Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1899, Editorial, Page 12, Image 12

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Minn AnteIn. ! Tiny Tvllx How Her il n
Smeil llc-r from Vnlhiro ,
"Yf > n , I like my business \cry much. 1
enjoy iho work and make money , but there
Is Just ono thing 1 would like to change , "
ald MUs Amelia Chy , the ono woman In
Greater New York who owns and manages
a barber shop where only women are em
ployed. "I don't like my sign.
"Why , do you know , I actually catch my
self looking the other way when I come to
open up every morning , or when returning
from lunch ? Yes , Indeed , that sign , 'Lady
Harbcrs Only , ' rubs the fur up the wrong
way and the worst of It Is that time doesn't
appear to case my pain.
"Why don't I change It ? " she exclalmd
In answer to my question. " 1 don't change
It for the very good reason that I would
lose my ctiBtomcis If I did , nnd I object to
It on account of that word ladles. It has
such a cheap look and sound when coupled
with a barber shop. Hut I sec jou will
never understand until 1 go back to the
bcglunlng and explain.
"When 1 first opened this shop , five jours
ago , my sign read llko that of any other
barber , although I then , as now , only em
ployed women. Well , I didn't get many
customers nnd things began to look pretty
blue tor mo when ouo day the lawyer whom
I bad consulted about my business from
time to tlmo came In for a ahavo and a
hair-cut. Ho Inquired about my methods ,
etc. , and when I told him that I employed
only women assistants ho was surpilaoJ
and asked why I didn't state the fact In
my sign. He Insisted that It would piovo
an attraction and said In the picdcnc of
my two assistants I had only two then , I
employ twenty-five now 'You ladles mustn't
hide jour light under a bushel. Advertise ,
advertise yourselves as lady barbe.a nnd
I'll guarantee that In two months you'll
have more than you can do. '
"Then he went out , and I sat down to
wait for another customer nnd to think
over his suggestion. As a. result I had a
new sign painted , nnd It read , 'Women
Barbers Only Emplojed. ' Instead of my
customers increasing , there mas a decided
falling elf , qnd near the end of the second
week , when I was almost In despair , an old
aea captain made bis appearance In the shop.
He looked about him suspiciously , eyed mo
and my ono assistant the other ono had
been suspended until ibctter times and
finally , taking his seat , Instructed mo to
shave him and do It quickly. I obcvcd his
orders , you may bo sure , for I was not run
down from overwork In tboso days , and on
that particular day he was our first and
only customer. After the shave ho examined
himself In the mirror , then he walked about
the shop and Inspected things pretty much
as I Imagine ho would Inspect his own ship.
Then ho turned to mo and , after a good ,
long stare , ho demanded *
" 'What made you hang that sign over
your door ? '
"I explained my reasons ns best I could
You see. customers woio so scarce In those
days that I was glad to overlook even a llt
tlo rudetiets for the pleaamo of having
them In nt nil. Well , the old fellow lis
tened to mo. Then bo fell to whistling nnd
staring with his hands otuck deep down
Into his pockets Flnnlly he said-
" 'I'd never take > ou foi n bloomln' fool
from the looks of you. Don't jou Know that
a man doesu't HKo a woman who culls her
self a woman ? Why don't > ou call jour-
helf a lady ? You'd never caught mo comln'
In her for a shave if the lady who runs the
boanllu' house where I stop hadu't told me
jou waa a lady and kept a decent place.
You can take my word for It , and change
that Blgn and you'll draw. Call yourself a
lady nnd do honest , clean work. '
" Then ho inarched out and after a good
cry wo hold another consultation and de
cided to change the sign to read as you
see it , It acted almost llko a miracle and
before the end of the month I waa really at
my wits' end about how to attend to our
customoru. You BOO I didn't -want to get
In oxtia help If our prosperity was only to
bo temporary , but I soon decided to try
the experiment and since then I have been
forced to enlarge the establishment to Its
present proportions and wo are alwajs busy.
"Which do I prefer ns customers , men or
women ? Ah , well , It IB nbout six of ona
and half a dozen of the other There are
pleasant nnd unpleasant women and the
hamo can be enld of men In my halrdross-
Ing parlors , of course , only women custo
mers are allowed and I must nay I have very
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floored by E. C. De Witt A Co. . Cblcooo.
