TITB OMAHA DAILY BT3K : SATURDAY , , TtTN"0 IT , ISO ! ) . NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. aii.vrio.\ . Davis fells drugs Moore's food kilt's worms anil fattens. Rudwcljpr beer. L. Ilocenfcldt , agent. Victor hot water heaters at Blxby's. Eftcp , undertaker , 2S Pearl street. , Perry pictures. C. E. Alexander , t Co. i C. 11. Jacqueroln & fo , Jewelers and op ticians , 27 South Main ulreet. ( Jet your Work done nt the popular Kagle laundry , 724 Broadway 'Phone , 157. Mr and Mrs. Samuel I ) Caldwcirof Omaha were In the city yesterday visiting friends The annual reception and art exhibit ut St. Francis' academy opened yesterday nft- crnoon and will ( .ontlnuc over today. The case against William Qrogan , charged with .luraulllng C H. Day , was dismissed by agreement yesterday In Justice VIcn'B court The first annual banquet of the Ex-Cadet association of the Council Hluffs High school will be given next Wednesday nt the Grand hotel. Bluff City lodge , Ancient , Free and Ac cepted Masons , wlir hold n special communl- , cation this evening for work lu the third degree. One new case of measfcs was reported to the Board of Health yesterday , that of n chlM In the family ol C. Qulnn , 744 Mjn- Btcr street. A marriage licrnno was issued yesterday to Grcoley D. Woods and Celeste J. Mitchell , both li > years of age , and both residents of this city. Hans Ilunscn was granted a building per mit yesterday for the erection of a two- story addition to his residence nt Tenth street and Twenty-second avenue. John Lo Due died yesterday morning nt the Woman'8 Christian Association hospital ns thn result of Injuries received at Ncoln two weeks ago. Lo Due was 19 years of age , There will bo n meeting tomorrow after noon at 8 o'clock of the Veteran Fireman's association In the patrol building nt police headquarters to complete arrangements for attending the state tournament nt Missouri Valley. City Ticket Agent E. E. Nnnce of the Quincy route returned yesterday morning from Kansas City , where ho had been in conference with the olllclals of the road He nays nn changes In the local olllce will bo made for the present. There will b" no morning sei vices tomor row nt Grace Episcopal church owing to the presence of Bluhop Morrison at St. Paul's church at that time. Likewise in the evenIng - Ing there will be no service at St. Paul's church , as the bishop will be nt Grace church. Judge Aylesworth has announced that he will hand down today In the superior court his decision In the case of the City against the Omaha & Council' Bluffs Railway and Bridge company. This Is tno suit brought by the city to recover from the motor tora- ' jmny its proportion of Intersection paving i nnd the filling on Avenue A. Robert Ryan wn arrested last evening for disturbing the pence and using the worst ! kind of obscene language. He was consld- , crabl } under the influence of liquor when ho boarded the motor car for Omaha and had hardly token his seat when ho com- , incnued to use the foulest language in the vocabulary. Olllcer Weir , who had happened - \ pened to be in the vicinity , took him into I custody after a short hut decisive struggle. ! N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. A fine $450 piano , Hazelton , walnut case , | for sale at $225. Must be sold , as party ? wants to leave the city. Address rock box t 2G7. city. Mlxnp of Alloi't IOIIH. I O. G. Balrd , deputy clerk of the district court , returned yesterday from Rock Island , J1I , where ho had been celled to identify a woman who is plaintiff In a suit for damages for alleged betrayal under promise of mar riage against a wealthy and piomlnent citi zen of that city. The woman In the suit was married in this city last October , hence Jlr. Dalrd's connection with the case. The woman was > oars ago a Miss Daugherty. In course of time she married a man named McDermott , who , when death claimed him , left his wlfo In very stialtencd clrcum- stances and she was compelled to take In family washing. It was then that she met this wealthy citizen , who made love to her and from time to time presented her with money and property estimated to be of the value of $20,000. In July of last year Mrs. McDermott was married to Daniel C. Chandler - ler In Kansas City. Chandler's right name , It appears , was Drost , and he , feeling that the marringo ought to take place again un der his right name , Induced Mrs. McDoimott to come to Council Bluffs , where they se cured n license and wore married October 14 , 1S)8 ! ) , by Justice of the Peace Ambrose llurke. .virs , urost later round out , as she alleges , that Drost was Induced to marry her by the wealthy citizen whom she had charged .vltli ibotrayal nnd she at