Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Important Changes in Passenger Service
Between Omaha and the West.
I.nort 1 Train llrlirren Omnlin nml Mc-
Cnnlc In lUICnilcil to AVrny , Colo. ,
nml Ornnit Inlnnil Iiornl in IJx-
tctulcil to llrokeii Ilmr.
Passenger traffic on the Burlington to and
from Omaha will bo materially affected by
u now tlmo card , which will go Into opcra-
'tlon ' next Sunday. Owing to the Increased
demand * upon the fiprvlco offered by No. 6 ,
the Chicago special which runs between Den
ver and Chicago , It lias been found that this
train cannot mnkn Its schedule tlmo rand
Btop t all of the smnll ntatlons In western
Nebraska n * heretofore It has dono. Consequently
quently , under tha new tlmo card , No. 6 will
not slop nt the ntntlons between Akron and
McCooh except Vuma , Wray and Benkcl-
man. The ntop at Indlanola will also be
dlso illmiol. (
The business for these statlono. which
hnvo been cut off the tlmo card from the
"Chicago Special" will be handled by trains
No. f > and 12 , which hcretoforo have been
local passenger trains between Omaha and
McCook. Under the now schedule these
trains will run beUeen Omaha and Wray ,
Colo. Train No. G will leave Omaha on Its
former time , 8:40 : a. m. , and reach Wray
at 10:25 : p. m. No. 12 will leave Wray at
D:20 : a. m. and reach Omaha on Its former
time , 7:40 : p. in.
Trains No. 43 and 41 , which heretofore
hnvo been localB between Ornud Island
nnd Omaha , will bo extended to Broken
How , a dtntanco of eighty miles. No. 43 will
leave Omaha for Broken Bow and Intermedi
ate points at 8:40 : a. m. , nnd No. 44 will
arrlvo from Broken Bow at 7:10 : p. m. This
i-xtenslon Is made In order to relieve trains
No. 41 nnd No. 42 , the regular Billings
through trains , from stopping at points be
tween Ravcna nnd Broken Bow , tratllc
for whlrh point will hereafter be handled
by the new Broken Bow-Omaha local
The Burlington road Is making arrange
ments to equip the through trains on the
pilling ? line with heavier cuglncs , as it
has been demonstrated that the engines now
In use are too light to meet the require
Awri'p nil < ! . A. It. Itrimlmi Itntn.
A meeting of rate clerks , represent
ing the roads belonging to the Western
Passenger association , was held In Chicago
Thursday and was generally well attended ,
all of the roads belonging to the association
participating In the meeting , with the ex-
icoptlon of the St. Joseph & Grand Island and
the Union Pacific. The purpose was to agree
on rates for the Grand Army of the Republic
reunion In Philadelphia September 4-9 , and
the result of the details Is said to bo very
satisfactory. O. A. Andrews of the Burling
ton nnd Lewis Storch of the Elkhorn were
the Omaha rnto men present.
Hallway JVoten mid 1'or.ioimln.
W. H. Cundey of Denver , representing the
Denver & Rio Grande. Is an Omaha visitor.
George Crosby , general freight agent for
the Burlington , went to Chicago Thursday.
E. W. Carter , Burlington trainmaster at
Lincoln , passed through the city on his re
turn homo from a two weeks' visit In Mich
Iicnvc lleni'li for tliu .Stiiinii.
As only a few days more remain before
the judlclar convention most of the judges
who are candidates for renomlnntlon arc not
upending any great amount of time around
the court house. Aside from the Bartley
case before Fawcett there Is not a wheel
moving In the courts and both court rooms
nnd corridors are deserted. The Zacharia
arson case has been continued until Mon
day and Judge Baxter is out looking after
his campaign.
In the Bartloy case the attorneys are still
nrgulng the point which was raised Thurs
day morning as to whether the court shall
peremptorily Instruct the Jury to nnd that
the defalcation occurred during Bartloy's
second term , an shown by the evidence In
troduced by the state. Attorney General
Smyth spent the forenoon citing authorities
Jn support of his contention that Bartley
had a right to accept checks , certificates of
deposit and open bank accounts as cash in
accounting tor the state funds at the begin
ning of his second term.
liidtnu Soliool Tonclicr Examination.