I ! ,
few complaints from cither customers orj
employes There Is n joung lady with n fad
for trying now shades for her hair nnd she j
occasionally rows with ono of my girls about
the way they handle her hair , which Is be
coming quite thin , after she ha.- had the
color changed It Is not generally l.nown ,
yet It Is a fact , that dark and light hair
can not be arranged In the same stjlowith
equal bccomlngncss to the same face. And
although this young woman is ready to
change the color of her hair to suit the
latest fashleti , she alwavu wishes It dressed
after the same style and fu'ses when It Is
not as becoming as she thinks It should tie.
"Yes , wo have several gentlemen who
bavo their hair curled. The majority ot
tlicm are voting follows , dandles with their
first moimtnches , but some arc older There
Is ft newspaper man , about 10 I should Judge ,
who nlwnvs has his hair touched up with thu
lions. Then there la a lavvvcr who takes
gtcat prldo In his beard and has It bathed
tegularly In bay rum , dimly believing that
Its curllncws Is Increased. Then there la n
retired army ofllccr who has both hair und
moustache curled and an old vvblto-halied
minister who Is ns careful ot the waving of
his long , miowy locks as any girl of IS. The
barber shop Is the place to study human
nature and I enjoy my work , everything
about It except the elgn nnd that aversion I
am trjlng to ovctcome. "
Ilovr to Cninlilnc Without MltliiK Unit
U Dozen IiiKfottloiitM.
Ono of the latest decrees of fashion is that
the summer drinks that are made at homo
must bo pleasant to the cjo a well a1 ? the
palate. Indeed , some ot them are BO pretty
and artistically combined that it seouia
rather n pity to drink them at all. A special
beauty Is made of claret , lemon Juice , nin
e-mi water and whisky , with a dnsh of black-
ben y brandy on the top. These Ingiedlents
sound much more deadly thin they really
are , OH the llqucis are used in veiy small
quantities , while the lemon julco and min
eral water form the body of the drink.
The secret of success nnd be ultv , bow-
ever , lies In the way In which they are put
together when the result should be that the
three colors are distinct and separate In the
glass a thin Injer of light red nt the b"t-
tom , lemonellow throughout iho middle
and nn almost black layer on the top. In
making the drink the followln. ; points are
to bo remembeied : The lemons , nnd one Is
necessary for each glass , should bo well
frozen. This Is done by simply cutting off
the top and bottom skins and htandlng them
for some hours on the Ice. The juloo of each
lemon Is then poured upon four lumps of
sugar and as much whisky ns suits the taate
is added. The whole Is then diluted with Ice
cold inlneial water.
These Ingredients should then be set aside
until each class has had poured Into It a
small quantity of claret , and upon doing
this carefully , depends much of the drink's
future success. It must be trickled down
the side ol the glass so as to moisten as
little of the Inner surface ns possible. The
lemon Julco and whisky Is next poured
upon the claret ; also using great care To
hold a spoon in the center of the glass and
lot the fluid run over It Is a good means
to pursue. When the glass Is filled to
within about an Inch of the top , a small
amount of blackberry brandy should be
poured In ; again tihlng the spoon to keep
It from the sides ot the glass. It will then
spread over the contents ot the glass and
remain llko a crust upon the top. This
drink Is said to be most beneficial when
taken early In the morning.
Many that have been In the habit of drinkIng -
Ing a email glassful of clear whisky , and
then taking water after it from another
glass , have now found that the two can bo
placed In the same glass without Interfering
In the least with each other. Water to the
desired height should first nil the glass and
a nice slice of lemon bo laid upon Its sur
face. Any amount of whisky can then bo
poured upon the lemon , and It will lemaln
nt the top of the glass , without showing
the slightest inclination to inl\ with the
water at the bottom. The two fluids can
therefore bo drunk separately , and there
Is something veiy attractive and pretty
about this manner of doing It.
Iced tea Is another artistic-looking drink ,
nnd throughout the warm weather It is al
most exclusively served at luncheon. Slices
of lemon are at the top and bottom of the
glass , nnd they are held apart by a sprig of
mint placed In their center. It Is now the
custom to servo this beverage In glasses
six Inches high.
novrs AIIODT niii.mtnv.
I'liiy Hour * anil Work lliiiira Cart !
mid Super * Isloii.
Children Hjldom show much Individuality
In their letters , says Harper's Ea/iir. Oc
casionally a ( bit of originality crops out.
ami one sees peeping through the formal
dreg's the quaint sweet face of a llttlo lad
or lass , and beats the music cf th childish
ppceeh through the carefully chosen words.
