Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1899, Image 10

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Nanownes ? Pemdcs Trading , Though a
Slight Adrance Follows LaUr.
Corn I3\ierlenee | * n Iiltlle
NotnHlifitniiillnu ; Sonic IrrcKtilnr-
IInnil OnlN In About Snmc
Conillllon 1'rovlnlnnn Dull.
'CHICAGO , June SO. The shadow of the
coming holidays was heavy on the wheat
market today and kept prices within n nar
row range. The clone was at a shade Im
provement over yesterday. Corn closed > /ifl >
Uo higher for September , but unchanged
for July. Oats closed unchanged for Sep
tember , but Ufl'Kio ' lower for July. Pro
visions advanced 2' ' fiGo.
Wheat started with n degree of steadiness
that was romewhat surprising In view of the
half deserted condition of the pit. Liverpool
followed closely the decline of the local
market yesterday and both local and north-
weflt receipts were liberal to a degree that
under ordinary conditions would have
caused weakness. But shorts showed a dis
position to get out of the market over the
coming holidays nnd buying by that class of
traders sustained the market at llrst. Sep
tember opened n. shade- over yesterday 9
closing price at 74US74'/c. This prlco
changed very little for about half an hour ,
when substantial support was given the
market by Snow's crop report on the condl-
iinii nf Mnrlnc wheat. This was unfavor-
able. pufflnBBtho condition at under 90 per
cent and reporting a good dea. of damage
from rust and excessive rains , cspcc ally In ,
Nebraska. A- . spring wheat prosperity had
lu-uflm In the platform
been ono of the - ? planks
form of wheat bears for some time past
caused noticeable In-
news of this kind n
( In the buying demand nnd the only
timeMini"the session caused the market
to assume some decree of activity. The
to the demand , Scp-
i > rlcc ( illicitly responded
tVmbcr advancing to 7410 and Holding close
to t at price as long as the buying J 'cd ,
which , however , was not very long. Before
noon the market had taken on the dullness
, iwaysshown prior to holidays and from
that time until the close trading was nar
row and fluctuations small. Consldcrab e
weakness developed also on the continued
heavy pr mary receipts , the total bring
placet at 677,000 bushols. compared w h 108.-
iViO bushels a year ago Minneapolis and
Duluth receipts were 502 cars , ngalnst 6G9
last week and fifty-two a year ago. Chicago
cage received 123 cars , fourteen of contract
Krade. Atlantic port clearances of wheat
nnd Hour amounted to but 70,000 bushels.
The seaboard reported fifty-one loads taken
for export today. September sold as low nst
73)i ) ? 73c at ono time , but a.t the close had
rallied to 74Vifi74Wo and showed some steadi
ness at that ligure. ,
Corn was fairly active and
There was continued liquidation In July ,
which kept the price of that option down ,
whllo September was advancing slightly.
Snow's report made the condition of corn
SC. Receipts were liberal , 999 cars. There
was a good cash Inquiry here and nt the
Heaboard. September ranged from 33c to
3lc nnd closed H/c higher at 34ic. July
closed unchanged at 33ic.
Oats was moderately active nnd Irregular ,
weak for July , but steady for the distant
futures. Receipts were 296 cars. Crop ad
vices were rather more favorable. Septem
ber ranged from 21H0il1Jic to 21c and
closed unchanged nt 21c. July oats closed
W&c lower at 21U21Uc.
Provisions were almost at a standstill.
Some strength was shown at the opening on
the steady hog market and on a general
demand from packers , presumably covering.
This demand kept up throughout the ses-
plon At the cloSe September pork was 60
lilgher at J8.45 , September lard 2V4c higher at
J5.20 and September ribs a shade higher at
Estimate receipts for Saturday : Wheat ,
326 cars ; corn , 1,030 cars ; oats , 325 cars ; hogs ,
18,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles Op n. IfiehT Clone. Ycs'dy ,
72M 72 72K3H 72M
70 7SH 78M-70
33H S4 3S
34M 34 lt
24H 24 241.
2.1H 2JM 23JJ
817W 820 820
840 845 840
502K 8015 602H
61/H 020 S17H 620
470 472W 407K 470 470
487W 490 487H
No. 2. ,
Cash quotatlonB were as follows :
FLOUR Easier ; -winter patents , ? 3.G3@
8.75 ; straights , $3.1503.45 ; spring specials ,
J4.35 ; spring- patents , $3.4033.80 ; straights ,
J2.W5I3.30 ; bakers. J2.3002.60.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 72o ; No. 3 spring ,
70fn2c ; No. 2 red. 76c.
CORN No. 2 , 34c : No. 2 yellow , 34U@34V4c.
OATS-No. 2 , 2502Cc ; No. 3 white , 26 ®
BARLEY No. 2. 40o.
SKEDS Timothy , August , J2.65 ; Septem-
"her " , J2.60 ; October , J2.45 ; prime , $2.35p2.40 ;
flax , cash , northwest. J1.05 ; southwest , J1.01 ;
No. l , J1.02 ; July , J1.01 ; September , 87 0 ;
October , WJVic ; clover , JG.WXg < 5.75.
PHOVrsiONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.CO ®
8.23. Lard , per 100 fba. . J4.fl5g5.03. Short ribs
aides ( loose ) , J4.BOjW.DO. Dry salted shoul
ders ( boxed ) . J5.004l5.25 ; short clear Bides
( boxed ) , J5.00ft5.10.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
en lion. J1.26 ,
SUGARS Cut loaf , J8.02 ; granulated , J5.64.
The following are the receipts and ship
ments for todav :
Articles. Receipts. ShIpmentB.
Flour , bbls . 23,000 14,000
Wheat , bu . 137,000 107,000
Corn , bu . 702,000 800,000
Oats , bu . 267,000 183.000
Tlye. bu . 4,000
Barley , bu . D.OOO .
On the Produce exchange today tha but
ter markft was firm : creameries , 13V4TlSc ;
dairies , llfTlSHc. Cheese , firm , 89Uc.
KBK , steady ; fresh , 12c. Drcn eil poultry ,
steady ; turkeys , 8c ; chickens , 9gOfcc. !
Quotation * for the Dny on Vnrloim
NEW YORK. Juno SO. FLOUR Receipts ,
lfiJ2l ( bbls , , exports. 13,616 bbls , ; ralher _
niilft. but Htcadlly held at old
ligures ; winter patents , J3.90 < 34.10 ; win
ter straights. 53.OOjT3.CO ; Minnesota
patents , J3.95)f4iO ; Minnesota bakers ,
J3.10fl3.2S ; winter extras , J2.60CT3.00. Rye
Hour , quiet ; good , J3.23ifr 3.25 ; choice fancy ,
CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western , SO
( JJMc.
HYK-QulPf _ . _ No 2 _ western , C2Kc f. o. b ,
/I * n 1 1 | H 4T7rt *
afloat ; malting , 47050c.
BARLKY-Qulet ; feeding. 42f4Ji,4c ? c. I. f.
DiilTulo ; inaltliiR474Tjlc , delivered ,
No ,
b. afloat ; No , 1 hard , "Dtiiiith.85o" f. " o"i. \ .
afloat. Options opened steady and showed
n tendency to advance slightly on bullish
talk concerning northwest crop prospects ,
a fair export demand and covering ; ufler n
midday break tinder small cloranccs prices
rallied again on covering and closed nt 'Ac
decline on July and unchanged on other
months ; July , 79 * { t79 15-ltic ; September ,
7 $ 13-lCfa 797-160 ; closed , 79lic ; December , g ]
CORN Recilpts , 53,333 bu. ; exports , CO.SI7
bu , ; spot steady ; No , B , 40He f , o , b , afloat ,
ssilo elevator. Options opened steady , later
they advanced on a big export demand , but
also felt the effects of big receipts ; closed
ntadv at Ho advance ; July closed at 39'sc. '
OATS Receipts , 153,100 bu. ; exports , 4,225
bu , : spot steady ; No. 2 white , scysj o. Op
tions quiet.
HAY Steady ; shipping , 62HS70c ; BOOd to
choice. SOSWc.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice ,
1S9S crop , 6iT7c ; 1S97 crop , 11C13C ; 1893 crop ,
16 * c ; I'aclllc coast , 1S96 crop , IClflSc.
HIDES Firm : Galvcston. 20 to 22 Ibs ,
16yi7c : California , 21 to 2S Ibs. , ISUc.
LEATHER-Steady : hemlock sole , Buenos
Ayrea. 20mB21V4c : acid. 21O22c.
IHCE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4 ?
MOLASSES Firm ; New Orleans , open
kettle , good to choice , 32O36c.
'BUTTER-Recelpts. ' 8.491 pkgB. ; nrmcrj
western creamery , 15HiflS14c ; factory , 12 { ?
14c.CHEESERecelpts , 7.898 pkgs. : steady ;
large , white , 8Hc : small , white. SVJcj large ,
colored. SHc ; small , colored , SVic.
