O ATTA DAILY TTtniHDAY no 1MO < ) , + 4 W * J O / ' COUNCIL BLUFFS- MIMHl MHNTIO.V. Davis soils Moore's food kilts worms and fattens. lludvvclsrr beer. L. Hoscnfcldt , agonl. \IMor hot water heaters at IHxby'e. Httcp , undertaker , 28 Pearl street. Oval frames at C. E. Afcxandcr & Oo.'n. F It. Marquis of Waterloo , la. , was a city visitor yesterday. Percy Thornton of North Pratte , Neb. , is In the city visiting friends. C U. Jacquomln & Co. . Jewelers nnd op- tlflnris. 27 South Main street. Misa NcHlP Levins has rcalRned her po sition with the telephone company. County Recorder B. C. Smith went to Macedonia la t evening on business. Get your work done at the popular Eagle laundry , 721 lirondway. 'Phono 157. J H. Auld of Knoxvlllc , 1Q. . was In the city yesterday visiting his brother , County Supervisor Hen Auld. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dlmlck of Uecdcr Mills , la. , were In the city yesterday on their way to Oallatln , Mo. .Mrs. George Sanford and daughter Klolso left yesterday for Wisconsin , where they will make an extended visit. Kncampmcnt No. 8 , Union Veteran legion , wlir meet tonight In the rooms of the West ern Iowa Iluslncss college , In the Ulseman building. Miss Winnie Mclntyre , stenographer In the Hock Island freight office , left yester day for a month's visit In Chicago and Kankakce , 111. Mrs. Mary Welghtman left last evening for Philadelphia , where she will raaUo nn extended visit with her daughter , Mrs. Frank Woolloy. lion 13. H. Mason , clerk of the United Btutes Circuit court for the Southern dis trict of Iowa , was In the city yesterday from DCS Molnes. Lewis Whitebait ] , private secretary to Colonel W. J. Davenport of the Ilurllngton , returned yesterday from a vacation trip to Hastings and Lincoln. Kvery one welcome on Dr. Macrae's lawn tonight. Supper 25 cents. Ice cream nnd cake. Music by Italian orchestra. Fortune telling and a good time for all. The Ladles' Aid/ society of St. John's English Lutheran church will meet this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Louis Grell , corner of Avenue C and Ninth street A marriage license was Issued yesterday to W. M. Livingstone , aged 31 , of Nollgh , Nub. , nnd H. M. Hosenbrook , aged 31 , of Omaha. Justice Ferrler officiated at the wedding. Mrs. M. L. Ilralnard of Chicago will de liver the second of a series of free lectures on thcofiophy this evening In the Odd Fel lows' tcmprc. Her subject will be "The Lord's Prayer. " Pottnwattamle tribe No. 21 , Improved Or der of Hed Men , will meet In regular ses sion this rvonlng In Grand Army of the Hcpunllc hall. There will bo work In the chiefs' degree. Ed Meaney , the tramp whoso love for high art tempted him to steal a framed chrotno from the Northwestern saloon , was sent to the county Jail for eight days yes terday by Judge Aylcsworth. Deputy United States Marshal1 Richards has been transferred to Ottumwa , Deputy Chester having resigned to go Into busi ness. Deputy MnNmight of Glldden will succeed Mr. Klchards at this point. The Enthusiastic club will meet this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock with Mrs. A. H. Ilollenbeck , 830 Avenue E. A full attend ance Is desired , as this will be the last meeting before the summer vacation. Three cases of contagious diseases were reported to the Hoard of Health yesterday. They are : Florence Shepherd , 710 Pierce street , scarlet fever ; Davoy and Alexander Feblowltz , 211G Fifth avenue , measles. A deputy sheriff from Harrison county came to the nluffs yesterday evening and took a look at Pat King , the maai hel'd here on suspicion of being Dan Wood , who broke Jail at Logan. He decided that King was not the man wanted , although closely resembling him. Frank Martin was arrested yesterday on compliant of the manager of the Mer chants' Laundry company , who charged him with embezzlement. He