10 THE OMAHA DATLY BEE : PEIDAT" , JUL 7 , 1800. l l COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Opens Strong and Closes at an Advance in Chicago. DAMAGE TO SPRING WHEAT BY RAIN Corn IlpctliiPK nnil Oat * Advanced SllKlitly Prediction * .Made tluit Hccclpln Will Tall Oft from On. CHICAGO. July < ! . 1'enr for the safety of the sprlnfj wheat crop added Ho per hush * ! to the vnluo of that ccrenl today. Corn declined ' , < , c ; onts advanced ' .Ac and provisions closed unchanged to 7',4o higher for pork. Notwithstanding lower cnWes from Liver pool and the continent wheat opened strons nnd continued to advance until the close. 3Iavy rains which fell In the norlhweMern nlatcs yesterday would. It wnn feared , Ir- reparahly damage the Rrowlng crop of nprlns wheat. It was reported that previ ous to yesterday's downpour too much rain lind alrpndy fallen and the usual heavy r > - cclpts were lost sight of for the time being. Chicago received 212 cars , against none last year. 'Minneapolis ' nnd Duluth receipts 41 cnrs last year , lo- w re B21 rnrs , against ledo reported 00 carloads of now wheat , all grading contract. Itecclpts at primary points footed iit ) 770.000 Int. , compared with 117.000 hu. u ye/ir ago. Atlantic port clear- ntices of wheat nnd flour were criiial to only -I2fi,000 , liu. In nplte of. the fact that - tendency to the foreign mnrk-48 showed no ri'covi-r their early losses the loc-a ' > K . ivhlch opened unchanged at " > - ; ' ' ? , ViK dmnrovwl iintll < 4o inbi-r , gradually ept ini- waV paid shortly before the close , aiortojiu U.rollt taking caused a react on to 'Wl' ' } : na the session ended. yns' ' f"0" ' ' " thts niiirkt't were roporUxl at icu.wju mi. Corn ruled strong during the early par of the newslon , largely In sympathy witii vvhcat. 1'redlotlnns were freely inude that rVc'-ps would fall off sharply from now nn hut 1 170 cars arrived hero todny. Primary points received 1,153,000 lu. , nearly double the amount a J'enr nKo ; today. At lantic port clearances were 921.000 1m. Ixcal profe lonals who have bc-n supporting t e inarkrt fcr several weeks took advantage of the biilllnh news to unload their long lines nnd the early gain ot io was more than wiped out. September opened steady nt 33'f.c , advanced to 3IVic and decline l to IB Byui.u. | . . . . . ; „ . . . . , , with wheat and holppd considerably by clearances of over GOO.OOO bit. Receipts were 4jl cars. Shippers bought ngainst the r cash ? n\ca \ nnd Caused a rather llrm fee Ing In nil the options ! . September opened steady at 20c. Bfihl up to 2U4C and c oscd a.t 20iifi20TfiC. Provisions wre dull and featureless. None ot Die prominent traders seemed In clined 'to ' do business. September P rk opened 5o higher at $3.52',4 , sold at $8.60 and c csed at $8.53. a net gain of iHc. Sep- sold umbar lard opened 2 ,0 higher at $3 20 nt $5.22V4 and closed at $ a.20. September ribs opened unchanged at $1.90 , sold at 11.92'A ' and closed at $1.90. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , CO cars ; corn , 400 cars ; oats , lla cars ; hogs , " " ' 'Lending 'futures ranged as follows : Articles Open lllch. Low. Clone. Ycs'dy. 72X 73 72H 72 72V * 74h , ? < H 7omn 70UWH 754 3 li a : ! ! * 834 23U 22W SOJiflM ' . ' 1 MH 20MCJH 20M 1SMH i'3 8.15 835 830 8C2H 865 so 855 H-IOK S07W C07H 607K S07H 6UO 62ih 0-JO C U'JH BS0 ! 477X IRQ 477H 4 80 475 4 00 4 00 41)0 ) 4 JO No. 2. Cash nnotntlons wure ns follows : FLOUR-Stcady ; winter patents , J3.C5 ® 8.75 ; straights , J3.15fo3.45 ; spring specials , SI 33 ; spring patents , S3.405J3.SO ; straights , $2tWii3.3 : < ) ; bakers. $2.30H2.CO. ( WHEAT No. 3 spring , 71Q73V4c ; No. 2 72CORN-Nb. 2. 33)iiS31c ; No. 2 yellow , 31 ® 84OATS-No. C. 24 c ; No. 2 white , 27iic ; ( No. 3 whltf , 23Vi'T2Sc. ' ! RYE-NO. 2 , r.2c SEEDS Flax , cash , northwest , $1.01 ; cash , southwest. $1.01V4 ; July , $1.00 > S : Ssp- tember. 97Hc ; October , JHIAC : No. 1 , $1.00. Timothy. August. $2.5.1 ; September , $2.4 , > W 2.47',4 ; October , $2.45fi2.47'i ; prime , $2.3o ® 2 40' PROVISIONS MCSB pork , per bbl. , $8.30 ® S.3G Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $5.0 173.10. Short ribs sMea ( lee ? ) , $4.C0 4.00. Dry salted BhouUlers ( boxed ) , $5.00 5.25.Short clear Bides ( loose ) , $3.0085.10. WIIIS1CV Distillers' finished goods , per callon. $1.2C. vSUGARS Cut loaf , $6.02 ; granulated , $3.G4. The following are the receipts and ship ments tor todav : Articles. Recelpts.Shlpments. Flour , bbls 27,000 18,000 348,500 114.COO Wheat , bu Corn"bu 855.300 271.600 Oats , bu 600,000 2SG.500 live bu 2.230 KS aJnrley , bu 13,000 80,700 On the I'roduco exchange today the but ter market wns wnk : creameries , IS TflSc ; dairies , 11(13V'C. ( Cheese , llrm , SVt(9f. ( Eggs , s tnndy , 124c. ! Dressed poultry , steady nnd firm ; turkeys , Sc ; chickens , TiKW YOHIC CiU.VKHAl. MAHKI3T. for thf liny on ViirlouH CoilllllOllIUl'N. KEW YORK , July 6. FLOUR Receipts , 40.CS3 bbls. ; exports , 13,015 bbls. ; sales , 0,000 packages ; market was steady ; on winter ntralghts buyers and sellers were 5c apart ; nprlng patents were offered sparingly ; win ter patents , $3.SJ TI.10 ; winter straights , $3.l5fi'3.55 ( ; Minnesota patents , $3.901.10 ! ; winter - tor extras , $2.501)3,01. ) ) ; winter low grades , $2.13JT3.55. Hyo Hour , steady ; good to fair , $3.10-J3.25 | ; fair to fancy , $3.30&3.SO. COHNMEAI Steady ; yellow western. SO ( HSIc ; city. 818jS2c ; Bnindywinc , 2.15'f2.li3. ? RYE dteutly ; No. 2 western , C5I/G3Ac ! , f. o. b. , o float ; Htnto , COc. HAUMOV Sternly ; feeding , 42ff42' ' c , c. 1. BA1U.KY MAI/r-QuIet : wesWrn , 6IC3c. WH15AT Receipts , 182,750 .bu. ; cxivorts , 14I.SS7 bn. ; spot llrm ; No , 2 red , Sl < 4o f. o , b. nlloat ; No. 2 red , "O'ic , elevator ; No , 1 iiortlu'rn , Duluth , S2Vso f. o. b. nlloat , to nr- rlvo ; No. 2 hard , Duluth , S2&c f. o. b. nlloat to nrrlvo ; No. 3 hard , Duluth , S55ic f. o. b. nllont , to arrive. Options opened steady and nfterward advanced by covering , In. rc'sponso to heavy rnlns In the northwest. Speculative trade was dull : exporters bought moderately and ocean freights were rrivortrd strong and higher ; foreign now * cnmn weaker , supplemented by selling for Kuropenn account ; closed llrm at s ? 