THE OMAHA DAILY UK 15 : SVXDAV , JVXE 23 , 1809. CUPID UP TO HIS OLD TRICKS Weddings and Roses Go Hand in Hand. SOME RECORDS ARE BROKEN DURING JUNE I'cojilr of ( ho ( II ) lli'uln till * \iiiuinl ( JoInj to ( lie Coot llrxorlN for the Summer. As In former years , Juno haa kept up Its reputation for being the month of roses anil weddings. The beautiful ( lowers for v , hi ill Juno Is noted have been unusually numerous , while the weddings have out numbered those of any corresponding month In manv yean Of course .ill of the weddings of the month have attracted nttantlon In the nets In which the contracting parties moved , but the Kountze-Andrecscn wedding was Iho stellar event , owing to the high social blanding of the contrartlnK parties It was celebrated at Trinity cathedral last Thurs day evening , when Mr. Luther Latham Kountrc and Miss Allco Andrcesen , both of this city , were Joined In matrltnony. There was no wedding reception , but the members of the two families wcro the guests of Mr Androeflcn , the father of the bride , at supper , after which Mr and Mrs. Kountzo left on an extended eastern trip At the and within the ribbons were Mr Herman Kounlrc , Mrs Charles T Koilntzc , Mr. Ausustus Kountzo of New Yoik , Mrs Meredith Nicholson of Denver , Mr and Mrs W. F Allen and Miss Rllzn- bcth Allen , Mrs Cleaveland , Mrs Pair. Mr. and Mrs John L Webster and Miss LTW , Mr and Mrs Frederick H Davis , Mr Litham Davis , Mr I ) C Adams of Palt hike , Mrs S H Blown , Mr and Mrs Alfred MIlHrd , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns and Mr. Robert Burns Mr and Mrs Kounlre will bo at homo at Porcst Hilt on Tuesdnvs In August While theie Is no danger of the cltj be ing depopulated during the summer months , n Hrgo number of the people have de- pal led and more are constantly leaving for cooler resorts to spend the summer. During the coming week the 300 or more of the teachers In the public schools of the city will Illtnway to remain until September. A great many of them arc going west , but still moro are seeking rest and quiet In the east nnd around the lakes of Minnesota. So far as coming events are concerned , there Is a notable lack of such functions upon the card and what H moro the num ber Is not likely to bo large until the cooler months of autumn roll around. In Honor of JlllNN Viiil A moro brilliant affair than the Kounlze- Andreesenwedding , which occurred In the middle of the last week , It would be hard Indeed to Imagine ; a statement which Is equally true of the elaborate and perfectly appointed lawn party given by the brother and sister of the groom In honor of his bride on the Monday evening prior to the wedding ceremonj The many events In connection with the nuptials of two of the most prominent members of Omaha society have given opportunity for the dear girls to dlsplaj their i.ivlshlngly dainty summer toilettes and appear nt their very best , of which samn opportunities they have most certainly availed themselves to the fullest extent. A more perfect evening foi the lawn party given b > .Mr. Hciman Kount/o and Miss Kountzo In honor of the bride of the week , Miss Andieesen , last Monday even ing , could not well bo imagined , "Forest Hill" being at Its best , the Bhiubbery and tropical plants with which this delightful home abounds , being in their full sum mer beauti , and the lawns simply perfect. In the east of the mansion , quite hidden from the outer world and protected by a high canvas fence , was erected a largo dancing platform , over which was stretched cnnvas that made a perfect floor. On all four sides of this were strung Incandescent lights , which Illuminated the scene moi > t brilliantly. An orchestia , stationed at ono end , played throughout the evening , though the platform was at times only half full , so attractive were the walks and nooks near at hand , the teas on the veran da nearby and the marquee In which re freshments vvcie served Cards wore arranged for Indoors. The toi lettes at this brilliant function were ex quisitely dainty nnd rmrvclously fashioned. Miss Kounl7p , the lovely hostess , woio a whllo Persian lawn over a white silk slip , with low-cut corsage , elaborately trimmed with IPCP Miss Kelly was In white organdie , as was also Miss McDonald- Mrs Charles Kountzo vvoro a palo blue organdie , with black lace applique ; Miss Moirltt wore n pretty black net Mrs. Cilttenden-Smlth n white organdie , flowered In pink , over a roral pink slip , elaborately trimmed with black lace and cornl Jewelry , Miss Peck , a blue organdie , trimmed with white lace ; Miss Andree = cn , a dainty whlto summer Inwn ; Miss Law , a blue net over whlto Fatln ; Mrs Chase , a yellow mousaellne do Role , with applique