The United States Civil Service commis
sion announces that on August 15 and 1C
examination will be held In any city In the
country wU'oro it has a board of examiners
for the position of teacher -with a knowledge
of music for the Indian service. The sub-
jecta of examination are penmanship , spellIng -
Ing , pedagogy. , aclthmetic , theory and prac
tice of music , natuiar history , history and
Government bi the United States. American
literature ana physiology and hygiene. This
examination Is for the position of teacher
at the Flandrcau ( South Dakota ) Indian
school at a salary of $660. Persons desiring
to enter tUltt examination should at once
apply to lh Untied States Civil Service
Commission , TjypmlDKton. D. C. . for blanks.
Mortality SlatlMlcN.
The following births nnd deaths have been
reported to the Office of the health commis
sioner during the last twenty-four hours :
Births M. Goldsmith , 1621 Kyner avenue ,
boy ; 13. J. Grass , 2412 South Forty-first
street , boy.
Deaths Haney. 4113 Lafayette avenue , 1
year , 0 months ; Clifton , 1321 Webster
etreot. 9 months ; Mrs , D. Ripen , South
Twentieth Itreet , 72 years ; Guy Mozaclc , 1820
Cumins atroot , 7 months ; Jessie St. Cyr ,
1403 North Elgliloauth street , 65 years ;
Marta Bulhna , 2.08 Bancroft street , 3
months ; Rudolf Swoboda , 12G2'-South Six
teenth atrcot , 17 years.
A AVorU to Mother * .
Mothers of children affected with croup or
[ Uaevero cold nedd not hesitate to administer
CtjafflborlU'ln's Cough Romcdy. It contains
no opiate nor narcotic In any form and may
bo given as confidently to the babe as to an
aduU. The great success that has attended
its Use In the treatment of colds and croup
lias won for It the approval and praise It has
received throughout the United ' States and
in many foreign lands.
Overlooked n. Point.
The deputy sheriffs who were appointed
by Sheriff MoDonald at the request of the
exposition management have not filed their
oaths of ofllce with the county clerk. As
the law IB Interpreted by the county officials
thli should have preceded the approval of
itbo bond by the Board of County Commls-
slonara , It is also suggested that the depu
ties are not technically competent to exer
cise their authority until their oaths are
regularly flled with the proper olllclal ,
Iluokleu'ii Arnica Salve.
The best salve In the world for cuts ,
bruUea , 'fcores , ulcers , salt rheuu , fever sores ,
tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , nnd
all akin eruptions , and positively cures plFes ,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price , 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn
& Co.
lei > KfolIow
After F. E. Longfellow of Eureka , Kan. ,
loft the house of Pearl Grant he went to the
police staUdn and complained that he bad
been robbed of J1.50. Pearl Grant and
Georgia Rusiell , living next door , were ar
rested. On trial U was shown that the first
woman had taken the money from Longfel
low with his knowledge , so both were dis
"What mlBht have been" If that llttU
cough hadn't been otgleoted U the sad re
flection of thousands of consumptives. One
Minute Counh Ctlre cures couch * nnd colds
I'lun * for Decoration .
The plans for the decoration of the Federal
building have been received by the collector
of customs. The three sides fronting on
Sixteenth btreet , Dodge street and Capitol
, avenue are specified. The etyle of the decorations -
rations fi'iU be augcestlve of the American
Indian On the Capitol avenu ? and Dodgfi
street sides there will be carved on the fa
cades above the doors thr head * of Indlnn
squaws. Bid * for the plaster models nnd
for the carving will be asked for Immedl-
atefy by the supervising architect nt Wash
.1 nil UP Cordon Decline * to Ailnilt HIP
Sla > rr of John DcMolInn
to Hall.
Mute ns If he had lost the power of speech
stood Charles Moore before Judge Gordon
yesterday when ho was arraigned to
answer to the charge of murder. Ho had
no plea to'make In response to the com
plaint which was rend by Deputy County
Attorney Thomas. It accused him of having
"killed John DeMollns unlawfully , felon
iously , purposely and with premeditated
mallco1' on the night of Julyt10 by three
blows struck with his bare fists. His hear
ing was set for next Wednesday morning
at 8:30. :
Attorney Baldrtgo asked the court to fix
bond for the defendant , because he said the
complaint charged no offense that Is not
bailable. Ho said the mere accusation that
Moore had killed DoMollns by blows ad
ministered with his bare hands was not
sufficient to hold him without ball. He re
viewed the testimony adduced In the core
ner's hearing and referred to the most Im
portant points In support of his argument ,
referring to the Chollman case ns one In
which bond had been given for the appear
ance of the defendant.
