Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1899, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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Meanlims a Deadly Qulot Settles Down
Upon the Town.
lleclpc * . for Spnnlliifc n Snnnncr Vncn-
tlnti 1'lcnnnnlly ConiliiK * null
of Hie llcnlKcn * .
of Oinnlin.
A deadly quiet has eattled over Omaha
while the world goes n-summcrlng. Those
unfortunates who , because of stress of
business or other equally cmbarasslng con
ditions , are compelled to endure the "dog
days" of August nt homo , spend their even
ings in the cool and beauty of the expo
sition grounds. Teas and dinner parties
with the requisite nil ft collar and dress
suit hold no alluring charms. In a few
weeks , however , society will bo taking up
her usual round of gaiety and bo summoning
her devotees from mountain , sea , auJ
plain for the entertainment of the "strang-
eh within her gates. "
Recipe for a Summer Vncnllon.
A picnic or two ,
A trolley ride ,
A railroad trip ,
A country clrjve ,
JMIx well with dimt nnil summer fun ,
Add languor , humor , Ice nnil fun ,
Verandas , mioonllght , n blcyclo run ,
With pretty phrases , dilute to taste
This heavy compound , but do not waste
The palling sweets In Its adorning ;
Bcrvo crisp and fresh on Sunday morning.
Mnveinentn of Society 1'enplc.
Mrs. Frank Porter loft for Chicago Mon
Miss Winnie Dauman is visiting at Honey
Mr. A. K. Squlro has removed to DCS
Molncs , la.
Mrs. F. C. I'atton Is visiting her parents
In Fremont. .
Judge Baxter has gone to Dome lake on
a fishing trip.
Miss Mary Wood Is spending a week nt
Whtcrloo , Neb.
Mr. J. W. Munn and wlfo have returned
from Hot Springs.
Mrs. George Darker is convalescent after
her severe Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Hansom returned last
week from thu east.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Daldrlgo are homo
from an eastern trip.
Mrs. Samuel Burns' is spending the sum
mer at Chautauqua , N. Y.
Mrs. Jnmcs McKcnna and Mrs. W. O.
Droatch left yesterday for Hot Springs , S.
D. , and Sylvan lake.
Mr. E. C. Price and family are spending
a month among the Black Hills. *
Miss Georgia Llndsoy is the guest of the
Misses Crounso of Fort Calbaun.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. VanDusen left on
Monday for an outing at Long Pine.
Mr. Devore Palmer has returned from a
pleasant vacation at Yankton , S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy , jr. , left
Wednesday for a fortnight's trip east.
Dr. Victor H. Coffman and family left
last week for a tour through the west.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rosewater left for
a fortnight's trip to Lake Powaukee , Wls.
Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer left this
week for a vacation nt Glenwood Springs.
Mrs. John S. Berry and children arrived
home after an extended visit in New York.
Mrs. Arthur Pinto returned Monday from
a month's visit In Wisconsin and Michigan.
Mrs. Joel M. Cornish , accompanied by
her nleco , has gone to Glenwood Springs ,
Colo. ,
Mrs. W. C. Ives and mother. Mrs. Locke ,
win return home next week from the Black
G. S. Benawa and Bister , Mrs. Plncotnbo ,
have gone for a three weeks' trip on the
Lieutenant Cowin left Monday afternoon
for San Francisco , whore ho will sail for
Miss Nelllo Randair and Miss Marv Town
.are- spending two weeks among Lincoln
Rev. Hubert Herring and wlfo have Bone
to PoynoHe. Wls. , to spend a month with
Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Hamilton are spend
ing the month of. August in Wisconsin and
'Minnesota. '
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller have returned
from Macklnao island and a tour of the
great lakes.
Mrs. J. A. Hannan leaves today to visit
rcratives In Rockford , 111. , and Niagara
Falls. N. Y.
Messrs. Charles and Herbert Woodland
have gone to Sioux Fairs , S. D. , for a two
' . '
weeks' outing.
Mr. A. P. Brink returned homo from a
pleasant vacation spent in Atlantic City and
along the coast.
Mrs. H. K. Burket Is expected home next
week from a two months' stay at her cot
tage at Tekamah.
Mrs. E. G. Brabrook left yesterday for a
ten days' visit with friends in Denver and
Colorado Springs.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hull left Satur
day for a short visit with Judge and Mrs.
Holnfcs of Lincoln.
( Mr. John T. Gathers has gone to Pennsyl
vania on a visit to bis old homo. Ho will be
gene about a week.
Miss A. Haskel returned this week from
Illinois , her former home , and an extended
visit through the cast
Louis R. Bostwlck returned yesterday
from a month's outing in the Hocky moun
tains hunting and listing.
