20 THE OIKATTA DATLT BEE : STTN'DAT , .TTJLT 23 , 1890. WILL TREAT RAILROAD TIES Plant Erected at Edgemont for Preservation of Wooden Ties. TWO ROADS HAVE TRIED IT SUCCESSFULLY fiantn FC mill Southern I'nclflo Find " thnt CliPiiilcnl Solution IjCiiKlliciin ' J.lfo of Tien .New lliirlliiKton I I'lnnt Will Cunt lU.UOO. j As exclusively announced In The Bee n few days ago , the Burlington road Is rapidly progressing In the erection of a plant at Kdgcraont , S. D. , which , when completed , will bo useJ for tfco purpose uf trratlag railroad ties by a process designed to pro- Borvo them , ; The plant will cost $40,000 and it Is ex- ' peeled to bavo It completed and ready for operation by October 1. Slnco the earliest dam of railroading the , nutation of securing ties Which would p-ovo ? ' most serviceable and last the longest has ' ) been a serious ono. The constant wear and , tear on the tics has necessitated the replace ment of old oncn as soon as tlicy aru per- * ccptlbly worn. The Santa Fo roaJ , .t IB be lieved , Is the first company to originate a plan whereby the length o service of the ' , ordinary ties can bo Increased. A solution ; of chloride of zinc was applied to all tlus by a specially arranged process and the ex periment IIDH proven such a success that ; the Burlington road , after Investigation , con cluded to place In operation a similar plant. fTho Santa I-Vs tic-preserving plant Is lo cated nt Las Vegas. The Southern Pacific also has plants used for thla purpose In the Bcuth and In California. i The Burlington selected Edgomont as the most conveniently situated point for erecting , the plant , as most of the tics used on this system are cut in the Black Hills and tlio Ulg .Horn mountains and Edgomont Is the Junction of the lines which operate In those localities. General Superintendent Calvcrt of the Burlington , In speaking of the now plant , oays : "Our Kdgemont llo-prcservlng plant i will treat about 3,000 ties per day. The process Is what iu known as the chloride of zinc process , the same as tliat used by the Santa Fo and Southern Pacific roads. Wo are now storing tics at Edgemont , which will bo treated us soon ns the plant Is un der way. This wo hope to bo some time In October. "Tho tlea nro put In large , alr-tlght Iron cylinders , the air pumped out and the ties lieatod dot by steam. The chemicals are than pumped In and the tics kept In the solution under high pressure until they are saturated , when they are removed. < "Wo have a yard at Edgemont , In which wo can store 00,000 ties. It Is necessary that tlioy bo piled up and allowed to season for about sixty days before they are In shape < to treat. " 11OISH EXPECTS TIIUOUGII TRAINS. Short 1,1 ne Cantcmiiliifcx ClmtiKC of Iloutc Affecting Iilulio'n Capital. There Is a strong probability that the city of Boise , Idaho , will soon bo placed on the main line of the Oregon Short Line , Instead of having to content Itself with a branch service from Nampa , twenty miles away. The citizens of Bolso have taken tha matter Into their own hands and a short tlmo ago held a rousing mass meeting , In which they agreed to furnish the grade for the road provided It bo run , by means of a loop , through thn.t city. Vlco President Bancroft of the Short Line Is quoted as Baying that the change will be made If the statement of Bolso citizens Is true , to the effect that the line can be extended through Bolso without Increasing Its length more than eight miles. A proposition made by the ofllclals of the Short Line to Boise about a month ago was that ehglncers would be placed In the field and survey the proposer line and If It should bo practicable the change would bo made In case the citizens of Bolso would grade the road. Such n change would necessitate considerable ex pense on the part of the railroad , as II would require the building of two high bridges , a raising of the grade and the layIng - Ing of now track. The report of the engineers who have been In the field investigating the proposec route Is expected In a few days and then the people of Boise will know whether or not they are to bavo through trains run ning. Scientific I2vi > lnmtlon lA. Darlow of the passenger depart ment of the Union Pacific has returned from Laramlc , Wyo. , for which place he let Tuesday afternoon In charge of the party of scientists who are exploring the gco logical