Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1899, Editorial, Page 20, Image 20

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    L'U THE ( m/YTTA DATIYY UEE : STTXDAV , JI NE 18 , 181)1) ) ) .
The Peopld'i About to Add a Big Dry Goods
I < | ire < ril < n He In Itrnil-
IIICKM A limit AIIKIIM IT II ii ) cm
\IMV In KftNtrrn .MnrkftH
A UlK Suriirlnc.
Rumor has had It for some time that the
People's Furniture and Carpet company ,
Sixteenth ncd Farnain streets known as
the "People's Store" was about to add n
new department to their already extensive
establishment. A reporter of The lice , with
n desire for Information that would interest
the public , willed on Mr. U. Hoscnthal , the
president of the company , who replied to
his question : "Yes , It Is true that we will
shortly open nut with an Immense dry Roods
Block , which I am frank to nay will be one
of the- finest nnd Targest In the west. This
department will occupy the entire flrst and
second floors of our establishment. Our
buyers nro already In the eastern markets
to make the enormous purchases which 'will
bo necessary to open up BO largo and ox-
tcnslvo a department In so short n time.
And wo will open onices at onro In New
York and Chicago for future purchases.
"Of course , extensive stocks of furniture ,
carpets , stoves and housofurnlshlng goods
will bo carried as heretofore In fact many
of these departments will bo greatly en
larged. Whllo the largest part of the stock
will be given up to popular priced goods , at
the same tlmo the finest goods made of
every kind will be shown In abundance. "
Holy I'nnilly Church I.IIMII Social.
This annual event will take place Thurs
day evening , Juno 22 , on the church
grounds , IJlKhtcenth and Izard Htreets. For
the fast few years It has been the moat
popular Boclal event In church circles. This
has been dun to the fact that the grounds
nro all that can bo desired nnd are cen
trally situated. The committee In charge of
arrangements are doing all In their power
to make It equal In brilliancy and attraction
to past fetes of a similar kind.
The lady you are going to make your wife
wlir appreciate a diamond ring If It comes
from Edholm , the Jowlor.
Tick out a lot In Hernls Park.
Atti-iitlim , A. O. U. W.
The members of Union Pacific lodge , No
17 , are requested to meet at the lodge room
at 2 o'clock p. m. , Sunday , to attend the
funeral of lirother Samuel F. McClurc. The
funeral will be held from Trinity cathedral
at 3 o'clock. Sister lodges Invited.
A. M. Thorn. M. W. ,
II. YINOLING , llecorder.
Pure 18-K. weddings rings. Kdholm.
Sale of Turkish rugs continued all this
week. A now lot lust received , on nhow
Monday M. Pushman In charge. Orchard
& Wllhclm Carpet company.
Many fine residences to go up In Bemls
Beautiful shade In Dcmls Park.
Ilenl Kino Art Htlilhlt.
Mention of "Tho Artist's Studio , " to bo
exhibited on the West Midway at the com
ing exposition , made In this paper on Sun
day last , has already awakened much In-
I tcrest among artists and patrons and bids
fair to receive wide criticism of the most
friendly character. The Idea of an exhibit
of this kind was first conceived In the New-
York Academy of Fno Art In connection with
the delineation of the living form , the
spirited criticism which at the opening of
the World's Fair at Chicago having evoked
wide pubric comment at the tlmo because of
the French statuary then exhibited before
the public. Since the close of that great
exposition event a higher estimate has been
ncqulrcd among all true patrons wherever
cholco fine art works are seen. The French
adage , "Ilonl Bolt qul mal y pcnsc , " has
como to bo rigidly observed and today nrt
galleries In this country are visited more
than over before , even by the prudish , with
out fear of corrupting good morals or Im
"That good laundry , " That's us. Chicago
Steam Laundry , 211 N. Ifith. 'Phono 203.
Telephone 1781 for plat of Dcmls Park.
