Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1899, Image 1

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? caarylTania
Euce 'bj & Half Longth.
w cEtom Drew Twat t Dafl PrDcefeioB Is S
TodicWt B&uile Eoyd.
Btorc Ohase tnfl "Win
Throarli Plnnt and
Columbia if in 7 no Rnpld Ct ninn ;
and In ltnr IiniuciiM' < ron def
of A lli Tnt l"f > ll m . Fur-
tun r I Unrh Cr vr.
J'OUGHKEBPSIE. N T. , June 27-
Ihousand ji ipl ( ttiflaj- > w unr t > f the most
< 'xrlting four-mile boat racw we.r wltne p.d
in pollep * racing. Four thouiiand ppojile
on tbp nlworvEtlon train } oiled themnelves
in frantic aiqienk. to their various
to do their bout and stw the red
and blue carried ovnr the line a winner by
t nhort half lencth from the Wi Bon8in ,
who lofst in the la 2IHt yards b > bud Ktttr-
Ine Comoll , thrtntor of former years
jnillefl after , lull four lunethi- the rear
und Columbia , never In the Hebi after the
< < nd of the firm miles trailed a coed length
rom th" stern of thp Cornell boat.
at wafc the kind t f a rate that mckes thp
Wood tlr.ele and was mude so by tbe crew
that came over a thousand miles in tmiet
Sormrr victors , for without thp callant Wis-
ctmnlnr. 1n tbr ruc ' . It would have been
L. doleful procession after the Heuond mile
wrai > entered. To say there war surprise oa
Hie nhsprvntion trh-ln and amid thp great
crowds ttpon the hankr when the WiHponsln
rhell iwtT mile after mllr ol the course
until the last WHS roached. with a clear lead
over all tlie crews , is putting it milfllr
When the people on the hank , unable to
jilace the strange crew , looked toward the
olwrvatlon train inaulrlngl ; and were told
that It war Wisconsin , they were almo t
dumb with amazement and w hen those on
the train saw the gallant strugcle mile alter
mile they dropped their appeals lor their
own crews and yelled in a Irlcnflly manner
Jor the boys from tbeii > Bt.
Ml lij f . on VlMriinhin.
The clleeed ragged stroke , the badly
liectled bout , the too lone reach , all were for-
pottcn as the fast moving shell kept its
Bharp nose to the lore and then the jK-ople
EBW the leaders turn out toward the shore
nt the finlth cmd lose the race to the men
irom 7'ennsylvania bj a short half length.
Well did ihr T'PiinBylvanl&nF obey the in
junction of Ellis Ward not to lose their
ttieadr . From the first eighth of E mile they
lad a stern hard chase , at one time J > elng
nntcrn of both Cornell und Wisconsin but
Their plufk and endurance sent them over
the Jint llrat in good time and b > uch u
. TorBornell , the winner ofmany
the contest proved to bp a race only in two
rolles. For those firm two milp * It did
gallant work , but it was struggling against
evidently better crew * and it was only by
fixertionb of a phenomenal nature that n
managed to keep the nose of the boat abend
of Pennsylvania for a brief time in the bec-
nnd mile.
Of Columbia it may he said that it wet ,
out-clahnod from the start nnd barring an
accident there ne\er was a time when it
Flood a chance of winning the rnce. It went
to the rear In the first quarter of u milt.
although it made a good dart , and
there all through the race.
About B o'clock the Pennsylvania crew ar
rived at the starting point , where the obser
vation train already was. and there was a
Jong wait because the Columbia launch
rvvhile towing the shell became disabled.
It was CiS when the referees boat iic-
ualled to Tornell and Wisconsin , both crews
being HI the Cornell float , jus : above the
Kt&riing point , to come out. because Colum-
tiio. hnd Just rowed into Bight. Precisely
freven minutes later the crews were in line
end all had answered the referee's query ,
'Are you ready T" in the affirmative.
Cornell had the channel course , where
the advantage In said to lie , with Columbia
directly next and then came Pennsylvania.
with Wisconsin close into shore. It was
rather ptuful to hcai the three eastern
crews gel cheer after cbeei und the western
crew not any.
"J'Jease Lep quiet , observation train , "
railed tbe reicroe. usid then there was
quietness enough so that tbe referee' * , voice
could plainly be heard saying-
"Are you all rrndy ? "
"Teh. " came bnuk the answer from til the
At ftftj-four mluuies and thirty s coude
nfter r o'clock thp piBiol flashed and the
iour errw * seemed to tal.e the water to
gether. Hardly hud thf erewi , rowed five
length * bdfnrt h WUK seen that JCo 7 of the
WlnpnnBln crew hart Jumped till- seat and the
coxswun threw up bis huudt , appealing lor a
new mart , which he hud a right to do Ui-
rldr of thlrtj .seconds
TJ e reJeree s bout whistled the urrws
liacK and The fart that Cornoirs boat was
Jurthriit down tbe river at the time ralwid
Comnll's hope * .
A second time tbe orew * were lined up
* nd ut fifty-t-p en miiiutet. end fifty souond *
f. o'clock mmtliw wurt wus made For
r wxisi or othei Mime one nn the
Columluu't bnat rained bis linnd M If in
trouble and lor R sMwnd time thr boats wore
ckHi > d buck TO tbe mart.
Tory < J1 A-MHJ.
It v'us five minuiM utter 7 when the
third Mart was given , und till * , time the
crrwt r.uwn ) wjthoui 11 cold nut. Tlilf
Man was a b autiful utie , the lour boats'
an pF spHmlog to hang tugethnr Jor the firm
two stroke * As they KtttUui in tbe ntrnle ;
taught them by the \-ariuuc auiuiit * Wlooon-
bin M-n ei to IK > rawing the Itww uuntlier
of KtM > Lw j'W minute of anr of tbe nn > wi > .
bi iu > bent wut gomg fuicr thus unj of
the nthRTE. WiMKiiuilu rwwl lairtj-two.
