Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Bullish QoT rnment Crop Report Gauges
Sharp Adr&noa in Wheat.
Corn , Old * nnd ProvUloii * Arc All
Polled Out of the Hole liF
the Strrnuth of
, "Wheat.
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. Wheat got well
ot > eve the 70c mark today , closing strong
with an advance of lc. The bullish government -
ornment crop report was the .main factor
In the scramble for cover which took place
and which at one tlmo advanced the price
SVio. Corn , onts and provisions were nil
pulled out of n hole by the strength of
wheat , corn and oats closing a shade higher
and provisions 2V4Q7'/4c higher.
Wheat started 'with nn advance of 949o
for September , opening trades In that op
tion being made at GOHQCOHc. Bull news ,
for the flrst tlmo In weeks , was plentiful.
Hut nil else , was lost sight of In the gov
ernment figures on the condition of spring
wheat. It showed a decline of 8.1 points In
the condition , suggesting a. crop of 235,000,000
bu. This would Indicate a decrease of
GO.000,000 bu. , a shortage too great to bo
overlooked even In the present apathetic
condition of trading. To add to. the
Btrcngth of the situation reports from tnj
northwest told of n serious and widespread
damage ( by yesterday's hall storms In the
Dnkotas nnd Minnesota nnd northwest re
ceipts showed a marked falling off. Cables ,
however , wcro rather disappointing , Liver
pool showing but Mtfj > ttd advance early and
losing even this slight advantage before the.
jnnrket closed for the day. The opening tid-
vnnco wns looked upon by a majority of
the older traders ns sufficient considering
die news nnd considerable sMIIng followed ,
under which September slowly declined to
Offerings wcro nil absorbed , so quickly In
fact that although u period of dullness
followed the decline to 69Vlc , some of the
early sellers attempted to cover shortly
nfter noon. Then It developed that the
market was heavily oversold. Offerings
were scarce and apparently the attitude of
the whole trading element changed within
n. 'few ' minutes. In itho next halt hour the
buying developed Into a regular scramble
among shorts to cover nnd the rapidity with
which prices shot up caught many heavily.
.Before . the demand had been satlsned Sep
tember had advanced to 71M > c. Realizing at
that figure wns heavy and a decline to lOVt ®
70ic ! followed , but the market was well
supported , shorts being anxious to cover
even at that price , and the close was
" Northwest receipts were 115 cars , ngalnst
DOS lust week and 99 a year ago. Chicago
receipts were 63 cars. 14 of contract grade.
Total primary receipts were 476,000 bu. ,
ngalnat 43G.OOO bu. last year. Atlantic port
clearances amounted to 320.000 bu. There
was a better cash demand for ell grades
of wheat and CO.OOO bu. was reported
worked hero.
I ' Corn was weak early on the government
lu report , which Indicated an exceptionally
large crop. This was the chief feature
the morning trading nnd though no .mate-
rail decline took place the market tended
downward until the big advance took place
In wheat. That started buying In corn ,
shorts coming Into the market and advanc
ing the prices of all futures. A feature
was tiho buying of .May. possibly 600,000 bu.
The cash demand was not so active. Re
ceipts were light , 273 cars. Crop advices
were favorable. September ranged from
SOV&o to 30c , and closed % c higher at
Oats were exceptionally dull but flrm ,
iwith prices 'following ' narrowly the course
of whcn.t. Thcro was good buying of
September by shippers , supposed tobe
ngalnst cash sales , but nothing wns re
ported worked here. The "government " crop
report advanced the condition slightly.
Receipts were. 3S4 cars. September ranged
from 19Vje to 19 lc , and closed a shade
( higher tin 191BC.
'Provisions ' early were slow and rather
easy , small declines taking place during the
morning trading. Hog prices were lower
nnd packing Interests were sellers. The
market turned flrm In the afternoon with
the advance In wheat nnd under good gen
eral buying the declines were recovered
nnd small advances scored. There wae a
coed demand-for lard , but cash business
was as a whole slow. At the. close Septem
ber pork was B&gSc lower at ? S.2o ; Septem
ber lard 7V4c lower nt $5.25 , nnd Septem
ber rlbs.Gc lower at $5.0036.02 % .
Estimated receipts for Saturday : Wheat ,
111 cars ; corn , 270 cars ; oats , 315 cars ; hogs ,
14,000 head.
Leading futureg ranged ai follow * :
Articles Upon. High. Lew. Close. Yeafdy
71K 604 70 08H
7314 71H 73M
76 70M 74Ji
KSHOVt 28M 28
29M SOU 29
ION 10 4 19K
19H8H 19H IBM
827M 815 82B 822H
8U7H 835 822H 830 8 2S
617M BBS BIB 626 S17W
62S 527W C20 B27M 6 . ! ! ! *
4.0IH B02X 402M G02M 407M
6 O''H 605 495 505 5 DO
No. . 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUIU-DulI ; patents , J3.45fi3.66 ;
BtralRhU , 3.0 g > 3.25 ; clears , 52.EOii3.10 ;
Bprlng specials , $4.00 ; hard patents , { 3.500
3.60 ; soft patents , J3.SOy3.40 ; straightsW.CO
© 3.10 ; bakers , W.-ioge.CO.
\V > HEAT-lJo , 3 sprlnsr. 6SC9 ic ; No. 2
red. 7Wi < 3'71Vic.
COIlN-ajo. 2 , 31iff31l4c ; No. 2 yellow ,
OATS-nNo. 2. OHiSMUAo : No. 3 white. M J )
HAIRILBY-Wo. 2 , .
SEEDS No. 1 , rtaxseed , 99c ; northwest.
51.02V4 ; southwest , 99V4c ; September. 9S' o ;
October , 98c ; December , OS'/io. Timothy ,
August , f2.CS ; September , $2.45 : October ,
J2.45. Clover contract grade , ? G.3 3 < i.35.
PttOVLS10NS- porkt per tobl. . J7.60 ®
8.25 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , J5.05Q6.25 : short ribs
Bides ( loose ) , Jl.80ff5.15 ; dry salted shouV-
ors ( boxed ) , tS.5CK05.C2'i ; short clear sides
( boxed ) . J5.3W5.33 ,
WHISK.Y Distillers' finished goods , per
gal. . J1.26.
Oftlflal receipts and shipments for today :
Flour , bills . 10.000 13.000
\Vhoat , bu . -18,000 31.000
Corn , bu . 300.000 620,000
Oats , bu . 400,000 3D3.000
lUye. .bu . . , . 9,000 .
Carloy , ton . 8,000 C ,000
On the Produce Exchanpe today the but
ter market was firm. Creameries. 13'S ®
c ; dairies , ! 12iiIlGc. Cheese. , llrm , O'/ifflOc.
steady ; fresh , 12' '
Quotation * for < ! i Day on Vnrlnu *
NHW YORK , Aug. 11. FLOUR Receipts ,
23,201 tibls , ; exports , 15,853 bbls. ; unsettled
nnd fairly nctlvo nt generally higher prices ;
winter patents , J3.C003.80 ; winter straights ,
J3.S5iB3.45Minnesota ; patents , J3.70ff3.90 ;
Ilnncsota lukerti' , J3 , 00)13. ) 15 ; low grades ,
J2,30 < rr2.40 , Hye Hour , quiet ; good to fair ,
J2.904f3.10 ; choice to fancy. J3.15'J3.30.
