THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FIUT ) VT. .TI'LY 7. AFFAIRS OF THE EXPOSITION i Regain Mont hi j Meeting of the Botrd of Dirtcton Takss PUw. ADDiTrOSAL EXHIBITS ARRIVING DAILY l'ro prct Ooort for a Fine turn ! ni.nlnj-IMc I'.lrrtrlc K - . hlblt In tnllr < l. ( nn l tlne of Machinery In tj ) > er tlon. The r ecu ) IT rsoothlr metlBr oi tfce Board of Directors of the Greater Awric * Kxpofltioa was fcrtd Thar4y afteraoon , l'b t tatr-eltbt ; of the steabfrs la i- tead ate Ovine to the fact that tbe re * port * t tb * odciils ere not la readiness as a < J > wirnaM nt ae takes aatll next Tue - day afternoon t 4 o'clock. MaMcer PesfoM of the DeprttBot o ! Coace t as elated thai the cash receipts from parties bo hare boucbt privileges ot. the grounds acerecated JR. OS * up to i Julr 1 and that screral hundred dollars hare be * a Mid In Mace that date. Superintendent Cotright of the Depart ment of PuWKUj- a communication stated I that the exposition 1 * being advertised la a farce number o ! daily and we-ekly papers 1 throughout the United States and that epat * Is being elves in nearly all of the pub- Ikctto&s free of charge. He reported that up to thie date passes hare bc n cent to SJ4W editors and publishers and that nearly that number of applications for passes haie b en rejected. Mr. Hayden Jurnl hel the information that all of the obligation * that hare matured have been paid and that at this time the cah in the i > ant amounts to something over tlft.OM. Stock to the atnoaat of SS3.QOO. be raid , has been subscribed and paid in full. full.Mr. Mr. Kitchen of the Department of At- ; nculture said tbat he ; E ia correspondence with the officials of A large number of the counties is the state and that be has contracts she ing that before the end of the present month all of the space in the Acrrcultural building 111 be filled. These officials , he said , are inaVinc an effort to secure excellent exhibits , their intentions bclnc to work for the prizes offered by the exposition management. Thursday's attendance iras light. None ( of the officials looked for a crowd and con sequently they ere not disappointed when th gate ? closed for the aipbt. There was no special program and conseqneatly there was nothing of importance to act as a mac- net to draw people to the grounds. In the forenoon something of an innovation was introduced in the ay of pivmg a concert parade around the Lagoon. Instead of giv- inc the usual concert on the Plaza the mem bers of the Indian band marched entirely around the Lagoon , rendering selections as they neat. This proved catchy and will be madea regular daily feature , for a time at least. A fair sked crowd -watched the inuslclaas and frequently applauded them. The government exhibit that has been ex pected for some time has arrived end Is being installed la the building occupied by the Libby War museum at the west end of the Lagoon. Of the stuff now la place there are a larce number of ray Scares. fhowinc the uniforms worn by the United States from colonial times up to the present date. The cannon and email arm * from the arsenals have been shipped and are expected tomorrow. Another lot of picture * , for the Fine Arts building came in Thursday and win be put in place this we k. Tbe shipment come * from Chicago , SprineSeld. Mass. , Philadelphia and New York , and is estimated - to be worth about f ± 30.000. Many ai. tie work * are said to be by the best artists in the country. The bic electric exhibit ias been in stalled ia the Machinery building. It con- sifts of machinery in operation and adds preatly to the east end of the interior of tb * building. Work upon , the ground having been prac tically completed , 107 of the laborers who have been employed during tbe past few weeks have be-rn laid off. The exposition is also reducing expenses by laying off Kom * of the gatemen and ticket takers. Th managers have discovered that they can run the gates with considerable less ex pense. Ta * men have not been discharged , but instead , have been Instructed to hold I themselves in readine * to go to work when > their services are required. The Indians who are- here from Arizona are rapidly accustoming themselves to their Furrouadinc * and are enjoying themselves So far they bave devoted the greater portion tion of their lima ia strolling along the Mld ay , evincinp a great admiration for . the show * , to which they are admitted free ( J O' COM. \ Among the Indian * who attract consider able attention is an Apche iquaw known as Ty-Oopye , whicb vain literally trans