once left him and has commenced suit for divorce. The defen lant In the damage suit from whom Mis. McDer mott is seeking to recover JlOO.uOO has set tip In his defense that Mrs , MoDernott was not a woman of chaste character and to provo this Is trying to establish intimacy between her and the man Drost prior to the marriage In Council Bluffs. Ml. Ilalrd'o mission to Rock Island was to Identify the woman as the ona to whom he IsbUuJ a license in this city last October , at which time , by the records , It Is shown she swore she had not been married before. Wrlto YnuiiKorman & Co. for prices on berry bo\es and grape baskets. Iron bedsteads , Peterson & Schoenlng , Davis sells glats. llvnl I'Nfate 'rriiiiMfrrn. The following transfers worn filed yester day In the abstract , title nnd loan offlco of J W Scjulro , 101 Pearl street : Jj P Judson and wlfo to John W. .Miller , lut 3. block 1 , Judxon'.s add , town of Neola , vv. d $ 80 y B Moorn. trustee , and wife to Ll/7.lo M. Carter , part of lot ( i In aubdlv. of O. 1' . , lot Cl , Counell HluffH , w. d 987 Margaret M , Fleming to K W. Nash , lot 2 In Kiibdlv. of O. P. lot 161 , Coun cil Bluffs , vv. d 1,000 Total , three transfers $2,067 Scientific optician , Wollmnn. 409 Br'dway. Blcjcles at Peterson & Schoenlng'n. llctnrnril from Huroi | < * . Nate Bet hers , who loft homo nnd worked Ills way as a salloj across the oc-ean to Eu rope , has retmned home Ho Is onlj 10 years old , mid after leaving homo his fam ily knew Holding of his whereabouts until they received n letter from him from some point In Great Britain. Ho came homo ns unexpectedly ne when ho took his Itnve. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES AIlcn'K Foot-Eabe , u powder It cures pain ful , smarting , nervous feet and InuroultiK nails , urn ! instantly take thu sting out of corns and bunions. It's thu greatest com- foit discovery of the age. Allen's i'oot- Kaxe makes light or new shoes feel easy It la a certain cure for awejtlne , callous njid hot , tlrrcl , aching ttl Try it today Bold by ail drugglnts and ; + hoe stores Jy mall for -Ic In stamps. Trial package KIUUS. Address , Allen S Olmsted , Lo ( Roy , iN. Y LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT J''nr CIIMI | or l.i > niuil on. K. U. bllHAFH .t CO. , V Pcurl ttirvct , Cuuuoll lilulti. Iowa. CLOSE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Pupils Discard Their Books and EnUr Upon Eleven Weeks' Vacation. EIGHTY-FOUR PROMOfEO TO HIGH SCHOOL Accntnnioilnfloti for \cvr Claim Will Have to II < I'rmlilril ut WiiNlilnn- ton Atomic llnlliltim Teat-h orn' I'lnnn for thr llollilii ) . Yesterday marked the close of the school > ear In the public schools of Council Bluffs , nd for eleven weeks the children will enjoy their summer vocation. The next school ) car opens on the first Monday In Septem ber , unless the Hoard of Education mean time should order otherwise. At most of the school buildings yesterday there \vas no afternoon session. At the Bloomer and Washington Avenue schools the feature of the day was the announcement made of llioBo pupils utio had been successful lu panning from the eighth grade into the High school. At the Bloomer school forty-ono pupils were advanced to the High school. They are : Charles Cobb , Allan Dudley , Alfred Han- chett , Charles Hannan , Harry Joslln , Hddle Nugent , Cilen Reed , Hayward Hlce , Ualf.li Robertson , William Schnorr , Armlnlus Van Ord"or , Helene Illxby , Edith Brook , Anna Buhl , Bessie Burnham. Clarn Clark , Olive Unglltli , Nettle Fleming , Hortcnse Forsythc , I..ola Graves , Vostn Jameson , Nola Loveland - land , Luelln McKelg , Lena Miller , Hattle Mueller , Maude I'ost , Adah Sargent , Alga Smith , Jessie Taber , Marlon T5ler , nthel West , Lulu Wise , Homer Ha } den , Wlllla Carnahan , Delia Metcnlf , Fred Mayno , Ev erett Goodrich , John Kane , Roy Rasmus- sen , JennieOstrom , Mabel Smith. From the Washington Avenue school forty-Uiree are promoted , as follows : Nellie Bensore. Lctha Butler , Donaldlne Bell , Nellie Edgar , Eunice Grason , Sadie Grosvenor , Gertie Glttlns , Jessie Hastings , Besslo Henderson , Hazel Hammer , iMuy Hutchison , Mnudo Howard , May Klngsbury , Daisy McNay , Georgia Mitchell , Mlgnon Muynard , Nina Mjers , Blanche Patterson , Carolina Rohrer , Thomas Burke , Charles Bonham , George Bernhardi , Timothy Dunn , Sheldon Gronewcg , John Kettrlng , Walter Lutz , Harry Miller , Ray Mnthls , Charles Perry , Carl Ruberg , Robert Sprague , Harry Snyder , Templeton Van de Bogart , Frank Wetmoro , Dawn Anderson , Ida Black , Nel lie Boncy , Nealle Bellls , Bertha Utterback , Ratio Wesley , Mary Westlake , Madge Walker , Rhuey Yeagcr. HlKli School Will lie Travelled. Thc o pupils become