r 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 25 , 1800. modern mercenary. J . . . BY E. & II. HERON. Synopsis of. Preceding Chapters. Mnasau IB a llttlo dutcby In Europe which 1ms thus far maintained Us Independence be- caueo of the Jealousies ot tbo largo coun tries. International affairs are now , however - over , at a critical stage , and the llttlo elate Booms about to bo swallowed up. Ocrmnny Is represented at Itcvondc , the capltol , by ono of her shrewdest statesmen , Dnron von Klmur. Kngland's Influence Is felt to bo Kreat , and the presence of Major Counsellor moans much. It was through Counsellor that John Hallywood , a fellow countryman , had served seven fears In the Maasau fron tier cavalry. Hollywood Is about to resign bis commission when Selpdorf , the chan cellor nnd "man of the hour , " sends for him nnd makes him a Gentleman of the Guard. DUrlnc the visit to the palace Uallywood meets Von Elmur and Valeria Selpdorf , , the chancellor's daughter. XCopyrlcht , 1S03 , by Doublcday & Me- Cluro Company. ) CIIAl'Tnil III. The Oentleinon of the ( Sunril. Members of great families frequently re gard themselves as submerged Individuali ties. They wilfully sink nil Identity of their own In the traditions handed down to them , and llvo as more representatives of a line which boars In common a noble namo. This principle , which has something to recom mend It , iwoa adopted long ago Into the sys tem of the Guard of Maasau , the ofTlcers of which < wcro first gentlemen ot the guard nnd afterward mon In the private nnd ordi nary scnso of the term. There were nlno of them a coloncl-ln-chlef , whoso position ibccamo honorary after his elevation to that rank ; a colonel , upon whom devolved the nctlvo command ; a second' ' In comand , whoso tltlo of ovor-cnptoln may bo translated major ; three captains , and as many sub alterns. 'And ' every Individual wan drawn from the noblest blood In the country. Thus It will bo seen that Uallywood wna about to enter the best company In Ilevonde. On a 'lofty ' cliff above the gorge from which the Kofn Issues to curve round the palace gardens , and exposed to the four winds of heaven , stands an Imposing square block of gray buildings. These contain the permanent quarters of the guard. Ono whole sldo ot the courtyard within Is taken up by the domed mess room , with Its neces sary adjuncts and offices. Hero on the day following Hollywood's Interview with Solpdorf , three men lounged over their lunch. Any one of them , hod ho cared to take the regimental rolls from tholr ( brass-bound coffer in the nnto-room , could Jiixvo read his awn name repeating Itself down the columns as generation after gen eration lived through Its identical life In the same surroundings , and died , most ot them going to the dovll with a One inher ited prtdo and oven gracefully. Nearly every man who had crossed the page"ot the Maasaun annals had dined in that historic room , and each one ot the men who now held the right to dine there liad a "hereditary interest , and in many cases a hereditary characteristic to main tain. There was old walrus-faced Wnllen- loup ; the thin , dark , reckless Colendorp ; 'Adlron , whoso great bulk behind a calvary eword was a sight for tbo gods , and so on , the three lieutenants following closely In the footsteps of the three lieutenants who ( had been before them ; men who went to the rendezvous ot a duel in all comfort , affecting to bo Infinitely more afraid of catching cold than of being killed ; men who klesed the wlfo nnd dispatched tbo hus band with equal skill and as llttlo noise as might be ; men who were feared by a tough , Bwaggorlng , rancorous soldiery , whom they only knew through the hard-faced ser geants ; men , In fact , who lived out tholr debonair , picturesquely evil lives to the satisfaction ot themselves and of few' ' others. , On this occasion Colonel Wallenloup , the commandant , was not present. Ot him It was told that while still a lieutenant he had been , offered , as a reward for services ren- ercd to the crown , the command of any Maasaun regiment bo might choose to select ' lect , and ho had replied that bo would rather bo a lieutenant ot the guard than a Held marshal elsewhere. And so ho re mained to flavor the mess with his eomo- what blood-and-lroa jokes. The messroom was a spacious hall , and though only three men sat at table tbo place seemed full of llfo and color from the black polished floor ing to the carved and vaulted colling , from which hung in tattered folds the old ban ners of the regiment. lied hangings partially draped the dark walls , and over all from the stained dome the light fell In rich tones of color , Willie through the talk of the men ran the one weird sound that never ceased about these walls , the whimpering of the wind. Suddenly the door opened and a young man , small and thin , with a faint down upon bin upper lip , entered quickly. "Unzlor has wcnl" he cried. "Won. what ? " asked Adlron , the senior man present , as he pourned out another Class of wine. "Won his second match against Abon- fcldt with