lated means White Quail. This woman is said to have seen 107 sutnmera and a Ilk * numboc oi winters. She is tbe wife of the medicine man of the tribe , long since gone to the happy hunting grounds. The po er tbat her deceased hasband pos sessed is said to hive been transferred to ter by the G'eat Spirit and consequently she Is held in great reverence by the mem bers of the tribe , though by tbe whites tfce ts regarded as a > ery ordinary squaw. MIDWAY GETTING LIVELIER Good I'arc ! * of Atuuhenirnl on the Street Hair Plrntr of Vl ltor . The concessionaires of the Midway do not notice dull day * very murh. at least those who hate attractive and entertaining amuse ment * to ofier. It is safe to ray that but few visitors to tbe exposition leave the grounds without taking in the best of the amu&rmtnt features , la these days of mili tary spirit no spectacles are nore enjoyable than thwe of a military character. Old sol diers especially enjoy them and in the panorama rama where the battles of Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain are shown it often happens that a proep of soldiers stand and jxjist out to each other the features of the faailiar Kent * . Darksesi and Da D as o&e of the most talked of place * on the grounds last year asd many of its old requesters return to it only to fiad It larger and more diverting ia the variety of its tricks and surprises Tbe Old Plantation , the booir of the coon tocc asd tbe doable shu& > . is a pUre chosen ty a good many to sit and rest or cool ofT , llitfcim the while to the strumming of the in B Jo aa4 the soft aegro voice * The reproduction of Hobsoo's thrilling dash into the eseoir' * barter has given to nsasy p ople a new idea of tbe undertaking a&d a better realization of the manifold difficulties utendtag it. It therefore makes Hobeon a greater nun in the eyes of all who ter it thaa be iras before. Tbe Moorish Palace fairies over from last year a reputation w-fa eb anured it support at the opening and the former habitties of tbe place find that , like some other shows r CASTOR IA v > Tor Infants and Children. fte Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tie i Of os ! b Midway ' has eves lop-oved ofl whK tb % .si-ors of lst seaoa were 13 to TS * Waragraph. which jwrtray * the b nie of Manila. l a ebow tial InteresU boy ore ! t wly th a ferhatw a y other oa the Midway. alth h it Is no lei * ester- tatalag to their eMers , The ppre chl"fi ? rlr-al f Aclalral Dewey In this country ha * lncre Hl tbe peaeral iatere * la the Wara- i grah aMterlalty of late. Th * Cuban Jady at the Concrwt of Bea - tl hi attracted a great deal of attention. I divWiag pretty evenly of late with Colam- 1 bta sd the Eagllsh lady. Favor shifts back aad forth. Ta picture' "Lanrtte" and 'At tn Cro * " are achieving a fame that rivals that of eoae of their older competitors oa tbe Midway , at are also the Royal English Mar- toBettes. who coatlane to attract the ad- Mlratloa of tbe MWway frequeaters. The NatacU of the Fountain and the Greek mystery - | tery attached to their abode are eagerly1 w ight by the cartons , who allow their friends to dlK ver for themselves all of the workings of the mystery the ordinary i mind CAB parile out Tbe people are still seeiac by sawing Ia the Glaat Seesaw and the amount to be seen Is oafy equaled by the atnouat which i is sawn , so to speak , fcr the sensation of going up through the air Is one of the chief i attractloas of the trip skyward. ! The Schliti pavilion bas come to be the half-way house , where people stop for a rest , and for other thlogt , before startlac back along the street. Tojettl's wonderful moving picture of the Death of Abel" is one of the nore serious features of the Midway and it has been sug gested that a part of Its power Is derived from its strange surrounding ? . , The Destruction of the Spanish Fleet coa- | tains a very pretty harbor scene before tb < j | destruction commences and gives a surpris ing Idea of what a real battleship looks I [ j like. ! i The Artist's Studio was rif Ited ty a club of art students yesterday , who remained for | I several hours eajoyiag its manifold bean- ties. ties.The The work of th high diver at the Water i Carnival takes one's breath away almost as aa actual slide dowa the chutes. In connec tion with the mention of chutes comes to mlad the Chutes Cafe , one of the most at tractive places for a fsncheoa oa the grounds. Little Bismarck is there with both feet. feet.The The excitement of camel riding ia the Streets of Cairo does not seeai to wane , | either for the rider or for