\ THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 11 TO 20. ESTAJJljTSTT I < in .TTrNTTC in. 1H71. OMAHA. srNDAY MOHNrNO. . . JUNE IS. 1890. SINGLE COl'V VIVK CENTS. Monday begins a week of extrordinary bargain giving. Clearing up surplus stocks and making room for big shipments ordered for July 1st delivery. We're making room , not money. Out of town people can come hundreds of miles and save money at this sale. Mail orders filled while the goods last , Greater America Visitors' AflPfltQ fflP Rfltf Prirfr PittPPIlC Greater America Visitors' Headauarters. rtyi/lllo / IUI UULLDI Itli 10111/1115. / Headquarters. Important Sale of Silks SuilllllCr The best for comfort and service , buy n black sum mer Bilk waist or dress and keep cool Our line Id the best In the world A few prices for Monday. 21 Inches vv'do Tnr 24 Inches wide 3flr s' Inches wide /10r 36 inches wide ynrd JU yard . .Out ynr(1 H-UU ynni Merteil's IBlnCK SQtill ls a 8UPcrlor quality , Is a finer black and better finished than any other low priced black satin In the market If you want a satin that will wear -well buy „ , . „ „ the .Merlons only Jpl.UU Foulards ln a Rroat number of designs nil the lending spring shades , best . quality of the celebrated Cheney Bros make nt V - r- only xoc Great Sale on Fancy Waist Silks scason > over BOO styles to select from , In two great lota nt 6tc end WllltC HllbUtia Pxlra heavy quality 27 Inehs wide makes a most beautiful spicmjny | worth $1.00 our Mondny price . . Grenadines All 44 Inches wide , all are pure silk $1 25 niack Grenadines at 76c $1 BO black Grenadines nt 98c $2 00 black Grenadines at $1 25 $3 00 black Grenadines nt $1 98 You have surely heard _ of the Winslow Taffeta IB the best wearing tnlTetii In the \voild , and It Is cheaper because It Is wider thcio Is motp shades In the wlnslow than any other talTuta. We have a com plete line of colors , also black and white. Leading Dry Goods House of the west Over 30,000 styles always on hand. Plaids' Golfing Cloths & Crepons nrr ° 'th ' ? 'cndnB ' ! fbrlcs torr 5 ! _ fnll to bo In advance of the season wo have ordered a quantity of each of these for Immediate use. 10 designs In new zc < lllltie plaids BO Inrhcs wide , elegant designs , sold from < 1f\ $1.50 to $1 9S In other houses our price only * * - ' BO pieces of silk and wool skirting plaids 10 designs sella nt from $1 00 to f7 ri $1.25 elsewhere our price Is only . * - ' * 16 designs of Colling Plaid * , pluld back worth $1 9S | jQ our price B pieces of Golfing Plnlds , sold nil over at J2 25 i * 7R our price only . . . ! - * - The very finest Golfing Cloth thnt Is made CO Inches wide Inrgo plaid bnck nnd O QO fnr superior to nny ready made skirt thn.1 sell" ) at $18 00 our price only f * jj 60 pieces of Priestley's new Crepon worth I150 ? O sale price only * * . BO pieces of Piestlcy's new Cropons-worth $298 O sale price only A % BO pieces of Prestley's new Crepons worth $250 -t sale price only i 100 pieces of Authur Walker & Son's Crepons worth J1.9S 1 1Q * * on sale nt Mall orders receive prompt attention. Great Wash Goods Move A moving price on the newest of summer goods. The Bin Store for Variety. Thousands of yards of fine summer wash goods on sale now at a nickel a yard , EC. 350 pieces Sea Island ( the 12&c standard goods ) . Percale , on sale at Be yard. Hungarian Batista In Linen colors , fancy dress mulls nnd dark dimities , now on sale at 8 l-3c jard. Fancy Crash Skirting , plain color and striped , 32 Inches wide , fancy checked Duck Skirting , all on sale nt lOc yard. Finest imported pattern Organdies , hand- ecmo