Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1899, Editorial, Page 20, Image 20

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    THE OMAHA DAII/T BEE : SUNDAY , JULY 9 , 181)1) ) ) .
j Beceires Minimum Sentence for the 'Murder
of Hii Pather-in-Law ,
lit Hln rinnl Slnlcmcnl Kerr Declare *
tlmt ItlH Wiro'n Fnlllilcim-
ucnn rtolilioil Illin of
Ten years In thn penitentiary Is the pun
ishment that John Kerr must endure for
killing Us wife's father , John Hold , nt Val-
Jey July 1 , 1898. This sentence V.M . pro
nounced 'by ' Judge linker yesterday and
Kerr was remanded to his cell In the county
Jail , from which ho will soon be taken to
Lincoln to begin his decade of existence In-
Blrte the walla of the prison. To the end
Kerr asserted that he did not know what he
was doing when he fired the nhot and he
vohomcntly declared that the misdeeds of
Ills wife drove him to commit the crime.
Kerr was brought Into the court room
rome time before Judge Baker mounted the
1)onoh and ho ppent a quarter of an hour In
earnest conversation with his attorney , A.
number of minor matters were
C. Troup. A
passed on before the Hcntence was reached.
To the question whether he had anything
to say why eontencc should not then bo
passed , Kerr merely shook his head , but Mr.
Troup addressed the court briefly In a plea
for the minimum sentence. Ho reiterated
the opinion that Kerr was so distracted with
Ills troubles that ho did not know what ho
-wan doing on the morning on which the
shooting occurred and called attention to
the fact that , In finding Kcrr guilty of mur
der In he second degree , the Jury had
recommended him to the clemency of the
court. He also stated that ho had a pstltlon
ulgned by nearly all the business men and
citizens of the vicinity of Valley and by
most of the witnesses for the state , In which
the court was asked to Impose the minimum
penalty and emphasized the statement that
tip to this time the life of tha defendant had
been beyond reproach.
In passing sentence Judfse Baker assured
the defendant that It was the province of
the jury to pass on questions of fact and
that It was then the duty of the court to net
In accordance with the verdict. Ho stated
that Kcrr had the benefit of a fair trial and
or it most able defense. While the jury had
decided that ho was responsible for the
crime , ho was forced to conclude that the
murder was partially duo to the trouble that
ho had experienced.
Hero Kcrr broke In with a vehement com
plaint that his wife was the cause of his
trouble. Ho declared that ho had always
believed 1" his wife and when ho was told
that she was untrue to him the discovery
drove him dlstmcted. Ho also said that If
Jils brother , Robert , had been a man of
eound mind ho would never have taken him
to Reid's hotel In the condition of mind that
ho was In at that tlmo and the tragedy
would never have occurred.
Continuing , Judge Baker said that he was
convinced that Kerr was not a bad man at
heart and everything pointed to the fact that
while ho might have known what ho was
doing , his mind was In a very unsettled con
dition when ho committed the crime. In
view of this and of the recommendation of
the Jury and of Kerr's neighbors and fellow
citizens he would give him the minimum
penalty prescribed by the statute , which Is
ton years In the penitentiary.
Kerr made no reply when the sentence was
pronounced and was Immediately token back
to the county jail. It Is understood that ,
elnco the llghtcnt possible sentence has been
secured , Ills attorneys will not appeal the
case to the supreme court.
J 11 duo Powell niNiiilNnrn County At
torney Contest nt CeNt of llelnlnr.
The quo warranto proceedings brought by
Phil E. Winter to test the right of George
W. Shields to hold the ofllco of county at
torney were dismissed at the cost of the
relater t > y Judge * 'Powell yesterday. The
opinion Included an elaborate analysis of
the law In the case , and the reading was
lieard with close attention fcy a large au
dience of attorneys and Interested parties.
