T11J5 OMAHA DAILY" HBJfl : .MONDAY. AtTGVST 1890. SPECIAL.HOTICK' ' . \iUorll.tciinMilH for ( lieno column * i > lli lie inkfii iiiidl 12 in , for tlic ctrnliiK oilKlini nnil until Mi.'IO 11. in , \ for imirnliiK unit Sniiiliirilltlonn , ItnU-N , I l-Jc ! n word II rut liinrrdiiii ) lin \\nril tlicrrnflrr. NollihiK Inkrii for ICNN ( linn U5e for tlie llrnt Innrr- ( liin. Thrnc nilrorllNcincnOi iiuixl lie rilll ! > > rrciticnllnu n mini- licrril rlu't'k , cnn lutvn IIIIHWITN nil- ilrin ril to 11 numbered loiter In cnrc of 1'lic lire. AiiHtvers no nililrcuNcil wnll IK ; delivered on prvHentiitlon of the cheek only , WAXTISIJ SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau. 110 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured , A 401 A STENOGRAPHER. When you w.int one please call up the Remington typewriter ofllcc , 1613 Farnam St. , telephone 1573. A 402 WANTI5IJ MALH II 131.1 * . WANTED. Wo have steady work "fop a few good hustlers of good habits and app--ar- nnce. C. F. Adams Co. , 1019 Howard St. GOOD salesmen , salary or com. 1118 N. 16. CANVASSERS wanted everywhere ; big money. Write 11'ome Comfort Sad Iron Co. , Omaha. D-M310 A2 , WANTED , nn experienced dry goods' ' bill clerk : none but experienced men need ap ply ! glvov experience , nge nnd references , Illclinnlson-Hobcrtfl-Bryno D , O. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. B-M617 8 WANTED , by a loaning concern , a mnn for land examiner having some experience In farm lam business. State age. experience and salary desired. Address F 34. Bee. SALESMAN wanted , $300 per month ; sells to merchants. Long & Hardmnn. Kiel hotel , Council Bluffg. B-M614 S * WANTED , salesmen for high-class food products ; wo offer n splendid opportu nity for hard workers ; glvo your experi ence fully. B 55 , Beo. B-iMC557 * 3d EN to learn barber trade ; only eight weeks required ; special Inducements for applicants from a distance ; wagc Sat urdays ; places for BOO ; complete outfit of tools presented ; positions guaranteed ; catalogue , mailed free. Moler Barber Col- lege. Chicago , 111. B-MGG2 10 * WANTED , bass voice for choir. Best of Instruction given In exchange for services ; Address V 43 , Bee. B-M727 7 * WANTED FKMALH 1IKLP. ' WANTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. \j IIX ) WANTED , ten experienced chocalate dip pers. Balduff , 1520 Farnam. C M573 7 BIG pay for ladles or gentlemen traveling nnd appointing 'local agents. F. L. , 200 South 20th. C-M600 8 * WANTED , young lady stenographer ; High floliool graduate preferred. AddrcOT P 30 , Bee. C 620 ( WANTED , 6 experienced practical nurses over 30 years of nge. Flat 9 , 3rd floor , Davldgo Block. C-4C9-7 * WANTED , ten snmrt , energetic business women over 30 years of age , to travel and call upon teachers and nurses and show charts ami 'books ' on Illustrated Hygiene. Flat 9 , 3rd floor , Davldgo Block. Cor. of 18th & Farnam. C-fi70-7 SALESLADY wanted , only first-class need apply. F. M. Schodell & Co. C-JI75S WANTED , goo < l variety actress to travel wlt'h ' goo < ] , respectable company ; must bo good singer and dancer ; write terms , abil ity and experience- I. Kaspa'rek , Rey nolds , Nob. C M769 7' WANTED , peed girl for general house work , 1021 Park ave. C M773 9 * FOR ISXT ROUSES. ' HOUSES. Benowa & Co. , lOfi N. 15th St. D 105 'ALWAYS ' moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage. Co. , 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-407 HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Paxton block. D IDS KENT , houses In nil parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co , , 1505 Farnam street. D 109 SIX-ROOM modern flat 1112 S. llth. D-618 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South IGth street. D-411 IMAGGARD'S van&storage. 117 N IS. Tel 1496. D 412 FURNISHED house central. 2009 California , D 416 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phono , 1010. FOR RENT , 6G8 South 28th St. , 10 rooms , modern , good repair. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 So. 14th St. D-M719 > S403 POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern , 4 largo yard nnd barn , $30. The Byron Rood Co. D-413 ( MODERN 7-room house , 1009 N. 23th St. , $20. 605 Bee. D ( M906 FOR RENT , 8-room furnished house , with modern conveniences , near Brownell hall. JOHN W. ROBBINS , 1802 FARNAM ST. D M948 LARGE line residence. 10 rooms , entirely modern , porcelain bath , In perfect con dition , largo grounds , good barn , In best part of Walnut Hill , rent $33.00 per month , S227 N. 20th St. , store , $7.00 ; tour-room flat , upstairs , $8 ; city wiitor. 3317 Oumtng , 8 rooms , $20 , Omaha. Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D 8-ROOM modern , 1817 Capitol ave. , $45.00 ; S-room modern , small barn , 4216 Farnam ; others. Rlngwalt Bros. , Barker Block , D M5S5 FOR RENT , a magnificent hotel cafn ; a Krcat snap and you must be In a hurry , George P. Bemls , Pnxton Block.D D M566 7 FOR RENT , 10-room modern brick. 1031 Houtli 30th nve. , hard wood floors nnd finish. D-M63S FOR RENT , 3316 Burt at. , large , line resi dence , nlna rooma , entirely modern , hot water heat ; range In kitchen ; large yard with shade trees. Will rent this hou.se to n. B.itfofnctory tenant for $35.00 per month. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Doug- Ina sia. D-M6 < 3 roil RENT FURNISHED ROOMS , THH Bachelor's hotel , 200G Farnam street ; double south room , uultable for man and v.-\to. \ E-C30 A9 C413 CABS ST. , nicely furnished rooms in nrlviUo family ; modern house ; cheap ; rof. erence required , E M337 7 FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 102C23 St. Mary's. E-MM7 10 B NICE rooms , lioimokpeplni ; , 1112 So. llth , E 667 MODERN rooms , housekeeping ( for two ) , 511 North 19h. | E-M723 7 KURMNIIEU ROOMS AND HOARD. ULEGANT rooms & board. 190S Capitol uvc. F-418 NICELY furnished room with breakfast ; n ° ar Ilnnsrom park ; modern hou > Ad- drees C 13 , Bee. F 419 THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge , F M592 ROOM and board , modern , 1018 Harney. F-M591 Bfpt. 1 ROOMS with breakfast for four gentlemen In private family. 