7Hc net higher ; July , 73 l-16(079 ( ic ; closed , 79He ; S-'P- tember , 7St JT79c ; closed , 79ic ; December , 79IfSlo : closed. Site , COHN-Rccelpts , 353,850 bu. ; exports , 436.- 372 bu. ; spot easier ; No , 2 , 40V c f. o. b. ntloat ; "Of , elevator. Options opened steady ; they advanced later on heavy cliMrances , but dually broke under heavy selling by western houses : closed weak nt > . ( , c net do- ollnu ; July. SiTiOSaUc ; closed , 3bT c ; Sop- trmbor. 39 < M.t9Ve ? ; closed. 39 > 4c. OATS Itcculpts. 115.000 bu. ; exports , 292- 2S6 bu. ; pot ( inlet ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 29'ze ; No. 3 white , 30''jo ; track , mixed western , SOffSIViP : track , whilti western. 31ij36V { < .c ; track white , state , 31O36Uc. Options ( inlet. 'HAY ' Quli't : sprliur. 62 > . .fi70c ; ROOU to cholco , SOfii V ; feeding tinner. HOI'S Qu'et ; tate. couunnn to choice , 1S96 crop. tij/7c / ; 1S97 crop , IWlSc ; 1S9S crop ! 16t/17c / ; Pacltlo coast , 1890 crop , CJ7o ; 1S97 crop , liwilo : 1WS crop. V/fTlSc. IlIDES-Stwidy ; Gnlveston. 20 to 25 ! bs. , k.r/17i' ( ' ; Toxi8 : dry. 21 to 30 iba. , li < " . { j > 3f PROVISIONS Heef. llrm ; extra" mess , $9 ; beef hams , J23.50t(25.50 ( ; packet , $9.00 ® JO.0.1 ; city nu s , $14.0015.50. . cut meats. llrm : plcklod belllos. $5.00fC.OO ; plckiod nhoulders , $5 ; pickled hams , $9.BWfflO.OO , l ard , steady ; western steam. $3.5'Jit ; city , Jt.SMf4.SJ ; July closed at $5.32 > 4 nominal ; re lined , unchanged : continent. $5.4i ! ; South America , $6 ; compound , $1.624' ! < T4.75. 1'ork. dull ; mess. $ S.7Gfi9.00 ( ; short clear. $ IO.tXift1 ) 11.75 ; family , $10.5ftiri0.75. Tallow , steady ; i city. 4 S.lCo ; country , 4ic. i IH'TTKH Steady ; western creamery , 15 ® ISUc ; western factory , 12ffl4Vic ; Imitation creamery , 13Tfl6c : state dairy , 131i017c ; Btuto creamery , ISfflSVic. PHISKSK Jlarket steady ; large white , Sc ; | Himil ! white , SUe ; large colored , Sc ; small coton-d , SHc. i KC5OS Farket steady ; state nnd Pennsyl vania , 15H < filCo ; western fresh , eoiithcrn , Oi/llc , HICK Firm : domestic , fair to O'7c ' ; Japan , 4iii5\ic. ( \ MOLASSKS-FIrm ; N w Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , SiQSi'o. MBTAI S Tin made another Imixirtnnt forward step today on Increased demand from local buyers : firm advances from pri mary points added to the stiffness of this particular market and strengthened the ar bitrary views of holderd , The other depart s displayed .sympathetic Mpadlnrw but vi r , ntMo nn'tnntlon ' nt the close th Metal px-liingo ( .illed . i.lg iron warrants nominal nt $1 i 'a , lake copper , steady nt $1R 11 bid nn-1 $ is.50 asked , tin. nrm nt J27.C2 > 4 hid nnd $27.75 nsked ; lend , steady nt Jl.fio bid nnd $1.55 nfkod ; spelter , firmer for futures and unchanged for spot nt $6.00 bid nnd $6.23 asked. Thr > brokers' price for lend Is $1.30 nnd for copper $18.50. OMAHA ( inNKItAI , MA1IICKT. Condition * of Trnilr nnd ( luolntlonn on Slnplc nnil I'nnry I'roilticr. KOOS Receipts mcnlprate ; good stock firm nt ilc. BL'TTKH Common to fair , 12ffl2' ' c ; choice , 13fll4c ; separator , ISc ; gathered cr amery , 16c. 1'OULTHY-Hcns , live. 7UflSc ; spring chickens , 155J16c ; old and staggy roosters , live , StfiJoc ; ducks and geese , live , 6Q7c ; turkeys , live , Sc. IMOKONS-Mve , per doz. , 75cQ$1.00. VHALS-Cholcp , sic. FRKSH WATER FISH- Catfish , per lb. , 12c ; buffalo , per lb. , dr ssed , 7e ; white llsh , 9c ; lake trout , Sc ; ytTTu7\- pike , dressed , 9c ; white perch , 6c ; bullheads , dressed , 10c ; black baw , 9c. SEA FISH-Hnddock , lOc ; blue fish , lOo ; roe had , each , 40c. VEGETABLES. WATERMELONS Texas , crated for shipment , 161)200. CANTAI.uUl'E-I'er crate , $1.6031.6oj , . WAX HEANS-IIalf-bu. bask t , C075c. PEAS I'er basket. 5o 60c. RAUISHES Per doz. litinchos , lOc. TOMATOES-1'er 4-lsisket crate , $1.2o. ONIONS Homo grown , per doz , bunches , according to size. ( s'olSc. HEANH-lland-plcked navy , per bu. , $1.BO. POTATOES New potatoes. G5c per bu. C'trrUMHERS Per doz. , H52GOC. CEI.EHY-1'er doz. , 3oc. FRUITS. BLUEBERRIES Per 16-qt. case , 2.00. AI'RICOTS California Royal , n r crate , HASPBEHlilES Per 24-plnt case. " - 21-qt. case , $2.50Sf 2'BLACIC HASPBERHIES-Pcr 2t-plnt case , $1.7502.00 ; 2ilt. < . . $2.75113.00. PLUMS-Callfornln , per crate , $1.CO ; Trag- -Per.box $1.00. STRANVBERRlESOregon.rj$2.loQ3.K ) . ORANGES Mediterranean sweets , $4,75 SiEMONS-Callfornla. fancy , $4.504.75 ; Messina , fancy. $5. < XXQ .M ) . BANANAS-Cholce , crated , large stock , per bunch. $2.50ii2.75 ; medium-sized , bunches , $2.00172.23 , HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7'ic ' ; No 2 grcenhd ! s. OUc ; No. 1 salted hides. SHc : No. 2 salted hld = s , 7'ic ' ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to ID Ibs. , SCTALLOW GREASE. ETC.-TaUow , No. 1 , 3' ' < .c ; tallow , , No. 2. 3c ; rough tallow , l',4p. whlfe Breiisc ! 2M3c ? ; yellow and brown grSHEEl''X'lPEI/rS-Green- salted , each , 15fl > 75c ; grein sa tec ! shearings ( short wooled each IBc dry shearings ( short Parly skins ) , , ; wnnW cnrlv skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; < iry Hint "sas d Nebraska butcher wool nelts per lb. , uj'-ial weight , 4Uoc ; drj nine , murrain wool pelts. Klines and N-brnska pspT" actual wrivht , 36 Ic ; dry I lint Co rto- u. wool peltV. p-r lb. . actual weight. St. I.ouln Market. . TrgL cash ele- Vlf T- N2 red e No. 2 hard , 71U72Hc ; receipts of 61CORN-Flrm : No. 2 cash. 34c ; track. 35c ; Jul Sto ask l ; September 33c asked OATS-Lower ; No. 2 cash. S.c ; track , 27Uc. July 23i.c asked ; September , 20c asked , No. 2 white , 29529 , Ac. METlLS-Leaadast5rSo ng at $4.35 4.40 ; spel- pou TSYi& Ba chlckens , 8c ; springs , nilc : turkr-ys. Sc ; ducks. 7Hc ; geese .c. BUTTEH-Steady ; creamery , loQigc , dairy , 12015c. i.75S2.15 ; flax , 96c. dull and quiet ; new , $6.505 ? . .00 ; old , WHISKY-Stcndy at $1.20. IRON POTTONTIEa-SOc. salt jneats boxed -shoulders. $4.75 ; extra short. $4.90 ; clear rib. , & clear sides $5.12 % . Bacon strong and scarce : boxed shoulders. $ o.50 ; extra "horts. $5.3716 : clear ribs , $5.50 ; clear sides , RECEIPTS Flour , 2,000 bbls. : wluat , 3000 bu. corn. 37.000 bu. : oats ,24,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 15,000 bbls. ; wheat , 17.000 bu. ; corn. 107.000 bu. ; oats. 13,000 bu. KIIIINIIH City Ornlu mid ProvlHloiis. G.