I O1\1ATT \ > V DATLY HIDE : SUNDAY. .JULY 23. 1899. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Eotallera Eeport a Very Good Business During the Last Week. SALES JUST AS LARGE AS A YEAR AGO Jobber * Fccllnir Very Well SntUUcd ttlth Month of July Value * on .Mont I lnr Continue Klrin Trllh General Unvrnrd Tendency. Comparisons with a year ago show that Iho rotallera of Omaha ars doing , on an average , oa much business as in 1838. Homo houses do not report quite such heavy sales , whdlo on the other hand a few houses' have rondo substantial sains. It will bo remem bered that a year afro retail merchants were depending very largely upon the ox22 position. A great many people wcro at- traded .to . the city In the hoi > o of tucurlng employment , whll quite a good many sightJj eocns came oven during July. All these people hod to tw cared for and Iho retail trade of the city was greatly Improved. In view of this fact It seems quite remarkable that tha volume of soles this season Is runI nlng as largo as a year ago. Ilctallers , themselves who have gone to the trouble to ' inako comparisons are surprised at the tflwwlng made. Tn < o only explanation for the very palls- factory character of the business doing In rttall llnt-H Is to bo found In the undoubted fact that business conditions all over tliu country nro Improved. In fact , according to all reports. It would be hardly possible to overestimate the degree of prosi > crlty which the whole couritry is onw enjoying. Mo ono expects the rate of Increase that has characterized the past faw months to continue forever , but ut tlm present tlmo the commercial eky Is cloudless and tticro Is the uimoat conildenco In trade circles that existing conditions will lust for some tlmo. Wages In most all departments have been advanced and In many Instance a second or third tlmo within leas than a year. The deposits and loans of the banks , aa well as the clearing IIOUEO reports and the activity of all manufacturing plants , afford evidence of a degrco of prosperity that has seldom been surpassed , and in which there la BO moderate un elementof / speculation that It Is reasonable to expect Its continuance for some tlmo to come. During last week local jobbing houses wera so busy that all hands were kept oc cupied full hours and In omo Instances men were said to have worked overtime. The demand , 'according to all accounts , has been particularly brisk from nearby coun try trade , while from more distant points orders are and liavo been coming In Quito freely. Cniincil Good * ' Situation. Grocery jobbere continue to give out favorable reports as to the volume of busl- nea doing In their line. The peculiar con ditions governing the canned goods situa tion , have probably never before boon duplicated. The extraordinary demand for canned vegetables \\lu.ch has continued oven into the summer months has almost ex hausted the apot supplies of leading com modities , while the early pack this season was exceedingly short , and the outlook as to what will bo the result of the later l > acklng Is generally held to be very un certain. The scarcity of now southern peas and ilio hilgh price demanded for such stock as Is obtainable has caused an active de mand .for Now York and western peas , with the result 'that ' many of the packers In 'those sections have already placed the bulk of tiheir probable pack and nro un- wiHlnc to make further contracts for for ward delivery. Reports from the different packing centers In Now York state Indicate that the pack of peas will bo about one- half or two-thirds of an average , and It la a question by someiln the tnule whether the packers will bo able to deliver all they have contracted to supply. In the west the pack- era have withdrawn and will not accept orders until they can tell how the second crop will turn out , the first crop having been too short to enable them to 1111 the contracts already in hand. The corn out look in the cost 1ms considerably Improved of late owing to recent liberal rainfall , but It Is too early yet to form an Idea of the probable pack. The tonm'lu crop prospects have also Improved , but the outlook Is entld to bo still uncertain. Advances on. Iron. Local hardware people talk in a most encouraging way oftin conditions prevail ing In their special department. The de mand continues all right for this season of the year , and no one seems to Ilnd fault with the way the hardware business is running. Advices from the omters of Iron manufacturing eay that there are no signs of any abatement in the activity of the demand which started early In the year , _ and the market acordlngly on hardware. Is I / linn. The mills generally report that they are behind In their orders. Some Idea of itho present condition of ithe market may bo gained by golnjr bock to the first of the year and noting the phenomenal advances chat have been anace. Beclnnlng with U&ssemer pig Iron , we find that early in January It was aellns at $10.73 to $11.00 Plttsburg. The prlco now Is $20.00 Valley furnace toi $20.76 1'lttsbunr , a clean advance of $10.00 a 'ton , or about 100 per osnt. Early In January perhaps half of the blast fur naces In the Mahonlng and ShenatiRo val leys , known ns the Central West district , were Idle , while today every stack Is active that can bo put In blast and the product Is much larger than ever before In the history of these two iron-making regions. Besse mer pig Iron at $20.00 at furnace means a very handsome profit to the furnace owner. When contracts , for the ore wcro made last year , running throujrh Mils year , the ore producers rccolved an advance of only 20 cents a ton over the .previous year's prices. with a ton and a half of ore usd to each ton of iron 'this means an advance of 30 onita a ton on the ore. Ooke Is probably 60 cents a ton 'higher , and a ton or lesa Is used to each ton at Iron , so that Uie , addi tional cost of ore and coke entering into a ton of pig iron is not more than bO cents over prices of last year. Labor has been Increased materially , adding probably 20 os-nts a ton , whllo limestone is higher , but it la safe to eay that the additional cost of making pig iron over the cost of last year is not more than $1.25 to $1.60 a. ton , and wttih some furnaces It is probably less than our lower figure. Bessemer pig Iron sold at Valley furnace at $9.00 a ton , though to some furnaces this probably ropresintcd a. loss. It la earn to assume , however , that the Valley furnace ithat can sell Its Iron at $20 : B. ton da making not less than $ S,00 to $ S.M a ton. It should bo remembered , however , that all the furnaces Imvo Iron Bold r.it lower prices than are ruling today , BO that ithe average nuy not bo higher than $15.00 or $10.00. This , however , may represent a prollt of $4.00 to $ R.OO a ton , whloh , with u furnace " making 250 tons a day means Jl.OW . a" day or moro clear profit. Tin plate , which Is completely under the control of a tru t , sold leas than a year OBO , at $3.60 per box , and it Is now $1.7C per Ibex I box 'higher. ' lrr Oooil. All IllKlit. The dry goods trade is holding n very . well through the normally dull period of 4h year , New developments of n purely local character are few and far Between , OH business , especially at this season , par takes very largely of the routine character. The market on cotton goods continues firm wltih fiuch changes as take place on the [ ; Ide of a higher market. Tils wool market Is very strong , which must have a corre- apondlnff effect upon the manufactured liroduct. There is a flrnt tone to the ellk market owing to the strong position of the raw silk market. Other Jobblnur Xlii < - . local lumber merchants report business all rlsht for this tlmo of the year. Con- eidfrablo building Is going on , which Is causing eomo llttlo activity uinoi ) ? the retailors. Boot and Bhoo people report a firm mar ket ami a fair volume of business doing. Krult and produce m n are dolnti well ns a general thing , the best of their trade coming from tha country. NEW YOIUC 3IA1UCI3T. Uuotufluim fir , the Jliiy on Viirloim CoiuiuoilKleii , NJ3W YORK , July 52.