rennpylvanla tbiNy-four Corwli tftirt-
inur and Columbia thinj-iart
Bnforr the tinn nightb mttr wac tluutli d
the WJfccncnin iMMtt Imd atovi4 iti. tu w-
tbutd f tbe uikter orewt. with Ceriudl MM-
nnd I'oniifylvanUi bttURtiiC ' ! ! on acid
Cnluroblb thtri. AroppJug HSIHTJI. Wbitii tlw
firtit huif mile VM j-uu MMl n > flun wuc tlr
WlRpiitikin pace that it U4 tftteu lu wbnU-
Irtigih bbt il nl FeuusjIVEBis boot iu > <
WBJ' half B iHBfTti ahwid I the CoriMiU Udftt
no tbr eirtromr etna -OnlttniWa was matitg.
the BMMof n UxM Just ev rluittim ;
* * PmotlctSy tbe l'e uu > > 1vuBi rnaXirr n
tbe triiiu yetbrf M iiwir n ow suit Otr
Quckprk m-ennid te r * jwud. uf m K few
jrTuie * ibrv | , hnt ihf'- bout ui rvri v li
ti'i ' > < "fnr' ' lie * ' pur f - b W , . iiiih B
Ontliic tn r-tr Gnclntid ( nntfk tn
12net \ * j
V cirxrTf'V ; ,1i.ti > " " TTwiirtrti ? Mc-
vr i and * M , rtlchtly liftter
Shf rnntnirtfd a pole while Jn
if i hitticc of ttif
It w r
in the T'hltp
Her fondiuro S pi ! oonmflereO cither ori-
out or Uarnunc aiifl Bh * erpectpfi to recuperate -
cuperate mpifl1 ;
1 "With tin prmidm : ant Mr * MrKlnley
* ere Mn , Abnfr Sli-Kinlei M.n > . sarah Dun-
cun of rievelhnfl. MIM Ida Bar ! > r of Can-
Min , nlecof. of Hie jireoideut Dr RtXej' , tlie
preeldem tthyMeian Artlnc Secretary Gor-
telynu Hiifl Mr. Jtudoljib Porsl r.
Owiiic to the midden and unexpected return
of the pretdeirt there will lip no cablnrt
mot-tine u > dn ; . nlthoucb thip if thr regular
day 'or the ampmhllnc of the preBldcnt'e
oouncillorK. Jt it , promlblc. howex-er , that
bueclal meetinc may tie called lor tomor
row to connlder the qtipKtlon of addttionLJ
tfoopt lor tbe rhlllpptneh.
Dr. Rixey fcaid upon leavlnr the "W'hito
Houi-e half an hour after the arrival of the
party that Mrs. McKinley's condition need
I occasion no alarm.
j " 1 expert her to recover rapidly , " he Bald.
I "She will probably lie Rittini ; up thit , uftcr-
I noon
j Many people culled flurinc the fltj to tn-
qulrp eoncerninc Mrs McKinlejY health
The prt > Bldent remained at hit wlfc'fc hed-
i Ude lor a time and then wem to hth oflire ,
i whore he found macj mutters requiring hli-
, attention had urrumulatpd. On tbii- account
j he denied hlnihelf to the general public. He
J > BW -creiary Ixme however , durtn ! : tbe
, morninc about omc depanmentul matters
Asked about the quehtion of additional
i troop * In the Philippines. Sesrotary Lonc
iaid all the tronpf General OUb needed
, would be nent to him. hut General Oti * had
I trp to this time refrained trom aBkinc for
I mnre , bpsldcB , little could be accomplished
I durlnp the n > ! ny beaRon In the way of ac-
i tive
! Cnnnriinxi * Afck Lurjrr C onrenkiono in
, Ilir llouiiilur ? DlfiTi1c * ntido
Acr - 'iuriit vprin * Prolinlilc.
i WASHINGTON. June 17. The negoua- '
1 lions for a modus Vivendi regulating the
I Alaskan boundarj have fallen into a Htstt
that jeopardizes a successful outcome and
, causes apprehension among officials Noth-
1 ing bus been beard Iroin AmbasBBdor Choate
as to the results of the conference he had
today with Lord Salisbury on this subject.
but the last phase of the case was that the
[ Canadians hud come back with a counter
! proposal in place of nccompishing the defani-
i tlve American proposition -which had been
j cwefully drawn with the hole purpose of
I preventing any future control erpy over the
| points already agreed upon l etwecn Choate
and Lord Salisbury.
Instead of following the linrt of the
American proposal and confining The counter
I proposal to a plain statement of the facts
| already .indicated as roughly marking the
boundary , this last propose ! makes a radical
i change in ihe Dalton Trull and -IVUE of a
jican side ini-olvlng us It did the tronfifer'nto
| claims of many American miner * , . Tnless
there is a decided abatement on one side or
> the other of the demands the modus Vivendi
will be IIE unlikely of consummation as was
ths permanent agreement on the boundary
question and the chances for a rea f.embling
of the joint high eammitsion will fade away
Srfrrtnrj of 'XVnr Promiitlj nrn
tlint Hr nnHTtnim. Any Inn-u-
Il4.ii or JlfKicriilnc.
WASHINGTON . June 7. Secretary Al- '
ger this afternoon called on the presiflent j
and had an extended discussion of the sit-
untion In the Philippines It if undeiMood
the situation in Michigan ns to the senator-
Ehlp and Governor .Pingree'B . alleged al
leged utterances also were talked over.
When the secretory left the White House
and his attention was called to reports in '
certain quurtprt that be intended to resign
from the cabinet , he promptly and emphat
ically denied their truth He ndded thnt hit.
resignation .had not lipcn uhked for. that
he certainly did not intend to oOer it and
thut be intended to remain tn the cabinet
until the expiration of tbip administration
M-nnior Hu No A ] > lri
lll tinIc - - Irti > Idrnf'i >
WASHINGTON. June " Senator Thurs-
tnn of Nubrnskii today naid "Having noted
several suggestions in the wenturn press
that I might be n candidate lor vice presi
dent. I di-bire to state once anfl for all that
J urn not. imd iftiall not bt My only umb--
tion if , to retire to the practice of my pro
fession at the end of my present term. 1
would gladly resign now from the senate.
