THE OMAHA DATT/V B.EE : 3EOXDAT , JITLT ,11 , 1890 , NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.Mm Davis sells glass. lloorc's food kllfs wormn ami fattena. Flro escapes for buildings at Blxby'B. nudwclser beer. L. Kosonfoldt. ngent. Picture frames. C. E. Alexander & Co. Judson , panturage , 929 6th nve. Tel. 248. Mrs. L. S. Utillcrd returned Saturday from her visit to Chicago. J. W. 1'crcRoy Is confined to his home by Illness of a serious nature. 0. IJ. Jacqucmln & Co. , Jewelers and op ticians. 27 South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. II. KcndnH and family ere vlflltlng relatives In Davenport. Get your work done at the popular Eagle laundry. 724 llroadway. 'Phone 107. Officer Ham Albro leaves tomorrow for Ne. braska City on n three weeks' vacation. Miss Stella Gilbert reaves this morning fern n visit with relatives at Stanberry , Mo. Mro. George V. Wright left last evening for Dubuque on a visit to her daughter. William Olthort leaves In a day or so for Sioux City , where ho has accepted n position. Miss May Davenport and Miss Mnudp Smith arc spending the summer nt Nan- tucket. W. II. DcFrnnce , conductor on the Omaha ST. St. Louie , removes this week to Shrcvc- port , La. Miss DoilRo Is expected home shortly from Cohn sett. Mass. , where she has been spend ing the summer. L. H. Kcimnl received word yesterday of the death of his mother In Paris , France , nt the age of 73 years. Mrs. ! ' . K. English and children have re turned from their visit to Dunlap , Carroll , mid other Iowa points. Mrs. Sophie Quimbly of Warren , O. , ar rived Saturday on a visit to her bt other , A. II. Moore , of Sixth avenue. Mrs. Ohio Knox of Park avenue , who un derwent a surgical operation Saturday , Is re ported to bo progressing nicely. Mrs. A. T. Elwcfl and sons of Willow nvcnuo have returned from an extended visit with relatives In Iowa City. Miss Nannie Hardin , who went to Call-- forola with the Wood Allen excursion party- is expected home this morning. ' Mrs. H. I ) . Sawyer and Mrs. Prank Davis of Chicago , arc visiting Mrs. Sawyer's mother , Mrs. Henn , of Vine street. John McDcrmott , accompanied bv his two grandsons , Vincent and Raymond , left Satur day for an extended visit In Dakota. Miss Maymo Hllr , who has been visiting relatives here on Fifth avenue returned to her homo In Kansas City last evening. II. C. Scheldlo and wife , W. L. Mitchell , wife and son. nnd Will Scheldl'c , have re turned from their outltiK at Noble's lake. Hev. Albert Venting , pastor of the First Baptist church , and son , Albert , are ex pected home from Dcnlson this morning. Clarence B. Leech of Company L , Flfty- flrst Iowa , Is expected home this week , hav ing arrived In San Francisco last Monday. The condition of Overseer of the Poor T. C. Jackson was reported to be very serious yesterday and fears nre entertained of Ills recovery. Miss Tcssle Coyne has arrived from Colorado rado Springs for a visit with her mother. Her health Is much Improved by the Colorado rado climate. Alderman and Mrs. L. M. Shwbert are en- tcrtatning Mr. and Mrs. Hnrofd Ware , former residents of this city , now located at Lisbon , la. John Merkel of Primrose & West's min strels , who has been spending the summer with his parents In this city , left for Chicago cage yesterday. AValter Goodenoilgh of the medical depart ment of the State university at Iowa City Is visiting his father , J. E. Goodenough , on Seventh avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Roberts of St. Louis , who have been In the city for several days attending the exposition , leave for their lioino this evening. Miss Genevlove Baldwin has gone to Chicago cage to meet her father , Mr. John N. Bald win , and brother , who have been east. They are expected homo today. Miss Etta Maxwell , stenographer in the office of Colonel1 J. J. Steadman , clerk of the United States district court , has 're turned from lier vacation trip. Alderman and Mrs. J. B. Atkins and City Physician Lacey and son. Thomas , returned . yesterday morning from Spirit Lake , where I they have been spending the summer. I Mr. and Mrs. Hopper of Hastings , Neb. , nnd Mrs. L. Howe of Falrfleld , Neb. , who