-FLOUn-TlecelpU , 81.000 bbte. ; exports , ST.OSS bbls. : quiet , but Md somewhat higher ; winter patents , $3.0503,85 ; winter straights , $3.4033.50 ; win ter extras , $3.400 .80 ; winter low grades , IJ.3082,40 ; Minnesota patents , W.73ff3.So ; Minnesota baker * . $3.0003.15. Jlye flour , dull ; good to fair , :00ij3.15 : ; good to choice. $3.2MJ3.45. , _ COHN.MKAL Quiet ; yellow western. 77J ? 7Sc : city. 7S79o ; Brandywlna. $2.1032.25. UVK Steady ; No. 3 western , CWic , f o. b. . afloat , spot ; state , WHc , c. i , t. , New York , car lots. UAULBYtoadyj feeding , 40c. c. 1. f. . Buffalo ; malting , ICflSOc , deliver at New York. wc western. c , a , ; t . elevator. Options opened strong on ad . , Vfree northwest crop news , better cables I < han expected and activ covering. After advancing for a tlmo it eased off under ! " - , : . cloning easy at UfiHe not > ow r ; July opened at 76V 7 c and closed nt 76H : September oponcd at YGll-H376'lc and clwM .t ? Mic ; D'csmbcr opened at 77H3 > 78c and closed at 77Hc. COUN-Rccelptw if.92C bu , ; exports , 78- 787 bu. Spot , duri ; No. 2 , 37tto , f. o. b. . afloat , and 36T4c , elevator. Options w > ened firm and advanced on cov rtnif , the rise in wheat nd less favorable weather news , ilosinar easy at UB c net lower ; July clo e4 at 34'4c ; September opened at 37 > iJp 37Hc and closed at 37'.ic ; Deosmbcr opened at SOUaofi't ' and closed t 36Uc. OATS Hecelpts. 00,300 , hu. ; exTjorta , 130,133 hu. Spot , dull : No. Z. 29Ho ; No. 3 , S5Hc ; No. Z % vhlto , 30',4c ; No. 3 wntte. 29V4 ! track mixed western , 2S 30V4c ; track white , 30 ® 36c. Options quiet , HAY Easy ; shipping , C&flCOo ; good < o cholcn , 76 & 5c. HOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice , 18)0 crop. 67c ; 1S97 , lltflSc ; H93 , 160170 ! Pa- ciflo coast , 1596 crop , 6S7c ; 1897 , llQ13c ; U9S , , HIDES Steady ; Oalveston , 20 to 23 Ibs. , 1CWW170 ! Texas dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. , 12HQ13c ; California , 21 to 25 Ibs. , IS o. ViEATHEn Vlrm ; hemlock sole. Ilucnos Ayres. light to heavyweights , aeld , 21W22c , PUOVISIOXS-Becf. steady ; family , 10.CO ) extra me v M-00 ; besf hams , $27.00 29.00 : packet , $9.657,10.00 ; city extra India TO BS , $11.0315.00. cut meats , steady ; pickled - ' led bellies , $5.00Jf.75 ; ; pickled shoulders , Jj ; 57S ! _ "pickle < r"h'ttmR , i9\7&iffOjO. Lafdi steady ; western nteamod. $5.75 ; refined , quiet ; continent , $ . " .90 ; South America. $0.00 ; . compound , $ i.W0u.OO. Pork , steady ; mess , 1 $9.00119.60 : short clear , $10.7511.75 ; family , $10.DOftll ] , < X ) . Tallow , steady ; city ( $2.00 per I p.iqknpe ) , 43i0-U4c ; country ( packages free ) , I 44 ! fi'4"ic. . UTTnn Steady ; creamery , 1518c ; fac tory \ , I2fil4l4o : Imitation creamery , state dairy , 13HO17c ; stale creamery , JG lSc. I . CIIEESIO Itccelpts , 1.031 pkgs. ; llrm ; I , \ largo \ , white. SHe ; small , white. ! largo , colored , 8lc ; small , colored , _ HecelpUs. B.COl pkg ; steady ; ntato 1 and , Pennsylvania , 15Q16c ; western fresh , 145IJGC. , Steady ; domestic , 4iQ7Vici nJpan , e. ' MOl.ASSnS-Flrm ; good to firm. 3236c. PGANUTa-FIrm : f.inoy handplckcd , 6',4 rr , G' e ; other domestic , IVi.'rific. ' t CABBAGE Steady , flat Dutch , 67c. OMAHA r.nXKHAlj BIAUKET. Condition * of Triule nml Quotation ! nn Staple ntul Fancy Produce. KGOS Good stock , weak nt lie. BUTTER-Common to fair , 11012e ; choice , 13014c ; separator , ! S019c ; Bothered cream ery , JC017C. POULTUY-Hens. live.7i40Sc ; spring chickens , 14015c ; old and stagey roosters , live , 3iA05c : ducks and eecae , live , C06ic } ; turk _ 5rs , live , _ sc. PIOEON'S-Uve , per doz. , 75cQ$1.00 , VEALS-Cholce. 9c. VEGETABLES. WATERMELONS Texas , crated for shipment , 10/ii20c. / CANTALOUPE Per crate , $1.EO@1.65 ; b.aski > t , C0575C. TOMATOES Per 4-boisket crate , C3c. BEANS Hand-picked navy , nor bu. , $1.50. POTATOES- Potatoes , 30040C per bu. CUCUMBERS Per doz. , 30c. . CELERY Per doz. , 30c. BLUEBERRIES-Per IG-qt. case , $1.75. APRICOTS-Californla , per crate. $2.00. BLACKBERRIES Per IM-qt. case , $2.50 ® 2.75. 2.75.BLACK BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt. case , $2.76. PLUMS-iCallfornla. per crate. $1.CO. CALIFORNIA PEACHES-Hale's early , $1 per box ; freestones , Jl.1501.2i per box. CHERRIES-Orecon. 10-1b. boxes. $1.75. APPLES-Per bbl. , $1.502.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Mediterranean sweets , $4.50 © 5.00. LEMONS California , fancy , $4.EO@4.75 ; Messina , fancy. $500Q5.5t > . BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , bunch , J2.50if2.75 : medium-sized , unches. J2.C032.2i. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7Vic : No. 2 preen hides. BUo ; No. 1 salted hides , 8c : No. 2 salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 13 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. Sc.TALLOW. . OREASE. ETC.-Tallow. No. 1 , 314c ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , lV4c ; white grease , 2l403o ; yellow and brown grease , IHftSWc. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. 150 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each. 15o ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry flint. Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , factual weight , 405c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , par lb. . actual weight , 34o ; cry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual ht . 4Q5c ; dry flint. Colorado murrain wool "p'cltsT"p-'r ib. . actual weight , St. I.onln Market. ST. LOUIS , July 22f WHEAT-HIgher ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , 70'/lc ; track , 71 ® 72iJc ; July , CDJc ; September , 70&70c ; December - ] comber , 73sc ; No. 2 hard , G9c ; receipts , 50,659 . bushels. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 32c ; track , 3c ! ; July , 31V4c ; September , 30TsS31c ; December , 2SHc. OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 2lc ; track , 24V4 © 25c ; July , 23c ; September , 19c ; No. 2 white. 28c. 'IlYE Firm ; 6Cc bid for new. FLOTTK Firm and unchanged. SEEDS Prime timothy seed , new , $2.50 , August ; tlaxseed , steady at 9Cc. CORNMEAL Steady at $1.8501.90. BRAN Quiet ; sacked , east track , 60c. HAY Steady to firm ; timothy , $8.755711.00 ; prairie , not quoted. WHISKY-Steady at $1.20. POULTRY Weak ; chickens , 7V4c ; young , lOQlO'/fcc ' ; turkcj-H , 9c ; young , I5c ; ducks , C@ ' . * c ; ieeE , C1(7c. ( BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , 15@lSHc ; dalrj' . . KClOS-Qulot at 9VSc. PROVISIONS-Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $5.12 , ; extra shorts. $5.25 ; clear ribs , $5.50 ; rlear sides , $5.C2i4. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $5.60 ; extra shorts , $5.75 ; clear ribs , $ G.OO : extra clear. SS.12Y- , . i RECEIPTS-Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 91I I 000 bu. : corn , 39,000 bu. ; oatp , 41.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour , G.OOO bbl.i. ; wheat , 9,000 bu. ; corn , 73,0 0 bu , ; oats , 14,000 bu. Liverpool Mnrlii-t. LIVER'POOU ' July 22. WHEAT No. 2 red western , winter , dull at 5s8 ,4d ; No. 1 | northern. sprlnK. dull .at EslOd ; No. 1 Call- fornla. Cs Vid and G l4d. ? Futures , lower ; , July , Cs 6ld ; September , CsS d ; December , Ds 9Tid. CORN American mixed , spot , easy at 3s ' 4'Jd ; American mlxJd. spot , old , quiet at 3s-id. ) Futures , quiet ; July , 3s 4d ; Sep tember. 4s 3d. i FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , dull at | 7s 6d. lUriTOR-Good Unltntl States , 62a. PEAS Canadian , SB lOd. PROVISIONS Beef , extra India mess , steady at 60s ; prime mess , steady at 55s. t Pork , prime mci-s. westtrn , lirm at 60s. Lird. American refined , In. pulls , steady nt 2Ss ! ) d ; prime western , dull nt 28s. Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. , strong at 64s. Bacon , Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 Ibs. , nuurty at 11s ; short rib , 18 to 20 Ibs. , steady at 32s ; long clear mlddle-s. light , 30 to 35 Ibs. , steady at Hls6d : lions clear mlddlea , heavy. 35 to 40 ll . . steady at 31s : short cUar backs. 16 to IS Ibs. . steady at 3)s ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 llf. . steady at 3U. .Shoulders , square , 12 to 14 Jbi. firm at 2SsCd. CHEESE American flne ft white and col- ored , llrm at 41 . TALI.OU'-Hl'rime city , flrm at I3s ; Aus tralia. In I.c-.ulnn. steady nt 2533d , ir . KANSAS CITY , July 22. WHEAT-Sep- ICII1UV1. Oitic ; Uecaniber. tij.ij ; cash No. 2 hard , C4QC5o ; No , 3 , 6iy61c ; No , 2 red , 07 ® - > ; H' ' ; luifloiri , 147 cars , C'OltN htiptombtr. 273Jc ; DecC'inbcr , 23Hc ; cash No. 2 mixed , 29-4 < 0 Oc ; No. 2 white , 31c ; No. 3. 30Wc. OATS-NO. 2 white , 23Uc. HYE No. 2. CCHc. HAY-Cholce timothy , $7.5008.00 ; choice prnfrle. $ . } ! 3jfo.60 ; ' ' IlUTTjR-Crcamerv , 14Hf/16 c ; dairy , 14c. KOC18 Market weak ; fresh Missouri and unHua r took , ilritd , DHc. cases rcturnPd. HECKIPT.S Vhcat , 86,400 bu. ; corn , 68,600 bu. ; onts. 8.000 bu , BHIPMENTS-Wlhcat. 29,100 bu , ; corn , 9- 700 bu. ; oatu , 3,009 , bu. i'lillml.-Ililila Mnrl.-ol. PHILADELPHIA. July 2I.-BUTTER-1 1 Firm but steady ; fancy western creamery. ISHo ; fancy wcetern rirlnts , 2lc. I i 1 KGGS Firmer : frtsh nearby , ISl Hc ; fresh western , 34c ; freth southwestern , 12V4 true : fresh southern , CllUESE-Flrm. ToU-ilo .MnrU-et. TOLEDO. July 22.-WlIEAT-No. 3 cash and July , 70Hc ; September , 72'lo bid. CORN-No. 2 mixed , SIHc. OATS-No. 2 mixed , 25 ic , RYU Inactive ; No , 2 caih , 67c asked. 8I < EDS-Clo\crtced. active ; prime cash ' , new , $3.95 ; October , J4.75',4 ' , Jllniu-apolU "VVIii-m Market. MILWAUKEE , July 22. - WHBAT- Hlglu-r ; No. 1 northern , 72Vic ; No. 2 north ern , 71c. IlYI' I/Jwer ; No. 1 , 63c. HARLKY-Quief No. S. 40Uc ; sample , 35 ® 40c. > lll uulef AVIn-nt JlurUfJ. MINNEAPOLIS. July 22r-WIIUAT-In store , No. 1 northern , July , C7o ; September , 67Hc ; December , GSHc ; oirtrack , No. 1 hard , C9Uc ; No. 1 northern , 6SHc ; No. 2 northern , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Prediction of Belief from Hot Weather Oansea a Decline b Wheat. DAMAGE FROM RAINS IS REPORTED Ilcport * Uniformly Fnrornblc for n Good Corn Crop Onti Dnll nud KCBJT 1'rovlnlona Arc Stronyr. CHICAGO , July 22.-Wheat on the Board , of Trade lost about ImU < xf an early advance of l'io on prediicUons of rtllcf from the , hot weather In the northwest. September closed He not hlglier at 701,470 c. Corn , oat and provisions closed unchanged and provisions very n-car yesterday. Wheat opened strong on report * of ex treme heat In itho northwest , a condition injurious to spring wheat hi Its present , slate. September began at an advance of ic , with the bulk of trading at 70c. A fur- I tiher , ] advance was scored Immediately to 71&c. A cool wave was sighted by the weather prophet In the far northwest , but unheeding that shorts rushed to cover. The averaged maximum temiwrature reported from South iDOkota and Minnesota was 100 degrees. There were also reports of dam ages from rains in parts of the west and southwest. The ecaboard reported a good export business. Selling against calls and olllclal predictions Uiat the cool wave would move southward coon checked the rise. Shorts recovered from their fright and re- Bumed selling with such success that at the end of the short session ? io had been clipped off the September prlco. Receipts at primary points wore JJI.IUS bu. , against 369,313 bu. last year. Duluth and tlnneapo- 11s reported 409 cars , as comparid with Gil last week and forty-three a year ago. Looal recoups were seventy-nine oars , flvo of which were contract erade. September closed at 70'i70c , a net gain ot % c. Corn opened strong in sympathy with . wheat , September US'lie up. Reports were ' uniformly favorable for crop prospects , but the ! sympathetic ; Impulse carried September ub to 32Ht32',4c There had been considera ble realizing on the bulge , and when wheat 'befrau 'to ' decline corn followed. September I closed weak at 31i31c. Receipts hero were 5SC cars. Oats ruled dull and easy. September opened a shade under yesterday at 19Tfcc , sold off to 19V4@193io and closed at 19)&c sellers. There was a fair cash demand. Rq- SIo ooltyta here were 163 cars. Provisions opened strong wtlth hogs lOa up. The weakness which later developed in corn was communicated to provisions and the ; early strength was dissipated. Septem ber pork closet ! unch'anced at K.l M < 33.0 , September lard steady at $5.57& and Sep tember ribs steady at J5.22',2. 'Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 100 cars ; corn , C25 cars ; oats"lS5 cars ; hogs , 40,000 < head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles I Open. | Hlth. | Low. I Close. I Ycsf dy 70W 70W CUH 60U 70UOH 71 Vt 70M iOX M J -70 72H U 7SH-7H 72H 11)1 32 ( > ( 32 sm SOWffl ) , SO MOW 2S 25 24 24H lOTi IBM 19H 111 ? ! 2114 030 930 917H 920 fl0 OSS 027 020 U'JO O''O 560 662H B57 B65 60S CB7H BO'JH 6024 660 625 C80 523H 522H B'JO 530 532V < 530 6 US No. 2. Cash Quotations were as follows : FLOUR Easy ; winter patents , $3.5003.00 ; .straights , $3.10S3.30 ; spring specials , $1.00 ; lhard patents , $3.50J3.60 ; soft patents' , $3.30 ® 3.40 ; bakers , $1.SOQ2.40. WHEAT No. 3 spring , 6SQ69&C ; No. Z red , CORN No. 2 , 3Ui < ff32ic ; NO. 2 yellow , 31Vic. OATS No. 2 , 21ic ; No. 2 white , 29c ; No. 3 white , 24@24V4c. RYE No. 2. 69'/4c. SEDDS-Flax , No. 1 , northwest , $1.02V ; cash , southwest , 99Hc : July , S9c ; September , 93o ; October , 95V4c. Timothy , August , $2.57 ; September , $2.55 ; October , $2.60 ; No. 1 flaxseed - seed , 'Me ; prime , timothy seed , $2.20 ( 2.45 ; clover , contract grade , J0.