COHNMlSAlj Quiet ; yellow western , 72Q >
73o ; city. 74c ; nrandywlne , J2.10iJ2.20.
R.YE Firmer ; No. 2 western , C9ic f. o. b.
Intloat spot : wlato rye , & 5&o } c. i. f. New
York , car lots.
IIAHUSY Klrm ; feeding , 37V4@3So c. 1. f.
Duffalo ; malting , 4SQ57c.
UARLEY MALT Quiet : western , SSflOSc.
WUBAT Receipts , 66.625 bu. ; exports ,
Options opened strong nt Tic advance ou the
bullish government report , but sold oft un
der disappointing cables and realizing. The
afternoon feature was a second active ml-
vaiice on an alarm of shorts , led by St.
Xtouls. Closed Wrong at about the top point
of the day and lo above the previous
night ; Alay. SOllfrSivicclosed ; , Mfcc ; Sep.
tember , 74H 76'io ; closed , "GHc ; December ,
77UfT7S4io : closed , 7S&c.
CORN -Receipts , 137,476 bu. ; exports , 3U-
673 bu. : sales , 200,000 bu. futures , 410,000 bu ,
rpot. Spot , nrm ; No. 2 f , o. b. , llrm. Op
tions opened llrm at unchanged prices ,
influenced by wheat and later on by
foreign demand , light offerings nnn liberal
clearances ; firm nt tie advance ; September
36 &ir7tt & ! nf closed , 3l3n. TlAnomhnr . 31W@
34 ; o ; closed , 3 ) ic.
OATS Receipts , 124,600 bu. ; exports. 8,095
bu. Spot , steady : No. 2 white , ibVtc ; track ,
mixed western. 27Q2SHo ; track , white , 27 ®
Sic. Options elow.
LEATHER Firm : hemlock sole. Buenos
Ayres. light to heavyweights , 2lQ2icj acids ,
HAV Firm : shipping , 60Q Ocj good to
dholcc. 76if90c.
.HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice.
1696 crop , ? S7c ; 1W7 , llffKe ; 163S , l S17c ; Pa.-
pine coast , 1S9 crop , 6Q7c ; 1S97 , llgUflj 159S ,
16W17C ,
HIDES Firm : Oalveston , 20 to 23 Ibs. ,
ICUifnc : Texas dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , Ix , c ;
Cnflfnrnla , 21 to 25 Ibs. ,
WOOIy Klrmj domestic fleece ,
Texan , 13ffl6c ,
PROVISIONS Beef , quiet ; family , J9.
10.60 ; extra mes , J3 ; beef hums , 127100 $
23.50 ; pickled , J9.50giO.00 ; city extra , India
mess , J14.0 ifl5.00. Cut meats , steady ;
pickled bellies , tf. < fl7.50 ! pickled Phoulders ,
Jfi ; pickled hams , J10.00Q10.75. Lard , easy ;
western Blenmod , Jo.72',4 ; August closed at
J5.72V& , nominal ; refined , steady ; continent ,
Jfi.95 ; South America , J6.50 ; compound , to.
Pork , steady ; mcsc. J9.50fj9.75 ; short clear ,
Jll.TBjfnmlly. Jll.oiQl2.00.
nUTTBH Receipts , 2,573 pkBs. ; nrm ; state
dairy , 13Hgi7V4c ; state creamery , 165T19V4o ;
western creamery , lfti19Hc | ; factory , I3ril6c. ?
CH BBS 13 Receipts , 2.1 ( pkgs. ; market
quiet ; large white , 9M9V4c : small white ,
9V4f9Wc ; large colored , aWi'OVic ; small col
ored. 9Ho.
EuOS Receipts , 6,246 pkgs. ; firm : western
ungraded , ll(314c ( at mark ,
I'OTATOES-Qulct ; fair to prime , Jl.OOffl
1.50 ; fancy , Jl.'oQ-Z.Zo ; southern sweets , J3.0
TALLOW Firm : city ( W per package ) ,
4c ; country ( package free ) , 4Hc.
OII S Petroleum , nrm ; rettned New York ,
J7.SO ; Phlladelrrhia and Baltimore , J7.75 ;
Philadelphia and BAltlmore. In bulk , J5.2f .
Rosin , steady ; strained , common to good ,
RICE Finn ; domestic , fair to extra , 4'iH
FREIGHTS Quiet ; cotton by steam , 16c ,
nominal ; grain by steam , 24c.
PIO IRON-FIrm ; southern , J17.BOSCO.DO ;
northern , J18.00(321.00. (
Condition of Trnilc nnd ( Inotntlonn
on Slniilo nnil Ifnncjr Produce.
EGGS Good stock , 10',4e.
BUTTER-Common lo fair. ll@12c ; choice ,
13Q)14c ) ; separator , ISSlSc ; gathered cream
ery , 16@17c.
POULTRY-Hens , live , 8c ; spring chick
ens , llfpl2c ( ; old and staggy roosters ,
live. 3V4 5c ; ducks nnd geese , live , 6Cc ;
turkeys. MVP , Sc.
PIGEONS Live , per doz. , 75c@J1.00.
VEALS Choice. 9c.
VATERMELONS Southern , crated for
shipment. ! C57 > lSc. '
CANTALOUPE-JPer basket. 40Q60C.
TOMATOES Per 4Jbasket crafe , 45ff50c. (
POTATO133 New potato&s. 3035c per bu.
CUCUMBERS Per doz. , 12@15c.
CELERY < Per doz. , 30035c.
BLUEBERRIES Per 16-qt. case , J1.50 ®
L , 0.
. 0..PLUMSCallfornia. . .per crate , Jl.33gi.50.
APPLES-Pcr bbl. , J1.75If2.25.
ORANGES-OIexIcan oranges , J4.5&55.00. '
LEMONS California fancy , J4.2oO4.50 ;
choice California , J3.75 < iH.OO ; ( Messina , fancy ,
Jo. OOQ5.23.
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
per bunch. J2.60 < g'2.75 : medlum-sbed
bunches , J2.00Q2.25.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7We ; No. 2
green hides. 6Vic ; No. 1 salted hld s , 8V5c :
No. 2 salted hides , 7Wc ; No. J veal calf , S
to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15
Ibs. , 8c.
1 , 3V4c ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow. IHc ;
white griase , 214@3o ; yellow and brown
grease. lU@2Hc.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 ®
75e ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each. 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. 6c ; dry
Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4g5c ; dry Hint.
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per Ib. , actual weight , 34c ; dry Hint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual
weight , 4Q6c ; dry nint. Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3 < 4c.
