Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Distinguinbod Railroad Party Tarries Long
in the Black Hills.
Monnlnln Ilrmirlcntlril In Ilrnrt nf
Iho rninoiiN lllni-k Illlln. rirnnrft
1'rrUlii * , iMmiiliTKoii nml Oilier
Member * of Tlirlr 1'nrty.
Srlvan lake , ono of the prettiest of the
many pretty reports In the Brack Hills , which
lien nestled In the mountains a few miles
from Custor , 8. D. , has Just been honored by
having ns Its guests n distinguished party ,
headed by the presidents of two great rail
way systems , an ex-cabinet member nnd an
cx-Unltcd States Bcn'ator. Delighted beyond
measure with the beauties of the resort , the
econlc grandeur and the opportunity af
forded for rest nnd recreation , this party has
Ju t left Sylvan lake for a visit to the north
ern Black Hills , where several days will bo
spent In enjoying the fishing offered In sum-
clent measure to satisfy the heart of the
mont enthusiastic disciple of Walton on the
banks of the Llttlo Spcarflsh , n mountain
stream famed for Its charming environment.
Among the members of this party touring
the Black1 Hills nro C. E. Perkins , president
of the Chicago , BurHngton & Qulncy ; Presi
dent Leonard of the Toledo , Peorla & West-
em ; Superintendent Bartlett of the Burling
ton relief department , General Charles F.
Slnnderson , solicitor for the Burlington , Hon.
J. Sterling Morton , ox-secretary of agricul
ture , and several other persons.
After enjoying themselves further with
the numerous attractions offered In the Black
Hills the party will return to their homes ,
stopping briefly in Omaha cnrouto to the east.
Ailvlaory Committee Wonti'fii Iii meii-
KPF AHHoHiitlmi Meet In , w York.
NEW YORK , July 11. A meeting of the
advisory committed of the Western Passen
ger association was held hero today looking
to an adjustment and equitable distribution
of Immigrant traffic. Today's session was
given to n preliminary conference of the
committees of the association. Tomorrow
tliuro will be a conference of the committee
with representatives of the Canadian Pacific
and Southern Pacific roads , nnd on Thurs
day the committee will confer with the
representatives of the steamship lines. The
committee may nlso discuss general passen
ger traffic matters.
Among those present nre libcn E. Mc-
Lcod , chairman of the Western Passenger
association ; II. C. Townsend , general pas-
Bcngor agent of the Missouri Pacific , St.
Louis ; G. T. Nicholson of Chicago , passen
ger traffic manager of the Santa Fe aystem ;
John Sebastian ot Chicago , general passen
ger nnd ticket agent of the Chicago , Rock
Island & Pacific ; A. F. Merrill of Chicago ,
nssslstant general ticket agent of the Chl-
c.igo , Milwaukee & St. Paul ; E. L. Lomnx ,
general passenger and ticket agent of the
Union Pacific railroad , Omaha ; P. 3.
Eustls , general passenger agent of the Chl-
cage , Burlington & Qulncy , Chicago ; C. M.
Pratt of St. Louis , chairman of the South
western Passenger bureau , and George A.
Cullen , general agent of the Western Pas
senger association In Now York.
nui < n iiKiiiM ) ci.osnn norms.
Trnfllc .lien of SontlMvc-nd-rn I.liu-E In
ScNHloit nt St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. July 11. A meeting ot traffic
men of the southwestern lines is being held
hero today for the purpose of organizing a
freight committee to tnke the place of the
southwestern bureau. Chairman Campbell
called the meeting to order with representa
tives of the following railroads present :
Alctilson , Topeka & Santa Fa , Rock Island ,
Missouri , Kansas & Texas ; Missouri Pacific-
Iron Mountain , St. Louis Southwestern and
the 'St. Louis & San Francisco. The new
committee will bo organized so as to not
conflict with the recent decision of the
United States supreme court affecting such
associations. The meeting , which Is being
held behind closed doors , will continue all
IIIK : Iliill-nnyN Ilnipw n Coiiipn t.
'SYRACUSE ' , N. Y. , July 11. The state
ment Is made In this city that the reported
compact between President Galloway of the
New York Central and President Cassett of
the Pennsylvania is in reality a renewal of
n former treaty agreeing upon territorial
limits in this state and Pennsylvania for
the two properties and their branches. This
agreement was made about the time of the
Jeaso of the Rome , Wntortown & Ogdensburg
by the Control and when the Pennsylvania
was about to fit out its branch called the
Northern Central with tormlnals .at Sodus
Point on Lake Ontario forfeits passenger
business of the Great Lakes. The recent
expansion of the Vanderbllts through the
Hecch Creek and Fallbrook lines nnd into
rittsburg was in violation of this agree
ment. The Herald today states that the real
significance of the agreement made In Now
York was a new treaty and division of terri
tory , which will put an end to the growth
of the Central branches into Pennsylvania
IV , V. A. MvvtM July : > .
