THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : SATURDAY , ATGTTRT 15 , ISOf ) . 11 SPECIAL Mill AilvcHlxrnii'iitu for Ilirnc cnliimim /Mill tic Inkrn until 1- in. for tlic /J / rtrnltiK rilltlon a till until Ml.'lO | i , in , Vfor iiiuriilMK iin < l Hiiniliij- ( Million * . llnton , 1 l.Sp . . "oril llrmt Inirrtloni 1 ! it Avuril tlirrcnftcr. .VitlitiiK tnUrn for ICMN ( linn U" ( ! fur I liellrnl Innrr- Illlll , Tlime lUlVCrllNellllMllN llltINt III' run vniiNrciitlt rl- . ordm-px , li - > 'mIII-MtliiK n IIHIII- yViH i-liri'k , > nii * ! ! ( nnmviTx ml- ili-cKM'il to a ntimlii < < ! Idler In fan- nl Tlio lire. Aiirmrrn no nililrcmiril Ttnll ) .r ilcllvrrcil nil prpurnlntlon nf tin * t'hci'U n illy. WANTED sriTATIO.VS. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 110 N. IB. Tel. 1112. Iloli | furnished , positions procured. A-401 \ STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please call up the Remington typewriter ofllee , 1019 Fnrnam St. , tclepliono 1573. A 102 WANTED MALE nr.i.r. iVANTKD , We have stendy work for n few peed hustlers of treed hnhlts and appear- unco. C. F. Adams Co. , 1G19 Howard St. 3OOD salesmen , snlnry or com. Ill' N. 10. Ii 401 CANVASSERS wanted everywhere ; b'p money. Write H'omc Comfort Sad Iron Co. . Omaha. B-M1IO A27 * _ WANTED , nil experienced dry poods' ' bill rlorfc ; none but experienced men need np- ply ; tflvev experience , IIKC und references. [ iMiiinlson-RohcrtH-Rrync D , G. Co. , St. .Idspplt , ' Mo. B M317 S IVANTHD. n Rood Ullor. Call or uddrrss W. J. McK'enzIo , Men-bant Tiillor. Alma , I'll ' Neb. B-MOIl fi MORE advertising distributors : n'- ' > to bacco salesmen ; salary. Trlumpii Information mation Co. , Dallas. Texas. R Mfill 3 * \VANTE1) \ . nn experienced dry tfoods 1)111 clerk : Htiitp experience. roferenceM. salary nxpecti'd , etc. . nnd address Smith , McCorrt Dry Goods Co. , City , Mo. 11 MOI2 n WANTED , by a nnlni ; concern , a man f ir land examiner hnvlne some experience In farm lain.biiAhwH. State nsc , experience and culary desired. Address F III. Hot" . ' H-M6.17 10 WANTED , two Rood plumbers. II' . II. Gaffiiy. . 12M . O St. . Lincoln t NVI ) . t. / * SALESMAN' wanted. $ ; ! 00 prr month ; selli to merchants , 1/oni ? .t Harilman. Kiel hotel , Council Bluff * . B-MGll S WANTED , men to inn mi go olllces. Pea Molnrjt and Slonx Cliy. for mercantile company ; established 1S7fi ; must have lef- ' rrcncts and $130 ; position pennm-nt. Atl- X . .Irc.iH K 37 , Hce. B MH83 fi VANTIOt ) . salesmen for hlBh-clas's food products ; WP offer a splendid opportu nity for hard workers * ; Rive your experi ence fully. E 33 , Bee. . II M655 7 * MEN to learn barber trade ; only eltrht weeks reiulrvd : special Inducements for applicants from a distance ; wage * Sat urdays : placet for 500 : complete outfit of tools presented : positions cimrantopd ; t'lttaloRiiP mallei ! free. Moler Barber Col lege , Chicago. III. B-M002 10 * WANTHD , tw. ) llrstcliiss'Carpenters with families to live In houses and have per manent Jabs. S. D. Mercer , 20 * ; block. B- WANTHI > KHMA1.K HELP. WANTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7fi. C 403 WANTED , leu experienced chocalntn dip- peis. Balduff , 1520 Farnam. C M573 7 BIG pay for ladles or gentlemen traveling nnd appointing local agents. F. L. . 209 South 20fn. C-MCOOS' WANTED , young lady stenographer ; High school graduate preferred. Add rent F 110 , Bee. , . . , C C29 FOIt HENT HOUSES. HOUSES. Bcnow.i & Co. , 100 N. loth St. D-108 ALWAYS mivllip household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage. Co. . lolHJ Farnam. Tel. ] 3f > 9. D 407 HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Pnxton block. -1 D-40S FOR RENT , houses In nil parts of city. The O. F. D.ivls Co. , 1503 Farnam street. D 109 FOR RENT , strictly modern flat in Davldge Rldg. . opposite city hall. John W. Rabbins , 1S02 Farnnm street. D-410 \ SIX-ROOM modern flat 1112 S. llth. D-C18 HOUSES for rent in nil parts of the city. Brcnnan-Lovc Co. , 219 South 16th street. D 111 MAGGARD'S van&storagc. 117 N 15. Tel 1190. D-412 . FURNISHED house central. 2009 California D-I1G CHOICE houses , cottages * , stores. Henr > B. Payne , COl N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1010. D 117 FOR RENT. MS South 2Sth St. . 10 rooms modern , good renalr. The Byron Ileet Co. . 212 So. I4th St. D-M719 1402 POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern large yard and burn , $30. The Byroi Reed Co. D-413 MODERN 7-room house , 1009 N , 'J9th St. $20. 'C03 Bee. D--M90G FOR RENT , S-room furnished house , will modern conveniences , near Brownell hall JOHN W. ROBBINS , 1SO.J FARNAM ST. D-M948 LARGE line residence , 10 rooms , entirely modern , porcelain bath , In perfect con dltloii , largo grounds , good barn. In bes pnrt of Walnut Hill , rent $33.00 per month t27 N. 20th St. . store. $7.00 ; tour-room flat upstairs , $ S ; city wnter. H17 ClimlllB. 8 rotilllH , $20. Onmlia. Loan & Trust Co. , 10th and Domrlns D A S-ROOM modern , 1SI7 Capitol ave. , $15.W S-room modern , small barn , 4210 Farnam others. Blngwalt Bros , , Barker Block. iJ" Jllioil FOR RENT , a magnificent hotel cafe ; i creat ftnnp nnd you must be In a hurry George P. Bemls , Paxton Block. PART of 10-room , all modern house. In parlors , close In $20.00. J. 11 d : 423 N. Y. Life. D-C2S 4 10-ROOM , oil modern , detached house , clou In. Just _ vucntetl . _ , J. II. Shorvs-ood. 423 N < * r 4 II * T J ? I t Y. Life. D2I 4 FOIl RENT. 10-room modern brick , 10.1 south COth nve. , hard wood floors am llnlsli. D-MC3S FOR RENT , 3310 Burl st. . large , line resl tlence , nine -rooms , entirely modern , ho wnter heat ; range In Kitchen ! largo yar with Bhniin trees. Will rent -this house t a satisfactory tenant for $ J3.00 per montl Omiiha Loan & Trust Co , , I6th und Doug las sts , D-MC43 FOR RENT , cottage. 5 rooms ; 1321 S. 33d st. D CIS 6' rOu JJXT FIJHNISIIEIl HOO.MS. THE Baohelnr'B hotel , 'JOOO Farnam street ; dotiblo south room , suitable for innn and wife. E-630 A9 UI3 CASS ST. , nicely furnished rooms In private family : modern house ; cheap , ref erence tnulred. E M337 7 I''URS" * 1IED rooms ; housekeeplnir. 