Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1899, Editorial, Page 18, Image 18

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    'TITM mr-vi-tA DAirrr BBHTJ SUNDAY , JCTNTU is , ISTW ,
Ailvci-lNniiKMits for Hicac eolnmnn
nlll lie until 1U m. for UIP
pvpiiltiK edition iiiul until HlBO ! ' ' "
tor itiornltiK nnd Stindnj' oitltlonw.
llntm , I l-Ji n tvoril llrst limrrlloni
Ir n tioril tlirri-iiftpr. \nlliliiK InUrn
for IPKK ( linn BBi- for HIP llrnt Itifipr-
llcin. Tlipup nilvprllflctiioittn in nut lie
run oonnrcntlvrly.
AdvcrlUei-K , liy rrqiirMlnK n tinni-
hprpil cliccli , vnn IIIITP miniver * nd-
Brrs p < l to n niinilicriMl letter In cure
nf Thp lire. AnniTrr * * o nililrrntcil
ivlll ho ilrllvrrnl on prpupntntlon ot
lltr rlircU only.
DM AIIA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16. Tel.
1112. Hoi. : furnished , positions procured.
A STENOGRAPHER. When you want pno
please call up the Remington typewriter
ollico , 1619 Farnam St. ; telephone , ' "J , , . , ,
WANTED , work as store clerk , by , with references , All'V'f ' > s > Mii ( ; > io * '
VVANTKD. situation by young lady , who
fully understands shorthand , typewriting
and bookkeeping ; best or r ° , , , - , ,
CS. Hee. A 150
SITUATION WANTKD. bookkeeper ,
cashier , experience , satisfactory rorer-
when ability
position permanent
ences ;
proved. C A , ee. _ A6318 < * _
TINSMITH , sober , reliable younc man.
understands cornice work. John S. rsel-
Bon. General Delivery , DCS aiolnes. la.
A Al'
POSITION by competent lady typewriter
nnd stenographer , general olllcn work ex
perience. nnd references. C 7 , e -
A 3a-lo *
IVANTKD-Wo have steady work for n few
good mistlers of good habits and appear-
unco. C. R Adams Co. , 1C13 Howard St.
IS 2o3
BAMiSMRN to sell Petit Ledgers , Business
Iteconls and other ollico specialties ; nne
aide llne. . PcrshlnE Mfg. Co. , Box U
South Bond , I ml. _ B m
GOOb salesman , Bolary or com. 1118 N. 16.
"I IPB ot Dcwey , " by Halstead ; 700 popes :
outllt free ; freight paid. Hlxenbaugh i &
Co. . Ware Block. City. H 100 JylO
WANTED , good tinner nnd man to help
In the store ; a young man and a hustler
can have study job at Kood pay. Ad
dress Malony & Nelson , Essox. IB.
TINNKU wanted : German preferred.
Stoetzel & Gardt-ls. Beemet ,
, small boy tc tra > 'nl with and
raid to b'.lnd man ; pay bowrd , clothes. $8
month. Room 22 , 1417 Douglas.
{ WANTED , experienced man to take charge
of laundry ; state experience nnd salary
expected. Address S , Bee ofllee. South
Omaha. n-MI9519 _ _
CimiSTIANITY and education , a premium ;
men wanted. Address C 1 , Bee.
WANTI3D , traveling salesmen , to sell pc- !
tur s. clocks , scales , hat racks , stands ,
rockers and advertising specialties to
merchants. Imperial company. 41. > \ \ abash -
bash nvo. , Chicago. _ B-620 IS *
WANTED , salesmen to sell Imported nnd
domestic liquors , principally fine Ken
tucky whiskies and blends , case and bar
rel goods to Jobbers and saloon trade.
Good chance to the right man : salary or
commission. Address U. S. Strnder
Son. 09 and 71 K. Water St. .
. faithful persons to travel for
old house ; straight , .bonn flde salary , J7SO
vear and expenses ; roferencs ; enclose
spl'f-addressed stamped envelope. A. J.
Mnnson , secretary , Chicago. D 518 IS *
IUADELPIIIA manufacturer wants a
traveler who reaches the retail country
s trade to take a limited 'lino ' of dress goods ,
i ' flannels , blankets , etc. . as a side line :
I ' liberal commission. Address Box I3ll.
| Philadelphia , pa. n-fi6 IS *
WANTED , specialty salesmen for high class
food products -.exclusive territory given ;
only nard workers- with ability ; give your
experience. A 63 , Bee. B
ANY MAN or woman out of employment or
i , j employed nt unsatisfactory wages can
r ' make $7G per month working for us.
i" " ' Straight salary. Some .to travel ; others
{ ' i for local work. Address Century , 3943 Market -
| ket st. , Phllo. n
I WANTED RllaWo men everywhere to
? ' i .tack up advertising signs : $25.00 earned
1 weekly working for us ; exclusive terrl-
( tory. Those meaning business enclose lOc
h . for postngp , packing , sample , etc. Wilson
' ! ChPtnlcnl Co. , Tyrone. Pa. B
, JRS and firemen , send 25c for 24-
page pamphlet , containing list of ques-
- . , tloiiM asked by examining board of en-
j glneors. Geo. A.oiler , bookseller , St.
! Louis , Mo. Mention this paper. B-
BALBSMRN wanted , two , first-class , re
sponsible , hustling , experienced road salfs-
mon ; application must state nge , experi
ence. lines handled and references ; firsl-
elass lln * . no schemes. Columbia Jewelry
Co. . Iowa City. la. B-512 IS *
u. bookkeeper nnd general ofllco
man ; state experience. v\ddress B Cfi nee.
XJ " 5il IS
1 ' ROVERNMENT positions ; don't prepare
' ' for any civil service or onsus examina
tion without seeing our catalogue of In-
i formation ; sent free. ) Columbian Corre-
I sppndcnco College , Washington. D. C.
B 510 IS *
I ,
i _ _ _ _ - .
WANTED , sober man to represent us In his
own county : moderate salary to begin ;
, s permanent , chance to advance ; re-ferencen ;
i enclose stamped envelope. John Cross ,
' , 356 Dearborn , Chicago. B 530 1S *
i SALESMEN , $100.00 a month and nil ex-
I ) ponies guaranteed selling to merchants
, i Arctic refrigerating machines for cooling
refrigerators ; guaranteed 75 per cent
! cheaper than Ice ; exclusive territory ns- ; 1
1 signed. Arctic Refrigerating Co. , Clncln-
; natl , O. B-61S 1S
j WANTED , resident general managers nnd
general agents to travel , appoint and drill
ngciitH on new publications : salary nnd
commission ; permanent employment : give
experlPiiee nnd references : write quick.
Dept. A. The Fort Dearborn Pub. Co. . 415
Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. B 615 IS
WANTED , reliable persons In every section
to distribute circulars , samples nnd tack
Hlgns ; no canvassing ; cash paid. Will A ,
Molten Co. , Cleveland , O. B
ARE you coming to Chicago ?