the friends who watch him from the ground. People wbo are never troubled with giddiness on a camel are fit subjects to brave tbe unknown qualities of the Phantom Swisg. There is as much to instruct as to amuse ia the Cuban Village , as its freqaeateri have already foaad out. Those who have fought information about the new island neighbors fiad it here first haad. The Phlllpplae restaurant , uader the maa- azement of Rome Miller , is a place where every Omahan drops in with an assnrance of feeling at home. i ( The landscape artists are at work in front j of the Temple of Palmistry laying out a plot of ground for a fountain and numerous ! flower beds that will aid much ia giving the building a very attractive appearance , sur rounded as it Is by white grave ! walks. When this work , as planned by Superintend- j eat Oelrich. Is completed it w-m = ake the j Temple of Palmistry one of the most beaui i tiful spots on the grounds from the outside. as it now is on the inside. Dr. Perin. tbe world renowned palmist. Ii aoch pleased with the interest that tbe exposition people bave taken ia his beautiful bailding and is very proud of the many compliments that have been passed by the numerous visitors TOW.V PEOPLE AT THE EIPOSITIO.Y. Go Ont to Hear the JIoic and Take In the - . While there was nothing reaching a Jam , there was a good sized - crowdupon the ex position grounds after the 15-cent rate became - came effective and by S o'clock the Midway | Mi the effect of the increased attendance. Of course all did not visit tbe shows , for j many lingered - ' ' along- the Lagoon to admire ; 9 electric effects. However , the Midway -eras the great drawing card and the little as well as the big stows did a. rusaias business. The concert gives by Godfrey's band drew many to the PJara. wbere an excellent . program - gram was rendered. Again Mr. Kettlemaa ' made a hit with bis cornet solo and was loudly applauded. The fantasia , "England and America. " woke up tbe crowd and pro voked loud and long cheers. Fireworks were ' injected into the concert , following the clos- j ing number. There was a ne display of I bombs and rockets , the flight of the latter | being deaomiaated a "Salnte to the Flag. " Mnnlc for Todaj- , Following- today's musical program at the expositioa- 11 a. m Indian Band . Promenade Concert on Grand Cour * Lieutenant Dan Godfrey' . * British Band. Procram. Iiyp. . m. . Auditorium March Kres ! in Frieden . Latann Overture Zanetta . Aubr Selection Martha . Kioto v Waltr r Carnavals Botschafter . . .Strau Flute Solo The Carnival of Ve.ilce . . . W Red/em . . . . Briccialdi prtlnn Th = --J- - Valse des Fleurs The Nutcrackers. . . . March Comrades TschaikowslcJ ! TrempJer i Dan Godfrey's British Band. I PROGRAM. - . P. M. Marca-The Black Hills BUT ! Overture Ma anleo ! ! Aubr I S-elwtion Th < > Circus Girl i Caryl ! Walu Ball Seen1 * Czlbulka I Cornet Solo Love's Old Sweet Soag . . . i W. Kett > well Austria March Mellor Fantasia Sonrs of New York Southwell Xowrotsy PiccoJo Solo Tbe Wren W. Redfern Overture Rob Roy ron Scottish melo Damare dies * Nautical ica Fantasia England and Amer Foster Daupo/rey At SJO Indian Band. Promenade Concert on Blur ! Tract. Few Arrr t Arr Made. About the only baslnesi the exposition guards did yesterday was to arrest two fence climbers , the first of the sea Dn , The parties were boys , who , after being locked ia the dungeon for aa hour acd then promising to be good , wer allowed to depart. Three in dividuals wbo imbibed more beer than they could comfortably carry were ejected from the grounds. .Vote * of thr Exposition. The low pfacec oa tbe Midway and along Twentieth street ha\e been filled wuh gravel. Another section of free seats has been placed in front of tbe bandttaad oa the Plata. Mrs. Heiion has been appointed hostess at the Building of Public Comfort , to succeed Mis * Butterteid. Maay of the state and a large number oi se papers from ouutde cities have been placed on file in the Press building. The old Camera Ob nra building , which has been located jest in front of the Mac- derson street entrance and which ha alwayt been something of an eyesore , has been re moved to a vacant lot. Earthquake at San FrancUco , SAN FRANCISCO , July S-Aa earth quake shock was felt here this afteraoaa and from report * from many other sections of the state K would appear vibrations irere general bat no damage his been reported. Tie vibration * wer * from ewt to west. Licence * . The following liceases to wed were issued on Thursday Name and Residence Ace. George H Shcltz. Cttmberiaad , Ia 21 Katr B Speraa , Cumberland. Ia. . . . , IS Gustave A Kracti , Omaha . . 