Deputy County Attorney Thomas objected
o the release of the defendant at thin time ,
because ho said the court could not take
cognizance of evidence which had been
brought out nt the coroner's examination.
Ho characterized the assault of DeMollns as
ono of the most malicious murders that had
aeon perpetrated In the community , nnd
said that while Moore had no weapons In
his hands his training as a prizefighter had
made his clenched fists the most dangerous
weapons which he could possess.
Judge Gordon declined to name any bond ,
urging that ho wanted to hear the testimony
in the case before he took any decisive ac-
Llon. Moore was sent back to the county
all to await his preliminary examination.
I2plnode nt Ilonoluln Which Mny
Cnnic Sonic Uiinlcan-
HONOLULU. July 7. ( Via Victoria , B. C. ,
July 14. ) There was a flag Incident hero on
the Fourth , of July which promises to bo
made an International episode. Ca.rl
Klomme , the proprietor of the Orpheum
hotel , gaily decorated 'his ' building In Amer
ican colors , hoisted the American flag over
it and under the American flag the Gorman
flag. A friend of his wanted to use an
American flag and Klemme good-naturedly
loaned htm his , leaving the German flag
floating nlono from the flagstaff. J. H. West
saw It and ordered Klemmo to haul It down.
There had been Ill-will between the two
men before and Klemme refused to take
orders from his enemy. West thereupon
gathered a lot of soldiers from the transport
Sheridan and showed them the German flag
floating on the Fourth of July In American
territory. The soldiers at once proceeded
to the roof , tore down the German flag nnd
destroyed It and put Into its place some
red , white and blue bunting torn from the
other decorations of the building. West was
today fined $100 in the police court for
malicious mischief and the German consul
general will make a report of the matter to
his government.
onlnK Srnnlon ot tlic IVnilnnnl
CoinniiNHlnncrn' Convention nt
Augnntn , Me.
AUGUSTA , Me. , July 14.At the closing
session of the convention of national labor
commissioners today commissioners and
representatives of twelve states reported
upon the work , done and In progres now.
Letters and reports from absent commis
sioners also were read.
Carroll D. Wright delivered an address
on the work of the United States bureau.
The etoctlon of officers resulted as follows :
Carroll D. Wrlg-ht , Washington , president ;
T. P. RlKey , St. Louie , first vice president ;
John McMackln , Albany , N. Y. , second vice
president ; A. P. Montague , Richmond , Va. ,
secretary ; executive comnjlttee , Halford
Erlckson of Wisconsin , Martin BIcHalo of
Minnesota , Jnmes S. Clark or Pennsylvania.
Milwaukee was designated as the place
of next meeting.
'Ilrtiill ' ClerK-V Convent Ion.
KANSAS CITY. July 14. The Retail
Clerks' National Protective association , in
annual convention here , has voted to admit
girls over 1C years of age to membership.
Heretofore the age limit has been 18 yearn.
The convention also adopted a resolution
declaring that women giving equivalent
services should recelre the same wages as
men. The convention decided upon Buffalo ,
N. Y. , ap the next meeting place and elected
th following officers : W. A. Dollleon ,
Zanoavllle , O. , president ; Max Morris ,
Denver , secretary and treasurer ; H. J.
Con way , St , Louis , second vice president.
Ilrcnd Cn t Upon the Wntor * .
KANSAS CITY. July 14. A Star special
from Bprlugfloid , Mo. , says : According tea
a letter received by Chief of Police Bishop ,
Robert 'M. E. Cooper Is heir to half a mil
lion dollars In Cripple Creek mining prop
erty and Texas real estate , left by Captain
John Crogo , a frontiersman , who died re
cently in Cripple Creek. Cooper formerly
edited a paper here and was at ono tlmo
prominent in Missouri politics. Ho became
penniless and has for years lived in St.
Louis. Years ago la Texas Cooper saved
Crego's life.
Grand Army Encampment.
PHILADELPHIA , July 14. General W. C.