WeFeeuro positions dally ( of every con
ceivable character for persons residing at
n dlstnnco fooforo requiring them to re
move : wo charge n moderate fee for secur
ing guaranteed positions ; booklet mailed
free. Suretv Brokerage Co. of Chicago ,
filLo Sullo St. B-53S-1& *
WANTED , man owning horse nnd buggy to
work In country ; big money. Address , C.
N. Ware , Qnlncy , III. B-637-1S *
IVANTED , llrst-cluss , experienced engineer ;
Inquire Monday between S nnd 10 o'clock
n. m. at Boston Htorc , Omaha.
B-S 18
Y 1ST , young man to do writing 'nt
Jiome ; $15 weekly : no canvassing ; s nd
] 0o for copy of The Bachelor ami full
parl'i'iilars. Bachelor Publishing Co. . St.
, I/ouls , Mo. B 522 IS *
f ( VANTBD. competent person to manaee
branch ofllco In this city : salary $20
weekly ; small capital required. Co-Opera-
tlvo Pub. Co. , Sort Dearborn St. . Ghlcaco.
J B-521 IS *
_ _
\ DRIVE over to Bemts Park.
f - -
lKN to learn barber trade. $ M monthly
guaranteed. New Held open. Have made
arrniig. uncntH to place graduates on
through trains east nnd west. Last year
we placed 00 barbers. $15.00 weekly.
Eight weeks completes. Bend for cata.
logue. Molcrliarber College , ChlriiBO , III.
B-42S IS *
frl LABORERS dally. $1.75 to $2.00 day ; 73
teamsters dally. $23.00 and board ; work In
Wyoming , Nebraska and Iowa ; ship dally ;
nil free fare. Clapp & Esborg. 1W3 Far-
nnin St. R 610 IS *
\\AN \ \ for road ; sell dealers on credit ; salary
$15 weekly. 20 per cent oommlf-slon ; nil
expenses promptly paid , Columbia Cigar
Co. , Chlcato. , B-C33 18 *
PAiPHR HANGERS , double your Income
bv trading direct with the Wall 'Pappr '
Factory ; auk samples for actual and fall
trad * . V. .MnrlP. & 20 Perry Av. . < 'hli-Ho ,
III. H-flll 11 *
WANTIvD. good b.ikT at once. AtcVlrker
& Richards , Wayne. Neb. ] i-MAI ° . 19 *
WANTED , fnlr-smen ; nnw cob pipe : * 1d < ?
line : retail trade. Sterling Pine Works ,
60 Wabnsh Avc. , Chicago. B-523 IS *
w.v.vrun FUJI A I.H nr.i.p.
WANTED-200 girls. 1624 Dodpe. Tel. S76.
C-2- !
ISO girls , K. Canadian ofllcc , 1522 Douglas.
C-MMI Jp22
COOK wanted at once , 102 S. 22nd Ave.C922
WANTED , nn experlenepd girl to do house
work ; good wages. 1621 South Cth street ,
Council Bluffs. C M477
WANTED , girl , private family. 2210 Doug-
lo st. C-M497 19
EXPERIENCED second girl. Cull or ad
dress 203 North 13th , flat COI.
C-M4S7 19 *
GOOD girl for general housework ; good
w.iges. Inquire E. Sellgsohn. MO So. C2nd
Blreet. C M491 ID *
PASTRY cook. $30 ; lunch counter girl , $20 :
lady clerks , chambermaids and waitresses.
Samuel Motz. 1314 Fnrnam. C M501 IS *
WANTED , 2 Midway dancers. St. Joe
Hotel , Council Bluffs , In. , Helntz Bros.
C 515 IS *
WANTED , young girl to assist In house
work In family of two ; wages $1.00 n w ek.
9S1 N. 23th Ave. C-544 IS *
TEACHETIS wanted for schools nnd col
leges ; list of vacancies free. Interstate !
Teachers' Agency , 126 Washington St. ,
Chicago. C-OI5 IS *
WANTED , readers of this paper to compete
for the $100.00 which we are going to Rive
awny July 1C , 1S99 ; wo do not want one
cent ot your own money , and you nre
absolutely sure of a valuable prize ; first
oome. first served ; full particulars free.
Premier Perfumery Co. , 4 Premier build
ing , Boston , Mass. C 524 IS *
WAiNTED. good girl for general house
work. 1901 So. IGth St. C 51632 20
LADY agents wanted. .No canvassing. 401
N. 16th , 3d floor. C 630 IS *
WANTED , n girl for general housework.
Apply 2407 N. 22(1 st. C ftil IS *
HOUSES. Bonewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St.
D 256
ALWAYS moving household goods nnd
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , IfillH
Karnam. Tel. 1659. D 257
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
FOR RENT Houses In nil parts of city.
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street.
D 259
FOR RENT Strictly modern flat In Davldg
Bldg. , oposlto city hall.
John W. Robbtnn , 1S02 Farnam street.
SEVERAL 36 U. S. National Bank Bldg.
FOR RENT Hotel In Omaha , 120 rooms ;
everything modern. Brennan Love Co. ,
219 South 16th St. - D 413
4012 CUMING St. , 9-room brick house ; furnace -
nace , bath , gas , laundry ; very line. A. M.
Cowle , 211 South ISth St. D M611
SIX-ROOM mod5rn flat , 1112 S. llth.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th street
FURNISHED , 2009 California St. : terms rea-
sonable. D M6R3 Je-18
MAGGARD'Svan & storage. 117 N 15. Tel 1496
EIGHT-ROOM house , good repair , all mod
ern Improvements , fine location , 1109 South
33rd St. , $30.00 per month. Payne-IInrder
Co. , first floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D 923
CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Hnry
B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phono , 1016.
D M877
8-ROOM modern house , with barn. Alfred
B. DeLong , 437 Board of Trade.D
D M370
SEVERAL choice modern houses , fur
nished , near Hanscom park and else
where. Henry B. Payne , COI N. Y. Life
Phone 1016. D 393
yOR RENT , large house of 13 or 14 rooms ,
large barn , largo grounds , at S. W. cor
ner of 27th and Jackson sts.
Saratoga Hotel. 30 rooms , 24th & Ames ave.
LARGE brlolc liarn , thirty stalls ; room for
fifty. Will repair for good tenant ; rent
$00.00 per month.
Large fine residence , 10 rooms , entirely mod
ern , porcelain bath. In perfect condition ,
largo grounds , good barn , in best part of
Walnut Hill , rent $35.00 per month. Omaha
Ixian & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas.
D 426
6-ROOM flat , all modern , first-class. 2711
N. 22nd St. D 182
9-ROOM all imodern brick house : very de
sirable. 201 S. 25th ave. Chas. E. B'nson ,
310 Ramgp Bldg. D M4S9 23 *
MODERN forfeit flat. 7 rooms. 21th and Far
nam. Inquire Graham , druggist.