St. I.oiiim Grnln niul Provlnlonn.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 11. WiHEAT Higher
find active ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , 69V4 ®
69V4c ; track , 7071'/4o ; September , 71V4c ; De
cember , 74c ; May , 77c ; No. 2 hard , 6S69c ;
receJpts. 69.314 bushels
CORN Higher ; No. 2 cash , 31c : track ,
32c ; September , 30c ; December , 27c ; May ,
OATS Firm ; No. 2 cash. 21c ; track , 21 c ;
September , 20Jic ; May , 21c ; No. 2 white ,
RYE Firm at 55c.
'FLOUR-Unchanged. '
SEEDS Timothy seed , J2.20@2i40. Flax-
seed. firm at 95c.
. . .
BRAN- FIrm ; sacked , east track , BSc.
IIAY- Steady ; timothy , J6.509.00 ; prolrle ,
WHISICY-Steady .it S1.26.
BAGGING egfi c.
PROVISIONS-Pork , nrm at J9.25. Lard.
better ; prime steam , J5.10 ; choice , J5.15.
Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , J5.12V4 :
extra shorts , J5.25 ; clear ribs , J5.37V& : clear
sides , J3.CO. Bacon ( boxed ) , shoulders and
extra shorts , J5.75 ; clear ribs , J5.87& ; clear
sides , $6.
flrm at * U7 * : spolter'
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 7@7c ;
young , IWlOHc ; turkeys , 8c ; young , lie
ducks , 5V4 < g < > c : geese , 6@Gi4c.
BUTTER-Firm ; creamery , 16@19c ; dairy ,
lof { 16c.
EGGS Firm at 10'c. " .
JRECErPTS-JFlour5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 69-
SXx corn > < I2'000 bu' ! oatsO00 bu-
SinPMDNTS-MFlour. 6,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
9,000 bu. ; corn , 66,000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu.
Liverpool Grnln nnd I'rovlnioim.
i.ard , lAmerlcart renned In palls , dull , 28s ;
prlmo western In tierces , dull , 25s. Bacon ,
Cumberland cut , 35s ; long clear middles ,
light , 31e ; long clear middles , heavy , 30s ;
short clear backs. 29s Cd.
WHEAT-Spat No. 2 red , western winter ,
nrm. 5s id ; No. 1 northern spring , nrm. 6s
HHd. Futures steady ; September , 6s 8d ;
December. Es 10'id.
CORlN-Spot American mixed new , quiet ,
Rs 3&d : American mixed , old , quiet , 3s 4d.
Futures , steady ; September. 3s 3 4d ; Octo-
iber , 3s 4d ; November , 3s 4d
iRecelptB of wheat for the last three days ,
C.0,000 . centala. Including 238,009 American ;
receipts of corn for the last three days ,
012,000 centals.
KiiiimiM City Rrnln and 1'rovlnlniiN.
tember. 63lc ; December. 66Wc ; cash. No. 2
hard , 63c : No. 3 , GOS lV4c ; No. 2 red , ffic-
No. 3. 64rG7c : receipts. 139 cars
CORN September , 27c ; December , 24c ;
cash. No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 2 white , 29c-
No. 3. 2SHo.
OATS-No. 2 white , 2214 ® 3V4e.
RYE Higher ; No. 2 , fXWSlc.
HAY Choice timothy , J7.50 ; choice prairie.
BUTTER Creamery. 17'/4c ; dairy , 14c.
T3GGS Higher ; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock , firsts. 9V o per dozen.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 83,400 bu. ; corn , 25,200
bu. : oats. 4,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS- , 61.800 bu. ; corn ,
9,100 < bu. ; oats. 5,000 bu.
Toledo Slnrlcet.
TOLEDO. O. , Aug. 11. WHEAT Active
and higher ; No. 2 , cash. 71&c ; September ,
CORN Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 33' ' c.
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash
and September , 20' c.
RYE Unchanged.
CLOVERSEBD-Active ; prime cash , J3.95 ;
October , J4.45 bid.
MliiiieniiollN AVIient nnil Flour.
Close : In store , No. 1 northern , August ,
7lc ; September. 67c ; December , eSfec ; May.
72&P. On truck : No. 1 hard. 7U4c ; No , 1
northern , 70Ho : No. 2 northern , 69V4c.
FLOUR AND HR'AN ' Unchanged ,
MlliriiiiUce Grain AInrket.
ket nrmer ; No , 1 northern , 71B72Uc : No ,
2 northern , 70c ,
RYB-.Flrm . : No. 1. Sic.
BARLEY Strong ; No. 2. 41e ; sample , 35
Itnlntli AVlieiit Mnrket.
December. 71c : Jlay' 74cj'No. 2 northern !
G7c ; No. 3 spring , 64c ,
Motnl Market.
day's metal market was a small one token
as a whole , The news from primary points
nnd news from abroad hardly warranted
aggressiveness on the part of either buyers
or sellers. Tin went off under more liberal
offerings ; Iron and lead were steady , but
not quotnbly higher. Copper and spelter
were unchanged. At the close the Metal
exchange called pig Iron warrants steady ,
with J15 bid nnd J15.25 asked ; lake copper
unchanged at J18.50 ; tin lower at J31.25 bid
and $31.60 asked ; lead steady at Ji.CO bid
and J1.C2 asked ; spelter unchanged at J5.75.
The brokers' price for lead is J4.35 and for
cooner JlS.TStfi 19.00.
BT. IXJUIS , Aug. 11-METALS- ,
flrm at J4.57H : spelter , dull at J5,67&Q5.70.
.Veiv York Dry OucxU Murkct.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11. Sellers of brown
cotton growing more reserved In accepting
bids for forward deliveries , reports of dam
age to cotton crop and 'higher prices for
cotton having an Influence , Demand fair.
Print cloths and other gray goods firm.
Bleached cottons In steady demand for fair
quantities and prices well maintained. Mar
ket without change In other directions.
Woolen and ( worsteds for'c wear sell
ing well nnd the tone In strong. Linens
nre quiet but nrm In price. Burlaps strong ,
domnnd fuller and prices advancing.
Henry Tone In Hnllrnnil Stock * Affect *
Mniiy Iniltintrlnl .Sjirclnlllrn.
NHW YORK , Aug. 11. The stock market
made some show of activity nnd strength
In the early dealings today , but the move
ment had about exhausted Itself before the
end of the flrst hour. The heavy tone In
many railroad stocks affected the Industrial
specialties , which had started to go up , nnd
realizing set In , which helped the brnrs.
