Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 TTTTC mrATTA. TATTJV ) TT ? D AT. JTTI/T U9. 181)9.
Market * Oloss Strong After an Early Spall
of WeaknsM in Chicago.
Inillnu AVIicnt Crop WlilierltiR He-
cnuic of the Failure of the Mou-
aoon Corn I''nlrljActive
Out * Unit.
CHICAGO , July 23.-The Board of Trade
mcirfcots closed tronK today atfer nn early
npull -weakness , September wheat gained
\VS , corn and oats gained a ahnde , whllo
jwovlsioiwi rose 10Q15c.
Cool weather , weak cables and Argentine
nhipmenta of considerably ever 1,000.000
l > u-.ihcln caUBod a. weak wheat market at the
opening. September started Hfotte off , at
70USjCOH < 5 , and on soiling by longs fell lin-
mediately to 7&V4a The market rallied lr-
rotfulnrly to 70&o before noon. Trade , was
vary Hpht , outside orders being almost en
tirely nn.
lleports of flne weather In Franco and
England caused eomo Hilling. Receipts at
primary points were 657,700 bushels , com
pared with 482,450 bushels tha corresponding
day last ytsir. Duluth and JtlnnoapoUs re-
jtorted 319 cars , apalnst 411 last week and 88
n yftar ago. Chicago received 113 cars , 13 of
contract grade. Press rttspatchos from
Ilombay reporting the Indian wheat crop
withering because of the failure of the mon
soon started shorts to cover. Crop damage
claims from the Pacific coast nnd north
west , together with Snow's crop report ,
allowing a decline of from' G to 15 points In
aiortlons of the northwest , stimulated heavy
buying by local professionals near the close ,
September rose to 71Vio nnd closed with sel
lers at thnt ngure , a net gain of He.
Corn ruled fairly active nnd higher with
wheat. The market appeared to have been
oversold during the recent decline Crop
reports were generally favorable. Chicago
received 513 cars. September opened U0e
off at 3mS31c , advanced to 31 ic and
closed at 31ic bid.
Oats ruled dull but firm. September
opnnod a shade lower at 19Uc , sttld bt'tween
IS'.dc ami 19'/4c , clo.tlnjj a shade 'higher ' for
the. day at 1'JHo. Chicago receipts were 367
Provisions recovered from a spell of weak
ness tut the opening and closed 15c higher
for September pork , at { S.M ; lOc better for
September lard , at $5.4.1 , nnd lOfl hlglier for
Boptomber ribs , nt Jo.17HO5.20. Packers
liought freely on the early dip and the rally
which fallowed was chiefly on their pur-
HstlmiaJted receipts for Saturday : Wheat ,
325 cars ; corn , CM cars ; oaks , 533 cars ; hog ,
11.000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles I Open. LOYT. C1030. Yca'ily
OOK noj , CO
7IH ( 71 70
73 72 > J 73
31 > t
Sl .11 ! ( 31i
aim 2IIM snw
HOJi-31 30M 31-31H
23 23
lfl' ' <
lf >
lf21K aiS
R824 R80 8 no R7n
BB1W ! tins 877M
run B37M B3S
C4L-H coo B 4---H 6 GO 6-10
Sept. . . ! BIO I BZO nio B20 CIO
_ 0ct..l C17KI 6 H5 CIS B'J5 6124
No. 2.
Cnsh quotations were as follows :
FI.OUH Kasy : winter patents , J3.50IT3.GO :
ntralghts , J3.10Ir3.30 : spring specials , $4.00 ;
hard patents , $3.50fJ3.CO ; soft patents , ? 3.30 ®
3.40 , bakers , $1.8MZ2.40.
WHEAT-No. 3 sprlnff , C7O08HC : No. 2
red , 71Hc.
COKN-.NO. . 2 , Silvio ; No , 2 yellow. 33'4c. '
OA'PS No. 2. ZJiTJGUo ; No. 2 white , C3Vi ©
OUc ; Nov 3 White , C2Q'.5 ic.
IIT-B No. 2 , C3Hc.
SEHD3 No. 1 llaxseed , 97V-c : northwest ,
OSHcfiJLOO ; prime timothy , $2.47H.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $8.03 ©
S.Si. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $ i > .OOG5.W. ( Short
ribs sldfB Goose ) , . .Jo.OotfC.Co. Dry salted
Bhouldors ( boxed ) . J3.37i4Jio.60. Short clear
eldea Oboxed ) , J3.33SG.45.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
ea.1. , tl.26.
SUGA.KS Cut loaf , $6.02 : granulated , $3.60.
Followlne are the receipts and shipments :
Articles. Receipts. Shlpmnts. :
liUour. bbls 14.000 14.000
Whoat. ibu 120,000 10,000
Corn , .bu. 671.000 2GS.OOO
Oats , 1 > u 415,000 207,000
Uyo , bu 1,000
I3arlcy , bu 1,000
On Ih * Produce exchange today the but
ter market wan steady ; creameries. l3MT17c :
dnlries , iZ fil&Vfcc. Kggs , weak ; fresh , 11 ®
a2VJc. Oheesc , weak at SHflDc , Dressed
poultry , weak ; turkeys , T'/iiiSHcj chickens ,
0 < 89&o ; springs , 12VS < Sl3c.
Yonic Gi3M3iiA.b MARKET.
( luotntloun for ilin Dny nit Vnrlou *
NETW YORK , July FLOUR-RoceIpt3. .
18.C07 bbltr. ; exports , 21,517 ftbls. ; was llrmcr
oit the close and fairly active on spring pat
ents and How grtulo winters ; Minnesota pnt-
unts , JS &gS.OO ; ' winter straights , $3.33fi3.50 ;
Mlnntmo'ta bakers , $3.00 X40. Rye Hour ,
qulat ; chotoa ta fancy , J3.25ft3.40.
CORNMfcJAk Qulot ; yellow western , 77 ©
78oj city. 7ir79o : Brandywlno , 12.1092.25.
IITB Weak ; No. 2 western , COc f. o. b. ,
all oat. snot.
BARL13Y Weak ; feeding , 37H53Sc c. I. f. ,
Buffalo ; malting , 4G0COC delivered In New
BARLEX" J1ALT Nominal ; western , CS ®
T Reco > Iptn , 1,300 bu. ; exports , 13ti-
CCO bu. ; sale. ? , 1.15.000 bu. futures , 9G.OOO bu.
Spot market steady ; No. 2 red , 77c f.
lo. b. nJVoat , < pot ; No. 1 northern Duluth ,
7S'/4o f. o. b , allont , spot ; No. l hard Duluth ,
* 2o f. o. b. afloat to arrive ; No. 2 red. 751ic ,
olovator. Options openwl weak ate de-
illne beoaiiBo of bearish cables and cool
weather In the northwest. Throughout the
passion lhy were Inactlvo nnd barely
Mteiady under oemtlona ] by lot-al bears , but
iifar the clo e mtddenly roused Into notlvlty
ami Strength on an alarm of shorts nttrlb-
te < l to bullish reports by Snow and the
( Modern Sillier. Tlie close was firm at a
partial MO not ndvanco. July. 75M/763-lGc / ;
closwl , 76Hc : Septembor. 755-lCi 7G 1-lGc ;
closed , 7Co ; December , 7iG1SVic ; closed ,
78 > , &c.
