Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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AdvcrtUemdit * for tlieur column *
Mill lie tnUm unlll 12 in. for tlir
vvritliiK nllllon nntl until Jti 0 | > . m.
for morning nnil Similar edition * .
Hnlrx , 1 l-lic n Miiril Jlr l lim Tllon j
! n ttoril ( lirrrnflrr. NnthlnK tnkcn
for lean tlmn a..e for HIP first limtr-
lion. Tli par mlt rrll cnipiil iiinat lie
run cnnxcrntlt < ! } .
Ail rrtlM-r * , li } ' rriiiimtlnir a nnin-
lirrrd chruU , rnn linre intuit er * nil-
ilrrmiril lu n numbered IrUrr In rnrc
of The tiff , AnmirrH * o mlilrnmptl
will lie ilellvrrril on iirrncnlntlon of
the rlicck only.
OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16. Tel-
1112. liclp furnished , positions procured.
A STENOGRArHER. When you want one
please call up the Remington typewriter
office , 1C18 Farnarn Bt , ; telephone ,
GENTLEMAN of large experience In real
estate , abstracts , collections and care or
property desires a noititlon in thai tin *
of woik. AdOresB D 28. Bee. A 50S
WANTED. work as store clork. by young
lady with references. K 10 , H. , . , ,3.
LADY wishes situation as cashier , seam
stress or work In office. :217 : So. 24th.
A w > 3 1-
WANTED-We have , tondy work for a few
good hustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 3C19 Howard Si.
SALESMEN to sell Petit Ledgers. Business
Records and other office specialties : line
side lines Pershlng Mfg. Co. . Box L ,
South Bend. Ind. B 123 Jy 22 *
GOOD salesman , salary or com. 1113 N. 16.
WANTED , boys with horses to deliver The
Evening Bee. Cull at The Bee office , city
circulation dept. , 2:30 : p. m. B-M454 12 *
WANTED , a quick , active man , experi
enced In restaurant and lunch counter
work. Apply at Schlltz Hotel.
- > B M 12 *
WANTED A practical'man who knows all
about canning. E 9. Bee. B 62S 12 *
WANTED The address of composer of
music for tongs. Address D 1. Bee.
B-627-11 *
- -
WANTED , man to do chorea around the
house ; one who understands the care of
horses and cows. Apply 313 Karbach blk.
B M644 13
WANTKtf , 3 gent leima.nly young men with
some business ublHtyto travel on salary
ind expenses. Call nt Dcllonc 'hotel at 9
o'clock a. m. Inquire for C. C.
B-CS712 *
STATE , MANAGER.J1.200. . expenses nnd
share profits : ; J500 required. Al > two dls-
.trlct upe.rlnt ndetit , iWO. expenses nnd
shar profits : J100 requjred , secured and
returnable. Address E S , Bee office.
B-MGG3 ! !
WANTED. ' .flrst-clar , * platen pressman.
Address E 13. Bee office. B M637 14 *
WANTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodge , Tel. S7G.
COMPETENT girl for general housework ;
3 in .family : wages J4. 2602 Poppleton.
WANTED A good experienced dining room
girl. Hotel Lange. 604'S. 13th.CM109
C-M109 Jy2S
GIRL for general housework In small fam
ily ; wagce t-4.00. Apply Immediately , 2G02
Ppppleton Ave. C M251
GIRL to help with general housework. 2640
Dodge. C B3111 *
WANTED , clrl for generic' housework , 2109
Wlrt St. . Mr.R. . S , Wteox. C C34-11
WANTED , glrl-for.jjenij
lly of two. 1531 So. 29th St. C MfiOu 11 *
WANTED. , Danish girl for housework , nt
2416 S. 30fh street. C MG3G 13
WANTED , a good-girl for general house
work , 1024 Park nv. C MG43 13 *
COMPETENT glr.1 for general 'housework ,
family of three. 2631 Davenport street.
C 651 13 *
WANTED , nfat apprentice girl to team
dressmaking ; the TI. S. t Ilor system
given. Patterson block , room 3.
C G5J ( U *
ANY lady having 2 or 3 hours' spare time
a day can make J5 weekly working for us
at liomc ; nothing to ell ; send self-ad
dressed envetono Tor fre. ? sample. Man
hattan E. M. Co. , 101 Beekmnn St. . N. Y.
C MG56 12 *
WANTED , nt U. D. ho'tel. ' an experienced
second cooH and dining room girl.
C-MG71 12 *
HOUSES. Bcncwa & Co. , 103 N. J5th St
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. . jsnu
Farnam. Tel. 1C59. D 127"
HOUSES , mores. Bcmls , Paxton block.
FOR RENT , housea In all parts of city
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street.
D 129
FOR RENT , strictly modern flat in Davldge
Bldg. , opposite city hall.
John W. Robblns , 1S02 Farnam street.
FOR RENT , hotel in Omaha , 120 rooms"
everything modern. Brennan Love Co
219 South 16th St. D 132
SIX-ROOM modern flBt , 1112 S. inn.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city
Brennan-Lovc Co. , 219 South 15th street
MAGGARD'Svan&storag'e. 117N15. TelI4 ! > 6
5402 POPPLETON AVE. . 10 rooms , modern
large yard and ba-n. The Byron Rood Co'
FOR RENT , for summer , elegant West
FHrnnm St. home furnished. Bemls , Paxton -
ton block. D C60
FOR RENT , large house of 13 or 14 rooms
large burn , large grounds at S. W. cor
ner of 27th and Jucksan Sis.
S-ROOM. modern , 151" Capitol Avn. . JI3.00 ;
4218 Furnain , S rooms , barn , $22.50 ; 2SS5
Burt , G rooms. 115,00 ; others , lllngwult
Bros. , Barker Block. D BS9
FURNISHED houws central. 2003 California
TOUR rooms , 70S So. 17th St. D M122 A3 *
CHOICE houses. rottBRra stores. Henry
B. Puyne , 601 N. y. Life , "Phone , 1016.
J-ROOM brlrk dwelling , modern : excellent
location. 201 h. 25h ( avenue. Charles E
Benson , 210 Ramgo building.
D-M439 1 !