EGGS Receipts. 9,756 pkgs. ; Ilrm ; west
ern , imWltc ; southern , 94)lie ,
I'llOVISIONS Beef. firm ; beef hams ,
J23.fi0024.00. Cut meats , firm : pickled bel
lies , J5.006i6.00 ; pickled shoulders. J4.7505.00 ;
j lcklcd hams , JiBOWlO.OO. Lord , llrmor ;
western oteained. J5.35 ; reflned. llrmer : con
tinent , J5.45 , Pork , flrm ; family , JlO.fOfli
10.75 ; clear , J10.00II 10.75. Tallow , steady ;
c'ty. 4 8-16c ; country , 4 ? ff4Ho.
AIOTALS Tin made anoth r forward
ptrlile today on stiffening views of cellars
and markPil Improvonient In demand , stlm-
iilated by firm news from abroad and the
mt. Spelter stiffened up slightly , though
c osmg at wirhntiKetl prices The M tnl ox-
inanRp cnlit.l pic iron warrants nominal at
the CK < P at JI3.W like ropppr , tmchansed
nt JI835 bid and JlS 1,0 nskcvl. Icnil quiet nt
Jl 15 bid and JIM nuked , spcltpr , stPady for
spot nnd firm for futures nt JO 2S. The brok
ers' prlrp for le.i.l Is Jl.iJ and for copper
( ) > ! . \II.V ( inMHIAIi MAUKKT.
Conilltlotm nf IrnilP ntiil
on Snilr nnil Fnnry I'rnilncc.
ElGS-Rccclpts large ; good Block wenk
IIUTTER Common to fair , Ilffl2c ;
choice , 12J71lc ; separator , ISc : gathered
cronmsry , Ific. .
roUl/ruv Hens. live. 7H5fSc ; nprlng
chickens. IRfllOc ; old nnd stnKgy roosters ,
live , 3',41/fio ; ducks nnd geese , live , We ;
turkeys , live , Sc.
PICJKONS Uve , per dozen , 76cQJ1.00.
VEAI S Choice , 9c.
FRICSH WATER KISII-CfttHsh , per lh. ,
12c ; bufTalo. per lb. . dresssd , 7c ; white
fish , 8c ; lakt- trout , Sc ; yellow pike , dressed.
9c ; white perch , Co ; bullheads , dressed , lOo ;
black bnss , Oc.
SEA FISlI-Hii'ldock , 10c ; blue fish. lOc ;
oc shad , each , lOc.
WATERMELONS Texas , crated for ehlp-
mcnt , ICTiIOc.
CANTAIvOtTPE Per crate , Jl.SOfll.T6 ;
inskets , 8.ic < ! 7J1.00.
WAX BEANS-Half bushel basket , 65S750 ,
I'EAS-l'rr basket , BOQCOc.
RADISIIES-Pcr dozen bunches. lOc.
TO.MATOKS-Pcr4-basket crate , Jl.60-ffl.75.
ONIONS llomp grown , per doz. bunches ,
drcordlnc to size , SifflSc.
IlEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , Jl.f.0.
POTATOES Old stock , 20iI35c ; new po-
ate ° a. fiOf ( ? "c per bu.
CUCUMllERS-Pcr dozen , 45g50c.
CELERY-1'er dozen. 35fflOc.
APRICOTS California Royal , per crate ,
CHERRIES Home grown , 15-lb. baskets.
RED RASPBERRIES Per ! 4-plnt case ,
BLACKBERRIES Per 24-auart case ,
case. Jl. 75 2.00 ; 21-quart , J2.7503.00.
PLUMS California per crate , J1.50 ; Trag-
My plums , J1.7S02.00.
ORANGES Mediterranean sweets , JI.76.
LEMONS-Callfornla , fancy , J4.60 ; Jles-
slna. fancy , J3.OOinS.50.
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
> er bunch. J2.E002.75 ; medium-sized
mnchcs , J2.CWT2.25.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7'/4c : No. 2
rreen hides , 6Vic ; No. 1 salted hides. SWo ;
* o. 2 salted hides , 7Hc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to
2 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
, 3V4c ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow. lV4o ;
vhlte grease , 2V403c ; yellow nnd brown
Jl/i2 'jtfloM [ | tunjou "qi jad 'BJtod IOOA
iIWJiiiu optMoioo 'JUU | Xjp .ogQt 'Jitaia.lV
cnionqi jaa 'sjjod ( OOAV joqomq optta
OOO [ 'JUI | | /jp ! OfJJ 'JHS3AlUnjDB | "qi JOd
IOOM UIBJJIIUI n bCjqaM puu snsuujr
.Op : osfjf ' ; iia3AV | ( union "qi Jad 'sjiod
" jatpjnqBJlsujqaM puu KCSUBJI 'JUJ | |
A"jp log 'tioua i 'OM ' ( supis Xiano p
sauiJtJ9ti A\ip iost 'qoca ' ( suists
St. Iionln Market.
ST. LOUIS , Juno SO.-FLOUR-Qulet ,
jarely steady.
WHEAT Lower nnd unsettled ; No. 2 red ,
cash , elevator , 73c ; track , 73T @ 74'4c ; July ,
73073- ; September , 73V4c ; December , 77c
bid ; No. 2 hard , 7 < Xf(71c ( : receipts , 26,194 bu.
CORN Firm ; No. 2 cash , 33Hc ; track ,
&c ; July , 32Uc bid ; September , 33Hc bid.
OATS Easier ; No. 2 cash , 27c : track ,
Hc ; July. 24Hc bid ; September , 21c ; No.
whiu , 2aj29Vic.
RYE Firm ; 59c.
SEEDS-rrimothy , Jl.7502.15 ; naxseed , 97c.
METALS Lead , firm ; J1.37& . Spelter ,
strong and higher ; J5.65.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , Sc ; springs ,
1012c ; turkeys , Gc ; ducks , 5c ; springs , SHc ;
jee ! > e , Sc.
BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , 15@18VJc ;
dairy , 12015C.
EGGS Easier ; lOo.
CORNMEAL Steady. J1.SOS1.S5.
BRAN Firm , but unchanged ; sacked ,
cast track , E9c.
HAY Timothy , scarce and firm , JG.OOgi
2.50 ; prairie , dull , weak ; old , J7.50as.00 ; new ,
WHISKY Steady , J1.26.
PROVISIONS-Dry salt meats , nominal ;
boxed shoulders , J4.23 ; extra shorts , J4.87V4 ;
clear ribs , J5 ; clear sides , J5.12V4Bacon ,
strong ; boxed shoulders , J5 ; extra , shorts ,
5.37H : clear ribs. J3.50 ; c ear sides , J5.75.
RECEIPTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 26-
)00 bu. ; corn , 43,000 bu. ; oats , 30.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
. ,000 bu. ; corn , 24,000 bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu.
Kniixn * Clly Grain nml Provlnlon.i.
KANSAS CJTY , June 30. WHEAT July ,
IS' c : September. 67Hc ; eiish. No. 1 hard ,
"Oc ; No 2 , C7c ; No. 3 , 640GGc ; No. 2 red , 70c ;
No. 3 , ffiSSSe ; receipts , 88 cars.
CORN July. 3Hic : September , 3H4c ; cash ,
No. 2 mixed , 32UW32&C ; No. 2 white , 33Vic ;
No " , SCc.
OATSNo. . 2 white , cash , 33&c.
RYE No 2. 5Sc.
HAY Choice timothy , new , JS.50@8.75 ;
choice prairie , J7.0007.50.
BUTTER Creamery. 164c ! : dairy , 13c.
EGGS Fresh Missouri and Kansas stock ,
Irsts , lOc per doz. , cases returned.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 52,800 bu. ; corn , 31,000
u. : oat ! , 3,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 141,000 bu. ; corn ,
1,200 bu. ; oats , none.
Liverpool flrnlii ni l I'rovlnlonx.
Hams , short cut , dull , 46s. Shoulders ,
srjuaro , cany , 24s. Tallow , Australian , in
London , steady 25s 4d.
WHEAT No. 2 red , western winter , dull.
5s lid ; No , 1 red northern , Duluth , dull , Gs
Id ; futures steady ; July , 5s Sid ? ; Septem
ber , 5s lld ; December , 6s % d.
CORN American , mixed , i-pot , new , quiet ,
3" ) 4Ud ; American mixed , spot , old , quiet ,
3s 6V4d ; futures quiet ; July , 3s 4V4d ; Sep
tember , 3s 5 > 4d : October , 3s 5d.
Receipts of wheat for the last three dayM ,
362,000 centalsl Including 17.1.000 centals of
American. Receipts of corn for the last
three days , 131,161 centals.
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO. O. . June 30. WHEAT Active
and easy ; No. 2 cash and July , 75c ; Septem
ber , 7GTiC. (
CORN Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 23'Ac.
RYE Unchanged ; No. 2 cash. GOc.
SEEDS Cloverseed. higher ; prime cash.
September , now , J3.95 bid ; October , J4.65
IMillnilolililii I'nxliuMMarket. .
Qulet but steady ; fancy western creamery ,
/40)19c ) ; fnncy prints. 20c.
