JO THE OMAHA PAT1/r TtEE ; AURtTST 5 , 1809. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn and ProTi'sions Set tha Face on Ohlcagc Board of Trade. LIVERPOOL GUIDING STAR OF WHEAT Cusli Domain ! .Miiiunt XnflilnK nnil Only Mfiilcrnlc Mcnlionril Order * Corn rnlrljActUc nnil I'ro- Stronir. CHICAGO , Aug 4 Corn and provision ! cut out the pace on 'change today. A heavy cosh demand for corn resulted In a complete recovery of an early decline , the market closing > /6SVic higher thnn yesterday Pro- \lslona closed nt advances of from 12l&4SOc. } "Wheat was weak early , but recovered with corn and closed Vie Wghcr. Oats closed a Blind o higher. The I/\crpool market was the guiding otar of wheat traders nt the opening. The tmual surprise came from the Kngllsh mar ket , quotation * there being about ' /id higher , a condition not looked for In vlow of the clc- ollno hero jcntcrday. This was afterward explained on the ground of advanced ocean freight rates , but It had Its effect on open ing prices here , September starting at COHc , nn advance of ytc. A momentary dip to 09V4C followed , but good buying by short- ) , mostly , resulted In a gradual nclvanco lo K , gC9' < ic. the highest i > olnt reached dur ing the session Besides the strength shown by Liverpool , prospcc live buyers w ere en couraged by continued crop cljirm c reports from the northwest and by Snow's crop nummary , which made the condition of ; > rlng wheat 85 per cent , or G per cent lecs than July 1. This Indicated a total crop of about 275,000000 bit Hut Interest In the in.xr- Icot soon dlrd out , The cash demand was almost nothing 1 ere and only a moderate demand WOH retried from the seaboard. The northwest , which wns a seller in this market , reported the Hour trade quiet , and the first rush of win ter whcrit apparently over The buying de mand dwindled lo almost nothing during the middle of the session nnd attempts to rwi- llzo on earlier purchases were attended with considerable dllllculty September Blowly declined to 6969 > jiC nnd hung around that prlco until about noon , when the mid den strength of corn put some life Into wheat and resulted In a steady advance , which was continued to the close. North- vest receipts wcro 303 cara , against 31' ) los > t week and -seventy a year ORO. Chicago re ceipts were 129 cars , sixteen ot contract ( jrade. The proportion of new wheat was much tmialler than nt this time n yenr ago. Total primary receipts were 672,000 bu. At lantic port clearances of Wheat and ( lour aggregated 269,000 bu A visible decrease of about 600,000 bu. In northwest stocks for the week wns looked for. September advanced to C9r4069'Jic and closed at C9Hc , an advance of Vic. Corn was fairly active. At the opening the m-xrkot was llrm and higher on contin ued hot weather damage reports. Weak ness soon developed on reports ot rains In Iowa and Nebraska , and predictions of cooler weather , with liberal receipts 127 cars. The cash demand was excellent 200- ( > 00 bu. being reported dlsK | > sed ot here and Hie seaboard reported forty loads taken for export n.nd "toward the close went to cover , Wddlng the market up rapidly. Country ac ceptances were light. September ranged from SOVio < o 30T&C and closed VsG'ic higher at 30 ( , © 30ic , Oats "wero quiet and fairly steady with other grains. Trading was entirely local and fluctuations smalt. There was some buying on the -not weather , which Is not desirable at thla period. Receipts wcro 474 cars The seaboard reported a peed export domand. September ranged from ll'/ic ' to 1954o nnd closed a shade higher at 19'-4c Provisions were strong ( and ucttve. The vollow fever situation was more favorable , but the strength came mostly from a. sh irp advance In hog prices. Bujlng of nil prod ucts -was general and prices advanced nteadlly , the COMJ ! being at about the top. At the close September pork was 20c higher nt $ S 62'A September lard 12V4o higher nt ! 5.15iC ( ( 47V4 and September ribs 15c higher at . . . Lending futures ranged as follovrs : ArtlcloB | Upon Hlcli. Low. Clone. | Yea cly. OW H GOOH 0054 09M 71M 72 71H 74M 75 74H SClU * 80 20M 28J28 20 SOW Jim ao 30 < * H 10H iov < 10J < 18K-2U 19H IBM 21M 21H aiu -'UifflH B47W R45 B2H ( ! 8121 , 865 870 890 870 BS7W BCD B171 * B35 BOS 642H D 10 B 10 B20 507K BSO BOS fi 1G CU5 C2'2H S07M No. 2 Cash quotations were as follows : rijOUR-Quiet and steady ; patents , J345 ® 3.55 ; straights. $3 OOO3,25 ; clears. J2 S0f 3 10 ; spring specials , J400 ; hard patents. $15010 3 CO ; soft patents , { 3 30Q3 40 ; straights , $3 00 6310 ; bakers. $240fi26& AVHDAT No. 2 uprlnff , 67V c 1. o. b. ; No. 3 spring , 07 < 3C ! > Vic : No. t ! red , 70W71C. CORN No. a , 31Uc ; No. - yellow , 32Vlc. OATS-JNo. 2 , 20f(20V4c ; No. 2 white , 23c ; No I ! white , 2fflf23'/4c. UYK-No. 2. SIVic. BAllllilJY No. J. 37c ; No. 4 , Sic. snLJDS-CJoi 1 llaxseeil. $1 01 ; northwest , $1.01 ; cosh , Boutliwest , 97c ; September , 90o ; October , 95 c ; December , ! fic. Prime timothy , 12.40 ; August , T245 ; September , rH2V4 : October , t ! 4214. Clover , contract grade , $0 fiO. PROVISIONS MCBS pork , per bbl. , $ S.55W 8.00. Uard , par 100 Ibs , K.42HQ'J.4j. Short rtbs ldos OOOSP ) , $4.9i6 " 50 Dry tailed shoulders Cboxwl ) . J5 50fi6.62y4. Short clear Bides ( boxed ) , $5.87OO.CO. WIUSICY-Dlstlllers' Jlnlshed goods , per Jl 2G. SUOARS-Cut loaf , 16.02 ; granulated , f5 DO. Following uro the receipts nnd shipments : Articles Ilecelnts. Shipments Flour , bbls 7,000 10,000 Wheat , bu 363,000 700 Corn , bu 310,000 603,000 Oats. 1m. . , . 500,000 579,000 Ityo , bu 11,000 .1,000 Barfey , bu 13,000 , 4,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm : cre.imprlcs , 13KJT17H c ; MJW Tome MARKET. ( Quotation * for tlit * liny on Vnrloii * CoinnioilltlcN. iNITW YORK , Aug. 4-FIXHJR-RccPlpts , 12tvr bbN J exports , 7,269 bbln ; about steady ; somewhat easier on lower grades ; general m'arket closed quiet and unchanged ; Minnesota linkers' , $2. 