Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1899, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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vii /'i tiP p/tti niMinpn tin ifi
Members of the Smut Set Unterrifiid by the
Dog Days.
Snctety a nit More Active no the I'lrnl
1'ctv I'.nrly Illriln Cimir llnrk from
the lleftnrt * 1'rcpnrntloni lor
Their Welcome ,
It really docs seem as It those members
of Omaha's 400 who are etlll. gracing the city
with their refreshing presence arc the po. -
eccsors ot wings which are cither attached ,
invisibly , of course , to their shoulder * or
their feet. This Is a conclusion from judging
by that energy with which they combat every
obstacle that apparently unimpressionable.
clerk of the weather thru ta In their other
wise unobstructed ways and paths. When
tncre ordinary mortals arc gasping for breath
and almost ready to mefl away at the bare
thought of the least llttlo bit of necessary
exertion , the men and maidens of the society
world , who of course are made of other clay
than the common or garden species of hu
manity , which render * them utterly Indif
ferent to heat and cold alike , are actually
treading with merry hearts and nimble feet
the mazc ot the dance and all the while
they look as froth and dainty and cool at
cucumbers. Dame Society Is proudly rais
ing her temporarily crestfallen head again
and feels quite capable of holding her own
( n spite of the Inroads made on her domains
and the temporary decimation of her ranks.
She Is already prepared to give a gay wel
come to her fast returning devotees , who
arc eagerly preparing to take up their roles
of hosts , hoate&acs nnd guests In turn.
Inscribed with "the compliments and con
dolence from your most sympathetic friend ,
Imogenc S. Iloby , " the following pathetic
lines descriptive of a bicycle trip to Belle-
vuc , undertaken by two young women con
veniently referred to as .Mabel and Sadie ,
have been submitted for the edification of
Interested admirers :
Two maids , two wheels , n. summer's day ;
A country road that lures away ,
No wiser 'head ' to say them nay ;
Some Joyous words and laughter cay ,
And fco , fair maids , away , away.
Some hill * , more hills , and dust and heat ;
A road for rut 'twere hnrd to beat ;
Great lack of aught to drink or eat ;
Some "spills , " with sprawling hands and
Alack ! fair maids , the day's defeat !
A railway train In Old Bellevuc ,
Two glrla too weary to nay "boo ;
Some blisters , tan and freckles , too ;
Two -battered wheels checked mec-kly
through ,
And so , sweet maids , adieu , adieu !
Drn mem-Mart In.
Miss Dcrtba Lela Martin and Mr. Guy
Edwin Dramon , both of this city , were mar
ried at the home of the bride's mother ,
2233 Charles street , on Wednesday evening ,
'August 2 , at 8:30 : o'clock , the ceremony being
performed by Jlev. 'Mr. ' Luce. The bride
was attired Inwhite silk , trimmed with
tnou&scllnc dc sole , and carried a bouquet of
bride roses. 'Miss ' Pearl Sunderland , cousin
ot the bride and maid ot honor , was gowned
in white silk and carried pink roses. Mr.
Henry Mengedoht acted as best man and
little Edna Dramon , niece of the groom ,
bore the ring. During the ceremony , which
vas witnessed by a number of relatives and
friends , Miss Anna Clove played Mendels
sohn's wedding march , with violin accom
paniment "by " her sister. Miss Emily. At
the conclusion of the ceremony , refresh
ments were daintily served in the dining
room. The popularity of the young couple
was amply attested by the number ot costly
end beautiful gifts of which they were .the
recipients. The out-of-town guests were :
Mr. and iMrs. M. D. Bramon and children ,
Mr. arid 'Mrs. A. L. Bramon and children
of Missouri Valley. la. , 'Mr. ' nnd Mrs. WH-
llam Campbell of Hastings , Neb. , Mrs. Belle
Watson and son , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wlnn
of Council Bluffs nnd Mr. William Mlcklo
and son , Charlie , of Grand Island , Neb.
