Y Annihilator of Thousands of Sufferers "Strangers to Health' ' Redeemed and Restored to Pristine Vigor by the " 'Perfected ' Oxygenor-Kiug. ' ' Omaha People Rapturously Applaud the Truly Marvelous Achieve ments of this Scientific Healing Instrument , and with Peans of Praise Unqualifiedly Recommend it to Suffering Humanity. Powerful Indorsement by Judge Bradley , of Omaha. OMAHA. Neb. , May 9 , 1809. TO THE NEBRASKA OXYOENOR CO. . Omaha. Neb. : Mv attention was called to your method of treating diseases nnd nt once Interested me , ns It seemed to mo that you hud arrived at the surest and most rational means of curing disease that I have ever heard of , and I made up my mind that If anyone In my family should have uccd of medicine I should try this Oxyeenor remedy. About the last day of April my wlfo was attacked with severe pains in the right arm , which , from her prior experience , she called rheumatism , and it crow BO severe that her arm became powerless , and she was In constant pain with II. so much so that she could neither rest nor sleep. I at once procured one of your Oxvcenors and applied It and the pain ceased. She slcnt well and on tbo morning following the pain had left the arm and she experienced only a Blight trace of It during the next day. She has used the Oxyccnor not one week and eho has not only been freed from pain , but save sno feels better than Bho has for a year past. No medicine was talton during this time , and nothing ilono but to use the Oxycenor. It la entitled to the full credit for having curud her. If the people of Omaha who today aYb afflicted with rheumatism alone knew how simple nnd effective euro can bo made of this torturing disease by using ono of your Oxygenors , you could not begin to supply them as fast aa you would want them. Yours respectfully , L. II. DHADLEY , 618 and 519 Paxton Block. Cures While You Sleep. . /js ftS tiS * A ) Sif"iS j / ? iS tt\ * St- , vfrjv Tf' - > * * Cured Rheumatism of Twenty Years Standing OMAHA. Neb. August 12 , 18D9. NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO. , Omaha. Neb. Dear Sirs : This Is to certify that I have been a constant sufferer from Rheumatism for the last twenty years , nnd have doctored with the best talent that the profes sion affords , but all to no purpose. Also have tried a great many patent medi cines , but cot no relief. Through the advlco of a friend I was induced to try the Oxygen treatment. I purchased an Instrument In March and have been greatly benefited from the use of It. I now sleep , well and have not had a severe attack for some tlmo. 1 am confident that with the continued use of it I will bo entirely cured. So I consider the Instrument worth Its weight In gold to me. Respectfully yours , J. C. OHUMBLEY. 621 Pierce St. Lutheran Pastor Cured of Catarrh and Dyspepsia MARSHAL.LTOWN , la. , May 19 , 1899. THE NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO. , Omaha , Nob. Gentlemen : i Permit mo to say a few words of the great .merits of the Oxygenor. I was a great sufferer from Catarrh and Dyspepsia for many years anil was almost unAble - Able to attend to my pastoral work. Last fall I got an Oxygenor and had not used it a Week before I felt like a now man , nnd have been feeling wetl ever since. I have used It In my family for Colds , Croup , Tonsllltls , La Grippe , and other ail ments and it navcr failed. I also know It to have cured Rheumatism , Lumbago , Pneumonia of the worst kind In less than a week. In Typhoid Fever , Neuralgia and Liver Diseases It effected a euro In less than ono-fourtb of tbo tlmo it takes to euro by other methods. I have seen so much work of the Oxygenor that I am confident it will euro every kind of disease that Is curable and do It In much less tlmo than by medication. I consider the Invention of this wonderful Instrument to be tbo greatest bles- ejng that has ever been offered to the suffering humanity. It is also the cheapest kind of investment , for when you have bought ono of these Instruments you have both doctor and medicine. I would recommend alt sufferers to got ono of these valuable Instruments at once and secure relief from pain and suffering. Yours very truly , ( REV. ) J. A. PROST , ( Lutheran Pastor. ) Unqualified Endorsement from a Prominent Omaha Clergyman. OhnrUt ( DU * nl tl l . , tail.ttl-Mil IT fit InHI ) Bebrojka oxycenor < JA . B. Ii. Moooo. , CWaha , Hobr./ / " * l'ilnd ' i > leaeuro"in. < ) ayinTfranKlyTl Xnotr of no'diocovory in the ooientiflo world , thin lOtn.century , that hao brought BO ouch real " " * ' * -b , * VST" * * * * * * * * benefit to Buffering hu.taartlty'nnd that pronloeo go ouoli future benefit , < " " i * t * - Sf V ad.thrt Oxygonor King , Perfected * ii knot enough abouttlt to"oayflf"w4"6oUWji5t7otteSi5no ) OT'f , e6rioy"ould not buy ourd. it in indogil n vronrtap.