'At ' the end Shields did not attempt to con
ceal his delight and he , with some of his
intimate associates , left the court house
vociferously jubilant over his success In
maintaining his grip on the county salary
In his opinion Judge Powell first reviewed
the contentions of the parties as they are
Bet forth In the pleadings. The principal
grounds on which Winter asked for a writ
ot ounter were : That the name of Shields
was printed thrco times on the official bal
lot as the pretended nominee of three dis
tinct and separate political parties , when ,
as a matter of fact , ho was regularly nomi
nated by only ono of these parties : that the
only votes legally cast and entitled to bo
counted for Shields iworo those voted under
the emblem and in the column marked
"Democrat ; " that Shields did not receive
as many votes In this column as Winter
did In the column marked "Republican , "
but that the canvassing board wrongfully
counted as having been cast for Shields the
votes appearing In all three of the columns
In which his name appeared , and that the
oincltxl ballot , as used with reference to the
oflico of county attorney , was void because
the use of Shields' name three times gave
Jilm an unfair advantage over Jils opponent ,
cind that by reason of authorizing the use
ot such a ballot the act of the legislature
under v > hlch the election was held In un
constitutional and void.
In regard to the flrst proposition Judge
( Powell stated that there I * no Nebraska
decision In point. Several decisions In
which It was stated that no candidate was
entitled to have his name printed more
than once on the ofllclnl ballot were given ,
In , connection with the law of 18(11 ( , which
In force before tba
was present law was
passed. Ho quoted , however , from on
obiter dictum In the opinion in the case ot
the state against Allen , In which It was
Btatod that In certain other states It Is clear
that the of each
name candidate should ap
pear on the ballot with the ticket of every
party by which ho has been nominated ,
Bovcral decisions of the supreme courts of
Ihoso states -were cited In support of this
The court Btatcd that his pcieonal Inspec
tion of the ballots had Indicate * ! that there
were J7.D03 ballots cast , of which Shields
received 9.2S5 and Winter S.2C8 , giving
Bhtelds a majority of 967. He then assumed
fhat every elector Is entitled to bcllove that
the ballot Is correct ns ho receives It and
that the officials who prepared It huvo done
( heir duty. Ho added : "It does not appear
from tin Inspection of the ballots , nor from
nny other evidence Introduced or offered ,
that any voter WHS misled or deceived In the
slightest degree by tbo form of ballot uscl
or that ho voted , or that his vote was
counted for nny candidate other than for
those lor whom ho desired to vote , and yet
this court la asked to disfranchise y,207
electors , who , Intelligently and In geol
faith , cast their ballots for Shields , and to
tioclaro Winter elected to this ofllce , "
ThU was followed by the citation of nu-
tneroua decisions relative to the form of
nomination and the court ruled that since
the official ballot used In thla election was
prepared and published at Joist flvo days
before election and the relater had failed to
file any objection until after the- election , bo
was then estopped from complaint ,
Cumttnly of Illx Child.
Jacob B , Ilradlcy ban. secured a temporary
writ of habe in corpux to secure possession
pf his daughter , Blanche Bradley , who has
b"en In the custody of her mother at 1623
Half Howard street. The couple were di
vorced In Ixmlftrlllo , Ky. , some years a o ,
and the fnthcr amerts that the Influences
1 > y which the mother Is surrounded ro not
fit for the child. The order was granted
by Judge Fawcett pending a hearing of
the merits of the case.
Sinnll Mnllcru In Court.
Judge Powell has overruled the motion
for a new trial In the cao of Calhoun
against Wlrth , a suit brought by a trio of
mimic hall artists to collect falarlcs alleged
to be due on a contract. The verdict was u
Judgment for the plaintiffs
Judge Baker has entered an order over
ruling a motion for a new trial In the Gard
ner habeas corpus proceedings and remandIng -
Ing Gardner to the custody of the city Jailor.
A bill of exceptions IS being prepared and
the caBO will l > e taken to the supreme court ,
where nn effort wllf be made to have It ad
vanced for early hearing.
JnilKo Gordon Finally Indict * I'mnlly
oil 11 Jinn Who in the Po-
lloc Arrrftt.
