Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1899, Part I, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA DATT/V BEE : St'XDAY , AfOl'ST 0 , 18011.
Bicycle Rscord for OD < > Mile Has Been
X Lowered by McDaffle.
Ynlc IN TnkliiR n llrnro Mini Hope * in
lli'Ktilii .Sonic of I liel.ntirrln II ln t
Durlim the I'nnt Sonmin t'nl
, Wanner oil
The Shamrock started for ihl * Mdo Thurs
day with the hnpc of nir Ilrltaln centered
upon It , for eurcly they never before con
structed mich n boat. Kate seems to stand
lit the way of the public gettlnK n Rood line
on the two yachts , which are to take part
in the Krcat International races on this nlde
f the brine In October. The Shamrorlt , after
ft single attempt with the old nntannla ,
went to Falrfic and wns fitted out with Its
Vetch rig for the trip ncrow the Atlantic.
The English yachting papers In commenting
on .the trials all bemoan the fat that the
challenger did not have a better competitor.
Some went so far as to aver that the trial
was no test at all and proved nothing. At
the same time they all agreed , upon the
baslfi , "probably , that patriotism was a big
Ingredient , not only In yacht'lng , but 'in other
sports , that the challenger had shown un
doubted ability an a sailer on air points of
thr. wind ,
Reading between the line ? , however , It Is
evident that the yachting authorities of the
old world arc by no means satisfied with the
turn matters have taken.- They are not well
satisfied that the Shamrock has shown Itself
fast enough to beat the American yacht do-
nplto the fact that It ho raslly beat the
Urltannla. It IB to be regretted thai , more
real trials cannot be given It. but the fact
that It must come to this country tn be
fitted out for It ? final trial Is taken by most
of the newspapers as n good reaaon for a
lack of trials. The captain 'of the coming
yncht Is unusually noncommittal with re
gards to Its chances. He thinks It n Root
boat , that Is evident , but Is not so
nnthusiastlc as the skippers of formcr cup-
hunters have been. Taken as a whofe , the
fltilatlon , even from an English standpoint
looks very favorable for the Columbia.
The failure to complete the Columbia s
steel spur In time fo the races scheduled
for-last Saturday , and the breaking ot the
r mast In the trial heat with the UctonJor
Wednesday , have been a sad dlsappolntmcn
to American yachtsmen. It was hoped tha
In the race that waa scheduled for Wednes
day the Yankees should build their hopes
end plans , and to some extent , at least , do
Milo which really Is the better boat. The
races thus far have been disappointing
The new yacht has certainly shown su
perlorlty so far as It has been tried , bu
not-enough to make It a surq thing , or to
Justify the sporting portion of the com
munlty In laying any odds ort the final out
come. It was generally expected tha
Wednesday's race would furnish a line upoi
which some calculation ! ) could be made , bu
the unfortunate breaking of the mast made
tMs Impossible , although the Columbia wa
nt the time showing its heels to the De
Figuring upon form , so far as known , 1
decidedly unsatlnfactory. despite the fan
that clever yachtsmen think the Columbia'
chances are the better upon the presen
showing of both boats. The facts of th
matter are that neither vessel has shown
nny speed or fame which would entitle I
to rank above the other , and that only the
final trial In October will demonstrate be
yond a doubt the superiority. At any rate
It la hoped that the Columbia will have Its
full quota ot accidents now and be In good
trim for the finals.
At the Buttonwood cycle track. New Bed
ford , Mass. , Eddlo McDuflle , on a chalnless.
recently established a new world's record for
the mlle of 1:312-5. On July 19. Harry
Kikes succeeded In riding the mile In 1:31 :
flat. McDuffle had finished his Now Bedford
mlle with his powers well In hand and bad
since repeatedly expressed confidence In hi ?
ability to do the mlle In time considerably
faster. After Elkcs" time had been an
nounced McDuflle decided to go for the rec
ord again as soon as suitable arrangements
could bo made , and on Saturday , July 29 , at
the New Bedford track he succeeded In
knocking three seconds off the record nt one
clip , u feat which ban not been equaled for
several years. McDuflle rode the- same
chalnless machine he had first used and fol
lowed the same tandem motor pacer. The
conditions were very nearly perfect , nnd
from start to ilnlah McDuflle kept within a
few Inches of the rear wheel of his pacer ,
except for an Instant In making the last
turn to thn home stretch , when the motor
got a few feet away from him. He quickly
recovered the lost distance by a magnificent
J burst ot speed and finished the mile amid
the wildcat enthusiasm.
The first quarter was made In 23 seconds ,
the second in 22 seconds , while the third
was negotiated in the remarkable time of
20 3-5 seconds. The rider could not quite
hold this terrific pace. The last quarter was
made in 22 2-5 seconds.
