the demand did not appear quite so brisk ,
but that has been the regular program for
some little time back. The early market
deems to be th < > best and there Is nn apparent
Inclination among buyers to try to cheapen
up on the late pales ,
A glance nt table of average prices above
will show thnt today's market was the- low
market of the week to dnto nnd that the
hogs sold close to 7 > 4c lower than one week
ago. Representative onles :
SHEEP Only two cars were reported In
the yards this morning , so that there was
nothing here to make a market. It Is safe
to say , however , that the very active de
mand noted yesterday was still In evidence
| today and a largo number of both sheep
and lambs might have been disposed of.
In addition to the demand for killers there
Is also a very active demand for feeders.
Inquiries are coming In rapidly from the
country for both stockers and feeders and
commission men report having a large num-
'ber ' of orders calling for several thousand
eheop on nlo. So far very few feeding
sheep have put In an appearance and It
has been Impossible to oven make a be
ginning of filling orders.
Quotations : Prime native wethers , $4.00O
4.15 ; good to choice grass wethers. $3.75S3.85 :
fair to good grans wethers. $3.6503.75 ; good
to choice grass ewe , f3.35iiJ.CO : fair to good
grass en-en , J3.00fj3.25 ; good to choice spring
lambs , $5.25'55.fiO ; fair -to good spring InmbB ,
$5.00UG.2o ; common spring lambs , $4\OOS4.50 ;
feeder wethers , $3.60JF3.75. Representative
sales :
Chicago Live Stock : . '
CHICAGO , Aug. 26. CATTLE OffflrlngB
of cattle were very moderate today. De
mand fair and offerings were disposed of
at yesterday's ruling prices. Good to choice
cattle sold at $5.60ij ( > < i.G5 : commoner grades ,
$3.905.55 ; stockers and feeders $3.3&7iw.OO ;
bulls , cows and heifers , J2.00U6.20 ; Texaa
steers , $3.30iT4.30 ; calves , $4.00 7.25.
HOGS Prices of hogs were steady for
good droves and went to 6c lower for heavy
packers ; heavy hogs , $4.0CKS'4.73 ; mixed lots ,
$4..TG@4.SO : lights , $4.504.90 ; pigs. $3.4004.65 ;
culls , $2.254.00. .
SHEEP Sheep were active and firm ,
while lambs were steady ; receipts were
light and offerings were easily disposed of ;
sheep sold at $2.0053.00 for inferior , up to
$4.204.50 } for good to choice native wethers * ;
western range sheep sold at $3.50 4,15 ;
lamlH sold at $3.606.00.
RECEIPTS Cattle , 1,500 head ; hogs , 17-
000 head ; sheep , 6,000 head.
JS'cvr Yorlc Live Storlc.
ceipts , 1,187 liead ; 40 cars on sale ; trade
slow ; top grades and common steers steady ;
medium , to good , lOSCOc lower ; bulls steady ;
cows lower , 3V4 cars cattle unsold ; steers ,
$4.60535.85 ; tops , $6.23 ; oxen and stags , $4.05 ®
4.60 ; bulls , $3.0033.30 : cows , $1.5052.30. Cables
steady ; shipments , 628 head cattle and 4,160
quarters of beef ; tomorrow , 1,054 head
cattle and 5,350 quarters.
CALVES- > ReceIpts , 39.SOO head on sale ;
market dull ; veals , $4.50fl > 7.2S : grasaers and
buttermilks , $2.5003.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts , 4.032
head. Sheep slow , dull. Lambs. 15f25c
lower. Sheep , $2.503-1.00. Lambs , $4.0035.85 ;
culls , $3.50ff3.80.
HOGS Receipts. 2,788 head ; market steady
nt $4.754.S5 ; three decks of western pigs ,
KnnniiN City I/lv < - Stock.
celpts , 2,700 head natives , 1,600 head Texans ;
best grades active at strong prices ; Inferior
slow , about steady ; heavy steers , $5.75lfi'6.10 ;
light steers , $5.10J/5.95 ; stockers and feeders.
$3.7534.70 ; butcher cows and heifers , $3.10U
4.83 ; canners , $2.40 3.10 ; western steers , $3.60
SRSS : Texans , $3.12 f/3.60.
