Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1899, Editorial, Page 16, Image 16

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    10 TTTE3 OMAHA DAILY 33JE1C : SUNDAY , JULY 23 , 1800.
E. & II. HERON.-
: SJ
( Copyright , 1859 , by Doublrday & McClure
Company. )
lH of 1'rocrilli K Clmicrn.
MruuMU. a little European duchy in Eu
rope , which has maintained Ha Independ
ence bemuse of the Jealousies of the large
nurroundlriR countries , ssems about to b
nwnlloweil up. ( lermnny la represented at
Ilovotide , the capital , by tuo shrewd Htatcs-
inan , Baron von Klmur. fcnKlnnu's inllu-
ence In Btranjf nnd Major Counsellor's pres
ence moans much. Hussla and France are
also playlns the diplomatic pame. At the
time the story opens John Hollywood , a
young ISnqllshrruiii , who has served peven
yearH In the Mnasau frontier cava-ry , Is
about Jo resign his commission , when Sclp-
tlt r , the chancellor and "man of the hour ,
ponds for Wm and ninhca nlm a Gentleman
of the Guard. Rally-wood meets VoJprle
frolpdorf , the chancellor's daughter. The
Gentleman of the Guard object to the ap-
ixJttitment of the Englishman. Unzlnr , a
leader and a , miltor for Valerie's hand , ar
range for the affaJr of honor Involved ,
nilRRfS hln rihot , and , with his companions ,
1 overcome by the manly bearing of Rally-
wood. The giisxts nit the palace boM over-
trhelm the younp Englishman with con
gratulations. Counters Sapan takes a great
dn'torest ' In Rallywood , and Invltss him to
Ca Uo Kaftan with a party. Von Elmur
plot with Belpdorf In benalf of Germany
to disband th sruard. Sapan protests * . At
the castlp Valerie offends the duke. Sagan ,
fcarlnc that tiho women will spoil the plot ,
wishes to cause .the death of Valerie nnd
tils wife. Von Elmur wll not consent because -
cause 'ho ' wishes to marry Valerie and still
believes ho can carry out his plan with
Selpdorf. .Mc-nntlm ? , the guard , TTnzlar ,
Cnlnndorf and Rallywood must bo dis
posed of ,
A Cnimiicl of Hspoilleney.
The foundation of the family and castle of
Began wns said to bolonc to the period of
the Prankish Incursions. Some one had
once remarked that Count Simon himself
was the most perfect relic of the barbaric
period to bo found In Europe , which , coming
around In duo time to Count Simon , the
joker paid twlth his llfo for his poor at
tempt at wit.
aiowovcr true this tradition of Sagan might
/be / , the castle Itself was medieval , and ,
though It has been added to and restored ,
dark and tortuous passages still existed In
the older portion of Its hugo bulk , and could
toy no means be Improved away. Treacher
ous stops waylaid nnd betrayed the un
wary foot , undreamed of doors cave upon
their dimmest corners 'nnd not all the
efforts of the nervous chatelaine ever ac
complished the adequate lighting of their
The spirit of fear seemed to be abroad
In the castle that night and the guests
moved with a causeless but Irresistible
hurry when coming or going from the upper
apartments or through -the winding corridors.
Valerie was conscious of It , as , wrapped
In a long cloak , she opened her door and
started tack on finding a tall , hlgh-
Bhouldered fieuro standing outside.
"Take my arm , mademoiselle , I beg of
you. " Von ELmur bent his head , speaking
urgently. "I rum , aware that his august
Impertinence ( well deserved your rebuke !
But oiany heard It and by some n. sinister
construction has been put upon It For your
father's sake , will you condescend to listen
to mo ? "
Vnlcrlo withdrew her hand from his arm
with a swift movement , t > ut ho caught and
replaced It almost roughly.
