JO THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : RUJNDAY , ACnprTJST n , 18JH ) . ALL WILL SOON BE SERENE Aunonnoemtnt that Ohicigo-St. Paul Roads Will Join Passenger Arsociation , PASSENGER RATES WILL THEN BE FIRM nen I'xpcrlnl ( n .Join lijAnKnit 21 , Wlirti .MrrlliiK to 1'lllcKntc mill Trniiinct lluil- Will lie Hold. "From Inside sources , " said the general passenger agent of one of the Omaha roads , "I bavo learned that the Chlcnzo Great ( Western , Wisconsin Central and Minneapolis & SL LotHs roads will very soon Join the Western I'nasunsor association , and by so dolnc will bring Into the association every line of any consequence operating In the west and northwest. " Information to this effect has been awaited by railroad men here , especially officials ot the Burllncton , Northwestern and Mllnau- 0 < ec , tor samu time iiml the announcement now made that the desired end Is soon to ba reached Is Indeed gratifying. Passenger circles throtlchout the west have been per turbed over ( Unco the orcnnlzntlon of the association because of the ( allure of a few roads to enter Into an acrccmcnt. One by one all of the Hncs have Joined , until only these three remained out. and great pleasure las been brought to bear upon them. As long as thny have been out of the associa tion thcro has l > ocn a feeling of unrest and uncertainty among the roads belonging to the association whoso lines operated In the snmi ) territory covered by those roada. Rates between Chicago , St. Paul and the northwest were especially unstable , nnd thcro was but Otllo question that cutting nnd slashing was going on among the llnoa Slaving no agreement. Of course , the roads In the assoslatlon had no recourse except to ( iso every endeavor to win the consent of the officers of the outside linen to Join the combine , and there Is no doubt that success has at last crowned their efforts. The three lines above mentioned the Chicago Great Western , Wisconsin Central and Minneapolis & St. Louis were at first treated with some contempt by the older roads , and the Im pression was created that they were consid ered as weak lines. They demonstrated the fact , however , that by lowering the rates they could get and , apparently , satisfactorily liandlo the business. Then thcro was a change of tactics , and not until this change. rwiiB brought about nnd the roads treated with the same courtesy as the old established lines TWOS there any Indication of drawing the lines into a satisfactory agreement. In speaking of the situation n focal passen ger man stated that trnnsmlssourl business was not especially affected , except that the Northwestern , Milwaukee and Burlington wcro losing considerable business to the northwest , which could bo handled over their Bt. Paul lines , but was going over the other roads , where the lower rates were In effect. It is also charged that thceo roada have been dealing with the scalpers and have demoral ized eastern passenger rates by stocking up the eastern brokers with the return portions of tourist tickets , thereby realizing on the traffic from the cast between Chicago and St. Paul. To obviate these conditions as they have existed It Is understood that the passenger association proposed an equitable remedy by conceding to the weaker lines , which been doing the cutting , a differential , or , If preferable , a percentage of the business of the older llnc , as compensation for main taining rates. The authorized statement that these llpes intend to unite with their competi tors on pabsenger rates has had the effect to relieve the situation somewhat , and when they shall finally Join the association , which Is expected within the Immediate future , everything will bo smooth sailing and west ern paosengor affairs will bo in bettor shape than they have been In a long time. It Is believed hero that by August 21 , when the Western Passenger association will hold another meeting , these lines will hove hccn admitted Into the "Inner circle , " and then steps will bo taken to firm up rates. There has been ono thing Interesting throughout this whole controversy and that Is the contention on the part of the three lines outsldo the association that they were not alone In the rate cutting business , and this assertion was based on the claim that Chicago brokers wore able to supply tick ets to Kansas City , Denver , Omaha nnd nil Itransmlssourl points at less than