At the meeting of the Western Passengei
association in Chicago last week but little
business of general1 Importance was trans
tided nnd an adjournment was taken untl.
Wednesday , July 26 , when the association
will go carefully over the now rules ndoptec
by the organization , In order that all the
members may become perfectly familiar with
them. The Omaha roads will , us usual be
fully represented at the meeting.
To Mntiitnlii RxUtliiKllnlt'N. .
ST. LOUIS , July 11. The regular mohlhly
conference of the executive officers of west
ern and southwestern lines was held here
todny to consider the general situation
Thirty-five lines were represented. It was
decided to maintain existing rates ,
llnllroiul JVoti H n ml 1'crnonnU ,
G. M. Payne of Kansas City , commercla.
ngent of the Cotton Belt Line , Is calling on
the Omaha railroad men.
Charles Lane , assistant general freight
ngont.of the Union Pnclfic. is out In the
Etnto on n brief business visit.
Clay Lnmbert , railroad ngont for the Ring
ling Bros. ' circus , was a caller nt the differ ,
cnt railroad headquarters looking
up rate :
for his show.
A change has been made in the manage
went of the American express olllco a
Chadron. C. A. Mlnlck , who has been thu
agent there for some time , has left the
sorvlce nnd will engage In the hanking bus !
ness nt Crawford , as the cashier of a iiev
bank which 1ms just been established b ?
riartlett Richards , the northwestern No.
liraska cattle baron , Mr , Mlnlck'o succossoi
16 James Kennedy , formerly of Norfolk , bu
who has recently been with the American
Express nt Clinton , In , Ho was in the citj
yesterday on his way to Chadrcm.
CurloiiN Uiinloinii ,
In flhlna it la the custom for guests a
dinners to run around between the courses
Thl8 Is supposed to keep the diner's di
geetlon In good condition , but the uervou.
hustling ; American needs something- else
and there is nothing better than Hostel
tcr'6 Stomach Bitters , If a man or woman
Is suffering with constipation , indigestion
or any stomach trouble it's their fault I
they don't got well , Hosteller's Stomach
Hitters will euro them. See that a prlvat
Revenue Stamp covers tbo neck of the bat
Locating ( litle tt-r IloxeM ,
Postmaster Crow has authorlrcd the plac
lag of ten letter boxes upon the exposition
grounds. They will bo located at points tc
be selected by tbo officers ot the association
end probably during the present week. Hs.'e
toforo there hare been no letter boxes upon
he grounds. There h * bpr > n the regular
olid-lion of mall but there have been no
ISCCR for depositing lettern nml papers.
; nniinf rrlnl C'luli TnUra I'nrt In NCTV -
linppr Controlcruy Offer for
A riourliiK Milt.
At the meeting of the executive commlttco
f the Commercial club yesterday the com
mittee decided to hold n mass meeting In
he Chamber of Commerce hall Tuesday even-
ng. July 18 , for the purpose of obtaining
he sentiment of the public on the disagree
ment between the two papers. A committee ,
onalstlng of Messrs. Kuhn , Wllcox nnd
lospe , was appointed to tnke charge of the
ncotlng nnd to advertise It thoroughly. It
appeared to be the sense of the committee
hat If the papers found from the public
cnllmenl that the controversy they nre
arrylnc on Is detrimental to their own
nteresls , to that of Iho city and the citizens
generally , they would cease It.
The committee decided to entertain the
Missouri Vnlley Coat Denlcrs' association ,
which will bo In session In this city July
,5-20 , at a banquet on the fast ntgbl.
C. F. Allen submitted nn offer to erect a
louring mill In , this city with Iho co-opcra-
lon of the citizens. He agrees to build n
mill with a dally capacity of 1,000 barrels
nd capable of storing 60,000 bushels of
grain If the citizens will take $15,000 capllal
lock. Ho will have the mill entirely free
f Indebtedness when It opens and wlU name
t the Triumph Milling company. A com-
mlllce consisting of Messrs. White , Weller
nd Dumont was appointed to look after Iho
teiinent ot TOxiionltlon Mnnnnern
Ornnlcil After n. UlMpntc UN to
Amount of Ilonil.
