Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1899, Editorial, Page 19, Image 19

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11. C. PETERS A CO. .
No. lOfw-S-room house. North 20th St. , new
porch , newly painted and papered ; a bar-
No. 9W S rooms , nil modern , > 4 block from
Georgia , Avc. , nenr Hanscom park ; a bar
Xo. 705 4 7 rooms , bnth. ga. , furnace , cor
ner Ztith and Decatur Sts. ; will take a lot
os part payment.
No. 33 4-rootn house , and barn near 2Sth
and Pacific Sts. , $700.
Np. 'Rip-CO ' ft. lot on Hurt St. near 2 th , only
41.000 ; this Is n iwrgaln.
No.95-50 ft. lot on 2Sth St. , Just south of
Shirley St. , cnHt front , only $ SOO.
No. 911-32 ft. lot near new St. car barn.
So. front. } oOO ; a bargain
No. R10-1CO arreM on M. St M. Ry. , eastern
Nebraska , under cultivation ; will sell at a
400-acre farm , Macon county. Missouri ; ( rood
soil ; Improved ; will bo sold cheat. .
620-acro furm , 1'lerco county , Nebraska ,
partly under cuttlvntlon.
1 . .EOS IS
ASIC Payne-Harder Co. , for a plat of Bcmls
Park. RE-6SG-1S
218 South 39th street , next to the Ogden
residence , we offer the eight-room cottage
facing cast , with furnace , gas , bnth , hot
and cold water , and In fine repair , with
.9 rfSr * ' , { : nS 119. | remarkably low price of
$ UOd. The locality cannot be excelled In
the city. The lot Is worth all that Is
asked for the property.
Glfl South 2Sth S. , close to Fnrnam nnd Park
Aye. car lines , we have good 7-room house ,
all modern except furnace , a hoimo that
Is well built and on'.y needs painting to
make It In good repair ; lot 45x110 feet ,
with good trees , stone wnlk. nil paving
taxes paid , line crop of cherries now
ripening , and all for only $3,350.
I-or good vacant lots we can pell the best
bargains In Omaha , In Alamo Plaza addi
tion on 30th und 37th streets , close to Far
nam. Prices range from $1,300 to $1,60) .
These lots are the very best bargains of-
'fere-d In Omaha , considering the distance
from city , close to car line and character
of surroundings.
Ca'.l In and let us show you these proper
\ f ties. You can get a free ride und you are
not compelled to buy. AVe have plenty of
other property , and It Is for your bcnclit
as well as ours to see what h for sale.
A DIG bargain , the handsome modern linuso
No. 1100 South 31sl street ; every modern
convenience ; no liner location In Omaha
for a pleasant home ; can give Immediate
possession ; keys at 1103'South ' 31st , across
the strce.1 ; call for price.
The large east front lot , EOxlGS , on 32d street
adjoining new house Just north of Paclllc ,
for $2.450.
Flno cast front lot on 34th , between Far-
nnm and Dodge , nt $2,1K. ( .
Full lot on 33th Ave. , Just north of Far-
nnrn , only $1,250.
Inside property well located , substantially
Improved , yielding 10 percent on $20,000 ;
owner needs money , will take $14.600.
Choice $4,000 6 per cent mortgage , I years ,
gilt edge security , want face value.
Strictly inside property paying 6 per cent
net on $22,000 ; can offer this week for
Fine corner , 45x100 feet , 23th and Poppleton ,
this week $1,250.
Business lot , 11 feet frontage on 10th , north
end of viaduct , only $2,500.
Good lot , Vlnton near 20th , $450.
Fine cast front lot , 21th between B and C ,
South Omaha , for $ SOO.
SOO acres choicest hay und grass land In
northeastern Nebraska , only $ S,000.
Telephone 5S5. Paxton Block.
Finest resldenco lot In Paddock Place , Just
oft of Sherman Ave.
BO ft. lot near 24th and Maple St. , $ t 0.
Choice lot on 21st St. , Just north of St.
Mary's Ave. : great bargain.
Great bargains In houses and lots ; call and
examine same.
Two lots 20th and Decatur Sts. at your own
G7 lots In Isabelle addition. 24th and Ames
Ave. , chc-cip.
Look nt S. W. Cor. of 8th and Leavcnworth ,
C6xl32 ft. , adjoining now U. P. depot ; make
an offer.
Fine lot , with trackoge.near 14th and Izard
C,6xl32 ft. on Douglas near 16th St. ; bargain.
B per cent money to loan on gilt edge real
estnto security.
Also wrltn fire and tornado insurance.
RE 039 IS
See the now houses being built In Dewcy
Place. These lots are acknowledged by
real catato experts to bo the cheapest in
Sewer , permanent sidewalks' , water and gas
r < In street , nnd all paid for.
Close to three car lines.
Where ? Twentieth and Maple streets , one-
half block south of Ivountzc Place.
Buy this week because wo are going to
raise the price on all unsold lots.
Inside lots only $ 00.00 each. Corner lots
$1,600.00 each.
Don't delay. Only a few moro lots for sale
at present prices.
TUB BYRON REED CO. , 212 S. llth St.
$350 GF/rS ONE of those lots on 21th st.
with nice shade trees , Just across the Fre
mont n. R. track. raxl27.
$700 for N , E , cor. 27th and Woolworth ave. ,
fi-room cottage , 1518 No. ISth St. , $1,300.
B-room cottage , 3103 'Marcy ' , $1,250.
G-room. new. gas , bath , N. W. cor. 22d and
Charles. $1,750.
B rooms , bath , 25th , near Maple. $1,500.
Doublf frame , rent $14. SOxlli , $1.600.
9 rooms , modern , N. E. cor. 23d and Chicago
cage , Jj.OfO.