"Forgive he > , mademoiselle , you must listen
to me ! I am not urging my suit upon you
I will not urge It until you consult your
father ; but. In the meantime , the exigencies
of the case , difficulties which have arisen
as the result of your own words , make It
essential for you to follow iny advice. You
are aware , you must 'bo ' aware , of my feel
ings toward you , and may I remind you that
your father's wishes coincide with mine ?
Will you allow mo to announce our be
trothal to the count ? I will never presum'b
upon this favor In the future you may rely
upon me. Valeric , you see I am using no
lover's persuasiveness , I do not tell you
that I adore you though you are well
nwaro of that ! I only declare that your
falling In with my request may mean the
difference between life and death to some
of us ! "
" 'Is my father In danger through my
fault ? "
'His hand held hers close , and she could
eeo that ho was moved out of the common
by some emotion , the cool stillness of his
manner was replaced by a passion of which
eho had not believed him capable. Her
beauty and the thought of losing her had
a good deal to do with this disturbance , but
the chief cause was the fear that , after all ,
tils mission might 'fall and fall badly.
"I cannot explain ; but I Implore you to
act on my advlco. "
Valorlo hesitated. Elmur was very much
In earnest , yet It might be an attempt to
trick her Into a position from which ehe
would flnd It almost impossible to witn-
" o you wish to mnko this public ? " ho
nuked ,
' 'No , no. That pardon me once moro
would bo equally fatal after the Impression
you unluckily convoyed to the duke. No ; I
only sk you to allow Count Sagan to bo-
llovo that you have- consented to become |
jny wife. I 'bee ' you to do this for M. Bolp-
ilort's enke , and , Indeed , mademoiselle , for
your own. "
AM they entered tbo circle of brilliant light
falling from the great lamp above Mme. de
Sngan's door Uaron , von Elmur resumed
eoniflthlng of his usual manner.
"Then I may conduct you no further ? " he
said , turning In front of her to screen her
agitated faeo from tt\o persons who were
coming along the gallery.
"Thank you for your protection , baron , "
the girl replied In an audlblo tone , "the
cautlo Is haunted on nights like these when
the tea cries around It. "
The door swung open noiselessly beside
them and Count Sagan stood on the thresh
old. By some Instinct , without looking at
him , she teemed to see his angry , question
ing pare.
"Au rtvolr , " she added to Elmur , with n
coquettish ring In tier voice.
"Ah , mademoiselle , I llvo for that only
to sco you uguln , " began Elmur.
Sngan cut him short.
"Tut , tut , buron , too many eyes are look
ing on In permit of such endearments as
these ! 'Ardor ' In a betrothed lover Is natu
ral , yet "
Valeric looked up and smiled miserably.
"Au rovolr , " uho repeated faintly ,
With that the door closed behind her as
Bngan led her away to his wife , and Elmur ,
affecting not to see. the two men who wore
passing , etrollcd on , singing a love song
under his breath. Unzlur paused , then drew
Itnllynooillth him Into the center of the
wide lighted passage , whcrn they could
speak with moro freedom. "That settles
more quretlons than one , " he said , mock
ingly , "For example , It settles a question
which most concerns you and me , Rally-
wood. "
"Concerns me ? " Hallywood flung back
the words.
"Would you deny It ? You are as deep In
that as 1 , " nodding toward the door behind
them ,
Jlally wood's answer came slowly ,
"I do not deny It. Why should I wish toT
Though regard for her has led me to at
tempt to 'hide ' my folly. 1 tee I have not
t ,
been altogether as successful no I hoped.
But , had I anything to offer her besides my
sword , I'm hanged If I would let that In
fernal German have her ! "
"In these affairs , my friend , the ladles
equally make choice , " Unzlar replied with a
eneer. "Dealdcs , It Is only a part of the
plot , " the last word was scarcely audible.
Ilallywood turned on him a long , keen
"And you think that she , mademoiselle ,
Is In It ? " ho united at last.
"I wish to God I could say not ! But In
the teeth of thin conspiracy , for the sake of
( Mp.Asau , wo of the guard cannot Ho to each
other. "
fUtlywood , being on duty during the evenIng -
Ing , stood , according to usage , at some little
distance behind the duko's chair. From
among the coming and going , from chance
words and prepared speeches , ho gathered
a thread of suspicion which had Its use In
the perplexing future that was rapidly ad
vancing upon them.