CORN Hecolpts , 139.425 bu. ; exports , 241.-
30S bu , Spot oteudy ; No , 2 , 3 < c f. o , b. afloat ,
prompt whlpmont ; 3T ic , nevntor. Options
opnnwl easy at % c decline under favorable
"iv ua til or nou'8 , but W.IA Hiibseiiuontly
tftrongtlimipd by wheat and a deinnnd from
HoAiport.s. Closed tlnn at a partial \ic \ nut
mlvanca. July cloaad , Jfl'le ; September.
36iiWMT4o ; closed , 30T o ; Deccmbur , 3594lijl
BOlfcc ; olosrtl. SO'.fcc.
OATS .HoccljitH , IW.IOO nu. ; exports , 42-
S71 bu. Spot quiet ; No. 2 , 2So ; No. 3 , 27c ; No.
3 whlto , 29o : tniclc , white , 2Di33c ; track ,
mixed , western , 27c ,
IfAY Ea " y ; shipping , WOCOo ; good to
cholo ,
HOPS Qulot ; state , common to choice ,
1698 crop , tva7c ; 1S'J7 , lliflSc ; l i , lW17c ; Pa-
olllo const , 189(3 ( crop , C < S7c ; 1897 , Iliffl3c ; 189S ,
IIIDBS Steady ; Onlveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. ,
IfiUfHTo : Texas dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. , 12V4Jfl3c ;
C.ilffomla , 21 to 25 Iba , ISUo. ' '
LIOATIIKn Firm ; hemlock sole , Buenos
Ayros. Ught to hoavywelghts , SO'/iffaiHc :
dPld , 21fi ( 2o
PIOVrSIONS-n { > Pf , steady ; family , J9.5Vn )
10.CO ; extra mc , $9.00 ; beef hams , J27.WQ
9,00 ; packet. $9.60iflO.OO ; city extra India
ine-si ) , $14.00fli6.00. Cut meats , steady ; pick
led bellies , $ a ; pickled hams , $10,25 < ij >
30.75 , Lnrd , uteady ; western steamed ,
J5.C5 ; rcllnod , quiet ; continent , $3.85 : South
America , $0.35 ; compound , $ l,00j5.00 | ; July
cloxod $5.75 nominal : rellned , steady ; contl-
jicnt , $ ii.OO. I'ork , steady ; mt > s8 , $ 'J.OOtf9.50 ' ;
nhort clnar , $10.75ffll.7S ; family , $10.507(11.00. (
Tallow , steady ; city O2.00 per jmckage ) ,
H iU'io ' : country ( packages free ) , 4HfH'3 ' < \
IIUITrBR Receipts , 4.4M pltgs. ; steady ;
western preamcry. ISfflSc ; factory , liyUHo.
QHKiaSK-Hocelpts , 3.C31 pkgs. ; llrm ;
large , white , 9o ; small , white , 9c ; largB ,
colored. M ; small , colored , 9c.
lOnOS Receipts , 4,7(3 ( pkgs. : dull and
irregular ; win to and Pennsylvania , 16916C ;
I'lilluilrliililn I'roiliu't-
fiteady ; fancy western ormmery , liUc ;
fancy western prints. 21c.
UOQ8 Steady ; fresh nearby , 13'ic ' ; fresh
western , 13HJ4p ; fresh southwestern , 13cj
fresh EOiithcrn. lO llc.
CHKKSB-Flrmer : New York < ull cram.
fancy , ) ow , small. 9'i i9'C ( : New York full
oivam , fair to choice , t > V509c ; Ohio rtats ,
fancy , 8ViOSio ; Ohio fair to good ,
Liverpool firtiln niul I'rovUliiiiK ,
ttjard , AmcrUan rellnod , in pails , easy ,
2 < M , Hums , short cut. steady , 63s M.
Jiiucon. long1 clcur middles , light , cany , 31 6d ;
k > flg olew jnKMIetf , heavy , easy , 31s ; short
clear bak , dull , 29s 6d. Shoulders' ' , square , I
Btfady , caned. I
( 'IIKK 1'J American finest colored , firm , ,
WHRAT-Spot , No. 2 red western winter ,
Rtc.idy , f 9-1 ; No. 1 northern spring , steady ,
5 * 1I < 1. Futures , steady ; September , 5s9Hd ;
December. 6s ir Hd. Receipts during the ln t
three day * . 2S7.000 cfrntnls , Including 53,000
CORN Spvit , American mixed , new , easy ,
SnfAd ; Amcrk-on mlxctl , old , quiet , 3 4 ? d.
l"tittirc , quid ; July , nominal ; September ,
3i 4W ; October. 3s l d. tsecelptH of Amer
ican corn durlntf the test three days , 93,700
centals. Weather fine.
OMAHA ( ii\iilAl : , MAUKCT.
ConilUloiiK of Trndc nnd < Vno < nlon (
on Stnplo n ti < l I'll no > ' I'niducc.
13C1OS Ooo < l stock , weak at lOc.
niTTTKR Common to fair , 11Q12CJ choice ,
IJIJHc ; sfiparator , lM19c ; gathered cream-
cry , lC 717c.
I'OUM'Ity ir nB , live , 7Hc ; spring
chicken * ; , 11SI2C ; old nnd staggy roosters ,
live , 3V4u5c ; ducks and geese , live , GQCKc !
turkei-B , live , Sc ,
IMOEONS Live , per doz. , 75cOJ1.00.
VKALS-ChoIce , c.
WATRRMKLONS-Southern , crated for
shlpmfiit , 17J20c.
CANTALOUPE-Pcr crate , .EOgi.63 ;
basket , 70iSOc.
TOMATO US Per 4-bnskct crate , COS63c.
POTATOBS " * " . " New potatoes , 2.jf(33c pr bu.
S-Peroz. , "
CKLKIU' Per doz. , 30c.
$1.15fi'1.20 per box.
APPLES-Per bbl. , $2.00ft2.25.
ORANQRS-Callfornla Vnlenclas. $5.00.
L13MONS California , $ I.2&G4.7C ;
Messina , fancy , 5.00Q5.6u.
UANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
cr bunch , $2.&OIj2.75 ; medium-sized ,
unches ,
HIDES No. 1 grcel , Hides , 7ViC ! No. 2
green hides , f.'io ; No. 1 Rnlted hlilcs , 8V c :
No. 2 salted hides , 7Hc : No. 1 veal calf , 8
to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 vea > cilf. 12 to 15 Ibs. ,
TALLOW. aniJASB , ETC.-Tallow. No.
1 , 3\tc ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow. IHc ;
white grease. 21i03c ; yellow and brown
grouse , \\i \ < ii'Mc.
SHEEP IMCLTS-Qrcen salted , each. 15 ®
75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 16c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4f5o ; dry flint ,
Kanms nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
psr lb. , actual weight , 34p ; dry flint , Cole
rado butcher wool pelts , . per lb. , actual
weight , 485c ; dry flint. Colorado murrain
wool pelts , pr lb. . actual weight. S0-4C.
St. Ioul ( Srnln mill Irovl lon .