and fossil fields of southwestern Wyoming. Jtr. Darlow states that the trip to Laramlo from Omaha , going around b ; way of Kansas City , was made without especial Incident. At Kansas City a num ber of scientists -who had expressed their intention to Join the party -were awaiting the mnln body which went from this city and still many more were gathered In Lar- nmlo , so that -when the Journey Into the fields of exploration was started there were about 120 members of the party. After seeIng - Ing them safely started on the Inland trip , Jn charge of Prof. W. C. Knight of the State University of Wyoming , Mr. Darlow'u con nection with tbo expedition came to an end. Ho etates that the professors nnd scien tists , -who had eagerly accepted the Invitation of the Union Pacific to Join this party were more than pleased with the 'opportunity presented for exhaustive research In a terri tory "which gives promise of most Interesting developments of a scientific nature. Itntlwny Xott-n mill 1'rrxonnln. J. O. Phllllppl of ' ( lie Missouri Pacific bas returned from a short business trip over the road. W. W. Lumger of the Union Pacific land 'department Is again at his desk at head quarters after n several days' trip through tbo state , looking after land matters. Mr. tmmgor brings good reports of the corn outlook , and believes that the crop this fear will bo n record-breaker. Pearl brooches. Edholm , jeweler. Hubennann , Jeweler , es. IStJO : absolutely reliable ; lowest prices guaranteed , 13 & Doug fiERTOVER TAKES HER MONEY clinj-Ier filrl I.OBCH Her Cimli to n Jlurlier "Who Hail Kui- climtcil Her , I Llfo In a. largo city has proven expensive to Kozl Pallnsky and her experience with men came high , Shu was content with hav ing seen -tho nights of Omaha und was about to depart for Grand Island when she was robbed , she says , of { CO by Ernest Truax , a barber. She -wants him arrested and has Clod a complaint against him alleging grand larceny. IIlss Pallnsky came from Schuylor to ( Omaha a tew months ago and has been work ing at 513 Farnam street. She is a quiet , uaauumlng , hard-working girl , She became acquainted with Truax through a mutual friend. Their acquaintance Increased in cor- dlaflty as time progressed. Considering Truax something more than a friend aha accompanied him to the State hotel Thurs day night. She left the room for a few mo menta and > wben she returned Truax bad dis appeared. As she had expected to leave Fri day tor Grand Island r.he had all her avail able cash , JCO , In her room , and the truant "torutorlallst" took thin with him. Aa she bad no moru money , Miss Pultnsky waa com pelled to forego her trip to Grand Island and tnade up iher mind to prosecute her whilom lover. , _ _ _ TRIBUTE TO COL , INGERSOLL Her. HniTPH of Klr/it / UnlvermxIlHl Church TnlU * of III * Hor- Iiooil In > . Rev. Lewis M. Hawcs of the First Unl- vorsalist church of this city was the friend of Robert 0. Ingersoll In the days of his youth , What Mr. Hawes hns to say about hat period of Ingersoll's life Is very Inter esting , as It shows his true character the nobility of his nature. "Tho announcement of Robert 0. Ingcr- soil's death has awakened my recollections of ils early boyhood , " slid Mr. Hawes. "Ills fa- her , Hcv. John Ingersoll , was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Belleville , Jefferson county , N. Y. , In 1830-40 , about two years. During that time the family lived but a few doors from my home , nnd nearly every day I saw Robert , as well rs others of the fam- ly. Ho Is distinctly 'emembered by me as bright , thoughtful boy , possessing an amiable and winsome disposition. In his speech nnd manners ho was gentle and re spectful , yet bmvo and manly for ono of his years. He seemed Incapable of trickery or dishonesty In his Intercourse with his com panions. "His religious training was decidedly sec- .arlnn , such as his father was most desirous ie should receive. Ho was required to sco himself In the Calvlnlstlc mirror of election and reprobation. That ho should turn away from the view thus presented to him dis gusted nnd horrified Is what might bo nat- jrally expected of one of his tender sensi bilities of soul. " 'O'crbcnd It and it breaks' waa the moral which Aesop would teach as he flung ls bended bow at the feet of his master. "Though not Indorsing tbo peculiar religious views of