Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1899, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    WITH \ \
Grand Army Men Find Fault with the
Pension Oommistioner.
Senator llnjirnril Tnkrx tlic Mnttcr
Ip nnil Will I'lnlenvor 1o 'Sec
Hint Tlirlr AVroiiK * Arr
LINCOLN , July 8. ( Special. ) The following -
lowing communication , received In Lincoln
today by Hon. H. C. Russell , chairman of
the committee on pensions , of the Nebraska
department of the Oraml Army of the Re
public , from Senator M. L. Hayward , will beef
of Interest to nil Nebraska veterans who
have had any dealings with the United
States pension olllco during the last few
years :
NHIIRASKA CITY. July 7. General H. C.
Russell. Chairman of the Committee on
1'enslonn of the Department of Nebraska
Urand Army of the Republic Dear Sir :
Yotirs of the Cth Inst. In regard to Com
missioner Kvans nnd his treatment of pen
sion claims l at hand. On July 12. lr ) % a
committee selected bv the national council
of the Grand Army of the Republic wilt
meet In Washington to investigate all
charges made against Mr. Kvans nnd to
look Into his manner of conductlne his
onice. Comrade \ \ . C Johnson commander-
In-chlcf of the Grand Armv of the Re
public , Is chairman of such committee. I
have written nil comrades whom 1 know of
that have complained against Mr. Kvans and
asked them to send a full statement of
their cases to General Johnson , care of 4he
1'ennlon office at Washington. D. C. , for in
vestigation If any comrade desires mo to
do to I will see that his complaint la Drop-
crly argued before such committee , ours
rlncrrcly , MU HAYWARD.
For several months a reeling antagonism-
to Pension Commissioner Evans has been
spreading throughout the country nnd there
has been considerable complaint as to his
deillng with pension claims from this state.
Mr Evans charges It to misrepresentation
by pension attorney who have at some time
found It Impossible to get through unmeritorious -
torious cases. There hna been considerable
correspondence on this subject between the
Nebraska headquarters of the Grand Army
of the Republic and people In Washington
H has been alleged by pensioners that Mr
Uvans Is too rigid In his rulings on pension
claims and that In this respect he Is fol
lowing tlio course pursued by his predecessor
during the administration
ser , Commander Lochren ,
ministration of President Cleveland. It Is
at the request of Commissioner Evans that
Commander Johnson and his committee have
undertaken the Investigation. The commit
tee will be given access to nil the records
In the pension department and every oppor
tunity will be afforded It. It Is understood ,
to examlno particular cases cited In support
of the charges that the commissioner Is un
friendly to the old sodler. It Is necessary
that all who desire their cases Investigated
Khali notify the committee at once.
Trouble Over n Clnlm.
A slight error made by one of the legis
lative clerks will occaelon Frank H. Porter
of the Holdrcgo Citizen considerable- trouble
In the collection of an approved claim
against the state for $63. The claim was
I.roperly allowed by the legislature , but In
the appropriation the name of the newspaper
was changed from the Citizen to the Ga
rotte. As there Is no such newspaper as the
GH7etto published in Holdrege It Is evident
that it was clearly an unintentional
The claim is for the publication of constitu
tional amendments several jears ago. The
legislature of 1806 allowed Mr. Porter a cer
tain amount for the publication of the
amendments , but refused to grant the full
amount demanded. Another showing was
made at the last session by Mr. Porter and
other newspaper publishers whose claims
were similarly cut down and another al
lowance was made. It appears from Investi
gation that the Icerk In endorsing the claim
on the back after It had been filed used the
wrong name and that when the appropria
tion bill was made out only the endorse
ment on the back was read.
It will bo remembered that the legislature
of 18 % cut down nearly all of the claims
for the publication of the constitutional
amendments , During the last few days of
the last session several of the newspaper
publishers got together and renewed their
demands , nearly all of which were allowed.
The newspapers which were not represented ,
of course , were not remembered by the leg
islature when the appropriations were made.
This has occasioned quite n number of ques
tions as to why some publishers were fa
vored wiiile others were not , but the situa
tion is easily explained for It Is certainly
not to be wondered at that the old claims
of the newspaper men who were not In the
city when the appropriations - ere made
were not thought of In the confusion at
tending the closing days of the session.
Governor Poynter today appointed Frank
B. Hlbbard , a populist of Irvlngton , Doug
las county , a member of the Pure Food com
Cnorx Ileforo llrynnt.
Quite a number of Insurance cases have
already been brought before Deputy Insur
ance Commissioner Bryant for consideration
and disposition. An application submitted
by the Northern Life Insurance company of
Marshalltown for permission to complete
the organization of a State Board of Refer
ence Agents with a membership of 400 was
dismissed because the commissioner had no
jurisdiction to decide. Prior to the passage
of the Weaver act Auditor Cornell granted
the company this permission , but up to the
present time only ICO persons have joined
the board.