On Thursday evening a reception was given
in honor of the bride and groom at the homo
of the groom's mother , Mrs. J. II. Bramon ,
2517 Caldwell street , to which only rela
tives and intimate friends of the contract
ing parties were bidden.
Mr. and Mrs , Bramon will bo at home to
their friends after August 15 at 2235 Charles
Social Chit-Clint.
Rev. T. J. Mackay Is spending his vacation
In Colorado.
Mrs. Alfred Mlllard and sons are summer
ing In ICstabrook. Colo.
Mrs. II. D. need and family are spending
the month in Waukegan , 111.
Messrs. Wallace Lyman nnd Frank and
Edward Morsman salted last Saturday for
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bonncr will spend
the month of August at Hot Springs , .Mead-
wood and other points of Interest in South
Mr. and Mrs. Klrkcndall. Mr. and Mrs.
Brady nnd Mr. and Mrs. Heed have token
cottages at Beech Bluff , a rummer resort on
the north shore of Massachusetts.
Mrs. Horace G. Burt and Mls Jessie Mll
lard , who were duo to arrive yesterday in
New York from Europe on the steamer St.
Louis , are expected homo on Tuesday.
Miss Gertrude Kountze and her RUest ,
MUs Trenton , have gone to the Preston
ranch In Colorado , where a house party wlfl
be entertained during the next few weeks.
Mm. Brown of Lincoln , who has been a
guest at the homo of her father , Mr , S , F.
Dennett , returned homo yesterday , accom
panied by Mm. W. II , Bennett and Miss
Mrs. Heller left last week for Chicago ,
where she win upend a month In study. The
first two weeks she will be with Miss Harrison
risen and the last two with Miss Hofer t
Longwood ,
Little Lilian Hmslcy , who Is well known
In the musical and theatrical circles of
Omaha , is In n very critical condition tram
nervous prostration at her home , 2317
Ciharles direct.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans are homo from
their eastern pleasure trip. The journey
from Duluth to Buffalo was made by water.
A couple of weeks were spent at New York
nnd the seashore ,
Mrs. Clement Chase and children arc
visiting her parents , Colonel and Mrs. VA-
wards , In Los Angeles , and win remain there
through the month ot August. Mr. Chase
returned on Monday ,
Mr. and Mrs. C , F. Catlln , for many years
residents of Omaha , are now living at
EaHila , Colo. , where Mrs. Catlln'a health Is
much Improved. Mr. Catlln has charge of
the Depot hotel there.
Mrs. J. V. Crelgbton , president general of
the White Cross , was In Omaha last week
and also vlattcd Lincoln in connection with
her work , Mrs. Urolghton has recently lost
her mother , who died at Portland , Ore ,
A party composed of the Misses Moore ,
Kennard and Hlgglnson and Messrs. Wal
lace , Burns and Allen left yesterday for a
two weeks' outing at Lake OkoboJI , as the
guests of Mr , and Mrs. William Wallace.
Mrs. Oacar B. Williams , who has been
visiting at the old homestead of the late
Milton Rogers In Ohio , returned to Omaha
lost week Vtherr the furm of early diys
wan Is now a flourishing little town known
as Ilogers ,
MovrmrnlK of Sorlrty I'eoplr.
Mr J. D. Shcean In at Atlantic City.
Mr. II. J. Newmsn IMS returned from the
Dr. Whlnncry has gone west for a month's
Mr. W. 0. Gilbert Is spending a few days
In Chicago.
Miss Lillian Pitch leaves today for Colorado -
rado points.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Willis have gone to
Lake OkoboJI.
Mrs. Stephen Brodcrlck Is visiting friends
In Milwaukee.
Mrs. L. C , Manning baa gone cast for a
month's vacation ,
Mrs. 0. R. Armstrong and eon Ergar are
visiting In Warren , Pa.
Judge Slabaugh left last week for a visit
to bis old home In Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey have returned
from their outing In Idaho.