But because wo grown people Insist thai
wilttonvoids shall not bo spoken words ,
nnd foicc upon small scribblers a vocabu
lary not their own , tholr letters are apt to
bo stilted , and to be very like the letters
of e\orybodv clue. Thus In the school room
the whole cla wcs will submit on composi
tion day letter * which vary little- from be
ginning to end , which are as similar as
buttons pressed In a mould. The fact is
that thn llttlo writers have been given a
copy to follow and have followed It slavishly ,
nnd far too often the leather marks then :
not In order of merit , for spontaneity or for
cleverness or eprlghtllnee , or keen powers
of observation and nlesty In reporting things
sewi , hut rather for the neatne3 of thj
gcneril screcrt for the absence of blots , the
correct spelling and the proper use of names
and approp late placing of the datt The
outside npiicarance of any letter Is very
Important , ' nnd children n.unt be taugh
the etiquette of correspondence , nnd no
allowed to 'all Into carcleas ImblU m to
the bpaclng , folding and addressing of the
name. One of the hall-marks of gentla
breeding Is found here , and the polite per
son , as distinguished from the awkward
and untrained one , may bo known by the
letter ho or she writes. Regarded as a
passpoit to social success , on adjunct to
business , an assistant In every department
the ability to write a graceful , direct one
Intelligible letter IB of great value , and
parents owe It to their children to give them
thorough training In this particular brand
of education * * *
The mother who would have her children
healthy must not be- afraid to ha\o them
occasionally dirty , While cleanliness la
akin to godliness , there la a clean dirt thai
comes from contact with tha sweet earth
that Is wholesome , llavo the llttlo ones
bathed frequently. Insist , that they come
to meals with Immaculate hands nud faces ,
but between meals have them BO dreaaed
that they are free -to run and romp as they
An over-careful mother of an only child
complained to a phvsiclan that her baby
was pale and delicate. He us 1ml to sea the
child and the nurse brought In the Sear -
old from the veranda , where be had been
seated on a rug looking at a picture book.
Ills dainty nainsook frock was spptlebs , as
were also the pink kid boot ! and silk socks
"What that child needs Is wholesome
dirt. " was the physician s verdict "Put a
gingham frock and plain shoes on him nnd
turn him loose on the lawn or In the fresh
earth. If ho Is not rosy nnd happy In n
month let mo know. "
At the expiration of the prescribed time
the hahv was transformed The eves that
had been heavy were bright , the skin had
cqulred a healthful glow , the arms and
egs were plump nnd the languid , tired llt-
lo mtlcnt had become a rollicking boy. The
reodom. fresh air nnd clean dirt had , In a
nonth's time , wrought a greater change in
ho child's system than all the skill of the
medical fraternity could have effected.
Mothers who take their llttlo school bovs
and girls away for a vacation should let
hem romp nt will out of doors , fish In the
> rook , ride on the hay and wear strong shoea
and clothing of which they need not be
oo careful A child Is much happier If
mtrnmmclled by too many "dont's " And
ho mother Is happier too If she need not
sny "don't" every hour In the day.
MIDI 111) WUVlt l.OMVt. . S10V
niiln S > ii Hint inttHKfil : Moil blioulil
Ilrralil 'Ilii-lr llomliiKi' .
Women have gone on for ages past wcar-
ng their symbols of engagement and mar
riage , never asking why their deuces and
lusbands should move unmarked midst
men and maidens. This IK n elate of things
which calls aloud for alteration , and It Is a
consummation devoutly to bo wished that
men should start with the custom of wear-
ng first the Jeweled circlet nnd then the
ilaln gold one outward nndlfilble slgcs of
engagement and marriage The girls sav
they are placed at a disadvantage , and from
more than ono point pf view. Tor Instance ,
ao\v embarrassing for a voting girl to bb
made acquainted at a dance with nn appar
ently eligible and undoubtedly attractive
youth who , after the polite formalities , sug
gests a stroll through the conservatory In
lieu of dancing n certain number. What
moro natuial than the weivlng of the ro-j
mantle spell attendant upon moonlit con
servatories , murmuring palms , dreamy
waltz niiisflo in the distance and the con
tiguity ot joulh ? What moie natural than
the anticipation of a companionable , not to
siy tender , acquaintance ? And v\hat moro
disappointing than the matter-of-fact an
nouncement as the man bids the maid adieu :
"Ioild eo like to have you meet my
fiancee. "
No , the girls Bay there isn't a fair point
about the existing condition. They advocate
the wearing of an engagement ring by tlio
man Just as an engagement ring U worn by
the woman. No ono ever mlstnkcs an en
gaged girl. Even without the ring , the air
of conscious superiority , of condescending
good humor , would siamp the young woman
as mortgaged property. And with the as
sistance and addition of the ring there Is
absolutely no chance for error. And what
Is true of engagements , so the girls con
tend , Is even moro applicable after mar
riage. A married man , wearing no badge of
servitude If we except the guilty look from
the corner of the eye and the criminal and
sueplcion-arouHlng slapping o. the letter
pocket Is in Imminent danger of being en
gaged in dangerous converse by womankind.