for thai purpose , if my phice could be filled
by a rrpiUbliran suocwsor I cannot enter
tain tbe tbougte of e\vr holding any public
oflice. "
Chnrci' Dinl > Iiini tloni. of AVnr 4 rr l
Mili | . - < l round 10 'If IlHfcrlfh * . . <
WASHINGTON. June S7 At the Bniibb |
i < mbuj > fey u is Hiutud that no communications
rnjuting to the Transvaal uove been rt-
colved and the nubllEthpJ report that repre- j j
santailont. bad been made at to the shipment - '
ment of American-m de arms to the Boars j
ut nibbwh. In tbis eunneetlon it awicurt. |
that a Lun Son jirew agiinc > - ri endy had '
a. dinpuicb Irom JCew Terk stating tbut
AmoricbU firms wore tolling trim ; to the
This dupiitcb came to the attention of
CnUinu ) L r Bnu h miiuurj attnohe here
aud in the oourne itf hi * maulrie tin mili-
1KDanali * he uhk as to the truth of tni *
rtic-elving linle information be- |
the tact ibu aj-nv wwr nut liLnlj n , '
be htw < J ie the TrniiMtnl. ar It bad nt , |
pcrt and no mwuu. of rucBHiup them Alt i
Ln + - fctfc thtt lnijutr was nnUrvly un his
own kimount hnd m huut hr l.niiwt the
Hritibti govnrnment bae paid no taientiun
ic tbe
Hnmr for Cn
K June 27 ftmnr .
tb * Cui * E kpeoi iwrr , lua , utidftnaUMi to w-
oure UMreicuw aad Lruu } mnau n to Cuba
ut UHCuiutiM. . wba w re oatihfit a in the
aOMUitttb Hiual MU ain tf uf Cwuu and Per-
> uata V * JUM hew mtnr of tbe urifcocBr *
nr-r Mil ) In oeuiumBiflW tf mu known , hut
Mar TV Scrw rr Algr aud securnd troai i
UH-CD pruoitw-t it i kr unfit imrofdmiBlj to >
w.urp thr iiinrm - ion xt ' .he Htntui nf
bew prisnnt-fc nei > , .8' > ' the m l tug o'
'ii'tnn " c'c'.frj I'IUFp he ? , r >
uc I ti
Ainmfl Kecroei Taken
tnS Three Are ItuJly Shot.
"Mynlrrlon * Trn * * I'rrnnrr * to I > rfrn l
J'uclli' r from Vlolrni-r nnd I *
J-nld to IlH > r MUn rd n
\ \ lillt Ted
aitMlN eHAIlI. Ala. . Junt Z Three
negrnt art. de 9 alifl one in no ; expected to
Uvti until morning as & rcnuh i f a riot
between the white mid negro minor * ' at
the Oregon urines , near Cartllfi. In JeSumon
county. The dead are.
Rudolph Williams.
ftfnrgp Thomnf. , mortally.
The two nice * came o B dlasb In the
late afternoon In Glascow Hollow , where
the iiegroef had eongregsted. armed with
Winchester rifle * , . A white man pasMns
along the road wat- held up , and besides be
ing abuwed was rotichly handled. This
news stion spread and an armed body of
White miner * , meted toward thp Hollow. It
U supposed that they w ent around by a cir
cuitous route in ihe mountain * and came
upon the negrtwE unexpectedly.
Ed Ellis , rlncleader. armed with a rifle
and a Colt'i. revolver , fell at the firnt fire
A rifle bullet did the work. There was
another volley und four of the other negroes
fell. Jim Bill and Adam Saauls died in a
few minutes after being removed to a ne
gro's house George Thomas was thot
through the the abdomen with a rifle bullet.
H ? IE not expected to recover. Rudolph
Williams wfll live.
Oiifcr ttf tlir Trouble.
Thr trouble started jefcerday when It
was thought that John Shepperd. who , nn
last Wednesday afternoon assaulted Mrs
Monroe Jones near Corona , wa * In that
community. Tbe necroes armpd themselves
to prevent his capture Both Bides were
aroused and only the tlmply arrival of the
sheriff > posse prevented ati outbreak This
mornlnc the negroes held a maw meeting
and refused to go to work. They all belong
to a secret orcanization. known at The
"Knights of Africa. " or the "MysteriouK
Ten " They keep rifles and ammunition on
hand at all times It was in the afternoon
that they gathered at Glui > gow Hollow , al
though atwhat time IF not now known
Influential citizens say that the ringlead
ers are now out of the way tnd they hope
to manage the other negroes Bd Ellis , the
hend of the iband. and holding the chief
office in the secret organization , made a
speeah to the segroes just before his death ,
telling Them to not believe what the while
officers had told them , and swearing that
ne for one. would get even wUh Sheriff
O'Brien , vbo , yesterday , ut tbe point of a
shotgun , ordered htm to disperse his ganc.
Shortly after the riot Sheriff O'Brien left
there with a hundred armed men He now-
has th Rituation in hand for the time be
ing , although late reports say thp situation
it. extremely critical and that the TiecroeE
are talking of aieuging tbe death of their
* " S&erin. OTlrten.who IE now ut Bltvnthurg ,
has received a message from Adamsville ,
three mile * from that place , asking for pro
tection. An armed body of negroes iB gath
ered in tbe mountains , threatening to mnUe
B descent upon the mining curnp in the val
ley. He has dispatched all the deputies it
could fpare across the country A tele-
g-am has Just l > pcn received here ( Birmine-
ham i asking for reinforcements of bol-
I nl.illf > d Lunorer * nt 5torl 1nrdi >
Get n Rnitif nnd Rrtnrn to
"Work PninKTi.
CHICAGO. June IT The demands of The
unskilled rock yards' workmen in several
departments hcx-e been met and the men
returned to work todaj but in other de
partments tbe workmen w-ent out this fore
noon to enforce their demandt. Several
hundred painters whn demand an increase
ol " * i cents an hour have joined the strik
ers' ranks Anothet conference wus held
today ln-tween representatives of th < pack
ing firms in regard to arranging a settle
ment of tbt troubles Most of the puckers
were in fnvor of granting tbe demands of
thi- men It was -Iieved l that an amicable
agreement would IK- reached before night
and thuby tomorrow all the Mrikert will
huve returned to work The strikers claim
thut they ha\e 1.SOO men oul.