Mr. Ingersoll , yet I accord to him : ho right to honestly entertain these views. That ho sincerely believed what ho advocated few will deny. Ho was willing to stand or fall by the belief which ho professed. Large numbers of Intelligent , respectable people attended his public lectures , nor were they satisfied with one attendance. It goes with out saying that In his private life Mr. Inger- sell possessed the contldcuco and esteem of all who knew him. His sudden and unex pected demlso has awakened a sense of In tense sensibility In many hearts. A good man does not die without leaving friends find mourners. " The Lnkc Shore Mmltcil to Ilonton. All of the luxuries nnd conveniences of this famous train are at the disposal of Boston nnd Now England passengers with out extra charge. Write for Book of Trains nnd other printed matter of Interest to representatives named beFow : B. P. Hum phrey , T. P. A. , Kansas City , Mo. , or F. M. Byron , G. W. A. , Chicago. A. J. Smith , G. P. A. , Cleveland. Chatelaine watches. Edholm , Jeweler. Blank book and magazine binding. A. I. Hoot , 1609 Howard atrcot. Sherraden , dentist , moved 412 McCague bid. A. D. T. C. ; messengers 'furnished ' ; bag gage delivered. 1302 Douglas st. Ter. 177. Have Root print It. The largest furniture sale over held in Omaha. See the People's store advertisement In this paper on pages G and 7. RUNS OVER INVALID CHAIR Mm. Catherine T. Trice In Thrown Down by Coinliiff In Contact with Ij. AVIiittcnlicrKcr'n While George Ellett was wheeling Mrs. Catherine T. Price , 1517 Burdett street , down the street Friday evening about 7:30 : he was run Into "by " a buggy driven by L. Whltten- berger. Mrs. Price was thrown on the pavement and her left shoulder badly wrenched. As she is 69 years of age , the Injury is serious. A warrant was Issued for WhlttenberBer's arrest yesterday on the complaint of Mr. Ellett. Mr. Ellett stated that he was pushing the chair across Sixteenth street , near Web ster , when the accident occurred. Whltten- berger drove up behind him , the wheels of the buggy brushing against him. The buggy struck the chair and Mrs. Price was tossed from It to the block pavement. Ellett says there was no apparent excuse for the ac cident , because Whlttenberger was not driving fast nnd seemed to be watching where ho was going. Don't fall to read the People's Furniture & Carpet Co.'s ad on pages 5 and 7 to your interest. Iron , brass castings. Ind. Iron wks. Tel 1449 Do you want to make money ? Then read the People's store ad today pages 6 and 7. "U'nltiiiK for ArralRiinicnt. While the criminal1 court has been prac tically Idle since the end of the May term , the police court has been grinding out new cases , and there IB a big bunch of offenders waiting for arraignment. Judge Baker will probably attend to them Monday morning , in order that ball bonds may bo approved and the cases bo got ready for trial at the September term. John Latenser , architect , Karbach block. Turquoise rings. Edholra. Jeweler. F. C. Johnson's elder mill. expo , grounds. Hamilton Warren , M. D. , electric and magnetic physician , has moved his office to 119 North 16th street , room 13. Special at tention to all long-standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women and children. Perhaps You Never Tried our store for drugs end patent medicines didn't know wo bad a drug de partment. Just bring us your next prescrip tion and sco the difference In our prices. Bnr-nen 40c I'ulne'B Celery Compound , 75o Hood's Sitrsuparllla 75c Hwnmp Hoot 40c Indian Sagwa 75c Ulllhim's I'ink Pills < Ua Gem Catnrrh Cure , , 40a IMrney'H Catarrh Cure 40a \Vlno uf Cardul . , , , , 75o Carter's Liver Pills I5o Aycr's Ilulr Vigor K > c Gnrfleld Tea 20c Juyncs' Kxpcutorant 75a S. S. S. 75a Syrup of FlK-s 4Uc Pyramid I'llo Cure 40c BOSTON TORE U DRUG fiP DEPT. HOW The very best kids that are made com from the little kids and they are tendered to tbo world almost like u human baby They are not allowed to go near rocks trees or undciibrush for fear of gettlnt scratched or bruised , They have a rigor ously prescribed diet and with all this only a small percentage of their skins are con sldered good enough for the best .kld gloves It Is the same with bops and malt. There's only one kind that makes the best beer That Hohemlan ( Imported ) hops and ( h tin rat selected malt tbo kind that goes goesJA KKUG lager beer and no other Ingredients nr used. That's why physicians recommem U to frail women. Bettor order a cage no\ and buy the kid gloves later when you'll b physically and fashionably groomed. KlltiU 1C1IUG JIHBWINfi CO. , Tel. 420. 