Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1899, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAITA. BAITAr BEE : STTSTDAT , .TTJTjT 0 , 1899 ,
Davis noils drugs.
Moore's food kllfs worms and fattens.
Budweltcr beer. L. Roficnfcldt , agent.
Victor hnt water heaters at Blxby'e.
Judson , pasturage , fi29 6th ftvo. Tel. ? I8.
Perry pictures for salo. C. B. Alexander &
Co. , 45 South Main street.
C , B. Jacijucmln & Co. , Jeweler * and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
0. C. Oaston , district court reporter for
Judge Thorndl , wan In the city yesterday on
Ills way home to Tabor.
Nat Shcpard Is acting as Biibstltute clerk
nl the postoincc whlfe the clerks arr taking
their annual two weeks' vacations.
C. R , Bartlctt of Shcnandoah Is relieving
Operator G. H. Beck of the Omaha & St.
Louis road , who Is away on bin vacation.
William Dickey nnd Ara E. Bradley , both
of Omaha , wcro n nrrlcd In this rlty yester
day. Justice Ferricr performing the cere
The police were notified yesterday to lo-
cnto If possible J. W. Oakcs. a young man
IS years of age , who had run away from his
home In DPS Molncs.
JCBEC Phcllx , the dining car cook charged
with criminal assault on Fannie Williams , a
young girl under lf > years of ago , com
promised the case yesterday by marrying the
Iho regular meeting of Lodge No. C ,
Switchmen's union of North America , will
bo hold this evening nt 8 o'clock , Instead of
nt 2 p. m. , on account of the funcraf of Mrs.
C C Cochran. ,
The trial of William McCoy , charged with
attempting to wreck a train on the Lake
Manawa railway Thursday night was con
tinued in Justice Vlcn's court jcstordav un
til next Thursday morning.
E , D. Iratten , president of the Municipal
Construction company of Chicago , which
has a proposition before the" city council to
luillil the city an electric lighting plant , nr-
rhoil In the city last evening.
All members of Council Bluffs Tent. No.
32 , Knights of the Maccabees , are re
quested to attend the funeral of Mrs. Coch
ran this afternoon nt 3 o'clock at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hlghsmlth , 700
Washington avcnuu.
Skatiklam Temple. No. 81. Dramatic Order
Kqlgbts of Khorassan , has received an In
vitation from Moquaddcm Temple , No. SO ,
Omaha , to attend the Institution tomorrow
evening. All members dcblrlng to attend
will notify T. A. Barker nt the Burlington
city freight and ticket offlce.
C E. Luther , In charge of the boarding
car of the construction train on the Fort
Dodge & Omaha railway , notified the police
yesterday that somponn had stolen his solid
gold watuh and chain from the car. Luther
AMI3 wining , ho said , to glvo any policeman
vho would recover the jewelry n $10 bill.
Next Friday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock Mrs.
Dean Fair , Mrs. Phillip Potter , and other
prominent church women of Omaha , will
meet the Episcopal women of Council
Bluffs nt Ornco church for the purpose of
conferring with them on business pertaining
to the Women's Auxiliary to the Board of
Bcsslo Fay , daughter of Mr. aVid Mrs. J.
K. Hollonbeck , died yesterday morning at
the family home , C01 North Eighth Htrcot ,
from heart failure , after a year's Illness ,
aged 1C years. The funeral win be held to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
family residence. The services will be con
ducted by Rov. W. S. Barnes of the First
J'ri'Hbyterlau church and burial will be In
Falrvlew cemetery.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
For rent , modprn seven-room house on
North Scott btrect. J. C. DBHAVEN.
Lowest prices , easy terms. The best and
largest stock of pianos at Swanson Music
company. Masonic Temple.
Hull IlaulliiK Contract.
L. E. Brovard of the firm of W. M.
Brcvard & Co. , of Huntlngton , Tcnn. , who
have the contract for hauling the malls be
tween the postoffico and the local depots ,
iirrlved In the city yesterday to make ar
rangements for tlio fulfilling of the con
tract made necessary by the disappearance
of M. C. Hngans of Strong City , Kan. , the
BUbcontractor. C. K. Hagans , n brother of
the missing subcontractor , Is alto In the
city. H had been Intimated that Hagans'
failure to put In an appearance Is due to
n wish to get out of an unfavorable con
tract , but this Is denied by the brother ,
who" staled yesterday ho had secured no
trace of him.
