Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1899, Part I, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMA11.V DATLV P EE : SVXDAT. JTXE 2o , 1S)9. ! ) 1 1
Crew * in Twining for ths Intercollegiate
Aquatic Races.
Princeton' * Track Irnm ConlrniplnJri
I'nrtlclpntltiK In ( lie flrent Oljin-
Ptc Unnio * lit the Pnrli
itiiiKltloii | In 11)011 ) ,
For over n week the crimson of Harvard
and the blue of Yale hive both waved over
the waters ot the Thames and Interest Is on
the Increase for the final struggle , to take
place June 29.
The oni ) question now to be settled Is
whether the Harvard eight Is as fast as the
crack crew that Yale sent to the Thames
There has been some chance for compari
son , an the same secrecy which has formerly
obtained has been relaxed somewhat.
Roughly speaking , Yale has the best of It
nil far as 'Varsity Is concerned , but the Harvard -
vard , four-oared crew Is rowing In much
btttcr form than their rivals
H In a conservative statement that Yale
has not been so nervous since 1S93 over the
condition of her crew. The Yale eight up to
data has not shown any remarkable speed
The crew. In a word , la not up to ttio ex
pectations of the coaches The coaches had
expected n great deal of this eight , first , because -
cause It Is a veteran eight , and second , be
cause It has received so much coaching. The
crew has not fulfilled these expectations and
ns the race draws nearer tlic coaches arc be
coming more and more doubtful whether this
eight will evpr" show fast time. The situa
tion Is one of uncertainty and the coaches
are far from being satisfied.
' The Harvard eight Is a big crew of joung
tncn and the Yale eight Is n crew of young
slants , The Yale men have had more ex
perience In rowing tlian the Harvard and
they look like veterans.
TJx'cry man In the Yale boat , with the ex
ception of Brown , No. 5 , haa rowed In a
'Varsity eight. Brown % as a member of last
t. j ear's freshman crew and of the 'Varsity
/ foot ball team of the last two seasons.
| , , There Is not a man In cither boat who has
( f2 any physical Imperfection. Tlic two eights
j A. are remarkable In the physical development
t of the men. Both crews are trained down
very fine , and If the men were not fine tjpes
of athletes there would undoubtedly have
been many cases of overtraining before this
There v\lll bo much less difference noted
In the styles of rowing exhibited by the two
crews In this jear's race Harvard lias this
iY jcar modified the English rigging , so that It
is almost the same as Yale's rigging Both
crews are using the narrow-bladed English
oars and both have gone back to the Ameri
can method of rigging the elides directly over
the keelson. Harvard has discarded Hie old-
fashioned English tholepins and has re
turned , to the swivel oarlocks , which nil
.Americans use. Harvard has , lengthened out
her slides from sixteen tp eighteen Inches ,
while Yale has lengthened hers from sixteen
to seventeen Inches. Both are rowing accord.
Ing to tho. fundamental principles of the
English stroke. There Is , however , consider
able difference In the two crews. Harvard
has stuck somewhat morp cjoselj to the
Engllfih stroke than Yale has , and the
latter has changed very little from last year
Several wealthy alumni of Princeton have
conceived the Idea of sending a track team
to Paris to compete In the Olympic games
next summer. Thej do this with the hope
of booming a class of sport which has been
admittedly weak at the Tiger college. Cap
tain Cregan announces that there Is now no
doubt about Princeton entering , some of the
gentlemen Interested In sending the team
abroad had Informed him that the expenses
iorlhc trip were tully subscribed. The ques
tion now arises what sort of a team -will
Prfnccton send to these Ttorld-renowncd
games Princeton made a good showing at
Athen In 1S96 under the captaincy of "Bob" '
Garrctt. In the Intercollegiate games ot 'OS
Princeton scored 29 points , whllo this spring
only 11 points were secured.
The track maragement announces that the
preliminary games will Include gymnastic ,
fencing , aquatics , bi j cling , polo , climbing ,
archery and skating , field races consisting
of distances of 100 , 400 , SOO nnd 1,500. meters ,
broad and tilgh jumps , pole vault , snot ,
discus and hammer events , In all ot
Princeton will be represented.
There Is an extraordinary Interest being
manifested among sports pnd men of all
callings over the coralnc of the new heavj-
ueight champion ot the norld , Jim J
Jeffries. He will be at Doyd's opera house
Tuesday evening nnd the prospects are
that the theater will be taxed to Us fullest
capaclt ) Nearly everjbody wants to see
the man who lowered the colors of Bob
ritzslmnions. The show , whllo It will be .1
mighty Interesting one , will bo of abort
duration Jeffries will box four rounds with
Jim Daly and Illustrate his fight with Fltz
in an exhibition -with his brother Jack.