2715 Charles.FM74I F-M74I 7 * NICE rooms ; home cooking ; central. 1513 f Davenport. F-M74Z Sept. S * I'OU KK.\T-r.VKt'KMSIII ' < : n ROOMS , 3 VNFI'RNISHED rooim . newly papered , up talr . 22i So. Win , 0-421 E t'NFL'RNISHED chambers ft > r housekeeping - keeping to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. C & 90 I'OU RIWT STORKS AMI OFIMCHS. FOR RENT , store In first-class location ; rent reasonable. Apply .R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. I 203 FOIt RENT , a ground floor ofllce , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for ui e of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Bee Building. 1-267 SMALL store , 222 North 13th. 1-M729 S * IVA.VriJII TO RK.VT. 'ARTIES ' having furnished hotel or res taurant to rent wll find the right party by addressing box 101 , Grctna , Neb. S * STOKAflK. ACIFIC Storage nnd Wnrehoucn Co. , WiS- S10 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 42.1 AVANTUD TO HL'Y. ND-IIAND furniture bought & exchanged. I > 09ton Furnlturn Co. , 1414 Dodge , Tel. 223S. LL kinds of household good ? , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chlcneo Fur niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2 % * N 42(5 ( A'lLL pay cash for 1 or 2 acres with small house. J. H , Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Llfc. .VANTED . , second-hand safe , coed size ; nUitn Inside dimensions and price ; must be cheap. Address F 45 , Bee olllre. N-M718 11 BICYCLE , a good , second-hand gentleman's wheel for cash. Address F 61 , Bee. N-M707 OR SALIi HE our 2nd-hnnd furniture , wtoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1411 Dodge. 0-42. . . 'OR SAI.K HORS12S AM ) VI3RICLI3S. ) LD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P 428 FOR. SALE MISCELLANEOUS. L'LAG poles ; sawdust ; oneapest nnd best hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel. 453. Q 129 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. St.Q 430 'OR SALE , patent for Nebraska , big mon ey. Address A , Bee ofllce , Council Bluffs. Q-431 IOG , poultry , lawn nnd flcld fencing ; all wire. Wire Works , 1(517 ( Howard St. St.Q Q 13 : B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , -wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly tilled , Q 433 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents nt druggists. Ono gives relief. Q 434 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1110 Fnrnam , Q-435 WHY get second grade bicycles when you can get high grade Crescents for $3T cash. Flesoher , 1C22 Capitol Ave. Q 436 THOSE Wonderful Douglas shoes , $2.50 and $3.50. Fisher , Park Ave. and Leavenworth. Q-625 A9 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-137 INDIAN relics ; mounted gameheads. 1110 Farnam. Q-MG95 A12 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. 1118 Farnam. Q MSCS ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Council Bluffs. Q-M311 $160.00 WILL buy good Ivers & Pond piano ; cost J375.00 ; two years' time. F 6 , Bee. Q-214 FOR © ALE. cheap , hetivy wrapping paper , good for batten or laying under carpets Omalia Bee press room. Q 271 200 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap. Diamond Loan Office , 1315 Douglas. Q-M615 Sept. 2 FOR SALE , fine St. Bernard 'pup , two months old ; reasonable. Address or call 2405 Avenue A , Council Bluffs. Q MC55 FOR SALE , fine Jersey cow. 1618 Hnrney. Q M703 8 AMERICAN Shell Novelty Co. , wholesale dealers In Hhclls , shell novelties , coral and peart goods ; write for prices. 216 Mc- Caguo Bldg. , Omaha. Q 663-6 * MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhund furniture and etoves eold at lowest prices , carloai lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. . 1406-10 Dodge. R 135 OTOR RE-NT , a gdod barn. 1902 Cass St. R-159 NEW YORK building1 , Bluff tract , Greater America Exposition , Crelghton hall ani Momnd's academy ; social functions , con ventions , etc. CIS AS SNOW-CHURCH CO. , law and collections BOO Karbach block. Tel. S93. R-M531 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER , genuine palmist , IGOQDodg. . S-M477 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 18th.S439 S-439 MASSAGF. AND IIATIIS. MRS. BBIBRY , BATHS , MASSAGE. PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Porce Iain tub ; lady attendants. 119 N. IGth opp , P. O. , 2nd floor. T M2S6 A26 * BESSIE DECAMO , thermal baths , mas eage. IClfi Hovvvrd , 3d floor , room 1. T M328 7 DR. MALMQUiST , massage , baths , 11 Bee Bldg. T-673 All * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 607 S , 13 ; massage baths T 915 A17 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118J4 North 15th. T 605 S ELITE parlois , 2025 Fariiam , upstairs , first class bathH , massage nnd magnetic treat ment ; ludy atetcndants. T M809 29r EGYPTIAN treatment , elegant masaag baths. Beatrice Harlow , 1701 Leavenwort utreet. T M609 9 PERSONAL. M. MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , treat All ailments of the feet , both for ladles am gentlemen. Ladles' ihalrdresslng , 1ml goods ui.d toilet preparations. Electrl treatments on Bcalp , face , hands or feet 20 years experience , 10 years in Omaha the bept equipped establishment in th city , 151(5 ( Farnam St. Take elevator ; 2d lloo U-608 PRIVAT K hospital for ladles before & dur Ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17 U 140 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , &uperfluou hair removed by electricity. Room 12 Frenzer block. U 441 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken babies adopted. ' 214 Soward. Tel , 2233. U-953 A19 VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 340 Be Bldg , U-412 THE best asiortmcntof bicycle lamps Is a Louis Fletcher's ; prices low , 1622 Cap. ave U-444 DR. NKI-SON. dentist , room 9. Crclghtoi blk. . 