TEN-ROOM house. 2408 St. . Mary's Ave.
7-ROOM flat , newly papered. Lange block ,
6 S. 13th. D-503-14
LARGE hrlrk barn , thirty etalls ; room for
fifty. \ \ 'lrepair \ \ jor good tenant ; rent
WO.OO per month.
- Large fine residence.10 rooms , entirely mod
ern , porcelain bath. In perfect condition ,
large grounds , good barn. In best part of
Unlnut Hill , rent JS3.00 per month.
S115 Cumlng St. , T rooms , bath , clostt , city
water ; good barn , (20.00.
227 N , 20th St. . store. J7.00 ; four-room flat
upftalr * . JS ; city water. Omaha I-oan &
Trust Co. . 16th and Douglas. D 794
NICE Jive-room cottage , good condition.
Henry Honnef. 23G6 Cumlng. DMG69 1J. *
S-ROOM , strictly all modern house , fine re
pair , S blocks from park , J23.
Henry B. Payne , G01 N , Y , Hf * . D-416
KW SO. 11TH. CORNER. 6-r. house. J15. 36
U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg , P-M5S3 Jl
HK\T rruMsiun : ROOMN.
( NICE roomi , housekeeping , ill ? B. nth ,
Ooon sleeping accommodation v > om 1.
e bulldlnir. K MW9A3 *
ROOMS , modern. 3W Harney St.
K MM7 22 *
St Double Muth room , suitable for man
and wife. B fflW A-9
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep-
ins , references. Address E 11 Hee.
U M947 13 *
! OR n rooms compile for llpht house
keeping. MS N. 19th St. K 6IH 13 *
SUITE modern rooms , housfkeeplng : no
children. 614 North 19th. 15 M670 34 *
ELEOANT rooms and board. IMS Capitol
AV6. F-139
OLENCAIHN , transients J1.26 day. 1609
Douglas. F 140
DESIRABLE rooms with all modern ron-
v-nlenccs. 212 S. 25th St. F-W1
NICELY furnished room with breakfast ;
near Hanscom park ; modern house. Ad
dress C 13. Bee. F 636
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. 2107
Douglas. F M32 A2 *
ELEGANT room , with board. 1909 Capitol
ave. F M479 13 *
"RONT room with alcove , with all modern
conveniences. 212 S. 2Sth St. F ? 11
PLEASANT south room , with board , for
twoperson * . 2402 Cass. F M614 16 *
3 UNFURNISHED rooms , newly papered ,
tip stnlrs. 2226 So. 12th. G M363
3 ROOMS for housekeeping. 1609 Leaven-
worth. G-M616 13 *
DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee
Building , Farnam street side , rent reason
able. Apply R. C. Peters Co. , Bee Build
ing. I-M413
FOR RENT , store In flrst-clnss location ;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. . g.-ound floor Bee Bldg. I 2C6
FOR TIENT. a ground floor office , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for tue of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & ; Co.- , ground floor. Bes
Building. 1-257
ONE large fine office of two rooms to rent
In the Continental block ; will put In con
dition to suit tenant.
16th & Douglas Sts.
STORE for rent. 304 South 16th-St. , fine
room suitable for more room or office
purposes. SKJ.OO.
George and Company , 1G01 Farnam St.
I M566 31
AGENTS wanted for a special summer cam
paign. The Saturday Evening Post es
tablished by Benjamin Franklin In 1728
now published by The Curtis Publishing
Company , proprietors of The Ladles'
Home Journal , Is offered to sunscrlbecs ,
for one year only , for Jl.OO the regular
price Is J2.60. This offer is for the pur
pose of a quick Introduction and will b ? '
withdrawn September 1st. The regular
price of $2.60 "will be maintained after
that date. We will give a good commis
sion 'for eery subscriber secured and dis
tribute J3.000 September 1st among the 176
best agents ; J500 will be given the person
sending the largst number of subscribers
at tl.OO each per year. At this special low
subscription price thousands can be easily
! * ecured. Address The Curtis Publishing
Company. Philadelphia , f
AGENTS are making T10 to $20 daily selling
Neely'ftpjiotographs / -'Fighting In the
Philippines : " 160 superb half-tone en
gravings , full page , 6xS , made from photo
graphs Just received from Manila ; outfit ,
Including cloth bound copy , by express ,
prepaid , for 35 cts. ; satisfaction guaran
teed , F. T. Neely's Publishing House , SS
Wabash Ave , Chicago ; also 114 Fifth
Ave. , New York City. J-M446 12 *
WANTED , by man and wife In' private
famllv. two unfurnished rooms with heat
and light ; close In and in modern house ;
permanent If Batisfuctory. Address D 29 ,
Bee. K-61311 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90E-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
WE WANT several nice residences and resi
dence lots for cash buyers. We have the
buyers , what have you to oftcr * D'Nelll's
Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.N .
N 146
2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged.
Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tl. 223S.
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
in large or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N
N 145
A second-hand fireproof safe. 1116 Farnam.
N M425 Jyl2
STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortensen ,
404 N. IGth N M417 A3
WILL pav cash for 1 or i acres with small
house , i. H. Sherwood , 43 N. Y. Life.
N G31
SEE our 2nd-hand furniture. stove ; lowest
prices. Boston Kurnlturs Co. , 1414 Dodce.
O 149
FOR SALE cots , cot mattresses , pillows ,
bedsteads and springs , used only n little
lust summer , at Y. W. C. A. rooms , Paxton
block. Farnam street entrance.
OLD bugglffc taken In trade on ne-w vehicles.
Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport.
LIGHT teams. Neb. Hay Co. , 14th and
Nicholas P-M4S9 14
SHETLAND pony , canopy-top wagon and
itarneHi * . Address R. B. Crose. Shenan
doih , Iowa. P-M6G2 12 *
FLAG POLES : sawdust ; cheapest and beet
hog fencev 1 > 01 Douglas. T I. 458. Q 159
PAIR diamond earrings left in pawn for
sale cheap. Diamond Loan Office , 1315
Douglas. Q 57 Jyl7
SO-HAND safe cheap. Dertght. 1116 l-'arnam.
Q 15U
PIANOS , organs , stwlng machines , whole
sale , retail. Colltni Piano Cp. , 205 B. 14th.
