K BXHMW * X THE OMAHA DATLT BEE : STJXDAT , AUGUST 20 , 1890 , NEWS OF INTEREST FROM . IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. AIINOIt MH.-VTIOH. Darls sells glass. Moore's fond kllfs worn and fattens. Flro escapes for building * at Blxby's. Uudweltor beer. L. Roscnfcldt. agent. 0. U. Jncqurmln & Co. , jowclors nnd op ticians. 27 South Main direct. W. C. Kutop. undertaker , 23 Pearl street. Telephones , ofllco , 07 ; residence , 83. Get your work done at the popular Eagle laundry , 72t Brondwny. 'Phone 1G7. The Ladles of the Maccabees will meet In regular session Thursday evening at the usual tlmo nnd place. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to George Schmld , nged 61 , and Victoria Ulcrllng , aged 31 , both of Omaha. Judge J. u. Reed Toft last evening for Bantc Fc , N. M. . where he will preside over the session of the federal court of prl- vnto land claims. Frank Carroll wnB discharged from St. Bernard's hospital yesterday on order from the Insanity commissioners , and he was taken by his sister , Mrs. Jacobus , to her homo In Grand Inland , Neb. The remains of Adam Stubblefleld , who died Thursday nt the Womnn's Christian Association hospital , wcro taken to Bloomington - ington , 111. , yesterday for burial by L. Re mains , brother-in-law of the deceased. The hearing of the contempt proceedings ngalnst the Chicago & Northwestern Rail way company In connection with the In junction eult brought by the Iowa Construc tion company was continued In the district court yesterday by agreement until Septem ber 0. The funeral of the Into Rov. John Vre- ( lenburg , who died Friday nt his home In Omaha , ngcd 80 years , will be held this afternoon nt 2:30 : o'clock from the Broad way Methodist church. The services will bo conducted by the pastor , Rov. Myron C. Wnddcl'l , nnd Interment will be In Falrvlew cemetery. Rov. Vredcnburg filled n Metho dist pastorate In this city many years ago. The funeral ot Frank V. , the Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Westcott , will beheld hold this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family residence , 203 Stutsman street. The services will be conducted by Rev. R. Venting , pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial will bo In the famlry lot In Falrvlow cemetery. Friends wishing to view the re mains can do so this morning between the hours of 0 o'clock and noon. H. E. Brown filed yesterday nn amended petition In his mitt la the district court ngalnst H. H. and B. W. Row land , in which he nsks that the court order G. W. Mathcws , the lessee of the Ogdcn hotel , the property In contro versy In the action , to pay over to him whatever money may be received from the running of the hotel , nnd that Mathews bo enjoined from paying further nny money to cither II. H. or B. W. Rowland. Attorney 0. D , Wheeler of this city com menced suit In the district court yesterdny against the Omnba & St. Louis Railway comnny , the Omnhn. Hanson City & East ern Railway company and the Kansas ( Jlty , Plttsburg & Gulf Railway company for $1,990 damages for alleged personal In juries. Wheeler was traveling from Shenandoah - andoah to Council Bluffs on Jury 19 last , nnd while seated In n caboose at Malvern a car was switched with such violence ngalnst the caboose that the shock Injured his neck. Wheeler alleges that by reason of the Injury his ability for physical and mental labor will be much Impaired. Albert V. Roe , the ono-armcd Postal Telegraph messenger who Is making n bi cycle trip from New York to Snn Francisco , reached hero yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock , having left Avoca at 7 o'clock In the morning. He appeared very stiff and tired , and after resting hero a coupfe of hours ho continued on his way across the f , river. Roe left New York July 23 and cx- ' iicctfl to reach Snn Francisco by Septem ber 23. Ho rides a wheel geared to 5)1 ) , without handle bars , nnd steers It by n crutch four Inches long. The Iowa hills proved n llttlo too much for him nnd he had to do considerable walking , which he eald tired and stiffened him much more „ , than riding. When leaving hero he said f he was confident of making San Francisco on time. N. V. Plumbing compaoj. Tel. 2RO. Domestic sonp whitens your clothes. For Sale- . Bargains at Lovojoy's Rink Barn. Casher or bankable note. Ono span of well broke nnd matched drivers , work In nir harness. These nro stylish. One Mortimer rubber tired trap , polo nnd shafts. Ono Studebaker fi rubber tired phneton , polo nnd shafts , Ono