The Board of County Commissioners spent
early three hours yesterday afternoon try-
ng to decide whether n bond for $60,000 , for
wenty-four deputy sheriffs appointed by
iherlff McDonald at the request of the cx-
ioslllon management to serve on the ox-
oslllon grounds , should ho approved. Com-
nlssloners Harte and Oslroin took the view
bat the bond should bo Ihc same ns Ibat
f any other deputy sheriff , or $10,000 In
ach case , while the three olhcr members
vero willing lo approve the bond which was
ubmitted by the exposition. This was
nally accomplished against the votes of
larto and Ostrom. The bond Is given by
ho American Banking and Trust company
f Maryland. The deputies appointed
ro P. Mostyn , II. E. Nelson , W.
: . Hcnlon , P. H. Dillon , J. M.
Cenuy , n. W. Bryant , G. AV. Clark ,
.1. . T. Hotchklss , T. E.McGuckln ,
amos Mackln , J. H. Cuslck , J. II. Storey ,
ames Craven , J. H. IMague , Frank Murphy ,
like Butler , A. L. Jackman , Richard Mar-
cll , Clark Dooley , James Grace , H. P. Haze ,
L. T. Slgwart , Thomas Cormack , C. H.
Fires III the Local Smelter Arc Al
lotted to Smolder and
On account of being unable to procure
oal the fires In a number of the furnaces
.t the Omaha smelter have been allowed to
lie. Three of the load furnaces arc dead
md some of the blast furnaces are without
uel with which to keep them In operation.-
\s a result of this about 600 of the 800 men
usunlly employed are out of work.
It Is said that the conditions existing at
he smelter are not duo to any fault of the
smeller people , but because It Is impossible
o secure a supply of coal. For weeks there
las been a strike at the Iowa and Illinois
: oal mines. The supply of cheap coal here
IBS been completely exhausted and It has
jeen Impossible to replenish the stock. At
: ho Rock Springs mines of the Union Pacific
: here are no labor'troublos , but this coal Is
oo expensive to use In the smelter furnaces
and consequently it is not bought and
shipped In. How long this condition will
irevall the smeller people arc unable to say.
They are hoping for a speedy adjustment of
the labor troubles , but are unable to offer
a remedy.
Theatrical amusement In the summer Is
never enjoyable unless Ihe resort Is a cool
and comfortable one , and during these sultry
and oppressive evenings no cooler place is
to be found In the city than the Trocadero
vaudeville theater , where a bill is offered
: hat Is most diversified nnd amuslnc from
first to last. Znzellc and Vernon , the panto.
mimic acrobats , are the best in their line
: hat the country affords. Their act Is never
tiring nnd demands the constant attention
of the audience. Musically Inclined people
Ind abundant enjoyment In the Chicago
Ladles' qunrtelle. The motion plclur-s
which Hnrrls nnd Walla present are nlways
Interesllng nnd to everybody alike. Carl
Charles , the equlllbrlsl , does some wonder
fully clever work , Willis Pickert nnd Baby-
Blanche offer a cake walk that contains
many now sleps and movements , Josephine
Harvey Is n slide trombone soloist second tone
no other of her sex In the counlry , and the
balance of the bill Is equally as good as
all of the above mentioned.
The Hoyd theater will have Us regular
Wednesday matinee today , at which tlmo
'he Woodward company will present "Tlio
Wife. " The company Is giving a very ex
cellent production of this piny , and Is
drawing very sntlsfnctory atlendance , al
though the weather Is exceedingly warm.
The excellence of this production must be
seen lo bo appreciated. Most of the com
pany are well known and need no news
paper comment , but we are snfo In tayins
that no better production has ever been
given by Ihls company than tbo ono pre
sented for this week.
Commencing next Sunday mnllneo the
company will give nn elaborate production
of David Belnsco's great military .play ,
"Tho Girl I Left Behind Me. " Special sccnlu
effects are being prepared and Mr. Woodward -
ward promises a complete production In
every detail. A nurrber of additional pco.
pie nro required for Iho large cast Jn this
play. Mr. Lothian and Mr. Fulton will ap
pear In the cast , there being no parls for
them in "Tho Wife. " Doth of ihese genlle-
men nro well known to the patrons of this
organization nnd are capable players.
of ICIioriiMNi'ii.
Moquadden temple , Knights of Khor
assen , the brave warriors of tlio
land of Iho sun , hefd an inter
esting session at their hall Monday
evening , when a number of candidates were
Initialed Inlo the mysteries of the order.
