Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1899, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Davis soils Rings.
Victor hot water heaters nt Illxby's.
Moore's food kllfs worms and fattens.
Dudwelser hccr. L. Iloscnfcldt , ngcnt.
Judson , paaturage , 029 6th avc. Tel. ? 4S.
Detective D. L. Weir Is on the nick list.
C. n. Jncqueniln & Co. , Jewelers nnd op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
II. L. Oxford , a prominent merchant ol
Vllllsca , was In the city yesterday visiting
Titus Darnell nnd Gertrude Wilton , both
of Omaha , were married hero yesterday aft
ernoon , the ceremony being performed by
Justice Ferrlcr.
Charles A. Ttilfpy and Mrs. llerthaT. .
CMalvln , both of Omaha , were married In
this clly last evening , Justlcti Vlcn per
forming the ceremony.
During the rain yesterday the sewer nt
I'carl street and Willow avenue became
choke I ami the Intersection for a time pre-
uoiitC'l the appearance of n small lake.
Kvorott Goodrich , whllo attending n street
phew KMday night , had his bicycle stolen.
The theft was reported to the police , but
o far no trnco of the wheel or the thief
has been secured.
At a meeting of ledge No. 27 , Ancient
Order of United Workmen , last evening ,
1'asl Master Workman U. W. Oregs was
presented with a handsome gold badge by
u number of his friends In thu lodge.
W. II. Moore of St. Louis , president of the
State and Interstate Good Komls association ,
has written to the Commercial committee
relative to the holding of a good roads cou-
ventlon In this city In the near future.
Justice Kerrler was called upon yesterday
afternoon to perform the marrlago csro-
mony for William Lewis , a stalwart negro ,
nnd McU IJcau , a young whlto girl. The
brldo nnd groom were both from Omaha.
The children of the Sunday school at the
Fifteenth Street Union mission -were treated
to a feast of good things yesterday niter-
noon at the mission building. Some seventy
clilTJren uud their parents enjoyed the
Dick Hall has been erected captain of the
Owl Wheel club. The Hough Riders will pic
nic today nt Hanthorno lake. The club is
arranging to glvo Its annual field moot nt
the Union Driving park some tlmo next
The building on Pierce street known hs
the old Hood laundry was destroyed by
tire Fast night about 11 o'clock. It was a
frnmo Structure and unoccupied. The origin
of the llro Is unknown , but thought to bo
The Council Bluffs Republican club tns
been reorganized nnd the following officers
elected : President , 0. S. Hubbard ; first vice
president , D. Maltby ; second vlco president ,
Joseph Welghtman ; treasurer , Ovldo Vlen ;
secretary , C. W. Atwood ; trustees , A. M.
Bonuam , William Roper and Henry Poter-
John Taylor was arrested yesterday on
nu Information filed In Justice Vlen's court
by his brother , Zacharlah Taylor , who
charged him with being habitually intoxi
cated. The court , sentenced him to thirty
days In the county jail , but suspended the
sentence on Taylor signing a plcdgo not to
drink nny kind of alcoholic liquor for a
term of ono year.
The funeral of the late Thomas Mason will
be held this afternoon nt1 o'cfock from Iho
Broadway Methodist church , of which deceased -
ceased was a member. The services \sill bo
conducted by the pastor , Ilev. Slyron C.
Wnddell. Interment will bo In Walnut Hill
cemetery. Krlcnds desiring to view the re
mains can do so nt thr family residence , S14
Twenty-first avenue , nt 3 o'clock this aft
The friends of James Jacoby , the express
man who practically lost everything by the
flro at the Pluttnor barn , have arranged to
glvo an entertainment Thursday evening nt
Odd Fellows' hall for his benefit. The
women of Abe Lincoln Relief Corps will
also glvo n. social Tuesday evening at the
homo of Mrs. Sndowusklc , at Third avenue
and Eighteenth street , for the same cause.
Jacoby Is nn old soldier and the Toss of his
horses nnd wagons has loft him. without
means to provide for his family.
N. Y. numbing company. Tel. 250.
Scientific optician , Wollman , 409 Br'dway.
Looking- Over TcrniliinU.
The ofllclala of the Missouri lines of the
Burlington system were In the city yester
day morning looking over the terminals. The
Burlington Is preparing to make a number
of Improvements in its local yards and the
expenditure of a largo sum of money is con
templated. The yards will bo raised to grade ,
iionr tracks laid and other improvements
carried out. The party , which Toft In a spe
cial train for St. Joseph In the afternoon ,
comprised the following officials : Howard
Klllott , general manager ; O. M. Spencer ,
general solicitor ; D. O. Ives , general freight
agent ; S. E. Cranco , general superintendent ;
C. M. Carter , auditor ; J. H. Carroll , at
torney ; BHIot Marshal , division freight
agent ; V. A. Chase , general master me
chanic ; O. B , Lamb , master mechanic ; P. P.