15th and Douglas. Tel. 1940. U-M969 A20 SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; n electricity ; no Instrument used , Room 4 Wlthnell block. U-S45 RUPTURE CURED , We cure all forms o rupture without pain or detention from bUHlness. Send for circulars. Einpir Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg Omaha. Neb. U-MB61 A31 * HOWELL'S LIUe Ant.BIIloug | Pills. Cu7 Itllkmsnetw , Dizziness , Indigestion , Blc Headaches , Constipation , Torpid Liver an all derantrtrnpnts of stomach and bowels Being entirely vegetable , they operat without disturbance to system , diet or oc cupatlon , For * alc by all druggluta Howell's Antl-Kawf cure * cough. SNOW , CHURCH CO. . law and collections 606 Karbach block. Tel. kJv. U-MS29 I rKRSO.WI * . t'PERI'LOt'S hair , worth and moles per manently rmoved by electricity ; consul tation free and confidential ! all work guar anteed. Miss Allendcr , 1613 Douglas. U-M723 7 * MO.NKY TO I.OAM-RRAL CSTATli. 1ONEY to loan on first-class Improved dty property or for building purposes. Payne * Harder Co. . N. Y. Lite. W-4lii PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxtou Blk. W-447 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love uo. , 219 bo. 16th , W-44S 100 TO J.2,000. F. D. Wead , 16th & Douglas , \V-49 ; 1,000 nnd upwnrdfl to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. : , 1320 Farnam. W 450 IROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. W-451 > 1ONBto loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brcnnan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. IGth , Omaha. W-4J2 , OANS , Potter-Sholcs Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-451 'RIVATE ' money to loan , low rate , J , II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. W 455 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1C13 Farnam W-J50 iV'ANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 457 iVRlTE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will iwy you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co , , 315 N.Y.L. W 458 MORTGAGES , Walluce , S14 Brown Block. W-459 i , 5V4 , 6 per ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omaha. W. H. Thomas ! , E03 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 161 J. W 4CO i PER CENT : also private funds. Chas. E. Williamson. W-M5GO r&r. CUNT money on or before B years on Nebracka lands and Omaha real es tate. W. 'B. ' Melklc , 401 S. IGth Bt. W-M774 7 MO.VI3V TO LOAN CHATTELS. HONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Barker blk X 161 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without Indorsement or secur ity ; strictly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; before borrowing ee us , as you will find It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr. . 119 Board of Tradu Bldg. , llitli and Far nam Bts. Telephone 2295. X 462 MONEY loaned on furniture , rips , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Mergers' Loan Bank , 141G Farnam , upstairs. X 464 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 8.13. X 163 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions , on their own name without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Can repay In easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jen nings. Mgr. , suite 625-520 N. Y. Life Bldg. X -CJHJ DO YOU NEED MONEY ? IT'S EASY TO GET AND EASY TO PAY. For high-class salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible llrms , without mortgage or security of any kind except their own names. Strictly confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. , Room 601 , Bee Bldg. X M698 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con cerns upon their own names , without se curity ; easy payments.1 Tolman , R. 708 , N. Y. Life Bldg. X 463 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30G SOUTH IGTH STREET.X X 60S BUSINESS CHANGES. INVEST $200 , securing large weekly Income. Safe , conservative proposition. 2d suc cessful year. Statistics free. H. GrlflUi , 1180 Broadway , New York. Y M234 A21 * AN experienced caterer with cash ( no one to buy out ) can have the Brunswick Hotel Cafe. Write , giving references , capital , etc. . John H. Pierce , landlord , Omaha. Y-M280 9 SNOW-CHURCH CO. . law and collections. G06 Karbach block. Tel. S95. Y-657 FOR SALE , hardware stock In thriving south-central county seat , with one com- petltor ; object In selling , have other busi ness which claims my attention. Address F 28 , Bee. Y M61C 9 FOR SALE or trade , City Hotel , Onawa Iowa. Y-M72S J2.000.00 YEARLY Income on J800.00 Invest ment. Address F GJ , Bee. Y-JM770 7 FOH EXCHANGE. DENVER. Colo. . 7 brick buildings ; rental $70.00 per month , for Omaha property or good land. J , N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. JC-M191 FIR'ST-CLASS upright piano for lot ; all or part payment. Address D 29 , Bee. Z-278 A8 KOIl SAI.R-llIilAL ESTATE. HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now la the tlmo to dispose of ithom ; let the people know that you want to dispose ot them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. IlE S6 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE RE 979 HOUSES , lots farms , lands , loans ; also fire insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 472 HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Ilcnl Estat : , Rentals , Loans , insurance. RE-601 YOUR CHAJfCE. 8-room house , modern , $3,200. 7-room lioime , modern , $3,600. 9-room house , modern , $1,000. Others , $5,000. $8,000. $7,000 and $10,000. All in Hanscom Place. Two pleasant homes , West Fnrnam , cheap. Bareulns In any port of the city. M. J. Kcnnard & Son , 310-11 Brown Block. RE-653 FOR SALE or trade. 320 acres good vallej land In Hooker county , Nebraska , six miles from railroad. Address J , J , Steen , 2423 Blnney St. , Omaha , Neb. RE-M921 A18 FOR SALE or rent , n largo store building with hall over It ; a large dwelling house nnd two lots ; buildings in good location and In good repair ; a splendid opening for a merchant wanting to come to the prosperous county of Hurt. Write George Watson , Craig , Nebraska , before this opening Is lost. RE-M617 9 LIST your property with me. I have the buyers. II , M. Christie , South Omaha. RE M629 Oct , 3 IF South Omaha real estate you want < o buy or sell .communicate with O'NeU's Real Estate Agency. RE M628 WOODMAN & BAY , BARGAINS , Room 28. Barker Block. Opposite High school , ten-room house and full lot , five minutes' walk from poatofllce Make an offer. 