H LaPorto rubber tired buggy , pole and I Blinfto. One Columbus phaeton , shafts. ifi Qua LaPorto road wagon , shafts. Ono La s' ' ' Crosse buggy , pole. The nbovo are all { nearly new nnd In flno condition , nnd hav- I Ing them In surplus I leave with the party named nbove to be sold. sold.J. J. J. GRAVATTE. The unconscious use of hypnotism will pain you success In life. Personal Instruc tion. Address with stump. M , Bee , Coun cil niutfs. Wclsbacb burners at Blxby's. Tel. 191. Domestic soap Is full weight. Suit In Il - < nllutloii. Mrs. Sophia Woldman , who has been a familiar character In the justice courts for a year or more past , owing to her continual squabbles with her neighbors , was brought before the Insanity commissioners yesterday nftornoon on nn Information filed by R. A. Hrugh , charging her with being Insapj. Mrs. V/oIaman kept the neighborhood of Thirty- lourth street and Avenue B In a turmoil forever over a year and , has filed charges In the Justice courts' from time to time ngalnst nlm'ost everyone of the people living ne'a4 her on some charge or another. A cose ngalnat Hough , whom she charged with threatening to do her bodily Injury , Is now pendlnc before Justice Vlen. The Investigation developed the fact that tvhllii Mrs. Woldman was possessed of nn ungovernable temper , there was nothing to shinv that ebo was not ot sound mind and the commissioners , after reading her the riot net , ordered her discharge. In retaliation for her arrest Mrs. WoMman brought suit In the district court against Hough for $0,000 for defamation of charac ter. She alleges that last Monday Hough , In the presence of other persons , used false and slanderous language. Implying that she was a thief. Wanted , eight or ton tinners , cornice nnd furnace , men. Good wnges nnd steady work for good iiu-oJinnlcH. R , Grahl & Son , No. 101 East Hrondway , Council Bluffs. Domestic outwnshea cheap soaps. Lost , smttir brlndlo nnd white bull terrier pup with short broken toll. Reward will bo paid on returning to Dick Stewart. Domestic eoop Is the purest made. Transfer * . The following transfers wcro filed yester day lu thn abstract , title and loan office of j. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : Andrew 13. Brock and wife to William Barker , lot 8. Mock 9 , Everett's ad- dltlon , w. d. , . , , .J SoO Executors of Samuel Royer to John J. Hess , lot 12. block 2 , llutcblnson's llrst addition , w. d . S10 John J. Hess and vJfo to Abnim W. ' Covalt. lot 12 , block 2 , Hutchlnson's llrst addition , w. d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wo Abnim W. Oovalt and wife to Al- piionzo K. Palmer , lot IS. block 2. lluUflilnson's llrst addition , \v.d..j 900 Total amount of four transfers. . , . * 2,800 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT Fur Cimli or Lounrd On. . U. II. SIIRA1-13 A CO. , 0 1'cnrl Strret , Coauoil 111uOn , low * HOSTILE TO MUNICIPAL PLANT Public- Not In Sympathy with Proposed Electric Lighting Scheme , BUSINESS MEN WILL ENTER PROTEST Slnny Tlilnk There I * JfothlnK to Be ( in In oil Yrltli n Good Chance of the Clfy Hclnfc n hon ing I'nrty. The scheme of establishing a eo-called mu nicipal electrle light plant In Coun cil Bluffs , as proposed to the coun cil by E. L. Draffen , president of the Municipal Construction company of Chicago , Is not looked upon with favor by the business men and citizens generally and when the matter comes up for final ac tion hy the city council it Is understood that n committee from the business men will enter a protest. By those who have given the proposition consideration It is regarded as ono In which the city has everything to lose with a very slight possibility of gainIng - Ing anything. This conclusion Is drawn from the fact that the city in order to secure possession of the plant will be compelled to earn sufficient from the commercial light ing to pay the entire operating expenses , which , according to Draffen's figures , will amount to nt least $18,000 per annum. Those In a position to know say this amount can not 'be earned , as the number of business and private houses using electric lights Is decidedly limited. Nothing Is known here about the concern as to its standing or responsibility and even Mayor Jennings and other city officials have teen unable to learn anything about the company. The Merchants' and Manufacturers' asso ciation has Investigated the plan proposed by President Draffen and Is seriously op posed to the city embarking upon any such undertaking. < Domestic soap soTd by all grocers. Lowest prices , easy terms. The best and largest stock of pianos at Swanson Mualo company , Maaonlc Toraplo. SOCIETY AT COUNCIL nMJFFS. Dance Frlilny Mulil hr flowing Anno- clntlon nt Lake Mnnnwn. The most Important social function of last week in Council Bluffs was the dance given Friday night by the Rowing association at its club house at Lake Manawa. Society , or at least as much of It as is left In the city , turned out In full force. A pleasing feature of the affair was the excursion on the lake In the steamer M. F. Uohrcr. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. The Rowing as sociation will entertain Its members and male friends to an Informal smoker to be given on the steamer M. F. Rohrer Friday evening of this week. The steamer will leave the club house at 9 o'clock and re freshments will be served at the club house on returning. In honor of her guest , Miss Germain of Sioux Falls , MIsa Foley entertained on Thursday evening In delightful fashion. A novel 'Mother Goose guessing contest af forded much amusement. Quotations from that favorite author were written on slips ot paper and one given to each guest , with the request to Illustrate them. The illustra tions were numbered and hung around the wall to bo guessed. Miss Ruth Sherraden was the most successful and won the prize. Miss Schoentgcn and Miss Conklin assisted In serving the refreshments. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. H. W. j Rothcrt entertained very delightfully at din ner. Covers were laid for seventeen. In the evening a number of young people drove out from here and a pleasant time was enjoyed bowling and dancing. For her guests , Miss Alice Longley and Miss Marie Statte of Des Molnes and Miss Cooper of Salt Lake , Mrs. Atkins chaperoned a party of seventeen young people to the Greater America Exposition on Monday ev ening. A most charming children's party was given Monday afternoon on the lawn ot "The Gables" by Mra. Charles Teat Stew art In honor of the fourth birthday of her little daugther Marie. About thirty-five wee guests were entertained. A Jolly afternoon was passed by the children In playing games and as souvenirs of the occasion Japanese dolls were given to the little girls and kites to the 'boys. Dainty refreshments were served on the lawn. The tiny maid was the recipient of many gifts. illss Helen Tyler entertained charmingly at tea Thursday afternoon the following members of the "W. B. I. " club : Mesdames James Preston Holliday , Carl Balbach of Omaha and Claude Dye of Tabor , la , , the Misses Isabel Paterson , Julia Tulleys , Cath erine 'Myers ' and Elslo Honn. The engagement of Miss Mamo Holllns ot this city and R. O. Babcock has been an nounced , the wedding to occur In the fall. Invitations have been Issued for the wed ding of Miss Laura Davis and Hiram Jones on September 11. The members of Palm grove. Woodmen qlrcle , gave a most enjoyable lawn party Friday evening at tbo home of Mrs. Habn on Washington avenue , Mr. and Mra. W. S. Stlllman entertained a box party at the Trocadero on Friday even ing. ing.Kdwln Kdwln Coltb and Louis Babeechan , both of Chicago , nro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Rothert. Miss Stonebrakcr and Master Stonebraker of Henderson are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Perkins. Miss Lu Carson returned Thursday from a visit of two months In Detroit. IMIss Miller , who has been the guest for several weeks of her sister , Mrs. A. E. Bray , returned to her home In Beatrice , Neb. , on AVedncsday. Mlf.s Emma Moorbouso has returned from Chicago , where she has been taking the Bummer course In tbo Chicago university. Mr. and Mrs , II. J , Chambers bad as their guest last week Hon. John Lake of Rockford - ford , 111 , Mrs. 0. G. DuBols left Thursday for Shan non City to accompany her sister , Mrs , M. C. Stevenson , on a visiting trip In Iowa , Chicago cage and Ohio , 'Mrs ' , A , M , Beardsley and two sons have returned from Los Angeles , Cal , , where they have been visiting relatives and friends for the last two mouths , Mr , and Mrs. Nicholas O'Brien are so journing at Colfax , In. Mr. and Mrs , Isaac Van De Bogert of Un derwood are the guests of Council Bluffs friends. F. T. True and George W. LIpe have gone on a trip to Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglas are enter taining Mrs , James E , Moore and daughter of Mason City , la. Miss Couklln , who has been the guest ot Mrs. T. J. Foley , returned to her home In Austin , III. , Friday evening. Major S , H. Mathewa attended