Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Mtdsnmnm Dullness Prevailed on Chicago
Board of Trad ? Yesterday.
JInrkot Opcneil Strong , Hut Urcllnnl
Corn Dull , Hut 1'iilrly
I'nlr iiiKcrn Demand
for OalR.
CHICAGO , Ju'.y 11. Midsummer dullness
prevailed on the Hoard of Trade today and
fluctuations In all commodities wore narrow
4n consequence. Wheat closed unchanged ,
lower and provisions
corn unchanged , oats Uo
visions BfllOc higher.
September wheat opcncfl about Ho lower
at 72HQ73C , sold between 72io and 73/4c and
closed unchanged at 73c. Fair weather In
the wheat belt and continued largo primary
receipts caus l a degree of calsncss at the
Btart and a small farther decline followed
the opening. The decline was soon recov
Irregular huylng by the
ered. There was
less conlldcnt shorts who feared the influ
ence of the Russian crop failure , fresh con-
received today
llrmatory news of which was
day , nnd the absence of selling pressure of
, rno
note was suillclent to sustain prices
market , however , was exceedingly narrow
nnd price changes small untl. " " " " .P0" '
when trade broadened out
llradBtreot reported 173,000 bushels decrease
in the world's visible and reports wore re-
cclvcd of damage to Wisconsin sprlUK
wheat. It wns also reported that 1-00,000
bushels of spring wheat had VccnffinWpi } '
, ,
rroledo yesterday. Huylng which to\\ow \ \
this news advanced the price to the n'Knf ' * '
. IJut the impress on
point of the day-73Kc. ,
that the Toledo report was an exaggeration
sained a foothold later , as no conllrmatory
news was received ami a slow decline fol
lowed , shorts cautiously resuming selling.
The seaboard reported 'we"1-1 * '
taken for export. Receipts at primary
fmln'ts were S > S > 5.000 bushed compared with
last . Northwest re-
525.000 bushels year.
colpts were 657 cars , against 71 last year.
Ch cngo receipts were 131 cars , five of con
tract. Trade became dull again toward
close nnd the pit at times was half cmpt > .
with the easiness usually a feature of nar-
"corn va dull but fairly steady. The mur-
almost entirely a sympathetic one.
Uet wnfl
Jirlccs following closely the fluctuations of
whf-at. Speculative demand was moderate
Rnd cnsfli business rather small , buyers ap
parently bMng timid over the estimated
crop of 2,000.000.000 bushels. . "ecelpU were
September ranged at from 33o
1.106 cars.
to 34'Ac ' and close < l unchanged at 33S- ,
Oats , like other grains , was cxtreme.y
Hull , but steady for the greater part of the
nesslon. There wis a fair caHtern dcmanil
forth" rash article. Longs sold 111 a sma 1
way , but Meadlly , and this liquidation ulti
mately remitted In a trilling decline , ne-
celnts were heavy 474 cars. September
Ranged nt from 20 20 o to 2020V4o and
' ! ° vcre' rirm 'and fairly active.
Bpeculmtlvo demand , both local and from
itho outside , was good and prices averaged
ghtly hlghe-r all day. Packers were again
4n themarket. . At the close September
pork wan lOo higher at $8.90. September lard
tic higher at $5.40 and September ribs 5c
for Wednesday :
Wheat. 90 oars ; corn , -415 cars ; oats , 163
cars ; hogs. 33,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows ;
Articles Open. High. Low. Cioae. Ycs'rty.
July. . . 72 71H 71
Sept. . . 72U-73 734 73 7S
Deo. . . . 70U 74W
July. . . 834 33K
Sppt. . . 3V 33V ?
Doc. . . . 32H-33 3J
Otts. :
Jnlv . . 23 > < 23V , SSH S3M
HOW. . . con 20M
May. . . 22H aaH 22
July . . R05 875 8(15 ( 875 807V <
Sept . . 800 Btt'M 800 880
lunl ,
July. . . 27H 522
Sept. . . 540 c B 7M r. 40 535
Oct. . . 6 42)4 ) C-1'JH 6 0
July. . . COS B02U COS 500
Sept. . . BIS f , 15 fi 12H c ir fi 10
Oct . . . fi 15 517H G15 017M 5 1'JK
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , $3.66 ®
3.75 ; straights , $ : U5ii'3.43 ; spring specials ,
J4.35 ; spring patents. $3.40513.80 ; straights ,
$2.90 < iT3.30 : bakers , $2.20ffl2.60.
.WHEAT No. 2- spring , 73074C ; No. 3
Bprlng. 70f71'ic ! ? ' ! ; No. 2 red. 72Wl73c. !
iCORN No. 2 , 34r ; Nek 2 yellow , 35c.
OATS No. 2 , 24024V4o ; No. 3 white , 25 ©
'HYE NO. 2 , 6Sf)59ic. )
SEEDS Timothy , August. $2.60 ; Septem
ber , $2.63 ; October , $2.55. Flax , cash , $1.00 ;
southwest , 97c : September. SWc : October.
05V4c. Clovw. contract grade. $ G.50.
I'ROVISIONS 'Mess ' pork , per bbl. , $8.10 ®
8.7G. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $5.175I5.30. Short
ribs sides ( lees ! ) . $ l.95rff5.75. Dry salted
ehouldcrs ( boxed ) , $5.2503.75. Short clear
Bides ( boxed ) . $5.2505.30.
WHISKY Distillers' Hnlahed goods , per
callon. $1.26.
SUGARS Cut loaf , $ C.02 ; granulated , $5.64.
The following are the receipts and ship-
ments tor todav :
Articles. Recelpts.Shlpments.
fFlour bbls . 14,000 6.000
"Wheat , bu . 103,000 , 171,000
Corn bu. . . . . . fiS4COO 710.000
Oats , bu . 4S8.000 281.000
live , bu . 9.000 .
Barley , bu . 27.000 35,000
On the Producn exchange today the but-
< c.r market was weak ; creameries , ISVL'WlSc ;
dairies , ll15V4c. ( Cheese , llrm at 8V4 T9c.
aoggs , etondy nt 12Hc. Dressed poultry ,
41rm ; turkeys. So ; chickens , 9Q9V4c.
for tlic Duy on Vnrlou *
NEW YORK , July H.-TLOUR Receipts ,
84,012 bbls. ; exports , 16,437 bbls. ; easy and
C15o lower than Saturday ; Minnesota pat
ents , $3.SSJf4.CO ; Minnesota bakers , $3.004 ?
3.25 ; winter patents , $3.755(1.00 ( ; winter
ntmlghts , $3.40fl3GG ; winter extras , $2.4yu >
a.SS. Rye Hour , quiet ; No. 2 western , C5c.
GORNMKAlrKasy ; ye'.low western , 79a )
60c ; cMy. We.
RYE Steady ; No. 2 western , C4c f. o. b.
BARLEY Dull ; frckllng , 42'ic c. 1. f. ,
Uuffailo ; malting , 4SQ62c , delivered , New
( York.
WHEAT Receipts' , 318,275 bu. ; exports ,
301,613 bu. ; npot easy ; No. 2 red , 'S'ilc ' f. o. b.
nllout ; No. 1 northern. Duluth , S0ic f , o' b.
( ; No , 1 hurd , Duluth , SIHc r. o , b. , to
urrlvo ; No , 2 red , 77Tfec , elevator. Options
opened easy on favorable crop news , after
ward recovering on a demand from shorts.
UUi sInn news was still bullish , western
cash demand good and Texas crop newH
unfavorable. A limit reaction under reiillz-
Uiitr loft laHt prices easy nnd unchanged ;
July , 7SUQ7S ll-16c ; clevsed , 7Ssc ; September ,
77fl'T8 < 4o : closed. 7SV4c ; December , 799-16 ®
fc05-16c ; closed , SOc.