Matthews , train master ; J. W. Hayward ,
roadmaetor ; John , Hohl , traveling freight
agent ; C. A. How , supply agent.
Consider the cook ! Una stoves cook the
food but do not cook the cook. Gas is
cheaper than wood or coal nnd you don't
have to saw or carry U In. The Gas com
pany , 26 Pearl street.
Many 1'eoiilo
The officers of the Council Bluffs Driving
Park association , owners of Union Pork , take
exception < to the statement that the track
was In bad condition Friday afternoon and
that Oia mntlnce of the Roadster club had
to bo declared off on that account. They
claim the track was in llrst-clnss condition
nnd eay "that " Secretary Ware's action In de
claring the meet postponed disappointed at
least tOO people , many of them from Omaha ,
who carao to see the match race between
Lady Richards and Hastings Boy.
Water Is heated In two minutes by the
Kcllpso heater. Burns flvo cents worth of
gas and heats fifty gallons of water an
hour. Price , ? 7 and $3. The Gas company ,
26 Pearl street.
Licences to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persons :
Nnmo and Residence. Ago.
Charles A. Tulley , Omaha . 26
Mrs , norttia T. Malvln , Omaha . 2S
Titus Jlnrnett , Omaha . 21
Gertrude Wilson , Omaha . 19
William Lowla , Omaha . 27
Mcta Deao , Omaha . 22
The following transfers were filed yes
terday In the abstract , title and loan office
of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Ephrnlm Huntlnifton ami wife to N.
1' . DoUge. lots 13 amiH. . block 11 ,
Stwsman'a Second add. , TV. d . J IS
E. J. Qrcenman and wlfo to Henry
Oraham. lots 9 and 10 , block SO ,
Hums' add. , w , d . < W
Savings , I/oan nnd Building associa
tion to V. O. Webb , lot 2. block "A. "
lllddlo'B eubdlv. , Council Bluffs ,
w. d . , . . , . 1.600
Frank R. Smith to A. 13. Fuller , swVi , _ n
19-70-35 , w. d . . . 6.7GO
Fraternal Investment association to
Myron II. Chamborlaln , lot 1 nnd
east 17 feet of lot 2. block 4 , Highland -
land Plao , Council Bluffs , w. d. , , . 400
II. O. McGee and wlfo to W. 13. Blake.
trustee , lot 211 , original plat council
w. d. , . . SCO
Total , six transfers . (10,075
Pur Cauli or 1. tinned Uu.
13. II. SlIHAl'U .fc CO. ,
b I'carl Street , Council IlluOi , IOWA ,
I. L , Milnor Desires to Regulate Affaire at
Lake Manawa.
CoiiiiiiriiocN tin Action In the District
Court nn l Cllvrft III *
bn > He IllNniiprnrrn of
the llccr ( Inrdcn ,
I. L. Mllner commenced an action In the
district court yesterday to stop the celling
of Intoxicating liquors nt the Grand Plaza
at Lake Mnnawn. W. W. Cole nnd George
Mooscr , the lessees of the Plaza , and Charles
R. Hannan , receiver of the Lake Manama
Railway company , are named as defendants
In the suit ,
Mllner in his petition alleges that the
mulct law Is being violated by the defend
ants Inasmuch that the place where the
liquor Is sold baa both front and back door
entrances and that the liquor Is served to
the patrons of the place at tables and that
chairs nro provided for their convenience ,
nil of which ho claims is contrary to the
spirit of the Inw. Mllner further alleges that
the beer garden at the Plaza Is the resort of
drunken and disorderly people of both sexes.
Davis sells paint.
County AltonicjTnkcN n Ilanil In
I'nvor of S n ii iliiSlinvlitK. .
The members of the Barbers' Protective as
sociation , in their fight to enforce the Sun
day closing law , have run up against a snag
In the person of County Attorney Kllpnck ,
who has decided that so far as ho can prevent -
vent It the county shall not bo put to any
further expense lit the matter. Mr. Kllpaclc
yesterday notified Justices1 Vlen nnd Forrlor
not to Issue any warrants In the event of the
association filing further informations
against proprietors of barber shops for keep
ing open on Sundays.
The county nttornoy's action was prompted
toy the fact that popular sentiment was
against closing the barber shops on the Sab
bath nnd that it was impossible to secure a
conviction nt the hands of a Jury. The
county has afrcady been put to an expense
of over | 100 In 'tho cases brought by the as
sociation against Barber Bernhardl and his
assistants , and Mr. Kllpnck thought It was
about tlmo to call a halt.