Judge and Mrs. Baxter are spending a few
days at Lake QuInnebaUgh.
Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Talmsgo returned
from New York on Tuesday.
Judge and Mrs. Dickinson are at Lake
Qulnnebaugb for the summer.
Rev. Alexander Gllchrlst left on Monday
for bla new post in Allegheny.
Mr. II. S. Berlin Is at the Hotel Tarpon ,
Tarpon. Ffa. , fishing for tarpon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Munn have returned
from a fishing trip to Lake OkoboJI ,
Mr. Frank Dale arrived home last week
from a stay at Madison Lake , Minn.
Miss Blanche Howland Is visiting friends
at Dcadwood and Hot Springs , S. V.
. Tlldcn left last week to spend a few
weeks with her mother at Colon , Neb.
i Miss Crounsc and Miss Marie Crounse
! spent part of the week with Miss Buck.
Miss Adallne Dohcrty leaves this after
noon for a two weeks' visit in the cast.
Mr. R. B. Howcll left on Tuesday for n
stay of eomo weeks at Sand Lake , Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Squires are home
from their trip through the Yellowstone.
Misses Grace and Fanny Burstall left yes
terday for a two weeks' visit In Tabor , la.
Miss Julia and Mr. William Officer are
spending the month of August In Colorado ,
Mr. Albert Krug has gone on an extended
pleasure trip through the Rocky mountains.
Miss Helen Spencer has gone on a two
weeks' visit with relatives at Shcnandoah ,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempster nnd Miss
Allen are spending the month at Asbury
Mr. S. F. Bennett Is expected home to
day from a stay In Chicago and other lake
Miss Llla V. Hawkcs has returned from
Kansaa City , where she has been visiting
Mrs. A. Darlow and children have gone to
Petoskl , Mich. , to spend the rest of the
The Misses Almee and Vivian McDowell
have gone east to visit friends in Ohio and
Miss Minnie Thomas left Wednesday evenIng -
Ing for Chicago and a trip to Macklnac via
the lakes.
Judge Fawcett has gene to Galena , III. ,
for a vacation. Mrs. Fawcett will join him
this week.
Mr. Leon McKenzle has reft for Wyoming ,
where he will spend the next three months
on a ranch.
Mr. Ralph Breckcnrldge is spending a va
cation in Idaho , enjoying the delightful
trout fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Windsor nnd children
left last week for a month's outing on the
Atlantic coast.
Mr. Ed T. Heydcn returned on Thursday
from his pleasure trip to Minnesota and
Lake Qulnnebaugb.
Miss Frost left last evening for a short
visit with relatives in California and a trip
on the Pacific coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze arrived
home on Wednesday from their wedding trip
and are nt Forest Hill.
Mrs. H. A. Douds and children returned
on Friday from a month's visit with rela
tives In Davenport , la.
Mrs. F. A. Green has left for Denver and
other mountain resorts , where she will re
main for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Squires have re
turned from a four weeks' trip to Yellow
stone park and vicinity.
Mrs. Charles E. Ford and children will
leave tomorrow evening for Indianapolis to
visit relatives for a month.
Mrs. Emma Dupuls will leave tomorrow
for a two months' visit In Chicago , Pitts-
burg and other eastern cities.
Mrs. Annie C. P. Farrell nnd children
have gone east to take a three weeks' trip
on the lakcfl and visit relatives.
Miss Hazel Connell has returned from
Florence , where she baa been spending the
last five weeks most cnjoyably.
Mrs. Alexander G. Buchanan , son end
daughter , of Georgia avenue , left on Monday
last for a month's stay in Ohio.
Mr. Addlson Everett Weathers returns
home today from a pleasure trip to Milwau
kee , Chicago and the Great Lakes.
Mr. George Spangler and wife have gone
to Excelsior Springs , Mo. , where Mrs.
Spangfor will remain until the fall.
Mrs. C. F. Brlnkman and daughter Etta
leave today for several weeks' visit with
friends In Chicago and Milwaukee.