gave ball In tliu sum of $300 , and will have his prelim inary hearing before Justice Vlen next [ Monday morning. A warranty deed conveying the elevator at the Union Pacific transfer , now rapidly Hearing completion , from Frank Peavcy nnd wlfo to the Omaha Elevator company wns filed yesterday In the office of the county recorder. The consideration named In the deed Is $175,000. Meredith Nicholson , a prominent business man of Denver , Is In the city visiting his old time friend , Manager Nichols of the foi'ncll Bluffs Oas and Erectrlc company. Jlr. Nicholson Is a veteran newspaper man , having been connected with the Indianapolis News and other papers for n number of years. Council Bluffs lodge No. 270 , Ancient Or der United Workmen , Is preparing for n big time at the meeting Friday night. Grand Master W. M. Narvls of Muscatlno nnd Grand Ilecordor n. F. Ilehkopf of Des Molnes will bo present , nnd a number of visitors from Omaha are expected. The initiation of several candldatce will be fol lowed by a banquet. Allck McGregor , whom the pollco claim to bo an old time crook and confidence man , v as taken to n photographer's yesterday , Ttheru bis picture was taken for the rogues' jallery McGregor objected strongly to the rrococdlngs nnd squirmed and wriggled so 1'iat It took two officers to hold him quiet Inng enough for the photographer to snap the camera. When the picture was taken the old man broke down and cried like a child. Justice Vlcn yesterday filed nn Informa tion with the board of commissioners for the Insane , charging Dottle Llbbccko with lu'lng Insane. The young woman Is at pres ent In the Douglas county Jail In Omaha , having been arrested on a charge of lar ceny. The _ Insanity commissioners across the river havu declared her mentally de ranged , nnd the information filed by Jus tice Vlen was at the Instance of the com missioners here' She has been at ono tlmo nn Inmate at the Institute for Feeble minded in Glenwood. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 260. Supper nt the fete tonight from 6:30 : to 8. 25 cents. Write Younkerman & Co. for prices on berry boxes and grape baskets. Wanted Mm of coed address to solicit insurance. Will pav n stated salary. Good clinnco for advancement. Call room 33 , llnlduln block. Wclsbach burners at DIxby's. Tel. 193. f DrlvliiK Mei't. The track at the Driving park Is being put In shape for the opening matlneo driv ing meet of the Hoadstcr club tomorrow afternoon. Reports have been circulated that the club Intends charging for admission , but this Is not the case ; the public will bo admitted free to both the park nnd the grandstand. A portion of the grandstand will bo roped off for the members of the club and their friends , A good band has been engaged for Friday afternoon nnd every clTort possible will bo made to give the public a good afternoon's entertainment. Although the details of the program liave not been completed there will be three races on the card , ono for the 3-mlnuto class , one for the 2:45 : class nnd ono for the 2:30 : class. A large number of entries is prom ised and each race it Is expected will bring forth n good field of starters. ' S , M. Williamson , 106 South Main utreet , makes a specialty of repairing bicycles and sowing machines. Davis sells paint. Ice cream and frozen phosphates on Dr , Macrae's lawn tonight. Davis sells glass. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT I'tir Ciinh or l.ouiu'tl llu. n. n , siuoAKi : .t uo. , 6 I'eurl Htrceti Cuuiiull Illulla , Iowa. opiTiM * it /IPP TiiPin n\np SEVERAL LOSE THEIR JOBS Board of Education Meets and Elects Jani tors for Ensuing Tear , NUMBER OF CHANGES ARE MADE IN LIST Committee' " IlPoominrnilnlloiiM n to AmiuliitniPittn nt IllKli Sohool iiiut Twoitlli'th Avenue Are Turned Down. The Hoard of Education met yestorJny nftornoon in the office of President Sims for the election of Janitors for the dlfiorent school buildings. Mombeie Hess and Henry , comprising the committee on Janitors , had prepared a report , but In two Instances the recommendations were turned down. The principal fight ensued over the Janitor- ship of the High school , the committee not being In favor of retaining T. J. Peterson , who has held the position for the last two years. H recommended the appointment ol W. B. Wllklns , who until a year ago had been Janitor of the Bloomer building. Pe terson , however , had oufflclcnt suppirt among the members of the board and he was reappolntcd for another year. Thomas Smith was recommended for the Janttorshtp at the Twentieth avenue school , but the majority of the members of the board were of the opinion that J. A. Keller , who filled the position during the lost twelve months , had done so with entire satisfaction and he was accordingly reelected - elected for another year. Changes were made at the Third street , Second avenue , Avenue H , Madlfon avenue , Thirty-second and Harrison street schools. The Janitors at the High school , Washing ton avenue , Bloomer , Twentieth avenue , North Eighth street , Pierce street nnd Eighth avenue schools were re-elected. The teachers at the Gunii , Clark , Woodbury and Cut-Off school receive a slight extra com pensation for performing the duties of Janitor. The Hot of Janitors as elected yesterday afternoon Is as follows : High school , T. J. Peterson ; Washington avenue , Ralph Simp son ; Bloomer , George D. Crum ; Twentieth nvoriue , J. A. Keller ; North Eighth street , J. W. Collomoro ; Pierce street , Joe Rob erts ; Third street , C. G. Autenrelth ; Second avenue , George Bell ; Avenue B , George Miles ; Madison avenue , D. W. Foster ; Thir ty-second street , L. G. Clark ; Eighth ave nue. Betty Darnell ; Harrison street , II. Yepson. The newly elected Janitors of those build ings containing heating plants will have to pass an examination or show an engineer's certificate 'before assuming their positions. This is one of the rules adopted by Uie board a year ago. A "progressive" supper will be served by the Ladles' Aid society at the Christian tabernacle this evening from 5 to S o'clock. A fine supper , Including the best Ice cream In town. AIT progressslvo as well ns retro gressive people arc Invited. UXISUCISHS OP COMMEXCI3ME.VI' . CJn n of Thirteen to Graduate from Sfnte School for the Deaf. The commencement exercises of the Iowa School for the Deaf will be held next Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The class of ' 09 contains thirteen pupils. They are : Lulu Belle Dougherty , Bedford , Taylor county ; Mamie Ollvo Oatrandor , Lily Ma tilda Ward , Webster City , Hamilton county ; Mamlo Amelia Lubert , Sioux City , Woodbury - bury county ; Oran Warren Stnley , Center- vlllo , Appanooso county ; Orville Leo Es- llnger , Carl William Osterberg , Ottumwa , Wapello county ; Joe Martin , Melleray , Dubuque - buque county ; Fred Leon Woodworth , Farmlngton , Van Buren county ; Victor Nathaniel Nelson , Boone , Boone county ; Fred Henry Edwin Pape , Waverley , Bro- mer county ; Orville Grant Hoopes , Harry Garfield Long , Council Bluffs , Pottawat- tamle county , The class poem , entitled "Many Paths Hut One Gate. " was composed by Rev. U. Venting , pastor of the First Baptist church of this city , the title being the class motto. The class flower la the American Beauty Rose and the class colors are gold and purple. The commencement exercises at this Institution always attract a large num ber of people from the city , the program lelng unusually Interesting , and this year's is no exception to the rule. The program follows : Music Medlev of National Aim Hand of State Institution , Glenwood , la. Ooonlns ; Hemarks Principal E. E. Clippings Invocation Rev. George Edward Wulk Salutatory Mamie