2i23 ! 81. Vfy's. E-MM710 * PHEASANT room , near exposition , to man und wife , or woman , 2101 Mhunl st , rURNISHED room for rent with private family , tleotrlu light , bJth , etc. . reasonable - able , Apply M N , 2ith St. E-050 6 I-'lllNliillEU ROOMS AM ) HOARD. ELEGANT rooips & board , 190S Capitol ave , ' NICELY furnlhhcd ro m w'lh bieakfast ; n ar HamH-om park ; modern house. Ail- dress C 13 , Bee. F-119 Fl RM.SIir.II ROOMS AMI IIOAIII ) , FRONT room with alcove , with all modern ionvtnlcnce.1. 212 S. 25th St. F-4JO SflTI-3 rooms , furnished or unfurnished. Utopia. 1721 Davrnport St. F-631 ROOMS nnd board. 310 So. Mth St. ELEGANT room wllirbourd. 1909 Citpto Ave. F ViG 6 * THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. IOOM nnd board , modern. 1018 Hnrney. F-M591 Sept. 1 VITKLY furnished room , private frtm- My. "fl S. 291h St. F-C02 6 * fOlt HIVVT I'M-'I'HNISHEH ' HOOMS. UNFURNISHED rooms , newfy papered , up stairs. 2220 So. 12th. G-M363 UNFURNISHED chambers for hoUsc- keeplnc to man and wire. 319 N. 17th. G S90 UNFURNISHED rooms. U-mlnute wnlk from P. O. , newly papered , b-tths. modern ; will rent one or nil ; good for offices or sleeping apartments : n snap. Come nt once. Gylmer , 16t)3 Dodge st. G MC33 6 * FOIl HENT STORKS A.MJ OFFICES. TOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , K , ound floor Bee Bldg. 1 265 "OR RENT , a ground floor Olllce , spccla y aultnbln for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , bull' for uio of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peteis & Co , , ground floor , Be * Building. 1-207 ONE Inrrft fine office of two rooms to rent In the Continental block ; will put In con dition to suit tenant. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , IGth & Douglns Sts. SMALL store , 222 North 13th. I21 5 * Adlj.VI'S \f51CNTS. we set you up In a paying busl ness and furnish $2.00 outllt free ; all easy Hcllprs ; big pr.illts ; continuous business ; exclusive territory write quick. Hunter Co. , 21'J Ann street , Racine , WIs. J MC33 6 ! TO UMXT. ARTIBS having furnished hotel or restaurant - taurant to rent wll tlnd the right party by addressing box 201 , Qretna. Neb. 1C MC61 S * STOUAC3K. ACIFIC Stornec and Warehouse Co. , 903- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. WANT-nil TO IIUY. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Bostor. Furniture Co. , 14 Dodge. T3l. 2233. N-U7 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chlcnoro Fur- nlturo Co. , 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.NH8 N-H8 WILL pav cash for 1 or i acres with small house. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y Life. N-651 WANTKD. DOGS ; two or three Great Dane dogs ; must be good size nnd gentle ; must nlso be. cheap. Address Len Shields , Red Oak , Iowa. N MS10 * RKAL estate wanted , from one lot to nn acre. In Wllcox's addition ; must be ehe/ip. F 35 , Bee. N-M632 fl * FOU SAI-E FUUNtTUnB. S13K our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furniture Co. , U14 Dodge. , O 149 FOIl SAL.E HOUSES AND VEHICLES. OLD busglfk taken In trade on new vehicles. Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P-M6SS STANDARD bred bay mare. 7 years , 16 hands , round and gentile , drives single or double , speedy. II. B. Irey , 15th & Dodge Kta. P C03 4 FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOUS. FLAG POLES ; pawdust ; cheapest ana besl hog fence. 901 Douglas. T < J. 4DS. Q 159 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & SlcConnell Drug Co. , 1613 Dodge St.Q Q 158 FOR sale , patent for Nebraska ; big money Address A , Bee ofllce. Council Bluffs. Q 331 HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing ; nl wire. Wire Works , 1017 Howard St. St.Q151 Q-151 B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 plants , cut flowers , boqucta , hall , res ] , dence , wedding and grave decorations orders by mall or express promptly filled Q-151 FOR SALE ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at drugglath. One gives relief. Q 153 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam Q-1EG WHY not second grade bicycles when you can get high grade Crescents for J33 cash FUsclier , 1C22 Cap. Ave. Q 153 THOSE Wonderful Douglas Shoes , * 2.EO ant J3.GO. FlJher , Park Ave. & Lcavenworth Q-625 A-9 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. ISth St , Q 157 INDIAN relics ; mounted eameheads. Ill Farnam. Q-MC93 A12 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. 1116 Farnnm. Q-MStJS $153.00 WILL buy good Ivors & Pond piano Cost J375.00 ; two years' time , F 6 , Bee. Q 214 FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper good for batten or laying under carpets Omaha Bee press room. Q 271 ICE for ctile In car lots , Gilbert Bro * . Council Bluffs. Q-M3I1 FOR SALE. 50 H. P. boiler. 40 U. P. engine steam pump , tank , heater nnd pip * Clu-ap. Rces Printing Co , , 10.h ami Hnr ney streets , Omaha. CJ M61S 5 200 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap Diamond I < oan Olllce , 1313 Douglas. Q-MC15 Sept. 2 FOR SALE. line St. Bernard pup. tw months old ; reason-able. Address or cal 2IOT > Avenue A. Council Bluffft. Q M653 NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furnltur nnd vtovcs sold at lowest prices , carloai lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1'IW-l Dodge R-1CO FOR RENT , a good barn. 1902 Cass. NEW YORK building. Bluff trnct , Create America Exposition , Crelghton hall nm Mornnd's Academy , fcoclal functions conventions' , etc. 6)5 ) AS SNOW-CHURCH CO. , law and collections 5W Knrbacli Ulok. Tel. E95. R-M531 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. QYLMKR , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge. S M477 MRS. FRIT2clalrvoyant , 817 N. 16th.S . S 161 MRS. DR. MOSS , the greatest prognostl rntor of the age , U unequaled as a llf reader and clairvoyant : see her nnd b convinced of her wonderful power. 