COJWf Receipts. 125,775 bu. ; exports , 410.-
f.03 bu. ; spot quiet ; No , 2 , 40c f , o. b , nllotu ;
No , 2 , 39Uc , elevator. Options opened
Bteady and advanced later on light country
offerings , higher oablew and covering ;
llnally eased off undur realizing and closed
weak nt unchanged prices ; July closed at
09\io \ ; September closed at SUVic.
OATS Receipts , CS.300 bu. ; exports , 49.410
t > U , : spot qulft ; No. 2 , 29V4c ; No. 3 , 29o ; No.
2 white , 31c ; No. 3 wlilte , 29Wc ; track , mixed
vcHtorn , 29ii31 ( > ic. Options dull ,
HAY Easy ; uhlpplne. 55'J'JOc ; good to
choice , iBSSfCc ,
HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice ,
1S 6 crop , C5f7c ; 1897 crop , I il3c ; 1S9S crop.
16ifl7o : Pnclllo coast , lt > 96 crop , Cfl7c ; 1SU7
crop. llfilSc ; 1S9S crop , 17JflSc.
HIDES-Steady : Oalvcston. 20 to 25 Iba. ,
tt6Wffl7o ( ; Texas dry. SI to 30 Ib3. , 12Hffl3c ;
aor. 21 to 25 IDS ? . 18V4c.
I BATHEU Steady ; Hemlock sole.
Jlnenos Ayres light to heavy weights , 20 ! ®
ClHc ; acid , 21fi22c.
JtROVlSIONS-ncef , nrm : family. J9.COJ ?
10.50. Cut meats , llrm ; pickled bellies , $5.00
tflfl.25 ; pickled shoulders , J5.OCKil6.23 ; plckle < l
liams , $9.5010.00. Lard , steady ; western ,
J5.60 ; rellned. tlrm. 1'ork , higher and llrm ;
mess. $9.00f9.25. Tallow , easy ; city ,
CHEESE Firm ; large white ,
small white , 8C ; large colored ,
dmnll colored , $ Hc. _
EGOS Firm ; state nnd Pennsylvania ,
15 , iiiil6o ; western fresh , 14Viffl5V4c.
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open
kettle , good to choice , 32J36c.
METALS-TIn uroko simrply today In
nyinpniUiy with wetikness nt Ixindon under
disappointing Information from the west.
Demand fell off to a slight call , on the other
liand , urgently pressing sales In some cases.
The other departments failed to change
nuotably , though ruling less active. At the
close the Metal exchange called pig Iron
uvurrnntH quiet at $13.50 , nomlna. : lake , cop-
JH > unchanged at $18.25 bid and $18.50 nskcil :
In , weak and lower at $27.37 } & bid nnd
937.42H asked ; lead , unchanged at $4.55 bid
nnd $ I.CO askea ; spelter , quiet ut $6.00 bid
ntul $6.25 asked. The brokers' price for lead
la $1.35 and for copper $18.50.
III Avulliililu SupplU' * .
NB\V YORK. July ll. Speclal cable nnd
itelecraphlc udvlccs to tBraUstreet's show
MM ) . . .
tha following ohnncM In available supplies ,
a * i nipnrfd with the previous account :
Wheat , I'nlttd Slntcs and Canada , east of
Roc klt-fl , Increase , 22,000 bu.
Liverpool Corn Trade Now * : Afloat for
find In Europe , decrease , 200,000 bu. j total
supply , decrnnse 178.000 bu.
Corn , t'nlted States and Canada , a t of
Rookie ? , Increase , 323,0(0 bu.
Oats , United States and Canada , east of
Rookies , decrease , 722.000 bu ,
Statistics revised to Include Coteau , Que. ,
and De-p Harbor and Pre. cott , Ont. , In-
cltuliMl for nrst tlm this week. Among
the more Important Increases reported , not
given Intho odlclal visible supply state-
mt-nt , are those of 100.000 bu. at Chicago
pmat > clovatora and 75,0(0 bu. at Fort
Worth , The principal decrease Is that of
390.000 bu. at Manitoba storage points.
The aggregate stock of wheat held at
Portland. Ore. , and Tacoma and Seattle ,
Wash. , decreased 3,000 bu. last week.
Condition * of Trade anil Quotation *
cm Staple- mill Katicy 1'roducc.
EGOS Good stock. He.
IJUTTER-Common to fair. 12012,4c ;
choice , isyitc : separator. ISOISc ; gathered
creamery , 16O17C.
POULTRY-Hens , live. 7Hfl c ; spring
chickens. 1516c ; old and staggy roosters ,
live. 3V405c ; ducks and gceae , live , 6@7c ;
turkeys , live , So.
P1OKONS Live , per doz. , 75cQ$1.00.
VEALS Choice. C'c.
WATERMELONS Texas , crated for
shipment. 16020c.
CANTALOUPE-Per crate , J1.60S1.65 :
basket , 7557Wc.
TOMATOES Per 4-baskct crate , $1.00 ®
1.10.JIEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.50.
POTATOES New potatoes. 60 600 per bu.
CUCUMHERS-Por doz. 40Q50c.
CELERY Per doz. , 30035c.
FRUI'3. '
BLUEBERRIES-Pcr 16-qt case. $2.
APRICOTS California , per crate , $1.75 ®
RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-ptnt cose ,
BLACKBERRIES-Pcr 24-qt. case , $2.253
BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt. case ,
PLU.MS-Callfornla. per crate. J1.60S1.75.
$1 00 per box ; freestones. $1.250/1,40 per box.
CHERRlES-Oregon , 10-Ib. boxes. $2.00.
ORANGES Mediterranean sweets , $4.50
LEMONS-Callfornla , fancy , $4.6004.75 ;
Messina , fancy , $50005.60.
BANANAS Choice , crated , large etock ,
per bunch , J2.50O2.75 ; medium-sized ,
bunches. $2.0002.25.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7We ; No. 2
preen hides , 6VJc ; No. 1 salted hides , SV4o :
No. 2 salted hides , 7Ho ; No. 1 veal calf , 8
to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 vea' cilf. 12 to 15 Ibs. ,
Sc.TALLOW. . GREASE. ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 3Vic ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , lV4c ;
white grease , 2V4O3c ; yellow and brown
grease , Iff2-c. ?
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. lEfl )
75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , IGc ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry
Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4O5c ; dry nint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
par Ib. , actual weight , 3O4o ; dry nint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 405c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , pr lb. , actual weight. 33-lc.
St. LoiilM MnrkPt.
ST. LOUIS , July 11. FLOUR Dull ,
steady ; $3.5003.70 ; straights , $3.2503.40 ; clear ,
. . . .
SEEDS Prime timothy , $2.50 , to arrive ,
CORNMEAL Steady , J1.SO&1.S5.
I1RAN Stcndy ; sacked , east track , 61 4c.
HAY Firm ; timothy. $ S.50O13.00 ; prairie ,
new. $6.00H'7.CO ; old , $5.5006.00.
WHISKY Steady , $1.26.
PROVISIONS 'Dry ' salt meats , firm ; boxed
shouMers , $5.1214 ; extra , shorts , $5.12V4 ;
clear ribs , $5.23 ; clear sides , $5.50. Bacon ,
strong ; boxed shoulders , $3.50 ; extra shorts ,
$5.62 ; rloar ribs , $3.S7V4 : clear sides , $5.12 .