printings , worth 25c yard , now on sale nt $1.69 pattern. Elegant Scotch Ginghams , the genuine cloth , 19c yard. Thousands of styles In tlie finest Domes tic Zephyr Ginghams , lOc yard. Solid black 38-inch half wool Grenadines ( worth 65c yard ) In small and medium Bro cade effects , light nnd coolest of black summer stuffs , on sale now at 25c jard. 32-Inch Scotch Madras in the very swell- cst styles , an assortment of hundreds of pieces , all our 40c grade , 2Gc jard. Lustro Silk for Petticoats ( sold at 75c yard ) , in 0 shades , all high colors , to close the lot our Monday's prlco Is 50c jard. Fancy high class piques , best English goods , white grounds , solid corded pinks , blues nnd creams , worth BOc and 60c , everj where our price Is only 25c , SOc and 35c yard. Flannel Department Prices Snecinl for Mondav. 1,700 yards all wool white Flannel , worth 29e , at 19c yard. 3 cases Gobelin Art Drapery Cretonne , t S jo , 12V4c and 15c yard. 4 cases cotton Flannel and Shaker Flan- el , worth up to Sc , at 3Vfcc yard. 1 case Asyrlnn Twill Shirting , worth IBe , at S' c yard. 1,800 ynrds Bed Ticking , worth 12V4c , at 6',4o yard. 900 yards Whlto Wool Flannel , worth 25c , at IBo yard. 1,100 yards Embroidered Flannel In beau tiful patterns , nt 49c , B5c , 65c , 75c , 85c , 95c , $1 00 , $1 IB. $1.25 , $1 45 nnd $1 60 yard. 1 case Skirting Denims In plain colors , 30 Inches wide , nt ISc ynrd. 1 ease Outing Flannel , worth 6V4c , at 3V o yard. 2 cases Tobasco Cheviots , worth lOc. at Be ynrd. BOO pair good size Cotton Bnlnkcts , worth 76c , at BBc pair Monday. 300 pair H white Cotton Blankets , worth $1.00 , at 75c pair Monday. BCD COMFORTS 10 dozen full size print covered Bed Comforts , 75c each. 15 dozen 72x75 fnncy stitched white cot ton filling , regular $1.50 , $1 15 each. 10 dozen 72\S4 best sllknllno covered. This Comfort Is made of superior cotton specially prepared to produce the effect of flno down , which combined with its extreme - tremo lightness makes it the most desira ble Comfort ever made , worth $2.25 , each 11.50. Linens and Domestics. 66-Inch wide nil linen Bleached Damask , 8 patterns to pick from , BBc yard. Special bargain. 3-4 full bleached Dinner Nnpklns , Ger man manufacture , extra good value , $2.00 dozen. 20-Inch wide checked Toweling , reduced to lOc jard. Large slzo white Crochet Bed Spreads hemmed ready for use , on sale Monday , OOo each. Muslin and Sheetings are- advancing In price ; but ns long as present supply holds out jou can buy at The Big Store of Hayden - den Bros. 0-4 Brown Sheeting 12Vfcc , 15c nnd ISc yard. 9-4 Bleached Sheeting , 15c , 17c and 20c jard , 10 different brands of first class bleached Muslin nt 6t c yard less than present wholesale prlco. 5 brands of yard wide blenched Muslin only Be yard. Only a limited quantity of good jard wide unbleached Sheeting on Monday as long as It wilt Inst. 2-o jard. ( Jot our prlcrs on our lalgo stock of whho dress goods and linen suitings. I Letting Down the Prices on Cur tains and Draperies. nuflled Swiss Curtains , were $1,25 , now 75c. Imported Ruffled Swlsi Curtains , worth up to $3 00 , at $1.00 , $1 r > and $1.50. Nottingham Lace Curtains , worth $200 , on sale nt 75o and 9Bc 60-Inch Curtains , three yards long , were $2.25 , now $1.95. Colored Organdy Cottage Curtains , were $1 60 , now $1.00. Renaissance Curtains , were $7.00 , now (5.00 to close. Just receded , a full line of the very latest styles of Cottage Point do Calls , Brussels , Net , Uuillwl Net and Uuffled Point d'Esprlt Curtains. Snlss in all the newest colors The latest In Rope