0ft3 10 , winter pat ents. JS.tWJ'S.TS ; winter straights , J3 sogi 10 , winter extras , J3Wf3.80. ( Rye ( lour , dull ; good to fair , Ji,90f3,10 | , cholco to fancy , * i 1 c/rrn n ind easy ; yellow west- ern. 7J073o ; cltv , 74c. RYU Firm ; No. 2 western , 69c f , o , b. siwt. HARIiy-Strndy ; fording , 374QSSc , c 1. f. , Buffalo ; malting , 4CQ50o delivered New York. BARIjlOYMAI/r Quiet : western , BSffffic. WHUAT RtxxilptB , lOS.SOO bu. ; exert | , 113,933 bu. SXt. | llrm : No. 2 red , 75fyc f. o. 1) a I Ion t spot ; .No . , 1 northern , Dulutli , 7ii7c ! f. o. b. afloat spot : No. 2 red , 74VJ elevator. OpUoiw opened , linn at > io advance , which proved < o bo the best of the ticssion nnd due to local buying following firmer cables yos- torduj's llbeml export sales and local cov ering : sold off No under realising , but again milled nnd closed steady at about the best prices ; Se-ptombor. 74 'i775iKc ' : closed , 75c ; jjecetiiber , 7ff'4r77 * c ; rlohed , 77Vi < " . COIIN Rocoli > tH. 1S7.200 bu. : exports , 60- P2S bu. 8x | > t. llrm ; No 2 , 37 o f. to , b. nlloat ; SC'ics elevntar. Options opened firmer with wheat , but ruled quiet nnd eased off nlmut % u In absence of outsldn interest and a c.i I u ralllwl with wheat nnd closed only H' net ndvnnoo : September closwl at SfiUo : December , SMTSi o : closed , Jo jc OATS-Rccelpts 79200 bu. : oxixjrUi. IK- ! in bu. SXt | , dull : No , 8 , 27o ; No. 3. SCc ; No. J hlte. S7tt : No. i white. 2sHc ; trnok , inlxeil westcin , 20 < iI2S\io \ : trnrk. white , 2oH cj.too. Options opened nes-locted. runD-Kasler , bran , J14GOH1475 ; mid- dllng. J1600 ; city. 16001660 J1AY IXisy ; BhlpplnB , t Ci ) cj good to cl olce. 75Ji 5c. HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice , ISM orop , Mi7o ; 1897 , llfflSc ; 159S , IGOT'c ; Pa- clHo coast , 1S96 crop , Cij'c ; 1W7 , llU13o ( ; 1S93 , 1781 18c. HIDES Firm ; Galveaton. 20 to 25 Ibs. , IGWi'lic ; Texas dry. 21 to 20 Ibs. , 12V2013o ; California. 21 to S3 Ibs , 17Hc. LiKATHUH Steady ; hemlock sole , Buenos Ayrea , light to heavy weights , 21J.2o ; acids ! miT2V4c. PHOVISIONS-Beef. quiet : family , J960 1060 ; extia me g. $900 : beef ham , J27 OOiJ 5900 ; packet , $9&OfilOOO ; city extra India mesa. $140 ( < ri600. Cut inentn. steady ; pick- list belllee. (6 OOJJ7 50 ; pickled lihoulders , f6 00 ; pickled hams. 10,6CViill 00. l.ard. t-a y ; western steamed ole e l at 4350 ; July closed at ? o W ) nominal ; rennad , etoady ; coutlneat , K'5 ; South America , compound , IS7'4'3r 00 Pork , flan ; mew , UBfilKn , short clear , * lo yf/ll 75 : family , 1o jy tM \ \ Tallow , flrmcr and active , , oltjr , 4' c. country S'i UHc. BLTTHU-Uecelp s 3S3i ikgs. ; firm ! western creamery , 15 1Sc , freoh factory , 11 01lc , factor } , Hfiimc. , CHI3iSK-H : cipts. 2S3 pkfra. : wwks large , white , 9' c , smn II , white , 9Uo ; large , colorol , 9\tc , small , colored , 9&c. KOC5S Hccrtt ts. 5,907 pkgs ; Bteady west ern regulur packing , loQISc at mark. POTATOns-Qulet , fnlr to prime , J100W 150 , fancy 1 75y2.2fl ; southern sw cots , J360 RICH rirm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4M ? ' 'MOI ASSKS-rirm : New Orleans open kettle , good to choice , 32f3 c. KKIJKSHTS Qiil"t. cotton by steam , loc , nomlnnl , grain by steam , 2'4o. . , . PA , . , , , . PIO IHON Plrm , southern. $17.60112060 ; northern , MS 00121 CO. _ OMAIIV < ; IMICM , aiAincnr. Conilllloti of Trade mid Qtiolntlonn on Simile nnil Tnncr 1'roilucc. ' nnns-nooii stock , 1040. HU1TI3II Common to fair , 11012c ; choice , 12JJ1IO. "K-parator , lS019c ; gathered cream ery , lCfll7c. , i'OUI/rUY-IIcns. live , 7Wc ; spring chickens ll12c , old and staggv roosters , live , 3V41i5c , ducks and geese , live , 60Co ; turko\s , live , Sc. P1O11ONS Uve , per doz , 75C0J1.00. VKALS-Choleo , 9c. Southern , crated for shipment , 17flSe. ( . CANTAIXMTl'E Per crate , $1.4031.60 ; basket , 7frfJ75c. TOMATOES Per 4-basket crate. 605 < Hc. POTATOHS Now pota'oes , 300400 per bu. CUClJMHCRS-Per doz , 30c. CCLBHY Per doz. , 30c. Jtl.UnnniiniDS Per IG-qt. case , J1.7S BLACKBCRRIKS Per Il-qt. case , { 2.76Q ) 300 PLUMS-Callfornlo. per crate , JUOftl 60. CALIFORNIA PIJACHiS-narly Craw- fords , J1.00Q1.10 per box ; Susquehannas , J1.10 per box. APPLCS-Per bbl . { 20CK5223. TROPICAL , TRU1T. ORANGHS-Callfornla Valenclas. * 5 00. l UMONS California rancy , J4 2304.75 ; Messlnn , fancy , $ j.OOfrG 23. BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , per bunch , Si 50(32.70 ( ; medium-sized bunches , $ -'OOU223. HIDHS , TALLOW , ETC. HIDttS No 1 green hides , IV c ; No. 2 green hides. G c , No 1 salted hides , 8V4c : No. 2 salted hides , 7V4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , lOc , No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc. TALLOW , anrjAsn. nTC.-Taiiow , NO. 1 , 3' c , tallow , No. 2. 3c ; routh tallow , lV4c ; white gioa c , 2iiQ3c ; jellow and brown grease , l'4B2 ( | c. S11UUP PUI/rS-Orcen salted , each , 15 ® 75c , green salted shearings ( short woolcd early skins ) , each , Isc , dry shearings ( short woolcd early skins ) , No. 1 , each oc ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 4g5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebiaska murrain wool pelts , per Ib , nctuil weight , 3Jf4c , dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 4SjGc ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 3Q4c. S ( . I. mils firnhi mid I'rni Intnii * . ST. LOUIS , Aug 4 WIII3AT Lower ; No. 2 red cash , elevitor. RSV&c , track , CS' iWc ; September , G9M , < ? / ) i4c ; December , . - c , ilay. 7Gc ; No. 2 hard , GS c ; receipts , SS.7S6 bush els. CORN-llIghcr ; No. 2 cash , 30' ' c ; track , 32c ; September , 30'4c ; December , 27)ic ) ; Hay. OATS Strong ; No 2 ca h , 21c ; track , 2114(5220 ( ; September , 194c ; May , 21ic ; No. 2 white , 2S' < ; c. UYH Higher at D6c. * FLOUR Dull and unchanged. SniiDS TlmoHhv seed , steady at $1.75 ® 225 for oCd $245 for new ; ilaxsecd , flSV c. OORNJIHAI Steady at $1.731.SO BRAN Steady ; sacked lots , east track , 5Gc. 5Gc.HAY HAY Steady ; timothy , $ SOO1300 ; prairie , $ G C0f9 CO WIUISKY-'Steadv at $125 IRON COTTONTinS-Qulet at $1.00. BAGGING Steady at G00c. MDTALS-Load , higher at $1 57'4 ; spelter , Mulier nt $ . ' 75 POULTRY Steady : chickens 7'/4c ; > oung , lO c ; turkeys , 9c ; joung , 15c ; ducks , 54Cc ; geese , GifjGi/ic. BUTTUll Quiet ; creamery , 15QlSc ; dalri' , 12i7a5c. ( UGGS-Dull at 9C. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , firmer ; boxed shoulders , $5 23 ; extra shorts , $5 25 ; clear ribs , $5 37 % ; clear sides , > $5 50. Bacon , firmer : boxed shoulders , $3 75 ; extra shorts , f3 S7'/M/C 00 : clear ribs , $3.S7'/ig'0 ! 