Mrs. Clement Chase is convalescing after
a fong and serious illness' at the homo of
her parents In Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wharton and sons ,
Gerald and Clement , report a pleasant va
cation nt Hot Springs , S. D.
Internal Kovenuo Collector Houtz and
O. M. Lambortson have gene on a two
weeks' fishing trip in Montana.
Mrs. Edward V. Lewis , Miss Lewis and
Arthur Lowls have returned after an out
ing of six weeks at Lake OkoboJI.
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Hlgby and children
have returned from a visit to DenrtWood.
Spcarflsn and other Black Hills points.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barbon returned
from a pleasant trip to Denver and left
Thursday afternoon1 for a visit to Chicago.
Dr. Frederick J. Wearne left last nlsht
for a two weeks' sojourn to Manltou , Col
orado Springs andj other mountain resorts.
Miss Agnes C. Myers has returned from
a two weeks' pleasure trip to Denver. Goto-
rado Springs , Pike's Peak and Salt Lake
City.Mr. . D. H. Goodrich nnd Mr. C , Will Ham-
itton returned last week from a pleasant
vacation spent at Duluth , Macklnac and the
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler and Mrs. Rob.
ert J. Binning wilt leave the latter part of
the week for a ten days' trip through/Col
Dr Doherty has rented his houBe to Mr.
W Irving of Wyoming , and will move his
family to Yankton , S. D. . about Septum-
tier 10.
Mr Harry Laurie sailed for Europe last
week. He will return in October accom-
panlcd by his family , who are at present in
Miss Ethel Wllklns has returned from
Colorado after a delightful visit of a month
In Denver , Georgetown and other places of
Leonard Mack of the Union Pacific yard-
master's omco has returned from a trip to
Denver , Ogdcn , Salt Lake and other west ,
ern points. 1
'Miss ' Grace Gunncll returned last week
from a vacation of n month , during which
* hn visited Chicago , "Milwaukee and Michi I '
gan points.
Miss Susie F , Brady , has returned from \
Cheyenne accompanied by her sister , Mrs.
Frank J. Morris , with whom she spent
seven weeks.
Mrs. C. 0. Saunders , accompanied hy her
chlfdrcn , left Friday evening for a visit of ;
three week * with relatives at Spokane
Falls , Wash.
Mr. James McKcnna has gone on a short
sea voyage. He will spend two weeks in
Ireland and return on the same vessel In
which ho crossed , [
Miss Hodslo Ford will accompany her sis
ter , Mrs. Wcrmcr , to her home in Philadel
phia , and will attend Miss Baldwin's school
In Bryn Mawr , Pa.
A. H. Waterhotise , the newly erected prin
cipal of the High school1 , and Wife , have
taken up their residence In this city at 416
South Twenty-eighth street.
Rev. T. J. Mackay , rector of All Saints'
Episcopal church , Is enjoying a much need
ed rest at Glenwood Hot Springs , where ho
will remain until September 1.
Miss Jessie Dickinson , daughter of Gen
eral Manager Dickinson of the Union Pa
cific , left Thursday with a party of friends
for a trip through Yellowstone park.
Mrs. E. L. Lomax. Mrs. Robert Baxter
and Mrs. J , H , Mlllard loft yesterday in a
special car over the Union Pacific for an
outing in California of several weeks.
A. II , Heath of the Kansas Farmer , Topeka -
peka , Kan. , nnd wife , are enjoying the
Greater America exposition. They are the
guests of H. E. Heath and wlfo of this
Miss Henrietta Roes has returned homo
after a pleasant visit with relatives at
Kcokuk , la. , and Memphis , Mo. Miss Rccs
was accompanied by her cousin , Miss Gcrt-
rude Roes.
Mr , and Mrs. F. J. McArdlc are about to
move Into their new home , near Twenty-
11 tth and Hamilton streets. The interior Is
now belnc decorated and is fast ncarlng
.Mrs. A. Mandelbcrg and children , Walter ,
Sidney and Hoslnnm , returned yesterday
from a delightful trip of several weeks'
length In the mountain regions about Mant-
tou nnd Colorado Springs.
W. B. Whltehorn nnd C. N. Forbes have
returned from Danville , 111. , where they
were the cucsts of their cousins , the Misses
Good. Their trip also extended to Niagara
Falls and New York City.
Miss Clara Palmer arrives home today
after a year's absence in Europe , where she
has been studying vocal culture. Miss
Palmer's return will be greeted with de
light by a host of admirers In both social
and musical circles.
Judge Ives , Mr. M. A. Hall and Mr. KarT
A. Conncll of Now York City returned
Thursday from a successful hunting expe
dition In the Big Horn mountains. Mr. Connell -
nell will spend the remainder of the sum
mer as a guest In Omaha.