RECEIPTS Flour , 2,000 bbls. : wheat , 63-
000 bu. ; corn. 25,000 bu. ; outs. 3S.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
none ; corn , 83,000 bu. ; oats , 20,000 bu.
KniiHim City ( imlii mill 1'rovlHlonn.
tember , CBUc : December. CSc ; cash , No. 2 ,
67H < SRSc ; No. 3. 64VS067c ; No. 2 red , 70c ; No.
3. 66Ofinc ; receipts. 35 cars.
CORN September 3054c ; December. 294c ;
cash. No. 2 mixed. 32U32c , No. 2 white ,
32O32 c ; No. 3. 31O32c.
OATS-NO. 2 white , 280.
RYE No. 2 , E7c.
HAY Choice timothy , $7.607.75 ; choice
prairie. J6.GO.
BUTTER-Creamcry. 140 > 164c ; dairy. 13c.
EGGS Southern eggs are unsatisfactory ,
the loss on candling averaging two or thre
dozens to the case ; 'fresh Missouri and
Kansas stock , firsts. lOc , cases returned.
RECEII'TS Wheat , 21,000 bu. ; corn , 72,300
bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 67,000 bu. ; corn ,
14,300 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Liverpool Grain mill I'rovlHlonn.
Lard , American rellned , in 2S-lb. palls ,
firm at 27a 3d ; prime western , In tierces ,
2Cs 9d. ( Hams , flhort cut , firm , at 47s 6 < 1.
Uaeon , Cumberland cut , firm at 29s 6d ;
short ribs , firm at 29s 6d ; short clear backs ,
firm at 2Ss Cd ; clear bellies , steady nt 29s ,
AVTTRAT .No. 1 rod. northern. Duluth.
dull at 6s ; futures , quiet ; July , 5s 9d ; Sep
tember. 6s 10d ; December , 6s % d.
CORN--Amerlcan mixed , spot , new , firm
at 3s 4Hd ; July , steady at 3s 4Hd.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , dull at
7s 9d ; No. 1 California , Cs 2V4d.
Receipts of wheat during the last three
days , 310,000 centals. Including 19-3.000
American. Receipts of American corn dur
ing the last three days , 48,000 cantals.
Weather , heavy showers.
Toli'tlo Mitrkrt.
TOL13DO , O. . July 11 WHEAT Lower ;
iNo. 2 esish and July , 73Vic bid ; September ,
75/lc bid.
CORN Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
24 He.
RYE Unchanged : No. 2 cash , 5Se.
CLOVERSEED-Dull nnd steady ; prime
cash , now , $4.00 ; October , $ I.C3.
IMillnilflnlila ProiliiL-o Mnrkrt.
Dull , easier ; fancy creamery , ISVie ; fancy
prints , 20o ,
EGGS Dull nnd % c lower ; fresh nearby ,
IS'.iTHc ' ; fresh western , 13V c ; fresh south
western. 13O14c ; freuti southern , lOOllc.
CHEESE Steady.
BARLEY Steady ; No. 2 , 42c ; sample , 3S@
MluniMiiiollH AVIn-nl Market.
ptore. No. 1 northern. July , 70V c ; Septem
ber , 69Kie : December , 70THc ; on track , No. 1
hard. 714c ; No. 1 northern , 704c ; No. 2
northern. C9Hc.
FLOUR AlXD BRAN Unchanged.
MIMvmiUoi' Grain .llnrUi-t.
MILWAUKEE. July 11. FLOUR-Steady.
WHEAT Weaker ; No. 1 northern , 74c ;
No , 2 northern , 72c.
OATS-Lower nt 266O27ic. !
RYE Lower ; No. 1 , 59c.
Diilutli AVIu-nl .t
DUI/IJTH. Juiv ll.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard
cash , TBc : July. 75Ue ; No. 1 northern , cash.
"O c : uly. 72Mc ; September. 72 4c ; No 2
northern , 63c ; No ,
ClnMliiK I'rli'i'd YpN < i > rilny SllKhdr
Ili'lo - TIIOHC of Snlurdny.
NEW YORK. July ll.-Tho stock market
strikingly demonstrated Its Inherent
strength again today with a practical recovery -
covery of yesterday's losses. Closing prices
today were only slightly below those of
Saturday nnd In some exceptional coses
sharply above. The only conditions In
which any change had taken place were
purely technical. These were the elimina
tion of a weakly margined Jong account
and the cr.'atlon of a short Interest. Lon
don begun to sell stocks In Now York at
the onioning today , as It did yesterday , but
instead of coming upon a large account of
nearly exhausted margins , as was the case
yesterday , the opening decline invited buy
ing to cover the short contracts put out
yesterday. The buying from this source af
forded the principal support lo the market
In the early dealings.
It was particularly marked In Sugar and
the New York traction and [ Ms tttorks ,
which suffered most severely from beur
raiding yesterday. JJy the time this short
Interest had been covered 'the market came
to a btandbtUl , Ur- bulls apparently lack
ing courage 4o push their advantage In
face of the continued stiffness of the money
market , which held quite llrmly at about
the legal rate for call money. Shortly be
fore noon , however , a d.-termlned buying
movement developed In the great trunk
lines and with occasional Intervals of dull
ness continued for ahe rest of th * day.
spreading from one group to anothrr until
it embraced pretty much the whole list.
The agreement among the trunk lines to
restore rate * on grain to the seaboard was
apparently the caus > of the origin of the
buying In that group. St. Paul's Increase
In gross earnings for the llrst week in
July of $203K2 ! prompted the buying of the
grangers. The high rate for call money
was Ignored and very largo amounts' loaned
on the Stock exchange at 6 per cent. The
rate eased off to 4'4 per cent at one time ,
but rose ngnln to 6 per cent , the d > mand
apparently continuing largo for the In
creased Biipply available. Interior ex
changes continued to run against New
York , but yesterday's contrnctloi of loans
had apparently left the Now York banks
In an easier position. D mand sterling In
New York only held llrm under the stress
of the high money rate In London , but
sterling exchange In Paris nnd Berlin ad
vanced sharply , nnd discounts were easier
nt those c ntcra
Long sterling In New York weakened an
nddlU , ° nal fraction under the sales of fu
tures bnscd on the expected outward move
ment of merchandise to begin In n short
time. Among the special points of strength
In the late stock mnrkftt were Texas &
Pnclllc , which rose to 23 , and Kter the
whole southwestern group. Wall street had
a rumor of a contemplated merger of Wn-
bash and Mlswurl Pacific to nccount for
the strength of thos stocks. Northern Pa
clllo also scored a brilliant advance , re
covering more than Its dividend , which wns
token oft .today. There was a simultaneous
advance in Tennessee Coal , Colorado Fuel
and Amerlcnn Stel nndVlro , which rose
from 2 to 2si , nnd also In Chesapeake &
Ohio , Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St.
Louis and Laka Erie & Western preferred.
After a fractional reaction on professional
profit taking prices 'were ' mnrkJd up again
to near the best in the closing dealings.
Uonds rallied somewhat from the early
weakness In sympathy with stocks , but arc
slightly lower on the day. Total Bales , par
value , $2OSO.OOO. United StaUs new -Is , reg
istered , declined U nnd the old 4s , regis
tered , % In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
hcrj were quiet todny , engaged In arrang
ing the smnll account. The. tone wns dull ,
with a 1lnal hardening < ln Americans nnd
Africans. Money Is stilt stiffening. The
banks got 3i to 4 per cent for settlement.
The bank bought 46,000 In gold bars. There
Is a good demand nt 77s lOd from France on
Spanish account. Americans wsro de
pressed until the afternoon , when New
York bought , despite , the hardening money
In New York and London. The close wns
iwell above .the worst. The strongest fea
tures were Atchlson preferred and North
ern Pacific common. The general settle
ment rate was 6 to 5V4 : for St. Paul , 4V4 !