of black lace ; Mrs. Herbert Wheeler , pink organdie over a white ullp , tilmmod with ruchlngs of rose- colored satin ; Miss Crelghton , whlto Paris muslin ; Miss Llndsey , black lace over > ol- low silk. Ml s Crelghton gave an exquisite lunch eon at the Omaha club on Monday In honor of Miss Andreesen. In the center of the table was a scarf of pink silk , painted with an Appropriate design of lovers' knots and Cupids The centerpleeo was a cutglasH howl filled with bridesmaid roses and round It were biskets of sweet peas. The plato caids wcro decorated with lovers' knots and peas and at each cover was n basket of the same fragrant blossoms The deco- latlons of the- room consisted of American Beaul ) roses Covers were laid for Mesdames - dames Allison , C T Kount/o and Misses Andiepsen , Webster , Kountze , Pielghton , McDonald , Kell > , Law , Drown , Nash , Taylor , Allen and Peck , Nothing daintier could well bo Imagined than the luncheon given by Miss Andree- * en on Tuesday In honor of her maids. The decoratloiih consisted of lovely clusters of pink rosoa , whose delicate fragrance filled the ulr , nnd the hamlpalnted plato cards were decorated with the game llouers In miniature with themonogiam In gold of the hostess Interwoven among their dainty potala Tbo maid of honor , Miss Webster , was the recipient of n lovely pearl crescent i-haped pin , whllo each maid's heart was gladdened with the gift of a silver Hpangled fan with mother of pearl handle souvenirs from the hostess of the happy event of the morrow. Hach fan was encased In a pretty white satin box , beating on the lid the monogram of the maid for whom Itwas de- Elgned Mr Luther Latham Kountze entertained his men et a very elaborate and handsomel ) appointed dinner at the Omaha club on Tuesday evening. The only decorations used on the table wcro some lovely roare which stood In a largo bowl In the center Covers were laid for Messrs Charles T Kountze , Herman D. Kountze , Karl Gannett , Meredith Nicholson , Kdward Darkness , Pranklln Crosby and Luther Kountze. The gifts for the men were handsome scarf pins anil I' The wedding of Mrs. Sallle Lowe totl ) and Mr William II Crarv will occur next Wednesday nt noon at Unity church Mr. John P Williams , formerly of this city , was married recently nt St. POUT'S chureli , Toledo , 0 , to Miss Mary Agatha Kos'er Thn engagement Is , announced of Miss Ocrtrudo Rutgers Hingvvalt. daughter of Mi and Mrs. Uobert II Hlngvvalt , nnd Mr. Wll- llnm Sanford Ilohlncon The marriage will take place on July 5 at St Mathlas' church News has been received from Lincoln of the marriage of Mr. Henry Allen Reese , son of Judge Hecse , nnd Ml a Lucy ( Irlf- fith , daughter of Mr and Mrs. A H Orlf- flth , on Wednesday , Juno 21. lire bride bas visited here nnd made \cry olcasmt nnd lasting Impressions on those who were fortunate enough to meet her. The groom la a graduate of Ann Arbor , and has many college frlenda In Omaha. One of the pretty weddings o * the week was that which united Miss Theodore Uaumer , stepdaughter of Fred Melfr , to C H. Lelnnann of this cltv The ceremon > was celebrated Prlday evening nt the resi dence of Mr Metz and a large company of the friends of the two families congregated to assist the bridal couple In making n happy beginning of their married life Ilia ceremony waa performed by RPV Thomas J. Mackay of All Saints' Episcopal church. Miss Louise Mctz was maid of honor nnd Phillip Moefler stood with the groom Tbo ring was carried by Miss Frances Mot ? . During the entrance of rho Ivldal party Mie wedding march from Lohengi In was exquis Holy perfoimed by Mlv , Aug.isla Lehmnnn , sister of the groom , and during the cere mony the delicate slraliu of Schumann's "Traumetel" mingled , vl'h the responses After the usual felicitations Mr. nnd Mrs. Lehmnnn left on n two weeks' trip to Den ver nnd other western mtiiti. The brldo Is most favorably known among the younger society element of the city and the groom Is an Omaha bo > who has b"en prominent In athletics and In lo il National Huaid or ganisations. Moonii'iitx of Slide ! ) People. Miss Mac Mount Is In Chicago. Mr. N. A. Kuhn has returned from n trip In the west. Miss Ina Orcutt Is the guest of Miss Hlanchc Murphy. Mr A C Mueller Is spending a few davs In Doslon nnd New York. -Mrs. Henry Markel has gone to Burling ton , la. , for n short visit. Miss nianche Murphy returned home from school Saturday morning. Mr Fred Talmage has returned home after a slweeks' visit In Chicago. Mr and Mrs. Victor Caldvvell retuined yesterday from their visit In the east. Xrs. C n Horton has returned from a /x weeks' visit to Southern California. Miss Mary Daugherty of Kansas City Is a guest of friends In the