-WIIEAT-Sep- KANSAS CITY. July - tember. GTVicT cash. No. 2 lhard , 67c : No. 3 , Wfifffc ; No ! 2 red. 70S71Hc ; No. 3 , G6@67Hc. CORN September , 30c ; cash. No. 2 mixed , 31032' c ; No. 2 white , 32Vic ; o. 'OATS' No , 2 white cash , 28V4c. HAY-Choic'o timothy , $7.50S8.00 ; choice PBUTeTEH-Creamery. 14 016V4c ; dairy , 13c. EGGS Market steady ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stocks , llrsts , lOc per dozen , cases returned RECEIPTS Wheat , 28,800 bu. ; corn , 9,100 bu. ; oals , 2.100 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 23,400 bu. ; corn , 45- 500 bu. ; oat ! , 1,000 bu. _ Ilvrrtool | ( irnln ami I'rovlnloiid. LIVERPOOL , July 6. PHOVISIONS- Hams , s > hort cut. 45s Gd ; linn. Bacon , short clear backs , llrm , 2Ss ; long clear mid dles , light , llrm , 29s ; long clar middles , heavy , nrm , 2s6d ; cl'ar bellies , steady , 2bs. Shoulders , square , tlrm , 24s 6d. Tallow , prime city , steady. 22s 6d. CHEESE American finest white , steady , 42s : American llnest co.bred , steady , t > 2s , WHEAT Spot , No. 1 red , northern , Du luth. dull , n.sid. . Future ? . , steady ; July. 5s M : September , 5s 11M ; December , 6s % d. CORN Futures , quiet ; July , 3s4Ud ; Sep tember. 3s5Vid ; Octob = r , 3s Gd. Toledo MiirliPt. TOLEDO , O. , July G. WH'EAT Actlvo nnd higher ; No. 2 cash and July , 74Vfec ; Sep tember , 76'4c. CORN Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , . . OAiTS Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2&c 2&cRYE Dull nnd easy ; No. 2 cash , 69c. SEEDS Cloverseed. dull nnd ste-ady ; prime cash , new , $3.9714 ; October , $4.65. Milwaukee firulii Jlarket , MILWAUKEE , July 6-FLOUR-Un- changed. WHEAT Half cent higher ; No. 1 north ern , 74Mi < f75 ? , ic ; No. 2 northern , 72ViG73c. OATS-Steady nt 26',4S2SUc. ( RYE Lower : No. 1. fiOHc. BARLEY No. 2 , 43c ; sample , 37042 0. AlurUft. PEOHIA. July 6.-CORN Firm ; No , 3 , CJJVTS Firm : No. 3 white. 25S2(5c. ( WHISKY Kirm on the basis of $1.26 for finished goods , _ Iliilutli AVIiiMit Mnrlcvt. , . . 1 northern , 735 c. IMHNTS 01- ' STOCKS AXD I1OXDS. llallroail Sloc-kM Slunvfd Itoartlonii froiii I ( < - 1'er Out. NEW YORK , July 6. The market for stocks wnv reactionary today. Last prices of most railroad stocks were the lowest and net losses for the most prominent railroad stocks In the list average nbout V& per cent. These include the great trunk lines , Penniylvanln nnd New York Central and nbout all of the grangers. There were spas- inodlp advances In n number of Industrial specialties , but these were not held , the latt prices showing reactions of between 1 nnd 'J points , Realizing sales were In evidence from the opening , but were well absorbed In a very active market , business continuing of large proportions pretty well up to noon. The weakness of the grangers was especially notable , and was undoubtedly associated I with the report * of too heavy rains in the northwest and of consequent damage to the spring wheat crop. The firmness in wheat was coincident. The damage in the boiithwetH by Hoods was also a depressing Inlluenco to a less > extent. Undoubtedly thtre wn n Inrge short Interest closed out yesterday nnd today's market lacked that Buttalnlng force. Hut the most potent in- lluenco toward reaction was the continued firmness of money. The promised abund- niii'o of funds to How Into New York from July disbursements of dividends and Inter est did not materialize and Interior ex- i I change-i continued to run ngnlnst New ' York , The rnte for cull money held near 6 per cent nearly nil day. A stiffening In the London money market nlJo caused some uneasiness , lest it might lend to a rcnewRl of gold exports , I The prevalent wc kne. s of rnllrond stocks was In contrail to n shnrp upward move ment Inn number of Industrial specialties Sugar being most prominent. Strength wifs also shown by the tobacco stocks , Slccl nnd Wire , Tin Pinto , Tennessee Coal , Ana conda , Manhattan , Rubber , Leather pre ferred nnd Cotton Oil , In the outside mar ket Amalgamated Copper was strong , sell ing nt 96 % . All of the specialtlf , however , showed reactions In the late dealings. Bonds showed decreased activity nnd prlcp chnngps were mixed. Totnl sales , par vnlue , I2.6SS- 000. United Stntrs 3s nnd the new 4s nd- vancpd i point nnd the 6s ) ( i point In the bid price. The old 4s registered declined U point. The following nro the closing 'quotations for the lending stocks on the New York exchange today : Atchlnon 19 % do pf < l 174 ' ' st. 1- . & . . ; ; ; . ; ; ; > 3 Ilatlmon > & Ohio ! ! ! 49 > i ki tir J Cnnatln. IMcllle . . . . W Canada Southern. . . Wij So. lliiilnvay ll't Central Pacific M' do nfil ; > : ( "lies. Sc Ohio 2 < i' T3cn & rnclflo . . . 16 < i Chi. & Alton J.V ) Union IMclflc < * ' C. . 1) . & Q 133& do DM 7 , Chi. A K. Ill 74 Wnbanh . , 7'i do pfd lljlt rte tifil 21 % Chi. O.V 14J W. & 1 * U. ( new ) . 9 Chi. . Ind. ft L. . . . . 9V4 do ! d l > fll 24U ( In pM , , , . , 39 * ; Adnliu ixireS3 | . . . .111 Chi. & N . W 1W American Kx 113 do pfd 194 t'nllcd Suites 4M4 C. C C. & St. L. . 67 ' ' ' ' ilo tiM 97 Amcr. Cot. OU. . . . . . SS > i Tcl. & Hudson lSl i do pM 92 Del. I. . & W IK ) Amcr. Spirits 6 > i u n. * nio a is do nfd 23 do pf.l TS Am r Tobncco 9714 Eric < nw ) 13'i do pfd 139 do 1st pM 37 i CVnv Oat 1ST Fort \Voyne tSS Com. Cnbl Co 179 Ot. Nor. pfd 17t Col. F. & Iron . . . . 4I4 Illinois Central . . . .lir ' 4 do nM 1O lAkt Kr\f \ KV 17 Oen. rapctrlo . . . . .IIS " " ' ' Haw. Com'l Co..110 i.iue MM > ! ! ! ! ! . Ilrooklyn 11. T HSTi Ixjtlls. .t Nnsh 7li Int'n'l Pnpcr 41'l MnnlmUnn I. llSli < 1o pfd 79 Mot. St. Uy 2.Vl La Clede O.is M Mich. Central Ill , 50 Minn. & Si , li f > 4 do Pfil 212 do 2d vfd 91 Nnt. Un. Oil S Mo. rnclflo 44 1 Pacific Mntl 4S'i ' Mnbllr & Ohio 40 > i | I'eoule's CIn 13.1' ' , , Mo. K. & T 12 1'iillman 1'nl I'M ' do pfd &IU Silver Certltlc. t ! i. . M N. .T. CVntrnl 117-Vs. It. & T 7'i ' X. Y. Oentrnl . . _ . . .ISSHSUKixr tr.'iVi . N. Y. C. & St. L. . 12H do l.fcl 117 do 1st pM 6S T. f. & Iron . . . . 1.7 1 do 2,1 nfil 31 U. S. leather > Xor. & West ! 0'-4 do pM 71 1 do r > M W4.U. S. Hubber M'4 Nor. Amcr. Co J1VI do DM 117',4 ' Kor. IViclflc f-0 West. Union 80S do t > fd "J'i ' Amer. M. & W. . . . r S Ontnrlo & W IVil do pfd O5'i O. R. & N . pM . . . . 