-j < " * -fr -T iDluo Monday would coon becoae unXnovn , if all rreaoh6rd > ould' ' oirn7rahd. intolHeontly uoo the Oxygonor. Abolish your blue Monday ; fear your 6xy8enor King on Saturday night , and youjffiilgothroughjljio iabor ; ofxtM.t6rd'o day , feeling liKe 6 nei * Vou will preach itn cor potter , cor8ca 67and "ri ' ' * " * , after ohuroh at nlglit , to real and refreehing i i i Tours otrength.nill not fail you oven on Uonday. Try It and nea. ' Healthful Righteousness Pure Oxygen , "The Potent Elixir of Life" Most abundant of all the elementary substances is the element employed the only remedy provided by nature to cure all ills. The OXYGEN'OH , through dlnmnpiietlc ; nttmotion of the cnplllnry circulation , causes the human organism to rapidly absorb Oxygen from the nlr , through the lung ! ) , membranes nnd skin. Hy this absorbing process the whole volume of blood becomes thoroughly oxygenated or chemicalized , thus sup plementing lung respiration by copious streams of Oxygen Into all the organic structure not an atom slighted , nor an organ neglected. Such oxygenatlon Intensities vitality and the organic process of life ; fosters heroic functioning of every organ , followed with free elimination of all morbid and diseased matter , ending In rapid , pleasant cure , without regard to form , and in complete Invlgoratlon. Oxygen Is life , and the proper amount of It renders the system unsusceptible to disease. The Oxygenor is sold for self treatment and the possessor can defy disease , and Is as Independent as though It did not exist. The Oxygenor may bo relied upon to stop any acute disease ( contagious or otherwise ) before It develops far enough to receive a name. For economic reasons , If for no other , no family can afford to bo without an Oxygeiior constantly at hand. It will pave hundreds of dollars annually that have heretofore gone to pay heavy expenses during illness , and loss of time from business. All chronic diseases ( if they have not reached the Incurable state ) rapidly yield by this method of treatment by the Oxygenor. Kino-tenths of Oxygenors sold arc bought by persons suffering from chronic ailments , who have al most exhausted money and patience on many Ineffectual remedies , but who have regained their health through use of the Oxygenor alone. The Oxygeiior is manageable by even a child. Its mode of operation is simple. It will last a lifetime and will serve the entire family If not all sick at once. In short , the Oxygeuor is a health and life preserver , a money saver , childhood's friend , old age's joy. This Is an ago of Invention and If you desire to enjoy its munltlccnce you must bo up-to-date , and not bo caught straggling behind the times. How Does it Cure ? Electricians liavo known for years that any body connected with the earth by means nt n conductor , like a wire , soon becomes "negative. " The earth attracts the positive fluid from the body , and ns all bodies have both positive and negative electricity In them , when one Is withdrawn the other remains. We now know that difference of temperature lies at the bottom of this transfer. Hence , If the plate of the "Oxygenor" be attached to body and the metal cylinder , or "generator" be placed in a temperature cooler than the body ( as In Ice , cold water or air ) , the positive fluid leaves the body and goes to the colder substance , thus leaving the body "negative. " So much Is pain. Now we are surrounded by air , four-fifths of which Is free oxygen gas , and oxygen has a strong affinity for the negative state. * Therefore because you are connected with a colder substance , because that colder substance draws the posi tive fluid fro myou , thus leaving you "negative , " because the air is touching your body at all points , because the oxy gen of the air Is free and has an affinity for the negative state yon ABSORB THE OXYGEN THROUGH THE SKIN , MEMBRANES AND TISSUES. The colder the substance with which you are connected , the more rapid the transfer of positive fluid , the stronger your