And , by the same token , womankind Is nt
times unwisely and unwitting ! ) kind to the
unlablcd married man. All entaugllng alli
ances .mil dangerous complications rould he
avoided by Judicious use of the ling. The
custom , once adopted by an nccepled leader ,
would undoubtedly redound to the credit
overla rtlnK of the pioneer. There Is no
reason vshntcvtr why men should not wear
enttigomeat rings nnd every reason possible
why they should. They cannot object on
the score ot not liking such a decoration ; no
man objects to wearing the badge of a par
ticular office or a cross or medal won for
some heroic net. Let men , therefore , when
they have won It wear love's bidgevlth
greater pride and Rladnefs than any other.
rvn's -\VOMV > noeion * .
'Irimtcil 'Ilipnt nt the Trutit tn
tin- War Midi Turkc ) .
During the Spanish- American war , relates
the New York Tribune , woman physicians
who desired to RO to the front to relieve
suffering and to acquire surgical experience
had to enlist ns nurses Perhaps. If the au
thorities had been moro familiar with the
work1 done by women In the Husso-Turklsh
war , that began In 1876 , they would have
taken a different course. Ilussla , nearly a
quarter of a century ago , gave to her grad
uated women full rank as physicians at tha
front and secured from them services that
were appreciated at the time and are sttll
The lack of phvsiclans in Russia had led
n largo number of young women to sock
medical Instruction at Zurich and elsewhere
even bcforo the first government medical
college waa opened for Uusslan women at
St. Petersburg , In 1873. The trend of thought
toward liberalism In the 'CDs had had Its
effect on women. It Is supposed that the
mixing of woman students ol good families
with revolutionists , who also made a head
quarters ot Zurich , brought home to the
Ilusslan government the desirability of a
me.llcal school for women at thu capital ,
The idea was bitterly opposed by the con
servatives. who saw ruin to the family , to
the public morals and to government Itself
In the entrance of women Into the medical
profession. Conservative newspapers were
full of cailcaturc of women with short hair
reading medical books. Uut the women who
had bioiiRht back degrees from Zurich had
made themselves popular and the govern
ment had many supporters In Its new move
The school was an annex to the regular
military nodical college and the girls had
the same teachers as the male students ,
had to study the time ( flvo jcars )
nnd had to pass the same cxamlnitions , but
after graduation thc > \\cre to DO called only
"learned mldwlvcs" However , the Injus-
tlco did not Keep the girls away. They
came from all over Russia to St. Petersburg ,
j often without the permission of parents ,
thereby renouncing all financial support
from the lattei. Many had to live in poverty ,
earning but little by dint of lessons , copy-
luc and translations The attitude of the
nnlo students toward their colleagues of the
other sex was friendly. They treated women
as equals. Books , Instruments and notes
were readllv furnished not only to personal
friends , but anyone that happened to bo In
need of them.
One of these first women physicians re
lates that once a classmate of hers , speaking
of her need of a book on anatomy , was over
heard by a male. student utterly unknown to
her. Ho turned around and said : "I'm
very sorry not to have one myself , but If you
wait a moment I will surely get one for
jou. " He entered the adjoining lecture
room , where students were gatheied In the
expectation of a lecture , went up to the cen
ter of It and called out : "Comrades , there Is
a colleague , a woman , that Is In want of a
book on anatomy. Who of you can lend It
to her for the next term ? " Crlea of "I"
were heard fiom all sides and In another
moment the big , broid-shouldered student
appeared with several volumes , saying :
"Take whichever one jou llko best ; take
even several if you know of others of your
classmates that may bo In need of them. "
At the time when the first girl students
were to nasa their final examination war be
tween Russia and Turkey broke out. Russia
had hardly sufficient physicians ; the fourth
and fifth year students of the military med-
loil school were ordered to the battlefield.