An extensive communication was filed In
the Insurance department this afternoon by
W 13. Fharp , president of the Royal Highlanders -
landers of Aurora and vice president of the
American Fraternal congress , calling atten
tion to a number of protests that had been
filed with the auditor during the months 01
February , March nnd April relating to cer
tain fraternal Insurance companies that are
alleged to bo conducting business in Ne
braska Illegally and not according to law.
Mr Sharp filed these protests at the request
of the fraternal congress , of which he Is a
member of the committee on legislation. He
tales in his communication that some of the
fraternal societies are Issuing certificate !
nnd 'promising benefits that should have no
legal right to do business under tin * laws ol
the state. He asks that the protests be
taken up and disposed of.
I.o.n In I.lmlell riie.
Although the firemen never lost control ol
the flames In the Llndcll hotel fire last night
KII > MV AMI ni.Annnu
A Snmple Jlotllc Sent Krce li > Mall.
Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot , the wonderful
new discovery In medical science , fulfills
every wish In promptly curing kidney , blad
der and uric acid troubles , rheumatism , ani !
pain In the back. H corrects inability to
hold water and scalding pain in passing It
or bad effects following use of liquor , wine
or beer , and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often dur
ing the day , and to get up many times dur
ing the night , The mild and the extraordtn
ary f fleet of Swamp Hoot is Boon realized. I
stands tbo highest tor Its wonderful cures o
the most distressing cases.
U you need a medicine you should have
the. best , Sold by druggists In fifty-cent and
one dollar slzrs. You may have a sample
bottle of this wonderful new discovery and a
book that tells all about It , and its great
rurrf both sent absolutely free by mall , ad
dress Dr Kilmer & . Co , Blnghamton. N. Y
When writing mention that > ou read this
cencrous offer in the Sunday Uco.
t Is considered somewhat remarkable that
he entire building wa not destroyed And
evoral people Injured. Quite R number of
guents were badly frightened , nnd some even
attmpted to Jump from the upper story win-
lows as coon as the alarm ot fire was spread
Ttiere Is but one Ore escape on the building
and the guests crowded around the windows
eadlnB to Its platform until It wai found
mposslblo for even R small proportion of
he people In the house to make their exit
bat way. The occupants of the rooms weie
aroused as soon a the flames were discov
ered The halls Immediately filled with
imoko and on the upper floors It appeared
n though the entire lower part of the build-
ng was on fire.
An effort was made to arouse every per
son In the building , but one Omaha man.
Henry Ulum , employed In the governor's
office , slept peacefully through the confusion
and wai not aware that there had been a fire
n tbo douse until 9 o'clock this morning ,
when he appeared at the desk In the lobby
and asked If ho was too late for breakfast
Mr. Blum occupied a room on the third floor
nt the extreme northwest corner , and had
he lower hallfl caught fire it would have
icon Impossible for lilm to have escaped.
, 'The damage to the building will not bo
so great as was first estimated. All of the
upstairs rooms and halls were slightly dam
aged by smoke , but new wall paper will restore - I
store them to their former condition The '
tile floor In the dining room was torn up
by the firemen and the furniture in that
room was almost totally destrovcd by fire
and smoke. In the engine room the ma
chinery was damaged to a considerable ex-
ent by water The tile flooring cost $1,259
and the furniture about J200. The damage
to the machinery may possibly reach $1 000.
A. L. Hoover , the proprietor of the hotel ,
said this morning that he thought the dam
age would be between 13,000 and $7,000.
This Is fully covered by Insurance. Several
of the occupants of store rooms on the
ground floor sustained slight lo es by smoke
and water. The damage to U. Uosenbaum
& Co.'s wholesale jewelry stock will amount
to about $50 and to Dr. Ilamsdell's drug
stock about the same amount. It will not
tic necessary to close the hotel , but until
the dining room and other rooms are re
paired mc-nH will be served to men In
the saloon and to the women In an up
stairs room.
It Is thought that , the fire originated from
a defect In the electric wiring under the
floor ot the dining room
The Omaha people in the hotel last night
when the flro broke out were W. A
Travis. R W Smith , F W. Little , Mr and
Mrs. T J Mahoney and J. M. Freeman ot
South Omaha. None of the guests sustained
any damage to cither person or property
Hopubllcntifi Will llolil Tlirlr ' " ! >
H5 I'opiillntM nnil DrmucrntH
on AiiKtmt IT.
BEATRICE , Xeb. , July 8 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The republican county central com
mittee met here today and called a county
convention for July 25 , primaries to be held
the Saturday before. A convention with
251 delegates -will be held. Every township
In the county but one was represented and
the meeting was one of the best ever held
by the republicans. The populists and dem
ocrats also held committee meetings today.