33 Erika M Acdenon. Omaha I" Htnry Larwn , Omaha. . , . . , , J F Schxetxky , Wua r ! 9 ISE\EXTB \ WARD REPUBLICANS Oudiditei for Judicial Eoaon Pmtal Tbiir OUisi for Scpport. WARM PRIMARY FIGHT IS LOOKED FOR Ileitahllrnn * of the "W'urd Hare I'lentr of A plr int for the Wool neW Outline of the Speeche * Made. Th hot weathe.lut night did ot deter a targe asmber of repablieans In the Seventh ward from atteadiag tbe regalar moctbly meeting of the Seventh Ward Republican I club. President Charles S West officiated is chairman of the meeting After dis- | poelne of a few minor matter ; of biH4&e 6. I the announcement was made that the meet ing wouM be thrown open to tbcwe resi dents of the w-axd present who are candi dates for nomination to public office this fall &ad the opportunity presented them | to address the members Georce U Day was the first to avail himself - | self cf the privilege , aad stated that he was | an aspirant for judicial honors . He said that while it wtrue that his candidacy I had not been endorsed very warmly by the clab at Its meeting a. month previous never theless he did not consider that this ad verse action debarred him from entering the contest aad he served notice that he was ia the race to stay until the finish. "I believe. " said Mr. Day , in the course of his short address , "that the fundamental land tacvs : essential part of political work is done at the primary meetincs. " and along this line he anaouawd his w illiacness to abide by the decision of the primaries , so far as his candidacy was concerned. A. S. Churchill , who al > has a desire to wear the eraine of the Judiciary , spoke along the same lines , briefly. He ventured th opiaioa that the voters of the Seveath ward , as well as of the eatlre city and Ju dicial district , are as deeply laterened this year ia the questions to be decided at the fall elections &s ever before , aad expressed the hope tbat every voter would avail him self of the right of suffrage at the pri maries. Judge &ea S. Baker wae a Mule late in reaching tbe meeting , bat arrived In time to respond to the calls for a speech. After facetiously remarking about the weather the Judge becan a short address by stating : "The republicans of the Seveath ward are. as usual , this yrar full of harmony aad caadtdates. I believe that I am safe ia saylag that no other ward has so many statermea and good dtiieas as this. I : is true that the Seventh has no superiors , even though It may have some equals The key note of the campaign in this ward has been struck tonight by my friend. Churchill , when he said that the action of this ward would settle the Judicial contest , and to use aa old Latin expression , 'the longest pole will knock the persimmon. ' " Judge Baker thea uroceeded to tell why he was a candidate for reaomlaation to the district bench. He related that he had done what swraed to him to be his duty during his service of four years and in tended to do likewise in the future , having the surety that he had no one to aasw er for but himself. He mentioned the fact that he as well as other raen active in po litical cirde * has always considered it an unwritten law that a renomlnauon is due the public officer wbo satisfactorily per forms his duty. In case he had done this up to the limit of the expectations of his constituents in the Seveath ward , he asked tbelr support. If. oa the contrary , his offi cial service had not been pleasing he asked no consideration of his candidacy. He as sured the meniberE of the club of his hearty beltei la the principles of republicanism. He believes the party to be bigsrer than the Individual aad should he DOC be nominated promised to work with might aad main for the success ot the ticket. Judce Baker spoke rather more at length than the pre ceding candidate * E. M Bartlett broacht the meeting to a close with an eloquent talk along national republican llaes , endorsing the administra tion and expressing tbe certain belief that the national problems of today win be adjusted to the satisfaction of a ! ! true , loyal Americans , despite the differences of opin ion now exlstisc. He touched oa state topics when he asked what fusion had ac complished ia this state aad cited the fact of the responsibility of Governor Holcomb in his connection with the defalcation of Bartley. when he approved a notoriously weak bond , thus making it possible for the public treasury to be filched. FREE PUBLIC PLAYGROUND Herman Konntxe Donate * the ( Jround at Eighteenth