members of grade D-l , or of the llrst of tha High school grades. Accommodation for these eighty-four young persons will havu to be found elsewhere than in the present High school For the last six months over fifty of the High school pupils have been accommodated at the Washington avenue building , and next Sep tember they will be removed to the High school building , where they will take the place of the fifty-two who graduated last Monday. There will be room for the pupiU promoted from the Eighth grade in the High school building , and either one or two classes will be found at the Washing ton avenue building. This will ciovvd mat ters in this school house somewhat , and present Indications nro that the office of Miss Mnngiim , the principal , will have to be utilized ns a class room. With the close of school the teachers commence to carry out their plans for spend ing the vacation. Many of them will at tend the Pottnvvattamle County Institute In this city , and afterward will take a summer tour Some will go to Colorado , while others will seek rc t at the lakes Quito a number have arranged to attend the convention of the National Education association at Los Angeles , while others -will spend a part of the summer vacation In taking special studies. Five of the klndergartners will at tend the summer school for klndergartners at Grand Rapids , Mich. Miss Wright will take a course of studv In the Froebellnn school for young women In Chicago. Su perintendent Hayden Is hooked for a week nt the local Institute. Principal Clifford of the High school will teach at the Insti tutes at Cherokee nnd Wlntersot. Profs. J. C. Orason , W. J. Flint and Miss Louise Boefcho of the High school faculty , will conch pupils In this city Miss Harriett Blood , supervisor of drawing and penman ship , will give special instiuctlon at tno Boone Countv Institute. Miss Porterfleld , supervisor of music , will attend the conven tion at Los Angeles. Big bargains , Peterson & S M Williamson , 10B South Main fltreet , makes a speclajty of repairing bicycles and sewing machines. Call for Itfi'iililliMin I'rlniarlon. Harry M. Brown , chairman of the repub- llcnn city centrnl committee , has issued n call for the holding of caucuses Friday night , June 23 , at 8 o'clock , nt the follow ing places1 First Ward First precinct , Wheeler & Hercld's , five delegates ; Second precinct , McRohert's blacksmith shop , corner of Stulmnnn street nnd Broadway , six dele gates , Second Ward First precinct , Council chamber , seven delegates ; Second precinct , 741 Broadway , seven delegates. Third Wnrd First precinct , 415 Broadway , six delegates , Second precinct , hose hoiibo South 'Main ' street , five delegates. Pouith Wnrd First precinct , Farmers' linll , court house , live delegates ; Second precinct , Smith's ball , Sixteenth avenue , four delegates. Fifth Ward First precinct , county build ing , Fifth avenue and Twelfth street , seven delegates ; Second precinct , county building , five delegates. Sixth Ward First precinct , Shubert block , between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets on Broadway , six delegates ; Second precinct , Biodcill block , ono delegate , The caucuses are for the purpose of se lecting delegates to attend the county con vention called for Juno 28 at 11 o'clock a. m. at the county court house , when dele gates will be elected to attend Ido state con- volition In Des Molnes. The county central committee will bo re organized at this convention , and each cau cus will elect a member of said committee. The members thereof In the city of Council Bluffs will constitute the city central com mittee. Davis sells paint. Gasoline stoves , Peterson & Schosnlng. Ciliu 'I'll11to the I.iXH. In the district court yesterday Judge Smith commenced the trial of the suit of Mm. R. L. Bellinger against Fannlo F. CollliiH and others , The action U to sot aside a deed and secure possession of two lots -n Williams' 8Ubdlvl lon. Mrs Bellinger alleges that last September she placed for sale with I * . J. Day eighty acres of land In Pottavrattamle county. He disposed of the property for J2.000 , this being the price uho claims ho represented to her at the time. Later * he fa > o she discovered that he , In reality , gold the property to cue Wilson ? mlth for $1,000 Smith paid $2,000 In cash , and for the remaining $2.000 deeded over the two lots vvhl-h she now seeks to have the title of quieted In her The deeds to lhP c lots , Mr ? BelllnEer claims , were made to Fannie Collins , wife of n real estate agent , who assisted Day In making the trade , whereas , she Insists , they should have bean by rights deeded to her , she being the owner of the land , In consideration for which they