Acting on instructions from the associa
tion , Attorney Sweet yesterday morning
filed an Information In Justice Vlen's court
against William T. Silver , the proprietor of
a barber shop on Pearl street , for keeping
his place open last Sunday morning. Justice
Vlcn , however , declined to Issue a warrant
for the arrest of Silver , relying on the sec
tion of the code which provides that a
justice of the pcaco must file an information
but leaves the issuance of 'thewarrant ' to
his discretion.
Falling to get ft warrant from Justice
Vicn's court , Attorney Sweet then hied hlm-
aelt to the court of Justice Ferrler , where
bo filed another information against Barber
Silver. Hero agnln ho mot with no better
success , ns Justice Fcrrlor likewise dectlned
to Issue any wnrrant for the arrest of Sil
Attorney Sweet questioned the right of the
county attorney to decline to prosecute a
state case , but his arguments had no effect
on cither of the justices and they both
remained firm In their refusal to Issue a war
rant. The members of the association feel
aggrieved at the action of the county at
torney and the Justices and are now more
determined than over to continue the light.
Attorney Sweet stated that ho would take
the matter Into the district court nnd apply
for a writ of mandamus to compel the
justices 'to Issue a warrant under the In
County Attorney Kllpack says that while
there Is nothing to prevent the members
of the Barbers' association from applying for
a writ of mandamus , such action , In his
opinion , will avail them nothing. All that
the court could order , he says , would bo
that the justices act In the matter , and the
manner in which ho shall act Is under the
law left to his discretion.
Davis sells the best hammocks.
Wanted , carriers for Bee routes. Apply
at Bee office.
110x13 nv vina nUsv mmci.Aits.
\lKht Mnrnuilorn n TliOriiRh the Iton-
lilouco of C. AV. McDonnlil.
The residence of Charles W. McDonald ,
manager of the Sandwich Manufacturing
company , nt 410 South Eighth street , was
visited by burglars some tlmo during Fri
day night. Tno gold watches and chains
comprised the booty secured. Entrance to
the house was obtained by cutting out the
screen from a dining room window on the
ground floor which had boon left open. Once
Inside the burglars visited every room In
the house without disturbing any of the In
mates , who slept soundly -while their valu
ables were being niched. In the room occu
pied by Mr. McDonald's mother the burglars
secured a valuable lady's gold watch nnd
chain , the elldo of the latter being set with
opals and diamonds. In Mr. McDonald's
room they secured his -wife's gold watch
and chain. They took Mr , McDonald's
trousers and searched the pockets for money ,
but were disappointed , as he had taken the
precaution to place his pocketbook under
his pillow. The garment was found In the
hall yesterday morning and , Mr. McDonald ,
missing ; bis trousers when ho awoke yes
terday , was the first notice he bad that the
house had been burglarized.
This la the third time within two years
that the McDonald residence has been vis
ited by burglars during the night time nnd
on each occasion the thieves went through
the house without awakening any of the
family. On both former occasions the bur
glars secured gold watches as a result ot
their Visits.
Footprints on the flower bed outside th
dlulng-room window showed that two bur
glars were in the house Friday night.
Write YounKorman & Co. for prices on
berry boxes and crape baskets.
Lowest prices , easy terms. The best and
largest stock of pianos at Swanson Mtisio
company , Macoulc Temple.
Welsbach burners nt Blxby'a. Tel. 1JS.
Church Note * .
St. Paul's Episcopal Church , Ilev. George
Edward Walk , Rector Seventh Sunday after
Trinity. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m , ;
litany and sermon at 11 o'clock , subject of
sermon , "The Trial nnd the Reward of the
Gospel. " There will bo no evening service.
Sunday school at All BalnU' chapel , Third
avenue and Eighteenth street , will be held
at 3 11. m.
Rev. CJ , Perry , castor of the Fifth Ave
nue Methodist church , will take au tbo
theme of his discourse this morning , "Pa
rental Fidelity. " In tbo evening his sub
ject will be "Gambling , " being the second
of a series of sermona delivered under the
auspices of tbo Epworth league. Mornlug
class will be nt 0:45 : o'clock ; Sunday school
at noon ; Junior league meeting at 3 n. m.
and Kpworth league meeting nt 7 p. m.
The pastor , Rev. 0. W. Snydcr , will
preach nt St. John's English Lutheran
church nt 10:30 : n. m. and S p. m. today.
Sunday school will bo held at noon and
Young People's meeting nt 7:30 : p. m.
At the Uoncrcatftloual church this mornIng -
Ing the pastor , Rev. J. W. Wilson , will take
na the subject of his sermon "The Moral
Purity of Jesus. " Sunday school will | j < j
at noon and Christian Endeavor meeting
at 7 p. m. There will bo no preaching ucrv-
Ice in the evening.