The girls seized this opportunity , eager to
prove their capability to perform the func
tions of a physician. During the war the
Russian women physicians made themselves
generally known and turned public opinion
In their f.ivor. Two of them lost their lives
at the front.
TrlllM of Fniulon.
Organdie diesses calf for flat hats laden
with flowers and foliage. A hat seen re
cently to go with such gown was of graw
straw , covered with sweet peas and btems.
White handkerchiefs arc always best taste.
An odd fad is ito have the full surname em
broidered In small letters across the corner ,
with the crest or a device of one's own
choosing surmounting It.
Passementerie for trimming will bo used
this early fall. Spangles will continue in
favor. Heads will be seen In all the shades
of emerald , ruby , sappulie nnd nmethyst.
The opaque beads in turquoise , pearl" , ( .oral
and jade will also be used.
For the early autumn silk and satin
striped nuns' veiling will he used , as weft as
foulard silks and brocades Besides these
will be shown small , brilllintly colored pat
terns on gray , black , blue , or green grounds
These soft , sheer , all-wool fabrics will be
made up with flounced aklits , the bodices
trimmed with blac.k or ecru guipure late ,
with collar nnd girdle of dark rich velvet.
To be scented with the perfume of violets
continues to be the rage In Paris. Sachets of
white , blue or pink sitln , edged with lare ,
nre filled with powdered orris root and violet
scent In powder , and placed In the ward
robes of every Trench elegante. These
bachets are very large , often three-quarters
of a jaid long and half a yard wide , BO
that they spread a good deal of odor around
Very comfortable and pretty ore the now
collars ot ribbon and thiffon or luce or of
llbbon alone made on a foundation of net
that Is simply stiffened with rows of silk-
Rev. Goodly Do you think my visits to your husband does him any
good ?
Mrs. Mycrly Indeed I do. He always feels better after you go.
covered wlro or fcalhorbone si Itched to tha
net , then lined with n'strip of fralllc or
taffeta silk The graceful 1'lcrrot ruche In
black lace and chiffon li worn with tlolets
of black grenadine , net , ctamlnc , nuns' Nett
ing , crepe de chine , otc , the bodice of the
black gown cut slightly square or pointed
In the neck
Tito prettiest deml-drens walsls that hava
appeared this season have been formed of
pure snow-white fabrics India mull , Trench
lavvn , batiste , etc , decorated elaborately
with lace Insertions and embroidered ruffles ;
tucking nnd entre deux of lace forming
yokes , or clso diagonal rows of tucks nnd
Insertion from shoufder to belt. With theao
walsls are worn skirts of like fabric , dalnt.
lly trimmed or made of Dresden blue , rose
colon or pink pique , or In black nnd white
The silk net gowns worn this summer Nle
In popularity and richness with the dresses
ot lace nnd grenadine A handsome toilet
of black point d'esprlt net , woven In Chan-
tllly patterns , Is made In prlnceeso form over
n sheath-shaped slip of cherry .red Liberty
satin. The bodice portion has shaped bro-
telles or Chantllly lace , with net-top weave ,
caught hero nnd there with dangling jet
ornaments , n chatelaine clrdlo the jet
falling to the hem of the skirt on the left
side A second gown has n foundation ot
camco-tlntcd sntln with bodice trimmings of
palo pink chiffon almost covered with black
guipure lace sprays and Insertion bands A
third net gown , made over Ivory colored
taffeta , Is draped with black lace over white
tulle , the collar and girdle of whlto applique
race designs laid over blnck velvet.
'I'll I km About AVomi'ii.
The queen of Belgium's fad Is the collec
tion of lace.
At the recent annual meeting of the So
ciety for the nmploymont of Women In
London Sir Owen Roberts , who presided ,
said that In England there are 2,000,000
women In excess of the mate population ,
vvhllo in the colonies the surplus ot males
Is about the same.
Rev. T. DoWltl Talmago finds himself the
opulent husband of a woman \vlth n check
for $180,000. The check represents Jlrs. Tnl-
mago's Interest In the Lindsay & McCutch-
eon Mlir , Plttsburg , which has sold out to
thd hoop trust. Mrs Talmago Is a daughter
and heir of the McCutcheon who founded
the old firm.
