Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1899, Editorial, Page 20, Image 20

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    20 THIS OMAHA DAILT BEE : SUNDAY , JULY 30 , 1899.
Aotltltj of Illinois Central Glfes Rhe to
Bsnewed B&ilroad Qossip.
Jlnmnr of Dlnnolntlon of Union rnclflo
nnd JfortliTTCiitcrn IK StrcrtBtli-
cncfl Ueennac of UxtcnNlnn of
IlllnolH Ccntrnl to Oinnlin.
"I c nnot help but think , " eald an es
pecially well informed railroad official yes
terday , "that there Is much more fact
than fiction In the reported dissolution of the
existing combine between the Union I'aclnc
and the Northwestern. Thin belief Is con-
itderably Btrengthened by reason of the
activity of the Illinois Central In extending
Its line to Omaha.
"For what reason Is the Illinois Central
coming Into Omaha ? It Is hardly probable
that the local freight and passenger busi
ness , a proportional share of which It would
naturally receive , Is the Inducement.
The only Incentive for this exten
sion must certainly bo because of
assurance on the part of tbo Illinois Central
that the Vanderbllt Interests In the North-
wcetcrn nro to lose their present absolute
control of the Union Pacific business and
the Interests of K. II. Harrlman , Kunn ,
Ixiob & Co. and Speyor & Co. , who control
the balance of power of the Oregon Hall
way & Navigation company , Oregon Short
Line , Union Pacific , Illinois Central , Chicago
cage Terminal company , Chicago & Alton
and Baltimore & Ohio , nro to assume dic
tation of affairs. It docs not stand to
leason that the present condition of affairs
Is satisfactory to the combined Interests of
the stockholders , who control about seven
limes as much of the Union Pacific stock as
the Vandorbllts , bccauao all of the business
which leaves the Union Pacific and goes
over the Northwestern benefits only the
"I predict that Just as noon as the Illinois
Central gets Into Omaha there will bo a rad
ical change of affaire and that the reported
transcontinental line of Harrlman , Kuhn ,
Loob & Co. nnd Spoyor & Co. will bo an
absolute reality.
' Thcro will bo but one of two things for
the Northwestern to do. Either extend Us
line from Casper to Ogdcn , In order to have
a system capable of competing with the
other trans continental lines , or clso enter
Into a track agreement with the Union Pa
cific , for Instance , by which It can operate
Its trains from Omaha over the Union Pa
cific. This feature of railroading Is becom
ing not uncpmmon now and Its working so
far has apparently been entirely satisfactory
to the roads which have experimented with
the plan. "
The result of this rumor regarding the
breaking away of the Union Pacific from the
Northwestern Is the subject of Interested
speculation and contemplation In railway
circles throughout the entire country at the
present tlmo and it Is expected that some
definite action -will soon bo taken. There
has as yet been nn positive denial of the report -
port by the officials who are familiar with the
Inside workings of the deal , neither has there
been a confirmation , but the former fact
gives rlso to the general belief that the
transcontinental lines , Including the Illinois
Central , Union Pacific , Oregon Short Line
and Oregon Railway & Navigation company ,
win soon bo n reality.
The flnalo of the affair Is expected as soon
as Mr. Hnrrlman shall resume his official
railroad duties upon his return from his
Alaskan trip. Together with his party , Mr.
Harrlman Is expected to pass through Omaha
within the coming week.
nnllronil Ilemlnniirlera' Ailvlcon of
Heavy Ilnlnn Friday Mulit.
nalns continue to fall with an abundance
upon the farming regions of Nebraska and
Kansas , nnd as a result the railroad officials
connected with the various Omaha headquar
ters are as happy as It Is possible for them
to bo In contemplation of the big business
which will result from the general pros
perity following In the wake of these money-
producing rains.