The market refused to go up ngnln ana
drifted quite aimlessly for the rest of the
day , the volume of business falling to the
lowest ebb. The stock which made the early
activity were the Iron and steel nnd leather
Blocks. Some of the former group had
quite handsome net gains remaining at the
close of the day , .Federal Steel nnd Colorado
Fuel being the only ones In the group to
show net losses. Tennessee Coal was still
foremost In the movement and touched S3V4 ,
'but ' failed to make Its net gain a whole
There was a tremendous scramble to take
on United States Leather and the price
touched lOft. 'Practically ' the whole of Its
gain was wiped out In a realizing movement
nnd the preferred stock closed below last
i nere TV-US a midday demand for Mexican
Central nnd Mexican National , which was
unexplained In the day's news. Detroit Gas
and Union Bag and Pnper , both common
and preferred , showed slmrp gains. Thcro
were a few strong spots in the railroad
list , notably Chicago Great Western de
bentures , which ore up li , and Missouri ,
Kansas & Texas , both common nnd pre
ferred. Oregon Navigation lost 2 % of Its
recent rise. A few railroad stocks showed
fractional gains , but the general tone was
heavy. The condition of spring wheat
shown by itho government crop report had
some influence. Much was mnde of a report
that the rate from New York to Kansas
City had been made on freight by way of
the Grand Trunk nnd Chicago , Burlington
& Qulncy > to meet the rate by way of the
gulf and southwestern lines. Some anxiety
was felt lest this might presage a war of
rates calculated to have a very unfavorable
effect on earnings.
There grew up the fear during the day
that tomorrow's t > ank statement might not
prove the encouraging exhibition which hnd
been predicted for It during the weekIt
is Relieved that some money has come to
New York from out of town banks to bo
placed In loans , but In other cases undoubt
edly outside banks have drawn on their
deposits In 'New York banks to place these
loans. It Is expected that New York banks
will bo shown to have reduced their loans.
Call loans were about steady today nnd
the decline to 24 T > er cent In tne late denl :
Ings was of little olgnlflcance , as it occurred
nfter most of itho demand had been satis-
.Movements . In ( bonds were sluggish and
irregular and business was not large. Total
sales , par value. Jl,093,000. United States
new 4s advanced , per cent In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's .London
financial cablegram says : "The markets
here opened cheerful , but the news of the
withdrawal of 400,000 gold from the bank
for the Cape brought about a reversal of
the tone , alarming the money market and
causing political uneasiness. Americans
fluctuated narrowly and the close was frac
tionally irregular. "
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New York
exchange today :
Offered. "Ex-dlvldend.
XCTT York Money Market.
"NEW YORK. Aug. U. MONBY On call ,
steady at 2V403V4 per cent ; last loan. 2'/4
per cent ; prime mercantile paper , 41/frjJ6 per
actual business in bankers' bills at J4.S50
4.S511 for demand and at J4.82Wff4.S2W ! for
sixty days ; posted rates. $4.83 and J4.87 ®
4.87 > X , : commercial bills , J4.81 % .
SILVER-Certiflcates. 60G61c ; bar , COVSc. ;
Mexican dollars , 4Sc.
BONDS Government bonds flrm , state
bonds inactive , railroad bonds Irregular.
The following are the closing quotation *
on bonds :
Ilonton Stoclc QnntntlouH.
American Seciirltle * Improve.
LONDON , Aug , 11 , American securities
opened better and Improved somewhat :
later , however , the market eased off and
remained quiet. The early Improvement
was due to a moro buoyant feeling. At the
clos'e ' the tone was easy. The amount of
bullion withdrawn from the Bank of Eng
land on balance today was 220,000. Span
ish 4s closed at 60ft ; gold at Buenos Ayres ,
I'rlce * Firm on Purl * Iloiime.
PARIS. Aug. 11 , Prices were flrm on the
bourse today , being favorably Influenced
by the advance In rentes , which were In
good demand tor Investment , Internation
als wem higher. A feature of the day's
transactions wns active inquiry for Otto
man bank shnrea , on a rumor of the con
version of < he 5 per cent customs bonds
Into l'/i per ccntii. Kafllrs were strong.
. .
Sj. Pniil. common..U' . '
UAR BILVER-Qulet nt 2711-16d.
JIONRY-2J4 per cent.
The discount in the open market for rihort
bills Is Z % per cent ; for three months' bills ,
per cent.
Ilnnlc .
NEW YORK , Aug. ll.-Clearlngs ,
7a3.Ml : balances. $7.619,371.
'BOSTON. ' Autr. ll.-Clcnrlngs , $21,371,029 ;
balances. $1.7CS.309.
'BALTIMORE ' , Aug. ll.-Clearlngs , $2-
604,42fi ; balances. $271,690.
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 11. Clearings ,
$ H.166,7il ; balances , $2,602.146.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. ll.-Clenrlngs , $5,608,006 ;
balances , $ S9lS94. Money , 4 ® < 5 per cwit ;
NPW York exchange , lOc discount bid , par
'CHICAGO. ' Aug. ll.-Clearlngs , $18,875,221 ;
balances , $1,661,661. New York exchange , 3tfo
discount. Sterling exchange , $4.S4@1.S7V4.
I'crllii 1'rlccn IrrcKiilnr.
'BERLIN ' , Aug. ll.-Prlces on the bourse
today -were Irregular. Internationals nnd
Americans were steady. Argentines re
acted , on the rise of the gold premium nt
Buenos Ayrea and local shares were strong
owing to the speech made by Emperor Wil
liam today at the opening of the Dort
mund-Ems canal.
| fniulltlnn of the Tronimry.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 11. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
i shows : Available cash balance , $273,497,197 ;
1 gold reserve , $215,633,630.
BERLIN. uVug. 11. Exchange on London ,
20 marks , 60 pfgs. for checks.
Advance of More Tlinii Ilnlf n Cent ,
Owlne tn Crop DnmiiRc Itcportn.
NEW YORK , Aug. ll.-The New York
Cotton Exchange was the scene of the
wildcat excitement today. Recent reports
of serious damage to the crop , particularly
of Texas , has been disregarded by the
shorts , who continued to sell , on the theory
that there was no speculative competition
for cotton while the surplus would bo
something like 2,000,000 bales from the old
crop and that the movement of new cotton ,
whatever the. actual yield might ultimately
prove to be , would fall Immediately upon
spinners of thlsi country and Europe.
It was known that the consumption of
cotton at home and abroad was proceeding
upon unprecedented lines , .but . over and
against this U was pointed out that the
crop damage reports had been overdrawn ,
and that the yield of now cotton would be
a sufficient offset to the activity in spin
ning circles. In this way a very heavy
short Interest accumulated. Shortly , how
ever , the market has been showing strength
and some long-headed Wall street parties
commenced to absorb the cotton offered iiy
the overconfident bears.
Gradually the ranks of 'buyers began to
fill up from all directions and prices took
an upward turn until , within a , few days ,
an advance of more than half a cent had
been established. This Is an unusual ad
vance for these times. The excitement ex
tended to the. English and southern. mar
kets , which also advanced rapidly. No leas
than eleven official cables were read on
'change today , one after another , * n rapid
succession , and all adding to the excite
ment by reporting additional advances ,
while the southern maruets caught the
fever and marked up prices. Before the
session ended , however , prudent holders
undertook to secure profits ; which caused a.
partial reactloni.
The advance this week having been about
half a cent led some conservative owners
to part with 4)iRlr ) holdings , but as a rufe
the bullish sentiment was so strong- that no
sooner had the ldnga sold than they showed
an anxiety gciiHhelr holdings back again.