Spanish 4s wer ? E9 ; tlntos , 45H ; Anacondas ,
im. The British oil nnd cake mills' pros
pectus has been Issued. It Is an amalga
mation of seventeen Jeadlng llrms , with a
capital of 2,250,000. The present Issue. Is
of 1,750,000.
The following are the closing quotntons
for the leading stocks on the New York
exchange today :
The total pales of stocks today amounted
to 395.53S shares , Including : American
Steel , 10,000 ; Amerlcnn Sugar , 27,700 ; Ana
conda , 3,000 : Atchlson , 5.SOO ; Atchlson pre
ferred , S3.100 ; Brooklyn Transit , 2UOO : Bur
lington. 14,500 ; Federal Steel , 5.000 ; Louis
ville & Nashville. 6.200 ; Manhattan , 36,500 ;
Northwestern. 3,200 ; Northern Pacific. 17.400 ;
People's Gas , 3,300 ; Rock Island , 6,100 ; St.
Paul , 31,400 ; Southern Railway preferred ,
4 600 ; Union Pacific , 6,700 ; Union Pacific pre
ferred , 3,000 ; 'American fTobacco , G.500 ; Ches
apeake & Ohio , 11,600 ; Chicago Great West
ern. 4,000 ; Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago &
St. Louis , 4,200 : Conso'.idated Tobacco. 3.000 ;
Missouri Pacific. 18,600 ; New York Central ,
6,800 ; Ontario & Western , 4,000 ; Pennsyl
vania , 8.000 ; St. Louis & Southwestern pre
ferred , 4,800 ; Southern Pacific , 4.000 ; Tennessee -
see Coal and Iron , 4,900 ; Texas Pacific , 2,600 ;
Wabash nreferred. 7,300.
York Money 'Market.
NEW YORK , July 11. MONEY On call ,
steady at 306 per cent ; last loan , 4 per
actual business done In bankers' bIKs at
J4.87O4.87U for demand and at $4.S4V4i'4.S4V4
for sixty days ; posted > ntes. $ I.S5'/4'ii'4.86V6 '
and JI.SSfN.SSVi ; commercial bills , $4.S3Vfc.
SILVER Certificates , 60061c ; bar , 60ic ;
Mexican dollars. 47Sc.
BONDS Government bonds , easy ; state
bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , easy.
Closing quotations on bonds were :
OAR SILVEn-Quet ! at 27ftd per ounce.
MONEY 5 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2T S3 pr cent ; for three
months' bli:8 : , 2T4Q3 per cent.
London Kliiiincliil ,
LONDON. July 11. American securities ,
after a dull start , were steadier. Prices
then became easier with little business ,
but toward the ciloae firmed up. leaving
oft firm. The market was mainly Influenced
by the movement in New York and the
demand was moderate. Consols closed 6-16
oft on dearer niouey. Bir gold , 77a
Amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of
England on b.ilancj today. 45,000. Span
ish -Is , 5S.S7 ! * .
\ < MV York .Mlnlnjr Unolnllnim ,
NEW YORK , July 11. The following
are the closing quotations for mining
shares :
CholUr Onlnrlo 7.v >
Crown Point 23 Ophlr 100
Don. Cal. & Vn. . . .1W Plvnouth 10
Utiutwood . ' f. ) Quicksilver 1
dould & Ctirrie . . . 34 do pfd SCO
Hale .t Korcron. . . 31 SlMTti Nevada fO
HnmcMxke pui'l ' Standard 0X1
Iron Silver K t'nlun Con S3
Mexican u > Vcllow Jacket 32
Kin-Hun Flnnm-lnl.
BERLIN , July 11. On th bourse today
prices were weak on the decline , in gold
mine share * and the apprehension In Lon
don In regard to dearer money. American
securities dropped In response to the New
York market.
KKANKKonT , July 11. Prices opened
quiet on the bourse , today and later weak
ened In view of the unsatisfactory money
outlook nnd the gloomy political situation
In the Transvaal. Local shares were offered
and American securities reacted.
VIENNA , July 11. A dull tone prevailed
on the bourco today , transactions being
affected by the unpromlttng state of the
money market and by uneasiness In regard
to affairs In the Transvaal.
PARIS , July 11. A fresh reaction on the
bourtiu today , owing to realizations , lasted through the day. But at t'ne close
prices were slightly llrmer , supported by
London advices. Spanish 4 > 3 were agitated
nnd closed steadier. Knlllrs were weak , ow
ing to fears of further Anglo-Transvaal
complications and dn expectation of further
declaration ? ! upon the part of the Hritlph
secretary of state for the colonies. Three
per cent rentes , lOlf , lOc for the account.
Exchange on London , 25f 2V4o for checks.
Spanish 4s closed nt 69.95.
BERLIN. July 11. Exchange on London ,
20 marks 45 4 pfgs , for checks ,
llatik ClrnrliiKx.
CHICAGO. July ll.-Clcarlngs , $22.332,258 ;
balancotf , J2.410,600. Sterling exchange ;
Posted , $4.861,4 4.8814 ; actual. J4.S4H : docu
mentary , $4.83iS4.M. ( New York exchange ,
25c discount.
ST. LOUIS , July ll.-CIearlngs , J4.9S6.45S ;
balances , $657,254. Money , 4@0 per cent. New
lork exchange , 15c premium bid , 25o pre
mium asked.
NEW YORK. July ll.-CIearlngs , $245,301-
778 ; balances , J13,307G02.
BOSTON , July 11. Clearings , $29,634,117 ;
balances , $2,050,051.
BALTIMORE. July ll.-Clearlngs , $4,377-
2Si ! balances , $590,628.
PHILADELPHIA. July 11. Clearings , $18-
602,169 ; balances , $3,260,109.
"Wool iMnrkct.
LONDON , July 11. There was a good at
tendance of buyers at today's wool auction
salep. Scoured merinos were In small sup
ply , but were strong In demand at harden
ing rates. Fine cross-breeds were eagerly
'taken. ' Low grades. Inlarge supply ,
dragged and iwero frequently withdrawn.
One thousand bales of G-selong New South
Wales wool from America were offered , but
aialf withdrawn , owing /insufficient / bids.
The number of bales offered aggregated 12.-
3S2. The following Is ths sale In detail :
Now South Wales , 2,100 bales ; scoured ,
Is3' , d and Is 6 > ,4d ; greasy , 6d and Is 2d.
Qu3cnsland , 700 bales ; scoured. Is 4d and
IslOlfcd ; greasy , 9&d and Is % d. Victoria ,
2,500 bales ; scoured , 7id and 2s d ; greasy ,
Ed and Is 3d. South Australia , 200 bal s ;
greasy , 10',4d and Is. Tasmania , 2,200 bales ;
greasy , 7d and Is 3' d. New Zealand , 4,600
bales ; scoured , 6 > , id and lsC',4d ; greasy , 5d
and Is. Cape of Good Hope and Natal , 24
bales ; scoured , Is 6d and Is 7d.
ST. LOUIS. July 11. WOOL Unchanged.
BOSTON , July 11. WOOL The wool mar
ket this week continues strong and values
are fairly maintained. The demand Is fairly
good , but represents speculative purchases
by dealers ns well a * buying for manu
facturers. The bulk of the. business doing
Is yet In territory grades , including Cali
fornia , Texas and Oregon. The total sales
of these wools for the week amounted to
about 3,500.000 pounds , and the price ob
tained Is better for the good wools. For
good lots containing' a fair amount of staple
the market Is quotable onthe basis scoured
at 4S@50c for line medium and line , with
choice staple lines at 62S'54c. Fleeces are
quoted higher and some sales have been
made at the advance.