Bo you want a buggy , surrey or phaeton ,
with or without rubber tires Why pay
regular price when wo give you an insldo
figure ? Wo wholesale buggies. Omaha Im
plement & Transfer Co. . cor Oth & Jackson.
Blank book and magazlno binding. A. I.
Root. 1C09 Howard street.
Standard water filters , $8.00. Room C ,
Board of Trade bldg. ground floor.
City , real estate and personal taxes be
come delinquent July 1st. Interest will bo
charged on and after that date at the rate
of 1 per cent monthly.
i Dnnlith Ilrntlierliooil Uxoiimliin ro t-
\ Itout'il.
Account bad weather the Danish Broth
erhood excursion to Ashland , Sunday , June
18 , has been postponed.
Cheapest lots In Omaha In Ilemls Park.
1)1101) .
DAVIS TSdwanl , son of Mrs. L. M. Davis.
Juno 1C. 1899 , iiRi'd IS years , 3 months , 20
< layn. Funeral Sunday , Juno 18 , at 4 p ,
in , , from residence , 'Ml N. Mth St. Inter
ment , Prospect Hill cemetery. Frlonds
Invited. JIacon City , Mo. , papers please
lANDKUSON-Wrs. Oortrudo , wife , of Rich-
jmmd Anderson , died at 5 o'clock Thurs
day morning. Funeral from residence ,
3S02 Ulnnoy street , Sunday afternoon at
R o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn ceme-
terv FrIoiHls Invited.
3lAWITX.HR-IIolMon 8. . twin son of A II
nnd L. ° M. Itawltzer. at U:30 : a. in. June
17 , aged 11 months. CC ilays. Funeral at 2
p. in. Hunday. Friends invited.
Jil'CLURK The funeral of Samuel F Mo-
Clure will bo hold from Trinity cathedral
fit 3 p. m. Sunday. Members of A O. U.
W. , 1) . of H. and friends of family are
TeoucstiMJ to attend at Maul'H undertak
ing roomn by S p. in. , as casket will not
bo opened thereafter
tWKLLS Mrs. Allco 1C. , of heart failure , nt
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cole ,
I 221 Wlmlcii avenue , Cripple Creek , Colo. ,
Interment at Mount I'lsgha cemetery SunDay -
Day , Juno 11 , nt 2.20 p. in.
Have Root print It.
Balduff's barrels of Ice cream will bo this
week composed of the following flavors Va
nilla , Mocha and Sultanna.
Shcrradon , dentist , moved 412 McCaguo bid.
Umbrella repairing ; wo are courteous , 214
B. 13th.
For that tired feeling use Llnlngcr & Mot-
calf Company's rubber tired vehicles. "SI-
mllia Slmlllbus Curantur. "
Pay your High School alumni dues at
over to Bemls Park.
llpyn'n Kvtraiirilliuiryl''rro OITcr.
In order to Introduce our new water col
ored portrait medallions , wo will give , from
Juno 1st to July 1st. one of tlicso beautiful
Iiand-colorcd llfo-llko productions , Imnd-
Bomoljr framed , free with each now dozen
platlno cabinets or larger photos. This Is
an unprecedented offer , as the smallest line
portrait medallion sells for no lexs than
J2.50 anywhere. Wo give you one the slzo
i of your picture , naturally colored , free with
| photos as elated above. Visit studio and
ice them. Como without delay.
HBYN. 315-317 S. 16th St.
1 The Dewey Kuropoan Hotef , 13th and
, Fnrnatn , First-class rooms ; rates reason-
Her Grand Hold Turkish limns now open ,
National Hrxi'rviAHNIII < | IIOII.
Moinberu Omaha ledge No. 33 are requested
to attend the funeral of Sister Gertrude An.
derson. Sunday , 3.00 p. m. , 1S02 Blnucy
street Ur order.
C. W. WATERMAN , President-
, Jf , 0. BdDMAN , Secretary. .
$10 riunrnl rrriion Skirt * Worth
? I.IIO , 7T.O Ntilrt WnlMn V ! o.