the reun ion ot Company A , Twenty-ninth Iowa In fantry at Logan Friday. MUa Bryant and Miss Mclntosh have re turned from their western trip. I. M. Homau has returned from a pleas ant trip abroad , during which he visited Norway , Sweden and Flnlaud. Ho has been absent since the middle of June and on his return stopped at New York for a short visit. He also spwt n few daye In Chicago , where he was the guret of Mr , and Mrs. J. F. Wllcox. Seth M. Smith , one of the pioneers of Montgomery county , was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. A. B , Moore of Sixth avenue. Hev. W. S. Barnes , pastor of the First Presbyterian church , has returned from his vacation outing. N. A. Crawford returned Thursday from a two weeks' trip to Minnesota points. Mm. W. Slead returned Thursday from Manltou , Colo. Mrs. Van Order and children are visiting relatives and friends In Illinois. Miss Gertrude Kennedy , who has been visiting relatives hero , has returned to her home In Logan. Miss Agnes Cook Is vloltlng In Malvern , Iowa. Miss Helen Shepard Is spending her vaca tion at Sioux Falls , S. D. Miss Annie Vandcrcock of Avenue A has gone to Superior , Wls. for a month's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Metcalf returned Sun day from their eastern trip. Thd'y stopped In Ohio to visit for a few days with Mrs. Thomas Metcalf , who , with Miss Delia , Is having a delightful time among old friends. C. F. Turner has gone to Russcllvlllo , Ky. , on a pleasure trip. iMrs. Robert Mullls and son have returned from a six weeks' visit with friends In Mich igan. igan.Mlpa Mlpa Bertha Patterson Is visiting In Atchison - ison , Kas. Miss Lu Massenberg has gone to Manltou , Colo. , on a two weeks' visit to her sister , Mrs. W. J. Davenport , and family , who are spending the summer in Colorado. Mrs. John C. Watts of Chicago was the guest last week of Mrs. Mary Watts at the Bonham home on North Second street. Miss Guselo Grouoweg Is visiting friends in Mlncolo. F. J. Hoagland of Little Sioux spent last week In the city the guest of his parents. John M. Galvin Is in Colorado on a pleas ure trip. Miss Winifred Besley 1 visiting with friends at Crcston , la. Airs. RIma has gone to New York on a visit. visit.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Scott and daughter , Miss Claudia , bavo returned from their visit in Nebraska City. Air. and Mrs. Frank H. Miller are enjoying ft visit from Mr. Miller's mother , Mrs. Mar garet Miller ot Chicago. Mrs. S. W. Hoynolds and Miss Nellie Bar rett have reurned from an extended visit In Chicago and southern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Mumma ore sojourning at Manltou , Goto. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lincoln of Wyoming , 111. , who have been visiting relatives here , left Sunday for Petoskey , Mich. , where they will visit before returning homo. Mr. and Airs. Fred M. Loomls have re turned from a visit with Chicago friends. iMlss Ida B. Wallace of Dubuque Is vis iting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wal lace , of Bluff struct. Mrs. F. M. Miller and family of Portland , la. , are the guests of Airs. Miller's brother , Dell J. Cfark , of Fifth avenue. Airs. Wesley and children of Graham avenue - nue are visiting relatives In Persia , 111. AIlss Cella Chaplain of Seventh avenue Is visiting her sister , Mrs. J. D. Maulo of Fairmont , Neb. E. W. Bennett of St. Paul Is visiting his mother , Mrs. H. Wlnn. Miss Isabelle Patterson of South Sixth street has returned from an extended stay In Chicago , where she has been a student at the art Institute. Mrs. B. M. Sargent and daughter Adah left Wednesday for Madison , Wls. From there they go later to Janesvillo , Wis. , to visit ( Mrs. Pulkner. Miss Madge Penny Is visiting In Los An geles , Cal. On her return home she will stop in Salt 'Lake ' City for a visit with friends. 'Air. ' and Mrs. J. T. Pugh have as their guest Mrs. A. E. Cass of Plattsmouth. Frank Hoagland returned Friday from his trip to Lake Okobojl. Charles Neldthardt of Beatrice , Neb. , was the guest Thursday of Air. Gus Bergman. 