seven to spare. " Adlron stretched his legs and leaned back ; his figure was well adapted for leanIng - Ing back. "My good Adolf , oxpfaln yourself. " "Hadn't you heard of It ? Why , they ar ranged It last night at Countess 6a- Ban's.1 "Abenfcldt fancies himself as a shot , but he 'forgot ' ho hnd to do with Unr.lar , " laughed Captain Adlron. "Abenfcldt bet that ho could shoot more Bwallaus In half an hour before breakfast < hnn any man In Ttevcndo , That was In September , you know , and Unzlar took him up with service revnlvors and shot fifteen , winning easily. Abeufoldt can't get over It and challenged him to a shooting match ngnlu last night , I say , " Adolf broke off and bis face altered ; be thrust out a little foot and surveyed tbo spurred boot that covered it critical/ . "I've Just ridden back from Uralo. That new charger of mine bolted down the hill by the paling. I went PILES I naffbred the torture * of lit * damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty yo r § . I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell , In. , and never found anyiblnR to Cflual them. To-d y I am entirely free from piles nud feel like new nan. " a H. KVITZ , Hit Jones St. , Sleui City , la. K i nt. P UUW . fount. Tftto doal.no Good , H T r eickia. w V > .ar Orif,10c,25cf0c. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Ill MO-TO'IAO ffi . to ECO Inscrmann ; they had not been able to move him , you know. " "Well ? " urged nil three voices at once. "Inscrmann's dead. He died last night at dinner time. " The men's eyes shot for a second at In- scrmann's empty place , which ho was never to occupy ngaln. "Ah , I told him that ( scooping pass of his was a mistake , " commented Adlron. "And tbo worst of it la that his death breaks the line of the Xanthal Insermanns. Poor old Insermann ! he was the last of a good stock , and I , for one , don't like new blood. What have you to say about that pass now , Colendorp ? If I am not mistaken , you defended It ? " "Insennann was by three Inches too tall , " replied the Individual addressed. "For a short man ono would bo hard put to It to discover a more useful Hullo ! " The folding doora had 'been flung open with a crash and a man of CO or there abouts , dressed In the gorgeous green and gold of the guard , strode In tempestuously. Ho was short and heavily built , with a weather-red face and a coarse , overhanging mustache , which gave him rather the ex pression of an angry walrus. So angry , In deed , was ho that his -words came volleying out Inarticulately. In his hand ho held a crumpled sheet of parchment. The men rose as he took his. place at the head of the table. "Inscrmann's dead , and Selpdorf says " The colonel's choked ejaculations broke , his volco failed him , and ho sent the paper fluttering .from . his hand across the silver nnd glass till llttlo 'Adolf picked It up. In another1 moment Colonel Wallenloup was more coherent. "I nm afraid I must have walked up the hill rather too quickly , " ho said , apologet ically , after draining a great goblet of beer. "However , It Is not to > bo denied that M. Selpdorf begins to take too much upon him self. The ontlro administration of the state la In his hands , and yet he Is not satisfied with that position ! No , ho alms even higher ; he deelrcs to nominate the officers of his highness' guard ! " Every man present had his own peculiar ity. The colonel's reputation would not have stood so high as It actually did but for his insensate temper. Perhaps the an ecdote told of him that , rwhen discussing the point of having boon ruled out of ac tion during certain army maneuvers he 'bo- ' came so enraged that ho pursued the um pire In question -with a wooden tent ham mer , had added moro to his ( popularity than all hla thirty odd years of service and his Immense genius for fortification. Some of the continental armies are al ways marking tlmo and they do not prize the most the man who marks time best , but the man wio can taring BDHIO humor or touch of romance Into the dullness of routine , and .they prefer the humor to bo led up to by the winding road of eccen tricity. It was never dull with the guard. They possessed officers who kept their world on the move. "Gentlemen , " said Wallenloup at length , when his last remark had been received with approval , "I have the honor to In form you that M. Selpdorf has seen fit to appoint , vlco Captain Insermann , deceased , Lieutenant John Rallywood of the Frontier cavalry. " A silence followed this announcement. "Upon whoso recommendation has M. Selp dorf taken this step ? " inquired Captain Colendorp gravely. "Reasons of state mere reasons of state. Ho had the audacity to tell me so. " "I understood , sir , that you had other views" said Adlron. "Well , yes , wo had virtually agreed upon our choice , I may say , gentlemen. " "Certainly , sir. And you raado that clear to the chancellor ? " "I did so perfectly clear. I told him In the most reasonable manner that we wanted no condemned rabble In the JIaasaun guard ! I told him that wo had practically decided on Abenfeldt in