J. 0. Phllllppl of the Missouri Pacific says :
"We had a great rain Friday night all over
our system. The reports which I have re
ceived indicate that the moisture was yet
needed to complcto the soaking ) of the
ground , which was well started by the rains
earlier In the week. The biggest corn crop
In the history of the west Is now assured
unless tbo whole territory should bo swept
bare by u cyclone , which , of course , Is
altogether Improbable. "
IleportB received by telegraph by General
Manager Holdrcgo of the Durlington show
that the rain clouds which threatened
Omaha Friday night swept out through the
state and emptied their molsturo In great
measure. Good rains were reported to
have occurred Friday night at point
throughout the entire four divisions of the
Durlington the northern , southern , western
and Wyoming. Thcro was nn especial
do hi BO In the southern division and the
agents at Drownvillc , Hulo , Ncmaha ,
Burchard and Wllbcr reported a heavy and
steady down-pouring. The agricultural re
gions of Kansas and Nebraska are about as
well soaked now as they over were anil
railroad men are more than satisfied with
the promising outlook.
Itnnil ColiiK Out of Itecelveri' HniiiU.
CINCINNATI , July 29. Arrangements are
now under way for taking the Baltimore &
Ohio Southwestern road out of the hands of
the receivers , Messrs. Harmon and Robinson
nd the property will bo turned over to the.
reorganized company at midnight next Mon
day. The articles of Incorpatlon of the new
company are nbaut prepared and will b
filed cither today or Monday.
The reorganized company will bo known as
the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ilallroac
company. Tbo namir is tbo same as the
corporate nnmo of the present company , ex
cept that the word railroad Is to be used
instead of railway. The directors of the
now company nnd officers will bo electee
next Monday. 13. U. Bacon will bo the
president and W. M. Greene vlco president of
the loorganlzed company. Both gentlemen
nro at headquartero hero now , General B
It. Cowen , the special master commissioner
who recently sold the property at the foreclosure -
closure sale , has executed nnd delivered the
deed to the purchasers , who represent the
reorganization committee.
Ilnllrnml "MortKiiKO " lulled.
DUTIIOIT , Mich. , July 29. The Detroit
Rochester , Romeo & Iake Orion railway
placed on record today to secure an issue o
twenty-year first mortgage bonds to the
Union Trust company , trustee , a mortgage
of 1600,000. covering 1U entire system from
Tloynl Oak to Rochester and extending to
Romeo and Oxford , a total of forty-fou :
llulliriiiitfM iiml r
J. II. Buchanan , general passenger agon
of the Rlkhorn , has returned from n hurrloi
trip to Hot Springs and through tbo Black
J. W , Muun , chief clerk in the genera
passenger office of the Elkhorn , accompanlet
by bis wife , has gone to Spirit Lake , la.
for a brief visit ,
An extremely largo and handsome clk'fi
bead , with a superb pair of horns , has been
pent to Mies Mary Harrlman , daughter o
K , H. Ilarrlnian. nt Ardcn , New York , by
President Burt of the Union Pacific.
W. J. Robinson , the affable station super
intendent at tbo Burlington depot , has Httei
out bis office with a number of handsome
wicker rocking chairs for the comfort o
tbo callers who have builncm with him.
No definite action wni taken by tbo loca
passenger men nt their meeting In the office
of J. Francis Friday afternoon regarding
stopover privileges on throupn tickets for
the benefit of those desiring to attend the
exposition ,
The working- model , representing a re
cently" patented scheme for operating n block
system of railroad Rlgnafg , was displayed at
the Burlington headquarters by the In
ventors. The officials of the Burlington wit-
nesscd the model nnd Its workings with
some display of Interest.
Win * HIP SIM or Cup.
At the State and Interstate Photographers'
convention , held In Omaha the past week ,
Hcyn , the Fifteenth street photographer ,
won first prlzo , a beautifully engraved sil
ver cup , prize given In the grand portrait
clasB. The chief points considered were '
lighting , the subject , posing , chemical
effect , retouching and general effect. As
there Aero many enstcrn competitors hero
this award Is very flattering.