At last the police feel that there Is nome
hope for thorn , that the clouds are breakIng -
Ing and that Judge Gordon will do some
thing to help them drlvo out unemployed
wanderers. They have not much to base
this belief upon only the conviction of a
halfiwltted negro , Saturday afternoon , of
vagrancy. For weeks they have been tryIng -
Ing to secure a conviction of some vagrant
so they could say the record bad been
broken ot last. Their efforts were futile
until Detective Crummy ran Into Tom Wil
liams , who was trying to sell some needles
In a Douglas street second-hand storo. Wil
liams declined to tell the officer where he
got Uio needles or to give an account of
himself. Ho also refused to go to the
station , but with the assistance of his blub
the ofllcer persuaded him to "como along. "
When Williams was arraigned he en
tered a plea of not guilty. The olllcer told
of hils experience , and then Williams took
the stand. lie acknowledged that ho was
driven out of Kansas City , where ho had
served a sentence for vagrancy. His
answers 'were ' given In a way that con
vinced the spectators that. If he were not
half-witted ho was so Viloso to It that the
average Insanity commission would never
bo able to detect the difference. He said
ho was willing to work , but had nothing In
vlow. He had no money and no prospects
of getting any. Judge Gordon gave him
ten days In jail to see It ho had wit enough
to figure out some way ot securing em
lr. 1'crlii tit the Hotel.
Tomorrow morning Dr. Carl Louis Perln ,
the famous palmist , who Is giving readings
at the Temple of Palmistry , at the exposi
tion , will open parlors on the parlor floor of
the Murray hotel , where he can be consulted
forenoons by these who wish to see htm
without having to go to the exposition
grounds to do so. This move on Dr. Perln's
part has been made on account of the great
call that has been made by peopfe at his
hotel , and who announced that they wished
to see him , but did not bavo the time to
come out to the grounds to do so. Dr. Perln
will give readings at the hotel from 9 a. m.
until noon , and at noon will go to the ex
position grounds and there remain until 10
p. ni. , thus giving all who may wish to see
him , whether exposition visitors or town
people , a chance.
Many people who call upon Dr. Perin say
they believe that his power of reading the
hand is something that others cannot
acquire , and that It Is a gift that he alone
possesses. This statement Dr. Perln refutes ,
for palmistryy Is to him a science of the
purest kind. Dr. Perln Is a graduate ot the
school of occult science of India , nnd thcro
he Teamed that the lines of the hand were
all placed there with a meaning , and that
the ancient occult scholars ot the Orient
bad solved the meaning.
Diamond engagement rings. Edholm , jwlr.
Summer .School
Begins tomorrow morning at the Omaha
Commercial college , Sixteenth and Douglas ,
for public school children. All English
branches taught. Classes also begin nliort-
hand. typewriting , and telegraphy. Tuition
cut 50 per cent.
First Ward Republican club will most
at Forest hall , Sixth nnd Pierce streets ,
Monday evening ; July 10 , at S o'clock
p. m. , for the purpose of electing officers
for the ensuing year.
R. C. JORDAN , President.
E. J. CORNISH , Secretary.
A steamboat ride will have a peculiar In
terest for the people of this city this year
on account ot the high water of a. few-
weeks ago. The force of the flood has
materially changed the appearance of the
river banks and in some places oven the bed
ot the river has shifted. Another object of
interest will be the new railroad construc
tion along the foot ot the bluffs , part of
which was endangered by high water. Much
of the flooded lowlands of East Omaha and
the vicinity of Cut-Off lake and Florence
lake are still under water , there being no
other outlet than evaporation. The steam
boat will make landings at Florence water
works the same OB last year.
Diamond rings , $ lf > to $500. Edholra , loweler.
Umbrella repairing ; we are courteous. 214
S. 13tb.
John Lalenser. architect , Karbach block.
lloiv to Uenoh Two Fumoun Ill-Mori * .
Fast , safe , superbly equipped nnd moat
carefully governed , ono need not wonder nt
the great popuFarlty of the Now York Cen
tral. No other line affords such facilities
for through travel ( between the east nnd the
west as this wonderful four-track system.