city over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Calm have returned from n trip In the southern part of the state Mr and Mrs. T A. Thompson nnd daughters have gone to Colorado for a fort- nlcht. JIlss Sadie Alexander Is home from Con necticut , where she Ins been attending school. Mrs. D. C. Dodds is visiting relatives In Chicago , where she expects to remain sev eral weeks. Drs. Ludlnglon and Paul Ludington are spending a six-weeks' vacation at Leech Lake , Minn. Miss Helene Wyman returned jeslerday from her winter at the New England Con servatory , Boston. Mrs. May Prebtln and Miss HalHe D. Dunster are spending a. couple of weeks In Yellowstone park. Miss Alice E. Hayes has returned home for her summer vacation from Park Place Sacred Heait convent. Miss , Ada Tobett has left for New York. where she will spend the summer in the Adirondack mountains. Mis. Arthur C. Smith left for Boston yes terday , where she will Join Mr. Smith nnd remain for the summer. Dr. J. J. McMullen and wife have gone to their old homo In Falrlicld , la. , for a bhort season of test nnd lecreatlon , Ml s Bowie has returned homo after a live months' visit with her sister , Mrs. H. G Hart , of East Orange , N. J. Mrs. Charles F. Welles and Miss WcHes returned homo yesterday after a month's visit with friends in Macon. Mo. Mrs. F. M. Miller , who left on Tuesday to attend the wedding of a cousin In Marshall- town , expects to bo gone a foitnlght. Mrs E , J. Clement and son , Charles , leave Tuesday for an extended visit with friends and relatives in Mlssoml and Illinois. Mrs. J. 0. Snow den and daughter , Marie , who is well known to Omaha theater-goers , left last week for a trip through the east. Dr. J. P. Lord has returned from his east ern trip. Mrs. Lord and the children will remain in Hockford , 111. , for some time Mrs , Benjamin F. Weaver win leave to morrow for a two months' trip through the mountains , California , and the western coast tow ns. Mrs. Lydla Tukey Morrison spent a couple of davs last week with her parents , return ing to Lincoln Prlday , where she will rmke her home. Mr. Rlley has returned home after 1i month's vacation , part of which waa hpent nt the convention nt Columbus , and the re mainder In visiting hie home at Plattsburg , N Y. Lyman Peck , who for borne weeks has been 111 with typhoid fever nt his father's ranch near Calhoun , Is now on the high road to recovery and his many friends nro corre spondingly Jubilant. nrilt * of the AVccli. Mr. John Karllng was most agreeably sur prised at his residence , South Tenth and Kavan streets , on Thursday evening , by n largo number of his friends. Games were indulged In , and refreshments served at a late hour. Several * small people mo thanking Miss Nettle Collins for the good time they had at a children's party given by her at her home Friday evening In compliment of the Misses Sara and Anna Bourke , the bright little daughters of Mrs , John 0 Bourke , to a few of their friends. An Informal reception was given on Tues day afternoon at the home of Miss Gal- ragher , In honor of Mrs , Crclghton-Snyder of Washington , D. C , who Is here to repio sent the White Crops tocletv nt the ex position. It Is the Intention of the > owig women of the Whlto Cross Auxlll.u v to us- slsl In the hospital at the Greater America exposition , The seniors of the High school liefd their class day exercises on Tuesday , when room 43 was decorated with the class colors , tiui- plo and gold. Over the platform were two Immense Hags. The conioits of a Ja.-go punch bowl were much apprecUtrd , nnd at the end of the program the class < lrrui ! < tbe health of Prof , Levlston In reapjnso to a toast by Phoebe Smith The program in cluded the addresses of thu president , Fred Succly , class history , Mabel Hlgglns nnd Mabel Stephens ; oration , "Why a Laboring Man Deserves Hespect " Henry Duncan ; data poem , "Battle of thn Amazons , " class prophcc ) , by several members , class will , Nathan Kasbel , class conundrums , Otis Al- vlnson , valedictory , Carl Ilolnrlch Music was contributed by Jean Campbell , Alice Wlnspear , and the Mandolin club The CnliHcll residence wns the scone of t most enjoyable function last Thursday even ing on which occasion Messrs. Sam Caldwell - well , Fred Lake and Kzra Millar d gave n most successful dance The grounds were rn perfect condition , and with the Japanese ROYAL POWDER BAKING i4BSOLUTELYHJRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome , . KOVAl gAKIHO > 0OI CO ht * YOKK. lanterns glowing among the trcei made an Ideal background for the numerous md pretty glrte present In their dainty summer frocks Hammocks , rugs nnd s t'ocs wne scattered over lawn * and porches. Through out