See our diamond display. Kdhofm , Jeweler.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , electric nnd
magnetic physician , has moved his office to
119 North ICth street , room 13. Special at
tention to all long-standing or lingering dls-
easei and to diseases nt women anil children.
Dr. Shcpard Catarrh. 312 New York Life.
Snlt I.nkc City.
Salt I/aka City Is ono of the quaint and
. Icturcsquo cities ot America. As a Bummer -
mer resort it has moro attractions to the
quare yard than any other place In the
rest. Send 2 cents to George W. Helntz ,
Salt Lake City , for a copy of "Salt Lake !
'he City of the Saints , " Issued by the Rio
Irando Western railway.
Diamond lockets , ndholm , Jeweler.
Mover A Sklntirr Succoedn Andrew
K , " \VnlUnp nm Mnnnncr.
The Snow-Chuch Co. , ono of the largest
ommerclal and collecting agencies In the
west , was yesterday sold to Messrs. Glover
i Skinner. Their vast acquaintance In '
) maha nnd Nebraska will" bo of great help i
o them. Mr. Glover came to Nebraska in
877 , was four years president of the Brown
ounty bank , was also United States land
ommlssloncr nt Valentine , nnd slnco com-
ng to Omaha has been In active business.
Mr. Skinner came to Nebraska first In 1SS7.
Ince moving to Omaha ho has been in
xctlvo business. The people of Omaha nnd
Nebraska will find In Messrs. Glover & Skin
ner a very careful and conservative firm.
Joth of these gentlemen nro well and favor-
nbry known In Omaha and throughout the
Real ebony hair brush , with comb , sll-
rer mounted , Jl.BO. Edholm , Joweler.
Try the Her Grand hotel's cafes. Open
rom 6 a. m. until 12 p. m. Three cafes on
Irst floor and ono prill room. Tbo best of
service at popular prices.
DlHtrtct JuilRCH Will Clone Their
Docket * Monday nml Quit llnnl-
nciiii for the Summer ,
At an Informal meeting of the judges ot
the district court held In Judge Fawcett's
private olflco In The Bee building yester
day It was decided to formally adjourn the
May term of court Monday afternoon. Most
of the judges had expected to bo able to
close up their affairs , but It was dis
covered that quite a number of small mat
ters remained to bo passed on nnd It was
found necessary to hold over until the Drat
of the week. None of the matters that re
main to be adjudicated are of any public In
terest and the term Is over so far as any
litigation ot Importance Is concerned. The
Judges have not fully decided on their plans
For the summer , but most of them expect
get away from town for a few weeks dur
ing the hot weather and then como back and
lake such part In the fall campaign as befits
the judicial dignity.
F. C. Johnson's elder mill , oxpo. grounds.
Twelve varieties of phosphates at The Bee
Building soda fountain.
Iron , brass castings. Ind. Iron wks. Tel 1449
Wedding rings. Edholm , jeweler.
Movement ! of Milltnry Men.
A general court-martial has been or
dered to convene nt Fort Leavenworth Au-
; ust 1 to try offenders of the Thirty-second
nfantry , United States volunteers , the
now regiment which Is being forwarded for
service In the Philippines. Major
Robert E. L. Spence will act as president
of the court and Captain F. M. Rumbold ns
judge advocate. The other members of the
court are as follows : Captains J. P. Grim-
stead. John H. Goldman , Henry A. Peed ,
Branvllle Sevler. Thomns R. Hayson , Frank
W. Eck rs nnd Jacob H. Culver. All the
officers mentioned are of the Thirty-second
Orders governing the pay of troops In the
Department of tbo Missouri on the muster
of July 31 have been Issued. Troops at
Fort Leavenworth will bo paid by Lieuten
ant Colonel Towar. chief paymaster ; those
nt Jefferson barracks , St. Louis Powder
depot , Army nnd Navy General hospital ,
Forts Logan H. Roots. Reno and SHI , by
Major Baker : those at Forts Nlobrara , Rob
inson and Mcado by Major Hamner ; those
at Forts Crook and Ulley by Major Slaugh
Blank book and magazine binding. A. I.