EGGS-Ste dy ; fresh nearby , 14014'tc ;
fresh western. 14C14Vfcc : fresh southwestern ,
13'wn4c ; fresh southern ,
CHBESE Steady.
MllwimUee firnlii
MILWAUKEE , Juno 30. FLOUR Dull.
WHEAT Du'.l ; No. 1 northern , 75c ; No. 2
northern , 73'.ic ,
OATS Ixiwer. 25VilfT28Vic.
RYE-Diill : No. 1 , 60c.
BARLEY Steady ; No , 2 , 424c ! ; sample , S ?
(3-420. (
iiiillH AVIient Market.
store : No. 1 northern , June , 71Hc ; July ,
70 > c ; September , 71c , On track : No. 1 hard ,
72Vo ; No , 1 northern , 71'/jo ; No. 2 northern ,
PEORIA , III. , June 30. CORN Firm ; No.
3 , 33U'fi33Vc.
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white , 27c.
WHISKY Firm , on the basis of J1.26 for
finished goods.
Diiliith AVIu-nt Market.
DULUTH , June 30. WHEAT No. 1 hard ,
cash , 7G'4c ; July , 76Uc ; No , 1 northern , cosh.
73e ; July. 73-v4c ; September. 73'jc ; No. 2
northern , 69Uoi No. 3 spring , G % c.
OH Market.
NEW YORK. June 30 , OILS Cottonseed
oil. tlrm on light offerings ; primcrude - ,
2Uc < ; prlmn summer yellow , 26 < 32Sy c ; oft
summer yellow , 2o'4c : butter grades. 30 < iJKc ;
prime winter yellow. 30032c. IVtroleum ,
quiet ; refined , New York. J7.50 : Philadel
phia and Baltlmw-p. J7.1S ; Philadelphia and
Baltimore , in milk , J4.C3. Rosin , quiet ;
strained , common to good. Jl.30ai.32V4. Tur
pentine. Btpndy nt .W4039P.
'OIL CITY , Jline 30.-OILS-Credlt
runs , 122,044 bbls. ; average , 81,585 bbls.
California Dried FrnlU.
DRIED FRUITS Dull. Evaporated apples ,
common. 6V4J7o ; prime wire tray , 8UO Mc ;
choice , SV4B o ; fancy. Mi9Hc. Prunes. 3Vi
JS > 4c. Apricots , Royal , He ; Moor Park , H
QlSc. Poaches , unpeeled , lOQllc.
New York lr > - Rooiln Market.
NEW YORK. Juno 30. The home demand
for all cotton goods has been dull today and
mall orders only moderate. Further busi
ness for export reported at full prices.
Prints are linn , but sales moderate. Glng-
hama ilrm. Bleached cottons slow , but
prices maintained Linens quiet , prices slow.
Burlaps Inactive and barc'y stcidy Mtn s
wpar woolens and worsttxls In good rcqucc-t
nnd tone of market strong Dry goods trade
will close- Monday and Tuesday.
Movii.tin.vrs OK srot ICS AM > HOMIS.
Afflvltr of the Ilnte fur Call I.nnnn
Proven an IntcrentliiR Kcntnre.
NEW YORK , June 30. There was a re
markable demonstration of the underlying
strength of standard railroad stocks today
In pltc of the happenings which the bears
have been relying upon to put down prices
before the triple holiday. The squeeze in
the money market proved more- severe than
for many months , the rate for call loans
jumping at one time to 12 per cent. Loans
made today carry over until next Wednes
day and the shifting Incident to the heavy
demands on the. eve of semi-annual disburse
ment caused a very active bidding for
money. There was besides the natural hcM-
tatlon on the part of most operators to mak-
Insr large commitments on the eve of the
holiday nnd the general tendency to c'.oso up
the accounts , This kept the market very
dull throughout the early part of the day
nnd prices were disposed to sag. The openIng -
Ing was Indeed a fraction below last night
for most of the railroads nnd a liquidating
movement In Sugar and the. City Traction
stocks pulled the railroads back again after
they had llrst started up again. But during
the second hour of trading a very deter-
mlnr-d and confident demand sprang up for
St. Paul and New York Central after the
latter stock , which waa desalt In ex-dividend ,
had fallen oft H below last night's leve' .
This demand grew and spread through the
most prominent stocks on the list , Including
the leading trunk lines , the grangers , the
Pacifies and one or two of the southwest *
The manner In which this buying Ignored
the Hurry in the money market Indicated
that It came from sources not dependent on
the ordinary resources of the banks. Not
withstanding the strength of the move-men t
In these few stocks the general market con
tinued very much ncclectcd nnd little
changed In price. The total sales for the
day were considerably below the average for
the week nnd dealings were almost wholly
concentrated In the few stocks which de-
vclopctl so buoyant a tone. In these the
strength continued with a very slight reac
tion at the close , the level of prices being
lifted for them from 1 to 2'/4 points nbovji
last night's level. Numerous blocks of 1,000
shares nnd upward of Pennsylvania were
taken on the rise. The Industrials were
almost wholly neglected.
Sugar recovered from its early weakness
nnd closed nbout a point higher. Leather
preferred < ind Anaconda and Tennessee Coal
were also strong. The local traction stocks
were notab'.y weak , Brooklyn Transit being
most keenly affected. A feature of the early
market was the number of cash sales of
Kilt-edged preferred stocks. There was
qulto a long list of stocks selling cx-dlvl-
dend , Including the Vandcrbllts. Rock
Island and AtcnUon preferred. The most
i prominent of these more than recovered
| their dividend on the day's trading. All
opinions seem to agree that a very heavy
decrease In cash will bo shown by tomor
row's bank statement , some estimates run
ning a hlch as J10.000.000. This includes
J7,000,000 of the gold shipments , n loss to the
subtrcasury on account of the government's
small expenditures this week and a net loss
for the New .York banks on the Interior
movement of currency. Besides this , the
speculative activity of the week fore
shadowed nn expansion In loans and n sharp
decline In surplus reserve. There was con
siderable activity In the bond market and
prices as a rule are higher. Total sales ,
par value. J2,372,000. Government bonds are
unchanged ,
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
here were listless today before the holiday ,
but buoyant at the close on the announce
ment that President Kruser is "climbing
down. " Americans were heavy early , ex
cept for Northern. Pacifies , which were
taken on the trafllo statement , and Atchl-
sons. The market hardened later , closing at
the best. Spanish 4s were B9iTGOT4. ( ! Rio
Tintos were offered freely and then rallied to
444. Anacondas were 10 % , Utnlis & ? ; . Money
was strong on end of the. month require
ments. Six thousand pounds gold In bars
were bought by the Bank of England and
JC23.000 arrived from Holland.
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the New York
exchange today :
Atchlson 19ii St. L , . & s. W IS'i
do pfd SS ilu pfj 3 'i
Daltlmore & Ohio. . W St. Paul 1M51
Canad-a Pacific 57H ilo ofd 174
C rm < I > i Southern . . 53i St. P. & O lOfl
Ontral Pacific . . . . 62 ! tie pfd i-
Chcs. & Ohio 2GJ ! , So. Pacific 32 } ;
Chi. & Alton 160 So. Ralln-av
C. . II. & Q 136l do pfd 5U4
Chi. & B. 1 73 Texas & Pacific . . . . lOVj
do t > fd 120Vf Union PaclHo 43
Chlcnito Gt. W 14 % do ufd 77i
Chi. I. & L 9V Wabash 7 i
do t > fd 41 do pM 21U
Chi. & N. W 1M1 W. & L E. ( new ) . . 9
do nfd. do 2d pM ! 3'i
C. . C. . C. & St. L. . 57 Adami Express . . .110
do I > fd 57 American Ex 133
Pel. & Hu < ? son 1S214 Wnllcd States K * . . . 4 ?
D l. L. & W 170iVelIs.Kargi > I3x . ,125
Den. & Illo G 22S Amr. Cot. Oil 35i !
do Pfd 7Sli do pfd 92
Erie ( new ) 13 % Amer. Spirits 6VJ
do 1st pfd .13Vi " do pfd 30
Fort Woyn 154 I Amer. Tobacco . . . . SITi
Gt. Nor. pfd 170 | do pfd 140
Illinois CVntral . . . .11.J\t Con * , Gas 1WV4
Lake Brie & W. . . . IS Com. Cable Co 179
CM ofd 'I I Col. K. A : 1 44U
Lake Shore OMVir * do pfd 109V
IjOJls. & Na h "n * , 'Gp-n. Electric llfl't
Manhattan IJ 11711 Haw. Com'l Co 110
Met. Kt. Ry 23 % > lrk. ! Itap. Tr
Mich. Central Ill Int'n'l Taper
Minn. & St. L M',4 do ofd 7H ;
do 2d pfd 91 I aclcJe Gas r.2'4
Mo. Pacific 44'S U .ul 28V4
Mo. K. & T 13 do pfd HIM
do pfd. FeJ. Steel C8i
N. J. Central US Nat. Un-ccd Oil. . . 3
N. Y. Central 139 ? . Pacific Mall 48',4
N. Y. . C. St. L. . . . 13 I'e&ple's Gas 120 %
do 1st pfd 71 Pullman Palace . . .160',4
do 21 pfd St Silver
Kor.V ? t 20' . ' , Standard n. & T. . . . 7'i
do pfd 70V4'SUKar 1GH
No. Amfr. Co MM1 do pfd 117
No. Pacific 4 < HJTcnn. | C. & I W
do Pfd 77 i U. S Loalhor Sv
Ontario * W 2'i'i ' do pfd 70 > 4
O. n. A N. pfd. . . . 73 | U S. Rlllrtwr K
F d. Stffl pfd mH' ' Jo lf < l I6
I'uclflc Coast . . . . . . ll > Wrrfftprn Union
do iFt pfd M Am. S. & W 53
rV ) -d pfd fi5 do pfd 94'4
nttuburR 1S ( Colorado Southern. . f > ' *
do pfd 4V/i
do 1st pfd . do SI pfd 17'4
n. G. Am. S. & P. 37W
do pfd do pfd 84 %
neck Irland 117 VaMonal stcfl . . . . 4t'
St. U & S. F I11S do pfd 89
do pfd 70 Con Tobanxi 39
do M pfd 37 do pfd 79
Ex-dlvldeml. ' Offered.