Street nnd St. Mary' * Avenue. The Society for the Advancement of Physi cal Education has undertaken to provide a free public playgound at the corner of Eight eenth street and St. Mary's avenue. Mr. Herniin Kountze has kindly graated the use of sufficient ground there and an effort will be made to do the filling aad cradia ? re quired to put the place la proper shape. This is the first movement of the kind ia tbe history of the city. Chicago. Cincinnati and other cities have taken the lead in this good work and have playeroands aow ia successful operatloa. and it is universally recognized that these playgrounds are of great value to the children in cities. The , children are taken from the streets aad di- j I rectioa Is given to their play aad thereby i tbelr physical and moral welfare is prs-j I mo'.ed This work will commend itself to all i our citizen : Mr. Edgar Allen gave impulse to the move ment by offering to furnish some of the swings required. It win be necessary to fence the grounds and to provide quite a number of articfei of apparatus. A com mittee has been appointed to receive funds and material needed to = ake this pabllc ea- terpns * a success. Anyone desiring to help this movsraent may communicate with Dr S R. Towae , tbe president of the society , or with Superin tendent C G. Pearse. its secretary. FATHER LOOKS FOR HIS SON C. E. White of Connrll ninfT Disap pear * After DrairincHU t heck at MnHecr. Aa aged taan In a distressed condition , ap plied at the police station yesterday after- aoen for assistance ia locating hit son. whoa j he said had disappeared from home Monday , and had roi been heard from. W E. White | of Thirty-seventh and Broadway. Council i Bufl , was the man aad gave the same of hu sea as C. E. White. He said that hu boy had been working in the smelter. He left home Monday morajn ? acd was ex pected back In the afternoon. He drew tut fbtwk for M7 ra the afternoon tad disap peared. Not a word ha * bees heard a ! him siace. Mr White stated that he had hunted etrrywhere in Omiha. where he thtxich : his sen might be. mt bis search vaj unavailing. He befteved the boy had b * c robbed by veugh ehract rs hacging a rosed the bridge aad that he had been cjade awiy w h- Thiekisg that they might be able to ob tain toae trate ! the boy ti * polie se cure * the feitewtag dMenpUoc froz Mr. Whit- C. E White Is 1 $ yfars of are. He U 9 feet 19 laches la height aad weighs 36 pounds. H bu a large cose dark COSE- ' plexioa , dark eyebrows acd fhort bla-k ' hair. The esasiel it > or3 o two iroat ' * 4 = 1 bo 'i 'r l3. , > ' -H a Vi.i.3 ' . * . - § cv t. we a- f.v . ft a I a K fvi K A : > c ifah. . , aa.3 heavy au2cT sbts OMAHA NEWS , j One of the trials of tbe Board of tioa at the present time is the selection ot a sit * for a new etcht-rooa bvildiag to b erected somewhere be < ween X aad Q streets and Nineteenth a&d Twenty-second street * . Bids for a site will be received by the board tip to nooa of Monday. July 17. It is ex pected that there will be soaae lively bid ding for the sale of suitable property , as several owners of lots have sirnt&H aa in tention of entering the lists. One property ; owner who fcas a very desirable site con- i fldtrs hie property as good as soli already. 'a ' * he thinks K the fcest thing so far sue- ' ; geared , la this he H serooded by several meartc-rs of the board. The stary , honeve * , will not be told until the bids are opened aad tabulated aad the contra < t is let. With one eight-room school tmildiag ready for or cupancy by the opening of the fall term aal : a chance of a high ochool the board can s e ' daylicht ahead. Eight rooms addlttera. " > , the present capacity will relieve the prts- . sure on some of the downtown pihoois a ' great deal aad will add materially to tbe a-- ' com-modations. A small school bn'.ldiag s needed la the Fourth ward , west of the B-r- lin tea tracks , and the plan sucEC te-1 f moving the High school annex to tbat lo cality may be carried out. I Oa July n a mae meetinc of citizens w-l ! ( be ht-M at the council chamber for the purpose - I pose of talking over the advisability of sab- mittlag the bond proposition. Jt is supposed that the submission of the question will hlnce on the sentiment expressed at this meetinc. So far the Boird of Education has takea no action on the matter other than to appoiat a committee to attead the Cosimer- cial club meeting. Should the questioa of votiag bonds at this time come before tbe board it is more than likely that the vote would be divided. Not long ago all of the members favored