170 nvenu * . S MCOO 5 * MASSAGE AND IIATIIS. MRS. BERRY , BATHS. MASSAGE , PARLOR8 BEST equipped In city. Porce lain tub : lady attendants. 119 N. 16lh. opp , P. O. , 2nd floor. T JI2S6 A26 * DESSIE DECAMO , thermal baths , mas gate. 1615 Howard , 3d tlopr , room 1. T M32S 7 DR. MALMQUIST , massaje ; baths. 11 Hec Bid * . T-173.A11 * It.i , 907 S. 13. massage baths T-915-AU5--1 ? ' MASSAOK AM ) 1JAT1IS. ELITK parlor ? . 2023 Farnam , upstairs , 1st- clnss baths ; massage & magnetic treat ment ! lady attendants. T 376 A1S * 1MK SM7fl roonl"sriJsVi NmTiTlSthr T-005 S EGYPTIAN treatment . elegant mas.nRO baths. Beatrice llarlow. 3701 Leavenworth Mr et. T M603 3 l > nitSO.\AT PRIVATE hospital for ladles before A dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17. U-162 ) R. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 , Frenzer block. U 161 R1TTER hospital ; confinement cnses taken : babies adopted. 2214 Scward. Tel. 2233. U-933 A19 VIAVI la woman's way to health. 316 Dee Bldg. U-171 iIONIIEIT , lender In hair goods , toilet prep arations. Paxton blk. Farnam st. entrance. U-168 TUB best assortment of bicycle lamps Is nt Louis Floachcr's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Avo. U-169 1ONHKIT , chiropodist , hairdresser. 1G15 Farnam. U-167 ) MAHA Phonograph parlor , 319 N. 18th st" cor. Chicago , phonographs , records , sup plies. U-M478A6 DR. NKLSON. dentist , room fl , Crelghton block , 15lh and Douglas. Tel. 19(0. ( U MS69 Aug. 20 SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no electricity ; , no Instrument used. Room 4 , Wlthnell block. U-313 tUPTURE CURED. We cure nil forms ot rupture without pnln or detention from business. Send for clreulnrs. Empire Rupture Cure. 932 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-M5fil A3l Ls LlteAntl-Blllous Pills. Cufi Blll'ousness , Dizziness , Indigestion , Sick Hendnchrs , Constipation , Torpid Liver and all derangements of stomach and bowels. Being entirely vegetable , they operate without disturbance to system , diet or oc cupation. For sale by all druggists , llowell's Antl-Kawf cures cough. U-677-A31 * - - SNOW. CHURCH CO. , law nnd collections. 60S Karbnch block. Tel. S5. U-M529 .MOXKY TO LOA.V HEAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Hrst-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Jlardcr Co. , N , Y. Lire. W 41ii 5 PER CENT money. Brmls , Paxton Blk. W-417 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnun-Love Co. , 213 So. 16th. W 14S f 100 TO } 2 , < XX > . F. D. Wend , 16th & Douglns. W Ii 11,000 ami upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Furnam. W 450 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers , wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. W-451 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. I3rcnnnn-Lovo Co , , 219 3. I6lli , Omaha. W 452 LOANS , Potter-Sholes Co. . 310 N. Y. Life. W-454 PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J. H , Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. W 435 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Fnrnam W 45G WANTED , city und farm loans ; also bonds nnd warrants. B. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnnm St. , Bee Bldg. W 437 WRITE us If you wnnt n. loan on your fnrm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L. W-45S MORTGAGES , AVallace , 314 Brown Block. W -159 5 , 5 % , n per ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omaha , W. H.Thomas , 803 1st Nat.-.Bk. Tel , 1G13 , . W 160 > PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas E. Williamson. W MB60 MONEY TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Barker blk X 101 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions' on their per sonal note without Indorsement or secur ity ; strlcUy confidential , and at ONE HALF THE USUAL RATES ; before borrowing eo us , an you will find It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Msr. , 119 Board of Trade BIdg. , Kith and Far- nam Sts. Telephone 22'J5. X 403 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Bergers' Loan Bank , 1410 Farnam , ups > tnlrs. X 4C4 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13. X-4B3 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions , on their own name without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Can repay In easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jen nings , Mgr. , suite 625-526 N. Y. Life BIdg. X 696 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? IT'S EASY TO GET AND EASY TO PAY. For high-class salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible firms , without mortgage or security of nny kind except their own nnmes. Strictly conflde-ntlnl , AMERICAN LOAN CO. . Room COl , Bee Bldg. X M096 MONEY lonned salaried people holding per- mttnent position with responsible con cerns upon their own names , without se curity ; CUH.V pnyments , Tolman , R. 70S , K. Y. Llfo Bldg. X-463 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSD3. WAGONS. ETC. LOW R'ATBS ' EASY PAYMENTS , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30G SOUTH 1GTH STREET.X X OG5 BUSINESS CHANCES. INVEST 1200 , securing Inrge weekly Income Safe , conservative proposition. 3d suc cessful year. Statistics free * H. Grlnin 11SO Broadway , Now York. Y M234 A24 AN experienced caterer with cash ( no one to buy out ) can have the Brunswick Hole Cafe. Write , giving references , capital etc. , John II. Pierce , landlord , Omaha. Y M280 9 SNOW-CHURCH CO. . law and collections BOO Knrbach block. Tel , E93. Y 357 FOR SALE , hardware stock n thriving south-central county neat , with one com petitor : object In sclllnp , have other busl ness which claims my attention. Address F 2S , Bee. Y M616 9 ELECTRIC machines that pay 100 per een annually on small Investment , with ex elusive territory. Write National Elec tric Co. , Detroit , Mich. Y-MG54 5 * 1'OH DENVER. Colo. . 7 brick buildings ; rentn JTO.OO per month , for Omaha property or good land. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. FIRST-CLASS upright piano for lot ; all or part payment. Address D S9 , Bee FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the tlmu to dispose of them : let the people know that you want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the veople who have the money. RE S66 COMFORTABLE cottage , 8 rooms , verj slirnlly and In good condition , located a 2S11 Charles street. RE 41 CASH CUSTOMERS FOIl FARM LAND The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE379 RE-379 HOUSKB , lots farm ! ) , lands , loins , nlo tire I Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. HE 412 rou HAH : IIEAI. USTATB. IENRY B. PAYNEf l N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estnt - . Remals. lx > an . Insurance. RE 501 YOUR CHANCE. room house , modern , J.1.200. room hoiw , modern , * 3,500. room house , modern , JI.OUO. Others , S5.000 , W.OX ) . J7.W ) nnd { 10,000. Ml In Hanscom Place. Two plttisnnt home ? . West Fnrnam , cheap. Inrpalns In any part of the city. if. .T. Kennurd & Son , 10-11 Brown Block. RE-SJJ 'OR SALE or trade. 320 arreo peed valley land In 1 looker county , Nebraska , six miles from railroad. Address J. J. Steen , 2t23 Binney St. , Omaha. Nel.- SNOW. CHURCH CO. . Inw nnd collections. GOO Ktlrhflch block. Tel. j 3. _ RE--.M528 'Oil SAM'for rent , n largo store bulldltiR with hall over It ; n Inrge dwelling house nnd two lols ; buildings In good location nnd In Rood re | > aiTa splendid opening for a merchant wanting to come to the vrosperoiM county of Burl , \\rlte George Wnt. on. Craig , Nebraska , before this opening Is lo t. RE Mf.17 9 -T building lot ; horse to trade ; first mortgage , horse nml carriage , west- cm land. F 29. * . | _ fit LY llnshed ! S-room home , modern In every detnll , electric light , gas. laundry. barn , lot 78x110 : one of the best bargains In Omaha ; owner leaving city. 3711 N. ISth , half block pouth of Manderson st. RE M633 5 AST your properly with me. I hnve the buyers. H. 'M. ' Christie , South Omaha. IF South Omaha real estate you want 10 huy or sell communicate with O'Nell's Real Estate Agency. UK MB2S FOR J2.BOO northwest corner lltiji and Cns- tolar , 00x132 two hou es ; if sold Inside of one week , ns the owner wants to lenvo 1he city ; Insurance $2,000 ; mortgnKo J2.1UO ; cash J400. Inquire 915 Jackson St. RK 6n , * SNAP In real estate : money to loan. L. L. John Co. , 314 S. 13th street. RE-MG59 FOR SALE , one of the llnest InsMe homes lu city : large lot. C0xl27 feet ; line lawn ; large shade trees nnd grape vines ; fur nace , gas. porcelain bath tub. Italian marble bowl , syphon Jet , closets , hot water boiler connected with furnace , laundry , range nn < I kitchen range ; ten rooms besides laundry nnd bath rooms ; bargain If pold at once ; price , J .noo. half cash , 'balanco 5M- per cent , or $7.500 all cash ; no trades considered. Inquire 1H1 ( N. 13th street. RE-MM7 6 LOST. LOST , Mason's pin , finder please return for reward to Marks Bros. Saddlery Co. .Lost 27 5 LOST , rubber buggy tire. G. 1' . Dlotz , 1214 Farnnm. Lost-049 4 DISAPPEARED , male doc , white orange spots , short tnll. weight 120 pound. " , heavy , loose skin under neck , about seven years olid. Liberal reward for same a't ' 1717 Uurt l est fiol 4 * LOST , lady's gold watch and neck chain In South Omaha ; reward. Bert Anderson , V2 N. 22d street. Lost < MG64 6 TVPBWIIITBUS. TYPE-WRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1H23 Farnam , St. Telephone 12S4. 473 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1012 Fnr nam. -1"- ! REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 Farnam. 475 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfolder and cuts the. finest etencll ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. . Greater America Exposition.Tel. . 22,9. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 31SH S. Fif teenth stiect , Omaha. T76 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Farnam. M694 A12 LADIES , hnrmless monthly'Vegulator ; can not fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee , WIs. M9GO A20 * LADIES , old Dr Bell's Cotton Root PIIls , the best ; safe , reliable ; tnke no other. Send 4o stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell , Box 718 , St. Louts , Mo. M236 A25 DR. MANSFIELD'S MONTHLY REGUlator - later has brought happiness to hundreds of nnxlous women ; have ne\-er bnd a single failure ; longest cnses relieved In two to live days without fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no Interference with work ; by or of- HM. $2 ; all letters truthfully answered. The Mansflcld Remedy Co. . 167 Dearborn street , room 014 , Chicago , III. 3S5 A5 1'MSIIING HESORTS. HO , ye fishermen , go to Lnngdon , Mo. , for bass and cropple ; stop nt Adams house , $1,25 a day , JO.OO a week , Including boats. 431 A4 BASS and cropple. fishing Is now nt Its best. The Lnngdon hotel offers superior accommodations to fishermen and tran sient guests. Reasonable rates. Frank F. Vogt , Lnngdon , Mo. M512 A29 HICYCI.ES. NEW wheels , $13.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $ .1 up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha BIcycleCo 477 SEE Louis Flesoher for bicycle repairing , enameling and sundries. 1622 Capitol Avo. 178 ANDRAE bicycles , $20. 1110 Farnam.MC93 MC93 12 SHORTHAND AND TYI'EWHITING. X7C. Van Sanfs School. 717"NTirLife.4SS 4SS AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglns. IS'J BOYLE'S ' school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Bldg. 490 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON OSTEOPATH 1C INSTITUTE. 015 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D , 0. . ladles' department. Gld E , Johnson , Osteopathlst , manager. M 355 JL fi DONOHUE. D O , of su Klrksvllle , Mo. , COl Paxton blk. Tel. 1307. 