Olive Ostrnnder CaoablMtles of the Deaf Oran Warren Staley History of Iowa Orville Grant Hoopes Broom Drill Small Boys D. Ryan , Jr. , Teacher. What Next ? Lily Matilda Ward Helen Keller Lulu Belle Dougherty A Fortune. In Good Manners.Joe Martin Admiral Dewey Carl William Osterbcrg China and Japan Mnmle AmeUa Lubert Doll Drill Small Girls Miss Laura MacDIll. Teacher A Long Life and How to Reach It Victor Nathaniel Nelson Character SonK Old Ulndc Joe Pupils Printer's Ink Orville Leo Esllnger Patriotism and Heroism Fred Henry Edwin Pape The Power of Personal Influence Harry Gnrfield Long Music Overture Descriptive of "MIM In " Hand of State Institution , Gk-nwood la Phonograph with Sluns Rocked In the Cradle of the Deep Pearl Fnrquler School Work Primary Manual Class Miss Murznret Wutklns , Teaoher School AVork Primary Oral Class Miss Mildred Cooper , Teacher , Class Exercise In Natural Philosophy. . . , Graduating Class Prof. Hiram Phillips. Teacher. Class Exercise In Advanced Arithmetic. Graduating Class Prof. W. O. Connor , Teacher. Class Kxerclso In Civil Government , . . . Graduating Class 1'rlnclpal E. E. Cllpplnger , Teacher. Character Sone Reuben nnd Cynthia. . , , , , , , Puiills Valedictory Fred Leon Woodworth Presentation of Diplomas nnd Good-by to Clawi Henry W. Rothert , Superintendent Sons Love Go With Von . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Officers and Teaehern Music My Old Kentucky Homo ; Home , Sweet Il'ome Hand of Stuto Institution , Glenwood , la. Davis sells the best soda water. Scientific optician , Wolloinn , 400 Br'dwny. KX'-OAI > ITS nxjov A IIAMIIIKT. JVcarly n Hundred Gut-Ntu Art * Hcnlcil at < lit > Fi-ntul lloaril. The first annual banquet of the Ex-Cadet Association of the Council Bluffs High School , held last night at the Grand hotel , proved an unqualified success , and was the means of bringing together' for a boclal time around the festive board close upon a hundred members of the organization and their friends. Vice President Henry Deot- ken acted as toastmaster. Among those present were : Harry A. Sivlggert , second lieutenant , United States Signal corps ; Percy Thorn ton , Frank Capel , Julius Deetken , Osro Hlanchard , Berne Sawyer , Clinton Spooner , Clyde Lyons , Oscar Dyar , Henry Nichols , Theodore Tholl , Charles J , Sayles , Robert Halllday , Paul Flnmmant. Frank Hoagland , Andrew Robertson , Paul Van Order , Her man OronewcR , James Hunt , Samuel An derson , Ira Kellcy , Ernest Bird , George Robinson , Charles Plnckney , senior cox swain of the United States navy on the flag ship Olympla ; George Chllds , Walter Howard , Louis Whltchcad , Harry Mitchell , Adam Hess , Muo Hnnchett , Forrest Ruther ford , Hey Bell , Walter Sounders , Harry Kell ( > y , George Crnno , Frwl Merrlntn , Harry Mrrrlam , Hill Mnllin * . Prod Witt. Third Il linois volunteers , Harry HIsdon , Will Rig- don. Clyde H. Allchbon , Chwtcr Lodge. IM Welch , Tom Miles , Bnrl Bonrdsloy. Robert Wallace. X. W. Kynctt , Jr. , Dwlfiht Odell , Owen G. Butts , Edgar Dyar , Vn.ldem.ir Johnson. Thomas Lncey , Harry Cavln , Her man tJoesohe , Guy Jamison , Paul WIckhnm , H. L. Cortholl of North Egmont. Mass. Dolmor Snook. Robert Mitchell , Thomas Askln of Tabor , la. , Ed Shipley , Roy Morris , George Wlckham , Eugcno Hurnhnm Mlllard Hoagland , S. N. Bate. Milwaukee City lln * n Cy 'loi e S The people of Council HI lifts were trentpi to a genuine cyclone scare yesterday aft ernoon nnd for n short while It looked ns If the city was to feel the effects of a rca ! live twister. Shortly after 4 o'clock a , largo black , angry looking cloud was seen approaching thp city from the northwest nnd the wind commenced to blow a perfect hurri cane. For a few seconds so violent wns the wind that cvcrvone thought n cyclone was at hand. It only lasted a couple ol minutes or so , however , and the windstorm