In the possession of Grand Central station ,
located In the heart of Now York city , and
within trilling distances of all first-class
hotels , this railway offers greater advan
tages than competing lines. Spring , nuin-
iiier , autumn and winter , it has attractions
Irresistible. . The great northern wilderness ,
the playground of the state , now beckons
Its thousands. As autumn falls , America's
Bcenle master-piece , far-famed Niagara , will
cTalm Its annual host of pilgrims with its
majestic power , the fleroo turmoil of the
whirlpool and nil the picturesque surround
ings , the awesome Cave of the Winds nnd
the several other minor attractions of the
vicinity. And when winter comes , then the
ontlro scene transformed to what seems a
fairyland of marvelous frost dressings , of
Icy forts nnd snowy palaces ; of gleaming ,
crystal prison barriers vainly striving to
bind the roaring , foaming plunge of water
will present a spectacle of weird , mysto-
rloua beauty which Is not duplicated In the
world , Outing ,
Telephone Bennett's for groceries. No , 137 ,
The. Twin City MiuUe.l
Makes quicker tlmo and gives better oervlco
to St , Paul and Minneapolis than any other
line. New and elegant dining car carried on
this train , serving meals a , la carte.
Train leaves Webster street depot daily at
6 ft , m. , via C. , St. P. . M. & 0 , Ry.
.Sure Time
By taking the 0 a. in. train to Sioux City
nnd points north. You can have four and a
half hours nt Sioux City and bo back In
Omaha at 7 p. m. same day.
Trains le.-ue Webster street depot dally ,
C55 ; p. m. , via the Northwestern Line , Chicago
cage , St , Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
Ciiril of TlmiiU * .
To The Omaha Bee and to all my friends ,
especially these In the drug trade , who
were , to a great extent , strangeta io me
personally. I deslro to extend my sincere
thanks for the assistance rendered In
the recent contest , by which I am en
abled to enjoy a much needed rest and
To Dr. nd Mrs , C. D. Jarkson. 153S
Georgia avenue , Thursday , July ti , a twelve-
pound boy.
IvI'lIN-Mury , need 68. mother of John O.
all'J Arthur Kulin , Saturday. July S , 1S33.
at S:10 : p m. Funeral Tuesday , July 11 , at
S a. in. , from rebldunce. :03S Ilarney st
NKI < SOX ( < aroHne M. . i\If of U. U. Nol-
bon , ut Horenee , Neb. , July 7.
Wash Goods Almost Given Away Tomorrow
25o Percales , Lawns , Ginghams , Go ,
.Millinery MuM ( Jo lint * Trimmed
Krcc ! ? i ! AViilUliiK lint * , line )
Children' * Trimmed I.eehiirnn ,
tillcj I ? 1 i- ( > Imported 1'nttcrn
"What you see In our advertisements you
Will find in our store , "
Omaha Street Railway tickets given away
Free to nil purchasers of f > 0 cents and over.
Ask for checks.
Balduff's Ice Cold Phosphates , 2c.
Balduff's Vel'vet Ice Cream , -le.
Ualduft's Ice Cream Soda. 4c.
Sheet Music , Frecl Ask for U.
Shoe Polish. Frco to purchasers.
COc Infants' Soft Solo Shoes , 19c.
Ladles' Fine Kid Strop Toe Slippers , Pat
ent tip Ribbon bows , worth $1.60 ; Mon
day , G9c.
300 pair Ladles' fine hand-turned Kid Ox
fords , silk vesting tops , very stylish ; worth
$2 ; Monday , 98c.
Ladles' real Vlcl Kid Vesting Stay Lace
Shoes ; high cut ; very nobby ; $2.50 value ;
tomorrow , $1.39.
Elegant Black or Tan Southern Ties ,
bought to sell for $2.50 ; arrived late ; to
close quick , tomorrow , $1.69.
On sale tomorrow , every hat In this de
partment at such ridiculous nrtces that's
simply astonishing ; less than lOc on the
500 beautiful Silk Chiffon and French
flower-trimmed Hats ; worth $3.60 , $4.00 and
$5.00 ; tomorrow , $1.48.
300 elegant trimmed Ladles' Walking
Hats , positively worth $2.00 each ; tomor
row , 2Uc ,
500 yards Percale Lawns. Ginghams , 25o
yard kind ; special tomorrow , 5o yard.