Mr. Brovard , when scon yesterday , said
he was tiling to glvo Hagans the benefit
of the doubt , and did not Intend to hold
his bondsmen for his failure to carry out
the contract. He said further that ho ex
pected to make arrangements with Andrew
Lorenzcn of this city to carry out the con
tract. Loronzen has four sons who will
Iho able to assist In the work , while
Tlrcvnrd & Co. furnish the wagons and
Write Younkerman & Co. for prices on
berry boxes and grape baskets.
Five Tor Cent
Oft on quarterly bills until July 10th.
Open Saturday and Monday evenings.
Ilnrherw * AVnr Knili'il.
The fight on the part of the members
of the Barbers' Protective association to cn-
fnrco the closing of all barber shops on Sun
days Is conceded to bo over. When the case
ngalust Fred Klopfcr , the proprietor of the
shop at the Metropolitan hotel , was called
In U" > superior court yesterday , neither the
attorney for the barbers nor any member of
the association put In an appearance to
prosecute and on motion of Assistant County
Attorney Klmbull the case was dismissed.
Most of the barber shops , It is said , will be
open for business this morning , ns pcven
cf the boss barbers have slgnpd an Agree
ment to do so. H Is expected Uiat the fur
ther prosecution of the cane against Fritz
Umilianll , the proprietor of the Grand ho
tel barber shop , will bo dropped.
Next Saturday doll day nt Bourlclus ! Lit
tle girls take big folks nFong , get dainty
little paper doll , five colors , elands up , sits
up , rutP. 33.1 Broadway , where the organ
elands upon the building.
INittx' llrolluvrrrlvei. .
Calvin Potts of Cortlnnd , Neb. , arrived in
thn city ypstprduy and mndc arrangements
for the funeral of his brother , John A. Potts ,
who died Friday evening at the Woman's
Christian Association hospital from injuries
received by being run over by some train
Jn the Northwestern yarda. Air. Potts said
Ills brother was 49 years of ago and had
novtr to his knowledge been married. Ho
Jiail all his life been of a roving disposition
nnd thn last he bad seen of him was In
April when ho spent some time at hla farm.
Coroner Troynor Impaneled n Jury yesterday
morning , but adjourned the Inquest until to
morrow morning to permit of the attendance
of Iho railway people.
Wclcbach burners at Btxby's. Tel. 193.
Get your work done at the popular Kagle
laundry , 721 Broadway. 'Phono 167.
MurrliiKe ] < leen e > ,
Licenses to wed. wcro Issued yesterday to
the following persons ;
Name and residence. Age.
George B. Walling. Glen wood. la 29
Faunlo 'M , E. Williams , Glenwood. la 18
William Dickey , Omaha 39
Ara E. Bradley , Omaha . . . . .32
Edward Martin , Randolph , la 29
Hannah Foley , Pottawattainle 23
Jeteo Phellx , Council Bluffs. , . . , 26
Fannie Williams , Council1 Bluffs 14
Davis sells paint.
For { 'mil or 1tinned Ou.
U. II. SIUMI'IS .t CO. ,
B I'curl Vlroet , Couucil lllnOi. Iowa.
John Mi Line is Placed Under Arrest for an
Alleged Shortage.
I.ocnl KrclRht nnd Tleket Anent of
the ChlcnRO , .Milwaukee Jb St.
rnul Itnllwnr In the
A surprise was sprung In local railroad
circles yesterday afternoon when It became
known that John M. Lane , freight nnd
ticket agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway in thla city , had been ar
rested on a charge of embezzlement. The
Information charging Mr. Lane with embez
zlement was fllod In the court of Justice
Fcrrlcr ypsterday morning by F. M. Robert
son , traveling auditor of the railway com
pany. Mr. Lane at once gave bonds
In the sum of $500 for his nppcaranco be
fore Justice Fcrrlcr tomorrow morning.
The arrest of Agent Lane followed the
checking of his accounts by Auditor Rob-
orteon from Chicago , who has been at work
on the books here since Wednesday last ,
but no Intimation had been given that any
thing was wrong or that there was any
shortage In Mr. Lane's accounts.
Inspector Qeddes of the Surety company
arrived from Chicago yesterday morning
and at once , after a brief consultation with
Auditor Robertson , went to Justice Fer-
rler's court , where ho filed an Informa
tion. The arrest of Mr. Lane was carried
out with the greatest secrecy , nnd It was
not until late in the afternoon that It became -
came known that such had transpired.
Mr , Geddes when asked for particulars
declined to talk beyond admitting that the
checking up of Mr. Lane's accounts had
developed what appeared to bo n shortage
of a considerable amount , but ho was hope
ful that things would straighten themselves
out In a few days. Auditor Robertson also
declined to discuss the matter , but when
pressed admitted that he had been engaged
since Wednesday last in checking up Mr.