continued on Its way without doing any thing much more than cause n general alarm. A few windows about the city were blown In and broken and a number of trees were blown down. Ono of the large plate glass windows In the court house wns broken. A tall tin smokestack was blown from thereof roof of the Woodbury building on P < xirl street nnd a section of the tin root wns blown Into the street , narrowly missing a passing pedestrian. A panic almost occurred among the occu pants of tbo offices In the upper stories of the Baldwin block. The wind caused a number of doors to slam to , breaking the glass In them nnd the nolso frightened the occupants so that they made a rush for the stairway nnd hastened to tbo ground floor ns fast as their legs would carry them. Not ono among them waited to ring for the elevator , but one nnd all scurried down the stairway. AiuttntMiientx. The opening of the season at Lake Manawa was most ntisnlcloun. The onlv Inclilont to mar the pleasure of the Immense crowd that sauntered along the shady walks nnd enjoyed to the utmost the best vaudeville bill that has ever been presented nt this popular resort was the dastardly attempt of some unknown miscreants to wreck ono of the trains. The track was torn up for sonic distance , but Is now repaired , as weir as the section of the road that was under water , nnd Mannwa's patrons will flnd every thing In readiness for their reception. The administration of the amusement fea- tllrns nf Hip Inlfn nrn nnw In the hnnrla nf capable and experienced showmen. Mr. W. W. Cole , the lessee , has made the Trocadcro one of the most popular places of nmuso- ment In Omaha nnd Mr. George Mooser , the manngor , Is from Now York , where ho was connected with Koster & Dial's music hall and the Journal. The high standard that has prcvnlfed In the management of the Trocadero will bo strictly adhered to In the management of Lnke Manawa. The great Cornelia family , Europe's greatest acrobats , appears after noon and evening in conjunction with a strong bill. Another feature that will probably become most popular Is amateur night. Every Thursday evening wiir be devoted to ama teurs desiring to exhibit their ability and prizes will bo given to those ranking the best showing. Heal Kntatc Trniinfern. The following trnnsfers were filed yester day In the abstract , title and loan office of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : Jens J. Sorensen to Lars Pedersen , lot 5 , block C , Hughes & Donlphan's add. , w. d $ 460 ShTlff to Pottawnttnmle County , lots 6 nnd 7. block 11 , nnd lots 10. 11 and 12 , block 22 , Hcers' subd. , nnd lot 12 , block 11 , Squires' add. , a d 1,205 AV. F. Snpp nnd wlfo to John Pace , s',4 nw"J , 2S-77-43. q. c. d 1 Margaret J. Bates and husband to A. P. Brown , part of lot 4. Auditor's subd. nw'/i neVi , nnd lot G , Auditor's subd. nevinw'4 13-75-10 , w. d 400 American Preserver Co. to W C. Slevors , w > 4 lot 3 , block 22 , "Walnut , w. d BOO IIMiry H. Oberholtzer nnd wife to J. E. Rudd , lots S and 9 , block 21 , Bay- llss & Palmer's add. , q. c. d 10 George W. Neldler to William II. Dlxon , lots 47 and 48. block 10 , Wright's ndd. , w. d 200 W. H. Dlxon and wife to Thomas J. Evans , lot 13 , block 8 , Potter & Cobb's ndd. , w. d 2,000 F. M. Nixon and wife to William H. Dlxon , part lot 4 , Greenwood subd. , w. d 2,000 Union Pacific- . R. Co. to Frank II Penvey , 90,000 square feet In w % nwU 2-71-H. w. d 50 Frank H. Penvey nnd wlfo to Omaha Elevator Co. , same tract , w. d 175,000 Eleven tnnsfers , aggregating.