W. H. Gates , 618 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1291.
HE IM626 20
S. W. COR. 28th ave. and Rahler , pretty new
G-rpom cottage , partlv modern , largo lot ,
near two car lines , $1,100.0(1 ( , easy terms
Byron R. Hastings , 212 S. 14th st.REM623
WOULD yea dare read this ? S.OcW-acro
ranch , well Improved , well watered , $7.00
per acre ; l.COO-acre ranch , well Improved ,
$10.00 per acre : 1,300-ncre ranch , well Im
proved , { 6.IW per acre ; 1.200-acre , not im
proved , lit $2.00 per acre ; 2,000 acres In
Klmball Co. , at I2.C5 per acre ; several
clear quarters at $3.00 per acre ; right hero
In Douglas county I've got two of the
very finest forms ; In Iowa I have some
extra bargains , This will suit you , 9-room
all modern house and barn , lawn am ;
phade , oiii ) block from IVonseom Park , casi
front , owner leaving city ; neat 7-room al
modern house , nice barn , shade , on Pop
pleton Ave. , $2,700 ; neat G-room house
good barn , large lot. near In. $1,300 , very
easy terms ; vacant lots nt $25.00 to $1.000
near car line. Call Monday. Lyman
Waterman , N , Y. Llfo Bldg. Telephone.
1K > 7. RE-72-18 *
CHEAP , neat , new 5-room house , cttj
water , cistern , cellar , outhouses , shrub-
ery. etc. tsu Burdette St. RE-CGO is *
75 LOTS 8old in Bemls Park.
BI3.MI8 Park , corner lot , south front , lays
fine , $470 ; can accept some Omaha Sav
ings acct in part ,
60x120paved street , Bedford Place , $176
can accept a good bicycle In port.
A. F , Connett , 3(8 ( N. , Y Life Uliljr.
WALK over to Bemls Pork.
O. C. OUSBN , 17W Farnam St. , has prop
frty for sale In nil parts of the city ; also
farms and acre lots ; cash or month ! '
payments at low rate of interest.
RE-5S2 18
$300 BUYS full lot Mill and Maple.
J425 full lot Plalnvlew add.
S7&0 gooU cottage , barn. 27th and Grant.
House * and lots In all parts of city.
W. A , Sptncer , 1614 Farnam. RE-JUG12 19
BEAUTIFUL shade in Bemls Park ,
BEAUTIFUL farm. 103 a. . Ohio , on Lake
Erie near Vermllllon ; pop , ,000 ; 35 m. w
of Cleveland , on L. S. & M. S. . N. Y. i
S. L. Rys. ; high state of cultivation
\vclls and cisterns ; fences good ; iS a. lint
timber and pasture ; young peach orchard
in its prime ; price , $ G,600 ; will exchang
for any kind of clear property within W
in. of Omaha , at Its valu < s accept or pa ;
difference If uny. Hera Is a proposltio
seldom found In way of exchange , Invent !
gallon Invlt'tl. WesUirn Hotel Brokers. 101
I3co Bldg. , Omaha. RE-
4 ACRES , unimproved , clone In ; lays tine ,
cheap. J. II. Sherwood , 423 X , Y Life ,
1'ou svirniu : , IJSTATIJ.
MODhRN in-rnr.m hnuv nnd barn and
corner lot 60 l.y Id faces eu t on best
street In Han-r-om Place , within on * block i
of.I'afk. both streets , paved with asphalt :
prke. $ , r-asy terms. ThH IB a good
opporiunity to retire n choice home at n
decided bargain.
S-rootn house nnd east front lot on Lowe
Avenue nenr the Joslyn and Ofttitt resi
dences : r ntcd for $ S36 per year ; location
unexcelled. Price only $3,300.
S-room cottage , modern except furnace , nnd
63 feet cast front lot on 25th street , $2,709.
Benutlful lot 60 by 150 with 4-room house , oil
10th street near Brownell Hall , $1,500.
G-room house nnd two full lots for $300.
6-ft. corner 3rS ? and Dodge , $2,500.
60-ft. eaat front on 3Jth street north of
Farnam , $1,500.
48-ft. on Farnam , $1,500.
60-ft. on West Farnam , $275.
60-ft. on Mnrcyi nnd 30th , $1,000.
50-ft. on 30th Avenue by park , $1,250. $
Other bargains In every pnrt of the city.
\ hen you wish to buy or sell any kind of
real estate nlwnys see
PICK out a lot In Hcmls PurlT
RE-5S4 18
SPECIAL bargains for one week only :
Ino residence , largo barn , fruit , flowers ,
shrubbery , tc. , very large lot on Cali
fornia street , $1,750.
Nice llttl home , good shape , sewer , city
water , two blocks from two car lines , lot
35 feet front on Grace at. , $700.
I' Ino 5-room cottage. 33 feet frontage on
22d St. , half cash , $550.
> -room cottage , city water , lawn , etc. , etc. ,
on 23th near Parker , $1,000.
Fine larg residence , n rooms , three lots ,
one block from Hanscom Park , one blk
from motor line , $5,000.
'till lot. vacant , 42nd and Farnam , $ MO.
20x157 feet , three fronts , splendid building
site , fronts Bemls Park , $1,300.
Corner , 125x150 feet , on Jackson , near 37th
St. , $1COO.
Wyman , Shriver Co. , X. Y. Life Ride.
RE-5SO 18
UNSOLD lots in Bemls Park are. marked.
'lOO.OO. ' 6-room house , near 20th and Lake ,
easy terms.
flOO.OO. 4-room house , good lot , nice shade ,
near Farnam and 29th St.
il.700.00. Brand new six-room cottage ,
porcelain bath and sink , closet , gab , hot
and cold water , cemented caller ; south
front , 50-foot lot. In desirable neighbor
hood , near car line ; easy terms If de
FOR SALE , a nice SO-acre farm within S
miles of postolllce ; house , stable , well nnd
other Improvements on place ; nlso house
and 50-foot lot on Miami St. , near 20th , at
a bargain. Address 601 N. IGth.Hli
Hli 013 IS
MONEY in Bcmte Park lots.
RE 5S9-1S
PECK & CO. , agents and dealers In city and
farm property ; loans , rentals. 101 S. 15th.
RE 333
SOUTH Omaha lots. $75 up ; J25 casn , bal
ance $5 monthly. W. L. Selby. 334 Board
of Trade Bldg RE M529
FOR South Omaha business or " o
property fcce George and Comp > i ' ty
Hall Building , South Omaha. 01 : -
nam St. , Omaha. UE- )
LJST your property with us for bale. Wo
have the customers. The Byron Reed
Company , 212 S. 14th St. RE-33G
O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency. South
Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest
ments. RE-333
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
tlmo to dispose of them : let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bco reaches the people who have the
money. RE SGG
Over 2,500 acres of Douglas county land for
pado cheap. Prices range from $20 per
acre up. Will pay you to Investigate.