Cotton Market.
Quiet and steady ; sales , 2,850 ; ordinary , 34c ! ;
good ordinary , 4c ; low middling , 413-16c ;
middling , 511-16e ; good middling , 6c ; mid
dling fair , 6c. Receipts , L29G ; stock , 250-
310.ST. . LOUIS. July ll.-COTTON-Dull and
unchanged ; middling , B ic. Sales , none ; re
ceipts. 55 ; shipments , 342 ; stock , 74,016.
NEW YORK , July 11. COTTON The cot
ton market opened'barely steady at a de
cline of 1I3 points , and generally Irregular
market. Prices .reacted nt a loss of 12ifii4 ;
po-lntf as compared with closing prices. The
decline was arrested by covering. In the
early afternoon the feeling was very unset
tled on account of bearish crop adrtces ,
notably the weekly government report ,
which .made Its appearance at 1 o'clock , in
dicating that the crop had made very good
progress in the south. Cotton futures ,
January , $5.465.47 ; February , $5.4905.50 :
March , $5.53516.54.
LIVERPOOL , July 11. COTTON Spot ,
fair demand , prices strwidy ; American mid
dling , ' 3 ll-32d. The sales of the day were
101,000 bales , of which 500 were1 for specula
tion and export , and Included 8,900 Amer
ican. Kecelpts , 6,000 bales. Including 5,700
American. Futures opened quiet but steady.
witha poor demand and closed quiet.
SiiKiir 31nrket.
LONDON , July ll. BEET SUGAR July ,
10s 7 ,4d.
NEW ORLEANS. July 11. SUGAR Dull ;
o'pen ' kettle , S-'UfNG-lCe : centrifugal , yellow ,
4si4c ; seconds , 35J4V4c. Molasses , dull ;
centrifugal , C0'14c. '
CHICAGO. July ll.-SUGA'R-Cut Joaf ,
$0.02 ; granulated , $3.64.
NEW YORK. July 11. SUGAR Raw.
easy ; fair refining , 329-32c ; centrifugal , 96
test , 47-16c ; molasses sugar. 3 2G-32c ; re
llned , nrm ; No. 6. 4 13-lCc ; No. 8. 4 11-lCc ;
No. 12 , 45-lCc ; No. 13 , 4 5-16c. Molasses ,
Mnrkt t.
NEW YORK. July ll.-COFFEE-Optlong
opened steady and unchanged to 6 points
lower , ruled moderately active , with weak
undertone , following unsatisfactory Eu
ropean cables and full reoelots at Rio and
Santos ; closed quiet and unchanged to 10
points lower ; sales , -17,000 bags , Including
August , $ .C5 ; September , $4.75 ; October ,
$4.60 ; November. $4.85 ; December , $3.20 ; Jan
uary. $5.20. Spot , Rio. dull nnd nominal ;
No. 7 Invoice , 6c : No. 7 Jobbing , 6Hc. Mild
quiet ; Cordova , 813c.
Oil MnrkPt.
TOLEDO , O. . July ll.-OILS-North Lima ,
SSc ; South Lima and Indiana , 83c.
LIVERPOOL , July 11. OILS-Cottonsecd ,
Hull refined , July-August , dull at 15s 6d.
Turpentine spirits , firm at 33s.
NEW YORK , July 11 OILS-Cottonseed ,
nrm. Petroleum , stsady : rellned New York ,
$7.60 ; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore. $7.45 ;
Philadelphia and Baltimore , In bulk , $4. 5.
Rosin , steady. Turpentine , nrmer at 4IV4 ®
VAVANNAH , July ll. OILS-Splrlts tur
pentine. 40c. Resin , nrm and unchanged.
WILMINGTON , N. C. . July 11. OILS
Spirits -turpentine , nrm at 4010V4c. . Resin ,
nrm and unchanged. Crud > turpentine ,
nrm and unchanged. Tnr , nrm at $1.35.
York Dry Ooodx Mnrket.
NEW YORK , July ll.-New prices made
by the American Woolen company today on
light weight worsteds for men's wear for
spring- show advances from 2Ho to 7Hc :
claiy worsteds were quoted on the basis qf
$1.22'/5 for 16-ounce ; demand good ; no ma
terial change In staple cottons ; demand
quiet on both home nnd export nccount ;
prices are without alteration : bleached cot
tons dull ; coarse- colored cottons Inactive.
California Drli-il Vrnltn.
DRIED FRUlTS-Steady ; evaporated ap
ples , common , 6V4J7c ( ! ; prime wire tray , S'i@
8V4c ; choice , S' fJSfto : fancy. 9f(9Hc ( , Prunes ,
SwiiSifcc. ApricotB , Royal , 14o ; iMoor Park ,
1401Sc. Peaches , unpeeled , lOflllc.
Mnnelii'Ntpr Tpxtllf Fnlirlo * .
MANCHESTER , July ll.-Clotha and
yirns ; tlrm , w-ith a fair demand.
TOXIIIINcitl Si't'd Corn.
HOUSTON' , Tex. , July 11. ( Special Tele
gram , ) The relief committee for the flood
district of south Texas requests contribu
tions of carry maturing seed corn in order
that the thousands of email planters whoso
all has been swept away by the recent over
flow may be able to make Bomo sort of
crop to tide them over. These people are
utterly destitute and the corn of this country
matures so late ll would bo useless to plant
It. The corn of Kansas and Nebraska would
give them a crop and save tliem from want
to Foino extent. S. Tallattero , chairman ,
Houston , Tex. , will receive such consign
Korfflti-il Heavy Hull lloml.
CHICAGO , July 11. When the cases of
Dun Coughltn and ills bartender , William
Armstrong , recently indicted for jury brib
ing , were called today neither man appeared.
Their bonds , amounting to (20,000 ( , were
declared forfeited. .
Fricei Frova to Be Jnst Bight for the
Bailer ? .
on the Cornfcd Steer * Arc
Steady , lint the HOR * .tniiip
Up Fnlly Unit a
I ) I me.
BOUTH OMAHA , July 11.
Cattle. Hogs , anpcp-
Odlcltil Monday 1.S23 3,907 < ,3 ! > 0
Hccclpts today 2,716 12.1SI 1,574
Two days this week 4,539 1C.OSS 6,931
Average price pala lor nogs Tor the lust
several days with comparisons :
Indicates Sunday. * Indicates holiday.
The olllclal number of cars , of stock
brought In today by each road was :
CattL' . Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. tty 6
O. & St. L. Ry 3
Missouri Pacltlc Ry. . . .
Union Padllc System. SO 21 2
C. & N. W. Ry . .
F. , E. & M. V. R. R. 2S 63 2
S. C. & P. Ry 1 o
C. , St.P. , M. & O. Ry. 13 20
B. & M. R. R. R 13 23 3
C. . B. & Q. Ry 3 15 1
K. C. & St. J 14 2
C. , R. I. & P. .Ry. , E. . .
C. . R. I. & P. Ry. , W. 3 -4
Total receipts . . . .112 181 & 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purcnaslng the num
ber of head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 7 49S
G. H. Hammond Co 453 2.031 515
Swift and Company 454 2,127 973
Cudahy Packing Co 420 3,869 579
Armour & Co 550 3,512 227
Cudahy , from K. C 395
Vansant & Co 72
W. I. Stephen 52
Hill & Huntzlnger 36
Hamilton & Rothschild. . . 68
McVlcker & Co 32
Other buyers SS 226
Held over . . . . . . 125
Total 2.707 12,137 2,676
CATTLE The cattle market today was
all right for the sellers , the demand being
good and the trade active at prices that
were steady to a shade higher. Local pack-
era all wanted cattle and although there
were In the neighborhood of seventy-live
loads of cornfed steers In the pens an early
clearance was effected. The average qual
ity of the cattle was good , In fact = o good
that a very considerable proportion of the
offerings brought $5.00 ind better , $5.50
being paid for some right good heavy
Cows and heifers sold In practically the
same notches as yesterday , and the market
was not materially changed In any particu
lar. The demand for cow stuff continues
good right along , and the prices are llrm
so that on practically every day for some
time back the trade has been active and
entirely to the liking of sellers. Good
bulls were In fair demand at steady prices.