Four weary neophytes were enthusiastically
received bv ihelr brethren after the Initia
tion. and were entertained ut n banquet at
the Mlllard , where the merrymaking was
continued until an early hour.
A diseased stomach surely undermine :
health , It dulls the brain , kills energy , do-
Blroys the nervous system and predisposes
to Insanity and fntnl diseases. All dyspeptic
troubles are quickly cured by Kodof Dyspep
sia Cure. It has cured thousands of cases
and Is curing them every day.
\OTICI : .
SOIIH of the Auivrlenn Ili-volntlon.
You are hereby requested to atlend the
funeral services of Compatriot William W
Copcluml , to be held at his late residence
312 North Twenty-second street , Wednesday
July 12 , at 10 a. m , By order of
FRED W , VAUOHAN. President.
R. F. ALEXANDER , Secretary ,
Sam'l Burns. 1318 Farnam , la selling a
beautiful porcelain toilet set , S4.75.
UII3I ) .
MANNINQ-Stella , July 11 , ISM , ag d 19
yearn , at tier home , 1716 Cnnilng street
Funeral from residence Wednesday , July
12 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , to Laruel lull cem
etcry. Friends Invited.
COAD-Edcllne , daughter of Mr. and Mrs
John F C'oad , aged S years. Funcra
notice later.
Concessionaires Meet and Demand that They
Be Given a Square Deal ,
Dr. Sillier Token III * Noun Into Thplr
AflTnlrn Hnrileii llonnocM Outright
from Department of Publicity
nml Promotion.
In spllo of the desperate efforts of the
ocal official organ ot the exposition to
jolster up Ihe enterprise by every pdsslblo
ncans , whether rcpulablo or not , the men
vho have put their money Into concessions
mvo began lo sco Iho handwriting on the
vail , and murmurs of discontent and half-
nuttcred charges of various offenses could
bo heard on the Midway Monday. There
iractlcally was no crowd lo altcnd the show
urine the day.
The most intercsllng event of the day ,
lowevcr , took place during the nfternoon ,
vhcn the concessionaires held a meeting to
00 what could be done to benefit themselves
and the exposition. There was a full nt-
cndanco , all financially intercslcd In the
illdwny shons seeming to realize that , it
anything was to bo done to help themselves
ut of the hole into which they had been
lunged by the ignorance nnd Incompctency
of the managers , there was no tirao to be
ost. The meeting was unanimously of the
pinion that the exposition management
iwcd it to the concessionaires to open the
gates of Pain's Battle of Manila and the
nightly fireworks to the public without
barging for scats. Again , ns the spec-
ado Is considered ono of the main nttrnu-
lens of the exposition , It Is unfair to make
1 charge for viewing It ; besides It monop-
illzcs the attention of the visitors with Its
lyrotcchnlo display , and It Is almost use-
ess for any other show to attempt to do
business during this time. . It was unanl-
nously resolved that the management
hould be called upon either to make It a
ree show , or If this should entail too great
n expense , that the project be postponed.
The next action of the meeting was not
unexpected by the public. They denounced
the officers of the exposition who were In-
.eresled in Midway concessions , because
.hose officers were doing all in their power
o pull together against the legitimate con
Ilr. .Miller StleUn Ills Xouc In.
At this point Dr. Miller entered the room
and remarked that he had dropped in by
accident , and that It was the first Intimation
10 had had that such a meeting was being
icld , which announcement was greeted with
dubious smllo and several distinctly
nudlblo nnd emphatic expressions of opinion
on the part of his hearers which were neither
compllmenlary to the doctor's veracity or
lis Intelligence.
After the doctor bad been disposed of the
mslncss of the meeting proceeded and a
very emphatic protest was made against
he retaining of so many cashiers. Many of
ho concessionaires stated that they had
not taken in enough during the day to pay
ho salaries of tlie cashiers forced upon
hem by the exposition , without mentioning
.ho other expenses they were under. One
man particularly had a kick to register ,
st Friday his total receipts had amounted
to 95 cents , and of this 20 per cent went to
the exposition. He was also obliged to pay
the cashier's salary of $52 n month nnd
thought that tlio tima had come when this
sort of thing should stop. The outcome of
the discussion was that many present
threatened to close their concessions unless
relief was afforded some time today.
Hnydcn lloniicon Cntrl lit.