23th ave. , near Farnam st. , ten-room house and two cottages , $1,800 ; pays 12 per cent on $3,000. 85th ave , and Jones at , , corner , 132x124 , $1,100 on your own terms. Cemetery lot In Prospect Hill , cheap ; the only one for Bale. Houses to rent , mortgage loans , fire Insur ance. Pension agents. RE M760 13 FOR $2.VX ) northwest corner llth and Cos telar , 60x133 two houses ; If sold Inside o one week , as the owner wants to leave the city ; Insurance $2.oooj mortgage $2.100 cash $ (00. ( Inquire 915 Jackson St. RE-647 7 * FOR 8ALB , cheap , eat > t front lot , 1208 So 10th St. . near wholesale district uiu dftpota. Apply 1411 Vlnton St. RE 713 13 * roll SAM3 11KAI , KSTATK. iNOW , CIII'RCH CO. . law and collections. G06 Karboeh block. Tel. 85. RE-M52S XAP In real estate ; money to loan. L , L , John Co. . 314 S. 15th street. RE-M&59 ' 1NELY finished 8-rooni home , modern In every deta.ll , electric light , pas , laundry , ! > arn. lot 78x110 ; one of the best b.irgnlns In Omaha ; owner leaving city. 3711 N , 18th , half block south of Manderxon street , RE-M733 S FOR SALE. 0-room house In western part of elty , largo corner lot , very attractive , east front , $2S50.00. room house , 28th and Pacific streets , full lot , $1,600.00. 'Ivo houses and large lot near depot , rentIng - Ing for $600.00 $ per year , $1,100.C . i-room house , law barn , newly painted , northwest corner-33th nnd Howard streets , $1,000.00. "nil lot , 42nd and Farnam streets , on paved str t , $ : A.OO. ) Two line building lot * In western part of city , for both , $700.00. .ot on Franklin street , near Military road , $550.00. GEORGE AND COMPANY , 1601 Fnrnam St. RB-M769 8 1,0 ST. ST. BERNARD dog with sore on ono side ; reward. 2.105 So. 10th St. Lost-671-7 * STRAYED or stolen on or nhoitt July .11 , 1S93 , from the pro-nlses of \ \ m. Hopper , near Elkborn , Neb. , 8 head of CHttlo. n follows ; 7 of which were marked with n cut In the lwck ot right onr ; one row rt.il brlndle color , no mark , nlioul to liavo n calf nnd has but three good teot ; 7 marked cattle consist of 3 heifers 1 $ yra. old , 0 steers nbout 2 yrs. old , 2 Btcerrt about 3 yrs. old ; suitable reward will bo given for any Information lendlr.c to re covery ot cattle. Wm. Hopper , Elkhorn , Neb. Lost 723 , OST , Mason's pin , Under please return for reward to Marks Bros. Saddlery Co. .Lost-C27 S TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnam St. Telephone 1281. 473 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co , , 1612 Far. nam. 474 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup- piles. 1619 Farnam. 475 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfoldcr and cuts the finest ntencll ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldtr. , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart. Special Agent , 318 S. Fif teenth sttcct , Omaha. T76 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam. M694 A12 MEDICAL , [ jADIES , harmless monthly regulator ; cnn- not fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee , WIs. M9CO A20 LADIES , old Dr Bell's Cotton R6ot Pill * , the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other. Send 4a ntamp for particulars. Dr. Dell , Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. M2M A2o DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of nnxIouH women ; have never had n single failure ; longest cases relieved in two to five days without fall ; no pain , no ilanegr , no Inter ference with work ; by mall or ofllce , $2 ; nil letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 107 Dearborn St. , room 614 , Chicago , 111. 714 12 'NICKEL ' PLATING. ALL kinds plating. Om Plating Co.Bee bldg 4 < 9 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 per weak ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Sts , 4S7 PISHING RESOIITS. BASS and cropple fishing Is now at its best. The , Langdon. hbtel offers superior accommodations to flshermen ; and tran sient guests. Reasonable rates. Frank F. Vogt , Langdon , Mo. M512 A29 UICYCLES. NEW -wheels , $13.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha BlcycleCo 477 SEE Louis Flescher for bicycle repairing , enameling and sundries. 1C22 Capitol Ave. 47S ANDRAE bicycles , $20. 1116 Farnam.M693 M693 12 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. rn slu rs"cli l. 7nl "YrLTfe. 488 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 489 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Bldg. 49 ? OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON OSTEOPATHIC INSTITUTE , CIS N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D , O. , ladles' department. Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathlst , manager. M 536 M ! "ETDONOHUE. D o. , of stni school. Klrksvllle , Mo. , COI Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. 492 ARCHITECTS. THE undersigned having pucceeded to the business of the late C. F. Belndorff. archi tect , has removed from Ills former offlco to 422 Be * building and will continue the business of architects and superintendent. Patronage of the public and Mr. Bcln- dorff's former customers respectfully so licited. R. W. Baker , A. D. Baker. M 595 Sepl LAUNDRY. OMAHA STDAM LAUNDRY , city towel tmpply ; shirts , 8c : collar ? , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear , 6c. 1759 Leavenworth. Tel. 517. M46S Sepl4 TICKET IIHOKEItS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H. Phllbln. new locations 1309 and 1G05 Far nam. Est. 1889. Member G. T. B. Assn. M-100 TRUNK FACTORY. SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired , Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 Farnam. ! > 3 A2 HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave. 4$0 SIDEWALKS. ARTIFICIAL stone and brick sidewalk * . A. R. Heel , 2622 Burt street , M6TO All * PAWNHHOKKRS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllce , 418 N. 16. 491 EAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential , 1301 Douglas , 482 AIISTRACTS OP TITLK. HARRIS Abstract Co. , 123 Bee Building. 