case of a vacancy occur ring. I even went so far as to remind him that thcro had been lAbcnfeldts among us for four centuries. " "Ho couldn't meet that argument ! " ex claimed Adlron. " .No . , he parried It , gracefully , I admit. Ho reminded me In turn that thcro had been Selpdorfs also In the guard , and swore that had , ho n. pen of his own to nominate ho must still at this moment have given the preference to this Englishman. I left him to reconsider the matter , however , and rode home , to find that already waiting for mo in my quarters , " and ho pointed to the parchment In Adolf's hand. Adolf looked up with a smllo. "He will not Join Immediately , sir. this nallywood ? " ho said , with his gentle lisp. "Not for a week. " "Then It doesn't really matter , you know , " added the young man , Wallenloup's red-shot eyes gleamed upon him suddenly. "As your commanding officer , sir , " ho said , grimly , "I don't understand your meaning ; but " anil nn odd smllo flickered about the savage lips. "As n private gentleman , colonel " put In Colendorp. "As a private individual I understand your meaning very well , nut If I were hero as your colonel , Lieutenant Adolf , by heaven , sir , not all the officers of the guard , post or present" ho rose to his feet ( is ha spoke , and , grasping the hilt of his sword , glared round upon them "should dare to hint at Insult to a comrade ! " and ho drove the 'blade homo with a clatter Into Its scab bard , and strode out of the room as bo had come , like a thunderstorm. The men waited In silence until the echo of his footsteps died away , and In the mind of each rose a vivid memory. It happened - ponod , from causes -which might , In the case of the guard of Maasau , bo called nat ural , that the three present lieutenants , viz. : Unzlar , Varanhelm and Adolf , had Joined on the same traditions of their im mediate predecessors , each Instantly agreed to challenge each of the others , the result of which would , In all probability , have boon the speedy occurrence of tbreo frceh vacancies in the list of officers. Wallenloup heard of this , and sent for the lieutenants , whom ho considered too valua ble to bo thus easily lost. "Gentlemen , " ho said , "I am about to en force an old order that expressly forbids quarrels amongst the members of our corps. If you want to fight , fight some ono else. There are plenty of men who stand badly In need of being Wiled. Turn your attention to them. But If any trouble should arise between any two of you , come to mo. There haa been enough ot this kind of scan dal about us lately , nnd , therefore , for the future we will do the thing quietly with a pack of cards , or If you prefer It , with dlco. The man who loses fan go. There is the river , or for choice , his own pistol. You understand me ? " Varanhelm looked at Unziar , and Unrlar looked at Adolf , and they smiled. "I think , " said llttre Adolf , "we might find others to .brawl with. " "The river Is abominably cold , " added Unrlar. "And the same dish is served for us all , " concluded Varanhelm. Wallenloup laughed. "I have laid the alternative before you , gentlemen , " ho said ; "tho cards or the dice. " This was the story that rose In tbo minds of the men round the mess table , and a minute later they joined In a simultaneous shout of laughter. Adlron's big face was flushed as ho called for a special brand of champagne wherein to drink the colonel's health. "He's magnificent the old man ! " ho said when ho could speak , "Let him alone. He's equal to any mortal occasion ! He reminds mo of the day when his Imperial majesty over the border complimented him on the appearance of the guard , saying ho should feel proud to number us among the regi ments of the German army. 'And I can assure your majesty that the feeling of ad miration Is entirely reciprocal , ' says the C. O. 'Wo should be happy to Incorporate your army in ours ! ' " The men bad heard the story often be fore , but It was groejcd with all the relish of novelty , a quality which lives eternally in any anecdote that tells ou one's own sldo. Before the laughter had subsided another man 4 entered the room. Ho was , perhaps , nearer 30 than 20. and the face under his dull , colorless hair waa singularly pale , but there was promise of great strength In the long , angular body. "My congratulations , Unzlar. " Colendorp turned to the newcomer. to the Continental on his arrival In Ho- vonde. Hero presently Counsellor dropped In upon him. Hallywood was In his dressing room transforming himself as rapidly as possible Into the likeness of an English gamekeeper ; for n. magnificent festivity in the shape ot a masked ball was About to take place at the palace. All the world had been invited , and as many of the world as could go were goIng - Ing , each with his or her own dream or pur pose , as the case might be. Major Counsellor eat and surveyed his friend , occasionally offering suggestions end remarks. "Aro you nwaro that the guard of Maa sau never condescends to show Itself In Hovondo In any costume but its own blaz ing uniform ? I see