the hou c flyrlnga , peonies and ro&ci Abounded In artistic profusion , and In the room where punch wns served , an a'tH'lc Japanese effect was secured with n Tok'T ' umbrella over the punch bowl , and i llc < , palms nnd hone ) suckles n a background Mrs. Learned assisted the hosts in receiving their guests In her usual charming manner. Dancing was continuous throughout the evening. Out or Tovrn Mlsi Foley of Memphis Is the guest of Miss Margaret Heed and Mrs. Charles Dug- dale. dale.Miss Miss nilzabeth McCartney of New York. formerly of Omaha , Is visiting friends In this city. Mr. id Swobo of Chicago Is v lilting his parents. Mr. and .Mis. Thomas Swobo , of this city. Mrs. W. \ \ ' . Lawrence has returned to Denver after a visit with Mrs. C. S. Stockham. Misses Jeannette and Mary Underwood of Dayton , 0 , are the guests of Judge and Mrs. W. II. Kelley. Miss Ullby Uarber of Ilockford , III. , will spend soverql weeks with Miss Florence Lewis on Wlrt street. Mtrs Susie Merrill of Springfield , III , a niece of General Merrill , Is the guoul for a few weeks of Ml s Mercer. Mrs Hose Byrne of Chicago Is v letting her daughter , Mrs W U McCleary , of C.18 North Nineteenth street. South Omaha Miss Winnie Lemon daughter of Mrs. N. II. Lemon , principal of Lothrop school , re turned to Omaha on Wednesday last from Wcalejnn unlversltj Delaware , O She will spend lire summer with her aunt , Mrs M M. Hamlln , 1S20 Spencer street. .Sue I a I CliK-Cliiil. Much sympathy Is felt for Mis Oscar B. mills and family in their sad bereavement by their numerous friends In the cltj. Oernld Wharton rclurncd lasl week from Princeton college where hu passed the ex- arninallon for admission lo Ihe sophomore class. Miss Blanche Kin si or has returned home from the Academy of the Sacred Heart , where she was graduated with highest honors. Henry Clarke , who has Just been grad uated In law from Iho Unlverslly of Mich igan , visited In Omaha last week , He will practice In Chicago with n prominent firm. Mr Meredith Nicholson of Denver , who came to the clly lo be present at the Kountze-Andrceaen wedding , returned homo on Thursday. Mrs. Meredith Nicholson will remain another week , a guest at Forest Hill. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Funke. who are now- living In Kansas City , were In Omaha last week on their way to Gralnvvood. Prior Lake , Minn. , where they have taken n col lage for Iho summer. Hev A L. Williams of Chicago , wllf bo consecrated as bishop coadjutor in Septem ber at Trinity cathedral , with Imposing ceremony Ho will reside in Omaha , ac companied by Mrs. Williams and Miss Welghtman. On ( lie Social Cnlciiilur. Mrs. Frank B. Reynolds and Mrs. Heibert L. Porterfteld will entertain next Thursday afternoon. Master Harry Allen Koch has Invited a number of his > oung friends to a dancing party at Morand's on Tuesday afternoon in celebration of his twelfth birthday. Tuesdaj evening at the residence of Bishop Scannell , Thirty-sixth and California strecls , Ihe married women's sodality of St. Cecelia's church will" give a lawn social. An entertaining musical program has been pre pared. Lovers of the occult will be given an opportunity to consult a far-famed sooth sayer from the far Rust. Dr. and Mrs. S. Wright Butler were weT- comed to St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church and to Omaha on a Tuesday evening seven years ago On Tuesday evening jiext the many friends of Ihls popular mlnlslcr and his wife will have an opportunity of bidding them farewell , a public reception be ing tendered them at the church from 8 lo 10 p. m. Whllo Dr. Buller remains In Omaha for a couple of weeks longer , Mrs. Buller will leave for their eastern homo on Thursday next. O.M.VII V SUBURBS. Kloreiiec. 0. A. Cowles bpent Sunday with friends In Ihe counlry. John S Paul made a business Irlo to Tekamah Thursday. Miss Lizzie Krugci of Omaha spent Satin- da > nnd Sunday \lslllng friendb. Mrs. M. Daly enlertalned some of her relatives from Omaha Wednesday. Miss Delia Cochran of Blair is vislling Miss Dolly Tucker for a few dajs. Ilev. John A. Williams of Omaha preached at Iho Episcopal church Sunday rilghl. Mrs. Charles Biewer has been qulle sick for the last few davs. but Is better now. Miss Llllle Dankb of Blair Is spending a week with her slbter. Mrs. Charles Brown. Mrs. L. Smith and Mrs. M. Daly visited relatives In Omaha Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. B. Porterfield of Omaha visited with her aunt , Mrs. Frank Reynolds. Wednesday. n. Burns Duvall of Boston visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hunt Friday and Satur day. day.Ilev. Ilev. Robert Graham. Presbjtcrlan mln- isler at this place , filled the pulpit at Schuy- ler last Sunday. Mrs. T. H. Deland of Perry , In. , visited her mother-in-law , Mrs. Helen Deland. Fri day and Saturday. A parly of real estate men of Omaha were In town Friday looking over some Florence property. The city oincinls are having all the weeds mowed down In the sir eels and alleys , mak ing things look neat and tidy. Rev. M. L. Braden of Omaha conducted the services nt the Presbyterian church Sun day during the absence of Itev. Graham. Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens nnd daughter of Denver arrived Monday und will spend a month visiting her mother , Mrs. Thomas. The river is reported as rising , but It Is not thought that It will get high enough to do any damage at this tlrno of Iho year , .Mlwi Maltie Tucker , a teacher In the public school , left Friday for Bclden , Neb , where she will spend Ihe summer vislling friends. There Is a petition being circulated among the taxpajers which nska the county com missioners to equalize the assessments on Borne property here. Rev. Robeii T. Graham , the paslor of the Presbylerlan church , has n call from a church In Schujler , Neb , but has not as yet decided vvhelher he will accept. John Mann , who has been emplocd here the last three monlbs assisting In putting up the pump at lire water works , is em ployed In Omaha for the presenl. Miss Rdnu Prlto and little sister , Versa , who have been spending a month visiting relatives here , returned to their homo in Johnson county , this stale , Monday , Miss Carler , head nurse nt Iho Clarkson hcspllal , Omaha , Is spending a couple of weeks' vacation with the family of j , p. Brown , who lives three miles north of town J. B , Young , living on the Iowa side of the river , was visiting friends here Friday , and reports thai Ibe heavy rains during last week damaged the corn on the bottoms con siderably Will Llghton of Omaha visited his parents here Wednesday and took his little daughter and son , who had been here for the last week visiting their grandparents , homo with him. Mies Ida Miller , a leacher In Ihe public school , will spend her vacation In Omaha with friends , while her mother , Mrs. Mar garet Miller , will visit her daughter In Han- nan city during the summer. The annual school election will bn held June 29 tor the purpose of electing three members to serve two years. Several candi dates are In the Held , among whom are A Flnkenkcllnr. J F. Potlcr and J K Lowery Steven Godcll. M. C Hamilton , and John Nell wen ( l > y wagon to Decatur , Neb , Sat urday , taking a boat with them Mr. Ham ilton and Mr. Nell will cut some sawlogs and raft them down the river to Mr. Hamilton B rniri here , The town l < making big preparations for a Fourth of July celebration this year A committee of eltlzenb hag been appointed , over ? IPO has been raised to defray the ex penses , the pouters arc out announcing the program , alto elating that the entire pro ceeds are to go to the Herman sufferers The Women's eulld of St Maikb KpUcopal church met at the home of Mrs. i' . S , TucKer Weduebduy afternoon. The ) HAD HIS PALM KKA1) . Dr. O. S. Wood Hits Ills I -t Re vealed and I'ttture Predicted by Chesterfield 1 It Is a splendid palm , absolutely self niado nnd It has but barely begun the sue cessful portion of Its career. " Grant Ches terfield , the palmist , waa examining the palm of Dr O S Wood , one of the best phjslclans In Omaha , located In the New York Life building , and who has been In steady practice In Omaha for twenly-soven > ears' standing "There nre certain changes written herein , and which , In the event thev aie made , the result will be not only satlsfaclory , but will even be bevond expectations " At Ihls juncture the readIng - Ing assumed a confidential stage and Ihc DR WOOD'S PALM. palmist expatiated at some length on ques tions lhat were personal. "You are quite right as regards my earlier struggles , " said Mr Wood "It seems almost incredible that the palm should re veal so much. " "Take for Instance this line of head , " Ihe palmist conllnued , "nole how It Is broken nnd InlerruDlcd. These are stories of > our earlier struggles , ami they nre splendidly well lold Sec Ihls thumb It Is rooted fls firmly ns an oak tree , and those who best , know vou know your thinness of disposition after the mind has been once made Up. This great space between Ibo ringer of the "sun" nnd 'tho ' llncer of "Mercury" likewise suggests n remarkably Independent spirit , and the pllablcncss of the hand tells only lee well vour business ability " H Is very Intcresllng , for Mr. Chestcrlield is an Interesllng lalker nnd an Interesting man. nnd ho was now nt his best and on an Interesllng subject. Finally an Imprint of Iho palm was taken , from which the story of Mr. Wood's llfo will be written out in full bv the celebrated render. It Is re markable the number of people that pass before Giant Chesterfield In his rooms every day. Men and women ca'l 'to consult him on questions of every description nnd many prcdlollons that have been made by him have already como lo pass Ills fee for a read ing of Ihe palm is CO cents. The rooms are located at 1711 Dodge street. They re main open to the public on Sunday unlll 4 p. m. Because of the numerous engage ments rnado Prof. Chesterfield will remain in Omaha u few davs longer. aio getting together lire net proceeds from the sac | of garments made , and from Ice cream socials , etc. , lo put a roof on the church building , which Is badly needed BoiiMnn * G R Williams of Dlk Citv was \lsllor In Benson last Friday. Mies Emma Edllng of Omaha was a visitor In Benson last Sunday. Miss Rmma Wood of Omaha was a visitor In Benson last Wcdnesdnv. Mrs. A. Jewell of Council Bluffs vislteJ with friends In Benson last Sunday The residents of Benson have contributed about $50 to the Herman tornado sufferers. Miss Farlowc of Omaha vlblted with her cousin , Mrs. J. Parash. durlnc the last week. Mia. George Davis , who has been quite ill for a week. Is abp to be UD and around again. Services will be held today at the Metho * dlsl church at 11 a m. Sunday school at usual hour , Rev. F. Bross , pastor. Miss Zella and Lcttlo Smith of Plaits- moulh visited at the home of their friend , Miss Ada Stlger , during Ihe last week. The annual school election will be held at the school house next Monday evening , Juno 26. Important questions will be brought up at this meeting and all persons interesled In Iho schools of Ibis place arc requested to atlend. Mlsn Jessie Frahm entertained a party of > oung people at a picnic party at her home last Wednesday evening. Though It rained about foity-five were present , and an en- Jojable time was had. Refreshments were served at a late hour. At the regular meeting of Clover Leaf Robekah lodge Saturday night a week a now candidate was initiated , the South Omaha team and friends carne up in a body to at tend the meeting. Refreshments of lemonade and cake were served. The members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows , lodge No. 221 , of Ihls place , went lo Soulh Onnha last Sunday aftfrnoon to take part in the celcbiiition of memorial services of the South Omaha lodge , No. US The graves of departed ones were decorated and services wcrejield In the evening. I'ull .SIIIIIIINOII'N riiioo. A squad of police went to Samp son's cigar store , 1711 St. Mary's avenue , this morning at 1 o'clock and arrested a party of efeven men whom they found playIng - Ing cards. The place was in charge of John Smith , Two lables , a lot of chips , nnd some money , were brought in by Iho officers The men gave Ihe following names1 Frank Hnrler , William Stevens , Joe Williams , W Lyons , George Jones , Charles Holland , Dd Smith , L Harold , George C. Brown. LOCAL BREVITIES , Thieves robbed the fruit stand of Louis Padolakj , Slxleenlh and Capitol avenue , car- rjing off four baskets of peaches ono basket of plums and two of tomatoex Ofllces in the city hall were quite genoially closed yesterday to allow city officers and employes to go with the Real Rslale Deal ers' assoclallon on Iheir picnic lo Arllnglon Henry Jenlsky appeared at the pollen stn- llon Salurday afternoon nnd complained if Iho loss of a suit of clotheb. He said he had left It lit n Sixteenth street lodging house. When ho returned two dajs later it was missing and he could find no trace of H A meeting of the Central Labor Union will be held nt the Labor Temple at 2 o'clock this afternoon to take such htcpa as nre necessary lo\vnrd Iho enforcement of the female labor law. The tall for the meeting Is signed by President Bell and Secretary Sparks. The children of Unity church enjoyed their picnic yesterday at Rivcrvlew park. Rev. Newton Mann was In charge of the party , which left the church at 10 30 Dur ing the afternoon many members of the church and their friends joined lire pioneers and helped to make things rneiry Manager Rosenthal will have another Omaha girl on the bill at the Creighton- Orpheum Ihls week She Is known among the profession as Lallna She Is versallle nnd will make a pleasing Impression nmong lier friends. Her poslurlng net Is recognlmi no one of Iho most graceful on the stage She IB pretty nnd ustnllv a great favorite among the ladles She will make her first appearance at the matinee this afternoon At the third annual meeting of the Otnaha School of Luw , the rcsultfc of the last two school yean > weie gone over nnd proved m fii gratifying , as each and