492 ARCHITECTS. TUTS undersigned having succeeded to the business of the late C. F. Belndorff , archi tect , has removed from his former office to 422 Bee building nnd will continue the business of nrchltecta nnd superintendent. Patronage of the public nml Mr. Bcin- dorff's former customers respectfully so licited , R , W. Baker , A. D. Baker. M-595 Sepl LAir.VDHY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , 8c : collars * . 2c ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear , Cc. I'Si Leavenworth. Tel. 517 , M4iT5 SepH TICKET imoicrcns. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold. p. II. Phllbln. new location * 130S nnd 1005 Fnr nam. Est , 1889. Member G. T. B. Assn. M-100 ATTOIIM3YS. W. F. WAPPICH , attorney , 503 Brown Blk. C32 A9 WANTED TO-IIORHOW. WANTED , to borrow $2.000.0on gllt.edge security at low rate of Interest. Addruns F 36 , Bee. 652 6 HYGIENIC THEATJIENTS. MASSAGE , electricity , hydrotherapy ; grad uates Battle Creek. Mich. , sanitarium ; references ; ladles only. Phone 2199. 707 A12 TIll'MC ' FACTORY. SEE OUR trunk traveling buro , suit casos. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1203 Furnam. S53 AM HOTELS. TRY the Hender on Hotel : board and room $1.09 per week ; K.I. . plenni bent and baths. Ninth n.ul Farnam Sts. 4S7 not si : MOVER. W. COY , located at 1710 St. Mary's Ave.4SO 4SO ARTIFICIAL stone and brick sidewalks. A. R. Hoel. 282i Hurt street. MfiSO All * PAWNBROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan OIHce. 415 N. 16. 4SI EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable , accommodat ing ; nil business conlldentlnl. 1301 Douglas. 4S2 MCKUI. PI.ATINO. ALL. kinds plating. Om Plating Co..B-c : bldg 479 SEW1M ! MACHINES REPAIRED. BY Joseph 1Phillips : , 2.M9 Corby St. Omaha ; best ot city references given. 452 A5 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. HARRIS Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building.4S3 4S3 STAMMERING AND STI'TTEHINH. ' CURED. Julia VnuKhan , 430 Rnnige Bldg. MATTRESS HENOVATIN < 3. M. S. WALKLIN. 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331. ISO DHES.SMAKINC , INfamilies. . Miss Sturdy , 2210 Davenport. M-497 A29 * HAII/XVAT TIME CAHD. BURLINGTON AMIS - eourl River Rnllruatl "Tno Burlington Route" General Olllces , N.V. . Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Ofllco. 1502 Farnam - . - Street. Telephone. 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 310. Uncoln. lIktlOR. and McCook . i s:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Cole rado. Utah. California. .a 4:23 : pm a S:55 : pm Lincoln. Blick HIIIH. Montana & Puget .Sound . . . . . . . a 4:23 : p m a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local . i 7:00 : pm a0:33 ! : am Lincoln Fast Mall . u 3:00 : pm a0:33 : ama Denver. Colorado. Utah & California . a 6:30 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , ST. JO- sepb & Council Bluffs Rai.road "The Burllng- toi. Route" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farliam Street. Tele phone , 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. aU:15 : am CHICAGO. BURLINGTON fc Qulncy Railroad "The Burllncton Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Fnrnam St Tel. 230. Depot , Tenth " ' Mason Streets Tele- phone , 310. _ _ Leave. Arrive. > aylTght Ci > lc.ugo Spe cial a 6:40 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..a 5:03 : pm a 5:05 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am h 4:05 : pro Chlcaiao & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am Pacific Junction Local..alO:45 : am n. 6:15 pin Fast Mall u 2:45 : pm a Dallr. jFItEMONT. ELKHORM & Missouri Valley Hall- road "Tho Northwestern Line" GenTal Offlces United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest - Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street , Telephone. 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Black Hills , Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 : pm Wyo..iin ? , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pro d 6:00 : pm Hastings. York. David City. Superior , Geneva . Exeler nnd Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Local c 7:30 : nm a Dally , b Daily except Sunday , o Sun day only , d Dally except Saturday. irnCAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket omce , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Tele phone. 661. Depot , Tenth - . und Mason Streets. Tel ephone , C2J , L * ' A"1Ve- Dayllg- Chicago Spe- - ' - ' C4 ! ° MK : Pm M ; { ; St. Paul & Mlnncap- .0113 , a 5:60 : am nll:00 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City..a 7:45 : ant a 4:25 : pm Carroll Local b 6:25 : pm blO:10 : am Eastern Express , Des Mcines , Marshalltown , Soda- Rapids and Chl- caBO allOCam : a 4:05 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East a 4:55 : i pm a 4:05 : pm Fnst Mall , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Northern Express a 6:25 : pm n 8:40 : am Omaha-Chlcnifo Speclal.a 1:05 : pS | i 8 15 am last Mall 845 tim a .Dolly , b Dailv oxceot Sunday. | CmCAGO. riT. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway-"The North western Line" - General Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion , 13th and Webster Sts. city Ticket omc" St. Telephone , 681. Denot ictl Sts. ' LeaVe' Arrlve' Twin City Express ( for ' Sioux city. St. Paul & Minneapolis ) , a 6:00 : am Omaha Passenger a .wpra Blair. Emerson. Slour City , Ponca , Hartlng- ton and Bloomfleld..b 1:00 : pm b2-10 Pm No. 2 , Twin City L't'd..a 5:63 : pm ' No 1. Omaha Limited. . . a 9-00 nm Dally , b Daily except Sunday. 310UX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North- wtstern Line" Qeno-al Ofllces , United States National Bank Building , S , W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. ricket uilice , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. ii ) . Depot , Tenth and Muaan Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. BIoux City. Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis. . a 6:50 : am a 8:40 : am Bt. Paul. Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux < 'lty..a G:25 : pm all:00 : pm Sioux City Local . a 7:45 : are a4:2Spm : UNION PACIFIO-"THE OVER- Jnmi Route" General Oflicea N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnnm Streets , City Ticket Ofiloe , 1302 F > trnam Street. Telephone 31 f Depot , Tenth and Muson Streets. Telephone , 29. Leave , Arrive Tno Overlaid Limited" for Utah , J aho , Mon tana , California. Oregon gen aul Washington pplnta . a 8:10 : am a 4:45 : pm The Colorado Special for J-unvel ana all Colorado uoltiu . a 11:53 : pm a 6:40 : am Pacltiu ixir 8a fo- Denvei , Salt LH.C. Pacific Coast and all western joints . . . . b 4:35 : pm a 6:40 : am Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsbure Express. . , U 4:33 : pra b2:20 ! : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk. Grand Inland and North I'jatte . a 4:35 : pm b 4:45pm : Columbus Local . 1 5:3u : pm bl2:20 : pm North Platlo Local . . . . a : lfiLm Soutli Omahu Local PttbS. Loaves , Cila u , m 7:00 : a , m , , 10:10 : a. m.j 3:03 : p. m. Arrive * , 10:45 : a. m. : 3:15 : p. m. ; 4ii : p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves. 5:65 : a. m. ; 6:40 : a. m. ; tl-60 a. m. ; 7:40 : e. . m. ; \ > 10:45 : a. m. ; 12:20 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 4:55 : p , in. : 6.23 p. m 6:55 : p. m. ; 6:20 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m , ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 6:33 : a. m , ; 7:20 : u. m.i .13 a. m. : 8:45 : a , m. : 11:30 a , m , ; 3UJ : p. m.i 4:05 : p. m , ; 6:15 : p. m , ; 6:30 : p. m. ; 6:65 : P. m. ; 6.3'j p iz ; : tx > p , in , ; 11:00 : p , in. ; 11:55 'u. Dally , b jJdlly cxixpt Sundey. IIlliV IV TIMH f VIII ) , CHICAGO. ROCK. 1SL- and A Pacific Railroad I - "Tlv Gteat Rook Isl flock Island and Route. " City Tick , fl Oillct , 13 farnam jtoufe ' Street. Telephone. < ; $ . Depot , Tfnth , < i Mnfon Streets. Telephone , 62 . _ Leave. Arrive. Des Motnes Local. . a 7:06 : nm blli'5 : nm ChlcABH Express bllilonm a 8:10 : nm ChlcaRO Fast Express .n 5M : pm a 1:2 : ; nn ! St. Paul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll : * am I Lincoln. Colorado Spitk. , ( Denver , Pueblo and nnd ami hlcnpo . . .a 7:2S : pm a 6:35 : pm ' Colorado i Texas F'ycr.n fiIO : pm u 9OJ : am a Dally , b D.illr except Sunday. | OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS PORT fl Rnllrond-Omnha. Kitn- I'M 11'i H san City & Eastern Rniu 1 1415 r.irnnm Street. Tel- ephone. 322. Depot TVnth i and -MttKOii Streets. Tole- Uliolif. US. Leave. Arrive. St. Lo. Is Cannon Ball Exp jss a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Locai a 6:60 : am a 9:33 : pm iv Wftlltf. CHICAOO. M11 < WAUKEK & St. Paul Railway - City Ticket Oftlce. 1501 Y'arnnm Street. Telephone. SSI. Depot - pot , Tenth nnd Mason St * Telpphone , C29. . Leave. Arrive. Chicago T-lmlt-Ml ICx n 5li : pm n 8:20 : nm Chlcngo & Omaha Kx..bltQC : am b 3:55 : pm Sioux City & Dc& Mo'.ncs Kxprcas bll:00 : nm b 3:53 : pro a Dully , b D.illv except Sunday. a Dally. MISHOUHI PARIKIC HAIL- road Gencrnl Otllccs and Ticket Olllces Southenst Cor ner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone , 104. Depot , 13lh nnd Webster as. ; Telephone , H53. . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St. Loiud-Kstisas & Neb. I.ImlfM a 3:03 : pm n2S5 ! : pm K. C. St. b. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am Nohraskx Local vie Wecplnc Wntcr b & :00 : pm b 9:13 : am e Dal y. b Dally except Sunday. A n A S Tl nAILROAD- Tlcket Olllce. 1415 Knrnnm Street. Telephone. S22. De pot , Tenth anil Mnson Streets. Telephone , fi29. Leave. Arrlv * . "Canon Ball"a a 4:30 : pm a S:3J : ara a DalU. I'OSTOKlrlCR XOTICli. ( Should be ronJ dally by nil Interested , ns chaiiRpa may occur nt nny time. ) KorelRn mnlls for the week endlnp Au- Blist 5 , 1SK ) , will close ( PROMPTLY In all caws ) nt HID General Poptolllce as follows : 1'ARCKLS POST MAILS close onp hour earlier than closing time shown below. Trnim-Atlniitlc Mail * . SATlTRDAV-At 5 n. m. for HUROPK , per s. p. Etrurln * . via Queenstown ( letters for Fiance , Switzerland , Italy. Spain , , Turkey , Egypt and llrltlsh In dia must be directed "PIT Ktrui-In" ) ; at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITXKRLAN'n. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s ! La Tournlno * . via Havre ( Iptter.i for other parts of Europe must b tllrurted "lier La Tout-nine" ) : at S a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Maas- dam , via Rotlonlnm ( letters must be di rected "per Maasdam" ) ; at 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Norpe ( letters must be directed "per Norge" ) . Printed matter , etc. Gennnn stennifrs salllne on Tuesdays take printed matter etc. . for Germany , and speclnllv nddresspti printed matter , etc. , for .iiner ; : r.rlii ot Eu-ope. American and White Star steam- prs on Wednesdays , Ucrmnn "tenmers on Thu-sdays , and Cunard. Fipnen and Gor man steamers on Saturdays take printed matter , etc. . for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mail. After the closing of the sunp.cmcntary transatlantic mullt nnmci" nbov < ? addi tional supplementary malls nrp opened on tha pUrs of the American , Kngllsh French and Gennnn steamore , and remain open until wl.hln ten minutes of the hour of sulllng of steamer Mnlln for South und Central America , AVent Inill < - , iit : ! . SATURDAY At 0 a. m. for BRAZIL nnd LA PLATA COUNTRIES , via Pernam- buca , Uahla nnd Rio de Janeiro , per s. s. Hevellus ( letters for North Brazil must he directed "per Hevellus" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( sup plementary 10:30 : a. m , ) for BERMUDA per . . Trinidad ; at 10 a. m. ( supple mentary 10:110 : a. m. ) for KORJTl'NE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA. CAR- THAGENA nnd GREYTOWN , per s. p Altai ( letters for Costa Rica mu t bo directed "per Altai" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. for HAITI , per s. s. Prlns Wlllcm II ( lettc-nt for Curacao , Venezuela , Trinidad. British nd Dutch Guiana must be directed "per Prlns Wlllem H" ) ; at 11 n. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND direct , per B. s. Orinoco ; at 11 n. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD , per s. s. Irrawaddy ; at 11 n. m. ( supple mentary 11:30 : a. in. ) for PORTO RICO , via San Juan. VENEZUELA. CURACAO SAVANILLA and CARTHAGENA. per H .s Caracas ; tit 11 a. m. for CUBA , per n. st. Havana , via Havana ( le/tterH must lie directed "per Havana" ) ; at 12 in. for BARBADOS direct and NORTH BRAZIL per H. H. MaranhptiFp ; nt 1 11. m. for NrEVITAS. GIBARA. VITA. PUERTO PADRE nnd BARACOA. per s B. Ollnda. SUNDAY-At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Mnlls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , clos ? nt this offlce dally it 8:30 : p. m , ( connoctlnc close hero every Monday , Wednesday nnd Saturdny ) . Mnlls for Mlquelon , by mil to Boston , nnd thence by stenmer. close nt this office dnlly nt 8:30 : p , in. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fin. , nnd thence by steamer , close nt this office dally ( except Monday ) nt * 7 n. m , ( the connectlim nloses are on Sunday , Wednes day nnd Friday. Mnlls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fin. , and th'nce by steamer , close nt this office nvery Mondav , Tues day nnd Saturday at ' 2:3i : ( a , m. ( the con necting closes are on Tuesnny ana Satur day ) , Mnlls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed far despatch by steamer , rlont this ofuct dally nt 2:30 : a. in. nnd 2:30 : p. m. "Malls lor Costa TUca , Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guate mala hv rail to New Orleans , nna tnence iy steamer , -Ipsc at this offlce dally nt 3:00 : p. m. Connecting IOIPS htra Bun- days nnd Tuesdays for Coslit nlca. nnd Monday * for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala. 'Registered mall closes at 0 p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes at C p , m. second day before , TrniiB-I'nclllc Mull * . Malls for Clilmx and Jnp.iii per i . s. Rlojun Mum ( from Seattle ) , oloan here dally up to August M nt f : ! p. m. Mulls for China Jnr > nn nd Hnwnd , per s. s. Onello ( from San Francisco ) , elope here dally up to AiiKUHt * Mth nt 6:30 : p , m , MallH for Aus tralia ( except those for West Aus tralia , which urn forwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Ha moan IslandH per . s. Monna from San FranCisco - Cisco ) , close here dully after July "SltU ami up to August " 4th flt 0:30 : p. m , on day of arrival of . . Cnmpunln , which will probably arrive August 4th. Mnlls for China nnd Japan , per . s. Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , Hose hero dally uji 1o August 15th at 0:30 : p. m , Mnll.4 for Hnwull , per H. e. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dnlly up to Aujrust "IBUi at 0:30 : p. m. MailH for Australia ( except West Australia ) , I Hi wall and FIJI Inlands , per s. B , Mlowera ( from Vancouver ) ! close Jiero dally after August * Uh nnd up 1o August 18th at C:30 : p. m. Mnlls for the Society Inlands , per ship Galilee ( from Snn Francisco ) , close here dally up to August 20th nt 6:30 : p. in. Malls for China and Japan , per H , H , Taooma ( from Tacomn ) . close hero dnlly up to August * 31nt at 6:30 : p. m. Trans-Paciflo mnlls nre forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedule of clos ing la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pro. vIouH day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postofflce New York , N. Y. , July 2S , UW. OOVKHNMK.VT MITICK. PROPOSALS FOR FRAME COTTAOE- Inulnn Service , U. S , Indian Agency , Win- neliago , Neb. , July IS , 1803. Sc.uled pro posals. Indented "Proposals for Cottage , " Omaha and Wlnnebago Agency , and ad- drie < t to the U. S. Indian Agent. Wlnne. bago , Nebraska , will be received at ald agency until one o'cloc-k p. m. of Friday , August 11 , 16Mt , for furnliihlnK ull the ma terials and labor required to construct and complete one frame 1-ctory cottage at the Omnfca and Wlnnebago Agency. N' b. , In strict accordance with plans , specifica tions and Instructions to bidders which ma > b'i examined at the agency For fur ther infurnijtlou apply to C P. Mathcwr son , U , a. Indian ABC-DC ABCDCJy , 22-M9t E.O.D , STOUY OF A "SH'OOP" IV MIOl"IM. I'nrlUny Nrmpniirr > nrrn lvp nnil n ( Niniity Srnl Wnr. "You fellows In Now York call It n 'bf t' when you RP ! n tory thai the other ptptM don't have , " said the KU t nt a newspaper club In Now York. nut. m hf etplnlnfd It , hit null editing ten years ARO and kills time vltltlng his kin , " writes Frank H. llrooka In the St. Louis Republic. "What dlil you rail It. Mp'n , when you wrro In the buslncw ? " nskeJ one of his "lltmawny ; but before 1 quit the boys got tr > callliiR It 'scoop. ' Hut 1 always liked the word 'runaway. ' It means to much. 1 hart a 'runaway1 once that Actually broke the ' heart of an esteemed contemporary , and no wns a gentleman. Ono of your courtly , old school men flint always wore a shirt with a ruffled bosom nnd a wldo collar. Colonel lllakey wns his name. He was the editor of n paper In ric.isnnl Hill , Cass county , Missouri. Ills town was the railroad town of the county. 1 was editor of the paper at the county seat , llarrlsonvlllc , fifteen miles away. "There were no telegraph wires lu ftia county. Our dally communication with Pleasant Hill was by stage , oM-tfuhloncd , four-horse staRe ; one mile a day. You un derstand that the publications were weekly. "Tho people of Pleasant Hill concluded they wanted their town to be a county seat. Their only way out of It was to get the legislature to cut n strip oft from eich of the four adjoining counties nnd create a new county , which would hnve I'lcnsant Hill as the center ot population ; thereby It would bccomo the county sent. This would hare left Hnrrlsonvllle an the border of Its own county , nnd another counly seat would tnvo become a necessity , sooner or later , In Cast county. "Sectional feeling during the civil war was kittenish compared lo the bltlcrnet > which the proposed new County created between Hnrrlsouvllle and riens > ant Hill. Political | lines were knocked down. The Issue was new county nnd old county. Pleasant Hill people wanted a convention to nominate ft ticket. The only Issue was 'now county. ' Wo called our convention nud the Issue was 'old county. ' 'The Pleasant Hill crowd bnd money , and I must admit they werp tolerable swift. The success of the proposition meant a whole lot to Colonel Blnkcy. He was living on bis war record and a pedigree , but his paper ha-1 a mortgage on It that you could sec before you got to town. "Tho Pleasant Hill people called a secret convention. Nobody was allowed In except delegates. 