They will hold their conventions August 17
and primaries August 5.
Over ? 0,000 Will He Hun * Up In PrUe *
mill rremluniH.
HASTINGS , Neb. . July 8. ( Special. ) The
business men of Hastings held a meeting
recently and decided to have a street fair
latter of Sep
some time during the part
tember. There will be $6,000 In cash prizes
hung up in order that there may be plenty
of amusements on the dally program. The
prizes offered will be for firemen's tourna
ment , shooting tournament , horse races ,
base ball , foot ball , bicycle races , band con
test , traveling men's cake walk , stock ex
hibit , agricultural exhibit , etc. It is esti
mated that there will be a daily attendance
of about 60,000.
In formation has just been received from
Ou ray , Colo. , stating that while Campbell
Bros ' advance car was waiting there over
Sunday three of the boys C. W. Hodges ,
formerly of Hastings , Neb. , Albert Glbbs of
Kansas City and H. Eldrege of Abilene ,
Kan. accidentally discovered a fabulously
rich vein of gold and have set their stakes
and filed claim upon the land. The boys
were spending the day walking about the
mountains four miles from Ouray and while
digging In the side of the mountain young
Hodgea discovered a rich vein of gold ore.
The find was covered up and the place
marked. Hodges went back to the car and
reported bis find to Mr. Campbell and to
gether with an old experienced miner they
went to the marked spot. The vein vas
examined and the miner pronounced It be
yond a doubt to be the richest find that
had ever been made In that part of the
gold field.
WEST POINT , Neb. , July 8. ( Special. )
The mortgage record of Cumlng county for
the month of June shows' Eighteen farm
mortgages filed , aggregating $29,212 , and
thirty released , amounting to $46,343.20.
Town and city mortgages filed , two , aggre
gating $1,950. and four released , amounting
to $1,316. Of chattel mortgages there were
filed sixty-eight , aggregating $63,667,59 , and
released during the same period , 100 , aggre
gating $63,512.52. Of deeds In foreclosure
gulls or filing of new suits In foreclosure
there were not any. Cumlng county Is tak
ing gigantic strides In the direction of liqui
dating past indebtedness.
HASTINGS , Neb. , July 8. ( Special. ) The
number and amount of farm , city and chat
tel mortgages filed and released In Adams
county during the month of June la as fol
lows : Farm mortgages filed , twenty-seven ,
amount , $28,782 50. Released , forty-five ,
amount , $31.785.60. City mortgages filed ,
twenty , amount $12,345.60. Released , twenty-
two , amount , J18.C03.5S. Chattel mortgages
filed , 161 , amount , $26,197.70 ; released ,
sixty-nine , amount , $35,951.40.
Claim for Taxe * Srtlli-il ,
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb. , July 8. ( Spe
cial. ) The claim for $2,650 back personal
taxes filed by the county and city against
the estate of the late Father Cuseon was
settled today by the payment of $1,005 , In
addition to $652 , the full amount of personal
tax for 1899. Father Cusson died a ohort
time ago , leaving an estate of over $100,000.
The city and county levied upon the estate
for the above amount of unpaid personal
taxes , which have been running for many
Heavy rains have fallen here In the last
three days , the fall aggregating nearly two
Cnnillilnto for Conamn ,
KEARNEY. Neb. , July S. ( Special. )
Frank E. Beeman of this city has announced
hli Intention of being a candidate for con-
greej In the Sixth district thin fall and will
begin an active campaign at once to secure
the nomination
Mrs. A. G. Scott , wife of Commissioner lethe
the Columbian exposition , Hon. A. G. Scott ,
who died a few days ago In Oregon , was
burled In the Kearney cemetery yesterday
> e Ncilo from Wc-iil Point.
WEST POINT , Neb. , July S.-Speclal.- ( )
The number of children of school age in this
city is 779 , according to the last census.
The small grain harvest has commenced
In this county , and many fields of rye are
being cut. The jleld promises to be above
the average.
Colonel James C Klllott U conducting the
affdln and occupying the editorial chilr of
Cor. Farnam and I5fh KELLEY , STICER & CO , Cor , Farnam and 15th
Mid-Summer Clearance Sale of Midsummer .Mid-Summer Clcarint ; Sale Midsummer
Clearance Sale Petticoats Clearance Sale
Waists & Linen Skirts
Dainty Desirable bargains Prices Wash Goods
to close.