The total sales of stocks today amounted
to 355,391 shares. Including : American Step ) ,
3.SOO ; American Sugar. 15,900 ; Atchlson , 6.000 ;
23.700 ; Northern Pacific. 18,000 ; People's Gns ,
3.000 ; Rock Island , 29,400 ; St. Paul , 26100 ;
Southern Railway preferred , 4,000 ; Con
tinental Tobacco , 3,000 ; Metropolitan , 3.000 ;
MlHiourl Paclllc , 11.400 ; New York Centra ! .
25,500 ; Pennsylvania , 18.SOO ; Tennessee Coal
Sc Iron. 3,200 ; Union Pacific , 7,300 ; Union Pa
cific preferred , 5,300.
X MV Yorlc Mnnrv Mnrkot.
Strong at BQ12 per cent ; last loan at 9 per
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at tt.SVi ®
4.8714 for demand and at Jl.KHiCJI.KSVfc for
sixty days ; posted rates. JI.SC04.S6V4 nnd
JI.S5V4 : commfrclal bills. JI.S5.
BONDS Government bonds steady ; state
bonds , inactive ; railroad bonds , ptrong.
Closing quotations on bonds were !
U. S. Zn.reir 101 M. K. tT. ydn . 1)814- )
U. S. Sa. res . . . . } . , M , K. I.T. in . II.1H
U. S. ttn. conn 18) ! < N. Y. C. Inta
U. 9. new 4s. res.12 H .J. O. ( is .
U , H. do coup 12flH N. C. Os . U'7
u.s. old 4s , re ? . . . .H'JU N.O. 4 . 11)4 )
U. S. oocoup 1134 No.Paciflo l t . . .113
U.S. 6 , rejr ll''H No. P.iclflo : ts , . . . ll'JT <
U. S. SB.eouo II' ' No. I'.iclflo 4n . Hl.1 > i
Districts. USa 110 N. Y. O.iSt. I * 4s .107
Ala..cla8 A 112 N. It. W. con. 4s . „ Ufi
Ala..class I Ill ) N , .W.gen us. . . . 1.15
Ala.cUin C 11)0 ) Urn. N. Ima . 114
Ala. , Currency 100 Ore , N. 4 . 103
Atcnmon 4 1113 O. S. L. tin t. r . IHUi
Do. ftd ) , 4B 85 O. S. L > it t. r. . . . 11(1 (
CanadaSr , ' 'do. . . .Ill Kcadln < r4n . 1,14'
C. & .O. 4Hs U4U U. O , w. UIB . 102S4
O. J. O. 6n 110V bt. U .VI.M.con.ln 11 in
C. fcK. W.oon 78.14JM St. L. & 5. F. Oeil. 8. 1''U
do S. F. dob. SH.122H St. I' . CoiiBOls . 171K
Ohl. Torinn. . 4 . . . .lU'JJi St. P.O. 1.1 * . latv. 1'4
D. JL.Il. < > Uta. . .inn St. P. C. & P. fla , .124 ! <
I ) . Si. K.C. 4 < i 10.1M So. Ilv.oa . H a
EantTenn. 1st * . . . .106H .
Krl * C.rn. 4l . . . . . . 74h T nn. new set 3 . . 08
K. W.A. D. l t . t.r. . SIT T. I1. IBIS . 114
Gen , Klec.Bs , . , . , , , 110 T , P , Sda ! . fifiW
R , II , tS. A , UK 113 U. V , 4a . 108
0.11. iS.A. 2d * . . .10X Wab , lata . 117
II , * T. . . . .m Wab. ana . nil
II. AT. O , con. Go..11' ! W. Shore 4s . 117 > <
lawaC. lntB 114 Wla. Com , lata . . . . 7I1K
K , O. P. tt O. Uta . , S0 ! < Va. Centurlea . Bli
Lu. New Con. . . . . 109 Va. oefcrreil . HJ <
L X K. tlnl. 4n 100H Colorado 3outh'n4 . 80U
Ex Interest.
BERLIN , Juno 30. Business on the bourse
today was quieter. Locals reacted and Aus
trian credit relapsed unfavorably , affecting
stocks all around.
FRANKFORT , June 30. Prices opened
firm on the bourse today. Local shares 1' i
declined on rcaKiatlonK American securt- ,
ties were maintained and foreigners , were 1' I |
I'AHIB , June 30. At the opening of the
bourne today there were a number of rea
lizations. Later business was quiet and the
I settlement WA * easy on light contangoes.
During tha last hour ther * were lua\y
' forced sales nnd n rapid decline , especially
In Spanish 4i. After the clo e of the bourse
there w a sharp recovery In KafllrX
Three per cent renus , lOOf SOc for the ac
count. Exchange on I/omlon , 5t ISc for
checks. Spanish 4s closed at 00.40.
LONDON , June 30. Amount of bullion
taken Into the Hunk of England on balance
today , . 31,000. American securities ruled
Irregulhr nnd without decided feature.
Unslncfu was very restricted nnd the final
tone was ilrm. Spanish 4s closed nt GOV4.
llnnlnit Stork Quotation * .
I1OSTON , Juno 30. Call loans , 3J4 per
cent ; time loans , 3M1\4 \ per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds nnd mining
shares :
A. , T. & s. r. . . . I'Jid . 9S
Oo Dfd . 5S WIs. Central .
i Amorlcan Sufrar .154 % Aihenturo . 9
do t > M. . .117V. Alloucz Mining Co. . S
. .352 / , tlantlv . 31
Ilo ton & Albany. . .272 Hoston & Manl . . . .310
lUnton Ulcvated . . M9 Ilutte A Hoston . . . . 75
Itooton . - Mn I no. . Cahimet .t Hccla..7tu
C. IJ. & Q . rentonnlal . KVi
Kllehlmrjc pfd . . . . Kranklln . 13' .
Ooii. ritctrla . . . . .inn HtlmbolJt . 5V4
1'cilrral Stffl . . . . . r.s i
do pfd . . M ' rrot 8H4
Mexican Central . n lJp
Mich T . . ! ' 9 Sarta J1" " Ooppti. ll\
Old Colony .tm Tamnrack SfS
. M' ' , Wlnona 14
Old Itinilnlon . 5,714 Wolverines 144l'i '
Urlon racifio . Utah
Union Land
Netr York Mlnlnpr
NEW YORK , June SO.-Tho following
nro the closing quotations for mining
shares :
Chollar 27 Ontario 7.V )
frown Point 3" Ophlr ITO
Con. Cal. Jt Va 130 I'lV'Ollth 10
Dwidwood 70 Clulckallver 500
Onnld & Ctitry . . . . 2S do pfd HS
Hnlc & Norcro < . . 37 i ITO Nevada CS
Homc take &XiO Standard 110
Iron SlUcr S > fnlon Con S2
Mexican . M Yellow Jacket 34
London Stork diintntlntm ,
LONDON , June 30. 4 p. m. Closing :
Oon K money. 107 9-16 N. Y. Central
Contois , acct . 107 9-16 I'ennayUanla CS
Canadian 1'aclfle . . .100 * , llmtdlnff IWi
Eric . IS'i U. P. pfd 79
do lt pfd. . . . . . SCU'At.hlion ' 19T4
Illinois Central . . . .117V4 IxUl vllc !
No. Pacific pfd . 7C ) < ( , Grand Trunk
St. I'aii common. . 131 % Anaconda
" BAR'SILVERDull nt 27 ll-16d per or.
MONEY 2sn per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
i for short nnd threemonths' bills , 202U per
Plnniicliil Xolei.
NEW YORK. June SO.-Clearings , J220.1SO-
613 : balances , J10.030.546.
CHICAGO , June 30.-Clearlngs , J21,020,30S ;
balances , J1,7S6,742 ; New York exchange , 20o
discount ; sterling exchange , J4.S7Jj4.S9.
BOSTON , June SO.-Clearings , J21,070,055 ;
balances , J2.9S9.711.