Portieres , A large and cholco assortment of the newest effects In SIlKallncs. A Racial value In Chenille Curtains , just to btnrt them , at $1 60 per pair. pair.We We have COO jurds of Imported Tapestry. BO Inches wide , assorted colors , suitable for draping and upholeterlng , slightly soiled on ono sldo only , on sale at BOc per yard , posi tively worth $1.BO. ( ( Lowest Prices Ever Made on Pianos We Are Now Making. nnett makes In the world to select from and complete assortment of each. The un rivalled Cblckerlng , for over 75 year * the superior of all and now more desirable jhan ever. The Fischer , now numbering Corer 107,000 manufactured and sold. The -fsier , Kurtztnann. Doll , Franklin and 19 others , | Including the Stelnway , Ktiabe , Ivera & Pond , Vase & Sons , Emerson and many other * , all at prices about one-half what others ask for them. Payments as you wish them. Splendid atock of new and standard pianos to rent. ELEGANT LINE OF ORGANS Lahr Piano Case Organs , 7 1-3 octaves , Nenman Bros , Uunlotto and many others. Every Piano and Organ guaranteed , Fine line of Benches and Stools Organs nt $14.00 up ; Pianos at $50 00 , $ S5.00 , $95 00. $110,00 , $125.00 , $130.00 , $14500. $160.00 and up. Moving , Tuning and Repairing by best workmen at very bottom prices. Tel , 16S3 , Selling Good Shoes Cheap Great cut price clearing sale In the new , enlarged Shoo Department. Special prices to close out some small lots. Infants fine Shoes , 23c. Children's fine Patent Leather Shoes , 3Sc. Children's flno Kid Shoes , 49c. Ladles' flno Oxford Ties , 9Sc , mode to sell for $ UO. Ladles' flno Vlcl Kid $2 00 quality Oxford Ties , $1 35. Ladles' fine vlcl kid vesting top $2.2' ' > qual ity Oxford Ties , In black and tan , on sale at * 1 75. Ladles' fine $2 00 tan kid Lice Shoes , $1.48. Ladles' fine $3 00 tan and black vesting top Lace Shoes , $1.98. Ladles' flno $3 50 Rochester make vlcl kid silk vesting top Lace Shoes at $1.98. Men's flno $2 50 and $3 00 shoes , $1.98. Boys' flno Lace Shoes , 98c. Ladies' Furnishing Bargains. 15c Vests at 7fcc. 25c Vests at 12c. BOc Vests at 25c. 15c Hose at 7 u. 25c Hose at 12c. Children's Blcyclo Hose , regular 25o quality at 12'/4c. Children's Hose , regular BOc quality , at 25c. 25c.75c 75c Corsets at 25c. Ladles' Parnsols nt BOc , 75c nnd 9Sc. Children's at IBc , 25c nnd 35c. Jewelry Dept. Special Sale in Jewelry This Week BOO solid gold Band Rings , beautifully chased , regular $1.50 goods , sale price oDc. 100 gross rolled platei , wire Beauty Pins on sale at Ic oach. 100 dozen gents' Watch Chains , regular $1.00 and $2 00 chains , go at 4Sc each. 250 sterling silver Nethersole Bracelets , regular value $2 00 each , sale price 9Sc each. The largest assortment of Belt Buckles over shown In Omaha IBc up. Special Watch sale this week. Gents' nickel stem wind and set Watch , good timekeeper , 98c each Gents' Ulgln and Wnltham Watches , In screw back and front , dust proof sllvcrlne cases , $3.98. Gents' gold filled open Watch , Hlgln or Wnltham , cases warranted to wear 20 years , $618. Gents gold filled hunting case Watch , warranted to wear 20 jears , flno 17-Jc.weled adjusted Wnltham movements , $1103 Ladles' gold filled hunting case Watch , warranted 10 years , Elgin or Waltham works , $6.05. Sheet Music. Hajden Tires , are leaders In Sheet Music. You can nlways find all the very latest Sheet ' Music that IB published on their counters. i Everything In all the very latest darkey ( songs , tuo-tsteps , waltzes and popular songs of the day. | Wo also carry an elegant stock of classical I i music , both vocal