Twice holder of the diamond sculls and
wlce amateur champion of the Thames Is I
he proud distinction ot R. H. Howcll , the
oung Yankee who Is studying at Cambridge
le Is also the holder of the amateur recorder
or the Diamond Sculls course , having low-
fed Ten Eyck'a record figurts of tS96 last
These , victories have left Howell nominally
he amateur champion of the world , although
t Is doubtful to good Judges If he is the
upcrlor of Tt-n Eyck. If Howell return ! to
his country his appearance meeting with
Ten Eyck will be a memorable affair.
Although having actually lost this proud
Hie to an American that American Is really
almost English bred. The fart that Black-
lane , the former English champion , has met
lowcll in the final of each of these races is
a monument to Ulackstaffe's pluck and per
sistence and In the eyes of the sportsmen Is
ndced a worthy feat In Itself.
There was recently held In Holland an
ntcrnatlonal rifle match In which the United
3tate was not represented , nnd In which
the team representing England , whose rllle
shots were considered almost Invincible ,
Inlshed at the bottom of the list , being
Beaten by teams from France , Italy , Den
mark , Holland , Norway and Belgium. The
result was a great surprise to the shooting
The defeat , however , may prove a very
vafuablc lemon to England , or any other
country , for that matter , which persists In
lioldlng to ono style of rifle shooting. In
England the man who can shoot well In tire
lying down position Is likely to be successful
In prize shooting , but tbo standing position
Is wholly Ignored. In fact , It Is untaught In
the system of rlfie firing and consequently
English riflemen are not strong shoto , as a
rule , In the offhand firing position ; con
sequently under thopc conditions , they were
sadly handicapped.
It Is well known that English soldiers are
splendid rifle shots In the lying position , but
skill In that style of firing doc not make
them reliable shots In nny other position.
The National Hlfle association of Oreat
Britain Is being urged to encourage off-hand
rifle rhootlng standing. It would seem that
the value of off-hand firing , as followed so
extcnslvcry In this country and even the In
door gallery shooting so popular In America
are now recognized as a very Important
training. In fact , the majority of those who
have studied the rifle thoroughly believe that
skill In off-hand shooting is the most Im
Now that the proverbial luck has deserted
Yale Its well known pluck Is assorting Itself.
Beaten at every turn this season , plans are
bolng laid to bring back the old-time
prowess of the Blue and they arc being en
tered Into with a will. An entire reorgan
ization Is promised 'before another season ot
training begins , and It the last season's de
feats are not reversed It will not bo because
of the lack of hard and earnest endeavor.
The foot ball eleven Is the first to recelva
attention , as the wearers of thn pigskin are
the next to enter the field. Captain McBrlda
will not permit his candidates to do any-
organized work during the summer , but U
encouraging Individual practice among the
men at their homes by sending each of the
sixty odd a foot ball with which to Im
prove his abilities In his chosen position.
There nre at present eight candidates for
the end positions , a round dozen tackles ,
five guards , four at center , five quarter
backs , twenty-one half-backs and five full
backs. This Is a gratifying showing and
speaks well for Yale's perseverance under
the circumstances.
A similar showing Is expected for the
other sports and the plan to engage profes
sional coaches for each separate squad
meets with the approval of all followers ol
college athletics , and these of Yale In par
ticular. It Is to bo hoped that when Cam
bridge and Oxford visit this country next
year Yale will present as powerful on ag
gregation as that which represented Har
vard' In the recent games In England. In
-will be 'beaten
that case the Englishmenwill
thoroughly and decisively.
Cal Wanner , general traveling passenger
agent ot the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad , who has been watching sporting
events with a critical eye since the boyhoo'l
of most sportsmen of today , has witnessed
the evolution of the prize fight from Its
bloody form under the old London prize ring
down to the modern selenitic contest ol
brain , muscle and nerve. In a recent con
versation on prize fights as they once were
Mr. Wagner said :
"The fights as they used to be under the
old London rules were no real contests In
which the best man won. The ring was so
large that a man could run all around II
and a man who was handy on his feet could
tire a big man out before the other one
could find him. But sometimes they had
some great fights In those days. Why. I
saw n man once knocked off his feet as far
as two or three yards , and then he slid on
the grass as much farther. Men used to
keep on fighting with a broken arm. Thej
fought on the green turf with their bare
knuckles , and as It was an advantage for a
fighting man to have a big hard hand , they
used to have a way of hardening the
knuckles on a board. Men used to get bands
on them like hams.
"But for real fighting to win the Marquis
of Queensberry rules are much better. They
make a man stand up and flght or get licked
Every Electric Belt and Appliance Before You Examine Dr.