In some instances holders of common bulls
did not think that they sold quite so well
as on some days of late. Veal calves
brought the same old prices , $7.00 being
paid for the best.
Stockers and feeders -were In moderate
supply , but -there Is a great plenty com
ing considering the demand , which con
tinues light. The few cattle of that de
scription , however , offered on the market
sold at about steady prices , no material
change beingnoted. . Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
2. . 970 $3 75 17..131S $5 00 23..1237 $5 20
1. . 620 420 23..10S4 600 8..H07 620
24 , . 716 440 21..1030 505 26..1133 620
34. . 9G2 440 43..1203 603 22..1150 525
39..125G 440 16..1037 503 3S..1200 525
19..1279 440 50..1076 610 17..1261 525
4. . 597 450 20..1216 510 41..1285 525
8. . 722 450 21..1122 510 10..1319 525
L. 980 450 14..1123 510 23..1126 625
2. . 910 450 12..1076 510 24..1121 530
3. . 716 4 S3 20..1131 510 24..1169 530
22. . 9S2 4 S5 G..1021 510 62..1275 530
24. . 800 490 18..1119 515 3S..1334 530
fi.,1136 490 D..1095 615 41..1380 630
22..1000 490 20..1225 615 38..1476 630
10. . 803 490 43..12S5 515 20..1317 530
21..1010 495 44..1153 520 16..1411 530
48..1027 495 2J..1254 520 61..1361 535
26..1189 500 40..1151 620 15..1204 540
30. . 935 500 35..1207 520 1..1410 540
L. 970 500 17..1270 520 39..1430 540
19..10C9 600 23..1253 520 9..14SO 640
24..1154 600 24..1260 520 20..1394 550
2..1270 5 00 22..1361 5 20
2. . 750 3 75 29. . 825 4 95 12. . 797 4 95
1. . 900 260 10..1050 355 1..1120 390
1. . 970 265 1..1220 360 1 , . 910 390
1. . SSO 275 1..1020 365 2..1160 400
1..1040 2 75 1. . 850 3 65 1..1100 4 05
L. 950 275 1..1010 365 20..1078 415
1. . 910 2 85 1..10SO 3 65 1..1050 4 25
1..1070 300 6..IOCS 370 3..1140 425
i 1..1210 300 2. . 5SO 370 1..1060 425
1. . 890 310 2. . 685 375 2..1060 425
2. . 785 3 10 2. . 9G3 3 75 1..1310 4 25
1. . 940 325 3. . 965 375 1. . 9SO 425
2..1000 325 9..1106 375 1..13IO 430
1..1040 325 3..1093 375 1..1230 433
1..1100 325 1. . S50 3 SO 1..1240 440
2..1100 325 12..1029 385 2..1175 440
1. . 970 325 1..10IO 3 S3 4..1185 4.45
1..1030 335 1. . 900 385 1..1130 450
L. SSO 340 3..1115 385 1..1110 450
1..1140 350 1..10SO 390 4..1072 470
1..1030 3 50 1..1370 3 90
2. . 485 3 00 2. . 915 3 ' 630 3 85
935 3 20 S , . COO 3 SO 2. 90S 4 00
710 320 1. . 6SO 3 85
7. . 680 3 60 1. . 790 4 00 SS5 4 50
L. 670 3 70 2..1000 4 00 1. 450 4 60
L. 710 3 85 1. . 930 4 25
1..1310 290 1..1130 3 30 1..1400 3 65
1..1310 3 00 I..1680 3 30 1..1300 3 75
1..1090 3 05 1..1250 3 40 1..1350 3 75
2..1310 3 03 1. . 950 3 40 1..1370 3 S3
1..1370 3 10 2..1250 3 40 1..1120 4 00
1..1310 3 15 1..1120 3 40 1..1330 4 00
1..1190 320 3..1070 3 40 1..1950 4 00
1..1BSO 325 1..1320 3 60 1. . 780 4 40
1..1340 3 25 1. . 580 3 GO
1..1060 4 75
1. . 270 475 1. . 100 6M 1 , . 140 700
9 , . 118 600 1 , . 200 675 1..130 700
2. . 05 3 SS 2S. . 821 440 . . 832 440
5 , . 628 435 8. . 769 440 1. . 484 440
HOGS Conditions were all favorable to
the sellers this morning , the demand being
Jorge and the advices from other market
points encouraging. The result was thafthe
market at 'this point opened 5c higher and
fairly active at the advance , so that the
most of the hogs changed hands early In
the morning. In some cases hogs sold 7,5c
higher , and perhaps the situation could he
best expressed by calling the , general mar
ket a big 5c higher. The hogs sold largely
at $3.95 , with < v sprinkling at $3.97VJ and pom *
good light at $4 , It will be. noted that some
heavy hogs brought $3.97H. but they were
very choice , or what are termed fat-backs
on the market.