Q S72 Jy2l
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge St.
FOR Bale , patent for Nebraska : big money ;
Address A , Bee office , Council Bluffs ,
WILL sacrifice fine { 350 Klmball upright
piano for (160 ; easy payments. Address U
E , Bee. Q-15GJyl6
AT a bargain , 1 } large vtee ) ranges ; suitable
for hotel and restaurant. 1410 Dodge St.
Q-7S9 Jy23 *
FOR SALE , 2-inch oak and pine planks ,
suitable for sidewalks , arid other second
hand lumber from the 16th st. viaduct.
Apply to the Associated Charities' ' . 1S10 St ,
Mary's ave. Q-M596 S2 *
FOR SALE ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 6 cents at
druggist . One gives relief , Q 152
FOR SALE , postofiife fixtures , including
lock boxes. Apply to J. M. Glasgow ,
South Omaha , Q Mi 2 15
THOSE Wonderful Douglap Shoe * . JJ.SO and
FUher , I'ark Ave , & Leavenworth.
Q25A -
FOR SALE Mist ni.i.VMOI s.
SAFES , buy N1. exthanpe. HI S 1 : H St
Q In i
IOO. potillry. lawn tnd field fencing ; all
wire. Wire Works , 1817 Howard St.
WHY Kfl s-econd cr dr bicycle * when you
ran cet high grade Crescents for MS cash.
165S Cap. Ave. Q-1S8
IT IlAAS. Florist. IMS Vlnton St. Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly filled.
Q 151
NOTICE , country dealers. Id-hand furniture
and Moves sold at lowest prices , carload
lota or less. Chicago Furniture Co. . 14W-10
Dodge R-180
FOR RENT , a good barn. 1902 Cass.R
R 159
FOR RENT. Crelphton-Orpheum theater
for conventions or local entertainments ,
until the reopening of the regular season ,
about the last w ek ot August. Apply at
box office. M440 12
NEW YORK building. HlufI tract. Greater
America Exposition , Crelghton hall and
Mornnd's Academy , fcoclal functions ,
convention ? , etc. 615 AS
FOR RENT. SO acres of eood hny land nt
J1.50 per acre. It Is within.three miles of
the postoffice of Council BlufTs. and seven
miles from the Omaha postoffice. Apply
to Leonard Everett , Council Bluff ! " . lov > a.
R MG46 13
WANTED , for the picnic. The Child Sav-
Inc Institute wants donations of sand
wiches , cakes nnd other good things to
ent for two hundr'd children of the sew
ing school and Sunday scltooJ at the an
nual plcnlr , Friday aftrrnoon nnd evenIng -
Ing ofThis week tit RIvervlew pitrk.
Friends who can help these children have
a good time arc reouKited to wnd their
contributions to 504 S. ISth street , or tele
phone 1091 before noon Friday and gifts
will bo called for. H MP64 14 *
MME. GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1U05
Dodge. S M477
MRS. FRITZ.cIalrvoyant , S17 N. IGth.S .
S 161
MRS. F. DORSEY , life reading , 3028 N.21st.
S-626 16 *
CELEBRATED life reader and the greatest
prognoJtlcator of the age. Can give ac
curate information regarding love affairs ,
marriages , divorces , infidelity of husband
or wife , lost or stolen articles , financial
Investments , longevity : In fact everything
concerning your career. S M66S 12 *
PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Porce
lain tub ; lady attendants. 119 N. 16th. ,
opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T 963 Jy2G *
MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths.
T 5G2 Jyl7 *
MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SH North loth.
T-GS2 JylS *
FRANXES Seutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 12.
T M96G Jy25 *
MME. LEE , baths , massage parlor. 3U2 N. 16.
T 937 Jy25 *
ELITE parlors. 2023 Farnam. up stairs ;
first-class baths ; massage and magnetic
tratment ; lady attendants. T 2GT14 *
BESSIE DECAMO. thermal baths , mas-
1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1.
T M613 29 *
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 113G N. 17.
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319H S. loth.
DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns removed , 25c
and upward. Room 12 , Frcnzer block.
MONHEIT , leader in hair goods , toilet prep
arations. Paxton blk. Farnam st. entrance.
U 166
THE best assortment of bicycle lamps is at
Louis rescher's : ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Ave.
L1KBEN , costumer , hair work , 1313 Howard '
MONHEIT , chiropodist , lialrdresslng. Paxton -
ton block. U 167
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bee
Bldg. U 171
RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of
rupture without pain or detention from
business. Send for circulars. ' Empire
Rupture Cure , 932 N. y. LIfe Bldg.
Omaha. Neb. U-M661 JyI4 *
RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken-
babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha Tel
ephone 2233. U M69S JylS
HOWELL'S Lltttle Anti-Bilious Pills CurP
Biliousness , Dizziness , Indigestion. Sick
Headaches , Constipation , Torpid Ldver and
all derangements of stomach and bowels
Being entirely vegetable , they operate
without disturbance to system , diet or oc
cupation. For sale
' by all drucclsts
Hciwell's Antl-Kawf cures ooujrh
U M735 Jy21
MORPHINE habit or disease ; positive quick
cure ; greatest discovery of the age' no
charge unless cured. HIll-late-Ria-Co
410 Shcely block. Omaha. Neb. ' '
1,000 CARDS Jl. Nichols & Broadfield. 405
Sheely blk. Tel. 1942. U-M258
FACIAL massage , 60c ; scalp treated 35c
60c ; shampooing. 35c , 60c. Miss Hubbard'
415 McCague Bldg. U M392 16 * '
OMAHA Phonograph parlor , 321 N. 16th st
cor. Chicago , phonographs , records , sup
plies. U M478 AC
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity ; con
sultation free nnd confidential : all work
guaranteed. Mlwt Allender , 161S Doug-las '
U-M496 12 *
FRENZI3R block barber shop , 111 S. 15th
rt. . hot and cold baths. I5e : first-class
hair cut , 3f > c. U M665 34 *
MONEY to loan on fir.U-class Improved cltv
property or for building purposes. Pavne-
llardt-r Co. . N. Y. Life. W 173 -
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lo/e Co. , 219 So. 16th
6 , C4 , 6 per ct. loans in Omaha , So. Omaha
W. H. Thomas , 6031st Nat. bank. Tel. 1618
W 461
WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; H will nav
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N Y L '
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co
219 S. IGth. Omaha. W 1S2
5 per ct. , Chas , E. Williamson , U.S. Bk Bide
. W-177
LOANS , Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life.
PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J. H
Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. W-1ES
6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam.
MORTGAGES Wallace , 3H Brown Block.
WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peter * & Co. . Kir.
Farnam St. , Be Bide. W 1S4
1100 AND up. F. D. Wcad , 16th and Douglas.
Jl.OOO and upward to loan on Improved city
property and farms. W. Farnam Smith 4 :
Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 179
6 PER CENT money. BexU , Paxton BlockT
BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers ,
wanting eastern money should write for
circular. Inventors' Directory. New York.
PLOYES , ETC. without security of tny
kind except their own name * ; reasonable
rates ; loans returned in easy weekly or
monthly payments to suit i-onvrnini' e of
borrower , applli aU.iris treated confidenti
ally AMERICAN LOAN CO. , room 601 ,
Bee Bldg. X-MM3
holding ptrmanmt portions on.luir p r-
sonal note , without indorsement or secur
ity , strictly confidential and at
before borrowing see us. as you will find
It greatly to your advantage , we are the
oldest , largest and only incorporated loan
company In Omt.lm. F. W Truax , Mcr. ,
119 Board of Trade Bldg. . 16th and Far-
nam Sts. Telephone SfS-i. X MIM
\ \ AGONS. ETC. *
You can pay the mont-y back. In any *
amount you wish and at any time. *
Each payment so made lessens the cost
of carrying the loan. '
MONET loaned on furniture. rigs , bicycles ,
dlamondti , watch's , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Rergers' Loan Bank.
H16 Fnrnam , upstairs. X1S7
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. P. Head , 319 S. 13.
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
cows. Jewelry. Duff Qreen. K. S , Barker blk
confidentially , holding permanent posi
tions on their own name without en-
dorrer. mortgage or security of any kind.
Can repay in easy we.'kly or monthly
payment. . Omnha Credit Co. . C. E. Jen
nings , Mgr. , suite 625-526 N. Y. Life Bldp.
X19 *
MONEY loaned salaried people holding rler-
nianent position with responsible eon-
c-rns upon their own name * , without se
curity ; easy payments. Tolman , K. "to ,
N. Y Life Rldg. XU9
MONEY loaned nremcn. police , officers ,
railroad employes and all high grade sal-
ari 'd people. Address Private , K 12. care
Bee. X-MGC1
BUSINESS SNAP , groceiy and saloon com
bined ; both mailing money ; also buildings
and ground and feed stable : excellent loca
tion , with established trade ; Investigate.
Address or call J. J. Crowe , 3409 West
Broadway. Council Bluffs. Y M47S
FOR. QUICK returns list your bargains at
O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So. Omaha.
ARE YOU looking for a business that will
yield handsome returns. 1400 capital re
quired ? If so call on C , W. Dennis. 309 New
York Life. Y M937
FOR SALE , restaurant , centrally located ,
everything new. Address D 19. Bee.
Y-435 11
FOR SALE cheap , furniture and a 6-year
lease of hotel in eastern Nebraska. Rent
very low and Is the best hotel point in the
state for am't invested. Have had hotel
19 months and have cleaned up above all
expenses , family expenses Included , an
average of H50 per mcnth. Sickness is the
reason for selling. For particulars ad
dress R. F. V. A. , this office. Y M470 13 *
MERCHANDISE stocks. We have listed
general flocks of dry goods and clothing ,
shoes , hardware , groceries and drug
stocks.Owner will discount for cash or
take part farm or city property in ex
change. If you want to get Into business
write us : If vou want to sell your bus
iness , write us. Merchandise broker. 503
Brown block. Y 510
FOR SALE , chf-ap , merry-go-round. 1206
Lake St. . Omaha. Y MMG-15 *
FOR SALE. fl.bOO.00. stock of dry goods
and notions In ths thriving city of Oxford ,
Neb. ; half cash , balance secured paper.
A. A Matey. Oxford. Neb. Y MP4G-12 *
FOR SALE chap. bakery with good es
tablished trade ; owner leaving cltv. E 12 ,
Bee. Y MGCG 14 *
' .M.A1IIcrocKfry store in good location and
doing a good business , for Rile chea .
Address E 14. Bee. Y M63S 14
BARBER shop , doing sp'Jpndld 2-chair biisl-
nass , I've. Iowa town : u\ll benr Investiga
tion. Address E 13 , 'Omaha B < * .
.J. , : ' < . . Y M < S5 34
LIST your property with. us. We will sell
It L. L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. IGth.
RE M245 Jy31 *
4 ACRES , unlmnroved close In ; lays fine ;
cheap. J. H. Sberwood , 423 N. Y. Life.
O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , South
Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest
ments. RE 199
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them : let .the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. . RE SC6
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire
Insurance. Bemis. Paxton Blk. RE IBS
COMFORTABLE cottage , S room ? , very
Blghtly and In good condition , located at
2S11 Charles street. R E lie
FOR SALE Very cheap , two acres front
ing on Vlnton St. Peck & Co. , 101 S. 15th.
Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. .
RE 501
IF YOU want a farm , cheap grazing land ,
or ranch , please write us. Willis Cad-
well Co. . Broken Bow , Neb.
RE-M420 Jyl2
MANDERSON street , between 27th and 2Sth
streets , lot 50x12 , " feet , $350.
2Cth avenue , north of St. Mary's avenue ,
30xl2S feet , only S1.100.
Near St. Mary's avenue and 22nd street. 30x
140 feet , price tl.200.
1812 Nicholas street , S-room house , rental ISC
per year , price SOO.
1143 and H4o North 17th street , two houses ,
lot B0xl40 feet , tt.MO.
RE M414
912-913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 314.