every member of both classes had successfully rscded the state bar examination and on each occasion received the highest honor The school enters - , ters upon the present > ear with bright pros- | peels. The excculive olllceis are Charles Batlello , presldenl. K C Hodder , vlco presl denl , 0 L Frltacher. Jr ireaitrrrr nnd H A Whlpple , secretary The diplomas at Ihe Bancroft bchool were awarded lo Iho first class yesterday mornIng - Ing with appropriate ceremonies The class of thirteen who pasted the examlnalon for the High school , arc Krln Coral , Isabel Ross , Mary Mlchaclson , Idu Shipper-oil , Wil liam Drefh , LouUu Turek , Minnie Shabata , Rose Schulu. Arthur Nclfon , Funnle Mc- Cartnc ) , Edith Jours Marlon Harnlsh After the close of the exercises the class presented their teacher with Ihe rlawi jilct nre and the principal of the school with a beautiful paper knife. Facts Fi RubberGoodsCheap Wo carrj a very largo stock of nil Kinds of rubber goods \ \ bus dlrcrt from the factories nnil < an nn < l Oo make the low" ! prlr-pi mill nlsn furnish goods whlrh HIO not old and HOTTIJN LADIES1 SYRINGE. The small cut herewith shows sh'po of the Ladles' PnrlOaii Sjrinse. 'Iho bulb holds about > i pint , Is made of rubber. Ttlco , $ J60. Write for circular Shown above , Is a good serviceable Rvrlngo. Price , C5c , by mall , " 6c. Ko more for each quart larger.oim oim nr.NT FOUNTAIN SYKINUK. Nlacara brand , 2-qt . . . . $1.00 Kio per quart more for each l-qt additional In sbo. If sent per mall add lee to price of fij rlngo. IlAFIIt F1.0W FOI'XTAIN HYKINOK. Made of red i libber and fitted with pipes so that tlu'ds ' nro discharged In about a ( lines the amount of an ordlnurj svrluRo thus making It extremely valuable under certain conditions In which the ordinary fountain sjrlnco li u clc s 1 heso sj rliiRcs being In beautiful boxes are both useful and servlceiblo. They are lit ted Kith < har4 rubber pipes Price. 2-qt. $1 BO ; .l-qt. $1.75 ; 4-qt , $2.00. Add isc for postapo If scut per mall. Regular price. Our cut price "iic Coke's Dandruff Cure we sell . . . . B4c Jl 00 Coke's Dandruff Cure we sell . C4c 2f > c Hire's Hoot Beer we sell lc ! ! Zoo Vermont Root Beer ( the original ) we sell 11c 2."ic Allcock's Porous Plasters we sell. . 12c 25o Allen's Foot Ease \ve .sell 20c $100 Beef , Iron and Wine f'Oo $100 Brome Scltrer we sell "i"c 2"p Cascaiels we sell 20c $200 Chlehester Peninrojal Pills wo sell $1 To $100 Booth's Hyoniel we sell SOc 25c Carter's Liver Pills we sell IBc $100 Dlx Tonic Tablets we ell ROc fiOc Dlv Tonic Tablets we sell 40c $1 no Fellow's Hvpophosphltes we sell.$1.20 $1 .10 Vln Mariana wo sell 41.15 GOc Horsford's Acid Phosphate 40c 23c Humphrej's Specific , all kinds \ve sell 20c Too Hall's Catarrh Cure- ( Toledo ) we sell 50c 15c H & II Soap wo sell 1c $100 Hostettci's Bitters \\e sell . . . . 7uc $100 Kilmer's Swamp Root wo sell. . Too Any of our contemporaries who feel them selves Incompetent to writean ad may ( as usual ) copy this one 7.c M & L Florida Water wo fell . ( tfa ' 23c Packer's Tar Soap we sell us $1 00 Ozomiilslon we sell v < j . $100 Pe-ru-na we sell 7'e J $1 00 Porl , Sherry or Claret we jell . idc j ' $100 Hair de Quinine we sell ; c $1.00 Orange Blossom we sell We $1.00 Maltlnc Preparations we sell . . fc lOc boxes Moth Balls , , V- BOc Radway'.s Relief we sell 4ie GOc Po77onl's Powder wo sell 35o 2."c Pear's Gljcerlne Soapve sell . . . . ij L'Oc Pear's Unscenlcd Soap wo tell. . . . Uc $1.00 7-Slslcr's Hair Grower we sell. . . S c $1.00 Slearn's Wine Cod Liver Oil wo sell , 7Sc $100 Madam Yale's Goods. . . b9a "Gc Sozodonl we sell Jos ' 75c Jottcsbur } d Brown Toolh Paste we sell jq < j ' $1.00 Wyeth's Beef , lion and Wine we sell 7-c 25c Tctlott's Swan's Down we sell. . . . I'.a . lOc bottle VaseUne 8c $1.00 Family Sjrlnge we sell 50a $1.00 Fountain Sjrlnge we sell t"e $1 00 Palna's Celerj Compound we sell "no $1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla we sell . . Tie 50o Kilmer's Swamp Reel 40c GOc Scott's Emulsion we sell . . . . 40c t , $1.00 Wine Cardul we sell . . . Too wiii'rn roil tT vi.ixii n. Middle of Block. 1513 Dodge Street. \ , And n good reason why we are selling more Linen Skirts , Denim Skirts and White Pique Skirts than ever before to particular people. Lidles who like goods that are tiesh and clean , as well as stjllsh and per fect Kiting , come to us those who dis criminate will surely flnd our prices no higher than asked elsewhere for less care fully made garments. Shirtwaists Same Way our waists are nicely kept and are ready to wear , fresh and clean from the hands of the maker. Good qualities at SOc better at $1.00 , $1 50 and upwards. You'll alwajb find the full money's worth In everything ne sell. See our Tailored Suits at $10 00 and the better ones at a little more money. LKSCOriELD LCLDAK&SUITCO. 