One of the women In the redemption
division of the ticasury at Washington Is
said to bo the greatest living expert In
Identifying nud lestorlug burned money.
Another Is moro skilful nt detecting counter
feits than any man in the government em
ploy. She says it is Intuition.
After a spirited campaign Mrs. May Pres
ton Slosson , formerly of Kansas , has landed
In the position ot chaplain of the Wyoming
penitentiary at Laramie. After graduating
at Vassar she became n teacher In the
Sabetha High school , nnd later she was
married to Mr Sloss > on , who Is a ptofessor
In the Wyoming university. But think of a
woman chaplain In a penitentiary !
The World's Woman's Christian Temper
ance union convention will meet in Edln-
burg , Scotland , In June , 1900. National of
ficers are ex-ofllclo members of that body.
Each state can nominate one delegate for
every 1,000 members , the nominations to bo
confirmed by the National Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union convention. The
delegates will be chosen at the approaching
state conventions.
Hall's Croft , nn Interesting nnd delightful
sixteenth century house at Stratford-on-
Avou , has been taken by Miss Marie Corelll.
The popular novelist is expected to stay at
Stratford for some time , for It Is said that
she wishes to finish writing a book there ,
which she has recently begun. Hall's Croft
was once the residence of the eminent
physician. Dr. John Hall , who married Su
sannah , Shakespeare's eldest daughter.
Mrs Nettle T. McCormlck. mother ot Mrs
nmmons Blalue , has announced her Inten
tion of famishing funds to establish a
manual training school in connection with
the S. P. Lees Collegiate Institute at Jack
son , Ky. The Institute is an auxiliary of
the Central university of Kentucky , in the
mountains In the eastern part of the Htate ,
Jackson being the county seat of what was
once known as Bloody Breathltt. " In addi
tion to establishing the school , Mrs. Mc
Cormlck will pay the safarles ot two in
structors , a man and a woman.
Befoie she left Balmoral for AVlndsor castle -
tlo Queen Victoria gave presents to a num
ber of her servants. Ono hundred and fifty
were Introduced to her majesty by Mr. Law-
loy , clerk of the kitchen , The upper ser
vants were presented with umbrellas , Jewel
coses , glove boxes and the llko , while the
lower servants and the police received each
a photogravure framed In oak of her maj
esty taken In her 1887 jubilee dress. Super
intendent Traser wan presented with a kettle
and spirit stand , and Inspector Qulnn ot
Scotland yard a pair of brass candle sticks.
An agitation Is on foot In Canada to
change the name of "Tho Church of Kng-
land In Canada" to "Tho Church of Can
ada. "
The church which was built with mortar
PCI fumed with musk was not the edifice
of a negro congregation , but the Sophia
mosque in Constantinople ,
The pastor of a Unitarian church In New
York City has adopted tha novel plan of
Bending to all the families In bis church
a card stating what his summer address
will be.
Instead of chlmeu. the steeple of Immauuel
Baptist church at Michigan avenue and
Thirty-third street , Chicago , has been pro
vided with two arc lamp that alternately
flash brilliant lights.
Ir. ) John Q. Pattern's reports for the last
year tell of 1102 South Sea Islanders won
from cannibalism to Christianity , one mis
sionary alone receiving 200 adults Into
church membership ,
Rev. Dr. James II. Pettee , for over
twenty years a missionary In Japan , Bays
"There are 40,000 Piotestant church mem
bers In that country nnd about 100,000
Protestants and Roman Catholics Chris
tian Ideas and principles are working Influ-
ontlally In Japanese literature "
The former residence of the late Theodore
Parker , the liberal Unitarian preacher , in
West Roxbury , Mats. , has been sold to Arch.
bishop Williams and will probably bo oc
cupied by a Roman Catholic priest. On
the land adjoining a Catbolln church IB to
be erected. The house waa built ninety-
nine years ago , and Mr. Parker lived in it
from 1837 to 1846
Miss Mellsln K. Sowles of Prospect. WIs. ,
Is just 1C years old One year ago she was
given an unlimited license to preach by the
Honey Creek quarterly meeting of the Free
Mantlet church , Last week she preached
the opening sermon ut the yearly meeting
of the church , a great audience being prco-
ent. Miss Bow lea will attend the Theolog
ical seminary at Hllledale , Mich , after the
gets out of school
II uc K I uii' * Arnlcu Salve.