schedule rates. They even asserted that some favored travelers did not even have to go to the scalpers to get reduced rates. So It Is plain to bo seen that there has been a muss nil around and the straightening out ot the tangle will bo a matter of congratu lation to oil the lines , no they will then have a season free from anxiety as to ' 'what the other fallow Is doing. " DIOVI3 TO WIOIC < IK THIS Union I'nrlflc Olllrlul SIIKKP < tlint Oiunlia TomlcrN n llrceptlnii. "Tho people of Pennsylvania , who have chartered a special train to carry the mem bers of the Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers homo from San Francisco after their muster- out , have selected as the lines over which tills train will run the Southern Pacific , Union Pacific , Northwestern and Pennsyl vania , " 8ald on official of the Union Pacific passenger department. "It seems to mo that it would bo nn appropriate and com- tnondabln thing for Omaha to give these sol- dlors a rousing -welcome nnd reception as they pass through the city. If an arrange ment could ho made for an event ot this character our road would bo only too glad to so iirranRO < ho scheduled tlmo of the train that H would roach this city nt a convenient liour and glvo aulllelent time for a rousing reception. " Inquiry develops the fact that the Union tPadflo ia not alone In this Idea , as some of * ho prominent citizens of Omaha have liatl this inattor under advisement nnd In all probability n movement will bo Inaugurated to arrange for Just such a celebration as has ( > ocn suggested , The argument Is advanced that Ban Francisco , in Its welcoming of all the returning soldier boys , regardless of the elates from which they enlisted , has estab lished n precedent which can bo emulated with crodlt by Omaha or any other city , In nil probability the Ponnsylvanlons will bo mustered out during the latter part of Au- Kust and noon after that tlmo the regiment will pass through Omaha , BO that thcro la umplo tlmo to prepare for n reception , The voluntary agreement of the Union Pa cific to run the train Into Omaha so as to niako possible a celebration of this nature removes n barrier which might exist shoult tbo special train arrive at an unseasonable liour. I'rimifiti-N Omnlia Sinn , J , D , Jackson , who has been city passenger Agent at Sioux City of the Omaha road , bin received a promotion in the shape of un ap pointment ns city passenger nnd ticket agen of the Northwestern system at Lincoln am ( will immediately cuter upon his new duties IA. n , Baldwin , who haa been station agen of the Northwestern lines at Sioux City , wll tmcceed Mr. Jackson there. Harmon Mosher the young man who has been assistant cash lor in the Omaha freight office in this city tilso comes in tor promotion as a result o the charge and will go to Sioux City as the Buccossor ot Mr. Baldwin. The selection o Rlr. Mosher for this rcsnonelblo position 1 a matter of congratulation to his many friends here. Hallway \olr unit I'rr itnnU. E , L. Lomax , general passenger agent o the Unlou Pacific , has returned from Chi rago. General Manager Dldwell ot the Elkhorn returned yesterday from Chicago , where ho has been on a short business trip. J. W. Munn , chief clerk In the Elkhorn passenger department , accompanied by hto wlfp , has gone to Hot Springs to remain over Sunday. James Houston , nn Elkhorn passenger engineer on the Black HlMs division , Is visiting in the city , He is enroute to bis home at Chadron from Wisconsin. Charles E. Olbbs , general freight agent , and B. M. Collins , chief engineer , are rep resentatives of the "Qulncy" route who are visiting In the city from Qulncy , III. A special train will leave Kansas City this morning at 10:10 for the purpose of carrying 150 Kansas Masons , members of the Royal and Select Masters , to Colorado Springs and Denver. They will arrive nt the former city Monday morning at 8 o'clock. John Mellcn , chief clerk In the freight department of the Northwestern , Is nnjoy- Ing n ten days' vacation and left Friday night for Montreal1 , from where he will ROte to Now York. He Is accompanied on the trip by Mr. Sullivan , a friend from St. Louts. During his absence Traveling Freight Agent Dcnjamtn of the Northwestern will officiate as chief clerk. W. N. Dabcock , formerly gcneraT manager of the Omaha stock yards , nnd later su perintendent of transportation for the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition , has just b en appointed general western ngcnt of Iho Delaware , L ickawanna & Western railway , with headquarters nt Chicago. T. W. le , formerly with the Hock Island , who was recently made general passenger ngent of the Delaware. Lackawanna & Western , has Just announced the organization of his de partment , and the appointment of Mr. Dab- cock to his new position was among the first made. A special train , provided for the accom modation ot 202 marines nnd thirteen officers , will leave New York on the Oth Inst. , onrouto for San Francisco , passing through Omaha probably next Friday. An official of the Union Pacific spoke with much gratification this morning when he said : "Tho naval authorities have appreciated the manner In which our road has handled th * various parties of marines that hn\u gene over our line to the west to such nn ex tent that they Insisted that the Union Pacific transport this train from Omaha to tha1 west. Of course It makes us feel good when wo are convinced that our efforts to please our patrons arte so appreciated. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , A. D. T. C. ; messengers furnished ; bag gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177. Dr. Shepnrd Hay Fever , J12 N. Y. Life. SWEARS HE WAS HELD UP lovrn Jinn linn nn RxcKlnR Ex- jterleniM * In Ihe Tenderloin UIn- trlct Friday Msht. Svend Aargaard of Cedar Falls , la. , tells the police that he was relieved of about $3 In cash Friday night in an alley on Ninth street between Douglas and Farnam. He exhibits some pretty ugly cuts In his clothIng - Ing , which ho says were made during the mlxup. Ills coat is cut In two places , a larce circular cut having been made under the right arm and a long slash on the rlgnt side. The lilp pocket of his trousers Is cut open and there Is a long Incision dovn the loft leg. Ho says that he was drinking Friday night nnd remained up town until after the sa loons closed , then ho went down to the ten derloin district , where ho fell In with a member of the demi-monde and had a good time , as he calls It. After drinking some beer nnd wine with the woman he left her at Ninth and Douglas and went on toward town. After he had gone a few steps heavers avers that a man accosted him and told him to come up the alley as he had something to tell him. Up the alley another man stepped out with a revolver and poking It Into his face told htm to throw his hands hib In the air , a proceeding that Aargaard was not slow to do. Ho claims that about $3 was taken from him. After this occurrence he lay down in the alloy nnd wont to sleep and did not awaken until about 8 o'clock. Thfi officers are Inclined to Lhlnk that the story is a "pipe dream. " They think the man was Intoxicated and did not know what jecamo of his cosh. A watchman who Is on duty In the alley says ho did not see any men around there at all during the time the complainant avers that the transaction was .aklng place. Hubermann's Jewelry store is the place you get your money's worth. 13th and Doug. MORE TERMINAL PROPERTY llrlclce Company liny * Itcmnlnliig LntH for Itii IlnllilliiKM , KlcventU mid CliIcnRo Slrcclit. Transfers of three more lots at Eleventh nnd Chicago strcecta from the previous own ers to the Omaha Bridge and Terminal com pany "have " been filed with the register of deeds. Two of the lots were purchased some time ago , but the deeds wcro held un- II the remaining property was secured. This has now been accomplished and the company Is In possession ot all the property required for the terminal facilities that will occupy the property immediately ad- olnlng this corner. The last lot purchased Is that on the northeast corner of Eleventh and Chicago streets , which is secured from the Byron [ Iced company for $8,000. The lot on the northwest corner was purchased from Roy M. Scott for $6,000 and the lot adjoining It on the west was bought from John C. Whar- .on and wlfo and Alexander McArthur and wlfo for $6,000. Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , is selling a splendid filter , $3.00. IIcyn'N Krce Gift Another Month. Everybody knows wo won the silver cup- first prize for grand portraiture at the re cent state and Interstate photographers' con vention yet wo will continue to give free during August , a beautiful framed watercolor - color of yourself colored true to nature , with each now dozen plattno cablnota or larger photos. These water colors alone are worth $2.50. HEYN , 313-16-17 South Fifteenth street. HE BITES AT THE OLD BAIT TiiUcH 11 9li < * ( ' ! n" Srunrlty nnd I < etn n C'onllilfiice Man Have Ilia Cuili. Peter Hanson has lost ifalth In humanity and la suspicious of every man , woman and child In the universe. The cause of this loss of confidence results from nn encoun ter ho bad Friday with a flashily dreescd man who hired him to go to Norfolk as a watchman , Ho first met the man at Fifteenth and Douglas streets and he agreed to go to Nor1 folk. He said ho would go over to Council Bluffs and draw what money was coming to him , fin U > South Omaha and pack his trunk and bo ready to go In the afternoon. He carao back nnd found his man waiting for him. This now employer had to go up stairs and pay some insurance before ho went away. "How much money have you , Hanson ? " asked the man , "I have $36 , " was the reply , "Well , let me take It until I can get this check for $450 cashed , " said the man "I will leave It with you as security. " The confidence man then climbed the stairs ant that was the last seen of him. Hanson stll lias the check and the officers are looking for the flashily dressed stranger. Try the Her Grand hotel's cafes. Open from 6 a , m. until 12 p. m. Three cafes on first floor and one prill room. The belt ot service at popular prices. School Open * Seiitenilii-r S. Unless the rules governing the opening ot school are changed before the end of the month , something not likely to bo done , the schools of Omaha will open Tuesday. Sep tember C , the day after Labor day. There la no prospect that the postponement of the opening made last year on account of the exposition i > ltl be repeated thla year. DEEP CUT IN LOWER JAW WnlklnR DHrRnte Fnren Itmlly nt tlie Ilnniln of AVIlllntn Sclirnin , R 1'lnnilicr. William Schrum , a plumper who works for John Hoc & Co. , nt Fifteenth and How ard streets , was arraigned In police court yesterday upon the charge of assault and battery. A. II. Brown Is the com plaining witness and ho etatce that ho went to the place where Schrum was work- ins Friday afternoon with a notification from the plumbers' union. He states that after he presented the letter Schrum struck him over the head with a club and kicked him after he was knocked down. It seems that there has been some trouble In the union and the notification cited Schrum to appear before the orRanlzatlon to answer to charges of violation of the rules. Schrum says that he had some words with Ilroxvn and that Drown jabbed at him with his umbrella. He then took the umbrella away from his assailant and struck him over the head with It and otherwise assisted him down the ( stairway. Schrum complains that Brown was Interfering with his work. The wounded man sought the services of a physician and It took eight stitches to fix his Jaw In good working order. Schrum was taxed $10. Hamilton \Varren , M. D. , electric and magnetic physician , has moved his office to 119 North 16th street , room 13. Special at tention to all Inng-stamllng or lingering dls- easci and to diseases of women and children. Have Root print It. Blank book and magazine binding , A. I. Root , 1600 Howard atrcet. RETAILERSmTHE CITY Some of < luConn ry Merclmiild Who VInltcd ( He Ioeal Jolibern During the AVeck. The firefc week of the retailers' excursions to the Omaha Jobbing market brought In quite a number of country merchants and here Is every Indication that more of them vlll visit Omaha during the next thirty lays than have taken advantage of any of ho previous excursions. The feeling In the trade is tl-o best that has been experi enced in years and when the proprietors of small country stores drop In nnd buy bills of goods that run Into four figures the Job- icrs are convinced that business In the small towns of Nebraska nnd Iowa Is boom- ng. Most of the visitors took time to visit the exposition during their stay and hey all declared that their fall trade will ) e something unprecedented. Among the Nebraska merchants who were n the city wcro W. P. Lnnck , Wnhoo ; n. \l. \ Randall , Gibbon ; C. T. Peterson , PrcB- ton ; J. C Badger , Arlington ; H A. Hobbs , Bancroft ; F. O. Anderson , Hooper ; M. D. Wlllert , Tckamah ; L. C. Meyer. Malcomb , and E B. Moore. Kenesaw. The Iowa visitors included A. E. Stone- irook. Sac City ; C. L. Beebe , Mondamln ; S. j. Jefferson , Woodbine ; A. I. Blotsky , Wood , bine ; R. I. Edwards , Hawthorne , and John Anderson , Missouri Valley. ALAS , POOR YORICK ! , but NOT ALAS the Yorlck Be cigar. Try them. Special Hate * for Hitrvcnt Hands. Men leaving for the harvest fields of northern Iowa , Minnesota and the Dakotas will bo granted a special reduced one way rate at the city ticket office of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. J. P. Cooke & Co. , rubber stamp manufac- urers , removed to 1112 Farnam St. Tel. 1455. Iron , brass castings. Ind. Iron wks. Tel 1449 CATCH THEM YES SIR ! That's just what It is. It's M catch ranches -and very offeotlvo It is. The Roaches crawl Into it through a helen n the bottom , which Is BO arranged that they cannot get out. It is the best thing devised tor getting1 rid of Roadies. When vou catc'h ' thom and burn them , they won't mother you again. Thousands in use in Omaha. SatlKfnction guaranteed. Price 25 cents each. Special prices to hotels and restaurants on largo quantities , SHUKMAV A WeCONNIBt.Jj DRUG CO , 1513 DODGE ST. , OMAHA , NEB. ONLY WAITING FOR A SITE nig AKrlcnlttirnl Implement Ilnnwe Itemlr < n Come t ° Omnhn When n IlnllillnR In Secured. The prospective addition of one of the biggest implement establishments of Coun cil Bluffs to Omaha Jobbing Interests has now become n certainty , contingent only on ability to secure A satisfactory building. Positive Instructions have been received from the home office to locate In Omaha as soon as possible , and the local repre sentatives of the company are now looking for n location. They want a four-story nnd basement brick building at least 66x132 feet , somewhere In the Jobbing district. They are ready to buy the lots nnd put up their own building , or they will lease a satis factory building for a long term If some local capitalist wants to build It. Any further Information In regard to the matter can bo obtained from Secretary Utt of the Commercial club , In this connection there Is A flattering prospect that another of the big Implement houses across the river will follow Into' Omaha as soon as satisfactory arrangements can bo made. During the last two or three years the sale ot agricultural Implements in Nebraska has been something tremendous. The big firms are beginning to discover that Omaha Is their natural market nnd that the Jobber who Is on this sldo of the river gets the first chance at the customer. The result Is a general tendency to look for locations on the Nebraska Bide , nnd members ot the Commercial club who arc familiar with the situation assert that there Is every reason to expect that Omaha will bo the center of the Implement trade of this section within another year. Effective August 7 , the Union Pacific will make Important changes In train schedule between Omnlia , North Platte nnd Cheyenne : Train No. 1 win leave Omaha at 8:40 : n. m. Instead of SCO : a. m. , and will arrive at North Platte and Cheyenne ono hour earlier than now. No. 3 will leave at 4:25 : p. in. Instead of 4:35 : p. m. Columbus local , now leaving nt 5:10 : p. m. , will be changed to leave two hours Tater. Train No. 8 , from Columbus , will leave that point nt 6:40 : n. m. , arriving at Omaha at 9:30 : a. m. instead of 12:20 : p. m. No. 6 , local passenger between North Platte and Omaha , will arrive at 1:20 : p. m. Instead of 6:35 : p. m. No. 43 , from Beatrice , Lincoln and Stromsburg , will connect at Valley with this train. Order your furnace now from Thos. W. Cox & Bro. , 1405 Douglas. Estimates given on hot air furnaces , tin and sheet iron work. Henry E. Cox , superintendent. Have you tried an lee cream soda at The Dee Building soda fountain ? Returned to city. Dr. Race , 408 Paxton blk. JUST A SUGGESTION AVhen you go off on your vacation we would suggest you take a bottle with you not Illled with "budgo" but with Bchaefer's Sure Death. But don't tell your friends you visit what Is in > the bottle use It after they're in bed nnd you can Just grumble you won't be eat up with bed ibURs. It sells for COc a pnt-COc ! for % gallon-Jl.OO for a gal lon. (3ein Catarrh Pointer 40e Ktuiirt'n Dynpensln Tablet * -10c Aliie oC Cnrilnl 7Be AVarner'K Snfe Cnrc t 0o I'e-ru-nu 7fic I'nliio'n Celery Compound 7f > o Ilooil'n Snmnparllln. 75c AVemt'n It nil 11 and Nerve Treat ment n.1c WilllniiiK' Pink PlllH 40c Caiitnrla - . " > c Syrup of Kin" 4Oc IMerco'H Favorite Prescription. . 