have been \lsltlng relatives here for the last two weeks , returned to their homes yes terday. Ernest E. Hart returned from Mnnltou , Colo. , yesterday. He reports that Mrs. Hart Is convalescing from her recent severe 11N ncss. After a short stay here he will rejoin / his family In Colorado. f Dell G. Morgan and John Bohn returned \ Saturday evening from a three weeks' Hsh- Ing Jaunt In Yellowstone park. They enJoyed - Joyed excellent sport nnd brought homo a good supply of llsh for their families. Mis. Warner Welsh , who has bern visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Oliver , of Park avenue , left last evening for Chicago to Join her husband on n trip on the lakes. They will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pulker. Cards have been received In this city nn- nounclng the marriage of Martin Beck nnd Miss Sara Sonnenberg at San Francisco yes terday afternoon. Mr. Martin Beck was a former resident of this city. Mr. nnd Mis. J. P. Wllcox will attend the convention of the American Association of Florists In Detroit. During their absence their children will visit In Colorado and Mr. and Mrs. Wllcox win Join them later for n trip to the Pacific coast. Hev. Myron C. Waddcll , pastor of the Broadway Methodist church , leaves today for Dos Moines on a visit to his mother. From there he will go to Colfax for u short Etay nnd wilt deliver the assembly sermon on Thursday. Ho expects to be away about a > \ cek. President Jacob Sims and Member J , J. Stewart of the Board of Education left for DCS Molnra last evening , where today they will appear before State. Superintendent Bar rett as attorneys for the school board In the High sflhool site appeal case of T. W. Smith , Mr. Sims will stop over to attend the repub lican state convention , The colored people of Council Bluffs will celebrate Emancipation day Tuesday of this week with a gathering nnd picnic nt Union Driving park. They will parade , forming In line at Fourth street and Broadway at 11 o'clock and marching from there to the Northwestern depot. Tbo parade will be In command of Captain II. Hoblnson and First Lieutenant Fred Stone. N. V. Plumbing ; ompao > . Tel. 260. Omaha Pcepfe If you want shoes , come over to Economy shoo store , 502 Broadway. Council Uluffs. We are open Monday nnd Saturday evenlnijs late. Wo will pay your car f.ire and save you money. Come and try. T. N. BHAY. O. Younkcrman & Co. , grape baskets , bar rels , and all fruit packages. CASTOR I A. For lufauts and Children. Vii9 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears .ho Signature ot LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT lor Cnili or l.imncU on. K. II. SltnAKB .t CO. , I'cnrl blrcet , Oouuoll UlniU. ICMVA. VIGOROUS WAR ON WEEDS Oity Authorities Propose to Have Them Outer or Know the Beaten Why , RECENT ORDINANCE WILL BE ENFORCED Otviiern of Property Will lie Xotlllctl to Cut WrcdH on Their Lot * or I'llthe Uxiiciim- City UoltiK It. The fact that the "weed" ordinance re cently passed by the city council provdles that property owners shall cut the weeds on their lots and parking In front before August 1 of each year will not prevent the ordinance from being enforced this year. Alderman Casper , chairman of the streets and alleys committee , father of the meas ure , states that the ordinance will be rigIdly - Idly unforced at least so far as property In the heart of the city Is concerned. The city authorities will not this year , ho says , attempt to enforce It so far as the suburbs nre concerned except to see to It that the weeds along the parkings are cut down. Alderman Casper Intends to take the mat ter In hand personally and will this week commence an active campaign against the weeds with a view of Improving the general appearance of the city. The owners of all lots whcto the weeds have been allowed to grow unstrained will bo notified to cut them down at once nnd on failure to do so wlthlr a reasonable time , the street super visors will bo Instructed to have the work done and the cost will be taxed up against the property the same way as the cost of repairs to sidewalks are now assessed. Alderman Casper thinks the ordinance will be one that will work