The shorts were badly scared , less on ac
count of the bad accounts from Texas than
they were 'by ' the bull tontaglon that ap
peared to be spreading In all directions.
The 'buying ' represented orders from , the
grain people , dry goods houses , foreigners ,
planters and cotton spinners. The result
was a larger volume of business than has
been transacted on the exchange In any one
day for months. During the session1 the
market made frequent fluctuations , partly
owing to the efforts of the bears to break
the upward movement , but In the main the
course of the market was evenly upward.
The rise was stimulated by rapidly arriving
English cables , all reporting advances until
11 o'clock , and cables had .been announced ,
the last one reporting the net gain of
6V4-64ths. In the afternoon the market be
came quieter and reacted several points ,
under the taking of. profits. The close was
very steady at a gain of 131G points.
LIVERPOOL , Aug. 11. COTTON-Spot ,
moderate demand , prices l-32d higher.
American , middling 'fair ' , 4 3-32d ; middling ,
3 10-32d ; low middling , 3 9-16d ; good ordi
nary , 3 3-J2Q ; ordinary , 2 9-32d. Bales of the
day were 8.000 bales , of which 600 were for
speculation and export , and Included 7,600
American. Olecelpts , none. Futures opened
steady and closed feverish at the advance.
American middling , 1. m. c. . August ,
3 31-64JTO 32-64d value ; August-September ,
3-30-C4SO 31-C4d value ; September-October ,
3 294d buyers ; October-November , 3 2S-64d
sellers ; November-December , 3 26-6403 27-64
buyers ; December-January , 3 26-64SJ3 27-G4d
buyers ; January-February , 3 2i3-643 27-64d
buyers ; Fabruary-iMarch , 3 27-64d bukers ;
March-April , 3 2S-64d buyers ; April-May.
3 28-6400 29-04d .buyers . ; May-June , 3 29-64d
buyers : June-July. 3 30-C4d sellers.
NEW YORK , Aug. 11. COTTON Futures
closed very steady ; August. $5.91 ; Septem
ber , $5.93 ; October , $6.10 ; November , $6.15 ;
December , $6.20 ; January , $6.24 ; February ,
$6.27 ; Marchi $6.31 ; April , $6.34 ; May , $6.33 ;
June , $6.41.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 11. COTTON Firm ;
middling , 6 5-16c ; sales. 1,800 bales ; receipts.
100 bales ; shipments , 786 bales' stock , 68,136
Flrm ; Bales , 1,350 bales ; ordinary. 33-16c ;
good ordinary 45-16c ; low middling , 6c ;
middling , 6c ; good middling , 66-16c ; mid
dling fair , 6o ; receipts , 20 bales ; stock ,
133,656 bales. Futures steady : August , $5.80
(55.81 ( : September. $3.7805.79 : October , $580 ®
5.81 ; November , $5.S45T6.S3 ; December , $5.89 ®
6.90 ; January. $3.B4Q5.93 ; February , $5.98B6.00 ;
March , $ G.02tf6.04 ; April , $6.066.08 ; May ,
NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 11. Secretary
Hester's statement of the world's supply
of cotton shows a total of 2,329,222 bales ,
against 2.450.C21 bales last week , 1,867,487
last year and 2.604,830 In 1895. Of this the
total of American cotton is 2,199,226 bales ,
against 2,441,262'last week , 1,639,478 last year
and 2.283,630 dn 1893.
Oil Market.
NEW YORK , Aug. 11. OILS Petroleum ,
firm ; rosin , steady ; turpentine , firmer at
60V4Q51c ; cottorwecd oil , Inactive but steady ;
prime summer yellow , 26&o ; butter grades ,
LONDON , Aug. ll.-OILS-Turpentlno
spirits , 35s Dd030s. Calcutta linseed , spot ,
Z&s 8Vid.
TOLEDO , O. , Aug. ll.-OILS-North Lima ,
93c ; South Lima and Indiana. SSc
LIVERPOOL , Aug. 11. OILS Turpentine
spirits , strong at 36s 6(1.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Aug. ll.-OILS-Credlt
balances. $1.27 ; certificates closed , cash oil
offered , $1.2SV $ ; no bids or sales ; shipments ,
77.393 bbls , ; average. 84.079 ibbls. ; runs , 102-
647 bbls. : average. S3.6M bblx.
LIVERPOOL. Aug. It OILS Turpentine
spirits , strong at 37u ,
OIL CITY. Pa. , Aug. ll.-OILS-Credlt
balances , $1.27U for cash ; runs , 89,964 bbls
average , 84,660 bbls.
Coffee Marlci't ,
NEW YORK , Aug. ll.-COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady at a decline of 6 points and
ruled weak all dav on continued heavy re
ceipts at Rio and Santos , absence of specu
lation , and Indifference of spot buyers.
Closed steady. December. 6 points net
lower. Sales , 4,000 bags. Including Septem
ber , $4.40 ; October , $4.45 ; November , $4.60 ;
December , $4.90 , Spot coffee , dull and
barely steady ; mild quiet and about steady.
Sun r Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. ll.-SUQAR-Raw ,
quiet and llrm ; fair refining , 4c ; centrifugal ,
96 test. 4 D-16c : molasses sugar , 3c.
Steady : centrifugal , yellow , 4 ? g4io ; eec-
ends , 2H@4 > 4c. '
MOLASSES-Dull : centrifugal. 614c.
LONDON. Aug. ll.-SUGAR-Beet sugar ,
August , 10s % d.
California Ilrluil Fruit' .
DRIED FRUITS-Qulet. Evaporated ap
ples , common. 74c ; prime wire tray , SU ®
Western Range Steers Ball at thi Hlghes
Plica on Record.
Henry llo Sell nn High nn on Tltnrn-
ilny Cnttle In Oocul Dcmnuil
nt UnchnnRcil 1'rlcen Jienrlr
Scllo Unrly.
Receipts were :
_ . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omclal Monday 4.BS3 6.UI2 6.7U4
omclal Tuesday 3,190 10,299 6.293
Olllclal Wednesday 2.SOO 10.200 7tt > 2
Olllclal Thursday 3,191 6.607 3,673
Olllclal Friday 1,313 3,490 4i37
Thus far this week.Te403 35.03S 25,559
Same days last week..12.155 3G28 10.4S3
Same days week before. . 12,621 35,112 11,982
Same three weeks ago..11,616 88.211 11.321
Average price paid for hogs for the last
eeveral days witjh comparisons ;
Indicates Sunday.
The olllclul number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's.
C. , I. & St. P. Ry 4
O. & St. L. Ry 3 2
Mo. I'aclllc Ry 1 2
Union Pac. System. . . 10 12 18 9
C. & N. W. Ry 1 1
P. , E. & M. V. R. R. 11 9
S. C. & P. Ry 1
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. 18 3
B. & M. R. R. R 9 13
C. , B. ft Q. Ry 3 6
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , E. . . 2
C. , R. I. & P. Ky. , W. . . 1
Total receipts 56 66 18 9
The disposition of the day's receipts was
nn follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 16 4SO . . . .