Root , 1009 Howard atrent.
Returned to city. Dr. Race. 408 Paxton blk.
IVo Oinnhu ItrportH Thin Yenr.
The city council has as yet done nothing
In the matter of printing the reports of the
city ofllclnls nnd departments. The mayor's
nillco receives annually handsomely bound
copies of the reports of the other promi
nent cltio of the country , most of them
stamped In gilt on leather covers , with the
name of the city Issuing them and the
words "To the City of Omaha. " These are
Issued In uniform binding , and when col-
leotod from year to year make a handsome
and valuable library on municipal govern
Work on Kxrciitlnii ,
Mrs. Minna Wlrth has filed Injunction
proceedings against Sheriff McDonald to
prevent the attachment of her property at
Tenth nnd Harney streets on a judgment
for $1,085 that was secured by the Calboun
trio of music ball performers a few weeks
ago. Mm. Wlrth filed her appeal bond to
take the case to the supreme court , but the
plaintiffs managed to get the execution 1s
sued before the bond was filed.
Mortality Slntlntln.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the office ot the health
commissioner during the last forty-eight
hours :
Births Henry Ploss , 1915 Elm street ,
girl ; James Morrlsoy , 2713 North Twenty-
second street , boy ; Max Mocller , 120 North
Twelfth street , girl.
Deaths Mrs. C. F. Fanton , 2209 Grace
street , 37 years ; Nelllo M. Carlln , 2408 Capitol
tel avenue , 2 years ; Emily Banks , Eleventh
street and Grand avenue , 1 year ,
Diamond rings , $15 to $500. IMholm.
m nt the I'i tolllce.
Authority has been given the custodian of
the federal building to move the stamp de
partment on the ground floor acrous the
corridor Into the room formerly occupied by
the architect of the building. The room va
cated by the stamp department will bo oc
cupied by the carriers' department. Stamp
windows will have to bo cut In the wall
of the new room ,
Bids are being received on repairs to the
Bteam plant of the federal building. Some
minor changes and additions will bo made.
among them an Increase In the radiation ,
* \ewcomcrii in AlnnUn.
ST. MICHAEL , Alaska. July 17. ( Via
Ban Francisco , July 29. . ) Lieutenant SpaM-
Ing , Third artillery , U , S. A. , whose detail
of twenty-Ova men has been relieved from
duty at Cape Nome , explains his action In
dispersing a miners' meeting on July 10 on
the ground that a large number of lawless
newcomers proposed to pass resolutions
throwing open the district for re-location.
They hud a force ready to jump air the best
claims In the district. This , the lieutenant
Baye , would Inevitably have resulted In
much bloodshed , BO ho stopped It at once
Ilnnril of fonntjCommlnnlonprn 1're-
pnrc * to Tnkc n I'nlt Out
of the Cltr.
According to the tenor of two resolutions
Adopted by the Hoard of County Commis
sioners . yesterday the county proposes
to niako It warm for the city by bringing
one or two matters that have been fruitful
subjects of controversy to an Immediate
Issue. It Is proposed to begin suit at once
against the cities of Omaha and South
Omaha for about $20,000 alleged to bo duo
for feeding city prisoners. At the same tlmo
the board decided to notify the city that It
would require It to maintain the election
booths free of expense to the county , na the
commissioners allege Is contemplated by the
contract under which the booths were pro
The matter of bills for feeding city prison
ers has been In continual dispute for a num
ber of years and several efforts to effect
a settlement have resulted In complete fail
ure. Moro recently the difference has been
allowed to drop , and It Is now brought to
llfo by Commissioner Hoctor's resolution ,
which was unanimously adopted by the
board. The resolution recites that there Is
now duo the county from the city of Omaha
$12,160.01 and from the city of South Omaha
$8,014.35. It Is declared that various Item
ized statements have been rendered to the
city clerks of the two cities , but no atten
tion has been paid to thorn. It Is consequently
quently ordered that the county attorney bo
Instructed to proceed at once to collect the
amounts by suits In district court.