Miss Jean Wallace Campbell , the welN
known ornithologist of Edinburgh , Scot
land , stopped on her way to the Hawaiian
Islands as the guest of Mrs. R. E. McKel-
vey of this city. Miss Campbell expressed
much interest in the birds of Nebraska.
Mrs. B. F. Weaver , who left with the
Airen party last June for a visit through
California and along the coast. Is home af
ter an absence of seven weeks. The pleas
ure trip included the Yosemlte valley ,
southern California and the famous beach ,
Del Coronado. nnd the Cataltna Islands. At
San Francisco Mrs. Weaver left the party
for a visit among friends In Portrand ,
Seattle , Tacoma and Victoria.
Out of Town Client * .
Miss Palmer of Chicago is visiting Miss
Mr. Harry Glbbs left Thursday for his
home in Buffalo.
Mr. Vernon Lee Is the guest of his
father , Dr. E. W. Lee.
Miss Addle Woodruff of Dlxon , in. , is vis
iting Mies Cora Persons.
Mrs. Gordon Sawyer and son of Jollct are
visiting Mrs. C. A. Chafiln.
Miss Marguerite Ponder of Denver Is vis
iting Miss Mercy Salisbury.
IIIss Josephine Brady has returned from
a trip through Iowa and Missouri.
Mrs. Earnhardt of Fort Leavenworth is
the guest of Miss Blanche McKenna.
Miss Bertha G. Green is visiting Miss
Josephine Brady at 2023 Charles street.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd have recently
moved Into their now cottage. 708 Lowe
Mr. Edmund Kooser of Somerset , Pa. , Is
visiting his brother , Mr. H. B. Kooser. and
Mrs. C. Strausler of Kansas City Is visit
ing her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Bondlnot ot
Yatcs street.
Mr. W. D. Patton , jr. , . has returned to
Omaha to visit his parents , Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Patton.
Miss Agnes McKay has returned from an
eight weeks' visit in Kansas City and Ex
celsior Springs.
Mr. Frank M. BHsh. manager of Dun's
mercantile agency of Lincoln , Is spending
a week In Omaha.
Mrs. Edward Wilson of Bloomlngton , 111. ,
will be the guest of her son , Mr. S. N. Mc-
Whorter , next week.
Mrs. Fagan. and daughter Adaleene will
return to Omaha Wednesday after an ab
sence of two months.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Oaks of Jasper , Minn. ,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bcecbcr Hlgby
and enjoying tbo exposition.
Mrs. C. D. Jackson and little son , Donald ,
left Friday for a month's visit with Mrs.
Jackson's parents in Denver.
Miss Helen Moulton of Glenwood . and
Miss Gertrude Duncan of Tabor are tbo
guests of Miss Ruth Fleming ,
Mr. Ferdinand L. Voorhes of the Denver
National bank of Denver was the guest
of Mr. W. B. Wilkins last Sunday.
Miss Lilian Lawrence of Burllngame ,
Kan. , has returned home after a month's
visit with her aunt , Mrs. W. D. Patton.
Miss Nan Cunningham of Lincoln is vis
iting relatives in tbo city. She will pre
side at the organ of the First Presbyterian
church during the absence of her sister ,
Mrs. Howard Kennedy , jr.
Mr. S. R. Rush , deputy United States at
torney for Nebraska , will be married Sep
tember 6 to Miss Edith M. Plndell , daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Plndefl of Han
nibal , Mo. Miss Plndell is well known in
Omaha society , where she has inado many
friends by her more than ordinary attrac
tiveness , Mr. Rush Is now serving bis second
end term as deputy attorney and is favora
bly known in logar circles.
Miss Edith Jnmca , daughter of the
former superintendent of the public
schools ot this city , will bo married August
24 to Mr. A. S. AVhceler of Tacoma , Wash.
Miss James was formerly organist of the
First Presbyterian church of this city , and.
has a host of friends. Mr , Wheeler Is a
professor ot Harvard college , A silk quilt
of much beauty has been made by four of
her girl friends of thli city as a wedding
gift. One strip was made from pieces col
lected In Scotland , where one of the young
ladles is visiting. Another comes from
Portland , Mo. ; another from California ,
and the fourth Is a representative of
Omaha. The four strips 'are Joined by
| broad black eat In bands embroidered In the
favorite Dowers of the different young la
dies , the rose , the pansy , the marguerite
and the carnation ,
Ernst F. Magarct nnd Miss Cella Wolcott
went all the way to Bt. Louis last week to
Ret married. It was not a case ot elopement ,
but 01 r , Magaret was anxious that his father ,
I who Is a minister , should tie the nuptial
knot for him , and hence the trip to the
I Missouri city , Mr , Mugaret and Miss Wol-
i cott arrived In St. Louis Thursday meriting
and bad hardly time to brush the dust from
their traveling clothes before they called at
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
. , .
the court house nnd procured their marrlnco
lllcensc. Then they proceeded to the parson *
ago of the Eden German Methodist church ,
occupied by Mr. MaRaret'a parents , nnd the
father had the pleasure of ofllcliUlnc at the
nuptials of bla eldest ton. Mr. 'and Mrs.