and instrumental , choice albums , In fact we carry everything there Is demand for. Have you had one of our catalogues of the famous McKlnley Edition ? This Is the finest catalogue of lOc Sheet Music In the world Call or send for catalogues , which are free Mall orders promptly filled , | I Ha/dens'$1,000 Ice Cream Absolutely the purest In Omaha $1 000 forfeit to any one finding anything but pure . cream , sugar and flavor In our ice cream Served dally. Tea and Goffee Special for Monday Whole Santos Coffee , worth 25c , only. . lOo Broken Java and Slftings lOc Golden Rio Coffee . 15c Mocha and Java Blend Coffee 2Sc Fancy Now Tea Sittings only 20c Sun Dried Japan Tea. only 33Hc Basket Fired Japan Tea , only 33c Try our Blend Tea ( for Iced tea ) , only. S5c I I Hardware , Stoves and House furnish ! Gig Dept. Two cars of fine Steel Ranges will bo placed on snlo Monday. Come nnd sec They are worlli 25 per cent more thnn wo nsk for them. The Gem Ideal Wrought Steel Range , with high closet , water back , large oven , for hard or soft coal or wood , flues asbestos lined , ovens brnccd and bolted , balance oven door , polished edge top nnd Interchange able sections , with latest Improved oblong flro box , coirugnted Iron linings , service able grntes , water front of heavj grcj iron of grcnt capacity ; n regular $40 00 range , which wo will sell ( Monday nt $2795. Same v\lth encased flush reservoir , white enameled , capacity 10 gallons , special $32.93. Wo also carry the celebrated M. a D. Rnngo , the best on enrth ; cnn sell you n six-hole , with high shelf , large oven , with water back , all complete , a regular $43.00 stove ; our prlco $3395. No. 8 square Cook Stove , warranted , $8/25. Special Low Prices on Gasoline Sieves Two-burner Gasoline Stove , $209. Threo-burner , now Improved Giant burner , with step , something entirely new , perfectly safe , for $10 95. Wo have the finest Cabinet Gnsollnc Stove made , soils everjwliere for not less than $28 00 , our prlco $21.95. Housefurnishing Goods Folding Ironing Boards OOo Thiee-hectlon Clothes Rack 39c Galvanbed Iron Tub 41c Two-knlvcd Slaw Cutter 19c Good Scrub Brushes 3c Flno Shoe Brushes 9c Good wood frame Wringer $1.29 Tools ! Tools ! OR-lnnl , Tlnnrl Sntt 39C A good two-foot Square 19c SK'Blts and Brace 95c Polished Claw Hammer 9c Two-foot Level 39c Six-Inch Monkey Wrench lie 14-Inch Kejhole Saw 12c Granifeware 10-quart Dish Pans 29c Tea Kettles 49c Large Wash Banlns lie B-quart Stew Kettles 19c 4-quart Coffee Pots Sic 10-quart Chamber Palls 49c Largo Granite Dippers 15c 4-quart Covered Kettles 29c Summer Goods Garden Hose , good 6c Warranted Hose 9c Lawn Mowers , 14-Inch $2.40 Rakes , 12-tlne 19c Hoc IBc Grass Catchers I9c Hardwood Ho o Reels 41c Refrlgcratorn , from $4 95 up Binding Twine BOO feet Sisal nnd Standard 600 feet Manila Monday's Prices in G pounds Ginger Snaps 25c A , B , C Soda Crackers 6c A , B , C Oyster Crackers 6c ( Newport Flakes Uc Brcmner's Lunch 9c Shredded Wheat Biscuits lie Barrel Ginger Snaps 22c Lemon and Vanlla Wafers 15c Graham and Oatmeal Crackers lOc Kennedy's Milk Biscuits lOc Sultana Fruit Crackers Me Manltou Fig Biscuit 14c Pretezcllcttcs lOc Cheese Sandwiches 13c Cheese Straws 13c Ralston Health Biscuits 20c Mixed Cookies lOc Butter and Cheese Best Elgin Butter lOc 'Fancy Separator Creamery Butter 18c Choice Creamery Butter 18c nnd 17c 'Good Country Butter 124c and 14c Cooking Butter lOc and lie Red Cloud Canadian Cheese 14c Herklmer Co. Double Cream Cheese , , . 