BALTIMOHE. June 30-Clearlngs , J2.S43-
194 ; balances , J4SS.119.
PHILADELPHIA , June 30.-CIearlng3 ,
JlS.Ofi5.3Sl ; balances , J2.749.C50.
ST. LOUIS , Juno 30. Clearings , J4.323.670 ;
balances , J322.523 ; money , 4@G per cent ; New
York exchange , 2oo discount bid , 13c dis
count asked.
Condition of Hie Tronntiry.
WASHINGTON. June 30. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balance , J279,541b05 ; gold re
serve , J239,203,9IS.
Cotton Mnrket.
NEW YOItlC , June 30. The movement of
both the bull nnd the bear Interests in cot
ton were hampered to an unusual degree
today by public and private advices from
the center of the rain storm In the south
west. Other factors were relegated to the
background for the time being. The openIng -
Ing of the market was steady , with prices
unchanged to 1 point lower. The subse
quent courM of values was uneventful ,
with speculation at best very tame. Liver
pool bujlng orders and light demand from
certain Wall street firms about offset liqui
dation by tired longs. Sentiment favored
a procrastination policy in the absence of i
authentic information trom the flooded dis I
tricts of Texas and also in view of the
nearness of the triplicate of holidays. Liv
erpool cables reported a narrow , uninterest
ing market for futures and I pot cotton ,
while advices' ' from the world's cloth mar 1
kets Indicated no changes worthy of special
consideration. At the close the market was
quiet and steady , with prices net unchanged
to 2 points lower. Quotations : Futures
opened steady ; _ July , J5.48 ; August , J3.54 ;
September , J3.55 ; October , J5.CO ; November , I
Ja.tiS ; December , J5.70 : January , J3.74 ; Fcb-
rtiiiry , J5.77 ; March , $5.81 ; April , J5.S3 ; M
quiet : prices favoring buyers ; American '
middling. 35-16d. The receipts' ' of the day (
were 10.000 bales , of which 1,000 were for
speculation and export , and Included 9,800
American ; receipts , 8,000 bales , Including ,
4,500 American. Futures opened steady , ,
with a moderate demand , nnd closed quiet '
but steady : American middling , L. M. C. ,
July. 3 15-6103 16-6Id sellers ; July-August ,
3 15-64d buyers ; August-September , 3 15-6ld I
sellers ; September-October , 3 ll-64d value1 ;
October-November , 3 13-64d sellers ; Novcm-I
her - December. December - January - '
February , 3 12-64d buyers ; February-March I
3 ll-64d tellers ; March-April , 3 13-64Q3 14-64 , ,
, . April-May , 3 U-6K83 15-G4d sellers. '
Steady ; sales , 2,300 bales ; ordinary , 35-16c ;
good ordinary 315-16c ; low middling , 3 > ic ;
middling , 39-lCc ; good middling , C'.ic ; mid-
ST. LOUIS , June 30. COTTON Easy and
unchanged ; middling , fiftc ; receipts , SOS
bales ; shipments , 1,548 bales ; stock , 75863 ,
Siijinr Market.
flned , dull , nnd Nos. 10 to 12 of the soft ,
grades declined l-16c.
NEW YORK , June 30.-SUGAR-Raw , I
barely steady ; refined , quiet and barely
Qiiletj open kettle. 3'rfH 5-16c ; centrifugal' '
yellow , 4H@4c : seconds , 4n4&c. Molasses
sugar , dull ; centrifugal , 6Q-14c ,
Coffee .Mnrkct.
NEW YORK , June 30. COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady and unchanged to 5 points
higher and ruled stupidly dull all day. The
slight Improvement was in sympathy with
better feeling In European markets and the
large warehouse movement ; closed steady
at 5 points net higher ; sales , 3,000 bags. In
cluding July , JI.70 ; Septemner. J4.90 ; Octo
ber , 15.00 : December , J5.35Q5.40 ; spot , Rio ,
quiet ; mild , quiet.
Milnc-Iienter Textile KnlirlcH.
MANCHESTER , June 30.-Cloths steady ,
with a moderate demand ; yarns ilrm , with
a fair demand.
IVetv York Live Stock.
NRW. . .YORK , June 30.-BEEVES-RJ-
( ffl.OO ; cows , J2.25QI.23. Cables steady ; no
exports ; tomorrow , 670 cattle and 5,310 quar-
tcrs of boif ,
CALVES Receipts , 879 head : slow and
weak ; buttermilks lower : veals , J5.00ifZ7.00 ;
culls , Jl.00ig4.50 ; buttermilks , J3.75ft4.20
choice , JI.50 ,
HOGS-.Recelpts , 2,275 head ; firm at J3.35 ®
'SHEEP AND LAMBs-Reoeiptw.
head ; top grades steady and active ; medium
sheen lOfllSo lower ; sheep , J300OC.15 ; lambs ,
Jo.75aT.50 ; two cars choice , J7.53S7.60.
Kan NUN flty Live Stock Mnrkct.
celpts , C.COO natives , 1,200 Texans : market
steady ; native steers , heavy. J5,15fJ5.40 ;
medium , JI.S505.23 ; light , J4.60fi6.20 ; Texas
steers , J3.S55.10 ; Tixas cows , J2.7503.50 ;
native cows and heifers , J2.0005.45 : stackers
and feeders , J3.4&05.10 ; nulls , J3.1004.25.
HOGS Receipts , 11,000 : market strong ,
active ; bulk of sales , J3.70j3.82 4 ; heavy ,
J3.70fl3.90 ; packers , J3.70fi3.85 ; mixed , J3.755J )
3.80 : lights and Yorkers , J3.CO@3.75 ; pigs , J3.55
SHEEP Receipts , 3,000 ; market strong ;
lambs , Jl.60gfi.75 ; clipped muttons , JI.000500 ;
stockers and feeders , J3.0003.50 ; culls , J2.50
Five MIllloiiN In 1'euiiuin.
NEW YORK , June 30. The American
Edible Nut company , to control the peanut
trade , Is about to be Incorporated In New
Jersey. The capital stock , It Is stated , will
bo J5,000COO. The charter of the combina
tion will permit U to handle nuts other than
peanuts and the product of nuts grown In
this and other countries. The company will
control , It Is stated , the entire peanut mar
ket of the world. Peanuts have been ad
vancing for eome months , from natural
causes , there being an active demand and
scant supply. When the company begins
operations the nuts , It Is believed , are likely
to advance still further.
IiiHiirniiff Coiupnnlrx Oimtcd ,
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo. , June 30 The Mis.
sourl supreme court , en bane , today awarded
a writ of ouster on the Information of At-
torncy General Crow against seventy-three
foreign lire Insurance companies doing Imtl-
ness In St. Joseph , Mo. , for violation of the
Btate anti-trust law act of 1895. Under 'his
decision the seventy-three companies cancot
continue doing business In the state.
Anotber Day of Large Receipts of Oatlle
and Hogs ,
lluyrr * of Stuff ( tint Will Mnke Ilcrf
Are Slightly IlcnrUh , Willie
Who Wniit I'ork llitlil
the 1'rlccH
SOUTH OMAHA , June 30.
Cattle. I log * , blu-vp.
Receipts today 2.4JS 10,033 267
Ulllclul Monday 1,141 2s/t / > 1,9& )
Olllclal Tuesday 3t.S7 1U,72 ! > 2.6SOI
Oillclal Wednesday 2,961 14,111 l.u.i
Olllclal Thursday 2,619 12.S24 259
Five days this week..12,849 50,572 6,146
Same day * last week..11,1)56 ) 4S.220 8,456
Same days week before. . 14tii'6 61,62i 7.J19
Total June , 1S.M . DS.UC 26I.7SS 37,5.57
Total Juno , IS'JS . 3I95 ! 1V3.144
Total June , JMIf . 6S.1W 176,033 3S.401
Total June , IMO . 36,170 153,232 15S ! > 7
Total June. H93 . 21,336 87,026 14,302
Total June. 1894 . 6R.278 217,639 16)79
Total June , 1S93 . 40.317 156,541 9,529
Total June , U92 . 44,230 202,912 7,9
Total June. 1M1 . 31,066 142,105 6,093
Total June , 1S90 . 48,991 153,599 5,135
It will be noted from the table of receipts
that the arrivals of live Block at this point
for the month of June have been large.