G. H. Hammond Co 32 785
Swift and Company 4SO 920 950
Cudnhy P. Co 177 384 1.4S8
Armour & Co 103 1122 1,630
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C 24
K. Becker & Dcgan 20
Benton & Underwood. . . . 19
Livingstone & Schaller. . 320
Hamilton & Rothschild. . ZS
L. F. Husz 30
Other buyers 159 . . 66
Held over 400
Totals 1,418 4,031 4,144
CATTLE Light receipts and a good de
mand served no clear the yards at a rea
sonably early hour and the market as a
whole wns In pretty good shape. However ,
the wire edge Is off the market for cornfed
otcers. They bought the good kinds today
at just about the same prices as yesterday ,
but they did not run after them nor did
they appear anything like no anxious for
them as they did on Wednesday. If any
thing the light and medium cattle were a
little waak.
The chief Interest of the day centered In
the sale of a bunch of the Van Tassell
Wyoming grass cattle at Jo.35. The cattle
were very good , mostly 4 and 6-yoar-olds ,
well finished and in good solid flesh , In fact ,
remarkably good for thta early In the sea
son. The price broke all previous records , ,
being the highest ever paid on this market
for a big bunch of grans westerns.
Cows and heifers were just about steady ,
and a * the supply was extremely light the
pens were soon cleared. Bulls were al > o
steady , as was -tho case with all kinds of
butchers' stock , and the market was with
out material change.
Stockers and feeders were In demand and
ibuyers wore out early , so that offerings
were all cleaned up In good season. The
prices paid wen fully steady or even strong.
The country demand shows improvement ,
and the cattle are coming none too fast to
keep up with the requirement of the trade.
Ropretontattve aales :
1. 670 3 25 20. . 785 4 35 32. . 620 4 40
8. 657 350 6. . 998 4 40 100. . 655 4 45
1. 770 4 10 2. . 855 4 40 58. . 876 4 45
10. 708 4 20 1. . 875 4 40 33. . 854 4 45
2. 970 435 8. . 765 4 40 3. . 366 4 75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
Icow . 1120 J3 00 2 cows 1050 J3 85
2 cows . 1015 360 20 steers..1427 460
Icow . 1290 3SG
R. S. VanTnssell.
7 steers. . . .1470 475 C9 steers. . . .1510 635
M. E. Forbes.
Icow . 1120 300 16 feeders. . 1109 440
HOGS Chicago came lower this morning
nnd the light hog market at this point
opened a little lower. Buyers of that kind
aid J4.3ftff4.32i4 for light mixed as against
.ff4.33 yesterday and as high as J4.35
for choice lightweights a good deal like
those that brougJit $4.374 yesterday. The
most of these hogs sold early In the morn
ing. Later on advices from Chicago Indi
cated a break of 610c on light hogs' , while
heavy were steady , which seemed a little
strange in view of the fact that the light
hogs have been the ones that have been
flying high. , , . , . . .
The market on heavy hogs at this point
opened slow and it was a little late before
much business was done , still about every
thing changed hands in reasonably good
season. The heavy and mixed packing
hogs went largely at $4,2504.27 % . which was
not much different from yesterday. There
were some very heavy hogs In the yards
which would not bring even those prices.
Yesterday a load of rough and heavy sows
sold at 4.10 and there were some of the
same kind In the yards today for which the
same price was bid. Shippers must bear In
mind that very ihcavy and rough sows are
discriminated against , as no one seems to
want them unless they can be at a big dis
count as compared with lighter stuff. It IB
not merely a matter of quality , but of
weight as well , packers claiming that these
big heavy hogs cannot bo cured and mar
keted until the season Is so far advanced
that they will have to sell In competition
with the winter pack. Representative
sales ;
No. Av. Sh. Pr.
62. . . .2S7 80 4 20
77. . . .259 120 4 S
53. . , . . .252 . . . 425
C5 , , . . .249 200 4 25
57. , . . .285 160 4 25
27. . , . . .271 SO J4 25
119. , . . .2'i 200 4 Z5
74. . . . .266 . . . 4 25
21. . , . . .212 tO 4 a
60 , . . . .203 . . . 4 35
66. . . . .251 SO - ! V7
40 , . . .219 JO 4 2-1
85 263 160 4 27' .
M 2SO 40 4 27'/
69 _ 232 SO 4 27
55. . . . .292 . . . 4 27' '
70. . . . .249 SO 4 27V
70. . . . .256 . . . 4 27
63 , . , 247 120 4 27
69 . 25S SO 4 27V
72 . m . . . 4 27'
62 . 243 . . . 4 27
61 . 228 . . . 4 27
69 . 240 . . . 4 27
66 . 252 160 4 27
73 . 244 40 4 27'
1 . 230 . . . 300
1 . 340 . . . 4 10
1 . 410 . . . 4 10
1 . 3SO . . . 4 15
2 . 2M . . . 4 15
3 . 256 . . . 4 15
SHEEP Receipts for a Friday were quite
liberal and the quality of the offering *
averaged up pretty well , There were Bheep.v
lambs and yearlings and a few feeders , BO
that fill kinds were represented on the market -
ket The market on sheep wns bnrely
steady nnd Inclined to be slow. On the
other hnnd lambs wcro 15JJ2Jc higher than
two days afro.
Quotations ; Prime native wether * . 4.00ff
4.K ; good to choice gross wethers. ji iSn3.S5 :
ffllr to peed grnss wethers , M.ROfrs.ToJ good
to choice Brass ewes , M.B003.7S ; good
to choice spring lambs. } 5.5Wf > .75 ; fair to
good poring lambs. $5.2556 So ; common
spring Iftmbs , $4.0034.50 ; feeder wethtrs.
No. Av. Pr.
1 buck . 140 J3 25
24 native ewes. . . . . S ? 4 35
11 Utah culls . . . . .100 3 SO
202 Utah old ewes . 101 350
459 Utah wethers . . . .119 3 fi2'4
24 Utah wethers . 93 355'
SW Utah yonrllngs , mixed . Sti 3 S'M
75 Utah culls. . . < a100
S2S ITtnh lambs . 61 600
495 Utah lambs . 62 605
l.lvc Slock.
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. There wns a better
run of cattle today tnan Is usual on Fri
day , but the demand wns good nnd only
commoner grades showed weakness ; good
to fancy cattle sold at J5.60Sj < ; 20 , commoner
grades bringing $4.6M5.60. Stockers nnd
feeders soM nt $335fI.S5 ; bulls , cows nnd
heifers at $2.0CKi6.S5 ( : Texas steers , J3.750S.30 ,
nnd calves nt $4.00iji7.15.