Magnrct have returned to this city and are
the recipients of many congratulations from
their host of friemlH. Mr. .Magarct Is n mem.
bcr of the firm of Macaret & Stephens , deal
ers In agricultural Implements , and his
brldo formcrlv was employed by Swift atid
Company ns a stenographer. She made her
homo nt 1506 South Twenty-ninth street.
KntertnlniiK-iitN nf the Week.
Miss Lillian Hall entertained a number
of her young friends Tuesday evening In
honor of her sixteenth birthday.
-Miss 'Marlon ' Hughes gave a luncheon nnd
box party to a few friends Wednesday aft
ernoon in honor of Miss Edna Bowcn.
ilrs. Devoo gave a delightful pink te.i for
Holllstcr hive. Xo. 21 , Ladles ot the Mac
cabees. Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 4.
A very pretty birthday party was clvcn
by llttlo May Morcatty at her home , 1306
South Twenty-fifth street , .Monday evening
from 7 to 10.
Miss Ruth gave an enjoyable
luncheon Saturday In honor of Miss Palmer
of Chicago. Flowers were used In abundance
and n most palatable menu served.
A delllghtfully congenial company was
entertained nt dinner on Saturday by Mrs.
Itnyer. Covers were laid for ten. The table
decorations ot pink roses and maiden hair
terns attracted special attention by their
beauty and artistic arrangement.
Mrs. Max Burkcwood nnd Mrs. Schuhl
gave a largo reception at the home ot the
latter on Lake street Tuesday afternoon for
Miss Dlock of Kansas City. The rooms
looked cool aud Inviting in their adornment
of whlto and uroen. The receiving party
adopted the earns colors lu their Huffy sum
mer gowns ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Mullcr entertained o
number of their friends Tuesday evening In
clelebratlon of their ellvcr wedding nunlver-
sary. The gifts were numerous nnd costly.
The house and dance hall were tastefully
decorated with flowers and palms and many
cosy corners offered delightful retreats after
the dances. An elaborate supper was served
nt 11 o'clock. At a late hour the guests de
parted with the best wishes for their host
and hostess.
( Mr. Thomas J. Kelly , musical director of
the Greater America Exposition , entertained
th6 following noted musicians ( Monday after
noon in a. royal manner : Lieutenant Dan
Godfrey of the British Guards' band , T. P.
Brooke , director of the Chicago Marino
bans ! : Herman Bellstcdt , king of the cor-
netUls. who Is winning laurels at the ex
position for his finished playing and also
directorship , and Fred Phlnney , manager of
Phlnney's United States band.
A rather ridiculous society article in to
day's World-Herald speaks of a $230 seal
skin Jacket that some society woman mlgnt
wear this winter that should be worn by
some woman not In society. It makes no
difference who the woman may be , the
greatest number of White Russian soap
wrappers secures the valuable prizes. And
the $250 seal Jacket , made-to-measure , fit
guaranteed , goes to the womanhaving the
largest number ot wrappers to her credit ,
but they must bo wrappers from the beat
soap made White Russian remember that.
Quick Hair Restorer , made by Mrs. Ger-
vals Graham , will restore the original color
to gray or faded hair In a few days. No
sulphur , no lead , no sediment. Clear as
water and as harmless. At Davles , 1511
Douglas street. Free book "About the Hair. "
See Ham , Jr. , at Hagcnback's.
a. . aa > - < i > * fr > < t > at * a *
The scandals Incident to the recent dem
ocratic primaries has called attention to
tbo new law governing the holding of pri
maries which go Into effect after the next
regular registration of voters. This law
was framed by Senator Van Dusen and Is In
tended to protect primary elections and also
to punish offenses committed thereat.
AH persons who are legal voters shall have
the right under this law to participate In
primary elections , but shall bo subject to
such political qualifications as may too pro
scribed by law or laid down 'by ' the commit
tee. In order that none but those affiliat
ing with and being members of any political
party shall participate In any primary elec
tion a system for the registration of such
persons has been provided. Supervisors of
registration will note In foooks to be provided
for the purpose the political party which
the applicant for registration affiliates with.