HOGS Receipts , 6,930 head ; trade opened
steady , demand Improved and close was
shade stronger ; heavy and mixed hogs , $4.50
(3-1.65 ( ; light , $4.6034.75.
SHEEP Receipts , 1,100 head ; supply
again too light to satisfy demand ? and
prices were higher ; lambs brought $5.25 < ij >
5.60 ; muttons , $3.5034.00 ; stockers and feed-
era , $3.003-1.10 ; culls , $2.5033.00.
Si. I.ouU Live .Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 25. CATTLE Receipts ,
700 head ; market steady but flow , owing to
small supply ; native shipping and export
steerfl , $4.003 .25 ; dressed beef steers , $4.50g >
5.00 ; steers under 1.000 Ibs. , $3.7535.15 ; stock
ers and feeders , $3.0033.03 ; cows and heifers ,
$2.405.25 ; canners , $1.5032.75 ; bulls , $2.50ft >
4.00 ; Texaa and Indian steers , $3.0034.70 ;
cows and heifers. $2.2533.75.
HOGS Receipts , 3,500 head ; market
steady ; pigs and lights. $1.7534.83 ; packers ,
$4.GO < iM.7r > ; butrhors. $ l,75Til.S5.
SHEEP Receipts , 700 head ; market
steady ; native muttons , $3.5034.25 ; Iambs ,
$4.503fi.OO ; stockers , $2.40f(3.50 ( ; culls and
bucks , $1.6083.25.
St. .foNi'pli Live Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Aug. 25.-Spe- (
clal. ) The Journal quotes :
CATTLE RerclptB , 2.300 head ; quality
fair ; market active and steady to lOc higher ;
natives. $4.50J5.80 ? ; Texans and westerns.
$1.5030.80 ; COWH and heifers , $2.0031,75 ; bulls
and stags , $2,0034.75 ; yearlings and calves ,
$4.00ft5.00 ; storkers and feeders , J3.503I.65 ;
veals , $5.0036,75 ; Texas veals , $1.001(5.75. (
HOGS Receipts , 4,400 head ; market active
anil 2'/43oc lower ; heavy and medium , $4.60ft >
4.60 ; light , $4.5034.70 ; pigs , $4,5034.65 ; bulk of
sale ? . $4.5031.60.
SHEEP Receipts , 200 head ; market active
and strong ,
Stork In SlKlit.
'Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for August 25 ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep ,
Omaha 3,275 5,6.r,6 KI |
Chicago 1,500 17.000 6,000
Kansas City 4,301 6,930 1,100
St. Louis 700 3,500 703
Totals 9,775 33,056 , 8,431
X MV York llry riomlN Market ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 25.-Markct strong for ,
all staple cottons. Homo untlcketcd bleached
cottons advanced Uc per yard , best known t
tickets tending ngalnst buyers ; heavy
brown cottons also tend'ng upward ; print
clothfcHrm for regulars , but Inactive ; wWe
goods strong SSH'Inch , sixty-four squares ,
8ici 39-lneh , SCx72 squares , 4',4c ; denims
llrm nt recent advances ; Indigo blue ,
turkey red nnd olhfr staple prints steady ;
fair sales ; fancies In rather better request
than on previous days.
M a in-h cuter C'liilli * nml Yarn * .
rAXPHESTER , Aug. 25-C'loths steady
with a fair demand. Yarns firm but qlel.
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wire * to Uhicn o and New York.
Corr * pondfDt i Jjbn * . Warrtr. A Co.
Boon4rirLirEBu > aBRANCH
TVIieii Traveling
Read The Bee
Here Is Where
You Will Find it ill th
Principal Cities.
Jamen Jl. Goilard.
Klmtinll IIouio NCTT * It unit.
I'ubllo Library.
Vfndoiuo Hotel
Boston Pre * * Cltib , 14 noivrorth M.
Geneioe Hotel Xcrrm Bland.
Wm. Shield * .
Uarvnrd L'u'.vcrnlty Library.
K. A. LiiKati , 212 Weft lllth M.
Cheyenne Club.
Auditorium Annex Kcrrm Stand.
Auditorium Hotel New * Sand.
Grnad raclllc Hotel N TT * land.
Urratortlieon Hotel HCTT *
Palmer Hnuiie New * Stand.
Poclitlllceovf Stnnd , No. 21T
bnrn Street.