The following ntatemem regarding the
strike wus issued by Armour & Co
About u week ugo tbe unskilled labor at
the stock yards wa * given an advance of
about 2u per cent Tbe skilled labor made a
demand , subsequent to the advance grunted
tbe untkllled lubnr und the wage scale of
1BBB has been adopted This practically
makes tbe hichest wages fv - paid in the
mock yardb There ure n few who were not
reduced in 36(13. ( and wbrhf wages now are
full } up to the scale current then itiifl
fully up to the best wtget ever paid All
the packers in the stork yards are acting
in harmony and. pontitry to rumors that
have been current in some quarters , none
of them nus objected to u reummuble ad
vance on vugpE that have not been up to
the 1BC ! scale
The demand for increased wagef came
spHhmodicairj from different gangs but the
meeting held yemerduj b' the packers in-
cludec all the laborers tc tbe hind , yards
and tbr biuution u- now satisfactory
< nr of Tom IlnUr * Armrnrji. KI
MirrlJTVlilir nnd 7'uLrk In tlir
Monntnlnt. .
. Ky. June f A special to
the Times from London K } . , sayt A re-
pnrt from apparently reliable sourcee seyr
hoetUltlr * wore todny renewed In the Bai.iir-
Howard feud
A B. Hampton one of Tom Baknr't at-
torueyE. it te sutd , became involved in a
quarml with some nf tbe White sympathiz
ers when Sneriff Whin uttempt d to orreut
him Hampton drrw B pistol and Hhnt
White , killing him ineiijitl } Hampuiu
tbun fltd to the uiDuntmnf. . He if lifting
followed b - a number of White s iriendt ,
who rwuar vengeance againm him.
Dmflinc ( oiniuillrr. f > r-cniifd
< 'lrrli > l W ort. tlir Onlj
THE HAG-VE. June S7 ror ibt nest few
dayt tbe mrmli rt , of the Hpecial drafting
oorominee wbo are pruparlng a r Mffd of
thf ivark alre&dy uoanznilli.b i. wtli be tbe
unit peace mmfertux * dult-gutot t > oci w d.
Tne queouen of a p rmneut triutrtmoii
be&rd and Gornmnr't Telutlan tbareM. tbc
German delegates r if Miid hiving receded
inKiructious ; r L < cppr ibe principle nf *
lie'-manen. 'nt.unt nf nrbrn..ipii at ou
i ! . ( . .rh Angir Vmoruxii jnULt , v.u
be iLt.uiifd Hotly ,
C ntitnln Ilol > rrl Itrtnrn * lr > f nt'lti fur
Hlnntilrn tind Onlj K rn ) > r
lij I > PMrrntr
! LllNCTCtV N C. June S Thr
IT Hydr Cufitirtt ! Rrtmrtf. . ' the
New Tn-l. Orfle Itw , srrtr fl la thi * r in
at 11 a n > tht morning 1th Canute * P
Incrnir Hnfl crrw n the T * wim. mi bourn1
Tbf Ctyflth fl plek Aram ui > Irtmi iramll
Iwttt * wry wwc 8t r thcj hut nhnadotipfi
the Piwiwe w-Wi"b WBH flentmypfl by tire
ofT Currlttnrk u&ftaf Hlrht.
The flrr WM dincwwar * n tent mifliiltrlit
Bad had 8ttte4 mir.h bfdvfif tht p ory
effort to check tt IWBS , futile The flume *
} a 4 in great volume from the forward
hold of the rcw1 ! & d ek'iiw rnwVr cotii-
pl i lv cnvelttpfd the drrk. When the alarm
wu * made Captain Ingrain wa asleep und tie
sooner had he rnfihrfl out and ttriten In the
situation. than he naw tbet K bt Mivefl bib
orpw he mus : p i tbr IIDBII. oil nt nnco.
.However. . tbp pump * wore wet t work anfl
threw three Etream * of water on thr flame *
for ncveral mlnutef betare he cave the order
for the bnati. to bo lowered and the fchip
While the crrwwan manning the smatl
noau Captain Ingrnm rutunici to his cabin
Jor Rome , valuable * whieh he hoped to save.
When hr reached the ship c. nidr the * oat
hnd drilled out of reach nnfl aboul that
time the smnkp shifted no a * to envelop that
side of thp vest * ? ] and thp captain ordered
the < : rew to row th" hnat -windward. .
This nas done , * ut in the tni-anttnie the wltifl
hlftpd upain. the Ihcat and BmoLe forcinc
the crew to pull dvajvithnut their cap
There wnrp three vain efforu of thlt kind
mndr thr Itoat ln-intr roxvcfl flrst to one
Bide of the vtbhol and then to the other , in
attenuits to reaub thp cupialn. Fiuully Cui > -
tain Incrum Jeajipfl Into the water and f.watn
2dO feet or more finally reachinc the html
completely crhaurted tnd aimoet uncon-
In the meatttiiae the Georce TClyde had
highted the Pawnpe in flamit , and picked
up xhe captain and crew \i-lthin a lew min
uter. Cai > tain Incratn soft , the Pawnee hud
a Jull carpe principally lumhcr. There vas
BKD a quantity of cnttoifi It cleared for
BruiiBwici laBt rriflay.
Troop * t nmiifllrd tn F-rr on Moll at
iiuriiKOK * * " nud jMrertinl Lu\\
In lrlnr -d.
SARAGOSSA Bpaui , June 27 Many people
ple were injured during the riotlnc here yes
terday. Seventeen persons received danger
ous wounds. The troops were obliged to
fire on the people-
Martial law has been declared at Valencia
and nchting has occurred at Grenada , where
The Troops charged and wounded several
people. Anti-budget demonstrations have
also occurred ct Burgos , Toledo and Lo-
MADRID June IT. The disturbance at
Suragnssa were excitedly discussed today in
the Chamber of Deputies. Senor Romero y
Rnbledo asked if K. were True That eight
persons had ib en killed and lorry -wounded.
5enor Date , minister of the interior , replied
In the negaine.
Lieutenant General Polavieja. minister of
war , read the latest dispatches , -showing that
two generals , one aide-de-camji.Beveral of
ficers and iour sfflSie JJLthem sinjurBi.
the soldier * seriously. " "
Senor Romero y Robledo Thereupon asked
whether The unanimous demonstration of
the commercial community hud not made
the government pause and consider that the
outbreaks might end in revolution. He
urged the ministers 10 yield their places to
those able to present lietter solutions. In
conclusion he asked if it were true that the
minister of war had demanded an extraor
dinary credit of IfiO.OOO.OOOpesetas for the
construction of fortifications The minister
of war replied That the project bad not yet
been presented , hut was under considera
tion. Senor Romero y Robledo advised him
not to 7iresent it.