Another interesting feature of the exposl-
, lon proceedings of yesterday was the dis
charge of J. W. Outright , superintendent of
.he Bureau of Publicity and Promotion , by
William Hayden , manager of the depart
ment. All has not been smooth sailing in
: hls department for some tlmo because of
Mr. Cutright's refusal to recognize Hayden
as the sole authority of the office. Some
days ago Mr. Hayden became possessed of
the idea that the bureau was not doing as
much work as it should and plainly Inti
mated so to Mr. Cutrlght. As may he
maglned such a remark was not calculates
o increase the superintendent's confidence
n his chief , but nothing was done at the
Ime. A day or so later Mr. Hayden again
called Cutrlght and informed him that here
after ho would have to get along with ono
stenographer , which Mr. Cutrlght emphatic
ally refused to do , and for the time ho was
allowed to go on. Some weeks ago Mr.
Hayden made a contract for some $4,000
with a number of country papers for adver
tising by means of the "patent Inside , " and
he final trouble resulted over this. This
contract Outright steadfastly refused to
approve , and finally Mr. Hayden was. com
pelled to assume the responsibility for the
contract Nothing -was said at the time ,
but > Mr. Hayden nursed his wrath and
awaited an opportunity. It was covertly
whispered that Outright had been enjoying
privileges and emoluments In other words
'a rake-off" that ho was not entitled to by
reason of his pceltion , and there seems to
bo but llttlo doubt that 'Mr. ' Hayden
was the author of these stories.
The climax was reached yesterday , how-
over. Mr. Hayden peremptorily reduced his
clerical force to two stenographers and Cut-
right Immediately lodged a protest with the
directors. When Mr. Hayden entered the
office and Inquired what his superintendent
was doing ho was told sarcastically that
there was nothing to do and wns shown the
desk filled with unanswered mail , which it
was impossible to get out with the force at
hand , Without paying any heed to the con
dition of affairs in the office , Mr. Hayden
said ; "If there's nothing to do , then you
may ns well go. " And Outright was looking
for a job.
It Is said that Hnyden has been endeavor
Ing for some months to get rid of his su
perintendent because of a personal grudge.
Cutrlght is a newspaper man and well
known in Nebraska. When the war on the
department stores was started by the Penny
Press some tlmo ago Outright wrote the ed
itorials that arraigned the department stores
of the city In general and Hnydon's In par
ticular , Hayden became aware of this fnct
and started out after the scalp of his super
intendent. How well ho succeeded IK al
ready known. And yet ho Is not happy.
A mass meeting of citizens nnd exposition
stockholders will bo held tomorrow evening
at the southeast corner of Sherman avenue
and Locust street to discuss exposition
affairs with a view of agreeing upon some
plan to bring about a reorganization and
establish harmony all along the lino.
( unshot wounds and powder burns , cuts ,
bruises , sprains , wounds from rusty nails
Insect stincs and ivy poisoning quickly
healed hv Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Positively prevents blood poisoning , newaro
of counterfoils. "io Wilts" is Eafo and
Vlu Hook Iftliinil Route ,
Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo and re
turn , July 10 nnd 11 , $10.
Richmond , Va. , and return , July 10. 11
and J2 , $33.70.
Indianapolis and return , July IS , 19 J.nd
20. $19.40.
Salt Lake City and return , July 10 and 11 ,
For full Information call at city ticket
office , 1323 Farnam street.
Try the Her Grand hotel's cafes. Open
from 0 a. in. until 12 p. m. Three cafes on
flrbl floor and ono grill room. The best ol
service at popular prices.
Dr. Shepsril Catarrh , 312 New York Life.
hr Itnrlnp Shoe To. Stork of
Mrii'n Shop * nt llnir I'rlrc.
"We cannot Impress upon you too strongly
ho beauty of the shoes wo have now on
Mlc , they nre just as good as money can
my and It Is only through the way In which
wo bought the shoes that we can sell theme
o you ns low ns We do , The quality Is all
right , in faot Is more than nil right ; they
nro all In the very latest nnd newest styles ,
such as everybody is proud to wear.
Infnnls' shoes. 3Pc.
Children's turn shoes , G to 8 , S9c pair.
Children's tan button shoes , 8 % to 11 , 69o
Misses' ton lace nnd butlon shoes , 1 to 2 ,
" 9c pnlr.
Ladles' Oxford tics. f 9e nnd "Be.
Lndles * $3.00 fnncy panel vesting top fine
shoes. $1.59.
Ladles' fine , black nnd tan oxford tics ,
Ladles' fancv scroll pattern , black nnd tan ,
ilnln mid fnncy vesting top oxford ties ,
$1.98. $2.25 nnd $2.50 , worth p to $4.00.