you have your edition of It lying on their chair over there. Wby nro you not conforming with Its amiable peculiarities ? " Rallywood bad his back to Counsellor at tbo moment , "So I have heard , but I do not Join until tomorrow , " ho replied In an expressionless volco. "And your quarters in the palace ? How about them. ? " "I shall also have the rooms tomorrow. " Then ho wheeled around nnd his eyes lit on his companion. "Hullo ! I didn't notice you before. Is that your notion 'of the gentle embankment of the river , along which th y passed for some distance before reaching the courtyard of the palace. The great entrance hall , was still .full ot arrivals , while up the wide central ntalrcaso trooped maska and domlnos la a changing kaleidoscope of form and color. Eager heads thrust this way and that , picturesque fig ures grouping and greeting , cavaliers ot all periods , maidens of all nations , monks , bar barians , cardinals , queens and clowns sometimes the wisest head under the most foolish caps while hero and there a few fa vored paper folk made desultory notes and sketchas. The painted celling stretching overhead la ono of the triumphs of renaissance art. The identity of tiho master hand who achieved that marvelous work has IK en a moot point In art circles for a couple ot centuries or thereabouts , and quite a library on the oubjcct exists. The Maasauns arc very proud of tholr celling , prouder still of the controversy -which has raged and continues to rage around It. M. Selpdorf , as representing his master , stood at the head of the staircase and re ceived the guests with a good deal more polltcncos and discrimination than the duke himself might have shown , for that person age was said to have nn awkward habit ot turning his 'back ' upon those whom ho hap pened to dislike. Major Counsellor was greeted with effu sion ; Hallywood with raised eyebrows and a alight reserve. "I had hoped to welcome the new captain of the guard this evening , " Solpdorf said In a low voice , and with a significant glance at RaUywood's velveteens. "I have not yet Joined , your excellency. Tomorrow 1 hope to have that honor , " re turned Hallywood and passed on Into the gallery beyond. This gallery , opening fron the head of the staircase , ran round th great ealoon , which served the purpose ot a ballroom , and man'y ot the guests wore HE ROSE TO HIS FEET AS HE SPOKE , AND , GRASPING THE ( HILT OF HIS SWORD. GLARED ROUND UPON THEM. "Thanks. Dy the way , have you heard of irisermannl Gone out , they toll me. " "Yes. Acd .Tiavo you ieard of the new appointment ? " "No. But it's Abenfeldt , of course. The colonel as good as promised him last year. " "Ever heard of Lieutenant Uallywood of ho frontier ? " demanded Colendorp , In his slow way. "Yes , I do happen to know him. Unzlar ookcd around in some surprise. "He was ho frontier fellow who undertook to bo my second at the station when I fought Do 3alsas because ho insisted that our trains were inferior to those In Germany , Rally- wood you don't mean to say ? " a slow com- irehenelon dawning upon him. "But It's mposslble ! The fellow's an Englishman. How could such a thing bo possible ? On the frontier , yes , but not In the guard ! " Colendorp was a silent , reserved man , dls- Iked by persons who met him casually in society , but to those who Inhabited with ilm the quarters at tbe palace he stood as the impersonation of the grim spirit of the guard. Ho drew away from the table nnd crossed his legs. "Tho Idea has at length occurred to ono man , " ho said , with a glance on Unzlar's palo face ; "to M. Selpdorf , In fact. " Unziar looked back at his Interlocutor , his eyes hardening. "Of course , " lie said , bringing out each word distinctly , "Rallywood must bo got rid of. " "It will offend M. Selpdorf If his nominee bo Interfered with , " went on Colendorp. "I have already undertaken that llttlo matter , " put In Adolf eagerly. Thcro was an undercurrent of meaning In all this of which each man present was fully aware. Unzlar was presumed to have very strong private reasons to propitiate rather than to offend the powerful minister. But this happened to be a typical Instance in which the Interests of the corps overrode those of the individual. Moreover the cus tom of the guard required the individual most concerned to prove his loyalty at such Mines. Colendorf continued to gaze at Unzlar. "We nro much obliged to you , Adolf , " ho said courteously ; "but in compliment to hla comrades I feel sure that Unzlar will hardly wish to allow any other to undertake Hits ut clol matter. " .Adolf would have spoken ogaln , but Un zlar stopped him. "As a personal favor , Adolf , leave it to me , " ho Bald. Adlron , who had thus far taken no part In the discussion , now struck In. "Hut remember , Unzlar , that you must act with caution , For obvious reasons tbcro must bo no apparent design. The dispute , whatever It may turn upon , must appear to coma about naturally. Above all it must not take place hero , " "Precautions from Adlron ! " remarked Colendorp with a thin smile. "The 'affair ' .becomes