Lane's accounts nt the depot nnd city ticket
offlce , and .that there appeared to be a
shortage of a large amount. What the
exact amount was he aaid he was not at
thla time permitted to make public ,
I.nne Given Hull.
The same secrecy was maintained at Jus
tice Fcrrler's offlce and no Information was
forthcoming there. Justice Ferrler stated
that an information had been filed and that
Mr. Lane had given ball for his appoarnuco
Monday morning , but declined to say by
-whom the Information had been filed. He
admitted that the amount with which Mr.
Lane was charged with being short In his
accounts exceeded $2,000. An examination
of the court docket showed that no entry
had been made of the Information. Issu
ance of the warrant or the arrest.
Mr. Lane spent the day In company \ 1th
the auditor and Inspector Geddee , and about
4 o'clock In the afternoon accompanied them
to Omaha. He appeared to bo very nervous
nnd declined to talk about the trouble be
yond saying , "I am In trouble aud have noth
ing to eay about It. "
Agent Lane has held his present position
in this city for about fourteen years , coming
here from Dakota , and is one of the most
popular railroad men In this section of the
country. Ills friends , and almost every one
In Council Bluffs can bo counted as mich ,
arc loath to believe that he has been guilty
of any misdoing , and feel confident that the
trouble will be straightened out to the satis
faction of all concerned. If a shortage does
exist hU friends feel confident that he is
not responsible for It and that ho never used
any of the company's money that he was not
entitled to. Mr. Lane is a married man and
liven with his wife at the corner of Eight
eenth street and First avenue. Both he and
Mrs. Lane are social favorites , and his do
mestic life was of the happiest. As far as
IB known ho had no expensive tastes and
was generally regarded as a man of exem
plary domestic habits.
Amount of the ShortMKC.
It was ascertained last evening that the
amount which Mr. Lane is charged with
belnc short Is $2,334. The Information
chorees him with larceny by embezzlement
nnd was filed by R. M. Robertson , traveling
auditor for the railway company , and not
by H. L. Geddes , the Inspector of the bondIng -
Ing company , as first reported. C. R. Ilan-
nan , cashier of the First National bank ,
signed Mr. Lane's bond.
Traveling Auditor R. M. Robertson went
to Chicago last evening , but it Is understood
ho will return here Monday morning. He
has taken charge of both the ticket and
freight offices and during his absence Will
Butler , cashier at the freight office , will
have control.
After Mr. Lane's return from Omaha yes
terday evening , ho went to his home at
First avenue and Eighth street , whore ho
refused to see anyone or discuss the mat
Thn popular cigar nnd randy store of
Klein's , at 112 Broadway , has changed hands ,
and Mr. Frank Bell , the young grocer , fco
well and favorably known to all the Bluffs
people , Is In charge as proprietor. The popu
larity of the store win therefore hold its
own , and the trade will receive the same
courteous treatment as In the past , while the
goods will bo kept at the hleh standard
which has made the store the Icadlnc one of
UK kind In the city.
.Inline Smith of DlNtrlct Court Din-
mlNNcit the Contempt I'roeeedliiK" .
Judge Smith of the district court handed
down his decision yesterday In the contempt
case brought by J. J. Shea ngalnst Mayor
Jennings and the members of the city council
In April last. Shea asked that the city nffl-
< ilalH bo onlered to rescind the resolutions
passed by th cky council providing for the
refunding of the general fund and water
fund warrants and that on failure to do BO
they bo < k emed In contempt of court and or
dered confined In tlm city Jail until tbey
should comply with the order. Shea took the
position that * he council In passing tbo reso
lution did so in dellanro of Judge Townor's
ruling In ilio Injunction null brought by him
to restrain the city from ] > aying any of the
outstanding warrants. Judge Smith corre
sponded with Judge Townor and the latter
wrote stating that ho Tiad not In hlo ruling
Intended to prohibit the city from refunding
any of Its valid outstanding Indebtedness.
Ho accordingly dismissed the contempt .pro
ceedings brought by Shea ,
No sooner had Judge Smith handed down
his decision than Shea bobbed up again with
another petition In which ho aske l for an In
junction to restrain the city from Issuing the
refunding bonds on the grounds that accord
ing to his calculations the city was already
indebted beyond Its constitutional limit.