'Miss ' Emma Becbo and Mr. Walter Beebo have returned from their trip to South Dakota. AIlss Nellie Johnson has returned from a five weeks' visit with friends and relatives In Dunlop , la. Mrs. Harry Burkloy and baby of Omaha are the guests of Mrs. Burkley'a parents , Mr. and Airs. O. P. Wlckham. Mr. and Airs. Lee Evans left Tuesday for Chicago , where they go on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Duquette , who recently re moved there from this city. iMlas Kate O'Rourko has returned from a two weeks' visit In Sioux City. Miss Daisy Strohm of Third avenue Is en tertaining ber cousin AIlss Delia Strohm of Downs , Kan. iFred C. Fllcklngor has returned from Den ver , Colo. , and other western points and Is visiting his brothers , A. T. and I. N. Fllck lngor. Miss Alyrtle Brown entertained last week nt her home William Buckncr of Kansas City. John T. Stewart , Jr. , Is visiting In Kansas City. Airs. Smith Saunders 1s spending a few days visiting friends in Chicago. AIlss Ehtle Patton of Kansas City Is the guest of AIlss Ruth Earstow of South Sixth street. 'Mr. and Airs. I. C. Bonham and Mr. and Airs , George Gould leave Wednesday for a trip to Colorado. ( Miss Florence and "Master " Edward Roth of Lincoln , Neb. , are the guests of ailss Nell Bonham. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alltchell entertained last wccg Air. and Mrs , Thomas Bowler of York , Neb , Airs. Herdmnn returned from a two weeks' visit In Detroit , Allen. , yesterday. Miss Louise Carson has returned from her eastern trip , during which she attended the International convention of Christian En deavor societies and visited relatives In Michigan and Cleveland , O. Airs. E. C. Lalnson leaves tomorrow for a two weeks' trip with her husband th/ough Nebraska. AIlsH Blanche Kelsey has returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in northwest ern Nebraska. Allss Jesslo Shlrman of > Slnux City Is th"3 guest ot Alias Alaud Farrlngton'of Lincoln avenue. A party which Included Alessrs. E , W , Hart , H. W. Blner , B. AI. Sargent , Dr. V. L. Treynor and B , O , Nichols enjoyed nn outing and fish supper at "Augustine's" Fri day night. Mr , Lee Brownrlgg has returned from his sojourn in Wyoming , where be went for the benefit of his health , much Improved , Air. and Mrs. J. J. Hughes , AIlss Edith Wyckoff , Airs. Julia Hughes and Air. and Airs , J , F. Goad of Omaha returned yester day from a week's camping at Blue Lake , At Bourlclus Music House you can rent nn organ from 75 cents to $1.25 per month , rent allowed on price If purchased. Why not give your children a chance which may , perhaps , be the only ono of a lifetime for them to ream music ? 835 Broadway , where the organ stands upon the building. Prized go with Domestic soap. Trnulilrii lit l.uUe Mannri" . Colonel F. C , Heed , the erstwhile owner of the summer resort , Lake Manawa , went be fore Justice Vlen yesterday and swore out a search warrant for tbo Grand Plaza on the grounds that liquor was being sold there contrary to the laws of Iowa. The warrant was placed In the bands of Constable Albertl , who , with two assistants , made a raid on the place and seized all the beer and liquor there was on hand and brought It to Justice Vlen's office. Colonel Heed also filed an Informa tion against a man named Saunders , who was said to be running the beer garden nt , the Plazn , and a warrant was Issued for his ; ' arrest on the charge of selling liquor contrary - trary to law. Saunders managed to get j wind of the Impending trouble and took the , first car to Omaha , telling the people nt the | I lake that ho had had all ho wanted ot run- ' nine a place In Iowa. | Not satisfied with this , Heed commenced suit against Cole on an alleged claim ot , $39.33 for wngea and gnrnlshccd C. U. Hnn- nan ns receiver of the Lake Manawn Rail way company , ns cashier of the First Na tional bank and as a private citizen. The hearing on the application of Colonel Heed for an annulment of the contract be tween Cole and Receiver Hannan was con- tlned In the district court until next Tues day. Colonel Reed's action yesterday la said to be the result of an attempt to freeze him out of his equity In Lake Manawa , at least this Is what ho alleges Is meant by Receiver Hnnnan's apppllcatlon to the court for per mission to sell the property of the Lake Manawa Hallway company. POPULISTS AVIM , an.iuun FUSION. Pnrtr Will Cling to Ileform Wlilmnt Any Unworthy Accompniilnteiitn. A. M. Hutchlnson , chairman of the popu list county central committee , says the ma jority of the people's party In Pottawat- tomlo county la strongly opposed to fusion in any shnpo , manner or form , and that it repudiates the action of the so-called popu list convention presided over by Weaver at Des Atolnra last Wednesday. The nntl- fustonlsts or mlddlo-of-thc-road populists will hold thi'lr state convention nt Dc Alolnes Wednesday , Aueust 30 , when Mr. Hutchlnfion says a. party ticket will b named and it will not bo n