Bennett's I Invite Comparison Beware of Counterfeits
Any Article Counterfeited Has Merits Think About This.
"Apropos of the question.'How to prevent old OB * , ' Dr. Julius Althaus. the emi
nent specialist , nay * the only way Is to be careful and appropriate and use the gal
vanic current which hr has studied and experimented upon ovtr 10 yars. and lays
the charge aealnat doctors of having far-too long- neglected electricity In cases of de-
blllty and exhaustion , In which he. hlinael f has often obtained results , lie has
known prematurely aeed men look 10 years younger nfter treatment , become restored -
stored In temper and take a fresh Interest In life.
The authority .v cited above Is most hlch and Is used as
corroborative ev AIdonce sustaining the claim that my Eler-
trie Helt In the Ti- , Xv\ only proper manner of applying KUEC-
THICITY to the tTvk > lhuman system. The 'Mtdlcnl ' profession
fcave been som , < T * / . J\ \ / ewhut tardy In recognizing Electricity aa
the rreates't cur \ I 0 V C J I latlvo power the world will ever know , but
it last they ha v \ ) Jb > 3'f / been , forTl * , ° , lldorT ! " ' Vitality W
be drained from. \ UXW .X U.thf. . . Bj ; tem by Indiscretion * , excewes ami
Indulgences , lectrlclty in th and Ncrvo Force of
every human beln * It l. life Itself anil
once lot there N no way of restoring It
except through the medium ot a galvanic
lilt. IIB.WUT'r'S KI.KCTniC I1EL.T
Today Is the only known meann of prop-
i-rly applying ELECTIUCITY to the nil-
man system. It has toll , silken , chamois-
covered sponge electrodes my exclusive
patent , that cannot 'burn and blister as do
the bare metal electrodes uaed on all other
tnakcH of belts. Electricity cannot pen
etrate the system through the. bare m ta
It Is retained upon the surface henre
the burns. . here I a poor -counterfeit o f my Electrodes out do
not bn mlsl ed. When oth rs attempt my methods , do they no
virtually In dorsa my treatment ? You cannot afford to experl-
mcnt CJet t lie genuine , Tht prices o f rny Belts. I hope , are with
In the reach of all the aflllcted unly a bout one-half the price ot the
old style.
My Electrl c Belt Is no experiment. It 1 the simplest and most
natural rein cdy upon earth. I have stu died Electricity for years
and know to a fraction just the qu.intl ty needed In each system to
cure tha dts rnte. A child can regulate this current when appllee
through my licit. I RUnrante ; n cure 1 n every race where I recom-
mend the tr eatment of my Belt. If It will not cure you I will no
cell It to y ou , I have no dlxsatlstud p atl'nU' nor will I have nny
Guarantee il to cure Hcxual Impoln ncy. Lost Manhood , Varlco
cele , Sperm * torrhoca and all Sexual Weakness tn either sex ; re-
tore , . Khrun . ken or t'naevnloped Organs and Vitality : cure Kid
ney , Liver and Bladder Trouble * . Chronic Constipation , Dyspepsia , General and N v-
our Debility , all Female Complaints , etc My belt can be renewed when burned out
for only 75 cent * no other belt can be ven owed for any nrlce , and when burned ou1
Is worthless. > My belt Is KUaranteed one y car ,
When you begin treatment with my K'ectrlc ' Belt you are fighting disease and phy
sical debility with u weapon you can trust , It * effect * are not doubtful. Its rraultn
are not uncertain. It performs cures every day and you can talk face to face with
tha ntople It hai cured. U h.ia a cure In every town In Colorado. My patients
can lie reached by letter any time and th ey would 'bo ' elml to have you write to
them. They arc grateful becaune they ha ve something to be grateful for. They are
willing wltne c and are unanimous In their testimony. U the- high character ol
my licit U already known to you , the cures can be known. That U what you want.
Write me ibout It.
Do not delay. Call upon or write to day. I will § nd you FREE for the askln *
my nook About Electricity , nymptom t > lan kx , tettlmon f t. etc. Correspondence and
consultation Mer-dly confidential. My Electric SuspeniJ/y for the permanent cure of
the various waaknexses of men free to every mule purchaser at on * ot my IJelU
Advlco costs you nothing. Sold only by
Ronnptt Flprtrir Pn Rooms 20.21
DulllltHl Llt/LU It liU. lOtli and Doduc Sts , , Omaha , Neb.
Open from 10:30 : a. in. to 5 p. in.
There. . Is no getting aw jr and running all
around a big ring.