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $ S.EO/ ! > 9.20. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.4ftOC.52Vi. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.1505.30. Dry salted shouldera ( boxed ) , $5.32' { . < 8:5.50 : ; Miort clear sides ( boxed ) , $3.40(35.45. ( WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. . $1.2G. SUGARS Cut loaf , $6.02 ; granulated , $5.84. Following are the receipts and shipments : Receipts. Sh'p'ts. Flour , bbls . 15,000 10,000 Wheat , bu . 74,000 07,000 Corn , bu . 514,000 045,000 Oats , bu . 237,000 219,000 Rye , bu . 4.000 . Barley , bu . 8,000 4,000 On. the Produce exchange today the buttur market was weak : creameries , 13V6@17c ; dairies , ll15 ,4c. Cheese , easy at . Eggs , freshv Itt c. Poultry , easy ; turkeys , 7V4@S4c ! ; chickens , 8V4Q9c ; springs , lOffllc. MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AMI IIO.VUS. Mnnlfentn Some Condiinctl lii- torent In AIII < TCIIII SceiirltlcD. NEW YORK , July 22-0'oday's stock market was an unimportant , even an in significant affair. London manifested some continued ' Interest In American securities , marking up pricis rather above thft point reached on this side even on the opening rise. The opening advance here quickly sucumfofd to the sympathetic influence of a reaction In Sugar , which lost something ovr a point. Heaviness In a few other In dustrials < helped to hold back the market. But : the bears were no more disposed 'to ' operate than the bulls and the market sus pended ; near last night's level. Thp bank , statement brought a realizing movement i , which carried prices off In some cases a point from the best , Rock Island and a few other stocks which have beet ) going t up for several days being most af fected. ; The offt-rlnps wro well absorbed and the short session ended with quota tions not 'far from last night's prices , The oppressive hftat prevailing had some thing to do with the extreme lassitude of < the trading. The American Linseed Oil and , Iowa Central stocks showed peed ad vances In prices and ' ( | IB Fort Worth & Denver City first mortgage bonds rose 1 % on the acquirement of trackage rights be tween Denver and Pueblo from the AtcJil- son by the Colorado & Southern , which controls the Texas road. The bank state ment showed 'the surplus reserve Increased by reason of a contraction In loans , as was exp < > cted , but the loss of ov,5r , $1,000,000 In cash was a disappointment. In view of the low prevailing rates for money at Interior centers It was expected that funds would 'have been attracted to N w York during 'the week , but no such movement Is rullected 1n the bank state i ment. The continued high rate of sterling i exchange caused some anxiety , as well as bewllderm nt , In view of the lower discount rates in London and the well-marked dis position of London to buy stocks in New York in the last few days. The sterllnc rate han only yielded n fraction and still j liovers within a cent of the gold export point. Net changes In prio's of stocks for the week are mostly smnll and show both gains and losses. There wore eorne sharp losses In'the early part of thn week and the move ment a ft IT that was Irregular. It wns the- smallest week's business of the year. Even dealings by professional operators had dropped to a minimum. 1/ooklng back over a per.od of a month it Is cosy to discern that the be t Judges failed to porrictly esti mate the world's needs for money and the relnxe of large sums which was confi dently expected after July has be n succes sively delayed fiom day to day and from week to week. .Large loans were repaid to the Bank of England In the first days of July , but befops the week was over the market was again a borrower from the1 bank and has Ltien ever elncn nt rates up to 4H per cent , as against the banks' olllclal minimum of 3'/4 per cent. Only In the last three days has there ben any remarked re laxation In money stringency at the British capital , It has been obvious as the situation developed - , veloped that London and the continent were going to be more dei > endent on thr > United States for relief than was contemplated and the continued hardnetti of money hero has aroused doubts as to the availability of that relief. The situation is conclusive evi dence of the continued strong Influence of America In the money- markets of the world The industrial activity In Germany , rs- liocjully in Iron vnd steel , and the specula tion on the Berlin bourse have kept money high at IK'rlUi. In Great Britain Itself there have been expanding trade and interior demand for money beyond w hat has been counted upon and the call of u portion < rf the Japanexu loan pinched the London market. In the face of these conditions1 , when London saw the money rate In New York holding high and very vlow to yield th speculation in securities came to n standstill , not only In London , but on the continent and In New York , The Urdlrveas with which the mom y paid out in dividends and Interest on July 1 hta reappeared in New York bank de posits , whllo It delayed relief , is evidence of the widespread distribution of & > curltle9. S voral largo financial transactions have made demands on New York banks. Includ ing the flotation of the tube combination , temporary loans to the New York City gov ernment and the Mexican loan. The unex ampled activity in all branches of business and Industry makes use for the large fund nt interior points , which would otherwise find their way into New York banking de posits , but which only a high rate for money in New York now nerves to attract. Nevertheless , high class bonds , railroad , state and municipal , continue at record fig ures and capital la evidently abundant ns never before. The conservative element view with equanimity the future to arouse a rampant speculation In securities and holders , nro apparently well eatlsflcd to hold at present prices. The street railroad strikes' in the Brooklyn and Manhattan boroughs of New York aroused some anxiety as a possible symptom of general unrest among wage- earners. Thte has been an Important factor in discouraging active operations In the stock market , while so many favorable con ditions seemed to presage that rise in prices. Dealings In bonds have been dull and some Issues fell away In price , but others moved upward on active demand. United Statin registered 3s and fis advanced > fc and the old 4s , rcgiHtercd , U and old 4s , coupon , H In the bid price. The following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Aitchlaon , (19 ( % Sim. Jlnllway pfd . . 02 < 4 do t ra Gl' | Tejcns & 1'acino ! 2\ Baltimore & Ohio . . 43 Union 1'acdlla 43H Can. roclflo 07 ilo ipfd 77H Can. Southern t M Wubanh 7'i OntrtU Pacific do pM Chcs. & OhAo SH WIrecl. & I * E. . . . . , 9 > i GUI. a. < lo ; > M I > 1 C. , U. A Q. . . . < . . . ,16 1 Wls. Central C. I. & L. , OH Hxpross . . .312 do pfil . . , , , 40 Amr. Kxpress cnii. & n. in. United States n Olii. & .Nor 150 ? , Wells Fareo 13S C. . II. I. & P. . . Amer. Cot. Oil . . . 44'l G. C. C , & St. It. . , CSU do i > M \ . . . . D2 Oolo. Southern.4. . . . Jsi Amer. Molting . . . . 17'/4 ' do Int pfd 41 do Id pfd 104 AnierV's. ' & 'ii . , . . . . 