74c"Xo. ; 2"hard , 'C9070cf receipts , 9f,63S
CORN ll'lghcr ; No. 2 cash. 31c : track ,
32c ; July , 31c ; September , 30Q31c ; De
cember , 2Sic.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 cash , 21Hc : track ,
21H5t22'/4c ' ; July , 2I 4c ; Scpiember. 19gi9Vic ;
v May. 21Hc ; No. 2 white , :6HG27c.
RYE Steady at 53fi54c.
JIIin'ALS-Lead , quiet at $1.C5. Speltor ,
dull at $ r..G5.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 7Hc ;
j-ounga , SHTlOc ; turkej-s. 9c ; youngs , 15c ;
ducks , G > wH4c : geei e , C5CHc.
BUTTER Qulot ; creamery , 15@lSc ; dairy ,
KG OS Steady nt 9c.
FLOUR Dull nnd unchanged.
SEEDS Timothy seed , dull at S1.76SC.2 ;
for o > Ul and $2.40 bid Jor new ; llaxseed ,
steady at 9lc.
CORNMRAL St ady at $1.8501.90.
1JRAN Dull ; sacked lots , east track , 60c ,
HAY Finn ; timothy , $8.50013.00 ; prairie ,
WHISKY Steady at $1.20.
IRON COTTON TIES-Qlllot at 85c.
BAOGTNG Steady at ftflfi c.
PROVISIONS Pork , weak at J9.2G. Lard.
( higher ; prime steam , $5.22H ; choice , $3.27H-
Dry salt meats , steady : boxed shoulders ,
$5.12',4 ; extra shorts , 15.25 ; clear ribs , $5.60 :
clear sides. $5.62l . Bacon , steady : boxed
Hhouldrrs , $3.CO ; extra shorts , J5.75 ; clear
ribs. $6.00 : clear sides. JG.12H.
RECEIPTS Flour , C.OOO bbls. : wheat , 92-
000 bu. ; corn , 101,000 bu. ; oats , 30,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
7,000 bu. ; corn , 57,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu.
Kniinnn City Rrnlii nnd ProvlMlon * .
tember , 64c ; December , CG c : casih , No. 2
ilinrd. 04c ; No. 3 , GOBfi3o ; No. 2 red , C970c ;
No. 3. C3HlfIG7c ; receipts , 7G cars.
CORN September , 28c ; December , 26J4c ;
cash , No. 2 mixed , 29Hc ; No. 2 white , SO'/ic ;
No. 3 , 29WS14C.
OATS No. 2 white , 2Gc.
RYE No. 2 , 5lc.
HAY Choice timothy , $7.50@S.OO ; chkjlce
prairie. $ G.23g' ( > .EO.
BUTTER Creamery , 14HO16Vtc ; dairy ,
3COGS 'Market shows weak undertone ,
even at lestcrday's decline ; poor quality
of stock Is a big factor In the weakness ;
fresh Sllssourl and Kansas stock , llrsts ,
8' c , cases returned.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 45,000 bu. ; corn , 18,800
bu. : on'ts. 1.000 bu.
SIIIFIMENTS Wheat , 33,400 bu. ; corn , 20-
100 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Mlnneni > o1lfl AVIioat Mnrkct.
Opened and remained dull hero up to noon.
at a fraction .lower prices than yesterday.
September opened at G7c , declined quickly to
SGTdc , rallied to 67Hf4 < J7'ic , stood for over
half an hour at 67'j < C and later sold at G7c at
noon , IThe closing hour wrought out bull
news and September closed firm at G7H ®
67c. Cash , No. 1 northern , for delivery ,
spot or to arrive , was In sharp demand nt
CSHo and choice at roQGD&c ; No. 2 , G7'ic ;
No. 3 , Cli * Gc.
BRAN-In bulk , $9.75J10.00.
Tolrdo rnrkot.
TOLEDO , O. , 'July 3S. WHEAT Active ,
firm ; No. 2 cash and July , 71'/ic ; September ,
CORN TIteher. steady ; No. 2 mixed , 34c.
OATS Dull , Btoady ; No. 2 mixed , cash
and July , 231zC ,
RYE Dull. hlR-her ; No. 2 cash , 52J , c.
CLOVERS'EED-Actlvc ' , steady ; prlino
cash , ncnv , 43.95 ; October , $1.45.
Vlwllilo .Supply of Co on.
NEW ORLEANS , July 2S' Secretary
HcFter's _ 8tatemen.t of the world's visible
of American cotton Is r.3r 9,3SO , against
2,402.757 laKt week , 1,810,292 last year and
2.4G1.575 in 1893.
> IIl\vnnUpc < 1 nilM Market.
Steady ; No. 1 northern , 72J4c ; No , 2 north
ern , 71c.
OATS-Qmiet nt CIIT2GC.
BARLEY Dull ; No. 2 , 40c ; sample , SS
( fflOc.
Wool Mnrki't.
ST. LOUIS , July 2S. WOOL Firm but
riiiiot nt previous quotations.
BOSTON. Julv 28. WOOL-Tho Bositon
Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say of
the wool market ; Tin wtol market Is less
ctlvo than the last two weeks and. If any
thing , Htronger than before. The business
< lone Is larger than the average , covering
o\"ry grade of wool. Wool dealers nre ol-
ready under contrnct for nil ithe staple wool
they cnu sort out for Home time to come.
The sales would bo miioh larger were It
not that most dealers tire so busy on cl-
llvcrlcs thnt they will not sell more wool
except a.t . nn advance. The weakest point
of the market Is strictly medium wool. This
Is due to th ° fact that English wools nro at
the lowest point known. English and Irish
wool has 'beeti celling at 7d nnd 7'/4d ' nnd
during tin last few weeks heavy purchases
have neen niado of Irish and Shropshire
wools for itho American market nt a scourM
cost laid down of 36c for the Irish and 43o
for Shropshire. These wools compete with
tint lye quarter nnd three-eighths blood
i-uiiiuiiiK" . .an wcois qi nner graae ro
fully sustained by European markets ,
whro the tendency Is to even higher
pikes. Sales oftho week are 6,180,000
pounds domestic nnd 437.000 pounds foreign ,
n total of G7,000 ! poundH. airajnst 10.165,000
pounds last week nnd 2,825,000 pounds for
the same week Inst year. The sales to
date phew nn incr ase of 77,521,100 pounds
domestic nnd 14,791400 pounds foreign from
the Kilea to the same date In 1S9S. Thf. re-
cc-lpts to date show nn Increase of 200,813
bales domestic nnd 43,949 bales foreign ,
Oil MnrKut.
NEW YORK , July 2S.-OILS-Cottonsefd.
llrm. Prime crude , 214c ; prime yellow ,
2C',5ifi'2"c. ' Petroleum , llrm. Rosin , steady.
Turpentine , steady.
LONDON. July SS. OILS-Calcutta Un
seed. spot , 37a Gd.
TOLEDO. O. , July 25. OILS Unchanged.
OIL CITY. Pa. . July 28. OILS-Credlt
'balances , $1.25 ; cortlllcateJ. $1.214 bid for
rash : no sales ; shipments , 81,750 bbls. ; aver
age , 72.723 bbls. ; runs , 102,132 bbls.j average ,
S2.03S buls.
NEW YORK. July SS.-JMI'M'ALS The , up-
\\ard movement in tin appears to have not
yet culminated. Today this particular mital
iiuulo another forward step , closing excited
and strong with demand very heavy. Iron
was nlso decidedly ( Inner nnd higher.