Preceding this there Mill > bo a six-round
bout between Paul Murraj- , the middle
weight , and a big unknown from Indian
apolis ,
The success of 4he Omaha High school
team In Its recent game at Tarklo shows
that there was no excuse for the High school
not having n team In the field all jear
With two first-class pitchers and several
good hitters they could have been fairly
Euccesiful against an the neighboring teams
and probably have made a good record far
themselves Instead of letting baae ball take
a backward leap as was done
On June 30 at the League of American
Wheelmen's meet and Cyclists' carnival at
Patchoguc , I.oug Islajl. an attempt will be
made bj Charlie Murphy to ride a bicycle a
mile In less than one minute behind a rail
road locomotive. A similar attempt was
made at St Louis In ' 93 bj E B Anderson
but bo faffed by about three seconds , his
time being 1 03 The engine will draw pne
car , to the rear platform of which will be
attached a specially constructed wind shield , t
below the platform the pc w II be boarded |
ui and a broad white line p lnted to guide
'be rider. The timers will be men well
known In the cycling world for their
efflriencj in this line To prevent any pos
sibility of error In cither start or finish , the
crossing ot the lines will be announced by
an elo-trlc bell sounded by a specially de
signed striker The ( rack will be planked
betwem the rails with smooth-surfared
boards for a distance of two miles three-
quarters of this for the start , the measured I
mite , and one-quarter for the finish
Clinniil | < in JrfTrli" ! I * l < < ! ! TP nil
i\lilliltlnn : In Oninlin > c\t
The next contest of Importance In the
pugilistic world will be the fight between
George ( Kid ) I.avlgnc. champion light
weight of the world , and Frank Erne Both
men are now in training and the battle
will take place at the Hawthorne Athletic
club's arena , at Cheoktovvaga , just outside
the clt ) limits This Is the place where
James J Corbett and Kid McCoy were to
have fought last September. It is a mam
moth affair , seating nearly 15.000 persons ,
and la likely to bo filled when the two brat
men In the lightweight division get together
next month
Reports from Lavlgne's quartern at
Oceanic , N J , arc to the effect that the
champion Is alrcad ) to weight and that
he Is In good fighting trim now He Is
being handled by lan Creedon Erne I *
doing his work at hU own private gmna-
slum , and he has Introduced a new sjstem
of training. Ho does his work between the
hours ot I and S In the morning and 7 and S
In the evening During the heated part of
the day ho lounges about In the gmnat > lum
or In the orchard In the rear.
The Hawthorne Uhletlc club Is giving a
guarantee purae of JT.uOO for this battle
ritzslmmons is still the middleweight
champion of the world , although this maybe
bo slight consolation for the man who so
rcccntl } lost the heavj weight laurels
Should Pltz adhere to his determination to
retire from the pugilistic arena the middle
weight tltlo would be claimed by McCoy ,
who has time and again asserted his willing
ness to defend the title against all comers.
This , of course , brings Tommy Hjan to
the front again , with a challenge to again
meet the Kid to battle for the honors
Kjan Is at the present time In the best
of condition as he has been training right
along with Jeffries for several weeks The
S > racuse boxer was very serloualj d'sap-
polnted over the falling through ot his
match with Mvsterlous Billy Smith , which
was to have taken place June II Smith
was overcome with the heit while training
on the highway , and he had to declare the
match off and pa > forfeit to Ryan O'Hourke
with his usual keenness for an opening ,
Jumped Into the breach and offered to fur
nish Walcott as a substitute. n\an re
Bpcctfully , but firmly declined , alleging that
the dusky hue of Mr Walcott's complexion
effectually prevented him from meeting the
Barbadccs gentleman on equal terms , either
In the social or fistic world The color
line Is a handy argument to keep in store
nowada > s , and perfectly legitimate , if lived
up to by the boxer who docs not wish to
compete with his dark-skinned brethren It
is also convenient to be able to pass up a
hard proposition sometimes , as often occurs ,
when a hard-hitting negro looms Into view
The next big mill for the heavj weight
championship will be the Jeffrlea-Sharkey
go which W A Brady and Tom O'RourKe ,
representing James Jeffries and Tom Pharkev
respectively , have arranged for October 23.