Valerie , with a flush upon her face , was
looking unusually brilliant aa she talked for
a while with Unzlar , who , judging from , the
sourness of his smile , may have been offer
ing her his congratulations.
Counsellor came up to Rallywood , and as
they stood' ' well away from the crowd , spoke
"You have heard the , news , I eeo , John ,
and you are not nearly such a fool as you
think yourself. She Is a glri in 10,000 , and
may , not Improbably , make the exceptional
woman I once before spoke to you about. I
know this connection was under con
sideration by Elmur , but the engage
ment did not exist a few hours ago ,
and the present moment Is pre
cisely the most inopportune which
could be chosen for Its announcement ,
hence it follows that someone has forced
Elmur's hand , or that he Is forcing the hand
of some one , It may be Mile. Sclpdorf's. "
"Will it be announced publicly ? The
duke , for example. "
"It Is known already to half a dozen ; what
can they do1 I had It from Bllvlnokl , the
little Russian attache , as a secret. Russia
Is , like nature herself , the vast reservoir of
all secrets , and not one Is allowed to es
cape , except for n purpose. Yet I wonder
how It will end. Look at her ! How brilliant
she Ifl. But rouge on the cheek of a woman
who habitually uses none means , In all coses
trouble , " said Counsellor , as he moved oft
Antltnnr Uiirlnr.
No one could have gathered , from the quiet
aspect of Rallywood's tall , soldierly figure ,
that a whirl of emotion was passing through
his brain. Yet above all roae one dominant
sensation a vast relief. Counsellor shared
his own opinion with regard to Valerie. Her
daring words to the duke had no serious
meaning. They were only the natural
echo of a girl's preference for a
young and beautiful woman to preside over
the court , rather than the bloated rake who
now lolled uneasily in the chair before him.
He recalled the forlorn little smile with
which she had accepted Von Elmur's lover-
like protestations at Mme. do Sagan's door
way. Its forlornness had been lost upon
Unzlar , who had drawn "but " ono merciless
conclusion from the little scene. Close on
the heels of these reflections a vivid recol
lection rose before Rallywood's mind of the
first night he had met her. The lights and
music of the grand saloon of Sagan died
away and he was standing again on the ridge
"below the Hotel du Chancellor , looking out
over the glimmering lamps of Rovondo ,
dominated , as always , by the regnant red
eye of the guards' dome , arid ho felt once
moro that etrango now warmth and thrill
In his veins which , at the time , he bad be
lieved to be born of on opening career beset
with danger and difficulty. Tonight , however -
over , ho Judged more clearly ; he knew that
his dull llfo had been rekindled and his am
bitions had taken fresh flro from the dark
etarllt eyes Valerie Selpdorf had raised to
his In tbo chancellor's anteroom two months
ago."Captain Rallywood ! "
Rallywood started. The duke made him
a sign to approach. Then , rising from his
chair , he took the young man's arm , nnd
leaning heavily upon It , moved toward the
card room , meeting Unzlar with Mademoi
selle Selpdorf on the way.
"Hey , MadomoIseUo Valerie , " ho stopped
abruptly , "would you teach my guards
treason ? "
"To teach your highness' guards treason
Is Impossible ! " replied Valerie , with a slight
lifting of her proud head.
"Tho Influence of a beautiful woman bos
no limit , " retorted the duke.
vuiunu & ri'u ups ircmuiuu.
"Generations have already proved the
fidelity of the Selpdorfa has also no limit.
But I beg you to accept an apology for my
foolish words. "
"But such words from n Selpdorf ! "
"Wo have always been loyal , sire. "
The duke shook his head sadly.