well and ful fill the purpose for which It was framed , namely the Improving of the appearance of the city. Any lot can be freed from weeds , fie says , at a cost to the owner of not to exceed 25 cents to half a dollar , but It the property owner neglects to or refuses to pay any attention to the notice the cost of cut ting the weeds by the time the work Is done by the street supervisor will amount to $2 or perhaps more. When property own ers realize this Alderman Casp6r Is of the opinion that they will be only too willing to have- the work done themselves. There are a large number of vacant lots on the car line between the city and Omaha which are covered with rank growths of weeds and Alderman Casper intends to go after them first. The appearance of these lots , ho says , gives visitors from across the river to Council Bluffs a bad impression of the city. The ordinance provides that In case where the owners of weed-covered lots are non resident and personal notice cannot be served on them , ten days' notice by publica tion , once In a local paper , shall bo sufficient. If , at the expiration of that time , the weeds have not been cut , then the city ehall go ahead , do the work and charge up the cost against the property. Any person objecting to the order to cut the weeds on his property from any cause must file his objections In "writing with the city clerk on or before the expiration of tho1 ten'diys' notlce.iwhich shall .be "passed upon by the city council at its next meet ing. Under this ordinance porperty owners are not only compelled to keep their lots free from weeds , but must also keep the parking between the sidewalk and the curb line clear from such growth In front of their hold ings. _ - _ \ Scientific optician. Wollma.2 Br'dway. TO TUB IlISPUIIliIOAV CONVENTION. IfU'Ki le from Pottnwnttnmlr County Co to Dux MolitOH To n I ; rli < . The majority of the delegates from Pot- tawattnmle county to the republican state convention at DCS Molnea , to bo held Wed nesday , will leave for the capital city to night. The delegation has no axes to grind , and In consequence Its twenty-six members will cut quite a figure In the con test for the nomination for supreme Judge , which promises to be the only fight before the convention. The delegation , It Is said , has no particular preferences and to which of the six candidates It will throw lie twenty-six votes Is , It Is claimed , yet a matter of conjecture. The candidates for the nomination of supreme Judge are Judge G. S. Robinson , of Sioux City , the present Incumbent , ' who Is now finishing his second term of BX ! years ; Judge George W. Burn- ham of Vinton , Judge John Sherwin of Ma son City , Judge E. S. Houston of Burling ton , Judge Robert Sloan of Keosauqua , Judge T. iM. Fee of Centcrvflle , and Judge James D. Glffen of Marlon. All of Judge Robinson's opponents , with the exception of Judge Given , at present hold positions on the district bench , The other nominations to bo made by the convention are : Governor , lieutenant gov ernor , superintendent of public Instruction nnd railroad commissioner. On these there wll bo no contest" and the present incum bents will nil bo given rcnomlnntlons. All the candidates for the uprcmo Judgeshlp nomination have established hcaduacjrters at the Savory house. The headquarters of the state central committee are in the Ob servatory building. Everything Indicates that the convention will bo one of the larg est and most enthusiastic republican gath erings held In thin titate for many yearn. The senatorial fight , It is conceded , will rot enter directly Into the convention , but outside It undoubtedly win be tbo ono ab sorbing question , and the ono which will attract the attention of every delegate. It Is expected , however , that the organization of the convention and ho makeup of the several committees will , to some extent , Indicate the strength of the two factions , Many of the friends of both candidates are , It Ifl said , anxious that anything like a showing of strength bo avoided , It Is , however - over , just possible that the followers of Senator Gear , if they find they have the control of the convention , may attempt to pass