00 ; clear sides. $ G12U. UECmPTS Flour. 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 87- DOO bu : corn , 90,000 bu. ; oata , 6,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Hour , 11,000 bbls. ; wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , 72,000 bu. ; oats , 73,000 bu. London Crnlii nnil VrovlNlonn. LONDON , Aug. 4 PROVISIONS-Lard , American , in palls flrm , 28s ; prime western , In tierces , flrm , 27s Cd. Bacon , short clear backs , 16 to 18 Ibs , steady , 293 CIIUDSE American , finest white , flrm , 45s ; American , finest colored , llrm , 45s Gd. BUTTEU Fdncst United States , SSs ; good. United States , < Ss. WHKAT Spot , No 1 northern spring , flrm , 5s lid ; futures closed steady ; Septem ber. 5s 9d : December , 5s CORN Spot , American mixed , new , steady , 3s 3d ; American mixed , old , steady , 3s 4Ud ; futures , qulot ; September , 3s Gd ; October , 3s 4Hd ; November nominal. PnAS-Canudlan , Ds 9d. Receipts of wheat during the last three days , 19S.OOO centals , including 110,000 Ameri can. Receipts of American corn during the last three days , 125,100 centals. Weather showery. CIO ( train mill I'rnt Inlonn. No 3 GS&fiCGc ; receipts , 145 cars. CORN September , 27 rc ; December , 24Jc ; < "ish. No 2 mixed , 2s'/sc. ; No. 2 white , 29c ; No. 3. 2S0CSiic. OATS No. 2 white. 24V4iff2Sy.c. RYI7 Steady ; No 2 , GOc. 3IAY Choice tirmatliy , $750 ; cholco prairie , iAC ; dalrj" . 14c. IJGGS Steady ; fresh Missouri and Kan- pas stock , flrsts , S'/4c per doz , cases re turned. RCCniPTS-Whcat , 87,000 bu. ; corn , 132- 400 bu ; oats. G.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 15,600 BU. ; corn , 22,800 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. Tiiloilo Market. TOLEDO , O , Aug. 4 WHEAT-Higher and flrm ; No. 2 , cash , 70'/ie ; September , CORN Lower and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 33e. cosh , $3.85 ; October , $1,30. IMilInilHiililn I'roiliico Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 4.-BUTTER- Flrm ; fancy western creamery , 3SH.o ; fancy western prints , 21c. EGGS Firm ; fresh nearby. 13V4ffl4c ; fresh western , ISViffHc ; fresh southwestern , 13c : fiPHh Fouthern , CHHESE Firm. aiiiillM AVlirnt MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 4 WHEAT-No 1 northern , In store , GS'4c ' : December , CS c. On track' No. 1 hard , G9Uc : No , 1 north ern fiS'ic ; No 2 northern , FLOl'R Unchanged. BRAN Unchanged. Grain Market. iMILAVAUKEE , Aug. 4. AVHEAT- Bteadv , No , 1 northern , 72c ; No. 2 north ern. 70c. BARLEY Quiet ; No. e , 40o ; sample , 35 Ili-lal MarU . YORK , Aug. -MTJTALS-Further weakness In tin WIIB the only feature of In terest In the metal market today. The ad ditional decline was brought about largely by to withdrawn ! of bujors and a freer of fering. Regular reports from primary mar kets tl'd not reveal any striking now phases and the pamo wna equally trim of the ultua- tlon abroad At the close the Metal ex change culled pig Iron wnirants unchanged , with $14 75 bid am ! $15,75 ( inKed ; lake copper uni-hanged nt J1S 0 ; tin weak , unsettled and nomlnnl at $ .60 ; lead steady , with $4 53 bid , nnd $1.00 nske.1 ; spelter quiet nt $8. The brokers' price for lead Is $1,35 and for Conner SIR 75 , ST. LOUIS , Aug 4 MCTALS-Lead , mar ket higher nt $4.D7 > , & , spelter , higher at $575. ColTcc MarKrl. NEW YORK , Aug -COFFEE-Optlons opened rftoady at an advance of 5 points and rapidly advanced on an Influx of in vestment orders and on bad scare of shorts , nupplemented b > strong cables and slightly butter statistical conditions. Trading was more active ; closed steady at 5 to 10 points higher : Riles. 25250 t > ajrs , Including Sep tember. $1 Wii-l 45 ; October , $145 ; Novem ber , $ HX > G'I&5 ' : December , $190 ; January , $4.WIfl 1 > 5 : March , $505 ; May. $5 10S6 15 : June , $520 Spot colter , Rio , steadier and more notlvc : No 7 , Invoice , $575 ; No. 7 , Jobbing , $ G25. Mild , steadier , with In- creastxl demand , Cordova , $7 60311 00. Di'iiinnil for Cotton Condi. Ts'EW YORK , Aug. 4 The general de mand for cotton goods today has been on a more liberal scale. Largo tales were reIn - In gray goods. Ss'4 Inches 64 squares , telunjr at ( bo advanced price of 3H < ? in. ivy browns arc flrm. expert KO < V > S tending upward In prlco BU u hid cottons ore strong with good salts Prints nro In fnlr demand , prlies bring tea < ly Ginghams are steady and firm. Burlaps arc selling more freely nnd tending upward , or STOCKS AMI HOMH. Market lpin < r < t IarKly in In n Vc\r Industrial | irrlnllcs ! , NEW YORK. Aug IToday's I stock mar ket wns largely devoted to dealings In n , few Industrial ppeclilllos. Under oovcr of the strength In a frw Industrials' ( hero v\ns a marked tendency to realize In the railroad list , but 'the selling pressure there wns not heavy nnd offers decreased ns prices declined Union Pacific was subject to pressure by unconfirmed rumors of a strike on Its lines The stock broke. 1 > 4 points on rather liberal offerings nnd closed at a net loss of a point The preferred de clined ? 4 point The chief movement of the ilay was In tobacco tocks nnd Tennessee Deal American Tobacco gained nn ex treme 4 points , Continental Tobacco com mon S\ points , the preform ! 6'4 jKilnts nnd Tennessee Coal 2'4 points Late in the day prices of these wcro suddenly let down from 1'4 to 24 points , apparently with the purpose of shaking oft weak followers sf the bull movement A rumor of n great combination of coal nnd Iron Industries in the south was added to those recently Jtirrcnt to explain the Tennessee Coal movement. The vigorous advance of this stock brnit some sympathetic strength In other st7)iK In the same Industry. Colorado rucl , Hocking Coal , Federal Steel. American Smelting nnd a number of other stocks advanced from a fraction to over a point. People's Gas wns up at ono time over a l > olnt on reports of the company's pros perous condition There were gains In Iso lated cases elsewhere , notably In St. Paul fc Omaha , Chicago Great Western pre ferred , Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf , 1'lttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. I ouls : ommon and preferred , National Biscuit ind New York Air Brake ranging from 