Lndlea' flno black and tnn. hand turn
shoes , worth up to $5.00 , In all the latest
and newest styles , go at $1.98 , $2.50 and $3.
Wo divide the entire stock , thousands of
pairs of men's shoes , In fine calf , colt skin ,
cordovnn nnd vlcl kid. mndo to sell up to
$5.00. In three lots , black nnd tnn , nt $1.98 ,
$2.50 and $3.00.
No such bargains In shoes were ever
offered In Omaha before , no mailer under
what circumstances they were sold. Wo
warrant every pair thnt wo sell nnd gunr-
nnteo them to give you good , straight , hon
est satisfaction.
16th and Douglas Sis.
Boslon Store closes at 6 o'clock next Satur
day evening.
Severn ! ConKrcHNineit Who Ilnvc Ilccn
InvciitlKntlnp : Antony the
VICTORIA , B. C. , July 11. The steamer
Queen arrived hero wllh 350 passengers ,
excursionists , returnlnc miners from Dawson -
son , some disappointed prospectors from
Atlln nnd cold variously estimated at from
:300,000 : to $1,000,000. The captain Is au-
.horlty for the Intler amount , the passen
gers placing the treasure at almost any
turn between the two figures given. The
Queen left Juneau Saturday at 7 a , in. ,
naklng the trip to Victoria in the quick
time of sixty-five hours.
Amonc the wealthiest men from Dawson
s John Wilkinson of San Francisco , who
brings 200 pounds of cold dust from Eldo
rado and Bonanza. S. T. Hill , a mining
expert from South Africa , returned after
making a flying trip to Dawson. He brought
out 10,000 in dust.
Among the passengers nre Hon. Z. E.
? ayne , son nnd daughter , Congressman and
Mrs Dalzcll , Conercssman and Mrs. Hull ,
Congressman and Mrs. G. W. Steele and
Congressman John P. Heatwole , who have
made the round trip. Congressman Payne
expresses himself immensely dcllchted with
: ho trip. Ho says although ho had not
mcuh tlmo to Investigate , he has taken
some opportunity to Inquire Into the
Alaskan boundary question to enable him
to form a more correct opinion of that
vexed question. ,
Congressman Hull says every man In both
bouses should make a trip to Alaska , the
boundless possibilities of which much im
pressed him. The party are enthusiastic
about their reception all along1 the line.
Stnb In the Clicclc.
For several days Billy Peacock has been
trying to Induce Mrs. Dawes to move out of
the dwelling at 1421 Dodge street , but his
efforts have proven unavailing- . Monday
night he stnrted to give Mrs. Dawcs a piece
of his mind. Her son , N. J. Dawes , Inter-
| M > sed and claims that Peacock stabbed him
In the law. Ho bears a mark , but whether
It was mado"bV5 < v < knlfe or a blow of the
fist is hard to tellr
Oiunlin to riilcnfiro.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has just placed In ( service two magnifi
cent electric righted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 5:45 :
p. m. , arriving nt Chicago at 8:25 : a. m. , and
leaving Chicago at 0:15 : p. m. and arriving nt
Omaha at 8:20 : a. m. Each train is lighted
thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars and reclining chair cars , and runs over
the shortest line and smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket office , 1504 Farnam street , and at
Union depot.
Pnhlle Meeting , Attention.
There wlfl be n meeting of citizens Inter
ested and stockholders In Iho Greater Amer
ica Exposition at hull , soulhcast corner
Sherman avenue and Locust street , on
Wednesday evening , July 12 , at 8 o'clock
sharp. Come , every ono interesled.
F. C , Johnson's cider mill , expo , grounds.
5 Grand Special Baled Todaj-AU Kinds
of Summer Goods ,
I.BO t.mllrn' Sitmnirr ItnU
Mlk r > Dc Vil-ir.c SHU Itlttlmnn Sc
Vil lOc AVnnh ( ioniU It 1-Sc
Yd l.'tc Dim It I en Re.
10,000 yards nil silk ribbon up to 4 Inches
wide nt 2c yd. The greater portion ot It la
worth 15e.
Ono immense counter fnncy lawn , Incc
lawn , Scotch lawn , black and white lawn , In
fnct nil kinds of lOo wash Roods , for tomor
row only , 3&c yd.
One 'bis tnblo of fnncy corded dimities ,
fancy weave Inwns , lajsc effect Inwus , worth
IGc , go nt 6c yd.
Ono bit ; counter fine organdies , Imported
cloth , printed In this country , generally sells
nt 16o yd. , wo offer them tomorrow at 6c
Ouo Immense stack best grade A. V. C.