RE M411 A3 *
BASS and tropnl ! fishing now fine at
Langdon , Mo. HoUl rates. P.60 per day ,
$ S.OO per week. Plenty or boats and minnows
news at reasonable rales. Good camping
grounds. For further Information address
Frank T. Vogt. manager , the Lnngdon
Hotel and Railroad Eating House.
M 494 JylC
HO. ye fishermen , go to Langdon , Mo. , for
bass and cropple : stop at Adams house ,
)1.25 a day , Jo.00 a week , including boats.
431 A4
PERSONAL Dr. Mansfield's monthly regu
later has never had a lngle failure ; long
est cuhos relieved in two to five days with
out fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no Interfer
ence with work. Hy mail or office , $2.
AH letters truthfully answered. The
Manufleld Remedy Co. 1C" Dearborn St. .
Room 614 , Chicago , 111. & 4J 16
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month.
The Bmlth-Premler Typewriter Co. , 1C25
Furnam St. Telephone 12S4. see
WE RENT ! and sell the best typewriters
HIM . . . „ rt „ * . > . largebt stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Fur-
nam. 203
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup
plies. 1619 Farnam. 204
TlfE Oliver Typewriter , vlslb'.e wrltlnc.
heaviest manlfolder and cuts the finest
mencll ; eee exhibit Liberal Arts bide. ,
Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2278.
J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 31814 S. KIT-
teenth St. , Oruaha. M-3G4
LOST , lady's gold watch and chain with
locket attached , between 24th and Dodge
and 19th and St. Mary's avenu ? . Liberal
reward for return to owner. Mrs. N. J.
McKitrick , 4252 Harney street.
Lost M3SI
LOST , Stick pin , opal cvmr. circle diamonds
mends and emeralas. Return to Edna
E. Robertson , 4102 Cumlng and get reward
Lobt 6S2 JJ *
ARTIFICIAL h-tone and brlk tsldewalke
A , II. lioel , K22 Burt street. '
ii-6iO All *
1 tilt L'l L 11
tip. re-pairing * supplid umatm Blcycl * r0
ilCYCLK hospital. 16th & Webster Tel. m.
SBB Louis Flfwhfr for blcycl * repairing ,
enameling and sundries. 1W2 Cap. Ave.
JOHNSON O.Meopathle Institute , suite S16 N.
T. Life IlldR. Tel 1 M J W Dill. M.D. D.
O . eonstiltinc physician. Mrs. Alice John
son. D O. . Marllobson. . P. O. graduates
of Amerlran School of OMfolmthy. Klrk -
vllle. Mo Cld K Johnson. Mgr. Zfn
M. E. DONOHUE. D O. . of Still school ,
KIrksvllle. Mo. . 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 13 7.
A. C. Van Sam's School. 717 N. Y. Life.
AT OMAHA Bus. Collegf , 16th & Douglas.
BOYLE'S school ; court r portcr principal ;
Bee Bldg. 212
supply ; shirts. Sc ; col'.ars. 2c ; cuffs. 4r ;
underwear , 6c. 1750 Leavenworth Tel. B47.
BY Joseph E. Phillips. 2519 Corby st. .
Omaha ; best of city references given.
462 Ao
MRS. A. C. MARK , dressmaking , ladles'
tailoring , arcordeon knife , side pleating.
17th & Farnnm. M 143
IN families. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenport.
ff > L J y i s
JEFFERSON Square Loan Office , 41S N. 16.
EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat
ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
DAMAGED looking glasses rcsivered. : 70S
N. IGth. M231
M S WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
TRY the Henderson Hotel : board and room
J4.00 per week : gas. steam heat and baths.
Ninth and Farnam Sts. 215
SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases.
Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory ,
1203 Farnam. 993 A26
HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building.
MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. 16th. Tel. 7S1.
CURED Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg.
W. COY , located at 171G St. Mary's Ave.
WANTED , J400.00 at G per cent : no com
mission ; 'city real estate security. Ad
dress D 26. Bee. 49S-14'
W. F. WAPPICH. attorney , 605 Brown Blk.
I G32 A9
ALL kinds plating. Om Plating Co. , Bee bldg
( Should be read dally by all Interested , as
changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign malls for the week ending July
33 , lt.09 , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases )
at the General Postoftlce as follows : PAR
CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier
than closing time shown below.
'I'ritiiN-Atlniitlc .
WEDNESDAY At 7 u. m. ( supplementary
9 a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. New
York * , via Southampton ( letters for Ire
land must be directed "per New York" ) ,
at 9 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for
EUROPE , per s. s. Teutonic * , via Queens-
town ; at 10:30 : a. m. for BELGIUM d.-
rec-t , per K. s. Noordland. via Antwerp ( let
ters must be directed "per Noordland" )
SATURDAY At 0:30 : u. m. for EUROPE ,
per 6. H. Campania * , via Quecnstown ( let
ters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain ,
Portugal , Turkey. Ecypt and British In
dia must be directed "per Campania" ; ;
nt 6:30 : a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZER
DIA , per s. s. La Normandie * , via. Havre ;
tt S a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per
B. B. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letter.t
must be directed "per Rotterdam" ) ; at 9
a. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Ems , via Na
ples ( letters must be directed "per Ems" ; ;
nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per B.
s. Furnessla , via Glasgow ( letters must be
directed "per Furnessla" ) ,
Printed matter , etc German steamers
salllnc on Tuesdays take printed matter ,
etc. . for Germany , and specially addressed
printed matter , etc. . for other parts of
Eu-ope. American and White Star steam
ers on Wednesdays , German steamers on
Thursdays , nnd Cunard. French and Ger
man Eteumers on Saturdays take printed
matter , etc. . for all countrlex for which
they are advertised to carry mail.
After the closing of the supplementary
transatlantic mans named above addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of the American , English ,
French nnd German stcamen. , nnd remain
open until wKhln ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Blulln for South nnil Central Amerlcn ,
Went IlllllCN , Etc- .
WEDNESDAY At 9:30 : a. m. ( supplement
ary 10:30 : a. m. ) for CENTRAL AMER
ICA ( except Costa Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC -
CIFIC PORTS , per s. s. Advance , via
Colon ( letters for Guatemala must be dl- I
rectt-d "per Advance" ) ; at 10:30 : a , m. for I
PORTO RICO , per U. S. Transport , via .