"America Is the home of the best fighting
ncn In the world. This country has got
ha best material for ability. Australia ,
where Creedon and Flu came from , every
man Is an athlete and all the young fellows
ct plenty of practice fighting. They have
ghtlng in every public house there every
Saturday , and they have some pretty good
Ights. too. Creedon and Fltz both bad that
clnd of practice when they were boys. IJut
here Is something lacking In the foreigners.
They don't have the kind ot ability It takes
n this line.
"I believe Jeffries Is the coming man ,
believe he Is better than any man In the
world , unless It la Corbett. If Jim and Jeff
( me together I would almost put my
noney on Jim. There Is one thing you can
e sure of , all of Jeff's fights until he
ots licked will bo perfectly straight. 1
on't believe ho will lay down for anything
r any amount. There's lots of Jobbery
hat the public Isn't onto tn these big ;
ghts. Thnl'a why 1 don't like this way of
Ivldlng the money. Nowadays they sny.
Winner gets $7.000 , loser $3.000. ' Well ,
when a man knows that he can't get any
ess than $3,000 whether he loses or wins ,
iiIs not going to fight the way he would
t he knew It was win or lose nil. L < ots of
men will lay down for $3,000 , ralher than
ake a great deal of punishment and run
he risk of ecttlng the smaller fiharo after
ill. The Maher-Kltzslmmons fight In New
Orleans was that kind. The whole puree
ought to go to the winner ; then there would
ic n real flsht every time ; that Is , unless
here was some sort ot a side agreement
hot the public wasn't onto.
"Omaha would bo a great place tor a
flght. Why. If the Corbctt-Sharkey fight
wore held hero , It would bring In more
people and more money than any exposition
all the time It lasted. Omaha is tbo best
point for location in the country. You can
get to It quickly , easily and cheaply from
everywhere. The trouble with California or
N'evndn Is that people In New York can't
spare the time It tnkea to make the trip ,
to say nothing of the money It costs. And
the same thing Is the matter with New
York , for San Francisco and all western
people. IJut here In Omaha you could
draw the people from New York , from the
'nclfle coast , from Denver , Leadvllle ,
Georgetown and nil that country In there ,
and from New Orleans and all over the
south. The Plaza at the exposition would
30 the place for It. A platform could be
built In front of the bandstand tor the
ring , and there would be room around It
for an amphitheatre seating 50,000 people.
"The kind of people that It would bring
lero would stajP for several days. They
would bring money along and would be wil
ling to spend It. Oh , It's not Impossible by
any means that a good match could be
brought here , and this Is not the first time
the Idea has been suggested. In fact , there
are some prominent Omaha men quietly at
vork finding out about the matter right
now. "
All the Indians at the exposition grounds
have not spent all their Hvfs on the reser
vation drawing their mite from the govern
ment , as there are many who have at-
: ended the different Indian schools and have
Become proficient in some of the different
trades which are taught there. One cf the
best known of this class Is Simon Balrd ,
whose other name High Hawk , and he Is
a fine specimen of physical development. Ho
lives at I'lne Kldge agency , is 22 years old
and speaks English quite well ; In fact , he
Is Interpreter and secretary for the tribe ,
although he Is a full-blooded Sioux. But
the fact that makes htm more prominent
than the rest of his brethren Is that he la
Balrd , the famous half-back on the Car-
Hale ( Pa. ) foot ball team the same Batril
who , together with little Hudson and bis
iMetoxln gained honors on many a gridIron -
Iron the same Balrd , who made his repu
tation 'by plowing through the whole Har
vard line for a touchdown. He says that
he has received all the education he wants
and Is not going back to school. He has
let bis hair grow until It hangs .to hl =
shoulders end you could not pick him out
from the rest of the Sioux youths , who are
all a remarkably fine looking lot ot fel
lows. You must not think that these In
dians do not any of them understand Eng
lish , as one woman found out to her ser
row. She stood gazing at Balrd In open
wonder and admiration at bis wonderful
physique , and commenting on his handsome
face to her companions , and when she had
finished Balrd simply smiled and said
"Thank you kindly , lady. "
Aside from the fact that the American
athletes in the Oxford-Cambridge Intercol
legiate games lost like gentlemen , there Is
the consolation that they did not nearly
represent the athletic strength of tha
American universities , while they were
pitted practically against the bent England
could afford. A team picked from Pennsyl
vania and Princeton would have over
whelmed the Britishers and from the west
a selection from Chicago and Notre Dame
would have pushed Oxford and Cambridge
hard. Pennsylvania could probably have
won the meet alone and 'with ' only four
men Kraenzleln , Tewksbury , McCracken
and Grant.