D 500 IS
FOR RENT , furnished or unfurnished
house. 112 N. 26th St. D 503 1D *
FOR RENT New 6-room cottage ; nil mod
ern conveniences : 23d nnd Ro'ilevnvil ' sts. ;
Jis. Apply Carpenter Paper Co. . 12th and
Howard. D .113 20
CAPITOL Ave. , 8-room modern house for
rent. Gannett , 601 Brown Block.
D-M517 20 *
TEN-room house , 240S St. Mary's Avn.
3 *
9-ROOM house , new , modern , Improve
ments. 25th nnd Jonpfl. Simeon Bloom , At
torney , room 11 Bushman Block.
D-MC97-19 *
2373 MA.ROY , 3 rooms , $5.00.
212rt Franklin. 5 rooms. $9.00.
1SOS Corfoy , G rooms , $15.00.
2 < V > "i Dodge , 9 rooms. $22.30.
Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. D 603 IS
S-room modern houne , 3020 Cass St. , $22.50.
Fine residence , completely furnlsh"d , on
39th st. . near Farnam st. , for three or
four months.
Residence , completely furnished , largo
yard , on 24th St. , north of exposition
grounds , for n few months.
George nnd Company , 1601 Farnam St.
D M5S1 20
W21 CAPITOL Ave. , 9 rooms , $27.60 .
1WJ S. 33rd St. . S rooms , $27.60.
413 N. 23th St. , 13 rooms , stone , modern. $65.
42nlFnrnHin , 6 rooms , brand new , modern ,
120 | N. 24th St. , good store room. JIO.OO.
Wlnona. NormnmllP & Sherman Apartments
Payne-Harder Co. , N. Y. Life Bldg.
1'i-rooni house , modern , on car line.
13-R. house. 3- tory , modern , fine location.
9-room brick house , modern , near car line.
S-room house , barn , 2118 So. 31th St
7-room house , modern , 2C2S Capitol Ave.
7-r. house , modern , newly papered , 2602
2 3-room cottages , city water , 1626 No. 21st.
3-room lint , 1251 So. 13th. $3.
6 furnished rooms , modern , piano , phone.
Georsin Ave.
8-room furnished house near Hanscnm Park
Phone. 80S. ii. C. Peters & Co. , Bee Bldg.
_ _ _
10-ROOM modern house , 2605 Dodge
S-room hous > , 2572 Douglas.
3-room house , S210 London Court.
J. H. Parrotte , IGth and Dodge. D 627 IS
9 ROOMS , furnished house , modern and
.barn , reasonable. J. U. Sherwood , 423 N.
Y. Life. D-C31 IS
FOR RHNT , 9 rooms , modern , barn. $30.
S rooms , modern , and barn , $20.
10 rooms , modern. In terraco. $18.
J. H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. D-6.TO 18
FOR RENT , for summer , e'.egant West
Farnam St. home furnished. Bemls. Paxton -
ton block. D 660
2402 POPPLETON AVE. , 10 rooms , modern ,
largo yard nnd barn. The Byron Reed
Co- D-M624
FOR RENT , modern S-room house , 622 So
24th Ave. Inquire next house south Dr.
Robinson. D M636 20 *
POH mTrrnMsiinn IIOOMS.
ROOMS , 60c per week nnd up. 710 8. 14th st.
E-MJe 30 *
FURNISHED room , central location , tee-
phone. Address B 21 , Bet ? . E MI32
MODERN room * . , $1,50 nnd up ; transients.
Sl > N nth. E M939 Je2S *
LARGE south front room ; modern. 26 0
Hnrnev. E 271-23 *
FrilNISHED room with use of piano. 1918
E m IS *
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2T.23
St. Mary's. E M413 22 *
.with . breakfast , near expoMtlon.
C 2 , Bee. E 503 23
FOR RENT , nicely furnished rooms , nlco
lawn , live * ml mi Us walk from P. O. 2215
Dodge St. E 507 19 *
TWO furnished front rooms. Call evenings ,
flat 7. Davldge block. E-M51S-24 *
FURNISHED room ; private family. S13
No. 22d St. K-4WB IS *
ROOMS on first floor , furnished complete
for housekepplng ; modern ; private family.
2127 Dodge St. E-66G 18 *
FOR RENT , single south front room. Far
nam Terrace. 20T ? Farnam. E 663 IS *
2017 LEAVENWORTH ST. , two nicely fur-
niched rooms , one front and onp back
parlor. E-62T. 18
T1IHHK furnished rooms for light house
keeping ; gas range ; modern. 2610 Hnrney.
E-G34 IS *
1720 DODGE St. , flrst-clnss rooms and board ;
$0.00 per.week nnd up ; absolutely modern.
F-G71 J17
THE Bachelor's family hotel , 2014 Farnams
host $1.60 house In Nob. Good weekly rates ,
F 924
PRIVATE family would rent furnished
rooms with board ; modern house , near
Hanscom park. B 35 , Bee. F 253
ELEGANT rooms and board. 190S Capitol
ave. F MS79
GLENCAIRN , transients $1.25 day. 1609
Douglas. F 261
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free
bath. $1.50 per week and up , Klondike
hotel , 16th nnd Webster Sts. F-2G3
BOARDRRS wanted at S2C North 23th
street. South Omaha. F M490 VJ *
FURNISHED room with board for two ;
private family ; near High school : rea
sonable. Address C 4. Bee. F 603 19 *
ROOM nnd board , private family would
rent one or two rooms with board , mod
ern house , near Hanscom park. C 9 , Bee.
F M629 19
FURNISHED rooms with or without board ,
slnclo or ensulte , for families or single
gentlemen at Midland Annex , 1513 , 1515
Chicago St. , overlooking Jefferson square.
Apply to M. J. Franck , Prop.FM656
F-M656 30
5 CHAMBERS for rent , man and wife ; city
water ; waste plpo. 319 N. 17th street.
G M917
THREE nice , convenient unfurnished rooms
for light houseekeplng. Address C 6. Bee.
G 549-1S *
DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee
Building , Farnam street side ; rent reason
able. Apply R. C. Peters Co. , Bee Bulld-
ine I-M413
FOR RENT Store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor Bee Bklg. 1 266
FOR RENT A ground floor oftloe , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C Peters & Co. . ground floor Bee
Building. 1 267
FOR RENT Hall 44xGO feet , with no posts.
106 So. 14th st.
John W. Robbln. " , 1S02 Farnam St. I-G93
STOREROOM for rent. 319 No. 16th , suita
ble for barber shop , Je.wolry , gents' fur
nishings or millinery store ; now Midland
Hotel dining room. Apply to M. J. Franck.