One week ago today was a holiday , but
the hogs sold today 17c higher than on
Monday nnd Wednesday of last week and
30o higher than two weens ago. The av
erage price paid for hogs today was the
highest of any day since June 10 of laat
year. Representative soles :
69 162 40 3 93 SI ! ISO 3 97J4
60 250 . . . 3 ! > 5 61 354 40 397 *
66 260 3 95 63 26S SO 3 97 i
69 JM . . . 395 62 249 120 3 97'i '
fO 2C.6 . . . S 95 81 223 . . . 3 9",4
6 247 CO 3M 78 2tX > SO 3 97i }
79 2.N . . . 395 63 235 120 3974 *
67 24S SO 3 M 57 2 > U SO 3 97'i
61 250 . . . 3 f > 5 72 23S . . . 3 97 * {
61 25 . . . 395 64 2(52 ( SO 3 97ji
64 264 . . . 395 70 195 40 397(4 (
16 215 . . . 395 67 242 SO 3 974 }
43 226 40 395 70 252 160 397)4 )
12 2.V1 . . . 393 6S 270 . . . 397(4 (
10 205 . . . 393 M KM SO 3 974 }
f.9 2.11 160 3 9i S4 204 40 3 97J4
111 2S9 . . . 395 100 1)5 . . . 397(4 (
C.1 . 297 . . . 393 61 . 227 . . . 3 97 ' 4
15 . 3.16 . . . 395 71 . 274 40 3974 *
74 . 219 SO 393 6S . 2AS SO 3 ! > 7k *
65 . 274 . . . 393 53 . 2M . . . 3 97',4
62 . 2SO 40 393 S3 . 202 . . . 3 97H
105 . 247 . . . 395 S2 . 221 SO 3 97V4
94 . 222 SO 395 123 . 2U SO 397(4 (
57 . 259 . . . 395 67 . 255 160 3 9 ? < *
79 . 2.1) 40 395 62 . 251 M ) 3 97U
76 . 251 40 395 64 . 210 . . . 397(4 (
60 . SCO . . . 395 69 . 2.12 . . . 3 97 Mi
72 . 2.14 160 395 76 . 254 SO 3 97 > ,4
47 . 262 40 395 72 . 2.17 SO 3 97 4
65 . 29S . . . 3 D5 77 . 2 7 40 3 97V4
66 . 266 160 393 77 . 2-V , 160 3974
B4 . 319 40 3 M 61 . 21S . . . 3974
76 . 223 2SO 393 63 . 243 . . . 397(4 (
31 . 290 SO 3 9i S2 . 238 120 397(4 (
C5 . 24S 40 395 64 . 203 200 3974
63 . 2.14 120 395 66 . 24S 40 3 97'4 '
65 . 2SO 40 39'i 60 . 253 40 397(4 (
46 . 34,1 . . . 395 74 . 1S1 40 3 37V4
67 . 225 f-0 395 72 . 229 . . . 397(4 (
60 . 260 120 393 72 . 203 SO 3 97H |
6S . 221 . . . 393 7S . 2tt 40 3 9'i(4 (
i 64 . 254 40 395 69 . 23.1 40 3 97 4
162 . 25S . . . 395 110 . 255 SO 397(4 (
67 . 2.10 120 395 71 . 219 120 397(4 (
12S. . . .277 SO 395 68 . 223 240 3 97 < 4
163 . 209 SO 3 PO S4 . 239 . . . 397(4 (
I 71 . 239 SO 393 68 . 230 . . . 3 97 > 4
! 76 . 2H SO 393 69 . 237 40 3974
77 . 240 . . . 393 41 . 201 . . . 397(4 (
25 . 333 40 395 72 . ISli . . . 400
S3 . 260 . . . 393 75 . 22(1 ( SU 400
74 . 269 40 395 69 . 249 40 4 00
2fi . 311 . . . 393 109 . 192 . . . 400
26 . 273 40 393 60 . 241 SO 4 00
67 . 202 120 393
1 . 400 . . . 260 7 . 2,10 . . . 393
1 . 400 SO 3 00 6 . 16S . . . 393
1 . 310 . . . 390 4 . ICO . . . 395
3 . 336 . . . 390 4 . 267 . . . 393
4 . 207 . . . 390 9 . 313 SO 395
6 . 26S . . . 390 3 . 293 . . . 393
5 . 340 SO 390 6 . 204 . . . 395
5 . 174 . . . 392(4 ( 4 . 337 . . . 395
6 . 194 . . . 392(4 ( 9 . 202 . . . 395
7 . 250 . . . 3 92H 7 . 341 . . . 395
2 . 313 . . . 392(4 ( 2 . 330 . . . 393
3 . 1S6 . . . 395 4 . 2.15 . . . 335
7 . 208 . . . 395 4 . S20 . . . 395
6 . 170 . . . 393 2 . 220 . . . 395
7 . 231 . . . 393 C . 20S . . . 395
8 . 375 . . . 393 G . 16fi . . . 395
1 . 300 . . . 393
SHEEP Eight loads were reported In this
mornlnn nnd In addition there were a few
lands hold over from yesterday. The mar
ket wns slow and the foi-enoon wns pretty
well advanced before much business wns
transacted. The prices iiald were pretty
close to steady. Buyers seem to feel that
preBcnt prices arc too hlRh ns compared
with the way the product IH selling down
east , and that Is the reason for the market
being slow nd dult. Another thins that U
noticeable is Hint only good fat stuff la
wanted , and 'that while the demand for such
Is all right the common kinds are not
soucht after.
Quotations : Prime native wethers , $4.u
R5.00 ; good to choice grass wethers. $ t.4i > SP
4.CG ; fair to ( rood grass wethers , J3.73jr4.25 :
good to choice grasa ewes. $4.00if4.25 ; goo ; !
to choice spring lambs. J6.00ijifi.50 ; fair t-J
good spring lambs , J5.50g6.00 ; common
spring lambs , J4.OOjT4.25. Representative
Riles :
No. Av. Pr.
1 ewe . 120 J4 00
24 native ewes . 91 4 00
' . ' 43 western mixed . SO 4 40
4ewes . 147 4 50
693 Wyoming wethers . 110 4 30
251 Wyoming wethers . 77 450
13 owes and wethere . 164 4 75
S3 native lambs . 83 500
14 spring lambs . 63 626
3 spring lambs . S3 62o
ChlcnRo Iilvc Stock.
CHICAGO , July ATTLE-There : was
a fairly active demand for cattle today nt
eteady prices ; good to fancy cattle brought
J5.30S5.90 ; commoner grades , J4.65S0.25 ;
stock , J3. 0005.25 ; stackers and feeders , J3.50
< f5.00 ; bulls , cows and heifers , J2.25fi5.15 ;
Texas steers , $4.25J5.30 ( ; calves , $4.0CKf7.00. }
HOGS There was a big demand for hogs
and prices advanced 510c ; the average
quality was poor ; light hogs sold at W.OOSi
4.15 ; mixed lots , $4.004.174 ; heavy , $3.95 ®
4.15 ; culls and rough lots , J2.6033.S5 ; pigs ,
J3.UO(53.S5. (
SHEEP Prices for sheep ruted about
steady today : spring lambs were salable
at J4.00S4.25 for culls , up to J6.50Jt6.95 for
the better class ; sheep went at J2.75STI.25
for ewes up to J5.25 for f it sheep ; yearlings
brought $5.4ttffl.25.
RECEIPTS-Cattle. 3,5ft ) head ; hogs , 20-
000 head ; sheep , 7,000 head.
XCTT York Live Stock.
NEW YORK , July ll.-BEEVES-Re-
ceJpts , 1,173 head ; no trading ; feeling
steady ; exports , 700 cattle and 3,650 quarters
of beef ; tomorrow , 450 cattle and 4,310 quar-
CALVES Receipts , 601 head ; no trading
of Importance ; feeling steady.
SHEEP AIND LAMB& Receipts , 7,476
head ; sheep steady ; good lambs steady to
firm : all grades closed full and strong , as
nt the opening ; sheep , common to good ,
$3.000-1.75 ; culls , J2.75 ; lambs , $5.00@7.33 ;
culls , J4.00.
HOGS-Recclpts , 2,591 head ; feeling
St. Jnnepli Lire Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , July 11. ( Special. )
The Journal quotes :
CATTLE Receipts. 1.100 head ; market ac
tive nnd steady to lOo higher ; natives , J4.CG
f/S.50 ; Texas nnd westerns , J4.40S5.25 ; cows
and heifers , J2.00g6.00 ; bulls and stags , J2.25
( ffl.75 ; yiarllnga and calves , J4.00g-3.10 ; stack
ers and feeders , J3.40S4.75 ; veals , J5.257.00.
HOGS Receipts , 6,400 head ; market big
and 6c higher ; heavy and medium , J3.955/ '
4:0 : ; light. J.1.90S4.00 ; pigs , J3.60g3.75 ; bulk of
sales. J3.9504.05.
SHEEP Receipts , 100 head ; market
St. I.oulN hive Stuck .Market.
ST LOUIS. July 11. CATTLE Itece-lptB.
2,500. Including 1,000 Texnns ; market steady
to strong ; native shipping and export steers ,
J4.75S5.75 ; light and dressed beef and
butcher steers , J3.70S5.50 ; stockers nml
feeders , J3.30S5.00 ; cows and heifers. $2.251 ?
6.00 ; Texas and Indian ulcers , J3.60S5.00 :
COWB and heifers. J2.50S3.SO.
HOGS Receipts , 6.6CW ; market Be higher :
pigs and lights , J3.95S74.05 ; packers. $3.95 ®
i.OV. butchers. J4.00S4.12V4.