egntlve condition , nnd the more Intense the absorption and action of the oxygen. Right here lies the secret of health. The element which assists every organ nnd harmonizes all Is OXYGEN. Given plenty of oxygen , "WITH THE POWER TO ASSIMILATE IT , " and the system , even though badly de ranged , rights Itself. But once overloaded , with drugs , or the poisons produced within our own bodies , by perverted organs , our systems cannot accept the Oxygen so generously tendered by MOTHER NATURE. They refuse the proffered boon , and we languish or die. The PERFECTED OXYGENOR KING supplies the missing principle , and enables our tired and overburdened dened body to use Just ns much Oxygen as If In perfect health. If you then Jive In accordance with the laws of health and occasionally use Oxygenor to set you right , you ought to enjoy long life , with all of Its richest blessings. Faith or Imagination Una nothing to do with It. You might ns well step out of the window , saying that you do not believe gravity will pull you to the ground as to use the Oxygenor properly and try to prevent Its action by your unbelief. The action Is positively scientific , and absolutely Inexorable , as the attraction of gravitation. Make no mistake about this. It IH not omnipotent ; will not restore lost organs , but it will perform the ultimately possible , without exceptions. So It is not an experiment In your particular case It will certainly do good within the limits nnd con ditions already stilted Just as certainly as you faithfully use it. Call at the office or write for descriptive books , fully explaining the "Perfected Oxygenor King. " Nebraska Oxygenor Co. E. L. MOSES , MANAGER. 'PIone ? 2151. 442 Chamber of Commerce , Omaha , Neb. Is Certainly a Boon to the Afflicted OMAHA. August 12 , 18D9. NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO. . Omaha , Nob. Gentlemen : This to certify that I have used the Perfected Oxygenor King In my family with very beneficial results. It has been used by different members of our family for nervous debility , nervous dyspepsia , nnd other minor troubles , and It has never failed In a single instance of doing everything expected of It. I can unhesitatingly recommend it to any one In III health , as I am thoroughly convinced from my Individual experience with the instrument that It will do all claimed for it , and It is cer tainly a "boon to the mulcted. " MRS. N , G. BESS , 1415 Chicago St. Oxygenor Cures Rheumatism and Erysipelas OMAHA , Neb. , August 1 , 1899. NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO. , Omaha , Neb , Gentlemen : I nas taken with rheumatism and erysipelas In my foot , and tbero was danger of it being serious. Having bad the doctor for some time and not Improving , a friend advised mete to try tbe Oxygenor , which I did and found relief right away. It also cured me of constipation and other diseases. I can heartily recommend it to anyone who Is sick and wants help. Yours truly , MRS. H. BREWER , 1130 N. 18th St. An Intelligent Farmer Testifies WATERLOO , Nob. , June 14 , 1899. NEBRASKA OXYGEXOR CO. . Omaha. Neb. Gentlemen : This Is to certify that we have used tbe Oxygen treatment 'In our family an'cl It has done effective work In colds , fevers and la grippe , I liavo perfect confidence In tbo instrument and think It capable of doing everything claimed for It. In this Instrument I believe I have made a fine Investment , as we bavo no need of medlclno nnd prescriptions. I would ad vise every farmer to procure a mncntne. Yours Truly , / S. S. LUTON. "Hay Fever Cured" by the Oxygenor. From a Popular Passenger Conduc tor of the F. E. & M. V. Ry HASTINGS , Neb. . Aug. 16th , 1899. NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO , , Omaha , Neb. Gentlemen : I bavo been an Intense sufferer from hay fever for tbe past six years , I was persuaded to use ono of your Oxygenors , which I used with little faith , but a great deal of skepticism , for I bad tried everything recommended for this torturing dis ease with no permanent benefit. Tbe Oxygenor cured me in five weeks , without the loss of one hour's time , and I am feeling better than I have for several years , I believe it will do all you claim for It. I can heartily recommend the Oxygenor , especially to hay fever sufferers. K. M. WHITNEY. From One of Omaha's Popular Business Men - OMAHA , Nob. , Aug. S , 1609. NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO. , Omnha. Neb. Gentlemen : I willingly add my testimony to tbo many you hnve already received re garding the beneficial effects following the use of the Oxygcncr. ( My experience In the \uo ot the Oxygenor Is such that 1 feel warranted In saying that I believe If used nccordlug to directions and will accomplish all that Is claimed for It. Jinny of my friends have tisad the Oxyeenor for various ailments with very gratifying results , and I unhesitatingly recommend the Oxygenor to all those not enjoying good health. Respectfully yours , WILL J. STEVENS. 