Johnson , acting commandor-ln-chlef of the
Grand Army of the Republic , arrived here
today to consult with Adjutant General
Thomas J. Stewart of the Army of
the Republic and the general executive
committee In charge of the national en
campment to be held hero In September je-
eardlng the arrangements for the care of the
visiting veterans at that time , fie will re
turn to Cincinnati tomorrow.
Iloth Ilrorrn nml Tnylor AVI 11 HIIIIK.
FREDERICK , Md. . July 14. The Jury In
the case of John Alfred Brown , Jointly nc-
cueed with Armlstcad Taylor of the mur
der of Mr , and Mrs. Roensteln , near Rock-
vllle , Montgomery county , Md. , today found
a verdict of guilty of murder in the first
degree. Taylor has been found guilty and
Is to bo hanged on August IS , at which
tlmo Brown will also probably suffer the
death penalty. Both are negroes.
MU ourl' Autl-TruNt Fight.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo. , July H. Attor
ney General Crow today won the first round
in a suit to oust the Continental and other
tobacco companies from doing business In
tha state far violation of the anti-trust law.
The supreme court overruled a demurrer to
the attorney general's petition and ordered
now pleadings filed by the respondents.
iiulliiliiur 1'iTintiPi.
The following building permits have been
Issued by the city building inspector :
Board of Education , Pacific school , $40-
000 ; same , Cass school , $40,000 ; Thomas
Klrkland , 624 Pierce Btreet , frame dwelling ,
Try the Her Grand hotel's cafes. Open
from 6 a. m. until 12 p. ra. Three cafes on
first Door and one grill room. The best of
service at popular prices.
HAAS-Bertha , July 13. 1S99 , aged 43 years.
Funeral Saturday afternoon , July 16 , at S
o'clock , from her late residence , 1S13 Vln
ton street. Interment Lauccl Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Haus has lived In Omaha about 25
years and was the wife of B , Ilaaj , the
The Red Letter Day of the Red Letter
Sale Of
A halo for Ctlon ait Well aw Women
Men' * r.l-Cpiit ( Shirt * tie
In Thin .Sale nt
-U CciilH.
To celebrate It wo will sell men's shirts ,
a lot or 60c. soft collar , men's cheviot shirts ,
well made nnd worth KOc , at 29c.
A lot of soft negligees with separate cuffs
In nobby madras patterns nt 45c.
A lot of dollar shirts , comprising Mon-
nrch , Ideal and United Brand ; also the popu
lar silk fronts , pure silk , all at 69c each.
Fine full seamless socks , In black , red ,
blue and white feet nt lOc.
3Jc Instead of 50c for our fine balbrlggan
underwear , made In either plain or ribbed.
Look In east window for the underwear
wo are selling nt a quarter of a dollar.
Note these prices :
Be for string wash ties worth lOc.
12&c for suspenders worth 20c.
12 } c for men's and boys' belt worth 25c.
lf > c for all of our quarter neckwear.
wo will sell a lot of full bleached and full
tnped ribbed vests In good yarns for Be
each and close out a lot of union suits nt
K > c. For Saturday only , to Induce you to
look at our superb line of hosiery , we will
sell one case of line merserlzcd yarn black
seamless hose nt lOo a pair , for which 19o Is
usually asked. ,
Tomorrow we will offer our entire stock of
French Organdies , the very best goods made
nnd usually sold nt EOc , for loc per yard.
Umbrellas Ono lot consisting of about
40 of our line goods , covered with union
serge , which wo guarantee to wear , and em
bracing an extensive assortment of handles ,
Dresden natural wood with sterling silver
trimming , gun metal , cloisonne , etc. , priced
heretofore at from $3.75 to $5.00 , Saturday
sale prlco $2.90.
Look at the parasols at $1.9S ; they are
works of art and prices about half their
In the main nlsle at the lace counter we
will sell a lot of laces nnd embroideries at
So per yard. Look at them ; you will ap
preciate their value without our mention
ing it.
At notion counter the Saturday special
will bo a lot of gentlemen's sheer lawn
handkerchiefs at 5o each ; buy all you can
Specials In pocketbooks and telts at the
same counter.
A price cutting sale of strictly seasonable
Our wash skirts divided Into four lots :
98 c for coverts , linens , duck and piques.