Rev. 8. M. Perkins will preach this inorn-
Ine nt the First Christian church on "Tho
Career c.f Joseph. " At the evening service
ho will explain the third chapter of Acts.
Services will 'bo held nt Grace Episcopal
church today as follows : Holy communion
nt 8 a. m. , { Sunday school at 0:45 : a. m. ,
morning prayer and eermon at 11 o'clock
and evening prayer and sermon nt S o'clock.
The regular services will bo held today
nt the Broadway Methodist church , with
preaching by the pastor , Rev. Myron C.
Waddell both morning nnd evening. Sun
day school and all services will bo hold at
the usual hours.
At Iho Second Presbyterian church , In the
absence of the pastor , Rev. Alexander Llth-
crland , the pulpit will > bo filled at both the
morning nnd ovonlnz services by Rev. E.
A. Enders of Essex , la. Ho announces his
morning subject will bo "Tho Perfect Re
ligion" nnd his evening "Tho GCHPC ! in
Genesis. "
I'lint Seven DnjH Socially null In the
Outside of two weddings and n few small
functions last week In Council Bluffs lias
been socially dull. The lack of social nf-
falrs Is mainly duo to the fact that so ninny
nro nwny from the city , spending the heated
term nt the different summer resorts. Col
orado nppears to bo the Mecca for a large
number of Council Bluffs people this sum
mer nnd the list of families sojourning
among the mountains there is a long one.
Early bathing parties nt Lake Manawn , fol
lowed by nn nl fresco breakfast , are be
coming qulto a feature among the doings
of the swell set nnd Itio Midway nt the
exposition Is proving a drawing card In the
Ono of the prettiest affairs of the weelc
was the german given Monday evening by
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglas In honor of
their guests , Mr. and Mrs. Coppock of Ma
son City , la. , Miss Irvlno of Sioux City
nnd Mies Draper ot Washington. About
thirty guests were entertained. The ger-
ninn was ably led by Mr. Dick Stewart and
the favor table was presided over by Mrs.
J. L. Stewart.
Thursday afternoon between the hours of
4 and 7 a very pretty children's party was
given by Mra. W. A. Maurcr and Mrs. W.
F. Kccllnc nt the homo of the former for
Masters Willlo Maurer and Frank Keellne.
The lawn was bright with flags nnd Japan
ese lanterns nnd with swings , hammocks
and rugs niado an Ideal playground. All
sorta of games were enjoyed during the
afternoon nnd dainty refreshments were
served. About sixty children were enter
Mr. E. P. Parker ot Chicago and Miss
Oteolla Tlpton , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Alexander Tlpton , were married on
Wednesday at high noon at the homo of
the bride's parents , CI6 Mymster street. Tbo
wedding was quiet , but very pretty. Rev.
Howard of Glenwood , an old friend of the
family , officiated. The brldo was daintily
gowned in sheer white , with trimmings of
white lace. She carried pink roses. After
the ceremony a collation was served. In
the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Parker loft
for Chicago , their future home. The
rooms were profusely decorated with cut
flowers and potted plants. Tile folding
doors were wreathed in asparagus ferns
and from the center depended a horseshoe
of pink carnations and red roses , under
which the bridal party stood. In the dinIng -
Ing room pink and white sweet peas nnd
asparagus ferns were used. The out-of-
town guesta were : Rov. and Mrs. Howard
of Glenwood , Mns. Holland of Plattsmouth ,
Mrs. Templeton and daughter Florence ot
A very quiet but pretty homo wedding was
celebrated on Wednesday evening at 0 o'clock
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I , N. FJlcklngen ,
when their niece , Miss Wlnnlfred M. Wil
liams , and Mr. Henry Kcppleson of Wyom
ing , la. , were united in marriage. Rov.
Barnes officiated. After the ceremony supper
was served In the dining room. The bride
were u gown of whlto ellk with trimmings
of whlto lace , and her only ornament was
a pearl brooch. She carried brldo roses.
Little Edith Fllckluger , who acted as
bridesmaid , was daintily gowned In whlto ,
The parlors nnd dining room were decorated
In pink roscB. The bridal party stood In
the bay window against a screen ot palms.
Mr. and Mrs. left
. Keppleson Friday even
ing for Wyoming , their future home.
Miss Irene Test has returned from her
visit with friends at Indianapolis , Ind.
Miss Helen Folcy entertained n number
of friends very delightfully at tea on Friday
Miss Nell to Moore entertained in charming
fashion at luncheon on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mra. A. Whltolaw entertained in
formally nt cards Thursday evening.