The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.
HE 338
C. F. HARRISON , FARMS , 912 N. Y. Life.
RE 866-J-17'
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire
insurance. Bemls Pnxton Blk. RE 334
GLOVER , real estate brouer , 302 Karbach ,
can safely Invest your Idle money. Try him
RE M154
Real estate bargains ; low rate loans ; safe
lire Insurance ; houses rented to good ten
ants only. List with me. 'Phone 1016.
RE 153
IF YOU want a farm , cheap grazing land ,
or ranch , plcaso write us. WI'lls Cad-
well Co. . Broken Bow , N .
_ Mo ( Jyl3
HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Bulldjng.
J. M. CHAMBERS , 1802 Farnam. Tel. 629
ALL kinds plating. Om Plating Co. , Bee bldg
WAXTED. salesmen and salesladies to sell
a staple line of household goods direct to
the consumers ; wo teach you the busjnoss
nnd then guarantee you from JiS.OO to
5100.00 per month. Mutual Mfg , Co . New-
York City , S32-1S *
W. F. WAPPICH. attorney ; practice In all
courts ; bankruptcy cases , 605 Drown Blk.
viu * J'y
CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bide..s7
* -\.s7
SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases ,
Trunks ropaln-d. Omaha Trunk factory ,
1207 Farnam. ! > ? 3 A20
MRS. A. C. MARK. dressmaKing , lauies
tailoring , accordion knife , side pleating.
17th and Farnam. M14S
IN families. Miss Sturdy , 2610 Davenport.
C52 Jyli *
OMAHA 6TEAM LAUNDRY , city towel
supply ; shirts , So ; collars , 2c : cuffs , 4c ;
underwear , Cc. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617.
M 163 6epl4
MISS MINNIE LOVI , piano teacher.
Davldge Bidg. M-70-24 *
3111111011 FACTORY.
DAMAGED looking glares rcullvcred. 78
N , 16th , M231-
St-MMhR sihnol. five wicks' trrm. begin-
nnK ! June Win ; grammar grnrtrs Vth anil
"ha specialty. St. Barnabas S. heel
Building. Uth & c l. 8t , Elizabeth
Root.e : . 693-ls *
M. S. WALKLIN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 13.11.
HICVCI.I : tuni.vd sciiom , ,
JUST jpened , le < ons given by experienced
teacher. Call nt store Omaha Bicycle Co.
C. A. CASE , violins repaired , 416 Sheely Bk.
iiorsn MOVHH.
W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave.
IMA\OS Ttxnn.
PIANOS tuned , $1.60 , at Rose's , 1521 Dodge.
M 902 J23
MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. ICth. Tel 7s
UeoBldq , Omaha , Nib.
Bend for free invent
or * ' guide Tal 1093.
Hoard of Education , Schoo' District of
Omalin , Office of the Secretary , June 5. 1S99.
Sealed proposals will be received at this
olllee until S p. m. on the luth day of June ,
ISM , for all work and material required for
the plumbing of the Cass school building ,
15th and L'.iss streets , Omaha , Neb. . In ac
cordance with and specifications ,
copies of which may bo had at this ofllce or
at the otllce of John Uatonf r , architect ,
rooms 515-51G Karbach blocK. Eacn proposal
must accompanied by a ccrtllled check
for n sum not lesa than one per cent of the
amount of the proposal , The right Is re
served to reject any or all bids anrt waive
any defect or Informality in any bid should
It bo deemed In the Interest of the IJoard
of Education to do so.
Al ! nroWGfials reenlved nfter thn tlmn
stated above will be returned to the bidders.
Proposals must be enclosed In envelopes ,
pealed and marked "Proposal for Plumbing
for Cius School , " and addressed or deliv
ered to the secretary , Board of Education
looms , City Hall.
liy order of the board ,
J 7 D lot Secretary.
Notlc-2 Is hereby given that the Board ot
County Commissioners of Douglas County ,
Nebraska , will sit as a board ot equaliza
tion , beginning Tuesday , June , 13th , 1S99 , at
10 o'clock a. m. . and contlnuu from day to
day up to and Including June 29th , ISM (15 (
days , not Including Sundays ) , for the pur
pose of equalizing the assessments for ths
year 1SH3 ns the law dlr cts.
Dated Omaha. Neb. , May 22 , ISM.
D. M. HA.VBR.L.Y , County Clerk.
May 29-D 211
Notlco Is hereby given that scaled bids will
bo received by James C. Elliott , clerk of the
city of West Point , Neb. , up to 7 o'clock
p. m. of the 2Sth day of June , 1S9D , for tha
construction of a 2iS,000-gallon reservoir. In
accordant with the plans and specifica
tions thrcfcro now on file In the ofllco of
the city engineer , Omaha , Nob. Bidders
are notified to pr'pare their bids upon the
basis of the materials mentioned In said
specifications , and that the successful bidder -
dor will be required to give a Rood nnd
sufficient bond , and will bo held to a strict
performance of his contract. The council
reserves to Itself the right to reject any or
all bids.
Dated nt West Point. Neb. , Juno S. 1S99.
City Cl'rk.
land Route" General Olllces ,
IM E. Cor. Xlnth and Farnnm
Streets. City Ticket Offlce , 1303
Farnam Street. Telephone ,
3lf Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone. 629.
Leave. Arrive.
"Tne Overlard Limited"
for Utah , li'aho , Mon
tana , California , Oregon
gen and Washington
po'.nts a 8:50 : am a 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Special
for 1/envei and all
Colorado points all:55 : pm a 6:40 : am
Paclllc Express for
Denvei , Salt Lake.