1 to 3'4 points On the other hand , Sugar was heavy most of the tlaj on account of thp shading of prices In some grades of refined sugar The local itr.aotlon stocks showed weakness throughout and Consoli dated Gas lost 3'A ' points net. Rock Island's Juno statement showing nn Increase In the surplus after charges of icarly $97,000 compared with last June , failed to hold up the grangers. The reported large demand for grain for jNport wns equally ineffective and this sroup and Atchlson preferred drifted lownw.ard. Some depression was reflected tiero from , London on account of the out look for dearer money there and there nero some reports of money troubles In I3erlln Sterling exchanges here wns weak , [ > osted rates falling 14 per cent and actual rates H per cent for short bills nnd per : ent for long sterling. Some anxiety Is felt ' . There jvcr tomorrow's bank statement. iv ns nothing In the money market today to Indicate eaoler conditions , the bulk of the loans being made at 4 per cent The com ing iholld.ay In London and expected dull ness In J ew York prompted the closing up of many accounts Today's speculative lenders closed bearish and unsettled , but the general tone was flrm at the last. Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf flrsts rose iVi per cent. There wns some activity in mortgages of southwestern railroads nnd In Rope and Twine Incomes nt mixed changes Total sales , par value. $1,503,000 United States 4s ndvanced H per cent ind the Gs H per cent in the. bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London cablegram sa > s : The markets hero were stagnant and dull today. In vestment stocks were heavy on the pros pects of dear money throughout the re mainder of the > ear. Americans fluctuated narrowly , closing financially lower. The bank did a largo business , buying li3,000 sold In bars nnd 83,000 in German coin and receiving 20,000 from America. The following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : A-Milson . Wt oouthmi Ily. pfd. . 61' , - jo Pfd . 6274 Texns & . I'nclftc. . . . Si Baltimore & Ohio. Union Pacific . 43'4 Canadian Pacltlo. . 97V ! ilo pM Canada Southern. . S3 i VVabash Central Pacific . . . . 5P do pfd K\j Ches .t Ohio . . :7' < < \Vhrellne 1 E. . 9t Chtaigo O. W i do M. ptd 23' . C li iL Q ! " Wl Cenirnl 15S ' i. L , . . . . 9'S , Yorlc Mniioy Market. NDW YORK. Aug. MONEY On call , Bteady at 3 4ii-l ( per cent ; last loin , 3V4 per cent : prime mercantile paper , 4ffl14 ( per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy , with ac tual business in bankers' bills at $ J.SG < fj ) 4 S6U for demand and at $ .82 MN.SBV4 for Blxty days ; posted rates , $ l.SVfM < S ! and $4.S7ifT4.S7 % ; commercial bills. $4.S1V4@4.S1V4. SILVDR-Ortlflcates , GOGfilc ; bar , CO'/ic ; Mexican dollars , 4Sc. BONDS Government bonds strong : state bonds inactive ; railroad bonds Irregular , The following are the closing quotations on bonds : 11. S.'H , r > e 100K M. K. &T.2as tlH ( < U.S SB T3J M. K. AT. J (18,4 U. S SB , coup. . . . 108U N. Y. C. Ists 112 U. S now -in , rag. , , .129U N.J. C As I''OW U , , " . do coup 1M' < N. C. Os 127W U.S old 48 , rec . . . 112H N. C. 4s 101 U.S nocoup 113 No.l'aclfie IHIS . . . .lit U.S 6 .resr HIM No Paclrla .Is . . . . (17 ( ! < U S Bs.coun , , U1M No. Pncltlo 4s. . . 101V , District 3 , U5s ,117 , N. Y C .VSt , L. 4s . 10/H Al.o. clas * A , ,110 , N i W con. 4s . . U4'f Ala.class n , ,110 , IN. & us. . . us Ala .clans O 101 Ore N Ists 11 < Ala , Currency 100 Ore N 4s 101H AtCnlB < m4S 10J O.S L. s ItO lo mil 4s 85H O S. L Ss 11'JU Canactn Ho ' ds . , nm Ueadlnir4B HK't ' C A.O.4HB U7K it. ( i. w uts , . . . us C A. O Bs 118H , St. L. A.I Mconfix 1U C. &N. W.con 7s. . sul , i3 I" Oon 0 1'Jl do S. V. dob. 6a 120 bt. P.COIlHOlS. . . .170H Chl.Tflrma.4i ( . . . . 100 81. P C. iP Ists ,12U < 1) . A.H U IBIS , , , inn St. P C. AvP. fis . . .121M U. It U.O 4s loou bo lly.Bs 10ftV < Fata Term Ists . . . 10J 9 U iT.fls S4 Krlnclen. 4s 724 Tenn , newaetUs , , 115 V. W i D. C Ists. , 7H IT. P. lats JIB Gen Eloc. Bs , . . . 11(1 ( T. P. 2ds SBK G , H.ifi A.Us . , , . 110 II P. 4s 10.j O. H.iS A 2d . . . 111 \Vab ims 117 H.&T. Cent Bi . . , 111 Wab 2rts 100H H. AT. C. 0011. On. . , 111 W Shore 4K 113 louftO. IBts 114H WU. Crnt 1st * , . . 7iH ) K. C P. A. O. Ists . , ( H Vn Centuries . . . bO I.n Mow Con 43. . . , ma , Vu aoferrou . . . . 6 U&N Hnl 4s. . . .j O'JH [ Colorado Soulh'n 4s fi84 ! Offered. > eii York .MInliiK Quotation ! , NEW YORK , Aug 4 The following are the closing quotations for mining shares ; Financial. LONDON , Aug. 4 American securities were dull and prices In most cases were lower. Operators were Inactive. The close was quiet but steady. The amount trr bul lion taken into the Bank of England on balance today was 276,000. Gold at Buenos A > reB. 11510 BERLIN. Aug. 4. Apprehensions of gold withdrawals In connection with the hard ening of money at London had the effect of hardening private discount one-fourth of 1 per cent on the bourse here today. The rise caused large realizations. FRANKTORT , Aug 4 On the bourse to day prices were wc ak , this condition be ing chiefly < Juo to the uncertainty In re gard to money , lx > cal shares , Spanish 4s and Italian securities relapsed , American securities were steady. PARIS , Aug. 4. Business was restricted .and dull on the bourse today Rente- * , whi.lifti ht iWII"P off ere 1in 1 proMn. clal < ui. > unt S > mi atlutkally Intfrnn. tlonal se unties wen weak Hank * > h.tro were maintained UoDecrs mines declined on taxation nimora In Capo Colony Soutli African securities \\tre weaker Three pci ctnt rentps , 99f Wo for the account. Span ish 4s , CO SO. llnnton Stuck llnntntlnnn , UOSTON , Aug. 4-Call loans , S'iSIU ' p cent , time loans , 4p5 per cent Closing prices for Blocks , bonds nnd mining shares' London Stock ( luotntlntiR. LONDON , Aug. 4 J p. m Closing ; CVm oK tnefTcy 1W , N Y CVntrnl Oon ols ncct 10V , Pcnn jl\anla Canadian Pacino . .100-i UeadltvB IMf 13'4 Union Pac. pfJ do 1st pfd 3S , AUihlfon Illinois Central . 118 Nor Pnc pf.l . M Gnrnl Trunk . " \ St Pnul comvaon . 