The SIstcra of Bethany of Grace church
gave a novel and decidedly successful bl-
cycle social on Wednesday evening nt the
residence of Mr. Hammer on East Broad
way. The lawn was brilliantly lighted and
niado very comfortable with hammocks nnd
swings. The bicycle clubs of < he city , the
Pedlars , the Owl club nnd the Ganymedes ,
each came In a body on their wheels and ,
with their lighted lamps made a pretty pic
ture. An enjoyable program was rendered.
Miss Zenla Lange chaperoned a party of
young people to Luke Manawa Friday , where
they enjoyed a very pleasant plcnle.
Henry Van Brunt returned yesterday from
Madison Lake , Minn , His family will re
main there for several weeks longer.
Mrs. W. W. Lunger and son , Fred , loft
yesterday for Mnnltou , Colo. They were ac
companied by Mr. Lunger's glslcr , Mrs. F. II.
Thorp , and daughter , Katherlno , of Boston.
The members of Lily camp , Royal Neigh-
bora of America , will glvo a lawn nodal
Tuesday evening at Dr. Snydor's handsome
residence on South Seventh street.
The Misses Zcnlu and Julia Lange , ac
companied by their cousin , MUs Gerada
Zangs of Ottumwa , will leave tomorrow for
Denver and other Colorado points.
Mr. D. W. Sclby has aa Ills guest his
Bister , Mlsa Carolyn Sclby , supervisor of
muilo In tbo public schools of Fostorla , 0 ,
> Rev , M. C. Waddell enjoyed a visit
Wednesday from an old time friend , W. II.
Halponny of Ban Francisco ,
Mrs. W. Underwood left yesterday for a
sojourn at Col fax Springs.
MTH. E. E. Roach U visiting relatives In
Perry , In.
MUb Mattlo Chriitman has returned from
a with friends In Missouri VaUcy ,
Miss Flora ChrUtensea U visiting relatives
in Manley , Neb.
Miss Maude Robinson left Thursday on a
vlult to friends at Washington , la.
Mrp. W , H. Treynor entertained Friday
Mrs. Fred Gleeve and MUs Grace Wolcott
of Omaha ,
Shepherd Farnsworth left Wednesday for
Seattle , Wash. , and other western points ,
where he goes to spend the balance of the
Mrs. Theodore Bray left Friday for Chi
cago. Before returning she will tpend a cou
ple of weeks visiting friends and relative !
In Michigan
Mrs. 0. D. Wheclrr left Tuesday for Pile
bio and mountain tororts In Colorado , whor
she expects to spend the summer.
Mrs. C. 11. W. Brown has returned fron
Tell City. Ind.
Mrs. W. 13. Dawson has returned fron
her visit to DCS Molncs.
Mrs. D. L. Wclr nnd children nrc visiting
relatives In Pella , la.
Miss Lulu Van Brunt Is visiting friends n
Lnngford nnd Aberdeen , S. D.
Mrs. L. M. Sbubort nnd fnmlty rcturnc <
Friday from a month's visit with relative
in Mount Pleasant.
Harry Hnttenhnunr is spending his vaca
tlon nt Clear Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis are visiting n
La Crosse , Wls.
W. A. Maurer Is In New York.
Rov. Richard Venting nud Albert Vontlni
loft Thursday for a two weeks' visit will
friends nt Dcnleon , In.
Clarence Empko left Wednesday for n
three weeks' outing at Madison Lake.
Mrs. Henry Kobliipon and daughter , Mis
Belle , left Tuesday for a few weeks' sojouri
at Colorado Springs.
Mrs. J. F. Plunkctt nnd daughter , Mis
Botilnh , of Hnrmony street are visiting rcl
ntlves In Glenwood.
Miss Bcsslo Moore returned Wednesday
from an extended visit In Cednr Rnplds.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKcnny of Living
Springs returned Tuesday from n two
weeks' sojourn in Colorado among the
Mrs. John Carso ot Fourth avenue Is
entertaining her mother , Mrs. A. It , Daniels
of town City.
Miss Hannah Remington Is visiting In De
troit , Mich.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Hill left Monday for
a trip on the gicat lakes. Mrs. Hill 1ms been
the guest of Miss Roberta Hnttenhaucr am
her husband came from Fort Morgan , Cole ,
to Join her on the trip.
C. A. Bono left Tuesday for a visit In
Mrs. T. E Cnvln of Park avenue Is visit
ing In Grand Island , Neb.
W. E. Shipley left Tuesday for a trip t
the Yellowstone park.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wjman left Tuesday
to spend the lemalmlcr of the summer In
S. H. Matthews Is spending the summer In
Miss Hazel Balrd and her cousin , Miss
Slabcl Goodrich , are visiting relatives In
Fremont , Neb.
Mrs. Walter Stephan and Miss Finn are
sojourning at Colfax.
Mrs. 'H. ' E. Rundlctt Is visiting relatives
at Tama , la.