The victory of the German emperor's
yacht .Meteor . over the prince of Wales
yacht Britannia , off Cowes , Isle of Wight
was a disappointment to Englishmen for a
double reason. First , because they do no
like to have the cup go to a foreigner , and
eecond , because the result causes doubts ate
to the Shamrock's speed and capacity. The
prince of Wales was deeply Interested ant
keenly anxious to win. His first question
on landing was : "How much have we
lost by ? " When told by over one and one
half minutes he eeemed anything bu
The big Athletic carnival , which takes
Place In Dubuque , August 29. SO and 31
which dote * fall on Tuesday , Wednesday and
Thursday of the Nutwood Driving club's
$113,000 pacing ai.d trotting meeting la
Just now attracting the attention of al
lovers of the manly art. The big Dubuque
auditorium Is now in the bands of a force
of carpenters and architects , who are re
modeling and enlarging the Interior to a
seating capacity of 6,000 people. The pro
gram , as It now stands , calls for three
nights' boxing two twenty-round contests
on each night. Byers and Itoot are contest
ing for the middleweight championship o
America and are already In active training
The pair will come together at 160 pounds
weight at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the
winner will be pitted against "Kid" Me
Coy or any other man who lays claim to
middleweight championship honors. Kenn <
and Lewis , a strapping pair of lightweights
are to decide the lightweight championship
of the west and they are looked upon as the
toughest proposition In their line west o
Buffalo , and the winner wllf ask a chance
against Frank Erne for the world'a cbara
plonshlp. The outcome ot the Santry-
Whlte contest , too , will be watched with
considerable Interest since the man when
Slier will declare winner becomes indisput
ably the 120-pound champion ot the world
Applications for reeerved ceati and boxes ar
already pouring In fast and many a gpor
wlir take advantage of the one-fare rat
granted within a radius of 450 miles of Chicago
cage , beginning August 28. <
Oniulin U to lie Pnvorril ! > > a Vll
from One of ( lie I.ruirue Tram *
Twenty-one hits were not sufficient to pul
Cleveland out In a game with the Colonels !
About fifteen different men are already
spoken of as the probable successor of Buci
Ewlng of Cincinnati.
In five games Williams of Plttsburg mad
six singles , a double , five triplets , two homo
runs , or fourteen hits , with thirty-one totals
wenty-five times at bat. The young man
as a batting percentage ot .353 ,
De Montrevllle was traded from Chicago
o Baltimore tor Magoon and then he nnd
'ops were traded to Brooklyn for Jennings.
Cincinnati beat Brooklyn three straight
ait week , but Brooklyn has such a lead thai
little thing like that does not bother her
t all.
"Kid" Nichols lost his game at St. I.tmls
'uecdsy by Powell , the opposing pitcher ,
mocking out & homer In the fourteenth
Thirty thousand people saw the recent
Irooklj n-St. 1/ouls series , In which Brooklyn
orced St. Louts from third to fifth position
n the ladder.
Jimmy Manning bought the entire Wllkes-
> arre ( Pa. ) team and Is going to bring It to
Can.'as City to consolidate with his outfit
o see If hc can make a winning nine. He
s now at tht ; bottom.
St. Paul's pets will be hero for a game to
morrow with a team of locals at the Young
ten's Christian association park. The Omaha
earn will be stronger than any of the or-
anlzed local teams , because the. best that
he city can produce will be drafted into
crvlce. We have had these league teams
: ere before nnd they have not had such an
wful snap. Crawford , Abbott , Jefferls. Mc-
Celvey , Salisbury , Jellcn. Lnwler , Crelgh
hey make Just ns strong a list as most
f the Western league teams and much
tronger than the association teams , and
hey will all appear In the game.
Hanlon's scheme In working his winning
pitchers as often as human endurance will
stand for It Is , utter all , says
he Washington Post , a device , that all
nanaccrs of winning teams have employed
Ince Charley Comlskcy called on Silver
ting for three , and often four , performances
a week. McMahon , Hemming. Hawke , Es-
> er and Hoffer are among the twlrlers who
md reached the has-been stage when Han-
on released or traded or sold them , though
Hawko quit of his own accord. Charley
Ccmlskey had the reputation In the old assii-
latlon of working more pitchers In a shorter
pace of time than any of the association
manacers , nnd when Koutz and Carruthers
were sold by Von der Ahe to Brooklyn their
> almy pitching days were of the past.
'There Is Just a certain amount ot pitching
steam In a man's arm , and the sooner It Is
exhausted the more winning games will the
earn bunch , and winning In bunches Is the
hlng , " was Cotnlskey's cold-blooded Idea of
manipulating pitchers.
IK Cnoil nil ( I l.nrco Ciitclicn
Arc Mmle In All tlirelnlilior -
IIIR I.nUen.