"What vou see In our advertisements , you
will find In our store. "
Fruit phosphntcfl , Ice cold , 2c a grass.
Hnlduff's famous Icu cream soda , 4c.
Plato of Ilnldufl's Ice cream , 4c.
Sheet music free : ask for It.
Shoo polish free to purchasers.
Me roll gold shirt sets , IBc.
$22.f > 0 trimmed organdy dresses , $9.93 ,
16c roll gold beauty pins , 3c.
$20.00 high grnilo tailored suits , $0.05.
15o 7-Inch rubber dressing combs , 4c.
$8.00 golf wool plaid skirts , $2.i8. ! '
DC packages brass head pins , Ic.
$10.00 figured crepon silk skirts , $3.95.
3 cakes buttermilk soap for 5c.
Jl.BO tan or black turned oxfords , OSc.
lOc C-yard packages stitched braid , 3c.
$2.50 vesting top ladles' oxfords , $1.43 ,
frc bottles vaseline. 2c bottle.
$3.50 ladles' kid turned oxfords , $1.98.
3r 3 largo bottles Woodward's perfumery ,
75c ladles' shirt waists ( large sizes ) , 29c.
$12.00 trimmed pattern hats , $3.98.
$1.00 ladles' lawn , percale , gingham and
pique waists. 49c.
$1.75 trimmed plquu fine lawn chambry
waists. OSc.
$2.00 shirt waists. Insertion trimmed , 9Sc.
Bo packages hooks nnd eyes for Ic.
$2.50 Indies' straw walking hats , Cnc.
lOc card ( twelve ) treasure safety pins , 4c.
$2.00 elegant trimmed sailors , 4Uc.
1 dozen tortoise shell hairpins , lOc.
75c bunches Imported flowers , 'Jc.
25c silk elastic for garters , 12 > , c.
$10.00 UUTetu tillk mlllc petticoats , < I.OS.
lOc card bone collar buttons , 3c.
$8.00 silk flounced petticoats , $2.98.
So card mending cotton , all colors , Ic.
200 white duck washnblo skirts , 9Sc-
Bilk finish crochet cotton , 3c ball.
lOc l > ono handla tooth brushes , 4c.
COc form-fitting summer corsets , 19c ,
15c summer corset covers , 9c.
$1.00 embroidery trimmed nightgowns , 39c.
25o summer plquo and organdy goods , 9c.
Sue silk 4-lnch taffeta ribbon , Sc.
$2.00 real kid ladles' gloves , GSc.
25c fancy Swiss handkerchiefs , EC.
$10.00 silk satin Duchess skirts , $6.93.
Charge accounts opened-
"Tho Peoulo's Store , "
ICth nnd Farnam Sts.
Money In Dcmls Park lots.
Mill Annual IMuiilc
The eleventh annual picnic of the
Swedish Singing society , "Nordcn , " will be
given at Ruser's park today ( Sunday , Juno
IS ) . Como and bring your friends with you.
Tickets 25 cents. Take car to west of Hans-
corn park , where carryalls will be In waitIng -
Ing to convey you to the park.
AVm. IliiMNcIl dine
The distinguished pianist of Now York City
nnd graduate of the Conservatoire National
do Parla , announces his return for the imm-
mor. For concert engagements and In
struction address Hospe.
Mr. Henry Copley , Jeweler , 215 South
Sixteenth street , has been appointed chief
watch Inspector for the Omaha , Kansas City
& Eastern and Omaha & St. Louts railroads.
Mr. Copley will leave In a few days for n
trip over the lines , stopping nt each division
point to select a local examiner , who will
bo required to report monthly to Mr.
Unsold lots In Uemls Park are marked.
Your watch will keep time If our expert
repairs It. Edholm , jeweler.
St. I/oiilN mid Itctiirn.
The Missouri Pacific railway will sell
round trip tickets at very low rates to St.