The fighters agree for a contest for the
championship of the world under the fol
lowing conditions
Contest shall bo twentj-flve rounds for a
decision and shall take place on October 23 ,
1S9S. The principals agree to accept the
best inducements offered before midnight
September 1. 1S99 , and If held In New York
the contest Is to be strlctlv under the in-
terp : elation of the Morton law The contest
sh.ill be governed by the marquis of Queens-
berry rules and the men shall be permitted
to fight with one hand free , each protecting
himself In the breakaway They are to part
nt the command of the referee. Soft band
ages are to be allowed , but they must be
satisfactory to the referee and the opposing
The gloves shall not weigh Ie s than five
ounces and each principal shall be per
mitted to furnish his own gloves , which are
to be submitted to the referee for his ap
proval at 3 o'clock on the day of the contest
and to remain In his custody until the men
enter the ring
The official timekeeper of the club must
be satisfactory to both principals and each
contestant will be allowed one timekeeper.
George Slier was agreed upon as referee
The winner shall take the entire purse
The agreement provides that If either man
shall suffer a defeat between now and the
time of the acceptance of the purse the
match will be declared off After the club
articles are signed neither man shall engage
In any contest except with hU sparring
partner or shall forfeit the amount he has
On the signing of these articles each man
shall post 52,500 with Al Smith , who shall
bo final stakeholder , said forfeit to stand as
a guarantee of good faith and to be paid
16 the contestant who has lived up to this
agreement The club securing the contest
shall post $3.000 to bo divided between the
two men in case the club falls to fulfill the
I contract Each party agrees to post 55.000
| In all. which Is to be forfeited In case of the
I failure to live tin to these and the club's
[ articles This forfeit of $5 000 will be di
vided between the club and the principal who
has lived up to the agreement Bids for
this contest are to be made to Matt Clune
and they must be accompanied by cash de
posit or a certified check for $2,300 The
club will be required to pos J2.00 additional
when the contestants sign their club articles.
The parties mutuallj agree to contest at
catch weights The referee shall have the
power to decide any and all points which
may nrlse that are not covered by the e
articles of agreement
It Is agreed that If the contest takes place
Weak men ami sufftrlnB women will dovcll to call or write and Investigate my
lectrlcal treatment 1 offer you the best and moit successful treatment known to
clence. My Electric Belt IH Indorsed by priylclan and recommended by more than
4.000 cured p&tlenta In thl slate alone. Electricity Is the nerve and vital force of
every man and woman , and where there IB a lack ot this force
Electricity must be supplied that ls < what my Belt Is for to
upply this lost electrlclt ) M > Klectrlc Belt has soft , silken
charaoU-covtred upongo electrodes that entirely does away with
th unbearable burning1 and blistering caused by the bare metal
electrodes used on all other makea of belts Kleclrlclty cannot
penetrate the sjstem through the bare metal That U the reason
lomo of these other belts do not cure. Some of them do not give
any current at all of course these could not even help jou
Through my electrodes the entire current which is four times
etronger than In any other belt will penetrate the sjstem
Kltctrlclty cannot help but cure If the current penetrates Mj
electrodes have cheap lirrttators Do not be misled 1 guarantee
my Belt to cure Sexual Impotencj * , Ixm Manhood , Varlcocele ,
Spermatorrhoea and all Sexual WeaknoMee In either sex , re
store Shrunken or Undeveloped Organs and Yltalltj , cure Rheu-
matlnn In every guise , Kidnej' , Liver and Bladder Troubles ,
Constipation , no matter of how long standing DjfpeptU Fe-
i tnale Complaint * , etc. The price ot my Belt * are about half
what Is anVed for the old-style belts , and I hope are wltnln the '
reach ot all the afflicted.
Kev. W A. Nlckell , SS23 Olive St. . Kansas City. Mo , * ajs :
Have worn belt na month , and no money could purcha'e it
from , me If I could not get another. I * leep well , have more en
ergy and have not the tendency to worry that was prevalent be
fore wearing the belt. You can send any doubting man to me
In thirty dajs' tin * I am relieved of chronic c-oiiMlrvulon
and falling of the womb , that has stood for twelve jears At
leant fifty doctors and all kinds of remedies have failed My
husband has been greatly benefited I believe another month
will make & permanent cure. Your belt Is a God-nend to anj
woman with womb trouble or female complaint.