If you want to have a little sport take a
oaf of bread to the lagoon and BCO the ever-
lungry carp pile over one another to get a
bite. The water Is literally alive with fish
nnd good-sized ones at that , some being
eight Inches or more In length.
Some will tell you that the plover have all
gone , and yet on Thursday Charles Lewis ,
lack Klnneman , Jim Cuthlll and Sandy Grls.
weld drove out one of the macadamlzsd
pikes and bagged eight flee specimens of
upland plover.
Charles Schaeffer and Frank Fogg fished
nil afternoon In the rain Friday at Cut Off
ake and the best they got was the worst of
t. Some one must have told them that fish
bite better In the rain.
G. Jameson and Will Sampson were nt
Nobles' last 'week ' and brought 'back a big
string of perch.
George Sertbner , W. D. Hardln , Arthur
Scrlbner and J. H. Llnderman went to Lex
ington Friday to shoot some of the plover
for which these grounds are becoming fa
At the shoot held at Waterloo last week
the Omaha men were quite successful. There
was a mttch arranged for between the Du-
ponts and the Waterlcos , but rain Interfered
ind It had to be postponed. On account of
this match race Omaha was exceptionally
well represented and carried off most of the
money. Frank Parmelee won first high
average and C. R. Andrews second.
H. S. McDonald and C. H. Curtlss were at
Cut Oft lake last evening trolling for bass.
Fair Okobojl !
Okobojt under the silvery luster of the
larvest moon.
Night , -with all of the mystic allurements
of Shadow and uncertainty ! Okobojl ! An
expanse of molten silver , swelllnc , tosslnx
and undulating under the soft refulgence of
the sensuous midsummer moon. Is there a
more charming scene In Elysium ? Can there
jo greater enchantment ?
Starting out , a long cortege of rowboats
tied together and towed by the leader , all
aden with feminine loveliness and masculine
bravery , circumnavigating this peerless
watery gem , in the quiet of the summer
nlsht. Can man conceive or woman desire
a nearer approach to euthanasia ? The re
splendent heavens , with Its sharks of fire ,
the uneasy lake , with Its borders of droop
ing veeetatlou , the air resonant with the
monotone ot the clcadac , a seductive song
sune by the sirens of romance and fable !
Such n night w s mine wtifii , in suih
camaraderie ss Hnriy Fenn of Sioux
Falls , Marry Kflne nnd wife ami Fre.l Nalluu
and wife of Dos Molnw , Mrs. E. V. Lewi *
and Miss Ix-wls. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bro-
gan. Harry Hurktey. Sutorlus and Ernst
and Will Zltznun and others frcrn Omaha ,
MlM lluby Harbour ot Hockford. 111. , Mrs.
Snydcr and son Harry of Mnnkato. nnd the
Misses Gregory of Sioux Falls , together with
other choice spirits. 1 made the circuit of
these enchanting shores.
We loft the Inn at S:30 : In the evening , n
long line of rowboats , with Fcnn's naphtha
launch behind as a safeciurd against er
ratic winds. Around this lovely Inland ten.
slowly and quietly we roned and floated like
thistle gossmncr on. the summery winds ,
passing the long row ot picturesque cottages
which line the shore , past the darkening
woods , past the fields of grain , ru t the un
dulation of emerald and browning spots , past
everything that Is enticing and fascinating ,
salted our barges of Cleopatra. Fair women
and brave men ! On OkoboJI's swelling
bosom ! lloats , swimming as In space on the
breezes of a July night , with the * oft mel
ody of the voices of sweet women comming
ling with the music of zephyr , bird and
ripple. With the soft susurration of guitar
nnd mandolin filling the salacious air. with
the lapse of the wavelets on gravelly shores ,
with the phantom song of the night watch
ers and the stories of gentle zephyrus , what
more could man ask or desire ?
The songs th'at welled from the magic
throat of , must I use the vulgar vernacular ,
Mr. "Harry Burklcy , In consonance with the
wlndri of the night , In harmony with the
throbs of heart ? . In accord with the sweet
Influences ot all that Is poetic In life , In
the air , In the sea. In the whole microcosm
of feeling , of touch , of sympathy , of happi
ness , of pain , of death ; such were the soft
sounds that floated , that swelled , that came
and went over OkoboJI's restless depths as
Harry Uurkley eang his songs and told his
stories of romance and love. Such was the
party which on the beautiful July night Itft
the cozy Inn and under the guidance of
Sutorlus made the rounds of these enchant
ing -waters. And when the farthest point
was reached Fcnn's launch came Into play
by taking the rowboats all In tow and re
turning the occupants in time for an lu-
fcnnal dance at the pavilion.