NOTE All this season's styles of colored Shirt Waists Cheviot Mixtures Flounced and Q * nf Plain farts , not poetic fancies th * lent
VOC looked-forward-to clearing sale on all our
nuffled Skirts
will be sold regardless of cost to make a rapid clearance summer Wash Goods has arrived
Black Satlnette colored .stripest OCS
Everybody Knows that we carry the b l
No reserve in this stock everything of the latest pattern Underwear tlounced and corded ruffle * . . . . * * WC/ that money can buy. They know our stjlcs ,
Plain colored Skirting five ruffles or best they know our qualities , and they also know
and most choice production included. and Summer Corsets
seersucker deep the veracity of our statements Kvery > ard
The balance of last season's shirt "The Derby" Is too welt SKIRTS New style $1 00 Skirt , sllghtl } ruffles . . . . , nnd piece of goods has boon reduced fo low
waists , all kinds , fine percale , $1.40 known for comment , we soiled fine muslin deep flounce .75c Ncarsllk Skirt stripes and 1.90 as to ennbfe any ono to be syllshly dreweil
madras and zephyr. offer all the latent cords , striped and fancy fine embroidery . corded ruffles . at a comparatively small outln\ .
madras J2 00 grade. SKIRTS Only a few on hand of these fine Black China Silk Skirt ribbon O ( \ ( \ All our dark blue lawns and lappctt mulls
Plain and fancy zephyrs , madras , Intel pinked ruffle cut from $10 OJ \J
$1.23 Skirts deep hemstitched that sold for 12 c nnd 15c.
percale , white dimity , etc tf'f 5Jf\ West End and Derby , best and tucked flounce : $ i.oo clearance sale , yard
slightly soiled $1.00 quality. i5.l CJvF French pique and madras Children's Caps
and best Imported wash stuff , correct style DRAWERS Good Muslin cluster tucked All our plain black lappett Swiss mulls
Best styles , highest grade and fit $2.23 quality. well made nnd flnlihed .18c and Bonnets that sold for 20c , clearance .12io
manufacture , stripes and plain drawers 25c value . sale. jard .
percale zephyr oOc and 60c grades. C Jmported linen In all the 25c. 50c , 73c , S. > c , $1 r > 0 nnd $2 00.
( fCJmported DRAWERS French style full fashion All our best dark and llfht blue Con-
4J \J new tints , up-to-date styles Pretty French Caps nainsook , lace and
Pretty and new styles , traverse pretty ombroldercy naught Olmltles , clearance
Kffcfi . 48c embroidery edges.
serviceable and
t-Jww like silk , but more $2.65 ruffle sale , yard .
- and tucked fronts best washable
$2.75 qualities. Hand made Crochet Silk Bonnets straw
ble stuff 75c and 83c qualities. NIGHT GOWNS Empire , decollete embroidery and silk muslin shirred at half price. All our best 23c and 30c Imported ging
"West End" , very finest broidery , Insertion cambric hams and madras cloth , clearance -
All new tints In plain madras , 65c
. madras , unusual pretty ef ruffles Linen Dept. anco sale , jard
zephyr tucked bias effects new
fects and colored pique $2.65 and .
NIGHT GOWNS a chic French robe deep
stripes dainty French percales Art our 35c German linen gingham ,
. 100 dozen ready-made Sheets 2x2'/fc ' yards-
and lawn $100 and $1.23 qualities. grades. vat lace trimmed and In- / clearance sale ,
90c well made and good quality
berted fine work > ard
All our "Star" and "Der "Star" imported pique , each
$110 NIGHT GOWNS A perfection of French . All 45c nnd nOc colored dotted
by" fancy zephyrs , corded new and pretty tints , 100 doren ready-made Sheets 214x2' ; yards our
madras. This Is a perfect waist and of French zephyr $2.75 and $3.00 grades. taste daintily made puffed and Hamburg same quality Sulss , clearance sale , 25c
Insertion embroidery and rib' yard
the highest art $1 50 and $1.63 grade. 1.25 each
Imported pique , embroidered bon garniture
200 dozen 45x3S-lnch Pillow White and colored pique. We have the
( C- | * Q We will Include In this ered polka dots , rich new FRENCH LINGERIE of the highest order Cases good quality each . . . only assorted stock In Omaha.
P iI " sale all effects. The "Derby" best waists $3.30 $ Muslin Underwear department
- In
our late fancy will be found our One case of 45-Inch Utlca Mills This season's best stlcs at less than cost4
striped pique waists $1.50 and $1.65 grades. grade. partment superior quality and correct Pillow Casing , now , yard . . .
fashions always All our ISc quality white pique ,
All our "West End" " " One case large size Crochet Bed Spreads clearance safe ,
Misses Shirt Waists "Derby"
.37 jwgj Corsets that are bargains our $1.35 quality now- lie
Waists OC
, plain and fancy JL best percales nnd zephyrs $1.00 yard
madras new styles correct fit VENTILATED Perfect fitting each . . .i i
highest and $1.25 grades. Also $1.50 quality now All our 23c quality white and colored
grade $2.00 quality. . our 50c quality 50 bolts best Barnsley Crash4 s % \
$110. ,12Jc pique , clearance sale ,
BIAS CORSET Our $1.25 Bias IS Inches wide yard ,
Linen and Summer Skirts 96c to $3.00 Gored Corsets 100 dozen double warp lOc jard
. BATISTE Dainty White Sum4 f\f\ Bath Towels each All our 3flc and 35c quality white
mer Weight Corset l.vFLF 50 dozen extra large size Bleached Bath pique , clearance sale , .20c
These are less than cost embracing all the new effects LINEN Very strong lightweight Towels our 23c qtialltj yard . .