Midland Hotel. I-KVS 30
AGENTS wanted for a special summer cam
paign. Th Saturday Evening Post es
tablished by Benjamin Franklin In 172S
now published by The Curtis Publishing
Company , proprietors of The Ladies'
Home Journal , Is offered to subscribers ,
for one year only , for $1.00 the regular
price Is J2.50. This offer Is for the pur
pose of a quick Introduction nnd will be
withdrawn September 1st. The regular
price of $2.oO will be maintained after
that date. Wo will give a good commis
sion for ov r" subscriber secured and dis
tribute $3,000 September 1st among the 176
best agents ; J500 will be given the person
sending the largest number of subscribers
at $1.00 eaoh per year. At this special low
subscription price thousands can be easily
secured. Address The Curtis Publishing
Company , Philadelphia , Pa.
WANTED , canvassing agents for the Au
tomatic Barn Door Holder In every
county nnd state In the United States. A
good seller , big profit. Write at once for
particulars. Kettorer & Hlnkley , Odcbolt ,
Iowa. J M473 21 *
WANTED , agents for "Life and Achleve-
mnts of Admiral Dewey , " by Murat
Halstead ; 600 pages : 100 rarest Illustrations ;
only $1.50 ; big prollts ; frejght paid ; credit
given ; outllt free. American Literary and
Musical Association , 35S Dearborn ,
Chicago. J 656-1S *
WE WILL employ one flret-clnss salesman ,
$150.00 per month above expenses guar
anteed ; permanent position. Address
Lastcrn Mfff. Co. , I/tj Dearborn St. ,
Chicago. J 3S3-H *
AGENTS WANTED for "The Life nnd
Achievements of Admiral Dewoy" by Murat
Halstead ; size 8x10 ; nearly ( XX ) pages , 200
Illustrations ; beautiful nook ; only $1.50 ;
agents clearing from $7 to $10 a day ;
enormous demand , for Dewey Is coming
homo ; big prollts guaranteed ; outllt free.
National Pub. Co. , G & G Washington St. ,
Chicago. . J 551-18 *
LADY cleared $920. man $1,182 loft six
months , Introducing Holladay's "Marvel"
waterproof shoe polish ; Ro'.f-shlnlng , rus
set or black ; samples freo. Why not you ?
Holladny K. Co. , room 366 , 182 Dearborn
St. , Chlcaco. Solo manufacturers.
J-553-18 *
AGI-JNTri , gasoline giva lamps tor hot
weather ; $2 to $5 prollt to agents. Bril
liant Gas Lamp Co. , 13 Clark St. . Chicago.
J-532-U *
AGDNTS to Hull Slot KlnetMcopo ; excluslvo
territory ; big commission : pays for Itself
quick. Addiess Amer. Klneloscopo Co. ,
Washington , D. C. _ J 551-18 *
ONLY perfect bath cabinet ; latest patent ;
greatest seller. R. M. Irwln , NashvlUc ,
Tonn. J-550-1S *
AGENTS , Perfection card case ; n quick
seller to business ! nnd professional men at
25 citita discount to you. Roscnthal Bros. ,
146 Monroe St. , Chicago , 111. J 617 18 *
MVST have agp.nts at once to rell Sash
Locks and Door Holders ; sample Sash
Lock free for 2c stamp ; Immense ; better
than weights ; burglar proof ; jio a day ;
write quick. Address Brohard & Co. ,
Dept. 42. Philadelphia , Pa. j _
MKN AND WOMEN , good address to
travel and appoint agents ; salary $75
monthly ; rapid advancement ; unusually
brilliant opportunity. Address with refsr-
nco , Butler & Alger. Now Haven , Conn.
AGENTS to handle our high-grade per
fumes ; our plan wins ; large prollts ; terms
reasonable. Lelller & Co. , fit. Louis , Mo.
BCENTED twine- for toilet , stateor sick
room ; fumigates and perfumes the air ;
death to mosquitoes nnd Insects ; send Sic
for samples ; agents wanted. Watson
Drug Co. , 31 Beekman St. , New York.
AGIONTS. $210 monthly selling Improved
nickel.plated Brilliant Gasllcht Burner ;
lltn kerosene- lamps , beautiful gaslight
without ohlmney : sample free. Enterprise
Mfg. Co. . D 106 , Cincinnati , O. J-619 IS *
AGENTS , we will pay $100 per month and
railroad expenses to any man who will
faithfully represent UK In taking orders
for thp most reliable portrait copying
house In tinworld. . We pay strictly salary.
Address at umiDept. . 6 > fl. O. E. Mnrtel ,
New York Oily -5VMS
SOLICITORS wanted for "Life nnd
Achievements of Admiral Dewjy. " by
Plural Hnlstead. only J1.50 ; 00 big pages ;
33 to $2-1 a day guaranteed , John E.
liohura Company , Chicago. J 2ti IS *
AOBNT3. all saloons must have It ; en
tirely new ; save * its price In two days ;
two to ton In nil saloons. 113 iMonadnock
Block. Chicago. Ill J-f.25 IS *
BARTENDHRS nnd saloon ngpnts , greutest
seller on earth : saloons , wholesale liquor
nnd drug stores must have It : entirely
new article , sales enormous. 902 Pont lie
Bttldlng , Chicago , 111 , J 527 IS
AGENTS and others start .business at
home. For plan nnd list of trade wrink
les , secrets , processes , discoveries nnd
formulas write Whfaton & Co. , New Redford -
ford , IMnss. J 62 * IS *
AGRNTS wanted , selling our high grade
cigars , $00 to J75 monthly and expenses.
Union Eagle Cigar Co. , Chicago.J .
J 629 IS *
A SNAP for agents. Kern dress shields ,
on with a snap , off with a Jerk , no SPW-
Ing required , no ripping out on wash day ,
Just the thing for shirt waists and crash
milts : best quality , uneqital'd conven
ience , economlnnl : one pair for all waists ;
sample pair sent to any address for 2. >
cents. Blake Mdse. Co. , Dept. C. Racine ,
WIs. J30 IS *
FOR RENT , basement , 44x100 , whole or
half , at 1613-15 Chicago St. ; six windows
on each side 4 ft. above ground ; gas ,
water , suitable for storage , furniture or
light manufacturing. Apply to M. J.
Franck , Prop. J M6" 30
AfTnNTs" T\ND SALESMEN-'New window
ventilator and window shade fixture ;
cigar and bicycle lamp lighter : self-feed
ing match box , and other fast selling
articles. Hlanrn Mfg. Co. , 173 Randolph
St. , Chicago. J 645 1S
WANTED , agents in every county to Bell
"Family Memorials ; " good prollts nnd
steady work. Add. Campbell & Co. , 76
Lovell St. . Elgin , III. J 642 IS *
WAINTJ3D , room and board for self , wife
and lO-mo.-old baby ; prefer the suburbs.
Address giving price and location , refer
ences , C 10 , Bee , K < 06 IS *
WANTED , furnished house or rooms for
light housekeeping , ret. Addresc C S. Boe.