Pacific Coast nnd all
western .joints b 4:35 : pm a 6:10 : am
Lincoln Baatrice and
Stromsburg Express..b 4:35 : pm b2:20 : pm
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk , Grand Island and
North i'lutto a 4:35 : pm b 4:43pm :
Columbus Local b 5:30 : pm b2:20 : pm
North Platte Local aG:15nm :
South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , Glo : n.
rn ; 7:00 : a. m. , 10:10 : a. m. : 3:05 : p. m. Arrives.
10:15 : a. m. ; 3.15 p. m. ; 4lo : p. m. ; 6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaven. 3:5j : a. m. ;
6:40 : a. m. ; C-60 a. m. ; 7:40 : n. ra. ; b 10:45 : a.
m. ; 12:20 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 4:65 : p ,
m. ; 5.25 p. m. 5:55 : p. m. ; 0:20 : p m. ; 8:20 : p.
m : 10:30 : p. m. Arrive * , 6:35 : a. m. ; 7 : 0 u.
m. , .15 a. m. ; 8:45 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3C : ( p.
m. ; 4:03 : p. m. ; 5:15 : p. m. ; 6SO : p. m. ; 6:55 : p.
m. ; 6.30 p m ; 9:05 : p. m. ; 11:00 : p , m. ; Ilo5 :
D. m.
a Dally. b Dally except Sundty ,
& Quincy Railroad "Tho
Burlington Route' Ticket
Olllco. 1562 Farnam St.
Tel. 250. Depot , Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
aylTght Chicago Spe
cial a 6:40 : am
Chicago Vestlbu'cd Ex..a 6:05 : pm a SOS : am
Chicago Express a 11:30 : Jin a 4:03 : pm
Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:43 : pm a S:03 : am
Pacific Junction Local.alO:45 : urn a 5 15 pm
Fast Moll u 2:45 : pm
a Dally.
seph & Council Bluffs
Ra'.road ' "Tho Burllng-
toi. Route" Ticket Olllce ,
1D02 Farnam Street. Telephone -
phone , 2M. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
T.eavo. Arrive ,
Kansas Pity Day Ex. . . u 9:33 : am a 5:40 : pm
Kanea * City Night Ex. nlO:15 : pm u 6:30 : am
Bt. Louis Flyer for St.
Joseph und St. Louis..a 4C5 : pm all:15 : am
u Dully ,
aourl River Railroad
"The Burlington Route"
General OilTces , N. W.
Corner Tenth and Far-
nam Streets. Ticket
Olllce , 1502 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 260.
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele-
phone , 310.
. , . , * . , . Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook a 640 ; am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln. Denver. Colorado
rado , Utah , California..a 4:25 : pm a 3:65 : pm
Llncoin , BUk Hllla.
Montana * Puget
Sound a 4:25 : p m a 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Local , , , a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pro alO:35 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah
& California a 6:30 : am
a Dally.
Depot Tenth and Mason Streets.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Special a G:40 : am all:55 : pm
Mo. Va'ley , Minneapolis a BSO am all.01 pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux City a 7:45 : din a 9:10 : pm
Carroll Local b 5.25 pm blO.10 nm
Eastern Express all:05 : am a 4:05 : pm
Atlantic Flyer a 4:55 : pm a 4 05 pm
Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm
Northern Express a 5:25 : pm u 8:40 : nm
Omaha-Chicago Special.u 7:05 : pm a 8:15 : urn
Fust Mall S:45am :
Sioux City. Minneapolis a G:30 : am a 8:40 : am
Minneapolis. S'oux ' Clty.a 5:25 : pm nll:00 : pm
Blout City Local . . . . . . . .a 7:45 : am a 9:03 : pm
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday ,
Leave. Arrive ,
Norfolk Passenger a 0:10 : am a 7:00 : pm
Blair. Emerson , Sioux
City , Ponca bl:00pm : b2.15 ! pm
Xo. 2 Twin City L'td..a 6:55 : pm
No. 1 Omaha Limited . . a 9:00 : am
u Dally. b Dally Except Sunday.
Depot Fifteenth and VVebstJr'Vtri'Cts.
Leave. Arrive.
Black HI'ls a3-00pm a 5:0) : pm
Wyoming d 3.00 pm .1 5:00 pm
Hastlngd & Superior . b 3-00 pm b 5.00 pm
Norfolk & Verdlgre . 1)7-30 am 1)10 15 am
Lincoln & Wahoo . b 7.30 am blO 45 am
Fremont Local , c 7,30 ant
a Dally b Dall > Except fiundiy c Sun-
a Dully U&cept Saturday.
itMi.itovt ) ri i MI : i vim.
and & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Inl
RocVlslafid and Rout * . " city Tick.
rt onico , 13 Pnrnam
- Joule Street. Telephone , 4.'S ,
Depot , Tenth A .Mason
Streets. Telephone. tt.
Lenvo. Arrive.
Dei Moltic-s Local a 7:05 : inn bll:25 : ntn
Chicago Express bllili nm n Sio : nm
Chicago Fnsi Express..a 3:00 : pm a Ii25 ntn
St Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm bll2o ; am
Lincoln. Colorado Spg.s. ,
Denver , Pueblo and
West . . . . - aliSJpm n 4:2S : pm
DCS Moliii'S. Rook I- ;
and nnd . hlcago a 7:25 : pm a fi:33 : pm
Colorado c. Texas F'yer.a 6:40 : pm a 9.00 am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday
road-General Olllccs and
Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglaa Sts.
Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone ,
. , , , , Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis-Kftnsaa &
Neb. Ltmlfrt . a 3M : pm n 12:53 : pin
K C. St L , Express . . .a 9:50 : pm n 0:00 : nil ]
Nebraska Local vlij
Wcepinr Wntei . b 5:00 : pm b D : < J am
ft Dnl y. b Dally except Sunday ,
[ PORT Railroad Omaha , Kan
sas City & Eastern Railroad -
ARTHUR road "The 1'ort Aitluir
Route" - Ticket Olllcc ,
ROUTE ; 141o F < unam Street. Tel.
, ephone , 322. Depot IVnlh
and Mason Streets. Tele ,
phom , Ci9.
Leave. Arrive.
St. LO..IS Cannon Ball
Exp MS a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : am
Kansas City and Quincy
Lorai a 0:50 : am a 0:3) : pm
e Onliv
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket Office , 1501 Fnrnam
fM/itiM > i/cr )
'MILWAUKEEStreet. . Telephone , 2S4. De
pot , Tenth and Mason Sts.