7 tFcdcr t iitoel . . . . oS14 Con t M'4 | do pM SI do 1ft pfd M Colo. Southern . . . . 5'ii rte M pfd US do 1t pfd 4.i no d pfd. 1"'i ' Amcr. S. & R 53 rte do pfd MH U. G. IV M Anaconda rr do pfd "S National Steel . . . . roil , Rock Ifland 117 do pM 89 i St. I , & S. r IDS Hoop Steel pfd . . . . 77S4 rte T fd 7V ( Amcr. Tin . . . . do pfd . S. > mT * . fc C > . T r. * . . . . . 1O1' - i Pont. 'iVibacco . 41 ( lo pfd . _ , do Pfd St. Paul . lat t Glucoao . C7 " Offcrcd. The totnl snles of stocks todny nmounted to 524.911 shares , Including : AmeHjr n Cot ton , 7,500 ; American Steel and Wire , 2.700 ; American Sugar , 53,400 ; American Tobncco , 31,000 : Anaconda. 7,000 ; Atchlson , B.500 ; Atchison preferred , ' 7,000 ; Baltlmorp & Ohio , 3,000 : Brooklyn Tra.islt. 51,200 ; nurlinRton , 25,500 ; ChicnRo Great Western , 3,000 ; Con- tlnontnl Tobacco , 4,300 ; Federal Steel , 10,700 ; Louisville & Nashville , 3,100 : Mnnhattnn , 22,000 ; Mexican Central , 4 40) ; Missouri Pa cific. 8,100 : New York Central , 8,000 : Nor folk & AVestern. 4,100 ; Norfolk & Western preferred. 3,100 ; Northern Pnclflc , 7,700 ; On- tnrlo & Western. 4.200 : Pennsylvania , 14,500 ; People's Gas of Chicago , 6,900 ; Rock Island , 30,900 ; St. Paul , 30,000 ; Southern Railway preferred , 3,000 ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 12,400 ; Union Pacific. 9.200 ; Union Pacific preferred , 7.000 : United States Leather pre ferred , 10,500 ; United States Rubber , S.SOO ; Western Union , 5,100. New York Money Mnrkcf. NEW YORK. Ju'.y C. MONEY ON CALL 3'i0 < j per cent ; last loan. 3V4 per cent ; prlmo mercantile paper , 3Viff74 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Stcady , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S7'i ® 4.S7'.A for demand and at $4.S5 > , iirl.S5 ( < i for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.SG5l.S61/4 and $4.8SVJ : commercial bills , $4.S1V4. SILVER CERTIFIOATES-COSGlc. BAR SILVER- < > % C. J1EXICAN DOLLARS-45V2C. BONDS Government bonds , irregular ; state bonds , inactive ; railroad 'bonds ' , irreg ular. Closing quotations on bonds were : U. S. "s.rup 101 M. K. &T. 2dH t)7 ) ? { U.S. 38 , tfc 108M M. K. &T. 4i ) mu U.S. 3s , coup 109 N. Y. C. Ists 312S U. S. ( ! 4s. rcr. . . N.J. C. fls liiiw U.S. do coup N.C.OB la ? U.S. old in , rer . . . . 112W N. C. 4s 102W U.S. aoconp No.l'acino Ists . . . .11:1 : U.S. 5sres No. Paelllc 3n (1814 ( U. 9. fm.coun 112H No. Paclnc 4B 104 Districts , OSn 11U N.Y.C.iSt. U 4s .107' < Ain. . clasi A 108 N.V. . con. 4s . . . HUM Al.i..cln > i 13 10R N. iW.Ben us. . . . 130 Aln..clasn C USH Ore. N. Ists 112 Ala. . Currency H Ore.N. 4a 102W Atcninou4u II85 ) O. S. n. flu t.r IS'.1 Do.uU 4s 85 > t O. S. L. 61 t. r. . . . 113M Canada So. Uds. . . . Ill Readme < n 8nU C. .tO. 4V H flft It. a. W. Uta 100 C. & O. An 110M St. b. Ail. M. con Si HIM C. A ; N. W. con 7a. 146H SUL.&S. F , Gen. 0.124 do S. F. deb , 6a 123H St. P. CoiiHOls 10S Chi.Terms. . 4n . . . . 100 St. P. C. * P. l ts. . 12fli I ) , ill. . lain. . . . Kill St. P. C. i P. fls . 12li ( D. i. H.G. 4 IOOT < So. Uy.Ss 1M ( ) ) KaBtTonn. lots . . . ins < " . R. &T.O KO RrlR Gen. 4s 7HU Tenn. new set as. . 93K F. W. & D. lHt . t.r. , T. P. ] t no Gen. nice. 6s Ill ) T. P. 2rt8 n G. H.iS. A.Us II. I1. 4s lllil G. H. tS.A. 2ds . . ins \Vah. l ts 1KIH II. iT. Cent. Oi. . . , 1111 \Vab. 2rts 1113 H , 4.T. C. p.on. Oa. . , ll'- W. Shore 4s 114K lowaC.lstH 113 Wls. CPIU. Iflts . . . . 70H K. C. P. .t ( i. iBts . . Vn. Conturlos 80 La. Now Ron. 4s. . . 105 Va. neforrod 8H L.AN. Unl. 4n. . . . on ColorndnSouth'ii4B. 90 Offerer. . Ilcintoii .Stock QnntntlnnH. BOSTON , July G.-Call loans , 3JT4 per cent ; time loans , 3'i 4'.i per cent. Closing prices for slocks , bonds nnd mining shares : St. Paul common. . 135ti Anncon-la BAR SILVER-Stendy nt 27 13-lCd per ounce. MONET 2 % 3 per cent. The rnte of discount In the open mnrltet for short bills is 214 per cent ; for three months' bills , 2'i per cent. N MV YnrU Mining U NEW YORK. July fi.-Tho following nro the closlne quotations for mining shares : ( hollar 30 ntnrlo . 7M Crown Tolnt 2S Iphlr . 10 > Can. Cal & Va..l91 10 I > pa.-nvood ! 65 Ooi-ld & Currle . . . . 33 do r-M . W > Hate & NorcrosB . . 3 > sierra Nevada . 67 Jlomentnke ( XW Iron Silver ' \ Union Cop . 35 Mexican 65 Yellow Jacket . K KlnaiiHal No I on. NEW YORK. July G.-Clearlnss , $260,016- 714 : balances , $17.851,727. I1OSTON. Ju'y e.-Clearlngs , $33,061C11 ; balances. $3.C54.C2n. BAI/riMORE. July 6. Clearings , $1,611- 453 ; balances. $706,935. PHILADELPHIA. Julv G. Clearlncs , $19- 260.8S6 ; balances. $2.305.031. CHICAGO. July 6. Clearings , $23.932.501 ; balances. $3.153,115 ; Sterling oxchnnce , posted , $1.S6HJ4.8S < 4 : actual. $ l.S5ifT4.S7U ! ; documentary , $ I.S4iig4.S6 ; New York ex change , 40c discount. ST. LOUIS. July 6.-Clearlngs , $3.859.051 ; ImlnncfB. $730,591 ; money , 4SC per cent ; New York exchange , 45o premium bid , 25o pre mium asked. CINCINNATI , July 6 Clenrlngs. $2,5B3- C50 : money , 2V4'i(6 ' ( per cent ; New York ex change , 35o discount. StnttMiit'iit nf Hank "f Ki LONDON. July 6. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follnw- Inc changes : Total reserve , decrease , 213- CO 1 ; circulation. Increase , 578.000 : bullion , Increase , CG5.417 ; other securities , de crease. 4,514.000 ; other deposits , decrease , 2,015,000 ; public deposits , decrease. 3,2S5- 000 ; notes reserve , decrease , 338.000 ; pov- ernment seaurtllei * . rfar.r aii . 