Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1899, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    ( 0 THE IWAIFA DAtLT 151313 : SUXDAV , JTrN E IS , lvS ! ) { ) . I I
Davis aclts drugs.
Moore's food kllTs worms and fattens.
BudttclScr beer. h. Uoscnfeldt , ngcnt.
Victor hot water hentera at Dlxby'c.
Kstcp , undertaker , 28 Ponrl street.
C. I ) . Jacqucmln & Co. , Jewelers nnJ op
ticians. 27 South Main street.
Get jour work done at the popular Ilagle
laundry , 721 IJroadway. Tbone , 157.
County Superintendent Sawyer auks nil
persons who wllf tnko teachers during the
Institute to write him nt once , Elating lo
cation , terras and number desired. Those
who do not write may come to the Hloomcr
building on Monday morning , Juno 26 , nnd
give the Information nt that time.
N. V. I'lumliltiK company. Tel. 250.
I.ako Manawa , the favorite summer resort
for Council Uluffs and Omaha people , will
bo opened for the summer season this after
noon. The lessee of the resort Is W. W.
Cole , manager of the Trocadero theater ,
Omaha. In every respect the pFace will
bavo the careful , conservative management
of a live , energetic , hustling showman of
many years' experience. Never before has
the place been In such capable hands nnd
hover before will there bo so many nt-
tractive features presented as there will bo
this summer. The bathing , boating nnd
fishing features of the resort have nlwa > s
been unrivaled In this Bt-dlon. This sum
mer they nro better than ever before. An
entire new lot of practically unslnkable
boats Is at the disposal of an nnd the bathIng -
Ing houses nro new , clean , comfortable imd
Mtuated close to the beach. The high water
of the late spring filled the lake to a point
at least five fcbt higher than over before
reached uml the now \\atcr brought with It
Jlnh of all kinds In countless numbers.
Features the place did not before possess
nro a theater with full btago equipment , n
restaurant and an elegant dancing pavilion
on which at nil times there Is a band or
orchestr.i. The grounds at night 111 bo
brilliantly lighted by electricity. A large
number of trees have been planted and the
lawns ha\e been grassed which makes iin
elegant retreat from the hot weather. The
attractions In the theater this week are the
five Cornallas , lady and gentlemen acrobats ,
the greatest over brought to America ; the
Dertorellls , musical grotesques , who arc not
only excellent musicians , but who use elec
tricity to light their whimsical bodies In a
meat mystifying way ; Carl Charles , the fa
mous hand balancer ; Krnlo Vcroncc , the
Blnglng and dancing comedienne ; NelTo , the
juggler , and Master Ooft , the phenomenal
cornctlst. The bill will bo changed weekly
and some now , unique nnd startling features
will be shown during the summer. Manager
Cole has made arrangements with the rail
way for better transportation facilities.
Th cars wlir be run between Council Bluffs
nnd the lake every twenty minutes.
Attend the Modern Woodmen dance Thurs
day evening , June 22 , In K. of P. hall.
Buy hardware of Peterson & Schocnlng.
VlNiirN Adjourn.
The Board of County Supervisors ad-
Journal yesterday afternoon until next
Wednesday without taking action In regard
to raising the assessment. City Assessor
Ilardln did not turn the books over to the
board yesterday as ho bad promised , but
In their place submitted a recapitulation of
the assessment that showed the following
figures : Total valuation of Council Bluffs
Tor assessment purposes , $2,874,890. Of this
1416,900 Is personal property , which leaves
the assessment of the realty of the city at
The actual value of the moneys and cred
its listed is ? 1S6,627 ; of the capital stock
of corporations , etc. , $122,029 ; merchandise ,
$093,814. Except In the valuation of real
cstato the figures compare favorably with
those of last year.
J. W. Kirk was appointed deputy sheriff
at Manawa without expense to the county.
The question of a county exhibit at the
Omaha exposition and offering premiums
to the different townships for the best dis
play was discussed , but no action taken.
The majority of the members are opposed
to making any appropriation for such a pur
pose. Sheriff Morgan submitted his semi
annual report , which showed that fees taxed
amounted to $2,083.38 , of which $2,440.89 had
been collected and $1,111.03 turned over to
the county treasurer.
f A fine $150 pliino , Ilazelton , walnut case ,
| for sale at $225. Miibt bo sold , as party
wants to leave the city. Address rock box
< - 267 , city.
Big bargains , I'rtcrbon & Schoenlng ,
Welsbach burners at Blxby's. Tel. 193.
| Drink Klein's summer drinks.
, ; Hear the- most Interesting concert of the
j season at the Congregational1 church Monday
night. The HeMoss family hold audiences
spellbound. Their vocal numbers are clas
sical , their violins talk , their boll ringing
1 enchants. Forty-two Instruments used.
Tickets at Mueller's Music store ; 33 and 25
' cents ; children IS cents.
\ K-vplnliiH IUnlink I'roiiowlllon.