75e Mile * ' Remedies 7.1u Carter' * Liver PIIlH 15c CUT PRICE DRUGGIST. Corner 16th nnd Chicago. Shaving is a luxury when your razor .strop . and brush are just , , right. Perhaps you are go4 , , ing on a vacation trip. Why 4 , not take an OUTFIT with , you ? We have "Star" sets put up in a case especially , for travelers. Let us fit you out. JAS. MORTON & SON CO , , 1511 Dodge St. I CUT RATES Denver and return J Colorado Springs and return > $19.00 August 5 , 8 , 7. Pueblo nnd return ) Hot Springs and return $1R.40 August 8. Custor ( Sylvan Lake ) and return $18.60 August 8. Yellowstone Park nnd return J47.BO Every day. Lincoln nnd return 1.65 August 2-9. Philadelphia and return $31.20 September 1 , 2 , 3. Salt Lake City and return $55.00 Every day. Ticket Ofllce- Unrllnctnn Station 1HO2 Fnrnnin S1. 10th nnd Mn on Sim Telephone , -5O. Teleiihone , 310. BdH To Yellowstone Park New and Shortest Route VIA AND CONNECTIONS. The stage route passes through a level country and all the way is lined with picturesque scenes , making the coach ing trip one of the most delightful in the Rocky Mountain regions. CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1302 Farnam Street. Tel. 310. SUMMER TAN SHOES MUST GO NO MATTER WHAT LOSS. Four dollar hand turn tan oxford ties Cut to .98 We ham determined to sell out our entire stock of summer shoes in the next few days. Rcfjardino it as aood business policy ft to close out summer shoes before the fall season opens. Every day from now OH , we will cut prices on summer shoos and oxfords in- til not a pair is left in our store. The oxford ties we cut from Jour dollars to one ninety-eight a pair , tomorrow are most beau tiful and stylish and well made. In fact , no finer summer shoes have been seen this year. Setter get a pair tomorrow. Boston Store N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha. iiYY * WcY.Y. : WcY.Y.THE THE 99-CENT STORE. Some China Facts There are bigger china stores In the world than this but none better. There are bigger stocks but none more carefully selected none more depend able , 'well ' made , durable. There are lower prices but not for the same quality. Lower prices than ours would mean unreliable , cheaply made goods. Havlland China decorated plates , 25c. Carlsbad decorated sauce dishes , lOc. 'Austrian ' decorated oat meals , lOc. Blown Glass Custards , new shape lOc Fine blown etched tumblers , 5c. 1519-1521g 1519-1521 Douglas § Douglas Street. Street. ear 10th 86. Hear Ifltfc M. Great Bargains IN OXFORD TIES. $4.00 Ladies' Tan Cloth Top Oxfords. . . $1.95 $4.00 Ladies' French Calf Oxfords . 1.95 $4. 00 Ladies' Tan Vici Kid Oxfords . . 1. 45 $3. 00 Ladies' Tan Vici Kid Oxfords _ 1. 45 $2.50 Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords . 95 N. . Cornw 16tb and Douala * Sts. Anybody Sick At your Iiouse ? Want tha test , Hon't you ? Our Prescription Department don't equal anybody elso's , but surpasses 'cm. Most everybody knows this. That's why we keep so busy. But always time for ono more. Two men to look after this department both of thorn are up-to-dato pharmacists. Don't work just because they like to , .though they Jiavo to keep ibuay llllng pre scriptions. l/ydla Plnkhnm'n Compound "c Dr Allies' Remedies 7&c Ulrney's Catarrh Cure 40o C'artcr'H Liver Pllla 15c Kilmer's ftwamp Root r > c I'alne's Celery Compound 75o Hood's Sars.iparllla 7io ! Pyramid Pile Cure < 0c Po-i-ii-na iuc West's Brain nnd Nerve Treatment. . . S5c AVIne of Cardul 75o BOSTON TORE D DRUG 19 DEPT. "If n. ninn mnrrlen liU llriit Htcp nlNter'M nuut , ivlmt relation lm lie to licrf" , The answer to this ( has nothing to do with the .fact that we are sdlllns more dlffertnt articles In the. drug- line n < t cut price than any one in town. We do not neil a few things ait cut prlcca nnd "then " STICK you on something you do not iiso much of. Wo would like your trade ifor veterinary sup plies. 60c Dprmador , our price 40c Jl.OO Kendall's Spavin Cure , our price. . Mo 25c Sloan's N. & U. Mnlment , our price I5o GOo Sloan's Hoof Ointment , our price. . 