4000. The i proportion of the Hank of Enslfinrt'ii reserve - serve to llnhlllty Is 41.25 per cent , last week It was 37.59 per cent The rnte of discount remains unchanged nt 3 per cent. ment of treasury bills' nnd the county coun cil loan. Spanish 4s closed nt & 9fc. Amount on balance todny , 60,000. PARIS , July e. Prices on the bourse to- l-'orr licit Klnnncliil. BERLIN , July e. in sympathy with the weakness of the Vienna markets , prices on tbo bourse here today were easier on large realizations and In view of the npproachlns holiday season , rrransvnnl railroads were Btron ; Canadian Paclllcs were firm on favorable tralllc returns. VIBNNA , July 6. On the bourse today prices opened dull on newspaper reports of riots In Hulgarln. ; later the declines wore wiped out. KllANICFOUT , July 6. Prices opened stcndy on the bourse today , but later local shares relapsed nnd closed weak. CALCUTTA , July 6. The Bank of Bengal has reduced Its rate of discount from 5 to 4 per cent. SliitriniMit of Hunk of Krnncp. PARIS. July 6. The weekly statement of the Bank ot Franco shows the following changes : Notes In circulation , Increase , 30- 930,000 francs ; treasury nccounts current , decrease , 50.500,000 francs ; gold in hand , In crease , 15.223000 francs ; bills discounted , de crease , 27,275,000 frnncs ; silver In hand , de crease , 3,600,000 francs. Cotton 31arl * t. NEW ORLEANS , July G.-COTTON- Steady ; sales , 2,500 bales- ; ordinary , 3Hc ; good ordinary , 4c ; low middling , 413-16c ; middling. B .c : good middling , 66-lCc ; mid dling fair , Cll-lCc ; receipts , 2,403 bile * ; ST. LOUIS , July C. COTTON Quiet , steady nnd unchanged ; middling , E-lic ; sa'.es , 200 bales ; receipts , 2,191 bales ; ship ments. 2,49-3 bales ; stock , 74,751 bales. LIVERPOOU July G.-COTTON-Spot. fair demand nnd unchanged ; American middling , 311-32d ; the snips of the day were 10,000 bales , of which 1,000'were for specu lation nnd export nnd Included 9,500 Amer ican ; receipts. 9,600 bales , nil American. Futures opened quiet , with n poor demand nnd closed quiet nt the decline ; American middling , L. M. C. , July , 31S-GM , sellers ; July nnd August , 317-G45T3 lS-64d , sellers ; August nnd September , .117-6Id , sellers ; September and Octo-ber , 3 IG-CJd , sellers ; Oc tober end November , 315-Gld , sellers ; No vember nnd December , 314-64d , buyers ; De cember nnd January , 314-Cld , value ; Jan uary nnd February , 314-Gld , buyers : Feb ruary nnd March , 31B-61d , sellers ; Mnrch and April , 315-Clfi3 16-C4d , buyers ; April and , Jlny , 31C-64J3 ! ? 17-61d , sellers ; May and June , 317-C4d , buyers. NEW YORK , July G.-COTTON The cot ton market opened quiet nnd steady , with a decline of Ifi2 points , cables bolng un satisfactory nnd crop accounts were no worse , 1f not better , than yesterday's ad vices ; later the market dragged nnd was weak without further change until the early afternoon , when a steadier feeling followed n. demand from the shorts , without ixir- tlcii ir new feature to explain the unex pected movement ; covering soon becnrne qulto general nnd the market slowly worked up to 4o points above yesterday's closing. On the rise there was some Investment buying on the part of outsiders , but it ftviled to materialize to nny extent. A preference to hold off the July government crop report was apparent. The character ns well ns the volume of business wns unsat isfactory today. There was a decided Inck of outside Interest. At the lowest point the market showed a decline of lf2 points , at the best a net advance of 435 points , nnd wns finally steady at net unchanged to 2 points lower. Oil Market. LIVERPOOL. July G. OILS Cottonseed , Hull refined. July , August , steady , 15s Cd. NEW YORK , July 6. OILS-Cottonseed oil , firmly held nnd fairly active ; prlmo crude , 21' .c ; prlmo crude , f. o. b. mills , 17 © ISc ; prime summer yellow , 26S261,4c ; off summer yellow , 25c ; butter grades , 30g > 32c ; prime winter yellow , 3032c. Petroleum , llrm ; rellncd New York , $1.40 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , $7.50 ; Philadelphia nnd Bal timore , In bulk , $4.60. Rosin , firm ; { trained , common to good , 31@32'/.c. Turpentine , steady at 41Q-41V4C. TOLEDO , July 6. OILS Higher ; North Limn , 88c : South Lima and Indian , S3c. OIL CITV , Pa. , July 6.-OILS Credit bal ances , $1.19 ; certificates , cash , opened $1.17V4 ; sales , 2.000 cash ; $1.17V4 ; 2 cash , at $1.20 ; closed at $1.21 bid for regular. Ship ments , 92,172 bbls. ; average , 71,193 bbls. ; runs , 101,019 bbls. ; nvernge , 98.300 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga' ' , . July 6. OILS-Splrts of turpentine , market flrm , 3SS39c. Rosin , flrm. flrm.WILMINGTON. . ' N" . C. , July 6.-OILS Spirits of turpentine ; firm , 38038 0. Rosin , ateady , aoS93c. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS , JuIy'C. WOOL Unchanged. LONDON , July 6. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales todny amounted to 14,822 bales. There was a good assort ment of cross-breds nnd n flne > show of New South Wales and Queensland merlnosl French nnd German buyers competed eagerly - erly for these grades and paid the high est rates of the series. The supplies , of coarse stock were heavy and withdrawals wore frequent. The present series will close on Saturday. July 15. The following are the salew In dotnll : New South Wales , 2,400 bales ; fcourcd , lldSls lOVid ; greasy , 5id(3) ( ) Is 4'/4d : Queensland , 2.200 bales : scoured , Is SHdlffls lOd ; greasy , SVidffls Id ; Victoria , lldls ll'Ad ; greasy , 5V4dffls ( 2d ; New Zea land. G.OOO bales ; scoured , BHdSHs 9d ; grensy , 4 idSnUid ; Capo of Good Hope and Natal. 1.500 bales ; scoured , CVidffls 3d ; greasy , CoITeo Market. NEW YORK , July C.-COFFEE-Optlons opened steady nnd unchanged ; ruled Inac- tlv ? today on acctonnt of weak undertone following heavier Brazilian receipts , bear ish crop estimates , absence of speculative support , local liquidation and small ware house deliveries and local spot demand. C.oscd quiet nnd unchanged to 5 points low.r. Sales. 750 bags , Including July , $4.CO ; August. $1.73 ; September. $4.83 ; October , $4.90 ; December. $5.30. Spot coffee , Rio , dull : No. 7 Invoice. 6',4c ; No. 7 jobbing , 6c ; mild , quiet and steady ; Cordova , S@13c. XCMV York Dry Ooodn. NEW YORK , July G.-Slight imnrove- ment in spot demand for cotton goods , but mal. orders light ; no signs of stocks ac cumulating In nny direction ; heavy brown sheetings nnd denims nrm for lending makes ; more Irregularity In outside lines ; gray gi > ods are slow ; prints are qu'ot throughout , but prices are firmly main tained ; ginghams are quiet nnd nrm ; men's wear worsteds are strong and advancing. SiiRitr MitrkPl. LONDON. July O.-SUGAR-Beet sugar. Julv. 10s C'Hd. ' NEW YORK. July G.-SUGAR-Rnw nbout steady ; fnlr , refining , 4o ; centrifugal. 90 test , 4Hc. Molasses sugar , 3c ; refined steady nnd unchanged. NEW ORLEANS , July C.