Spelter developed -weak , undertone under
selling pressure. The foreign news nnd rft-
port * from primary domestic markets were
generally firm. At the cio - the Metal ex
change called pig Iron warrants llrm with
$15.20 bid and Jlo.75 nuked for No. 2 ; lake
topper , unchanged at $18.60 ; tin , unsettled
w > n 431.37'i bul And $31.S7Vi nuked , lead ,
quiet with $4.65 hid and $5.57ii asked ; spelter ,
easy at $6.W. T 'h brokers' prlco for lend Is
? l.34 nnd for copper $18.50.
Mnrkct IK I.OUK Knrly ntnl Trntlcrn
Krpp on the IIOIIK Side.
NEW YOR1C. July 23. Today's stock
market wns strong early nnd traders gen
erally ranged themselves on the long side.
The shorts took alarm from yest-rdny's
lire nnd the continued upward tendency
this mornlni ! nnd covered rather extensive
lines. London marked up prices before tlio
op.nlng here and bought considerable
amounts In this market. The sentimental
cited of this buying was even mere pro
nounced than the direct demand for stocks.
The recovery In French rentes In Paris had
a stimulating effect nnd part of London's
buying of Americans wn reported to be for
continental account. Taken all In till , there
was sulllclent demand for stocks to run Ine
forenoon's business up to within 20,000
shares of yesterday's total transactions and
considerably over the total for semi days
of this week.
Business fell off , however , very notably In
the afternoon. The public showed Itself
still chary about coming forward and bull
operators In consequence proceeded to take
ithtlr profits on the advance. The stocks
which advanced yesterday nnd the day be
fore were especially affected nnd In u num
ber of cases were carried below ln t night's
level. St , Louis Southwestern stocks , Kan
sas & Texas pre.ferred. ljuko Erlo & West
ern and the trunk lines were examples.
There was nevertheless an appreciable In
crease In commission 'house ' business. These
were conspicuous In grangers , Burlington
leading on account of the bencllt to th-5
crops from rain.
The coalers were notably strong on the
approaching operation of a 'higher scale of
prices nnd Lacknwanna , which in addition
enjoyed the bone lit of n reported combina
tion with New York , Chicago & St. Louis ,
rose nn extreme 4 paints. Louisville was
the lender of the market , considered as to
thj strength and activity. It closed nt the
top prlco tit a e gain of 2 % over ester
day. Slnco t'he dividend of 2 per corvt was
taken off yesterday morning the stock has
risen -l i points. There was an active de
mand for Sugar all day and th > price went
to 161 % . National Steel was strong on the
reported acquirement of new property and
Brooklyn Transit rose an extreme li.
There was n belated upward movement In
some of the southwestern stacks not here
tofore affected , Denver & Jllo Grande pre
ferred. Southern Pacific , St. Louis & San
Francisco sscond preferred and the St.
Joseph & Grand Island stocks gained from
1 to 0 points. The late realizing carried
prices down from the 'best ' and the market
closed dull and easy. Tomorrow's bank j
statement is expected to show another loss
In casli , owing lo opsratlons with the sub-
treasury , though there 'has ' ibocn a net gain
on the Interior movement. Sterling ex
change was weak and lower on account of
London buying stocks here and Increased
supply of cotnnrirclal bills.
Bonds dJd not respond fully to the
strength In stocks , but prices are generally
lilirher. Totnl sales , par value , $2,12S.OW.
IS'oiv Yorlc OMoney afnrkct.
'NEW ' YOUK. July 2S.-MONEY On call ,
3V6iJfl per cent : last loan. 3V4 per cent ; prlmo
mercantile piaper. SU'&Mlfc ' pey cent.
actual business In bankers' bills o.t J4.R6 % ®
4.S7 ifor demand nnd nt ' $ l.$3 % for sixty davs ;
posted mtP8. ? 4.S4H T4.S5 % and $4S6 4.S < ! V4 :
oommerclexll bills. f4.8Mf4.84.
BONDS Government , firm ; state , Inac
tive , railroad , strong.
The following nro the closing quotations
on bonds :
Offered ,
New YorU .llliiliiK
NEW YORK , July 28. The following
are the closing quotations for mining
shares :
oiioior 3) Ontr.rlo , C.V )
Crown Point . .KM Oi > hlr . . .100
Con. Cal. & Va..2tiO I'li-moutli , jo
ivaduvxxl C5 , Qulc ! rtlver KO
Gould & Curry 38 lo pfd iOO
Hale & Xoixross. . . . Si Sierra Nevada 63
Hanieatalio COM Standard 253
Iron SUrer . , M Union con. 30
Mexican 63 Yellow Jacket S3
I'rciKii Klnniivlul.
PARPS , July 8. 'Prices ' on th > bourse
were less agitated today. Rentes recovered
on repurchases and at the close were gen
erally stradlir. Italian securities were dull ,
Spanluh 4s were Irrecruar , Rio tlntos were
maintained nnd Knltlravere quiet. Three
per cunt renter , lOOf for the account. Ex
change on London. 75f Xc for checks. Span
ish 4s closed at 00.75.
VIENNA , July 2S. Austrian credits nnd
Lombard * were active and hardening on
the bouruo today.
LONDON . July 2S. The market for
American aecurlUes. nftcr a firm opening ,
was quiet with a declining tendency , but
recovered toward the close. Louisville &
Nashvlle was most prominent in the move-
I ment of prints. The closing xvns Mendy.
Spanish 4s closed nt 60. Gold at Bunos
Ayres , 112 SO. Amount of bullion tnken Into
< he _ Hank of England on balar.ce today ,
, 10o,000.
DI3RL1N , July SS.-iPrlces openwl dull on
the bourse , owing to the rumors from Paris
1 yesterday of the. re-ilgnntlon of Generals
, Jnmont nnd Hcrve , ( Mine scares were p r-
j tlcularly wenk , but toward the close there
wns a slight recovery.
FRANKFORT , July 25. On the bourse to
day forolgn securities were Irregular , espe
cially Spanish 4s. Local shares were Ir
regular. Mine shares were easier on the
dicllne in Glasgow warrants.
Itofttnti Stock Ountntlonn.
noSTON. July -Cnll ! loans , 3Ht ? < rcr
cent ; time loans , 3Ht4Vs per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds nnd mining
| shares :
' A. T. & s. F 19'i Wert Knd . . . . 93
< V > pfd 62 .lo Dfd . Ill
Am. Siunr 1M" " J West. Kloctrlo . W
do t > fd ISJj Wk . Central . 14li
HeH Telephone . . . .JITO Atchl on
lloston & Albany..M4
IJojton L 110 Mining Co. 7'j
lioston & Maine..3 > l Atlantic . 30
C. n. A Q .137U lloston & Mont . M
1M. Elou. Ill M r Itulte t Hoiiton . . . 70
ntchbutx pfd 115 Cnlumet .t lIccU..fir.
Gen. niectrlo 151 Centennial . S3H
r lrnl Steel M Kranklln . 1 ! )
do nM POH 2
SIcx. Central 1U4
Mich. Telephone , . ! > * Parrot . r.C
N. Y. & N' . B. pfd.100 Qulncy . ini
Old Colony SVi Hantta. Fe Copper. . . 13'1
OM nomlnlon S7'/i Tintnrnck . 2i3
Itnblier RO \VLnorm . 13
Tnlon Pacrtno H \Volvcrlnes . < ( i5i
ITnlon lind S Utnh . . . . 43H
London .Stuck QtiotntIon * .