Louis , Mo. , and return , on Juno 19th nnd
20th. Homescekcrs' excursions to points
south and southeast , on Tuesday , Juno 20th.
For particulars call at company's onices , S.
B. cor. llth and Douglas , or depot , 15th and
JO. . PHILLIPI'I. A. G. F. & P. A.
Harry's prace , "Free Lunch , " 414 N. 16th.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and
magnetic physician , has moved his ofllco to
119 North 16th street , room 13. Special at
tention to all long-standing or lingering dis
eases and to diseases of ivoraen nud children.
Hubcrmann jeweler , es. 1866 ; absolutely
reliable ; lowest prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug
Best Dining Car Service.
Only Depot In Chicago on the Elevated > , ooa >
Have You Seen the Latest Kodak-
No , 2 Folding Pocket ?
All Kodaks are Rood , but for neatness ,
finish and cumpi < ( IH-.H- , thin one beatH them
all. Takes pictures 3lvxS'/j ' , 12 exposures
without reloading , and only measures
Ibxl'ixWi In.
This Is just the thing for a holiday trip ,
especially for ladles , nnd wo nhk you to see
this one before K HtlnK any other.
Wo carry all other makes of Kohaks nnd
Cameras nnd u full line of everything per-
'tnlnlnR ' to iihotosrnphy.
Bend for Catalogue and Prices ,
Telephone 1279.
AVIiolomilr mill Ilotnll.
A moderate
through the twenty-four hours Is much more
beneficial , says a prominent physician.
"There Is no need for rest In the diges
tive organs , provided the quantity of food
eaten Is not above the normal during the
twenty-four hours , lee long Intervals be
tween meats are bad for the stomach , from
the fact that the cessation and resumption
of uork of the digestive organs tends to
enfeeble them , The moderate use of
accompanied by a light luncheon Is bone-
llclal at almost any hour , day or evening.
At night It Induces sleep , exactly what frail
Invalids need most.
i < 'iuu ICULC iiun\vi. > n co. ,
Ti'l. 420. 1007 JacUoa Street.
\vi : iT\v\ni ) not
Infnrninllim for tlir Trnvrlrr.
If the traveler , tourist or buMnexg man Is
westward bound this year ho must not fall
to travel via the Rio Or mi do Western Kall-
wny "Orrnt Salt Lake Uoutc. " It Is the
only transcontinental line passing directly
through Salt Lake City , nnd In addition to
the glimpse It affords of tnc Temple City ,
the great Salt Lake and picturesque Salt
Lake and Utah valfcy. It offers choice of
tin co distinct routes through the mountains
and the most magnificent scenery In the
world. The reduced rates to California ,
authorled for the National Educational
Association Juno 25 to July 11 , will apply
via Itlo Grande Western Hallway.
On all Pacific coast tickets stopovers arc
granted nt Denver , Colorado Springs , Manl-
tou , Leadvlllc , Olcnwood Springs , Soft Lake
City , Ogden and other points of Interest.
Double dally train service nnd through Pull
man nnd tourist sleeping cars between Den
ver nnd San Kranclsco and Portland.
Through tourist sleepers Chicago to Los
Angeles and Portland. Perfect dining car
For Illustrated pamphlets descriptive of
the "Orcat Salt Lake Iloute , " write n.
Copfand , general agent , Owlngs building ,
Chicago , or P. A. Wadlelgh , general pass
enger agent , Salt Lake City.
Ask Payne-Harder Co. for plat of Bemls
Concessions for the Ilcal Hstatc exchange
picnic at Glover's park. Arlington , Neb. ,
Juno 24. Sco Green & Gfovcr , 302 Karbach
block , Omaha.
A. D. T. C. ; messengers furnished ; bag
gage delivered. 1302 Douglas st. TeF. 177.
9 cents.
We sell H. & H. soap , for
cleaning carpets
At 9 Cents.
That's all we ask for it. All
you want of it.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co ,
1513 Dodge Street. Middle of Ulock.
we will sell the
The strongest and
most durable childs' suit
Clone to Ucnnctt'a.