Telephone , 0:9.
_ Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 5.43 pm a 8:20 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:53 : pm
Sioux City & DCS Molncs
Express bll:00 : am b 3:53 : pm
u Dully , b Dally except Sunday ,
Ticket Olllce , 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone. S92. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Marort
Streets. Telephone , G29.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Lnula "Canon Ball"
Express a 4oO : pm a 8:35 : am
a Dally.
. . .CONSULT. . .
Searles & Searles
Specialists In
Nervous , Chronic &
" ' Private Diseases
, ' / ( tf Men and Women.
We guarantee to cure all case * curable of
Catari1iAll Dietasaof llicffoiK , ThroatClittt ,
Stomach , Uniccls auirr ; ( ' ( ; Mydroctlc , Varl-
cocclt , Svphilit , Uanurrlioia.
Nervous Debility aMU'ioSy- ' 3
Middle Aacil anil OW1cn
Diseases , Ser on , Spots ,
Rlnnrlyni ] CUn
DlOOU OlIU OKIII l > , milcs , Scrofula , Tu
mors , Tetter , Eczema , aim Ulooil Poison , thor
oughly cleansed from the Bj-stemj nlsoVctalc >
ness of Orifaus , luflamuiation , Ruptures , Piles ,
r > h Throat , Lungs , Liver , Dyspepsia
Oatarril and all bowel and stomach troubles.
i rlin OlTen careful and attention
LaUlCS for all their many nllmcnta.
WRITE your troubles , If out of the city.
Thousands cured at liumc by correspondence.
Or. Searles h Searles. 119 S. 14thSt. , Omaha.
Ante Room Echoes
Fraternal Commlsloncr ROOBO reports that
a largo number of fraternities are taking an
active and substantial Interest in the frater
nal department of the Greater America Ex
position. The Woodmen of tbo World , High
landers , Fraternal Union of America , Modern
Woodmen of America , Royal Neighbors and
other organizations have about completed
arrangements for headquarters In the fra
ternal building and are going to hold frater
nal days and demonstrations. The heads of
the various orders arc In accord and enthusi
astic in making the power and Influence of
the fraternities of this country felt at the
exposition. Excursions will be conducted
from over 'tho entire country to Omaha to
attend demonstrations under the ausplcea of
the fraternal societies.
\Vooiliiifii of he World.
Woodmen Memorial day , Juno 0 , was
properly celebrated on that day throughout
the United Statea. Almost 1,200 monuments
erected by the order were decorated with
flowers ; others were dedicated and unveiled.
Orations and ritualistic ceremonies were
carried out by camps clothed In full regalia ,
brass 'bands and banners with "Old Glory"
were In evidence In towns and villages
everywhere in honor of deceased sovereigns.
Special Deputy Schleh i booked for Bos-
worth , Altona , and Gallatin , Mo. , for unvell-
Ings of monuments In the next week , and
from these places ho .goes to Mexico In the
Interest of the order. Ho IB also booked for
July 4 at Ottumwa , la , , delivering the oration
tion of the day.
The camp at Fremont , Neb. , 1s making
great preparations for observing July 4.
All camps near by arc members of the Log
Rolling association and they are invited to
be on band.
Omaha camp , No. 1C , will on Tuesday
evening , Juno 27 , celebrate the anniversary
ot the consolidation of Commercial camp
and Camp I oyal into the above camp. The
celebration will bo In tbo nature of a mag
New camps have boon established in the
last week at Wall Lake , la. , with twenty
charter members ; at Nellgh , Neb , , vlth
twenty-five charter members , and a new
Bohemian camp at Omaha , with a largo
Alpha camp band of this city has ordered
now uniforms , which will bo of Ibo finest
material and one uf the grandest band uni
forms in this section of the country ,
Omaha camp , No. 10 , turned out Frldcy
afternoon and buried one of their late mem
bers , Sovereign Blumcntual , with proper
Woodmen ceremonies.
A grove of the Woodmen circle waa organ
ized at Woodbine , Jo. , Juno 6. It was instli
tuted by Supreme Guardian Mrs. MancncB-
tcr of Omaha , with a membership of eighty-
three women of Woodbine.
On Friday evening at Druid Camp Forest
a now grove of tlio Woodmen Circle uas es
tabllshcd as auxiliary to Druid camp , uith
a membership of forty women of this city.
The ceremony was conducted by Supreme
Guardian Mrs. Manchester.
Audi-lit Order of I'ullcil Workmen.
The supreme lodge of the Ancient Order
of United Morlunen convened in the house
of representatives at Indianapolis Tuesday ,
June 13 , with a representation of nearly 300
supreme delegates. The Nebraska delegates
to the meeting are .M. B. SUultz , G. M. W. ,
Beatrice , J. H Erford , P. G. M. W. , Lincoln ,
aud Hugh W. Cole , P. G. M. W. . McCook.
Muny amendments of Interest to Nebraskans -
kans have been proposed , and It Is practic
ally certain that hcvcral ot them will be
passed. Among those likely to become laws
Is ono authorizing the translation of the
ritual into Bohemian and another establish
ing a change In the time of the supreme
ledge meeting , making it semi-annual , in
stead of annual ,
II M. Waring of this city , who attended
[ the meeting , and was appointed to member
ship on the committee on laws , and J 0
Talc of Lincoln , member of the committee
on appeals , have returned. They report that
the meeting \\ns the most successful by far
ot fliir that have been held. It nas aj-
Journed Friday.
Sessions of Superior lodge , Degree of
Honor , the woman's branch of the order ,
\\ere held from Juno 12 to 13. The annual
reports ot the officers showed the organiza- j
tlon to be In n prosperous condition In ro-
spcct , both as to finances and membership , i
The supreme recorder announced a membership - |
ship ot 20.000 , a substantial Increase- over
last year. i
The Mystic Shrlnors who took the pilgrim
age to Buffalo numbered nearly 15,000 at the
time of the opening session of the Imperial
council Wednesday morning. The contingent
from this city was nindo up of nboul forty
members of Tangier temple. They traveled
on the train , convoying the temples of Kan
sas and Missouri and arrived at Iluffalo the
morning cf 'the Initial Bosslon. At the an
nual election one Omaha man was accorded
the distinction of a high position among
tlio Imperial conncll officials. Henry C. Akin ,
who has been one of the three representa
tives to the council from Tangier temple
ever since Its organization , as neil ns the
Incumbent of the office of high priest and
prophet , was promoted to the position of
Imperial assistant rabban , fourth from the
top of the list of Imperial dignitaries.