1.00 .20c
weight batiste linen . each . All our very best 4&s and 50c quality
of the braided embroidered
day , lapped beams , applique , ,
BICYCLE WAIST A boon and a Remnants of Table Linen from 1'fc to white and colored pique , cfear-
etc. The new tints in crash , linen , pique , duck , etc. bargain to the cycling woman . . . yards , at cost price. anco sale , yard 29c
the West Point Republican during the ab
sence of the editor , A J. Larger , as a dele
gate to the national editorial convention at
Portland , Ore.
George N. Adam of this city , the senior
partner of the firm of Adam & Glsln , real
estate brokers , and formerly junior partner
In Peters , Adam & Co. , has decided to leave
this city and take up his residence In Omaha ,
where he has purchased a tract of land. Mr. J
Adam has for a long time had charge of the
business of R. C. Peters & Co. of Omaha In
this section.
At a meeting of the West Point Building
and Loan association held last evening the
following officers were elected for the en
suing year President , J. C. Crawford ; vice
president , John H. Thompson ; treasurer , R.
F. Kloke ; secretary. Zed Brlggs. A semi
annual dividend of 6 per cent was declared.
This institution is one of the most sub
stantial in the county.
Ileport from York Coiintj -upptli n
to ItctiirnliiK : Solilirrn.
YORK , Neb. , July 8. ( Special ) Beaver
township hens last year lajed 35.6S1 dozens
of eggs. It is estimated that if farmers
in Beaver township had kept an account
of the number of egcs consumed and sold
that Beaver township could have easily
shown over 50.000 dozen eggs. Local mer
chants complain that there Is a scarcity of
eggs and has been for the last sU months.
They account for It that farmers are rais
ing all the young chickens they can A
large number of York county farmers'
wives own Incubators and are buying fresh
eggs of local buyers , and putting them In
York will give the members of Company
A , First Nebraska , a right royal and vv el-
come reception , and will not spare labor or
expense. At a moss meeting of citizens
D. E. Scdgwlck was chosen president , Miss
Mary Hill secretary and Hon. G. W. Post
treasurer. Members of committees arc :
Mrs. William Harrison. Messrs. Bowker ,
Post , Sedgewlck , Shrecck and Lieutenant
Governor Gilbert. Miss Mary Holdeman ,
county superintendent of public schools ,
leaves for San Francisco , where she will
meet her brother , Captain Holdeman , and
ascertain the time that York count > 'a gal
lant young soldiers will return. The re
ception will be A general county affair , In
which each township , village and school dis
trict will take part , and make it ono of
the memorable events In the history of
York county.
The executive members and officers of the
Nebraska State Sunday School association
were here yesterday and transacted Impor
tant business on hand and such other busi
ness for the good of the association , There
were present' George G. Wallace , Omaha ;
W. H. Klmberly , Lincoln ; D , M. Ashbtiry ,
Broken Bow ; W. H. Clay , Holdredge ; Rev.
T J. Strickler , Waco , and E. J. WIghtman ,
York. Neb ,
nux.vw.vY coi'i'ii : is
Pnlr of You UK 1'eoplr SreUliiK Mnr-
rlnuo TilKoil In Chnree nt S > rurukr.
SYRACUSE , Neb. . July & ( Special
Telegram ) Thla afternoon a man asked
Justice Brown for a marriage license ,
which be refused to allow on the
ground of jurisdiction. The party started
out to find the county judge , who had been
visiting in town , but bad returned home
While searching for a license the party ran
across Constable McParland. who bad been
notified by Chief of Police Malone of Lin
coln to be on the look out for a runaway
couple. He Immediately arrested the man ,
who gave his name as Stover , and soon
found the girl , who Is about 15 years old ,
and now holds them both awaiting the ar
rival of Chief of Police Malone of Lincoln ,
who will be here about midnight. The
girl's name Is Conklln.