Miss Sara Salome Butts left for Buffalo on
Tuesday evening , whore she will visit her
parents , Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Butts.
Dr. O. S. Nason returned Saturday from
Niagara Falls , where he attended the meetIng -
Ing of the National Dental association.
Mrs. F. R. Martin and Miss Edith Packard
have returned to the city after a three
weeks' visit In Denver and Colorado Springs ,
Dr. R , E. Lamourcaux and son Palmer re
turned last week from Denver and Colorado
Springs , where they have been visiting
Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck left last week for
Buffalo , where she was joined by Miss Kll
patrlck. They will spend the month in the
Mies Helen , the charming llttlo daughter
ot Lieutenant and Mrs. L. A. Dorrlngton ,
leaves today for Hyannls to spend the re
mainder of the summer with her aunt. Mrs.
A. A. Record ,
Mr. Stirling , freight auditor of the Union
Pacific , and his family left fast week to en
joy the cool breezes .on the Pacific coast.
They expect to return about the end of
Miss Mamie Hamlln of IS20 Spencer
street lett on Wednesday morning for Chicago
cage , where she joined a party of friends
for a tour of the lakes. She will be absent
until September 1.
Mr , C , F. Wcller , who has just returned
from a short vacation uoent In Denver ,
Manltou and Colorado Springs , has been
called to Macon , Mo , , on account of the
serious illness of bis mother , living at that
Mrs , W. Randan and daughter Florence
left last week for San Francisco , Cal. , that
Florence may enter college there , for a full
course of study. Mrs. Randall will then re
turn after spending the heated term on the
Mr , Arthur Hartman left last week for St.
Paul , Minn , , where ho will be joined by his
ulster , Mrs. W. H. Clarke , who will accom
pany him to Canada. They will remain
there during the months ot August and Sep
Miss Vlctorlno Rooney left Wednesdty
evening for Montreal for a few weeks' , itay ,
thence to New York , where ehe will rejoin
the Maurice Grau Grand Opera company , of
which she has been a 'ueraber for the lai-t
four years.
Iliitrrlnliimentii ot the Week.
MUs Gertrude Kountze gave an exposition'
party on Monday evening In honor of her
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
. . .
Mlm Kill * a Cr. .nnatl and Miea
I'reston of Chkngo ,
In honor of her guest * MIBSOU Morton nnd
Jean Morton of CtmaRo , Mrs Lake gme a
most delightful dancing party on Friday
evening The guests of honor are great
favorites In Omaha society.
Mr. C M. Foster was pleasantly sur
prised Tuesday evening by a number of his
gentlemen friends , who called to congrat
ulate him on the event of his 26th birthday.
Me wa the recipient of many beautiful
Misses Peck , Crounse , Pratt and Kennnrd
entertained a few of their Omaha men
friends at a progressive house party last
week. The guests drove out from the city ,
enjoying the beauties of the country about
Irvlngton , Bennlngton nnd Fort Calhoun.
Mrs. Lewis Heed gave a pleasant dancing
party on Tuesday evening In honor of her
guests , Mr. and Miss Foster , And her son ,
Mr. Lewis Reed. The lawn was prettily
lighted with Japanese lanterns , while a
number of Inviting chairs proffered their
services to the guests.
One of the most enjoyabfe surprise parties
of tbo week occurred at the home ot Miss
Marlon Gunner , 2106 Locust street , on
Thursday evening , the affair being planned
In honor of her 15th birthday. The youthful
hostess received many pretty gifts and n
happy evening was spent with games and
music. At 11 o'clock dainty refreshments
were served , after which the merry party
dispersed , wishing the birthday girl many
happy returns of the day.
One of the pleasant happenings ot the
week was a surprise party tendered to Mr.