"But the world changes what hnfe been is
not. And the first reason nowadays why a
'thing ' ehould no longer bo Is the fact
that once It was ! "
Valorlo was almost as tall as the duke
himself , and she looked level Into his weary
"Havo we changed with the world , slro ? "
"Not yet , " replied the duke , bltterfy ;
then , struck , as it seemed , with the Intrinsic
uplrlt of the young Imperial face gazing Into
his own , ho added : "Though you tempt a
man to believe in you , mademoiselle ! "
"I say this before your highness and these
gentlemen of your guard , " Valerie said , her
eyes flashing. "May the Selpdorf , who
ceases to bo true to your highness and to
Maoaau , dlo ! "
In after time events brought back the
vehement words to the minds of the three
who heard them ,
"And I say , 'Amen ! ' " The duke took
her hand and added , "Which proves , Va
lerie , that you have conquered your old
friend , Gustavo of .Maasau. Come , Captain
Ilallywood , half an hour's play and then to
bed. "
Valerie looked up at Unzlar , aa she walked
beside him.
"And yet you would not believe me ? "
"Come ! " was Unzlar's reply ,
She raid her hand within his arm and
passed silently through the reception rooms
beside him.
She felt that the time had come when
Unzlar could no more be put off by the
llttlo wiles nnd evitslons n woman employs
who has nothing to give to the man who
loves bur but a definite answer. Two luxuri
ous clialra stood ready for occupants in the
nook to which he led her , but be had no
thought to clve to conventionalities. He
&toal before her ketjn and white and desper-
ntolth doubt.
"Valerie , what does all this mean ? "
Though only a girl in years , Valerie was
a woman In experience. Experience , not
gained "Uogcther at first hand , be It under-
etood , hut such as a clever woman easily
gathers frcin the lives of those about her.
As the motherless daughter of M , Selpdorf
the had had exceptional opportunities.
Thrown Into the midst of a brilliant but
vicious society , her eyes had seen moro ol
the bare umlertcxturo of llfo than wag per *
haps doslrablc ; oho had looked upon the
shift and drift of things political with an
over-present knowlodse that there danger
lurked and waited ; she had learned the UR I
of reserve and something of the art of
resource , and , above all , her womanly per
ceptions had taken on a strange edge of
sensitive power , duo to her father's quaint
methods of pointing out to her the differ
ence between the seeming and the true.
By reason of this premature Insight Into the
motives and stress of human existence she
gained In safety and strength , as her father
desired , but , on the other hand , she had loat
the sense of happy Irresponsibility that goes
so far toward making up ono of the sweet
est wsontlals of youth. Luckily thcro Is
ono thing which can never bo quite de
stroyed at second hand the romance and
Illusions that beguile boyhood nnd girlhood
and the liability to be BO beguiled still
lived In Valerie's strong and vivid nature.
"Shall I swear that every word I spoke
to the duke Just now Is true ? " she asked
coldly. "Although , of coume , even that
would not convince you ! "
"No , I suppose not , " ho said drearily.
"You spoke openly of your hope to bo maid
of honor to iMmo. de Sagan when she became
duchess of Mansau which can only mean
ono thing. Rallywood heard and told mo
exactly. "
"You discussed me with Captain Rally-
wood ? " she flashed out.
Uuzlar's glance darkened again with anew
now _ suspicion ,
"Should you object ? " he asked.
"As It happens , I should , particularly. "
He bit savagely at his mustaoho.
"What Is wrong with Rallywood ? "
"Ho is an Englishman. Besides , I do not
oaro to bo discussed amongst the men of the
"How llko a woman you put me off ! I
did not dlaouss you wHh Rnllywood , of
course , as you very well know. I asked him
the simple question as to what had actually
bean said. I know ho would not llo to me. "
"The guard keep their falsehoods for out
siders , I suppose ? "
Unzlar liked this harping upon Rallywood
less and less. He moved Irritably.
"But that is not all. You have admitted
that you are going to marry Elmur. That
also signifies something. "
' 'Whatever It signifies , it does not signify
that I am disloyal to Maasau. "
"You have seen for yourself that there Is
a change here at Sagan , " argued Unzlar.