votiag bonds , bat since the secret meeting of the "Big Five" was held at Breanaa's house sentiment has chanced somewhat aad it is now reported that four members will vote asralnst the bond proposition , no matter what may be the result of the mass meeting. These members who aow propose to vo'e against the proposition admit the necessi-y for more school room , but they have mingled ! with the people to some extent and have ' learned that taxpayers generally are op posed to the plan at this time. Periunnent Mdennlk * Brine l.nld. Many property owners ia the permanent sldawalk district are letting contracts aow for the layinr of walks ia preference to waitins : until the city council awards coa- i tracts and has the work done at the expense j of the property. On the east side of Twea- j ty-fourth street , from the sooth corner I of T street to the middle of the block sou-h brick walks are being laid , aad it Is under stood that a. majority- the property owa- ers oa Q street are preparing to comply with the ordinance before bids for the work are opened. The city officials propose to push the permanent sidewalk matter as fast as possible in order to have all of the mala traveled thoroughfares covered with either brick or artificial stone. Pavements of this kiad will , it is asserted , avert accidents and greatly lessen the amount of Judgments against the city. Work on the XeTv Po tofflce. A portion of the furniture for the new pcctoSce arrived yesterday and will be un loaded from the cars today. It is thought that i : wili be several days before all the shipments are received , as the order was given to several different bis ; iaetone . By the time the furniture Is in place , which will be within tea days , the marble and screen work wjH have been completed and there will be no reason for delaying the removal of the office Into the new quarters. Glass for th * screens arrived yesterday , and will be placed ia position as soon as practicable. Workmen are now eneaced ia varnishing the interior wood work , aad when tils is done it will be gone over , with sandpaper and thea given a hard oil dress- lac. The buildinr will probably be ready for occupancy by July IS. School Hon Fire Ec pe . In connection with the proposed repairs at the various school buildiacs George Duns- , combe , the city building inspector , proposes j to have all rooms aad buildiazs equipped j with suitable re escapes. Not Ion ; ago Mr. ! Danscoinbe sent a. letter to the Board of ] Education detailing the needs for Sre es capes and urged that .some action be takea at oace. Now that the various bulldinrs are to be repaired Mr. Dua&combe intends to see to it that all of the school houses are provided with fire escapes suitable for the use of children. If tbe building inspector has his way iron steps oa the outside of buildings will be erected in the place of ladders , as it Is claimed that the latter are useless when it comes to the rapid removal of children from a building. Officer Jndrlt Ont Acnln. The trial of the gang arrested some weeks ajo for murderously assauhics Offi cer Jodeii will be held In police court today , Since the assault the Sie members of the gang have been confined in the county Jail awaiting the preliminary hearing. Officer . Jodeit is now able to b ? out , and it is j expected that be will appear against his j assailants today. It will be remembered that this officer was rounced ui * > n aad i beaten into Insensibility by a gaag of Fourth ward toushs , asd for a tiae it was ' feared that the affair mJght result seriously. Officer Jodeit's strong constitution pulled him through , aad he is aow ready to go | to trill with his case. Mnclr Cltj Cn ip. Mrs Sarah Wbltten , Tweaty-elghth aad U streets. Is quite ick. Mrs. VanBeek and family are la Crestoa , Ia. . for a few days' outlog. Mrs. Corbett of Aurora Is vislUag her daughter. Mrs. M. Carl Smith. Mrs. PuJbert L. Wheeler Is entertaining Mrs. Maria McDonald of Omaba. Bricklayers will commence work Monday on Armour's new smoke houses. Mrs Cliftoa H Cook of Sioux City Is the guest of Mrs. Josephine W. Rich. A meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star will be held oa Saturday sight. The new Lewis block at Twesty-fourth aad M streets is about ready for the roof. Wafter Harrimaa of Kaasas City is rltit- lag M i sister. Mrs. Charles E. Scarr. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Babcock returned yes. ttrday from a fishing trip to Elkbora. Coatractor Dan Hanaoa commenced tie rradiag of Twenty-third street yesterday. H. F. Brass has returned from Beesaer. where he went to attead to busiaets matters. Eight families of the Home Circle cfub will go into caiap at Seymour park oa Satur day. day.P P J. Walfh has just been appointed man ager of Swift aad Compaay'c Omaha retail market. George Parlc has returned to St. Joseph. Mo. , after speeding a few days with hit family here. J. A- Beat of Housuw. Tex. . U the gce > t af his daughter. Mr * . E. C. La e. Tweaty-third in < J H streets. W A Crockett , alias MbchdL U ia jail o * sitHUCion of hariBg robbed a ream at the Exehasge hotel. S B. Richard aad wife of Careen , la. , are riiitiEg Mr aad Mrs. Max Fco4e aad Mr. aad Mre. F ACreasy. . Howard Meyer * wriiec to frieadt bsre freta Chicago that hw daughter Bes 4e is CM- Mr C O. Frisbi * . ArawWi chief of trat - portauoc. with bea4euartrri at Chicane , is spesdi&g the day ia the city Tbe isfas ! n > n of Mr and Mrs. Henrr Oer Twentieth and Mi.irj arras * diM yer.ertUy. FcrenJ terucci nul t held u THE WOES OF WOMEN are , at their best , bad enough The reason for most of these woes ? Ther have sick kid neys and most of all , most of them , either Trill not or do not knotr it. Dear Madam Do you want to get rid of your woes ? Take ths ocdcrn , sdcx&fe , practkal np-to-fiitr nesJone tbit baalsires kidacr bnVahe kidwy ailaeats , sl ptessness ftl unrury disturbances ia tKtxx aJslts or chikSreo. " \Ve \ know Kid-Ne-Oids will absolutely cure the above ailments and minor affections directly due to them we bave given names of those who were cured * investigate and you will get at the truth. Disordered ktlntys are inJicated by pains in the hack distress cr fnllntss after tatine , scanty or scalding unae , - .tikness anJ thrfts , p * ns in the loins , nervousness , sletpiessness. loss of > Ttility , s eUise bsits cr toJy or both , aai stiicent ia the urlns. Kid-Ne-Oids are in yellow tablet form put up in boxes sell for 50c a box at all drug stores your druggist -will tell you of cures they effected here at home lie ill Touch for the truth of our every assertion. Morrow's Liverlax cures constipation , biliousness , costiveness they sell for 25c a box at all drug stores. Kid-Ne-Oids and Liverlax manufactured by John Morrow & Co , Chemists. SpnagfisiJ , Obfex For Sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co , the fas.iy residea'-e a ; 1 o ia < k h s af er- ' aooa Joha Morrisoa and Jaraes H"bev a o ? Omaha , are in Jail for creating a d < s-crb- aace ia a Chinese restauraat- , Mrs. W. A. Schrei , who is at Da * " - pnr la. visitlar frieads. is rapidlj re-c ercs froa her receat severe illaess. Mrs. Sarah 0. Fowler ma-ron o' be Soldiers' Home at Milford. is vis-ing he- sea , Charles Fowler , for a few days Frank Kelly , oae of the Union Paeifir gta- tioa aceats in the western part of the s'are is here visiuag his cousia , Couaciiaaa A R. Kelly. Mike Markesoa Is reported to be re"ovr - ia ? rapidly. All dancer of blood poisonm ; thas passed , and the recovery of the paueat i t is now assured. j The next Uaioa Youai ; People's neetiac will be held at the Christian church oa Tuesday eveatag. July 11. An iaterestias program will "be rendered. A cottase at Thirty-ninth aad K streets , owned by Thomas Gillespie , aad occupied by Ed Ewicg , w-as damaced to the extent of JiO by fire yesfrday afternoon. Western Union linemen were busy yester day repairiac the damace done to the pole and wires ia front of the Exchaace buildiac. which were struck by lightning Wednesday aicht. J. W Robertson , head of Swift and Com pany's provision departmeat , returned yes terday from ths Pacific coast , where he bas been for the last month looking afer busi ness matters. The Misses Mary and Marcaret Andrews returned to their home at Gricnell. Ia yesterday , afttr spendiar a day or two wrb their friend. Miss Mabel P.lch. Eighteenth aad Missouri avenue. Miss Nellie Greist returned y&terday from j the Rosebud Indian agency , wbere she bas I been teaching s-chool Mis-s Cress : lik s he- work amonc the Indians very tau h and wiir return to the reservation in the fal ! BUT ONE TOOK EXAMINATION superintendent Dn e Correct * Male-j me n I Rrcardintr f.rnilnnten of , Drat Mute Institute. _ _ > Superintendent Dawes of the Institute f r j th * Deaf and Dumb says that the repnr- | that all five of this year's sraduates of tha- | institution Jailed to pass the entrance ex aminations for the preparatory deparimen : of the national school for deaf mutes a : Washington , D. C . is incorrect. He states that only one member of the class took the examinations at all , and thai one , a young woman , passed