democratic ono cither. In the call Issued by A. W. C. Weeks of WIntorset , chairman of tbo popu list Btato central committee , ho says : "Tho dark cloud of fusion that has al most obscured the Tight of the people's party seems to be drifting away , revealing to the anxious eyes of the reformers the real situation and uncovering to the vision of others the hideous results of political miscegenation , and there Is now gleaming In the heavens the radiant star of hope. Let true populists once more gird on their armor and rally around our standard un dismayed and resolve to make one more effort to start the party again toward the proud and Influential Bosltlon It occupied before It was seduced Jrom the straight and narrow path of political virtue. There is real assurance that wo are now about to become what we ought to be , tbo hope of the reform sentiment. So-called silver republicanism has thrown off its mask and acknowledges Its democracy. The fusion populists now rely solely on the 'Integrity of their allied. ' There IB no ono else to uphold the banner of populism. Let us not fall in our du ty. " The county convention of the middle-of- the-road populists of Pottawattamle county to elect delegates to the state convention at Des Alolnes will bo bald Saturday of next weak dn. this city. Chiircli A'otea. The services at Grace Episcopal church to day will be as follows : Holy communion at 8 a. m. Sunday school nt 9:45 : a. m. mornIng - Ing prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock , evenIng - Ing prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock. Next Thursday , being St. Bartholomew's day , there will be holy communion at 8 a. m. Rev. G. W. Snyder will preach nt St. John's English Lutheran church today nt 10:30 : a. m. and 8. p. 'm : Sunday school will be at noon and Young People's meeting at 7:30 : p. m. At the First Christian church this mornIng - Ing the pastor. Rev. S. AI. Perkins , will take as the subject of his sermon "Things Which Hinder a Proper Understanding of the Bible. " In the evening his theme will bo "The Alartyrdom ot Stephen , " as found in the seventh chapter of Acts. Rev. Alexander Lltherlond , pastor of the Second Presbyterian church , will preach this morning on "Tho Apostle Philip , A Type of Honesty. " In the evening his subject will be , "Nathaniel Bartholomew , A Typo of Devotion. " The Christian Endcavorcre will meet Tuesday evening at the church to ar range for the coming convention. "Tho Dovll In Church" will bo the subject of Rev. H. Ventlng's sermon tills morning at the First Baptist church. In the evening the subject of his discourse will bo , "A Solemn Inquiry. " All services and meetings will be at the usual hours. The services at the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today will bo as follows : Alornlng service at 10:30 : o'clock ; Sunday school at noon ; meeting of Z. R. L. society at 6 p. m. , and evening service at 7:45 : o'clock. At the Fifth Avenue church this morning at 10:30 : o'clock the pastor , Hov. G. P. Fry , will preach on "Walking In the Light. " In the evening hla subject will bo. "Disqual ifying Effects of Alcoholic Drinks Upon the Drinker , " being the seventh of the series on "Perils of City Life , " which Pastor Fry is delivering under the auspices of the Ep- worth league of his church. All other services and meetings will be nt the usual hours. There will bo no preaching services today nt the First Congregational church. Sunday school will bo held as usual at noon and meeting of Christian Endeavor society at 7 p. m. The midweek prayer meeting will beheld hold Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. At the Broadway Alethodlst church this morning the pastor , Rev. Myron C. Wnddell , will preach on "Lessons of Suffering. " In the evening his subject will bo , "Oliver Crom well , n Character Study. " All services will bo at thn usual hours. Hev. W. S. Barnes , pastor of the First Presbyterian church , wli preach this morn ing on "Tho Allnlstry of Sorrow. " In the evening his subject will bo "Forty Days In the Wilderness. " Sunday school will bo at noon and young people's meeting at 7 p. m. WiiHh Day I'i'Ici-N. Monday wo win eell nil wash day goods nt 15 per cent discount. Clothespins , n dozen , 1 cent. Blueing , the bottle , 5 cents. Clotheslines , 8 cents. Clothes baskets , 45 cents. Wnah tubs , 49 cents. Wash boilers , 70 cents. Wringers. $1.75 , Wash machines , $2.DO. Twelve bars Diamond C soap , 25 cents. WHITE HOUSE C. 0. D. . Fourth Btreet and Broadway , FRANK PETERSON. Proprietor. For