San Juan : at 30:30 : a. m. for PERNAM- 1
BUCO and SANTOS , per s. s. Anil ; at 11
a. m. ( supplementary 31:30 : a. in. ) for CL'R- i
ACAO and VENEZUELA , via Curacao ,
per s. s. Hlldur ( letters for Savanllla nnd
Carthngena must be directed "per HI -
dur" ) ; at 12:30 : p. m. ( supplementary 1 p.
m. ) for ST. THOMAS. BT. CHO1X. LKB.
B. s. Pretoria ( letters for Grenada nnd
Trinidad must be directed "per Pre
toria" ) ; at 1 p. m. for NASSAU , per s H
Antllla : nt 1 p. m. for CUBA , via Havana
and YUCATAN , per B. 6. Vlsllancla ( let
ters for other parts of Mexico rnuat be
directed "i > er Viellancla'V ]
THURSDAY At 12 m. for SANTIAGO and I
MANZANILLO , per H. K. llsensteln ( let- {
tere must be dlrec-tt-d "per llsenstrtn" ) ; I
at 1 p. m. for SANTIAGO und .MANXA- !
NILLO , per a B. Santiago de Cuba ; at 9
p. m for JAMAICA , per Hteamer from
FRIDAY At 1 p in. for JAMAICA
EMALA , per b B. ThemU ( letters must be
dlierted ' 'per Thfinls" ; .
and DEMERARA. per r. s Curlbbee. at
10 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s.
. Silvia : ut 10 a rn. ( supplementary 10:30 : ,
n. m ) for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA , '
per e. u. Andes ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary
30:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAI I
( JENA , per s. s. Adirondack ( letters for I
Costa Rica must be directed "per Adi
rondack" ) : at 11 a. rn. for CUBA , per B. a.
Mexico , via Havana ( letters must be di
rected "per Mexico" ) ; at IS m. for
NORTH BRAZIL , per s. s. Hubert , via
Para and Manaos.
Mulls for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney and thence bv steamer ( Ion at
thU office dally ut & . 'JO p. in. ( conne < 'ing
close here cvir > Jlon'lav Weduesdav and
Saturday ) Mai's ' to * Mlquelon. by rail to
Bofton. and thence by steamer , close at
thl < < onto * dally t SSO : p m MM ! f r
Culm , by rull to Port Tumpn , Fls nn 1
thfnre by steamer. clo. e nt this ofiVe
dully ( except Monthly ) t < a. m ( th
ponnectlnc rlos are on Sunday Wednes
day and Friday. MuHf for fub by rail
to Mlnml FI . . and thince by
close nt this ofTlcf every Monday , Tues
day nn < l Sutunlny M "i 30 a. m ( the con
necting rUises are on Tuesaxy ana Satur
day ) . Malls for Mexico City , overland ,
tmle. s specially addressed for despatch
by steamer. rlo < - at thl office dally t
2SO : a. m. and i-30 p. m "Malls for Costn
Rica. Belize. Puerto Cortei and Guate
mala by rail to New Orlean. * . and thence
by steamer , close at this office dnlly at
3:00 : p. m. Connecting closes lure Sun
days and Tuesdays for .ostu Rl. a. and
Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortet and
Guatemala. 'Registered mall closes at 6
p. m previous day RpRlMerd mall
closes at 6 p. nt. second day before.
Trniio-I'nclflp Mnlln.
Malls for China , Japan nnJ Hawaii , per s
s. Coptic ( from Son Francisco ) , close hero
dally up to July " 9th at U:30 : p nt. Malls
for China and Japan , per s s O'ymi i.i
( from Taooma ) . close here dally up to
July * * 20th nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii
per s. s. Australia ( from San Francisco
< -lo o hero dally tip to July * * 21st nt C0 :
p. m. Mnlls for Australia ( except West
Australia ) . Hnwatl and FIJI Islands , per
s. s Aorangl ( from Vancouver ) , close here
daily after July " 7th and ui > to Ju'y " 21st
nt 6:30 : p. m. Mails for C'hlnn nnd Japan.
per s. s. Empress of Japan ( from Aan-
rouver ) . close hero dnlly up to July " 25ih
nt 6:30 : p. m Malls for the Society Islands
tier ship City of Papeltl ( from San FranCisco -
Cisco ) , close here dally mi to July "iGH >
nt G:30 : p. m. Mail. * for Australia ( except
those for West Australl.v which are for
warded via Europe ) . New Zealand. HiI
wall. FIJI nnd Samoan Islinds. per s s
Jlariposa. ( from San Pranrisco ) , cloe
liore dally nfter July * * : lst nnd tip tn
August " 4th at 6:30 : p. m on day of arrival
of s. s. Campania , which will probably ar
rive August " 4th.
Trans-Pacific malls nre forwarded to port
of sailing dally and the srhivlulp of clos
ing Is arranged on the presumption of
thnlr uninterrupted overlnml transit.
"Registered mall closes at G p. m. pre-
\ Ions dnv
Postolllce. New York , N. Y , , July 7. 1S9.
& Missouri Valley Rail
road "The Northwestern
Line" Gen-ral Offices
United States National
Bank Bldg. . Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone. EG1. Depot. 16th and
Webster Streets. Telephone , 14DS.
. Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills. Deadwood ,
Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 pm
Wvo.-iing , Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 : pra d 6:00 : pm
Hastings. York , David
City. Superior , Geneva
Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm
Norfolk. Verdlgre and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 am
Lincoln , Wahoo and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am
Fremont Local c 730 am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Bund -
day only. d Daily except Saturday.
HICAGO & NORTHwestern -
western Railway "The
Northwestern Line"
City Ticket Office. 1401
Farnam Street. Tele
phone , 5G1. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tel
ephone , era.
Leave. Arrive.