were conveyed. Curd of TlinnliM. We , the undersigned , wish to thank the many kind friends who extended their aid and sympathy In our late bereavement. MR. AND MRS VAN CAMP. Itiilil oil Olroiiiaruiirlnc. P O'Mallry , n grading contractor on the Fort Dodge & Omaha railway , was arrested last evening on the charge of "having for use a substitute for butter In Imitation ot butter , " In other words for having In his possession oleomargarine icolored to look like a genuine article of butter The arrest was made at the Instance of State Dairy Com missioner Byron P. Norton , who , accompa nied by Deputy Commissioner Gronewcg of this city , Constable Albcrtl and a bunch of warrants , made a round of the grading camps yesterday. At O'.Malloy's camp n firkin with the government oleomargarine stamp on It was found. At the depot at Honey Creek the party ran across eight moro llrklns containing about 600 pounds , all con signed to O'.Malley from a firm In Kansas City. All the stuff was found to bo cofored In Imitation of buttsr. There Is no law against the use of oleo margarine , provided It Is used In Its natural state , but the state law prohibits the use of it when colored to Imitate butter. Several other camps vvero visited by the state dnlr > commissioner , but the only oleomnrgnrlno found was that lu O'Mnlloy's outfit. He gave ball In the sum of $200 for his appearance next Tuesday In Justice Vlen's court. Hear the most Interesting concert of the season at the Congregational1 church Monday night. The DeMoss family hold audiences spellbound. Their vocal numbers nre clas sical , their violins talk , their bell ringing enchants. Forty-two Instruments used. Tickets nt Mueller's Music store ; 33 nnd " 5 cents , children 15 cents. ( "on ii ( j Supers INOTH Adjourn. The Board of County Supervisors at Its adjourned session yesterday as a board of review failed to take any action in the matter of the assessment. This was due to the fact that City Assessor Hnrdln hns not yet turned over the assessment books ot Council Bluffs to the board and until that is done the board will not take the matter up. It was said yesterday that the books would be forthcoming today. The de lay is caused by the fact that the totals have not yet been footed , despite the fact that the city council sitting as a Board of Equalization accepted the assessment rolls and confirmed the valuation made by Hnr dln. The action of the city councllmen has aroused considerable comment. The county auditor was Instructed to draw a warrant for $1,000 appropriated by the board to assist the Pottawattamlo County Fair association of Avoca , the association having showed that it had complied with the conditions upon which the appropriation was made. The board adjourned until 9 o'clock this morning. Buy hardware of Peterson & Schoenlng. Baby carriages , Peterson & Schoenlnfj. I Iloaril of Stinorv IMOTH. The Board of Supervisors was unnble to take any action yesterday In the matter ot equalizing the assessment , owing to the fact that City Assessor Hardln failed to turn over the valuation rolls of the city Ho promised the board , however , to have the books on hand this morning without fall , oven If he nnd his assistants had to sit up all night to complete the footings. The county auditor was authorized to have a telephone placed in the sheriff's office , a concession which Sheriff Morgan and his predecessors in office have been seeking to obtain for several jcars past. An apportionment of the poor fund was made art follows- Supervisor Auld's district , $1,000 ; Supervisor Brandes' , $1,300 ; Super visor Hanson's , $1,400 ; Supervisor Kear ney's , $1,000 ; Supervisor Matthews' , $2,600. Furniture , Peterson & Schoenlng. Unlit anil Hall. A black , angry looking cloud , accompa nied by a sfight rain passed over Council Bluffs yesterday about noon and a short while after all sorts ot rumors as to cyclones were floating around. First It was reported that the cyclone had struck Neoln , then that It had visited Avoca and last that Missouri Valley had been nearly swept off the face of the earth. All rumors , however , were proven to bo fortunately without founda tion. There was , however , a heavy rain storm at Oakland nnd Just east of the city. At Crescent the rain was followed by a heavy hailstorm and in the vicinity of Keg Creek the ground was covered white with the hail stones , some of which were of unusually largo size. Davis sells the best soda water. JOIICN KI1 < * N Pi'tXIon lii llaiilrui < cy. Gllcad H. Jnncw of Audubon filed a peti tion in bankruptcy yesterday In the United States court , In which ho nsks the court to relieve him of his liabilities amounting to same $14.000 Of this amount $3,77(5 ( Is partially