Only twice In the history of the yards have
the arrivals of cattle been larger for the
month of June. The receipts of hogs this
month have been the largest for a June
Hlnco the yards were opened and the re
ceipts of theep the largest , with ono ex
Average prtc paid lor nogs for the lol
several days with comparisons'
JlS39.1893'm7.189ti.18i)5.lS34.lSa. | | | | ) | |
Juno l . . 3 60 4 21 2 40 2 Sti 4 30 4 63 67S
Juno 1. . . .1 68 4 12 3 32 2 85 4 49 6 91
Junu 3 , 3 69 4 03 3 36 2 SO 4 34
Juno 4. * 4 02 .1 32 2 87 4 39 4 44
Juno 6. 3 GS 3 31 2 91 4 33 4 49 6 69
Juno 6. S 65 4 01 * 3 01 4 29 4 66 6 IS
Juno 7. . S 67 3 ( S 3 30 4 34 4 60 619
June a. . 3 60 3 87 3 31 3 03 4 36 4 51 6 3
Juno s ) . 3 61 3 92 3 29 3 04 4 63 6 17
June 10. 359 3 OS 3 27 2 93 4SS
June 11. . * 3 S5 327 2 91 4 44 4 57
Juno 12. . 3 57 3.31 3 00 4 56 4 So < 45
Juno 13 , . 3 64 3 74 . 3 03 4 SJ 4 74 6 46
Jun 14. . 3 66 3 79 329 4 38 4 70 6 23
Juno I , , . . 3 64 3 ' 7 3 32 2 OS 4 44 4 f > S 6 19
June 16. . 3 62 3 90 3 22 3 01 4 59 6 10
June 17. . 3 63 3 S3 3 IS 3 OS 444 603
June IS. . 3 80 3 21 3 10 4 46 4 65
June 19. . 3 64 3 15 3 02 4 4S 4 70 601
June 20. . 3 71 3 SO * 2 96 4 45 4 60 B no
June 21. . 69 3 bl 3 15 4 37 4 7 678
June 22. . 3 651 3 72 3 21 3 02 4 40 4 77 6 63
Juno 23. . 63 3 72 3 21 3 02 6 73
June 24. . 3 62i 3 6S 3 26 3 00 4 40 5 ID
June 25. . 3 69 3 23 2 97 4 46 4 86
June 26. . 3 63 tf 3 15 297 4 52 4 73 5 63
Juno 27. . 3 64 3 62 * 2 96 4 57 4 73 517
Juno 28. . 3 4 SO 5 76
u 65 3 63 3 1C 4 63
June 29. .1 6S ! 3 60 321 2 94 1 60 4 70 a 69
June 30. . JM > S | 3 5o | 3 24 | 2 OS 4 64 6 64
Indicates Sunday
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. ITgs. Sh'p. H's.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 1 9
O. & St. L. . Ry 3
Mo. Paclllo Ry 3
Union Pac. System. . . . 29 31
C. & N.V. . Ry 1 5
V. . E. & M. V. R. R. . . 31 41
S C. & P. Ry 1 1
< . ' . , St. P. . M & O. Ry. 9 10
B. & M. R. R. R 28 28
C. . 13. & Q. Ry 5
C. . II. I. & P. Ry. , E. 5 4
C. , R. I. & P. Ry.V. . . . 1
Total receipts 103 144 1 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num-
her of head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing1 Co HU lo ?
G. H. Hammond Co 330 1,468 16
Swift and Company ill 1,915
Cudahy Packing Co 121 2.S1S
Armour & Co 371 2,494 . . . .
R. Becker & Degan 145
Livingstone & Schaller. . 57
L , . F. Husz 22
McVlcker & Co 4
Other buyers 06 . . . . 33
Held over 65
Totals 2.452 10,465 104
CATTLE Arrivals for a few days back
have been liberal at all market points and
this morning Chicago came lower. Acting
on advices from that point , buyers hero
were a little Inclined to be bearish and the
result was an easier market. Some cattle
which happened to pleaao buyers sold at
prices that were steady , while others sold
quite a little lower. In tome Instances
holders of ordinary little cattle , which have
been selling very high this week , thought
they took off asi much as lOc. In most
cuita prooauiy DC wouiu cover all the de
cline. ' Buyers were In the saddle early , but
the market was not as active as It has
been the moat of this week , partly because
sellers were unwilling In all cases to ac
cept the price * offered.
The close was very slow and dull on beef
cattle and there were at midday a dozen or
fifteen loads of cattle still unsold , mostly
lightish ! cattle on the commonlsh order.
Buyers say that they paid crazy prices for
that kind of cattle on the hlsrh days and
that they ought to have been lower "before.
Cows and heifers generally sold in the
same notches asi yesterday. The same was
true of bulls , stags , calves , etc. One thing
shippers must bear In mind , and that Is that
grass stuff IH being dt > crimlnated against
and there is a wide difference between goad
dry-lot cows and heifers and those that
show grasB ,
A few stock cattle were In the yards and
sold at good steady prices. While the de
mand Is not large , there are so few cattle
of that description coming that they meet
with ready sale. Representative tales :
No. Ay. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
} . . 850 J3 73 14. .1170 J4 85 14.1145 J5 00
1..1060 400 5. . 1216 4 So 18.1077500
T" ? ! 1S ° 23. .1114 485 2..1180 600
i" I 1 ? ' I"1UM " SS 65. , 1223 505
1. . MO 4 40 1. . MO 4 So 20. . 910 5 05
2..15SO 45 IS. .1117 4 t ! > 18. .1202 505
6. . 851 I 4 > 5. .1212 4 S3 54. .1278 501
1. . fliiO 450 1..1I10 490 25. . 1111 C 03
22. . 1052 460 21. .1102 400 22. .1355 505
19..1223 465 f,0..1177 490 17. . 1123 510
10. . 730 470 41. .1181 4 ' . ) SO. . 1252 510
18. . 1177 470 2. . . 1031 490 42..1311 510
21. .1117 4 70 20. . 1025 4 90 23. .1159 5 10
1. . 950 4 75 20. . 1220 4 SO 26 , .1202 6 10
5.,1232 475 5. . 926 450 22. . 1229 51214
47. .1021 475 20. . 1142 495 9. . 1325 515
63..10S3 475 44. .1259 4 ! > J 31. .133 ? fi 15
15 , .1072 4 FO 21. .1566 4 ! W 32. .1345 C 15
22. . 977 4 SO 41. .1226 495,1 515
25. . SSI 4 SO 29. .1177 500 22. . 1313 515
20 , . 974 4 SO 61. .1319 5 ( M CO. . 1373 620
4J..1233 4 SO 41. .1142 500 1..13JO 525
4. . 1302 1 S5
6. . 585 375 16. . 968 485 13. .1144 610
23. . 870 4 65 17. . 1225 4 85 4. . 1557 5 15
27. . 799 4 75 60. . 1075 4 95
1. . 810 200 6. .1000 350 1..1150 401
2. . 835 260 1..1100 350 1..970 400
2. . 870 275 1. . 870 350 2. . 1140 400
3. . 893 275 3. . 1120 355 4. .1250 40,0
3. . 926 290 1..1180 360 9. .1011 4 0"
1..1000 300 1..1240 360 2. . 1210 410
1. . 870. a 00 5. .1143 360 1..1150 415
1. . 900 300 4. . 993 365 6. .1132 420
2. .1010 300 6. . 9S1 36 ? 1..1400 425
3. . 1010 310 2. . 1010 370 1..11SO 423
1..1130 315 1..1200 375 1..1030 42)
L.IO.'O 315 1..10TO 375 2. . 1300 425
2. .1070 315 1..1250 375 2. .1095 425
1..12IO 320 1. . 630 375 5..1IOS 425
1. . 950 320 2. .1410 3 7S 9. .1061 425
1..1220 323 S. . 806 375 1..1350 430
1..1120 330 1..10CO 390 1..1320 433
1..1000 340 ] . . 970 400 1..9W 433
6. . 1030 340 1..12W 400 2. . 930 433
1. . 7Cil 350 ] . . 660 4 00 7. . 1210 440
1..1000 350 1. . 800 400 1..1590 460
1. . 810 350 1..1220 4 M ) 1..1250 460
1..1100 360 1..1020 400 3. .140li 465
13. . 957 4 40
2. . 7SO 260 1..1010 350 3. .960 375
1..10IO 315 1..1070 375 2. .1090 423
1..1100 3 30 2. . 735 3 75 3. . 990 4 25
3. . 668 3 40 3. . MO 3 73 2. . S53 4 40
1. . 750 3 65 6. . 470 3 85 2. . 060 4 40
1. . 570 375 1. . 4SO 400 4. .472 450
2. . 755 3 75 2. . 900 4 00 32. . 846 4 75
3. . 6S3 3 75
2. . 1310 310 1..1130 360 1..1510 390
1..1300 330 2. . 1130 360 I. .1530 4fO
1..1250 333 1. . 970 365 1..1COO 401
1..1170 340 1. . SflO 365 1..1COO 405
1. . 220 360 1..11GO 3 l } > 1..J1CO 410
2. .1000 350 1..1COO 370 1..920 413
2. . 1275 360 1..13TO 3 7G 1. . 810 450
2..I260350 1. 3.75
2. . 325 3 90 2. . 135 6 75 1. . IfiO 7 M
1. . 230 600 1. . 160 700 4. . 170 700
1. . 130 660
1 , . 8SO 340 1..1150 425 2. . 1510 425
1. , 900 360 1..1350 423 1..1500 475
1. , 720 300 1. . 600 445 1. . 910 465
1..620 425 12. . 893 4 4i 2. . 460 465
1. . 660 4 25 1. . 670 4 50 1. . 4SO 4 75
HOGS The market this morning wao fully
steady with the best time yesterday. The
demand wan good , aa has been the cae all
this week , and th ; hogs were mostly all Hold
early In the morning. The market a a
whole was moil satisfactory to the nellers.