Miss Helen B. Spies Is visiting friends In
Burlington. She will also visit In Crcston
before returning home.
Air. and Mrs. Zurmchlen of Bluff street are
enjoying a visit from their daughter , Mrs
G. W. Damon of Wayne , Nob.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Beswick entertained
last week their niece , Mrs. M. F. Madison of
Denver , Colo.
Mrs. J. Boyd Allen of Cozad , Neb. , who
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
O'Hanly , has gone to Mlneola on a visit.
Mis. C. A. Wiley of North Eighth street
has returned from a visit with relatives at
Kearney , Neb.
Miss Theresa Neumayor leaves this week
for Colorado to visit relatives who are spend
ing the summer among the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglass had ns their
guests lost 'Week Mr. and Mrs. Coppock ol
Mason City , la.
Mrs. L. A. Dovlno and sons left Friday
for Jacksonville , 111.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith of the Grand
are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crombio
of Minneapolis.
.Mrs. . William Moore and daughter Hazel
left Friday on a visit to friends in Min
iMIss Anna Stnpleton Is vlsltins In Neola.
Mr. and Mrs. Jlarry Wnrren lenvo Tues
day for Chicago ifor a trip on the lakes.
C. B. Aitcblson returned Friday from a
trip around the .big . lakes , touching as far
cast as Buffalo.
Mrs. L. Bennett and Sirs. M. E. Nelson
and daughter , Cora , are visltinc In Under
IMIss Blanche Arkwrlght has returned
from a six weeks' trip to Portland , Ore. ,
and other coast points.
Clyde Howard is visiting- relatives In
( Mrs. II. Barnes of Fnlrfleld , la. , was the
guest Thursday of Judge nnd Mrs. J. R.
Reed at their homo on Glen avenue.
Ollaa Ethel Evans Is visiting In Malvcrn
nnd Jrom there coos to Providence , R. I. ,
nnd eastern seashore resorts , where she
will remain until fall.
Dr. Chamborlnln left for California Mon
day after a stay of two weeks In this city.
Mrs. Harry Burklcy nnd little son of
Omaha Avcro the guests during the week
of air. and iMre. O. P. Wickham.
Mr. nnd < Mrs. W. H. Dudley spent Sun
day with Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Cloman at
Quick , In.
Miss Grace Campbell celebrated her 15th
birthday yesterday afternoon by Inviting fif
teen of her young friends to her homo nt
315 South First street. During the after
noon the young hostess and her guests had
their photographs taken In a group as a me
mento of the happy occasion.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Andersen of 18 North
Flrat street celebrated > tholr silver wedding
Thursday night by entertaining a number of
their friends and relatives. A very pleaaint
evening was spent with games nud music ,
nnd dainty refreshments were served.
Among the out of town guests were n num
ber of relatives from Blair and Omaha.
Mrs , R , N. Merrlnm left yesterday morning
for Dlxon , III. , to spend the summer with
Mr. and Mra. R. P. TVolo of Washington ,
n , C. , ere the guests last week of Mrs.
Tcelo's parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Hazard.
They Ml Friday for Choyonnc , Wyo , where
they are at present making their haino.
Bourlclua' muslo house Is not a great nil-
vertlsor , but their beautiful pianos speak
for them , nndtheir tone quality makes
them more friends and customers than flve-
page advertisements every w-eek would no.
compllsh , 335 Broadway , where the organ
stands upon the building.
Lost On Main street , between my har
ness store nnd Broadway , purse containing
about $30. Finder will bo liberally rewarded
by leaving at my haniem store , 110 Main
street. D , S. Pile.
of tillKlHHliiK II UK ,
CEDAH RAPIDS , la. , July 15. ( Special
Telecram.- ) < Mrs , F. C. Kolar of this city
Is suffering the most Intense pain , -while
her fuco l BO badly swollen that nho can
scarcely co troin ultlicr eye , the rlcht ono
being closed entirely. It la supposed to have
been caused 1 > y the sting of the kissing bug.
While mllkltiGr her row at 0 o'clock this
morning she wan stuns under the rlcht eye.
Her face began swelling rapidly , nnd by 10
o'clock the rlcbt ova was closed , Home
remedies did no good and she consulted a
physician , who was completely puzzled , Ho
gave her a preparation which reduced the
swelling for a time , but this evening It
commenced again nnd Is now woree than
ever. She has a fearful headache and pains
darting through her head and body.
riillil NuiilliMtw a l.nrK"
CARROLL , la. , July 1C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Yesterday 1ho rittlo 2-year-old child
of Chris Itelcnkump , a farmer living bevcn I
miles north of here , gwalloMcd a largo |
utrovv found on thu floor and died In great i
agony before a physician could arrive. |
Every conceivable
style imaginable on
wheels. Over one hun
dred different styles to
select from , Positively
the largest in the west ,
See our bike wagons. I
can give you the latest
and best for .your
money. Write or call and inspect my stock.