Gifted nnd fortunate Is the great North
western , the avenue which leads to the God
like fields , these Arcadian depths , these
havens of rest nnd recreation. Gifted nnd
fortunate , Indeed , Is n thoroughfare
controls the open sesame to such n paradl-
eoclal region as fair Okojobl and her sweet
Jeffrie * Hnn ( Jone to KiiHlnuil tn IMcIc
l'p n I.lttli * r.u y Mom- } ' nil
Thnt Side.
Manager Brady has arranged for Jeftrtes.
besides the Mitchell match , a limited-round
contest with Jem Smith , who has claimed
the heavyweight championship of England
ever since the defeat of Alt Grcenlcaf ,
who claimed that title since the retirement
of Jem Mace. Smith Is a typical bruiser
nnd bluffer and one of the wcrst that "ever
happened. " He deliberately fouled Peter
Jackson In the first round of their contest
at the National club and was disqualified
promptly and properly by the referee. He
fought to a draw with Kllralu for what wan
called the international championship ,
although the alleged Importance of this bat
tle was greatly magnified by some news
papers which were seeking notoriety at the
time as backers of Kllraln.
Smith and Kllralu fought In France and
Slavln and Smith In Belgium , The Ameri
can had Smith clearly bested and would
have won but for English refereeshlp , which
was conducted to cave the day for the Liv
erpool dock rat.
And now comes Smith with a match
against Jeffries. This match waa doubt
less arranged on the sure-thing lines by
Brady. For the last half-dozpn years
Smith has made a bluff at conducting a
boxing school at Liverpool and Brady's evi
dent object In matching Jeffries against the
broken-down Smith was to Introduce the
American champion to Liverpool and ad
vertise In those quarters where Smith Is
known and more or less popular. Thla
match and the one with Mitchell will surely
be easy money and will probably launch the
new champion quickly before the English
public , but on this side we must be shown
by seeing them against some of the good
ones before we will accept them as the
real thing.
| The different sporting clubs around New
York have worked up considerable of a con
troversy as to which will handle the coming
Palmcr-McGovern match for International
honors. W. A. Brady saw Palmer on the
other side before he sailed and he announces
that he has secured him for the Coney Island
j club. Wherever the flght may be pulled off
i It promises to be one of the most InterestIng -
Ing encounters ever held In the history of
pugilism. Local sympathy Is with McGov
crn , of course , and it goea without saying
that the pugilistic critics are a unit In one
belief , that the little Brooklynlte will beat
the Indomitable little foreigner as easily as
ho did Casper Leon , Flanagan , "Sammy"
Kelly , "Johnny" Ritchie , "Patsy" Haley or
any of the others. Clever as the. little
We cnn save CK in
you from \JJ ) IU
on u Bicycle.
the wheels we nre
Cotnpnrc forS25nml S.12 with
other makes selling for $10
anil $50.
New Wheels as Low as $15,00 $ ,
Second Hand Wheels $5 to $15 ,
Omaha Bicycle Company ,
COll. 10T1I AM ) CIUC.U50 ST.S. HI ) . T. 1IMYUUN , MOH.
$4O Diamond
only $23
_ _ as long as they last ,
On Second Hand Bicycles , Gash or Easy Payments.
Phone 2161. 15th and Dodge Sts.
llrlton Is conceded to be , It will take a
slitter puncher than he Is to stop McGov-
ern'B Incessant and destructiverushes. . The
latter IB truly a wonderful fighter In every
respect. In fact , It only requires the np-
proachlnc test to really demonstrate to the
entire world how great a little man he really
U. Ho knows nothing but flght fight at
every stage of the game and while uppar-
ently his aggressiveness overshadows what
Bclenco ho possesses , he has that Inbred
fighting Instinct which wards otT disaster
and discounts a lifetime of training and
schooling In the purely scientific and tech
nical details of the boxer's art. In Palmer
ho will face the best man he has ever met ,
but the match la as good as won In the
estimation of his followers and admirers.
And who will galiuoy their confidence ? For
McGovcrn truly rei.lizcs the popular Idol of
the fighting public more nearly than any
man since John li. Sullivan. He has ele
vated In popular estimation "the little men's
class" from n position of fast-waning ob
scurity to a place beside the most Important
doings of the questionable "big fellows" and
made himself a favorite with fighting men
and ring followers wherever ho has appeared.
Huliert lloiiitcr'x Dcntli IN n fircnt
I.nnn ( o the Trotting ; ami I'nc
liiK Worlil.
C. W. Marks sold his great pacer , Joe
Patchcn , 2:01V4 : , last week to Ed .Mills of
Boston for II. Y. Haws ot Johnstown , Pa.