$1S1EGC Cru heil by it Car. J. A. Gorham returned yesterday from Rockford , 111. , whore he had been called by the death of his 14-year-old son , Joe , who was killed by a motor car. Mr. Gor- ham says the accident wns purely unavoid able and attaches no blame to anyone. Ills son iwas riding his wheel when he came Into collision with the principal of the High school , who was also riding a bicycle. They wore both thrown under a passing motor car. The principal of the High school saved himself from being crushed to death by catching hold of the front part of the car. Ho was badly Injured , however , one arm and his collar bono belns fractured. Ho was also severely hurt Internally. Mr. Gorham's son wns crushed by the wheels of the motor , his body being terribly mangled , and death must have been almost Instantaneous. Mr. Gorham had only re turned from Hockford n few days , where ho went to attend the graduation of his daughter , when ho was recalled by n tele gram announcing the terrible nccldcnt to Ills son. The case of the State against Price Gib son and F. M. Phillips , charged with Illegal fishing In Lake Mnnawa , was submitted to Judge Smith In the district court yester day on an agreed statement of facts. The case was brought up on appeal from the court of Justice Vlen , where the defendants had been fined. The defendants appealed , holding that Lake Manawa was "boundary" water and that therefore the law governing Illegal fishing In state waters did not ap ply. Judge Smith sustained the contention of the defendants and dismissed the case. The motion for a now trial In the Smith- Jensen damage suit was submitted on argu ment yesterday nnd the court took Its deci sion under advisement , N , M. Pusey , executor of the estate of the Into Mrs. Sarah J. Ballard , filed n list of the legatees In the district court yesterday. It Includes seventeen persons , nearly all of whom are grandchildren. AVI M lam llimrc'n Statement. "The report of my otatoment with refer ence to Mr. Hanan , published In your issue of May 19 , is substantially corrost , " said iMr. William Moore of the school board , "except I said n 'business man' In place of 'business men' had Informed me that Hannn sent a solicitor to him to eubwlbe money toward the expense of the suits against ino uouru uiiu LIIUI aiu wua UKULIUK mu DIII ; . I I made the statement beforu the school board and have never retracted It. " A Attend the Modern Woodmen dance Thurs day evening , June 22 , In K. of P. hall. Arri'xlcil for NhootlnK. Word was received from Missouri Valley yesterday that Harold Egbert of this city had been arrested nnd taken to the Harri son county Jail nt Logon for fcliootlng a barber In the leg. It appears that Egbert and some companions who went to Missouri Valley Tuesday entered the barber's shop nnd demanded the price of n can of beer. The barber refused and attempted to drive thu toughs out of his place at the point of a revolver. Egbert got the gun away from ! the barber nnd shot him In Hie leg. The Harrison county authorities say they have I a clear case against Egbert and expect to ' send him over the elate. Egbert has a SUE- \ IGS Speak For Themselves o Investigation is solicited. In so doing you will get the best for your money. Remember I do advertia ยง 8n n * * rr 5 I IIP JiirgUSL U11U UUbl bUUUA , ilUU HlVlLtJ 'UU LU BUU 1UT UUiCOII. M I SEND FOR CATALOGUE 1 HENRY H. VAN BHUNT , icnded sentence in the penitentiary hang- ng over his dead in the federal court for mailing obscene matter. Veteriin Firemen. The veteran Firemen's association , about forty strong , In full uniform and leaded by n uniformed band of sixteen pieces , marched from the pollco patrol house yesterday morning at 7 o'clock to the North western depot , whore they boarded the train 'or ' Missouri Valley. Accompanying tlio veteran firefighters was a delegation of some 200 citizens , headed by Mayor Jennings nnd Chief of Pollco Blxby. Everyone In the crowd wns decorated with a large white silk badge showing that they were from Council Bluffs. They made a fine showing n the parade and the band was adjudged the best at the tournament. Tlio delegation returned homo shortly after S o'clock