Otto Wolff at his home on Saturday even
ing , July 20 , by the different singing socie
ties of which Mr. Wolff Is the reader. In
honor ot his birthday. An excellent pro
gram ot vocal and Instrumental music
was ably rendered during the evening , and
at a suitable time Mr. C. P. Norwalt. on be
half of the singers , presented Mr. Wolff
with a handsome bust ot Wagner. Later In
the evening a dainty lunch was served nnd
at 12 o'clock the guests departed , after hav
ing spent a most delightful evening.
Friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Mortenscn
to the number ot 400 organized a surprise on
them on the occasion ot the stiver anniver
sary of their marriage Wednesday evening.
Banquet tabfes were set In Washington hall
and after the guests had all assembled Mr ,
and Mrs. Mortensen were sent for. Their
surprise and gratification at the preparations
which had been made to honor them could
scarcely be expressed. After the banquet
had been served Mr. John A. Jensen acted
as toastmaeter and the following responded
at his bidding : S. F. Keble , P. P. Peterson.
Chris Nlelson , A. P. Gram , S. P. Dolcn and
L. Hanson. Six children of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Mortensen were present , three daughters
and three sons , two ot the latter of whom arc
Out of Town Gticiln ,
Mrs. Mathers of Chicago Is the guest of
Mrs. Mary D. Wade.
Ml n Maud Cooper of Minneapolis is visit
ing relatives In this city.
Mr. Robert Carfeton of Denver Is the
guest of Mr. Earl Gannett.
Mrs. D. F. Monroe of Blair \vas the
last week of Mrs. C. A. Claflln.
Miss Margaret Moore of Madison , Wls. , is
the guest of Miss Lira Alexander.
Mr. Foster and Miss Foster of Evanston
are the guests ot Mrs. Lewis Reed.
Mlsa Mary Llonberger of Brunswick , Mo. ,
Is the guest of Miss Louise Dohcrty.
Miss Theresa McVeigh of Button , Neb. ,
will bo the guest of the Misses Helen and
Kathleen Gerko for two weeks.
Mrs. N. Lazarus and Mrs. II. Bernstein ,
formerly of this city , are visiting Mrs. M.
Meyer , 1104 South Tenth street.
Mr. Eugene Parker of Kansas City ppcnt
part of last week visiting the exposition nnd
friends in Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson of Kansas
City were the guests of Mrs. Frank Hollin-
ger of Wlrt street during the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ormsby of Detroit ,
Mich. , are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Burke of 2203 North Twenty-seventh avenue.
Mrs. Emily West and Miss Elizabeth
Tobelf of Lockport , N. Y. , are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Pcnfold of 3523 Howard
Mrs. Alexander Laverty of Ashland. Neb. ,
who has been the guest of her sister , Mrs.
R. E. Lamoureaux , returned homo last
Mr. H. A. Joplln , formerly of Omaha and
now of Salt Lake City , was In the city last
week , the guest of his brother , Mr. Joseph S.
M ss Agnes Beatrice Bcfvs of Leavenworth ,
Kan. , who arrived In the city on Friday , will
be the guest ot Miss Antoinette Rich ot
Kountze Place.
Miss Lydla Mlna Moore of Madison , Wis. ,
who has been vlilting Mlta Eva Kennard nt
Hollyrood , Is now the guest of Mrs. Charles
Dundy , 3124 Poppleton avenue.
Miss Dorothy Haslam of Isbpcmlng , Mich. ,
who was the guest of her brother , J. H.
Haslam , and family , 2407 North Twentieth ,
has returned to her home , going by way of
Mm. John C. Hlgby of Beatrice Is visiting
her son , Ira Hlgby of the Mlllard hotel.
Mrs. Hlgby is accompanied by her son An-
eon nnd bis two daughters , Bernlce and
Ruth , of Deadwood.
Mrs. Mary A. Cox and granddaughter , Miss
Edith , of San Francisco , enroute to their
new home In Dunkirk , N. Y. , stopped over in
Omaha a few days last week to visit Sheritf
McDonald and mother.