$1.39 for handsomely trimmed skirts. A
largo lot of the popular new blues In this
$1.98 for fine piques and denims.
$2.98 for the handsomest productions of
the season , which have sold at from $4.00
to $5.00
Never In our experience have we sold
shirt waists so cheap. We are selling
7f > c waists for 3'c ,
$3.00 waists for $1.00.
Not old. undesirable jmBterns , but new ,
fresh , popular things.
Ladles' ombrolla drawers , with lace In
sertion , for 39c. See them If you appreciate
value. See , also , the gowns and skirts.
Marked In red letters. 'Tls an education
to see them , even If you don't buy.
Summer corsets nt 25c. Think of It.
IN OUR BASEMENT you will always find
bargains. Some days they are most extraor
dinary. Saturday will be one of those days.
All silk taffeta ribbons , new goods , new
shades , new prices.
19o for these 3 % Inches wide ; narrower
ones In proportion.
Muslin nightgowns at 39c and 59o.
Not the ordinary goods , but patterned
And trimmed llko the best.
Children's hose. 7Vfrc ; men's socks , Bo.
Wrappers , 49c. Remnants of wash goods ,
Tlancinot to I.rndlnu Woodmen.
Secretary Utt of the Commercial olub Is
busy making preparations for a ban
quet which will bo tendered by the club to
the sovereign commander and the executive
committee of the Woodmen of the World ,
now in session in the city. The national
headquarters for the organization are loca
ted here and the members of the Commer
cial club feel that something should be denote
to show the leaders of the order that this
Is appreciated. Mr. Utt has arranged for a
number of good after-dinner talks by prom
inent citizens nnd everything that can be
done will be done to show the visitors a
gooa time. Tickets for the banquet wllf be
Meantime the committee of business men
Is not wasting any tlmo brer the location for
the now building ; Which the Woodmen have
agreed to erect In case a site is donated ,
but as yet have not succeeded In securing
what they want. It Is hoped , however , that
something may bo done before the meeting
of the executive committee Is ndjournej ,
Willie Man In KlltiiK a Complaint
HciircNFtitatlvrft of W. T. Sen-
iniui IIo Their WorU.
Levl Bradley borrowed Jnmes Braxton's
horse and phaeton yesterday to drive
down to the police station for the purpose
of flllnc a complaint against Harry Wooley ,
2537 Patrick avenue , whom he charged with
keeping a vicious dog. He tied the horse In
front of the station nnd went upstairs to
see the city prosecutor. While he was ab
sent some representatives of W. T. Senmnn
unhitched the horse and took the phaeton
nway. They attached a card to the harness ,
which was left on the horse , explaining
that the vehicle had been taken to secure
the remainder of the sum due upon It.
Bradley was much surprised when he cnmo
out nnd found that the phaeton had been
taken. Mr. Seaman claims that lie had a
right to remove the vehicle by virtue of the
lien which he holds upon It.
Interim ! Ilrvemio rollee < lon .
Collector of Internal Revenue J. K. Houtz
has completed his report for the flscat year
ending June 30. The collector Is radiant
over the showing made. The territory , com
prising Nebraska nnd the tWo DaUotas , Is
the largest , geographically considered , of
nny collector In the United States. The total
amount collected Is $3,428,079.38. which Is
a round million In excess of the collections
of 1808 nnd two million nhcad of the collec
tions of 1897. The cost of collection was 1'4
per cent as against 1 4-6 per cent for 1S9S
and 3'i per cent for 1897. This Is less than
the cost of collection of any other collector
In the country , even whore the collector had
but a single state under his care. The
amount was swelled this year by the addi
tional tax consequent on the war. The
Btnmpt collections amounted to $607,111,51 ,
which doc1 ? not Include the speclar tax nnd
the levy on bankers and brokers.
No HlKlit to
The woman who Is lovely In face , form nnd
temper will alwnys hnvo friends , but ono
who would be attractive must keep her
health. If she Is weak , sickly nnd nil run
down she will be nervous nnd Irritable. If
she has constipation or kidney trouble her
Impure blood will cause pimples , blotches ,
skin eruptions nnd n wretched complexion.
Electric Bitters Is the best medicine In the
world to regulate stomach , liver and kldnevs
nnd to purify the blood. H gives strong
nerves , bright eyes , smooth , velvety skin ,
rich complexion. It will make a good-look
ing , charming woman of a run-down Invalid.