A * ocluted Advertiser' *
IVeddell ll.itmc.
The Hollcnden.
Commercial Traveler * ' A oolatloa Temple.
r * ' Home.
Ilrorrn Hotel New * Stand.
Hamilton .b Koiiilrlck , OOO-D1B ITtfc s * .
McLalu , iMtt A Co. , 835 Sixteenth It.
Pratt .Mercantile. Co. . 1517 L rlm r Bt.
The Stationer Co. , 15th lUtd L .TT * 1
Street * .
Windsor Hotel News Stand.
> Ioe * Jacob * , nook Inland Depot.
Y. M. C. A. Ueadluir Room.
Wlt Jt Dennett , 211 , IV. Superior It.
K. 0. A. UcndlUK Room
Innlatarru Hotel Headlnv Iio * > k
Honolulu Hotel Reading ! !
i W. A. Moore , Oth uT nn m * & Mala Alt
Welena Public Library.
d erse ailmon.
C. H. "Weaver 4k Co.
F. C. Bovine. I
L. D. Cooper & Co. , O2O Central AT
Robert Held. 1U22 .HoQee Bt.
Cuuten . on eCIT Stand.
UI ROurI Repnbllcua Club , DOB Haiti *
more Ave.
1'ubllc Library.
IllckieckcT Cltfnr Co. , Oth and Walnut
opposite 1' . O.
nallTvny Y. M. C. A. , room UT Cnlofl
Depot , KnnHB * CHj" , Bio.
Public Library.
Y. M. O. A. Rending Room.
W. S. EdniUtan , 1123 O Btroet , DellT.
cry Accut.
Oliver & Iliiliie * , 1OU S. Sprlnv .
F. U. , 422 S. Main St.
Charle A. GI1I1K' " American ExoIiaaKV
S Cockspur St. , Trnfularar So. . , B. W.
Andrevr F. Sclioim , Cor. Pnente
Kipuna and ISicoltn Street * .
' Pnbllo Library.
, Wet Hotel IVcvru Stand.
! Cooper Union Library.
Fifth Avenue Hotel Neirn Stand.
Fifth Avenue Hotel Headline Ro
Umpire Hotel ,
llroome Street Library.
Holland HOIKIC Reading HOOB >
Ileffmnn Home.
Imperial Hotel NeTr * Stand.
Mechanic * ' and Trader * ' Fre
No. 18 leant Sixteenth Street.
I'ren * Club , 12Oni uu St.
WcBtmlnnter Hotel Heading )
Wlnd or Hotel Ilcudluo : ROAM.
Y. 31. C. A. , 2Ud Street a.n4 tlt A
TV. "VVebb , 2405 Wnjkla t *
W. G. Kind.
Novr York Herald Re dlne R
Ave. de 1'Opern.
The * . Cook < Soul , X Avo.
ZOTVO JL Ueatrom.
W. B. Jones , 201 Alder St
Portland Hotel JVevr * Stand.
Mercantile Library.
Public Library.
Pnbllo Library.
Hotel foulaterrn Reading H * .
Santa Ann Free I'ubllo Library.
L. V. Hainuicl , Lroeunt Tit I > * .
Salt LrikeCTV C * .
Pnbllo Library.
Kaitern Nevr * Co , , aiU ! rM ft ,
A. T. Lundliprtf.
George F. Ward.
Garrettiton Hotel \ctrn
Miiiiilninlii Hotrl .Vrrr *
Hotel Vendome Ne > v * Staatf.
Conway ilk Knickerbocker.
I'ublla Library ,
Gerald FltiKlbboii , TOO r * urtl
Roy Allen , : I21 Center St.
Y. U. O. A. Reudluir ROOM.
John W. Gruhuiu 72U-T
Avenue. ,
Urnntlnrr'a Nerr * Stand , 11 Bdaioa4
Junction New * Stand. 001 MM nd M
Y. M. C. A. Readluv ROOM.
I're * * Oluli.
Wludior Hotel.
B. J. Jett , SOB Oil * t f * .
Planter * ' Hotel Nt tr BUUhC
I'ubllo Library.
Wlllard' * Hotel Serr * 8tan l.
\rllntrton Hotel.
Oou ; rilunal Ubrary.
RldlTB Houie.
Arrloultural DepartuirUt Library.