Call or write today I will vend > ou m > - books , cjmptom
blank * nnd other literature Consultation and advice without
coit My Kleclrlcal Suspensory for the permanent cure of the
\arlous weaknetts of men Is FREE to every male purchaser
of on * of my Belts. Sold only by
IP Rpnnoft ELECTRIC CO , , Room * 20 * nd 21 ,
I/I . Ut/llllull Douslui bk.Cor ! , 16th & Dodge , Omaha
at Lenox Athletk .lub or the Conev Isianl
Sporting club the present size ot thf ring
shall not be altered from this t m * on
under penult ) of forfeiture of the cash de-
pcsltol by O'Kourke anil llrady. If the eon-
test M held outside of rither of these cltlM
the ring Is to be twenty feet square In the
The coming of the new heavyweight cham
pion James J Jeffries , Is creating more
enthusiasm , not enl > In sporting circles but
nmons business men. than has been occa
sioned here by any similar exhibition for
jears. Everjbody Is anxlou to see the man
who w holed-the hitherto unconquered Fllx-
slmmons. Everjbody al o feels that they
will FCC a pugilistic stnr worthy of the
esteem of the general public His father Is
a minister of the gospel and Jim U an ex
emplary young man , even If he Is engaged
In carving out a fortune in the ring Jeft
will be seen In the same fighting cc tume
In which he vvon his great laurels at Coney
Island , and besides giving a boxing bout ,
ho will Illustrate all the blows , anJ Just
how he got them In , that beat the greatest
fighter of modern times IlojJ's opera
house will be tested to its fullest capaclt ) .
Jeffries , the nesv heavjvvelght champion
Is the ) oungcst pugilist that has ever won
the world's championship. Is a fighter of
the old school. Insofar as his eagerness to
defend the title Is concerned His victory
over ritrslmmons. under the modern Idei
of the pnme entitles him to Invade the
theatrical world and to po e as an histrionic
star , but he desires rather to meet sonic
of the best of the pugilists In the ring
His announcement that he stands ready to
meet all legitimate championship aspirants
without delay has Increased his popularity
with nil classes , and as he li thoroughly
American he will long remain the flstlc Idol
of the patrons of boxing , providing he takes
proper care of himself With the examples
of phslcal decav set before him In the
persons of John U Sullivan and James J.
Corbett. as the result of dissipation , It
would seem that he would avoid the spark
ling wine and Its acconpan > lng follies. If
he kcops this In mlntl he bids fitr tq remain
the champion pugilist for many jears , as he
Is now onlj 24 ) ears old and It Is doubtful
If within the next decade another such n
giant will spring up that lias such a com
bination of strength < ind stature , with speed
and cleverness. HU shiftiness of foot , In
vincible * guard , ambidextrous hitting pow
ers , judgment of distance , coolness and ring
generalship before the acknowledged past
master of modern boxing , was a revelation
to the best Judges of pugilism who wit
nessed his recent victor ) over the Cornishman -
man at Conei Island
NeMKjr > otp * nnil rommrnt for
Tlioxr 1\ lie Vre Intercnteil 111
1'iu'crs nitd Trpttcm.
The old rivals , Mascot and Hal Pointer ,
met at Geneva , N Y last week In the
free-for-all , and Mascot won the lace , one
heat being paced In 2 15'4 After finishing
last In the first heat Hal Pointer was
The directors of the Kansas Cltj Driving
Park association have purchased a tract of
land containing thirty-seven and one-half
acres , situated between Tracy and Woodland
avenues and Forty-fifth and Fortj-seventh
streets. The work of Improvement and
building has been Inaugurated , and a grand
opening -will be given August 1.
The Columbus (0 ( ) Grand Circuit meeting
program carries a cool J40.000 , everj cent
of which will be paid over to the horsemen
as scon as won. For the added cla&s purses
the Columbus association sticks to the old
plan of races , three In five , but the purses
are $2,000 right through There are nine
of these newly announced $2,000 purses ,
four for trotters and five for pacers , with
$4,000 reserved for specials. Not a single
purse offered at this meeting Is for a less
amount than $2,000 , and , as the Columbus
track Is one of the finest ever made , the
meeting there this jear will doubtless be
one of the best of the Grand Circuit series
The Kentucky Futuritj to be decided this
season has sl\tj-nine entries , while the
TransIvania has twenty
The stables of the Kev stone Stock farm
were recently moved to Dubuquc to train for
the approaching races
Davenport and Independence , la , and
Joliet , III , failed to secure entries for their
early closing stakes , which shows that there
Is a scarcity of light harness horses , or else
that the owners have decided to race their
horses en eastern tracks In view of this
condition It Is evident that easy monej
awaits these owners who are going to race
on tracks In the west
Bob Kneebs Is working his way back to
the track and has quite a string of trotters
and pacers at Riverside Park , S D , which
he expects to race this fall.