rent , modern seven-room house on North Scott Btreet. J. C. DEVAVEN. TO AVOID A SYMPATHETIC STIUICR. i-wrro I.nhorerM Put to Wnrlc on II- IliiriU Central ( irmlliiK In I'MVII. FORT DODGE , In. , Aug. 19. ( Special Tel- egrara. ) Out of tbo 125 negro laborers which the Illinois Central Imported a few days ago from Crystal Springs , Miss. , fifty went to work this morning on the new line of the Fort Dodge & Omaha , The surfacing gang , which has been at work at Tar a , was trans ferred yesterday to Rockwell City. This was done to avoid a sympathy strike and with the expectation that the negroes would go to work If the white laborers were taken away. This morning fifty men started to work at the original price agreed upon , $1,25 per day. and the remainder of tbo lot are stin holding out for $1.75 and $2 , which was paid the white men. The contractors , who were behind with their work , have had their time extended to allow 'them ' to finish. Do You See the Point ? I ? Others have. The fact is that wo are selling Buooa for loss money than they bnvo over been sold In Council Bluffs Noi shoes "made to soil nt a price , " but first-clftss poods , rnndo by the boit of makers , How do wo do It ? Wo don't ' RVO ! premiums or prizes , but plvo you your moneys worth In shoes and when wo buy wo Insist on having full value , and wo giro our customers the bonoflt. -s Ladles' liaiul turned Viet Kid Inco . . . . $2.50 Ladies' Goodycnr welt , Vlcl Kid lace S2.RO 1 Ladies' cloth top lace , black or tail . . < . . . . . S2.00 I Ladles' llcxablo Vicl lace , latest lasts $1.54 Ifc Ladles' solid Dongola lace . . . $1.25 Ladles' solid Dongola oxford . . . . $1.00 fc Boys' line Vicl Kid dress shoes $2.25 Hoys' Canco Cnll Inco shoes $1.60 fcI Hoys' steel quilted bottom shoes $2.00 Itoya'Tnn Calf Inco shoes 51.40 Hoys' genuine Colt Skin shoes $1.75 Boy * ' Satin Cnlf Inco shoes $1,35 Wo guarantee every 0110 of the above ehocs to bo honestly made of solid leather and to giro good Borvloo , Our Eclipse 83.50 Shoe for Ladies Is cut from the best stock that money will buy and is made by expert "workmen fcr There Is nothing bettor mndo at any prlco. Wo can fit you In any of the latest lasts , and wo guarantee ever4 , pair of them. them.HAMILTON'S SHOE STORE , Sr Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday. The only Real Bicycle Sale Ever in Council Bluffs. We have sold over 200 new wheels this year and will still continue to sell wheels. This la a clearing sale. We need the room. FOR $17.7S. FOR $18.00 FOR $22. SO A new 1S99 model. A now 1S99 model. New 1900 Model , Guaranteed Wheel , Flush joints , 1 1-8 Tubing. Guaranteed Tire , S-plece cranks , Guaranteed Wheel , Beet handle bars and pedals , Guaranteed Wheel , Guaranteed Tire , Guaranteed Tire , S-pleco cranks. Nickel will not rust , Expanders on seat post. Expanders on bar and seat , Three coat enamel. Best enamel and nickel , Best of options. Choice of three saddles. Choice three saddles. As flno as the finest , and If you Cholco of pedals. Cholco three styles pedal * . know , lot us ihcar your opinion. You all know the LEAGUE aud IMPERIAL. They go at clearing prices. We are after quick buyers and it will pay you if you have to come one hundred miles to buy. These prices cannot be beaten by dealers who sell 1000 wheels. Best repair shop in the city. Ooen Monday evening. & Main Street , Council Bluffs. Jo\va , A.DAVIS'SONS a CO. MAKERS JOHN GWOODWARD&CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS I COUNCIL BLUFFSIOWAi SENDS IN fllS RESIGNATION Charles T. Hancock , Chairman of Iowa Ee- publioan Central Committee , Quits. HIS WITHDRAWAL PURELY VOLUNTARY IlciiNomiMy Certain tlml II. C. Woiivor of Wiuu-llu "Will ! ! Uli-uti'il to Fill ( lie Viieniipy Wlicu. Coiiunlttut ! .MrelH. DES MOINBS , Aug. 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Register will make an author ized announcement In the morning of the resignation of Hon. Charles T. Hancock of Du'biique as chairman of the- republican state central committee. Despite the talk of a few of hla enemies , the resignation Is purely voluntary. He has vast business In terests and ho feels that ho cannot afford to longer neglect them , and then bis wlfo U set against his again taking the chairman ship. Mr. Hancock manageil the campaign last year with no small expense to himself , and ho feels that someone elwe should now step to the front and center and report for duty. The state central committee will meet the last of the week to select a chairman to succeed Mr. Hancock and