K 605 18 *
FURNTSHED , Tno orn , 6 or 7-room house ;
rnt not to exceed $25 ; reliable people.
15 67 , Bee. K-55S IS *
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage , 151U4 Farnam. Tel. 1539.
GORDON baggage line , 214 N. 18. Tel. 1195.
WE WANT several nlco residences and resi
dence lota for cash buyers. We have the
buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's
Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.N276
2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged.
Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tel. 2231.
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In lar e or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge , Tel. 2020.
CASH paid for nil kinds of old feathers.
1307 Nicholas St. N M990 Jc-26
STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortensen
404 N. IGth. N M9I3 .Iy3
A second-hand fireproof safe. 1116 Farnam ,
N-M425 Jyl2
WANTED , to buy. B or 6-room house to
move In northwest part of the city ; must
fop In good condition. J. A. Lovgren , 941
N. Y. Life buld. X 433 21
WANTED to purchase for cash , stock shoes
or general merchandise. Address B 62 ,
Bee. N 559 IS *
WANTED , to buy G or S-room house , mod
ern , full lot ; state location , lowest ca-sh
price. C 11 , Bee. N MG09 20 *
SEE our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest
prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1114 Dodge.
AT private sale , household goods , dining
and bedroom furniture , carpets , refrigera
tor , gas stove , sewing machine , etc : par
ties to leave the city. Call at 3012 Mason
st. Forenoons only. O 132
FOR SALE , a line folding bed , nearly new ,
nt a bargain. Inquire 2417 Jones St.
O-M502 19 *
FOR SALE. Snclhand large oak sideboard.
2618 Charles. O 506 IS *
FEW household goods. Including range and
tool chest , cheap -for cash. Inquire 1S21
Maple St. O-GOO IS *
FOR SALE , furniture of a rooming house ,
including bedding , etc. Call Monday 2312
'Douglas ' st. O fiGS IS *
OLD buggies taken In trade on new venlcles.
Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport.
VICTORIA , fine condition , bargain. 1305
Douglas. P M121 19
PLEASANT driving mare , young and hand
some. Bowden , 43rd and Grant.P .
P M4S9 IS *
FOR SALE-Well bred family horse nnd
three cows , one young Jersey. 4315 Ersklne
street. P 515 IS *
FOR SALE , stylish driving pair Shetland
ponies ; will drive up with ordinary rend
horses ; broken single , doubl and saddle.
Purchaser to Insure kind treatment. They
are perfect pets. 417 S. 14th st. P 9 IS *
FLAG POLES : sawdust ; cheapest and best
hog fence. 901 Douglas , Tel. 45S. Q 2S3
300 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap.
Diamond Loan Ofllee , 1315 Douglas.
Q-657 Jyl7
2D-HND safe cheap , Derlght , 1116 Farnam ,
FOR SALE ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents"at
druggists , One gives relief. Q 2S9
SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 sTT.Ith St.
HOG , poultry , lawn nnd flel.l fencing ; all
wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St.
CUTTERS of drug prices. Shprman. &
McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.
St.Q2SI. .
FOR 10 days. Sterling bicycles $10 down ,
$1.60 to $2.00 per week. Omaha Bicycle Co.
4,000 FEET of 6-lnch wrought Iron "Ka-
llm.'n" pipe for cnlp. Address D. S.
Hooper , Pierre , S. D. Q-M193 IS *
FOR sale patent for Nebraska , nig money.
Address A , Bos olllce , Council Bluffs.
Q-918 Je22
B. HASS. Florist. 1813 VInton St. Teir776 ;
plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding nnd grave decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly filed.
WHY get second grade bicycles when you
can get high gradoi'rescents for $35 cash.
Flegcher. 1622 Cap. Ave. Q-9IS
A FTNE diamond crescent pin set with
large white diamonds , wflght 5T < i carats ;
a special bargain , $160.00 ; regular price ,
$573.0' ) . A Mnndelfoerg , lending Jeweler ,
IGth and Farnam sts. U 430
FOR SALE , snap , owner leaving cltyT
otllco desk , tables , chairs , letterpress ,
check punch , typewriter , stand , etc. Call
111 Board of Trade. Q-M193
US ! BUYS fine Voso upright piano ; e.-my
monthly payments. Address O 5 Bee.
Q-15G JylG
FOR SALE. C largo grocery store or moon !
refrigerators ; Leonard Cleanable make ;
capacity , 500 Ihs. Ice ; must be sold th's
week ; a big bargain. Peonlo's Furniture
& Carpet Co. , 16th and Farnam.
CJOOD second-hand gasoline engine and
wagon scale for sale chean ; only used six
months Addr s A 69. BPB. Q
FOR HALE , cheap , nearly new , latest pal-
urn. National cash register. A. S.
Ritchie , 220 So. 15th. Q-661 IS *
fUCYCLE. golf cart , kodak and camera ,
all good ns new. frr sale for any itvi-
sonable offer. 601 Brown Blk Q jeo is *
FOR SALE , 5 fresh family cows. 4622
Boulevard Ave. 3d house west of Deaf
and Dumb Institute. II. i. Haskctt
Q-633 1S
NOTICE , country deners. 2d hand furnltur *
nnd stoves w > ! d nt lowpst prices ,
lots or less. Chlacgo Furniture- . , 1IM-10
Dodge. U 291
FOR RT : N 7a oTrarn7 fcnss"
LlLLIAN FITCH , public reader ; elocution ,
physical culture , fencing. 316 So. 26th St.
M-63S 21 *
CHAEPEST lots In Omaha In Bemls PariT
R-593 IS
> Mio has been the center of attraction In
Omaha for the past 3 yt-ars. Is still doing
an immense business and her parlors arc
crow-lied dally. She now has nn assistant ,
which Is HFC ssary , to enable her to ac
commodate all the applicants for reading.
If . .M.ME. GYLMER iPads for you you can
depend on It being accurate. She Is Just
exactly what she represents herself to b1.
and If nny time you apply for n reading
and ascertain anything to the contrary ,
your money will be refunded. Don't fall
to sen .her. Parlors , 1603 Dodge , So. side
new P. O. Hrs. , 9 to 7:30 : ; Sundays , 10 to 4.
S-fiG2 IS
MME. LEWIS , clairvoyant , card reading.
2Jc. Transient Hole : , 15th ami Capitol
Ave , S-6M IS *
MRS. FR1T7 , clairvoyant , S17 N. IGthT
JLME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S& Norti loth.
T -ai .US'
IIATTIE BERTRANDE , thermal baths ,
massage , 1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1.
T M246 23 *
BATHS , MASSAGE , parlors best equipped
In city. Three lady attendants. Crounso
blk. , 119 N. 10th , opp. P. O. 2nd floor.
T-M131 27 *
MME. L.EE baths , massage parlors. 302 N. 16
T-M961 Je25 *
FRANKES do Seutorlous of K. S. 107 N. 12.