HOGS The market for hogs wns wenk
and not especially active. Heavy hoes sold
nt W.90TM. < rn4 ; mixed lots , nt J4.20iJlC5. and
light nt J4.45r4.SO. ( ? Pigs brought J3.5034.60 ,
and culls nt W.OOfiO.OO. t
SHBIOP The demand for sheep nnd lambs
was rather animated and prices wore
steady for nil kinds. Sheep sold nt tt.OOB3.00
for culls , up to J4.rjOJf4.75 for choice natives.
Larrtbs ranged from J4.00ij6.65 for ordinary
grade * , up to J6.0VI ( } .60 for the best.
RECKIPTS-Cnttle , 3.000 head ; hogs , 15.COO
head ; sheep , 7.000 head.
Now York l lvp Stook.
ceipts , 2,670 'head ; 2S cnrs on sale. Active
and firm ; steers nnd fnt cows , 102 higher ,
nil sold. Steers , J5.25S6.90 ; oxen , J3.50trl.25 ;
bulls , JJ.95iT3.60 ; cows. { 2.20JM. 10. Cnblcs
llrm ; exports , 547 hend cattle , 100 head
shecip. nnd 1,010 quarters of beef ; tomor
row. SSO cattle and 4,929 , quarters of beef.
CAbVES Receipts , 350 head. Firmer ,
higher ; good veals , J7.60 ; culls , J1.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 5,172
head ; 19V4 cars on sale. Sheep , steady ; good
lambs , stendy ; others slow , about stendv ;
sheep , W.004.75 ; lambs , J5.35W7.00 ; culls ,
J4.25if4.50 ; no choice lambs here.
'HOGS ' Receipts , 1,903 head. One deck on
aale ; steady ; pigs , $4.85.
St. Ioiil Lire Slock.
. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 11. CATTLE-Rccolpts.
2,300 hend , Including 1,600 head Texnns.
Market slow and steady ; fair to fnncy na
tive shipping steers , $4.76(36.00 ( ; dressed beef
steers. J4.C03S.75 ; steers , under 1,000 pounds ,
J3.-1005.00 : stockers and feeders , J3.50S4.C5 ;
cows and heifers , $2.25fM.90 ; canning cows ,
Jl.6ftge.75 ; bulls , J2.50JT4.40. Texas and In
dian steers , J3.764.90 ; cows and heftcrs ,
HOGS 'Receipts , 6,400 head. Mnrket , easy
to 6c lower : pigs and lights , J4.50Jf4.70 ;
packers , J4.50S-i.75 ; butchers. Jl.G5lf4.76.
SHEHP Roce-lpts , 1,200 head. Market
steady ; native muttons , $3.50Q4.00 ; lambs ,
J4.60S6.15 ; stockers , $3.253.55 ; culls and
bucks , J2.25 ® > 4.00.
KniiNiin City Live Stork.
celpts , 3,150 ihead natives ; 1,700 head Texans.
Best eteers active , 610c higher ; other
grades active and steady ; heavy steers ,
J6.35Sfi.00 : light. Jo.10S5.S5 ; stockers and
feeders. J3.60w5.00 ; butcher cows and heifers ,
J3.26S6.00 ; canners , J2.GOS3.C5 : western steers ,
W.2&S6.00 ; Texans. J3.10S > 4,30.
HOGS Receipts , 5,700 hend. Acilve t > ut
slow , 5c lower ; heavy , J4.30S4.35 ; mixed ,
$4.25 .37 % ; light , J4.25S-t.57Vs ; pigs. J4.25S4.33.
BHEEP Receipts , 3,600 head. Light sup
ply , common quality ; shade active nnd
steady. Good spring lambs , J4.75S5.70 ; mut
tons , J3.56@3.SS ; stockers and feedersJ3.00@
4.00 ; culls. J2.00@fj.00.
Stock In
( Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for August 11 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 1,342 3,890 4.S37
Chicago . 3,000 36,000 7,000
Kansas City . 3,850 5,700 3,600
St. Louis . 2,800 6.400 1,200
Totals . .11,032 30,990 16.637
Seller * I'M ml needy Market for Their
Product nt Better Prices.
BOSTON , Aug. 11. The Commercial Bul
letin tomorrow will say of the wool market :
The week ha "brought " practically no
change In the wool market. Demand has
been moderately active and prices have
continued decidedly flrm , full previous
bricea having been obtained In all cases.
The outlook Is particularly hopeful. The
sellers are finding1 a ready market for their
products at better prices , and in fact BO mo
of the best known goods have been dis
posed of BO freely that they have had to
| be taken out of the market for a short
time at the east. All this lends an emphasis
'to ' the already strong position of wool. The
primary markets continued strong ; wool
has been bought in them that cannot be sold
here today for a profit , but the tendency
of values Is so distinctly upward that hold
ers feel no uneasiness. The receipts of the
week are 6,965,000 Ibs. domestic and 285,000
Ibs. foreign , a total of 6,230,000 Ibs. . against
6.435.000 Ibs. last week and 2,678,000 Ibs. for
< the same week last year. The sales to date
show an Increase of 83,833,100 Ibs. domestic
| a.nd 13,703,000 Ibs. foreign to the date Jn
1898. The receipts to date show an Increase
of 234,893 bales domestic and a decrease of
41,456 bales of foreign.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 11. WOOL Unchanged.
An Advnnco In Hides.
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. The Shoo and
Leather Review tomorrow will say : The
packers arc demanding V4 cent advance on
all branded hides except heavy Texas steers
and are refusing to sell that selection even
at 12Ho until they have delivered the hides
already sold. Colorado steers and branded
cows are now held at ll&c and for butt
branded steers' 12c is demanded.
Mniichcftter Clotlia and
MANCHESTER , Aug. 11. Cloths nnd
yarns flrm with a fair demand.
Find Dodr of Dcndcnrro. .
NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 11. News of a
lynching In Grant parish , Louisiana , has
been brought out through the finding of a
negro's mutilated body floating In the
Naytachlo creek. The victim was Man
SlngFeton , who some days ago went to the
house of V. Boyett , a planter , and asked
food of Mrs. Boyett , who was alone In the
house. She brought some food to the front
gate , when the negro ordered her to carry
it for him across the road. Mrs. Boyett Im
mediately ran into the Held , where her hus
band was at work. The details of the pur
suit of the negro , of his capture and execu
tion are very meager.
Ilntcliet Ilentn a Revolver.
CLEVELAND. Aug. 11. William T. Caple.
a non-union motorman on the Central
avenue line of the Big Consolidated company ,
today fired two shots at William Little , a
teamster , both bullets taking effect. In re
turn Little picked up a hatchet lying In his
wagon nnd hurled It a CapFe. striking the
motorman In the head and making a fright
ful wound. The latter asserts that Little
called him a "scab , " as his car was passing
the wagon. This the teamster denies. The
motorman Is In Jail upon the charge of
shooting to kill. Little was removed to nn
hospital. Neither man was fatally Injured.
EiiNlK" Atft'mptN Siilulile ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 11. W. T. Coleman -
man , an ensign on the battleship Iowa , who
was to have been court-martialed yesterday
on a charge of having been Intoxicated
whllo the vessel was at the Puget sound
naval station , attempted suicide by shooting
with a navy revolver. Te ball only grazed
his skull. He had written several letters
to bis family and relatives In Syracuse , N.