resolutions endorsing the return of their candidate to the United States senate. The convention will bo called to order by Chairman Hancock of the tstate central com mittee , and the temporary organization will bo ns follows1 Chairman , Hon. Charles E , PIckett of Waterloo ; secretary , Howard Tedford of Mount Ayr ; sergeant-at-arms , Colonel J. W. Evans of Jones county ; door keeper , James H , WlUon of Adalr. The twenty-six deleeates from Pottnwat- tamlo are as follows ; F. Hannah , W. F. Chester , J , L. Blanchard , Ed , Young , C. P , Swarm , A. A. Bruen , J , M. Tolllnger , Alex. Osier , N. Suckdorf , George Nusum , Law rence Kerney , E. W. Hlgglns , L. M. Shu- bert , I. N. Fllcklnger , C. Spruit , N. C. Phillips , J. I ) . Edmundson , John Lindt , C. M , Harl , William Lareen , W. J. Davenport , John N. Baldwin , George M. Putnam , Fred , Hoist , Ernest E. Hart and W. S , Balrd. N , 0. I'hllllrs and I. N. Fllcklnger left for DCS Molnt's last evening , the latter hav ing to appear for T. W. Smith In the High school lte appeal case before State Super intendent Barrett today T o Sunday WoililliiR * , Mr. Leonard Prnltt and Mlis Frances Ko- hnw were married jesttrday uftcruoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Peter son , No. 37 Scott street. The ceremony wis performed In the presence of only the In timate frlcndfl and near relatives of the bride and bridegroom by Rev. Henry Do Long. Mr. George IlemmclRchr and Mlm Leona Pace were married yesterday morning at the homo of the bride's brothers , Rev. Henry DeLong officiating. A largo number of relatives nnd friends were present and following the ceremony an elegant luncheon was served. The couple were the recipients of many presents. Davis Bells paint. Hoc Milken ( Jo nil ProscrrnH. ConHldcrablo Interest Is being taken locally In the ride from N'ew York to San FranCisco - Cisco on n bicycle by Messenger Albert V. Roe of the. Postnl > Telegraph company , from the fact that the lad Is an lown hey , > ils home being at Grlnnell , nnd C. S. Barker , the company's agent nt this point , Is bvlnrr kept duly advised ns to Roe's progress across the country. The latest advices re ceived by Mr. Barker from H. E. Wilson , manager of the company's New York office , nre that Roe Is riding on an average sixty- five miles a day , and has already passed the automobile In which Mr. and Mrs. Davis started to make the same trip several days before ho left New York. Messenger Roe claims the championship ns the one-armed long distance rider In the United States and has been awarded more than a dozen medals for long distance wheel riding. Ho Is only 19 years of ngo and was unfortun ate enough to lose his left arm while switching cars In Los Angeles , Cal. Man ager Barker Intendo to give Roe a royni reception when he reaches Council Bluffs. Davis setts the best hammocks. WeUbach burners nt Blxby's. Tel. 193. Siinilny School Plnilr. The people of Downsvllle nnd Pleasant Hill will hold a Sunday school picnic at Ward's Grove , two miles east of Wenton , on Saturday , August ID. They have Invited Crescent City , Hazel Dell , Underwood , Weston , Quick , Hardln and Edgewood tn join them. A large degelatlon from Council Bluffs will attend , nnd Rev. Myron C. Wud- dell , pastor of the Broadway Methodist church , will deliver the principal addres * of the dny. A number of five-minute talks will be led by Rev. Alexander LItherland , pnstor of the Second Preabyterlan church ol this city. Following the addresses , the day will be given over to the children , of whom It Is expected some hundred will be In at tendance. Lowest prices , easy terms. The best and largest stock of pianos at Swanson Music company. Masonic Tnmnle. CanillilntP for I'ytlilltii Honor * . IOWA FALLS , la. , July 30. ( Spe cial. ) Before the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias , which meets at Davenport next month , W. T. S. Rath , of this county , will bo a candi date for election to the office of grand mas ter of the exchequer. Mr. Rath Is a well- known citizen of Ackley and Is a prominent knight and was elected to the position he now holds at Council Bluffs last year. Ho has proven to be a good officer and the members