T-M96G Je23
ELITE parlors , 2025 Farnam , up stairs ,
llrHi-clnss baths ; massage and magnetic
treatment ; lady attendants. T 514 30 *
iMME. AMES , R. 2 , 607' ' S. 13 ; massage baths.
T-662 Jyl7
JESSIE WEST , massage bath. 417 SoTlUhT
T M653 19 *
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur-
Inqr conllnement ; babies adoptexl. 1136 N. 17.
1623 DODGE , superfluous hair treatment for
30 days , $1.00 only. Mme. True.
U M910 Jy2 *
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 31955 S. :5th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 23c
and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block.
MATTRESS renovating works ; upholstering
& furniture repairing. 706 S. 16th. Tel. 1593.
MONHEIT , leader In halrgoods , toilet prep
arations. Paxton blk. Farnam st. entrance.
MRS. PORTER , ladles' baths. Open evenIngs -
Ings ; Douglas blk. U 11245
RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ;
bibles adopted. 2214 Seward. Omah , Tel.
2233. U M712 Jel9
$152 WILL buy fine Knabe piano , rosewood
case ; easy payments. Address A 23. Bee.
U-MS15 J20
THE best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at
Lou la Flescher's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Ave.
U S51
LIEBDN , costumer , hair work , 1313 Howard.
MONHEIT , chiropodist , halrdresslng. Paxton -
ton block. U 150
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 3)6 ) Bee
Bldg. U 294
COMPLEXION and scalp treatment ; hall-
prevented from falling out ; best manipulator
later In Omaha : Mrs. Graham's prepara
tions. Davlcs , 1511 Douglas. U 210 JyG
A FINE white diamond , weight 6-carat ,
a special bargain at $ T > 00.00 ; regular price ,
$750.00. A. Mandelberg , leading Jeweler ,
cor , IGth and Farnam sts. U 428
DIAMOND stud , weight , 2'A carat ; a spe
cial bargain , $175.00 ; regular price for
this stone is $230.00. A. Mandelberg , lead
ing Jeweler , IGth and Farnam sts.
U 429
RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of
rupture without pain or detention from
business. Send for circulars. Empire
Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Llfj Bldg.i
Omaha. Neb. U MI66 Jyl4 *
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and motes
permanently removed by electricity ; con
sultation free and confidential ; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas.
U M475 19 *
ATM 50. wealthy but lonely ; children being
married ; seek affectionate wife. Mr.
Banker , 762 Lexington Ave. , N. Y. C.
U 563 IS *
WEALTHY gentleman , unencumbered busi
ness man with good character , offers
heart and fortune for congenial wife.
Secretary , 3126 Forest Ave. , Chicago. 111.
U-GG4 IS *
LADIES , your bust enlarged six Inches ;
failure Impossible : harmless ; jioo.oo cash
guarantee ; proof free. Leonard Medicine
Co. , Kansas City , Kan. U 563 IS *
CANCER cured ; homo treatment ; no knife ,
plaster or pain : book of ndvlco free. Mason
Medical Co. , 121 W. 42d St. , Now York.
U 616 18 *
HANDSOME women nnd men with means
want to marry ; lists , ( descriptions resi
dences ) 2c. Mutual Exchange , Kansas
City , Mo , u
SUFFERING women , a slmplo homo
remedy that cured me of female diseases
sent free ; Instant relief. Mrs. Hue , Englewood -
wood , Ills. U 531-15 *
FACIAL massage , 50c > scalp treated , 33c ;
60c ; shampooing , 35c , 50c. Miss Hubbard ,
415 McCague Bldg. U M6G1 , Iy2 *
RESPECTABLE young Catholic man , cn-
gaged In good business In Omaha , would
like to correspond or meet rellned young
educated Catholic lady ; object , matri
mony. Address C 12 , Hee. U 055 23 *
A WIDOWER , no children , splendid fousl-
ness , Income 110.000. Is lonesome ; would
appreciate loving wife. 'Mr. ' Martin , 36
Ave. A , New York. U (147 ( IS *
DICE , can't lose ; send 15 cents In stamps
for five : postpaid. White's Mall Order
House , 45 LaSalle St. , Chicago.
U 611 is *
MANY fine residences to go up In Bemls
I'ark. 11-,192-lS
A FINE appearing gentleman nt large
means wishes to marry nnd devote his
life to nn Intelligent , affectionate woman ,
Address "Colonel , " 177 E. 40lh St , Chl-
caco , III. U 010 IS *
LADIES , why worry ? By using our Hy-
glenlc Menses Guard ; sent plain wrapper ,
$1.00 ; guaranteed ; 'ast n lifetime. Address -
dress Mrs. Emma Alcott Co. , Omaha. Neb
U 637 15 *
MONEY to loan on flrst-clnss Improved city
property or for building purpohes. Payne-
Harder Co. , N. Y. Life. \V-Z99
flOO AND up. F. D. Wcad , 16th and Douglas.
W 300
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 Bo. IGth.
PRIVATE money , 3 , 6 or 12 months , or
longer , on real estate. W. L. Selhy , Board
of Trade building. W M339
11,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved city
property and farms. W. Farnam Smith &
Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 302
LOANS , Potter-Shole-s Co. , 310 iJTY. TJfeT"
IVRITE us If you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo , ; It will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L.
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,
215 S. 16th. Omaha. W-316
PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. J H.
Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. W-317
iVANTED , city and farm loans , also bonds
and warrants. R C P-tcrs & Co. 1703
Farnam St. , Bee Bloc. W-319
6 per cent loans. Onfvln Htvs. , 1613 Farnnm
MORTGAGES Wallace , 311 Brown block.
6 per ct.Chns. E. Wllllamson.U.S. BkW
W 322.
614 I'KR CENT money. Hemls. Pnxton Hlk
W 31S
5 , 6'4 , fi ppr ct. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha
\ \ ' . II. Thomas , 50,11st Nat. bank. Tel. 1 < V1 !
people holding permanent pos !
MONEY lions on their per. onn' not
without Indorsement.
Room 119 Uoiird of Tradp Hldfi
MONEY 16lh nnd Fnrnam Streets.
MONEY loaned salaried pporle hold'.ng per
inanetu position with responsible eon
corns upon their own names , wlthou
security ; easy payments , Tolman , R. 70 > ]
N. Y. Life Bide. X-326
You can pay the money back In any '
amounts you wish and nt any time. '
Each payment so made lessens the cost
of carrying the loan.
confidentially , holding permanent IK > S | .
Wens on their own name without civ
dorscr , mortgage or security ot any kind
Can repay in easy weekly or monthlj
payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. K. Jen-
nines , Mgr. , sulto 625-528 N. Y. Life bldg ,
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Mergers' Loan Hank ,
141G Karnam. upstairs. X 327-
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses
cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , K. S , Barker blh
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. K. Head , 319 S 13 ,
holding permanent positions with re-
snoiislblo llrms or companies on thelt
own note without endorsement or mort
gage , In amounts of jir > upward to J30D ;
payable in agreeable lnstailnii > nts , cither
weekly or monthly ; reasonable rates ,
comparison of which will demonstrate
our statement. A strictly private , reliable
place for salaried people to borrow money
without the knowledge of their employer
and without any objectionable Inquiries
being marie of friends or acquaintances.