In this way It is hoped that the packing
of primaries may be obviated , at least tea
a great extent. In all primary elections held
under this act the officers for each election
district shall consist of two Judges and one
clerk and their duties and responsibilities
shall bo precisely the same as those legally
appointed and regularly qualified officers of
regular state elections.- These primary offi
cers are to be appointed by resolution passed
by a majority vote of the members of the
regularly organized and constituted com
mittee or governing authority of the politi
cal party holding such primary election. Be
fore entering upon their duties these Judges
and clerks shall "be required to take the
same oath required to bo taken by officers
of regular state elections. Officers for
primary elections must bo selected at least
ton days 'before ' primary elections are held.
The provisions of this law apply to all pri
mary elections held for the purpose ot
nominating candidates for state , county , dis
trict or municipal officers.
As the regular registration must first bo
made/ before this law goes Into effect the
ilrst opportunity given to work under the
new provisions will bo next spring , when a
mayor , city treasurer , city clerk , police
Judge and four members of the council are
to "bo elected.
ComiilniiitH About Snlvnllon Army.
Complaints nro frequently made by busi
ness men about the Salvation army meet
ings which are held at the corner of Twenty-
fourth and N streets. The meetings at
tract a crowd and the street is blocked
clear out to the car track , leaving no room
for vehicles to pass. Yesterday Chief of Po-
llco Carroll stated that hereafter ho pro
posed to confine these meetings to atreets
en which there are no car tracks. Captain
Rosnan of the local corps is to ba request
ed to stop holding meetings on the corner
mentioned and if ho compiles with the re
quest all will be well , but If ho does not
Chief Carroll says that ho will then be com
pelled to take steps to see that ho does.
Business men object to the crowds blocking i
the sidewalks , streets and doorways for an I
hour or more every evening and several
complaints have been made to the police
about the matter.
I'lirmiTii1 'IVI < : phone Comimuy.
Thomas E. Parmelce , vice president , and T.
H. Pollock , general manager of the Plaits-
mouth Telephone company , called on Gen
eral Manager Kenyon of the Stock Yards
company yesterday in reference to extend
ing the lines of their company to the Exchange - ,
change building. It was statad that this
company Is erecting lines for the benefit of
the farmers in Casa and Sarpy counties
and an office at the live stock exchange Is
creatly desired , as It will give the country
people an opportunity of keeping In close
touch with the market. Mr , Purmelee also
explained to Mr. Kenyon that his company
had connections In Iowa and Missouri. No ;
arrangements for the opening of an ofllcn
were made , as the Plattsmouth company has
no franchise to enter the city or string
wires along the streets or alleys.
Klllfil ! > u Hunt } ' Ilevolver ,
Albert Olllsthik , 19 years old and living
at 3022 Q street , was cleaning a rusty re
volver last night. Not thinking It was loaded
be looked down the barrel , when the thing
went off , the bullet penetrating the young
man's brain , causing death to occur in a
short time. 'He was an employe ot one of
the local packing houses.
XIMV SjKtriii of Cuttle II run ill ni ; .
A process on trUl In Australia that prom-
ieca to enable owners to retain all the ad
vantages of branding without suffering the
loss that results from it , Is attracting the
attention of stockmen of this country. This ;
process consists substantially of using a .
caustic paste c the 'branding ' Iron which removes - ;
moves the hair and prevents It growing ,
again , thus stamping the brand on the hide |
Indelibly while at the same time It does ;
not sear nnd destroy the texture ot the ekln.
In other words the brand only goes deep
enough to destroy the hair follicles , thus
preventing It from growing again on the '
brand. Such an Improvement would be
worth many thousands ot dollars to the cat
tle Industry of this country.
Godfrey , watchmaker. "Best by test. "
Sam Christie Is spending Sunday with
friends nt LoVeland , la.
For sale , three now houses , monthly pay
ments. Persons , Glasgow block.
Armour & Co. nro handling qulto n num
ber of export orders at the present tlmo.
D-s Hasan & Greene , dentists , Glasgow blk
Thomas Fitzgerald Is carrying the mail
for E , a. Rozellc , who is nway on a vaca
A. J. Meth of Denver , Colo. , will speak at
the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 3 o'clock this
imported 'arl nnd 'srf on draught nt Klcln\
Mrs. C. Morton of Blair Is the guest of
Judge aud Mrs. F. A. Agnew , Twenty-third
and N streets.
W. R. Laughlln goes to Sioux City today
to tnko charge of a branch office for Clay ,
Robinson & Co.
Uov. J. S. McCulloch. I ) . D. , will occupy
the pulpit at the United Presbyterian
church this morning.
Peter Lenagh , coal1 & feed. 2 h & Q. Tel 25.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Campbell have re
turned from Sioux City , where they spent
a week visiting friends.
No services will bo herd at the First
Presbyterian church today on account of the
repairs being in ado to the building.
Miss Salllo Hannon , who has been the
guest ot Mrs. W. J. McCrann , will leave
today for her homo In Louisville , Ky.