1007 Jackeon Street. MANY NEW BUILDINGS GO UP Present Season is Marked bj Exceptional Activity in Building Circles. IMPROVEMENTS OF A SUBSTANTIAL NATURE Wnrcliniiftpft In Strict llrtnnnil llnnd- nititte Itcililpiicen Unilor Wny In Vn- rlonn I'nrtH of City Omnhn 1'ropcrljGood Iiivctitmcnt. The building situation In Omaha was never more encouraging than at the present time. This statement Is supported by the con * i sensus of opinion of all tha leading archl- ects , contractors and builders in the city , ' ho for * several months have had ex- raordlnnry demands made urwn them for ork attendant upon the erection of many ulldlngs in different parts of the city. An estimate of the Improvements In dol- ars and cents would not convey the proper dca of the value of thcso additions. Not nly are they of superior workmanship nnd eslgn , but they represent the conversion of money Into homes and business establish- 1 icnts of a subntantlal character and erected . 1th the single Idea of permanency. The ' rlndpal ibulldlngs recently completed , In ourse of construction and planned , are csldences , apartment houses , flats , tene ments , 'warehouses and public Institutions. ' Ono prominent architect , In speak of the mlldlng situation , said : "Tho general ulldlng disposition this year Is especially oed and Is a reminder of the boom days ) f Omaha. It la especially noticeable that , 10 dwelling houses are of superior haracter. People have money now and coni i Ider Its Investment In Improved property' ' lie best possible use to which they can put' ' t. However , there Is nothing speculative n the building. It Is all the legitimate out- omo of growing buslncca Interests or In- reased financial ability. "Thero Is no prevailing style of archl- ecture. 'It ' takes the widest possible arlonco. In houses men nnd women are i good deal like they are with their wear- j ng apparel. They don't wont a dress nor a' ' ult like anyone else , and so when It comes o building a house everyone wants some- hlng different from every other person. I onslder ono of the most adaptable styles f architecture for American homes to bo ho English domestic designs , which are a.ptfble of wide diversity. "Tho residence houses thnt wo have been putting up in Omaha are not the most cx- jenslve , but they are as attractive as the jencral run of people want. The Interior urnlshlngs are of especial note , because the very best is in demand. Nearly every one nslsts unon hardwood finishing , the best possible plumbing and modern arrangement and Improvements in every particular. " WnrchouNUM In Demand. There seems to bo an especial demand for varehouses. Buildings for retail business purposes , for Instance , are not scarce and consequently there la no occasion for ad ditional construction. But the warehouse situation Is different. One down town ; rocery firm has been adding to Its waro- louse facilities until It has now added three arge ibulldlngs , all of them full to over flowing. iAn Instance of the legitimate demand for additional room is shown in the case of ? . B. Sanborn & Co. , who have found It necessary to secure Increased space for their manufacturing plant. Work has already > ecn Inaugurated on the building of a two- story and ibasoment warehouse and factory on Howard , between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. It will cover an area of 66x132 feet and in order to make room for its erection .he frame buildings now occupying the site lor the new structure are being torn down. The estimated cost of this building is $15,000. While plans and specifications have not yet been ordered drawn up , it Is stated on reliable authority that the Ames estate is making arrangements to erect a largo bulld- ng , suitable for factory , warehouse or Job- > lng house purposes. Only the most modern plans are contemplated and its completion will add to Omaha's list of buildings ono of the finest and most convenient structures. Another addition to the substantial bulld ogs on Howard street will sodn bo under tieadway , as plans have been completed for : he erection of a two-story and basement brick on Thirteenth