The city , Mayor Jennings , Treasurer Reed ,
Auditor Evans , Clerk Phillips and the mem
bers of the city council are named as de
fendants In the suit. Judge Smith Issued a
temporary restraining order and fixed the
hearing on the application for Tuesday , July
18 , at 9:30 : a , ra , The temporary restraining
order prohibits the city from refunding the
boixla or from doing any other matter or
thing that -would render such Injunction If
grouted Ineffectual ,
Judge Smith also 'handed ' down his de
cision In the case brought by the city against
the board of Couuty Supervisor * to enforce
the payment by the county of the bills In
curred for guards nhllo maintaining the
quarantine regulations In the late smallpox
casts. He ruled In favor of the county ,
holding that the expense should be borne by
the city , It being part of the , regular police
duties. TCic amount sued for by the city won
In the nelghlxirhood of $230.
IlTniln * to thr Slimmer Hc-nort * Mmle
n Very Dull Work.
Outside of n few picnics and Fourth of
July celebrations the lost week In social
circles has been almost A blnnk. The exodiH
to the summer resorts continues and nil
those who can get nway during the heated
term have cither taken their departure or
are preparing to go. Picnics nnd evening
drives to Lake Mannwa arc about the only
festivities Indulged In by those whom cir
cumstances prevent from spending the sum
mer away * from home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Wells gave a most
delightful family Inwn party on Tuesday.
About forty enjoyed their hospitality. Ta
bles were epread under the trees and dinner
served there.
Mrs. D. W. Dushnell entertained a num
ber of friends very charmingly at luncheon
on Thursday afternoon.
The Musical auxiliary of the Council
Hlurfs Woman's club will hold Its annual
meeting at the club rooms Wednesday after
noon at 3 o'clock , when officers for the en
suing year will bo elected.
The Sister of Bethany of Grace church
will glvo a "Bicycle" social Wednesday
evening at the residence of Mr. aud Mrs.
Lewis Harrnerwhich promises to bo a lead
ing event of the coming week.
The MclroBo ( Minn. ) Beacon of a recent
date contained the following complimentary
mention of Mr. J. S. Pool , who was for
six years chief clerk In the ofllco of the
motor company nnd who has many warm
frlcndfl In this city : "J. S. Pool , formerly
material clerk In the general office of the
Great Northern at this point , leaves tonight
for Larlmorc. N. D. , whore ho taken the
position of chief clerk to Superintendent E.
A. Donkln of the Dakota division. Mr.
Pool entered the service of the Fergus Falls
division In December , 1895 , and has since
made his homo In this city. Ho has more
friends to the square Inch than any other
man In town ; has boon A social loader among
the young people ; knows his business thor
oughly and has ever been watchful for the
Intercut of his employers. While wo are
sorry to have him go away , -wo are glad of
his promotion and are satisfied that this Is
a step upward , which will In timebo fol
lowed by another farther up. He deserves
It , and Is 'built ' after the fashion of the men
that win. A farewell reception was given
Mr. Pool In Knights of Pythias hall last
night and the rooms were thronged with
rrlends who at Ita close wished him good
luck and godspeed.
Mrs. H. Hellwlnckcl and two little sons
returned Thursday from Earllng , where they
tiad been visiting relatives.
Dr. nnd Mrs. M. B. Snyder entertained
Prof. J. L. Snyder , president of the Michi
gan State Agricultural college , last week.
Mrs. J. C. M'ltchell ' returned Thursday
from an extended visit with relatives In
Appleton City , Mo. , and Lenvenworth , Kan.
Mr. E. W. Read , who was on the Boston
during the famous naval battle at Manila ,
Is homo for a few days' visit with his
parents at101 South Twenty-fourth street.
He made his way home on the Buffalo by
way of the Suez canal nnd received his dis
charge In New York In May , since which
time ho 'has ' been visiting relatives in the
New Eugland states.
Mrs. M. L. Williams and son , Howard ,
have returned from Detroit , Mich. , where
they have been visiting friends the last
three weeks.
Mrs. C. A. Wiley of South Eighth street
[ ins as her guest her mother , Mrs.
William > H. Uoe of Kearney , Neb. , and Mrs.
F. W. Hill of Denver. Colo.
Mrs. Jennie McConncll has returned from
a three weeks' visit In Red Oak , la.
Major Butts of the High School cadets
will enter Audovcr college this fall.
iMrs. J. K. Cooper Is entertaining Miss
Ida Fruin of Shelby , la.
Airs. Barton Sheely and sons left Thurs
day for Ogden , Utah , where they will epend
the summer.