P. S. Boys' overalls ,
ages from 4to 9 , are 15c
Gasolene Stoves
nro made In fifty-two styles and sizes
and the beauty of It is that there Is
only ono quality ( and that the boat ) In
the entire line. The prices range Irom
$2,50 to $30,00
and you cannot make n mistake In
selecting one. They light without
smoke and burn perfectly blue right
from the start , nnd In the fourteen
years wo have sold them we have never
heard of an accident with a Jewel.
They cannot possibly explode.
SI 07101) : CMIulMK St.
"If you buy it of Husslo , It's right. "
Ladles vUlt
It.izuar for latest
ktylo rnlfuro.
llalr Goods.
llulr .Novoltlcs.
Treat men I of
Peal pa nil 1'aco.
I'axtan lllock ,
I'arnam street
I'litruiK-o , 2nd
Moor , ulovator.
ftl. E. A.
Call at Union Pacific city Ticket
Office , IRO2 Farnam Stroot.
Onuilin to Cli
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has Juat placet ! In service two Magnifi
cent Plcctrlc lighted trains between Omaha
and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally nt B IS
p. m. , arriving at Chicago at S.2S a. in. , find
leaving Chicago at G.15 p , m. and arriving at
Omaha at 8-20 a. in. Each train Is lighted
thoroughly by efectrlclty , r-T buffet snvktng
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars nnd reclining chair cars , and runs over
the shortest line and smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket odlce , 1604 Karnain street , and at
Union depot.
Drive over to Ilcmls Park.
For ofllclal map of city of IMS Angeles and
N. 13. A. pamphlet call at city ticket odlcc
Union Pacific. 1302 Farnniu street.
Dr. Shcpard Catarrh , 312 Now York Life.
N'lcc line Imported suitings for suits and
trousers. 0. A. Litndqulst , 31fl S. ICth street
Iron , brass castings. Ind. Iron Wks. teri-Ufl
Wanted , two first-class tea and coffee
talesmen , with nn established trade In these
goods In Nebraska or the northwest. Large
salaries paid to star men. Useless to write
unless such. II. C. Fisher. Chicago.
75 lots BoM In Ucmls Park.
Our Prices
$1.00 S , S. S 76c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla 75c
25c Carter's Llvor Pills 15c
r.Oc Electric Bitters 40c
$1.50 Fellow's Syrup of Hypophosphltos $1.20
50c Syrup of Fgs | 40c
$1.00 Wlno of Cardul 75c
25c Lyou'e Tooth Powder 20c
$1.00 Palno's Celery Compound 75c
60c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40c
25c Woodbury's Soap ISc
$1.00 Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. . 75c
Beaton-McGinn Go
- Drug , ,
S. AV. Cor. loth mill I'liriiiiin.
< fc Automatic "
Bicycle and Carriage
ing Valves
This lamp Is beautifully made , has a bril
liant , uniform flame , and Is absolutely self-
If roar dealer doei not
PRICE Iceep the lainp , ire Trill
$2.50 end It , cnrrlaKc pre"-
Iiuld , on receipt of price.
The Plume & fitwood Co. ,
Free ! Free ! ! Free ! ! !
Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday ,
we will give free to all those
with , dandruff , a trial size bot- |
tie of the famous
Coke Dandruff Cure
for which we are the
Omaha agents.
( .l'al.Ap.lt9lamtJune1t , 'M. )
Miuloof tlioclo.iroxt .Mien , In
Unlitt1cxU > letr.uiiimrciit ! mid perfect protec
tion to thaoVei under itltcon-
Idltlons. Colors : clear , Krevn.
lilue. or smoke. Koliledliiiipnt
iiocket case. If your dealer
Imsn't them , ictnil for gamplu
p.tlr. postpaid , Twentr.flve Ctnti.
Lamb Eye Shield Co , , 130 State St. ,
Are You All Bone ?