"No German has over been welcome hero
before. Wo can but guess at treason. "
"Husfi ! It cannot be that , since my father
has knowledge of It. "
Tlite was an entirely unexpected develop
ment of the difficulty. Unzlar felt the
chock , and even in his turbulence ho
changed his venue.
"It may be so lot that rest ; but
nothing can alter me In the belief that Elmur
is the natural enemy of the state. Valerie ,
he can give you many things that I cannot
offer you. But my love No , hear mo for
onco. You must hear me , Valeria ! You
know that I have loved you always , I don't
remember when It began I was a boy. But
i uiiur ut mo uim JUUHL uuvu luvcu uiuura
before you. Whereas I I have thought of
no ono else nil ray life ! "
"Why , I have heard differently , Anthony , "
she Interposed with a smllo that was a vain
effort to temper the Intensity of his mood.
Ho stamped with his spurred heel upon a
fallen flower.
"f don't pretend to be a saint ; I am what
other men are. You sec I do not deceive
you even now. But give me the chance
and I will provo to you that -the Unzlars
can bo faithful. Valerie , give mo your love !
For God's mke don't say you cannot ! " Give
me your love ! "
"Anthony ! "
It nlmost shocked her to see Unzlar cold
nnd cynical Unzlar pleading as a man pleads
for uscapo from death , with a terrible self-
"Walt ! Tell me this. Did you choose Von
Elmur ? "
"My we It has nothing to do with that
kind of thing. "
"I thought not ! Then you win sacrifice
yourself for an Idea ? You shall not ! "
"Anthony , you are very good to me sou
have always been , I know that If I felt
for you as you wish mo to feel , then you
could help me. But I don't ! As long as
I can remember , you have been my play
fellow , my brother ; but not more never
this ! Anthony , I love you , but not but not
you have been so honest with me that
whatever it costs I must be honest with you.
I can never do OB you wish ! "
Unzlar listened rather to some far-off tide
of thought , as It seemed , than to her -words-
thoughts that flowed in upon him and
quenched hope.
"You do not love me ; Elmur Is beside the
mark beside the question of love alto
gether. Then , Valerie , whom do you love ? "
She gave him a frightened glstice and drew
in her breath as one who parries a blow.
"There is no one ; " then , adJed moro
firmly , "You are mistaken there Is no one. "
"If that be so , " responded the young man
sullenly , "then my chance Is as good as an
other's. I shall not give up hope. Remem
ber that. But I have thought that Rally-
wood "
Valerie recalled the coldness of the averted
gray eyes , and the memory stung her.
"Ho hates me , " she replied with a haughty
smile , "as I hate him ! "
"Rallywood hates you ! " be repeated in
angry astonishment ,
"Yos ; but whatever he may feel for me I
return la full , "
"Valerie , then you love no ono ? Say 11
ftBaln. "
The Jingle of spur and scabbard came
through the flower-hung spaces and Rally-
wood passed within a few feet of them. He
was whistling softly as ho walked along with
an easy swing of his strong shoulders.
" 1 love " Valerie began , nnd etopped
short , for Rallywood turned In his stride as
If ho felt their eyes upon him ,
"His highness has sent for you , Unzlar , "
bo said ,
C1IAI TIll Mil.
in Two Simile * .
All the next morning the snow fell per
sistently and Sagan might have been , as far
ns appenrancos went , a castle built In the
nlr. Above , below , around , the snow eddied
llko a fairy torrent , beating against the solid
walls and curling In curious ringed swirls
about Its 'buttresses as water beats about
B rock in mid-stream.
But the dominant gray of the outside
world cast no appreciable reflection on the
spirits of Mmo. do Sagan's guests , with
whom gaycty and wild devices for killing
time were necessary and familiar things.