Mr. Marks says the price was $20,000 In
Charley Thorpe , one of the moat popular
and competent of American Jockeys , and
well known In Omaha , has Concluded to
journey to England next spring and ride as
a free lance. Charley's brother says that
the Jockey had been anxious to try his luck
on the English turf for years , but hesitated
to go until he bad enough of the world's
goods to make him Independent. Jockey
Thorpe Is now In Colorado on a hunting ex
pedition. He will ride In California for
Duma & Waterhouse until January 1 and
then will go east and arrange to make a
protracted stay abroad. Fred Tarat may
I accompany him.
It Is rumored at Saratoga that Ted Sloan ,
who Is now on his way to this country from
England , will have the mount on the
PlelBchmann etable's best , cither Marlbcrt or
Mischievous , in the Futurity. Mr. Flelsch-
mann refused to deny or affirm the report.
Those who are In a .position to know say
that It Is true , and the mount will probably
bo Marlbert , which seems to be the better
of the two.
Directly and Ananias were matched last
week for a special race for $5,000 a side , to
bo trotted at the Nutwood Driving club's
meeting at Dubuque , la. , September 29.
The races at Dubuque August 28 to Sep
tember 2 are not only the biggest on the
Rambler ( ladies' ) § 30.00
This Is a ' 99 tnodol guaranteed peed
us now.
Stearns , ( gent's ) not a scratch
on frame and good
shape 820.00
Rambler , ( gent's ) . . . § 30.00
Shop worn. Other Second-Hand
wheels from 85.00 up.
Patee $25.00
Up-to-doto in every form of con
struction ant ) fully guaranteed.
at half the prices others will
charge yon.
Davis ball bearing , the best machine man- ,
ufactured. Second hand machines from $5.00
up. Parts from every sewing machine man
Nebraska Cycle Co ,
Cor If ! < h ntiil Ilnrncy.
Goo. E. Miokol , Manager.
circuit , but also will probable bo the beet
that have been putted off in the west for
many a day. For the 'benefit ' of those out In
the state and In answer to numerous In
quiries received at this ofllco , we will state
that a special round-trip rate ot $10.70 hai
been put on and that ono of the roads will
run a sleeper direct to Dubuque. The Nut
wood Park tmoclatlon deservee great credit
for the manner in which this meet has been
handled to far , as all the entries w re cloa d
with the largest list ot horses ever con
gregated in the west.
Never Known to Fnll.
As a druggist I have handled various
remedies for bowel complaints for the past
five years , but have never found anything
so beneficial or certain to effect a cure aa
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. H Is on Absolute specific for bloody
flux , diarrhoea and summer complaints In
general. I have never known It to fall.
John X. Taylor , Druggist , Cromwell. Ken
tucky ,
The lied Cross society under the leader
ship of .MlS3 Barton has established twelve
asylums for children In the province of
Havana. About 300 children , mostly
orphans , are careU for in these Institutions.
Bad reath
Undigested , decaying food remnants , in the mouth and stomach , giving off pestiferous gases , are the cause
of that awful breath , so repulsive as to cause a halt i.i friendship , affection , love , any form of intimacy.
Nobody can stand its over-powering stench , and it is a cause of terrible misery to those afflicted and their dear
ones. There is only one way to cure it disinfect the digestive canal with Cascarets ! Clean it out , keep it
clean , let Cascarets stimulate the lining of mouth and stomach , and put it in shape to work naturally and
properly. Nothing but CASCARETS will bring about the desired result. BE SURE YOU GET THEM !
ens. Detroit Free
"I bave been uilng C A CARETS
and as a mild and effective laxiulre they are
Mmplywonderful. . My daughter and I were
botncred with sick stomach and our breath
was very bad. After taking a few dones of
cascareta we have Improved wonderfully ,
They are a great help In tlie family. "
Wn.nn.uiNA NAOIU
linRUtenhouM St. , Cincinnati , Ohio.
"Well , I'mlad to know abow * H. "
WORK 2Sc. 50c.
CASCARBT8 are twlnt ly hirmlui , a purely TeteUWe compound. Wo mtrcurUl or other miueul plll-poUon in Ciiureti , C caret promptly , ettectlrely and permanently
cure every dliuder ot the Stomach , Liter and Inteitinei. They nofonly cure eonjtlpatioo , but correct any and every form ot irregularity of the boweU , including dUrrhtra and dyMntery ,
Pleawnt , paUUble , potent. T to good , do food , tttrtt sicken , weaken or trip * . Be jure you get the eenulne I Beware oMmltatloni and substitutes I Buy box of CASCARETS
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