1-lc Fancy Wisconsin Full Cream 12'o Fancy Brick or Llmbcrger Cheese 121 c Wisconsin Brick Swiss Cheese He Virginia Swiss Cheese IBc Imported Sulas Cherso , 2c ! ) Neuftlmtcl ( Durham brand ) , each So Strictly Fresh Eggs , per dozen 12c Meats 3 < 4 pounds Frankfort Sausage 25c 6 pounds Pigs Feet 2'ic ' 7 pounds Pickled Tripe 25c Sweet PJckled Pork G'/je ' .Short Ribs Corned Beef 5c Cholco Plcklod Pig Pork No. 1 Bacon Potted Chicken , per can. . . , , 14c No , 1 Picnic Ham Cc Our best brand No 1 Hams O'io Best Bacon , sugar cured and lean lOc Roast Beef , per can Fish , Etc. Tall cans Blood Red Salmon lOc Mustard or Oil Sardines , per can 3Vic Largo cans Broiled Mackerel 15c Suowlilte Cod Fish , per pound . . . . Cc Furniture. If the goods are the Bime , bought In the same market , made by the same manufac turer , conceded by the best judges to be the bfl3t on cnrth and you buy elsewhere , prlco cuts no figure with you. When It U simmered down to n question of price , there la no other place to buy furniture. Ladles' Oik Desk , $3 93. Ladles' Oak or Mahogany Desk , fitted with pigeon holes nnd small drawer , also Inrgo drawer nnd linen shelf , solid brass pulls , slzo 30 inches wide and 45 inches high , prlco $5 50. Mahogany Pnrlor Stnnd , $1 50. Oak Book Cnse. 30 wide , 61 ! high , 4 ad justable shelves , rod for curtain , $550. BookCase , onk , 24 wide , 48 high , 4 shelves , $195. GO-CARTS Just in , new assortment of stylish , well made Go-Carts , full size Bteel wheels , fitted with brake , $250. Wo have Go-Cnrts with parasols , nnd eomo that can bo made Into sleepers. SCREENS 3 panel screen frame , 93c. Filled screens , $1.50 , $1.75 and $2 00. 4 panel Japanese screens , 5-G high , gold em- broiderj' , $4 50. Oval photo frames , large slzo In green , black , ellt mouldlnrs. SOc. Elegant line of Medallions and pictures , everj price. Wo are making special Inducements to cash bujers , just at this tlmn and If you need furniture It will pay jou to sea us eoon. Oreat Clearing Sale of Carpets. Inexhaustible assortments of most desir able styles In this lino. We have cut the prices avvny down A great many broken lots and short lengths which must he closed out , at prices less than manufacturers' cost. A few moro of the 9x12 Rojal Smjrna Rugs on sale at $20 00. Large Axmlnster Rugs at $19 50. Good quality wool faced Biussels Carpet , in this sale for 38c. Very flno Brussels Carpet , a few patterns to close at 49c. Cotton Warp Japanese Matting at 15c. Seven-foot Window Shades at loc. Grant ! Wall Paper Sale In this department we put on sale the very finest quality of Ready Mixed Paints at 9Sc per gallon can. Several flno patterns in Wall Paper will bo clcsed out at cut prices. Just think of buying White Blanks for 4c per roll. Good quality Gilt Papers at 6c per roll. Cut prices on Stains , Emmels , Varnishes , Brushes and Room Moulding. Atto-nd this sale for baigains. Prices on Crockery Plain white Cups and Saucers , regular price 45c 2lc Plain white Cups and Saucers , regular price file 29c Genuine Staffordshire Bon la , nicely decorated , worth 25c Be Stone Jars , 1 to 8 gallons , per gallon. . G'/fcc ' Ono gallon Milk Crocks , worth lOc 2'c Wash Bowls and Pitchers , each 29Vic Berry Sets , ono largo nappy and sit berry dishes , unitli BOc 23c Elegant Flint Tumblers , with hand some engravej Initials , regular 75c per sot 29c Success Water nitern , complete with Ice jar , faucet , Tripoli filter block , sold lofit jear for $500 $3.25 A Few Drug Specials Mennen's Powder IBc' Apont.i Bitter Water , per bottle 17o Gold Paint , per ho\ lOc Roach Ponder , per box me Brome Quinine , per box IBo Carter's Little Liver Pills , per bottle , IBo Castorla. per bottle 2501 Kilmer's Snnmp Root , 40e and. . . 