But to Valerie the same suggestion of fear
nnd unrest that had oppressed her on the
previous evening still held its silent sway
over the place. She stood at the broad win
dow of the main staircase watching the
swift atoms of enow drift post , each ono by
Itself a moro melting point , but , in their
millions , mighty. She shivered and looked
round with an odd sense of apprehension , us
if the vague , blind storm outside had its
counterpart In n vague , blind danger within.
A tall man came leaping up the staircase.
Ho stopped beside her. She looked up at
him , her deep eyes were full of some dls-
turbfng thought.
, "Captaln Rallywood , will you tell Major
Counsellor from me , " she began at once- ,
In a low , hurried voice , "that , in spite of
wh.-rt ho has heard of me , ho must still be-
Hove" Maasau Is the dearest thing on earth
to mo ? Tell him that , If needful , I am
ready to prove It with my llfo ! Ho may
mnko qulto euro I meant all I said to him
yesterday. "
Hollywood stood silent. The passion of
her voice and speech echoed In her own ears
and suddenly seemed all excessive and un
called for ; n blush half anger , half shame
rushed over her face , bringing tears to her
eyes. Why was It decreed that tlia should
always , In some small , foolish way , appear
to disadvantage before this wretched Eng-
"I will tell him , " eald Rallywood at last ,
"though I cannot understand. "
"No , you cannot understand ! You are
so cold , so self-centered th < U the feelings
tind tumults whlcb ttoubto most of us ap-
SZ T/rT/ff.
- ' ' ' / / '
pear as weaknesses to you. Since you can
not understand us , you should not judge us ,
wo others , who. In our own spasmodic way ,
love our country as you serve yours stead
ily and with a whole heart. "
Now , John Rallywood was perplexed.
He longed to set himself right with her.
Her very accusations , her readiness to flnd
fault , which might have made matters clear
to some men , only disheartened him with a
renewed sense of her dislike.
"You bate any nation , " ho said , after a
pause of consideration , "therefore you con
demn me , not because of anything I have
done , but on general grounds , putting the
worst construction on on everything. I
wonder why you Judge mo o hardly ? "
Valerie laughed , her red lips finely edged
with scorn.
"On .tho contrary , you Judge us ! "Who
made you a Judge ever us ? You regard us
you English iwlth that straight , steady look.
I suppose you feel what futllo creatures we
others are , with our shifting moods and
passions , our little furies and desperations !
Do you remember the night you joined the
guard the night In the cloister of St. An
thony ? How I trembled and feared for you ,
I" she laughed again "even wanted to help
you. Jtow ntaurd It all eemcd to you ,
didn't it ? 1 remwnber you were very cool
nnd quiet and I suppose you thought It very
foolish ono of those unnecessary , extrava
gant emotions In which wo Inferior races
are apt to Indulge ! "
' Stop ! " Rallyiwood cut her short with n
peremptory word , "I will not allow you to
say such things of yourself nor of me ! "
Valeric throw back her head with the
slight haughty lift ho knew so well.
"You are rather too certain of your own
power , " the sold.
"You say you remember that night ? not
so well ns I do ! You think I am very sure
of inysck. And yet I have been mistaken
on points that touch mo close. I thought
that night when I know I might never sea
the morning I dared to fancy that we you
and I understood each other a little. " Ho
waited , but Valerie had turned away ; her
profile looked exquisite , but cold , against
the dark ehuttcr as she watched the driv
ing enow. "So I was the fool after all ,
you seel" ho ended lamely.
According to the Immemorial fashion of
love they understood and misunderstood each
other alternately , playing high and low at
every other moment upon the wide gamut
of feeling , touching faint , sweet notes that
would echo forever.
Rallywood's self-control was giving
way a llttlo , nnd she Instinctively felt her
power nnd used It.
"I wonder what you really think of us
behind that quiet alertness of yours , " Rho
Bald rightly , "I bollovo I did Imagine I
understood you a little that night ; but I
imaglno it no longer ! Perhaps I misjudge
you now , but It cannot matter ; you told
mo once you know how to wait , and of
course you are certain that all unfair opin
ions of you must come right In the end. "
But Rallywood fiasscd over her many
sentences to sclzo the central Idea that ap
pealed to htm ,
"Yes , I have learned to wait. I told you
that everything comes to him who waits.