The resolution In regard to the election
booths 1 was Introduced by Commissioner
Harto and was also passed without opposi
tion. It declares that July 23 , 1892 , the city
and county entered Into a contract to have
portable Iron election booths constructed , of
which the city was to pay ono-fourth
cost ' , the Hoard of Education one-fourth and
the county one-half. It was also provided
that the city should keep the booths In ro-
palr at its own expense. The resolution
provides that , since the committed on public
property and buildings of the city council
has notified the county that the booths nro
milt for use the mayor nnd council bo notl-
led of the terms of the contract and to have
.ho booths at once made ready for use.
Another resolution by Connolly Instructed
the clerk of the district court that all fees
must hereafter bo collected In advance , with
10 distinctions whatever , nnd that ho will
jc held personally responsible that these In
structions are obeyed.
The rest 'of the session was occupied by
; ho consideration of the monthly appropria
tion sheets and other routine matters.
Jnmnlcnna ninnniiulntcd nt Report
of the UiiKlInlt Com-
KINGSTON , Jamaica , July 29. The report
ot Sir David Barbour , late financial minister
of India , who has been studying the sugar
Industry In Its bearings upon the political
situation , has been published here. The re
port hue created a sensation and angry dis
appointment , being regarded ns the result of
a pre-arranged scheme to despoil the colony
of a representative constitution , which would
bo likely to encourage the American an
nexation tendency by alienating the waver
ing sentiment of loyalty. The report maybe
bo summarized as follows : The condition
of the colony , though precarious , Is not
altogether hopeless , but an Immediate loan
of 1,675,000 Is necessary , which would be
warrantable only If the colony resigns It
constitution , accepting Imperial control.
Public opinion considers that anything would
bo preferable to surrender of the constitu
tion , the most conservative oven whispering
of annexation as an alternative.
Little Child Fonnd
CHICAOO , July 29. A special to the
Chronicle from Dallas. Tex. , says : Fannln
county , located soventy-flvo miles north of
Dallas , is In a state of Indignation over a
terrlbfe crlmo. An 11-year-old white girl ,
the daughter of Alonzo Ne\vton , a farmer ,
was found by her father hanging lifeless
from a tree near the family homo. The child
was left along In the morning when her
farther went to his work. Newton Im
mediately aroused the neighborhood. News
was sent to Bonham , the county seat , seven
miles distant , and Sheriff Rlbbllng's forces ,
the police of the city , headed by Chief Jack
son , and the citizens , ha\o searched diligently
for a clew to the crime. The search was
continued all day and Justice John Steele ,
acting coroner , has been holding an official
Investigation. The people of Fannln county
are terribly aroused and a lynching , perhaps
two of them , may be the outcome.
Alii for Toxnn Flood Sufferer * .
NEW YORK. July 29. To help the suf
ferers by the flood In the Brazes valley ,
central Texas , the members of the New York
Cotton exchange arranged to seir the flrst
bale of ' 99 cotton , sending the proceeds to
the relief committee. Already over $2,000
has been sent to the flooded district by mem
bers of the exchange. The flrt bale of the
season Is expected to reach this city this
week. It was grown In San Patrlclo county ,
Texas , and was donated to the flood sufferers
by a Now Orleans cotton brokerage firm ,
which had paid the full market price for It
and a premium of $100. It Is proposed to
auction off the bale from the steps of the
Cotton exchange here next Monday at noon.
From this city It will probabFy bo shipped
to Boston , Chicago , St. Louis , Memphis nnd
other cities and there disposed ot In the
same manner.
I'oUon Storr n Itnnx.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 29. The mystery
ot the sending ot a basket ot poisoned fruit
to Miss Florence Campbell of 610 Kills
street has been solved by Chief of Pollco
Lees and the result shows that there was
no attempt made to take llfo and that no
ono was even made 111 by the poisoned fruit.