The Missouri State fair will be held at
Seda/la this > ear , and a great deal of atten
tion will be paid to the speed part ot the
Amateur Ilnor Hull IN IliiiJnur Quito n
ItooNt In Omiilia it nil
\ ll-llllt } .
The St Louh team had hard luck on Ite
recent eastern tour , as It had to play In a
badly crippled condition against some of
the best clubs In s-pltc of this they won
four out of ten games
V double-header will be plajed today at
St. Louis between Cleveland , New York and
St Louis A tpeclar train will run over from
Cleveland , carrjlng both teams , besides a
number of Cleveland fans
Permission has been aiked from the War
department , to erect a grandstand to accom
modate the great crowds that weekly congre
gate at old Tort Omaha to see < Metz Bros
base ball team plaj with the other local ama
teur organizations Last week the crowd
was so large as to almost Interfere with the
plajers , and It Is to remedy this that Mogy
has decided to build the stand.
The game for this afternoon Is between
Mm Bros and the Yukon Girls.
The Originals have been reorganized under
the name ot the Omaha Brewing association
team , with Buck Keith as manager , and
have secured the oM Nonpareil park , at
Fifteenth and VInton streets , ae their
grounds Games will be played every Sun-
daj The best of order will be preserved ,
and as the grand stand U shaded by a row of
big trees In the afternoon , It makes a very
comfortable place to view a game of amateur
baH- Today Keith's team will meet the
Armour team from South Omaha. U Is said
that the Armour team has several of Chi
cago's crack amateurs who have come over
to work at the Armour plant.
Considerable opposition U being aroused
to the manner In which the plajers of the
National league are reserveJ President
Hart of the Chicago club proposes a radical
change HU plan Is to have players releaieJ
at regular Intervals bj all clubs , EO that
each team can have a chance to get the
good men at a reasonable price Then there
would be no monopolj of stars at there U
at present , and no such condition ot affairs
could exist as that which now makes It pos
sible for ono club to win the pennant jear
after jear. because It cannot lose 1U best
plajers through exchange or sale without
Its own consent "I would have plajers
cerve one club for a regular term ot jcars , "
tald Mr. Him , "and then I would so arrange
matters that they could be released and be
at the dUposal ot other organizations. Five
years would be a rea enable time for a
player to tread the diamond In one team
I believe this sjstcm would give more gen
eral satisfaction , especially to the public ,
than any other that I can think ot just
The Youn ? Men i Christian as oclatlon
has organized a new ball team , and InU .
week ordered new * ults The teim has |
already begun practice for the game with i
the University club team for the Fourth ot i
July Trank Crawford , the ex-captain of !
the fnlverslty club team , thinks he can I
get enough of the old unconquered ex-col-
leglans together to defeat the Young Men's
Christian association.
llrlttlit fur Interrxtlnit
llrrr nn tlir I'mirth
of .lulj vt Ith Dt-iM or.
The Omaha Cricket club will plav two
games with Denver on Monday , July 3
Wickets will be pitched promptly at 1 p m
On July 4 the game will commence at 10 20
and continue , with an Interval for lunch , till
6-HO p. nil
Indications point to Denver putting a very
strong batting team In the field , but their
bowling will be proportionally weak. The
advent of the great Gloucestershire plajcr ,
Fairbanks , has Infused no end of confidence
Into the Colorado men , but Taylor ha not
jet got over the reverse sustained by the
local meu In Denver a > ear ago and If de
termination will go for anjthing he wilt lick
them off his own bat.
Captain Trancls having gone east , the
piloting of the Omaha team will devolve
upon Prof Sims Responsibility of this so-t
seems to suit the player from our slater
city across the water , If we may Judge from
recent performances It Is well , too , that
no should be broken In before the more Im
portant contests In Winnipeg
Perhaps It Is well to state that admission
to the Emmett street grounds will be free
and that women will find ample bhadc In
the well appointed pavilion ot the club
The following , taken from the Winnipeg
Tree Press , will be of Interest to club mem
"Judging by the correspondence read at
the meeting of the local executive last night.