200 pieces Organdies , Madras cloth , Welt
Pique , Battase , Dimities , worth 35c yard ;
tomorrow , 9c.
50 pieces all-wool Silk Striped Summer
Challles ; worth 60o yard ; tomorrow. 24c.
pnn iiinn nnd White Duck Skirts. 69c.
350 White- Welt Plquo Skirts , $1.08.
$8.00 Golf Plaid New Cut Skirts. $2.08.
75o Laundried Porcafo Lawn Waists. 25c.
$1.00 Detachable Collars and Cuffs
Waist , 49c.
$7.50 Silk Evening Shade Waists , $3.98.
$1.50 Men's Madras Puff Shirts. 49c.
$1.50 Men's Silk Front Puff Shirts , 59c.
25c Men's Silk Lisle Hose. lOc.
lOc Men's Half Hose , 4c.
$33 Silk Ribbon Trimmed Organdies. $14.98.
Ladles' elegant Multost-net Windsor Ties ,
embroidered , trimmed , and lace Insertion ,
worth 50c on Bargain Square , 29c.
Ladles' 50o Stock Silk Collars , 2"c.
Ladles' Silk Chiffon Windsor Ties , worth
$1.50 ; ( ono day only ) , 89c.
We allow you nil' the time you want.
16th and Farnam Streets.
Pure 18k wedding rings. Edholm , jeweler.
Vln Uoclr Inland Untile.
Los Angeles nnd return , Juno 25-July
'Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo and re
turn , June 25-JuTy 8 , $19.
Detroit and return , July 3 , 4 and G , $22.
Richmond , Va. , and return , July 10 , 11
and 12 , $33.70.
Indianapolis and return , July 18 , 19 nnd
20 , $19.40.
Salt Lake City nnd return. June 25-July
11 S32 '
For 'full Information call at city ticket
office , 1323 Farnam street.
F. C. Johnson's elder mill , expo grounds.
Hamilton Warren. M. D. , eclectic and
magnetic physician , ban moved his offlco to
119 North 16th street , room 13. Special at
tention to nil long-standing or lingering dis
eases and to diseases ot women and children.
A. D. T. C. ; messengers furnished ; bag
gage delivered. 1302 Douglas st. Tcf. 177.
Blank book and rnaKazrne binding. A. I.
Root. 1609 Howard street.
Hubermann Jeweler , es. ISOC ; absolutely
reliable : lowest prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug
Her Grand Hotel Turkish Baths now ooen.
Your Dog's ' Toilet
Cannot bo made without a brush.
We htire received an Invoice of brushes
made especially for brushlnc dogs.
They are different from onytSng you
ever eaw. Call and see them. Wo
self a full line of dog medicines. It
your dog1 Is sick ho should be attended
to. Our medicines cure.
Sherman's Mango Cure ( lotion ) . . 50c
Sherman's Tonic Tablets ( to he
used In connection with Mango
Cure ) . box COc
Sherman's Distemper Powder 50c
Sherman's Areca Nut Worm Tab
lets BOc
Our Doc Shampoo Is the finest
thing over made for canine
use per bottle 25c
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , ,
1D13 Dodge St. Middle of Block.
Lawn Ties 2c
Linen Pants BOc
All Wool Clay Suits . . . $5,75
Linen Collars 7ic
Seamless Sox 5o
Linen Suits $1,25 $
Boys' ' Shirts I5c
Light Underwear I5c
Men's ' Pants 65c
Boys' ' Underwear I5c
Men's ' Shoes 95c
Fur Hats 50c
Zinc Trunks $1,50
Painters' ' Overalls 25c
Hair Line Pants $1,25
Close to Hcnni'tl1 * ,
The house that sells you union
made clothing for less than others
sell scab makes.
Colornrto nnil Vtnh Vli Hock lulnnil
Denver , Colorado Springs and Pui blo and
return , $19 ,
Olenwood Springs and return. $31.
Salt Lake City and Opdcn and return , $33.