secured claims , $8IS I unsecured claimsand $2,212 represents promissory notes endorsed for ether parties , and should be paid by them. His credltorn htand very little show of receiving anything , ns his nssets consist solely , according to his peti tion , of household goods valued at $125 , and a few books and pictures of Iho estimated value of $5. All of his assets he claims as exempt , Wclshach burners at BKbv's. Tel. 103. Final IJieri'tIN HIM > | oil , * The final degree In the case of the Iowa Loan and Trust company of Sioux City against the Fort Dodge & Omaha railway was received In the district court hero yes terday. The title to the property In icnn- troverty Is quieted in the railway company and the plaintiff Is ordered to make within thirty days a quit claim deed to the property to the raltway company. In case of failure on the part of the trust company to do so the dork of the district court is to bo ap pointed special commissioner to execute the deed and the costs are to bo taxed to the plaintiff. iilU I'OlMOIUMl ToilllNlOOlN. WEBSTER CITY , la. . June 16 ( Special Telegram ) A serious accident occuirud to the family of James Larklngs this morning. Rain last night brought out mushrooms , which the family had been In the habit of eating , ftlr. Larklngs gathered , ns he thought , enough to feed the family and went to the barn to attend to his team. When hi ) was gone CVIrs. LnrKIngs decided she wanted more. She sent the children out and tcU them to gather a quart canful They did , but made the mistake of gathering toad stools. It was not noticed. Thn children ate the moat and Lizzie , a little girl , was treated by a physician , but pafsed awav at 5:30 : this afternoon of the poUon In the toadstools. Iliii'Kllii'H Arnli'll Milvf , THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts Bruises. Sores , Ulcers. Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all SKln Eruptions , and positively cures Piles , or no pay required It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money rtfunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kutm & Co. PROFESSOR IN BANKRUPTCY Does it to Be Relieved of a Burden Too Heavy to Bear. HAS NO ASSETS FXCEPT THOSE EXEMPT 11. M. Moll of Drake I nil Fruity , Kor- \diriiNUa Slutc limtltu- tlon , TnkrN IfKiil MrnNiirea to Hullrtp Himself. DE3 MOINHS. Juno 1C ( Special Tele gram. ) Hill McClellanJ Doll , a professor of Drake University , has Hied a petition lu bankruptcy In the federal court. Hell was formerly connected with the Lincoln Normal university of Lincoln , Ntsb , and while hav ing such connection signed a number of the nntea of the university as guarantor and also endorsed over n number In hU own name , for which ho has been held responsi ble. The total amount of these notes given by the university and on which his name appears Is $8,3-18. In addition to this amount of Indebtedness he acknowledges to owing $1 , 30 more In unsecured claims. He has no assets axcept such as are axcmpt under the statute and la dealrous of being freed from the Inoumbrance of the debts by going lute voluntary bankruptcy. One of the notes given by the Lincoln university Is en dorsed over to the Drake university. The university of Iowa has received nn Invitation to join an Interstate league com posed of the State universities of South Dakota , Io a , Minnesota and Nebraska. This year Iowa will not meet Nebraska on the football Held and there U little likeli hood that the two schools will meet on the track next year. The Iowa men eay they do not .believe the organization of such a league possible. mini * IMver on n Tt-nr. WEnSTUR CITY , In. . June 16. ( Spe cial. ) Last night the Doonc river at this point began to tlso steadily and by morning the water was out of the banks. It was occasioned by the recent heavy rains which have fallen here and north of the city for miles above the river. While ono of the men who was loading his wagon wltn Ice the Tvater rose eight Inches , which shows the wonderful raise that Is going on. Fear la entertained for the safety of the four strong alee ! bridges that cross the river at this point. Mrs. J. H. Altkin of Huntlngton , Ore. , Is the guest of Mrs. N. E. Halncs of this city at the Mlllard. Mrs. Hnlnes returned from the west with Mrs. Altkin. DEATH RECORD. Jump * Lamed , A largo gathering of old citizens attended the funeral services held for the late James Lamed at his late residence , North Four teenth street , Friday afternoon. Hov. Dr. C. B. Allen conducted the brief services , and appropriate hymns were sung by Miss Simmons , Mrs. G. B. Morse and Mr. F. T. Tunnlson. Mr. Larnod came to Omaha some thirty years ago. Ho was a member of St. John's Masonic lodge and of lodge No 10 , Odd