of the order In this section will ask his re-election as a representative on the official roster of the grand lodge. loira Political Ilrlrfn. Louisa county declared for Gear. . Washington county republicans indorsed Gear. i Henry county declared for Gear and nomi nated Washington Mullln for representative. Black-Hawk county democrats In conven tion formally presented S. H. Basher as a candidate for governor. Mahaska county endorsed Gear and nomi nated L. C. Blancbard for the senate nnd W. G. Jones for the house. The republican convention at Muscatlno took no action on the senatorshlp , but the majority of the delegates to the statp con vention nre claimed to be Cummins men. Warren county democrats have nominated thp following ticket : Representative , Harry McGrlff ; treasurer , P. H. Walsh , sheriff , F. A. Griffin ; superintendent of schools , Palef Plcrson ; member of Board of Supervisors , E. P. Anderson. The coroner and surveyor will be nominated by the county central committee. The Johnson county republican convention rFected Its delegates to the state convention Saturday afternoon. No instructions were given , but the delegation stands , It Is be lieved , nine for Gear and five for Cummins. For supreme Judge , It Is almost solid for Robinson , who will probably get twelve votes to Burnbam's two. Judge Robinson stands especlniry high In this , city , his old home. State Senator Cyrus S. Ranch , for the first time In his life , wns chosen ns n delegate to a republican convention. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER TlirrnfrnliiK mil ! " \Varnior In No- lirnxUn Toilay nnil Tomorrow Vnrlalilr AVInilx. WASHINGTON . July 30. Forecast for Monday nnd Tuesday : For Nebraska Threatening and warmer Monday ; threatening Tuesday and variable winds. For South Dakota Threatening Monday ; probably threatening and cooler Tuesday ; variable winds. For Iowa Throatonlng Monday and proba bly Tuesday ; varlablu winds. For Kansas Threatening Monday and probably Tuesday ; variable winds. For Missouri Threatening Monday , with warmer In central and northern portions ; threatening Tuesday ; southeast to southwest winds. For Wyoming Generally fair Monday , with cooler In northwest third portion ; fair nnd cooler Tuesday ; variable winds. I.oral Itfciiril , OFFICB OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , July 30. Omaha record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last thren years : 1859. 169S. 1537. 1S36. ( Maximum temperature . . 78 75 03 so Minimum temperature . . . 03 M 73 U ) Average temperature . . . . 70 fi7 S3 79 Precipitation 00 .no ,00 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for tills day ana since March 1 , 1S33 : Normal for the day 7fl Dellclency for the day G Accumulated deficiency since March 1 2S5 Normall rainfall for the day 13 inch Dellclency for the day 13 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 H.03 inches Deficiency since March 1 3.M Inches Dellclency for i-or. period , IKS 1.76 Inches Dellclency for cor. period , 1897. . . . fi.&S inches IU-l > or < from Million * nt 8 p. m. T Indicates trace of precipitation. lA'CIltS A.VKI SII. Local Forecast Olliclal. LITTLE CONTEST IN IOWA Kepublican Slatu Convention Will Be Held in Dos Moines Next Wednesday ! WILL RENOMINATE STATE OFFICERS Only I'luM Will lie on ( lie Supreme vnlilpt ' < " * Wlili'li There Are Slv or Seicn. ClIlllllllllU-N. DES MOINES , In. , July 30. Delegates and politicians arc gathering hero ( or tbo re publican state convention , which meets on Wednesday. The convention wlir be com posed of 1.2SO delegates niul practically all of them will bo In attendance. The convention will meet In the now Auditorium , which Is capable of seating 3,500 persons. Charles B. 1'lckctt of Waterloo will be the temporary chairman and will deliver the address , The convention will rcnomlnatc Governor Li. M. Shaw , Lieutenant Governor J. C. MIN llman , State Superintendent of Schools K , C. Barrett and Hnllroad Commissioner 1C. A. . IJawson. The only contest will bo on the supreme Judge-ship , for which there nre the following 'candidates ' : G. S. Koblnson , present Incum bent ; OcorgoV. . Burnham , John C. Slier- win , George D. Glffen , T. M. Fee , Sloan and one or two others. The resolutions will endorse the St. Louis platform and McKlnley's administration , In cluding the war policy in the 1'hlllpplnee and will probably contain an antl-trusl plank. There Is no leading state issue. covrusT run TIII : SHVATOIISIIII' . L'liilniH of tin' .MnmiKrr * of UuItlvnl AniliriinlN for ( lie IMiirc. DES MOINES , In. , July .10. ( Special. ) The Gear men figure up the results of the senatorial fight as follows : "Fifteen sena torial and representative conventions have been held this week , covering six COURTS- slonal districts , with results as follows : Either by Instruction , expressed preference or pledges : Senatorial , Fourteenth dlstr'ct ' , Gear ; Twenty-seventh. Cummins ; Seven teenth , Cummins. Representative Slx'y- elghth district. Gear ; Fifty-seventh , Gear ; Fiftieth , Gear ; Eighty-ninth , Gear ; Elev enth , Gear ; Thirty-eighth , Gear ; Twenty- fifth , Gear ; Thirty-second , Gear ; Twenty- fourth , Gear ; Thirty-ninth , Cummins ; Fifty- third , Cummins ; Seventy-first , unpledged. Total Cummins , 4 ; Gear , 10 ; unpledged , 1. The first choice of the senator from the Twenty-seventh district is Dolllver. but l\c will undoubtedly vote for Cummin1 ? . "In the Thirty-ninth representative dis trict there are Instructions for Cummlne by the county convention , but the nominee claims that he was nominated at a primary election without Instructions and that he will vote In accordance with the wishes of hla constituents , who , it is claimed , are for Gear. " The Cummins figures are as follows : Forty- four nominations have been made bv re publicans for members of the house of rep resentatives. Of the forty-four at least twenty arc unquestionably for Mr. Cummins for United States senator. Not to exceed thirteen are for MrGear. . Eleven are counted In the doubtful column , but at least six of them may fairly be counted among the Cummins men. To date eighteen nom inations haye been unarte for the senate. There nre ten holdover republican senators. Of the twenty-eight at least sixteen are for Mr. Cummins , not to exceed eight are for Gear and four are doubtful. MyntorlouK Dlniiintenrniico of Farmer , DOWS , la. , July 30. ( Special. ) A very singular case has happened In the last few days here and the com munity Is anxiously awaiting devel opments. A man by the name of R. S. Glle a prominent farmer living four miles wesl of here , took his single horse and carriage and drove to Clarion , la. , and left the horse and carriage In a livery barn there and ha : not been seen nor heard of since. Ho Is a man of quite a largo family and also owns considerable property. He has had no fam ily troubles and his departure was very much a surprise. His friends are anxiously waiting to hear of his whereabouts. Thej can find no trace of him after ho arrived at Clarion and all inquiries have been in vain. Chilli vrHJi Hint ; In UN Thrnnl. BBLMOND , la. , July 30. ( Special. ) The 11-monthe-old child of Mr. and Mrs. E.V. . Iiiilck got a wlro ring from a funnel into its larynx , causing oedema of the glottis and almost completely obstructing the refi- plration. A physician was summoned and performed the operation known as larynxgotomy , removing the ob struction through the external openIng - Ing , when the child was resuscitated and at piesent Is breathing through the tube , Should no complications arise the little one will recover , Mr. Lulck Is an extensive fanner living In the north-eastern part ol Belmond. Roland Is their only child. Tiilirrt'iiloHlN lit O'nttlc * FORT DODGE , la. , July 30. ( Special. ) The dairy tests for tuberculosis which ara being conducted here by State Veterinary Gibson are showinc startling results. Yes terday the herd of the Oak Lawn dairy was examined and out of a herd of thirty-eight cattle eleven answered to the test , elvlns about 30 per cent. This Is considered unusu ally large and Is an alarming evidence of tbo presence of tuberculosis in cattle. [ LETTER TO MIS. riNTOAU NO , " DKAH Mns. PINKHAM For some time I hnvo thought of writing to you to let you know of the great benefit I have received from the use of Mrs Johnson * Lydia E. Pink- Saved from hum's Vegeta Insanity by ble Compound. PlnkhamSoon after the Mrs Plnkham , birth of my first child , 1 com menced to have spells with my spine. Every month I grew worse and nt last became so bnd that I found I was gradually losing my mind. ' The doctors treated m < ? for female troubles , but I got no better. Ono doctor told me that I would be insane. 