and Howard , to bo used as a carriage factory. A. Remington will bo : ho owner and the estimated cost is $8,000. The site of the old Kessler hall on South Thirteenth street will soon ( bo occupied by a handsome two-story and basement brick building , which Is being erected toy the Fred Krug Brewing company at a cost of $8,000. Perhaps ono of the most Important build ings now In course of erection Is the largo seven-story , 132x132 brewery , which Is under headway at Sixth and Leavenworth streets , by the Metz 'Bros. ' Brewing" company. | In the line of tenement houses and flats | A number ot handsome buildings , designed for the purpose of rental , have Just been f completed nnd others are being planned. A block of eevon houses , which will bo uod for tenement purposes , ha just been finished nt Seventeenth and Charles streets for Paul Horbach. The coat was $16,000. , Another block of handsome brick houses nt Twenty-fifth and Farnam , costing $15,000 , has recently been erected by William Ilocheford. A thrce-otory nnd basement building on Dodge street , between Four teenth and Fifteenth , will.soon be erected by W. D. iMclklo , agent for the Brown estate. This building will bo of pressed brick with terra cotta trimmings , and will be used for store rooms and flats , A K MV IMililIc lllllltllllK" . There nro a number of public nnd denominational buildings which will soon 1m added to the already largo number of handsome public edifices. ( Among the former is the new 'building ' for the Deaf and Dumb institute , work upon which will begin In nbout two weeks. This will be a threo-story nnd bacement structure , and the cost of the same , $23,000 , will be liquidated by the state. Then there are the throe public school build ings that are now In process of erection. The Cnss school Is already basement high , the Pacific school will bo ns Jar along early this week and grading for the Davenport school has been started , Thcso three public school Institutions will cost $126,000. One of the most Important denominational Institutions for which plans have 'been ' com pleted and arrangements made for Immediate construction Is the House of the Good Shepherd , In West Omaha. The now build ing will bo constructed on the pavilion plan and will consist of three stories and base ment , 200x250. Boiler room , wash house nnd outside buildings will also toe erected. When completed the building will accom- modate about 250 , and Its primary object will be n school of reformation for young girls. There will also 'bo a preservation de partment of the Institution , designed for the rearing up of children rescued from un wholesome surroundings. TIP | I.alior SItiintlon. Regarding the subject of labor a man well Informed upon the situation states : "Since this Bcason has been such an exceptionally good one from a building standpoint there has been a keen demand for export mechanics nnd the supply of the proper kind of work- Prevents Hay Fever The victims of Hay Favor increase In num bers every year. It has long ago ceased to bo a disease that Is mostly confined to the "aristocrats" and "nabobs" of the country. It Is now common with all cFasses and con ditions nnd is a mid-summer curse now dreaded by millions of people. There Is ONE REMEDY that Is perfect In preventing or curing Hay Fever. No one needs to suffer n minute with Hay Fever If , before they nro attacked , they will commence thn moderate use of GEM CATARRH POWDER. It absolutely prevents an attack of the dis ease and If the victim Is already attacked this remedy will prevent the acute suffering always experienced with this dreadful dis temper and In n short treatment entirely rout It from the head. GEM CATARRH POWDER is easy , con venient and very prcasant to take. It works like magic , destroys all poisonous germs ns they are Inhaled and without any bad after effects braces up relaxed nerves Instantly and Immediately dissipates that TIRED FEELING incident to summer's beat nnd exhaustion. Try a bottle and you will bo convinced. THIS WONDERFUL REMEDY sells nt 50c , but we have it to cell at our store for 40 cents. SCHAEFER DRUGGIST. Corner 16th and Chicago. T A full line of the newest up- to-date TOOLS for O Machinists Carpenters O Brick Masons Electricians L Plumbers Moulders S And our prices are right. JAS. MORTON & SON CO. , 1511 Dodge St. Supreme Comfort combined with