39H , -I > cU & Hudson . . . .12lft do ofd Si'i Pel. L. & W 1G7 Arn r. Spirits G Den.Illo G ails ilo pfd _ K do pfil 75 Aiucr. S. II \ . . . 30 Erie J113U do uta 77 do 1st pfd SC'.i Aimer. S. & W EO Great Nor. pfd . . . .1C6 do pfd 951 Itocttlm. Coal 1 * Amer. Tin Plate . . . SSH , Hoeklnc Volley . . . . 51 do ixfcl 84t Illinois Central 11074 Aimer. Tobaocto 97(4 ( 1 Icmm Central . . . .i. . 13 ilo pfd 143 do DM CITi Ana. Mln. On KM 1C. C. . P. & Q 7& Brooklyn n. T. . . . ! > . 13. & W J7 Colo. V. & 1 45"k do pfil 75'4 ' Con. Tobacco 405j Ijokw Shore w.MO do pfil M'.i Louis. & Nash. . . . . . 7314 Vvdioml Steel E MAnjinMan I < TIS do Dfd t EO-H srt. st. ny su i Gon. Bloctrlc IIB'4 Jlcxlcan Central . . . 15 Stand. 01. & T. * . . . 7i ! Minn. & St. L Mli Glucose Suear 60 do ptd do t > M . . .107 SIo , Pacific 47Ti Inter. Taper U Mobile & Ohio r > fd Mo. . K. & T 11 fdGaa . . . . . - . & 4 do pfd , 34 Nat , Ulscult tl'A N. J. Central 116 do > fil 99 N. Y. Central . . . , . . 'nUonnl Lead . . . . 5fl . Nor. & Western „ * do pfd 112 ' * National Stcd 40',4 , . . . § $ dowfd 91 % nd ° T 'Vi- M N- YAlr Brako.oo n ? f je i ? in4 N ° rAmw. . ll'.l Wa . : : : : : : : : S i 's. ' as * : : g r 47 i Gas n. G IV. 30 Steel Car. . 6014 do DM 70 do pfd S4M , st. i * & s. r. 10 % Pull. Pal. Oar. do 1st pfd Oi'.i do 2d pld 37 da pM US St. L. , a "W HH T. C. & Iron CS1 I do pfd . . M'4 U. S. Leather G ? ; St. Paul 131'4 do pM . . . .i. Tl-H do pfd 173V4 U. S. Rubber 49 > i St. P. & O. , .108" do pfd 116it Soil. Pacific. 31H West. Union SO Sou. New York Money SlarUet. NEW YORK , July 22.-iMONEY-On call. nominally , 34 per cent ; prlmo mercantile paper , SHJM'/i per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady , with actual business In bankers' bills n.t $4.87 % S-4.S714 for demand , and $ I.SIVi(34.S4U ( for sixty days : posted rates , $4.S5 and $4.S3Vi : commercial bills , $4.S3i. ! SILYlCIt-Certincates , COOClc ; bar , C0y8c ; Mpxlcan dollars , 4Sc. EOMiS Staite bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , Irregular ; poveniment bonds , Irregular : 2s , reg. , lX ( i ; 3" , reg. . 10S % ; ! coupon. 109 ; now 4s , reg. , 123 ; coupon , 130 ; old , 49 , reg. , 112V4 ; coupon , 113 ; 5s , reg. , The following are the closing quotations on bonds : U. S. SB. rec. . . M. K. &T.208 . US' * U.S. SB. reg. . . ,108M , M. 1C. &T. 48 P3 U. S. 3a. coup. ,10 , ! ) K. Y. O. 1813 U. S. now 4s , re ? . . . 120 N'.J. C. Ba U. R. do coup IHO N. C. 88 135 U.S. old 4s , rcf . . . .11UW N. O. 4n 100 U.S. oocoup 113 No.Pacino IstB . . . 11S U. S. fls. rec .1HH No. Paeitto 3s . (17M U S. Ss. coun No. I'.iclllc 4B . 103 DlotrlctS. U5 110 N.Y. C.iSt. L , . 4s 10V Ala.elas A Kill N. .t W. con. 43 . . 05H Ala. , claaa II 108 N. iW.iren U8. . . . 1S5 Ala. , claun C IDS Oro. N. Ista . Ala. , Currency 08 Ore. N. 4s . Atcmnon4a O. 3. t , . Ot t. r . Uo.aclJ. 4a fl5l < O. S. L. Bs t. r. . . . 1H2 Canada So. 2da. . . . C. .to. 4H8 U7H K. O. W. latB H85i n. & o. t > t 110 St. L. i. I. M. con 61 113H O. ft N. W. con 7 . 145 St. I , . fcS. F.OoruO. 124b ilo S. F. dob. 08 , 122W St. I'.ConHOl 170 Chi. Terms. . 4 . . . . St. 1' . C. Jcl' . lati. . 121 D. & H. U. ista . . . St. P. C. i P. Ba . . .12I D. & . n. a , 4a . . . . 100U So. Ur.Aa liH ( East Term , lals . . 1021 , 3 II. 4.T.UB HB KrlflGen. 4n 72H Tenn. now set 3s. . 004 * F.V. . & D. IBIS , t.r 1KO T. r. lats 110 vOen. Eloo. 5 118 T. 1 > . ' 'da SO G. II. &S. A. Ua. . . lll : U. 1 > . 4a 100K G. II. AS. A.'da . 108 U'ab. leia 1104 H. iT. Cent. 6 . . 110 Wab. 2fl1 102 I H. & T. O. con. Us. 112 W.r Shore 4R 114i Iowa C. lam . . . . 11.1 WIs. Cont. IRH . . . . 76H K. C. P. A O. I all (31 ( Va. Centuries. . . . 8(1 ( La. Now Con. 4s. . 100 Vii , deferred RH L. & N. Unl. la. . . Colorado South'n la. 60H 'Offered. ] ) ( ) StonU ( liintiitloim. BOSTON , July 22. Call loans. 3JT4 per cent ; time loans , 3S4' per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares : A. . T. & S. F mi West End pfd 11 ! do pfd .4,4. 'Wontlncrh. ' Wee , , w. . V',4 Amer. Suear 1C7 Wl . Ontral M14 do pfd U'S Atdllswi 4s 10)1,4 ) Bell Tel 347 Ad\cnlur.l 9 Btwtwi & Albany ,301 AJlouez Mlnlne Co. . 7H lioslon Ulevatol .107'i Atlantic , ' 30 lio.jton & Malnu .10S Ilosvon & Mont 5C7 C. . II. & Q 1MH Flutii & nmton . . . . 15 IM. nice , in aw Calumrt & Hecla . .S10 PHohbunr pfJ .117 Centennial 331 ! Gfn. Kloctrlc 119li Franklin , j , , 19 Ft leral Steel . . . . 5S IIllml > oldt 3 do i > fd M OscenU 87 Mexican Central . . . IS IMrrot DSW Mich. T l .Wi Oulncy If. ' Old Colony 105 S. v. Copper. . . . . . . . 13',4 ' Old Dominion . . . . / . 37Vi Tnmnrark EJ ! nublrtr M Wlnona , , , . , . , 13 Union Pnclflo 4'i ' Wolverines 46J Union I nnd 7W t'tuh 43 Wcat End 945 ! NIMV Ycirl ; Mliitni ; ( I NB\V YOHTC , July 22. The following are the closing quotations for mining shares : Clioiinr . . . . 2S Grown Point . . . . . . as I'lvmnutli 10 Con Cal. & Va. . . .IPS QulckBllvcr 210 . . (0 do pfd SO ( louM & Oiirrlo . . .15 Plerra Nevada f,5 Halo & Norcross . . 33 Htandar-1 12" ,6'A ) Union Con 26 Imn fillver IQ Yellow Jarl < et 10 Mexican . . . . . . . . i. , V ) Ontario C.V ) 'Iiiinilon Stn ( > K ( liiotatlnnii. LONDON , July S2.-4 p. m.-Cloalng : Consoli , monoyT.lWiJ 1'ennaylvanla WU Cnnt < > l , Itwiinir 10'i Pacific , . , . W'4 Union Pacific pfd. . . 7' 4 . Wil oii ION I do 1st pfd 79U I/wf. | ft Nnrfi 7SM . St. P.iul common.la Grand Trunk 7'4 j ! N V Central IC'4nu indn 1114 HAU SlM'HR-Flrmer at 27iU per ounce- . iMONJJY Two per crnt. Tfr r.ite of dlKcount in the open market for short hills is S'ifiS11 * per cent nnd for three-months' bII ! 3fi3Vi per cent. . uJy 22.-cii > aring9. , tl,0te,7f i' sterling exchange , . New York exchange. 25o dlBoount. ST. 1,01'IB. July 22.-C'l > arlnKS , Jl.216.356 : balancfB , $766,332 ; money , 4JJO per cent ; New York exchance , par hid , lOo premium nskod , NHW YOHK. July 22.-CU-arngi ! , J155.S22.- 042 : hnlanrea , 77 ! < U76. nQSTON. July 22.-Clearings , $ < S,9 JI7 ; bnlanrps. J2.C25.S20. IJAT.TIMOnB. Julv 22-ClearJngg , J3.733 , . 971 ; balances. Jjj5.ni7. PIIII.ADKLPHIA , July 22-Clearlngs , J14.131.431 ; balanrei ; ,521,4H. Forrliru I'liiiiiiulnl. nKnt.IN , Juy ! 22.-PrcM ! were nrm on the bourse today , local ( shares hardening. Simnlsh 4s advanced on Paris advices. Northern Pnciflta wore In demand on report of the tratllr incrtase. Exchange on Lon don. 20m 4Snfu for checks , 'PRAN'KFORT. July 22. On the bourse today prices were quiet. American seeurt- t ! H are hardening , PAHIS , July 22-Prices on the bourse today - day were flrm but Inactive Intercut cen tered in Spanish 4a , which rose on the re ceipt of news that a complete understand ing hnd be n had between the Spanish cab inet and ( hu opposition 4n Spain , Rio Untos w re tonrder. KafHrs started h Avy , but oned ftrm , r4U > RD. July 22. Spanish 4s , C5.95. LONDON , July 21 American securities opened rather firmer in response to over- nigh't tulvicce from Now York and wore well maintained , rrhe final < ono was steady nnd buslnesa throughout the session \\as very restriotpd. Spanish 4 closed at E9T4. Oold tut Buenos Ayres , 11J.70. Tha amount ot bullion taken into th Bank of Kngland on balance today , 41,000. NEW YOIUC 11AMC SITUATION. Dccrcnuo In I.onns Nearly Mine 3111- lon Dollars I.nst Week. NEW YORK , July 12. The Now York Financier says thls week : The