The best salve In the world for cut ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever
sorea , tetter , chapped bands , chilblains ,
corns , and all ekln eruptions , and positively
cures piles , or no pay required It U euar-
antecd to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded Price 25 cents per box , Tor tale
py Kutm & Co.
The nle n three million bottle * of this eleniint linlr dre lnir In tha
United S < ite and Great IlrKaln In ISP8 proves surpassing meM.
Doctor Hay's
Hair-HoalUt Warranted
to rcMoto stAr , white or
produce * ! n w rrowlh bltAchrd liAlr tn youthful
nd restore color nd rotor nnd life J > otAd)0 !
bMnlr to ( tr r li lr. lie- dors not stum tcalp or
not ci DAMMltm" Knit linen.
tops A III. IN 11 And "ISOT A OnAYHAIIt
brckklnnoMholiklr. OOT- I.I IT , the testimony of
crsbuld tpott. hundreds tt lng II.
HUALTIlliprACticAllr * i ) it r. s s t N ( i , n r. i , t -
lUlr I'ooil , which act ! on 0 VTEIA' PlltlUMIin
th roots gltlng them the AND AN IMPOHTAJiT
rtqnlred noarUhmcnt. li ADJl'M'T TO KVKUY
li mode from Absolutely Toii.rr ir YOUR
pure Tf < rot bl * Inpredl- 1IA1U 18 KAM.I.NO
entsuml dot not rub oil Ot'T. Hill : \KINH Oil
or nuke Iho hair grc ij. LARGE 50c. BOTTLES. rxniMi. TUYI o v.
CulthUAdTprllncmcntoHtwUhlnflvfidAn ,
tlgn ) ourn mo And ndilrr < hrrc ,
OAP Off er
ml tnlte lo Any drnyKlst on follonlnf llt.And lie will Rlvo ron ft ' "f"01.11 ' MiliU'r
oAf. . - ' UAUI < ' ! % A " \-r 1M ?
IIAIU-IIKAt.TIt And A 25o of lilt. .HA-V'S JlMituAAKl1
bUAl * . th b st o proncAn u e tor llAlr. Hctp , Complfilon. llAth And lol tlmtn , for nee
e M . rV al r retAll rrlcc , 7S cont. Till , oflcr li Rood once onljr 1o Mme f.m Ir. Kedojnied
by drncKlsU b low nt their nhnp. onlj , or by I.OMH \ .Y1. ? ' . } ' ' ; S.i"y
M311ro dnAr , eIT York , bjr express ptepAld , on receipt ol 00 cent * nd tul AdrertlxmenU
3 bottles , 91 5ft .
Refuse Substitute ! . Dealer * Make More Profit on Inferior Preparations
Following drugqtsts upply IUVS IHIR-IIEAUII and lURrM SOAP at thrir stores only I
MYUHS-DILI.ON DRUO CO , 16th nnd 1'u main.
J. A. rUIjIiCIl & CO. 14th anil Douslas.
WALDRON K. CAMI'BKIjL , 122 8. 16th
RICHARDSON DRUO CO. , Wholesale Dealers
nt home I'jnn Invlnlblo device ; helpa earn
( Jo PJO , nvmle. eontirentlon , nhlnpen
hcird distinctly Hiico mfulrt en all otlier feme
ales fnll OumfortAliU nnd cnpllf icljiwtrd by
wearer Lot us fend TCXI nn IlluMralnl book ,
4A tviKpn , containing ! imnlrr < la of tefltlrnonlalu ,
rUKU. Writer 1IWUOX CX > , KMirijr , N \
A Skin of Boouty Is n Joy ForovoV.
Itemovcs Tnn. Plmpta *
FrecUlcH , Moth Pitclin
Hish.nnj fekln dip-
i eines , Biul mcry
I blouilsh on bontity ,
anil dofles tluoc-
tlon It hna stood
tuft lost of Cl joars
und IHSO Imrmlena
wo taste It to be
euro It is properly
innde Accept no
counterfeit or elml-
ilnrnnmu Dr I. A ,
Ivijro paid to n lady
lot the Imut-ton ( a
patient ) : "As > ou
ladles will \ioe
. , , _ _ them , I recommended
mended outir.u l 6 Cream' nn the least harmful ol
all the SUln iireimrntloiiB " For * Mo by nil Dniff ;
Biota nnd Kum-j-GooclB Dealers la the United
Mates , Catndns , und Europe.