11J\ Anocomlft . ll'j BAR SILVnil-Steady at ST i MONBY 1 per cent. Tht > rate nf discount In the open market for short bills , am/SH / per cent ; for three months' bills , S per cent. Hniilc rlcarlnns. CHICAGO. Aug. -Clearings , $15787 COS ; bnl inccs , $ lSSSOOi ) . New York exchange , 25c d'spount Posted rates , $4.SIH < 3'4 S7'4 ST LOUIS , Aug 4 Clearings. $5220,201 ; balances , $1,040,32.1 SMoney , steady nt 4JT7 per cent , mostl > nt fifcfi per cent. Exchange on New York. lOc discount bid , par asked. NEW YORK , Aug. 4 dealings , $176,238- 224 ; baHnnccs , $3,741,475. BOSTON. Aug 4. Clearings , $20S ,319 ; balances , J1,7M > 009. BALTIMORE Aug. -Clearings , $2,757.- ISfi. balances , $5SGS)3. ! IMIILADELPI1IA , Aug. -Clearings , 12,050,771 , balances , $1,9I9ES7. Conilltliiii nf the Tronnitry. AVASIITNGTON , AUff 4 Today's state mcnt of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $275,649,004 ; sold reserve , $215lC2,2Cfl. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS , Aug. -COTTON QiiUt ; sales , 1,300 bales ; ordinary. 311-lfc ; Rood ordinary , 13-10c ; low middling , 47c , niiddllng , t ic ; good middling , G5-ltc ; mfd- illlng fair , C c , receipts , 121 bales , s-tock. 14. , . , . , 310 „ - bales . . Futures - - dull - , . - August - , - - $5 IJ . . _ „ . Futures cio'cd quiet nnd steady ; August , $551 , Sep tember , $357. October. $3.70 ; November , 53 75 ; December , $5 79 ; January , $5 83 , Feb ruary , $ T'Sa , March , $580 ; April , $594 ; May. foi7 : June $ GOO ST. LOUIS , Aug 4 COTTON Quiet ; mid. filing , S c , sales , 92 bales ; receipts , 215 bales ; shipments , 415 bales ; stock , 69,501 bale. . ' NEW YORK , Aug. -COTTON-In keepIng - Ing with the sluggish trade conditions of the early week , today's market for cotton futures was deplorably dull with Insig nificant changes In prices. If anything , the tendency of values was toward a lower level , under pure speculative neglect. The opening was quiet at unchanged prices to I point decline. The selling of a few lots at old long stuff forced prices from 1 to 2 points lower , after which there wns a par- t'nl rally on light covering , with the mnr- ket finally quiet and steady in tone and. nlth prices net unchanged to 2 points lower. .V careful survey of the general situation linrdly warranted any ch/inge of front by either faction in professional circles and was not calculated to Invigorate Investors. The fact that Liverpool will be clo d to morrow and Monday had some effect In tamponing speculative * enthusiasm. It was variously reported that Nelll was preparing T. crop estimate and general summary of the situation o be published some time In the 1 vuer p n . of next week probably after the government-report of Thursday. LIVERPOOL. Aug 4 COTTON Spot , moderate business ; iprlces steady ; American middling , 3VL The sales of the day were 10.000 bale" , of.which 500 were for specula tion and export and Included 9.SOO bales American ; receipts , none. Futures opened inlet but steady and closed quiet ; Amer ican middling. 1. m. c , Julv , 3 21-64d. sellers ; \ugust nnd Sertembcr , 319-64ST120-C4d. fel lers ; September and October , 318-640119-G4d , sellers ; October and November. 317-64d , rolue ; November and December , 316-64d , sillers ; December nnd January , 316-64(1 ( , sellers ; January and February , 310-64d , tellers ; February and March 316-64(73) ( ) U7-64d , buyers ; March and Anril , 317-G4d , buyers ; April and May , 318-64d , sellers ; May and June , 318-64Q319-64d , value ; Juno ind luly , 319-6ld , buyers. Wool Mnrkct. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4 WOOL-Steady , with a good demand at previous quotations. LONDON Aug. 4. WOOL At the Mlnc- Inff Ljno kln sales today 46,650 were soldi which included a number of Cape of Good Ilopo andi Ntitals ; the number sold aggre gated 39,864 There was a fnlr attendance present. A CTnaW supply of better skins wns responsible for the strong demand Long wooled stock advanced a farthing , new western % d , short wools and lambs Q farthing , IlIili-H Are Quoted Lower. CHICAGO , Aug. 4 The Shoe nnd Leather Rovtiew tomorrow > w 111 say : The big pack ers have sold several thousand Texas steer ihldes at 12Vl < > . This Is a concession of 4c. Tt Is generally admitted that Texas steer hides should not be higher than native steer hides This selection Is freely offered at 12'4c. "o quota Colorados nnd branded cows at HUc , butt brands at ll c Light native cows HV4c and heavy cows ll'4c. AVorlil'H Supply of Cotton. TroW ORLEANS Aug. 4 Secretary Hes ter's statement of the world's visible supply Krf ootton shown a. total at 2,450,621 bales , against 2K4,3SO last week , 1,985,920 last year and 2.686,636 In lSj Of tills the total of American cotton Is 2241.621 bales , ngalnst 2'C9SO last week , 1,7C8,029 last year and 2.371.43G In 1S93. Snuar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 4 SUG ATI-Raw , strong flth good demand ; refined , strong , active an 1 t ndlmr upward. NEW OH > EANS , Aug. 4 SUGAR Dull ; open kettle 34 T4 B-NVs : centrifugal , yellow , 4MT474c < ; seconds , 214G4UC. Jlolasses , dull ; centrifugal , 6@14c. California Dried rruH . NEW YORK , Aug 4-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Steady ; evaporated ap ples , 6VM1Vto ; prime wire tray , 8'86c ; choice , S > ij9c , fancy , DVWiOHc. Prunes , 3U < Sc. Apricots , Royal. 14c ; Moor Park , 14S > ICc. Peaches , unpeeled , HOll'/ic. Oil Market. LONDON , Aug 4 , OILS Turpentine spirits , flrm. 343 9diT35s. Unseed 2As 4'/4d ' , NEAV YORK , Aug 4-OILS Cottonseed , firm. Petroleum , flrm. Rosin , steady. Tur pentine , llrm , 4SJ49c. . MaiiclicNicr 'IVxtllc Falirlrn , ItANPHESTER. Aug. 4 Cloths and jams flrm , but demand light , Line of rifty Clot atom Sold. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn , . Aug , 4. The Mln. ncsota and Dakota line of fifty elevators has been sold to F H Peavey & Co , for $300,000 , The elevators ore situated aFong the North ern Pacific , Great Northern nnd Milwaukee roads and bavo an aggregate capacity of 1,500,000 bushels. This makes the Peavey company's total capacity over 35,000,000 bushels , exclusive of a now line of bouses now building In Kansas A nn.Ml VI , . 