Chris Mclcher is mourning the loss of a
watch , which was stolen from his residence
by sneak thieves last Friday afternoon.
The state convention of the Y. M. C. A.
will bo held In South Omaha October 12 to
1C , About ICO delegates are expected.
Stott's stationery store removed to old
postofllco butfdlng. Increased stock of
blank books , stationery , office nnd school
Miss Anna Conley , who has been the
guest of Miss Al'lcq Rafferty for the past
three weeks , has returned to her homo at
Sioux City.
Deputy City Treasurer A. M. Gallagher
will leave this afternoon for Loulsvirio , Ky. ,
whcro ho will spend a couple of weeks vis
iting friends.
Melchor's Instant Headache Cure , 10 cents
Mrs. Elizabeth Winters died yesterday nt
the homo of H. C. Wiriglng , 3112 Q street.
The remains will bo forwarded to Osccola ,
la. , for interment.
The Bureau of Animal Industry is now
located on the seond floor of the new post-
office building , the removal from the Pack
ers' bank having been made yesterday.
A special service of the Christian En
deavor society will bo hold on the lawn at
Dr. Wheelor'e residence , Twenty-second
and I streets , this evening at C:30 : o'clock.
See Ed Munshaw & Co. for lumber. Tel. 285.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terian church wiir give a lawn social at
the residence of Mrs. D. L. Holmes , Twen
ty-fourth and D streets , on Monday even
Men's cheviot suits. $2.93. Crash suits ,
98c. Guilds' wash suits , 25c. Men's office
coats , 25c. Men's golf shirts , 25c. String
ties , Ic. Men's underwear , 15c. , at our
clearing sale. Nebraska Shoo & Clothing
House , South Omaha.
The members of Nasturtium camp , Royal
Neighbors , will give a fawn social at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Breen , Twen
tieth and J streets , Tuesday evening. This
camp Is the recently organized auxiliary to
camp No. 40S5 , Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica. ' i ,
Slabaugh , dentist , 21th and N sts. Tol. 73.
Epworth leaguers are requested to meet
at the Methodist church at ? o'clock this
evening for the purpose of listening to re
ports from delegates to conventions. Rev.
J. A. Johnson wifl report on the national
convention which was held at Indianapolis ,
whllo Eldon Smith , Martha Wlddls and
Miss Thomas will report from the Epworth
assembly nt Lincoln.
On Tuesday evening the Women's Homo
Missionary society ot the First M. E.
church will give a lawn social nt the homo
of Mrs. Brown , 721 North Twenty-second
street. Refreshments nnd a musical pro
gram will furnish a part of the entertain
ment. A pleasant time Is anticipated and
n cordial Invitation Is extended to nil.
The expansion nnd growth of the busi
ness of cructt , Pcabody & Co. , the largo
shirt , collar nnd cuff manufacturers , have
made It necessary to add greater manufac
turing facilities than they had planned for.
On August 12 they purchased the fixtures ,
machinery and tools belonging to the Lco-
nilnstor Shirt company , Leomlnstcr , Mass. ,
nnd leased for n long term of years the real
estate and buildings owned by that com
pany. Cluett , Pcabody & Co. wllf start up
this well equipped factory on August 21 ,
running to its fullest capacity on their reg
ular goods.
A well known society woman wearing n
$250 made-to-measure sealskin jacket the
very finest money can buy presented by
the manufacturers of the best laundry soap
the world produces ( Whlto Russian ) would
not bo appreciated ns much ns it wouM if
this magnificent present Is secured by some
jioor woman who hns not her share of this
world's goods. The particulars of this great
prize contest may bo found In Saturday's
or Monday's paper.
Stop at Scofield's
Monday morning and you'll re greater
bargains than you ever dreamed of In sum
mer goods. Wo are clearing them out now
during the mid-summer season , just nt the
time when they are needed.
White Pique Skirts
will bo sold like this :
The $2.00 Plquo Skirts for 50c.
The $1.00 Plquo Skirts for $1.00.
The $8 , $3 nnd $10 Skirts for $2.03.
The llnest braided Skirts for $2.55.
Bear In mind that wo haven't many that
at these low prices they cannot bo ex
changed that we make , no alterations.
SHIRT WAISTS 50c , $1.00 , $1.50-bcautlful
waists as clean and "fresh as when they
left the makers' hands. We make these
low prices to close them out , must have
the room for other goods.
1510 Douglas St.
Cor. 27th and St. Mary's Avo.
Classes will be resumed Wednesday , Sep
tember 6th.
The course of study pursued tit this In
stitution embraces all the branches of a
thorough English Education , also the lan
guages , music , drawing , painting and nee
dle work.
French , German and Latin are Included
In the curriculum of studies , free of charge.