The great remedy known as Cramer's Kid
ney nnd Liver Cure liiui been on tht mar
ket fnr yeiiri ntid has been used by many
of thp loading cittern * of Albany , who
highly endorse It. Third and lait call are
you nil ilone sold for ? 5c.
Hire's Knot lleor 12c
AJax Tablets -lOc
Ice Cream Soda llV
Har-Uon IIV
1'alnn's Celery Compottnd 7Re
Hood's Satvaparllla , "So
S. S. S 7Tc
Duffy Malt Whl key K > a
Vine Kolafra SJ > o
1'o-rti-na 7"o
I'lnkhnin's C"nmpound 7Kc
Carter i Liver IMIlt 15c
Castorla 2ic !
Dr. Miles' Rpinetlle < i
S > rui > > f Plgi 4Dc
Winiams Pink 1'llla -tOc
Wine nf Cardul 7Jr
Mattfil Milk < 0c , 75c , J3.13
Corner Kith and Clilcauo.
Needed on
every LAWN
Let us'tell you about
them and quote
loll Dodge St.
This ad Is not copyrighted.
TeEi Your Friends
You arc smoking our
Because It's the best cigar sold for that
money nnd the equal of many 10-ccnt
clKnrs. Its made of line Havana filled nnd
Sumatra wrapper. We know there Is noth
ing better made for the money. A trial
wll ! convince you that what wo say Is cor
rect.Paxion Block Cigar Store ,
Jacob JaakaieK , Prop.
16th. near Farnam.
Electric , Turkish , Russian ,
Roman , PlungcSea Salt ,
and Plain Baths.
LADIES' DATS Tuesday and Friday , 10
A. M. , to 6 P. II. , under the personal su
pervision of an experienced ! ady operator.
I'llOP. J. F. MOOHE , Msr.
Tou will not suffsr from painful men
struation or delay , leucorrhuea , vlgl-
nltla , whites or any female discharges.
For sale at all druggists , J2 , and at
C , M , Foster's ' Pharmacy ,
Ul4 \ . iftth Street.
Drexel Hotel.
4tli Floor Broirn Blk. , 16th and Dougla *
Gold Alloy Filling $1.00
Gold Filling $1.00 and up
Gold Crowns $5.00
Set Teeth $5.00
Best Teeth . $7.5O
the Time
babies suffer from lack of frceh nlr.
No ono , largo or small can be well
without being In the open air a portion
tion of every day. There Is no ex
cuse for not taking the llttlo ones
out when baby carriages can bo
bought at such reasonable prices. Wo
have Bomo beauties now In stock.
Como In and select ono before they are
gone all the new styles , wltli many
1519-15211 1519-1521
Douglas = Douglas
Street. Street.
Near llth at. Nenr
The Greatest
Of modern science Is found In tbo progress
of dentistry.
Careful study In all lines of our prnfcs-
fclon , the possession and skillful use of In
ternments t > pecUlly made for each opera
tion and every facility for carrying out
each undoTtaklnR t'nubUn us to extract or
fill teeth without pain.
Fit anl make ninglo or cntlro set of teeth
anil do all other nei'tsearyork ulth eatiu-
fiiL'Uou to our cuuiumera.
BAILEY , The Dentist
Tel. 1085. Paxton Block
An elegant line of new Wo ore headquarters WH1TB n
patterns In the best qualities for N. Y. Ueltlns nnd YUKON
Tacking Co's celebrated HBFRIOKIlATCmS.
ities big variety lowest
hose. Every foot of It Keep every thing purs
prices warranted. Our cxcluMvo nnd sweet nnd easy to
' 1.25 Hammocks for 7."c. brands are : keep clean. _ , „
$1.75 Hammocks for $1.25 HQUIILiK DIAMOND ,
$2.iO ( Hammocks for $ l.S3 KIjBOTUlC1 , CAHHON , The
$3.00 Hammocks for $2.2o PALCON , COMKT ,
$3.60 Hammocks for $2.75 sriDKIl Yukon
$4.23 Hammocks for $3.50
Trices Se foot and up.