1 was advised by a friend to give Lydia E. I'inlcham's Vegetable Compound a trial , and before I had taken all of the first bottle my neighbors noticed the change in me. "I have now taken five bottles and cannot find words sufficient to praise it. I advi&e every woman who Is suffering1 from any female weakness to give It a fair trial. I thank you for your good medicine. " Mus. GKRTRUUE M. JOIIN- BOX , JONESBOHO , TEXAS. Mr . Ferklni' I-etter. "I had female trouble of all kinds , had three doctors , but only grew worse. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver I'ills and used the Sanative Wash , and can' not praise your remedies enough. " Mns. EKFIK PERKINS , PEARL , LA. Boys' Shoes That Will Wear. We are agents in Council Bluffs for Excelsior Shoe Go's Boys * Slioea. ' If your boy has ever had a pair of them yon know what they are and if he hasn't , you haven't boon getting the best thing in the market and you know the best don't wear a boy any too long. Hoys' Satin Calf Lace Show , $1.23. Hoys' Colt Shin ace Show. $1.7- . Hoys' Highland Calf Qulltoil IHitton Shoes , Youth's Satin CnlTLnco Shoo , Jl-00. Youth's Colt Skin Lace Shoos , $ l0. $2.00. Youth's Highland Calf Quilted Button Shoes Hoy' Tan Calf I ice Shoo. $1.40. Hoys' Tan Hiuvla Calf Lace Shoos , $1.75. Youth's Tnn Calf I.ace Show , $1.25. Youth's Tnn UueMh Calf Lacn Shoos. $1.50. , , ' " Vlcl KM Dress Shoe * . $2 25 Boys' Kangaroo Calf Lace Shoos , $1 50. Youth's flno Vlcl KM Dross Shoos , $2.00. Youth's line Vlcl KM Drcsa Shorn , $200. If you haven't time to come with your boy send him alone and wo will lit him , and i you don't like the shoes send them back and got your money. 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs. BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Gar Service , DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. Men and Women Were Intended to He Strong , Healthy niul Vigorous Rlectrlalty Sniinlled Iiy Dr. Ilritnett'n Electric Hell In the ( Jrcntoxt Haon ICnomi for Wcnlc People Indorsed by Phj-nl- clniis nnd Itecoiiiincudcd by 10,000 Cured I'ntleuta. Electricity Is the ono great remedy for the Ills of men nnd women that may be relied upon It cannot fall failure Is Im possible. All weaknesses and Loss of Vital Force comes from n lack of Elec- * trlclty in the system. To be well this Vital and Nerve Force must be supplied that Is what my Electric Belt Is for to supply this bsent Force and Vigor. Electricity ns np- ylled through the medium of my Belt la the only- remedy that will do for you \Yhat Is claimed for It. It goes directly to the lent of the weakness. Try It and you will not bo disappointed. It will far exceed your fondest hopes. It will cure you quickly , pleasantly and permanently. It will * lve rou satisfaction from the beginning. It en larges and hardens all thj muscles of the body. It cures nervous prostration and loss of brain power. Dr , Bennett's ' Electric Belt Is no experiment. Weaknesses of men and women vanish before Its potent flame. It will make men and women of all ages itrong nnd vigorous. It has soft , silken chamols-c o v o r ed c p o nge cloctrodcs that cannot burn and blister as do the bare metal elec trodes used on all ether makes of Belts. My o 1 e e- trodes alone cost more to manufac ture than the en tire belt of the old- style mokes. There are poor counter- feltn of my elec trodes out. Do not be misled. Take a counterfeit bank note to the bank and the teller will stamp It "no good. " The public will stamp counterfeits of meritorious articles "no good. " The prices of my Electric Belts are only about half what Is asked for the old-stylo kind that burn , nnd I am sure they are within the financial reach of all the allllcted. I guarantee my Belt to euro Sexual Impo- tcncy , Lost Manhood , Varlcocele , Sperma torrhoea nnd all Sexual