Mr. Akin has been cTosoly Identified nlth
prominent fraternal organizations for many
> ears. He IB supreme regent of the Imperial
Mystic Legion aud state grand treasurer for
the Knights Templar.
Installations will be held Saturday , Juno 24 ,
by Capitol lodge No. 3 , Covert lodge No. 11
and St , John's lodge No. 23. Nebraska loilgo
No. 1 will hold u public installation ot offi
cers Tuesday evening , Juno 20 , when the
now grand master , W. W. Koysor , will con
duct the ceremonies.
Wednesday evening , Juno 20 , the Royal
Arch Mascuis of Plattsmouth initiated 1) . S.
Guild of that city , Dr. George II. Gllmoro
of Murray and William Deles Dernier ot
Ulmwood. After the ceremonies there was
an elaborate banquet at the -Hotel Hllcy and
a number of toasts by prominent Mascois.
Among these uho responded wcro Hon. S.
M. Chapman , Grand Secretary Frank 12.
White , Messrs , Lamb , Latlmer and Howe
of Glcmvootl , the novltatcs.
At a recent meeting of blue ledge Ma
sons at Crete , Neb. , the folfowlng officers
were elected : S. L. Mains , W. M. | M. II.
Fleming , S. W. ; N. W. Norrls , J. W. ; Joseph
Kopetzky , T. ; C. W. Kunzmatin , S.
At the last regular meeting of the Ma
sonic ledge at Schuyler the following offi
cers \ \ : W. W. Wells , W. M. ; Wil
liam Munger , S. W. ; D. Dunkcl , J. W. ; W. F.
Miller , S. ; lion Mick , T.
of Ilu > Jlni-onlicf" .
The klrmlss that has been hold In Crelgh-
ton hall1 during the last week under the aus
pices of the Knights of the Maccabees has
proved a success beyond the hopes of the
most sanguine. The many valuable prizes
contributed by business men of the city bavo
been disposed of to a long list ot "most pop-
ulars , " and the proceeds from tbo sales of
chances have swelled the Maccabees' bank
account considerably , llut the success that
has attached to the klrmlss financially has
boon lost sight of In the enjoyment of the
eoclal pleasures it has afforded. The fea
ture of tbo entire entertainment has been
the nightly dancing.
The first of the prizes was a handsome
Bilk flag awarded to the hlvo securing from
the voters the verdict of the greatest popu
larity. The winner In the contest was Uni
form hive.
To the tent adjudged the most popular of
the state tents was given another but
much handsomer and Inrgor flag. The
Hooper , Neb. , tent secured tno prize.
In the contest to decide which of thrco
young I'adlcs was the most popular Lafly
Maccabce , Miss Day was the winner , with
Miss Tague and Miss Butler in the order
named. The prlzo was a silver sot.
Lady Payne was decided the most popu
lar lamly commander , her prlzo being a
handsome pillow. The oi.her contestants were
Ladies Church aud Dixon.
The most popular knight was W. II.
Smith , and a close second in the race was U.
E. Hewitt. The prlzo was a water color
The annual grand ledge mooting of the
Elks will convene In the Olympic theater at
St. Louis , Tuesday morning , Juno 20 , and the
plans for the reception and entertainment
of the thousands of members who will at
tend are the most elaborate that have yet
been devised for ono of these yearly festivals.
Business sessions of the lodce will com
mence Tuesday and continue throughout the
week. Wednesday there will bo a parade in
which 8,000 Elks will take part. Prizes
amounting to moro than $12,000 will bo
awarded , $3,500 being for distribution to
loflgos traveling the greatest distance and
having the greatest number of members
present , $2,000 for division among the lodges
making the best appearance In the parade ,
nnd an equal sum for prizes In the drill
At the meeting of local lodges Friday evenIng -
Ing sixty of the members signified their In
tention to take the trip to St. Louis. Thorn
will be no women in the party nor will a
band be taken. The arrangements for the
visit are meager , nnd include only details
relating to transportation and hotel accom
An important action of the meeting was
the appropriation of $50 for the relief of
the Herman cyclone sufferers , and the ap
pointment of a committee to receive supplies
of clothing and food for their benefit. Those
who ore to servo on the committee are
Arthur Brlggs , Gus Uentz nnd A. S. Shelbel.
Krntcriinl I'nlon nf Ainorlcn ,
Degree staff No. 1 visited Magic City
ledge No. SO and Initiated thirteen candi
dates. Refreshments wore served and a gen
eral good tlmo was had.
Mrndamln lodge No. Ill Monday night Ini
tiated ten candidates. This ledge will give
a dance next Monday evening for the benefit
of the degree team.
Omaha lodge No. 311 Wednesday evening
initiated four candidates.
Supreme President Uoopo went to Her
man Wednesday to look after members of
the Herman ledge , Out of the sixty mem-
berg of that ledge none were hurt , except
ono , who met with a slight Injury. The
Omaha lodges will probably have a Joint
meeting for the purpose of making donations
for the assistance of the destitute at Herman.
KlllKlltN Of 1'yllllllN.
Sunday , June 11 , was observed as Memorial
day by Pythian lodges throughout the state
and In many towns Impressive ceremonies
wcro held at the ccmotarles , At McCook
there were special musical services in the
Methodist church where a parade formed
nnd inarched to the burying ground , pro
ceeded by the uniform rank of the order
and a band. Similar ( services were conducted
at Wayne , where Rov. n. C. Montgomery
preached the memorial sermon In the Pres
byterian church. Harmony lodge , No. 48 , of
Wymore , decorated the craves of mcmbors
with flowers and the North Platte lodge held
services at the cemetery whore memorial ad
dresses were delivered by F. Edmonds and
Rev. George A. Ilcechor.