Unfortunately , a proverb Is true often , not
always. Ono thing- can never como to me ,
however long I wait. For mo there Is no
hope. "
"I don't know what you hope for , " replied
the girl , slowly , ns if she were choosing
her words ; but she -hardly knew what she
said , she was lost In a multitude of dreams ,
and her words but filled In the rare crevices
between them. "I thought that every man
carried his own fate In his own hand. "
"A man can fight tbo tangible , but no man
can struggle against the ordinary laws of
social life. Wo may laugh at conventional
methods , but even In Revondo there are
some which must bo yielded to. "
"I don't think , " said Valorlo , "we yield
to many In Revonde. "
Rallywood saw a group of pcoplo advanc
ing toward them. Valerie , with her changes
of 'mood ' and manner , distracted him , and
drove him to say what ho had resolved never
to bo tempted into saying.
"I am a soldier only a soldier ; I gain n
livelihood , but no more. I have no luck
and no genius. To make a fortune or n
name isbeyond - me. And without fortune
many desirable things are impossible.
Valerie turned upon him a bewildering
"I shall know for the future , Captain
Rallywood , what you are thinking of. You
will be thinking for all .those grave eyes
of yours of the fortune you cannot make.
"Not quite that , mademoiselle , " he
answered. "I shall bo thinking of the girl I
cannot win. "
"Valerie found herself drawn away from
him by the passing group. She was aware
of a warm throb at her heart , she was
trembling a little , and the fear of the morn
ing h'ad ' temporarily vanished. For no
definite reason which she could afterward
discover she felt suddenly happy.
By evening the < tsa had blown away the
snow clouds for the time and a thin moon
gleamed fitfully over the wide expanses of
white. Remote , muffled In leagues of snow ,
and allvo .with hungry passions and un
scrupulous strength , the castle of Sagan did
not , on that iwild January night , offer de
sirable housing to the grand duke of Massau.
He had yet some thirty hours to spend ns
his cousin's guest before ho could return to
his capital without showing suspicion or
giving offense. A hundred times ho wished
himself back In his great palace by the river
bank , where the squadrons , of the guard lay
within call. But ho bore himself well , not
withstanding , and , although , on the plea of
chill and fatigue , be kept to his rooms more
than usual , his short appearance In public
left In one sense nothing to be desired. Ho
did not carry Tilmsclf as a man in mortal
anxiety , tout wns ns dlssastlsflcd , as dis
courteous and as disagreeable as It was his
custom to bo.
Lalto iln the afternoon Mme. do Sagan re
tired ito take some rest before dinner.
Wrapped In lace and silk , she was standing
dn front of her mirror with her women about
her when the count entered. At his first
Imperious word the attendants vanished ,
Isolde continued to stare into the glass
like ono fascinated , for in lit she not only
caw the reflection of her own slender whlto-
clod figure , but over her shoulder the fierce
face she dreaded.
For a long minute husband nnd wlfo re
mained residing each other's faces In th
looking glass.
She had seen avemtou And raonnoe In th
count's lowering face many a tlm buforo
and MM at length beginning to bc-llcve ti
almost Impassible fact to be Into , thAt A \
man lived who hated tier , over Rhom hw p
beauty hnd no power.
The young counttss shivered In marUJ
t < xror. ;
"Simon , " she walled middenlr , "you ri
changed you do not love mo any morel"
A broad smllo flitted across the savage ol < ]
face ,
"You are a fool , but very pretty fool , ,
IsoMo , and for that a man might forglva A
you many things. Now listen to me. After /
you retire to your rooms for the night , keep
close to them , no matter what you hrar.
Thcro may bo a disturbance nnd you had
bettor have Solpdorf's daughter to keep you
company. " Ills expression changed aa h
spoke of Valorlo.
"There Is danger , " she gasped , "danger.