Only BO cents at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store.
Not n I'erniaiicnt Location , .
Health Commissioner Spaldlng Is not of
the opinion that the site selected Thursday
by the advisory board nnd city council for
the emergency hospital will over do for a
permanent one. He recommended the ac
ceptance of the place for a term of five years
because it promises to be fairly satisfactory
and the arrangement will relieve the city
officials nnd the citizens of their numerous
controversies on the subject long enough to
allow the excitement to subside nnd the
peopfo to learn that an emergency hospital
Is not such a bugaboo as It Is credited with
being. Dr. Spaldlng says he would oppose
any proposition to buy the Forbes property
and that the city must , before the expira
tion of the lease , buy n suitable tract of
land In some more desirable locality than
the river bottoms.
Onialia to Chicago.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has just placed In service two magnifi
cent electric lighted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 5:45 :
p. ra. , arriving nt Chicago at 8:25 : a. m. , and
leaving Chicago at 6:16 : p. m. nnd arriving at
Omaha nt 8:20 : a. m. Each train Is lighted
thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars and reclining chair oars , and runs over
the shortest line and smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket office , 1504 , Farnam street , and at
Union depot.
There will be' a. " meeting of the Sixth
Ward Republican club nt Twenty-fourth
and Grant streets Saturday evening , Jury 15 ,
at 8 o'clock sharp. All republicans are re
quested to be present , as there will bo bus
iness of importance to come before the club.
R. B. CARTER , President.
F. C. CRAIG , Secretary.
Attention , Florist" .
You are requested to meet Saturday , 1 p.
m. . at 1813 Vlnton street , to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Bertha Haas , wife of B.
Haas , the florist , who died Thursday , 10
p. m. , at St. Joseph's hospital.
L. HENDERSON. Secretary.
fflO.OO to OoNtoii and Return
Via Nicker Plate road , August 11 and 12.
Good returning for arrival at Initial start
ing point not later than August 31. Write
general agent , 111 Adams street , Chicago ,
for particulars and sleeping cir accommo
dations. Telephone central 205'
F. C. Johnson's cider mill , axpo. grounds.
I *
$18.40 Is the round trip rate to Hot Springs via the Bur
lington Route. Tuesday , Julyi ISth. Tickets good to return any
time within 30 days long enough to enable you to Visit every
point of Interest In the Black Hills , as well as to receive un
told benefit from the crisp air and healing waters ot this
northern sanitarium.
Same day July 18th n rate of $20.00 will ibe In effect to
Cutter , S. < D. ( Sylvan Lake. ) Sylvan Lake la a pretty nook
In the heart of the Hills an easy-coins , cool , dreamy spot
where you can boat , climb mountains , ride a iburro or Ho on a.
moes-oovered bank. All this at a tlmo of year 'when Omaha
streets and homes fairly quiver with heat.
Ticket Ofllce llnrllnittnn Station
1502 Fnrnnin St. 10 < h and BIniioii Stu ,
Telephone , 23O. Telephone. 31O.
Direct Line to B C'IIC ' HI 8olid
all H MJ Il B Vestlbuled Trains
Points West. BTliiJ&MlH Daily.
Tno Moulin Mii't K Inline llrforo
llullillnnr of tlir \ < MV Slxlrcnth
Vlniliirt ( 'nit
The seemlnfc Inactivity of the council and
other onicors of the oily administration In
the matter of the Sixteenth street viaduct
Is frequently remarked on by those who do
not understand the many steps which must
i ho taken before any apparent progress can
bo made. The status ot the affair nt present
j Is that the ordinance passed by the city
j council at Its last regular meeting , declaring
j the viaduct a necessity , approving the plans
' i of the city engineer nnd providing for the
appraisement of damages , Is In the hands
1 ot the mayor , awaiting his approval. If It
Is approved It will b ? sent to the council
next Tuesday evening , probably accompanied
by nn appointment of appraisers.
If there nro no non-resident property
owners along the street to be bridged over
the appraisement of damages can bo finished
within forty or fifty days. If some of the
owners live out of the city , notice by pub-
j llcatlon must be had. which will make the
process of appraisement last at least sixty
days. It was suggested by a member of
( ho council that ns the new viaduct will
occupy the slto and position of the old one
there would > be no damages besides these
awarded at the tlmo the present structure
was put up , but oven If the greater width
ot the new viaduct Is not found a caliso
for additional damages , the appraisers must
cotno to that conclusion In exactly the same
manner ns though the appraisement were an
original one.