serious indeed I" "We cannot afford to offend England while Elmur is at work in this country. She Is at this moment our very good friend , " Ad- iron observed apologetically. "Thero will be many public occasions at the Palace ball , for example. ' " "You may trust mo to keep up appear ances , " said Unzlar , "Then it is under stood that I arrange tbo affair of Captain Rallywood at the Palace ball if possible. Tbo matter may safely bo left In my hands , " Once more the folding doors wc-re thrown back , and between tbe crimson portieres ap peared the face of Colonel Wallenloup , charged with a strange expression. Ho ad vanced a step or two Into the room , then turned to introduce a man behind him. "Captain Rallywood , gentlemen , " ho said. CIIAPTUIl IV. DiuiBrr SI trim In. A week later Rallywood returned from the frontier to take up his appointment in tbe guard , Advised by a note from Wallen loup that tils quarters were no yet in readl- fceei for % lm at the palace , bo drove direct art of masquerade ? What are you meant to bo a sort of Tommy Atkins ? " "I believed myself to bo disguised as an offloer and a gentleman , " returned Counsel lor , rising to give Rallywood the full effect of his sturdy flgure , clad In the uncompro mising scarlet so dear to his country's heart. "This Is the uniform o the Thir tieth dragoons as worn In or about the year .of grace 1730. " "Your old regiment ? " Counsellor nodded. "And my grandfath er's" adding. "What's the matter with the dress ? " "Nothing , " said Rallywood , laughing. "Perhaps I Imagined on an occasion of this kind you might possibly etoop to something moro misleading than this blatantly British get-up. " "What were you expecting a troubadour ? I am satisfied to appear in my own charac ter. Only a proportion of the people wear masks at this ball : It's an annual affair. BP- eldos , llfo wltih a purpose Is too wearing ; ono must always bo on the alert and have the purpose In view , llko the actor In a six penny theater , who plays up to the gallery and keeps hla eye open for the rotten eg ? of his enemy. T3io egg may not ho thrown , but ho must ibo ready to dodge it all the same. And I have never excelled In dodg ing. " "Ah ! Just what the chancellor thinks. He says ho has an Immense admiration for you as the most .honest diplomat In Europe. " "Ho put himself to the trouble of mention ing that fact to you , did ho ? Then I shall take tbo precaution of Insuring my life. Anything might happen to a man of whom ho has so villainous an opinion. " Hallywood was arranging his gaiters. "Why ? You don't suppose Solpdorf Is goIng - Ing to throw the egg ? Ho spoke of you with absolute affection. " "My good John , he has already thrown It ! Now I must barross myself to find out the reason , " said Counsellor. ' 'You have spoilt my evening out. Before I had no purpose ; now you have thrust ono upon me , You should have 'kept your news until tomor row. " Rallywood was getting himself Into his velveteen coat with a good deal of unneces sary violence , "I don't bei'levo the chancellor is so dan gerous , " ho said , carelessly. "Ho Is a con summate actor , but ono knows It. " "Yes , " assented the major , thoughtfully ; "yet the moment to watch him Is the mo ment when ho acts that ho is acting. With us others acting is troublesome ; with him It Is habitual and a pleasure. However , ho has given you your company , the rank Is substantial as far as It goes and at least the accompanying pay is not altogether vlsloci- ary. " "Yes , bo's done all that. " Rallywood was flinging some of his betonglngs back Into his portmanteau. ' "Tho next thing will bo to find you a mission. " "Ho has done that also. " Rallywood raised an expressive faco. "I am to reform the guard ! " Counsellor hurst Into a great laugh , but as BuJJenly grow grave- "Tiicy will take It kindly ! Their welcome to you Is likely to be Interesting. " "So I expected. But I went down to the mess last week and was Introduced by old Wallenloup. They were very civil. " "Ah ! and since you left they have been civil and too silent. Looks bad , you know. " "O , that's nil right ; Solpdorf told me not to bo drawn Into any shallow quarrels , " Rallywood answered with a wnlle. But the major did not take up the smllo. Tbo two vertical lines abavo his fleshy nose deepened. "It strikes me , my 'boy , that you've got the devil by the tall this time , " be said , grullly , as his eyes raised for a moment on Hallywood ; "but you know how to take care of yourself. Ready ? We can drive to the palace together. I have a carriage waiting. " Tbo couple proceeded downstairs , bought clgarottra of the waiter and xtartod. The wind was honllng In Its usual twanging cadences down the broad ( streets , increasing in force as they gained the open lighted amusing themselves , by looking down over the silk-hung balustrade on the dancers below. In the gallery Counsellor paused to say a word hero and there to several persons , who , llko Rallywood and himself , were with out masks , but ho seemed to have curiously llttlo facility in penetrating disguises. Presently