It Is evident that our friends below the line
Intend bringing up a team strong enough
to take home with them the International
championship. Omaha especlall ) will have
a strong aggregation of cricketers Local
men , however , are confident of getting to
gether a thoroughly representative Manltcbi
team which will put up n great game Prest
ot Sourls has alrcad ) signified his Intention
ot being present and other well known
provincial cracks are In training for the
honor of representing the Manitoba a3 ocla-
tlon against the attack of the willow-wield-
ete of the states
"At last night's meeting details were ad
vanced another step The boundaries on
both grounds will be Indicated bv fi.igs and
lime-marked lines Particular attention H
being paid to the preparation of the crease
and no detail will be neglected that would
In the least add to a flrst-cla-s exhibition of
the game. "
The plajcr mentioned above will be re
membered as giving a magnificent all-round
exhibition two years ago in St Paul.
Another cricketer of great reputation ,
Rev C Duckworth of St Louis , will jolu
the Omaha team In Its Journey to Winnipeg
Such on array of talent has never been sent
out from any city west of Chicago and the
Omaha men are already strong favorltps for
the International pennant. There will cer
tainly be no dearth ot bowling talent , while
the team should easilj get Into three figures
against the strongest combination brought
against them. In fact , several plajers ma >
accomplish this ( eat Indivlduallj.
Harvey New Is lost In Denver Majbe he
will appear on the Fourth as a member cf
the Colorado team.
Mr English , president of the Denver club ,
is going to Manitoba In order to give a re
ception to the lieutenant governor and , In
cidentally , to the cricketers.
The valuable Alaskan animal lately ac
quired by the Southenders has disappeared.
No reward will be offered for Its recovery
The medical officer from Cedar Rapids has
not been heard from this jear. Can It be
that he has descended to golf ?
Prof Lewis will appear in flannels on the
Fourth of Julj. We are positively assured
that this Is a fact
The Council Bluffs contingent Is to be
congratulated on the heart ) manner in
which the ) are turning out to the Saturday
The following anecdote on chess without
boards Is contributed b > C Q DC France r > f
Lincoln , secretary of the Nebraska Chess
The Showalter-PilUbury double-bllndfold
game In last Sunday's Bee gives rise to
some speculation as to the possibilities ot
chess In the future. An enthusiastic
amateur eald to me the other day ' Do jou
know I believe there will be very little > 's > e
for boards and chessmen In twentj veas
hence of course beginners win need to be
shown , ' but the more capable plajers will
sit down and talk their moves to each other
This Shovvaltcr-Plllsbury game Is only a
beginning among professions ! " and I con-
fidentlj expect to pee contents In uc futii.e
where no boards wllf be vlilblr curep- for
the spectators of meager chess knowledge
Why onfj the other day. I Jumped off the
street car at the corner of Twenty-seven h
and O streets and , looking down the
street saw mj brother and another soulu
man walking along very slowlj , both fazing
Intent ! ) at the sidewalk
" 'Hello , boja. ' said I 'where arc jou go
ing and what's the matter * '
"But not a word did either inawer
Again I hailed them , but no reply rinilly
I got angry and went to meet them
" 'Can't jou keep out of other peop'o a
affairs' ' said mj brother spltefuilj
'Elmer and I were plajlng a game of oheas
and I lost a pawn there when you kept
yelling nt us '
"It developed that the bojs had begun i
game of doable blindfold choa at the port
office and had made something over twontj-
five moves in a Ruj Lopez when I met them
both playing from memory and their
knowledge of that opening. "
The twelfth game of the Nebraska tourna
ment between C L Owen of Central CUj
and Lee Edwards of Lincoln , was resigned
by Mr Edwards on the efeventh move be
cause of an Illegal move he had made bring
an opening merely , the score Is not Rlvn.
The score of the thirteenth game torn-
. pleted In the Nebraeka Chess association
I second correspondence tournament between
J M Bruner of Omaha and N O CJrlffln of
St. Edward both In section C. Is as follows
nuv LOPEZ.
White Bruner Black Griffin ,
1-P-K 4 1-P-K <
? -Kt-K H 3 2-Kt-Q B 3
S H-Kl 5 0 Kt-B 3.
4-BxKt 4-Q PxB
5-KtxP & -Q-Q 5
6-KI-K B 3 ( a ) 6-QxK P th.
' Q-K 2. 7 QxQ oh
S-KxQ 8-n-K Kt 5.
9-P-K n 3. 9-BxKt ch.
10-KxB 10-C'antlea Q R.
ll-I'-Q 3. 11 R-K.
12-B-K 3 11-n-Q 1
r Q Kt-B 3 n-P-Q Kt 3.
H P-O H 1 14 IC-Kt i
i 15-K U-K 15-P-K n 3.
I 16-B-Q 4. lfr-n-K 3.
i 17-RxH IT-PxR.
I 18 U-K 1S-R-K B
I -KK 1 J. Ift-Kt-R , 4.