The premier , Senor SHvelu , said tbe cov-
ernment's first dirty wat mot to make dec
laration ! , , but to restore order. The gov
ernment's existence depended on its power
to present a tctiBfactory budget. He said
he would labor to extricate Spain Irom its
present -position , eten at the cost of his
life's blood The debute was then dropped.
A similar discussion took place in the sen
ate , where Senor Silvela defended The gov
ernment and repudiated any idea of there
becoming a dictator. He said he had a horror
ror of an dictatorship. The government ,
however , would make the essentials of the
ibudcet a question of confidence , although
modifications would be accepted
Hrld to Re I miontttTutiiniU on A < > -
count of Di
SCRAJCTOK , Pa. , June 7. Judge Guuster
has handed down an opinion inwhich he de
clares tbe act paheed by the legislature In
ZBS7 , which gives protection to employes
who form , join or belong to labor organisa
tions to be unconstitutional. The opinion Is
in the ca e of Lev-is Muck , who prosecuted
George W Clark , a foremun for a large
Fteamfittlng und plumbing bouse , for dis
charging union workmen Judge Gnmner
suys : "Tbe act in question affords no pro
tection whatever tn the employe of the in
dividual , fcrm or limited partnership. On
the contrary , while tbn employ * of a corpo
ration. under Us provisions , may freely form ,
Join or belong 10 any lawful organisation ,
his neighbor , engaged in the same occupa
tion or trade , when employed bj an individ
ual or firm , me ? bt freelj banihbed for doing
the samt thing "
1'nllk T-n > Hl - 'I'lironcrh.ilir Air and
Uxfuiirtnitit u IlroLcn
iCopvnght. 1HW l > > Prefcn Pulilihhinc Co i
VIEKXA , June 27. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Tolegrum. ) An extraor
dinary baflonii uooidfiut ocrumui Mondnj at
Gruin Btyru An Itnimn awonuut
named Miiririu ae ndiid mitiiiulnral ly ovnr
Ib.tKUi fftti. when the bttliiiuc Mtd4uoi }
swelled u > ac ncormoiit Kl c. buna wrtb a
cr hh and fall , tbe umt > r-ed nutUirial Jarai-
iug a hpwuw of paruibuir Aiieut lurty ftt
from ibe ground Mfirlpii ; Jumped tie wus
pinked up alive. , bui unnousniuufc. with
brokiio leg During the full he wrote oo a
paper found In the cu"Am dying ooioem-
edi ) having ro * .bMl nu term "
X V. . Jun < : * DologMM ie
the national Micikl and polinenJ nuuf r nce I
ie Rrrlting here bj ev rj trtiiii Among
tbott < - ali ftdi- here are Willis i Abbau nf '
New Turl Bdwin D Mwtdt and Mrs. Mcadr i
of Battutn , Pr and art C F Tuyter at
PbUodtapbik. K O Xolnon of 81 lwt.
Rip Ir H W Thorns * f CUicoga. S. S
J-rj-rifc Jabn E fTeavur bud U CwleniBn
of Kwhoetnr * ud Bliwtwd I'tunaroj ut > i tw-
iirk. X. J. trrtrj uf tbf uonttaioBuc.
I * ijir Ilr-nlrk Ilir Slorj. 1
MIL' * Al'KEE WIK .Ume ? 7 Hwry r
P vmuxitv ue < tared unirurhr ntor ibs
br vuinusi < l < ring ni ; I'l eof Uir .b ii
tnETmti'p uf ; iic ji'i ui.n r cbuuu&t tom-
11.EC ,
Definite Pltni Adoptee ty Oomnattee on J
Esocptioa of the Pirsv
Itrlntltr * nnfl Prlf-nd * IVtll Bf
1 > COppr l - In n nrmn i l
tlnn to Rriir - riit tbr
ISntlrr Mnlr.
The fwmarttlee. In ohrpe of the rt te re-
poitlnn tc the rirst Nchmska volnntrorr
SefinlVr plane r > f aetlon vtHrterflny
appointed all rommitleef nnd
m * e nil othpr ne eBOary nrranpementf to
bepln the artlve prejiaration of gigantic
demonfttration over the return of N
The course derided upon , without the de-
taHo whJeh vlll be lllled In tu tbe pub-eom-
mlttee * In vharcr nf the various branche * of
the \ \ nris as lnlo ) * < .
A rommitfe of five ritlr-ent of Omaha.
one from each of the tvolve town * Iriira
which companlet , joined thp reclment. tnd
a rnpreneutiim e of each of the other two
volunteer repimeutB vill be nent to Ban
Frnnrlseo to elrnme the replment there
In the name of the entire state and to invite
them to n reception to he tendered them
hy the ntate at Omaha
An immediate rail will be mndr to the
people of the state for subicnptloiiK to the
fund nwpfiharj to carry out tlies-e planR.
A special train will be sent to the count
to brine the j-epiment in a bortj 10 Omaha.
Sjwrlal trains will be run from the vari
ous ritler and towns of the Mate to Omaha.
to hrlnp the relatnes and friends of the
members of the replment. no that they muy
participate in the demonstration.
I'ul.He II o Mil 11.1 iti Oninlin.
11 places of businew will he closed on thr
day on which the special train carrrlne the
recimont arrives , and the enUre day will
be made a public holiday by ofhcia ! jirocla-
It was derided thnt all former members
of the First repimem now at their homes
In the state be invited to join the rcpiment
at the nearest atinn at v hich it stops
and come to with them , in uniform
and free of cost. The objections 10 lirlnp-
ine the repiment to Omaha -before they p.rc
allowed to n parate to their home1. V.-H1
be overcome , it is hoped , by bringing the
families of the men to Omaha on special
trains. If they are not cMcn free trans
portation , as the plans now. contemplate
Khali i > e done , it is believed that tbe rail
roads will so reduce the fares as to brine
the trip within reach of everyone dcRlrine
to rnuke it. The committee is convinced
that when tbe families and friends of the
faldlen- understand thp Krope of the move
ment and the preat desire of The entire
state to extend the repiment name Bipnul
honor , they will not only ! * willinp to huve
the.reptmpnt taken to Omaha , but will aluo
he tnxious to ibe in the city themselves.