-SUGAR-Qillet ; open kettle , 6 J5T4 5-lCc ; centrifugal , yellow , 44Tic ; seconds. 3ff4 ! c. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal , CQ14c ( , California Dried KruKn , NEW YORK. July 6. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-FIrm hut quiet. Evapo- rnited apples , common , GV4f/7e / ; prlmo wire tray , SVUfSHo ; choice , SVjilS o ; fancy , 9 < ii > 9Hc. Prunes , 34 < f/4' ' < , c. Apricots , Royal , 14c : Moor park , HfflSc. Peaches , unpeeUd , lOffllc. ItAII.HOADS AIU2 Only Flvft IlnnUriipt Ilondn During the rirnt Half of 1HIH ) . CHICAGO , July 6. The Hallway Age to morrow will say : The flmt half of 1899 Is happily distinguished by showing a smaller number of railways placed In the hands of receivers than any six months since rail way Insolvencies began. Only one road of nny Importance confessed bankruptcy In that period , the four others completing the rec ord being email local enterprises two of these belonging to private corporations. The following Is tbo list : Alexander & Rich Mountain ( Va. ) , Kansas City , Pitts- burg & Quit ; Tacoma & Columbia niver , Licking Valley , Sllvcrton. The total bonded debt of these roads Js $22,755,000 ; the total capital stock , $24,361,000. The Sllvcrton railroad Is a short Colorado rado mining railroad of only local Interest. The Alexander & Ilicb 'Mountain and Lick ing Valley are both short logging roads , owned 'by ' lumber companies , and do not belong - long in a list of railway * * doing business as common carriers. The Tacoma & Columbia Hlver road represents a legitimate enter- prlBo contemplating a line 145 miles long from Tacoma , Wash. , to The Dalles , Ore. , of which , however , only fifteen and a half miles were ever completed , The receiver ship means -merely the failure from lack of capital ot an ambitious project which , If carried out , might or might not have proved successful , It Is not the falluro of a rail way la practical operation. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Better Prices for Oornfed Beeves Prevail and Market is Strong. BEST CATTLE OF THE SEASON OFFERED Sell ni UlRhrM 1'olnt Ilcni-lir.l Thin Su in in or Do tun nil Im Active mill Kvrr > tiling ( 'liniim-B llninln n ( nil 1'nrly Hour. SOUTH OMAHA. July 6. Cattle. Hogs. Sncep. Oillclnl Mondav 1.630 4 , ! < 70 2i2 : Olllelal Wednesday 3.M4 9,355 955 Itocclpts 'today 2,464 9,040 415 So far tills week 7.05S J3.365 1,052 Same days last week..10.411 40.539 0S7Si Sumo days week before. . 9i7 ! > Ji.191 7,021 Average price paid for nogs for the lat several days with comparisons : Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle . Hogs. Sh'p. Il'r's. C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . 2 S O. & St. U Uy . 1 . Missouri 1'aclllc Uy. . 8 2 . . . . tjnlon Pacific System. 22 19 1 2 C. & N. W. Hy . R , 13. & M. V. U. II. . . 13 43 S. C & P. Hy . C. , St.P. , M. & O. Hy. 6 1 H. & M. H. ,11. , H . 32 36 C. , 11. & Q. Hy . 3 6 K. C. it St. J . 13 C. , H. 1. & P. Ry. , 15. . . 4 C. , 11. I. & P. Hy. , W. . . 2 Total receipts . . . .102 128 2 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co . 5 O II. Hammond Co . 375 1,625 . Swift and Company . 366 2,106 39 Cudahy Packing Co . 4S6 2.992 251 Armour & Co . 365 2,274 . Omaha P. Co. , from K. C. 65 Cudahy , from 1C. C . 362 . Armour , from K. C . 47 . H. Decker & Degan . 3 . AV. I. Stephen . 7 . Hill & lluntzlnger . GS . lioriton & Underwood . 29 . Livingstone .t Schallcr. . SS . ilcVlcker & Co . 30 . Other buyers . 51 . 122 Total . 2,314 8,097 . 415 CATTLE Cornfed bicves did not sell so very much different from yesterday , but such changes as did take place were on the side of better prices. The market might bo best described as strong as compared with the best sales yesterday and a little higher In many cases. Some salesmen who had especially good luck yesterday could not Ste much improvement today , but others thought the market was considerably better , though It was generally agreed that in most cases 5c would cover all the ad vance. Buyers claimed tnat the cattle to day sold at the high point of the senaon BO far. Oni thing must bo borne in mind , however , and that Is that the cnttlo are now 'tho best that they have been any time. The demand today was active and the cattle changed hands in good season. Dry lot cows and helfars were ready eell- ers at good prices this morning : in fact the demand for all kinds was good and the supply was soon exhausted. Bulls are sell ing In about the same old notches and no quotable change has taken place this week. Veal calws did not appear qulto so strong as they were and pretty good ones sold this morning at $6.50f/6.75. Market on stockers nnd feeders was In poor shape. The country demand con tinues very slow nnd the market Is any where from 30c to 40c lower than It was a fw days ago. Very nice little stockers weighing around 450 > to DOO pounds might not be such bad sellers nnd-ono ; in awhile It Is possible to find buyers for choice qual ity feeders ready to go on corn feed. Cattle weighing right around SGO , not very good , too heavy for stockers and not heavy enough to go on Immediate feed , are extremely - tremely hard to sell and at way lower prices , as noted above. The fact is that every receiver who has anything in the way of stockers or feeders thinks that the kind that ho has Is the hardest to sell. The truth Is they are all slow sellers. Repre sentative sales : BEEP 8TEER3. 30 steers , grassers 853 385 HOGS First bids this morning were a slmdo higher , tlint Is , generally J3.60 for such loads as brought J3.7i',2 yesterday. A few loads sold tlint wny , hut the market ' PODII took on more BtreiiKth nnd lieenme , fully 60 lilBher. It was for n time quite nctlvo at the advance , and the most of the cnrly arrivals sold a noted , then as later trains came In the market eased up and a Kood share of the advance was lost. Toward the rlose It became very hard work , to get over $3.80 for anything. The most of the hogs sold nt the range , J3.80J/3.90 / , which was high at' compared with the wny Chicago reported the market. The long string today was at .80j3.62Vi , as against $3.77V4 yesterday. Considerably over one-half of all the 'hogs here yesterday sold nt J5.77'/i ! or below. It will bo noted from the table of average prices nbovo that the sales as a whole were considerably higher than yesterday nnd Monday , and 7bc higher than n week a'go. Hogs are now bringing more money than one , two or three years ngo , that Is , the market Is now nt the ( highest point touched the lira week in July since 1W5. Representative sales : 29 SOI W 3 ? 