20-K-Q 20-P-K I
, 21-I1.K T 'b ) 21-P-K Kt 4 I
| ET-P-K B 3. W-Kt-B 3.
r-BxKt jr-Kt
-Kt K t 21-P-Q 4.
rv-K-K to-K.u U S
W-P-Q t M-H-K Kt.
J7-K-K n j JT 11-K 2
Ji-R-K J. jv-l'-K It I.
: * > Kt-Q 11 1 J
39-P-Q Kt J. lO-I'-Ci R 4
ai-r-w u . si-K-li i u >
( a ) Kt-Kt 4 Is usuiil If Q x P oh Kt-K 3
with an even eame
( b ) Why not H x P'
( c ) It seems that Blark might have pu hol
his advantftcc and won this game ntter the
tenth move
Problem No B ? from the Literary DlKC t ,
an end-same from actual play between A t1
Stcpanow ( White ) , the RU slan expert and
an amateur The game had reached ttu po
sition below with White n piece minus
Having the move , \\hlte plajed. KK-Kt * < i
Black , thinking he hai an easy win play * 1
B x KtP If White rapture * the B he loies
his Q , If the B moves he lo es the H nn I
It R moves he loses the U The plaj pro
B x B Kt-B I ch
K-R 2 Kt x O and \\hlte mates in four
mov es.
.6. { * H23H3
Solutions to problem No 62 received from
D F Logan , Norton , Kan and P. W Bld-
dlc , Omaha.
M -n' Clirlstlnii Aoclntlnn
llnj In < .o on Thrlriiiiunl
'I r mini Tomorrow.
The regular wceklj shoot of the Dupont
Gun club will be held at the usual time IhU
w eek.
The Trluiclo Gun club held its reguHr
wceklj shoot Frldaj afternoon at the Ames
avenue park.
Ed Krug left Friday for Langdon Mo ,
for a thieo weeks' fl h
Late Garner. J J Dlckej and San 1 >
Griswold. who went to Washington lake Ifb
week , failed to connect with man ) fish , but
Dr. Sheirndcn and George Entrlkcn , who
stayed over a few davs , brought back flft-
four bass , which averaged about three
Charles McDonald , son of Shot Iff McDon
ald , Joe Hummel and D. \ Pierce caught
seventeen b.iss at Sejmour lake one da > la t
The Dupont Gun club will hold its fifth
annual tournament , with $400 added moncj
on September 5 , b and 7
The annual tramp of the boys of the
Young Men's ChrHtlan association takes
place tomorrow , when at 6 o'clock a rn
they take the train for Tekamah From
Tekamah thev are to walk to Lake Qulnne-
bog , where thej will fish for two days Re
turning , they walk back to Tekamah Di
rector Barncb will accompanj' the bo3.
There will be about thlrtj in the part )
Tax Commissioner Sackett and two gen
tlemen from St Paul , Minn , spent a couple
of weeks at Pokagend Lake , Minn , about
100 miles north of St. Paul Trod reports
good fishing and that he caught a pike that
weighed four pounds and twelve ounces.
Nebraska has some bass of Its own and
probably the record catch was made at
Erlckson. Neb , last week In Ceiiar creek.
Mr. Coffin pulled In a baps that weighed
six pounds and fourteen ounces
HiicUllii'M A rill fii Mi He.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts
Bruises. Sores , Ulcers Salt Rheum , Fever
Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
Corns and all Skin Eruptldns , and positively
cures Piles or no pay required It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Kuhn & . Co
rcao o o oeo9o o9Ooeoo oo
! $5 to $15
Try us and See.
( Sole Agents For
jOmaha Bicycle Co. ,
2 Cor. 16th and Chicago Sts ,
3 ED T. IIKYDBN . Mjjr.
ceo o oooo oeo8O oaoaoeoe
Special Prices
On second-hand wheels. A
full line of all makes and
Lamps Lamps
The most complete line shown
in the city. Prices the low
Repairing and Sundries.
1622 Capitol Aye. ,
Reliable Bicycle
For Body Brain. Nerves. General
Debility. Lassitude Summer Complaints-
MMH I VI ornit : To nil wlm nrltr tin , inciil lniitiiK till * | tnipr. TTP vrn
| io tuilil | , n linnk rntitntiiltiK itiirlrnll * iul nnlur iMniMit * of
r.MI'ni'.ss. PlttMI'.s , < \liniN Vl.s , vit I ItUIMini's ami oilier il
t > v ugcNn 1'v rv w'l ro \voil ' 'ilwiui f * Hinr o
UVIIIVM .v in. , si : i.vrii srttrr. i. MW vomc.