Hoinucr .f ihr St tp- .
It was emphaEized by all the members of
the conmiirtee that the cclebraticn in Omaba
will in nowise interfere -with welcomes
vhich the nome towns may wash to extend
Their companies or tie welcome to the regi
ment , which is beinp talked of in Lincoln.
The xepimcnt v-ill enme to QmabB flna and.
will -harp lecelve thp homape of the iinltitil'
peojilp of the state , in which there will be
no disposition To credit one section with a
greater share in 11 than any other Tbe com
mittees have lip n felprted from all otcr the
state und at least one of these committees.
the llnance committee will tend a personal
representative throuph the state to enlist
not onlj their financial aBsuaancc , but also i
the enthusiasm and the presence at the
welcome of the citizens of every town and !
section I
The matter of finance * was talked over
by the committee Several promises of sub
stantial subscriptions ere reported and j
several more were made by members of tbe
committee. The list of subscriptions will
be published for tbe first time this afternoon
tnd additions to it will be reported daily I
thereafter. .
It was decided tbnt members of the com '
mitted ; as pjven below , should take notice 1
of Thuir appointment from the public press
and should be requested to signify their ac '
ceptance of the appointment or tbctr inabil 1
ity to serve The -members of the finance ,
committee will probablj be notified indi j
vidually by letter and will be called together '
verj toon. I
7'lir Sulifniumittcck.
The sub-committees w ere appointed as fol 1
io WF i
Committee on Transportation H C Rus
t-nil. H. E Palmer , T. S. Clarkson.
Committee on Finance R S. TVilcoj ; .
chairman , E C. Prict. R C. Hove. Frank
Murphy. Robert Cowcfl. W. TV. Dmstead , all
of Omaha J. R. Thompson. Grand Island.
Fn-d Vuuphan , Fremont , William Harvard.
Nebraska City , J. H. Culver. Mllfordl Nor-
ns Brown. Kearney Jacob Fisher , Hastmgt.
J R Doddfc , TVynmrc. Mayor Simpson , Nor
folk. Slsyor Ritchie Plattsmouth Matt
UBUgherty. Sidney , George A. Brooks Ba-
r.ile Mills. A AVatt , Syracuse. John Steen
Wuhoo Samuel Whin Hebron , H M Sulli
van. Broken Bow. J K Bird Nelson. E I >
Fitrputrick. Columbut , L W Colbj
Beatricp Judge EVUHK David City ; 1 A
BKker Tori.- Charles Sloan , Goueva : George
H Egclefiton. Bennett- . W. Morgan. Ful-
j'prton C.hcrleE J. BIllE. Falrbury , S. "VV.
Onon. Weeping Water.
Special Committee on Rereptinn in Cali-
loniia Mayor Frank E Moores. T. S Clark-
nun John L WpbHter , J E. Baum. Cadm
Taylor. H S Wcller and one from ench citj
having a compunj in the First regiment , f.e-
Iwted by that citj
General Recrptmn Commlttet The men
named on special cnmmiHeet , Governor "VV
A Poyntor M P. Klnkald , O'Noill , L. D.
Richards , Fremont ; J * D. Gape , Uunoln.
Womec'f. Auxllliary Corps , of Tbumon
Riflofc. AVomon'f Rollef Corps G A. R , W.
L Starl ; . Aurora. R D Sutherland. Nelsnn.
E J Hemer. Aurora. G. M LambertBon.
Lincoln E. H Hnishev. Fairburj , J E
Smith. Beatrice T H. Sedpwick , York
W G. HubtingR , Wilbur ; W. V AHrn , Mad- J M. Rugae. Hustings. A. A Keudal
St Paul H M. GnmoE. North Pluue , G W
Nornt. Beaver City. W. H Wewovur , Rut > b-
villr , A. M Poet. Columliut , , F B. Beall.
Alma , D A Campboll. Linooln , P. E White ,
Coromlttw on IiMwr&Uuir W G Shriver
J H Aflimw H H Hardy. EJi Hc.dginB ,
Junn P. Lund. Cupuuu Keevr , Frud Metz. jr.
Committee on > iutiir A HOBPP J E But
ler T. J KcBy , T&te. C E Cotion on CniHTtiunment Rome Mll-
l r" O U K phnj5 r Pre4 Paflonrath. John
M Taunoon Wllliaw Glu . l > H Marcur.
Xnrman A Kuhn all of Hen R E
BVRUS Dakota On > Genr > rU John E Dvant
N rth I'lktir . John Rt.osf Hrakan Bow .
Judge Xnrm. Pone * , General C E.
OummMfie on Memorial TaWm Rev T
J Macfcttf . chairmen . Re * Wright Butle-r ,
Jtcv I > r Jennings
A r * iduLUtt > w t pan * Feguucting ott'.b
named to nntify Janm H Adaait , .
of tut tornmiBet of hte apffp-
amr o' he uppouitmnm and hte willincnfini
to Mir on th ootumairr to viiiib hf U
fur Xrhr nkii-
llj THInM -
nt Oiitnlin j
M inr. life. H nr. I > rc.
1 o > lti Srtllr < | < inrrrl on
Tliornuchfnrc nnd Ptinr ti }
I'm till ; Hurt.
P flock thif. afternoon a duel ocrurrcfl nt
the corner of Tremnni and Market streete
when thr Btretnt- were crowded with * hnj < -
porh. James Johnson end Wllllnm &vyt
came out of a sHlnon at separate rionr * .
Then the shooting began , rultcr Oflit-er
Rowe ran between the men nfl nmde a tie-
perate attemin tn stop them. He imj-s
while they vere hhootaug a man Ktandlng
In the dourvay fired two or three hhoU at
Johnson Fifteen shots vrre fired In all.