Council Blurts ,
Wholesale Denlors of Several Iowa Okie
Form Western Brokerage Oompanj.
The Coriim-ntloii Will Dpnt In Cniinci
Cumin mill Proilui-lN lTmilly
llniiillcil tiy WliolfNiile
DKS MOINKS. In. . July 13. ( Special Tel
CRrani. ) Wholesale Rroccrs , rcpresentlm ?
some of the houses of Den Molncs , Ottumwa
and Mnrshnlltown , met here nnd decided
upon ttio formation of the Western Broker
ngo company , which shnli hnvo $100,00
cnpltnl and include all the wholosnlcrs wh
Ucalro to tnko stock. It will flic corporal
articles in this state , Illinois nnd Mlssour
nnd cngnKo In the wholesale business o
cauncxl goods , packed ments , ilsh nnd game
fruits nnd vegetables , candles and othc
products usunHy hnndlcd by wholesale gro
cors. The lucorporntors nre : E. C. Kink
bine , James 0. I3errjlilll and J. W. llowel
of DCS Molnce , H. L. Spencer of Osknloosa
and F. C. Letts of Marahnlltown. The pro
visional directors are : James Q. Bcrryhlll
E. C. Flnkblno , W. J. Pratt , W. S. Wnr
Held ot Qulucy , 111. , J. C. Letts of St. Jo
soph. Mo. , George P. Smith of Mason City
C. M. Carr of Marslmlltown , T ) . E. Howel
or Cedar Rapids , H. L. Spencer of Oska
loosa and K. C. Letts of .Marshalltown. .
The Farmers' Savings bank of Kalona
was Incorporated today with a capital stock
of $1,000.
Whllo William Smith and five othe
toughs were attempting to rob two coun
try hoys this afternoon ono of the boys
pulled a revolver nnd opened fire , fcfiootlns
Smith in the abdomen. The ono who dli
the shooting is John F. Mnlns of New Vir
ginia , la. , the other country hey being Ed
Van Scoh. They rode to DCS Molncs 01
their wheels. The toughs singled tticm ou
as easy , led them out into the woods am
starttd to rob them. Then the fight en
sued. Smith is in a precarious condition
and will probably die.
l Divine llcnlci * IMnceil Under
Arrcut ! > > ( lie Otliimwa ( la. )
OTTUMWA , In. , July 15. ( Special Telo
tyam. ) August Schrador. alleged dlvlno
healer , was arrested by authorities In thlt
city late Friday evening after a most sue
ccssful day's operation. Two informations
were filed against him by the chief of po
lice , one under the city ordinance and the
oilier under the statute of Iowa which pro
hibits the practicing of Itinerant physicians
without n license. Schrader pleaded guilty
to violating the city ordinance and was
fined $50 , but in the other case ho walvet
a preliminary examination and was held to
the grand Jury in the sum of $300. His
manager , D. N. Chambers , qualified on his
bond. It Is estimated that over COO people
visited Schrader during his" ono day's stay
in the city , but not a single euro has been
Get your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 724 Broadway. 'Phone 157.
SI Smith , n O corn la Farmer , iMnrilereil
In IIU Cell Iiy Alleged
Uciiutlc * .
GAINESVILLE , da. , July 15. SI Smith ,
the Habersham county farmer who killed
William Boll , the commercial traveler from
Atlanta , several months ago , was shot to
death In the jiill hero this morning.
About midnight Sheriff Munday , who llvca
at tbo jair , was awakened by a man at his
door , -who , when the sheriff answered the
summons , stated that ho was tbo sheriff of
Gllmcr county and that ho had a prisoner ho
wanted to have locked up for the night. In
the dark Sheriff Muiiday could see nothing
but tbrco or four men Juut outside the
building nnd hurriedly dressing himself ap
peared at the main entrance to the jail
JUlldlng. Gathered about It were some
eight or ton men , nil of whom were armed.
The sheriff took them for deputy uherlffa.
The leader of the mob stepped forward and
said : "Hero , come here , " using a name the
sheriff does not now recall. The man stepped
forward with bis hands bound and in every
way played the role n sgncd ! to him. Aa bo
advanced those around him closed In and In
i few ttccomls the entire crowd wus Inuldo
ho jail building. Then a gun wus thrown In
Sheriff Munday's face and the key0 wore do-
mandod. The sheriff saw what was up and
remarked : "Tho keys are downstairs. "
"Well , get them quick , " replied the leader.