I R. L. Draffeii , president of the Municipal
! Construction company of Chicago , which has
' wade a proposition to the city to build It
an electric lighting plant to bo owned and
operated by the city , held an Informal conference -
forenco with the members of the city council
yesterday afternoon and explained his prop
osition. A majority of the city ofllclals are
Jn favor of municipal ownership and If the
project can bo wrapped around with the
proper safeguards so as to protect the tax-
payerii and the city's Interests there are
good prospects of the proposition being ac
By Mr , Draffen's figuring the city will own
the plant In about twelve years at a no
greater outlay than It paj every year nt
present for lighting tlin streets ,
The city's contract wllh the Council Bluffs
Gas and Electric company expires next De
cember , although the company's franchise
docs not terminate for seventeen yearn yet ,
The matter will bo presented at the meet
ing of the council tomorrow night.
I'or ( 'null or l.ouued Uu.
U. II. SHUAl'i : A CO. ,
. i'vurl Street. Cuuuull llluUi. lotru.
Judge Aylesworth Decides Suit Against
Motor Company in Superior Court ,
Until * Dint Dcfmilnnt Cnritnnttlon IK
.Nut Mntitc fur COM ( of I'm I UK
Trnokn In Front
of IntcrncctloiiN ,
Judge Aylcsworth of the superior court
handed down hla decision yesterday In the
suit of the City against the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge company ,
giving the city a decree for $6,853.11.
This Is the suit in which the city sought
to recover from the motor company the cost
of filling ditches on Avenue A from Four
teenth to Thirty-sixth etroct ; for replacing
the pavement on Broadway torn up by the
motor company when laying Its tracks ; for
the Intersection paving on Broadway from
Twelfth to First street ; for the Intersec
tion paving on Pearl street to the Junction
of Main and from the junction of Pearl and
Main to the Hock Island depot ; for the Inter
section paving on Fifth avenue from Pearl
to South Eighth street and for the grading
U Intersections of Avenue A and Fifteenth
to Twenty-sixth street , Inclusive.
, In his decision Judge Aylcsworth held that
the city could recover for the cost of tilling
Avcnuo A and found for It In the sum of
f6,550.52 on this count. He also held that
.ho city could recover for the paving be
tween the tails nnd one foot outside of the
motor company's tracks In front of Bayllss
park and the englno house on South Main
street , both being city property , and on this
count gave the city a decree for $302.59.
As to the recovery for the paving between
: ho motor company's tracks and one foot on
.he outsldo In front of the street intersec-
: lens Judge Aylcsworth found In favor of
the motor company. The city sued for
$6,323.89 and Interest from 1891. The court's
decision in favor of the motor company on
this point arises from a defect In the city
ordinance. The ordinance provides that the
motor company shall pay to the abutting
property owners the cost of the paving be
tween Its tracks and for one foot on the out
side , but does not provide that the company
should pay the city for like- paving In front
of the street Intersections.
The suit was originally Instituted In 1891 ,
but no effort was made to bring It to trial |
until City Attorney Wadsworth assumed j
office , when one of his first acts was to In
sist on having the case disposed of. It was
tried before Judge Aylesworth on an agreed
statement of facts.
It Is believed that the city will appeal
from Judge Aylesworth's ruling ns to the
company's liability for the paving at the
For Sale A fine toned piano at $52.50 ,
Decker , good condition , ornamental case ;
a bargain for somebody. At Bourlclus'
Music House , 333 Broadway , where they bell
graphaphones , Edison Records and where
the organ stands upon the building.
Oval frames at C. E. Alexander & CO.'B.
Klein's strawberries beat 'em nil.
Bicycles at Peterson & Schoenlng'n.
Knllrniiil Mncliliilxt from C'rrtUou
SlioiitN llliiiii-lf While Demented.
"I am Adolph Krueger from Creston , la. ,
C09 South Elm street. " This written In
pencil on a sheet of note paper and en
closed In a blank envelope served to Iden
tify a man whoso lifeless body was found
yesterday morning In the yard of the Cas-
ady homestead cm Washington avenue. A
gaping wound In the right side of the head ,
from which the man's Hfe-blood had oozed ,
and a revolver lying within a few Inches
of the nerveless hand seemed to clearly In
dicate that It was a case of suicide.
Residents In the neighborhood had been
aroused about 3 o'clock In the morning by
the report of what sounded like a pistol shot.
No particular notice was paid to It at the
time. The body of Krueger was discov
ered by the driver of a grocery wagon
shortly after 7 o'clock.
Coroner Troynor was notified and the body
was taken to the undertaking establishment
of W. C * Estep. Undertaker Estep searched
the man's pockets and discovered the paper
which gave the clew to his. Identity , A few-
feet from the dead man an empty whisky
flask was found.
Coroner Treynor Impaneled a Jury and
the Inquest was partially held. The only
evidence forthcoming was that of several of
the residents in the neighborhood who had
heard the shot and seen the body lying In
the grass In the yard of the Casady homo-
( Contlnued on Seventh Page. )
Are a class of people everybody abhors
and society shuns. They pick your pocket
and are thrown into prison for the ollonse.