It appears that Miss Carapbeir sent the
poison to herself In furtherance of a Httlo
plot by which she hoped to keep her name
from figuring ns co-rcsponacnt In a divorce
S < err U Pronounced Untrnc.
PORTLAND , Ore. , July 29. A special to
the Oregonlan from San Francisco eajs :
The story sent out from Kansas City pur
porting to describe how Oregon troops pun
ished Deserter Hayes Is pronounced by
members of the Oregon regiment entirety
untrue. Hayes was a member of the Cali
fornia regiment and was found dead In the
trenches captured by his own rcclment Feb.
ruary G. No Oregon or Kansas troops were
engaged In that vicinity.
nnoftcvrlt 1 Spiinltlvp.
NEW YORK. July 29. Governor Roosevelt
velt has written to the committee on pton
and scope of tbo Dewey reception saying that
ho does not think It possible or desirable to
have the rough riders take part In the land
parade In this city when Dewey arrives.
The governor eays : "I have grown a Httlo
sensitive about having the regiment appear
In any public function nnd make It look na
If It was advertising Itself. "
Dr-n-py TnUcm a I.noU nt Ilornea.
TRIESTE , July 29. Admiral Dewey , nc-
companlod by Captain B. P. Lambortson ,
commander of the United States cruiser
Olympla , nnd Flag Lieutenant Thomas B.
Brumby and Consul Door , visited the Im
perial stables nt Loplzza today , returning on
board the Olympla this afternoon.
Cnrcl of TlinnU * .
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Beckman wish to
thank their neighbors and friends for the
kindness and sympathy extended to them
at the death of their beloved baby. Alma.
MefineMKer Hey Make * Good Time.
BUFFALO. N. Y. , July H ) . Arthur V.
lioe. the one-armed postal telegraph mea-
pcnger , who left New York Sunday morn-
Ini ; cnroute to the. Pacific coast , arrived In
Buffalo tills morning In fine condition. Ho
left BulTalo this afternoon for BrU.
Jloo passed the automobile bftwoen Syra
cuse and Orcnovtu Ho la averaging slxty-
flvo miles a day.
on sale for
Sizes from
35 to 42.
Quality cheviot.
Colors black , blue
and fancy patterns.
We close Saturday at
6 o'clock.
No. I To and Through the Black Hills
Here's a eummer trip that ought to Interest a peed many people
ple , It Is Inexpensive 1,400 miles for Jess than $26. It la lontr
enough to satisfy those who are fond of 'traveling yet not BO long1
as to be tedious. It takes anywhere from 10 to 30 days to malco
It without hurrying oneself ,
ITINERARY Omaha to Hot Sprlnjm Ouster ( Sylvan I < ake )
Deadwood Lead City Spcarllsh back to 'Hot Sprlnsrs re
turn to Omaha.
COST J18.40 Omaha to Hot Springs and return If you go August
1st. J7.50 Hot Springs to Spearllsh and return. Total $25.90 ,
SEJKVIOE-Leavo Omaha 4:25 : p. m. arrlv * 'Hot Springs 9J20 next
morning. Sleeping cars OmaJlra to Lincoln , theno through
to Hot Springs.
Call and get full Information.
TloUet Ofllce Bnrlloicton Station
1503 Kurilum St. 10th and Blnnon SU ,
Telephone , 250. Telephone , 31O.
To Yellowstone Park
New and Shortest Route
The stage route passes through a level country and all
the way is lined with picturesque scenes , making the coach
ing trip one of the most delightful in the Rocky Mountain
CITY TICKET OFTICE. I3Q2 Farnam Strant. Tal. 316.
Hcyn'n Vrrt Offer Cnndnnri ,
By request we continue to Rlre free dur
ing July n beautiful huncl-cofortd picture ot
yourself , bandiomely framed , with each new
dozen platlno cabinets or largir photos.
These water color * cost no loss than $2,50
inywhere else. Wn Rlre ono tree , colored
.rue to nature with ench now dozen photos.
Heyn , 313-16.17 S , 16th St.
A. D. T. C. ! messonRors furnlshort ;
cage delivered , 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177.