'Mrs. ' W. J. Davenport left Thursday for
Canon City. Colo. , where they have taken
u cottage and will spend the summer.
Mrs. Mary Rice and Miss Jennie Rice left
Thursday for DCS Molnes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Trotter spent last
week at their old home. Red Oak.
Mr. Graham Davis Is spending his vaca
tion in Pueblo , Colo.
> Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkins are enter
taining Mrs. W O. Brewer and son , Har
vey of Grand Rapldo , Mich ,
IMr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Hart have been
compelled to postpone their trip to Colorado
rado on account of Mrs. Hart's sudden ill
Miss Hannrfh Remington left Thursday
for an extended visit with friends in De
troit , Mich.
Mrs. Arthur Pickering arid children are
visiting in Red Oak.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Mc'Noy ot Keg Creek
left Thursday for Los Angeles , Cal. , where
they upend three months In quest of health
and pleasure.
iMrs. Pontius of First avenue entertained
last week Mrs. Ralph Pontius of Larnod ,
Kan.Major and Mrs. L. I. Edson of South Tenth
street are entertaining Mrs. W. A. Hender
son and daughter of Clarlndn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lunger of Park
avenue have as their guest the former's
sinter , Mrs. F. H. Thorp of Boston ,
Mrs. Caldwell and daughter , Miss Myrtle ,
loft Wednesday for Hot Springs , S. D. ,
where they will sojourn for the next four
Mies Lucy Eaton left Wednesday for Man-
Ituu , Colo. , whore , In company with her
brother , who resides nt San Diego , Cal. ,
Bho expects to spend the summer ,
Mr. Waldo H. Rothert Is visiting friends
In Chicago. From there bo goes to St.
Paul , Minn. , to attend the national conven
tion for the deaf. Before returning he will
spend some weeks at Lake Okobojl.
Miss Jessie Foster Is visiting Miss Nanette-
Houston at Jefferson , la.
Mr. Harold McNltt tins as his guest Mr.
C. J. McNltt of Salt Lake City.
Mr. H. Oien has gone to Colorado Springs
to spend tbo summer.
Mrs. Saor left Wednesday for Denver ,
Colo. , for a few weeks' sojourn In the moun
Miss Lyon and her sister , Miss Dora , have
gone to Colorado for a two months' trip.
Miss Clara Carson Is visiting friends in
Mr. and Mrs. H. R , Jones are spending
the summer In Watertown , S. D.
Mr. D. F. Grass has returned from Har
vard and will spend the summer at his
home on Washington avenue ,
Mlsb Anna Bowman leaves this evening to
spend the summer with relatives on the
const of Maine ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Barrett left last evenIng -
Ing for Salt Lake , where they will vsllt
Mi. Barrett's parents. They expect to be
gone about two weeks.
Mr. W. Louie Hulburt is ( pending his va
cation at Corning , la ,
Mr , and Mrs. F. Stodtmeister entertained
last week Mr. Frank Taylor of Creaton.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lyon entertained
last week Mr. and Mrs. V , A. Turner of
Miss F. O. Hoarold la sojourning at Hot
Springs , S. D.
Prof , and Mrs. W. N. Paulson of Allegheny
City , Pa. , were the guests last week of Prof.
W. S. Paulson and family on Fifth avenue.
From hero they went to Leartvllle , Colo. ,
and will make a trip to Los Angeles , Cal. ,
before returning home.
Mr. . Henry Atkins spent part of lust week
at Spirit Lake , is hero bis patents , Aldgr-
mnn and Mrs. Atkins , are upending the
heated term.
Mrs. Charles Besley and daughter are vis
iting friends at WlnnebaRo , Xeb.
Mrs. Albert Smith of Eighth avenue Is
visiting relatives In Mansfield , O.
Mrs. George Buckingham of Boston In
visiting her mother , Mrs. ( Merwln Maynard
of Sixth aveniic , who Is recovering from a
serious Illness.
Mrs. Mary W. Hnskcll Is spending the
summer In Pueblo , Colo.
Mr. L. Glllott is enjoying a visit from his
brother , Mr. A. F. Glllctt of Kearney , Neb.
Miss Nclllo Jacobs and .Miss . Mlnnlo Wil
liamson left Tuesday for Salt Lake City ,
where they will spend the summer vacation.
Mr. and 'Mrs. ' Egmond Johnson , who have
bten spending a portion of their honeymoon
as gucots of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. ' James Harrington
of Park avenue , returned to their homo In
Chicago on Friday.