Amoskeg gingham , today only 7'/4o yd. ,
worth ICc.
Ono Imuicnso counter Everett classic glng.
ham , tomorrow only -Ic yd.
Ono big counter fancy printed madras nt
T'/fec yd. , worth 15c.
Ono Immense counter 36-Inch wldo light
and dark percale , worth 12Vfcc , 6c yd.
10,000 yards remnants heavy dress ducks ,
plain and colored , worth 15c , go as long as
they last nt a&c yd.
H.OOO pair ladles' extra quality , nil silk
Jersey niltts go at lOc pair.
IGc quality ladles' strictly nil Uncn col
lars , up-todnte styles , Re each.
Misses' , children's and trays' jersey ribbed ,
Nazaiuth style underwalsts , lOc euch.
IDc quality ladles' , misses' nid children's
summer underwear , plain and fancy colors ,
< lc each.
10,000 bolts dainty patterns In narrow
French Valenciennes and torchon lace and
Insertion go at 2V4c , 3'/4c and Co yd. , worth
100 new patterns of nil over embroidery ,
nil over lace nnd embroidery tucking ; nlso
plain tucked nainsook nnd swlss , go at1'Jc ' ,
75o and OSc yd. nnd up.
$1.50 high clnss silks , C9c yd.
$2.50 Imported silks , 75c yd.
$3.00 highest grndo silks , OSc yd.
76c nil wool chnllles. 25c.
DOO ladles' new trimmed summer golt out
ing nnd sailor hats , regular $1.50 quality , go
at 50c.
Ladles' well made crash skirts , 19c.
Summer wash skirts. 75c , OSc , $1.25 , $1.60
and $1.08.
Tailor made covert skirts. OSc and $1.25.
$1.50 figured mohair skirts , 49c.
Brocaded wool skirts. $1.98.
$4.50 homespun pure linen tailor made
skirts. $1.75.
Close nt 6 o'clock evenings nnd 6 o'clock next
Saturday evening.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
Hovr in Itoacli Two Famous Itcnnrti.
Fast , safe , superbly equipped and most
carefully governed , one need not wonder at
the great popularity of the Now York Cen
tral. No other line affords such facilities
for through travel between the east and the
west as this wonderful four-track system.
In the possession of Grand Central station.
located In the heart of New York city , and
within trifling distances of all first-class
hotels , this railway offers greater advan
tages than competing lines. Spring , sum
mer , autumn and winter. It has attractions
Irresistible. . The great northern wilderness ,
the playground of the state , now beckons
Its thousands. As autumn falls , America's
Bcenic master-piece , far-famed Niagara , will
era 1m its annual host of pilgrims with its
majestic power , the fierce turmoil of the
whirlpool and all the picturesque surround
ings , the awesome Cave of the Winds and
the several other minor attractions of the
vicinity. And when winter comes , then the
entire scene transformed to what seems a
fairyland of marvelous frost dressings , of
Icy forts and snowy palaces ; of gleaming ,
crystal prison barriers vainly striving to
bind the roaring , foaming plunge of water
will present a spectacle of weird , myste
rious beauty which Is not duplicated In the
world. Outing.
with tlio Service.
Patrons along the route of the free rural1
mall delivery between Benson and Elk City
nro pleased with the seivlee. These people
now receive their mall dally , delivered at
their doors , and declare that they will never
consent to the old system. The drivers of
the mall wagons say that the volume of ( he
mall handled Is Increasing nt a rapid rate ,
having nearFy doubled since they made the
first trip on Juno 1.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers benefit per
manently. They lend gentle assistance to
nature , causing no pains -weakness , per
manently curing constipation and liver ail
Direct Line to Solid
all Vestibuled Trains
Points West. Daily.
Burlington *
The cheap rate season Is not yet over not by a Ions way. This
month and next we offer these low rates :
$33,70 Richmond , Va. , and return July 10 , 11 and 12 ,
} lfl. 10 Indianapolis und return July 18 , 19 and 20.
J25.25 Plttsburc and return July 31 and August L
$18.40 Hoi Springs and return July 18tb.
J20.60 Ouster , S. D. , ( Sylvan Lake ) and return July 18lh.
jlPJOO Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo and return August
0 , 6 and 7.
123.00 Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo and return very
$17.50 Yellowstone Parkand return every day.
Tlckflt OlUce Iturlloeton Station
ir.OKuril am St. ll'lli nnd JIn on Stm ,
Telephone , S50. Telephone , 31O.