1510 Douglas St. Corner East Midway and the Grand Plaza. Pending the arrival of the people fiom the different Hawaiian Islands the directors of this novel exhibition 1-ave engaged at an enormous ex pense the Royal Imperial Troupe ofOriental Oriental Acrobats , the Rflizuno Family dliect from Ihe realms of the Ml- Kado tonrldered b > ill to be tin moht wonderful acrobats , contortion ists , Jugglers and balances evei seen A. 'Delmore CHENEY IJASS.BAKITOXi ; . Vocal Instruction CONCKKT ORATORIO and MUSICAL FESTIVALS , Cull or address at htudlo , Suite 315 Kamno building , oppr > , Crcigh ton-Orplicmir HcHSUNAL PARAGRAPHS , Major Hathaway has gone east after his family K H ( iimrey of hauiel , Neb. In In ihc city on business Mrs John Francis has gone to Chicago to spend Sunday Nebraskans at the hotels J a Thomp son , James AiTerd Alma I' A Cameron , Tekarnah , J K youngman , Schioler W S. Cook , 0V Cook. Wakofleld , John A Har mon O'Neill , T C CaldwiiU , Scotia Judge W. I ) Cornleli , vko president of the Union I'actflc railway , accompanied 1 > > his cousin , C F Cornish , of New York , and his secretary , L F. Cornell , of Mid- dleboro , are guests at the MllUrd. The ) are returning from a trip to Idaho Ir F Swartzlander received a telegram M > terclaj from his son. I.ouln. who Is a mem ber of the Fourth t'nlled Slate * cavalrj , stating that he called that < la > on the trans port Sheridan for the Philippine * The > oung man wa > a carrier for The Ilec until be enlisted In the cavalry , Hphe Middle of Block Drue Store offers its patrons the * following advantages : ! * ' , Uy for iho LA 1UIKST drug stock in Onmha to select from. 'Jnd CLttAN KRKSH , / GOODS of undoubted genuineness as we buy direct from the mnnuinetuvbr. 3rd-nn ADKQUATK KOHCE of C1HADU- ATK PJUDSCKIPTIONISTS ( now numbering as many as any two of our esteemed contemporaries ) . 4th The lowest cut cash prices. Some New Cash Cuts ! Write for Catalogue of Our Store. Mrs , R , H , Davies Millinery and Hair Goods. SUMMER DEDUCTION SALE OFF On all Trimmed Hats $1.50 rough , braid sailors. . . 98c 1.00 rough braid sailors. . . 68c 75c rough braid sailors. . . . 49c 3.00 fine split Knox styles. S2.0O 2.50 fine split Knox style 1.98 1.75 fine split Knox styles . . . . | .I9 Full line Mrs. Gervaise Graham's Toilet Articles and Cosmetics. Hair Dressing and Manicuring Department Best in City FfOO nf Cucumber and Elder Flovvor Cream and IICC Ul Fajo Powder given away Monday. il Jl SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Special low prices on Muslin Underwear A fine cambric sklit with dust ruffle , wide flounce with three-Inch lace flrlce S7o. A good nruslln skirt , with dust ruffle , flounce with four-ilnch ruffle and three tucki price 48c. Handsome Cambric Skirts with wide dust ruffle , ovcr-flounco trimmed with two rows of lace insertion and edge 2',4 Inches wide price $1.45. Handsome Cambric Skirts with dust ruffle , slx-lnch embroidery Insertion in flouno * price DSc. Short underskirts from 20c up. Cambilc Drawers with wide cambric ruffle , three tucks above ruffle-price 29o. Ii an era with tlounce and two rows of hemstitching price 35c Cambilc Drawers with flounce three Inches wide , lace and Insertion-price 680 COnSKT COVCna-Cambrlo cornet covers , square neck , trimmed with embrold- cry , well made , best Pearl buttons price L'5c. Cambric corset covers , low neck , neck and sleeves trimmed with fine torchon lace two Inches wide price 50c New Trench Corset Covers-shir string at neck and waist. lace trimmed sleeves and neck price BSc and up. L , tin oh Includes rye bread , wleuerwurnt , swclt/er cheese , pretzels , potato salad and Cabinet The blcr may be nerved In steins or or dinary glasses and wooden ehoeg may be worn by Itie guents. The Linden plant ma > be used for decoiativo purponca. Krug Cab- Inct Deer goes good tastes good with all luncheonti. It has the natural flavor an unknown nuullty in modt beersVant a case' We'd like to have you try It rnin KIIIO iiinvv IN < ; ro , , Tel. 420. 3007 Jackcon Street FOR OFFICIAL MAP OF CITY OF LOS ANGELES AND N. E. A. PAMPHLET of ttlilt'li iM-i'i rlnr > Hlipinril in licit , "It I * fur mill uirii ) the llnml Ihliiu I IKK e ) el rpii Call at Union Pacific Ticket Office , O/floo / , 13 )2 Fa rnam Street , BEROLZHEIMER Great Reduction Sale. , On all the latest in black , and black and white hats -in fa'jt wo include all < hats , bonnets and every lliing in summer MILLINERY 203 So. fifteenth MONHEIT Leading Chiropodist Treats the feet . with lutett Im. proved clectrkil method I'axton Ulotk Karnatn Hi. take ele >