Mr. F. L. Evans , city auditor , received
word yesterday from his uncle , Hon. H. Clay
Evans , commissioner of pensions , to the ef
fect that Mrs. Evann and her two daughters ,
Misses Nclllo nnd Anita , are on their way
to the Pacific coast , and that they will stop
at this point for a visit with hlmeolt and to
take In the exposition for a couple of days.
iMr. George F. Wright returned Thursday
from a visit to North Carolina.
'Mr. ' C. A. Atkins entertained over Sunday
his cousin , iMr. Russell Stalls of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jackson have gone to
Spirit Lake for a. summer outing.
Miss Gorada Zangs of Ottumwa , la. , Is the
guoet of her cousin , Mlsa Zcna Langc.
iMrs. Mary Pool Is visiting In DCS Molncs.
Air. and Mrs. Haworth returned Friday
from Lake Okoboji.
Mrs. W. E. Dawson , iwho has been visit
ing In DCS iMolnes , relumed Friday.
Mr. Klrkland of Chicago Is the guest of
Mr. nnd iMrs. Coady and family of Sixth
Mr. and ( Mrs. Brulngton and son loft last
week for Canyon City , where they will spend
the summer.
Mr. B. S. Dawson returned last week from
DCS IMolnes.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Davis left Friday for a
visit In Minneapolis.
'Miss Schoentgcn returned Thursday from
Des Molnes , nlioro she bos been visiting for
several weeks.
Mr. Walter Payne spent the first part of
the week with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Payne of Avenue A.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Nichols nnd little son ,
Harry , left yesterday for an extended trip
through the west.
Mrs. Wlllard Walton of North Twenty-
fifth street returned Thursday from Corning ,
la. , whor eho has been visiting her par
Mr. A. L. Bechlor of Fort Worth , Tex. , Is
the guest of his mother , Mrs. Reglna Bech-
ler of 2504 Avenue B.
Messrs. D. W. Bushnell and W. W. Han-
thorn leave this evening on their annual
fishing tour , and during their absence will
visit St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Mrs. F. A. Buckman and family leave this
evening for the cast to spend the summer.
Mr. Buckman will accompany them as far as
iMIss Roberta Hattcnhaucr Is entertaining
Mrs. W. H. Hill of Port Morcan , Colo.
Judge Aylesworth left Friday evening for
California for a few weeks' vacation on the
coast. He will be joined at Los Angeles by
Mrs. Aylesworth , who has been visiting
there for some time.
Mra. F. L. Evans and family are visiting
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Reed , at
Cumberland , la.
Mr. Sidney Worthy of Chicago Is the guest
of Mr. John T. Stewart and family.
Mrs. J. D. EdmundBon and her .niece leave
this week for Colorado resorts.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Spctraan returned Fri
day from a visit with friends In Lincoln ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tyler and daughter ,
IMurion , leave tomorrow 'for a tour of east
ern watering resorts.
Mr. , and Mrs. Palmer Johanscn of Walnut
are visiting the lattcr's parents , Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Pace of Mynstor street.
Mrs. F. W. Miller and sons , Carl and Clar
ence , are visiting relatives In Woodbine , la.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. H. Read and family are
enjoying a visit from Mr. II. D. Read and
family of Shelby.
Mr. Newton Smith of Kearney was the
guest Tuesday of Mr. Walter T. Payne.
( Mr. Knenellum King of West Point was
the guest last week of his grandparents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King of Avenue B.
Miss Myrtle Brown entertained last week
Miss Louisa Nordland of Kansas City.
Colonel Clark E. Carr of Galesburg , 111. ,
minister to Denmark during the administra
tion of President Harrison , was the guest
Friday of Mr. N. P. Dodge. Colonel Can-
was returning to his home from Las Vegas ,
N. M. , where he had been visiting for sev
eral weeks.
( Mr B. Scripture , superintendent of con
struction of the now Peavey elevator , ac
companied by his wife and daughter , who
have been visiting here for a couple of
weeks , left for his homo In Minneapolis
last evening. Mr. Scripture made a number
of friends during his stay In this city.
Dr. Myron Phelps of Van Wlrt , la. , is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Connell of
Fourth avenue.
Mr. Charles Beno is on the sick list.
Miss Josephine Jennings Is visiting friends
In Jefferson , la.
Mr , and Mrs. A. ( M , Hutchlnson and fam
ily have returned from a visit with rela
tives at Mondamln.
Mrs. A. W RIekman and children re
turned Thursday from a sojourn at the John
Plumer farm.
Mrs. Clint S. Bycra Is visiting friends In
Lincoln , Nob.