40o dOa Qulnn's Ointment , our price 40o r.0 < j Kendall Blister Olntmont , our price 40c SOo II. II. I nlmont , our prloo , 40c $1.50 Oombault IlaJsam , our price J1.35 $1.00 Wizard Oil , our price SOc ffic U. S. Liniment , our price 20o JI.OO Common fionse Liniment , our price 7Bo DOe Kotohcl'o Liniment , our price 40o BOo TUiiHtang Liniment , our prlco 40c 'Jon Ganjllnrr OH , our prlco 'J > o Homo mn/le receipt lor condition powder , chicken medicine filled at the lowcttt prices , J , A. FULLER S CO. , Cut Price Druggists. Open All Night. Cor. 14th and Douglas 6tu. Lay Fear Aside when entering the doorway of our Dental Parlor ; for wo have all the modern facil ities for painless Dentistry. What a pity that any ono should have ugly Teeth when they can bo removed with ease and replaced by masticators that will give ono a new face ! Ladles , let us make you look young by ornamenting your mouths with goodly grinders. Bailey the Dentist , Twelfth Year in Omaha. Pioneer Reasonable Priced Dentistry. 3rd Kloor Paxton Block. NO TOY $5.00 In order to meet the dumand for a coed .ltlra.und outllt "L vcry reanoiwblo $5.00 We have all other maken of Kodaks and Cameras at i > rloc8 to suit all. Call and tea uit or uend for prices. ROBERT DEMPSTER CO , and Printing a Specially. 1215 Farnam St , Our Prices Ann AI.AVAYS Tim I.OWBST. Jl.OO Palno'a Celery Compound T..c ? 1.00 ro-ru-n.i 75c $1.00 Scott's Emulsion 76e \ ( > 0c Ulrney'a Catarrh Cure GOo Hem Catarrh Cure 40c oOc Cnscarcts 40o EOc Syrup of Figs 40c 2oc Chambcrlnln's Colic SOc 25c Stream's Colic ISe 2oc box Urotuo Qulnlno ir.c 2ic llromo Seltzer : oo $1.00 Kskny's Food SOc fiOo Eskay's Food 40C 25u Eskay's Food : oo $1.00 Mnlted Milk 7f > c r.Oo Maltctl Milk 40c $1.00 Maltlno Preparations S3c 35o Castorin 23c Beaton-McGinn Go - Drug , , S. AV. Cor. ir.lli anil Knnmin. Prescription Chemists. 'Phono f < 3S , COOL COLORADO No other state offers so many attractions to the tourist ns Col orado. Mo other railroad reaches BO many of Colorado's delight ful resorts ns "THE COLORADO ROAD" Just ask the ticket man about it. f. E. fISHER , Gcncrnl 1'annpiiner Accent Donvcr , Tolo. Don't overlook tlic Loop trip. ' 3 ONLY that are worth mentioning. You've prob ably heard this before but Gibson says ( and ho knows ; he's done lots of advertising ) It's the .best . ho EVER saw. Of course you re peated four-two-naught to yourself ten times as wo requested everybody always does do Just as the If RUG J3JSJBJR advertising man tells them to do , nnd now you know perfectly well that the telephone most popular Is 420. The ono you call up when you want a case of quarts or pints. If you don't llko the wording of the above you need not read it over again , but 4-2-0. Is now Impressed upon your mind as being Krug Cabinet telephone. FRED KiiUG uitnwixn co. , Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson Street Before you go on your summer vacation bolter step In nud sot a box of the best five cent clRiirs made In tills neck o' the woods that's the Five Cent Jersey It's a "cracltcri jack" nothing to compare with It made of flue Havana filler the equal of most lOc clgara. Paxion Block Ci ar Store , Jacob Jaskalek , Prop. 18th , near Farnam. AUCTION ! Monday , Aug. 7 , 10 o'clock a. m. , ivt 520 North IGtb etreot. Another large and nice , clcnn lot ot household goods to the highest lilddor. This lot consists of bedroom , dln- lagroom nnd kitchen furniture ; dishes , glassware , granlto ware , toilet eots , book cases , refrigerators , curtains , draperies , pic tures , mirror , partor furniture , mattresses , pillows , now and second hand carpets , rugs In great variety , office desks and chairs , iron beds , odd dressers nnd commodci. Every person in Omaha thinking of buying furniture should BOO this stock. THE CLAY AUCTION CO. , BZOurHi Sixteenth St. Tel. 200O. ILER GRAND BATHS < HER GRAND HOTEL. Electric , Turkish , Russian , Roman , PlungeSea Salt , and Plain Baths. LADIES' DAY Tuesday 10 a. m. to C p. m. Expert lady operators In attendance. OPEN ALL NIGHT. I'ltor. .1. K. Aiooiu : , MKI- . LADIESifyouwiiiuM PROTECTING You will not suffer from painful ojtn- BtruAtloa. or < l ) ay l/iuoorriuB. vlx\- nltl , wnlttK of dnj > fewalo dUctUi'fti. For ealo at all druggists , $2 , and at > C. M , Foster's ' Ptisynacy , 034 IT. lath .Street , Drexel Hotel. TEETH EXTRACTED 25 CENTS. PAINLBSS DR. MASON. DENTIST EXTRACTION 4th Vloor Uroitn Blk. , lOtb and Dougl Gold Alloy Filling $1.OO Gold Filling $1.OO and up Gold Crowns $5.OO Sa Teeth . . . $5.00 llestleeth$7.50 Call for CASCADE WHISKEY 14 YKAH 01.0 HOUIl MASH WIII8ICRY ACKU IN AVOOIJ Don't let them palm off other coodg f on you. Bee "Caicade" brand on bet tle. Dealer * order throuch FHUI > T. CI MAII.VM , fjcurrul Wruturii Aicrut , I'hone 17(11. ( UUK Kurburh lllooU.