( hill IVHoiVN.
At a meeting last week the Leland en
campment at Friend elected the following
officers' 0. P. . W. I. Brundage ; W. S. , Wll-
Ham Stelnhoff ; H. P. , Arthur Rice : J. W. ,
W. W. Thomas ; S. , H. Dine ; T. , W. An
drews , representative to grand lodge , A. Me.
"f ICIioritHniiii.
Shakuklam temple. No. 84 , Dramatic Order
Knights of Khorassan , was instituted In
Pythian ball , Council Bluffs , Friday even
ing , Juno , 9. PreccccliDS tbo institution
Dr. McGrow's object in making
thotu' low priei'sfor treatment is to do the
greatest amount of good for the greatest
number of men who are in need of treat
ment. These prices make it possible for
even the poorest to obtain treatment. His reputation and
reliability is well set forth in the following :
OMAHA BEE : Yr. McGrew Una boon rotnlnod to ijlvo tnstlmony in
court In a case involving questions concerning diseases of which he makes n cpe-
olaltv This la not the llrsl tlmo thu doctor Inn born culled ti | on for export tes
timony In the state courts , he being regarded nn the most eminent authority In
the west today on diseases peculiar to men ; ho Is Justly entitled to this reputation ,
as ho has made private disorders of man his special study and llfo work , and his
diagnosis Is always found to bo con cot.
WORLD-HERALD : , Dr. McGrow is known Ihroughnnt the west
as authority on nil disorders peculiar to men , to which he has devoted his profes
sional llfo. The claims upon his tlmo hnvo become so great of late that In order
tu meet the wauls of the Increased itatronaso his olllee and laboratory facilities
have , been greatly enlarged , nml he now haa one of the most completely arranged
and commodious olllccs to be found In the \\cst.
THE SWEDISH TRIBUNE : Dr. McGrow , whoso olUro U nt the
corner of 14th and Farnntn. I * a doctor on v.lmm you can depend that Is the rea
son why he Is eo well knoun and liked In Omah.i and throtiBhout the west.
CHICAGO TRADE REVIEW : Wo do not hoUtitto tositiRloont
Dr. J. i : . McOiew of Om.Uia , Nebraska , as a specialist tu'.ly deHcrvltiR ot the hUh-
c t praise. The fait that diseases of a prlvuto nature re his HpeolalHes , Rlve. < him
a decided advantage over the general practitioner. Dr. McOrow Is u thoroughly
trained physician , a deep thinker , a keen renxanor , a persistent reader of the lit
erature of Ills profession , and hence a wide awake nd Intelligent sppolnllst. During
our twenty years' of experience as a. newspaper correspondent wo hnvo not encoun
tered a moro thorough , a bolter equipped or more lollnhlo specialist than Dr.
22 Years' Experience 12 Years in Omaha.
Call or write mo full particulars and I will advise jou In strict oonfttlcnco
Medlrlno and treatment sent everywhere
by mall or express , at the small charge
HOME TREATMENT Unit euros , but costs llttlo , envoi you tlmo
and money and gives universal satisfaction to all. Sleilhlno carefully concealed
from view while shipping.
cases where It Is advisable. Vorleoccle , Stricture , Syphilis , In all Its stages , I.OSD of
Vigor and Vitality , caused from abuses or excesses , Weakness and Disorders of
Kidney and Bladder aboutply ! otirod , and health and vigor and ambition fully re
stored. CUIIKS GUAHANTI3D In all curable cases. Charges low.
The doctor's remarkable success In his treatment of all diseases of men has
never been equaled. Ills resources and facilities for treating this clnroi of dis
eases are unlimited. Hook free. Consultation and examination free. Olllco hours :
8 a. m. to 5 p. m. , 7 to S p. in. Sunday , 0 to 1 ° .
P. 0 , Box 766 , Office N , E , Gor , ! 4th and Farnam Sts. Omaha , Neb ,
ceremonies there was a parade of unusual
magnificence In which members of toinples
from neighboring cities took part. Promi
nent Pythians from Omaha , Lincoln , Platts-
mouth , were present when the "tyros" were
escorted across the burning sands and they
were given seats of honor at the banquet
In the dining room of the Grand hotel.
The "Feast of the Prophet" was commenced
when the town clocks tolled the midnight
hour , and the ceremonies were not concluded
until nearly daylight. The now temple be
gins Its career with a largo membership , In
cluding nearly all the well-known business
men In Council Bluffs.
HiiNliK'Nf ) mid Kriitornnl
At the last meeting of Omaha lodge the
principal business discussed related to the
proposed picnic. The location was practic
ally decided upon as a majority of the mem
bers favored the plan of holding the picnic
In one of the parks of this city Instead nf
Fremont. Supreme Secretary Roger Dick-
Ins presided , having returned the day before
.from West Virginia. K M. Martin , on of
ficial of Dunlap lodge , No. 10 , Dunlap , la. ,
was among the guests present.
nnd Iml left of S
Omaha council No. 115 installed the fol
lowing officers at the last regular meeting.
President J. E. Cramer , F. V. P. ; Mrs. Helen
Adams , S. V. P. ; Mrs. Elinor Huberman , P. ;
Edward Stringer , F. S. ; Frank Rosewoter ,
C. S. ; Mrs. J. A. Dempster , G. T. ; Phillip
Gotthelncr , G. ; Ambrose Hood , S. ; John B.
fir a nd Army of li Hoiiulillc.
The Iowa atato encampment convened at
Waterloo , Tuesday , Juno 13 , and continued
until the following Saturday. Among the
notables in attendance were Adjutant Gen
eral Dyers , Governor Shaw nnd many Amer-
icnn eoldlers of 'tho American-Spanish war.
TrniiNiiotlonii In Huclcft KhniiH Must
Contribute Their I'nrt lo Ilrreiine
of Government.
WASHINGTON , Juno 17. Commissioner
Wilson of the Internal Revenue bureau has
rendered a decision which haa been pending
for a long time regarding the liability of
bucket shop transactions to the stamp tax.
The decision says : .