Mrs. Lea Lebovltz has returned from
Sioux Falls , S. D. , where she visited her
daughter , Mrs. Agrant.
Miss Mary Key entertained at lunch Fri
Mrs. Edward Davenport of DQS Molnes Is
the guest of her cousin , Mrs. J. E. Lang-
worthy , of Third avenue.
Mrs , E. F. Watts has returned from an
extended visit with friends In Jacksonville ,
Mar Bourlclus and family are making
preparations for an extended trip to Europe
next month to visit Mr , Bourlclus' relatives
In Holland.
Scientific optician , Wollmun.509 Br'dway.
Our new Star book and directory contain
ing a much larger list of stores than ever
will soon bo out.
Church .Votex ,
The services today nt Grace Episcopal
church will be as follows ; Holy communion
at 8 a. m , ; Sunday school at 9:15 : a. m , ;
morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock ;
evening prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock.
At the First Baptist church thin morning
the pastor , Rev. R. Venting , will take as the
subject of his sermon "Farowcll. " For the
evening sermon he announces the subject
will be "Power of Will. " All services will
bo at the usual hours , The church will bo
closed for fliree Sundays during the work of
renovation , but Sunday bcbool and prayer
meeting will fee held as usual , the place
to bo announced later.
The First Church of Christ , Scientist , will
hold services today In tbo Sapp building ,
room 103 , at 10:45 : a. m. The subject of the
lesson and sermon will be "Life. "
In the absence of the pastor , Rev. Alex
ander , the services today at the Second
Presbyterian church will < bo conducted by
ilr. Paul Bany of Bcllevuc.
At the Broadway Methodist church today
there will be the regular services , with
preaching by the pastor , Rev. Myron C.
Waddell , both morning and evening.
Rev. O. P. Fry , pastor of the Fifth Ave
nue Methodist church , announces that the
subject of hla sermon this morning will bo
"Abraham Called. " In the evening hl
theme -will b "Results of Evil Association , "
Loans nnd Discounts
U. S. Ho mis ut
I'rcmium on U. S. Mentis
Other Ho mis anil State Warrants , nt
Hanking House
Kcal Instate
Cash ami U. S. Treasurer
Surplus and Profits net
Time Deposits S 27f ( )
Sight Deposits 1,205 , ;
U. S. Deposits 50,0
JD. EDMUNDSON , President.
E. L. SHUGAUT , Vice President.
We Don't
Give premium ( Ickrt * or trntl-
Ine Htntnim , nor nttrmpt in nny
> vny in mldlcnd the iiubllc intn
thinking Hint TTP nrc ccnlntr < n
Klvc them omcthlnff ( or notli-
We DoS
S < -1I Mlinrn fur lri money limit
nil- concern ( lint ilnen liuxliii-ws
on till * nrlr.iimrl ( iK < * lilnn. We
cnii ilo It tipi'iinno w don't linn *
to ndd anylliliiK' to our Hhuon to
liny for
You Can
Knnlly find out which plncc Klvon
yon the lieftt rontiltn. If you
linvp IMMMI trndliiK at n premlnm
ticket ntore , try IIM for your next
linlr. AVc depend upon our
Nhoen nnd price * to lirlne 11 %
Our Indlen' Nhoen nt
$ u.r n , 9:1.00 : nn i it.r : o
nre milking friend *
for UN.
On Improved Farms In Iowa and InIde
City Property in Council Blurts at
SO or IIS acres l'l , mlles from Glcnwood.
Mills county , la. , $ G5 per aero ; good orchard.
_ SO acres five miles from Council Bluffs.
* > < ) per acre. A bargain for a fine fruit
larm or for cultivation.
City residence and business ) property for
salt ) that will pay from 10 to 20 per cent
gross on Investment from rents.
No. 315 Avc. P , 7 rooms , $25.
No. 029 4th avc. , S rooms , J25.
No. CIS Union st. , 5 rooms , J10.
No. CM Platlno st. , 5 rooms , J10.
No. 17 > 0 HlRh et. , 5 rooms , J8.
Flat , 221 S. 7th St. , modern , 130.
fi-acro fruit farm to trade for Insldo
residence property m Council Bluffs.
List your property with us for sale or
No. 102 South Main Street ,
Council Bluffs. la.