July li ,
Strange heading for nn nd isn't it ? But vro nro
allowing a line of Trunks with rubber bumpers that
makes the Baggage Alan congratulate himself to
think that thorn's a relief in store for him. The
old style trunks with solid iron corners comes down
with a thud , and breaks half the contents , but in
the new bumpty-ty-bump improvements you can rest
assured that every thing is all safe when you roach
your destination. You have no idea what a com
plete line of trunks The Nebraska carry in stock.
We've Steamer Trunks , Skirt Trunks , Drawer
Trunks , Steel Edge Trunks , Trunks with fire proof
vaults , Trunks of all styles , descriptions and prices.
AVe'vo fifty different styles. If you're ' going away
to spend the summer you'd better look here for your
Trunk or Grip. We've Grips galore grips that
cost little and grips that cost more. We've grips
with silk lining , grips with brass trimmings. We've
that ever ready telescope , the kind that half slips
into half. If you want anything in the grip line
step in and see the
Colonial People ,
Birds , Animals ,
Products , Homes
Pain's Fireworks
Art Exhibit ; Mo.
chanical Exhibits
The Midway ; Godfrey's British Military Band.
Everything New Except the Buildings. Will Eclipse Last Year *
President , George L. Miller. Secretary , Dudley Smith. Treasurer. Frank Murphy.
. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE , C. J. Smyth , Chairman ; P. E. Her , \Vm. HaydWJ. H.
. . . .
J. PenfoH. J. B. Kitchen.
ADVISORY , . . COMMITTEE . , Frank Murphy , Herman Kountze. Emil Brandels. J. H.
Mlllard H. E. Palmer.
Our large and well-lighted bric-a-brac room in the
basement contains many fancy pieces. Beautiful hand-
painted fish and game platters and plates handsome
hand-decorated vases , jardiuiers and pedestals , statu
ettes in bisque , placques , etc. We have marked these
pieces very low in order to dispose of the stock rapidly.
We are going out of this branch of the business.
Visit Otzr Bar-gain JRoom.
Jewelers and Art Stationers.
Successors C. S. RAYMOND to CO. , 15th and Douglas Streets.
The MINERAL WATER business IB a
most Important branch of our business , and
ono In which wo give parllcular altenllon.
Our list of waters now Includes OVER 100
KINDS from springs localcd In every portion
tion of Ihe counlry , as well as from all
parts of Kurope. Our waters will always bo
found fresh as wo buy them DIRECT FROM
TERS. Ask us for the now waters.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go ,
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha ,
ti TSGGV brenlh
don't condemn him. First .ascertain thn
cause of It. Possibly ho met a friend nnd
was Invited to Eomo Krug Cabinet. If they
only had u bottle between them
as that amount 'would ' he beneficial to al
most any two people , but H's poor policy lo
over Indulge nnd the safest way to keep
within bounds Is to
see your
orders a case sent homo at once. You can
order It yourself other wives do ,
FHID ICKIT ; ; co , ,
Tel. 420. 1007 Jack on Street ,
Treats all all-
moiils of the fret ,
both on ladles' and
gentlemen Ladles'
Halrdres'tlnK and
Hair Uoods , Toilet
Pr puraUonB. Bu-
_ _ perfluouB hair r -
moved -with electricity. Mall orders
given prompt attention ,
1B10 IMH.VtM ST.
Elevator Service. Paxton block
Summer Tours on Lake Michigan ,
for pautnitar oerrlui cicluilvclr , make * trl-wrkl >
trip * for I'burlrtolx , llnrbor Hprlnff * , llur > Irw ,
IVtodrr , M c'Unee Inland , ronu ctloic for IMrolf.
llulTitlo and all K t < rn J'ulnt * .
Tnei. I * it. m. Thur * . 11 a.m. Hut. 4 p. in.
Lake Michigan and LakeSuperlorTraniportatlonCo.
OFFICE 1 DOCKS , Ruin and N. Water Sli. , Chicago.
Prayer Books
Office Supplies \
Blank Books
Artistic Engraving
You will want something to
take home with you.
Call on us , we can supply
A late book , a nice box of
stationery , a nobby card case ,
or a hundred other neat ac
ceptable souvenirs of your
Our prices are correct and
we guarantee the quality of
everything wo sell.
Stationery Co. ,
Tel. 234. 1306 Farnam St.
Kodaks and
We only carry reliable maktB and
antco every instrument sold ,
Call and ee us write
. or for catalosue ana
The Robert
Dempster Co ,
F n run in Mrrct.