style and easy price , are found in ev ery pair of women's shoes in our store this season Dark brown , and all varie ties of tan shades kid and fancy vesting tops light turn soles from the coin toe to the extreme mannish last the satisfied women wear our shoes. N. B. Corner 16th and DoualM St . Union Pacific Through Trains ARE SOLID VESTIBULED. Direct Line Colorado , to Wyoming , Utah , the West , California , Oregon. AND riNELY f QDIPPIO Wllll Palace Sleeping Cars , Dining Cars , ! Free Reclining Chair Cars , Ordinary Sleeping Cars. ( I'intscn Lighted ) CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1302 Farnam Street. mem 1ms not been equnl to the demand. This same elate of affairs exists with the lumber manufacturers , the Iron dealers and the trick yards. All have orders enough to keep them busy for sevornl months , and If the building epidemic continues It will bo necessary to provide additional facilities for supplying the article * of building material for -which there la such a popular demand at this time. " Diamond link buttons. Kdholm , Jeweler. llojn'n Krcr OCTer Hy request wo continue to give free dtir- Ing July a beautiful hnnd-cororcd picture of yourself , handsomely framed , with each new dozen platlno cnblncts or larger photos. These water colors cost no less than $2.50 anywhere else. Wo give ono free , colored true to nature with each new dozen photos. Hoyn , 313-15-17 S. IHth St. Dr. Shcpard Catarrh , 312 New York Life. Special l.oiv llnton < I'lttiOiiirs ; nnil Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rnllwny. One fare for the round trip from Chicago. Return limit , August 31. Pitts- burg tickets on sale August 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 nnd 5. Boston tickets , August 11 and 12. Further Information may bo had by addressing B. I1. Humphrey , T. I' . A. , Kansas City , Mo. , or P. M. Byron. G. W. A. , Chicago. A. J. Smith , 0. P. A. . Cleveland. Two soda water experts Kelkenney & Cllnc Bee Building soda fountain. Returned to city. Dr. Race , 408 Paxton blk. Try the Her Grand hotel's cafes. Open from 6 a. in. until 12 p. ra. Three cafes on first floor and ono grill room. The best of service at popular prices. Bo sure and see the People's store adver tisement In this edition , pages 5 and 7. Diamond stick pins. Kdholm , jeweler. JIAOX1FICKXT THAIJJS. Omnhn tn Chleimn. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rait- way hns Just placed In ( service two magnifi cent electric lighted trains between Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 5 45 p. m. , arriving at Chicago at S'25 a. in. , and leaving Chicago at 6:15 : p. m. and arriving at Omaha at S 20 a. m. Kach train Is lighted thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining "ars and reclining chair cars , and runs over the shortest line and smoothest roadbed be tween the two cities. Ticket office , 1504 Farnam street , and at Union depot Pure 1SK. wedding rings. Kdholm , Jeweler. Clear Conscience Often depends on the stiito of your liver. SlinilMAN'S UHUHAUH IjlVHIl PILLS fix the liver , fiotlngns n gentle stimulant to Its action , thus preventing constipation nnd headache , rollowness und bad blood. They uro small , purely vrgettiblo nnd easy to tnko. Ask for s.inu > le. .SOMI3 SAM 11,13 CUTS. Jl.OO Plnkhnm Compound TBo Ma Syrup of MRS 40c ' J1.01 'Scott' Emulsion 75c Jl.OO Wine of Cjmlul 7. > e Sl.OO Kilmer's Swnnip-Hoot 5o Jl.tn Dr. Milles' Nervine 7f.i- Jl.OO Maltlne Preparations 85o Me CMstorla - ' " Jl.OO Malted Milk " > 2oc Carter's 1/lttlo Liver Pllla I.HI $1.00 Plcrco's Favorite Prescription u > o Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co , , IBIS DODGE : ST. . OMAHA. NEB. 311 DOLE OF BLOCIC. uW YcViY.YiWVsrY THE 99.-CENT STORE. 49c for Hammocks worth $1.00. $ This In a clearing sale of Ham mocks that wo bought too many of. Nothing wrong with them but the price. Our assortment of Hammocks Is the largest In the olty. Our prices are the smallest. 