Telephone 312.
being the first of a scries of brief Sunday
evening discourses under the direction of
the Kpworth league. Morning clase will be
at 9M5 o'clock , Sunday school at noon ,
Junior league meeting at 3 p. m. and Ep-
worth league meeting at 7 p. m.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church , Rev. George
Edward Walk , Rector Sixth Sunday after
Trinity. Holy communion at 7:30 : a. m. ;
morning prayer and scrmcn at 11 o'clock ,
subject , "Tho Hope and Security of the
tioflpel. " There will bo no evening sen-Ice.
Sunday school will bo held at All Saints'
chapel , Third avenue and Eighteenth street ,
at 3 p. m.
The services at the Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today will
bo as follows : Morning hervlco at 10:30 :
o'clock ; Sunday school at 12 in. : meeting of
Z. R. L. society at C p. m. Elder I. M.
Smith will preach at the evening service at
7:15 : o'clock.
A special patriotic service will be con
ducted at 10:30 : o'clock this morning at the
First Congregational church , with a pecial
sermon by the pastor , Rev. J. W. Wilson ,
on "Loyalty to Our Country. " Thp choir
will sing "Tho Star Spangled Danner , "
"Brave Boys are They" and "Tenting on the
Old Camp Ground. " A short evening serv
ice will 1)0 ) held at S o'clock.
Compniiy Appeal * .
The Omaha & . Council Bluffs Railway and
Bridge company oervcj notice on County
Auditor Inncs yesterday that It appealed
from the action of the Board of Supervisors
In raising Its assessed valuation for taxa
tion as relumed by City Assessor Uardin.
The company's realty represented by the
cast half of Its brldgo across the Missouri
was assessed at J75.000 and this along -\Uth \
all realty In the city was raised by the
Mipervlsora 25 per cent. The company's per
sonal property , consisting of Its tracks ,
motor plant and equipment , ivas assessed at
$41,000 , and this , like all other personal
property In the city , was raised 10 per cent.
Wanted , two or four young men to board
and room In private family. Modern con
veniences. Address C , Bee office ,
Davis sells the best hammocks.
Returned from the Klondike.
VILL1SOA , la. , July 8. ( Special , ) The
Dunn brothers and Tom Past on came In at
8:20 : p , m , yesterday from the Klondike ,
where they have been for nearly two years.
A big crowd was down to meet the train.
Roy Jones , the man who was hit by a ball
during the ball contest , Vllllsca against Red
Oak , Is still In a critical condition. The
skull -was 'broken ' , a portion of It pressing
on the brain. The doctors deem an opera
tion uoceeaary.
Hey Hurt CronHlnir u Hallway Truck.
CBDAH RAPIDS. la. , July 8. ( Special
Telegram. ) Brlce nhea , a IG-ycar-old boy ,
was thrown from bis wheel this morning
while crossing the railroad tracks and fell
under tbo wheels of a boxcar. The right
leg below the knco wax ground to pieces and
U Is believed I tie Injuries will prove fatal.
Fobrunry 4 , 1899. April 5 , 1899. Juno 30 , I899f
CHAS. R. II ANN AN' , X W. KIKKMAN , Asat. Cashier.
Cashier. CHAS. K. WALTKKS , Asst. Cnshlor
' . Wc can mukc yon a special price in order to clean tip the stock. *
TJr We can save you money on GATIDEN HOSE * fe
5T that are warranted , $ &
% ? j.
if { Best LAAVN MOWERS made solf-sharpening . $
* from $3.00 up. i * *
- '
Give us a Call One pice to all.
J f *
< IP. C. The Old
* { ? , * ,
504 Broadway. 'Phone , 87. *
"Nothing succeeds like success. "
Those -who succeed in saving their
dollars are the people who buy their
shoes of a reliable merchant. That is
the one who sells the best shoes
for the money. The house that
has stood the test for years is
20 per Cent Discount
while they last. We guarantee the Automatic Re
frigerator to use one-quarter less ice than
any other make in the city. Out of town orders will
receive prompt attention.
IO Cents. 5 Cents.
I John G. Woodward & Co. ,
City Roller Mill
Council HlufTs , Ta.
Capacity JuO barrel * flour per clay. In first ,
class condition. Modern machinery. Makd
beat flour In market. Good local demand
for flour , bran , fhorlH nnd HTeenliiKS.
Kor furthe.1 information apply to K , p
Cochran. on the premises , or to
N. P. DODGE & CO. ,
Council JSlufTs
SH , 206 , 20S. 210 Uroadway , Council niuffu
Kates , fl.CO per day , 75 rooms. Klrst-cJass
lu every reaped. Motor line to al ! depots
J.ocal agency for the celebrated St. J.oula
A U. C. beer. Drst-clasB bar.
hotel. UuHlnem phone. 97 ,