By a bucket shop IB meant a place other
than n board of trade or exchange whore
the parties who agree to buy and sell htocko
do not ordinarily contemplate the receiving
or delivering of the certificates therefore by
the buyer or seller either nt the tlmo or In
the future. Such transactions in stocks are
In the case of every agreement to Bell
nt a bucket shop there Is both ft presumptive
buyer nnd a presumptive seller nnd this is
true whether the customer agrees to Boll
stock to the manager of the place or the
manager of the place agrees to sell stock
to the customer.
Where agreement of sale has been made
nnd no delivery of stock takes place and the
party holding the agreement of sale wishes
to close the transaction by disposing of Ills
Interest In * > ald agreement , nnd settles with
the holder of the contract by paying the
dcflcciicy price , In contemplation of law there
is an agreement to resell the Kharex to thn
original bdler. All these transactions must
bo evidenced bv a written memorandum.
It makes no difference whether thcpo
agreements to sell stocks made at bucket
shops nro called "Belling privileges" or
"purchase privileges" or whether they nro
railed by any other name , such contracts
nro taxable the same as stock transactions
on the stock exchange.
Regarding the halo of grain and other
products of mcrchadlsu at bucket shops , the
commissioner. In view of the recent decision
of the United States supreme court In re
gard to the sales of mcrchamllbo ut a Ixiard
of trade , exchange or any similar place , re
vokes the previous decision that u bucket
shop as ordinal ily conducted In a similar
place to a board of trade or exchange. It
IB understood that In the case of a bucket
shop tlioro Is commonly only ono manager or
firm who control all the sales and j.urclmsoa
made at that particular placs , and where this
Is tlio case no tax accrues on the sale ot
grain or other merchandise made thereat.
except where a broker's contract or
memorandum of sale is Ibsned , when it
must bo stamped with u 10-cent stamp.
\ > llh Counterfeit .SIIIIIIH | | ,
MAYSVILLE , Ky. , Juno 17. Several
thouhand cigars have been seized here bearIng -
Ing counterfeit internal revenue samps. It
Is said they are from factory 3741 , Ninth
district of Pennsylvania.
Kodol Dynpcpsla Cure completely digest *
food within tlu : stomach and Intestines and
renders all classes of food capable of being
assimilated and converted Into strength giv
ing and tissue building buUctunces ,
Work of Oolonol Albert 0. Swift , United
Elates PoatofEca Inspector ,
It I aiucli AiuirccliUcil , Kniicclnlly
Men The Country In lie-
< o Show Hi K tin
ot lro iierlty. ,
Colonel Albert O. Swift , United States
postofllco Inspector , who has been In Cuba
during the last thrco months , assisting in
organizing the postal service along American
lines , has returned. In speaking of his work :
in Cuba Mr. Swift said :
"Mywork was mostly In the province of
Santa Clara and consisted principally of get
ting the postofflccs In working order and
mapping out the mall routes. The offices
In tlio cities and towns nro known as mili
tary stations , nnd nro under the New York
offlcc. Military olllcers are in charge. In
the smaller towns and in the country wo
have Relucted Spaniards and Cubans for the
service. To say that the residents of the
province are pleased with the mall eorvlca
Is putting it very mildly. Hisretr ere tbo
postal service haa been little bettor tlmn
none , and consequently It has not been pa
tronized. Now we are giving the people
regular eervkcH , running dolly malls In
many localities , with weekly and scml-
weckly malls Into the moro remote districts.
Of courao I'lio ofllccR are not self-supporting
yet , but they will bo before many months , na
it is apparent that the mails are rapidly be
coming better patronized. The Cubans are
not great letter wrltcru , but the business
men , seeing the stability of our system , nro
using it a great deal moro than they did a
few weeks ago.
"The money that the United States Is pay
ing to the Cuban eoldlcru as a rule does not
seem to be doing them much good. A largo
portion of it goee for luxuries and trinkets.
However , when you como to realize that It
In the first money that many of these men
have haJ for months , and even years , you
can't wonder that they gpcnd it foolishly.
Then again , u man can't buy so very mucb.
with $75 , the allowance that each soldier
receives. There are certain things that they
must have and when they have made these
purchases they don't have very much loft.
I'rniuHirlly llfKlmilnir ,
"Tim country is beginning ; to ehow eomo
signs of prosperity , but it will bo a long
time before the plantations are under *
good state of cultivation. Tlio long war
with Spain completely devastated tlio coun
try , the fields have grown up to weeds and
underbrush and the houses and other build
ings have been destroyed , Tlio people who
formally occupied the/so lands have returned
to their homes In many Instances , but they
have no means to go on with their work.
They have no funds with which tc. buy
horsea and mules to use In cultivating the
neil and they hava no money with which to
purchase agricultural Implements.
"As i rule the Cuban Is lazy possibly tba
climate is rcbponsiblo for this but nover-
thulexs the Cuban is lazy and tthlftless and ,
possessing these cliaracterlatlcs , jt Is no
wonder that he will not work , now that ha
has nothing to work with. When the coun
try becomes Americanized It Is going to bo
fabulously rich , as the soil will produce
everything that can bo grown In the tropics.
i Some plantations , I am Informed , that have
I been under cultivation for more than 100
years teem to bo Just as fertile and produc-
tlvo as when the soli was Ilrst stirred. "
( tiiiirryineii Win Their hlrlkc ,
GLQUCKSTRIt. Mans. Juno 17. The strike
at the Rockporl Granlto company's quarries
at Rockport 1mn ended in favor of the strik
ers anil the men will return to work next
Monday. An agreement of nine hours a day
for flvo days in the week with eight hours
on Saturday and time and one-half to bo
paid for all overtime was made. The com
pany agrees not to discriminate against no/
man who took part in the utrlltc.
Si'lldNoIK ; of UN I.unili.
NASHVILUC. Tumi. , Juno 17. Major A.
Wilts , president of the Hhcllleld Coal , Iron
and Steel company , nuld today in regard to
the reported purchase of largo tracts of coal
and mineral lands und important manufac
turing plantu from that company by the
TcnncEbce Coal. Iron und Railroad company
that no such deal had been made. Ho ald
the icport wan without foundation.