Fol lows , for many years. The pallbearers were chosen from the lodge members and were H. Jackson , D. Hartson , Charles Adams , John Cooper , George Edwards and Julius Rich. Mr. Lamed was a native of Vermont and had all tfce sterling qualities for which his rugged colonial ancestors were noted. Dur ing almost his entire life in Omaha he was a locomotive engineer on the Union Pacific railway. He was the engineer of the first locomotive that crossed the Union Pacific bridge , and on that initial trip was ac companied in the cab hy S. H. H. Clark. Mr. Lamed was a very charitable man , al ways doing good deeds , for his distressed fellow men in a very unostentatious manner. His death Is sincerely mourned by a host of friends. The remains were taken to Crete for burial on the afternoon train , the Odd Follows having all the funeral arrangements In charge. 3lr . J. C. Well * . The many friends of Mrs. J. C. Wells , foimerly of this city , will be grieved to learn of her death , which occurred at Hot Springs on Wednesday last. MIB. Wells' health had been very poorly since the death of her daughter Mary , who was killed in Kansaa City last December. Mrs. Wells leaves n husband and one daughter , Miss Anna. The funeral will take place Satur day afternoon In Kansas City. ii. r. CDDAR RAPIDS , la. , Juno 10. ( Special Telegram. ) Henry F. Hunting , one of the leading business men of the city and a mem ber of the firm of Williams & Hunting , died this afternoon of organic heart trouble at the age of IS years. ArpIililMhfip "ourrleu. ROUEN , June -Archbishop Sonrrleu la dead. Ho was born in 1823 and was success fully superior officer of the House of Mis sionaries. HYMENEAL. V r * i in n ii - 1 1 ii ii I n no r. SHIJLTON. Nob. , Juno 1C. ( Special. ) Wednesday cvonliiK at 8 o'clock nt tin- homo of the brliln's parents occurred the innrrlago of Mlis Cora Hennlnfior to Mr. EiiReno Freeman , Rev. L. W. Scmldcr of the Presby terian church ofllclatlng. A larKe number cf friends nnd relatives were present to witness the cnrcmony. The bride Is the youngest daughter of ex-Postmaster S. T. HonnlnRer and has been reared hero among many friends , and the groom Is a noil-liked rail road man , at present being assistant station of the Union Pacific at this place. . Married , at the residence of Mr. and Mrs John Withnell , 200S St Mary's avenue , REMOVED W. C. ESTEP , Has removed from 14 North Main street to 28 Pearl street , two door * noitli of QranU lintel , liustuesa phone , 87 , residence 'phone , 33. LOANS On Improved Parma In Iowa and InMJe city property In Council Bluffs ut Icr.Nt'M rates FARMS FOIl'sAL-H - IN IOWA 170 acres In Harrison county , JSO per acre 100 acics In C'rawford county , J15 per acre SO acrea , 5 miles from Council UiufTs. J50 psr aero A bargain for a flue Jrult farmer or foi cultivation City residence nnd bustncFS property for sale that will pay from 10 to 20 per cent Brass on Investment from rentb. FOR HUNT , Two line residences. J25 ami J30 per month FlHt , iiSo 7th street , modern , J30. Store liu'.ldlnc , 100 So Main sticet. S. A. I'loroo's old Htanil. fituble 221 So 7th street ; fS. Five-acre fruit farm to trad * for Inside residence property In Council JtlulTs I'lst jour pioperty with us. for sale. or rent Flro nnd Tornado Insurance nt lov\est ratw. IOUGEI : No , itt ! Soutii Main street , Council Blurts , la. Telephone 312. Thursday evening Juns IB , Mr , Samuel D Calvvpll and Mr . Ida M t.lbby , Uov T J. Mn kay oflU luting. Mr Cad ell la a clerk In tlic United Stntrs Rxpre s comp ny , n prominent Mason , and h e a large circle of friends In this city. AmliT'iin-t'.imlo. ON'AWA. la , Juno 16 ( Special ) Tonight at S o'clcck , at the homo of the bride's par ents , ocourrpj the marriage of Ml s Pearl 1'ngln ami Mr 0 A. Anler on. bith of this city. Jiev lionton , pastor of the Christian church , ofllclatod SOUTH DAKOTA CROPBULLETIN FrfUitcut anilinplc llnln * Put ( lit * iK C'riiiH | In I Condition. HURON. S D. . Juno 10. ( Special. ) To day's bullel'o from the United States Weather bureau In this city contains the following - lowing concerning crops In South Dakota , The temperature during the week uver- aged n little below the normal , but there were Rome quite warm days , and considera bly more sunshine than during the preced ing week. The rains , while not so generally copious ns during the preceding week , were fre quent , ample , well distributed nnd In some localities heavy. The sttll Is abundantly moist generally , nnd In n few lowland Holds In some localities too wet , but In many cases where too wet last week correspond ents report improvement. The weather conditions , on the whole , were highly favorable for the growth and healthy progress of