But many times people have their pocket
picked in a more . enteel way. Wo refer to
those who go to another store and pay
more for their carpets than wo ask for the
same quality of goods. By this way your
pockets are picked , but you don't know it
until you lincl out our prices. We are the
leaders in the largest and best stock of
Carpets , Rttgs , Portieres ,
Lace Curtains , Mattings ,
Draperies. Etc. ,
in the west. Our low prices cannot be du
plicated by would-be rival concerns.
Treynor & Gorham ,
Odd Fellows' Temple. Council Bluffs.
* *
Take Care of $
Your Teeth J
It Doesn't Cost Much. J
Gold Filling $1.00 up
Gold Alloy Filling 1.00
Gold Crowns 5.00
Set of Teeth 5.00
Best Teeth 7.50 J
Dr. A. O. |
. . . Mttdge ,
336-338 Broadway , Second Floor.
Council Bluffs.
All our Spring patterns in all grades of carpets will gofer
for less than cost during the next ten days ,
All our moquettes , axminster and velvet carpets to close
out at 85c per yard , former prices irom $1.00 to § 1.25.
All ingrains go at 50c and 55c per yard , former prices
65c and 75c.
All art squares at cost , from $3.00 to $6.00.
Lace curtains at your own figures.
Rugs , lower than ever before sold in Council Bluffs.
Portieres go at an equally low figure.
Mattings Well you can't help but be pleased at the low
prices on these goods.
This sale is to clean up our old stock to make room for
our new fall goods that are beginning to arrive.
These Prices are for Cash Only.
205 West Broadway , Council Bluffs.
liiriu. MLIuL
Greatest of All Clairvoyant f
Business Mediums
Has opened an office in Council Bluffs , Iowa , on the corner of Broad
way and North Eighth street , for a short while only.
Look for Large American Flag.
Don't ring. Walk in. All readings private. Office hours 9 a , m. to
8:30 : p. m. Mrs , Gerdes asks no questions but reads you like an open
book. She has helped others , why not you ? She tells you
whether husband , wife or sweetheart is true or false. Who would
make you the best husband or wife , and if the one you love loves you.
Plow to gain the love of one you desire. How your business will pros
per. She gives advice on love affairs , marriages , divorces , social or
domestic affairs and also changes evil influences around you. She
guarantees perfect satisfaction or no charge is made. No money ac
cepted in advance nor do you pay a cent until reading is over. Then ,
if you are not satisfied you pay nothing ,
She also teaches Palmistry for social
HWU ) Order/ /
pastime or business purposes.
Mrs. Gerdes will also give inde
( Material Oroer pendent slate writings and trance test ,
and also holds developing circles for
those wishing to develop.
Remember the Place ,
"i *
204 , 200 , 208. 210 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Rates , $1.25 per day ; 75 rooms. First-class
In every respect. Motor line to all depots.
Local apency for the Celebrated St. Louis
A. B. C. Beer. First-class bar In con-
Big Brown , Bouncing Bert Bugs Bit
Beautiful Betty Byers Badly. Betty Bet
ter Beat Bugs By Buying Big Bottle
"DEAD SHOT" from
Successors to Gilbert Bros. Established 1833.
Taxidermists and Tannery ,
15O1 Went Broadway. Council LUnfTs.
Dctvrceii Council IlIulTn ami Omnlin.
Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Council Bluffs ofllce. No. 8 North Main
street. Telephone 128. Omaha ofllce re
moved to 322 South Fifteenth street. Tele-
Dhono 1303.
Connections made with South Omaha.
Has removed from 14 North Main ntreet to
28 Pearl street , two doors north of Grand
hotel. Business phone , 97 ; residence 'phone ,
O 5
18 $
For |
Themselves I
HS 8
5 O Investigation is solicited. In eo doing you will got the best for your money. Kemomber I do advertise g
J5 the largest and best stock , and invite you to see for yourself.
Of Council Bluffs and Omaha's Famous Amusement
Resort ,
Under the management of W. W. COLE and GEORGE MOOSER.
Indoor and Outdoor Acts
Of evcrv description.
A Prominent Feature. This All Star Rill will be Presented
5 CARNALLAS Premier Acrobats.
DELTORELLIS Musical Grotesque.
NELLO The Great Juggler.
CARL CHARLES The Limber Nondescript.
ERNIE VERNOER Singer and Dancer.
MASTER GOFF Wonderful Cornetist.
Bathing Boating Fishing
Restaurant , Kefreshments , and all sorts of features of this
character have been put in place. Dancing in the Pavillion ,
is another welcome feature.
Transportation facilities have been improved. Trains leave for Coun
cil Riuffs and the Lake every 20 minutes ,
When you want to oxperi"
once that
put on a pair of our
* 3.50
They are made by the best shoemakers in the coun
try , and are cut from the best stock that money will
buy. Yon can't get anything nicer or better no matter
what price you pay.
Hamilton's Shoe Store ,
412 Brondwny.
IO Cents , 5 Cents.
John G. Woodward & Co. , cSr& . i