Pari I ! Boulevard Hi ic * innn Lontlo i HMortlmrr St M ntreal S7 St Jam' * S' '
Read What Captain J. W. Her
Has to Say About Thyroiii :
Omnhn , Xab
Ootitlemon 1 rhoorfu Iv ropljo
xmi request for testlmonj b < i nu q
of the wonderful licnrllt 1 have re 4
ic'vod ' I sufTeied months wllh II
iheumntlsm. went to Hot Springs
i insulted the tno t eminent plij l
i Ian" and received no benefit ,
wont on crutihos until I took veer
eliiotulnr rtmrdie * After taking
thorn for l\ works 1 dl pontlnued
the trutihos and In three months
1 w IM | tie. tlv cined I wl h to aj
tl o o n motile * ire all right
Yours verv trulv.
Omaha , Neb. , Suite 101 Bee Buildiim.
te'e inVe'&hVVAN VLECK-AlINTER CO.MlVcB , f.awt
gut Prices
Bicycle Lamps
20th Century , Solar
Electro and others.
World ' 5 $40 and S50
10 Per Cent Off for Cash ,
The finest , strongest and most
perfect bicycle ever built.
Orient 850.00
Orient Cluiinless. . . 75.00
Lee 27.00
Ak-Sar-Ben. . . , . . . . 32.00
H. JS. jFred rfcl sojo ,
'Phone 2161. 15th and Dodge Sts.
A Few More
and then the opportunity for getting the best bkycle ever offered for the
moncj hasi parsed
Columbia Rambler Stearns
at Popular I'riccs.
wheel up to date In cverv point of constiuttlon elegantly finished and fully
guaranteed other wheels from 43 00 up
We sell the celebrated ball bearing Davis Sewing Machines.
Lamps Lamps Lamps .
"from 50r to $3 00 Carbide thrown In
( I T IMIK I > ON SI MIUI > . Goo-Goo or never leak , enough for
Bicjcle or Sewing Machine Oil , one tire 2'c
bfBt quality . Sc World Metal Polish ISe
Graphite for chain 5c
Cement , large tube . So Whistle lOc
Cement , small tube , two for . 5c Tire Tape , per roll . . . . Sc
Patching Rubber . Cc Tiuns.
Bells . 1.1o Velvet , per pair $400
Toe Clips , beat quality . , 15o IVorla , per pair J6 00
Toe Clips , plain . . . . . lOc Morgan & Wright , best quality . .J65
Wrench , Barnes' tool steel . , Uc Hartford $7.60
Wrench , cast . . . . 1-lc Inner Tubes , from 7ac to } 1 00
Screw Driver Oc Valve Stems , complete , , , . ICe
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Ceo. E. Mickel , Mgr.
Always Reliable and Satisfactory ,
Swift's '
Premium Brand
Sugar Cured Hams ,
Breakfast Bacon nnd
Kettle Rendered Lard.
All Flr t-ciu Dealer-
Uw lllgtl for uunatur&l
dlicbarcr , luaamuii'luai ,
Irritation , or ulctnllon *
uf mucout rufinbranM
i' * ulfM. tnii lot mif
. .
" " cr PO.UOOUI.
" " " ' ' " rl'ln wr ppr >
bjr tiprr" , prfp ld. fo ?
II (0. ( or 1 1-otilM , | ; TV
I in-uiif icat va ( rjuciU
suffcrln ? from nervou * debility , varl-
cocele , seminal wealcneii , lost man-
mood emlelons and unnatural die-
charrea caused by rr"r of youngtr
dan , which. If not rcll ytd by medi
cal treatment , li deplorable on mind
and body ,
nh n aurrerlnir , a > thli Uidf to Ice of
memory , loin of iplrlti , baihfuhica * in
society , pains In small of back , fright
ful dream * , dark rlr > gs around the eyea ,
plrns > l" or breaking1 out on face or
body fiend for our eymptom blank.
We can cure you , and especially do we
teaire old ajid trl d cases , as we charge
nothlnir for a-Jvlcs and give you & writ
ten Kuarantir to cure the worst case
on record Not only are the weak or-
gajis rentored , but all losses , drains
nd dUcharges itopped Send to stamp
and question blank to Dept. B.
First , second or tertiary stare.VE
NBr'jR TAIL. No detention from
bu lne s Write ua for particulars.
Dap * D
n'a rUnnuirr. Onimlia , Neb ,
18IU und Knrunui Cs ,