1 never did know Just why they did that , t got nn Inkling of It through our sheriff , Major Dale , ono of the bravest men I twcr knew. My parlner was the printer of the concern. 'Ho ' wns n good one. fl'hnt ho didn't know about the inechnnlcnl end of a shop wasn't worth learning. The composing room consisted of him nnd two boys and a nigger to .work . the power press. I would llku to remark that this was the first power press In a weekly newspaper office In Mis souri. Somehow I nm proud of that. "Well , the Pleasant Hill convention waste to moot on T.huisday. That wa one ol Colonel Blakey's schemrs. Ills paper was published o'.i Friday. Ours came out on Saturday. You see what Colonel Blakoy was nfter. He expected to get 'a runaway' on the Cas-s County Democratic Herald. I reckon you young men don't know that In a weekly ofllco at that tlmo ono aide of the paper wns sot and worked off and the typo distributed to get up the other side. Wo got np the outside of our paper early that week and had everything else In typo for the other sldo except a few columns that were left open for the Pleasant Hill convention. "I got to Pleasant Hill Thursday morning. The convention met nt noon 'behind ' closed doors. The 'business ' lasted until after mid night. The delegates expressed themselves freely as to how they proposed to work the legislature and a corruption fund was raised nt once. HarrlBanvlllo simply to bo wiped off tbo county map nnd Colonel Blnkey made a very funny speech ns to how he expected to raise pumpkins on the site of the old county seat. "As eoon as the convention was over I jumped Into the spring wagon that had brought mo over , and having a driver who know every guly nnd niolo bill in the county , ho laid the lash over the backs ot his horses , threw 'the ' lines over the dash board and Tarn O'Sliautor's ride was simply smashed. Wo occasionally let down a rail fence where we could save a mile and drove over Holds. We cut across the open pralrls when wo struck one. Whenever the driver hinted about Ihe horses giving out I handed him my bottle and bo changed his mind. "The roosters were crowing when we hit the main street In Harrlsonvllle , and tha old soaks who were waiting around for tbo sa loons to open lost their thirst when they saw that team coming. "My partner had his force nt the shop , nigger Included , when I jumped out of the wagon , I began writing my account ot that convention. My partner and the two boys took copy , page at a time , nnd as fast as a gnlky wan proved I read It. Before 0 o'clock the paper was on the press and the nigger was testing the capacity of tbo machine. We had ordered a four-horse-power engine , but when wo saw that nigger's capacity wo countermanded the order. Before noon wo had about COO copies off , hundred and In a wagon headed for Pleasant Hill. We landed In several youngsters about - townwho were to scatter the papers In Pleasant Hill , "By 3 o'clock wo wcro In the enemy's country. Colonel lllakey bad not got out bis sheet. Ho wan reading his proofs when be heard our hoys holler'n' 'Cass County Demo cratic Herald ; all about the convention. ' The people suspended business. They didn't get It through thulr heads until the next day. We had caught the connlvcrs nnd exposed their band. It was 'a runaway' complete. And I cfolm It never was beat. " "Cap'n , do you mind Celling ug how you got Into the convention , " "Got through the roof of the house by way of a scuttlehole , knocked a hole In the ceil ing nnd listened , As I knew every delegate I could distinguish each by his voice , " "Did you elect your ticket ? " "Did we ? Well , you write two letters out there , ono to Pleasant Hill nnd the other to Ilarrlsonvllle , nnd see which one will e t there first , Harrlsonvirie has railroads run ning out In every direction , Pleasant Hill is a nice , quiet town , but It went out of the new county business a long tlmo ago. And tny poor friend Colonel Dlakey , he was llko the father of the young prince 4bat was ship wrecked I reckon you all read that In your fourth readers bo never smiled again , Ac tually died , broken-hearted. " Hnulilii'il liy Ilin Quern , The queen Is most scrupulous In the dis charge of the little nmenltlet * which mean co much In one of her poslMon and lier entourage urn always expt-otM to call her attention to nny forgetfulness she may dis play. But she cun xlve a quiet snub , ns the following Incident will prove , relates the Ixindnn 'M. ' A. P.Some : few year * ago the nuen wns driving- through the park. The day WUH a bright one and London was very dull und It ( teemed as though one and nil had turned out to greet her majesty. As the carriage approached , n member of the aristocracy , who 'wan personally known to tlui queen , but who ha < l foolishly not herself talked about , came In right. The Indy In waiting remarked ; "A little to your left ma'am. Is " The queen made no reply. Thinking > the remark not heard the lady repented It , whereupon her majesty's clear voice wild. In vary decided and dis tinct tont-H , "I know It. " nml her parasol was lower In the gaze ofthe offending lady who hail been eagerly uteklnc recognition In the. hope- that It would reinitiate her and silence the wagging of tongues. . Arnlrn Solve. The best salve In the world for cutf , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , und positively cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn ft Co , * . .