a burly old man In the glittering green and gold of the guard disengaged himself from the curtains at the back of the gallery , and nodding a supercilious acknowl edgment of Rallywood's solute , brought his hand dowu - with a rough heartiness on Counsellor's shoulder. "Back again in Maasau , Major Counsellor. I'm glad to see you ! " ho said with the laugh in bis small eyes marred by a wrinkle of suspicious cunning , an expression which seemed startling on what was at first sight a big , bluff , sensual face. "What good wind has clown you back among us ? " "Thanks , my lord , " Counsellor turned with ready response. "I am glad to find that some of my old friends , especially Count Sagan , have not forgotten me , " ho said simply. "Wo 'believed ' you had forgotten Maasau. " "Maasnu will not allow herself to bo for gotten ! " laughed Counsellor. "Sho Is a coquette , and demands consideration from all the world. " Sagan'e face changed. "Yes , a coquette , who trifles with many admirers , but who knows how to hold her own against them , " ho replied significantly. "Who is that ? " ho added , staring after Rallywood. "I think I recognize him as an English lieutenant in the frontier cavalry. " "He Is the same today , " said Counsellor. "What ? " exclaimed Sagan. "Why today ? Has he , then , como in for ono of your colossal fortunes ? " "Who can say ? " returned Counsellor. "A fortune or a colossal misfortune. Ah ! there Is Mrao. Aspard. Au revolr , count. " Counsellor passed on , perfectly well aware of the heavy meaning attached to the will ful Ignoring of Hallywood's appointment to the guard by its colonel-tn-chlef , There was certainly danger ahead. CIIAPTI3II V. Git nil I.nolc mill it Firefly. 'Meanwhile ' Rallywood had como to an anchor beside ono of the high embossed doors of gold and white which led from the gallery Into various luxurious withdrawing rooms. As ho leaned against tbe lintel a voice suddenly said In bis ear , as It seemed ; "My dear lady , why have such samples ? They arc tbo most detestable things In life and the least profitable. They poison pleasure even when they do not altogether deprive us of It. And what docs ono gain by them ? Absolutely nothing , not so much as the good opinion of our friends , who can never bo brought to believe wo possess them , " said a man In a mocking tone. A distinctly uncomfortable sensation per vaded Rallywcod's mind for the second which preceded the reply. The voice was Baron von Elmur's and there w s a note of admiration In It that he had reason to be acquainted with. ( A woman laughed , a light , provoking laugh. Rallywood , who was s4lll held by the crush against the door , knew It well , but ho breathed freely , for It waa not tbo laugh ho hid feared to hear. "Nevertheless , baron , I Jlko scruples ; they are always respectable , and , therefore , of use sometimes , " the lady answered , In a high , sweet tone. "Your husband , my Lord Sagan , has not found them Indispensable in his career. " "But he Is not a woman ! " with a sigh. ' beautiful ' with A woman can d'epcnso everything except her beauty ! That makes foole of us all ! Besides " Tbe rest of the sentence was lost , nn Rallywood managed at length to furco his way through tbo crowd , which was thicken ing rapidly. Then ho came upon a group of men ho know , men from the frontier , from the marshes about Kofn ford and the crags of [ 'ulesco , men with tanned dkini like bis own and tbe mark of tbe collar rim of their HAIR-HEALTH , \ The . le of thrro million bottle * of thl tlegant hnlr drtMlng I" the United Slates and Great Urltnln In IS9S proves surpavtlng merit. Doctor Hay's KELP LOOKING YOUNG. Every Bottto t Hair-Health Warranted to rcntorc Cf r white or produce" ! n w urowth b1 * cliMl hMr to youthful uncl re tor. § color Mul rotor Am ) life. NotuJjoi bttut ? to * t jr h lr. II- does not lUm iculp or inoTos DA.NDUUrr itnd linen. lop KA1.LINO iiml " .NOT AOIUYHAtU brtftklngofthtliMr. COT- T.E1T , " the ttitfmonjr of ersbiild ipott. tmndrpd * mlng It , Dr. HAY'S HAIU- A CI.P.AN. DAINTY HEALTH l rrActlc.Ur DHKSSIXO. DKI.I- lUtr Food , nhlch 0ti on CATKI.Y PKUFt'MKD Ihe moti , fctrlng them the AND AN IMPORTANT required tionrUhmenU It ADJUNCT TO KVr.RY Ii inide from b olatelj- TOII.I'.T IT YOUII pare TtgeUhlo Incrcdl- 11A III IK FALLING cnti and ilof not rnb oil 8 Ot'T. lUlKAKINO . Oil < ' or in&Vo the h > lr gt * ij. LARGE 50c. BOTTLES. FADING , THY 1T NOW. CnUhln dT < > rtlenifntotitlthlnflted r , ftlgu > our name and addrft * hetr ' ' nd UVetn n druprjlit on following Hit. end ho will giro yon nli rt ( < > bottle of nn. HAY'S > IIA1H-1IKAI.TII nd n o. CAV of 1)11. IIA V" . IIAUKI.VA MKIllCATK ! ) < > SO A I * , the brut p roncixn u for Hair. Sculp , t'omplctlon , HMhumlTolKI , both for no cent * , regular retail price , IS cent * . This offer Ii good once nntr to me f mlh. lUdtemmt by dr RBl < ti Imtow ni tholr lui ] > only , or 1 > r I.uNDOV SUPPLY CO , , R13 HrnnJwur. Now York , bj eiiiroi tircuald , on roceliit of OO cent ) and this aitverUsenimt , 3 bottle * . 