The removal of the old viaduct Is being
carried on to the satisfaction of the city
engineer nnd the time limit of the contract ,
August 1 , will doubtless find the work of
removal completed.
When theater goers have an opportunity
of hearing a slide trombone played by n
woman they are seeing nnd hearing some
thing that Is n decided novelty. The slide
trombone Is ono of the most difficult ot
musical Instruments to play , oven by a
man , whose lips are alwnys heavier and
lungs stronger. This novelty act , which Is
presented by Miss Josephine Harvey. Is ono
of the features of the excellent blir offered
at the Trocadcro theater this week and
there are only two more performances left
to hear It In , this afternoon nnd evening.
The Indian band from the government In
dian school nt Prcscott , Ariz. , which Is
now fllflng nn engagement , has been Invited
to attend today's matinee at this popular
amusement resort and will render n num
ber of selections. The Chicago Ladies'
quartet will sing Paul Dresser's newest cong ,
entitled "There's Where My Heart Is To
night , " for the first time on any stage
this afternoon and evening. Their engage
ment during the week has been quite a
triumph for the theater and everybody who
has heard them pronounces their act ono
of the biggest hits ever seen In vaudeville.
ZazeHo and Vernon please everybody with
their comical bar act and burlesque boxIng -
Ing bouts. The balance of the bill Is equally
as Interesting and no one leaves the the
ater disappointed.
The Woodward Stock company will give
Its first matinee for children this afternoon.
The attendance has increased at each per
formance all this week , which speaks well
for the production of "Tho Wife. " Com
mencing with the matinee tomorrow the
company win be seen in nn elaborate pro
duction of "Tho Girl I Left Behind Mo. "
Today children 10 cents to all parts of the
AVlieelnioti' E
To Boston and return via Nickel Plate
road , at $19 for the round trip. Dates of
sale August 11 and 12. Good returning for
arrival a * . Initial starting point not later
than August 31 , by depositing tickets In
Boston with agent Fltchburg railroad. Two
through trains dally , with veatlbuled sleepIng -
Ing cars to Boston. Chicago depot , Van
Buren street and Pacific avenue , on ihe
Loop. Telephone centnl , 205" .
Soeoiul AVnril Krpnlillcan Club.
AH republicans In the Second ward are
requested to attend a meeting to be held at
Twentieth and Castellar streets Monday
evening , July 17 , nt 8 o'clock.
Dr. Shepard Catarrh , 312 New York Life.
Saturday rush
clearing sale
do your
shopping ; early
in Omaha.
Beat styles best fitting best made.
TODAY V rf ,
will gb with a rush j OOCj r 551
Udnlm Pique Linen Skirts Slflrts Sklrta } HaIf Price
$7.00 to 110.00 silk waists , choice for $2.95.
Wrappers , dressing sacks , petticoats , un-
deftfcat1 , "ties " , belts , veinngs- , gloves and
other furnishings , all at lew prices today.
Stores cloeo at 6 o'clock tonight.
1510 Douglas St.
Clove to Ileiinett'a.
Wo close Saturday evonlnR at 0
o'clouk , so cotno early.
Bre. July 15 , 1 D9.
Today is Saturday and your shopping list V
Ono negligee shirt , ono suit of underwear , one
neck tie , three collars and pair cuffs , ono pair sus
penders , two pair hose , two handkerchiefs , one pair
curt buttons , and one pair shoes. Now , let's figure
this up : One negligee shirt 45c they cost as a rule ,
7f > e ; one suit underwear 50c , that sells elsewhere for
75c ; one neck tie ( best in the house ) 35c other
stores never get less than 50c for the same quality ;
three collars lOc each , sell elsewhere for 15o ; ono
pair cult buttons 25c , that sell all over town for 50c ;
ono pair curts for 15c that sell for 25c ; ono pair sus
penders ( good ones ) ' 25c , that you always pay 40c
for if you buy them outside The Nebraska ; two pair
hose lOc pair , that are worth 20c of any man's money ,
two handkerchiefs at lOc each , worth 15c the world
over ; ono pair men's tan or black vici kid shoes , wither
or without vesting tops , latest style shoe for $2.50 ,
that always costs you $3 and § 8.60 outside this store.