in a part of the studies , arl will be admitted when she has prepared herself la the others No student from the j i p Nebraska institution , the superintendent j says , has ever graduated from the Washington - ' ' ington school , all who ever entered banns I failed to fulfill the requirements for grad uation. The reason for this , as given So- , pecintendent Da es by the authorities of the school , has been deficient early traimn ? , Every effort ts made in tie Nebraska ict'i- ' tntton to persuade students to pursue toeir ' studies in the higher institutions. j D Witt's Little Early Risers benefit per- n-.aaenUy. They lead gentle assistance to nature , causing no paias or weakness , per manently curing constipation and liier all- it.ents. THK HU1LTV M1IIKRT. INSTRUMENTS fiJ d for reo-rd Tb'-rs-Ja * July C , w : "Warranty IJrrii . John Schaab and wife to E H. Schroder. ist K feet lot U and all lei It block 14 Patrick's Seer < J &M. . S & * J A Crrighton 1 > H. A. Hon- atrr. sw Be s nw aad pan nu * w M6-16 . I SO A. X Wwton to E. T. W * on. leu : , Sunayside add . : & > Same to G. M. Wfeston ai. wrest T f * h > t ft , MilUrt aad C ' * nAf. . tsiv F. H Garvtn aad tnte to U E. Kel- , lot It blotk nt Sxmth Omaha . . . . A. M. Smart to JuUt-ojy ? KnaaclL ) xs U aad 1 ± . block "G. " Lowe's add H H Harder asd wife to A. W Jfcf- lerw nH iots 1 and t block 2 WaJ- ajt HW . . . . Qalt Claim Ilri-eU. Jaa s HaroW M > G W. Sbieids. kx U ' 1. Ricaznood add . 6 i Drrd * . I to J J Vaad ro f. czecvt&r lot 1 , idock U. Improvement As- ] > riauoe add . I > .i E. AFlavin to W. C. Hopper n1at I to Anton Burkl * rt F . . ( i xcvBt w e < 1 - { > . : ) kn 1" i add 1 ' . " S * rtfl to Rudolph K * j4f tot * U ; A JI , Rivenrw add. . i : Total aauMMtt of trurf r * K < HUME Gor * I . brother of EI.ery Ref of IBB cMy at tlM ; Pre b > - " _ , r . . Brief funtra. n-r..ce Burkn < S. r > jdder t , TV mi Frida * ift r 3c.c at 1 o ' . - . B-.a a . Urr ti > ij * j ; V ' -r wr. n i > t f t. * K Hum * cf Ro k . * , d J w..j SPECIAL fEAJlRES Colonial People , Kinds , Animals , Products , Homes Pain's Fireworks Art Exhibit : .Me chanical Exhibits The Midway ; Godfrey's British .Militarj Band. OPENS AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA , JULY 1st , CLOSES NOVEMBER 1 , 1899. Everything New Except the Buildings. Will Eclipse Last Year. President Georre L Miller Secretary. Dudley Smith Tr asTirrr. Frank Murphy. EXECCTIVE COMMITTEE C J Smjtb . Chairman. P. E. Her. TVra Haydea , H. J. Penfi-u-3. J B. Kit. hen. ADVI5OP.T COMMITTEE. Frank Murphy Herman Kountze , Erall BrandeJs. J. H. Miliard. II. E. Palmer. Trying to do two things at once is Ciffi'Ut At otter tines one dcx > s not mind u It u. impossible to find aay other piino with the beaj'iful tone and tbe exquisite touch found ia the Baldwin Piaso , and at the same i me r is impossible to match the price. The Baldwin is the exceptionally high -ade piano of the country and we we s-eHins them at reasonable prices. Dickinson & Huston lins. , tarnam Sts. JOBBERS AND iMNOFAOTURERS OR OMAHA. HARNESS-SADDLERY. J H Haney & Go. W 3l'fn JURlfXiS , SADDLE * A.VX > COIS.ABM JeU + rt ffLeetker , & * tdtery Horiu-or , EH * "Wt solicit your order' . J ira : S. iJ'h , BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKS , Wilson & Williams SnccFiiori 1\'ll > on A. Drake. MtnufacTarern btrs ? nKe s'si'Ki are tre chtnts , vr s or * , rendertcT sheep dtp , lard aad .rattr tanks bauf tubes 'cn- ttactly on handor4 ' -r.-1 b"iir tocrbt ani Si 3 Sprr al eil rr rer' * - rtpatn in cJty cr COU-IT li h a"-J Pierce. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , n merican Hand 4 V Sewed Shoe Co , tf'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear wrstrns lozsn roti Joseph Beuugan Eubber Co. CHICORY The American Chicory Co. tal ntsnf .cturrr nt i.11 tons * et DRY GOODS. E , Smith & Go. * ? * rl 4 Dry Goods , Furnishing Geods AND N DRUGS. . Bruce & Druggists and Stationers a B Wlc ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ; \A/estern Electrical ! y v Company Electrical Supplies. , Electric Wine ? B . and Gas Lifbtof , O W JOUKS7OS. Met liM Uomut L .John T. Burke , CONTRACTOR POM ELECTRIC LIGHT I and PO WER PLANTS 424- South 15th SU HARDWARE. L ee-Giass-Andreesen Hardware Co. Wholesale Hardware. Bicycles t&l SportJ.-.e Goods , lTEa cey Street. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. 'he ' Omaha Safe and Iron Works , G. AXDREE.N , Prop. asp * ' . .tyr > ( JJ.T rT ? E5 < APW. "J-JfJ f - eHTTTtaS , tcl Prw f iiltt M3 V ult t > o r , rtc , CIO S. l lk L _ Otaaluu iet-