9I.0. TRY AT ONCE DR , HAY'S ' IIAIR-HEALTII AND IIARFINA SOAP , Refuse Substitutes. Dealers Make More Profit on Inferior Preparations. follOYvIno druggist supply IKVS HMR.ICLTH | end MWM ! > ( MP at their Itoret enl > I 8HKKMAN & McCON'NKLL DIlt'G CO. 1513 Dodg . MY10HS-DILLOX DHt'O TO. 16th nnd Funmm. J A FULLER & CO , nth and Douglas. WALDHOX .t CAMPUKLL 222 S Ititlt 1UCHAHDSON DHUG CO. , Wholesale DPalcrn. JheLAMB EYE SHIELD ( I'at. Ap. H. ' 01 anit JUM 11 , ' 115. ) Miulo of tlio clearest Mlrn , In Unlit , tlflxlMetrnn i trciit nml vatoniroof. n iicrfect protec- tlonto thooroH utiilrrnllcniu illtlnns. Colors ; clcnr , k-rcrn , lilup.ornmoko. VnlilcillnnvAt jiockot cnic. If your ilc-ilcr hnsu't thpin. iiiMia for siunplo pnlr. liontpaUt. T .ntr. v Ctnti. Lamb Eyg Shield Co , , 130 State St. , VOSTOX. NESS & HEAD NOISES CURED t home by im Invlttlilo dcrlcv ; helps tin u plajwos do tjo , imMlc , cortroirnlloii , wblMH Wrd dtMIurtlj Suee nful nittn til otbor rm . dl * fall , CV > inf rtnhl < i oul mniljlcvu | tMT o r r. Lot n > end y < w in llltutrnuu book 48 pnlea , ronUlnltiir linrehrd * of ti-rtlioooliVe KJUCli. Write K. UlHCOX ( . .SOSn"w > .N Y' Wise Words to Sufferers From a Woman of Hotro Dair.o , tod. I will mall , free of any charge , this Home Treat- Bient with ( till Instructions and the history ot my own case to any lady sufferini ; ( mm female trouble. You can cure yourself at home without the old of any physician. It will coat you nothing : to phe the treatment a trial , and If you decide to continue It will only cost you about twelve cents * cek. fit will not Interfere with your nork or occupation. I hove nothing to 5cll. Tell other sufferers of It that Is all I ask. It cures all , young or old. - . OTT If you feel a bcarlnu-down sensation , sense ct imixmJInn'ovil , pain In the bade or txmel , creeping feeling up the spine , a desire to cry frequently , hot flashes , weariness , frequent desire to urinate , or If you bareLeucorrhea ( Whites ) , Displacement or Falllnir of the Womb , 1'rofufce , Scanty or Painful I'criodii , Tumors or Growths , address. MRS. M. SUMMERS , NOTRE DAME , IND. , U.S. A. , for the Funs TRKATMBNT and FULL INFORMATION. Thousands besides myself have cured themselves with it. I send it In plain wrappers. TO MOTHERS OP DAUGHTERS I will explain a simple Homo Treatment which speedily and effectually cures Liucorrhta , Grten Sicttnttt nnd 1'ain/ul or Irregular Menstruation In young1 ladles. It will fart you anxiety and eifotie and cave your daughter tht humiliation ot explaining her troubles to others. Plumpness and health always result from its use. Wherever you live I can refer you to well-known Jn dies of your own sta to or county who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all diseased conditions of our delicate female organism , thoroughly strengthens relaxed muscles and ligaments which causa du > > placement , and makes women well. Write to-day , as this offer will not be made again. Address MRS. M. SUHHERS , Box 31 Notre Dame , Ind. , U.S. A. TURKISH T. & P. plLLS brings monthly mon-J struatlonsurctot day never disappoint you I SI. box. 2boxef\f 1 lifilp any caso. By mall. ) Halm's Drug Store , i8th ft Fartum , Omaha , Neb. high military tunics round1 their throats. They were masked , and represented various original characters. iMoro than all were they astonished at being recognized so readily .by Rallywood. Rallywood drew .hla finger ronud his throat fay way of explana tion. Thcro was a general laugh , and the men scattered , each to seek his own par ticular pleasure. Hollywood remained , lookIng - Ing down on the dancers. There was In the back of his mind same desire to identify the woman whoea glove was still In his possession. iHo fixed now on ono tall domino , now on another , but without satls- [ action. Ho was discontentedly coming to the point of knowing that ho had made n fresh mistake when ho turned his bead abruptly with a vague eenso of being looked at and saw a black domino standing for an instant alone at the further end of tbe gal- ery. Even under the muffling silken folds 10 fancied he recognized the attitude of the girl ho had met at the chancellor' ! ) . Ho began at once to make his way through ; ho crowd In her direction , but when next 10 looked she was gone. Ho descended to the ealoon , wJiere ho danced with moro than ono mnfikcd woman , illls six fcot of stature marked him out from the shorter Slaasauns , and the tall , athletic figure of the gamc- teeper , who moved with so much of unex- iccted case and grace , excited some atten tion. tion.After After nn Interval , OB ho stood back igalnst tbo wall to allow a couple who had jeen following him to pass , they drew up n front of him. "I obey you , mademoiselle , " said the man. man.His His companion , who wore a black domino , made a gesture of dlsmlfsal. Then oho urned to Hallywood. "You have Teen look- ng for mo ? " abe said , as her late partner moved away. "But naturally , mademoiselle , " replied tallywrod. "You know who I am ? " "Not In the least. I cannot even make a guess , though I liavo been walling to know slnco