11 Allcnil the Trial. LONDON , Ky. , Aug 4. Fifteen mounted men heavily armed passed hero last night , going In the direction of Clay county. They wcro members of the Oriflln faction and It la supposed that they joined those who have gone Into Manchester to attend the prelim inary trial of Oreen Griffin for tlio killing ot F.ilunrd Fisher two weekg ago. Trouble Is feared when the opposing factions meat. lint WcnUicr lliirfu Cotton. ST. LOUIS. AUK. 4. A dispatch from Pine Bluff , Ark , Etna the Intense heat of the last couple of weeks has caused the cotton in this vicinity to shed. The growth of the plant has been suddenly arrested and unless weather conditions are soon changed and rain falls , the result to the crop will be dis astrous. Inv rHtlKiitlcpr lifeline In Commerce. WHITEHALL. N. Y. . Aug. J.- The New York Commerce commission appointed by the legislature to Investigate the commerce of New York state and report as to Us means of revhal convened here todar. OMAHA LIVE STOCK 1IARRE1 Boaf Steers , Both Nativn and Western , Verj Scarce at Present , HOGS SELL A GOOD TEN CENTS HIGHEF On Out Knrly anil Iluy I"re pl ClenrltiK Ynrild nf Itecelptu tit bcaitotinlilc * Hour Miccp ( lulckl ) nt Mend ) I'rlcen. SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 4. Receipts were : _ Cattle. Hogs Sheep , Ofllcla ! Monday 207(5 ( 2.278 33ul Gtllclnl Tue- lay 2.7S1 8,163 l,3Si Olflclal Wednesday 2,301 4,6bl 3i71 Ofliclnl Thurswlay 3,539 5,512 1131 Olllclal Friday 1,155 4,970 7&J Thus far this week 2\fC \ 25fi2S 10.481 Same days last week 12,621 3M12 11.952 Simo days week before 11.516 3S 211 11.J2I Same three weeks ago. , 11 SGI B5.SW3 15,263 Average price paid for hogs for the laal several days with comparison ! ! . Indicates Sunday , The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. ll'r's. n & St. Jj Ry 3 Missouri P.aclllc Ry. . 3 2 Union Pac. svstem. 6 10 io C. & N. W. Ry 1 3 F. H. & M. V. R. R. . 19 26 C. St. P. iM. & O Ry. 7 3 H. & M. It. R. R. . . . 3 20 1 C. H & Q. Ry 5 1C. C. & St. J. Ry. . . . 2 C. R. I. & P. , east. . . 1 C. Tl. I. & P. , west. . . 1 Cr'p'a and driven In. 6 51 Toton receipts . . . , U 71 1 10 The disposition of the dav's receipts was FIS follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs Sheep Omaha Packing Co 46 CM G. II. Hammond Co. . . . 72 958 Sulft and Company 163 730 640 CJudnhy Packing Co 600 961 Armour & Co 270 1.358 Omaha P. Co , K. C. . . . 26 Swift , from K. C 50 II. Becker & Degan. . . . 2S bobman & Co 120 Livingstone & Schallor. . 1 Hamilton & Rothschild. 63 McVRker & Co 13 Other buyers 119 249 Held over 100 Totals 1,470 C.197 789 CATTLE Today's receipts of cattle were light enough for a Saturday , and there were hardly enough cattle of any one kind to make a showing or to put the market to a real test. As It was , the few loads changed liands In good season and the market soon c < amo to an end for the want of something to sell. A considerable proportion of the offerings consisted of cornfed steers of no very extra riuallty. The demand on the part of local packers was good and they soon clearedtho _ pens at good steady to strong prfces. Ono bunch of cornfed steers sold at $5 60 , but they were not ns good as the cattle that brought that price earlier In the week , showing that there has been a strengthen ing of values on that kind nt least. The same was true of other cattle good enough to bring J560 There wore no grass beef steers of any Importance in the pen. Something like a half-dozen loads of cows ind heifers were offered on the market and met with good , ready sale at fully steady prices The quality was nothing extra , Other kinds of butchers' stock also sold In vbout the same notches as yesterday. Stockers and feeders wore In active de mand at good , steady prices. Some good Ightlsh cattle brought J4CO and another iunch $4 55 , peculators being the principal Buyers Borne nice lltUo dtockera sold at > 5.10. The country demand appears to be rradunlly growing , and as receipts so far this season haVe boon light the market la being hold up to a pretty high point. Representative sales ! BBBKBTEJHRS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4. . 675 $3 05 23..1121 $ SGS 21..1140 $5 35 1..1110 4 60 35..HOC 6 IS 67..1097 545 ! ! . . 961 4 6G 7. .11,06 635 79..1193 5 50 18. . 840 4 85 32..1118 S 35 23..1145 550 15..1009 5 05 33..U05 6 36 23..1140 5 60 STBDRSAiND HEIFERS. ! 4. . 873 4 85 COWS. 1. . 920 2 75 1..1110 3 S3 2. . WO 3 90 2..1060 300 1..950 323 1..1220 400 2..10SO 300 1..1090 325 2..1290 400 1. . 8 0 300 1. . 800 3 35 1300 4 10 1. . 900 300 6..1045 3 DO 1121 4 10 2..1100 3 00 1..1300 SCO ,1120 4 25 1..1120 3 15 1. . 720 3 50 ,1800 , 4 30 1..1200 3 15 ' 935 3 65 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1..1100 275 IB. . 761 325 14. . 817 340 4. . 802 3 10 2. . 890 3 35 11. . G90 3 60 1..1000 325 6. . 606 340 2. . 725 3 60 HEIFERb. 1. . CIO 333 6..1004 370 1. . WO 375 BULLS 1..1400 325 1..1170 340 1. . 910 376 1. . 950 335 L. 840 3 65 CALVES 4. . 187 500 1. . 290 600 SG. . 223 625 1. . 300 5 75 2. . 120 6 00 STAGS. 3..1003 4 40 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 445 3 30 3. . 3S6 4 10 13. . 4SO 4 CO 2. 35S 4 00 5. . 612 4 25 24. . 823 4 60 3i 820 4 00 368 4 50 G. . 324 510 10. 606 4 05 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. 1 steer. . . . 830 $3 25 14 heifers. . 822 $1 4" 1 feeder. . 810 350 14 heifers. . 818 4 45 1 steer. . . . 780 3 60 1 feeder. . . COO 4 CO 3 heifers. 023 4 00 24 feeders. . 823 4 60 3 feeders. 823 4 00 63feeders. _ . 844 4 60 LATE YESTERDAY. WYOMING. C. J. Hyshajn. 295 fecders.1127 4 10 HOGS Light receipts , good demand and favorable advices from Chicago sant the hog market up a good lOc this morning. The trade was actlvo nt the advance and the most of the hogs sold early. The prices paid ranged from $440 to $450 , with the long string at $4 42V and a considerable sprinkling at $1 45. Yesterday , it will bo remembered , that the hogs sold at $1 SOQ4 40 , with $4 32'4 the popular price. Today's advance carries the market to the highest point touched so far this season and moreover to the highest point reached since May 17 , 1838 , which was the only day during 1898 when hops sold ns high as they did today. The market Is now 75i(80c ( higher thnn It wns a year ago , S0fl90c higher than two jears , and $170 hightr than three years tigo. Representative snlues : SHEEP Only thrw cars of sheep were reported In the yards this morning , which was not enouwh to take the wire edge off the demand. The result was a good steady market , tha offerings changing hands at very high prices It is doubtful If the same kind of stuff would have brought any more In Chicago than It did here AT has been pointed out before In this connection , there Is a feeling among operators that this mar ket Is too high In comnirlHon to the way Rheep and lambs are selling at other marKet - Kot points and that a large run might break values somewhat , Quotations ; Prune native wothen , 460 , good to choice grass wethenv HIM 430 , fair to pwil pn E3 wethor * $1 75110 good to cho'c. RMe.s rwe $1Vvi1iS goo. to cholco spring limbs. $1 "RfTfi 25 : fair t < good spring Inmlo. $5 25'uf , 76 , comnioi fprltig lamb , $1 ( KVffl 60. feeder wethers $150 3 Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 610 Wyoming owes and wethers. . 