10 Cents a Box. of four cakes flno Toilet Soap Is an other of Monday's specials. ' ' " 'This is a cool store. I519-I521g 1519-1521 Douglas = Douglas Street. Street. Hear lOtb It. ! r lath M. Swell Society Women Buy Their Shoes at Boston Store so do a great many of Omaha's leading doctors , judges , lawyers and edi tors do you Jnow ( Why ? JBecause , they , like oilier people , love a bargain. IPs that one touch of nature tliat makes tlie whole world akin. We carry t7ie finest sJwes that money can luy , out tJte manner of our buying makes it possible for us to save you a great deal , and we make it a point to also I have those special styles and kinds tliat some people tliink they have to send to New York for. Jor instance , those Little men's oxford ties , juxt like 7iis father loears we sell-them for $1.35 , or those Louis XV dress sJioes for ladies others would get $5 or $6 for them we selltliein for $3.50 , or men's ] patent leather shoes we sell them for $2.50 and $3.00 others get ยง 5 and $6 for. the same Quality. See I some of our special shoe bargains tomorrow in summer ties and tan shoes. BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sis. , Omalia. An Opportunity To get something nlco at greatly reduced prices , A storllng silver handle Kail Fllo or Buttonhook or Hair Curler or Letter Opener , 25c to 40c. Roller filotter , 2Bc ; Whisk Drooin , BOo ; Nail Polisher , 60c ; all sterling silver mounted. Pocket- 'books , with sterling silver corners , 50c ; Bolts , 25cj Inkstands , 26c ; Salvo Box , 8c ; Salt and Pepper , IGc a pair ; Dresden Lamp , $10.00 , crocks. Chafing Dishes , Austrian Chlnaware , Venetian Glassware , Brlc-a Brac , etc. , at greatly reduced prices. | Visit our Cut G-Iass room. Difficult Watch and Jewelry Repairing solicited and eatlsfactlon guaranteed , Artistic Stationery latest effects. MAWH1NNEY & HOLLIDAY , Jewelers and Art Stationers. Successors to 15th and Douglas Streets. C. S. RAYMOND CO. , . COMPARISONS of treatment and results prove always that our system of DENTISTRY and the quality of the work Is of a buperlor order. Kvery case Is Bucccsstully treated old teeth are extracted without pain and now ones supplied which are as useful and beautiful as these which nature gave. Artificial' teeth , with or without plates , from 15.00 upwards. Bniley the Dentist , ICth and Fa mum Streets. Paxton Block. Lady Attendant. TUKKISII T. & f. IMU.S brings monthly men-1 struutlonsurototiinday never disappoint you I 1. box. 2 boxes will help any cabe. Uyjnall.f iUho1Drug5tere , iStii &F rn mOmahBNeb. Children's ' v Overalls * ages 2 to 8 , 10 cents. While they are intended for boys , in the east they dross little girls in , them , and they look real cuto. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. , CAPITOL AVE. , NEAR I6TH STREET. . Clone to lieimctt'n. P. S Did you see those men's pants we've got on sale ? SSTAUI.ISHI3D 1858 SAVE $25.00 If you need n carriage or buggy. If thinking of changing your old ono for new am agent for the Columbus Buggy Co.'s and other up-to-dato vehicles. A. .T. SIMPSON , V 1-100-11 Doilcb St. is 7 Your Chemist The success of a prescription de pends ns much on the quality ot the medicine ns on the skill of the doctor. To obtain the purest and best drugs get them of Beaton-McGinn Drug Go , , S. IV. Cor. IStli and Farnam. Prescription Chemists. 'Phone B33. Good Shows nro Tlko our pipes they dravB ) Good , sweet , clean , free-drawing pipes are the kind we nro selling. Every style from the penny clay to the gold trimmed meerschaum. A good pipe means a good smoko. Can't wo supply you ? If you're not a pipe smoker , try ono of our , , . t.wo- Five-Gent Jersey Cigars The best five cent cigar made. Paxfon Block Gi ar Store , Jacob Jaskalek , Prop. s , ISth , near Farnam. PROF , MONHEIT Treats all ail ments of tha feat , both on ladles' ana Kntl men. Ladles' Mnlrdresulng and Hair Ooodo , Toilet , Preparations. Su- _ _ _ _ _ parfluoua hair re moved with electricity. Mall orders given prompt attention , 1(510 FAI11VAM ST. Elevator Service. Paxton block. LADIES PROTEGTINE " * > You will not suffer from painful men- BtrUfttlon .or delay ; Ibucorrhoea : , Yfl- | nltli , whites or Any female dlick r ei. Tor Bile at all drugging , J2 , and at < - ' G. M. Foster's ' Pharmacy , 024 N. 10th Street , : Drezel Hotel , ILER GRAND BATHS HER QRflHD HOTEL. Electric , Turkish , Russian , Roman , PlungeSea Salt , and Plain Baths. LA DIRS1 DAY Tuesday 10 a. tn. to B p. m. Kxpcrt lady operators In attendance. OPEN ALL NIGHT. I'It OK. J. F. MOOHI } , Mtr. < i I TEBTH EXTRACTED 25 CENTS. PAIHLHSS DR. MiSON. BJUHACTIOM ULill I 10 I 4th Floor Broiru Bile. , l tb mud UoufU. Gold Alloy Filling $1.0O Cold Filling $1.00 and op Cold Crowns $5.00 SttTeetu -$5.00 Best Teeth . $7.5O