Weaknesses In either sex ; restore shrunken or Undeveloped Organs nnd Vitality ; cure Kidney , Liver and Bladder Troubles ; Rheumatism In any form , Chronic Constipation , Nervous and General Debility , Dyspepsia , all Female Complaints , etc. etc.Call or write today. I will send you ray Book About Electricity , symptom blanks and testimonials free for the asking. My Electrical Suspensory for the cure of the va rious weaknesses of men Is free to every rnalo purchaser of QUO of my belts. Dr. Bennett noon * SO nnd SI TJousrlnn HI nek , % naua. , loth and Dodcco Htrneti , $5.00 A MOWTH. DR. WScGREW , SPECIALIST , TrejliellFomucf DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yean Fxperltnce , 12 Years In Omaha. , KI.KCTIIICITV and JMKIIK'AI , Treatment - combined. Varicoccle , Stricture , Syphilis , Lostof Vigor and Vitality. CUIlKSfilTAKANTKKI ) . Cliarifes low. IIOMII rilKtT3Ii\T. : Hook , Consultation and Kxain. liiatiou Free Hours. 8a in tou ; 7tuHj > in. Sunday. ' * to 12 ] > O. Hox7CO Office , N. K. Cor Hthaiiil Firnani Streets. OMA1I A NEU , REMOVED - W. C. ESTEP , UNDERTAKER Han removed from 14 North Main street to 28 Pearl street , two doors north of Grand hotel , Buslnesn phone , 97 ; residence 'phono 13. ' BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BV . CALIFORNIA FIG SYKUl' CO. TUB JNA3IIJ $5.00 Teeth $5 00 Teeth $5.00 Teeth Teeth $5.00 Teeth $5.00 Teeth $5.01) Teeth ; ; . MUDGJ3 , : icil liluiTs. Up Stairs. Q O-O-O < XX > < > O < XO < X > OO < > -O-O-CH > OOO < OOO ( A Large Room A Small ! Rent On 17th street ground floor of the Bee Build ing cool in summer light and beautiful. Do You Want a Ground Floor Office ? There is an entrance from the grand court. The price includes electric light , heat and janitors. The rent is only $55. Do you want it ? Hurry up. THE BEE BUILDING. R. C. PETERS &CO- Rental Agts. , Ground Floor. O _ _ _ M < * ยง IO Cents. 5 Cents. j g TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. | I John G. Woodward & Co. , ISIlUCATIO.VAb. central west. Government nuperviiilnn. State rommlulnnn to enuluilrn. I'ruimraUon for Universities HOWARD - PAYNE COLLEGE I'OU YOUNO WOMEN ANu OIHLH. Modern and prosrosHlve. Preparatory . and college rnurnfs , music * , art. rliii-iilliin , DuUurto , iihynli'iil culture. Fitly-fifth annual f.e&slon boulut Sept. 7 , 189'J. Hnuil forlllustratod catalognu. HIIlAikl U. UIIOVKS , President. GOOD CIGAR FOR SATISFIES THE MOST CRITICAL AT ALL DEALERS , 'A.DAVIS'SONS8.CO. . MAKERS THE NEUMAYER JACOII MSrjI.t VUIl , IMIOl1 , , SOI , 200 , 20 210 Broadway Council Illuffs. Hates , Jl.OO per diy. 75 rooms Klrnt-tluns In every reupcct Motor line to ill depots. agenry for the celebrated St. Louis , A. U , C , beer. l > 'lrat-cian liar. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! Wo have acre property adjoining the city lately placed In our bands which can ba purchased at a bargain. Wo have also lot > In various additions to the city at prices ta suit hatncficokcrs or the investor. Have bouses for Halo from the modest cottaco to more expensive dwellings , and all at prices far below their coat and value. N. P. DODGE. & CO. , Council Bluffs , - - la IX1ANS on Improved farms In Iowa nnd In side city property In Council Bluffa at lowest ruttH. Farms for Hale In Iowa : 80 or 118 acres ono and one-half mllen from Qlenwom ) , Mill ! ) county , la. , JC5 per acre ; Kooil orchard. 100 acrirs In Crawford county , $15 per acre. W ncruH llvo inllen from Council Illuffu , KO per ac-rc. A bargain for a line fruit farmer or for cultivation. 2SO acri-s In Harrison county , J10 per acre , A line sioc'lt 1'iirm. Good Improvement * , City n-tldenco and Inmlnctta property for sale that will i > , iy from 10 tn 20 per cent Knvs on Invuatrncnt from rerun , 200 UCTOH In I'ott.iwuttamla county , $15 per acre. Good Impiovimunts. For rent : No Sir Ave F. 7 roomn , $20. No. 'J2U 4th ave. , a rooms , J23. No. ( J18 Union si. . 6 rooms , J10. ' No. 1720 HlKh Ht. , 5 ro'imH , JS Flat Kl ! S. 7 Hi t , modern , J0. ! JJ t your property with UH for snlo or rent. Flro und turnado liiHiiratico , Lowest rate * ? l.Oi'OHB & IXirOKH , No 103 South M. Jn Street Comic-l ! JiluffH. la. f Telephone 312.