Dates of sale , June 23 to July 11. Good
for return until October 31 with liberal stop.
over prlvlfeges. The only line from Omaha
running through trains to Denver , Colorado
Springs and Pueblo , Call at city ticket of
fice , 1323 Farnam street.
Returned to city. Dr. nnce , 408 Paxton blk.
W. R. Dennett Co. is an "early closing
store. " That means fair treatment for
working people , fair goods nnd low prices.
Wo close nt 6 n. m. on Saturdays.
Clicnp Kxciit-fllniiN > nrtli.
The Northwestern line , Chicago. St. Paul ,
Minneapolis and Omaha railway , will toll
round trip tickets from Juno 25 to July 11 ,
inclusive , at the following low rates :
St. Paul and Minneapolis. $13.50.
Ashfand and bayfluld , WIs. , $18.10.
Duluth , Minn. , and Superior , WIs. . $17.30.
Macklnac Island. Mich. . $22.90.
Marqitettc , Mich. , $22 BO.
Also many other points at proportionately
low rates.
All tlcketfl good to return on or before
October 31 , 1899.
Inquire at city omcc. 1401 Farnam street ,
or Webstar strset station.
Mrs. Swift , dentist , 616 Paxton blk.
Telephone Dennett's for groceries. No. 137.
Itryn'n Krcc Offer Continue * .
By request we continue to give free dur
ing July n. beautiful hand-colored picture of
yourself , handsomely framed , with each row
dozen plattno cabinets or larger photos.
These water cofors cost no less than $2.GO
anywhere else. Wo give ono free , colored
true to nature with each now dozen photos.
Hoyn , 313-15-17 S. 15th et.
Telephone Bennett's for groceries. No. 137.
Standard water fitters. Room 6 , Board
of Trade bldg. , ground floor.
Iron , brass castings. Ind. Iron Wks. tori449
noiinctt'n ClnMiiK Iloum.
Bennett's Store opens nt 8 a. m. nnd
closes at 6 n. m. . Saturdays Included. Or
ders may bo left In mall box nt Main en
trance , 1510 Capitol avenue. Telephone 137.
Twenty years In business In Omaha. Ed-
helm , jeweler , Sixteenth street. Opp. P. 0.
The provision apartment In our now
and Improved Yukon and Economic
refrigerators is White Enamel which
makes them always pure and sweet ,
easy to keep clean and the Joy of
the housekeeper. The perfect system
of circulation Is one of the chief fea
tures of excellence which Insures us
ing less ice and keeping provisions
longer than other refrigerators. We
are exclusive agents for Omaha.
During J\ily we will make special re
duced prices on refrigerators. We sell
refrigerators on monthly payments or
give a discount for cash.
'J '
14th and Farnam Sts.
Will agree that wo are cut price druggists
on prescriptions as well as patent medicines
and eundrlce ; that wo have the best
equipped na well as the brightest and clean
est s'tore In the west.
75o Florida Water 35e
50o Dirnoy's Catarrh Powder 40c
OOc Gem Catarrh Powder 40c
50c Syrup of Figs 40c
50c CaBcarets 40c
35o CaHtorla 25c
lOc Vaseline Co
25c Brome lOc
2Gc Juvenile Soap lOc
25o Imported Violet Soap lOc
23c Swansdown Powder 3 fie
23c Carter's Pllie 15c
Beaton-McGinn Drug Go , ,
S. AV. Cor. indi nml Fnriiam.
Prescription Chemists.
Prayer Books
Office Supplies
Blank Books
Artistic Engraving
You will want something to
take home with you.
Call on us , we can supply
you ,
A late book , a nice box of
stationery , a nobby card case ,
or a .hundred other neat ac
ceptable souvenirs of your
Our prices are correct and
we guarantee the quality of
everything we sell.
Stationery Oo. ,
Tel. 234. I3O6 Farnam St.
if you wlllueo
You will not sutfor from painful men
struation or delay ; leucorrhoca. vlgl-
nltls , whites or any female dlicbargea.
For eale at alt druczUts , { 2 , and at
G , M , Foster's ' Pharmacy ,
021 N. 101U Street ,
Dre el Uutel.