LONDON , July 23. 4 p. m. Closing :
Erie 7 ! > 'l
do SO-S
111. _ 7'4
No. Pnci. t > fd . . . . 7flU 761i
St. Tiuil common 7flUAnaconda 11 *
HAU SILVER-Firm , 27 ll-16d per ounce.
MONEY-2i.H3 per cent
rrhe rate of discount In the open market
for short bills , si iii 33-16 per cent ; for three
months' bills , SVfct&'SH per cent.
Cotton Murlci-t.
Qulet nnd steady ; said. , 1,300 bales ; ordi
nary , 3 11-lGc ; good ordinary , 4 3-16c : low
middling , 4 15-lGc ; middling , G&c ; good mid
dling , 07-lCc ! middling fnlr , 613-lGc ; re
ceipts , 76 bales ; stock , 161.195 bales. Fu
tures , steady ; July , nominal : August , J5.3S
5J5.40 ; September , Jo.3S5 ? > 5.39 ; October , J3.3SJZ )
5.40 ; November , I5.42Q5.43 ; December , K.47
( TK5S.4S ; January , T5.51flo.52 ; February , $5.54
05.53 ; JInrch , { 5.5SJ75.CO. .
ST. LOUIS , July 28-COTTON-Qulct ;
middling ; tvJic ; sales , none ; receipts , 42
bales ; shipments , 512 bales ; stock , 09,437
fair ; prices easier ; American middling , 3id :
sales today were 10,000 bales , of which 1,000
bales were for speculation and export , nnd
Included 9,900 bnlea American ; no receipts.
Futures opened nnd closed quiet ; Ameri
can. 1. m. c. . Julv. 313-filil. snlleraf Julv
and August , 3 18-G4if3 19-G4d , buyers ; August
and September , 3 17-G4JT3 IS-GId , buyers ; Sep-1
tcmber and October , 31G-GI8'317-G4d , buyers ;
October and November , 315-GIG3 lG-G4d , sell
ers ; November nnd December , 314-G40) )
315-G4d , sellers ; December nnd January ,
314-C45J3 li-G4d , sellers ; January nnd Febru
ary , 314-flj315-64d , solleri' ' ; February and
March , 3H5-G4d , buyer * ; March and April ,
318-C4d , sellers ; April nnd May , 31G-G4iii >
317-G4d , buyers ; May and June , 317-64 ®
318-GW , sellers.
NEW YORK , July 28. COTTON The ex
citement In the cotton market centered In
the Issue of the largo number of August
notices , followed today by extreme apathy
and almost -insignificant fluctuations. The
market opened steady at unchanged prices
to a decline of 2 points and for a tlmo
showed no particular leaning ono way or
the other. Near midday several small lines
of weakly held long stuff came out and
sent prices off a point or two , but business
failed to materially Improve. For the rest
of the session scalpers were Jn control and
operated Jn n straggling fashion on both
sides of the market. The idea of the lead-
era of the market seemed to favor a policy
of neutrality pending the appearance of
some radically now factor on which to base
fresh conclusions' . The cables from , Liver
pool were unchanged nnd crop Information ,
whllo generally favorable , had been dis
counted. After a brief spurt of activity
during the last few minutes the market
closed steady and net unchanged to 2 point *
Itiuik CIcnriiiKN.
> NEW YORIvrTTuly 2S.-Clearlngs ,
74S.50I ; balano9 , * 9S67GS5.
'BOSTON. ' Juiv . -CIearlngs , $21,961,462 ;
balances. $3,026,976.
BALTIMORE , July SS.-Clearhigs. $3,175-
184 " '
; "balances , $537.5-'S.
PHILADELPHIA , July CS. Clearings ,
$12,525.313 ; balances , $1,637,833.
CHICAGO , July 28. Clearings , $18,525,052 ;
balances , $1,930,241. Sterling exchange ,
J4.85',4@4.SSV4. New York exchange , 20c dis
ST. LOUIS , July CS. Clearings , $4,682,603 ;
balano ; , SGG'j.KK. ' .Money , quiet at 407 per
cent. 'Exchange , on iNew York , IGc premium
bid , ffic asked.
CoiiiIKlon of the Trennnry.
WASHINGTON , July 28. Today's state
ment of the condition c-f the treasury
shows : Available cash batance , $279,656,415 ;
gvjld reserve , $245,731,754.
Shoe mid Leather Itcvleiv.
CHICAGO , July 2S.-Th * Shoo nnd
Leather Review tomorrow will say : On
some selections of hides the packers are.
sold up to kill. This means that the hides
are purchased as soon as they nro taton
off the backs of the cattle nnd before they
nro cured. 'Native ' steer hides are the only
kind In supply. We quote native steers at
HH@12V4c , according 'to ' date of salting ;
Texas steers , heavy , 12&c ; light , 12c ; ex
treme light , ll'.c ; butt hands , llftc ; Colorado
rado steers , 11-ftc ; heavy native cows , ll'/ic ;
light native cows , ll'/ic.
Mniiclirntcr Textile 1'alirlcn.
( MANCHESTER , July 28. Cloths and
yarns steady with n fair demand.
Itecclvcr fur Dcvolnpmeiit Company.
PARKERSnURO , W. Va. . July 28. Judge
Jackson of the United States court , upon
the petition of Rollan II. Smith , has ap
pointed Hon. W. D. Hoge of Wheeling and
R. Hilton Smith of Plttsburg , receivers of
the Consolidated Investments corporation
nnd the Webster Coal and Lumber company
and has enlolned both companies from dis
posing of their property. The first named
company has Its olllccs In Now York City
nnd was engaged In developing the mineral
nnd other resourceo of the lands con
trolled. Smith alleges a breach of con
tract as ground for his action. The presi
dent of the Investments company Is James
M. Houston. Among the directors are ex-
Oovernor Livingston of Oeorgla , Assistant
Secretary of War Melklojohn. Rear Admiral
Franklin , U. S. N. . F. A. Palmer , United
States public printer , nnd J. P , Lafllln , Chi
Ill r Di'piirtniuiit Store Failure.
CLEVELAND , July 28. The big depart
ment store of the Hoyt-Kent-Sefton com
pany , on Euclid avenue- , was placed in the
bands of a receiver today on application of
H. II , Iloyt , who owns a controlling Interest
In tbo concern , Mr , Iloyt charges other
members of the company with mismanage
ment. Ho aaked for Injunction , a receiver
and equitable relief. Judge Strlmple has
named W. H. McOoland as receiver. It Is
stated that the assets are $166,253 and
liabilities $236,200.
Commercial I.HIV I.C-IIKIII- .
NEW YORK , July 28. The Commercial
Law league of America , In session at Aubury
Park , N. J , , was addressed today by George
W. liatra of Detroit , .Ml h. . on "The Nego-
tlablo Internment Law. " Mr. Hates until :
"This law Is designed to secure a uniform
law on the subject ot commercial paper
throughout the United States and.Is de
signed to harmonize all conflicting laws on
tbis subject and makes the law more intelli
gible to the people who wish to know it , "
Rilirnnl I'liyn n ll - avToll. .