Sheriff Munday hurried down the stairway
'ollowcd ' by the two men. Half way down
ho steps ho was brought to a sudden atop
ly the rattle of firearms in the room ho
tad just left. Wheeling around , be bounded
up the steps until ho reached the cage in
which Smith was confined. Upon examlua-
iou bo found that Smith had been shot six
imcu and -vtas dead.
llnliluliiVorl ; lloeclvo nn Order
from Flnlnnil for Thirteen
PHILADELPHIA , July 15. The Baldwin
xicomotlvo works have received an order
or thirteen consolidation engines from the
tuto railways of Finland , These loco-
notlvc * are to bo ready for delivery by
anuary 1 , 1900.
The steamship Puritan is taking on forty
nglnes for the Chinese & Eastern railway.
nd thirty-one more are to be built nnd
cudy for shipment by the beginning of next
car ,
The ten locomotives for the French state
allway , tbo first American engines ever ex-
lorted to France , are being loaded on the
tramchlp Panama , which leaves for Bor
deaux In a few days.
The second lot of ten engines for the
Midland railway of England will leave Now
York In a few dajj on tbo etcamihlp Crete
the Big Show
But pass right in and take a look at the celebrated
The only safe gasoline stove made. Cheaper , better and safer
than using your cook stove. We are making a Special Sale of
these goods. If you are interested come in and see them and
get our lowest prices.
HAMMOCKS of all kinds , si/.os and styles. From G5c up.
Self sharpening , easy running and durable , from $3 up. .
GARDEN HOSE Our warranted garden hose is unexcelled
we give you the best for your money. Give us a trial.
The old reliable hardware store Agent for Herrick Kef rig-
orator. 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Thone 87.
Good Cooking
Makes Good Husbands
Good husbands see that their wives are provided with
the means to make good cooking possible. A
Bucks Steel Range
is all that could be desired by the housewife as a cooking
apparatus. Slip in and let us show one to you. You may
learn something at least.
41 Main Street ,
Council Bluffs.
< j ( O Cents. 5 Cents.
i John Q. Woodward & Co. ,
Wo have acre property adjoining the city
lately placed in our hands which can be
purchased at n bargain. Wo have also lots
In various additions to the city nt prices to
tult hamceeokcrs or the investor. Have
liousos for sale from the modest cottaco to
more expensive dwellings , and nil at prices
tar below their cost and value.
. P. DODGE & CO. ,
Council Bluffs , - - la.
Has removed from H North Main street to
28 Pearl street , two doors north of Grand
lotel. Business 'phono , 07 ; residence 'phone
1MB Hrown , Bouncing Hod Hugs Hit
Beautiful Hetty Hycrs Hadly. Hetty Hot
ter Beat BUJJH By Buying Big Bottle
SucceBsorn to Gilbert Drox. Katabllshed 1838.
TnxIdormlHts and Tiuinury ,
IfiOlVnt llroiitlivar. Council IlIiKIn ,
3arn nnd twenty more will ho shipped about
uly 24 on the steamship Uplands for tbo
ioscow , Kolv & VoroneJ railway.
> York ClilrnRo Platform Dcino-
orntN OrKiinlclntf n ncinoiiHlrn-
llnii for Iiiilior Un > ' ,
NBW YOniC , July 15. The Chicago plat-
orm democrats at a meeting last night
dopted n resolution providing for a big
liver -meeting to bo held in this city or
t one of the nearby summer resorts or
Labor day. At this meeting , If the wisbea
f the local sllverltes are carried out , ud-
rcsses will ho inado by William J. Bryan ,
x-Govcrnur John P. Altgeld , George Fred
S'llllams and Judge Tarvln of Kentucky ,
ir. Williams has already announced his
willingness to bo present and the strongest
fforts will bo made to secure the other
peakcrs named.
Io n In AV. llollniluy of Clilcnuo Merion
rion * I > AVoiimlcil h > - Illn
Wlfo In Hi. I.onlN ,
CHIOAdO. July ] 5. A special to the
Times-Herald from St. Louis says : Louis
W. Holladay , son of Jesse W. Holladay , a
Chicago millionaire. Is lying probably
fatally wounded at the Daptlst sanitarium.
He was shot late last night by his wlfo
at their home. Mr * . Holladay was urreatej
and locked up at the police station. She
Bays that the did the shooting In self-de
fense. Young Holladay met Mrs , HnllaJay ,
nee Annie Ilrenster , a trick bicycle rider ,
la Houston , Tex. , in 1S97 ,
MIC linx JiiHt lionril nliont the price *
11 nru innUliiK mi Hliocn. 1'olloiv lie *
1 ( j'liu wnnt (11 NIIX * money.
Council Ilium , uiul Omul , , ,
Ratej neiuniidblo. Satisfaction Guarantee , !
Council BluffH office. ,
. No S North Mnln
street. Telephone 123 Omaha
Connections mad * with South Omahm