wheat , oats , barley , spring rje , flax and grass , and caused much Improvement In the condition ot corn and potatoes. Except In a few lowland fields in some rocalltlcB where there IB an excess of mois ture , wheat has steeled luxuriantly , the plant Is vigorous and healthy , and the condi tion of growth and progress of the crop Is highly satisfactory , except that It is utlll a little backward In ovtromo western coun ties. The shoot Is starting In some south eastern Holds. Oats , barley and spring rje have nlso steeled well , made healthy nnd vigorous growth , nnd are very promising. Winter ro In homo Holds shows a thin stand , otherwise It has developed rapidly , nnd Is beginning to head generally in bouth- enstern localities. Corn has Improved very much , especially In southeastern nnd cast-central counties , but the nights have been most too cool for host Jesuits. Planting Is not > et fully completed in some northern localities , nnd some replanting Is jet being done in scat tered localities. There is still some report of corn coming well In fields where it was thought the seed had rotted. On the whole , reports indicate n good stand , nnd cultiva tion is becoming general. There is still some Ilnx to be sown in northerly localities , and that already sprouted has made good growth. Potatoes have grown well nnd most fields show a good stand. Garden stufC has made good progress gen erally. Katnl Acclilcnt. SIOUX FALLS , S. D , Juno Ifi ( Special Telegram. ) Alficd Anderson , ono of the oldfht and most prominent farmers In the oastcin part of this , iMInnehaha , county , whose homo is near Rowena , met death to day in a peculiar day. He was polishing a plowshare on an emery wheel when the wheel burst , n piece striking him in the leg , cutting a gosh. He bled to death before assistance could be rendered. Srhfiol FmulN Dltrlhutfd. PICRIIE , S. D. , Juno 16. ( Special Tele gram. ) The state department of school and public funds today distributed among the various counties $1G5.1S interest nnd in come fund which goes directly Into the school fund ot the counties. The distribu tion amounted to $1 37 % per capita on school population , and is the largest semi-annual distribution ever made by the department. Grand Conclave n < niiktoa. YANKTON , S. D. , June 1C. ( Special Tele gram. ) The tenth annual conclave , grand commandery , Knights Templar , of South Dakota , met this morning. Grand Com mander Doollttlo of Sioux Falls cave nn Interesting nnd instructive address. Olllcers elected : Grand commander , Sir George V. Don't write to a woman , when the roof leaks. Write to a carpenter. Don't write to a woman when the water pipe bursts. Write to .a plumber. Don't write to a woman when you are sick , write to a doctor. Rut why such superfluous ad vice ? Simply to call attention to the fact that "women" who are not qualified physicians offer medical advice , in adver tisements worded in such a deceptive i manner that you are apt to overlook the important fact that the woman is not a physician. The great success of Dr. R. V. Pierce , in treating and curing diseases of womeu has led to imitations of his methods , es pecially his offer of a free consultation by letter to all sick women , At the head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stitute , of Buffalo , N. Y. , and with an ex perience of over thirty ycarb , Dr. Pierce lips achieved the position of the chief of specialists in the treatment of wom an's diseases. There is no living phy sician , male or female , who can show an equal record of over half-a-million wom en treated and ninety-eight per cant , of cures. Write to the doctor. Your letter _ will be read in private , answered in pri vate and its statements held as sacredly confidential. To assure the exclusion of a third party from this correspondence , every letter is sent sealed in a plain en velope , bearing no advertising or print ing upon it. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce , Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute , Buffalo , N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well. Accept no Substitute. rtpndwood deputy grand eommimlor Sir B. N r.iiRhrau Stout Kalis * t nd goneralMslmo Sir Morni II Kcllpy Atnr- ilcon , Rrand ciptaln Rfiior.il. Sir TA S. Lorlmor HrooklnK grand senior \\nrrtrn. ( Sir Fred A. SpnfTord , rian.lrpau . , grand Junior warden , Sir A. V 1'llohrr , Sioux I Kalis ; grand prelate. Sir John A Habcock , Mitchell , grand tro.nurrr , Sir M 1' Ohl- I man. Yankton , rnml recorder , George V. j PettlRrew , Flandrenu The InMallntlon of ollloers occurred ipnlclit , followed by a ban quet. Sunday religious service * will bo hold here for M. r. Mortciisni , prlviitp Owpanv 12 , Soulh