CaU and consult our specialist on face and
tscalp. "Davlcs , " 1511 Douglas street.
a fft
Under dote of July 20 , the Department of
Agriculture lias issued an order requiring
the dipping of sheep after August 10. Any
sheep affected with scabies and any sheep
which have been In contact with infected
sheep , will not bo allowed to be shipped
from one state or territory into another
without flrat having been dipped.
It Is customary for the range sheepman to
ship his flocks to Missouri river markets
and , in the event that prices offered are
not satisfactory , a reconsignment to Chicago
cage is made. When bought by the packer
either at the Missouri river markets or at
Chicago It has not been necessary , under
former regulations , to dip sheep on account
of their being sold for Immediate slaughter ,
In the event that sheep were not bought
by packers , but were sent out Into the coun
try , cither aa feeders or etockers , the dip
ping order has been strictly enforced both
at Missouri river points and at Chicago.
It Is understood that the object of the
bureau of animal industry Is to locate and
exterminate dlteaee. but as tbo government
cannot place Inspectors at every point In
Iowa , Illinois and Missouri , range owners
can now ship where they bavo effected sales
In advance and the spread of disease cannot
be controlled.
For several years an exception has been
made at Missouri river polnta by the gov
ernment where sheep wore shipped to tin
eastern market for Immediate slaughter.
Thle now order , however , does away with
the old system , and compels dipping whether
for Immediate slaughter or not. In other
words a sheepman cannot try this market
and go on to Chicago with his sheep unless
first dipped here.
Sheepmen consider this new order a hard
ship and an effort is to be made to Induce
the department to make certain modified- ,
tlons , H is desired that ehetfp Intended for
Immediate slaughter be allowed to proceed
from one market to another without dip *
ping. Flockmasters in the country are be
coming Interested , and they hope that the
order may be amended ,
The Department of Agriculture goes SD
far at < to state what kind or a dip must be
used. It must bo either tobacco and sul
phur or lime and sulphur , tbo proportions
being given in the order.
Arrangements are now being made by thn
stock yards company to comply with the
new order.
Vluilurt 'IlfpnlrM ' to He Jin tie.
Chief Engineer King of the Union Stock
Yards company cald yesterday that on Mon
day the work of repairing the Q itreet via
duct * ould be commenced. The ccet ot the
The Handsome Shirt Waists
we arc selling for
Worth $1.25
See the $4,00 Linen Skirts , trimmed with
braid , we are selling for $2,25.
repairs to be made will be borne by the
stock yards and the Union Pacific. It will
not be necessary to close the bridge for
some time , but before the repairs are com
pleted the structure will have to bo closed ,
and this will mean the discontinuance of
the ntrcct car servie on Q street for a time.
The city council has not ordered the stock
yards company and the Union Pacific to
make the repairs to the viaduct , but the
companies mentioned evidently realize the
Intent of the state law and wilt go ahead
regardless of the city officials.
Sunday Clcinlnpr Movement.
The Sunday closing of stores Is not devel
oping Into as popular a movement as was
supposed. It la understood that the shoe and
clothing houses will be open today the same
as usual , the groceries , however , will remain
closed. Yesterday It was reported that the
Retail Clerks' union Intended leaving the
matter ot Sunday closing to the Trades'
council of Omaha. Whllo quite a number ot
merchants here are willing to close , It IB
stated that the clerks did not go about the
matter In the right way , and there may be a
difference of opinion , unless radical changes
are made In the management of the Sunday
closing movement.
Arinuur'N > Wnrcliotmc.
The contract for excavating for Armour &
Co.'s big warehouse has not yet been , let ,
and it may not bo until atter the city coun
cil meets Monday night. Manager Howe Is
figuring on celling n portion of the dirt to
the city , and Mayor Ensor and City Engineer
Heal will recommend that about 10,000 yards
of dirt be purchased for South Q street. In
case the city council takes action on. the
matter Monday night the contract for ex
cavating will probably be let Tuesday and
work wllf bo commenced at once. Material
Is being ordered by the contractors and will
arrive before the encavatlng Is completed.