To Ion Anccrlm nnd Itrtnrn VIR nock
Inlnnil Itonte.
For th < tncctlnK of the
N. n. A. , ; yi/r u TO 14 , 1599.
Teachers and their frlcndc shotiM sccur *
nt once the beautiful souvenir book , "The
N. E. A. , ' 99 , " which gives full detail * as
to rate ! ! , routes , side trips , hotels of the
convention city and the scenic wonders ot
the Journey to the Pacific cowt.
For additional Information , dates of sale ,
berth reservations In tourist or standard
Pullman filcepers , etc. , call at city ticket
office. 1323 Farnam street , Omaha.
Have Root print it.
Early closing store. Edholm , Jeweler.
Bennett's store Is nn "early closing store. "
Fnlr treatment tororUlug people Indicates
fair treatment to purchasers.
Dr. Shcpard Catarrh , 312 New York Life.
Ornnlin In Chlcnuo.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way fans Just placed In service two magnifi
cent electric lighted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 6'45
p. m. , arriving at Chicago at S:2 : ! > a. m. , nnd
leaving Chicago nt 6:15 : p. m. and arrlvlnB at
Omaha at 8:20 : a. m. Each train li HghteJ
thoroughly by electricity , hsr buffet smoking
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars nnd reclining chair cars , and runs over
the shortest line and smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket ofllce , 1504 Farnam street , and at
Union depot.
Shorrndon , dentist , morcd 412 McCague bid.
For us to explain "lo you when you change
Docs you also change druggists as nil Docs
don't plug for the same druggist. They nil
have their pets and Us always the ono that
pays the highest commission. Don't you
suppose If wo had Docs In our employ these
pets would como out and sny so ?
Duffy Mnlt Whiskey 83c
Palno's Celery Compound V5c
Hood's Sarsaparllla 75o
Wine of Cardul 75o
fTurtpr's T.Ivor Pills 1Rr >
AJax Tablets 40c
Pyramid Pile Cure 40o
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40c
Pe-ru-na 75c
West's Brain nnd Nerve Treatment. . . P.5c
Plorce's Remedies 75e
Plnkham's Compound 75c
Vine Kolafra Kc
Corner 16th nnd Chicago.
smoke the best the best Is none too good
for you at least when you can get the
best for five centa when we speak of the
best Me mean our
There Is no flve-cent cigar on the market
that equals It and you'll say so after you
try one.
Paxton Block Ckar Store ,
Jacob Jaskalck , Prop.
16th , near Farnam.
Plate Glass
Frenc liPlate Mirrors
Let us quote you prices and wo will do
you good. Patton's $1.50 Sun-Proof Mixed
Paints , $1.25 per gnJIon. Guaranteed to
last for five years.
Cut prices on Dnigs and Pat nt Medi
cines. t
. A. flLLER & CO. ,
Cut Price Druggists. Cor 14th and Douglas.
Ought to know that -wo carry a large
line of supplies for their business.
1511 Dodge St.
4th Floor Uroiiu Blk. , ICtb and Dou U
Gold Alloy Filling $1.0O
Gold Filling $1.OO and up
Gold Crowns $5.0O
SetTeetb $5.0O
Best Teeth S7.5O
suffering from nervous dtlilllty , vail-
cocele , seminal wenUnt'BH , lost man-
mood , emlsrions and unnatural dln-
chart'rs caused by errors of younger
dais , which , If not relieved oy mf.1l-
i-al treatment , U deplorable on mind
and liodj'
when Buffering , as this leads to lee of
memory , loss of spirits , ljanlifu'ne i in
uoclety , pains In amall of hack , fright
ful clreanm , dark rings around the eyes ,
nlinvl's or broking out on face or
body Send for our symptom blank ,
WP cun runt you , and * nppelally do we
desire old and tried rnaes , on we charge
noihlnc for advice and give you a writ
ten Kuarantur to cure the worst caco
on record. Not only are tjw weak or
gans restored , but alt looses , drains
? nd discharges mopped , Send 2o stamp
and question blank to Dcpt. B.