106 $4 15 Clilcauu Il\e "lock. OHrr-AOO. Aup -OATTLE-Recelpt- - iodn ) were too llpht to make much of d market II gh grade cnttlo were stronf and iitiMit lOc higher , but commoner gride- sold slowlv , good to fanc > cutllo sold n ! $ > 3. > fl6fiO lonimoner grades bringing $1 40j 530. stockers and feeders sold at $3 . ' .Vif I So , bulls , cows nnd ihelfeis , $2.'Mi62J , Texas .steers. JS'WMS , onlves , $ | oofl i 10 1 HOGS The hog market was again on n boom nnd the ocrninblp for offerings reunited - united In an advance of IMiUVJ. heav > hog' weld nt $403il75 , mixed lot nt $1 35JM M nnd light nt $ laViTl'Hi ( , pigs brought $3758 3 so nnd culls $20i'i3 ? SHEEP lleavj receipts of sheep nnd lambs ngnlti cut prices most sales helm ; mndo nt prices 10jil6c lower for sheep ami about Z5c low or for Iambs , sheep were enlalflo at $2.tXHf12o for Inferior up to $4 M diCPO for good to cholco natives , lamlx sold nt $30'Viil25 for culls up to $50060i ? for choice lots Receipts Cattle. 1500 head , hogs , 13/Wfl head , sheep , 11 , < X > ) head. KniiMtN < M | > IUc Stuck. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 4 CATTM ! Re ceipts , l.SOO head natives 1220 head Texans - ans , very light supplv of good killers , quick sales , stc > , i < lv to lOo higher , oilier guides active and ste-i 1 > hp.i$5 1iVi5 * vo , light. Jl 755iG 45 stotkers and feeders , $4 OOtff 4 " > 0 , butcher cows nnd heifers , $320'ifoOO , ca liners , $250ii32" > , western steers , $4 t If 4 80. Texans. $1 2554 TO HOOiS Receipts. . 170-1 head , good strong market , 10fil6c higher , heavy , $1 45'tt ) 55 , mixed , $140 460 , light , $ l40jjl524. pigs , $1 10ft 4 TO SllEEP-llecelpts , 3 < 00 head , good nc- tlve demand for storker and fouling grades , stc-uly prices , lambs , $3iOTio75 ( , yearlings , $ I.WJT500 , mutton's $1 WJf ! 3Ti , stockers and feeders , $3255MOO ; culls , $250 ' V ork I.Ue Slock. NEW YORK Aug 4 BEEVES Receipts , 2831 head , good beeves stoulj , common , weak to lOc lower , bulls and cows , flrm , ono oar unsold , steers , $1.00115 70 , o\on $3 2i 5TI.75 , bull" , $2 70W3 25 , cows $1 EOJi.i 50 , ca bles firm , no shipments , tomorrow , 725 cat tle , fin sheep and 6.1S1 quirtors of beef CALVES Receipts. f.2) ) > head , lllrin and a sh-ide hlghui , common to prime veals , $1 30 06.75. buttermilks , nomlnnl , grassers , $ } 25 SHEEP AND LAM Its Receipts , 5,753 head ; sheep and good lambs steadv , me dium lambs dull , closing weak , sheep , $1.25 04.JS ; 1 Hubs , $5 25JP7.00. one oar choice , $7 10 HOGS Receipts , 1,500 head , nominally flrm , SI. I.onln I , He Slock. ST LOUIS , Aug 4 CATTLE-Rccelpts. 800 head , market tcidy , fair to best na tive shipping and export steers $1 6005 SO ; dressed beer Pteers , $1 25ffn.40 , steers under 1 000 Ibs , $3.50ir-l 90 ; stockers nnd feeders , n.COf4 S5 ; cows nnd helfert , $2 25'ii5.00 , bulls , f2 30 3.70 , canners , $ LGOff2 75 , Texas nnd In- illin steers , $3 25 < iJ4.90. cows and heifers f2 50138.75. HOGS Receipts , 4000 he-id , market lOc higher , pigs and lights , $4.5 574.65 , packers , M COff 1.70. butchers , $4.7QT4.SO. SU'EEP ' Recelpts , SOO head ; market steady to strong , native muttons , $1 MM ? J.50 , lambs , $4.2iW.65. stockers , $2.50fT3.65j culls and bucks , W.50f3.00 ( , Texnns , $4. St. Jonciili Live Stock , SOUTH ST JOSEPH , Mo , Aug. 4. ( Spe- cl-.l. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts , KOO head ; market lOc higher on natives ; others strong ; qual'tv : ommon ; natives , $450-5(660 ; Toxins nnd westerns , $350g5W > , cows and nelfers. $235 5500 ; bulls and stags , $230N.70 ; vearllngs ind calves , $4 2575 25 ; stotkers and feeders , E3 60 1 75 ; veals , $5 OOffrf 50 HOGS Receipts , 3,500 head ; mirket lOo lilgher ; heavy und medium $4 42V41N G2H : light , $4 45fM 55 ; pigs , $4 0001.40 ; bulk ot sales. $445MCO SHEEP ( Receipts , 300 head ; market ac- Uve and steady. Stock in Sight. Following are the receipts at tile four principal western markets for August 4 : Cattle , Hogs Sheep. Dmaha . 1,153 4 97b 7S1 Chicago . 1,500 13,000 11000 Kansas City . 3,020 4,700 3,800 3t. Louis . SOO 4,000 800 Totals . 6475 26t > 76 16,389 Find Lieutenant Ilrjile Onllty. ALBANY. N. Y. , Aug. 4. The general 3ourt-martlal convened to try First Lieu tenant Wqsley E. Brydo of the Ninth reg iment , National Guard of New York , who accused of directing the names of Ser geant DoJamor and Corporal Reldy to bo placed upon the muster and pay roll of Company F , Ninth regiment , National Ouard of Now York. Qualified for service in the volunteer service and entitled to pay as members of the National Guard , of New 1'ork , submitted its findings to the adjutant general today. The court found Brydo guilty of abetting the deception and sen tenced him to be dismissed from the service. Bryde pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the scheme , but denied that ho caused tha names to be placed on a pay roll. Fe'ter Abating at Vcra Crnr. NEW YORK , Aug. 4. United States Con sul William W. Canada , who Is stationed a Vera Cruz. Mexico , arrived hero today 01 the steamer Vlgilancla. Mr. Canada sal ( that at the time of his departure ycllov fever was abating at Vera Cruz. Then had been seventy-eight deaths from tlili cause in the lost week of Juno and onlj seventeen deaths In the last week of July Every precaution is taken to prevent tin spread of the disease. Mr. Canada unit that only ono yellow fever patient had es. capcd from the Santa Cruz quarantine That ono got aboard a schooner and went tc New Orleans. ChrlNilan Riideiivorem AVuiit Space NEW YORK , Aug. 4. Hon. Ferdinam : W. Peck , commissioner general to the Paris exposition , has been requested to glvo th < Christian Endeavor society people space foi a building of its own at the exposition ir Paris next year. In the building will be shown Christian Endeavor literature , pho. tographs of conventions , including those nl the far east and Europe , as well ns of Amcr lea , nnd Endeavor souvenirs of nil [ sorts A meeting of the national presidents of the Christian Endeavor societies wllf also take place in the building. Ilnlilicrn Secure n Nice Hull. WBLLSI3URG , W. Va , Aug. 4. Fout masked burglars forced their way into the lonely farm house of Dr. Joseph Parkinson some time during the night and after bind ing and gagging the Inmates , who were ull women , a careful search for valuables was made. The robbers secured government bonds valued at $1000 , $75 In money nnd n lot of silverware and Jewelry. They then locked the women in an upstairs room and hastily drove off. There Is no clew to their Identity. VlMliorn foinlMK til I' PLATTSI3UUG , N. Y , , Aug , 4. Abner Me- Klnley , the president's brother , arrived lit Hotel Clmmplnln this morning for a short stay. Vice President Hobart Is expected to arrive tomorrow from Long Branch , At. torney General Grlggs has rented a cottage hero for the remainder of August and Sec retaries Gage and Root are expected dur ing the president's stay. Postmaster Gen eral and Mrs , Smith win prolong their stay beyond tbo time originally set for their de parture , Ip oy Ilcocpllon In > IM > Yorlf. NBW YORK , Aug. 4 The Dewey recep tion committee has received a telegram from Adjutant General Henry of Mississippi ask ing If the number of troops from outsldo states Invited to take part In the land pa rade is limited Secretary Foster replied that the city would entertain all the KoMlem that camo. Offers from patriotic societies asking for places In the land parade have been received and accepted. 1951 H.R.PEHME-Y&CO. ROOM4HrLIFEBLDa BRANCH 1030 rUSt OMAHA IUB UnCCUIHtR JAMES E. BOYD & 00 , , Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCKS UOAII ( ) OH TIIADI ! . Dltti-t Mlr m to Cblcttfd and New York. Crr pouil atit Jofca JL. Yhwrta * Cta. Traveling Read The Bee \ Hero Is Where You Will Find it in tUo Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. Jntne * M. Codnnl. , ATLANTA. GA. Ktnibnlt llouto ftewi Stnud. BOSTON , I'ulillo Mlirurj. Vrndome Hotel Doituii l'rp Club , 14 Hocrrorth BC BUFFALO. Genetco Hotel Aerm Stand. BUTTB. Win. Shields. CAMBRIDGE , MASS. Harvard L'ncr lty Library. CHEYEMNE. B. A LciKan , 212 Welt Kith It. Cheyenne Club , CHICAGO. Auditorium Annexe ! r Stand. .Vuillliirliiin Hotel : \ eSuiid. . ( mini Pnrlllc Hotel NPTTH Mnnd. Ureat > orlirn Hotel OT Stand. I'nlmer HOIIMCOMA : Stand. 1'oitofllro MMYH Stnnd , No. 317 Dear * burn Mrect A uolnteil Adtcrtlicr'i Club , Palniofl Haimc. CLEVELAND. IVeddell Ili1iinv. The Iloltondvit. Commercial Traveler * * AaioolntloB * Mo oiilc Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. Printer. ' Home. DENVER. llrovrn Hotel NOMH Stand. Hamilton A Kendrlek , tlll-0ia 17th > Mol.nlii , J > ltt .V Co. , 8.13 .sixteenth St. I'rntt Mercantile Co. . 1.117 Unrimer St , The sintloner Co. , ir.tli u d Lo.TVr i > < Streelit. Wluilnor Hotel Kctvm Stand. DBS MOINES. Uo c Jncobn , rtncU Inland Depot. V. M. U. A. HuuUtiiK lloam. DULUTH , MINN. Wltm A Ilcniiett , 14 > V. Superior SU FORT SMITH , ARK. U. B , A. llendlnir Ilooiu HAVANA , CUBA. InKlnterrn Hotel Hendlua noon. HONOLULU , H. I. Honolulu Hotel Ileadlne Hoom. HELENA. W. A. Monrc , Othreuu * and Main lib tlolenn 1'nbllo Llbrnry. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. George Ollmon. HOT SPRINGS. A.RK. D. n.Voiiier A Co. P. C. Bovlnif. L. D. Cooper A Co. , OSO Central ATk KANSAS CITY. llobert Jlcld. 1O22 McGuo Bi. Co at CM , < onseTT Stand. ) Ilnurl HeLUiblloau Club , 008 BnltU more Ate. IMiblla Library. [ UclinecUer Clgnr Co , Oth mnd AVnlnnl opposite I * . O. Railway Y. H. C. A. , room 27 Unlcm Depot , KuiiHnu City , Mo. Public Library. LEXINGTON , KY. IT. M. O. A. llendlnc noom. LINCOLN. W. S. Edmlatoii , 112U O Btroot , Dellr * cry Aaciit. LOS ANGELES. Oliver & Halnc * , 1OO 8. SprlnB Bt > V. D. Hnti com , ' 122 S. Mulu St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Jlmrlcs A. G11HK' * Amerlcnn I xchouc4 ii CockBpur St. , Trufuljjrar Sci , , S. W. MANILA , P. I. Andrerr F. Scholia , Cor. Puenta d Bnpano , nnd Caoolta Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. Public Library. , . , IVcat Hotel Netra Stand. NEW YORK , hooper Union Library. ? ltth Atcituo Hotel NOTTH Stand , rifth ATCIHIO Hotel Ittrudlnn Rooifc Cmplrc Hotel. Jroome btreet Library. Holland Itoime Iteadlnff Ho on * . [ lolTmau Home , [ mperliil Hotel Ne-rrn Stand , llocliaiilcu' and Trader * ' No. 18 Uimt Sixteenth ftreat. 'rr n Club , 12U Aaaian It. EVeatmlnvter Hotel lleailln * LVIndior Hotel Head I OUT tlaot . r. 91. O. A. , 23d Street &nd 4tk OGDEN. ( V. AVcbb , 2405 Wit hlM to AT * . IV. G. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE , lo-rr York Herald Ileadln * U , 43 Ave , d 1'Opera. rho . Cook & Soim , 1 Av . Am l'4k erm. PONCE , PORTO RICO. Cone & Geitroui. PORTLAND. ORB. , V. D. Joil * , 301 Alder St ortland Hotel Kotr Stn m , PHILADELPHIA. levoantlle Library. SACRAMENTO. nbllo JLIbrary. SAN FRANCISOa 'ukllo Library. SAU JUAN , PORTO RIC * . total taiflnterru RemAlma SANTA ANA , CAL. ! ant Ana , free 1'ubllo Llbribrr , ; SALT LAKE CITY. „ F. Hummel , Lro uui 11i * tM I lalt LuUe Xtivr * O * . J 'ubllo Library. SEATTLE Juntern Neiv Co. , ill ( I 1-1 rUM Vt. L , T. Luiidhcrir. ieoree K. Ward. SIOUX CITY. larrettnon Iliilrl > e T 8ta C londuniln Hotel Tfenn Sit Hud. lotrl Veiidnuin .Ne T * HtumAt Jonwuy A. ICiilL-UerliocUer. ubllo I.llirurj. ; c-rald KlfiKll'bon , TOO r * tll 1C ioy Allen , U l Center Ht. f. M. C. A. Itrudlnir ItooM , SPOKANE. elm XV Graham TM-1M Klrvrilds Aveuue , ST. JOSEPH. Irnndnw' * Neyv Stand , TS1 Kdmon4 trcrl. / lunotlon New * Stnnd , OO4 H Bi Md tt ' ( f , M. C. A. Itendliiir lto M , k ST PAUL , MIRN. > r Clnli , V'lnilior Hotel. ST. IOUIS 3. J. Jett , 80(1 Ollt * V . MunliTM1 Hotel > trv 'iililln Library WASHINGTON , D. 0. ' Hotel Nrrr * tttnaA , Hotel , lonurexlniml Library. BTlcultuial DepurluiiOt Ltnrory , tcuabllouu Natluaal