AVhen the smoke eleared away i : vas founA
that tour men had been thol Johnson flti > d
on the WBJ t < i the. hoHjiital. Bnyd was shot
In the left leg and right arm. the liono *
In rach being broken Georcp l.ovlrk. gnd
Hfi. c blacksmith , and W H Gordman , who
were on thi'lr way home from the govern
ment forttlicBMonfi. where the.v are nm-
plojpd. were hit b stray bullets. Lovick
Is shot throuch the right kidney and U
flying. Gordman ishot o\cr the right
lung , though not latalh
Johnson was n gcmblpr nged nbout i'll
On February 10 IK'IR. he nhot and killed
a comrade gambler. T > ick Springfield. In n
saloon Ibut was acquitted on the eharce
of murder a few months ucn , lohnnon and
Bovd are wnd to have had n difficulty about
a w eek ago
Bltlrr Cent < -M of I > riiior t for Gn-
lii-rnntnrinl C niiiliilnlr llnilK on
7'i tj-Slvth Iliillot.
LOriF ULE. Ky. . June 27 William
Goebul. vtio with an Iron crasp hht. ruled
tlie tlemocratir state convention fiini-c It us-
nmbled nearly n wefl. ago. was tonight
nominated for goxernor on thp twenty-eixth
Tiullot , after a content unparalleled in this
Plate for bitterness or determination and nn
the part of the winner for skillful manlpu-
| lurion. The end of the long , exhausting
fight brought a reasonable degree of bar-
motv to the factions whkb throughout the
fight relentlessly battled every inch of tbe
Goebel held the opposition clew down to
buBiness all day today , balloting The dele
gates when they hhowed signs of weakness
j und compelling a vote on a jK-opoBltion to
drop the hindmost man on each ballot after
tbe twenty-fifth , and came out of the final
| tcet of strength shortly after Id o'clock to-
i night with colors Hying
| Stone was dropped on the twenty-fifth bal
lot and Hardln proved unable to control
j enough of the Stone votes to win The
j scenes during the last bulloi were dramatic.
o exciting us jnanjin wliich
iid j > attnwpaud. = -
j After the nomination the convention cn-
' joyed a Jew minutes relaxation und con
ciliation Speeches were made by Congressman -
, man Wheeler Judge Tarvin and other managers -
, agers for the three candidates and the theme
of all wafc "get together and win. "
trn.m T Mjijion Mnrn Coim-fc Into
Tort rvitli AfiHtic C'liolcro
on BoHrd.
SAX FRANCISCO , June 27. The steamsr
Nippon Maru arrhed loday .from Hong
Kong , via Yokohama und Honolulu. The
veBsel was detained at Honolulu for sev-
crtl duys on account of two deaths having
occurred on the voyugc from bubonic plague.
When the Maru entered this port the yol-
low flag was flying and the vessel was or
dered to the quarantine station. All of the ;
( passengers were landed on Angel inland and |
neither doctors nor customs officials were I
allowed on board , j
The lumigation process was applied to ( '
some of its more important papers nnd
those we-re nent ashore It " "is reported that
a Japanese woman died two flays ago from
the plague , after an illness of ibut B few
hours duration , but whether this report is j
true -or not cunuot 'lie ' ascertained The I
Maru will lie kept in quarantine for some
I time probably several v eeks It carries
fifty-five cabin passengers , of them sis are
Europeans , nnd 1SE Japanese and Chinese
in .the steerage j
i Coinninndccl lij Our Conn in I > ci One
Thine nnd lij nfconrt Court
lo I > \Tiolhi-r. .
KA.VSAS CJTT June Z A special to the
Star from Weir Pirj Kan . sayt Judge
Sl.idmore granted an cuunblon of tbe in
junction restraining the enul companies
from importing labor into Cherokee county
| today. Thlr injunction creatcE a peculiar
condition in the t > trfl.e Hituatlon in this
enunty. us tborr are now two injunction *
! being enforced , one dirnrting the hherifT to
I stop the Imjionatlon of any formgn labor
by tbe companies und tbe other retraining
'the bherlff from intnrfonng with the uom-
j panj importing any one who desires to come
Into the t-ounty to work The sheriff de
clares he will carry out tbe order of thp
, first injunction Complicationr arising
( from the two orders rauy caun trouble
between tbe authorities
Tlirrr Btij Srrioui.1 ; Injnrrd. lint
Fortunmrlj > o Onr in
j I.VD1ANAPOUE Ind June 27 A special
I train on the Peoris & EuBtern divinlon of
, the Big Four carrying Knights of Pnhiat ,
' from Champaign , III . to Danville , in. tn
uttend a celebration , was wrecked near Dtn-
rlllr this nuirning The e.nginp and twide.r
Jumped the truck , dragging two cars after
I them into a ditch Three bow were tnri-
j ously injured but not one wus killed The
track was badly damaged tnd the
Motrinrntu of Oi-run fhki-lk. Jnnt7. .
At Qumntitew-n Arrnnd Crphulenib
Irom Bosmn Jer LJviu7iool.
At Xnw "i'ork Arrived Prliidorich Her
Grwhc. irorn Bremen , via Southampton
W rkandam. l im AmMiirdnm K "
heim Dor Or OHMIrom Brsniitn
Trsve lor Bremen , via Cherbuurg
At Sydney Arrted Mi'owort. . Jrurn Van-
At Stiuiharnptiiu Arriied Kim-w Prwl-
erioh from Meiv Vork via Oberhoure
A Humburg Arrtvod Iiulgwia ir m
fV. . Y r .
At Liverpool Arrived ' ' .blifarnicu. from
Vurl _
Interior Department Tubes Deoiove Aciioa
to Ecssrrmr Act.
DBnlnrttorj Etntcroenti ; to Br Srquircd
from Afl
Appropriation of the Public
Domain to Be Obscted.
GHr Profile ritirrn * nn Opportnnltj
lo Gnlihtr I | i iiirnininl Land
ill l.nrcr Trnrtt. lor
I'rlinir Gnin.