It Is said to bo reasonably certain that Jlon. II O. Weaver of Wapello , the representative from Louisa county , will bo chosen. When the state central committee met after the state con vention hero without electing a new chair man the \vlschea\ls \ thought something .was i j ' In the air and the resignation will bo no' great surprise. The national encampment of the Union Veterans' Union will open In this city Mon- ' day. A large number of veterans have already - ! ' ready arrived , nnd the committee In charge expects an attendance of at least 5,000. Gen eral Langslaff , the department commander , will arrive from Dubuque early Monday morning. The Iowa Deet Sugar Development com pany was organized hero today with John S. Emery , president and treasurer ; Adam Howcll , vlco president ; I. K , Tone , ccond vice president , and D. I ) . Lyons , secretary. All are prominent citizens. The new com pany Intends to contract during the next few weeks for 8,000 acres of sugar beets for next year'u crop , and will have * a big fac tory built In this city In time to handle them next year. The company alto pro- Treynor & Gorham Yen Days Special Sale of Carpets and Draperies. We will give these special prices for the next ten days to make room for our fall stock for cask only. v ) Cash ! Cash ! Cash ! Cash/ / 60c Tapestry Brussels carpet now , per yd. . . . 40c 75c Tapestry Brussels carpet now , per yd . . . . 60c $1 Tapestry Brussels carpet now , per yd . . . . 8Oc $1 Body Brussels carpet now , per yd 75c $1.35 Body Brussels carpet now , per yd . . . . $ I.OO § 1 Moquette carpet now , per yd 75c § 1.25 Extra Moquette carpet now , per yd 85c $1.15 Axminster carpet now , per yd 85C $1.35 Axminster carpet , now , per yd - $1 .OO $1.10 Velvet carpet now , per yd 75c $1.25 Wilton Velvet carpet now , per yd 9Oc $1.50 Eoyal Wilton carpet now , per yd $1,25 We will also make a 25 per cent reduction on all silk portieres , tapestry portieres , rope portieres , bamboo portieres and bead portieres also on our superb line of lace curtains. Nottingham , Irish point , Brussels , net , savoy , rennaisance , Swiss and Kococo. 15 per cent off on oil cloth , door mats , grilles , linoleum , etc. These Prices Are for Gash Only. TREYNOR & GORHAM , HENRY GEORGE IO Cents. 5 Cents. am TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. ' H John G. Woodward & Co. , poses to arouse an Interest In the Industry throughout the state and possibly to estab lish other factories. There Is ample capi tal behind the company , Spolln nil ii < i | > i-nil'llt. CKDAR HAPID3 , la. , Aug. 19. ( Special. ) Thursday morning a man named McCul- lough , from Huron , S. D. , came hero , nnd late that night his wife and a fcmalu friend , who had been vlsltin ? at Glldden , arrived. They had arranged to meet McCulIough'a hired man hero , but the latter stele n lot of silverware , and when omcors searched hl trunk nt Huron letters were found giving all the details of the proposed elopement. McCulloiiRh took his little girl baby and re turned homo , wlillo the wlfo went to Suells- burg with her female friend. Moclrrn AViiiXlmeii llfilit n IMrnln , ONAWA , la. , Aug. 19 , ( Special , ) Four thousand Modern Woodmen held their an nual picnic at Smlthland today. Rev. K. B. John'son of Sac City delivered an address on "Woodcraft" and bands discoursed music in abundance , Onawa sent a special train with over SOO people and Sioux City , Ma- plcton and surrounding towns were well represented , Scientific optician , Wollmas , JCS Dr'dway. Davit sells paint , , WANTED , I/onnH on Improved farms' In western Iowa and on Insldo property In Council Bluffs. Our rates are UH low as any one. KOH SALE. House of C rooms , nearly new , Rood cellar barn , well , lot of one acre , with fruit : lo cated In south part of city ; jl.COO ; eaay terms. We have several line farms and a large list of city property for sale , VOH RENT. No. 335 Avo. F. , 7 rooms , J20. No , 929 Fourth avenue , 8 rooms , } 25. No. 121 Fourth St. , 9 rooms , (30. No , 1720 High street , 6 rooms , J8 , Flat , 221 South Seventh Htreet , modern 130 List your property with us for nule or rent , FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE. LOWEST RATES. LOUOEE & IX3UGBB. No , 102 Bouth Main Street , Council Uluff , la. Telephone 312. THE NEUMAYER JACOII JVKIIMAYKH , I'HOI' . 201 , 200 m 210 Hroadway. Council Uluffg. Rates , Jl.OO per ilnyj 75 rooms. Flrst-clHM In every respect , Motor line to all depots. lx > cal agency for the celebrated St. Loui4 A. 13. C. beer. First-class bar.