Jlo | > nlrn ! r Ttventy-Foiirih Street.
On Monday or Tuesday the Grant Paving
company will commence the work of repairIng -
Ing the Twenty-fourth street pavement. The
contract between the city and the paving
company was signed yesterday , and there Is
now no reason for further delay. This com
pany Is now working on Capitol avenue in
Omaha , but It is expected that this work
will bo completed by Monday at the latest.
The outfit will then be moved to this city
and the entire street from A to Q will be
placed In first-class condition.
Dinner tn ( he Poor.
The local corps of the Salvation Army Is
preparing to give a day's outing to poor
women and children at Syndicate park on
August 24. Captain Roshon and other mem
bers of the Salvation corps ask for donations
of food in order that the poor may be given
a hearty dinner. Cash donations are also
solicited , and boxes for the purpose may be
found at a number of the stores. Those who
are authorized to solicit subscriptions or
eatables wllf show a card signed by Captain
Mu lc City
Godfrey's for n Just right wedding present.
Drs. Hagan & Greene , dentists , Glasgow blk
Melcher's Instant Headache Cure. 10 cents.
Slabaugh , dentist , 24th and N sts. Tel. 73.
See Ed Munshaw & Co. for lumber. Tel 2S5.
Imported 'art and 'nrf on draught at Klein's.
The city hall building is being piped for
Peter Lcnagh , coal and feed. Office , 24th
and Q streets. Telephone 25.
For sale , three new houses , monthly pay
ments. Persons. Glasgow block.
B. E. Wllcox left last night for Kansas to
look after his property Interests
Eldon J. Smith has gone to Lincoln to at
tend the Epworth league encampment
Rev. Irving Johnson will hold services at
St. CFemcnt's mission at 8 a. m. today.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
John McNee , Twenty-sixth and F streets.
Workmen are now engaged In pfaclng the
gas fixtures In the new postofflce building.
nilly Wood of the Union Pacific force hero
has gene to the Pacific coast on a pleasure
The Home Circle club will return home
today after camping for a month at Seymour
"Where Is He" Is Rev. Mlllard's morning
topic at the First Methodist Episcopal
William B. Taylor and Mrs. Ella L. Arm
strong were married last week by Rev. R. L.
Henry C. Sautter leaves today for Wyom
ing , where he will spend a month or more
shooting and fishing.
The trial of Edward Harris , arrested some
time ago for cutting Mike Markeson , has
been sot for August 14 ,
The local Young Men's Christian assocla
tlon proposes giving a popular entertain
mcnt course this winter.
The Women's Home Missionary society of
the Methodist church will give a lawn social
on the evening of August 22.
Miss Nellie Klnnoy , Twenty-second and J
streets , gave n porch party to a number of
friends last Wednesday evening.
It has been suggested by residents of the
Second ward that the dirt taken from
Armour's be used In filling Mud creek.
The foundation of St. Martin's now Btone
church la nearly finished and the corner
stone will bo laid next Sunday at 0:30 : p , m.
There Is some talk among property own-
era on the south side of asking the council to
open Wyman street across the Union Pacific
Secretary Overton of the Young Men's
Christian association will conduct a praise
ncrvlcc at the association rooms at 3 o'clock
this afternoon ,
The Ladles' circle of the Methodist church
will give a tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. n. Scott , 1027 North Twenty-first street ,
next Thursday afternoon.
A great many properly owners are placing
house numbers on their residences. The
postoitlce department desires that all houses
within the city limits be numbered.
Children's overalls. lOc. Linen collars ,
7'/6c , Oil aprons , 3Uc. Neckties , Ic. Work
ing hlrts for men or boys , lOc. Men's
cheviot suits , black , blue or fancy. J2.H8.
Men's underwear , 16c. Hoys underwear.
12Hc. Men's strong working pants , 60c.