Dakota volunteers , under the aiiFplcM of the Knights of the Maoonbcea atul ( Uand Army of the Hepublle IKCU The nre de partment and elly council will nttend In n body This will be the llrst funeral In South Pikota for n soldier from the < state who vol unteered for the war with Spain. ( illltll' WlirilrllllHlllltril. | . S 11 , June 16 ( Special. ) Oov- ernor I.ee has nppnlnltnl a < < fish and Kame wardens H L llurlbut , Pennlngton county : Joseph M. Farrcll , Ilrooklnga county : J. M. Johnston , Campbell county ; J , 1' . Itnrtoll , Mcl'herson county of Cull ) finKuroiic. . NI3\V YORK June 1C. Goldman & Sachs will ship $1 000 000 gold to Hiu ope on tomor row's sunnier. Daffy's Pare Malt Whiskey. Essential to every house" hold. En- -1 government t Recommended tea , A Medicine. All druggists , MRS. ALICE GERDE3 GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT , BUSINESS MEDIUM AND PALM READER , ! now at coiner of llioiulway and Klqhttt treit him HH i mi l.tgluli street I nofc fi-r lnic < Amili nn iltm in Council lllulCs , la fi i i short time onlj. On Momlnx June It tin- will il\o ; readings fm-ipfi i irn < fioin'in in. to 5 p in Come iail > tn i\uid ih lush. Doni riiiwulic In 1'ailui quip ! mid letlrid. OtlU'o hoili ! , it n in I ' " > 'ii p 111 Mts limitIs a medium th.it tuti and \\HlMuiiantn Miitii > fn tiiuiVh \ Is she the Ktt'iiuwt i I i'i \ uMiiit tni'ilh n' Ui'iau enho t IN Mm tiling jnu should knoShe In thi1 c.ul } iniilluiil t at kopps pallois crowded Uiillvtth anxious one" . and sending ull iiwuj hupp } and sa.l > tled SlittelN > ou how > oni hu Ini'Ms will pie pei ; when best 1 1 spi i ula'e to mnlte liuMnrss trnliHilctlons ; w i tin i It ' > best tobu\ , sill 01 tiiide , how to tegam lost ot stolen Roods , wills , mislaid deed' sin t IN vou whrther husband , wife or swcitlicntt In tine or faK-v , who would nuiKeou the lust husbiiid 01 wife , how to gain I'm loxe of one you desire , how to o\eu'ome } our rUnls and enemies , love. man lace and dlMiiee. Also changes evil .Mis Hordes will nl o glvo Intlepelidelit s'uto uiltitiKs and tiaiue tests ami also Inlils developing i in In for the e vv tailing to tle\iloi | Ktmeinbei the place , corner mtuet and Hioadwa.v YOU WILL FIND COMFORT IN A CIGAR 10 $ A.DAVIS'SONS & CO. MAKERS JOHN GWOODWARD 8cCO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLWFFS.IOWAl1 Why does the large army of traveling men prefer ? Why do all the first class judges prefer ? Because They know good value when they see it and patronize dealers Avilling to handle a close margined cigar for 10 cents. The way you can find out how much fine clear Havana binders and fillers improve a well made cigar is to ask your dealer to buy them for you from Council Bluffs , Iowa. o a * an 0o 1O Cents. 5 Cents. g a o TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. < > u Distributors , 9 Council Bluffs , B a -J'-S'V'J Ji , * vV J i"r"4'l.'rT * * ! ' rV-iMv1-1.-1'- ? ivyi2 Xi-i-l ! ! .4 REV. L. L. CARPENTER , Wi > wsh , Jnd , U President of the Bethany Assembly at Hruuklyn , Ind. Ho Is perhaps tJie most prominent , 2lergj man in the Chribtmn Church to-day. II'lias ' dedicated about ,100 churches and baptibed " ( JOO converts. Ho writes"It afford * inu great pleasure to give inv testimony as to the olllcieney of Dr. Kay's remedies. D" . Kay'b Lung Halm is the very bust cough , coin and throat lemcdy that I over usi d. 1 have alf-o received great bom-fit from tbo use of Dr. Kay'b Honovator. My tun had for.vcar- > been greatly alllieted with the piles ; lie commenced tlie iibo of Dr. Kay'b icinulica and e.\pei Jcneed rciiof almost from thu flr-t. d Wo have no vumls to express our thankfulness for the benefit wo Imvo received ab tin- result of usi-ing tin-bo ivmedicH. I take gloat pleasure m ( . ' commending than to the t-ulfei ing.1 L. L. C'Aiti'iA'TJ.it , f ami S , S r.vatigohbt , C lu ibtian Church. enovator , It is a perfect renovator of the whole system. It U the very bent remedy knoun for btomach tioubk-b , IndigCbtion , dynpepbiu , catarrh of the stomach , constipation. aUoliverancJ huimj tioubiiband , tooveicomu ollects of Lu-c'ripim and Si'illNM lahisi- tnde. It la an excellent Ivervo 'J'oiuc. bend for free bnniple and a fiee iliustiatei. IK ) juigf bonk of receipts etc . and send your symptoms and we will give jou free advice. If diuggibib don't ' have Dr. JCay's Uonovator don t take any fcubstituto they may buv Is ' 'just as good , "for it has no < quul ; but hi-nd direct to us and wo will send It hy return mail prepaid. Price : iVti. , and tl 00 or MV for M 00. AUo Dr. Kity'd Lung Halm lOcts. , and 26cts. , postage prepaid , Ln IJ. J. KAY MM > U AI < < o. , har.uoga Spi iux ( N. V. Sold bySIll'KMANMcCO.NMil.L DRUG CO , , Omaha.