Total expenditures § 5.15.
Total savings from buying at The Nebraska
$2.65. If this doesn't prove that this is a safe store
to trade in , we'd like to know it. and remember we
Close tonight at G o clock.
Colonial People ,
Rlrds , Animals ,
Products , Homes
PnIll's Fireworks
Art Exhibit ; Me-
chnnical Exhibits
The Midway ; Godfrey's Uritish Military Band.
Everything New Except the Buildings. Will Eclipse Last Year.
President. George L. Miller. Secretary , Dudley Smith. Treasurer , Frank Murphy.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. C. J. Smyth , Chairman ; P. E. Her , Wm. Hayden. H.
J. Penfold. J. B. Kitchen.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE , Frank Murphy , Herman Kountze , Emll Brandols , J. H.
Mlllard. H. E. Palmer.
Great Piano
Until sold we offer the following high prado
pinnos nt about one-half their actual value.
Fine Havden Upright $73.00 Hardman Upright $1SB.OO
J. P. Hole , ebony finish S92.00 New Scale Kimball. fancy oak..f205.00
Story & Camp Upright $106.00 Style F. ChlcUerlng , walnut case.$225.00
Now Sample Piano $118.00 Also a number of Square Pianos and
Mahogany Cabinet Grand $138.00 organs , from $25.00 upwards.
Fine Vose & Sons , good tone.$150.00
The above Instruments can be bought on easy monthly payments and will ba
accepted at the full price within three years In exchange for a new STEINWAY * '
Piano.New Pianos For Rent. Instruments Tuned. Moved. Stored and Exchanged.
Telephone 1625. Write for catalogue , prices and terms. Visitors always wel
SteinwayA Sons Representatives. 1313 Farnnm Street.
Largest piano dealers In the west.
Take measure at points Indicated by fig
ures and got OUIt PJUCKS before ordering ,
Knee Oap or Anklet , made of BEST SILK ,
$2.00 each , postpaid.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
1513 DODOI3 ST. , OMAHA , NEB.
Always Reliable and Satisfactory ,
' Swift's '
Premium Brand
Sugar Cured Hams.
Breakfast Bacon mid
Kettle Rendered Lard.
All Flrit-cknii Ienlrr -
Summer Tours on Lake Michigan ,
for pR > Miger > rrloa iolu > lr lr , mike * , trl-wpsklj
Irljn for Cliuflemli : . Hurbctr Hprliigt , llur lew.
IMo.krj , MuikUuc Ul.nd , connecting for Ilctrull ,
HutTiilooudall Kuilvrn i'elulfc
LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS : * Thurfc 11 u , m * Hat.4pm <
Like Michigan and take Superior Traniporlatlon Co.
OFFICE & DOCKS. Ruth and N. Water Sli. . Chicago.
Good 4
And Is really nnd truly good couldn't bo
anything else as It's made of the finest
Bohemian ( Imported ) hops nnd selected
molt. There's little u e of stating what the
above article * of commerce make. Every
body has been Interented in Fred Krug
Brewing Co.'s advertising It's read by all
readers , you know and they know It makes
perfectly pure beer but In order to dis
tinguish It make It familiar to everyone
It's called Cabinet. There's another way
and pe.rhaps the most popular Krtig- Cabi
net Ilcer. Always put It that way when or
dering a bottle or a case and there can
bo no mlBtako. There may be a few now
arrivals In this part of the country and
for their benefit It might be well to invite
them to order a trial case.
Tel. 420. 1007 Jackeon Street.
Plate Glass
French Plate Mirrors
Let ua < juoto you prices and wo will do
you good. Patton's $1.GO Sun-Proof Mixed
Paints , $1.25 per gallon. Guaranteed to
laet for live years.
Cut prices on Drugs and Patent Medi
cines ,
. . & CO. ,
Cut Price Druggists. Cor Hth an t Douglas.
4th floor Broiro Blk. , Ifilb and Douflu
Gold Alloy Filling $1.0O
Gold Filling $1.00 and np
Gold Crowns $5.00
SetTefitb $5.00
Best Teeth1 $7.50