Hnvo Root crlnt It.
Hubermnnn , Jeweler , es. 1866 : absolutely
reliable ; loTcst prices guaranteed , 13 ft Doug
Every Day
we are receiving mall orders from people
out of the city for prescriptions , drugs , toilet
articles and sundries. Why ? Because they
know they will got Just what they ask for
nnd Just as soon an the express trains can
get It to them. Remember the place.
23c Lyon's Tooth Powder 20e
25c Caldcr's Tooth Powder 20e
2Sc Graves' Tooth Powder 2Cc
25c PaKturlno Paste 20c
V3c Orelln * Paste ! 0c
2fic Sonltnl Paste 20c
' > 0c Sonltnl Liquid t 40c
7fic Sozodont 60c
75o J. & 11. Paste fiOc
(1.00 ( Palno's Celery Compound 7fic
$1.00 Hood's Sarsnparllla 75c
r c Malted Milk IDo
25o Boratcd Talcum lOc
Beaton-McGinn Go
- Drug , ,
S. W. Cor. milt nnd Knrnnm.
Prescription Chemists. 'Phono 633.
"Purity nnd accuracy" our motto.
The Plugger's ' Story
A pluggcr Is n. man sometimes wiled a
Moc. " When ho Rives you tv prescription
ho don't clvc you a chance to
nsk * hcro to hove It filled , but
Insists on you going to n certnln drug
gist. He Is in the employ of n 2\\ pet , who
pays him monthly his snlnry being liic on
each prescription nml onico rent free. You
know "mo nnd the plugger" don't go llsh-
Ins tORCther , nnd naturally we don't expect
a kind word from him nothing but n
"roast , " which wo pet every day. He says
we nro Incompetent nnd that our drugs nro
of an Inferior quality. When n patient "f
his refuses to RO to his 2\l pet he tells them
to go anywhere but to Schaefcr.
Corner Kith a nil
Trtats all nil-
ments of the feet.
both on ladles' and
ecntlemtn Ladles'
IlalrdrtMlng and
lUIr Goods. Toilet
, Preparations , Bit-
. _ _ perlluous hnlr r < -
moved with electricity Mall orders
given prompt attention.
Elevator Service. Paxton block.
Boston Store shoes are the best.
Big Shoe Sale Monday.
No matter 7iow , when or whcre\ \
you buy shoes you could do better
you bouqht them of us. The\ \
shoes we sell are the best
in every way. Quality ,
style and price and ifs\ \
beyond the possibilities of any other store in Omaha to |
give you as good sJioes as we
do. Thousands and thousands - \
sands of people know this.
But you may be one of the\ \
few who do not. Attend our
great sale Monday. Wdll\ \
show you more shoes , finer \
shoes , and bigf/er bargains }
than ever were offered be-\ \
. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha.
/ WiffYiYiiYiY
Buys a Complete
Dinner Set
In underglazo eomi-porc laln ehape
and decorations the very latest. Ear
ly buyers will find tils a great oppor
10 Cents
for any of the following Items In best
Carlsbad China , handsome decorations :
Sauce Dishes
Oat Mo I Dishes-
' "
Dessert Plates
Etc. , Etc.
Douglas Douglas
Street. Street.
Near 10th It.
Wear 10th It.
For Monday's ' trade we
"will add another lot of
goods to our BARGAIN
TABLES , and the people
of Omaha have never had a
chance at better bargains
than are now on these
Ladies' S5.OO Wine Calf Lace Welt . $2.45
Ladles' S3.5O Tan Oxford , fancy lace stay . 2.45
Ladies' $4.00 French Calf Oxford . 1.95
Misses' $2.OO Kid Lace Boots . 1.15
Misses' $2.5O Kid Button Boots . 1.15
N. E. Corner 16th and Doiulas Sts.
Examination of the Teeth
generally dint-loses the fact that the den
tist's old obtained at an earlier period uould
have nrriBtecl decay nnd saved the patient
mil oh train. ,
Don't nenlect the T1315TH. Have them
examined. U Is done without charge here
And the work neciwmry to put ( lie teeth
In perfect condition , If that Is possible , or ,
supply AKTIKIOJAI , TBBTII hcro that Is '
nocttsary. Mill be done without pain and nt
modcratu cost ,
Bailey the Dentist ,
Twelfth Trar In Omaha.
rionecr ncusonablo Priced Dentistry.