reduction of $12,000.000 In the deposits of the New York banks last week lightened the reserve requirements about $3,000,000. The Institu tions , according to their current statement , lost $1,619,100 cash and for this reason the increase In surplus reserve was only $1,356- SW , which brlnga present holdings up to $12,055,000 $ above legal requirements. The decrease In loans was nearly $3,000,000. In tlvo last three weeks the banks have con tracted outstanding loan obligations for no less than $26,000,000. In Wio same time de posits have been decreased nearly $26,600,000 , while the cash In bank hero remained sta tionary. It will bo seen that reserves have boon strengthened at the expense of out standing commitments and the process docs not appear to have reached ait end OB yet. There is not a question , however , that the banks are now gaining cash' even If the statement docs Indicate otherwise. The op. orations In money last week wcro decidedly In favor of the institutions , the loss of three-quarters of a million to the treasury having been offset by the gain of something llko $2,000,000 to the Interior. The current exhibit docs not reflect this , but It is to bo raid that the losses shown can bo traced to two or thrco largo banks , the remaining members having really strengthened their positions. As to the outlook , the opinion Is that there 4s nothing in the situation nt present to warrant an undue expansion in bank loans. The liquidation , which bcigan with July , has run its course to a largo extent , and whllo the present Is n mid-season period , the movement of money will probably continue this way for some llttlo time. Foreign ex change authorities ngrco that gold exports , except as special transactions , nro at an end , and while the crop season Is' ' near at hand , it Is not anticipated that the demands tlMs year will cause much of a drain from Now York. Interior bank reserves are above the average and this , coupled with easier rates for money abroad and the certainty that exchange will rule in favor of New York , with the coming grain exports , seems to favor a relaxation rather than a rise In rates hero for the time belnp. Cotton Market. i NEW ORLEANS. July 22.-COTTON | Ensy ; eales , 1,350 bales ; ordinary , 311-lGc ; good ordinary , 43-lGc ; low middling , 415-lCc ; middling , Gic : good middling. C7-16c . . . . . _ . ; . . middling - . . . . _ . . .fair . . . _ , . . 613-1 . Co . ; receipts . , 56 - i StT LOUIS. July 22.-COTTON-Stady ; no sales ; middling , 5c ; receipts , 44 boles ; stock , 71,014 bales. LIVERPOOL * July 22.-COTTON-SpOt , limited demnnd and prices steady ; Ameri can middling , 3d. Sales of the day were 6,000 bales , ofwhich 600 were for specula tion and expert and Included 5,500 Ameri can. Receipts. 6,000 bales , Including 3,700 American. Futures opened quiet but steady and closed nulot. American middling , 1. in. c. , July , 319-04d , buyers ; July-August , 3 19-C4 < 1 , sellers ; August-September , 3 lS-64d , sellers ; September-October , 3 17-G4d , sellers ; October-November , 3 16-C4d , sellers ; Novem ber-December , 3-15-OId , buyers ; December- Jnnuary , 3-15-64' ! , values ; January , 316-045 ? 318-G4d , buyers ; February-March , 31G-6id , sellJrs ; March-April , 3 lG-645'3 ! 17-C4d , buyers ; April-May , 317-C4 < ga lS-G4d , sellers ; May- Juno , 31S-G4d , buyers. Oil MnrUct. LONDON. July 22. OILS Calcutta Un seed , spot , 37s ; turpentine spirits , 30s 22Jid. NEW YORK , July S2.-OILS-Splrits tur pentine , 32s. Rosin , steady at 4s. Petroleum llrm ; refined New York , $7.70 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , $7.05 ; Philadelphia , nnd Bal timore , in bulk , $5.1G ; quiet , but firmly hold prime crude , nominal ; prlmo crude , f. o. b. miris , 17iflSc ; prlmo summer yellow , 26V41 27c ; oft summer yellow , 254 < TI26c ; butter grades , 30fi > 32c ; prlmo winter yellow , 30@32c ; prlmo white , 29'c. . LIVERPOOL , July 22. OILS Linseed , 23s ; petroleum , 6s Sd ; cottonseed oil , Hul refined , July and August , steady at 15s 6d OIL CITY : , Pa. , July 22.-OiLS-Certin- cates , $1.24 ; no ehlpmenta or runs reported this week. Xew Yorlc JJry GnoilN Mnrkct. NEW YORK. July 22. DRY GOODS The market is stlH quoted on a basis of 2c for regulars. There are no changes in the local staple cotton market. Both brown and bleached goods for domestic use are auiet. The export trade continues actlvo nnd results are satisfactory in all regards. In coarse colored cot'tonsj.thcre is a continued , demand of good proportions. Prints ore strong1 and are sold on 5c basis , with a great deal of freedom. GIttghams and other woven colored goods show results in no way differing from 'thoso recently experienced , In woolen goods the week has been a generally orally satisfactory one. The sames o. light weights have been o a free character Codec Market. NEW YORK , July 22. COFFEE-Optlon ; opened steady with prices , unchanged to points lower and showed less weakness dur inc the session under the tremendous Bra zllfan receipts , weak cables , scarcity of In vestment ordens and alack spot demand Trading was light and mainly professional closed steady and unchanged to C point : lower ; sales , 8,200 bags , including Septem ber , $1.40 ; November , $4.GO : December , $1.85 ; February. $4.93 ; March , $5.00 ; May , $5.10 ® C.15. Spot , Rio , dull nnd weak : No. 7 in voice , 6c ; No , 7 Jobbing , 6Jc. Mild barely steady ; Cordova , S013c. Simnr Market. NEW YORK. July 22.-SUGAR Haw , firm : fair refining , 3c ; centrifugal. 06 test , 47-lGc ; molasses sugar , S5ic ; refined , steady end more active : > No. G. 4 13-.16W4)ic ; No. , 47-lGc ; No. 9 , 4c ; No. 10 , 4'X-c ; No. 11 , 4Ac ; No. 12 , 46-lGc ; No. 13 , 4C-l6e ; No. M , 4Ue : mould A , 6c ; standard A , GVlo ; con fectioners' A , 6Wc ; cut loaf , 6c ; crushed , Cc ; powdered , B ? c ; granulated , S'/jo ; cub < ; s , . NEW ORLEANS. July aS. open ktttle , 3iii ( > l G-lGe ; centrifugal , yellow , 4H < 3l76c ! ; seconds , 2Hi0'IUc. aiolasscs , dull ; centrifugal , CQUc. Mrtiil Market. NIDW YORK , July 22. METALS The brokers' oprlce for It-nil Is $1.35 and for cop per $18.50 , The exchange closed today. Freights to I-iiverpool , dull ; cotton by steam , 15d , nominal ; grain by steam , 2'821/id. Pig Iron , firm : southern , $17.00ffl3.75 ; north ern. $17.GOfi20.00. Copper , atiady ; brokers' , $18.00. Lend , quiet ; brokers' , $1.35. Tinplates - plates , stotidy. ST. LOUIS , July 22.-METALS Lcad , quiet at $ I.G5 ; spelter , dull nt $5.7& . \ < MV York I3\iorti | nml IniporfM. NEW YORK. July 22-Exports of nnd silver from this port to all countries for this week nggrogate $815,433 ; silver bars and coin , $2,415 gold. The Imports of dry goods and mcrchndlse at the port of New York for this week were valued at $3OGOC41 ; the imports of epeclo this week wcro $102,752 gold and $95,200 sli ver. California Dried FrulU. NEW YORK. July 22.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Qulot ; evaporated apples , common , WiVAc ; prime wire tray , 8M < a&Hc ; choice , 8"ij9o ( ( ; fancy. 