0 73 581 240 3 SJH 70 255 ICO 3 SO SO 2S2 120 3 MH 32 23.1 40 350 73 201 SO 8 S24 * f.S S9 SO 330 61 2SO 160 3 S214 M 2SI 160 3 SO 6 ? 2S1 S3 3 Wi 91 290 . . . 350 60 9 SO 3 Ml * 76 269 120 3 SO M 27S . . . 3 S2'4 67 2f > ? 40 3 SO 51 2.1S SO 3 S2 > 4 71 245 2(0 ( 3 SO 30 231 . . . 3 824 77 25 > 2 160 3 SO 70 2.TO . . . 3 Sf , 65 276 160 350 74 242 49 3 So 70 28) ) 160 3 M SI 219 . . . 3 SS 76 19 SO 3 SO 63 2-4 . . . 3 So 71 22rt 360 3W M 220 120 3 SS 70 24i5 SO 3 SO SO 270 SO 3 S3 B3 2S5 SO 3 SO 74 237 SO 3 S5 tA 270 SO 3 SO 67 2'W 160 3 SS 62 SS6 SO 3 SO 74 2.19 120 3 So 69 205 120 3 SO 66 211 120 8 65 2fit . . . 3 SO 63 ? .K . . . 3 S5 77 277 120 3 SO C.9 271 40 3 So SI 209 120 3 S2lj 66 291 . . . 3 S3 MI 252 160 3 S2',4 ' S4 210 SO 3 So SO 274 0 3 S2',4 77 221 200 3 S5 77 2.-.D 40 3S2ii 50 2.3 40 3 S5 67 22o 120 3 S2H 7S 23 * . . . 3 S.r. t > ( ! 277 . . . 35214 69 2M 120 3 S3 72 271 120 3 S2'4 65 267 SO 3 S3 95 227 SO 3 S2 < 4 9.1 22S 40 3 S5 6fl 22 $ 2lX ) 3 S2 < 4 S6 197 40 3 S3 60 259 160 3 S2H 73 213 . . . 3 S > 6.1 252 240 3 S2',4 74 240 120 3 So 6.1 252 SO 3 S2'4 ' S2 26 * SO 3 S3 79 2S1 160 3 S2 fc 65 205 SO 3 So fl 23(5 ( 40 3 S2 > 4 69 242 . . . 3 S3 9.1 22S 120 3 S2',4 9 } 205 . . . 3 So 92 2PO SO 3 S21A t4 ! 211 SO 3 S3 63 274 160 3 821,4 71 210 40 3 S5 SS 247 SO 3 .V2ij 61 2.11 SO 3 S3 91 231 SO 3821.4 62 22fl 40 3 S3 SI 232 160 3 S2H C6 225 . . . 3 Si B7 27.1 160 3 S2Va 67 242 . . . 3 S3 69 265 120 3 S2 i Mi 220 SO 3 S5 07 243 . . . 3S214 SS 222 SO 3 S7'4 67 26i 40 3 S2"4 " 131 223 . . . 3 S7'i ' 62 2U IfiQ 3 8214 66 232 . . . 3 S7' $ 75 210 120 352' , * ' 91 Ill J > 0 SI 514 64 y SO 3 S2',4 93 1SJ . . . 390 $9 217 120 3 S2'4 WAGON LOTS-PIGS. 2 BOO . . . 260 7 313 40 3 Ki 1 310 SO 2 50 4 410 . . . 3 75 1 420 . . . 2 BO 3 276 . . . 375 1 330 . . . 250 1 230 . . . 3 77 > ,4 1 490 SO 300 5 2.10 . . . 3 77V4 1 600 SO 3 00 1 170 . . . 3 SO 1 210 . . . 323 6 2110 . . . 3 SO 9 121 . . . 3 BO 7 1S1 40 3 82 Mi SHEEP Receipts continue very light nnd tlioro Is not enough of nny klml comltiK 'o ' tnlk nbout. The few that arrive ami are offered for sale bring Rood strong prices ns compared .vlth the way the same kind of sturr IF selling In other markets , and that Is about all that can be said about It. Quotations on fed clipped sheep and lambs : Western wethers , Jl.90 5.15 ; gooJ to choice Mexican lambs , J6.25ftG.40 ; good to choice western lambs. S6.00i < > .25 ; fair to good western lambs , $5.2505.76 ; western yearlings , J5.25Cro.50 ; western ewes , good to choice , J4.25IT-l.ii5 ; fair to peed ewes. J3.75 Sfl.OO ; Rood to choice spring lambs , $ G.UOip 6.75. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 3 lambs , crips * . 66 $3 00 1 old ewe 60 350 119 California lambs , culls 57 4 00 Sold ewes 10u 4 00 9 ewes 92 4 10 224 western ewes 100 4 70 25 California lunfbs 52 600 28 spring lambs 68 700 CHICAGO MVI STOCIC MAIUCET. Light Supply CniiNpH Active Demand for Cn Mir II OK I'rlcen Good. CHICAGO , July G.-CATTLE-The cattle market continued brisk today , the supp'.y being light and the demand lively from nearly nil classes of buyers , resulting In an advance of 15i25c per 100 pounds ; native beef cattle were salable at J4.SCkS5.00 for common up to JS.75S5.S5 for prime shipping beeves ; fancy steers brought J6.00j76.50. JIOGS There W B an active demand and offerings were well taken , with prices eteady ; lights brought J3.SO-ff4.02Vi : mixed , $3.7BS4.00 : heavy. $3.65 < ? r4.00 ; pigs , $3.50fi3.93 ; culls and rough lots , $2.00 < Sj3.G5. SHEEP With estimated receipts of 9,000 nheep and lambs there was a fairly actlvo demand at steady prices today ; ruling fig ures were J2.00Q'3.00 for cu'.ls ur > to J5.00 < g5.25 for extra native wethers ; yearlings brought $5.25 < fJG.EO and spring lambs J4.23fi7.00. KECEIPTS Cattle. 20,368 head ; hogs , 35- SS9 head ; sheep , 9,000 head. Xevr York Live Stock. NEW YORK , July 6. BEEVES Re- cedpts , 400 head , all for slaughterers ; noth ing doing ; feeling steady : cables quote llvo cattle firmer at HHS'121.io ( per pound : dressed weights , exports , 500 cattle and 4,100 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 75 head ; dull at un changed prices ; veals , $4.0050.25 * ; common buttermilks , J2.75 ; mixed calves , $3.80. SHEEP AND L/AMHS Receipts , 6,109 head ; good sheep steady ; medium lower ; heavy sheep not wanted ; choice lambs , 10 ® 15c higher ; good to prime , steady to firm ; medium , very dull ; poor to good sheep , J3.00-1.75 ; culls , J2.00 ; common to very choice Iambs , J4.75@7.25 ; most sheep , $4.755j > 5.25 ; culls , J4.50. HOGS Receipts , 1,785 head ; Blow and lower at $4.20@4.30. KiinxnH Cltr Live Stock. KANSAS CITY , July G.-CATTLE-Rc- celpts , 3,600 natives , 300 Texans ; best grades steady , others a little weak , slow ; natlvo steers , ( heavy , $3.2506.40 , medium , J4.765T5.25 ; light , J4.2u < 56.60 ; Texas steers , $3.254.90 ; Texs cows. 12.8503.70 ; natlvo cows and heif ers , $2.00575.25 ; stockers and feeders , $3.10 ® 5.00 ; bulls. $2.5CJf4.00. ( HOGS Receipts , 11,800 : market strong to 5c ihlgher , closing weak ; bulk of sales , J3.S5SJ ) 3.93 ; heavy , J3.S5S4.05 ; packers , J3.SO4.00 ; mixed , $3.7H3.96 ( ? : light , J3.65S3.85 ; Yorkers , J3.S053.85 ; pigs' , J3.CO3.76. SHEEP Receipts , 6,800 ; market firm ; lambs , J4.75S < 5.85 ; clipped muttons , J4.OOJf4.CO : stockers and feeders , J3.0ftff3.50 ; culls , J1.G5 Q3.25. St. Loill * Live Stock. ST. LOUIS , July 6. CATTLE-Recelpts , 2,600 , Including 1,000 Texans ; market steady to strong ; fair to choice native shipping and export steers , J4.90g5.43 , with fancy worth up to J5.G5 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , J4.10S5.50 ; steers under 1,000 pounds , J4.00S5.20 ; t'tockers ' and feeders , J3.30ir4.60 ; cows and heifers. J2.25S5.00 ; bulls. J2.S3S4.CO ; canners. J1.50S2.85 ; Texas and Indian steers. J3.40SC.00 ; cows and heifers , J2.30S3.75. HOGS Receipts , 10,000 ; market steady ; pigs and light * ' . J3.S5f73.95 ; packers , JJ.SOifli 3.D5 ; butchers , J3.90S4.00. SHEEP-Rccelpts , 6,000 ; market steady ; native muttons , J4.25S4.75 ; spring lambs\ J4.25JT7.00 ; culls and bucks , J3.00S-4.25 ; stock ers , $2.75S3.35. Hi. .lOMojih I.lve Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , July G. ( Special. ) T.he Journal quotes aS follows : CATTL.E Receipts , 1,300 head ; market steady to strong ; natives , J4,75S5.fia ; Texan and westerns. J.CCS5.2i ) ! ; cows and heifers , J2.00SO.OO ; bulla and stags , J2.25S4.75 ; year lings anil calves , J4.00S5.10 ; stockers and feeders. J1.40S4.75 : veals. J5.25S7.00. HOGS Receipts , 6,200 head ; market strong and hlgh'r ; heavy and medium , J3.S5 04.03 : light , JIUOS3.95 ; pigs , J3.50S3.70 ; bulk of sale's. J3.SGS3.W. SIIKBP 'Receipts ' , DOO head ; lambs lower and sheep easy , Ntoclc In SlKht. "Following " are the receipts at the four principal western markotn for July 6 : Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omaha 1.530 4,970 292 Chicago 20,36 ? 35.3S9 9,0 % Kansas City 3,600 11,800 5.ROO St. 'Louis ' 2,500 10,000 6,000 Totals 27,99 ? 62,159 21,092 MIIU SlKiillIK ( ho Son Ion. riTTSDUHG , July C. The Amalgamated association olllclnls received another signed wale today. It was the Union Steel com pany of Alexandria , Ind. But tow mills out- Hldo of the PlttHburg district now remain to be heard from. Jiinu'H Mi-TAfri ! IlniiKi'il. ST LOUIS. July 6. A special to the Post-Dispatch from Carthage , Mo. , gays : James McAfi'o was hanged here today for itho murder of Kben Ilrowor , a merchant of Joplln , whom ho attempted to rob nearly two years ngo. ItlH I'ri'inliiiii on IloiulM , NRW YORK. July 6. Controller Coler today awarded the entire Issue of 510,025,000 of 3V4 per cent gold bonds of the city of New York to Parson , Leach & Co. , who bid J10- 972,863.75. I9S9 H.RPEUNEYaCO. JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 10'ID. Omnlm , COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS liOAII ( ) OP THA1U ! . Dlrft wlrrn to Cnic c > and New Tork. CorrtupociltuU ! Jjlic JL. W rrtc * Oi. When Traveling Read The Be © Hero Is Where * f You Will Find it in the Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. * JnmcB M. Uodnril , ' ATLANTA. OA. Klmbnll Home KC TH SlnnU. BOSTON. Public Mtirnry. VrlidlllllP llntrl Italian I'm * Club , 14 HoiTrorlh ft. BUFFALO. Crncioe Hotel \CITI > At nnd. BUTTE. \Vm. Shield * . CAMBUIDGE , MASS. Harvard VtiArrmltr CHEYENNE. E. A. I.DBan. U1U Wc.t lOtk BL ( Ohrj-rnue Cliib. CHICAOO. Auditorium Annex N TTB Stnnil. Auilltorluiii Hotel > CVT An nil. Rrnnil I'liclllo Hotel \HTTH ntnnil. ( irrutortlicai \ Hotel 7ifrr Stn-nd. 1'nliurr llou ro Stnnd. Pontollloe .NtMTH Stand. No. SIT Dear * Itnrn Street. Annoelnted AdrertUer' * Clnb , PitlmeM Hounci CLEVELAND. IVcdilell HOIIMC. Tlio Hollcnilen. Commercial Traveler * ' Ai oalatlo > % Sliuonlo Teniptc. COLORADO SPRINGS. Printer * ' Home. DENVER. Ilrovm Hotel \ew Stnnd. llnmlltoii & Keiulrluk , 1)00-013 ITth . Mol.itlii , IMtt .fc Co. . 33 Sixteenth Bt. * rntt .llercnntllc Co. . ir.lT L rlni r St. The SttitliMicr Co. , IRth and L Trrcnva Street * . WlniUor Hotel NCTTB .ttnud. DBS MOINES. > Io e Jncolin , Hook laland Depot. Y. M. U. A. Ucndluur lloora. DULUTH , MINN. Wlt & Ileiiiictt , U14V. . Superior Bt. FORT SMITH , ARK. U. 0 , A. llcndlnc Ilooiu HAVANA , CUBA. Inulnterru Hotel Ilendlna ; HOOBB. -v _ . HONOLULU , H. I. Honolulu Hotel Heading ; Room. HELENA. W. A. Blooro , OtU uranne and Main BC Helena 1'ubllo Library. HOT SPRINGS , 3. D. G corse Glbmon. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. O. H. Weaver Jk. Co. F , C. Hovlna. JL. D. Cooper A Co. , 020 Central Av k KANSAS CITY. Hobcrt Held. 1OU3 MoQee it. Contc * uoumcrw Stand. illKiourl nepnbllcan Club , OO5 Baltt * more Ave. Public Library. . Illckaecker C I tear Co. , OtU and Walnut _ opposite I' . O. RnllTvnr Y. 11. C. A. , roam 37 Unlo Depot , Kan n Cltr , Mo. Public Library. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. M. O. A. Heading : llootn. LINCOLN. W. S. Edmlatoii , 112i : O Street , Deliv ery Agent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver & Hnliice , 1OU S. Spring St. P. II. Hnnacom , 422 S , Dlnln St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Oharlei A. Gllllff' " American ExolinnB 2 Cookupuir St. , Trufaltcar Sq. , S , W. MANILA , P. I. / . Andrcvr F. Sclioin , Cor. Pnente d < Espaua and E oolta Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. Public Library. Went Hotel NCTT * Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. \ Fifth Avenuu Hotel Xevr Stand. Fifth Avenuu Hotel IlenUluoT Rooah diiplro Hotel. Droome Street Library. Holland Hoiiae lleaillnif Hoon. Iloffinnn Hoime. Imperial Hotel TVeTT * Stand. Mceliaiilca' anil Trn < lrrn' Krev Library. No , 18 ICiiBt Slxteenlh Street. Pren Club , 120 A'a au St. Wetiiiln ter Hotel Hvudln * ; Ilo a. Wludior Hotel Ilra'llnir Room , y. M. C. A.lid Street and 4th AVCMB * . OGDEN. W. Webb , 2405 Wiuihlnirton Av * . W. G. Kind. . PARIS , FRANCE. Herr YorU Herald Ileadluir n Ave. tie I'Opera. Tlio * . Cook & SOIIB , 1 Ave. < ! PONCE , PORTO Rig Zorve A Grctrum. PORTLAND , ORB. W. D. Joue , 2)1 ( Alder at Portland Hotel Xcnn Stnxd. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Public Library. SAN FRANCISCO. Public Library. SAD JUAN , PORTO RICO. Hotel Imglmterru , Reading ( l M. SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Alia Free I'libllo SALT LAKE CITY. It , r , Hnmnicl. Lyoeuu > Thie , | Salt Lake \nvr O * . Publlo Library. SEATTLB ISiulern New * Co. , aiO 1-t PttM A. T. IiiindlicrKi QeorEe P. Ward. SIOUX CITV. c7arrc < Una Ilutrlcir ) I l ) n (111 in I a Hotel .N > TT llolrl Vrailoiue Nrrra Xtaa CoiMvny A Kiilkrrliiiokev , I'ulilln l.lhrurr. n < trnld I'lUitlbliDii , 7011 r * Hey Allen , 11X1 Center t , V. SI. C. A. lU-ndlne Itoow. SPOKANE. John IV. Qrulmm TXU-TM Avenue , ST. JOSEPH. Itrnndnvr'a .Vcrr * Sluud , T > 1 Kdmon < trret. Jiinctlnn N " Stnnd. BOt IMlMkad * t Y. BI. C , A. Ilciiillmr ItuoM. ST PAUL , MIRN. I'm * ( Jltib. Wludiur Hotel. ST. LOUIS E. J. Ji-tt , 80U Olive ( M. Fluiilrm' Hotel . TV rinaj. 1'ubllo l.lbrarr WASIIINOTON , D. O. Wlllurd' * lIoU-l .Vena StanA. r Arllnirtou llolol. Cuudretilonnl I.lbrory. HltifK Ilunr , Aonrlrullurul Department Mbraryv Uepulilluniiatiuiial Cuuiulli .