75c Big Bargains in Groceries Monday Fancy patent high grade Minnesota Flour $1.00 High grade Mlnncs'itu ' Flour SOc Good white Patent Flour 7Bu Iwirge sacks pure Graham Flour 2" c 10 pounds White or Yellow Cornmcal. . 9o 10 pounds hand picked Navy Beans 25c 10 bats Laundry Soip 25o 10 pounds Breakfast Oatmeal. . , 25c 3-pound cans solid Tomatoes 7140 I 3-pound cans Older Apple Butter. . . , , . , Do 3-pound cans Golden Pumpkin 7V c 2-pound cans Sweet Sugar Corn 6'/fce lOc cans Wax or String Beans 7i c Now California Prunes Be New California Raisins Be The Busiest Cloak Department in Omaha. Wo have prepared for jour Inspection Monday the greatest line of bargains that we have ever placid en our counters. Some garments will be sold for two hours some will bo sold nil dnj. Evcrjthing Is priced at llgures that will nnko the quickest sellIng - Ing over known In ntij retail house In Omalui Do not miss Monday's opportunities They surpass any ever made before. Wo call jour particular attention to our Sulta nt less than halt price , our Wash Wai Us and Skirts Wo cannot fill mall orders from all goods advertised In this sale , but will do the best wa can under the circumstances 17S Indies' Sample Stilts , made with double or stngle-brenstcil or Eton stjlca , jacket silk lined throughout , skirts percallno lined and Interlined and bound with brush braid binding , In serges , cocllllnns. broadcloths , Venetians and other materials ; worth up to $20.00 , jour cholco at $7 9S. IBO ladles' Skirts , In plain serges nnd brllllnntlnes , worth $4 00 , for $1.98. 200 ladles' Skirts , In brllllnntlnes , serges , rough materials , plaids , stripes and clicks , worth $500 , for $298. 175 ladles' skirts , In homespun , brondcloths , largo plnlds , checks nnd serges , on silo nt $4 9S. Ladles' Silk Capos , trimmed with brnld , nt $1 48. Lidles' Silk Capra , trimmed with ribbon , jot nnd lace , for Ladies' Dainty Waists. The remainder of a manufacturer's stock of ladles' Waists nt one-third their actual value. 20 dozen Waists at 15c. 25 doren ladles' Waists nt 29c. 50 do/cn Indies' Waists , with ten rows of tucks , nt 49c. 100 dozen ladles' Waists , Including our $1 25 and $1.50 Wnlsts , nt 9So. More Ladies' Wash Skirts Than All Other Houses in Omaha Combined. 35 dozen Wash Skirts , In crashes , dcnl ms , linens and piques , worth J2 00 , for 9Sc. 35 dozen ladles' Tunic Skirts , made from crash , linen and piques , with plain un derskirt , braided and trimmed , a bargain at $3.75 ; in this sale nt $1.98. Silk Underskirts. The second Installment of a mamifncturor's stock of Silk Undcnsklrts has nrrivcd. Tlicy are dis played Ir our 16th street window. They nro plain colors and changeable taffetas nnd blacks , goods worth up to $7.50 ; the greatest bargain ever heard of , jour cholco Monday lor $290. One tea a customer none to peddlers. On sale all daj. You will be pleased to sco these garments. 25 dozen ladles' fancy Percnllno Underskirts , with four rows of tucking , worth $200 , for 98c. 20 dozen ladles' Wash Skirts , worth $1.00 , for 49c. 250 ladles' Mackintoshes , In slnglo or double capo tvtjlos , nil wool , double texture , worth $5.00 , for $2.98. 