The hogs sold very largely at J3.J7V5. with
good llpfita at J3.7&33.72H and with Borne
choice light and butcher weights at I3,7u.
f fit will be rem mbensl yestfrdny the
! most of the hog * > ltl at W.67'4 , with a top
nt $3.7 ' 4. It whl be noted from the tnbio
of iivcrnitP prices thnt the market wn fi
nisher thnn one week nco nnd 7'sc higher
than two wteks ago. Tin month of Juno
closes with hogs selling lOc higher than n
' ear ago. 45c higher than two years ngo nnd
i5tSOc ( higher than three years ngo. Rep
resentative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
10. . . .252 , . . J3 62 73. . .237 40 3 6714
CO. . . .269 . . . 3 65 SI. . .247 200 3 67J4
16. . . . .212 . . . 3 r.5 07. . 236 SO 3 67 > 4
10. . . . .275 . . . 3 R3 6.1. . 256 40 367J4
13. . . .202 80 3 CS en. . 24S SO 3 67J4
. 31. , . .326 80o 3 rf , 37. . 224 131
62. . .354 o 3 CS 4S 237 160 3 67ii
38. . .243 3 65 79 217 40 3 67'4
22. . .310 3 05 63 .211 120 3 6714
22.R3. . . .318 40 3 C5 67. . . . .239 100 3 67 4
62. . . .261 40 3 65 69. . . . .241 40 3 67 < 4
61. . , . .292 ItO 3 65 62. . . . .264 160 36714
C3. . , . .277 ICO 3 63 62. . . . .231 SO 3 67H
S3. . . . .2S3 ' 3 63 114. . . .271 SO 3 67V >
R3. . . .255 40 3 G3 S2. . . . .260 240 3 6714
51. . . .2)3 ) 40 3 63 61. . . . .233 3674
i 42. . . .262 SO 3 fo 69. . . . .1SS SO 3 674
77. . . .2ol 240 3 65 5S. . . . .30J 3 67U
6C. . . . .2sr 3 65 CS. . . . .2.14 120 3 674
67. . . . .260 240 3 65 70. . . . .2.19 3 674
54. . , . .300 SO 3 65 70. . . . .266 iio 3 674
S7. . , . .207 200 3 K ' ' ' . .2SS 200 3 674
18. . , . .2 120 3 CS 70. . . ' ' 120 3 674
10 , . . . .310 $0 3 C5 30. . . . .278 3 674
55. . . . .3.12 160 3 03 41. . . . .263 3 67 < 4
63. , . . .273 80 3 65 79. . . . .260 120 3674
. 52. . , . .3.11 SO 3 65 . . . . .26C. SO 3674
I 71. . , . .240 160 3 C5 68. . . . .261 160 3 674
ra. . . . .248 ' 3 Co 74. . . . .244 SO 3 674
| ' 65. . , . .30 40 3 60 67. . . . .236 120 3 674
67. . , . .274 40 3 C7H R7. . . . .2S7 SO 3 674
68. . . . .241 120 3 67' ' } 76. . . . .226 40
74. . . . .250 62. . . . .278 120
64. . . . .235 iw 3 C714 62. . . . .225 160
64. . . . .2.10 120 3 6714 71. . . . .240 200 3 674
66. . , . .250 SO 3 6714 So. . . . .248 ' 3 l"4
01. . , . .264 160 66. . . . .23G 40 3674
68. . . .214 SO 3 6714 64. . . . .23.1 120 3 674
71. . . .253 120 3 6714 58. . . . .2S2 SO 3 674
69. . . .317 SO 3 67' * 60. . . . .rso 3 674
66. . n 13 ' 3 6714 66. . . . .2S4 370
f,3. . : :27o : 'so 3 67'A 71. . . . .232 SO 3 70
79. . . .241 SO 3 671 ? 148. . . .225 * 3 70
61. . . .282 ' 3671 * 86. . . . .210 40 370
64. . , . .2fiS 40 3 674 103. . . .210 40 3 70
75. . . .302 SO 3 0714 73. . . . .219 40 3 70
64. . . .247 40 3 67'.4 ' 72. . . . .260 120 3 70
72. . . . .240 SO 3 67 * , 69. . . . .211 3 70
67. . , . .230 3 6714 .
' 71. . . . .240 3 70
82. . , . .237 'so 3 6714 86. . . . .185 S 70
72. . . .234 ' 3 6714 76. . . . .221 370
75. . . .242 'so 8 C7H 79. . . . .227 3 70
72 . . .217 120 3 671,4 6S. . . . .2-17 37ft
72. . . . .221 120 3 C714 92. . . . .203 3 70
62. . , . .232 120 3 6714 51. . . . .224 3 70
64. . . . .243 40 3 67'4 68. . . . .22S 3 70
60. . . .246 3 15714 93. . . . .226 3 70
43. . . .328 70. . . . .233 40 370
63. . . . .278 3 6714 64. . . . .241 370
69. . . .252 40 3 6714 88. . . . .207 ioo 3 70
76. . , . .220 ' 3 G7 * S3. . . . .210 200 3 70
. . .242 'so 3 G714 74. . . . .233 40 3 70
. . .244 SO 3 6714 SI. . . .204 2O ( 3 70
. .2S5 160 77. . . . .233 40 3 70
85. . . , . .229 240 65. . . . .319 SO .1 70
60. . . , . .353 80 60. . . . .243 40 3 70
66. . . . . .261 240 69. . . . .228 160 3 70
69. . . . .23S 200 3 67V . .211 3 70
SO. . , , . .259 80 . .246 3 70
43. . . , . .217 iS , & 8 ; : . .243 3 70
14. . . . . .202 40 3 67U 91. . . .223 3 70
63. . . . .216 80 3 67W 73. . . .2.12 3 70
73. . . . .219 . . . 3 67l4 95. . . .181 3 724
66. . . . .218 160 3 674 6S. . . .2S1 3 724
6V. . . .235 SO 3 6714 41 , . .192 3 75
. : : . . .256 40 3 6714 77. . . 251 3 75
62. . . . .210
1 200 . . . 225 4 3.12 . . 365
1 620 . . . 250 5 200 . . 365
1 450 . . . 250 6 211 . . 365
1 610 . . . 300 1 250 . . 365
1 SO . . . 300 7 253 . .365
1 390 . . . 325 6 218 . .365
2 313 . . . 325 6 200 . . 365
3 196 . . . 350 5 296 . . 365
4 2S7 SO 3 624 6 2.1S . . 3 65
3 1S6 . . . 3 624 6 221 40 3 65
3 340 . . . 3624 5 264 . . . 365
2 210 . . . 3 ( Vj
SHEEP Only one load was offered on the
market today nnd it was a load of western
grass sheep. In other words there was not
enough here to make a market or establish
prices. However , th feeling was weak
owing to a reported lower market at
Quotations on fed clipped sheep nnd
lambs : Western wethers. $4.90115.15 ; gooJ
to choice Mexican lambs. J6.2506.40 ; good
to choice western Iambs. < 6.00 i6.25 ; fair to
good western lambs , J5.25@5.7G ; western
yearlings. J5.255fG.50 : western ewes , good to
choice , $4.254.65 : fair to good ewes. J3.75
(54.00 ( ; good to choice spring lambs , J6.00g >
6.75. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr ,
3 ewes 126 $3 60
4 bucks 75 4 00
9 sheep 86 4 75
Cnttle nnd HOK" ilic Snxtnliiliiicr Influ
ence , Tilth SIiccp Inactive.
CH'ICAGO ' , June 30. The supply of cattle
today was unusually large for so late In the
week , but the demand was equally good and
prices ruled steady for desirable offering' * .
Ordinary grades were perhaps a little
eacler. Good to fancy beeves sold at J5.15'jj ' )
5.76. commoner irrades bringing $4.55f(5.10 ( ;
feeding cattle sold at J3.40f6.00 ; bull ? , cows
nnd helfors at J2.255.00 : western-fed steers
at J4.65fly'i.40 ; Texans , J4.10U5.15 , nnd calves
nt J4.00W7.25.
There was an Improved local and shipping
demand for hogs , packers buying much
more freely and prices ruled steady. Light
hogs ( .old at J3.65'I ' > 3.S24 , mixed lots at J3.G5TJ )
3.S74 and heavy at J3.501T3.90. Pigs sold at
JJ.oO'o'S.Sb nnd culls at Jl.60ir3.50.
The demand for shceu and lambs was
slacn and prices eased off somewhat , par
ticularly for the commoner erodes. Sheep
sold at J2.00if3.00 for culls up to J5.00t5.25 for
prime flocks. Yearlings soM at J4. 9006.25 ,
clipped lambs at J4.00U6.50 nnd spring lambs
at J4.EO&7.45.
Receipts : Cnttle. 4,000 head ; hogs , 26,000
head ; sheep , 8,000 head.
St. I.nulH I.lvp Ktoolc Mnrkct.