Dayllg' Chicago Spe
cial a 6:40 : am allB5 : pm
Mo. Valley. Sioux City ,
St. Paul & Minneap
olis a 5:50 : am all:00pm :
Mo. Valley. Sioux City..a 7:45 am a 4:25 : pm
Carroll Local b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : urn
Eastern Express , Des
Molnts , Marshalltown ,
; > da.- Rapids and Chicago
cage all:0j : am a 4OG : pm
Atlantic Flyer , Chicago
nnd East a 4:55 pra a 4:00 : pm
Fast Mall , Chicago to
Omaha a 2:45 : pm
Northern Exiress a 6:23 pm u 6:40 : am
Omaha-Chicago Special.a:05 : pm a S:15 : am
Fast Mall 8:45 : am
a Dally , b Dallv xoept Sunday.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway "The North
western Line" General
Offlcea. Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th and Webster
Sts. City Ticket Office ,
1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 581 , Depot. l th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
Sioux City , St. Paul &
Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am
Omaha Pabuenger a 7:03 : pro
Blair , Emerson. Sioux
City , Ponca. Hartlng-
ton and Bloomfleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : pm
No. 2 , Twin City L't'd..a 6:65 : pm
No 1 , Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 :
a Daily , b Dally except Sunday.a
Railroad "The North
western Line" General
Offlots , United States
National Bank Building ,
S. W. Corner Twelfth
_ _ and Farnam Streets.
Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele-
Phone. 561 , Depot , Tenth and Alason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive ,
Sioux City. Mankato &
St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 6:00 : am a B:40 : am
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mankato & Sioux City..a 6:23 : pm all:00 pm
Sioux City Local a 7:45 : am a 4:25 pm
Bourl River Railroad
"Tne Burlington Routs"
General Offices , N. W.
Corner Tenth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket
Office , 1502 Farnam
. _ Street. Telephone , 250.
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele
phone. 210.
. L'av - Arrive.
r. i TT i *
, Hastings and
McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 pm
Lincoln , Denver , Cole
rado. Utah , California..a 4:25 : pm a 3:50 : pm
Lincoln. Bliclc HJIto.
Montana & Pug'it
Sound a 455 p m a 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:33 : am
Denver. Colorado , Utah
& California & 6:30 : am
a Dolly.
seph & Council Bluffs
Burlington Rai'.road "The Burllng-
toi. Rout ? " Ticket Office ,
' 1502 Farimm Street. Tele
floutE' phone , 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive ,
Kansas City Day Ex..a 8:30 am a 5:40 : pm
KansaB City Night Ex..alO:15 : pm a 6:30 : am
Bt. Louis Fiver lor St.
Joeejm una St. LouU..a 4:55 : pm all:15 : am
a Dally ,
& Qulncy Railroad "The
Burllncton Route" Ticket
Office. 1502 Farnarn St
Tel. 230 , Depot. Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrlvo.
Daylight Chicago Spe-
clal . . , , a 6:40 : am
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a 6:05 : pm a S:05 : am
Chicago Express a 0:30 : am a 4:05 : pm
Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm u SOQ : am
Pacific Junction Local..alO46 ; am a 6:45 : pm
Fast Mall u 2U ; nm
u Dally.
Creit and & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Isl
Rocklsland and Route. " City Tick
et Office , 1323 Farnam
-Route Street. Telephone , 428.
- Depot , Tenth & Mason
Streets. Telephone , C2K.
v Leave. Arrive
Des Jiloinos Local a 7DO ; am bll:2j : am
Chlckgo Express bll:15 : am a kilo am
Chicago Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : nm
St. Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm bll:25 : am
Lincoln. Colorado Spcfc. ,
Denver , Pueblo and
'West . nlSJpm : a425pm ;
Des Molnes , Rock Is- !
and ana Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6:35 : pm
Colorado v. Texas Flyer.a 6:40 : nm a 8:00 : am
a Daily , b Dally except Sunday.
rood-General Offices "and
Ticket Offices Southeast Cor
ner 34th and Dougloa Eta.
Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone ,
. . . -.j.- , . Leave. Arrive.
St. LouiB-Itbncai &
Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm
K. C. St , L. Express..a 8:50 : pm a 6:09 : am pm
NtbraskT Local vie
a Dal y. b Daily except Sunday. i am
Tcket Office 1416 Farnam
Street , Telephone. fc92. De
pot. Tenth and Maeon
btrecta. Telephone , 628
Leave. Arrive.
St Ixvils "Canon Ball"
Exprea * . , . , . , . , a 4.W pm a 8:33 : am
i.tnJ RoJte'General onvt\
N H Cor Ninth and Farnam
Street * . City Ticket Offlc * . 120)
| F rnam Street. Telephone ,
Sir Depot. Tenth and Maioo
Street * . TeUrhon * . K .
Lear * . Arrlv * .
"Trte OverKt d Limited"
for Uuh , lt' ho , Mon
tana. California. Ore-
CPTJ and \Vaslimtton
pi'.nt. a 1:68 : am a 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Special
for Lenvet and all
Colorado point * aU 5 pm a. 6:40 : am
Paclhc Kxpres * for
Dcnvei , Salt Lake.
Pacific Coast and all
western/ pints - b 4:35 : pm a. 6:40 : am
Lincoln. Beatrice and
titromtburc Express..b 4:33 : pm b2iO : pm
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk , Grand IMand and
North I'latto . .a 4:35 : pm b 4:4&prn :
Columbus Local b 5:30 : pm bllM : pm
North Platte Local * 6:15 : rim
South Omaha Local Pats. Leaves. :15 : ,
. m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 1010 a. m. : > :04 : p. m. Arrive * ,
I 10:45 : a. m. ; 3:15 : p. in. ; 4li : p. m. : G p. m.
' Council Bluffs Local Leave * . :65 : a , m. :
6-40 a. m. ; t'50 a. m , ; 7:40 : e. tn. ; b 10:45 : a ,
m. . 12:20 : p. m , 2:15 p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 4 ; p.
m. ; 6.23 p. m . 6:55 : p , m.j :20 : p. m , ; tJO : p.
m. ; 10:30 : P. m. Arrives , 6J& : _ K. m. ; Jao a.
m. , . .15 a , in. : S:46 : a. m , ; 11:30 : a. rn. ; 8:06 : p.
m. ; 4:05 : p. m. ; D.16 p. m , ; 6:30 : p. m. ; tJA p.
m.m. . ; 6.30 p. r = ; 5:01 : p. m. ; 11:00 p. rn. ; 11&
m.p. rr. .
a Dally , b Dally exceut Sunday.