last evening , all reporting having had a royal .Ime. Iowa news on second page. DEATH RECORD. Old Settler of Polk County- OSCEOLA , Neb. , Juno 21. ( Special. ) Yesterday Theodore Beebo , ono of Polk county's oldest and' ' best citizens , was laid to rest in the Osce'ola cemetery. The fu neral was held at the neighboring city of Shelby , where Mr. Beebe had been making his tiomo with his son , H. C. Beebe , for several months. The funeral was under ho auspices of J. F. Reynolds post , Grand Army of the Republic , of Osceola , assisted > y R. O. D. Cumrnlngs post , the women of the Grand Army of the Republic circle , ho Sons of Veterans and the soldiers of the ate Spanish-American war. Mr. Beebe with his family , came to this county In 1875 nnd settled on n farm In Valley precinct , afterwards moving to town and built the 3eebo hotel , that ho conducted for several years until 1803 , when Mrs. Beebo died. The funeral was a very largo ono , there lelng relatives from Omaha and Lincoln and the oilier largo cities , besides from a number of the adjoining counties. Com rade Beebe , with three of his brothers , served in the wnr of the rebellion In Com- pnny F of the Seventy-third regiment , Ohio volunteer infantry. Major AV. A. Kirk. SIOUX CITY , Juno 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) Major W. A. Kirk , eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kirk , of this city , and major of the Fifty-second Iowa regiment during the Spanish-American war , died suddenly at his homo in this olty this after noon. The sickness which caused his death came uon him only a few days ago and his condition did not become serious until this morning , Whllo at Camp McKlnley , Des Moines , he was taken ill with pneu monia , and came homo to get well. Ho returned nnd Joined his command at Chlckamauga Park and remained there until the regiment was ordered homo. He was ono of the organizers of Company L of the Fourth regiment , Iowa National guard , nnd was finally elected major of the Flfly- seconu infantry of volunteers. He leaves a wife and ono child. They are In Cleve land , O. , at this time. Former Federal .fnilKO of IVHIIHIIK. TOPEKA. Kan. , Juno 21. C. G. Foster , former federal Judge for the district of Kan sas , died this evening at C o'clock. Judge Foster was appointed Judge of the United States district court by President Grant In 1874 and served until March of this year , wtien ho was retired and succeeded by W. C. Hook. Judge Foster wns born at Web ster , N. V. , In May , 1837. Well Known Portrait Painter. MILWAUKEE , Juno 21. William Ver Bryck , n well known portrait painter , died nt his homo in this city today , aged 76 years , after an Illness of several weeks. He wns born In New York and was a 'brother of Cornelius Ver Bryck , n moat promising nrtlst of hU time , who died In 1844. I'loneer of Ileadle County. HUIION , S. D. , June 21. ( Special. ) John Davis , c no of the cnrly settlers of Valrfleld tounslilp nnd one of the best nnd most favor ably known men In Beadle county , died Mon day , following a brief illness. Ho was about 45 years of ago , DM Settler of CumliiK County. WEST POINT , Neb. , June 21. ( Special. ) John F. Helnrlch , aged 82 , died on Sunday morning. The deceased lived with his chil dren , who are prominent people of this county. FIRE RECORD" Pair of liiiM-inlliirj Illn/i- * , WICHITA. June 21. Early this morning the Wichita .Mill and Elevator ccmp ny IO.-H Its buildings , machinery and 10,000 bushels of wheat by fire. The loss Is estimated at $35,000 , half of which Is covered by Insur ance. At the same hour a fire on the west side destroyed the Badger lumber yard and a barn , with a loss of $4,000 ; Insurance 12,000. Incendiarism la charged. Three Iliirneil In I.oilKlnK lloinc. NEW YORK , June 21. The furnished- YOU WILL FIND COMFORT IN A A.DAVIS'SONS a CO. MAKERS JOHN GWOODWARD 8cCO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLVFFS.IOWAP W. W. COM3 LESSEE ( iKOUGE MOOS12II MANAGEH TllUn.SDAV MG1IT AMATEUR MGIIT. AinntcnrN Dextrine to Appear AVI11 Send In Their Xaiitex to Mun- . 