925 South 30th St. From His Honor , The Mayor , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa CEDAR RAPIDS , Iowa , Mny 9 , 1SJ9. NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO. Gentlemen : I am pleased to express uiy hearty approval of the good work performed by the Oxygonor among my friends and acquaintances In this city. My Individual use of it as a remedy warrants mo In saying It is a perfect and speedy remedy for colds , exhaustion , headache aud uilnor troubles. I know urso of a miraculous cure of a caea of pneumonia duo to the use of the Oxygenor alone and I hear It heartily commended by scores of our business nnd professional men as a remedy for rheumatism , neuralgia and different ailments. It Is certainly worth many , many times Its price aud Is a remedy that no family should bo without. Yours truly , JOHN M. REDMOND. Mayor. Childhood's Friend and Protector. . < J4 3 > - < S > _ > -4 > - < 4 > - - < J > $ * - < I Found the Oxygenor a Godsend OMAHA. Nob. , August 10 , 1899. NEBRASKA OXYGE/NOR CO. , Omaha. Neb. Gentlemen : I have used your "Oxygenor" for the past few months and can truly say It Is a wonderful machine. I was helpless when I began using it , but soon wan able to do my housework without any trouble. I can cheerfully recommend It to all sufferers. I am only too glad to bo given the opportunity of recommending- , for It has been a Godsend to me. Yours Very Truly , MRS. G. A. McKAY , 511 N. 18th St. From Two Old and Respected Citizens of Omaha NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO , , 342 Chamber of Commerce , Omaha , Neb. Gentlemen : This Is to certify that we have used tbo Perfected Oxygenor in our family -with the most gratifying results. We bcllevo the Oxygenor capable of curing any disease that Is curable , and wo implicitly rely upon it , in every emergency , and It saves much tlmo and" Buffering. It also saves much money that had heretofore gone to pay doctor's and drug < bills. ' If wo could not get another , ? .riOO.OO would bo no temptation for us to part with It. MR. THOS. BONNER , MRS. ELIZA BONNER , 1323 Cass St. Endorsed by J. S' McKenney , Vice-President of the Motor Vehicle Co. , Chicago. r. B. MNOLO. f- . . . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 1330.000 TODMOinJUOOd issssfssr- j e ] ftofor Vehicle Company , Mtnifuttnrt tf Electric and Gasoline cmotor ) efifclest Storage cBatteries , Gasoline Engines Wcyctet , Sewing , Putt tnd Fltllflfi , * 364 WABASH AVENVE. CHICAGO. ILL. * Chicago , June Crd. 1099 * 'Tho ttcygenor Co. Chicago , ' 111. en emen. j . the iaBt , month I have suffered Intense pain with neuralgia in the right aide or ay face. It became so severe that I cpuld neither eat nor sleep and It effected my eypa , ears and teeth entirely Incapacitating ne for business. , , . of relief. I. tried various remedies without obtaining a particle Wnally a friend suggested ' ; The Oxygenor" , saylne that ho Xnon of Ms onn knavledgo that lV nad porfomed many remarkable cures or various diaeaaes and although atrongiy aiispeotlne Uiat it nas only another ona or the many medical fada or crazes hlo cnthuiasn traa conUKlous vid his statements proV.d BO convincing that 1 procured - . cured a "Perfected' Oxye nor King" , at your general office and applied it iiamedlatoly after reaching homo. * . r was both surprised and pleased to find that it relieved me or all palh the first night.I applied It again the following nleht.nlth the Jesuit that it effected a perfect cure. It Is certainly a wonderful little doctor. I shalUaliraya keep It handy for similar * ttacit'arroraa mo great pleasure to recommend it to all oufforing cure neuralgia ought to bo aolo to. which can humanity for anything cuTpTaotlcal $ all oU.er dlaeasea and my faith In the potency of the ] Oxygenor as o curative agent is almost unlimited. Wishing you every success , I0 Ufully your3f