Y. Coleman , who Is about 26 years of age.
Is a recent graduate of the Annapolis Naval
academy ,
Olllcern oil the Xt'ifrn' * Trill I.
TOPEKA , Kan. , Aug , 11. The negro who
ittempted to asault Miss Perkins at Turner ,
Kan , , near Kansas City , yesterday , was seen
by a Santa Fe fireman at noon today on the
California limited. The negro Jumped off
the blind baggage as the train slowed up
here and ran when the fireman commanded
him to stop. The fireman shot at the negro
but missed him , Topeka officers are on the
Conl Miner * Wunt Muro
MIDDLESBORO , Ky. , Aug. 11. One nun-
Ired and fifty coal miners have struck at
Mlngo , demanding Increased wages. The op-
arators bad Just promised to Increase wages
September 1 , but the miners demand an in
crease to go Into effect Immediately. It Is
believed all the miners in the Mlddlesboro
llstrlct will strike.
Fire Insurance Men Klvct nniuer * ,
BUFFALO. N. Y. . Aug. 11. The National
Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents
elected the following officers today ; C. H ,
Woodworth , Buffalo , president ( re-elected ) ;
Oeorge D. Markbara , St. Louis , flrst vice
president ; Thomas H , ( Jeer , Cleveland , cec-
end vice president ) W. P. Patlllo. Atlanta ,
nn , thlnl vice president ; P. H.ARnfr ,
Minneapolis , fourth vice president ; A. H.
Hoblnson. Loulnvlllo. chairman of the ex
ecutive committee. Merwln Jnckon , Toledo ,
chnlrmnn of the grievance committee ; F.
\V. droves. Buffalo , chnlrmnn of the com
mittee on stnto organization : Frank * .
Holmes , Chicago , secretary nnd treasurer.
Orrnt DninnRC Rr\mrlcil from XoMa
CountIt in Pcnreil thnt Mucli
fctoek I * Drovtiicd.
i _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GALDWELL , 0. , Aug. 11. Early thll
morning a heavy cloudburst visited the east
ern part of this ( Noble ) county , doing nn
Inestimable amount of damage to corn nnd
tobaco crops. It Is feared that much stock
has been drowned. The water rose five , feet
over the Bcllalre , Zanesvlllo & Cincinnati
railroad tracks at Hnrklns station nnd
through trains have been abandoned. Much
of the track Is known to bo washed out.
Storm lit \nrtlirrn 'Mloliltinn.
BESSE.MEIl , Mich. , Aug. 11. A flerco
wind nnd rain storm ln t nlghtitoro the root
from the electric light plant , destroyed sev
eral business houses nnd moved nbout
twenty-five dwellings nud the opera house
from their foundations , The mines nro nil
closed down for want of light ,
Mlniieotn Hnll Storm Itulnn Grnln.
FERGUS FALLS. Minn. . Aug. 11. A hall
storm passed through a strip of country
four miles south of hero last nlcht. Two-
thirds of the grain had been cut , but that
still standing was ruined. The hall was
accompanied by n violent wind , which blew
down many barns nnd outbuildings.
Tn WIIKI * AVnr AKiilitnt Snloon * .
CHICAGO. Aug. 11. The final meeting of
the delegates to the national convention of
the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of
America was held today. A discussion ns
to the best methods of waging war against
saloons occupied thcsesslon.
Irrltatlns ntlngs , bites , scratches , wounds
nnd cuts soothed nnd healed by DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve n sure nnd safe appllca-
tlon for tortured flesh. Beware of counter-
. . .CONSULT. . .
Sear Ics & Searlcs
Specialists In
Nervous , Glironlc&
Private Diseases
f/ ) Men and Tomen.
We guarantee to euro all cases curable of
Catantt , All Htteutci of Hie. Kotc , Throat , Chftt ,
Stnmacii , liowila and Livir ; Uydrocele , Varl-
cucclc. Syphilis , Gonorrhoea.
Nervous Debility
Middle Aged and Old Men.
Blood and Skin , i
raors , Tetter , Eczema , and Blood Poison , thor
oughly cleansed from the system ; also Weakness -
ness of Organs , Inflammation , Ruptures , Piles ,
Fistula , etc.
Pitinnh Throat , Lungs , Llr-cr , Dyspepsia
Uuldl I II and all bowel and stomacu troubles.
I oritnp ( " 'Tcn ' careful and npecial attention
LuUluO for all their many ailments.
WRITE your troubles. If out of the city.
Thousands cured at uomc by correspondence ,
Dr. Searlcs & Searles. 119 S. 14th St. , Omaha.
U sold under positive Written Guarantee }
by authorized agents only , to euro Weak Memory ,
DUzlwHn.VakefulnoR8 , FIta , HyHtcrla , Quick
ness , Night Losses , Kvtl Dreamt ) . Lark of Confi
dence , Nervousness , Lassitude , all Drains , Youth
ful Errors , or Excessive Uae of Tobacco , Opium
or Liquor , which leads to Misery , Consumption
Insanity and Death , At store or by mall , $1 a box ;
six for 15 ; with written guarantee to
cure or refund money. Sample pack-
nRo , containing five days' troatmotitT with
full instructions , 25 cents. One sample only sold
to each person. At atom or by mall ,
Label Spc-
Extru Strength.
For Impotency , Loss of ,
, Power , Lost Manhood ,
/ Sterility or Burrenosa ,
> S tl a box ; Bix for > 5 , with
swrltton Ruprantoo !
. 'to cure in 30 days. Ai
jgstoro or by mull.
Myem , Dillon Drue Co. , Sole Agents ,
Kith nod iFariinm , Oiuulia , Neb.
Best Dining Gar Service.
Magnet Pile Killer
ASK OH WHITE : Andrew Klewlt , Oma
ha , Neb. ; Albert Branson , Council niufta ,
la. ; R. n. McCoy , Denver , Colo. ; F. W. Hen-
eon , Tallapoosa , Ga , ; Jl , T. Slow , Chicago ,
Amos I , . Jackman , Omaha , Neb , ; J. c.
Kaaley. Dumont , Cole , ; Prank Hall , David ;
City , Neb , ; James Davis , Omaha , Neb. ; A ,
Hlng , Princeton , III. ; Pearson Deaty , K'alr. '
fax , Ohio. For wale at druggists.
Sl.OO Per Box. Guaranteed.
j,11' , " "llla [ 'or unnatural
dl fli rgoi. lullauiniH'lons ,
Irritation * or ulcemtloni
of Diiicoui mcinLr ue ,
Palnleii , and not iiitriu *
eeut or polioqom.
Mol < l by DruffcUte ,
° * e t In plain wrapper.
by exprrii , prepaid foj
fl.'o. or .1 Ijottle. , | iTS.
Circular tent ou ruquei * .
OMAHA nta uncout
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wr to Chicago and New