1'rlzeH for the llent Showlnir. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE A prominent feature. This nlltar bill will be presented : FIVE CARNALLAS. pre mier acrobats ; CAUROLL and GAHDI- NEIl , com-dlnn and comedienne ; NELLO , the great juggler ; CAUL CHAKLES , the limber nondescript ; ERNIE VERNOER , singer and dancer ; IMASTEIl GOFF , won derful cornetlst. B&THIHG--BOaTING--FBSHING Restaurant , refreshments nnd nil sorts of features. Dancing In the pavilion. AlI.tllSSIO.N ( ) MY 1O CHXTS. Trains leave for Council Bluffs and the Lake every twenty minutes. REMOVED W. C. ESTEP , UNDERTAKER. Has removed from H North Main Htreet to 28 I'cnrl street , two door * north of Grand hotel. Business phone , ! )7 ) ; residence 'phone , Big Brown , Bouncing Bed Bugs Hit Bountiful Betty Byers Badly. Butty Bet. tcr Beat Bugs By Buying Big Bottle "DEAD SHOT" from 0. R. GILBERT COMPANY , Successors to Gilbert Bros. Established 1SS3. Taxidermists and Tannery , Writ * Ilroiulwiiy. Council Hindu. WM. WELCH TRANSFER LINE HotvrfM-ii Council lllnfTH a nil Oiniiliii. Rate ? Reasonable , Satisfaction Guaranteed. Council Bluffs ofllce. No. S North Main street. Telephone 128. Omaha olllc * removed - moved to 322 South Fifteenth street. Telephone - phone 1303 , Connections made with South Omaha. room houEo lept : by Mrs , Mary Caldwcll In Seventeenth street was badly damaged by lira early this morning and three of the Inmates were burned , one fatally. The In jured are Mrs. Caldwell , 37 years old , severely burned about the arms and legs ; James L. Caldwell , her eon , 1-1 years old , burned all over the body , and John Cody , 44 years old , a. lodger , severely burned. He will die. IlnriiN mill llompx Iliirnril. WKST POINT. Nob. , June 21. ( Special. ) Fire broke out Sunday afternoon on the farm of William Lueillte , west of the city , nnd to tally destroyed two largo barns and burned eight head of valuable horfcs. Four hun dred bushels of oats , 200 bushels of corn , besides farm Implements and hay , were completely destroyed. Insurance on barns , J275 ; on horses , $200. The origin of the fire Is unknown. 3ii | > < Tliitmlei ! ( of CemoliTy Iflllril. ST. LOUIS. June 21. A special to the Post-Dispatch from Cairo , III. , says : Major T. A , Fltzpatrlck , superintendent of the Notional cemetery , near Mound City , 111. , was shot and killed today by a man named Tobln. The cause of the shooting Is not known. The populace has been amused and lurgo parties are out looking for Tobln , who escaped. That we are the leaders in Council Bluffs in GOOD SHOES. We take especial pains to see that your shoe lits perfectly and that it gives satis faction. Our hobby is to please the people and give them the best that money will buy. When you want shoes that will suit you , LOOK FOR THE BEAR That's SARGENT'S yon want to experi ence that DRESSED-UP FEELING. , put on a pair of our .50 SHOES. They are made by the best shoemakers in the conn- try , and are cut from the best stock that money will buy. You can't get anything nicer or better no matter what price you pay. Hamilton's Shoe Store , 412 Broadway. Why does tlie large army of traveling men prefer ? Why do all the first class judges prefer ? Cigars. Because They know good value when they see it and patronize dealers willing to handle a close margined cigar i'or 10 cents. The way you can find out how much fine clear Havana binders and fillers improve a well made cigar is to ask your dealer to buy them for you from Peregoy & Moore , Council Bluffs. Iowa. JS J M ( O Cents. 5 Cents. 9 a TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. Da iu John G. Woodward & Co. , 4 >