3rd Floor I'aUcm Clock.
Relieves Strain
> M n who stand or wnlk a grfrat dent win
obtain rollef .iml u oense of CNTC by wearing
u sii'pon-tory. Wo Imvo nice ones wim
led xtiMiw at . J nnd 7&C , At the latl'r
price wo have ono styl In white imk boit-
m is cloth , the other line , closely woven
blnck silk. At % o and 60c we have two
rood kind * of silk burning with Just th
ono 1'iind iiround the l > ody ( no leff straw. )
The f > ( V- kind I * n little hcnvl-r silk than tn
85o. All Itnmlntros wilt iwstpald upon re
ceipt of price. Write for catalogue ot rub
ber goods.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , ,
1613 DODC512 ST. . OMAHA. NEB.
" got a
"WhV your
T * 7 "
own" nnd suave
youraolf. Try it.
. It mny bo a Httlo awkward at flrat ,'ll soon lonrn.Vo Imvo the
' hirg'ost line of
Razors ,
Strops ,
Lather Brushes
Soaps ,
Hones ,
Star Razors
Singly and In sets *
1611 Dodge St.
Monday only
We Sell
Miles' Wild Cherry Phcxphate
per bottle CH °
Fisher's Root Boer
per fcottlo 3 0
Vail Brothers' Talcum Powder
par box 3 o
Coke Dandruff Cure
iper bottle S5o
1,000 ounces perfume , go at lOc per ounce ,
worth COc. Bring your bottle.
The Five-Gent Jersey Cigars
There Is a rloh. d llcoua ! JUvor to h
Five-Cent Jersey Cigar that la locking In
all ottver cigars. It is absolutely h best
on the market. It has a clear Havana
filler and nrada of just the same tobacco
you get In an expensive cigar consequently
they are just ns good a smoke . A trial
will convince you.
Paxfon Block Ci ar Store ,
Jacob Jaskalek , Prop.
ISth , near Farnam.
A few Gut Prices
on Drugs and Medicines
fiOc Swift's Kxtmct of Beef Via
$1.00 Swift's Extract of Beef 76o
2fio Garfleld Tea 20c
50e Garfleld Too , < 0o
25c Gray's Tea 0c
25c Karl's Clover Tea y > a
25o Lano'a Tea 20o
250 Chamberlain Colic Cure 20o
23c Pierce Smartwecd 20o
I ( Oil IlllVCIl SpIltH IK ) *
60o Kly'B Cream Balm 40c
60c Gem Catarrh Powder * 40e
2oc Kondon Catarrh Jelly 20c
> c Pettlt'B Eye Salve 200
2Gc Thompson's Eye Water 20o
We sell Paints nnd Glaus , Too. Get our
prices before buylntr.
J. A. FILLER & CO. ,
Cut Price Druggists.
Open All Night.
Electric , Turkish , Russian ,
Roman , PlungcSea Salt ,
and Plain Baths.
LADIES' DAY Tuesday 10 a. m. to G p. m.
Gxpcrt lady operators In attendance.
m op. .i. j..Mooiu ; ,
You will not suffer from painful men
struation or delay , leucorrhoea , vlri-
nltli , whites or any female dlichargei.
For ( sale at all drugiflgts , | 2 , and at
C , M , Foster's ' Pharmacy ,
024 N. Kith Htreet ,
' Urexel Hotel.
4th Floor Broitu Blk. , IBtb and Douflat
Gold Alloy lining $1.00
Cold Filling $1.00 and up
Cold Crowns $5.00
Set Teeth $5.00
Best Teeth . $7.5O