Kcrii.pnt * to Kill Grai
BENKELMAN. Neb. , July 8. ( Special )
Grasshoppers are doing very destructive work
in this section of the country. L. Morse , a
farmer living three miles west of town , has
just tried a device by which It is thought
that the number of hoppers can be greatly
lessened at a imall expense The apparatus
he uses consists of a tin pan , 2x15 feet ,
filled with water and coal oil , behind which
U erected a canvass. This Is set upon
wheels and drawn through the fields , the
hoppers flying against the canvass and fall
ing back into the oil , which .n a few
seconds terminates their lives The experi
ment -vas witnessed today and in fifteen
minutes one bushel of the pesky little
animals was gathered in. It is estimated
that the cost of killing them In this way
I will not exceed 5 cents * per bushel It Is
likely that many of Jheso machines will be
put in operation here' In a few days.
Ilo > H Cut Air DrnUc Hone.
SOUTH SIOUX CITY. Neb . July S. ( Spe
cial ) The Short Line Railway company has
had considerable difficulty of late with boys
who cut the air brakes on the cars standing
in the Minis Some time ago several brakes
werp cut and the culprit located and his
parents made to settle wild the company
Last week seven more couplers weie cut and
slnco then Agent Macomber has been doing
a little detective work and the boys who
have been having thle kind of fun , if they
call it fun , may find themselves in an un-
comforatble position before they get through.
The brakes are not taken by the bojs and H
Is for nothing but pure "cussedness" that
they cut them.
'I'lilevfM e n Trail.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , July S. ( Special
Telegram ) On June 25 two men driving a
small gray mare in a cart put up at one
of the barns In this city and ordered the
mare fed. The men disappeared. On July
4 the llverman received a letter from them
"tatlng that they would call for the mare
in a fowdajfi nnd signed the letter ns the
fellow who left a gray mare and cart. It is
thought the horse was stolen. The goods
found In the barn by Sheriff Sutton on the
Fourth have been Identified by Bailey &
Son of Ord , who read the account In The Bee
July 5.
HottorlT lo Ho I'ronocntod.
BLAIR , Neb. , July S ( Special. ) The pre
liminary examination of Tom Bottorff ,
charged with attempted rape on the person
of the 10-year-old girl of Milt Allen , will
be held at the county court Monday. Bet
torff Is a resident of Omaha , but formerly
lived In this county. The Aliens live at
Kcnnard and are related to the Bottorffs
by marriage , but will not hinder B vigor
ous prosecution.
Hey Thrown from n Homo ,
OSMOND , Neb. , July 8. ( Special. ) At
noon today George , the 10-year-old son of
Charles McMillan , in riding out of town on
horseback , was thrown from bis horse and
has remained in an unconscious condition
up to the time of sendlnc this message.
The doctors fear he may not recover.
Crops in this part of the state never looked
better than at this time. Small grain 1s
all beaded out and corn Is doing fine.
Fnrmrr MioeKoiI It ;
STELLA , Nob. . July S. ( Special. ) Dur
ing yesterday's storm E. P. Strlngfleld , a
prominent farmer five miles southwest of
Stella , waa pumping water when a bolt of
lightning struck the windmill tower. It
knocked Mr. Strlngfleld several feet on the
ground and when he regained consciousness
be found bis rlsht hand somewhat burned ,
It was several hours before he recovered
from the effects.
It Wim J.onileil.
DECATUR , Neb. , July 8. ( Special ) Yes
terday Will Adalr , a young man of this city ,
was fooling with an old pistol when he accl-
dentally discharged it , the contents going
through his left hand , completely destroying
the use of the first and second fingers.
About four ) ears ago he shot himself in
the wrist with a shotgun and destroyed the
use of the other fingers of the same hand.
Inillnii I'owivotv.
DECATUR , Neb , July 8. ( Speilal. ) Yes-
Indian powwow commences tomorrow. It is
to be held at Yellow Smoke's lodge , five
miles north of here , A great many In-
! dlans have already pitched their tents and
great preparations are being made for a
two weeks' celebration.
lnkiirB 1OU ! Vn lon I'npom ,
PLATTSMOUTH. ? Vb. , July S ( Special )
County Clerk James M. Roberton and
his deputy , Will Coolldge. made out over
100 pension papers for the old soldiers this
Succtss of John R Bartlett's Campaign in
Gieat Britain A&Suied.
Kxnetly l.lUr the American OH Seed
I'ool ixcopt that the block
linn Not Ileeli
NEW YORK , July S. A dispatch to the
Tribune from London , Eng. , says : The
complete success of John R. Bartlett's cam
paign in the English oil seed trade is as
sured. When he came to England five
months ago the managers of the linseed and
cottonseed crushing mills and refineries
were competing sharply with one another
and adopting no methods for self-preserva
tion. He lias drawn 60 per cent of this
great trade into an amalgamated company
His plan of operations has been adopted
by a majority of the trade. Including all
the , strongest companies and firms. Ho has
made contracts with seventeen corporations
and firms and purchased twenty-eight mills
and twelve oil refineries , with plant , busi
ness and good will. The- British Oil and
Cake Mills , limited , has been organized to
carry into effect these agreements made by
him and his brokers and conduct the busi
ness for the common advantage of the ma
jority of the trade. The share capital
and debenture stock of the consolidated
company Is 2,210,000 , but 500,000 is re
served for future development of the busi
The British Oil and Cake Mills , limited ,
la an exact reproduction of similar amalga
mations in America , with the single difference -
once In detail that the stock Is not
watered. The new company Is neither a
trust nor a monopoly , but simply one of
many industrial amalgamations which are
formed here as readily as In America. Eng
lish law sanctions such consolidations and
they receive the support of the greatest
financiers , and there IB no popular agitation
against them.