WASHINGTON. June 57 iSpocial Telp-
gr m ) Cmnmhtfilonur Hermann , or thr gen
eral land oflloewho'hus been bpslcgpd with
telegrams und lottnrF irnra rcKifltm atifl re-
colverh of land oflipcs in western ttatue
wherein the reservoir art Iten t-tive Btntefl
Hidny tlmt the art WHS one of ihe input
vicious ever enacted bj congress
"We are powerless. " said IIP. "to suspend
Uie uporotlun of the law , luu ha\e taken
mnj * to safeguard thr publli domain , vhuh
1 believe bus been accomplished in our
miuiflHUiry circular whli-h ha * gone to all
lund onice * in statue whorr the law if. appli
cable The lift which permits entry nf pub
lic lands for reservoir purposes provides
that the secretary of tbe Interior shall make
such regulations as will protect thp public
domain from confutation by cntrytnen an < l i emulations hav < nowJipen iwui-d after
consultation with the in w officers of tlir In
terior department , approved bj SwrntK.r\
"li would be almost imposMblc to tell
the extent to which lund grabbing has 'gout
under this act. 1 huvr been inlormed that
one -entryman has detlorod upon 240 quai-
ter sections and from udvlc-.cs rei-eftefl from
NcbrRHkc 1 infer that many well-known cit
izens hnve taken advantage of thp law nnd
have filed upon public loud * in all of the
land oflice districts in thut male The regu
lations us now promulgated , which will be
in the hands ol registers ant * "oceJvers within
i lony-eight hourt. provide tor a new declar
atory Kiutement from those who filed upon
i lands for purposes of erecting
for wan-ring cattle , and these new declara
tions will in my opinion , stop the wholesale
I appropriation of the jiubllitlomniu for w bat
1 has fecn const rued in the act to make a
n-m-1-prJvaie use. The act was -weak in not
stipulating The size of the reservoir to be
built or the amount of what it thould con
Ar t Hulffc for Untried.
"The secretary of the interior having been
given authority to Jaj down rules ior The
regulation of eutrjes under the act of 1BD7
Jiow r.ayfc that 310 reservation will be jnode
lor a icservoir containing iem. ihan jtuQ.WiU
cullmjr Per a'TCBervoir of ICBE tiun 500'OIM >
gallon * , cajmtilty. jot more than Jorrr-Rcrcs *
can iH-rcberv'ed , f or reservoirs -.011,000 gal
lens and less than 3,000,1100 gallons ca
pacity , not more ihun
eighty acre * cun be
roterved , for a reservoir of l.non.nno gal
lens and less than l.r.HD.fllPO rallons r -
puciiy , not more than H'O acres can be re
served , and Jor a reservoir of more Than
l.f.00.000 gallons capacity , ICO acres maj be
"This is definite , for it means that not
moe than Kid acres of public domain can
be reserved for the j > urponcE of tin act in
any one section. But this u , not all Nonr
of tbe lands so reserved can be fenced an1
owners of cattle who are using the jiubli"
domain for grazing purposes may benefit
from the reservoirs so erected , whothci
they nave entered upon the lands or not.
J have heard from many of the western
Btutes that wholesale entries ore being made
under the ac-t. and 1 for one wa&t to nee
the public domain reserved for the pubh-
and not for tbe use of any Flu git m-
dividual except where the law distinct h
provides as to the manner by which Butt
acquisition may he accomplished "
Indian Scliiio ] Sr-uinlnl.
Ar The result of a Halloween joke changn
I in the personnel of the Genoa Indian school
may be confidently predicted. For home
time pust the Indian office has been uon-
i slderlng charges preferred by Prof ROBS
j against one or two o ! the teachers and the
I clerk. Mr Colley. Bo luu-n e was the
1 filtuutlon tliai the commlBHloner of Indian
affairs sent Supervisor Rakcstraw to lis-
; vestigute , which was done But HO rwt-cp-
| Ing were Raliestraw's recommendations thct
| Commissioner Jones dtwred another inves'i-
, gution l > efoe taking any action , and In-
I speotor 7'inker of the Interior department
i went to Genou to loot o\er the ground.
I His rojiort u , now in and officers of the
I Indian office are preparing u brief of the
testimony with the rntjommtmdaunns of Su
pervisor Rakchtruw and Inspector Tinker ,
in order thai the coramiBBionor may have
, the ybole mafttor bnfnre htm for oction
I when hi returns to Washington
, While nothing u known deiinnelv 11 if b w
[ llevcd that one of the tcut-hers will lip trnns-
ferred tn another ichonl. while the clprl may
! be ( llKmiBHiitl As mated by iln nfilimls of
i the Indian oflice uiday It In the uru-ntiun nf
i tbp commiBEioner 10 put a mop to ihoucr
, und comblnnfc in Indian h'hoolf ; bv sujip-jr -
j ing tbi superintendent wheir hr IK shown to
be in the right and w > ummarildjbmiHS
j where he if in the wrong
I Tlie Indian office Jiitb commenced nngntia-
tions foi the puruhuie of a private B'-hnol on
th Bantee ugcncj In Nnhrut-ka , whirb is
now nticupied hy the government us the lu-
| dian hcbool at an annual rmitij of t no.
I ! ) tnhop Hare of South Iml.otu has authnrty
! to Kill tlic hchool building and it 11br -
i lir < fcBtihtftc tnrj terms ran ! Kgrpd nji-r
Thorc urr ut pronont wny pupilb at tending
bcbool in that point
Plant , huve been tuimjiU-u-d at tht Inflian
oflice * lor wvcnU new butleiingi. -be
WiniiKbEigb ( Nub | agttnry Thi plmu prr-
i vlri > for ti girl * ' dBrmitorj wbool bu'lding
luundry , warehouite and & eewm and w cr
Bj-ntem It u. lUHlttrmjitid thai the * art tr s > e
j h > utnti nn The site of thr buildings vhirh
! wore Ochtroj-ud by fin wimi- time ugr. Tbe
building now Rtundiug will } iriiiabls | tn
j as u boys' dormitory Tlw indmn
j Bioner t'tpwu to have the woik i-
b } ihi Uginnltic uf tin next Mhuoim
> Iiiry E LVWH. wuc uniui uppoitHod PB -
miKtiow- Worihiup. Liuuoln coun : > T <
Mid Mrfc. AJiue A. Tftrry to. ItUivn Murstiaii
( Uiuntv
AuthorUr < U > A ) grunted for tin rr-
muviU uf tbe puuuifliw ut O utiolu Net 10
b bulldicg UWIH * < bl C M T'ulver ui t recibl
f flTL u your Him * lor thr romovk ) of tbe
} iotiifiu.f ut Bturgu. . & l > . . 10 imildiuf fon-
wuSeil ttr tin Bwuwttlwni Hull UHMICWIOII ct
a rontk ) f tl < t a > w
HunrjJtirub. . TTUUI > K f-V '
Fwt Viobnu-ft mfl AnflMv.
Finn Ndit-jifcl.t ( dun icrri btv - be'E