483 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan , 430 Ramge Bldg. 483 SIATTRES8 RENOVATING. M , S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331 , 4M ) DRESSMAKING. IN families. Ml > Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. M 497 A29 * ATTORMJYS. W. F. WAPPICH , attorney , 605 Brown Blk. C3ZA9 IIYmr.MC TniJATMIiXTS. MASSAGE , electricity , hydrothernpy ; Rrad- tmtcs Battle Cre ! > k. Mich. , snnltarlum ; references ; ladlts only. Phone 2IW. 707 A12 * RAILWAY TIMH CARD. BURLINGTON A MIS. ourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Olllccs , NV. . Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Tlckel Office. 1501 Farnam j- , _ Street. Telephone , 2JO. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 310. Lincoln , HaMlngs and LfS1' ? . - ; ; ; * am ft 7:4 : ° pm rado , Utah , California..a 4:23 : pm a 3&S : run Lincoln , Blick Hltta. Montana & Pugct Sound a 4:25 : p m a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local i 7:00 : pm alO:33 : am " Lincoln Fast Mall i 3:00 : pm aiO:35 : an" Denver. Colorado. Utah 6:30 : am KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Blurts Ra'.road ' "Tho Burling- toi. Routo" Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Streut. Tele phone , 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex..a 9:30 : am a 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alOl5 : pm u G:30 : am St. Louis Fiver for St. Jcmeim and St. Louis..a 4C5 : pm nll:15 : am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON K. qulncy Rallroad-"Tho Durllna'nn Route1 Ticket Office. 1502 Fnrnam St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth . Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- clal a 0:40 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..a 6:05 : amft 5:05 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : uni H 4:0. : > pm Clilcnso A St. L. Ex..a 7:43 : pm a sOTi : am Pacific Junction Local.alO43 ; am a 5:15 : pm Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm a Dally. UNION PACIFIO-"THE OVER- Innd Route" General Offices , N E. Cor. Ninth und Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 31P Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , G29. Leavo. Arrive. "Tno Overlaid Llmltrd" for Utah , li'aho. Mon tana , California , Ore- Bon an < ! Washington points a 8:50 : am a 4:45 : pm Tlio Colorado Special for J.envei and nil Colorailo noli.ts a 11:53 : pm a 6:40 : am Pacific Uxpresu fo- Denvei , Salt Lf.i < e. Pacific Coast and all western 'Dints ' b 4:35 : pm a 6:40 : am Lincoln Beatrice and Stromsburg Express..b 4:35 : pm b2:20 ! : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Inland and North Platte a 4:35 : pm b 4:4jpm : Columbus Local b u3u ; pm b20 ! : pm North Platte Local . . . . a 6:16 : Jim South Omaha Locul Pass. L'javes ' , 6:16 : a. m. ; 7:00 : a. m. , 10:10 : a. m. : 3:05 : p. m. Arrives. 10:45 : a. m. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 p. in. : 6 p. m. Council Blurts Locat-Leavsa. 5:65 : a. m. ; 6:40 : a. m.t C'60 a. m. ; 7:40 : . . en. ; l > 10:45 : a. m. ; 12:20 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ' " 6.25 p. in 5:55 : p. in. ; 0:20 : p. m. 8:20 : p. 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 6:35 : a. m. 7:20 : a. . ; 15 a. m. ; 8:45 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. 3US : p 4:05 : p. m. ; 6:15 : p. m. : 5:30 : p. m. 6:55 : p. G:3 : p. 1 = . SS : ! p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; 11:55 : IT. . a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. W A B A S II RAILROAD- . TIclcet Office. 1413 Farnam Street. Telephone. S92. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 029. Leave. Arrive. jcuis'Canon Ball" Depress a 4:50 : pm a 8:3o : am a DallV. IFItEMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line1' General Offices United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. 501. Depot. 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1453. Leave. Arrlva. Black Hill * . Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 : pm Wyo-ilnff , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm Hastings , York. David City. Superior , Geneva Exeter and Pewnrd..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pra Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Locai c 7:30 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , o Sun- day only. d Daily except Saturriay. : rrrcAno & . NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" Clly Ticket Office. 1401 Fnrnam Street. Tele phone , 501. Depot , Tenth _ and Mason Streets. Te'- ephone , 3. Leave. Arrive. Dayllg'- Chicago Spe cial . . . . a 6:40 : am oll:55 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneap olis a 6:50 : ana all:00 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux Clty..n 7:45 : am a 4:25 : pm Carroll Local b 6:25 : pm blOlO : am Eastern Express , Des Mo'.nes , Marshalltown , Ceda- Rapids and Chicago . . . . . . cage allQ3am : B 4:00 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Northern Exrrcsa a 5:25 : pm a 8:40 : am Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:03 : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mall 8:15 : nm a Dally , b Dailv xMDt Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Offices. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Ofllc" 1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 631. Depot. 16th ana Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Bloux City. Bt. Paul & Minneapolis ) a 0:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : Dm v Blair. Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlng- ton and Bloomfleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : nm No. 2 , Twin City L'fd..a 5:55 : pm Mo 1. Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. 310UX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho Northwestern - western Line" General Offices , United states National Bank Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth _ and Farnum Streets. 'tcket Utllce , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele ! pnonu. 6tii. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 029. Leavo. Arrive. Bloux City. Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 6:50 : am a 8:40 : am Bt. Paul. Minneapolis , Mankato & Bloux city.a 6:25 : pm all:00 : pm Bloux city Local a 7:45 : am a 4:25 pm CHICAGO , ROCK 1SL- and & Pacific Railroad "Th Great Ronk Island - and Route. " City Tick , et Office , 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 4 8. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Dei Monies Local..a 7:05 : am blli'5 : am Chicago Express , , . . , . , bll:15 : am a 8:10 : am Chicago Fast Express.a 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : pm Bt. Paul Fafit Express..a 5:00 : pm 1)11:25 : am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. , Denver , Pueblo ana West . - u. 1:30 : pm a 4:25 pro Des Molnes , Rock Isl and anu Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6:33 : pm Colorado Texas Flyor.a 6:40 : nm u 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA ft ST. LOt'IS RAIL- roud Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Th Qulncy Route" Ticket Of llce , 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephone , 322. Dt'pot ' , Tenth and MHBOIJ Streets. Tele phone , C29.Leave. Leave. Arrlvo. Bt. Lo.ls Cannon Ball Exp sea . . . a4:50pm : a 8:85 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Locai a 6:60 : am a : I3 pm MISHOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices and Ticket Offices Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Bts. Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th and Webster Sta , Telephone , 1458. . Leave. Arrive. St. Louis-Khnias & Neb. Llmlt'i ) a 3:00 : pm a2:55 ! : pm K. C. St. L. Express.a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am Nt'braiki Local vie Weeplncr Water b 6:00 : pm b 9i5 : am * Dai-y. b I/ally except Sund&r. RAILWAY TIM13 CARD. UlIlCAGO. Mn7\VAUKKB A St. Paul Railway City Ticket OfTlce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone , 2S4. De pot , Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone , C29. < i/ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Kx a 6:45 : pm 8:20 : am Chicago A Omaha Kx..bll:00 : am b SM : pm Bloux City & Des Motncs . . . Express bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm a Dully , b D.-vllv exctut Sunday. Dally. POSTOFPICK NOTlCIi. ( Should bo read dally by all Interested , a * changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Au gust 12 , 1S90 , will close ( PROMPTLY In nl | cas > es ) nt the General Poptolllce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS eloou one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Ti-nttN-Atlnntlc Mull * . Tt'ESDAY-Al 7 a. in. for EUROPE , per s. s. Lahn * . via Cherbourg , Southampton nnd Bremen ( It-ttcrf > for Ireland must be directed "per Iwthn" ) . WEDNESDAY At 7 n. in. ( supplementary 9 a. m. ) for Et'ROPE , per s * . s. St. I/nils' , via Southampton ( letters foi Ireland must bo directed "per St. Louis1' ) : nt 9 n. in , ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for Kt'ROPE. per s. j * . Teutonic * , vh Queens'iowii ; nt 10:30 : v. m. for H1CI.U1UM direct , ppr s. s. \Vestorland ( letters must be directed "perVcsternlnml" ) . 'IHURSDAY At 7 u. in. for El'ROPE , per s. s. Augustc Victoria * , vln Cherbourg , Southampton and H.ilnburg. SATURDAY At 6 n. in. for EUROPE , per s. s. Campania * , via Qiiecnclown ( letters for Fiance. Switzerland , Italy. Spain , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt nnd British In dia must be directed "tier Campania" ) ; at 7 n. in. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL , TURKEY. EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s. Ixv Champagne * , via 'Havre ' ( letters for other parts of Europe must l e tllroeleil "per I. ClmmpaBiie" ) ; nt S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Spanrn- dam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be di rected "pur Spaarndnin" ) ; nt 9 a. in , for ITALY , per s , s. Aller ( letters must bo directed "per Alter" ) ; at 10 n. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Anohnrln ( letters must be directed "per Anchorla" ) . Printed matter , etc Oeiman steamers salllnc on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , nnd ppeclnllv addressed printed mutter , c.i1. , for .iMier jiarta of Eiropc. American nnd White Star steam ers on Wednesdays , German "learners on Thursdays , nnd Cunard. Ficnun and Ger man steamers on Saturdays lake printed nmttcr. etf. . for nil countries for which they are advertised to carry tnali. After the closing of the sunp.ementary transatlantic mull. * namcu above addi tional supplementary malls nt-s opened on the nlers of the American. English , French and German steamers , and rc'maln open until wl.liln ten minutes of the hour of sailing ot steamer. .Mulls for South niiit Contrnl America , 1Nt IltlllfM. EIC TUESDAY At 7:30 : n , m. for LA Pl ATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. s. Cervantes : at 1 p. m. for HN'AGUA and HAITI , per H , s. Daggery , nt 9 p. in. tor JAMAICA , per steamer Horn Boston. WEDNESDAY At 9:30 : a. in. ( Supplement ary 10'il : ) n. in. ) for CENTRAL AMER ICA ( oxccpl Cost-.i Rlcii ) aim SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS , per s. s. Advance , via Colon ( letters for QttMenumt must be di rected "per Advance" ) ; lit 10:30 : a. m. for IPORTO RICO , per \'j. & . Transport , via Snn Juan ; at 11 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAiD , per s. s. Irrawnddr ; nt 1 p. . for CUIA , CAIMPECHE , TABASCO. YUCATAN and CHIAPAS , per s. ! . Vlg- llancla. via Havana nnd Progreso ( letters for other parts of 'Mexico ' must be di rected "per Vlgttnncla" ) ; 1 p. in. ( nup- Dlcmentarv 1:30 : i > . m. ) for NASSAU. ni > r . H. Antllla. THURSDAY At 11 n. m. for BRAZIL di rect , per . s. Llvnrno , via Pernambuco nnd Rio de Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and La Plain countries miift be directed "per Llvorno" ) ; t 1 p. m. for PORTO RICO , per s. s. Arkndln , via San Juan ; at I p. m. .for DKMERARA direct , per s. H. UUer ; at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA , per simmer from Boston. FRIDAY At 1 ] > . in. for JAMAICA , per s. s. Jason ( letters must be directed "per Jason" ) . SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAA'ANILLA and CARTHA- GENA , per s. s. Adirondack ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Adiron dack" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:20 : a. m. ) for ILV1TI nm > SANTA MARTHA , per s. B. Andes : nt 2 p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND direct , per s. s. Silvia ; at II n. m. for CUBA , per . B. Mexico , via Havana ( letters must be directed "per Mexico" ) ; at 11 < i. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) CURACAO , also VENE- IIELA , SAVANILLA and CART11A- GENA , via Curacao , per w. s. Hlldur ; nt 13 m. for OfENFUBGOS. TRINIDAD , MANZANIULO nnd SANTIAGO , per H. s , Ilsensteln ( letters must be directed "per Ilsensteln. " ) . Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , rlos ? at this ofllce dally nt 8:30 : p. m. ( connecting close hero every Monday , Wednesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mlquclon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at this office dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Kin. , and thence by steamer , close nt this office dally ( except Slonday ) at * 7 a. m. ( the connecting elopes are on Sunday. Wednes day and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by mil to Miami , Fin. , and thence by steamer , close at this office every Mondav , Tues day nnd Saturday at * * 2:30 : a. m. ( the con necting closes are on Tuesuay ana Satur day ) . Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed to' despatch by steamer , clo.i ; at this ofnee dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. 'Mails ! < jr Costa Rica , Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guate mala hv rail to New Orleans , ana thence by steamer , olose at this ofllce dally at 3:00 : p. m. Connecting clones hfre Sun days and Tuesdays for Coslu Rica , and Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala. 'Registered mail closes at 6 p. in. previous day. "Registered mal closes at C p. m. second day before. TrniiN-PnclHc Mnlln. Malls for China. Japan nnd Hawaii , per , . Hong Kong Maru ( from San Francisco ) , close Jierc dally up to August " 12th lit C:30 : p. m. Malls for China nnd Japan , per B. B. Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , cl'CBe ' here dally up to August "l&th at 6:30 : p. m. M.allB for H'nwull. per H. s. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to August * 18Hi nt fi:30 : p. m. Maim for Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) , Hawaii nnd FIJI Inlands , per H. s Mlowcra ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally after August " 4tli nnd up to August 18th nt 6:30 : p. m. Stalls for the Sodety InlandB , per riiilp Galileo ( from San l-Ynn- olHco ) , close hero dally up to Augusl * 26th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Clvlim mnd Japan , per it. a. Tncoma ( from Tacoma ) olo5o here dally up to August " 31st m 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( oxctjpt those for West Australia , which are far- warded via Europe ) , New Zealand If-i'wall , Fiji and Samoan Islnads , per B . Alamcda ( from San Francisco ) , close here dully after August 18th nnd up to Soptembcr * * lst at 0:30 : ip. m. or on day of arrival of s. B. Campania , which irll probably arrive September "lut , Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to porl of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit "Registered mall closes at 6 p. m , pre vious dav , CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofllco Nftw York , N , Y. , August 4 , 1599 Hrlp AVuntccl for Florida HufTcrer * . APALAOHICOLA , Fla. , Aug. C. Th bodies of n man and his wife , believed to bi Mr. and Mrs. Maddox from Tampa , drowncc from a Tlshlng smack In the big ntorm , were burled today. The body of Captain John PlttB of St. Andrews , lost in Thursday's hurricane , has been recovered and wag also burled. It was decided at n citizens' meeting a Carabelle to appeal for aid and responses are already coming In. Captain Brown o the Grace Andrews , who waa saved , is re ceiving medical aid at a hospital and win recover. _ THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturday Aiiguwt 5 , 1699 : Wiirrnnly Ilredn , E. D. Samson , trustee to John Mc Millan , lot 9 , block 74. South Omaha , J 1,100 C. S. Francis and wife toM. . A. Ilutch- Jnson. lot 13 , block 4. Orchard Hill. . 700 L. fi. Wright to C. M. Morton , lot 1 , block 2 , DwlRlit & L.'s add . . , , . , 400 < lull dill m DrriU. G. A. Knight to O , O , Bry on et nl , west 41 feet tot 3 , block 151 , Omaha , and lotH 8 and 'J , block 5. BrlKtfa' l'lat' , and east 40 feet of went 00 feet lot 4. and mat 40 foot of went W foot lot 6. block I , First add. to South Omaliu . . . . . , , Sheriff to Amos Gates , lots 4 to 8 , Damron's ubdlv . , 3,000 Sheriff to J , T. Kdling , lot 20. block 20 , Popplcton park . . . . . . . . . CIO Total amount of transfers . , , $5,6l5 $ MISSION OF A BOSTON GIRL Ml i .liMtrtt Will Drolnlin Moli l.niv , t'nltiK Hit * ItnkrrH ( n Tolnt HIP Mornl. CHARLESTON" , S. 0. , Aug. 6. Ulllan Clayton , the Hocton nlrl who recently rented a sensation In that city by declar- ng Hint she would come to Charleston nnd .ike north with her the family of the Ute 'razlcr 11. Uakcr , who was lynched at I < ake Mty. g. C. , In 1S98. with view to tieglu- Ing an agitation ngnln.U mob law , has car- led out her deslcn. Miss Jewell arrived icro Friday morning , Accompanied by h r nothcr and a young man named R , (1. ( l/ar- en. She had frequent conferences with the inker woman and her friends nnd as a re- tilt she left hero for lloston this Afternoon ccomimnlcd by the entire Uakor family , the nothcr and five children. Ml s Jowett raid cr plans for the ftiture were not yet formu. ated , but she aroDoaed to hold mass meet- ngs throucliout the north to aroutc scntl * ncnt analnst lyuchlnc nnd mob law gen- rally. Hov. J. W. Dart , a colored minister of his city , who has recently spent some time n Boston , returned < o this city today and pposed violently .ho removal of tins nakcrs rotn Clmrleston. He declares Miss Jewott nd those who stand with her merely want o net control of the IJakers to make no- orlcty nnd money for themselves. LEGACY TO COMING CENTURY Mcnil-OMU-lnl ( Irrninn Oman TnkcN SiniKiiliif View of WurlJ Dime by ( onfi rritei > nt The ItltKiie. 