The Consolidated company will be power
ful enough to control production , the dis
posal of products and the Improvement of
plants will bo the reduction of prices to
the English oil trade.
While allowing Mr. Bartlett to carry out
his own plan without modification , the
British trade is acting entirely for Itself
and Independently of any American trade
amalgamation. There Is as yet no con
certed action between trades of the two
countries , nor any attempt to regulate
prices by an International trust or combi
nation. Some basle of common action may
be arranged in the future.
Dollth niiilH theAROiiloK of .1111111
Stellii hlMHOii of Alnrmorth , Noli.
AINSWORTH , Neb. , July 8. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Miss Stella SUson , the young
woman -nho was bitten by a rattlesnake on
the 23rd of June , died this afternoon. Her
agonies during the last two weeks have
been terrible , but she passed away as If
in sleep. U is claimed she has been un
able to eat anything since she was poisoned
Tlieoiloro Tlioinimoii U Vor > Low.
HUMBOLDT , Neb. , July 8. ( Special. )
Theodore Thomoson , who was so badly In
jured by a blow on the head Sunday. Is
lying very low at the Fllson house. Word
has been received from his father , who
was located at Nebraska City , and be U
expected to arrive today to care for his son.
KlcUeil lo Ilentll.
NORTH LOUP , Neb. , July 8. ( Special )
News arrived late yesterday afternoon of
the accidental killing of a man named Van
Asdal , living about six miles from here , In
Greeley county. He had sold come bogs
to another farmer and loaded them into
his wagon In driving Into the yard to
unload he had to drive down into a small
draw , and when going down was sitting on
the front endboard of the wagon whirh
ibelng Insecurely fastened gave WHV anil
precipitated him and the hogs under the
horses' feet. Before he could be icscurd j
he was trampled and kicked to death He
was a member of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen of this place , and that
order took charge of the funeral.
Vlllnco of Mill-ore ! rlrc.
MILFORD , Xcb , July S. ( Special ) Th
village of Mllford was moused at 3 o'clock
this morning by the fire bell , and the people
ple rushed out in their night garb ? to
see the rehabilitated Saratoga hotel on fire
The fire had got a good start before It
was discovered , and the energies of the
fire department were directed to saving the
buildings In close .proximity. Insurance ,
Tuo I.arKf Mo rumHoimm. .
KANSAS PITY. July S T\\o large brick
buildings In Hie .Missouri rivpr bottoms
northeast of Kansas City , Kan. , occupied by
the American Curled Hair company of Chicago
cage for storehouses , were destroyed by fire
today. Loss estimated at $7J,000 , partly in
IIliMtrliKxhlhlllon. .
COMO , Italy , July 8. The Volta Electri
cal exhibition has been entirely destroyed
by fire , due to the defective electric wires.
Many relics of Volta perished. There was
no loss of life.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , July 8. ( Spe
cial. ) Prof. J. W , Crabtree , who is con
nected with the State university at Lincoln
and one of tbo best known educators of
the state , -was married jestcrday to Miss
Dorlna A. Wilson at tbo residence of the
bride's fatnor , E. II. Wilson , ten miles
south of this city. The bride Is also well
known In educational circles. She was as
sistant in the art department at the State
university , and has recently completed a
three years' course in the Chicago Art in
stitute. Mr. and Mrs. Crabtrco" left Im
mediately after the ceremony for the Pa
cific coast , where they will spend their
So llmlty llurlie.l She Dle.l.
MITCHELL , S. D. , July 8. fSpeclal Tele
gram. ) Mrs. Michael Dougherty , living
twelve miles northwest of here , was so badly
burned yesterday afternoon that she died
last night. She waa cleaning some beds
with gasoline , some of which dropped on the
floor. She attempted 1o burn It and then
tried to dash out the small flame with her
apron. Her clothes caught fire and , as she
was practically alone , she was severely
burned and died seven hours later.
t'ncloiiclecl SUIoN it ml Southerly Wliiiln
Arc In Store for lonti
nnil JNeliriinkn.
WASHINGTON , July S. Forecast for
For Nebraska and the Dakotas Fair
Sunday and Monda ) , southerly winds.
Tor Iowa Fair Sunday and Monday ,
warmer , southerly winds.