CHICAGO , July 28 , A wealthy Colorado
merchant , whoso Identity the police disguise
behind tbo fictitious name of "Georco Ed
wards , " was robbed tonight of $7,000 through
a "panel gamo" operated In the house of
NeJllo Miller In State street , The money
consisted or seven 31,000 bills. This is the
largest amount of money over secured in
a similar robbery In the levee district.
W. O. T. V. AVorlil'M Convention.
NEW YORK , July 28. The fifth biennial
convention of the World's Christian Tem
perance union , it Is announced , will meet
In Edinburgh , Scotland , Monday , Juno 25 ,
1300. The executive committee will meet
ou Friday , June 22 , of the same year.
Ailviini'e In I'riui ? of Coiil ,
NEW YOniC , July 28. The anthracite
companies announce that all orders for coal
at prices prior to July 1 not filled nn July
31 will bo canceled and the advance of 25 j
cents per tea will then go Into general effect. '
Totnl receipts . . . . 4S 91 3 13
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
I Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.
Ornate Packing Co 74 IMS 31
G. II. Hammond Co 170 1,059
Swift nnd Company 184 1,610 23
Cudahy Packing Co 326 1,508
Armour & Co 161 1,793 26G
J. L. Carey 474
W. I. Stephen S3
Livingstone. & Schnller. . . 12
HamW'ton ' & Rothschild' ' . . 32
Other buyers 45
Held over 450
Total 1,103 7 , 42 310
CATTLE .Light receipt wind active de
mand rendered the market on fat cattle
favorable to the selling Irxerests. It might
bo summed up as a gt > od. steady to strong
market on cornfed steers. There was no
grass beef in the ynrd to make a test of
the market , at least none of any cense
quence. One choice load of cattle brought
} . " > S ( > , the high price of the year so far.
Prtotloally everything In the way of fAt
cattle changed hands early In the morning.
Cows And hclfors were reasonably active
and the market Just about steady , the few
loads on sale changing hands In a short
time. There were a few western grass cows
which changed hands at $3.20S3.BO , and some
native cows brought $4.00. One load of
etirnfod heifers with four steers sold at
$4.63. Bulls were rather Inclined to bo slow ,
though there was no very material change
in prices. Veal calves sold at $5.006.50 for
the good kinds.
1..1400 3 30
48. . 947 4 00 1. . 930 4 25 25. . 740 4 S2&
16. . 830 4 15 7. . 831 4 23
HOGS Today's hog market was in many
respects a repetition of yesterday's market.
That Is , It opened about steady with yester
day morning nnd then eased off toward the
doss. The llrst sales of hogs to the fresh
meat trade were largely at $4.32&f4.37k ,
with some choice loads nt $1.40. Theae were
the same prices thnt were paid yesterday
morning for the * ams kind of hogs. The
packers , however , did not at nny time
show a disposition to pay over $ I.301N.324 !
for the general run of the packing hogs.
The market was rather slow from start to
finish. Sellers were determined to get all
out of 'tho ' hogs that was to bo had , while
'packers ' did not appear at all anxious for
the hogs at the brevalllng prices , which
are very close ito Chicago prices. The close
was plow and weak.
It will bo noted from the table of average
prices above that the average of all the
! ales was a little lower than yesterday , but
that the market Is lOc higher than it was
a week ngo. Representative sales :
No , Av. Sr. Pr. No , Av. Sr. Pr.
10. .249 . . . $4 15 73. 237 SO 4 32ft
G4. .285 ICO 4 2714 GS. 2K SO 4 32ft
11. .181 4 27V4 68. 248 432ft
14. .296 4 27' 81. .222 SO 432ft
14.CO. . .290 200 4 30 95 , .224 40 4 32ft
61. .280 160 4 30 62. .265 432ft
58. .305 4 30 81. .213 ICO 4 32ft
72. .280 160 4 30 71. .211 40 4 32ft
79. .247 40 4 30 62. .260 SO 4 32ft
41. .838 40 4 30 69. .267 432ft
Cl.C9. 41.Cl. . .298 2SO 4 30 73. .245 SO 4 32ft
C9. .S50 4 30 74. .234 40 432ft
G3. .227 160 4 30 01. .2fi8 200 4 32ft
73. .257 120 4 30 81. .237 SO 432ft
77. .259 40 4 30 201 .255 160 432ft
C9. .250 4 30 60. .292 ' 4 32ft
94. .244 ice 4 30 60.a. . .203 40 4 32ft
01. .211 40 4 30 81. 232 120 4 32ft
70. .260 4 30 81.G5. . .287 80 4 32ft
74. .289 4 30 G5.Hi. . .245 SO 4 32ft
75. .219 40 4 30 81. .257 210 432ft
no. .331 4 30 78. .248 ICO 4 32ft
S3. .254 120 4 30 81. .247 SO 4 32ft
72. .250 ICO 4 39 83. .208 200 4 32ft
79. .217 40 4 30 73. .246 . . . 4 " . 'i
41. .23S 40 430 70. .271 4 35
68. .300 4 30 72. O1O SO 4 35
.250 4 20 76. ! 215 120 4 S5 -
.250 SO 4 30 76.K ) , .255 ' 4 35
.276 ICO 4 30 C8. .213 40 4 35
.248 120 4 30 C8.fcS. . .251 200 4 35
.260 40 4 30 80. .211 40 4 35
.260 160 4 30 80. .217 SO 4 35
.315 SO 4 30 Co. .245 4 35
.219 ICO 4 30 8fi. .231 250 4 35
.229 80 4 3" ) 77. .253 4 y
.2S5 SO 4 30 88. .231 280 4 35
.232 4 30 91. .222 SO 4 35
.251 400 4 39 84. .219 3537ft
.2S7 80 4 30 88. .210 120 37ft
.223 40 l sift 88.6fi. . .251 120 37ft
.271 . . . 432ft 62. .241 SO 37ft
.256 40 4 32ft ES. .321 27ft
75. , ,223 2OT 4 32ft ES.CO. . .321 27ft
,277 210 4 32ft 13. .22 ! i 27ft
' .Ml 40 4 324 64. , M7 4 S7H
74.6S. . 293 200 4 324 $9. .219 4 .Vft
6S. .249 SO 432ft S4. .223 440
73. .163 so 4 32ft 7S. .230 4 40
lf.S. .257 so 4 324 7S.M. . .218 4 40
175. .233 40 4 324 97. .180 4 40
70. , .239 4 324 SI. .222 4 40
64. . .223 . . . 4 34 67. .249 4 40
SS. , . .241 100 4 324 43..240 . . 4 40
1. . . .220 . . . 2 I" 6. . .292 4274
1. .270 2 25 6. . .80S 274
1. .370 286 7. . .401 274
1. .2W 3 00 1. . .450 274
1. .6SO 3 15 1. . .310 27ft
1. .r io 3 30 O " .210 30
6. .31 $ 4 ( fl 4" .215 30
6. .211 4 25 S. . .171 4 30
1. .330 4 25 6. . .178 4 30
5. .258 4 27ft
SHEUP The big sheep barn had n de
serted appearance this morning , nfl only
three cars of sheep nnd Inmbs were re
ported In. The demand wno peed anil buy
ers were out arly nnd picked up the offr-
Ings In short order , so that the barn wns
completely deserted by S o'clock , or soon
after. The prices paid were Just about
steady nnd thj market wns without quota
ble change. Ono double deck of southern
Utah grass withers , rather heavy pelted ,
sold nt J3.90. A small bunch of native
spring lnmb. sold nt $0.00 , and another lot
nt $6.00 , while some very good cornfed
nntlvs wethers brought $4.60.