TIAL. CaUl nnd see us at once If you
need money and you will be treated with
the same consideration your employer re
ceives at hla bank.
Room 601 , Bee Bldg.
holding a permanent position we will loan
you nny amount your situation will Justify
without endorser , mortgage or security of
any kind other than your name. The fact
of your holding a position Is sulllclent
guarantee to us that you will carry out
any agreement into which you may en
ter with u * .
maintained In all our transactions with
you , nnd you will receive the same cour
teous consideration that Is accorded your
employer at his bank.
OMAHA CREDIT CO. . C. E Jennings ,
manager , suite 525-526 New York Life bldg.
WANTED A man to Invest $500 In strictly
legitimate business enterprise with bljj
prospect ; no fake ; unquestionable refer
ences given. Apply SOU N. Y Life.Y230
FOR SALE Nice , clean , new Racket or
Bazaar store ; good town , country and
building ; good reasons for selling. Ad
dress Boston Bazaar , Paulina. la.
Y MCIS-J-17 *
PRIVILEGES In the Philippine village on
the Greater America Exposition grounds
for sale. Address Filipino Amusement
Co. , P. O. Box 1055. Y 151-J-27
INVEST $200. securing large weekly income
Safe , conservative proposition. 2d suc
cessful year. Statistics free. II. Griffin ,
11SO Broadway , New York. Y 312 JylO *
TWO modern rooming houses for sale on
account of death. 514 North 10th.
Y SSO-J-21
VALUABLE patent for saio ; capital will
do well to Investigate this. Address Wnl-
ter E. Hnynes , Anita , la. Y M17S Jy5
FOR SALE , elegant drug store In one of
the best towns In central Iowa , doing goori
business ; /wn Block and building ; all
new ; will sell halt or all of either or
both. Address L. C. , Care Omaha Bee.
Y 411-18
BUSINESS SNAP , grocery and saloon
combined ; both making money ; also
b illJ aid ff'ouml and feed stable ;
excellent location , with established trade ;
investigate. Address or call , J. J. Crowe ,
3109 West Broadway , Council Bluffs.
A SNAP For sale , Implement business In
a counfy seat town. Only two dealers ;
coed trade. Best of reau-ons for selling.
Direct answer to Lock Box 2 , Ne'son , Neb.
Y M204 20
FOR RENT , largo store building , best lo
cation in town ; will soil small stock of
notions nnd undertaking goods. Address
S. O. Slmonds , Cambridge , Nub.
Y-M450 27
FOR QUICK returns list your bargains ! at
O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So. Omaha.
Y 331
TOR SALE OR RENT , the frame Chinese
bulldlntf , 38x60. with llxtures , on fii.H ex
position grounds. Call or address 401 Kar-
uaeli folk. Y MI9G 19
ESTABLISHED mfg. business , Increasing
yearly ; last year 230,000 sales ; splendid
opening for $10,000.00 of more capita' . F.
D. Wend , 16th and Douglas. Y-MI9S 23
HOTEL business for sale or exchange ; HI
health the reason for Felling. Address
the Pilgrim House , Des Mollies , la.
3EN. store , consisting of dry goods , grocer
ies , shoes , hardware , doing J2.000 u mo.
business ; pOHtoillce In store ; If you want
a rnonoy maker look this up , Merchan
dise Broker. 503 Brown Illk. Y-3SO
MERCHANDISE stock In hand , $2son ,
$3.500 , $4,000 nnd } 6WK ) : all clean , well as
sorted goods , selected for country trade.
Owncis will sell cheap for cash , or will
tak' f.irm or city property. Ulvo legal
notice and value of property offered In
exchange. Mcrchasdlso Broker , f.03 Mrown
folocl { . Y-M
iVANTKD. capable man with $2.000 cash to
curry stock of goods and manage branch
business : $150 per month and expenspa ;
also extra perosntage ; pfrnianent position ;
reference * required. Henry Venion. Iloyre
BUS. . Chicago. Y-132-U *
NVEST your money In grain and make
money : send for circular describing our
Incurance plan ; the safest ever devlwd
to make n steady monthly Income ii-nl-
Ing on the Chicago Hoard of Trade ; the
only successful way ; it has stoo.l the
test and come out ahead every time. For
particulars address linker & Co. , Cl nnd
fiS Hudson Building , Nfw YorkY
Y , * 69 IS *
'THE Monev Mnk r : " dividend * paid
weekly on $100 Invested January. 1F99. now
amount to $2W : capital never endangered ;
best Investment on earth : get nartlculais
' 'Money Maker , " 1410 .Masunle Timnit ,
Chicago. Y 35S JR
JAKE money without risk ; a small In
vestment In the wheat market by our
dollars and sense system will Insure you
n handsome monthly Income ; we have
novjr made a loss ; money may he with
drawn on demand ; gilt-edge references ;
write at once for particulars. Combina
tion Investment Company , lllalto Bldg. ,
Chicago. Y-507 JS *
231 AVERAGRD each w ek last siovtn
years by placing $10 ; dividends puld
weekly ; can withdraw any time ; clmnro
of llf'time. C. K. < fc Co. Covlng-
ton. Ky V wi l >
IX)00 CAPITAL nvfrugL-d $137 30 i-i n wi-c-lt
for the pan' year , large and Nimli
amounts In proportion ; our methods most
valuable ever offered Dlckson & Co ,
bide. . Cincinnati , O. Y-CO 18 *
' FRHE valuable money making book on
patpnts ; tPlls nl about p.ilents ami how
to scours 111-in nl low rofl ; Rives 1 ( me
chanical movpincnts-tnvnlimfolp to in-
vcnlots and mechanics ; ( Pits how fortunes
have hern tnnilp from simple Inventions
tlmt elli rs IIIIVP laughed at ; thr llltlu
.Pocket . IMmo Hunk made over JJ50.WOJ
gives letters of wealthy manufacturer : !
who want good Inventions In their Ine ; f
send us rough drawings of all your new
Idpns or Inventions ; no ohnrg' for one
opinion as to tliplr bring new and patent-
nfole ; ndvlee free ; tPl.s how to cnpttnllzo
nnd organise Joint stock patent right com-
prtnlofli thin valuable inventors' puldo
liook mull d frre to any address ; It U
overflowing with valuable money making
patent Inforniatlon ; big book free.
O'Menra. * Co. . patent attorneys , Opp.
Patent Olllco , JSM d St. , Washington. D. 0.
Y-WiS IS *
WEEKLY prollts Don't lose the chance.