111,001) POISON.
First , second or Irrtlary e' WE
NETOH FAIL. No 'deterjlon from
buMneM. Write u * for particular * .
Dept. B.
l'liarmniyt Omnha , Neb.
18tl and Farnoin Stu.
When Doctors Disagree
About A cnso a variety of prescriptions may
bo the result , but It Is a well known fact In
this city that
When Doctors Agree
the most IB when the question comes tip
\\htro to have u presetIptlnn filled In the
quickest , safest and most reasonable man
ner , ithcy arc nil of the opinion at BOSTON
Pc-ru-na. . * , 7c
Palne's Celery Compound ? r > e
Wine of Cnrdul 7,10
Jnynes' Expectorant 750
Plnkham's Compound 7"c
Carter's Liver Pills jr.e
Klfmer's Swamp Hoot 7 r
Blrney's Catarrh Cure 40c
Syrup of Figs -Hlc
Warner's Safe Cure fiflc
Oarfleld Tea 0c
S. S. S. . . . . . . . . , . . 7no
Hood's Sarsaparllla 7iifl
Indian Sagwa 7Sc
Pyramid Pllo Cure -lOc
Electric , Turkish , Russian , V
Roman , PlungcSca Salt ,
and Plain Baths ,
LADIES' DAYS Tuesday and Friday , It
A. St. . to S r M , , under the personal u <
pcrvlsion of n experienced ; ady operator
iMtor. .1. i" . Monuu ,
Treats nil all-
mcnts of the feet.
both on ladle * ' and
frfntlemon Ladles'
llnlrdrfjlliK and
llnlr Goods , Toilet
I Preparation * . Su
_ _ _ pprrtuouc hnlr re
moved with electricity. Mail orders
glvrti prompt attention.
into 1MHNAM ST.
Elevator Service. Paxton block
Oxfords Oxfords
for for
Women Men
This se.ason the These are not as
most popular Ox dainty as those
ford is the one of
for the women
the nmnish shape
but have that
good broad soles
welts that make style that can only
bo found in Cart-
walking so easy
in a fine quality wright's shoes
of Russia calf all the popular
shades of tan
also vici kid in
the dark to the
dark brown and
light shades. extreme light.
N. E. Corner 16th and Douglas Sts.
Bicycle Lanterns |
25c each
Don't take chances with the police
you can have light , plenty of it , for 25c. Our stock
of gas and oil bicyle lamps is complete and prices
are one-third less than others ask.
$1 00 Hammocks at 49c
From 9 to 12 o'clock Monday morning you
can have your choice of our $1 Hammocks at 49c.
! 519 152lg 1519-1521
Douglas E Douglas
Street. Street.
Wear 10th It. Hear B6b
Trying to do two
things at once
is difficult sometimes.
other times one does not mind \
it. It is impossible to find
any piano with the beautiful
tone and the exquisite
touch found in the Baldwin
Piano and at the same time it is impossible to match the
price. The Baldwin is the exceptionally high grade pi
ano of the country and we are selling them at reason
able prices.
Dickinson & Huston , ? 7etehBaiid : ! ! nan ,
Good for you and good for us , when taken at the
proper time , but there will bo no relaxation in our
efforts to please you between the hours of 8 and 6 each
week day tomorrow we will make a special effort to
please you with our display of Sterling Silver strictly
925-1000. fine and rich Cut Glass you are particularly
invited to see our cut glass room.
Jewelers nnd Art Stationers.
SlITss. ° HAMOND co. , 15th and Douglas Streets.
who flnds it hard to attend to anything out
side his own odlce or Btoro during the day
special appointments can bo made by which
can lie dona without disturbing his btislnpsn
KxtractlnK. filling , etc. , la done by our
painless method. Our work In fully guaran
teed and will last for many yearn.
Artificial terth of nerfect
construction and
apiKiuranco from $5.00 to $7.50.
BAILEY , The Dentist
( ICstabllBliril in Omaha since 'ES )
3rd floor J'ajUnn Dlk , 16th and Kanmm St *
Lady Attendant.