There Is some demand for feeders , but
so far It Is not large nnd buyers , as n
I rule. Ihnvo their Ideas rather low , that is
I they do not appear aulte ready to buy at
prevailing pnops. one small wmcn ot
yearlings constituted all the feeders on
Kale today and It brought $1.00.
Quotations : Prime native wethers , tl.25
B4.60 ; good to choice grass wsthcrs. 14.15
( fi-1.30 ; fair lo good grass wethers. J3.7STJ/
4.10 ; good to cholco grass ewes , $3.60y3.75 ;
good to choice spring Inmlw. I5.fi0@fi.oo ; fnir
to good spring lambs , JS.OOJJ5.50 ; common
spring lambs , J4.00ff4.25 ; feeder wethers ,
J3.505J3.S5. Representative sales :
N . AV. Pr.
225 Utnh wethers . 100 $ J W
30 feeders , ye.irllngs . 62 400
14 fed sheep . 118 460
9 buck lambs . 62 4 M
S lambs . C3 S ft )
23 spring lambs . 70 600
GhlciiKO Live Stock.
CHICAGO , July SS. CATTLE-The cattle
nwrket was sternly today , with fnlr re
ceipts ; good to fancy steers brought Jo.XHf
5.tia ; commbner grades , J4.40fi5.30 ; stackers
and feeders , $3.001j'4.90 ; bulls , cows and
heifers , J2.00ft5.10. Calves sold at $3.2o0ti.75 ;
wcstorn fed steers , J4.60y6.75 ; Texas steers ,
$3.60g 3.30.
HOGS Were a shade higher today ; choice
lota brought J4.25SI.65 ; heavy lots , $ I.OCKE4.00 | ;
Ugh't. ' $4.403-1.05 ; pigs , J3.755j-4.60 ; ctlljs ami
rough lots , $2.UOJKOO.
Sll'EEP ' Sold unchanged today ; sales
were on a. basis ot J2.00J3.00 | for culls , up to
J5.005.25 for prime wethers , Jl.50ij5.50 for
yeurllngs nnd $3.75814.60 for cull lambs , up
to J6.SoiK.PO flor prime flocks , The llrst
range lambs of the season arrived yesterday
from Utnh nnd ? old at $6.26fiG.C5.
RECElITS-Cnttle , 2,500 head ; hogs , 16-
000 ihoad ; sheep , S.OOO head.
York I.lvc Stock.
colp > ts , 2,235 head ; active and steady , except
common , nnd medium cows slow , nnd were
all sold ; steers , J4.93i5.7J > ; bulls , J3.00f3.50 | ;
OO\VB , $2.0CKf4.20. ? Cables quote live cattle
Gft llc , tops at Liverpool 12c , dressed
weight ; refrigerator beef , 8c per lb. ; exports
tomorrow , 738 head cattle and 6,175 quartern
of bef.
CALVKS-Recelpts , 136 head ; veals dull
and 2Go Jowor ; buttcrmihcs llrm ; 114 head
vevals unsold ; veals. $4.8M6.50 ; culls. $4 ;
buttormllks , J3.25 < 83.75 ; graasers and feed
ers 1TSO.
SHE1DP AND UAMBS-Recolpts , G.525
head. Shee i linn ; prime nnd handy , shade
higher. Good lambs stronger ; others steady ,
1 car uneoM. Sheep , J3.00JHS7ft. Lambs ,
$4.75j(7.15 ; culls , $4.12ftg4.5o.
HOGS Receipts , 1,603 head ; slow at $4.70
rCiuinni City Live Stock.
ceipts , 2,4i'iO head natives and 1,220 head Texans -
ans ; desirable killing grades , c < ive , steady ;
pluln , unfinished stock , sHow , lOc lower ;
heavy native steers , J5.205T5.C5 ; lightweights ,
$4.86G.50 ; stockers and feeders , steady , J3.5U
< M.75 ; butcher ooww and heifers , J4.10S6.0U ;
western steers , $4.15S5.32ft ; Texans , $3.40 ®
HOG'S ' Receipts , 6,000 head ; market ac
tive , steady to 5c higher ; heavy , Jl.4ulf4.47V2 ;
mixed and -light , J4.35tfT4.45 ; pigs , $1.30J4.40.
SHEEP 'Receipts. 3,820 head ; slaughter
ing stuff active , firm : spring lambs , $5.00 ®
G.75 ; mutltons , $4.00@4.50 : Miockers and feed-
ore. S3.35fM.00 : culls. $2.7&IT3.25.
St. Lou ! * Live Stock.
ST. LOUIS , July 2S.-OATTLE Receipts ,
900 heart ; market srteady to strong ; fair to
flancy native shipping and export steers ,
$4.6030.83 ; butcher dressed beef steers , $4.00
© 5.35 ; steers under l,00r Ibs. , S3.76Q'4.7S :
stackers and feeders , $3.W > S6.00 ; cows and
heifers. $2.25iJf4.S5 ; bulls , $2.25 3.75 ; cannern ,
Sl &ge.SO ; Texas and Indian steers , $3.00 ®
4.95 ; oows ami heifers , J2.25@4.00.
HOGS Receipts , 3,900 head ; market
strong ; pigs and lights , J1.50Q4.CO ; packers ,
J4.45 4.55 ; butchers , J4.564.65.
SHEEP Receipts , 800 head : market
steady ; native muttons , (3.50(54.50 ( ; lambs ,
J4.00g .30 ; stockers , $2.00 3.50 ; culls and
bucks , $2.25-33.00 ; Texana , $4.30.
St. Jonoph Live Stock.
'SOUTH ' ST. JOSEPH , July 2S. ( Special. )
The Journal quotes :
CATTLE Receipts , 1,500 'head ; market ac
tive and steady to a shade higher ; natives ,
$1.7505.00Texas ; and westerns , $3.6005.65 ;
oows anil heifers. $2.0504.85 ; yearlings and
calves , $4.2005.25 ; bulls and stags , $2.3j04.C5 ;
stockers and 'feeders , $3.50014.75 ; veals , $5.00
HOGS Receipts , 6,500 head ; market ac-
tlvo and stcndy to strong ; 'heavy ' and me
dium , $1.350 > 1.42ft : light , $4.32ftTI.42ft ; Pigs ,
$4.20 ( 4.65 ; bulk of safes. $4.3o04.42ft.
SHEEP Receipts , 2,600 head ; market ac
tive and strong.
Stock 111
Following ore the receipts at the four
principal markets for July 23.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 1,139 6,997 453
Chicago . 2,500 lli.OOO 8,000
Kansas City . 3,070 6,0f,0 3,820
St. Louis . 900 3,900 SOO
Totals . 8,209 32,857 13,103
CoffeeMnrk < * t.