Kur fedora hats. EOo. Knee pants , lOc. Ne
braska Shoe and Clothing House. 25th and N
streets , South Omaha ,
Call and consult our specialist on face and
scalp. "Davits. " 1611 Douglas street.
\o 'I'UK C" in III tic nt llnfTnlu.
BUFFWLO , N , Y. , Aug. 5. After negotla-
lees coverlnc a period of elx weeks It was
officially denied today that the harbor tugi
a Maythami and Hand & Jpbnion's llges
White Plquo Skirts the llnest and best
of this seasjn's styles Thovs thai > ld iit
J10.00 , now 5.00-the JS.OO ones for J4.KV-the (
J6.CO skirts for J3.00 the I5.PO skirls for J250.
and the W.OO ones for J1.50 bargains never
heard of before.
White Lawn Wrappers oholcc of all. Me ,
Colored Lawn Wrappers choiceof nil
* 750 choice new Silk Waists for J2.93.
$5.00 < 'nshmere Dressing Sicques , Jl S5.
J7 50 colored Silk Dressing Sacques , JJ.95
This mny read like fiction , but you'll find
it all true when you vail Monday
Our Shirt Waists at 50c will Interest you.
There are some 52.00 waists in the lot.
1510 Douglas St.
Voice Builder
The Art of Singing
Suite 315
Ramge Bldg.
have been absorbed by the Great Lakes Tow
ing company.
Mortality Stntlntlc * .
The following birth and deaths have been
reported to the office of the health commis
sioner :
Birth George Hook , 2015 Izard street ,
Deaths Eva Howard. 506 South Eight
eenth street , 1 month : Joseph Wcalcoa
Twentieth and Martha street , 78 years.
"There JJL < _ A f/ " * * ' M /Wfm
JA. fl w fc x , *
Ask your friends ask anybody that
knows how much pleasure a camera adds tea
a day's outing to one's vacation or to the
home life. If you would get the best results
with the least effort out of a camera the
Kodak is what you need. A Kodak is a
camera but a camera is not always a Kodak
as many people find to their sorrow.
We have a very complete line of Eastman Kodaks
and Supplies. Kodaks $5.00 to $35.00.
at unheard of prices 23 different makes
$230 PlniioM for. . . $17o
$ .100 riniio * ( or $200
i3nO Plnnoa ( or $225
17 Second-linnd Upright *
nt $75 , $100 , $12.
"O Square 1'lnnon , 9-3 , $48 , $03.
Every Instrument fully guaranteed. Easy
monthly payments if desired. Instruments
for rent , tuned , moved nnd stored. Tele
phone 1625. We ore headquarters for the
renowned Stelnway , Ivors & Pond , A. B.
Chase. Vosc. Emerson , Packard , S teger , Sterling Pease and Singer Pianos-
highest grade Instruments In the w orld. Call and see the Pianola ( self playing
piano ) latest musical Invention. We accept J5 monthly payments on new pianos
every day in the year.
Schmoller & Mueller
Wholesale and Retail Piano Dealers.
Stein way & Sons' Representatives. 1313 Farnam Street.
Monday and Tuesday
Will put on Sale
Sale Monday and Tuesday
100 Golf and Walking Skirts received this week ,
and the very latest thing in style dr * ciri
and material from . ! . . M * ° U to
Matt Tailored Suits all colors and kinds of mate
rials reduced from .
$17.50 rtr > rvrv
and up to $4S now . . * 12 ° ° * °
Immense Assortment of Wash Goods in
Suits , Skirts and Jackets
Will Be Sold at Half Cost
Skirts that cost wholesale $1.50 for 7Sc
Skirts that cost wholesale $1.00 for 50c
Skirts that cost wholesale 75c for 35c
In Linen , Duck , Pique , Etc.
Will take measure and make to order Tailor Suits in
the latest and nobbiest styles in any kind of cloth goods
and will guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction ,
32 ! South Fifteenth Street.
Between Farnam and Harney , Telephone 2288.