$5.00 Hammocks for $1 00
$6.50 $ Hammocks for $5.25 Quick and
The Improved t Ofl Alaska
Reliable Wickless
System of circulation of
Cabinet Blue pure dry cold air IB Ab
solutely perfect. Uecs
Gasoline Flama
less Ice nnd keeps pro-
Range. Stoves \lslona longer than nny
other. Trices from J5 to
oven baking
The safest , simplest $50.
nnd roasting , and the
ami best. Kcllpso Water Kilters ,
only perfect and Balls- . .
Saves one-half of what up.
Factory broiler to be Success .Water niters.
It costs to use a gas
, .
found . $3,00
In a gasoline range. up.
Automatic stove. Water Coolers.
lighters single
POULTRY NBTTINO , Ice Cream Freezers
gle generator. SCRKEN WIRE , ,
White Mountain Light
Gasoline stoves from $2 OAUHAOI : CANS , ning. Arctic 1'rlces from
up. From 7oC up. BOc up.
We neil refrigerators , gasoline stoves nnd steel ranges on payments or give discount
for cash.
I4th and Farnam.
that were made
this year for this
years' trade
nothing but the best such as you
that are priced
so that there is tin
extra value in
every pair and so you can afford to
buy here.
that are made to
lit the foot and
that give comfort
and ease from the time you put
them on.
N. E. Corner 10th and Douelua Sto.
Perhaps You Do '
Not Understand
The difference between per
fect and Imperfect circula
tion in a refrigerator ? If
. not , examine the two cuts
shown. A ipfrlRerator con
# structed like the rlirht hand
IV A cut must Im lined with zinc
to keep It dry , Ui which caHo
you have the poisonous ox
ide from rorrndliiK z\nc \ to
contend with. This must af < ' . - -
fect milk and food. The
JIERUiriC has perfect cir
culation and no zinc to con
tend with. US Mj
72 * v5jir
PERFECT CIRCULATION. Imperfect circulation. WE DO
We sell this. NOT sell this. They can bo had
at several places In town.
Squires & Smith , Gen'l ' Agents ,
The only exclusive refrigerator house In the west. See our lino.
Telephone 1005. 1614 Capitol Ave.
5 Hot Weather
The greatest line in Omaha , and at prices to enable ev
er " man and boy in the west to keep cool and comfortable
during the hot season.
Men's crash and linen suits at $1,35 , $1.95 and $2.50 ,
regular 8 < 5 to $0 values
Over 5,000 boys' double breasted veatee and sailor wash
suits the entire line of one of the largest wholesale houses
in the east , purchased at10c on the dollar
As they were bought so shall they be sold.
This invoice embraces the very latest patterns , newest
designs and best quality wash suits. These suits on sale Mon
day at 25c , 35c , 50c , 75c and OSc worth from 75e to
Boys' wash pants at lOc , 15c , 25c.
$3.75 Men's line spring cuits in all styles , sixes and
colors , made of strictly all wool materials , good linings and
workmanship throughout , regular $7.50 values , Monday
$5.00 and $7.50 Men's swell spring suits in clay
worsted , cassimeres , cheviots and single or double breasted
serges , workmanship and lit guaranteed , good values else
where at $10 and $12.50 , Monday $5 and $7.50.
$10 and $12.50 Our very finest spring suits made
from imported worsted , plain and satin faced serges , herring
bone cassimeres , every suit lined with the very best materials ,
every seam stitched with satin , buttonholes handmade , gar
ments that readily sell at $18 and $22Monday $10 and $12.50.
Linen Suits Almost Given Away
in the Basement.
Boys' linen pants in Ilayden's basement , 9c pair.
Boys' linen suite , all colors 49c. Worth $1.25.
Boys' linen suits I3cs worth ( > 5e.
Selling the Most Clothing io Omaha.
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