fbls day last week. " "It would have been easy to nsk the quoo- lon of nay one , " nbo said , with an odd ntonatlon. "By no moans. There nro questions which cannot bo asked of any nne , because tbo answer touches too closely. " Hallywood lulled himself up , with a sudden sense of jelng ridiculously In earnest. And then they were dancing. "Yet you are not a stranger In Hevonde. Mint' , do Sagan could have answered your question had you cured to ask It , " tbo girl said. "It did not strike mo to ask her. I trusted to the fact that , belinglng to the guard , I must some day have the good fortune to find you again. " "You are patient ! " "No , " replied Hallywood , "I am not patient. But I know that all things como o him who waits , I wait , " "So I see excellently ! " "Have I not waited long enough to hear your name flrft from your own UPB ? " i "Stop for a moment. " Then , Blaudlng beside - side him the continued "Ask , : mo to morrow. " "If I iitn nllvo I win ! " bo laughed. Ho felt her baud move with a quick tremor on his arm. "I knew it ! Which of them has chal- enged you , Unzlar ? " The swift question , cholng his own thought , took him com- iletely by surprise. Ho passed his arm around her , for tbe waltz was ncarlng Its ond. "Shall we go on ? No ; no ono has done me tbe honor of pending me a challenge. " "Let us have an end of this absurd mystery ! " said the girl , Impatiently. ' 'I am Valerie Selpdorf , and you are " "John Hallywcod of the guard of Maasau , " he Interposed. "I had my commission from { you In the anteroom of the hotel du Chancellor. But for that I should have been moro than haft Inclined to refuse it. " "I wish you had refused it , It may cost you more than a man cares to pay , I thought my father held the power to give any commission ho pleased , but ono can never reckon with the guard. They mean to kill you , Captain nallywood ! I wanted to warn you , but I think you know more , per. haps , than I can toll you , or than you will tell mo. What Is going to happen ? I want to help you you must lot mo help you. " Uallywood laughed , but perhaps his arm drew her a llttlo closer ns they moved moro slowly during the concluding bars of the * waltz. "My dear mademoiselle , I assure you that your fears are quite groundless. I am proud to berong to the guard of Maasau , and they have BO far shown no intention of rejecting me. As for the duels , If there happen to be ono are not affairs common in Maasau7 And afterward fewer funerals take place than ono would suppose likely ! Besides , M. Selpdorfs wishes cannot bo Hghlly dis regarded in Revondo. " "You will bo drawn Into a quarrel be fore the night Is over. " Mademoiselle Selp dorf stated her conviction very plainly , with out noticing bis disclaimers. The music ceased. Hallywood spoke onca moro. "To prove to you bow llttlo I antici pate anything of the sort , will you allow m to have the last dance on the program ? " "That Is nothing ! What can I do for you ? " sbo exclaimed. "Expect me ! If you would promise to cx- poct me , I don't yet know the man who could stop my coming to > on. " The words were lightly epokon , but Varerlo Selpdorf , looking up Into llally- wood's eyes , understood that ho was likely to bo nblo to make any words of bis good. They were handsome eyes , rather long in shape , frank nnd ntcndy , tbo Iris of a dense gray bordering on hazel , ns became the sun burnt yellow of his hair nnd mustache , nnd at that moment they contained nn expres sion which remained Jn Valerie's memory as the distinctive expression of his face. Whenever In the future ulio recalled Holly wood , she thought of him as bo looked then. "I will expect you , " promised Valerie. They both knew that for tlio mornotit they stood together at one ot thoio crossroad * whore flfo nnd death meet , where , more over , a look and a word convoy a mutual revelation of character such as years of or dinary intercourse often full to supply. ( To bo Continued. ) An Awful .Mom I'll I , Chicago Times-Herald : MIIdrcd--Hav you over though that your last moment had come ? What an awful feeling It is that cornea over ono nt ouch a tlmo ! Oortrmlo Yes , I had that experience once when I was out riding with a fellow nnd his horse started to run away. It seemed as if wo would certainly bo dashed to pieces. Mildred And what was the first thing you thought of when death seemed to utaro you In tbo faro ? Cit-rtruilo < A hole In the toe of rny left stocking I have never since then run th risk of being found dead in such a con dition. Dyspepsia Cure ) Dirjests what you eat. Itartltk'iallyrtlKestHUiufoodnntJaids Nature in strciiKtlicning and recon structing tlio exhausted digestive or gans. 11 Is the latwit discovered digest- untanu tonic , ftuothur preparation can approach It In ellldency. It Jn- stantly relieves and permanently curce , Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn , Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea , BlckneadacheGastralglaCrainpsanu , all otliorrcsultsof Imnerfectdlgestioa. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co. . Cblcaao.