'J'/WlSc ' , Prunes , 341P ! S'.Jc ' , Apricots , Roynl , HCIJ Moor Park , He. Peaches , unpeeled , 1'rorln Mnrlcol , TEORIA , July 22-CORN-Qulet ; No. 3 , 32Uc. OATS-Easy : No. 3 white , 22',4023'/to. ' WlUSKV-FIrm on the basis of $1.SS for finished goods. roitillllim of tlin Trraioiry. WASIIINfiTON , July 22. Today's statement - ment of the condition of the treasury fchnw : Available cash balance , $280,274,753 ; gold reserve , $2 < ! , SI2G23. Wool .Marl.-fl , NEW YOR'K , July 22. WOOISteady ; domestic lleece , 235J5lc ; Tixas , HfflCo. Tu'i-uly Million from Klondike. NEW YOHK , July 22. fleorgo E. Roberts. director of the mint , called at the loqal aiiEay oiilce recently. In discussing the out put of gold from the Klondike country , Mr. Roberts said : "Wo have already received $11,000,000 In gold from the Klondike this calendar year , That Is as much as last year's entire re ceipts from that region amounted to , and from Information received from leading buy ers of bullion I believe that thli year's total yield will reach $18,000,000 or $20,000- 000. Wo shall have all the gord wo need In these parts this year , and In addition to that we shall no doubt bo able to supply the metal to anyone else who dtutres tp purchase it. " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET tfot Enough Oattlo to Awaken Any Great Interest Among Stivers. BADE DULL FROM THE START TO FINISH IORH Tnkc n lllir Jump , Uvcii It it Wn the I.nnt Day of the AVcck Ten to Fifteen Cent * SOUTH OMAHA , July 23. Receipts were : _ Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 1,568 3,621 4,317 Olllclal Tuesday 3,6W 7.799 1.S76 Ofllclnl Wednesday 3,454 9,763 1.4S2 Official Thursday 1.1M 10,706 DS8 Olhoial FrlJfty lt > W t > ,4li Olllclal Saturday 452 6,047 , 371 total this we.'k .ll.MS 44,143 ll.GM Total last week 11,861 , & 5.WO . 16,159 Total week before 10,0J ! ) 41,695 3.764 hro weeks ago 1S.SJ9 . C0.427 7M1 Average prlco paid for hogs for the last eoveral daya with comimrli'ona : July 1 3731 3 2 96i Ju y 3 3 61 3 IS t C3 | 473 July 3 321 Z 95 464 6 43 July 4 July U 8 78 3 C6 83 | 4 SS 670 July fi 3 S3 3 06 3 2S 2 97 , X 4 94 , 6 01 July 7. . 3 SI 376 ! 3 2S | 293 V7 i 93 July S. . 3 S6 3S7 | 3 32 | 3 0 4 91 in July 9. . 3 7E 335 ! 296 ] 476 | 501 July 10. 3 90 2S7i 4 C3 | 5 6 92 July 11. 3 % 3 70 2 91 467 4 79j C 97 July 12. 4 04 3 73 3 IS 4 73 4 M G 87 July 13. 4 09 3 82 3 14 2 971 4 7S 4 SO 6 S7 July 14. 4 05 3 3 15 ] 3 00 4(73 | o 74 July 15. 377 , 3 17 , 3 05' ' 4 f-S ( 5 59 July 16. 3 S2l 3 20 307 4 81 4 ? C * July 17. 4 01 * 2 97 4 S2 4 97 J M Ju'.y IS. 4 Ifi 3 82 2 05 4 S3 4 DO 5 65 July 10. 42S 3 S9 3 32 4 f > 9 4 79 6 35 July 20. 4 19 3 SO .1 35 2 97 4 94 1 B 29 July 21. 4 21 3 81 3 3S 2 93 ] 4 6 S9 July22. _ _ . . . . 4 34 3 79 3 2' 2 $8 4 S3 & 53 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The olllcJal number of oars of stock brought In today by each road was : Oattle. Hogs. Sheep H'sea C. , M. & St. P. tty. . 2 3 O. & St. L. Uy 1 Missouri Paclllo Ry. . 1 2 U. 1 * . system 10 F. , E. & V. V. R. R. . . 3 42 S. C. & 1 > . Ry 1 C. , St. P. , M. & O. . . . 6 B. & M. 11. R. R 4 11 C. , , U. & Q. Ry 1 K. C. & St. J. Ry. . . 8 C. . R , 1. & P. Ky. , 15. . . 1 C. , II. I. & lRy. . , W . . 2 10 Total receipts . . . . la S4 1 10 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the number - bor 1 of head indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Om'aha Packing Co . 1 003 O. H. Hammond Co. . . . 2 1,015 Bwlft and Company . 76 2,461 Cudahy Pocking Co . 01 421 Armour & Co . 3 1,474 Cudahy , Kansas City . 162 Swift , Kansas City . 22 Vunaant & Co . 191 W. I. Stephen . 17 Hill & Huntzliiffer . 6 Other buyers . 45 Hold over . 130 Totals . .393 6.009 SO CATTLE All told less than twenty cars of cattle were reported in the yards , nnd half of them , or close to It , were Kansas City cattle shipped direct to packers and not offered for sale. In other words , there were not enough cattle licre awaken any interest among buyers and th market was slow and dull and draggy from start to finish. The general market was lOo lower. There was quite a string of cornfed cows , but they , too , were low and draggy and lower. In the fewest words possible , "It was n Saturday's market , " Good cornfed cattle sold at strong prices all the week past and were in actlvo de mand practically all the time. On the other hand , grass steers or common cornfed steers that vero not fat were lOillSc lower for the week. Grass cows and heifers were In much larger supply , and as a result the markat broke nt least 30S'40c. Good dry lot cows and h-elfers sold well the early part of the week , but the big drop on gross cattle pulled down the cornfcd stuff , but the decline was not ns much as on grass stuff. At the close of the week the feeling on stocksrs and feeders was very weak. It Is safe to say that that kind of cattle for the week were 10@15c lower nnd the only thing apparently , that prevented tha market from breaking moro than that was the fact of the receipts being so light. Representa tive sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1220 $4 00 30. .1158 $4 75 21. .1012 $5 06 1..1100 4 25 13..1223 4 90 21..11C6 S 40 4..1203 4 75 COWS. 1..1000 240 7. . 7CO 295 1. . 950 3 20 1..1070 2 75 1..1070 3 00 1..1000 3 25 2. . 1075 275 3..1093 3 10 2. . 930 3 30 2..1020 2 90 2..1025 3 IS 2..1110 335 1..1030 2 DO COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 ? jv e o AC " 'STOCK COWS. AND _ HEIFERS. 1..10CO 2 75 1..10SO 3 25 1..1030 3 43 1. . SCO 3 00 HEIFERS. 1. . 930 3 75 BULLS. 1..1160 2 85 2. .1450 315 1..12CO 340 1..1450 290 CALVES. C. . 353 4 So 1. . 250 650 HOGS Yesterday's market was a little higher , but today It took a big Jump , evea if it waa the last day of the Week. The market was all of 108/15c higher under the Influence of the good local demand and the favorable advices from other selling points. Some of the largo packers wcro still on the bear fide and refusing to buy freely at the prevailing prices , but there were plenty of others who seemed to want the hogs and were ready to pay the prices. The hogs Bold largely mt $4.32'frZM.S5 , as against $1.2004.25 yesterday. One load of good light hogs Bold up to $1.40 , which was the tp , as against $1.30 yesterday. The present week opened with the hog market a shade higher on Monday , which was followed on Tuesday by an advance of fully 15c. On Wednesday the market put on fully lOc , but on Thursday 7'/4c of the sain was lost. On Friday the loss was more than recovered , and the week closed at the highest point touched so far. There were only two or three days last year when tJio hog market reached BH high a point as was touched at the clone of the present week and that was during the month of May. The demand for hogs was good all the week , though BO mo of the packers are I evidently determined to hold the market down as much as possible. Apparently , however , it is beyond their control and when they become too bearish a shipping demand springs up which equalizes thing * . Representative sales : No Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 13 , .348 1CO$427'A 60 . 2G7 40 4 32W ° 2 , . . .260 . . . 430 07 . 2S2 EO so ! . . . .188 40 480 G2 . 247 400 4 32H . . . .307 . . . 430 t8 . 314 . . . 