PERD. T. HOPKINS. ProD'r , 37 Great J ones , N.Y.
This Offer Almost Surpasses Belief.
An External Tonic Applied to the Skin
. Beautifies it as by Magic.
A Woman Was the Inventor.
Thousands have tried from time Imme
morial to discover some efficacious remedy
for wrinkles and other Imperfections ot the
complexion , but none had yet succeeded un
til the Misses Beir , the now famous Com
plexion Specialists , of 78 Tlfth avenue , New
| York City , offered the public tholr wonder
ful Complexion Tonic , The reason so many
I failed to make this discovery before is plain ,
I because they have not followed the right
principle. Balms , Creams , Lotions , etc. ,
never have a tonlo effect upon the skin ,
hence the failure.
TONIC has a most exhlllaratlng effect upon
the cuticle , absorbing nnd carrying oft all
Impurities which the blood by Its natural
lotion Is constantly forcing to the surface of
Iho skin. It is to the skin what a vitaliz
ing tonic Is to the blood and nerves , a kind
&f novV life that Immediately exhilarates and
Itrengthnna wherever applied. Its tonic ef
fect is felt almost immediately nnd It speed
ily banishes forever from the skin freckles ,
pimples , blackheads , moth patchce , wrinkles ,
'Iverepots ' , roughness , olllnoss , eruptions and
dlecoloratlons of any kind.
In order that all may be benefited by their
Oreat Discovery the MUsee Bell * will , dur
ing the present month , give to all callers at
* rn * filth Diamond lira no *
Original und Only Genuine.
Arc , & ] * * } tflUM * lAoil * ait ,
I DrngKlit for CMc\ttttr Knpluft X > td t
\nondXnndln llrd > nj ( nUntUllleV
Jt-otri c IM llb blu ribbon Tnlic
Jnoollirr. ft ( rfdtipfrpm i.fc f M.
fftontani imirarittni AtDracxI.ti. r 9Bd4 .
' la . for irtl ifttlniADlili
.umr-i | uUri to4
"lUllcr for I.iKllrV'nlififr , brrrlara
Mall. 10.000 Tritlmonl.UTMI rtrtr ,
, _ Jlchp ler Chemical Co.Moilli < me c ,
Bold bj All Lo.ll UruttllU 1'IHLAUA , , i'A.
On Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purify.
Swiff and Company ,
Chicago , Kaiibiis City , Omaha ,
St , Louis , St. Joseph , St. Paul ,
their parlors ono trial bottle of their Cora *
ploxlon Tonic absolutely free , and In orde \
that those who cannot call or live awajr
from New York may bo benefited they will
send ono bottle to any add ! ess , all charge *
prepaid , on receipt of 25 cents ( stamps or
silver ) to cover cost of parking and deliver
ing. The price of this wonderful tonlo U
$1.00 per bottle and this liberal offer should
be embraced by all.
The Misses Bell have Just published their
This valuable work Is free to all desiring It.
The book treats exhaustively of the Import
ance of a good complexion ; tells how 4
woman may aujulrc beauty and keep U.
Special chapters on the care of the hair ;
how to have luxuriant growth , luraile
methods of making the hair prnserva Its
natural beauty and coloi , even to advanced
age. Also Instruction1) how to banish
superfluous hair from the face , neck and ,
arms without Injury tn the skin This boolc
will bo mailed to any address an request.
FREE Trial Bottles of Wonderful Com-
ploxlon Tonlo free nt parlors or 25 cents
( cost of packing and mailing ) to thoea at m
Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad
dress ,
THE MISSES BELL , 78 Fifth Av. . , New Yoru City.
The MIBBOO Bell's Toilet Preparations are for sale in this city bf
The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists ,
Bole Agents. 15th and Douglas Streets.
HK , "I've been wuteliing what the people order , and ulne times out of ten c&H for Cof.
feej funny , inn tit ?
SUBS "Tbere'i a reason for It j you know , they nerve BAKFR'S VUKUWU COITKIJ lure. "
Ri rt. tfut c.ur tothebc.t We , rvt BAKER'S PREMIUM COFFEE exclusively.
Impend * ni Routed by.QAKER & COMPANY. Mlnn. jwll.Mlmi. ,