20 dozen ladles' Wrappers , in pcrcnles , separate wnlst lining , nt SOc. 40 dozen ladles' Wrappers , trimmed with two rows of braid , separate -waist Jin- ing , some have ruffles over shoulders , worth $150 , for 75c. 40 dozen now style plain or flounced Wrappers , worth $200 , for 98c , 30 dozen Garner's best Percale Wrappers , worth $2 60 , for $1.48. Grand Letting Down the Price Millinery Sale. Mid-season reductions on exquisite Mill inery that affords all a chance to buy beau tiful and becoming headwear at a ridicul ously low price. Every Item In the big Millinery Department , Including beauti ful Pattern Hats and handsomely trimmed Excruslvo Designs , new and poplar Sailors , trimmings and children's hats , all reduced make qul k selling. Monday's Grand Clearing Sale in Hayden's Basement. Never was there such a grand slaughtering of Goods. 2 cases Wash Percales , 30 Inches wide , were 15c. on Monday 5c. 1 case Calko , was 7'/4c ' yard , Monday only 2V4c. 4 cases Calico , was S'/fcc yard , Monday 2 cases Turkov Red Damask Table Cloth , wns 25c , Monday 12' ' c. 2 cases Bed Spicuds , wns $100 , Monday 49c. 3 rases largo Check Towels , wns 9c , Mon day 5c. 3 cases Pcppercll Sheeting , was 19c , reduced - ed for Monday to 15c. 2,200 > anls 38 Indies wldo Outing Flannel , wns 12 ! e , Monday nt 7'/ic. ' 2.500 ynrds Bed Ticking , worth lOc nnd 12' ' e per jard , Monday at KV.c nnd T/.o per ynrd Whlto Flnnnel nt lust half price. 75 doen men's Sweaters , were 75c ; Mon- dny 35c. 25 dozen Shirts. Mondny 19c ; were fiOe nnd 75c. Ladles' nnd children's Hose Supporters , were 25e. on Mondny lOe. Ladles' Bolts were 33c. on Mondny lOn. Elegant Ores Grain Silk nnd Satin RlliVin was 20c , 25c nd 'iOc , on Monday In the lews- inent at 3c , Be and 7c per yard. Men's 7.1r Underwear on tale at 25c. Men's $1 00 Underwear at 35c. ( Men's $1 50 Underwear ut 75o Jl.CO Night Shirts at 35c $1 00 Night Shirts at 35c | 1 CO Night Sblrte reduced to 40c. Linen and Oriental Laces , were ISc and 25c , Monday's basement , prices 3o and Sc rcr jard. SPECIAL BASEMENT : 2 cases of double fold % wool cash- irieros , wortli 19e , basement prlco Monday BL- . 100 dress patterns , fancy mixtures , worth 19c , basement price , 75c. All wool serges , worth $1.2C , on sale la tb hr.Heinent Monday nt 25c. SHOES IN THE BASEMENT : Some exceptionally big bargains. Ladles' Genuine Vlcl Kid Oxfords , worth $1 50 , at 75c. Ladles' high grade Oxfords , block or tan , wortli $2.00 , Monday nt 98c. Children's vlcl kid shoos , black and tan , worth $1 00 , Monday at Brc. Boys' Russia Calf Shoes , 9Sc , See our 4'c ) boys' ohoes. Flno Percale Wr.ippers , extra wldo wither or without llounces , worth $2 BO , on Mon day In our basement for $1.50. Pnrealn nd Liwn Wrappers , worth $1.60 , on Monday for OOc. Our 69o Wrappers nre tlie talk of the town. Nntirm Big sale on VnlenclenntB Laces 12 jards worth 25c at 19c , 12 yards Vnl Liccs wortli 40c , reduced to 25c , 12 yards Val Laces worth BOc nt 3lc. Laces worth IBc nnd 20c on sale at EC and lOo yard. Special sale on ladles' Ties. Tics worth 50o and 7f > c at 25c. $1 00 Ties on sale at 7Bc. Ladles' Silk Ties from 75c to $1 V . Ladles' Wash Ties , In colors and stripe * , on sale at 25c. Special sale on Leather Goods , Ladlrs' and gents' BOc and 75c Purses on sale at 2.rr. SOn Handbags on sale at 2'ic , 2rjc Belts , In colors , nt ICc. COc Bolts , In all sizes , at 2r > e. 75o Belts , in nil sizes , at f > 0c , Hammocks worth $1.50 reduced to clo a nt $1 00 7Bo Hammocks now 45c. $1 00 Hammocks now 7Bc. Regular $1.GO Hammocks reduced to $300 Furnishing Bargains for Men. . Jl J * ? , hjr ! " ' , C > I Wcn'B $ 200 nnrt * 260 Shirts at 69c. Men's $1 50 FUlrts at 49c. ' | Boys' $1 BO Shirts at 49c. Men's Underwear. Men's 35c Underwear nt 19c. MUD'S 25c Bow nnd Hiring Ties at Bo. Men t > 35c Suspenders nt Ific. 25o Handlterthltfs at Be Men s 12 > / < jO Half Hose at Cc Jlcns' Colored String Tics at 35c per dozen.