4 SHEEP There wcro no fresh receipt * and notli'.nk- today to rnuke a market , The sheep market wa far from satU- footory the last week. It was dull and draiwy and wan entirely devoid , apparently , of life or snap , The tendency of ( he mar ket la unmlDtakably lower. The eantcrn mutton market ban been reported as In bad hape and that IB given aa the reason for the nheep market not being mire active Comparatively few fcederu have arrived t < o for this wmton , nw th w * twn comln * u.1 the present time have been ricked out for killers" . Commission men .iy thftt they are commencing to r o Ue orders for feed ing sheer1 , to bo filled when the market get * right. At the prewnt tlmo fefd r utttn tft liAvn thflr idffts fixed at $1.0004.2 * for Inmbs , $3.7r tf4.00 for ytarllnns. nnd at $ J tojji 8.60 for wethers. At the prewnt tltn It In hardly possible to fill orders at such prices an the * ? named. Quotations ; I'rlmn native wethers , 14,3 fft-4 60 ; good to choice grass withers , $1.15 IN.10 ; fair to good grass w thrr . $3,751 ? 4.10 ! Kood to choice grafw ewes , $3JO 3.i5 ; peed to choice sprint lambs , $560a6.W , fair to peed cprlng Inmiii , $ i.0i > if5.60 ; common spring lambs , $4.00 4.2 * , ! feeder wethers , J5WijV&5 , Representative sales l No. Av. Pr. 493 Idaho cvittt , graders 90 $3 05 MS Idaho feeders S2 385 COS Idaho gratis wethers 91 4 19 Knnmm City l.U e .Stork. KANSAS CITY , July 22-CATTrE-no. cflpts , 17 head ; the supply w > about 7.COO head lees thnn the corresponding week last year ; there was a material ndvanco in prices for the best exixirt and butcher grades , whllo Immature ! stock was slow sale at bnrcdy steady prices ; heavy nnliv * atccri , $5.2o3Ta.SO ; light welghte , $ I.70C5.50 | rtockcrs and feeders , $3.75B15.00 : butohar cows and heifers , $3.00ff5.35 ; canning stock , $2.2553.00 ; western steers $3.DOJf5.23 ; Tcxans , . , . lioas Receipts , 2,500 licndj market vfry actlvo at lOo higher prlccn ; the advance for the week amounts to 30o not : heavy. $4.40 ® 4.50 ! mixed , $4.3 f4.45 ; light , $1.35 1.40 ; pig * , . . SHEEP Receipts for the week , 14,000 , head ; for same week Inst year , 20,000 head : light supply caused priors to advance from 20o to 40c on spring lambs nnd 15o to 2Go on mutton grodcii and feeders ; spring lambs , $ VOOI6,25 ; yearlings , $ l.50if5.2o ; muttons , J4.00or4.90 : slockera and feeders , J3.Kij4.00 ; culls , $2.00 3.25. _ Live Stock. CHICAGO , July 22. Receipts of cattls worn not larso enough today to inako ft market , Good to fancy steers were quot able nt $4.45Q5S5 ; commoner grades , $4.M < S > 0.20 ; mockers , nnd fowlers , 3.001f4,7TS , ; hulls , cows and heifers , $2.0iXIf6.10 ; calves , $4.&ttjj > 0.75 ; western fd elects , $4.6535.66 ; Texas steers , $3.50iifi,25. Hot * lost half an early advance of lOo nt the close. Heavy brought $4.205vi.65 : mixed lots , $ I.3 < X3'4.G7',4 : light hogs. I4.4W4.70 ; culls nnd rough lots , $2.wi)1i.20 ) ; pigs , $4.S.Vir4.GO. Most of the she p today cnmo directly consigned to the puckers and the few flocks that cam.9 on the market sold at unchanged prices. Recoipts-Oattlo. 200 head ; hogs , 18,000 head ; sheep , 25,000 head. K ( . I.ouln I.lvo Stock. ST. LOUIS , July 22.-CATTLE Receipts 100 head ; fair to choloj native shipping und ex-port Bteers. $ l.70SiG.GO , with fancy grades i worth up to $5.75 ; dressed boot nml butcher I ulcers , $4.001)6.25 ; Bteers , under 1.000 Iba. , W.DOJKi.OO ; stockcrs and feeders , t3.76JT4.G5 ; 'cows ' nnd hoiesrs. $2.25y5.00 ; bulls. $ i.8otf3.75 ( ; canners , $ l.DOij3.SO ; Texas and Indian steers , $ . ' 1.2MW.l'u ' ; cows nnd lielfera , $2.6033.60. HOGS RecclpU ) , 3.000 head ; market lOo higher ; pips nnd lights , $4. < XHjM.63 ; packers , $4.W > fiM.70 : butchers , $4.COiT4.70. SHUBP-Markct nominal. St. .loHcitli Mve Slork. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 22.-Spe- ( clnl. ) The Journal quotea as follows : CATTLE Receipts , 100 head ; market steady : natives , $4.00ff5.50 ! ; Texas nnd west erns , $3.C3gc,40 ; cows nnd helfersi $2.00ff4.90 ( ; bulls und stags , $2.30g > 4.75 ; yearling and calves , $4.1055.1:0 : : ntockcrs and feeders , $3.DO @ 4.G5 ; vcaln , J5.0006.60. HOGS Receipts , 4,700 head ; market opened at Be nnd closed lOo higher ; heavy nnd medium , $4.35f4.GO ( ; light. $ l.3CxtT4.421i ; pigs , $1.0004.20 ; bulk of sales. $1.3504.45. SHEEP Receipts , none ; demand strong. New York Live Stoak. NEW YORK , July 22-BEEVES-No r - oelpts , no trading ; feeling etcady ; exporte , 940 cattle , 78 sheep and 4,974 quarters of beef. CALVES No receipts ; non on sale ; feelIng - Ing firm : dressed vcalf , 95J10o per pound. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpt * ' , 4,4 0 head ; 1V4 cars on sale ; sheep dull and lower ; lambs llrm ; sheep , $3.00@4.50 ; iambi , $5.503 7.12& . HOGS Receipts , 2,485 head ; none for ealo ; nominally steady. Stock in Slitlit. Following are the receipts at the four principal morUota for July 22 : Cattle. Hogu. Shteep. Omaha 457 6,047 371 Chicago 200 18,000 85,000 Kansas City 17 2,800 . . . . St. Louis 100 3,000 Totals 874 29,874 25,371 PENSIONS FOIl WKSTI5UN VETERANS. Survivor * of the Civil AVar Ilcmem- lirreil l > y the General Government. VTASHINGTON , July 22. ( SpeclalO-tflifl following pensions bavo been granted : JBSUO of July 10 : Nebraska Original : Henry 0. McHlrron , Fender. JG ; Alexander Mlckle , Wescott , ? 12j Franklin Russell , Unadllla , $6. Increase : Lemuel T. Mead , Exeter , $6 to $10 ; James R. Rouse , Norforlc , $8 to $10. Iowa Original : James H. Potter , Storm Lake , $6 ; Paschal P. Rainwater , Logan , $0. Additional : Jonathan W. Brown , Dea Molnea , $ .8 to $10. Restoration and Increase : Joseph T. Williams , deceased , Waterloo , $6 to $8. Increase : Frederick A. Ware , BloomOold , $8 to $10 ; John M. Wallace , Oncoola , $8 to $10. Original widows , etc. : Cecilia G. Fuller , Keokuk , $12. Dcvivry AckiiowlcdKca Ilecclpt. PHILADELPHIA , Julr 22. Admiral- Dowcy , while in the port at Singapore , en- route for America , received a certificate of membership of the American Flag House and Betsy Ross Memorial association. The ad miral in a letter to John Qulncjr Adams , secretary of the association , acknowledged receipts of the certlllcate and expresses his gratification at being enrolled in the patriotic work of preserving the birthplace of the nation's flag , for which purpose the associa tion waa formed. ROOH4NrLirEDU > 0. GRANCH lOJBttSt cHAHAnEo. imcom run , JAMES E. BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCK3 BOARD OP TRADR. Dlrft wlren to Chlcaio uJi w Torlt Corrttpondtntii Jubn A.Varren A Oci. Mortgages For Sale Wo liave on hand a list of gilt-edge securities for eale. Call andBce us. PAYNE-HARDER CO. , First Floor N. Y. Life- INVESTORS of amall or large Kiinm of mon y , can find no OPPORTUNITY that will yield them so largo and eteady an Income from money invested with ABSOLUTE SAFETY equal to that wo offer , YOU ASSUME ! NO LIAIULITY und run no risks , fiend for explanatory pamphlet , moiled free. High- eat references. Investors Go-Operative Co , aot ; imoAuwiiV , MSW voiuc. INVESTORS , COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Valuable reliable Information fumfehed In ndvancn on Blocks , Grain and I'rovUlomi , This advlco 1 pronounced best evr seen by those taking It. You need It If Inter ested In ithe markets. Ily wire , $5.00 ; .bv . mall , $2.00 j > er wock. Write for full ipartlculara. K. J , 1IIIOW.VMSK , .Til ) .Vurlh l"uiirtli Slrec ( , hT. 1,0UIS , HO.