ST. LOUIS , June 30. CATTLE Receipts ,
l.SOO , Including 400 Texnns ; market steady ;
fair to choice native shipping and export
steers , J4.60t75.20 , with fnncy worth up to
J5.50 ; dressed beef nnd butcher steers. J4.30
gu.OO ; steers undsr 1,000 pounds , J4. 10 4. 70 :
storkers and feeders. J3.30O4.fi5 : cows and
huifers , J2.25S5.00 ; bulls. J3.00Q3.65 ; canners ,
Jl.50fj2.75 : Texas and Indian steers , J3.50 ®
4.90 ; cows and heifers , J2.BOU3.90.
HOGS Receipts , 8,000 ; market steady ;
pigs and lights. J3.80 < ff3.90 ; packer * , J3.75 ®
3.85 : butch rs , J3.SOg3.S5.
SHEEP Receipts. 1,500 ; market weak ;
native muttonc , JU004.66 : spring lambs ,
J4.505Tfi.85 ; culls and bucks , J3.00S4.25 ; Mock
ers , J2.5003.40.
St. Jnxriih Uvr Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSBPH , June 30. ( Special. )
The Journal quo leu as follows :
CATTLE Receipts. 500 head ; market
steady to lOo higher ; natives , J4.65'f5.20 ' ! :
Texas nnd westerns , J4. 5035,20 ; cows nnd
heifers , J2.00fC.OO : bulls nnd stngs. J2,35J >
4.75 ; yenrllngs nnd calves , JI.OOQ5.00 ; stock-
crs nnd feeders , J3.40QI.V5 ; veals , JS S ®
HOGS Receipts , 4,000 head ; market 2' ' c
'higher ' , selling at J3.70@3.90 ; bulk , J3.72 < > ®
3. Ml.
Ml.SHKEP Receipts , 100 ( head ; market
St cU 111
Following are. the recelptB nt the four
principal western markets for June 30 :
Cattle. HOSB. Sheep.
Omaha . 2,418 10.0S3 267
Chicago . 4,000 26.0DO 8,000
Kansas City . 2W ) 11.000 3,000
St. IxUls . 1,800 8,090 1,500
Totals . .10.S3S 55.0S3 12.767
Round Trip Rates
DENVER . $1900
PUEBLO . $1900
OGDEN . $32 00
SALT LAKE . $32 00
Tlrlirtx mi Male ( o I. on Anicclcn Juno
jr to July H ,
To other polntx , June -f > ( o July II.
City Ticket Ofllce. IHOZ Fnrmim Street.
Always Reliable and Satisfactory.
Swift's '
Premium Brand
Sugar Cured Hams.
Breakfast Bacon end
Kettle Rendered Lard.
All I''l.r t-cU . Dealer * .
. . .CONSULT. . .
Scarles & Scarlcs
Specialists In
Nervous , Chronic &
Private Diseases
I If Mtti and U'omf n
We guarantee to cure all C M curable of
Cata > rh , .111 IMttatn of Hit Xott. T/irorif. Vlirtt ,
Slnmath , Hour M nml.Uir ; llvdivtrle , \ nr-
tattle , SypMHt , CioHorrtiofii.
Nervous Debility n
Mlildic Aaeil ami OM Men
Rlnnfl inrt QHn Hl eae , Sera i Spot (
DlOOU (111(1 ( OKIIl rimplev Scrofula , Tit *
inor * . Tetter , Kezema. and Hlood Poison , tlmr-
otiRlily cleansed frnni the system ) nl o Weak.
n 4of Organs , Inflammation , Kuptures , I'll ? * ,
ristul.i , etc. . ,
r > * li Throat. Ltinet. Urer , nyiprptla
OataiTII nnil a" bowel ami Moniach troublrn.
i nrli Olvpn careful anil speclnl attentlot
LtlQICS for all their mniij ailments.
WRITS your troubles , It out of the clly.
Thousands cured nt home by corrcspondrncn
Or. Searlcs & Scarlcs. 119 S. 14th St. , Omaha ,
h old under posMlro Written Cuornntoa
by authu.-lzcil aiteotii Jnly , to ouiVonk Memprj ,
DUilni > * \Valce5nlnnit. . Fits. Hyeterla. Qiilo-
no B , Nltbl Lotiea. Evil nroam * . Lack of Contt-
denee , NerTonsnossTKiltucJe , tl Ur ln , Youth
ful Erroro , or ExcfBH.'e U e of Tobneeo , Opium ,
or Liquor , whlnh lenclii to Minify , Consumption ,
Insiitlty and DuiMh. At more or bj mall , * 1 a box ;
six for t& ; with written Ruarantoo to
euro or refund monpy. Sample paok *
OBOt containing tlvn davV truiiimcnt. with
fun Instructions centi. One anmpl * only § o4
to each pernon. At store or bmnll ,
( iTRccl Label Spe
cial Extra Strength.4
I'or ImpotflDcy , Lo i oI (
Power , I-oit Mnnhnnd , \
i Sterility or H rrene , r
ell A box ; six for 15 , wltliH
Hwrltton gunrantooj
'to ' euro in 30 dnr > . AtJ
store or by mull , -
i. Dillon Drnr Co. , Sole AK nt ,
IQtk and r rn m. Ornatio.
DR. HAD WAY & CO. . New York :
Dear Sirs I have been elck for nearly
two years and have been doctoring with
some of the most < xpert doctors of the
United States. I have been 'bathing nnd
drinking hot 'water ' at the Hot Springs ,
Aik. , ibut It seemed everything failed to dame
mo good. After I saw your advertlMmcnt
I thought I would try your pllln , and hav
nearly ussd two boxes ; Ibeen taking two at
ibodtime and ono after breakfast , nnd they
ihave done me more good than anything
clso 1 have over used. iSIy trouble has
been with the liver. My skin and eycn
were all yellow ; I had sleepy , drowsy feelIngs -
Ings ; felt llku a drunken man ; pain right
nbovo the naval , like as if It was Wle on
top of the stomach. My bowels were cos
tive. My mouth and tongue sore most of
the 'time. Appetite fair , but food would
not digest , but settle heavy on my stomach
ach , and some few mouthfuls of food come
up again. I could only eat light food that
digests easily. Please send "Book of Ad
vice. " Respectfully.
BDN 2AUGG , Hot Springs , Ark.
ad ways
Price , 23o a Box. Bold by or
Sent by Mall.
Snd to DR. UADWAY & CO. . 55 Elm
street , iNew York , for Book of Advice.
Sexine Pills
Imbue men with more liodlly and mental
vigor- banish weakness , cure nervous debil
ity , lack of confidence , vaticoccle , Insomnia
mid mind wandering. They help you maintain -
tain self-control nnd enable you to think
clearlv. All effects of pa l mistakes removed
nnd ( trains and losses FOREVER checked. per box , 6 boxes ( Riiaranteed ) Jsoo.
J'ook frr .
Kulm & Co. , or New Economical Drug
Co. . Omaha. Nebrnsku.
Treats all Formic !
22 Years Experlince.
12 Ycariln Omihi ,
i Medicine- and treat-
Imenistint avrryvtbrra
byjUiill or Kxprn ,
at thu small churce ol
HOMiTRlAT.Mj.NT thatcureganfl sayeo
Ton tlnio and monciy.
ment cnmblncd In nil cases where it la advis
able. Vnrlcocelc' , Strlcturp , Syphilis , In all Its
stages , Losi of Vigor nnd Vitality , caused
from nbiiKns or Exc * * < * x , Wenkiie n and Die
orders o ( KUnev nnd Illnildpr
caies ( MmrueH lo\v iinoli I'rte. Consultation
nnd Kxamlnailon I-'ree. onici * liotirf.H a. m. to
6. 7to8pm. Sunrtny 9 trj | OR MCCREW
P. O. Ilnx 7M. > lllr N 15. T."rn"i oTlftB
ona Fnrimni SI. . , OMAHA , N EB.
lltu IllgU for unnatural
uiftCharKifl , luflammatlon ! ,
Irrltatloni or ulceratlorS
of m u cuu B raembranri.
ImEvA'IS&UMlCHCo. < " or polronom.
Hold L
> nt In rial" r pptr.
* prr n , prfp il , fo ;
l. i. or .t hold. . ,
'ircuur icni cm r
Orlfflnal ftnd Onlf titnulaff *
Ifi'lfltt fv'cuMiuiir't i. . . . . . .
iio.iJ/ran.lln Htd > o4 ( . .fji
lloiti , > ttl l wlit bin. rlllwo , T Uo
naotbvr * KtfuttJangirtutiu&lilu *
' 'mifaliiml. AIPrifUli , rMOA4 * .
K7 "iivuci fitp l.Bflitft , " in f .
lfr. ly rvlam
C' MalL lU.OOOT llini.Dl > ti. f ir't"
, CIiUkr > ttrCli ulcalV . , M > 4UMialM' I
Bol4 bll Locil DruKl.ll. rilll.MIA."l\r
OHAHAntO. imcout IUR
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
110 A HI ) QV TKADK.
Direct wire , to Chicago nU New fork.
Jihn -