Voice Builder
The Art of Singing
Suite 315
Ramge Bldg.
ProKt-oxa of IlcvntuUnn I" Snnio
DfimliiKO Hrltlftli nnil ( Irrinnti AVnr
AMhorc nt Capo llnytlcn.
CAPE HAYTIRN. Aug. 19. The reinforce
ments of troops eent to the front by the
government of Santo Domingo In the efforts
to suppress the revolution have been de
feated and driven back to Monte Crlstl.
The British steamer Andes and the Ger
man steamer Hungarln have grounded on
the reefs outsldo of this port , the buoys
swept nwny by the last cyclone not having
been replaced.
The cable connecting Capo Hnytlcn with
Puerto Plata has been broken an n result of
the grounding of the steamers. It Is hoped
the Andes will be refloated this evening , but
fears are entertained for the Hungarla.
POUT AU PRINCE , Haytl , Aug. 19. A
revolutionary group which assembled be
tween Cupey and Estcrovasa , In Santo Do
mingo , has dispersed without fighting and
re-entered Haytlon territory.
A thousand men , commanded by Minister
Cordero , nro guarding Fort Bclalr nud
watching the frontier , whllo war vosssl * are
patrollng th6 coast In order to prevent ft
landing of Jlmlncz , who nsplres to the pres
idency of the Santo Dlmlngo republic.
Comity Vclcrmm.
The sixth ntiuital reunion ot the Douglas
Veteran nssoclatlon commences nt Wnterloo
Monday , August 21 , nnd continues four
days. All soldiers nnd their families nro
welcome. A good tlmo Is expected. Tenio ,
straw , hay nnd fuel1 nro furnished trea for
cnmplng. Bands of good music nnd flno
speakers will bo present.
Sham battles every day and cnrnpflrct
each evening. _
Mrs. Gcrvnls Graham's Cucumber nnd
Elder Flower Crentn creates a perfect com
plexion. Docs not cover up , but remove !
all blemishes. Call nt Da\les. 1511 DotiRln *
street , for frco samples nnd free book ,
"How to Bo Beautiful. "
Darwln'a theory verified In Ham , Jr. , the
orang-outang at Hagcnback's.
Kmicrnl Xotlois
The funcrnf of the Into Mrs. George D.
Dandy will bo from Trinity cathedral on
Monday morning. Services nt 10:30 : o clock ,
Interment nl Prospect Hill cemetery.
Call and examine the Inrgest nnd most complete stock of Pianos
ever shown In the west.
A. B. Chase , Ivers & Pond , Packard , Vose
And other stnndnrd makes are offered nt a heavy discount from regular prices
to mnko room for our now fall stock , which is dally arriving from eastern fac
Artistic tuning by our corps of Stelnway tuners the best in the city. Tel
ephone 1G25. Pianos exchanged , moved , stored and repaired.
We sell new pianos on S5.OO payments every day in
the year.
Largest Piano House in the West , 1313 Farnam Street ,
T "Tandsome Skirt Waists we have , and too
JL JL inany for t/iis time of the year , but we
are going to sell them , and have put
prices on them to make them go fast. See the
lot we are selling at
White Waists from 48c up.
Concert Tomorrow Furniture
Free . . Supremacy . .
Ice Cream Soda is unquestioned.
Wo reached the top by glv-
Ing the greatest values. Wo'll ?
Theatre Tickets stay there by closely follow- ?
inp in our own footsteps and 3
Read the details in our full < endeavoring to make the '
page ad. today. Don't fail ( breach between and
STRI , us our >
to attend the opening. < competitors still wider. >
* ' - - - - ' - - _ _
' . airM'MwwwWWVx - / vv-j y fJ
ly Put to
of Furniture , Carpets , Stoves , etc. We have long been the acknowledged leaders of this line in the -west.
A reputation wo earned by aggressive methods. Wo propose to continue this method and have made prices that will astound the masses , and tend
to delight those in need of Purnlturo. Jt'g for your benefit to bear this in mind.
Chamber highly polished
Suit- just lllco the il
lustration h o r o
Antique shown , vary beau-
beautifully proportioned
finish made
, tioned , has hund-
of hard toino lontbor sout
wood lull The carvings uro
very pretty Strong
size , dresser a n il substantially
. . . . . Handsome Tufted built arid will add to
, , . , ,
lias largo bevel plate mirror beautiiul _ covered with fine veiour , now patterns , } { , t-0T Ky"homS-
CarvillgS , Worth fully $25.00 H ftt-i rare colorings-made amply largo wlthpood _ This vuluo l fully
springs. The frames are hiphly 2.19
special sale price only polished worth fully $15 , only
Draperies Carpets Bargains in Stoves.