What Is It ? 0 , tell mo , what It Isl" Heo
first fear leaping toward Rallywood.
Ho stared Into her shrinking eyes.
"If you ever hope to bo duilius ot
Maasau , " ho answered significantly , "loiya
Valerie's lovers , Unzlar nnd the EnglUhmRn ,
to take care of themselves. Ken > your
tongue silent ! Remember ! " Ho caught her
slender wrist roughly ns ho spoke and
pressed it to cnforco the command.
The countess mailo no reply , but her
fingers closed in upon her palms.
"Como , glvo mo a kiss , and promise m
to do BO much toward making yourself a
grand duchess. " Ho brushed her lips care
lessly with his mustaoho.
The caress brought no rceponso , but aa ho
bent over her she whispered , "havo merer
on me , Simon ! " ( It was a prayer bora
rather of some vague Instinct of danger than ,
any defined fear ) ; "don't kill me ! "
Ho put his thick arm round her andi shook
her Impatiently.
"Kill you , Isolde ? Are you mad ? You
are far moro useful to mo living than dead.
Get rid of your silly fears , nnd remember
silence ! "
Then putting her back on the couch with
moro gentleness than might have been ex
ported of him , ho walked out of the room.
'For a llttlo whllo she sat listening , then
opened her eyes nnd glanced about her. Yes ,
ho was gono. But it was characteristic of
her that at such a tlmo her chief and over
powering thought was Valorlo as a rival.
"Valerie's lovers , tinzlar and the English
man ! " A score of trifles rushed- back upon
her memory ; but no , it could not be. It
was ono of the count'a amlablo ways to Bug-
gest causes of Jcnlousy to his wife. Ho
meant nothing , for what could ho know ?
[ The soothing conviction grow upon her that
I the taunt was thrown at her for what It wai
worth. O , how eho hatoM Sagan hated hl
bloodshot , beast's eyes , his mocking langta , v
his cruel hands , his cruder glbre ! \ -
She pushed back the lace from her wrist
and taw the thin blue parallels of bruised
flesh his flngors had left entirely unawares ,
It must bo owned upon her whiteness. Ah (
she would show these to Rallywood as a
proof that she was In danger , that eh ac
tually neededi his protection , and eo win him
from his post , which tonight would becoma
the post of death.
All her llttlo vain soul thrilled within her
at the possibility of triumph of defeating
the honor ot such a man of winning him
from hla watch for love's sake of overcom
ing the scruples that had for so long a tlmn
stood out against her wiles.
And yet in her poor way she loved him
loved him as she would probably never lova
another. Some women are made in that
way , they take prlilo In the loftiness of the
height from which they drag men down.
Then ho must bo saved , she told herself , at
nil costa saved ! Ho would llvo to thank her
yet. A thought of him lying dead In hla
blood by the dark embrasure that masked
the entrance to the royal apartments flashed
across her mind ; she stretched out her arml
with a soft call like a bird's :
" 0 , love , love , a will save you ! " ' ,
( To bo Continued. ) r | <
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A Now Orleans lawyer was dining at the
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the next table a Hungarian relating to some
French officers an extraordinary lynching
episode that ho alleged had occurred nt aNew
Now Orleans hotel. A ncfrro servant spilled
n plate of soup on n Inu/ dress. Tha
guests decided to lynch the fellow lit once ,
but wore persuaded by the director of Iho
caravansary to wait until dinner was over ,
as ho wns short of help. .Subsequently the
culprit wns atrung up , the lady giving th
word. This strange tnle was too much for
the lawyer , who rose from his seat and , no-
costing the Hungarian , asked In what year
the incident occurred. "Just eight months
ago , " replied the liar calmly , "whllo I was
In the states. " "I was In Now Orleans my
self nil last ycnr , " responded the lawyer.
"PorhnpH monsieur witnessed the hanging , "
Interrupted one of the ricpch'jion. "I just
missed It , " snld the lawyer , "You see , I
wns busy kliring the French chef nt the tlm
for putting mustard In the blanc mange.
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