For Missouri Fair Sunday and Monday ;
warmer ; variable winds.
l.oi'nl Itcconl.
OMAHA , July 8. Omaha , record of lem-
, perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last thrca
vearo U33 159 * 1SS7 15K
Maximum temperature . .79 M M " 5
Minimum temperature , SS 71 7S tiJ
Average temperature . . . . 68 73 & 3 es
Precipitation 00 . ( n .00 .00
Record of temperature and preclplja-
tlon at Omaha for this day and nines
March 1 , 1SS3 :
Normal for the day 77
Deficiency for the day 3
Accumulated dellcitncy Unce March 1. J71
Normal rainfall for the day ninth
Deficiency for the dav . . . . . . .17 Inch
Total rainfall lnie .March 1. 12 91 Inrlien
Detlck-nty since March 1 3.16 Inches
KxreMi for cor period , 18JS 'M Jm 1) )
Deficient/ cot period. UW , 6.'JOimlies
Local Tort-cast Official.
Imperative Call for Aid for Those Left
Homeless Along Brazes River.
Iliiln llni lleoii 1'ourlnc : In Torrents
tAloni ; the lleil IlHer nnil An-
olher Dentruotl < 1'lood
ST. LOUIS. July 8 A special to the Post-
Dispatch from Dallas , Tex. , sajs : Governor
Sa > crh , In a talk over the long distance tele
phone from Austin , requests the press testate
state that in addition to money all character
of clothing and provisions arc needed In the
flood district. He suggests that parties con
tributing such articled communicate with
him before shipments arc made In order tbat
Intelligent distribution may be had.
There are from Tfi.OOO to 100,000 persons
needing relief. About $100,000 in money
and supplies bavo been contributed , but
many times that much U needed.
Reports received In Dallas at noon from
Denlson , Paris , Texarkana and other placei
on the Red river ittato that rain has been
pouring In torrents for the last five hours
with no prospects of stopping. It is feared
that a flood In Red river may result. A tele
gram received today from Julln , In Fort
Bend county , nays that COO persons are In
danger of drowning nt that place.
NUW YORK , July 8. The National Enam
eling and Stamping company , through Iti
president , ex-Congressman F. G. Nledrlng-
hauh , today mailed to Governor Sa > ers ot
Te\aa a cheek for $1,000 for the relief of tbo
flood Huffercrs.
Illirr IteiichoN thi ! DniiKcr I.lne.
INDEPENDENCE , Kan. . July 8. Tha
Verdigris river reached the danger line
again this morning and Is still rising a half
foot an hour , which will put It out of its
banks today and flood the bottoms. Elk
river is over the Tow lands for mile ? along
Its course. If tbo Verdigris rises much
higher it will put out the fires in the pumpIng -
Ing station of tbo waterworks. This second
rise Is duo to yesterday's rains , and It la
feared it will be worse than tbat of a few
days ago , which caused great damage to
stock and crops.
( iooil Crop Outlook ,
CHAMBERLAIN. S. D. . July 8. ( Special. )
The present indications are that the crop
In tills section of the state will this year
break all former records. The condition of
all KM IB of grain Is Al , and It U now be
lieved tbat the season Is too far advanced
to anticipate any serloun backset.
Germ ozone on 10 days'trial
Lce'a Cicrroozonc , an antiseptic healing
lotion , li > fur huperior to any combination
of t.oapointments ( , or * o-calc ! < ! blood
purlUtri , for any wound or dltcabeof tun
hklnorfccalp ; such as
cult , cor * * , poisoned wound * , ulcer * ,
eciema , teller.
belli , plmploc , eruptions , dandruff , bite *
ol Iniecti , etc. .
or for any inflammation of the mucnui
lining of the cavities of the body , bucliai
ore mouth , Ihront or eye , oaUrrh ,
leucorrhoa , or piles ,
( icrrnozono U the greatest healing agent
let discovered ; wo are convinced of this
f act perhops you are not. If not , and you
have a convenient case for trial , head u
your name and oddrcus and wo will send
to jou , postpaid , a lull-bize W-cent package -
ago of Uermozono on ten days' trial. U u
it freely for tea daj & ui > dlrocutd , and wmd
us 50 tents If jou rreeli e u cure or marked
benefit. If not , return the unukud portion
uud w c w ill * quaro ttio account.
This U no catch od > ertlscmcnt or C.O.D.
bcheme. We have umlldeare In Gcrmo-
zone , and will trust to your honor to pay If
you receive Unellu Returned package *
average lets than 1 per cent ; tbo publlo
honcbty ov tr 8 p < .r cent.
Geraozone Is for kale by many drugplsti
nt 60 tents ir package or 10 cents for trial
hizeorwew.nd postpaid on receipt of prl ca.
Gennozone leaves no scar