Furniture at a Big Saving
Curtain Pole * free wllli rneli COOIC STOVR
CIIIFPO.MHIl I'AHI.OIl SUITS pnlr of IKRC op IniieMry uurtnlnii. No , 8 Cook Stove-full s'ze oven
Five-drawer antique hardwood Chlf- Beautiful Parlor Suits , with oak or KOTTIXailAM IAOB CUIITAINS- doubly lined | ds-v
fonler , full cnstored , nicely nlshed. mahogany frames , nlcoly upholstered , _ , . , yards long , 51 Inches wide a good $10.tO - - only trimmings v O = OS - "
worth fully $ s.OO A OR Bprlne edge , regular $ )5 ) ' assortment of patterns | 24
special sale price * * = O value only worth $2.00 a-pair only * * KTKRI * UA.VaiC
II.M.\J ItoOM CHAIR DIIUSNBH HlH''KIi ; MUSl.IN CURTAINS Full Hlze Bteel Uange-four holes
Antique dlnlngroom Chairs , beautifully Mahogany Dressers , highly . handsomely ornamenteit with nickel
Antique or worth $2.00 pair ORc trimmings duplex
carved back and spindles , strongly polished , with bevel plate mirror , only " - w coal wood-worth grate will burn
built , worth $115 .79 worth fully $ U.OO-salo Q QQ ' $33.75 or - fully O/i S Efl Jvl
only , . , . ( price only * * - * * - * ItOI'13 I'OIITIWHBS only *
' ' worth OQ ( iASOIIM2
for double doors | STOVK
nocKint- TAIIM5 $ ) .00-sale price ' JJ 2-burner Gasoline Stove genuine oteel
Cane Heat Rocker. nntiqu finished , Ladles' Dressing Tnble , quarter saweri frame ,
with full size
burners -
' burnersg OG
' . . -g
hardwood , worth golden oak , nnlsh or birds'
fully mahogany former price $3CO . . * VO
now ,
$ : .00-only ; . . ; eye maple , with Freeh plate mirror. rich designs and patterns 75
French legs , worth { 12.00 fi * 7 = rworth J6.W a pair-only
. . anil
8111.VA Cl.OBIJT Crockery Lamps.
Solid oak China Closet , highly poHshcd , Window Shades , mounted on good
oval plate glam , live partitions , III2D IOU.\iI' rollers worth 25c BVnlcce Dinner Bets , fine English
worth fully $29.00 \ > y en Jicd Lounge , with solid oak frame , only plilna , underglazed , beatulful decora-
sale price only lfl a" veiour coverings , choice patterns , . tloiis , neat patterns , worth A QQ
Shades put up free of charge. * VC3
. *
fully $3.00 ,
KXT12\SIO. > 'I'AIII.IT worth fully $ H.OO-salo 890 Union Ingrain Carpets- only
o ! /
Blx-foot hardwood Extension Table , only . worth 40c"a yard . " . , 4C 100-nIeco Dinner Set , Kngllsh neml-por *
' OMHMJ HHI celaln , underglazed decoration ,
antique Ilnlih. with five
All wool Ingrain Carpet neat pat- pieces , assorted col- rr QE
SlDKIIOAIIIl - J'lato mirror-worth JQ ' / Semi-porcelain Chamber Bets , 6 pieces ,
* - " * " handsome decorations ,
> -W-only Rich Tapestry IJrussels pretty
. -
Solid oak
SldelKiard. highly polished , 59c
bevel plate mirror , full size , Ii.VA.MI3I.13n I1IJI1- worth fully We per yard . . . patterns-worth fully J3.CO i ten
' ' ' ' ; only , , , . . . . * Oif
vvo'r't'h'ulTy $ is.6o- Q QC Heavy Iron Enameled Ded , brass trim- Velvet Carpet-excellent patterns-rare
only. . , . , V OO mlngs. nice designs , worth designs worth $1.15 Hlefe'ant Parlor Lamp , with pretty decorated -
COMIHXATIO.V IIOOICOASK fully J3.00-sale per yard . . . . orated globe , bas Ilnished in different
colore , solid brass trimmings com
Oak or mahogany Combination Bookcase - AxmliiKter Carpets rare patterns - plete with largo fancy decorated
case , handsomely tlnlshed , with ad- cK.vnsu terns , $1.25 values this sale . globe , burner and chimney o
jiutable shelves , separate closet in Center Table , made of oak or mahog- $5.00 value M.5 !
. , lower l shelf , worth fuj- Till
bark for magazines , worth any. largo top * new null Inr alt
fully $16.00 sale price * 7 en lv $3.00-spcclal eale price | / Q free. TltUMCS
only * ou only * -
CASH OR CREDIT We Adjust the Terms to Suit Your Convenience. 235