P2SI Railroad Omaha , Kan *
an City & Eaitern Railroad -
i ARTHUR road "The Tort Arthur
Route" Ticket Office.
1415 Farnam Street. Tel
ephone , 312. Depot Tfnth
I , i and Mason Streets. Tele-
I phODf. KS. . . .
Leave. Arrlv * .
St. Lo ls Cannon Ball
Exp ess a 4:50 : pm a S:33 : am
Kansas City and Qulncy
Locai a 6 0 am a 1:39 : pa
r , Callv.
Bt. Paul Railway City
Ticket Office , 1504 Farnnm
Street. Telephone. 154. De
pot , Tenth and Mason Bta ,
Telephone. C29.
_ Leave. Arrive.
Chicago limited Ex a SM5 pm a : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 am b S:5S : pra
Sioux City & DCS Motnea . . . . .
Express bll:00 : am b J:6i : pm
a Dully , b DalU' except Sunday ,
a Dally.
One of tlir Mo t Ilemnrknlilc of 111 *
Jinny SliiKtilnr Exprrlenco.
"In the hn.I of a house that I had Tlelted
one night , " says the retired burglar In the
New York Sun , "I found In the umbrella can
an umbrella that was the biggest one I
ever saw designed for private use. It was &
silk umbrella , and a moderately tight rolle- .
too , and evidently niado for somebody to
carry ; but It was as Iblg as those umhrdlas
you see opened out over the driver's seat on
wagons and trucks. And In the same can
was a cane , or what 1 supposed was a cane ,
that was as big as a drum major's baton ; I
thought first maybe tbat'e Tvhat It was ; but
that wouldn't account for the umfcrella ; a
drum major wouldn't want any bigger um
brella than anybody else would.
"But I was still more surprised i\hen I
turned away from this can and started
through a door from the ball Into the parlor ;
I hod come up into the hall from the collar.
This door Into the parlor I should think was
nine feet high eight and a half , sure. I'd
never seen any such doors In my life , any
where ; they went almost plumb up to the
celling , and there was the same kind of a
door from the parlor Into the dtnlng room
hack of it. And in that dining room , among
the chairs standing around the dining table
there wes one , an armchair , at one end
that was the biggest chair I ever taw at
all ; It teemed OB though it must have been
made for some great giant. I pulled it out
from the table and sat down in. It. When
I worked myself back in the. seat it ralw-d
my feet clean off the floor , and when I put
my arms up on. the arm * of this chair I bad
to put 'em up like a chicken does its winga
when it's half walking and half eort ot
flying , running along the ground. Why , say.
It made me feel like a big bs.'br Bitting up
there , and I laughed when I slipped down ,
Then I shoved the chair .back . in place I
think I'm a stickler for order , for I do hate
to see things lying around and took a look
into the drawers of the sideboard.
"Jt seemed to me that there were more
carving knives there without forks than I'd
even seen before , but I discovered in a mo
ment that these were not carving knives ,
but table knives of very unusual size. I
discovered a moment 'later forks to go with
them. I never saw any larks like 'cm for
size , and silver they were , too ; you could
eec that at a glance ; and there were spooni
there to correspond ; some of 'em , I should
think , four times as blc as an. ordinary
tablespoon. They made mo lauch when I
looked Bt 'em , eamo as the chair had , they
were so different from the ordinary run ot
things. I suppose I must have been etupld
not to realize .by this what it nil meant ,
but I didn't , at all.
"I didn't put away that silver In my bag.
I thought I'd wait till I saw .what I got up
stairs. I didn't know hut what I'd ret b
bag full of watches and diamonds and I
don't know what not up there , and I
thought if I needed any toaliost after I got
that cargo in I'd put In some ot these spoons
and forks , or , if I didn't get a full load up-
atalrs , or anything of value , -why I knew
where these things were. But as I turned
away from the sideboard my light glinted
along the handle of one of the tile spoons
and I picked that up and put it in my
pocket. I don't know , it sort of attracted
iny eye and I picked It up kind o' half in
voluntarily. Then I went on upstairs.
"There was one room opening off that up
stairs hall that had a door the same height a *
the ones I'd seen downstairs , eight and a half
feet at the least ; and when I sort of worked
my lamp around inside of that room I struck
a bed that looked to me , under those
circumstances , to be twelve feet long I
suppose It was really about ten and lying
on that bed was a man that made me think
of the tihapes you see- around in different
parts of the country on the tops of bills and
mountains that the people of the neighbor
hood call 'tho old man of tha mountains , '
or 'the sleeping giant. ' I never saw anybody
like him anywhere , and I suppose I must
have been kind o' thoughtless and ticked
my lamp against the door as I looked at
him. He was lying on his left side with his
back toward me. Slo must have been awaici
or else bo was a very light sleeper , for that
tick woke him up and he just rolled over as
ho lay onto his right side , facing : me , and , all
In the same movement , he iwung his left out
of bw3 and dropped 'em to the floor , while he
raised his body at the same time , and almost
before I realized it he WEB sitting up oa
the edge of the .Led.
"And what do you suppose I did then ? I
dug out. The fact is , I think it kind o' upset
me a little. I'm not accustomed to losing
my head or my nerve , hut this was some
thing very different from anything I'd ever
struck , and spite of what I'd seen down
stairs , the giant struck mo alt of a euddes
when I did eee him , and I don't believe be
ever looked so big to a riving Bout when be
showed in the circus I suppoce tie must bavo
been a retired giant who wax living her *
In comfort as he did to me sitting there oa
the edge of that twelve-foot bed. And if
be was as quick and strong as he was big ,
why , gracious roe ! I wouldn't have been In
it at all with him , and I just simply got out
as quickly as I could.
"Taking off my coat when I got home
something sagged against my leg , and reach
ing down I pulled that big spoon out of my
outside coat pocket ; instead of ballasting
my bag with thote big spoons and forks , If
there was room for them , this one spoon was
the only thing I brought away from the
whole house. But I was glad I got that.
It was a queen sort of a relic of an odd ex
perience , and we made It useful , too , I bent
the handFc up a.1 a suitable angle and we've
used It ever tlncc for a eoup ladle. "