1IRRLI.V , Aug. 0. The semi-official Nerd f ! cnn nn AllegemclnoCoining today pub- Ifhcs an exhaustive review of the peace conference at The Hague , In which It says In ; extension of the Geneva convention to mvnl warfare and a detailed definition ot he laws nnd usages ot war constitute a great anvancc In civilization , The paper adds ; "It will be the Important duty of the gor. rntncnts to see- that the arbitration rules , by Misapplication , do not cause the dangers hey arc Intended ( o avoid , The efforts of the conference to humanize war are n aluablo legacy to the comlnc century and vlll bring lasting glory to Emperor Nich olas. " One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures ob- ritlnatc summer coughs nnd colds. "I con sider It a most wonderful medicine tnilck and safe. " W.V. . Morton. Maynew , WU OMAHA SUBURBS. Florence. Mrs. J. S. Richards Is visiting friends In Surpy county for a few days. Dan Corcoran of Omaha visited with his parents Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mary Smith of Omaha Is at home visiting her parents for a few days. The Christian church gave an Ice cream social at the city haM Thursday night. Benson Potter of Blnlr Is spending a few lays here , visiting relatives and friends. Fred Kachenbaugh of DeSoto vlsltod his brother and friends here Friday and Satur day. day.John John Anderson of Blair visited with his brother Henry Tuesday nnd Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Ida and Jennie Kindred wont to Her man Monday to visit relatives and friends 'or a week. Miss Ida Miller went to Kansas City Wednesday to visit \vlth her sister for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Henry Peterson of Crescent , la. , visited her sister , Mrs. George Stnlon , a couple of days this week. II. P. Hill's went to Denver Saturday on business connected with some mining prop erty In which he Is Interested , The High school building Is having a now roof put on nnd 'some other repairs , getting ready for the fall term of school. The waterworks company has a large force of men at work on the Iowa , slilo of the river putting In riprap and protecting the bank. / Mrs. Mattox was called to Lovcland , la. , Thursday by a message notifying her nf the serious Illness of her son Frank , caused by sunstroke. Wlllard Green left Monday for Waif 'fcakc. ' la. , where he goes as foreman of a gung of men working on the extension of the Illinois Central railway. Charles Brown has rented the proposty'Of Henry Weasa and will conduct the butcher shop. Mr. Weasa had to make a change on account of his health. Miss Bcrtl Wilson , who has been teaching school near Valentine. Nob. , for the last three months , returned home Tuesday evenIng - Ing and will visit with her parents for a while. Miss Christine Kruger of Omaha , who has been visiting relatives at Calhoun the last two Weeks , stopped off here on her way homo and win bo the guest of Miss Eunice Treacy for a few days. J. Umler , a fireman employed at the water works , got his band caught In a pump Suu- day and had It mashed so badly that it IB probable he will have to have one or two of his fingers amputated. Miss Blanche Tucker , who has been at tending the State Normal school at Peru , Neb. , for the last six months , returned homa Sunday and will teach a school this winter at the Ellis school house. I'cnion. Joe Hampton , who has resided In Benson for some time , left last week. Miss Adrian Cone of Omaha visited vrlth Loa Dodson during the last week. The Ladles' Aid society will meet nt the church next Thursday afternoon at Z o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and children have returned homo from their trip to the Hot Springs. C. Nevlns , the road overseer , ban been cutting the high weeks along the roads of this community , Messrs. Fred Buch and K. A. Marsh of Crclghton , Neb. , vlalted with old tlmo friends on last Sunday. Charley I ) n I Toy returned home last Sunday from the west , where he has been vUltlnn with relatives for some time , Miss Lilly Stelger went to Plaltsrnouth en last Wednesday afternoon to visit a few days with friends In that place. Miss A. E. Etlgor went to Council Bluffs on Saturday a week ago to attend a house party In that place , returning on the next day. day.C C , McMnnn of Blair has purchased a Tot in Beneon , where ho Intends to make bis future homo , and is having a neat little cottage erected , Mrs. James A , Howard and dauglhar Nellie etarted last Sunday for Ohio , where they will visit this summer at the old bom * of Mrs. Howard. The Bwedlih mission of Omaha ban etab > lUhed a church In Benson and la holding ; services in the town ball every alternate Sunday afternoon. Services will be held today at the Metho- dlat ISplicopal church at It B , m. Sunday school following immediately. Next Sunday evening Rev , Mr. Murray of Fremont vrlfl preach and assist in conducting communion services. Miss Cecil and Hazel Hawklna entertained about twenty llttlo folks at the home of their parents , Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins , last Monday afternoon , from 2 to 6 , In honor of their blrthdayv , and they were tbe re cipients of many pretty present * . Ice cream and cake and other refreshments were served , Dundee. Since the recent rains the lawns and par dons In Dundee present a fresh and beautiful appearance and the village wao never more prosperous than at present. Mies Loul e Van Oleson loft on Thursday for New York , where iho v/lll visit relatives for a month or two. Her lister , Mlns Van GleBon , accompanied her as far a Chicago , Mies Sophia Fischer baa accepted a peal tlon as principal of ono of the graded schoors In Alton , HI , , resigning from tle ) Columbia Kchool In Omaha to do so. Her many friends In the city and In Dundee will deeply regret her departure.