NEW YORK , July 28. COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady at unchanged prices and ex
hibited a fnlr degree of animation during
the day , though the professional cUment
continued In control. The cables proved
better than IOOKCU ror. jiroziimu luui'ijnn
were smaller than expected nd warehouse
deliveries larger. Hut Investors were
cautious and the bull Interest Indifferent.
Closed barely steady , net unchanged to 5
. ; ecemer , . . , .
March , J5.05 ; May , $5.1506.20. Spot coffee ,
Rio , dull but about steady ; mild , quiet.
Huirnr Mfirkrt.
NI3W ORILEAN3. July 28.-SUGA It-Dull ;
open kettle , 3i < ! M5-16c : centrifugal , yellow ,
4 % < ff4T4c ; fleconds , 2ft01l'/lo. molasses , dull ;
centrifugal. &f(14c.
NEW YORK , July 28. SUOA/R / Raw ,
sti-ady to llrm nnd good demand ; fair re
fining , 315-lCc ; centrifugal , 96 test , 4ftc. iMo-
lasses sugar , 1301Ccj refined , firm and ac-
'tlve. '
_ _
Cull for n In Drli-il KriiltN.
DRIED FRUITS Dull. Evaporated ap
ples , 605fte ; prime wire truy. SVi'SSfto ' ;
cholco. S ltOs ; fancy , 9U09ftc. Prunes , 3U
0Sc , Apricots , Royal , He ; Moor park , 140) )
ICc. Peaches , unpeeled , ll@1lftc.
Etforigages For Sale
We have on hand a list of
gilt-edge securities for sale.
Call andeee us.
First Floor N. Y. Life
OMAHA nta Lincoln MIR
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omnliii , Neb
Dlrft wlrxK to ChlcuKo and New fork.
CorrMtoodcnUi Julia A. Wurtc Jb tt
IVIien Traveling
Read The Bee
Hero Is Where \
You Will Find it in the
Principal Cities.
JnmtB M. ( loilnrd. "
Klmbnll llou < < \ptT Slunil.
f'ntillo I.llirnrj.
Vmiitame Hotel
notion 1'ren * Club , 14 noirrorlh Bt.
Qenetoe Hotel \ > > TH Stnnd.
Hurvnril Uu..vrrltr I.IItrnrr *
K. A. I.onan , IMi ! \ \ > t Kith Bt ,
Auditorium Aiinri > Vvrn Stnnd.
Auditorium Hotel \or Smut.
Or nnil 1'n c I do Ilotrl \ TI nlnnd.
< ! rrut Nurtlinrii Hotel
TVrw * Stnnd.
I'll 1 m or Mount * .Vciv Stnnd.
runlollloo , w > Stniiilo. . 3AT Deal * *
linru .Street.
Annoclnteil Advrrtlicr'a Club , Pnlme *
IVcdilcll HittiKC.
The Hallrnilcn.
Commercial Traveler '
* Ajiioolatlon %
Slnionlo Temple.
rrliitr > Hume.
llrovrn Hotel XIMTPI Stniul.
Hamilton. A ICpiulrlck , Ullll-Dia 17th * ,
Mcl.nlii , J'ltt t Co. , Sixteenth St.
Vrntt Men-mull. ' Co. . t.M7 I < rlni r St.
The Stationer Co. , 15th mid L .TTrcn
Street * .
Wliidnor Hotel \eir Stnnd.
Uoie * Jaoulu , nook Inland Uepot.
Y. M. O. A. Itcnilliiir Hooni.
% Vlt & llenuett , 214 AV. Superior Bt ,
U. 0. JL * Iteuillnu Hooni
XiiBlntcrru Hotel Ilcndlna noom.
Honolulu Hotal Hendlna noom.
W. A. Moore , Uthreun nd 3I 1 Ot.
Helena 1'ublto Library.
Gears * Olb on.
O. H. Weaver A Oo.
F. C. BovlnK.
I * D. Cooper Jt Co. , O20 CcBtral ATO.
Bobert Acid. 1O32 MoGee It.
Coiites ' . > u e \ < > T > - Stnnd.
HUnoiirl Heitnbllcuti Club , DOB DnllU
uioro Are.
I'ubllo Library.
lllcltnecker Clirnr Co. , Oth anfl Walnnt
_ opiioilte I * . O-
RnllTrnr V. M. C. A. , room 3T Unlo *
Defiot. ICallsn * Cltr. Mo.
Public Library.
T. M. O. A. Rcndlnir noom.
\V. 9. naral.ton , 112U O fitreet , Dellr.
Oliver & Hniiiov , 1OO S. 8prln0 St.
F. D. Unnncora , 422 9. Main St.
Oharlei A. GIlllB'i American
S Cockapnx- . , Trufnlirar Sq. , 8. W.
Aiidrerr F. Schnna , Cor. Puente d
and Knoolta Street * .
Pabllo Library ,
Wet Hotel Jidtrm Stand.
Cooper Union Llbrnry.
Fifth Avenue Hotel Neir * Stand.
Fifth Avenne Hotel Ileadlnir no
Empire Hotel.
Ilroome Street Library.
Holland Hone Ilendlngr Hooa * .
IIofTiuan Houia.
Imperial Hotel New * Stand.
Mechanic * ' and Trader * ' irre
No. 18 I2u t Slxtcenih Street.
Pren * Club , 12Oa * nu St. - _
We1nilniiter Hotel Itendlntf nt. ll
AVIntlior Hotel IU ii < 1liiir lloaw-
Y. M. > . A. , 23d Street * 4th Avenne ,
00 DEN.
W. Webb , 2-105 Wahle o Av * .
\V. G. Kind.
Netr YorU Herald lleadluc n * > i 4j
Ave. do 1'Opern.
Tbo * . Cook A Son * , 1 Av * . d l' * era.
Zotve Jit Gi-Mtrom.
AV. E ) . Jane * , 201 Alder St
Portland Hotel IVevr * Stnad.
Ueromntlle Library.
1'nbllo Library.
Pablle Library.
Hotel taiilaterra Headlav M * M
Santa Ana Free I'ul.llo LlhvAry.
L. F. Ilnmuicl , Lroeuu * Thaai * * ,
Salt Lake Nerr * U * .
Public Library.
Uaitern Ncvt * Co. , JI1U 1-f PilM tt ,
A. T. Lundbrric ,
George F. Ward.
aarreltiou lintel .Ve r * HtmmA.
Btoiidninln Hotel Nerv * Stan4.
lintel Vendomeeir * StaaA
Comvny t Knickerbocker.
1'iibllo Mbrnry.
r.i-riild I'Mtuflblioii , 700 r > th Bt.
Hey Allen , 2121 Center St.
Y. SI. O. A. Heading Hoow.
John AV. Grahuiu 72U-7M Ivcrildt ,
flrattdoir' * Ner > Stand , Tit Bdmom <
Junction NPTT * Stand , BOt IMni Hd H
Y. 91. 'O. A. Iteadlnv Ilooia ,
I're * Club.
Windiur Hotel.
ST. 1 OU19
D. J. Jett , Una O1M tf .
I'luntrr * ' Hotel \rr
I'ubllo Library.
Wlllard' * Hotel New * Btan .
Arlluvtiiu Hotel.
Oonirre * lnnul Library.
HIRE * Houie.
Atrrieultaral Uepartiuwat Mbrary ,
nepabllauu Matloual CuiuuiUU * .