SHEEP Receipts. S.Ouo ; market strong ;
native muttons , J4.00ff4.60 ; lambs , J1.50SO.CJ.
Knnnna City Live Stocrc Mnrkut.
celpts. 6,500 natives , 1.200 TPXUIIS ; market
steady ; native steers , J4.00S5.60 ; Texas
steers. J3.00S5.00 , Texas cows. J2.65S3.40 ;
native cows and heifers , $2.65'ffJ.40 : ; stackers
and feeder * . J3.15S4.90 : hung. J3.10S4.00.
HOGS Receipts , 13,000 ; market ES'lOo '
higher , active ; bulk of sales , Jl.90'640.5 ;
heavy , J3.97V4W4.15 ; packers. J3.95S4.10 ;
mixed. S3. > 3 < iT4.ffi : tight. J3.8JS4.00 ; Yorkers ,
J3.95S4.00 : pigs , I3.76S3.M.
SHEEP -Receipts , 4.000 ; market steady ;
lambs. J1OOS6.25 ; muttons. J3.65S4.30.
Stock in
Following are- the rT lpts nt the fe > ur
principal wesrtern markets for July 11 :
Cattle. HOCH. Slippn.
Omaha. . 3N 20.000 7,000
Chicago . 7.700 13,000 4,000
Kansas City . 3.500 6,500 3,000
St. Louis . 2,716 12,111 1,574
Totals . 17,416 61,611 15,674
AlHlui-ifMl n Little filrl.
KANSAS CITY , July 11. A special to the
Star from Lebo , Kan. , Bays : Late yester
day a man giving his nama as J. H. Me-
Clnln came to N. S. Kewqua's , twelve miles
northwest of here- , and nt the point of a
revolver took possession of tlielr little 5-
year-old adopted daughter Violet , placed her
In a road wagon and drove off. The sheriffs
of this and Lyon county are on his trail ,
following him cast. A reward baa been
Sherman' * Condition Improve * .
MANSFIRLD. O. , July 11. Hon. John
Sherman's condition Is Improved. He takes
a ride dally. Since the Illness of three
weeks ago he linn rapidly Improved.
Roon4HrurEBU > a BRANCH 1030 ttvr
OMAHA nee. uncom HI ? .
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dtrft wlre tu Ciilcajo ind N w York.
CerMVOB6cntil J.ita A. Xiutta
When Traveling
Read The
Here Is Where
You Will Find it in the
Principal Cities.
Jame * 31. liodnril ,
Klmlinll IIouc \ < MT * Stand.
Piilillo Library.
Vrmlomr Hotel
Ho tau 1'rrni Club , 14 nonTrorth It.
Oeuecoe Hotel \eirn Stand.
\Vm. Shields.
Harvard L'nAverinUr Library.
E. A. I.onan. 212 We t lUte BU
Cheyenne Club.
AndKorlniii Annex Ncrr * Stand.
Aiiilllorluiu Hotel \evr Sand ,
flrunil Pud lie llntrl \ TT * tand.
( Irout Mortliexii llntrl Serf * Stnnd.
Palmer HOIIKC Xevr * Stnnd.
Poitoflloe NtMVH Stand. No. 31T Dee
bnrn Street.
Ainoclntrd Advertiser' * Club , Palmefl
< Vedd ll Ildniie.
The Hollcnilen.
Commerclnl TnvvelcrV JL > eel tlB |
Sliuonio Temple.
Printer * ' Home.
Ilrovra Hotel JVcvrn Stand ,
llnnilltou .t Kcndrlck , OOO-OIB tTtb .
Mol.nlii , JMtt A Co. , 8H3 Sixteenth St.
Vratt Mercantile Co. . 1R17 L rlm r St ,
The Stationer Co. , 18th cund L .TrreB
Street * .
Wlndaar Hotel Kerrn Stnnd.
Sloie * Jaoobn , Itock lnl i > d Depot. V
Y. 31. U. A. Headline Iloom. J
\Vlti & llciuiett , 214 AV. Superior § ( .
U , C. A. Itenillnit Ilooiu
Inclntcrra Ilotel Ucndlna Room.
Honolulu Ilotel Heading Room.
W. A. Moore , Othrennj > and Mml It.
Ueleuo. 1'nbllo Library.
Qrorae Glbnon.
O. II. WcftTcr Jt Oo.
F. C. DoTlnc.
L. D. Cooper & Co. , CEO Central Av h
Robert Reid , 1O22 McGee St.
Coat en ' . < one N TT Stand.
AllKsourl nevnbllcun Club , OOB Baltt *
more Are.
Public Llbrnrr.
Rlokieoker Cigar Co. , Otb and \Valnut
opposite P. O.
AatlTrar Y. 31. C. A. , room 37 Cnlaa
Depot , Kama * Cltr , Mo.
Public Llbrnrjr.
Y. M. O. A. Reading Room.
W. 9. EdmUton , 1123 O Street , Dellr-
cry Agent.
Oliver t Halne * , 1OO S. Sprlnc 8 * .
P. B. Ilanacom , 422 S. Main St.
Oharlew A. GlIllK' " American ElxoIianiM
3 Cockipoir St. , Trafalgar Sq. , 9. W.
Andrew F. Schon * , Cor. Puente
Epana and Kioolta Street * ,
Fnbllo Library.
Wet Ilotel Nevra Stand.
Cooper Union Library.
Fifth Avunnc Hotel Ticrrm Stand.
Fifth Aveimo Ilotel Ilendlnir R oaa
Empire Hotel.
Uroome Struct Library.
Holland Hounc HendlnB HOOOL.
Hoffman Hoimc.
Imperial Hotel Nc-rrm Stand ,
aiecunnlca' and Trader1 Fre
No. 18 Kant Sixteenth Street.
Pre Club , ISO Nnnuu St.
"WetmlnB < er Hotel lleadlnKOI
"Wlndior lintel Ileadluir llootn.
Y. SI. C. A. , 2ld ! Street and 4Cll Av M .
W. IVebb , 2-IOB Wiuhlntrton Av * .
W. G. Kind.
Novr York : Herald Reading n ui. 41
Arc. d 1'Opera.
The * . Cook & Sou * , 1 Ave ,
Zaire A Getrom.
\V. 13. Jone * , SOI Aider 9t
Portland Ilotel New * Stand.
tleroantlle Library.
Public Library.
Public Library.
Ilotel finulaterrn Rcadlm * ; H M *
Santa Ana Free Public Library.
L. V. Hninmcl , LyOeam Th ata ,
Salt Lake Nftfm O * .
Public Library.
Eanterii New * Co. , 31U lPUM Mil
A. T. Lundberir.
George F. Ward. ' I
aarretUon Uotrl NCTT * Blaa4 ,
RIondaiiilu Hotel fif-nm Stana.
Hotel Vendoiur Nevr * fltaaaV ,
CoiMToy & Knickerbocker.
Pnbllo Library.
G ruia Flt Klbbon , TOO r artk It.
Hey Allen , U21 Center Ht.
Y. M. C. A. Ilenilliitf Ilooai.
John \V. Grahiim 72a-78a
Ilrnndotr' * .Venr * Stand , 71 * Edmond
Mtreet. f
Junction .V < ; Tm Stand. DOt ) B biid M \
Y. SI. C. A. Iteadlnir ROOM.
Pre * Club.
Wluilior Ilotel.
E. j. Jett , KOO Olive St.
Planter * ' Hotel JVeir * St a < .
Publlo Library. S
Wlllard' * Hotel New * Stand.
Arlington Ilotnl.
OoDBrr * * lonul Library. "
HlXU * llou e.
AKrlCulturnl Department Library ,
Rcpukllouu NatluuHl Cuwuitltta.