Money enn IIP doubled evpt-y month In
wh > nt. Mocks anil cotton. Wo p.iy Prodis
every llftceti dnys to clients. Our plan of
sorely la utipqtMlPd. Wrltp for full par-
tlcu'nrs. frpp to nny nddrcss. C , E.
Mnckey * Co. . 29 Uroadwuy , X. Y. Y
"NOTHING succeeds like success" MOO Invested -
vested by my "safe method" In grain or
Mocks 1ms paid Jl.lWO jirollt In SO days : ref
erences rurnlshed ; write for particulars.
Klchard Oliver , banker nnd broker. Chicago
cage Slock exchange , Chicago. Y Clt IS *
FOR SAM ? , hotel Oolng good paying foUJi-
liipas ; very line location. In town of l.fiOO ;
3 railroads. Good reasons for selling. For
jirlp' and terms write G. A. Avelll , Vrop.
Cottage hotel , ninlvvrn. la. Y CM 18
WANTED. physician of peed standing with
$1.500 and some knowledge of agency bus
iness to take charge of brnlieh olllcc anil
control line of meritorious proprietary
remedies in Nebraska ; splendid opening
for right party. Address Xovlta Co. , 79
De.irhorn St. , Chicago. Y fits IS *
FOIl SALE , n good paying merchant tail
oring business ; Invoice about $1,000. A
Iwirgaln. Address Hex S93 , Lincoln , Neb.
Y-649 IS'
TURF INVESTORS ! Wo positively conduct -
duct the Fufest turf Investment plan now
In op ration. Chance of losing entirely
eliminated. It realizes better prollts than
nny other form of speculation. A trial In
vestment will convince you. Investments
from $10.00 uji. Write for particulars.
Pamphlet free. Gtilf-Paclllc Trust. 263
Dearborn St. . Chicago. Y-046 IS *
WANTED , a lady or gentleman to Invest
$500.00 to $1,000.00 In n paid-up restaurant ,
beer and cigar concession , building and
everything complete ; no expense necc.s-
s.iry. Can apply or address room 36. U. S.
Nat'l. Hank Bldg , -4HH-1S *
PIANO to trade for nursery stock. Address
B 4. Bee. Z-S73-J30
WILL trade piano for farm stock. Address
B 3. Hee , Z S74-J30
TELEPHONE 17S1 for a plat of Bemls Park
TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board nnd room
$1.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and , batha.
Ninth and Fnrnam Sts. 355
AY ANT to lease furnished , on p rcentago
basis , a good hotel Uiat under able man
agement can be made to pay fair returns ;
or will rent nt a straight rental and pay
nil any hotel Is worth. Address Western
"Hotel " Brokers , Room 101 , Bee Building ,
Omaha , Neb. 573 18
WE HAVE party with $10,000 who will pur
chase furniture and lenso of leading hotel
In city of over 5,000 ; must bo mon.y-
maker ; answer quick. Western Hotel
Brokers , Room 104 , Bee Bldg , Omaha , Neb ,
676 IS
WE HAVE man with $600 cash , wants good
country hotel ; willing to pay $2,000 or moro
for right place , but must stand Investiga
tion. Address Western Hotel Brokers ,
R. 101 , Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. 677 18
Wn have them , all sizes and prices , from
$ : > 00 to $123,000 ; If you arc looking for a.
location we can place you In direct com
munication with sellers , thus saving tlmo
and money. We solicit your correspond
ence. Western Hotel Brokers , R. 104. Bee
Bldg. , Omaha , 'Neb. ' . 678 18
DR. PRIES , renowned German specialist ;
diseases of women ; no failures ; speedy re
lief ; twenty years' experlo'icc ; references.
1513 Dodge , Omaha ; letters , stamps.
ai-flCS .Ty9
DR. MANSFIELD , monthly regulator has
brought happiness to hundreds ot anxious
women ; have never had a single failure ;
longest oases re'.leved In two to live days
without fall ; no pain ; no danger : no
Interefcrenco with work ; by mall or offlcc ,
$2 ; all letters truthfully answered. The
Mansfield Remedy Co. , 1C7 Dearborn St. .
room 614 , Chicago , III. 571-24 *
LADIES' Chlchester'H English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the bes' ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamps for
particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter
by return mall : nt druggists. Chlchester
Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. .
TYPEWRITERS for rent. fl.OO per monthu
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623
Farnem St. Telephone 12S1. 339
WE RENT nnd sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock ot supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far-
nnm. 310
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup
plies. 1619 Fnrnnm. 311
GOOD Remington , $30.00 ; Smith-Premier ,
$35.00 : other snaps. Stewart , 31SH S. 15th
St. , Omaha. - 11 19 *
LOST , locket , platinum nnd gold , with diamond
mend cen'or on one side- , monogram D.
G. M. on other side , bet. Martha and 3 < th
streets and South Omaha , via ShPcby
station. Liberal reward if returned to
Swift & Co , Lost-IS3 IS
LOST , one. roan cow : has been dehorned ;
one horn grown out some. Apply 933 N.
25th fit. Lost 609 19
LOST , red leather poeketbook on car
Thursday evening between 5 and 6. Re
turn to Bee oilier ; reward. Lost C99-18 *
BASS and cropple fishing now line nt
Langdon. Mo. Hotel rales , $1.60 per day ,
$ S.OO per week. Plenty of boats nnd minnows
news at reasonable rates. Good camping
grounds. For further information address
Frank T. Vogt. manager , the Langdon
Hotel and Railroad Eating House.
M-401 Jyl6
JOHNSON Ostoopnthlc Institute sultn 515 N
Y. Llfo Mldg. Tel. 1GC4. J. W. Dill. M.D. D.
O. , consulting physician. Mrs. Allen John
son. D. O. ; Mnry Hobson , D. O. , graduates
of American School of Osteopathy , KIrka.
ville. Mo. Glil. E. Johnson , Mgr.342
M. ] - D. O. , of Stll ! school"
Klrksvllle.Mo. , 601 Paxton blk , Tel. 13G7.
N'EW wheels , $13.60 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , J5
up ; repairing & supplies Omaha Bicycle Co
BICYCLE hospital , 16 & Webster. To ] , 890 ,
jpo IxiulH Fletcher for bicycle repairing ,
cnamellns nnd sundries. 1C22 Cap. Ave.
iC. . Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y. Llfo
\T OMAHA Bus. College , 16 & Douglas.
3(3 (
UOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal *
Bee li'.dg. - _ j9
IEFFERSON Square Ofllee. 41S N 16 '
3AGLI-2 Iftt-tn Olllco. ro'lablc. accommodat
ing ; all buMnohH confidential. 1301 Douulas '
_ _ _ _ 351
SOMETHING new In stocks and bonds
J'uya 200 per cent per year on Investment
any amount Investor * secured , payable
uny tlimj No speculation Best refer
ences Write f r particulars. Investor1
Trust. 1221 Arch St. . Philadelphia. ! >